Crude Oil Assay Report: Sunbury Technology Centre

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Sunbury Technology Centre

Report No. 51226
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed
This doc"%ent contains BP Pro5rietary Infor%ation 6hich is ony for "se 6ithin BP,
its affiiates and icensees4 .one of the infor%ation sha #e discosed to any 5arty o"tside
If yo" have any 7"eri es 5ease
contact 8
!rai g Stone
21932 (32123
:a' 21932 (32113
Page 2 of 16
the BP <ro"5 6itho"t 5rior consent in 6riting fro% BP ,i4
Page 3 of 16
Date 314142221 Report No. 51226
Sponsored by US SUPPL-
A arter
At the re7"est of *on :isher, US S"55y an assay has #een carried o"t on a sa%5e of !"siana cr"de oi to "5date
the 5revio"s re5resentation4
!"siana is a o6 acidity, s6eet, ight cr"de oi 6ith o6 vanadi"% and nicke content and high 5o"r 5oint4
,ne 22 itre dr"% of cr"de 6as received and "sed4
,ther 5oints 6orthy of notes are as foo6s8
o Possi#y s"ita#e for o6 s"5h"r f"e 5rod"ction
o >erosene /1?9$2320 density, s"5h"r and free@e 5oint fits s5ecification for Aet A1
o <asoi B diese /232$3?20 density and cetane inde' indicate s"ita#iity for gas oi atho"gh des"5h"risation %ay
#e necessary for o6 s"5h"r 5rod"cts
o 1ac""% gasoi /3?2$5520 is s6eet and ight4 Lo6 #asic nitrogen indicates good :!! feed4
o At%os5heric resid"e /C3690 is s6eet and ight4 Lo6 nicke, vanadi"% and conradson car#on resid"e indicate
5otentia :!! feed4
o 1ac""% resid"e /C5520 is s6eet and ight indicating 5otentia :!! feed and s"ita#e for s5eciaist o6 density
f"e oi grades4
o +e6a'ed oi /369$5290 has o6 viscosity inde' indicating 5oor 5otentia for "#e oi 5rod"ction
Page ? of 16
Sunbury Technology Centre
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed
Page 5 of 16
This doc"%ent contains BP Pro5rietary Infor%ation 6hich is ony for "se 6ithin BP,
its affiiates and icensees4 .one of the infor%ation sha #e discosed to any 5arty o"tside
Page 6 of 16
Sunbury Technology Centre
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed
Page ( of 16
This doc"%ent contains BP Pro5rietary Infor%ation 6hich is ony for "se 6ithin BP,
its affiiates and icensees4 .one of the infor%ation sha #e discosed to any 5arty o"tside
the BP <ro"5 6itho"t 5rior consent in 6riting fro% BP ,i4
Page D of 16
Sunbury Technology Centre
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed
Page 9 of 16
Page 12 of 16
Sunbury Technology Centre
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed
Page 11 of 16
Page 12 of 16
Sunbury Technology Centre
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed
Page 13 of 16
Sunbury Technology Centre
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed
Page 1? of 16
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
Page 15 of 16
Sunbury Technology Centre
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
Page 16 of 16
This doc"%ent contains BP Pro5rietary Infor%ation 6hich is ony for "se 6ithin BP,
Page 1( of 16
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
Page 1D of 16
Sunbury Technology Centre
Intertek Testing Services Ltd
Unit A, Shears Way
Brookands !ose
&iddese', TW16 ())
!*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T
TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL
.,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL)
DATE 314142221
WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre
APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 19 of 16
Reference A14000 Grav!" 4#$# Ye%& 'n Cr(&e )*! )v'%

L+,! H"&r'car-'n #$./ 4$0
Ana%"00 L+,! D0!%%a!e !' 1412C 3API4 #/$. #1$0/
5er'0ne 141 6 #7#2C 1.$0/ 1.$1/
Fe%& CUSIANA 1 Ga0 '% #7# 6 74#2C #4$# ##$8
Me!,ane )*! 6 Re0&(e a-'ve 74#2C 70$7 #.$0
E!,ane )*! 0$0#
Pr'9ane )*! 0$4. #$./ 4$0
E:9'r! C'vena0 I0'-(!ane )*! 0$.
Ter;na% n6B(!ane )*! 1$/< T'!a% !' 1/2C 3API4 14$4/ 18$#
1412C #8$4/ 77$0/
S'(rce Sa;9%e !a=en &(rn+ 1./2C 74$# 78$1/
&0c,ar+e 'f ;v #$./ #7#2C 4/$/ /0$#
H(&0'n S9r! a! 74#2C <1$. .7$0
Y'r=!'*n 7<12C .4$8/ ..$./
I0'9en!ane )*! 1$84 /012C 1#$/ 17$.
Sa;9%e Da!e .6N'v600 n6Pen!ane )*! 1$< //02C 14$./ 1/$</
/8/2C 1<$# 1<$1
>'%(;e e:9an0'n 'f 0$8/ 9er cen! v'% 'n
Da!e Rec?& 1<6N'v600 cr(&e &0!r-(!e& acr'00 *,'%e &0!%%a!'n

