This report summarizes the results of testing a sample of Cusiana crude oil from Colombia for US Supply. Some key points include:
- Cusiana is a low acidity, sweet, light crude oil with low vanadium and nickel content and a high pour point.
- Various distillation fractions could potentially be suitable for different oil products and fuel types, including low sulfur fuel oil, jet fuel, and gasoline, though some fractions may require desulfurization.
- Most fractions tested were sweet and light quality, including vacuum gas oil and residuum fractions, indicating potential as refinery feedstocks.
This report summarizes the results of testing a sample of Cusiana crude oil from Colombia for US Supply. Some key points include:
- Cusiana is a low acidity, sweet, light crude oil with low vanadium and nickel content and a high pour point.
- Various distillation fractions could potentially be suitable for different oil products and fuel types, including low sulfur fuel oil, jet fuel, and gasoline, though some fractions may require desulfurization.
- Most fractions tested were sweet and light quality, including vacuum gas oil and residuum fractions, indicating potential as refinery feedstocks.
This report summarizes the results of testing a sample of Cusiana crude oil from Colombia for US Supply. Some key points include:
- Cusiana is a low acidity, sweet, light crude oil with low vanadium and nickel content and a high pour point.
- Various distillation fractions could potentially be suitable for different oil products and fuel types, including low sulfur fuel oil, jet fuel, and gasoline, though some fractions may require desulfurization.
- Most fractions tested were sweet and light quality, including vacuum gas oil and residuum fractions, indicating potential as refinery feedstocks.
This report summarizes the results of testing a sample of Cusiana crude oil from Colombia for US Supply. Some key points include:
- Cusiana is a low acidity, sweet, light crude oil with low vanadium and nickel content and a high pour point.
- Various distillation fractions could potentially be suitable for different oil products and fuel types, including low sulfur fuel oil, jet fuel, and gasoline, though some fractions may require desulfurization.
- Most fractions tested were sweet and light quality, including vacuum gas oil and residuum fractions, indicating potential as refinery feedstocks.
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Sunbury Technology Centre
Report No. 51226 Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed This doc"%ent contains BP Pro5rietary Infor%ation 6hich is ony for "se 6ithin BP, its affiiates and icensees4 .one of the infor%ation sha #e discosed to any 5arty o"tside If yo" have any 7"eri es 5ease contact 8 !rai g Stone 21932 (32123 :a' 21932 (32113 cstone;itss"n#"ry4co% Page 2 of 16 the BP <ro"5 6itho"t 5rior consent in 6riting fro% BP ,i4 Page 3 of 16 Date 314142221 Report No. 51226 Sponsored by US SUPPL- !SIANA "OLO#BIA$ R!DE OIL NOVE#BER %&&& SA#PLE A arter ABST*A!T = At the re7"est of *on :isher, US S"55y an assay has #een carried o"t on a sa%5e of !"siana cr"de oi to "5date the 5revio"s re5resentation4 !"siana is a o6 acidity, s6eet, ight cr"de oi 6ith o6 vanadi"% and nicke content and high 5o"r 5oint4 ,ne 22 itre dr"% of cr"de 6as received and "sed4 ,ther 5oints 6orthy of notes are as foo6s8 o Possi#y s"ita#e for o6 s"5h"r f"e 5rod"ction o >erosene /1?9$2320 density, s"5h"r and free@e 5oint fits s5ecification for Aet A1 o <asoi B diese /232$3?20 density and cetane inde' indicate s"ita#iity for gas oi atho"gh des"5h"risation %ay #e necessary for o6 s"5h"r 5rod"cts o 1ac""% gasoi /3?2$5520 is s6eet and ight4 Lo6 #asic nitrogen indicates good :!! feed4 o At%os5heric resid"e /C3690 is s6eet and ight4 Lo6 nicke, vanadi"% and conradson car#on resid"e indicate 5otentia :!! feed4 o 1ac""% resid"e /C5520 is s6eet and ight indicating 5otentia :!! feed and s"ita#e for s5eciaist o6 density f"e oi grades4 o +e6a'ed oi /369$5290 has o6 viscosity inde' indicating 5oor 5otentia for "#e oi 5rod"ction Page ? of 16 Sunbury Technology Centre Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed Page 5 of 16 This doc"%ent contains BP Pro5rietary Infor%ation 6hich is ony for "se 6ithin BP, its affiiates and icensees4 .one of the infor%ation sha #e discosed to any 5arty o"tside Page 6 of 16 Sunbury Technology Centre Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed Page ( of 16 This doc"%ent contains BP Pro5rietary Infor%ation 6hich is ony for "se 6ithin BP, its affiiates and icensees4 .one of the infor%ation sha #e discosed to any 5arty o"tside the BP <ro"5 6itho"t 5rior consent in 6riting fro% BP ,i4 Page D of 16 Sunbury Technology Centre Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed Page 9 of 16 Page 12 of 16 Sunbury Technology Centre Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed Page 11 of 16 Page 12 of 16 Sunbury Technology Centre Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed Page 13 of 16 Sunbury Technology Centre Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed Page 1? of 16 Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE DATE Page 15 of 16 Sunbury Technology Centre Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Page 16 of 16 This doc"%ent contains BP Pro5rietary Infor%ation 6hich is ony for "se 6ithin BP, Page 1( of 16 Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE Page 1D of 16 Sunbury Technology Centre Intertek Testing Services Ltd Unit A, Shears Way Brookands !ose S"n#"ry$on$Tha%es &iddese', TW16 ()) !*U+) ,IL ASSA- *)P,*T TITLE !USIA.A /!,L,&BIA0 !*U+) ,IL .,1)&B)* 2222 SA&PL) DATE 314142221 WRITTEN BY A !arter WORK BY ITS S"n#"ry Technoogy !entre APPROVED BY ! Stone Signed Attach%ent to *e5ort 51226 Page 19 of 16 SOUTH AMERICA COLOMBIA PPEFA CODE/PACK Cusian*1/887C CUSIANA SOURCE OF SAMPLE CRUDE DATA ASSAY SUMMARY/TBP DATA Reference A14000 Grav!" 4#$# Ye%& 'n Cr(&e )*! )v'%