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yeah, "allah make me wealthy!"

get hold of al-hizb al-a'zam -in it is every du'a you need.

* "allaahumma-kfiniy bi-Halaalika 'an Haraamika wa-aghniniy
bi-faDlika 'amman siwaak"

which means something like, suffice me with halal which
would divert me from haram and enrich me by your grace
(fadl) that i need nobody but you.

* "allaahumma-rzuqniy fa-innaka khayru-r-raaziqiyn"

allah, provide for me for surely you are the best of providers.

* "rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa Hasanatan wa-fil-aakhirati
Hasanatan wa qinaa 'adhaaban-naar" (QURAN)

our lord, grant us in this world great good and in the next
great good and save us from the fire.

* "allaahumma inniy Da'iyfun fa-qawwiniy wa-inniy dhaliylun
fa-a'izzaniy wa-inniy faqirun fa-rzuqniy"

allah, indeed i am weak so strengthen me and i am lowly so
give me honour('izza) and i am poor so provide for me

* "rabbi inniy limaa anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir" (MUSA,

my lord, i am indeed in need (as a faqir) of any good you send
to me
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2. 14-02-2007, 12:08 PM#5

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Dec 2006

53.3331, -6.2489

Originally Posted by ENIGMA
Salams people, just wanted to ask, is their a dua in qur'an and/or sunnah which states a dua to make
one wealthy. Can anybody ask their sheikh on my behalf if their is a zikr I can do to make me wealthy??
The most simple and yet the most powerful duaa, be always grateful to Allah swt for
everything and always say "elhamdulillahi rabbil alameen" no matter what and insha'Allah
Allah swt will increase your wealth.
Dua from Quran for Rizk
JAN 17
Posted by imraan raja



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Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem In the name
of Allah, most Gracious and Most Merciful
Read Durood-e-Pak First,
Sallalaahu Ala Muhammad Sallalaahu Alayhe
Wa Alehi Wasallam
Dua 1 for food or if you have no job
Recite Surah 73 Surah Al-Muzzammil (The One wrapped in Garments) x1 in the morning and x1 at
night and pray for food and job Inshallah the more you read the more it will help you
Recite one tasbeeh in the morning and one in the afternoon or after every compulsory prayer the
Surah 3 Surah Ale-Imran (The Family of Imran) Ayat/Verse 183 and

Those who said: Verily, Allah has taken our promise not to believe in any Messenger unless he
brings to us an offering which the fire shall devour. Say: Verily, there came to you Messengers
before me, with clear signs and even with what you speak of; why then did you kill them, if you are
Surah 8 Surah Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) Ayat/Verse 40

And if they turn away, then know that Allah is your Maula, an Excellent Maula, and an Excellent
durood x7 then
Surah 21 Surah Al-Anbiyah (The Prophets) Ayat/Verse 87 recite after each compulsory prayer

And Dhan-Nun (Jonah), when he went off in anger, and imagined that We shall not punish him! But
he cried through the darkness (saying): La ilaha illa Anta, Glorified are You. Truly, I have been of the
then Durood x7
the names of Allah Ya Razzaqo and Ya Wahhabo one tasbeeh every day morning and night
Dua 2
After every Salah without talking to anyone recite:
Durood x3 Ayat al kursi x1 Surah Talaq (65:2-3) x1

wa may-yatta qillaha yaj-allahu makhraja
wa yarzuqhu min haythu la yahtasib wa may-yata-wakkal a- lallaahi fahuwa hasbuh innallaha
balighu amrih qad ja a lallahu li kulli shayin qadra
And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from
every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever
puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah
has set a measure for all things.
then recite
Surah 1 Surah al-Fatiha x1 Surah 112 Surah al-Ikhlaas x3 Darood x3
Then do a dam-(meaning Blow) into the sky
Dua 3 Surah 22 Surah Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) ayat / verse 58

Those who emigrated in the Cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely, Allah will
provide a good provision for them. And verily, it is Allah Who indeed is the Best of those who make
Dua 4 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow) ayat / verse 105

Neither those who disbelieve among the people of the Scripture nor Al-Mushrikun like that there
should be sent down unto you any good from your Lord. But Allah chooses for His Mercy whom He
wills. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.
Dua 5 to get a job after every compulsory prayer recite
Durood x7
Ya Allaho Ya Basito x141
Durood x7
Dua 6 for job or rizq recite 106 Surah Quraish as many times as possible daily
Solve all your problems using Powerful Dua
E Isme Illahi ( Blessed Names of Allah)
Posted by islamicexorcism on March 17, 2010

In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful. Calling upon Allah (SWT) for His help and
mercy using His Blessed names and attributes have been mentioned in many verses of the Noble
Quran and even in the hadith of our Prophet SAW. Allah (SWT) states in the Holy Quran : And to
Allah belongs the Beautiful Names, so call upon Him by these Names. (Al-Araf, 7:180), furthermore,
our Prophet SAW himself used to call Allah by ALL His Names: O Allah, I invoke You with all of Your
beautiful Names.[Ibn Maja and Imam Malik in his Muwatta]. This wird /dua/ wazifa contains many
blessed and powerful names of Allah SWT and can be used for fulfill any legitimate purpose and if
recited continuously, the reciter will see and experience numerous spiritual and physical blessings and
benefits from Allah in this world and hereafter, InsahALlah.

Powerful Dua E Isme Illahi

Meaning of Dua: In the Name of Allah, O Allah, I ask you (or I seek refuge with You) through Your Oneness,
O The Only One and through Your Sublime Majesty, O The Sublime One and through Your Honour, O Noble
One and through Your Power, O Most Powerful One and through Your Praises, O Most Praiseworthy One and
through Your Greatness, O The Great One and through Your Wisdom, O The Most Wise One and through
Your Truth, O The Most Truthful One and through Your Holiness, O the Holy One and through Your Light, O
The Light and through Your Mercy, O Most Merciful One and through Your Forgiveness, O The Most Forgiving
One and through Your Grace, O The Most Gracious One and through Your Bestowal, O The Benefactor And O
Allah, I ask of you (or I seek refuge with You) , by Your Beautiful Names and Your Magnificent/Great
Attributes! O Allah, O Originator of the heavens and the earth, O The Everliving, O The Self-subsisting, O
Lord of Majesty, Bounty and Honour,Look towards us ! Look towards us ! Look towards us !through Your
Mercy, O The Most Merciful of the Merciful. Ameen. O Rabb Of the Worlds.
NOTE: If one is using this Dua to treat Black Magic or Jinns or against Enemies, recite it by reading A-OO-
ZOBIKA instead of ASALOKA at two places mentioned above.
Note: For every amal / dua to be effective one must ensure that the amal is done by a Pious Muslim or the person doing the amal should ensure
His eating, drinking and living is not on unlawful /haram income.
One should stop all harm practices or sins like gambling, drinking, music, having dogs, pictures and
musical instruments in house..etc and turn to Allah in complete repentance.
Before this amal is started, spend the day or night in reciting Istagfaar and Darood in abundance.
For difficult cases, the preferred time to do this amal is during Thajjud after offering atleast 2 units
of salatul Thajjud, this is the time during which Allahs mercy and blessings are the highest.

The Above Wird / Dua can be directly read any number of times and if any dua is made after it InshaALlah it
will be accepted. The Wird can also be done in the following way..
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. Any Istiqfar -7x easy one Astaghfirullaahi wa atoobu e-lay-h
3. Zikar LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH MUHAMMA DUR RASOOL-UL-LAAH Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam 7x
4. Any Darood -7x easy one ALLAH humma Saliala Muhammad
5. Make An intention for the purpose for which you would be doing this dua/ wird/ amal as mentioned
in step 8 below.
6. Recite Dua E Isme Illahi 33x, 41x or more for difficult cases.
7. Recite any particular name or names of Allah (ISME ELAAHI) that servers your purpose the best
continuously and repeatedly till you get tired / exhausted. Please read the below section Isma Illahi
for Specific Purpose for reference.
Note: The name could be recited individually like YA SHAAFI YA SHAAFI YA SHAAFI or YA
Allahu can be added to the specific name before recitation like, YA Allahu YA SHAAFI YA Allahu YA
SHAAFI or even two or more specific purpose names can be recited together like YA RASHDU
8. Make a general dua 3x to 7x [Example: "YA ALLAHU YA MUMEETU Plz destroy and neutralize all the
sihir, its items and its affects on me/MR XXX and protect me/MR XXX from all evil." or "YA ALLAHU
YA SHAFI Plz cure me/MR XXX completely from this sickness and grant me/MR XXX good health."]
9. Any Darood -7x easy one ALLAH humma Saliala Muhammad
11. For spiritual or medical sickness, you can take a deep breath and blow 3x times on your hands and
chest and rub them all over your body and/or blow 3x each into a few water bottles and/or olive oil
or blackseed oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily, the
patient can also add some additional water to one glass of recited water and mix vinegar, juice of
about 1 to 3 limes and about 7 to 11 crushed leaves of neem or bairee or beetal and bath with this
mixture if needed. The recited water could be sprayed inside and around the house (except the
bathroom) if necessary.
12. Repeat this Amal daily with full faith and belief on Allah till your purpose or need is fulfilled.
13. The patient should recite the Isma Illahi for Specific Purpose as much as possible any time during
the day or night