TBP c(! 9'n! 2C API T'!a% 1/61./ 1416#7# #7#674# 74#67<1 7<16/01 /016//0
Cr(&e 3C4 3C4
Ye%& 'n cr(&e )*! 100$0 11$. 11$./ #/$. 1.$0/ #4$# /$1/ 1.$</ #$#/
Ye%& 'n cr(&e )v'% 100$0 14$# #0$./ #1$0/ 1.$1/ ##$8 4$./ 1/$1/ 1$1/

Den0!" a! 1/2C =+/%!re 0$8140 0$<80< 0$.<87 0$.### 0$8018 0$8/.1 0$880# 0$8111 0$17##
S(%9,(r )*! 0$14 @0$001 0$001 @0$001 0$007 0$087 0$#. 0$#1 0$41
Merca9!an 0(%9,(r )*! 6 @0$000# @0$000# @0$000# @0$000# 6 6 6 6

>0c'0!" a! #02C cS! 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
702C #$71 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
402C #$00 6 6 6 1$08 6 6 6 6
/02C 1$.0 6 6 6 6 #$81 .$44 6 6
<02C 6 6 6 6 0$8< 6 6 1/$71 11/$/
1002C 6 6 6 6 6 1$71 #$/1 /$44 ##$#0
>0c'0!" n&e: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

C%'(& 9'n! 2C 6 6 6 6 6 614 11 6 6
P'(r 9'n! 2C < 6 6 6 6 61/ 1# 4# 6
Aa: )*! 6 6 6 6 6 4$0 #/$0 77$0 ##$0

T'!a% n!r'+en 99; *! 6 6 6 6 6 41 #/0 /80 1400
Ba0c n!r'+en 99; *! 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 14/ #70
Or+anc ':"+en )*! 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0$1/ 6
Ac&!" ;+5OH/+ @0$0/ 6 6 6 0$00. @ 0$0/ @ 0$0/ @0$0/ @ 0$0/

Car-'n re0&(e )*! 0$</ 3C4 6 6 6 6 6 6 @ 0$01 1$4
A09,a%!ene0 )*! 0$7/ 3C4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
>ana&(; 99; *! @# 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Nc=e% 99; *! @# 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Ir'n 99; *! 7 3C4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Ar0enc 99- *! @ 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Ca&;(; 99- *! @1# 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
C'99er 99- *! @#0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Lea& 99- *! @ 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Merc(r" 99- *! #< 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Ar';a!c0 )v'% 6 6 6 6 #1$1 ##$0B 6 6 6
S;'=e 9'n! ;; 6 6 6 6 #1 1< 6 6 6
FreeCn+ 9'n! C 6 6 6 6 6<0$/ 61$0 6 6 6

Ce!ane In&e: ASTM D1.</IP780 6 6 6 6 7.$1/71$4 4.$#/41$4 48$8/ 6 6 6
C0(-A ) 6 6 6 6 6 1/$0 14$7 1#$7 18$#

Refrac!ve n&e: a! .02C 6 6 6 6 6 1$4//. 1$4<8< 1$4.41 1$/001

H"&r'+en c'n!en! )*! 6 6 6 6 17$4 6 B#7# 6 74# Ar';a!c0

Paraffn0 )*! 6 .4$4 48$< /1$8 6 6 )*! /)v'%
Na9,!,ene0 )*! 6 #1$4 #.$< #<$# 6 6 1 rn+ 11$8/11$<
Ar';a!c0 )*! 6 4$# #7$8 14$0 6 #4$4B # rn+ 11$7/ 1$4
n6Paraffn0 )*! 6 #1$< 1.$1 ##$< 6 6 7 rn+ 1$7/ 1$0

C'%'(r 0!a-%!" 6 6 6 6 S!a-%e S!a-%e
7<1 6 /01 DAO

Na9,!,a%ene0 )v'% 6 6 6 6 1$/< 11$1< Den0!" a! 1/2C =+/% 0$1#88
>0c'0!" a! 402C cS! 8.$/1
Sa%! %-/1000--% 4$0 6 6 6 6 6 <02C cS! 71$##
Aa!er )v'% 0$0/ 6 6 6 6 6 1002C cS! .$18
>0c'0!" n&e: #1
Re0earc, Oc!ane N(;-er 3C4 6 .1$1 6 6 6 6 P'(r 9'n! 2C 6#4
3C4 D Ca%c(%a!e&
BB D Te0!n+ carre& '(! 'n 1/61/2C frac!'n
Ga0 !' C
S 99; *!
Ga0 !' C
T'!a% C
6 C

61/ BB C
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 22 of 16
Ta-%e 1
Pr'9er!e0 'f Re0&(e0
TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C 74# 7<1 /01 //0

Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )*! 70$7 #/$1/ .$/ /$#/ PPEFA CODE/PACK Cusian*1/887C
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )v'% #.$0 ##$#/ <$7 4$7/

Den0!" a! 1/2C =+/% 0$10< 0$111/ 0$1<#/ 0$1.</

S(%9,(r )*! 0$71 0$4# 0$.# 0$8#

>0c'0!" a! /02C cS! 7<$0 6 6 6
<02C cS! 6 6 6 6
802C cS! 6 1.$11 6 6
1002C cS! 6 10$7. 11$0 ##1
1#02C cS! 6 <$</ 4/$10 17$1
1/02C cS! 6 6 18$1< 77$80

