5 - SPELLING BEE Registration Form

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Registration form
Class : _________________________________________________
English teachers name : _________________________________________________
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
Participants need to be at the hall 15 minutes before the competition.
This competition is carried out in groups. Each group consists of three pupils from
different classes.
This competition is divided into two rounds.
First round each pupil from ever! group will ta"e turns to spell two words.
Each pupil need to draw the words from a bo#. Then the teacher will read out the
words for them to spell.
Each pupil will be given 3$ seconds to thin" before spelling out.
5 points will be awarded to each correct spelling.
%owever if the person is unable to answer the second chance will be given to his&
her team mate. The correct spelling will be awarded 3 points.
'f the team mates still unable to spell correctl! the chance will be opened to the
other group.
(uring the second round the words will be opened to all group each word spelled
correctl! will be awarded 5 points.
Ten words will be as"ed b! the teacher during this round.

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