Scrum Planning - Poker Proposal

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Proposal for Estimation

1- Present estimation technique (Scrum Poker)
2- Example explained
- Practical Exercise


"hat are #alid #alues

for stor$ points%

&o' man$ stor$

points per sprint%

"h$ do $ou think is



(et different
perspecti#es for

All of us get more

idea of 'h$ specific
#alue for stor$)))

*ecrease +eing
influenced as this is
human nature)

1- Scrum Proposal

,se scrum poker to estimate)

*o'nload Android and -phone


.emem+er this is /ust estimation

(ne#er expect full accurac$)

All *e# team must participate in

gi#ing #alues

0alues allo'ed (11212 infinite)

All re#eals his ans'er the same time

&ighest and lo'est #alues must

explain and then *e# team must
agree 'hich is the most accurate)

-nfinite tasks must +e splitter in

shorter stories

-dentif$ the a#erage points 'e do per


2- Example) -nstall E34 on $our

-n this example #alues are small1 medium1

large and extra large

P5 explains 'hat is needed

6he first idea)))

1- Ask the team a+out the si7e of a

6he team thinks a+out all the implications of

the tasks independentl$

Each person in the *e# team
choses one #alue

And all of them hide the ans'er until all are


All present the #alue at the same

So minimal influence is done and 'e get more

ideas on the stor$

&ighest and 3o'est Explain

6his 'a$ 'e get more ideas and estimation

'ill get different perspecti#es

&ighest and 3o'est Explain

6hat 'a$ 'e can ha#e a +etter idea as a team

P5s Explain

8larifications ma$ +e needed and then this

can +e more precise

All 'e get a +etter idea

And in this case all #ote as infinite))) so 'e

must split this epic into smaller stories

Practical Exercise

9ix technical de+t on mediation core


,sing the app :)

.egister 0alues here)))) and explain)))) P5

clarifies :) all agree on some #alue)))


Scrum 9unn$ 0ideos

Part 1

Part 2



"hat do $ou think%

Some topics for the future)

;erging 'ith e(it

Eclipse and <ira

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