Pene!ra!'n a! #/C ;;/10 6 6 E 400 #0.
S'f!enn+ 9'n! 2C 6 6 <0$4 /1$8

P'(r 9'n! 2C 71 4# 48 48
Aa: c'n!en! )*! #8 #1$0 #1$0 #0 3C4

T'!a% n!r'+en 99; *! 1.0 11#0 #710 #81/
Ba0c n!r'+en 99; *! 6 #10 <7/ 810
Ac&!" ;+5OH/+ 6 @ 0$0/ 6 6

Car-'n re0&(e )*! #$1 #$/ 8$4 3C4 11$4 3C4
A09,a%!ene0 )*! 1$# 1$4 4$. 3C4 <$. 3C4
>ana&(; 99; *! # 7 11 1<
Nc=e% 99; *! @# @# 7 4
Ir'n 99; *! 8 10 74 48 3C4

F"%ene eG(va%en! 6 6 6 #.$/
C0(-A ) 6 6 6 #7$.

Sa!(ra!e0 )*! 6 /1 6 #/
Ar';a!c0 )*! 6 7< 6 /1
Re0n0 A )*! 6 4 6 11
Re0n0 B )*! 6 1 6 /

3C4 D ca%c(%a!e& va%(e
3 4 D e:!ra9'%a!e& va%(e
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 21 of 16
Ta-%e #
In&v&(a% H"&r'car-'n0 n !,e 1/ 6 1/2C C(!
TBP C(! 9'n! 2C 1/ 6 1/ 1/ 6 1/
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% 11$4/ 17$1
P'0!'n n Cr(&e 7$0 6 14$4/ 4$7 6 18$#
H"&r'car-'n0 ) *! ) *! ) v'% ) v'%
On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e
e!,ane 6 6 6 6
9r'9ane 6 6 6 6
0'6-(!ane 6 6 6 6
n6-(!ane 0$1< 0$0# 0$11 0$07
ne'69en!ane 0$0# !race 0$0# !race
0'69en!ane 14$0# 1$<1 1/$71 #$1/
n69en!ane 17$40 1$/7 14$/1 #$04
#H#6&;e!,"%-(!ane 0$.8 0$01 0$8# 0$11
c"c%'9en!ane 1$48 0$1. 1$74 0$11
#H76&;e!,"%-(!ane #$1# 0$#4 #$1< 0$70
#6;e!,"%9en!ane 10$11 1$1. 10$<0 1$4.
76;e!,"%9en!ane /$1< 0$<8 <$01 0$87
n6,e:ane 1#$17 1$71 1#$/1 1$.4
#H#6&;e!,"%9en!ane 0$4. 0$0/ 0$4. 0$0.
;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane <$44 0$.4 /$8/ 0$81
#H46&;e!,"%9en!ane 0$1. 0$11 0$18 0$14
#H#H76!r;e!,"%-(!ane 0$18 0$0# 0$18 0$0#
-enCene #$10 0$77 #$#/ 0$71
7H76&;e!,"%9en!ane 0$#4 0$07 0$#4 0$07
c"c%',e:ane /$11 0$<8 /$1. 0$.#
#6;e!,"%,e:ane 7$8< 0$44 7$8. 0$/4
#H76&;e!,"%9en!ane 1$#0 0$14 1$18 0$1<
1H16&;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 0$/< 0$0< 0$41 0$0.
76;e!,"%,e:ane 7$/7 0$40 7$/0 0$41
1Hc0676&;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 0$1# 0$11 0$80 0$11
1H!ran0676&;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 0$87 0$10 0$.# 0$10
7He!,"%9en!ane 0$11 0$0# 0$11 0$07
1H!ran06#6&;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 1$7# 0$1/ 1$1/ 0$1<
#H#H46!r;e!,"%9en!ane 0$01 !race 0$01 !race
n6,e9!ane 4$## 0$48 4$#1 0$/8
1Hc06#6&;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 6 6 6 6
;e!,"%c"c%',e:ane 4$18 0$48 7$<# 0$/0
#H#H7H76!e!ra;e!,"%-(!ane 6 6 6 6
1H1H76!r;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 0$01 0$01 0$08 0$01
#H#6&;e!,"%,e:ane 0$07 !race 0$07 !race
e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 0$14 0$0# 0$17 0$0#
#H/6&;e!,"%,e:ane 0$0/ 0$01 0$0/ 0$01
#H#H76!r;e!,"%9en!ane 6 6 6 6
#H46&;e!,"%,e:ane 0$0/ 0$01 0$0/ 0$01
1H!ran06#6c0646!r;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 0$07 !race 0$07 !race
7H76&;e!,"%,e:ane 0$01 !race 0$01 !race
1H!ran06#Hc0676!r;e!,"%c"c%'9en!ane 0$0# !race 0$0# !race
#H7H46!r;e!,"%9en!ane 6 6 6 6
#H7H76!r;e!,"%9en!ane 6 6 6 6
!'%(ene 1$71 0$1< 1$01 0$1/
,+,er -'%n+ n'n6ar';a!c0 6 6 6 6
T'!a% 100$00 11$4/ 100$00 17$10
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 22 of 16
Ta-%e 7
In&v&(a% Ar';a!c C';9'nen!0 n !,e 1/ 6 1./2C Ran+e
TBP C(! 9'n! 2C 1/ 6 1/B 1/ 6 141 141 6 1./
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )*! 11$4/ 14 /$./
P'0!'n n Cr(&e )*! 7$0 6 14$4/ 14$4/ 6 #8$4/ #8$4/ 6 74$#