Isma Illahi for Specific Purpose
(During the amal i.e in step (7) mentioned above, these names should be recited continuously and as much
as possible, till one gets exhausted, the patient should also recite these names according to their limits
during the day and night.)
The reason why we have recommended that one should recite the specific names of Allah [suiting their
need] continuously till one gets exhausted, is in-fact based on the following verse of the Quran in which
Allah says: Allah burdens not any soul beyond its capacity.[Surah BAQARAH 2:286]. However, we have
noticed amazing results MashaALlah, even when normal muslims have recited the names of Allah only for a
couple of times its because the acceptance of any dua or amal is only and only dependent on the will of
Allah who is the Most Merciful of the Merciful.
General Sickness, Deadly Diseases, Fevers, Burns or Evil Eye: YA SHAAFI YA KAFI YA BAQI (O The
Curer or Healer O Self-sufficient One O The Everlasting) or YA SALAAMU YA MUEEDU(O The Giver of Peace,
O Restorer of Life) or YA Mubadial-Mueed(O One Who Begins the Creation and the Restorer of Life) or
Giver of Peace, O The Source of All-Goodness) or Ya Shaafi-al Amraaz (O Bestower of cures for illness ).
Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily
(do the blowing part after step 9 above).
Mental disorders (epilepsy, fits, headaches, migraines) and Pains:Begin with reciting YA ALIYUL
AZEEM (O the Most High, the Supreme in glory) continuously and towards the end, recite YA SALAAMU
Removing Sterility and for barren women to have children:YA BAARIUL MUSAWWERU (O The Giver of
Life, The Fashioner). Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the
oil on his body daily. (do the blowing part after step 9 above)
Ear Problems:YA SALAAMU YA SAMEEO(O The Giver of Peace, O The All Hearing)
Cuts, Wounds, fractures(Broken Bones), Slip Disc or Nerve Problems :YA JAAMEO YA SALAAMU (O
The Assembler, O The Giver of Peace) or YA SALAAMU YA MUEEDU
Revive Coma patients, Paralyzed limbs or numbness of limbs, hair loss, leprosy:YA Mubadial-
Mueed(O One Who Begins the Creation and the restorer of Life) or YA MUEEDU YA MUH-YE (O The Restorer,
O The Giver of Life). Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the
oil on his body daily (do the blowing part after step 9 above).
Break Kidney or Bile Stones:YA FAALIQO YA SALAAMU(O The Splitter, O the Giver of Peace)
Beautiful Skin, Face and clean heart:YA JAMEELU (O The Beautiful One)
Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Skin Disorders, Menstrual Disorders or any body disorders:ALLAHU
GHANIYYUN WA KAA-MI-LUN (ALLAH, The Independent, The Perfect)
Stop excessive bleeding and Neutralize Poisons: YA MAA-NI-O YA SALAAMU (O The
Preventer/Protector, O The Giver of Peace)
Abundant Knowledge and Wisdom: YA ALEEMU YA HAKMU (O The All-Knowing, O The ALL WISE) or YA
KHABIRU (O The All-Knowing)
Honor and Respect: YA MUIZZU (O The Bestower of honor) or YA ZAL JALLI WAL IKRM (O The
Possessor of Majesty and Honor)
Spiritual Guidance from Allah (Istakhara): YA RASHDU (O The Guide) or YA ALEEMU YA KHABIRU(O
The All Knowing, O The Aware) or YA BADEEUL AJAA-EBi YA KAASHIFUL GHARAAEBI(O Originator of
Wondrous Things O Unveiler of Extraordinary Things). Perform this amal after offering 2 units salaatul
hajaat and avoiding any talks, repeat these names till one goes to sleep.
Destroying Evil Magic, JINN or Enemies:YA ALLAHU YA MUMEETU (O ALLAH O The Destroyer/Giver OF
Death) or YA AZIZ UL JABBAR (O The Mighty Overpowering Lord) or Ya Zal-Izzati was Sultan (Oh Possessor
of might and force!) or YA ALLAHU YA KAFI YA ALLAHU YA BAQI (O Allah O Self-sufficient One O Allah O The
Everlasting ) . Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on
his body daily. The victims should also bath with the recited water and also spray it over the entire house
daily. (do the blowing part after step 9 above)
Protection against all evils, accidents, calamities and for protection against thefts and robbery:YA
HAFEEZU (O The Protector / Preserver) or YA MUHAYMINU (O The Protector) or YA WALIYYU (O The
Protecting Friend) or YA RAQEEBU (O The Watchful)
Peace and happiness or to overcome depression or stress or loneliness: YA SALAAMU(O The Giver of
Peace) or YA LATEEFU(O The Most Affectionate) or Ya Zal-Manni wal Ihsan (Oh Possessor of graciousness
and benevolence!)
To overcome any difficulty:YA FATTAAHU (The Opener) or YA BADEEUL AJAAIBE BIL KHAIRI YA BADEEO
Mufatti hal Abwaab Ya Musabbi bal Asbaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat (O The Opener of Doors, O The Causer of
Causes, O The Fulfiller of needs)
To Seek Allahs help and assistance in difficult task: YA WALIYYU (O The Protecting Friend) or Ya
Musabbi bal Asbaab Ya Mufatti hal Abwaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat (O The Causer of Causes, O The Opener of
Doors, O The Fulfiller of needs)
(O Allah O Self-sufficient One O Allah O The Everlasting ) or Ya Mufatti hal Abwaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat or Ya
Mufatti hal Abwaab Ya Musabbi bal Asbaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat (O The Opener of Doors, O The Causer of
Causes, O The Fulfiller of needs)
Defeating the Enemies, Victory against enemies and tyrants : YA QAHAARU (O The Subduer) or YA
JABBAARU (O The Compeller) or YA QAWIYYU (O The Most Strong) or YA AZIZ UL JABBAR (O The Mighty
Overpowering Lord) or YA ALLAHU YA KAFI YA ALLAHU YA BAQI (O Allah O Self-sufficient One O Allah O The
Everlasting ) or Ya Zal-izzati was-Sultan (Oh Possessor of might and force!)
Wealth, Richness, Jobs or Employment: YA WAHHABU YA RAZZAKU (O The Bestower, The Provider) or
YA GHANI-OOL MOGHNI(O The Enricher, O The Self-Sufficient) or YA LATEEFU (O The Most Affectionate) or
Ya Khair ar-Raaziqeen (O The Best of Providers!) or GHAFURUR RAHEEM (O The Fogiver The Merciful) or Ya
Raziqal Bashar (O Provider for mankind) or Ya Raziqal Anaam (O Provider for creatures.)
Purification of your Soul or for obedient children:YA QUDDOOSU (O The Most Holy) or YA QUDDOOSU
Forgiveness:YA GHAFURU (O The Fogiver) or YA GHAFURUR RAHEEM (O The Fogiver The Merciful)
Allahs Mercy and Blessings:YA RAHMAANU YA RAHEEMU or YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN or Ya Munazzilal
Barakaat (O Causer of blessings!)
Creating love between two people:YA WADUDU (O The Loving One) or Ya Muqalli bal Qulub ( O The
Transformer of hearts) or Ya Muqalli bal Qulubi wal Absaar (O The Transformer of hearts and eyes). Should
be blown into some water or sweet or food and given to the person to eat or drink or if not possible to
blow only make intention it should be sufficient. (do the blowing part after step 9 above)
Overcome bad habits like alcoholism, adultery, drugs..etc: YA BARRU (The Source of All-Goodness) or
Holy) or Ya Muqalli bal Qulubi wal Absaar (O The Transformer of hearts and eyes) or Ya Waliyal Hasanat (Oh
He who sponsors good things!) or YA QUDDOSU YA NOORU(O The Most Holy, O the Light) . Should be blown
into some water or sweet or food and given to the person to eat or drink or if not possible to blow only
make intention it should be sufficient. (do the blowing part after step 9 above)
Find lost items or to call back missing or a lost people: YA HAQQU (O The Truth) or YA JAA-ME-O ( O
The Assembler) or Ya Jamia sh-shataat(Oh He who gathers all scattered things!)
Resolving disputes or fights among family members or friends: YA JAA-ME-O(The Assembler) or YA
WADUDU (O The Loving One) or Ya Muqalli bal Qulubi wal Absaar (O The Transformer of hearts and eyes).
Should be blown into some water or sweet or food and given to the person to eat or drink or if not possible
to blow only make intention it should be sufficient. (do the blowing part after step 9 above)
Remove fear/phobia of any thing from weak hearted people, for people whos have weak limbs
and to gain strength, sexually weak people, to drive out laziness: YA QAWEEYU (O The Strongest
One) or YA QUWATIL MATEEN(O The Possesor of Power, the Firm) or YA ALLAHU YA KAFI YA ALLAHU YA
BAQI (O Allah O Self-sufficient One O Allah O The Everlasting ) or YA AZIZ UL JABBAR (O The Mighty
Overpowering Lord) or Ya QAWEEYU Ya Aziz (O Strongest One! O Mighty One!). Blow into water and/or olive
oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily. (do the blowing part after
step 9 above)
Win Court Case or Judgment: YA MALIKUL KAREEM (O The Generous King of the complete Dominion) or
YA Malik Ul Mulk (O The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, The One who controls the Dominion and gives
dominion to whoever He willed) or YA FATTAAHU (The Opener)
NUR / Spiritual light or saintly face and body, cure weak eyesight: YA NOORU (O The Light) or YA
BASEERU YA NOORU (O The All Seeing, O The Light)
Spiritual success :Ya Raafi-ad Darajaat (O Elevator of spiritual stations!) or YA GHAFURUR RAHEEM (O The
Fogiver The Merciful)
Extinguish fire: Recite Allah hu Akbar continuously and also while throwing Water or Sand over the

List of Isme Illahi (Names of Allah) for Reference
Abu Huraira narrated that Allahs Messenger (s.a.w.) said, Allah has ninety-nine Names, i.e., one hundred
minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter Paradise. And Allah is
Witr (one) and He loves Witr (i.e., odd numbers). (Bukhari, Vol. 8, Hadith No. 419)

Abu Huraira narrated that Allahs Messenger (s.a.w.) said, Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred less
one; and he who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise. (To count something means to know it
by heart.) (Bukhari 9/489 also see 3/894 )

99 Names of Allah in Arabic and English

Dua is the affirmation of Imaan, when we make dua(supplication), we affirm that only Allah can
answer our prayers. Allah loves it when we seek His help.

O Allah, I ask You for the longing to meet You (Nisai, Hakim).

The nearest a servant can be to his Lord is while in prostration, hence excessively make dua [in that position].
(Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasai & Musnad Ahmad)


1. While fasting.
2. In the last portion of the night.(tahajud time)
3. After every fard/compulsory namaaz
4. Whilst it is raining
5. After the tilawat/recitation of the Quraan
6. between the 2 qutba's on jumua day
7. Before the jumua salaah starts

A Dua Made between the Adhan and the Iqamah....

Hazrat Anas ibne Malik (RA) narrates that Rasul Allah (SAW) said:
"A Dua made between the Adhan and the Iqamah is never rejected. The
Sahabah asked; what Dua should we make, O Rasul Allah (SAW)? He
(SAW) replied; Ask Allah for Afiyah (well being) in this world and in the
[Tirmidhi :3594]

The Du'a Made At Tahajjud Is Like An Arrow Which Does Not
Miss It's Target
Imam Ash-Shafi'i


1. Always have full faith in Allah and do all ibadath for his pleasure only
3.Give thanx to Allah for what he has given you and he will give you more Insha Allah!
4.Beg Allah with his 99names or isme azam or dua asma-al-husna,which is very effective
5.Make istagfaar to Allah or ask for forgiveness with sincerity and try to refrain from sins
6.Read atleast 3 durood shareef when beggining dua and ending
7.Make dua for your parents which is very important
8.Make dua with alot of feeling.Tear and cry in your duas,if this not posible then make like u tearing and beg Allah for
what you desire
9.Praise and glorify Allah and reading surah Fatiha is very effective too
10.Try to remember Allah all the time and not only when in need and distess.
11. After making dua/prayer read "ya Wahaabo" 7 times - Insha Allah it will be granted!


Three supplications are answered, there being no doubt about them: that of a parent, that of a traveller and that
of one who has been wronged
(Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah)

Our Nabi Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam has said that whosoever goes to bed in a state of purity (i.e. with wudu)
and (such person) remembers Almighty Allah until he falls asleep then, whatever Dua such person makes
(whether pertaining to this world or the next) while turning side to side, such Duas shall certainly be granted to
him by Almighty Allah. (Mishkat)

Five People whom Allah will answer

1) The dua of a brother for his brother in his absence:

The Prophet (salah allahu alayhi wa salam) said: He who supplicates for his brother behind his back (in his
absence),the angel commissioned (for
carrying dua to his Lord) says: Ameen, and it is for you also.
[Sahih Muslim]

2) The dua of the one who is oppressed:

The Prophet (salah allahu alayhi wa salam) said: Fear the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no
barrier between it and Allah.
[Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim]

3) The dua of a father for his son:

The Prophet (salah allahu alayhi wa salam) said: Three prayers are surely answered: the supplication of the
oppressed, the supplication of the traveller, and the supplication of the father for his son.
[Sunan Tirmidhi, 5/502]

4) Dua of a righteous offspring for his or her parents:

The Prophet (salah allahu alayhi wa salam) said: When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end except
three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge and righteous offspring who will pray for him.
[Muslim, 3084]

5) The dua of the one whom Allah loves:

In the hadith Qudsi, Allah says: and My slave will keep drawing closer to Me by performing the Nawafil
(voluntary acts of worship) until I love him, and when I love him, I will be his hearing with which he hears, his
sight with which he sees, his hands with which he strikes, and his legs with which he walks; and if he asks Me,
I will give him; and if he seeks refuge with Me, I will grant him refuge.
[Sahih Bukhari]

Nasihah (Advice):
Making Dua for others results in your Dua being accepted

It is recorded in the Hadith that the Dua of a Muslim for the next
Muslim in his absence is never rejected. In another Hadith, it is
mentioned that when a person makes Dua for the next Muslim, an
angel is appointed to say Ameen to his Dua and to make Dua for him in
return by saying: May you be granted the same.
(Sahih Muslim, Hadith #: 4913, Narrated by Abud Dardaa)

SALMAN ( ) narrates that

said: " Surely

is living , generous. He feels shy if a

person raises his hands to Him and He does not place any good in them."
The Prophet said:
"The nearest a servant comes to his Lord is when he is prostrating (sujood), so make
supplication in this state" (Muslim)

Imam Ghazli (

mentions the following ten etiquettes for the
acceptance of :
1) Making abundant in sacred and special times of acceptance. For example, on the day of
Arafah, Jumu'ah, in Ramadhn and in the last portion of the nights etc.

