Blood Donation Campaign Theni District

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Blood donation campaign An innovative life saving project implemented

in Theni District for timely availability of blood for emergency obstetric and
other cases scaling up in all Districts.
Blood the fluid of life is RED regardless of the race or belief or colour. The ready
availability of Blood of all kinds during emergency can save lives. Our experience shows
that there are enough number of volunteers who are willing to donate blood during
camps or on call. This proect aims at linking the volunteers to blood banks through
camps on call basis or both.
!t present two blood banks at "ovt. #ospital$ Theni and "ovt. #ead %uarters #ospital$
&eriyakulam are functioning in Theni District. Efforts are under way to open two more
blood banks ' Blood storage centres at the "ovt. #ospital Bodinaicknur and (umbum.
General Objective
To save lives by making the timely availability of the re)uired group of blood in Theni
pecific Objectives
*. To ensure the ready availability of the re)uired group of blood$ +, hours in a day.
-./ days in a year.
+. To Organi0e (ommunity based blood donation cams at 1illages and among the
2norgani0ed sector of &eople to propagate the 3essages about Blood donation
and to remove the myths and misconceptions about blood donation.
-. To create and update a directory of 1oluntary Donors so that the re)uired blood
is available on re)uest.
,. (apacity building of &rimary #ealth (entre 4ystem$ 5"O system and other
community based Organi0ations to organi0e Blood Donation camps at the
re)uest of the Blood Bank 3edical Officers.
/. To generate awareness on Blood Donation and its significance in saving lives
during emergencies particularly during Obstetric emergencies and accidents.
*. Organi0ing community based Blood Donation camps at villages and among
unorgani0ed sectors.
+. Organi0ing Blood Donation camps among organi0ed sectors like (olleges$
industries and others when the need is more.
-. &reparation of 1oluntary Donors directory.
!artners in the cheme
*. 6oint Director of #ealth 4ervices and team.
+. Deputy Director of #ealth 4ervices and team.
-. Blood Bank 3edical Officers and team.
,. Deputy Director 73edical 8 9amily :elfare; and team.
/. (oncerned &#( 3edical Officers and team
.. <ndian Red (ross 4ociety of Theni district
=. >ocal (ommunity Based Organi0ations$ individual volunteers and &hilanthropists
?. 5.4.4 ' @outh Red (ross 2nits of colleges
*. 4election of camp 1illage and site
+. 9ixing of a date$ */ to +A days in advance
-. >ogistics arrangements and Blood Donors 3obili0ation by Deputy Director of
#ealth 4ervices and &rimary #ealth (entre team.
,. Technical guidance and support and (ollection Blood units by Blood bank
3edical Officers and team.
/. (oBordination and sponsoring of contingency expenditure to the tune of Rs. /AA'B
per camp by the <R(4.
.. Blood collection by Blood Bank team.
=. (ertificates issued to the Donors by the blood Bank medical Officer at the (amp
site itself.
?. >ocal community people observes and learn about Blood Donation and its
significance in saving lives.
C. (ollected blood is subected for the mandatory tests and made available to
patients admitted in "ovt. #ospitals and on payment of the prescribed fee to
private #ospitals also in case of "E52<5E E3ER"E5(<E4.
!rogress made
Date #enue $ #illage
"o. of
Issued to Blood Ban(
* -A.A,.A- "ovt. #e. 4ec. 4chool$
+. -A.A/.A- 3a0haliar 3at. #r. 4ec. 4chool$
-. A-.A=.A- "ovt. Boys #r. 4ec. 4chool$
,. -A.A=.A- Theni Dammavar 4agam 3at
4chool$ Theni
/. +*.A?.A- "ovt. &#($ Dadamalaigundu -,
.. A-.AC.A- &aramedical (ollege$
=. *..AC.A- !thi 4unanagiri !rt (ollege$
?. *A.*A.A- 3D2 (ollege$ 6akkampatti$
C. +*.**.A- R(# 3at. (entre$ (hinnamanur ,* ,*
*A. *=.*+.A- #DR# (ollege$ 2thamapalayam +C= +. +=*
**. *A.A*A, "ovt. #articulture (ollege$
+/ +/
*+. A,.A+.A, 544 (amp$ 2pparpatti -/ -/
*-. *?.A-.A, (oBop. Trg. (ollege$ !ndipatti -, -,
*,. +/.A-.A, Bha. 5ik. Eng. (ollege$
*++ -A C+
*/. A=.A,.A, R(# 3at. (entre$ Bodi -? *+ +.
*. +-.A,.A, R(# 3at. (entre$ (hinnamanur *AA +C =*
*=. *,.A/.A, R(# 3at. (entre$ &eriyakulam =A +/ ,/
*?. +?.A/.A, Dannigha &arameshwari 3at.
4chool$ Dombai
.+ ** *A ,*
*C **.A..A, 3a0haliar 3at. #r. 4ec. 4chol$
/- +/ +?
TOTA, -./0
R(# << &lan
<t has been planned to scale up the blood donation campaign 7Theni model; in all
Districts under R(# << &rogramme on fixed dates in every month$ in addition to birthdays
of leaders$ with the support of the DD#4 to ensure smooth supply of blood to all the
blood banks throughout the year.

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