H"&r'car-'n0 )*! On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e
-enCene #$10 0$77 0$#8 0$04 6 6
!'%(ene 1$71 0$1< 8$1< 1$#4 0$11 0$01
e!,"%-enCene 6 6 1$01 0$1/ 0$78 0$0#
96:"%ene 6 6 1$81 0$#< 0$18 0$0<
;6:"%ene 6 6 <$8< 0$1< 7$.1 0$#1
0'9r'9"%-enCene 6 6 0$1# 0$0# 0$70 0$0#
'6:"%ene 6 6 #$1# 0$70 #$00 0$1#
n69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 0$1# 0$0# 0$.4 0$04
16;e!,"%676e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
16;e!,"%646e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$4. 0$0. 4$77 0$#/
!er!6-(!"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
0'-(!"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
1H7H/6!r;e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$18 0$07 7$<8 0$#1
0ec6-(!"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
16;e!,"%6760'9r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
16;e!,"%6#6e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$0/ 0$01 1$48 0$01
16;e!,"%6460'9r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
1H#H46!r;e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$14 0$0# /$1/ 0$77
1H46&e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$// 0$07
16;e!,"%676n69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
16;e!,"%6#60'69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$7< 0$0#
16;e!,"%646n69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
1H76&e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$1# 0$01
n6-(!"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
1H76&;e!,"%6/6e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$/1 0$07
1H#6&e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$07 !race
16;e!,"%6#6n69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$0# !race
1H#H76!r;e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 1$78 0$08
1H46&;e!,"%6#6e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$14 0$01
1H76&;e!,"%646e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$1# 0$01
1H#6&;e!,"%646e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$1# 0$01
n&ane 6 6 6 6 0$1/ 0$01
6 6 6 6 0$1. !race

T'!a% )*!
N'!eI6 BS(;;a!'n 'f n&v&(a% c';9'nen!0 fr'; Ta-%e #$
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 23 of 16
Ta-%e 7A
In&v&(a% Ar';a!c C';9'nen!0 n !,e 1/ 6 1./2C Ran+e
TBP C(! 9'n! 2C 1/ 6 1/B 1/ 6 141 141 6 1./
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )v'% 17$1 14$8/ /$1
P'0!'n n Cr(&e )v'% 4$7 6 18$# 18$# 6 77$0/ 77$0/ 6 78$1/

H"&r'car-'n0 )v'% On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e
-enCene #$#/ 0$71 0$#4 0$04 6 6
!'%(ene 1$01 0$1/ .$8. 1$1< 0$10 0$01
e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$1< 0$14 0$74 0$0#
96:"%ene 6 6 1$<. 0$#/ 0$10 0$0/
;6:"%ene 6 6 <$04 0$10 7$78 0$#0
0'9r'9"%-enCene 6 6 0$11 0$0# 0$#. 0$0#
'6:"%ene 6 6 1$87 0$#. 1$.1 0$11
n69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 0$11 0$0# 0$<8 0$04
16;e!,"%676e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
16;e!,"%646e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$4# 0$0< 7$1< 0$##
!er!6-(!"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
0'-(!"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
1H7H/6!r;e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$1< 0$0# 7$71 0$#0
0ec6-(!"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
16;e!,"%6760'9r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
16;e!,"%6#6e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$04 0$01 1$7# 0$08
16;e!,"%6460'9r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
1H#H46!r;e!,"%-enCene 6 6 0$1# 0$0# /$7/ 0$71
1H46&e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$/0 0$07
16;e!,"%676n69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
16;e!,"%6#60'69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$7# 0$0#
16;e!,"%646n69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
1H76&e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$11 0$01
n6-(!"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 6 6
1H76&;e!,"%6/6e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$4< 0$07
1H#6&e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$07 !race
16;e!,"%6#6n69r'9"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$0# !race
1H#H76!r;e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 1$#1 0$0.
1H46&;e!,"%6#6e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$17 0$01
1H76&;e!,"%646e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$11 0$01
1H#6&;e!,"%646e!,"%-enCene 6 6 6 6 0$11 0$01
n&ane 6 6 6 6 0$1# 0$01
c11 ar';a!c0 6 6 6 6 0$1< !race

T'!a% )v'%
N'!eI6 BS(;;a!'n 'f n&v&(a% c';9'nen!0 fr'; Ta-%e #$
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 2? of 16
Ta-%e 4
H"&r'car-'n T"9e Ana%"00 B" Ga0 C,r';a!'+ra9," n !,e 1/ 6 1./2C Ran+e