2) To make in specific states. There are certain circumstances in which are readily
accepted. Such as in the state of prostration, at the confrontation of two armies, at the time of
rain, before and after salh etc.

3) To face the qiblah, raise the hands and wipe the hands over the face upon completing
4) To have the voice lowered.
5) To invoke

through words and sentences which the Prophet (

) taught us. It is undesirable to put a lot of effort to make our own rhymes and rhythms

6) To display humbleness externally and have the heart submit totally.
7) To have a firm conviction that

will accept the . One should have full hope


most definitely will respond to his/her prayer.

8) To persist in and repeat each invocation at least three times.
o ommn h ih h pai o lmih

, sending blessings upon the Prophet

( and o onlud h with the praise of

and blessings upon the

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and inl pnd o


from His bounties.

If one has oppressed anybody or hurt anyone, the oppressed persons forgiveness must be
sought immediately. Tawbah (repentance) is only valid when those whom we have wronged
have pardoned us.

In conclusion, ones being accepted does not necessarily mean being given what was asked
for. If a du is accepted, we could receive what was asked for, or an impending calamity can be
averted, or the can be reserved for us in the hereafter as reward.

*How Can The Answer Not Be Delayed?*
Wahb bin Munabbih (rahimahullaah) said:-
He who supplicates without good deeds is like one who shoots an arrow without a
bow! Some of the Pious Predecessors said:- How can the answer not be delayed when you
have blocked its path with sins.

A poet reiterated the same meaning saying: - We pray to God in every distress, And forget Him
when our distress is lifted. How can we hope that our prayer will be answered, When we have
blocked its paths with sins? {Source:- Imaam Ibn Rajab | Jaami al Uloom wal Hikam}

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the .. Messenger of Allah [ Sall-
Allahu alayhi wa sallam] said:-
"There are two[2] statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the Scales and
are dear to the Merciful:-
Subhan-Allahi wa Bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim' . [Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, &
Allah, the Greatest is free from imperfection]'.'' [Source:-Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever each day passes then part of you
has Gone. {Al-Hasan Al-Basree}

It is reported on the authority of Sayyiduna Fudhala bin Ubaid
that Nabi

was present and a person entered

the masjid and read his salaah After salaah he read this dua:

Al laah hummagh firli war Hamnee

O Allah forgive me and have Mercy on me
so Nabi

said to him, O worshiper! You were very


When you complete your salaah, then remain seated and first
praise Allah with those words (of praise) which are befitting His
Divine Majesty and then send Durood upon me, and then make
dua. After this, another person (arrived) and read his salaah (it was
possibly Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Masood( ), so he
praised Almighty Allah and then sent Durood upon

so Nabi

said to him, O Worshiper!

Now make dua, it shall be accepted.
(Tirmizi Shareef Vol.2 Pg.186).

From the above mentioned beautiful narration it can be understood
that when we wish to make any dua, we should firstly praise Allah,
then send Durood upon our beloved

and then
make dua, especially after our Salaah. After salaah we should thus
try to say,

Alhumdu lil laahi Rabbil Aalameen Was Salaatu Was Salaamu
Alaa Sayyidil Mursaleena Wa Alaa Aalihi Wa Sahbihi Ajmaeen.

All Praise is due to Allah, Creator of the Worlds and Salutations
and Blessings upon the Leader of the Prophets and (blessings)
upon his distinguished family and all his illustrious companions.

In this way, we will be making Hamd (Praising Allah and also
sending Durood upon

before our dua and this

will cause our dua to be accepted.

Supplication when one is disappointed about his Life
`Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: While the Prophet (Salallahu
Alayhi Wasallam) was reclining against me (during his last illness) I heard him
saying: "Allahumma-ghfir li, warhamni, wa alhiqni bir Rafiqil-A`la (O Allah,
forgive me, bestow Your Mercy on me and let me join with the exalted
companions)."[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Most of the `Ulama' believe that Allah is the Sublime Companion (Ar-Rafiq Al-
A`la). Ar-Rafiq (the Companion) is one of the Divine Names. Some take it to
mean the supreme communion of angels, Prophets, martyrs and the righteous.
Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) had prayed to Allah, "... And join me with the
righteous." (12:101).
At the hour of death, man should cut off his link with the world and unite it
with the Hereafter. By seeking Divine forgiveness, the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi
Wasallam) aimed at moral elevation and abundance of goodness. Otherwise, he
was protected by Allah and immune against sinning.
147/911 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)
Ibrahim ibn Adham(ra) said that 1 reason why our duaas dont get
accepted is because we don't take lesson from burying our dead.
Anas bin Malik narrated, The Messenger of Allah said,
When one of you makes dua, he should be firm in his supplication and should not say, O Allah, if You wish
then grant me (my request), for indeed, there is none who can compel Him.
(Sahih Muslim)
This hadith is recorded by Imam Muslim in his Sahih, and he in fact has a whole chapter in his book dedicated
to this topic. It indicates towards one of the etiquettes of making dua, which is to have a firm resolve when
doing so and to have full trust in Allah taala that He will grant us our request. It teaches us that it is disliked to
say things like In-sha Allah when making dua. Instead we should rather say Ameen.
The tongue of a sincere 'ashiq has such an effect that as soon as a
supplication to Allah leaves his lips, it is accepted. And when he
speaks, his words penetrate into the hearts of people'
{Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad hafidhahullah}
My Lord, build a home for me near You in Paradise." (At Tahrim 66:11)

Du'as are accepted:
Imam Shafie (rahimahullah) has stated: I have heard that duas
are accepted by Almighty Allah on five nights:

1) The night of Jumuah,
2 & 3) The nights of the two Eids,
4) The first night of Rajab,
5) The middle (15th) night of Shaban,

(Lataiful Maarif, pg. 196)
A Secret in the Acceptance of Du'a by Shaikh Zulfiqar Naqshbandi (db) ...............

Some friends say: "Hazrat! We make a lot of du'a but it is not accepted". Sometimes, "There are obstacles
and difficulties. Please make du'a. I have been making du'a for a long period of time but signs of acceptance
have not become apparent."

"At such times I teach my friends a secret for the acceptance of du'as. I will teach it to you also. If you practice
upon it, Insha Allah, you will no longer need to search for the Isme A'zam. You will see it before your eyes just
as you complete saying the words. I have experienced this many times. The action is small but the results are

"If only we could understand the reality of this. The du'as of the pious are accepted. The pious are not made
out of gold, neither are they any superhuman creation. They are also human. The difference is that they have
removed the INTENTION OF SIN from their hearts.The secret for acceptance of du'as I have learnt from my
elders may seem small. You may sometimes listen to a simple word and laugh, saying that this is nothing

Listen to this pointer with the ears of your heart and try it out yourself!

"Whenever a time comes in life when you have the opportunity to sin and you refrain, due to the fear of Allah,
at that very second, make a du'a to Allah. Allah will accept your du'a at that very moment."
Ask Allah for help against your evil whims and desires just as you ask Him for help
against your enemies.
Umar Ibn al-Khattab
ISM AZAM (for dua aceptance)
ism azam are the great names of Allah,when recited invokes Allah's mercy.When a muslim
makes dua in such a way their dua gets acepted instantly insha Allah. One of the ways to read
the dua for what you desire is:
"O Allah, verily i am asking you,verily i witness that you are definitely Allah,no God besides you are Ahadus-Samad,
the One who is Independent, the One who does not give birth nor was he given birth too and there is non equal to
Recited 3 (duroodshareef)
The ism azm dua above
Then your personal wishes and duas
And conclude with 3duroods& praises of Allaho(


Duas of Musa AS :
. . .

Rabbi innee limaa anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer
O my Lord! truly am I in complete need of good that Thou dost send
me! ~ Surah Al-Qasas 28:24

Rabbishrah li sadri wa yassir li amri. Wahlul uqdatam mil lisaani,
yafqahu qawli
O my Lord! expand me my breast; Ease my task for me; And
remove the impediment from my speech, So they may understand
what I say ~ Surah Taha 20:25/28

O Allah! Unto You do I complain of my weakness, of my helplessness and of my lowliness before
men. O most Merciful of the merciful. O Lord of the weak and my Lord too. Into whose hands
have you entrusted me? The Prophet (Sallalaahu~Alaihi~Wasallam ) [Dua at Taif

Dua Prophet Younus (


), there is none worthy of worship besides You. You are Pure,

definitely I have oppressed my soul by sinning".

The Qur'an states that these words were recited when Prophet Yunus

called upon

) from the belly of the fish.

Prophet Mohammad

stated in a hadith that when any Muslim makes this

dua via these words to ALLAH (

), then ALLAH (

) surely accepts his

Hazrat Abu Hurairah reported that Rasulullaah Sallallaahu Alyhi
Wasallam said: Whoever sits in a gathering and indulges in idle talk and before getting up
supplicates: `Subhaanaka-Allaahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu allaah ilaaha illaa Anta,
astaghfiruka wa atoobu ilayka, he will be forgiven for (the sins he may have intentionally
or unintentionally committed) in that assembly. (Tirmidhi)

Subhaanaka-Allaahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu allaah ilaaha illaa Anta, astaghfiruka
wa atoobu ilayka

Purity belongs to You. O Allah with Your praises, I bear witness that there is non worthy of
worship except You. I seek forgiveness from You and I repent to You.


Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas reports that whenever the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu
alayhi wasallam) was in any discomfort or if he felt any unhappiness, he would read the following
dua continuously:

Laa ilaaha illal laahul Haleemul Hakeemu Laa ilaaha illal laahu Rabbul Arshil Azeem Laa
ilaaha illal laahu Rabbus Samawaati wal Ardi wa Rabbul Arshil Kareem

[Tirmizi Shareef Vol.2 Pg.181)

There is none worthy of worship except Allah, The Fore-bearing, The All Wise. There is none
worthy of worship except Allah, The Lord of the Exalted Throne. There is none worthy of worship
except Allah, The Lord of the Skies and The Lord of the Earth and the Lord of the distinguished
Hazrat Uthman bin Abil Aas says, I was in immense pain and the pain was so
severe that it brought me close to destruction, so I went to Rasulullaah


Keep your right hand on the area where there is pain and then run the hand over that area by
reading seven times,

Aoozu Bi Izzatil laahi Wa Qudratihi min Sharri Maa Ajidu.
I seek refuge in Allah and His Divine Power from the harshness of what I feel and agonize about
Thus, I did as I was commanded to, and Almighty Allah took my pain away and I always asked
those in my home to do the same and I also advised others who (are in pain) to do the same.
(Abu Dawood Vol.2 Pg.543).
Due to difficulty many think dat death is better but one should never
pray for death instead recite this duaa:

"O Allah keep me alive as long as is good for me and when death is
better for me lift me".
Earning His Duaas

Sayyidah Ummu Salamah entered the fold of
Islam in its early days with her husband, Abu Salamah
.malsI fo yaw eht ni spihsdrah ynam derudne elpuoc ehT.
Abu Salamah made duaa to that
he must bless her (his wife) with the company of a better husband
than himself if he died. When Abu Salamah
passed away, Abu Bakr and Umar both
proposed to her but she declined. However when Nabi
proposed to her, she agreed to marry him. She was thus
honoured to be the wife of Nabi . (Siyaru
Alaamin Nubalaa, vol. 2, pg. 203)

The duaa of her previous husband, Abu Salamah
ni derewsna neeb evah ton dluoc any better way.

