Latihan Soal B Inggris Kelas 3

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Kunci dan Soal UKK Kelas 3 SD Bahasa

Inggris UAS II UKK Semester 2 TA

I. hose the correct ans!ers "# crossing a$ "$ c or d%
1. Wednesday,.....friday
A. thursday
B. wednesday
C. tuesday
D. saturday
2. There are....days in a week
A. seven
B. six
C. ten
D. twelve
3. The day before wednesday is....
A. thursday
B. wednesday
C. tuesday
D. saturday
. The !onth before "ay is....
A. !ar#h
B. au$ust
C. a%ril
D. de#e!ber
&. The !onth after au$ust is....
A. o#tober
B. se%te!ber
C. nove!ber
D. 'uly
(. "other $oes to...., she buys ve$etable and fruit
A. %ost offi#e
B. !os)ue
C. library
D. !arket
*. "y !other is a do#tor. +he works in....
A. hos%ital
B. library
C. !os)ue
D. s#hool
,. "rs. -enny is a tea#her, she tea#hs !any student, she works in....
A. hos%ital
B. library
C. !os)ue
D. s#hool
.. / a! Akbar. / a! a student, / need....
A. #ar, unifor!, hand%hone, !oney
B. book, %en, %en#il, ba$
C. house, #ar, sofa, bed
D. rin$, bi#y#le, shoes, food
10. "y father is a....
A. !e#hani#
B. far!er
C. do#tor
D. driver
11. +he is !y sister, she is a....
A. tea#her
B. do#tor
C. nurse
D. dan#er
12. There is do$.....the table
A. under
B. beside
C. behind
D. on
13. The ba$ is.....the doll
A. under
B. beside
C. behind
D. on
1. There is the bedroo!
A. s%oon
B. %illow
C. tooth %aste
D. stove
1&. There are...., the bathroo!
A. soa%, sha!%oo
B. blanket, %illow
C. book, ba$
D. %late, $lass
1(. "other #ooks in the....
A. dinin$roo!
B. bathroo!
C. kit#hen
D. $ara$e
1*. /s it s%oon1
A. yes, it is
B. no, it isn2t
C. yes, it isn2t
D. no, they are not
1,. /s it fryin$ %en1
A. yes, it is
B. no, it isn2t
C. yes, it isn2t
D. no, they are not
1.. The s%ell of #u% is....
A. C 3 4 3 5
B. si 3 yu 3 %i
C. si 3 yu 3 ef
D. #e 3 yu 3 %e
20. 'i 3 el 3 ei 3 es 3 es
II. &atch
1. willia! is #hristian, he $oes to....
2. Ah!ad is !oesle!, he %ray in....
3. "other buy ve$etable in....
4. / take a bath in....
5. We #elebrate 6artini day is....
6. The day after saturday is....
7. The buildin$ is for ani!al is....
8. 7e$a slee% in....
9. Belakan$ in en$lish is....
10. 8ather saves !oney in....
A. !os)ue
B. 9oo
C. bank
D. behind
:. sunday
8. !arket
;. a%ril
-. bedroo!
/. #hur#h
<. bathroo!
6un#i <awaban
1. a
2. a
3. #
. #
&. b
(. d
*. a
,. d
.. b
10. d
11. d
12. a
13. b
1. b
1&. a
1(. #
1*. b
1,. a
1.. b
20. #
1. /
2. A
3. 8
. <
&. ;
(. :
*. B
,. -
.. D
10. C

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