TBP C(! 9'n! 2C 1/ 6 1/B 1/ 6 141 141 6 1./
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )*! 11$4/ 14 /$./
P'0!'n n Cr(&e )*! 7$0 6 14$4/ 14$4/ 6 #8$4/ #8$4/ 6 74$#
H"&r'car-'n0 )*! On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e
c# n69araffn 6 6 6 6 6 6
c7 n69araffn 6 6 6 6 6 6
c4 0'9araffn 6 6 6 6 6 6
c4 n69araffn 0$1< 0$0# 6 6 6 6
c/ na9,!,ene0 1$48 0$1. 6 6 6 6
c/ 0'9araffn 14$0/ 1$<1 6 6 6 6
c/ n69araffn 17$40 1$/7 6 6 6 6
c< na9,!,ene0 1#$7/ 1$41 1$/1 0$#1 6 6
c< 0'9araffn 11$0/ #$18 0$1< 0$0# 6 6
c< n69araffn 1#$1# 1$71 0$7# 0$04 6 6
c. na9,!,ene0 .$1/ 0$11 17$#1 1$8/ 0$0/ !race
c. 0'9araffn 10$<4 1$## 4$14 0$/8 6 6
c. n69araffn 4$## 0$48 /$/. 0$.8 6 6
c8 na9,!,ene0 0$14 0$0# 17$08 1$87 1$.< 0$10
c8 0'9araffn 0$1/ 0$0# 1#$44 1$.4 0$#/ 0$01
c8 n69araffn 6 6 .$## 1$01 0$/< 0$07
c1 na9,!,ene0 6 6 #$77 0$77 1$10 0$/#
c1 0'9araffn 6 6 1#$41 1$./ .$74 0$4#
c1 n69araffn 6 6 7$#. 0$4< .$<# 0$44
c10 na9,!,ene0 6 6 6 6 1$17 0$/7
c10 0'9araffn 6 6 1$<# 0$#7 #0$11 1$1.
c10 n69araffn 6 6 0$7< 0$0/ 8$/8 0$41
c11 na9,!,ene0 6 6 6 6 1$48 0$01
c11 0'9araffn 6 6 6 6 /$#7 0$70
c11 n69araffn 6 6 6 6 1$78 0$08
!'!a% 0'9araffn
!'!a% n69araffn
!'!a% na9,!,ene0
!'!a% ar';a!c0 4$#1 0$41 ##$#8 7$1# #.$77 1$/.

N'!eI6 BS(;;a!'n 'f n&v&(a% c';9'nen!0 fr'; Ta-%e #$
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 25 of 16
Ta-%e 4A
H"&r'car-'n T"9e Ana%"00 B" Ga0 C,r';a!'+ra9," n !,e 1/ 6 1./2C Ran+e

TBP C(! 9'n! 2C 1/ 6 1/B 1/ 6 141 141 6 1./
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )v'% 17$1 14$8/ /$1
P'0!'n n Cr(&e )v'% 4$7 6 18$# 18$# 6 77$0/ 77$0/ 6 78$1/
H"&r'car-'n0 )v'% On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e
c# n69araffn 6 6 6 6 6 6
c7 n69araffn 6 6 6 6 6 6
c4 0'9araffn 6 6 6 6 6 6
c4 n69araffn 0$11 0$07 6 6 6 6
c/ na9,!,ene0 1$74 0$11 6 6 6 6
c/ 0'9araffn 1/$41 #$14 6 6 6 6
c/ n69araffn 14$/1 #$07 6 6 6 6
c< na9,!,ene0 11$01 1$/7 1$/0 0$## 6 6
c< 0'9araffn 11$/1 #$.# 0$18 0$07 6 6
c< n69araffn 1#$/1 1$.4 0$7< 0$0/ 6 6
c. na9,!,ene0 <$1# 0$1< 17$08 1$14 0$0/ !race
c. 0'9araffn 10$<# 1$48 4$/. 0$<8 6 6
c. n69araffn 4$#0 0$/8 <$1< 0$11 6 6
c8 na9,!,ene0 0$17 0$0# 1#$.1 1$10 1$.8 0$10
c8 0'9araffn 0$1/ 0$0# 17$70 1$18 0$#. 0$0#
c8 n69araffn 6 6 .$.1 1$1< 0$<# 0$04
c1 na9,!,ene0 6 6 #$#/ 0$77 1$01 0$/7
c1 0'9araffn 6 6 1#$18 1$17 .$88 0$4.
c1 n69araffn 6 6 7$4/ 0$/1 8$71 0$41
c10 na9,!,ene0 6 6 6 6 8$./ 0$/#
c10 0'9araffn 6 6 1$<4 0$#4 #1$1< 1$#4
c10 n69araffn 6 6 0$78 0$0< 1$11 0$/4
c11 na9,!,ene0 6 6 6 6 1$40 0$08
c11 0'9araffn 6 6 6 6 /$7< 0$7#
c11 n69araffn 6 6 6 6 1$4< 0$01
!'!a% 0'9araffn
!'!a% n69araffn
!'!a% na9,!,ene0
!'!a% ar';a!c0 7$74 0$4< 11$/. #$11 #4$.< 1$4<

N'!eI6 BS(;;a!'n 'f n&v&(a% c';9'nen!0 fr'; Ta-%e #$
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 26 of 16
Ta-%e /
Pr'9er!e0 'f 7<1 6 //02C C(!
TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C 7<1 6 //0
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )*! 11$1
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )v'% 1.$1
Den0!" a! 1/C =+/%!re 0$81/<
S(%9,(r )*! 0$71
>0c'0!" a! <0C cS! 70$//
>0c'0!" a! 100C cS! <$#0
Aa: c'n!en! )*! 7#$0
T'!a% n!r'+en 99; *! <./
Ba0c n!r'+en 99; *! 1//
Ac&!" ;+5OH/+ 0$1/
Car-'n Re0&(e )*! 0$1<
Refrac!ve n&e: a! .02C 1$4..8
3C4 D ca%c(%a!e& va%(e
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 2( of 16
Ta-%e <
TBP &a!a
TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C /0 // <0 </ .0 ./ 80 8/ 10 1/
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! <$<1 .$70 8$0/ 8$87 1$<< 10$/7 11$4/ 1#$40 17$40 14$4/
)v'% .$17 8$10 1$1/ 11$0/ 1#$#0 17$71 14$/1 1/$80 1.$01 18$#0

TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C 100 10/ 110 11/ 1#0 1#/ 170 17/ 140 14/
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! 1/$/< 1<$.. 18$0/ 11$78 #0$./ ##$14 #7$/# #4$81 #<$#1 #.$48
)v'% 11$4# #0$.# ##$10 #7$/# #4$18 #<$44 #.$10 #1$77 70$.# 7#$0/

TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C 1/0 1// 1<0 1</ 1.0 1./ 180 18/ 110 11/
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! #8$<8 #1$84 70$18 7#$10 77$1. 74$#0 7/$14 7<$01 7<$8< 7.$.#
)v'% 77$#1 74$/0 7/$.0 7<$8< 7.$1/ 78$1/ 71$.1 40$41 41$1/ 41$8<

TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C #00 #0/ #10 #1/ ##0 ##/ #70 #7/ #40 #4/
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! 78$</ 71$<4 40$<8 41$.< 4#$8/ 47$1< 4/$0< 4<$1/ 4.$#/ 48$7<
)v'% 4#$.0 47$.0 44$87 4<$07 4.$#8 48$/# 41$.7 /0$88 /#$01 /7$14

TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C #/0 #// #<0 #</ #.0 #./ #80 #8/ #10 #1/
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! 41$4. /0$<0 /1$.# /#$8/ /7$18 //$11 /<$#4 /.$7. /8$/0 /1$<7
)v'% /4$#/ //$7< /<$4< /.$// /8$<7 /1$.0 <0$.< <1$81 <#$8/ <7$88

TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C 700 70/ 710 71/ 7#0 7#/ 770 77/ 740 74/
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! <0$.. <1$17 <7$0. <4$#0 </$#1 <<$7/ <.$7< <8$74 <1$71 .0$#8
)v'% <4$10 </$11 <<$11 <.$81 <8$8< <1$8# .0$.. .1$.1 .#$<7 .7$/4

TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C 7/0 7// 7<0 7</ 7.0 7./ 780 78/ 710 71/
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! .1$#. .#$#< .7$## .4$1/ ./$01 ./$81 .<$// ..$#/ ..$14 .8$<7
)v'% .4$44 ./$74 .<$#1 ..$0. ..$11 .8$.7 .1$/# 80$70 81$0< 81$80

TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C 400 410 4#0 470 440 4/0 4<0 4.0 480 410
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! .1$7/ 80$8. 8#$44 84$01 8/$/0 8<$8/ 88$04 81$1# 10$11 11$01
)v'% 8#$/7 87$1# 8/$#7 8<$4. 8.$<4 88$.7 81$./ 10$.0 11$/. 1#$7.

TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C /00 /10 /#0 /#/ /70 /40 //0 <00 </0 .00
T'!a% &0!%%a!e )*! 11$8# 1#$/. 17$#1 17$/0 17$.. 14$#. 14$./ 1<$./ 1.$80 18$/0
)v'% 17$10 17$.< 14$7# 14$/. 14$80 1/$#7 1/$</ 1.$7. 18$</ 11$41
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 2D of 16
Ta-%e .
Pr'9er!e0 'f //06/8/2C an& Re0&(e E/8/2C frac!'n0
C(! P'n!
TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C //06/8/ E/8/

Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )*! 1$4/ 7$8
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )v'% 1$#/ 7$1

Den0!" a! 1/C =+/%!re 0$14. 0$188

S(%9,(r )*! 0$/< 0$17

>0c'0!" a! /0C cS! 6 6
<0C cS! 3#.<4 6
80C cS! 14$8 6
100C cS! 41$40 /44
1#0C cS! 6 114$0
1/0C cS! 6 /1$<

Pene!ra!'n a! #/2C 10/;; 6 4<
S'f!enn+ 9'n! 2C 6 <<

Aa: c'n!en! )*! #4$/ 18$/ 3C4
Aa: ;e%!n+ 9'n! C

T'!a% n!r'+en 99; *! 1.00 7#40
Ba0c n!r'+en 99; *! 440 1/0
Ac&!" ;+5OH/+ @ 0$0/ 6

Car-'n re0&(e )*! 4$0 14$0 3C4
A09,a%!ene0 )*! 6 1$7 3C4
>ana&(; 99; *! 6 ##
Nc=e% 99; *! 6 <
Ir'n 99; *! 6 <<

F"%ene eG(va%en! 6 6

Sa!(ra!e0 )*! 6 #0
Ar';a!c0 )*! 6 <0
Re0n0 A )*! 6 17
Re0n0 B )*! 6 .