Lesson: How many of us earn the duaas of our husbands? Let us
strive to please him and obey him, whereby duaas will pour out of
his heart for us. Our contentment and display of happiness is
sufficient to bring joy to our husbands.


increase the love and understanding between


O! humma inni asalooka Rahmatam min indika tahdi bihaa qalbi wa tajmaoo biha amri wa talummu bihaa shashe
wa tuswlihu bihaa deeni wa taqdhi bihaa dayni wa tahfadhu bihaa ghaaebi wa tarfaoo bihaa shaahidi wa tubayydh
bihaa wajhi wa tuzakki bihaa amali wa tulhimni bihaa rushdi wa taruddu bihaa olfati wa t'aswimuni bihaa minkulli

O I beg of Thee Thy special Mercy by which Thou would guide my heart aright, consolidate my affairs, remove my
suffering, improve my religious life, liquidate my debts, protect my interests (in a particular place) in my absence,
promote my matters in hand, beautify me with a shining face, purify my actions, inspire my heart with love of virtue,
divert my passion (into desirable channels) and save me from all evil.


Accept this Dua through Your Mercy in favour of all the Believing Men and Women and protect our Imaan, A'amaal,
Akhlaaq, Lives, Properties, Homes, Chastity, and Always Keep us under Thy Protection.

Allahummah dini fiman hadayta wa aafini fiman aafayta wa tawallani fimAn tawallayta wa
baarik li fimaa a'atayta wa qini sharra maa qadhayta fainnaka taqdhi wa laa yukDhaa alayka
innahu laa yazillu manwaalaytA wa laa yaizzu man aadayta tabaarakta wa ta aalayta
nastaghfifuka wa natoobu elayka wa sallal allaahu alan Nabeeyee!

guide me along with those who hAve been guided, And grant me complete peAce and safety
along with those who have been grAnted complete peace and safety, and patronise me along
with those who hAve been patronised,and bless me in all what Thou will grAnt me,and safe me
from the injurious effects of what Thou has ordained, as Thou alone disposes and no one can
dispose Against Thee. One who is under Thy protection cannot be harmed and one who has
chosen enmity with Thee cannot gAin dignity; Our RAb Thou art full of blessings and Most High.
We beg forgiveness of Thee and repent before Thee and may the choicest Blessings of
be upon Our Beloved

accept all our Fasts, Swalaahs, Tilaawat, Taraaweeh, Azkaar, all Ibaadaats and DuaaS

duaa on shukr

O! humma laka hamdu kulluhu wa lakash shukuru kulluhu wa lakal mulku kulluhu wa lakal
khalqu kulluhu biyadikal khairu kulluhu wa elayka yarjiool amru kulluhu asalooka minal khairi
kullihi wa aoozubika minash sharri kullihi bismillaahil ladhi laaillhaa ghairuhu.

O all praises are only for Thee, and all thanks and gratitude is only for Thee, and the entire
dominion and creation belongs only to Thee, and disposal of all matters ultimately rest only in Thy
Hands hence I beg of Thee all good things and pray to be saved from all harm and evils in the
name of besides whom there is no deity!


We beg of Thee have pity on us forgive all our sins and wrap us in the shroud of Thy Mercy and
protection guide and protect us every moment of our lives, keep us with Imaan and give us death
on perfect Imaan.


O! huma lakal Hamdu mil'as samaawaati wa mil'alardhi wa mil'amaa bayna humaa wa mil'amaa sh'eta min shayeem
ba'adu anta ahluth thanaae wal kibriyaae wal majdi ahaqqu maa qaalal abdu wa kullunaa laka abdun laa maani'a limaa
a'ataata wa laa mutiya limaa man'ata wa laa raadda limaa qadhayta wa laa yanfa'oo zaljaddi minkal jaddu.

O all praise be to Thee alone in quantities equivalent to the skies (Heavens) and earth, and what is in between them
and whatever is beyond them and whatever pleases Thee; Thou alone deserves to be praised, Glorified and Revered.
Whatever Thy bond-men have said - and all of us are Thy bond-men, the truth of it is that none can deprive what Thou
please to give and none can give what Thou please to deprive, none can reverse what Thou please to decree and the
riches of the rich can do no good to them without Thy assistance. Guide us on the SiraatAl Mustaqeem and unite the
Ummah on Haq as Thou uniteD the SAhaaba and make us follow them in every espect and Raise us with Them on the
Day of Qiyaamah.


AllaHumma Salli alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad wa alaa aalihi wa ashaabihi wa owlaadihi wa
ahlibaytihi wa dhurriyatihi wa muhibbihi wa atbaaehi wa ashyaaehi wa alaynaa maahoom
ajmaeen Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen!

Bestow Thy special blessings and mercy upon our Noble Master Muhammad(

), his family, his companions, his children, inmates of his house, his decendants
near and remote, his friends, his followers, his adherents, and on us along with all of them, O
Thee the Most Merciful and Compassionate of all.And include us in His
Jamaat Raise us on the Day of Judgement along with Him
and favour us with the honour of drinking from the Fountain of Kausar and enter us in Jannah
with our beloved Nabee

Narrated Abu Huraira :
The Prophet

said, "Take refuge with Allah from the difficulties of severe calamities, from having
an evil end and a bad fate and from the malicious joy of your enemies."
[Sahih Al Bukhari]
Volume 8, Book 77, Number 613:
Dua for Forgiveness

O my Allah, I am not worthy to enter your heaven but I am not strong enough for your hell

Accept my taubah, and forgive my sins, for you are The Forgiver of great sins

Oh Allah acept our duas verily you are Al-Mujeeb(the Answerer of Duas)
Ya Hafizo(oh Protector) protect us from all harm,calamities,devil's deception and your Anger
Ya Sabooro Ya Allaho grant us total patience in all our difficulties
Ya Allah grant us peace and contentment
Oh Allah make us faithful and obedient to you
Oh Lord we have wronged ourselves and if you do not forgive us And do not show mercy on us
then we are surely ruined! Please forgive all our sins major and minor,we are ashamed of them.
Ya Allah i love you
Ya Allah we offer thanx for all you have granted us and we appreciate it!
Oh Allah pardon me and my parents as you are the most merciful
Oh Allah cause us to die as true muslims
Oh Allah, give us the death of a martyr
Oh Lord, protect us from shirk and adultery
Oh lord! We believe in Thee so forgive us our sins and guard us from the purnishment of Hell!
Verily Allah is the greatest pardoner and the appreciator
Oh Allah grant us Jannatul firdous
Oh King of All Kings forgive our deseased!
Oh Allah grant us barkat in our risk,wealth and time
Oh Creator please turn our bad habits into good habits and make us performers of namaaz
Oh Allah, grant us the performance of Haj
Ya Allaho Ya Haadi grant us all your devine guidence
If you dont answer me now my Allah,who will i turn to? Please grant all duas we Ask with the
waseela of your beloved Muhammed (SAW)!
Ya Allah grant us good Long life with good Taqdeer!
Ya Allah save us from the purnishment of the grave!
Ya Allah you have created us so please help us with all our troubles,and grant all our duas,accept
our good deeds and repentance
Ameen Suma Ameen!


Sayyidun `Umar narrates that Nabi

Allah will record for the one who recites the following du` when
entering the market place a million rewards and remove million evil
deeds and elevate him a million stages.

Another narration has:

will build a home for him in Paradise.

L ilha illallhu wahdahu l sharka lahu lahul mulku wa lahul
hamdu yuhy wayumtu wahuwa hayyul
L yamtu biyadihil khayru wahuwa `al kulli shay in qadr

There is none worthy of worship besides

alone. He has no
partner. To Him belongs all kingdom and to Him belongs all praise.
He grants life and causes death. He is all living and never dies. In
His hand lies all good and He has power over all things
(Tirmidhi 3428/9)

We urge one and all especially business men to learn this du` and
recite it whenever in the market place. Also advertise it suitably to
encourage all Muslims to invest in this magnificent deal.
Let's strive to revive a Sunnah
Allahumma Saddid Qalbiee Wa Saddid Lisaani
Oh Allah (subhnahu wa ta'la) straighten my heart
and straighten my tongue.

When in any difficulty

"O Allah, I hope for Your mercy, do not leave me for even the duration of an eye blink (duration)
and correct my total condition. Besides You there is none worthy of worship".
(Hisnul Hasin)

Alternate dua

"Allah is sufficient for us and He is the Best Guardian".
(Quran, Surah Al-Imraan)

Alternatively recite

"Allah is my Lord, I do not ascribe anything unto Him".
(Hisnul Hasin from Abu Dawood)

or recite

"O Alive and everlasting One, I beseech You by Your mercy".
(Mustadrak Hakim)

O Ever Living, O Self-Subsisting and Supporter of all, by Your mercy I seek assistance, rectify for me all of my affairs
and do not leave me to myself, even for the blink of an eye.

"O Allah, there is none worthy of worship besides You. You are Pure, definitely I have oppressed
my soul by sinning".
Dis was recited by Hadrath Yunus (A.S.) wen he called upon Allah from the belly of the fish.

stated in a hadith that when any Muslim makes this dua via these words to
Allah, then Allah surely accepts his duas.
(Tirmidhi etc)

It is stated in a hadith that

is the medicine for 99 ailments, the least of which is depression.
(Baihaqi in Dawatul Kubra)
It means that these words are so beneficial and useful that big/great grievances, depression and
sorrow are easily removed in its stride.
Abdullah bin Abbas narrates that Nabie

stated that if a person

constantly makes "Astaghfar", then Allah removes every difficulty, frees him from every sorrow
and makes a means for him to receive sustencance from places that he never thought of.
(Mishkat from Ahmad)

Rabbi inni masenee durra wa anta ahmaraahimeen

Truly distress has seized me, but Thou art the Most Merciful of those that are merciful. [21:83]


asbiy Allh l ilha ill huwa alaihi tawakkaltu wahua rabbu l-arshi l-ahm

(Allah is sufficient for me. There is none worthy of worship but him. I have placed my trust in him
he is lord of the majestic throne)

Allah will grant whoever recites this seven times in the morning or evening whatever he desires
from this world or the next, Ibn As-Sunni (no. 71), Abu Dawud 4/321.


Allahumma Inni A'oozu bika min jahdil balaai wa darkiShaqaai wa sooilQadhai wa shamatatilA'adai
O Allah! I seek refuge in You from severe trials and hardships, to be overtaken by wretchedness and bad fate and
rejoicing of enemies -

O Allaah, guide me along with those whom You have guided, protect me (from evil and
harm) along with those whom You have protected, be an ally to me along with those whom
You are an ally to and bless for me that which You have bestowed. Protect me from the
evil You have decreed for verily You decree and none can decree over You. For surety, he
whom You show allegiance to is never abased and he whom You take as an enemy is
never honored and mighty. O our Lord, Blessed and Exalted are You.


