This document contains a key and questions for an English exam for 3rd grade elementary students in Indonesia. It includes 20 multiple choice questions testing vocabulary like days of the week, months, prepositions, places, and spelling of words. It also includes 10 matching questions to match words to their meanings. The document provides the answers to check the students' work.
This document contains a key and questions for an English exam for 3rd grade elementary students in Indonesia. It includes 20 multiple choice questions testing vocabulary like days of the week, months, prepositions, places, and spelling of words. It also includes 10 matching questions to match words to their meanings. The document provides the answers to check the students' work.
This document contains a key and questions for an English exam for 3rd grade elementary students in Indonesia. It includes 20 multiple choice questions testing vocabulary like days of the week, months, prepositions, places, and spelling of words. It also includes 10 matching questions to match words to their meanings. The document provides the answers to check the students' work.
This document contains a key and questions for an English exam for 3rd grade elementary students in Indonesia. It includes 20 multiple choice questions testing vocabulary like days of the week, months, prepositions, places, and spelling of words. It also includes 10 matching questions to match words to their meanings. The document provides the answers to check the students' work.
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Kunci dan Soal UKK Kelas 3 SD Bahasa
Inggris UAS II UKK Semester 2 TA
2013/2014 I. hose the correct ans!ers "# crossing a$ "$ c or d% 1. Wednesday,.....friday A. thursday B. wednesday C. tuesday D. saturday 2. There are....days in a week A. seven B. six C. ten D. twelve 3. The day before wednesday is.... A. thursday B. wednesday C. tuesday D. saturday . The !onth before "ay is.... A. !ar#h B. au$ust C. a%ril D. de#e!ber &. The !onth after au$ust is.... A. o#tober B. se%te!ber C. nove!ber D. 'uly (. "other $oes to...., she buys ve$etable and fruit A. %ost offi#e B. !os)ue C. library D. !arket *. "y !other is a do#tor. +he works in.... A. hos%ital B. library C. !os)ue D. s#hool ,. "rs. -enny is a tea#her, she tea#hs !any student, she works in.... A. hos%ital B. library C. !os)ue D. s#hool .. / a! Akbar. / a! a student, / need.... A. #ar, unifor!, hand%hone, !oney B. book, %en, %en#il, ba$ C. house, #ar, sofa, bed D. rin$, bi#y#le, shoes, food 10. "y father is a.... A. !e#hani# B. far!er C. do#tor D. driver 11. +he is !y sister, she is a.... A. tea#her B. do#tor C. nurse D. dan#er 12. There is do$.....the table A. under B. beside C. behind D. on 13. The ba$ is.....the doll A. under B. beside C. behind D. on 1. There is the bedroo! A. s%oon B. %illow C. tooth %aste D. stove 1&. There are...., the bathroo! A. soa%, sha!%oo B. blanket, %illow C. book, ba$ D. %late, $lass 1(. "other #ooks in the.... A. dinin$roo! B. bathroo! C. kit#hen D. $ara$e 1*. /s it s%oon1 A. yes, it is B. no, it isn2t C. yes, it isn2t D. no, they are not 1,. /s it fryin$ %en1 A. yes, it is B. no, it isn2t C. yes, it isn2t D. no, they are not 1.. The s%ell of #u% is.... A. C 3 4 3 5 B. si 3 yu 3 %i C. si 3 yu 3 ef D. #e 3 yu 3 %e 20. 'i 3 el 3 ei 3 es 3 es A. B. C. D. II. &atch 1. willia! is #hristian, he $oes to.... 2. Ah!ad is !oesle!, he %ray in.... 3. "other buy ve$etable in.... 4. / take a bath in.... 5. We #elebrate 6artini day is.... 6. The day after saturday is.... 7. The buildin$ is for ani!al is.... 8. 7e$a slee% in.... 9. Belakan$ in en$lish is.... 10. 8ather saves !oney in.... A. !os)ue B. 9oo C. bank D. behind :. sunday 8. !arket ;. a%ril -. bedroo! /. #hur#h <. bathroo! 6un#i <awaban 1. a 2. a 3. # . # &. b (. d *. a ,. d .. b 10. d 11. d 12. a 13. b 1. b 1&. a 1(. # 1*. b 1,. a 1.. b 20. # 1. / 2. A 3. 8 . < &. ; (. : *. B ,. - .. D 10. C