3C4 D ca%c(%a!e& va%(e
3 4 D e:!ra9'%a!e& va%(e
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 29 of 16
Ta-%e 8
Cr(&e O% SIMDIS Re0(%!0
T'!a% Cr(&e ) *!
Te;9 2C
Rec'ver" 141 #.$.
Rec'ver" 1./ 77$1
Rec'ver" #7# 4/$/
Rec'ver" 74# <1$.
Rec'ver" 7<1 .4$<
Rec'ver" /01 1#$4
Rec'ver" //0 1/$#
Rec'ver" <00 1<$/
Rec'ver" .#0 100$0
Rec'ver" E.#0 0$0
Rec'ver" C
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 32 of 16
Ta-%e 1
H"&r'car-'n T"9e Ana%"00 B" Ga0 C,r';a!'+ra9," n !,e 1./ 6 #002C Ran+e

TBP C(! 9'n! 2C 1./ 6 #00 1./ 6 #00
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% 4$4/ 7$./
P'0!'n n Cr(&e 74$# 6 78$</ 78$1/ 6 4#$.
H"&r'car-'n0 ) *! ) *! ) v'% ) v'%
On C(! On Cr(&e On C(! On Cr(&e
c< na9,!,ene0 6 6 6 6
c< 0'9araffn 6 6 6 6
c< n69araffn 6 6 6 6
c< ar';a!c0 6 6 6 6
c. na9,!,ene0 6 6 6 6
c. 0'9araffn 6 6 6 6
c. n69araffn 6 6 6 6
c. ar';a!c0 6 6 6 6
c8 na9,!,ene0 0$0/ !race 0$0/ !race
c8 0'9araffn 6 6 6 6
c8 n69araffn 6 6 6 6
c8 ar';a!c0 0$/4 0$0# 0$/0 0$0#
c1 na9,!,ene0 1$#8 0$0< 1$70 0$0/
c1 0'9araffn 0$/< 0$0# 0$<# 0$0#
c1 n69araffn 0$<< 0$07 0$.4 0$07
c1 ar';a!c0 .$87 0$7/ .$#1 0$#.
c10 na9,!,ene0 /$00 0$## 4$1/ 0$11
c10 0'9araffn .$78 0$77 .$1# 0$70
c10 n69araffn <$17 0$71 .$<1 0$#8
c10 ar';a!c0 17$<8 0$<1 1#$/< 0$4.
c11 na9,!,ene0 <$08 0$#. /$10 0$##
c11 0'9araffn 18$#0 0$81 11$10 0$.#
c11 n69araffn 10$.7 0$48 11$<1 0$47
c11 ar';a!c0 6 6 6 6
!'!a% 0'9araffn
!'!a% n69araffn
!'!a% na9,!,ene0 1#$41 0$// 1#$#0 0$4<
!'!a% ar';a!c0 ##$0/ 0$18 #0$#. 0$.<
H+, B'%n+ Ar';a!c0 4 1.$#/ 0$.. 1<$4/ 0$<#
H+, B'%n+ Sa!(ra!e0 4
P'%"na9,!,ene 7$87 0$1. 7$48 0$17
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 31 of 16
Ta-%e 10
Re0&(e Me!a%0 Ana%"00
C(! P'n!
TBP C(! 9'n! 3API4 2C E7<1 E/01 E//0 E/8/

Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )*! #/$1/ .$/0 /$#/ 7$80
Ye%& 'n cr(&e '% )v'% ##$#/ <$70 4$7/ 7$10