To be recited every morning and evening:

Allaah humma Inni Aoozubika minal Hummi Wal Huzni Wa Aoozu bika minal Ajzi wal Kasli Wa
Aoozu bika minal Jubni wal Bukhli wa Aoozu bika min Ghalbatid Dayni Wa Qahrir Rijaali

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from agony and grief, and I seek refuge in You from incapability and
laziness, and I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness, and I seek refuge in You from
being overwhelmed by debt and the tyranny of men

As reported by Abu Umaama ,
I recited this dua and my worries began to go away and Almighty Allaah removed me from

(Abu Dawood Vol.1 Pg.217).
To soothe ill children

To soothe children during illness or at any harm recite:
"I seek refuge in Allah with His total words from the evil Satan, from every poisonous animal and
from the evil eye". (Bukhari)


Read and blow on the burnt person:

"O Lord of all mankind, remove the difficulty and grant relief (for)
there is no One but You who grants relief (cure)".

(Hisnul Hasin)

Blowing - let the two lips meet a little and blow in such a manner
that a little saliva emits.


A lovely to also make:

Allaahumma inni aoodhubika min khalilim maakirin aynaahu tarayaani wa qalbuhu yaraanie inra'aa hasanatan
dafa'ahaa wa inra'aa sayyiatan adhaa'ahaa!
O I seek Thy protection from a cunning friend who is constantly probing me with his eyes so that when
faults are discovered he discloses them to others and when good actions are seen he conceals and suppresses them!

Ya Allah, grant me sweetness of Imaan, for without it my life would not be complete. For without it, there will be no
peace in my heart, for without it, my heart will be empty...O Allaah, Controller of the hearts, direct our hearts to
obey You. Aameen

Hazrat Abu Umama reports that

made numerous duas but

some of us could not remember any of these duas.
We said to him:

! You have made immumerable duas but we do not remember any of


Should I not show you such a comprehensive dua which includes all these duas? Say:

Allahumma innin asaluka min khairi ma sa alaka minhu

nabiyyuka Muhammadun sallAllahu alaihi wasallam,

wa aoozubika min sharri mastaza minhu nabiyyuka

Muhammadun sallallahualaihi wasallam

wa antal musta an wa alaikul balagh

walahawla walaquwwata illa billah.

O Allah! I beg of You for all the good that Your Nabi Muhammad (

) asked of You and

I seek refuge from all the evil that Your Nabi Muhammad (

) sought refuge from.

You alone are the one from whom help is sought. And it is upon You to answer our plea. There is
no power to refrain from sins and to perform righteous deeds except from You.

Allahumma-jalni khayran mima yadhunoon wa-ghfir li ma la yalamoon wa la tuakhidhni bi ma

O Allah, make me better than what they think of me, and forgive me for what they do not know
about me, and do not take me to account for what they say about me.

[This supplication was not taught to us by the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam), but it is one
that his best friend, Abu Bakr (radi Allahu anhu) would make after being praised (some narrations
state that it was a duaa of Ali radi Allahu anhu).]
Forgiveness dua
My Lord, if my sins are great due to their number, I know that your forgiveness is greater.
I call upon you my Lord as you have commanded-with humility, so if You reject my hand than who will show mercy?
If none can have hope in You except for the righteous, than who is there for the transgressing criminals?
I have no path to You except hope, and your beautiful Forgiveness, and that I am a Muslim.

O Allah! The Lord of Nabi Sallallhu Alyhi wa Sallam, forgive my sins; remove the anger of
my heart; and as long as you keep us alive save me from the misleading fitnahs.

People do many good but 1 bad can spoil it 4 them in akiraah without askin forgivness or repentance
Often people do wrong and think lightly of it,nay we should always repent


save us from any bad thing dat can be our misfortune on da day of rekoning!

People do many bad BUT 1 good deed sometimes

cn grant jannat tru it,may

grant us da
hidayat to do millions of those!

grant us jannat-ul-Firdaus with our

as cumpany!

I seek refuge with Allah from Jubbul Huzn.(Valley in hell)

Please remember me in your duas
(Written by author)

Dua for exams.

"Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja'altu sahla, wa 'anta taj-alul hazna
idha shi'ta sahla"

O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy, and
You make the difficult easy if it be Your Will.

[Ibn Hibban]


The cure for all pysical and spiritual sicknesses is the recitation of Surah Fatiha(1st surah of the
Quraan).Read abundantly for all pains or ilnesses.Also very good for headeaches.

(VERY IMPORTANT: You have to have faith in it for better results and quraan ayats do work
extreemely fast)
Sunnah duas of visiting the sicks:

n hould ad h olloin :

There is no problem, If Allah wills, He will purge your sins by this illness."

And recite this dua seven times for his good health

"I ask Allah who is the Lofty and the Lord of the Mighty Throne that He cures you"

Nai Kam aid ha iin hi seven times, the ill person
will regain his health and if death occurs then that (death) is a different issue (i.e. death is
written it cannot be prevented).
Get ALL your sins forgiven EVERY TIME you dress.
""Whoever wears a garment and says:

"Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee kasaanee haathaa (aththawba) wa razaqaneehi min ghayri hawlim-
minnee wa laa quwwatin"
Praise be to Allah who has clothed me with this (garment) and provided it for me without any
strength or power on my part! is forgiven his past and future sins."
['Sahih al-Jami' #6086, Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ibn Maajah, At-Tirmidhi.]

Wa idha maridtu fahuwa yashfeeni
And when I am ill, it is [God-Allah] who cures me. (ash-Shu`ara,
(A supplication of Prophet Abraham [as])
Recitation of Morning and Evening Duas ~ DOWNLOAD RECITATION AND E-BOOK HERE



When drinking milk, you should read the following dua:

Allaah Humma Baarik Lana Feehi
Wa Zidna Minhu

O Allah grant us blessing in it and grant us more from it.
(Tirmizi Shareef Vol.2 Pg.183).



said that if one fears that any nation or army

may cause harm to his life or wealth, then he should read:

Allaah humma Inna Najaluka Fi Nuhoorihim Wa Naoozu bika min

O Allah, we beg of You to repel them and we seek refuge in You
from their evil.

(Abu Dawood Vol.1 Pg.215)

(*)Dua for Unseen Help

And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from
where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him [65:

Anger is a common spiritual disease:
Save dua-many of us need this dua:

Nabi Sallal Laahu Aalihi Wa Sallam
said that if a person reads (this) when he is angry, then his anger shall go away.

Aoozu Billaahi Minash Shaitaanir Rajeem

I seek refuge in Allaah from Shaitaan the cursed
(Tirmizi Shareef Vol.2 Pg.183).

# Angels get tired of writing reward #

When any person on the face of the earth recites the following
Dua the angels get tired writing its reward ,

tells the angels :

" That the servant has told the truth , write those words in his goods deeds. We will give
him its reward on the day of Qiyamah "


O ! My sustainer for YOU is praise befitting YOUR majestic countenance and YOUR great
( Targhib )


ALLAhumma inni asalookal hudaa wat tuqaa wal Afaafa wal ghinaa! Rabbi a'enne wAlaa tu'een
alayya wan surni wa laa tansur alayya wam kur li walaa tam kur alayya wahdiyal hudaa wa
yassirril hudaa li wansurni alaa manbaghaa alayya!

O I beg of Thee correct guidance, piety, modesty and freedom from being needy
towards others!
O do assist me and do not help anyone else against me;grant me success and do
not enable my enemy to get the better of me; do support me by Thy hidden manoeuvring and
do not favour my opponents in similar manner against me; grant me guidance and make it easy
for me to pursue the right path and help me in the event of an enemy rising against me!

O huma habbib ilaynal Imaan wa zayyinhu fiquloobinaa wa karrih ilaynal kufra wal fusooqa
wal esyaan wajalnaa minir raasedeen! humma tawaffanaa moeslimeena wal alhiqnaa bis
saliheena ghara khazaayaa walaa maftoonena!

O make Imaan Beloved to us and decorate our hearts with Imaan and fill our
hearts with dislike (hatred) towards disbelief (kufr), immorality and all sins and make us among
Thy virtuous and rightly guided servants!
O cause us to die as Moeslims and join us us with Thy righteous servants so that
we may be among those who were neither tested nor put to shame!

Dont let this worldly life take over your Akhirah (hereafter). Wipe your eyes when your vision
gets blurred and remember your purpose. We are here to impress the Creator and not His
creation. If your heart is attached to the world, you will often find yourself worrying. If your
heart is attached to Allah, He will ease all of your worries!


make us of his true beloveds and grant us understanding



It was narrated that Farwah bin Nawfal Al-Ashja'i ( )said: " I asked
Aishah( ) about how the Messenger of ALLAH

used to call upon ALLAH in supplication , and she said he use to say:

Allahumma, inni a'udhu bika min sharri ma amiltu wa min sharri ma lam a'mal
O ALLAH, I seek refuge with you from the evil of that which I have done, and from the evil
of that which I have nor done.
Let's strive to revive a Sunnah

SAHIH MUSLIM Volume 7 hadith no 6895

When rain exceeds the limits

"O Allah, let it rain around us and not on us. O Allah, let it rain on the peaks and mountains and the rivers and at the
(Tirmidhi, Bukhari, Muslim)

Narrated Abu Hurairah ( ): ALLAH'S

used to invoke(Allah):
"Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min 'adhabil-qabr,wa min 'adhabin-
nar,wa min fitnatil-mahya wal-mamat wa min fitnatil-masih Ad-

( O ALLAH! I seek refuge with you from the punishment in the
grave, from the punishment in the hell-fire, from the fitnah
of life death, the fitnah(trial the affliction)of al Masish

SAHIH AL BUKHARI volume 2 page no 264

It is on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah bin Sarjee Radi Allahu anhu that the Noble Prophet Sallal
Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam used to recite the following Dua before going on a

Allaah humma Anta Saahibu Fis Safaree Wal Khalifatu Fil Ahli Allaah humma Ashabna Fi
Safarina Wakhlufna Fi Ahlina Allaah humma Inni Aoozu bika miw wasaais safaree wa Kaabatil
Munqalabi Wa minal Hoori Badal Koori Wa min Dawatil Mazloomi Wa Sooil Manzari Fil Ahli wal
O Allah, You are The True Guide on my Journey and the
Protector of my Family. O Allah, You are Our True Guide on Our Journey and Our Protector of Our
Families. O Allah I seek refuge in You from the difficulties of this journey, from beholding a
miserable sight and on ill return in my family and wealth.

(Tirmizi Vol.1 Pg.181)
Dua for protection from Minor Shirk.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique ( ) has narrated that Rasulullah (

) said : Shirk in my Ummah is much more hidden than the pace of an ant
crawling upon a black stone.

Shirk is very hidden. It enters the heart very silently and very few are saved from it.

Upon hearing this, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique ( )asked :
How can one be saved from it?

Rasulullah (

) said :
Should I not show you such a supplication (dua) that if you recite it, you will be free from
minor and major shirk.

Hazrat Abu Bakr ( ) requested him to do so. Rasulullah (

) instructed him to say :

Allahumma innee aoozu bika min an ushrika bika shay-a`w wa-ana aalam wa-
astaghfiruka limaa laa aalam.

O Allah, I seek protection in You from that I ascribe partners to You knowingly and I seek
forgiveness from You for those things which I do not know.

Minor Shirk is the doing of good actions for show, name, fame or recognition
Supplication at the time of returning Home and on seeing one's Hometown:

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: We returned with the Prophet (

) from a journey; and when we entered the suburbs of Al-Madinah, he (


"Ayibuna, taibuna, `abiduna, li-Rabbina hamidun

(We are returning in safety, turning to our Rubb, worshipping Him and praising Him)."

