Absent Sheet

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Absent / SCIENCE Make up Work

Self-manage your missing work as much as possible.
o Check the website independently.
Record your make up work in your self-management system. Here are some options:
o Use your planner.
o Use this handout (see below).
Acquire any missing handouts or other materials as needed.
Ask questions as needed.
Complete and turn in any missing work within the time allowed.
Ask for a pass to the science classroom if you missed a lab or activity that must be completed
in the classroom.
In keeping with school policy, you have the number of days absent plus one day to make up work.
Homework that was previously assigned and due on the day you missed should be ready to turn in
when you return. Assessments (tests & quizzes) previously assigned and due on the day you missed
will be administered when you return.
I was absent on these dates _______________

Total number of days absent ______

Make up work must be completed by ______________________

Check the Lesson Plans for the day you missed. Record what you missed here:

Check for any handouts or papers you need. Make a list of the handouts you have to complete:

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