A%(;n(; ;+/=+ @1 @1 @1 1
Bar(; ;+/=+ @1 @1 @1 @#
B'r'n ;+/=+
@1 @1 @1 @1
Ca%c(; ;+/=+ 1 4 < 8
C,r';(; ;+/=+ @1 @1 @1 @#
C'99er ;+/=+ @1 @1 @# @#
Lea& ;+/=+ @1 @1 @# @#
Ma+ne0(; ;+/=+ 1 7 4 <
Man+ane0e ;+/=+ @1 @1 @1 @1
M'%"-&en(; ;+/=+ @1 @1 @1 @1
P'!a00(; ;+/=+ 1 4 < 8
S%c'n ;+/=+ 4 10 #0 1/
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S'&(; ;+/=+ 8 #/ 7< /0
Tn ;+/=+ @1 @1 @1 @1
T!an(; ;+/=+ @1 @1 @1 @1
Jnc ;+/=+ @1 @1 # 1
P,'09,'r'(0 ;+/=+ @1 @1 @# @#
3C4 D Ca%c(%a!e&
Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 32 of 16
Acidity FBP<250C IP354/AST !3242 0"0#32 $ % 0"040& $ %
FBP'250C In(hou)e ( T/F*C/0& #0+ 20+
API ,r-.ity C-lc" #4#"5//den)ity 0 #5C 1 0"00052 ( #3#"5 ( (
Aro3-tic) Content FIA 4ero)ine IP#5&/AST !#3#5 #"&0+ 3"50+
#6263 7ing ,-) 8il IP35#/55 5+ #0+
Ar)enic Crude 8il In(hou)e ( T(IS04 #0+ rel or 1/( *8! (
A)9h-ltene) 7e)idue) IP#43 #0+ 20+
C-d3iu3 Crude 8il In(hou)e ( T(IS04 #0+ rel or 1/( *8! (
C-rbon 7e)idue /Conr-d)on2 C7T 7e)idue) AST !4530
Cet-ne Inde: !i)till-te) IP3;0/AST !5<& See ethod See ethod
Cloud Point !i)till-te) IP2#5/AST !2500 2C 4C
Colour St-bility !i)till-te) In(hou)e ( T/F*C/0# ( (
Co99er Crude 8il In(hou)e ( T(IS04 #0+ rel or 1/( *8! (
Crude Si3di) Crude 8il IP(P(CF5; ( (
!en)ity IP3&5/AST !4052 0"0003 0"00#4
!e=-:ing >-:y !i)t" In(hou)e ( T/F*C/03 ( (
!i)till-tion Crude 8il AST !2;52 /3od2 0"5+=t #"0+=t
7e)idue AST !523& /3od2 0"5+=t #"0+=t
Free?ing Point !i)till-te) IP#&/AST !23;& 0"<C 2"&C
,C 7e)e-rch 8ct-ne @u3ber ,-)oline C-lcul-ted Aro3 ,C indi.idu-l) ( (
Bydroc-rbon An-ly)i) by ,C
Aro3-tic) *ight !i)till-te) IP2&2 /3odiAied2 5+ rel" #0+ rel"
C# ( C5 Crude 8il IP344 5+ rel" #0+ rel"
Indi.idu-l) ,-)oline In(hou)e ( T/CS/03 5+ rel" #0+ rel"
nP6iP6@6A *ight !i)till-te) IP3;2 /3odiAied to include iPC)2 5+ rel" #0+ rel"
Bydrogen Content !i)till-te) In(hou)e ( T(C7(#5 0"30+ (
*e-d Crude 8il In(hou)e ( T(IS04 #0+ rel or 1/( *8! (
ercury /Indic-tion 8nly2 Crude 8il In(hou)e ( T(IS04 #0+ rel or 1/( *8! (
@-9hth-lene) Content !i)till-te) AST !#;40 0"05+.ol" 0"##+.ol
@icDel Content Crude 8il In(hou)e ( T/E*E/05 2993 3993
!i)till-te) In(hou)e ( T/E*E/03 1/( 0"2993 =t/=t or iA ' 5+ rel" (
7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T/E*E/0# 1/( #993 =t/=t or iA ' 3+ rel" (
@itrogen /Tot-l2 <#00 993 IP3<5/AST !4&25 3+ rel" 5+rel"
'#00 993 In(hou)e ( T/E*E/#2 3+ rel" 5+ rel"
@itrogen /B-)ic2 Be-.y !i)t)" BP#40& iA '50 3+ oA -3ount (
7e)idue) IP 2<& /3odiAied2 ( (
8:ygen /8rg-nic2 !i)till-te) In(hou)e ( T(C7(#4 0"05 +=t 0"#0 +=t
Pour Point IP#5/AST !5< 3C &C
7eAr-cti.e Inde: !i)till-te) In(hou)e ( T/F*C/02 ( (
7e)idue Co39o)ition
S-tur-te) 7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T(*CB(0< 4+ rel" #0+ rel"
Aro3-tic) 7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T(*CB(0< 5+ rel #0+ rel"
7e)in) A 7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T(*CB(0< #0+ rel" 20+ rel"
7e)in) B 7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T(*CB(0< #0+ rel" 20+ rel"
7e)idue B-rdne))F
Penetr-tion 7e)idue) IP45 3+ rel" ;+ rel"
SoAtening Point 7e)idue) IP5; #C 2"5C
S-lt Content Crude IP2&5 0"3 $ % #"& $ %
S3oDe Point !i)till-te IP5< 233 333
Sul9hur /Tot-l2 Crude 8il In(hou)e ( T/E*E/05 2+ rel" 5+ rel"
!i)till-te) In(hou)e ( T/E*E/05 2+ rel" 5+ rel"
7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T/E*E/0# 3+ rel" (
Sul9hur /erc-9t-n2 !i)till-te IP342/AST !322< 0"0000<10"02<% 0"0003#10"042%
G-n-diu3 Content Crude 8il In(hou)e ( T/E*E/05 2993 3993
!i)till-te) In(hou)e ( T/E*E/03 1/( 0"2993 =t/=t or iA ' 5+ rel (
7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T/E*E/0# 1/( #993 =t/=t or iA ' 3+ rel" (
Gi)co)ity /4ine3-tic2 !i)till-te) IP<#/AST !445 0"35+ rel" 0"<0+ rel"
7e)idue) IP<#/AST !445 ( (
Gi)co)ity Inde: IP22&/AST !22<0 See ethod See ethod
>-ter Content Crude IP<4/AST !55 #0+ rel" 20+ rel"
>-: Content !i)till-te) In(hou)e ( T/F*C/0< #"3+ rel (
7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T/F*C/0< #"3+ rel (
%ylene EHui.-lent 7e)idue) In(hou)e ( T/F*C/05 2"5 5"5
FBS5<50 7egi)tered
The re9e-t-bility -nd re9roducibility Aigure) Huoted -bo.e -re b-)ed on .-lue) Aor crude oil) -nd di)till-tion
9roduct)" For re)ult) =hich -re )igniAic-ntly higher or lo=er the te)t 3ethod )hould be con)ulted Aor - 3ore -ccur-te
)t-te3ent oA 9reci)ion" A d-)h indic-te) th-t - 9reci)ion )t-te3ent h-) not yet been e)t-bli)hed"
$ 0"0<< %
$ 0"245

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