He (

) continued repeating these words till we entered Al-Madinah.[Muslim].

When one returns from a journey and sees his town's highlights, he should start reciting
the invocation mentioned in this Hadith till he enters the city. These words express
gratitude to Allah for safe return to one's hometown; they also express repentance,
obedience and determination to worship Allah.
177/987 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)
O Thou the Comforter and Companion of all lonely persons,
O Thou who is near and not remote,
O Thou who is present and not away,
O Thou who overcomes all and is not subdued in any way,
O Thou the Everlasting and Eternal, the Majestic and Benevolent,
O Thou who is the light of the heavens and earth,
O Thou who is the embelishment of heavens and earth;
O Thou the Mighty Sovereign of the heavens and earth;
O Thou the sole support of the heavens and earth;
O Thou the Origanator of the heavens and earth;
O Thou the Sustainer of heavens and earth;
O Thou the Majestic and Benevolent;
O Thou who accedes to entreaties, and is the last resort of seekers of protection, relieves
the pain of people in anguish, soothes the sorrow of the grived ones, favourably responds
to the prayer of uneasy supplicants;
O Thou who removes all uneasiness,
O Diety (Ilaah) of the worlds;
O Thou who is Most Merciful and Compassionate of All, we humbly place all our needs
and wants before Thee!

(O Thee alone is Sufficient for us. Help and Assist the Ummah of Beloved Nabee (


O Most Loving we have forgotten Thee, please do not forget us. Forgive us, Guide us,
Assist us, Protect us from all evil and harm at all times, Grant us Honour and Respect and
do not disgrace us nor put us to shame.


Allahumma inni asaluka fila al-khayrat wa tarka al-munkarat wa hubba al-masakin wa an
taghfira li wa tarhamani. Wa itha aradta fitnata qawmin fa tawaffani ghayra maftun. Wa
asalaka hubbak wa hubba man yuhibbuk wa hubba amalin yuqarribuni ila hubbik
O Allah! I ask You [to enable me] to do good deeds, to avoid evil deeds, to love the poor,
and [I ask You] to forgive me and to have mercy on me. And if You want to try people,
then take me to You [i.e., cause me to die] untried. And I ask You for Your Love, the love
of those who love You, and the love of a deed that gets me closer to Your Love.
Why duas are NOT accepted
By Hadrath ml Yunus Patel (ra)

A person wants to go to Johannesburg but he sits in a train or a
plane bound for Cape Town, fully aware that the train or plane is
headed for Cape Town. He then makes dua that Allah Taala takes
him to Johannesburg. He will not reach Johannesburg.


Our foolishness is the same. Our tongues are making duaa in one
direction and our entire bodies are going in the opposite direction.
And then we ask as to why our duas are not answered

FOR EXAMPLE : There are so many parents that request duaa
from the pious, for the hidayat (guidance) of their children. They
complain that their children are disobedient and abusive, or
involved in illicit relationships, drugs, alcohol, and all kinds of

These parents say that they are making so much of duaa and
shedding so many tears over the condition of their children, and
they request more duaa.

However, a cursory glance in their homes, and one will find that
those same parents, who are making so much of duaa and
shedding so many tears, are the ones providing so much of Haraam
in the form of the television, music, Haraam video games,
indecent, shameless newspapers, magazines and novels, access to
the Internet porn sites, etc. all of which introduce and influence to
Fisq (sin) and Fujur (immorality).

Moreover, many of these parents are the personal chauffeurs of
their children : willingly taking them to the cinemas, theatres, to
clubs and other places of fitnah.

Rasulullah Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam had said : Every child is born
in a natural state of goodness. It is his parents who make him into a
Jew, Christian or Magian (fire worshipper)

Furthermore, these children are allowed to do as they please. They
are given liberties to keep any persons company, no matter how
bad the company may be; which is another means of their
Khaulah bint Hakim (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:
I heard the Messenger of Allah


"Whosoever alights somewhere and says:

`A`udhu bikalimat-illahit-tammati min sharri ma khalaqa

(I seek refuge with the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what
He has created), nothing will harm him until he leaves that place."

Wherever and whenever we stay, be it at night or in the day time,
for a short or long duration, we should recite this supplication.
174/982 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)
Abu Musa Al-Ashari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
When the Messenger of Allah

feared mischief from a people, he would supplicate:

"Allahumma inna naj`aluka fi nuhurihim, wa na`udhu bika min
shururihim (O Allah! We ask You to face them, and seek Your
Protection against their evil.)"
[Abu Dawud and An-Nasai].
Allah's Help, we are told, is a protection against all perils. Through
this prayer we seek His Help with the conviction that the deceptions
and designs of the infidels will turn back upon them.
173/981 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)

Save duas for time of need and share with those in need:
Dua When Faced with Grief or Sorrow

O Living One, O Self-existant One, by Your Mercy I seek help..



40 duas from Quraan- 40 Rabana go to link below


Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- Who knows (all
things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the
Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of
Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Superior,
the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they
attribute to Him He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the
Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful
Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His
Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise


An interpretation of the closing verses of Surah Hashr A
discussion expounding on the Magnificent Qualities of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Taala and the significant characteristics of His
Beautiful Names (Asma-ul-Husna)

Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala discuses about His Might! His
Perfection! His Sifaat (Qualities) He is Allah! There is no
one worthy of worship besides Allah Allah is the knower of the
Unseen (that which is hidden) and the Seen Allah has
knowledge of all those things that have occurred in the past Allah
has knowledge of all that is in the present Allah has knowledge
of all that is going to take place in the future Allah has knowledge
of everything! Nothing is hidden from Allah


He is the King! The kings of the world are not really kings
They are the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala and if we
call them Kings, then the King of all Kings is Allah!

Allah is most Pure! Allah is free of all defects! Free from
imperfection! Allah is PERFECT!

Maqal bin Yasaar (RadiAllahu Anhu) reports the the Messenger of
Allah (SalAllahu Alayhi Wasalam) as saying;
He who recites the last three verses of Surah al-Hashr in the
morning after saying; Aoozu Billaahis -samee il-aleemi minash-
Shaytaan ir-rajeem three times (I seek refuge with Allah, the All-
Hearing, All-Knowing, from the accursed Shaytaan) for him Allah
will appoint seventy-thousand angels to beseech mercy for him until
the evening, and if he dies the same day he will be given the status
of a martyr, and if he recites the verses in the evening the same will
apply to him till morning
[At-Tirmidhi, Daarimi]
Dua For The Progression Of Wealth

"O ALLAH ( ), descend mercy on Muhammad

who is Your servant and Rasul and all the male and female
Mo'mins and also all the male and female Muslims".

[Hisnul Hasin from Abu Yala]
Du'aa for Restlessness

Laa ilaaha illallaahul-Waahidul-Qahhaaru, Rabbus-samaawaati
walardhi wa maa baynahumal-Azeezul-Ghaffaaru.

There is none worthy of worship but Allah, the One, the Victorious,
Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, the
All-Mighty, the All-Forgiving.

[An-Nasai, Amalul-Yawm wal-Laylah, and Ibn As-Sunni.]

A dua by annonoumous siser (istigfaar)
A for forgiveness.
O My

. Ur grandeur power and might is greater then all the worlds and its contents.
Yet, i am not the weight of an atoms worth. U are kind and merciful, amongst so much more
attributes. Ur forgiveness and mercy can encapsulate the whole world and forgive all our sins in
just a moments notice.
O my merciful

, ur mercy is such- u forgive the sinner, yet we error time an again.

I ask for ur mercy, and ask u. Pls donot punish the ones i due to my errors and wrongs. Keep
them safe from harmsway.

correct my errors into virtue for both my loved ones and I.


i believe u can forgive me and allow forgiveness for me into the hearts- of the ones that i
. I beg of u MY RAbb forgive me, For noone other then thee will listen to my plea! Noone will
see and count the tears from my eyes, noone will hear the heartache in my heart, noone will hear
the silent pleas from my mind.
Ya Rabb, i am a sinner, i have dishonoured u with sin, bUT i turn in repentance asking for u to be
beside me. Asking for u to forgive me. Asking for u to forgive the ones that I , asking for u to
allow them to look beyond my errors and for them to forgive me.
I am weak Ya

- while U are great and strong. I get angry Ya

- while u are forgiving. I am humAn


while U are My RAbb, my creator, MY Sustainer, My cherisher.


, i , bUt U more then what i can.


, i cause disarray, while U unite.


., i repent to u, U can forgive.


, i long ,u can bring back.


, i lose, u can reimburse me with better.


we harbour ill feelings, u cure us, for only U can truly cure.

- accept my tears and remorse.


- forgive this sinner and my plentiful errors!


- u forgiveness- forgive me.

A Beautiful Dua on this Auspicious Day :
Yaa Allah, I am your humble slave and servant, Ya Mujeebut Dawaat
(the answerer of Duas), Make me Mustajaabut Dawaat(one whose Duas are answered).
Forgive All my sins (major and minor) those committed knowingly and unknowingly,
Those sins committed in the brightness of the day or the darkness of the night.
Ya Allah forgive my family, my ancestors and my progeny to come. Ya Allah
keep my family and I steadfast on Deen. Dont disgrace us in
this dunya or in the aakhirah. Protect us from the evils of this dunya and the azaab
of the Qabr and Aakhirah.
Ya Allah grant us all that which good which Nabi Sallalahu
Alaihi Wasallam asked for and protect us from all that which Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi
Wasallam sought protection from.
Ya Allah grant the ummah protection from oppression and harm. Grant the marhoomeen
the highest stages in jannah. Ya Allah when you call us back to meet you let us leave the
world with the kalimah La ilaha illalah Muhammadur Rasullulah sallalahu alaihi wasallam
on our tongues and raise us amongst the best of your creation on the day of qiyaamat. Let
us be the fortunate ones who Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasallam will give water to from the
Haudh e Kauthar and let Nabi Sallalahu alaihi Wasallam be proud to call us his Ummatis.
Ya Allah I raise my begging bones only before you begging and pleading for
forgiveness and all that which is good. Ya Allah dont turn us away with our Duas
unanswered:(InshaAllah Aameen.Make Maaf and rememeber my family and in ur Pious
Duas..Golden Words: Real Richness is When, You Are So Expensive. that No One can
Buy Your Character

Duas For Increasing The Memory

Place your right hand on your forehead after every Fardh Salaat
and recite, Yaa Qawiyyu 11 times.

Transliteration: Allahumma inni asaluka ilman-naajihan

O Allah! I ask You for useful Knowledge

Transliteration: Subhanaka la ilma lana illa ma allamtana innaka
antal-Alimul Hakim

Glory be to you, we have no knowledge except what you have
taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise (Surah
Baqarah; 2:32)

Transliteration: Rabbi zidni ilman war zuqni fahmaa

OAllah! Advance me in Knowledge and true understanding

Transliteration: Ya Alimu, alimni

OAll-Knowing, grant me knowledge

Transliteration: Rabbi zidni ilma

OMy Lord! Advance me in Knowledge (Surah Ta-Ha; 20:114)

Save and try to read Morning and evening

Dua for protection

O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness and Your protection in this world and the next. O Allah, I
seek Your forgiveness and Your protection in my religion, in my worldly affairs, in my
family and in my wealth. O Allah, conceal my secrets and preserve me from anguish. O
Allah, guard me from what is in front of me and behind me, from my left, and from my right,
and from above me. I seek refuge in Your Greatness from being struck down from beneath

Allaahumma 'innee 'as'alukal-'afwa wal'aafiyata fid-dunyaa wal'aakhirati, Allaahumma
'innee 'as'alukal-'afwa wal'aafiyata fee deenee wa dunyaaya wa 'ahlee, wa maalee,
Allaahum-mastur 'awraatee, wa 'aamin raw'aatee, Allaahum-mahfadhnee min bayni
yadayya, wa min khalfee, wa 'an yameenee, wa 'an shimaalee, wa min fawqee, wa
'a'oothu bi'adhamatika 'an 'ughtaala min tahtee.

Sahih Ibn Majah 2/332 and Abu Dawud.

Hazrat Umar narrates that ( )
never missed reciting this in the morning and evening (Abu Dawood)

Hazrat Ma'qal bin Yasaar (R.A) narrates:
Once I expressed my fears to Rasulullah over 5 things in my life.
-I feared that I would be misled or deviate from the Siraatul-
-The second was regarding my life. I feared harm or illness would
befall me.
-The third was about my children, that they would suffer Deeni or
worldly harm.
-My fourth concern was my wife, that she too may suffer physical or
spiritual harm.
-The fifth fear I had was over my wealth, should there occur a loss
of income or property.

After listening to my fears, Rasulullah taught me the following Dua:

To be recited 3 times morning and evening,

''Bismillahi ala deeni wanafsi wawaladi wa ahli wa mali''

("May the blessings of Allah be on my Deen, life, children, family
and wealth.")

[Kanzul-Ummaal, Vol.2, P.636]
Dua for Protection against the torment of the grave..

. (

. (


Allaahumma 'aafinee fee badanee, Allaahumma 'aafinee fee
sam'ee, Allaahumma 'aafinee fee basaree, laa 'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta.
Allaahumma 'innee 'a'oothu bika minal-kufri, walfaqri, wa 'a'oothu
bika min 'athaabil-qabri , laa 'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta.


), make me healthy in my body. O ALLAH


), preserve for me my hearing. O ALLAH (

preserve for me my sight. There is none worthy of worship but You.

), I seek refuge in You from disbelief and

poverty and I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave.
There is none worthy of worship but You.

InshaAllah ... Allah Humma Aameen...

[Abu Dawud 4/324, Ahmad 5/42, An-Nasa'i, 'Amalul-Yawm wal-
Laylah (no. 22), Ibn As-Sunni (no. 69), Al-Bukhari Al-'Adab Al-
Mufrad. Its chain of transmission is good (Hasan), Ibn Baz, p. 26]
Prophetic dua: O Allah, I ask You 4 everlasting faith felt intimately in my heart. Bless me with certainty after
which there is no unbelief.

Ya Allaah bless me with the faithful acceptance of truth like Abu Bakr, the leadership of Umar, the humility of
Uthman & the wise Judgment of Ali.

Ya Allaah bless me with the courage of Hamza, the barakah in wealth of Ibn 'Auf, the tune of Ubay ibn Ka'b, &
the memory of Abu Hurayrah.

Ya Allaah bless me with the knowledge of Ibn Masud, the insight into Qur'aan like Ibn Abbas, the will of Usama
ibn Zaid & the answered du'aa of Saad.

Ya Allaah grant me the tawbah of Abu Lubaba, the service of Anas, the beauty of Dihya, the eloquence of
Ja'far, the command of Khalid & the zuhd of Abu ad-Darda.

Ya Allaah bless me with friendship like Salman, the endurance of Bilal, the fearlessness of Al-Qa'qaa' & the
tahajjud prayers of Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al Aas.

Ya Allaah bless me with multiple Hajj & adherence to the Sunnah like Ibn Umar, the knowledge of Aisha, the
empathy of Umm Sulaym, & the long hand of Zaynab.

Ya Allaah grant me the steadfastness & assurance of Khadijah, the guardianship of Hafsah, the favour of
Saffiyah, the nobility of Umm Salamah.

Ya Allaah be pleased with all those who stood by Your Prophet Muhammad (salAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) and
allow us to follow their way & path.


All Praise is due to ALLAH TA'ALA, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

Peace, Blessings and Saluations be upon our Beloved Master, the Rasul and Beloved of ALLAH TA'ALA, the
Seal of all Prophets and Mercy unto the Worlds--Sayyedena Muhammad

O ALLAH, one major sin that we have committed is that we have stopped inviting towards good and we have
stopped preventing people from doing that which is Haraam.

O ALLAH, instead, we invite others to Haraam and we prevent them from doing good.

O ALLAH, we now consider evil deeds as good and we consider good deeds as evil.

O MY ALLAH, we do not want to go to Jahannum alone, so we pull others along with us. We invite them to
zina(adultery), to drugs, to drink, to the rave clubs, to music, to casinos and to everything Haraam.

O MY BELOVED ALLAH, give us the realization that we are paving the way to our destruction and the
destruction of others.

O MY ALLAH, give each and every one of us the taufeeq (Divine assistance) of making 'Amr bil Ma'roof and
Nahy anil munkar' (The enjoining of what is good and the forbidding of what is evil), within our homes, amongst
our families, in our societies, and calling -- one and all -- towards the Deen of Islam.

O ALLAH, keep us steadfast on the path of Siraatul Mustaqeem.

O ALLAH, accept this du'aa of mine & of everyone reading it

Subhaanarabbika Rabbil Izzati Amma Yassifoon Wassalaamun Alal Mursaleen Walhumdulillahir Rabbil

All Praise is due to ALLAH TA'ALA, The Most Beneficient, The Most Merciful.

Salaat and Salaam be upon our beloved Master, the Nabi and Beloved of ALLAH TA'ALA,
the Seal of all Prophets and Mercy unto the Worlds -- Sayyedena Muhammad


O MY BELOVED ALLAH, if a dog is kicked from one butcher, it can go to another...

... O ALLAH, if a beggar is chased from one home, he can go to another...

... But O MY ALLAH, if YOU reject us, then where do we go ?...

... O MY ALLAH, there is no one for us except YOU.

O ALLAH, don't turn away YOUR glance of Mercy because of our sins.

O MY ALLAH, if YOU turn away YOUR glance of Mercy, then there is nothing for us but
destruction in this World, destruction in the Qabr and destruction in the Aakhirah.

O MY ALLAH, forgive our sins, guide us, protect us, give us the taufeeq of sincere taubah,
and keep us steadfast on the path of Siraatul Mustaqeem.

O MY BELOVED ALLAH, accept this du'aa of mine and of everyone reading it

Subhaanarabbika Rabbil 'Izzati 'Amma Yassifoon Wasalaamun 'Alal Mursaleen
Walhumdulillahir Rabbil 'Aalameen.
Supplication at the time of Riding:

Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: Whenever the
Messenger of Allah (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) mounted his camel for setting out
on a journey, he would recite: "Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest)," thrice.

Then he (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) would supplicate:

"Subhanal-ladhi sakh-khara lana hadha, wa ma kunna lahu muqrinin, wa inna
ila Rabbina lamunqalibun. Allahumma inna nasaluka fi safarina hadh al-birra
wat-taqwa, wa minal-`amali ma tarda. Allahumma hawwin `alaina safarana
hadha, watwi `anna bu`dahu. Allahumma Antas-Sahibu fissafari, wal-Khalifatu
fil-ahli. Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min wa`tais-safari, wa kaabatil-manzari,
wa suil-munqalabi fil-mali wal-ahli wal-waladi (Far removed from imperfection
is the One Who has made this subservient to us, for we have no power to
subjugate it, and certainly to our Rubb shall we return. O Allah, we ask You
during this journey of ours for righteousness, piety and such deeds as are
pleasing to You. O Allah, make easy for us this journey of ours and make the
distance short for us. O Allah, You are our Companion during the journey and
the Guardian of the family and the property in our absence. O Allah, I seek
refuge in You from the hardships of travelling, unhappiness connected with
ghastly scenes and evil turns in property and family)

." When he returned, he recited this supplication making addition of these

"Ayibuna, taibuna, `abiduna, li-Rabbina hamidun (We are those who return;
those who repent; those who worship and those who praise our
Would you like your heart to soften and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to answer your

"And they feed, for the love of Allah, the poor, the orphan, and the captive..."
[Soorah al-Insaan, 8]

A man once came to Nabi Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam, and complained that he feels
hardness in his heart. Nabi Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam said, (what translated means),
"Would you like that your heart becomes soft and that you acquire what you need? Be
merciful with the orphan, pat his head and feed him from what you eat. This will soften
your heart, and enable you to get what you need."
[At-Tabaraanee & As-Silsilah as-Saheehah]

bless us all with long life so that we may accumulate the maximum amount of good deeds.


bless us with good health, bless us with prosperity,bless us with happiness,bless us with
contentment,bless us with Zuhd( not to be obsessed with the material world) with sabr and shukr,bless us with
a life of taqwa, bless us with your Ma'rifah,bless us with your yaqeen, oh

bless us with your Muhabbat.


, bless us with Istiqaamat. Bless us with steadfastness in our imaan.

Oh controller of hearts,make our hearts firm on your deen.


bless us with the Ittiba(obedience) of Rasulullah


grant us Taufeeq of following the sunnats of Nabi


,bless us with the best of the Dunya and Aakhirah.

Ya Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) !!!

Make my love for YOU the most beloved thing to me and make my fear for YOU the most fearful thing to
me...and remove from me all worldly needs & wants
by instilling a passion for meeting YOU...
And when YOU have given the people of the world the pleasure of their world, make the coolness of my eyes
(pleasure) in worshiping YOU...


Ameen Ya Rabul Allameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen


O ALLAH, if You forgive us then You will become pleased, Your Beloved Rasul e Paak
Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam will become pleased and we will become pleased. The only one
who will remain displeased is Shaytaan.

O ALLAH, through the waseela of Rasoolula Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam make us recite
the kalimah at the time of death and make us wake up with kamil imaan on the day of


Send a Dua Asking for Allahs Forgiveness
1. Allah, I ask forgiveness of You for the injustice I committed against Your servants. Whomever of Your
servants I have hurt, physically or in their dignity or in their property, give them of Your bounty which lacks
nothing. And I ask You to honour me with Your mercy which encompasses all things. I am in great need of
Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful. Ameen.
2. O Allah please forgive all the Muslims of the Ummah, make their trials easy on them, and let us all meet in
Jannah. Ameen
3. Allah, I ask You for pardon and well-being in this life and the next. O Allah, I ask You for pardon and well-
being in my religious and worldly affairs, and my family and my wealth. O Allah, veil my weaknesses and set
at ease my dismay. Ameen
4. O Allah, if tonight there is hatred in our hearts, change it to love. If our hearts are dirty make them clean. If
our hearts got hurt, heal them. O Allah, please see our tears. Change the sorrow of anyone reading this prayer
into happiness. Reserve your mercy for us Your servants, who love you so much. Forgive our sins Allah.
Please forgive them. Ameen
5. Dear Allah. Tonight. And each night from tonight. Please forgive our sins. Open the doors of mercy to us
all. Ameen
6. O Allah, I ask forgiveness of You for the injustice I committed against Your servants. Whatever of Your
male or female servants whom I have hurt, physically or in their dignity or in their property give them of Your
bounty which lacks nothing. And I ask You to honour me with Your mercy which encompasses all things. I am
in great need of Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
7. O Allah! Forgive our living and our dead, those who are with us and those who are absent, our young and
our old, our men and our women. O Allah! Whomever you keep alive from us keep him alive on Islam, and
whomever you take away from us, take him as a believer. Ameen
8. Dear Allah, You are my Lord and I am your slave. I regret all my sins and ask you for forgiveness. Forgive
me because only you can forgive. Grant me Mercy as only you can grant Mercy. You are the Real King. Bless
us always. I love you. Thank you for giving us Islam which is a real favour on us. Ameen
9. Ya Allah, please forgive my sins that I may have committed and please forgive the sins of my parents,
children, brothers and sisters in Islam and please also forgive the sins of every single member of HOTD.
10. O Lord, my sins are like the highest mountain, my good deeds are so few. I turn to you, my heart full of
shame, my eyes full of tears. Bestow Your mercy upon me May Allah bless you all! Ameen.
Send a Dua Asking for Allahs Comfort
1. Dear Allah, I pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love, and guidance.
I may not know their troubles, but you do. Please keep protecting us. Ameen.
Send a Dua Asking for Mercy and Forgiveness
1. Dear Allah, You are my Lord and I am your slave. I regret all my sins and ask you for forgiveness. Forgive
me because only you can forgive. Grant me Mercy as only you can grant Mercy. You are the Real King. Bless
us always. I love you. Thank you for giving us Islam which is a real favour on us. Ameen.
2. Allah by your Mercy, give us knowledge, patience and make our speech eloquent, and our heart brave,
forgiving, and full of love for the believers. Ameen.
3. Oh Allah. Open the Doors of Mercy for me. Ameen
4. I know you are there Allah. I know you see my tears. I know you hear my prayers. I know you are testing
me. And all I ask from you is to strengthen my Imaan so I can handle the struggles in life and have patience. I
love you my Lord. My Allah. Please keep me safe. Ameen
5. Dear Allah. Please grant me and every member of HOTD and their friends and family a safe passage on the
Day of Judgement. Protect us in your shade. Be Merciful to us on the day when we will all require Mercy. I
love you Allah. I love you so much and I love Muhammad (peace be upon him) Thank-you Allah for giving us
such an amazing example to follow in our beautiful Prophet (peace be upon him).
6. O Allah, I ask You for pardon and well-being in this life and the next. O Allah, I ask You for pardon and
well-being in my religious and worldly affairs, and my family and my wealth. O Allah, veil my weaknesses
and set at ease my dismay. Ameen
Send a Dua Asking for Strength and Protection
1. I know you are there Allah. I know you see my tears. I know you hear my prayers. I know you are testing
me. And all I ask from you is to strengthen my Imaan so I can handle the struggles in life and have patience. I
love you my Lord. My Allah. Please keep me safe. Ameen.
2. I seek protection from Allah against the Devil. In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful the Most
3. We all get stressed. About small & big things. About our jobs, families, personal situations. We all deal with
stress differently. When Im stressed I close my eyes & silently say La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadar Rasul
Allah with such conviction like nothing else matters in the whole wide world & the stress for that moment
simply goes away. This really works for me & I wanted to share it with you guys. Try it too.
Dua on Making a Decision
1. Whatever plans I have in mind, Allah I surrender them to You. I will do the best I can but in the end, let
Your will be done. Ameen!
Send a Dua for People Who Have Left Us
1. Tonight lets make a special dua for those people who have left us. May Allah forgive their sins and enter
them into Jannah. May Allah also give us the patience to deal with such losses and the appreciation that
everything comes from Allah. We all came from Allah and we will return to Allah one day. I hope youre all
keeping safe InshaAllah. Ameen!
2. Allah! Forgive our living and our dead, those who are with us and those who are absent, our young and our
old, our men and our women. O Allah! Whomever you keep alive from us keep him alive on Islam, and
whomever you take away from us, take him as a believer. Ameen.
Send a Dua for Your Family
1. Ya Allah, please forgive my sins that I may have committed and please forgive the sins of my parents,
children, brothers and sisters in Islam and please also forgive the sins of every single member of HOTD.
2. Dear Allah. Please grant me and every member of HOTD and their friends and family a safe passage on the
Day of Judgement. Protect us in your shade. Be Merciful to us on the day when we will all require Mercy. I
love you Allah. I love you so much and I love Muhammad (peace be upon him) Thank-you Allah for giving us
such an amazing example to follow in our beautiful Prophet (peace be upon him).
3. Tonight I want to make a special dua for my family. Who we always take for granted. Have we ever sat
down even for 5 minutes to count how fortunate we are to have a great family? Their support, love and
encouragement help us so much. Tonight on behalf of my family I pray Allah keeps YOUR families safe and
away from harm. Tonight HOTD remembers the importance of family and parents. Ameen!
4. Another day passes and the whole universe belongs to Allah. Allah I ask for you to keep my family and I
safe. To bless us. To keep our love strong. Ameen
5. Dear Allah, today I ask from you just one thing. That you give me and every single member of HOTD and
our families a safe passage to Jannah on the Day of Judgement. Ameen
6. Hope youre all keeping safe in this cold weather. May Allah protect us all. Always. Ameen!
Send A Dua Just to be Thankful and to Send Praise to Allah
1. Praise be to Allah whom all people praise in different languages. He is the Most Bounteous and the Most
Beneficent. I praise and thank Him in order to receive His pleasing Gifts. Allah please also bless HOTD and all
its members. Ameen.
2. Dear Allah, today I really want to thank you, for giving me this beautiful life, this experience of joy, pain,
sadness, there is nothing I could ask for more, and when my time comes, I know in my heart that you will be
with me. Ameen.
3. The best word of remembrance is: L ilha illallah and the best supplication is: Alhamdulillh.
4. I believe there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his servant and Messenger.
5. Dear Allah. I have 1 word for you. SubhanAllah. Thank-you for everything you have given me. I love you
and I always will.
6. Dear Allah. Today I really want to thank you, for giving me this beautiful life, this experience of joy, pain,
sadness, there is nothing I could ask for more, and when my time comes, I know in my heart that you will be
with me. Ameen
7. A person without Islam and Allah is like a captain who finds himself in the midst of an uncharted sea,
without compass, rudder and steering wheel. He never knows where he is, which way he is going and where he
is going to land.
8. I believe there is None worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his Servant
& Messenger.
9. Allahu Akbar! Allah is the Greatest
10. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his Servant & Messenger. May Allah
accept our good deeds. Ameen
11. Ya Allah! In this world of overrated pleasures, and underrated treasures, Im glad there is You!
12. How blessed are we to have hot food all the time? Today at lunchtime I thought to myself we are never
short of food for us or our children. We are so lucky. We should be thankful to Allah for the small things we
take for granted. Look at people all over the world who dont have these luxuries which we take for granted
every single day. May Allah give us humility to never forget how lucky we truly are. Ameen
13. Allah sometimes gives and sometimes takes. He is sometimes pleased and sometimes displeased with our
deeds. Whether a thing is beneficial or harmful to me, I will remain firm in my belief and remain thankful to
my Creator. Ameen
14. All Praise is for Allah who treats me with clemency, just as if I have no sin. So my Lord is the most praised
by me of all, and most worthy of my praise. O Allah! I find the roads of wishes to You wide open and I know
that You are for those who ask You in the position of answer, And for those who are distressed, You are in a
posture of rescue. Ameen .
Send A Dua in Ramadan for the Less Fortunate
1. Tonight, a few days before Ramadan, lets make a dua for all Muslims worldwide who are suffering from
poverty, floods, injustice or other calamities. Whether theyre from Kashmir, Pakistan, Iraq, or anywhere else,
lets all pray that Allah keeps them and us all safe. Ameen.
Send A Dua for Someone Facing Troubled Times in their Marriage
1. Tonight. Right now. This very moment. This very second. Lets make a very very special dua. For those
who are experiencing problems in their marriages. For those who feel despair. For those who have lost hope. I
feel for all of you. I pray that our Allah brings you hope, brings you joy, brings you faith and brings you
success. I pray Allah protects us all. Ameen. Ameen. Ameen
2. Lets pray that Allah gives all married couples the patience and common sense to deal with any problems
smoothly and with a big heart! Ameen
Send A Dua for A Friend or A Sister Expecting A Baby
1. Today lets make a very special dua to all those sisters who are pregnant or who have just given birth. May
Allah bless your children with Imaan and Health. May Allah ease your pains and give you so much love and
patience to take care of your new angels HOTD wishes you all the best and may Allah protect us all.
Send A Dua for the Less Fortunate
1. How blessed are we to have hot food all the time? Today at lunchtime I thought to myself we are never short
of food for us or our children. We are so lucky. We should be thankful to Allah for the small things we take for
granted. Look at people all over the world who dont have these luxuries which we take for granted every
single day. May Allah give us humility to never forget how lucky we truly are. Ameen
2. Tonight lets make a dua for those people less fortunate than us. We have so much to be thankful to Allah
for and yet we still complain and are generally ungrateful. Lets spare a thought for those people who dont
have warm houses, hot food, loving families. May Allah show us humility and make us realise how blessed we
really are. Ameen.
3. Just spare a thought for millions of people in Africa who are facing the worst drought ever. They have
nothing to eat or drink for weeks or even months. The temperature over there is much higher than where we
are. We should take this opportunity and thank Allah for the bounties He has given us and thank Him for the
mercy and the food that we have at our tables at the end of the day. Ameen
4. Today I make a Dua, a prayer, for all the innocent people who are losing their lives in Pakistan & elsewhere
in the world. Small children are being orphaned, innocent women and men are killed daily. I pray Allah gives
them all the strength and patience to deal with such tough times. HOTD remembers you all. May Allah ease
their pain. Ameen
5. Today lets make a dua for all those innocent Muslims who are losing their lives. Whether in Libya, Iraq or
Egypt, may Allah grant them Jannah. Whether in Tunisia, Afghanistan or Pakistan, may Allah grant them
Jannah. Lets take a moment and make this Dua for them all. Ameen
6. I pray Allah keeps all the innocent people in Egypt safe from harm and danger. May Allah ease their pain
and suffering and grant them patience as patience is so very important in today time. Ameen
Send A Dua for the Women in Our Lives
1. Tonight lets make a special dua for our Mothers. Not only have they loved and protected us all our lives,
but theyve kept us safe. When was the last time we all sat our mothers down and said I love and appreciate
you Just imagine how happy that would make our mothers. So may Allah bless all our mothers, past and
present with Jannah because no-one deserves it more than they do. Ameen.
2. Ok brothers lets make a Dua for all the women in our lives. Whether theyre mothers, daughters, sisters or
wives (No girlfriends I hope!) May Allah bless the women in our life and grant them Jannah. Its important to
appreciate people. As men, do we really appreciate our wives and mothers? If not, lets start today. Lets really
make an effort guys. May Allah bless them with happiness. Ameen
3. Today a message for us brothers. Do we really appreciate our wives? Our Prophet said A Muslim must not
hate his wife, and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, let him be pleased with one that is good So
today, tell your wife you love her. Give her a hug. Buy her flowers. Tell her she is beautiful. No marriage is
perfect and we all need to make an effort. So today, you make the effort.
Send A Dua for Someone Going Through Difficult Times
1. Today lets make a very special dua for those people going through difficult times. Life can be stressful and
we all worry about different things, jobs, family, marriage, money etc. Allah tests those whom he loves. Its
how we deal with things that are important. I pray Allah makes it easy for me and also for you. Ameen.
Ameen. Ameen.
2. Heres a beautiful supplication for times of trials and tribulation:
????? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? Allahumma innaa na`udhu bika minal fitani ma dhahara minha
wa ma batan. (God, we seek refuge in you from turmoil, manifest and hidden)
3. Allah sometimes gives and sometimes takes. He is sometimes pleased and sometimes displeased with our
deeds. Whether a thing is beneficial or harmful to me, I will remain firm in my belief and remain thankful to
my Creator. Ameen
Send A Dua for Victims of Natural Disasters
1. Lets pray for all the victims of Haiti. May Allahs mercy be bestowed on them. I feel so sorry for the people
who have lost loved ones and the millions who have lost their homes. I pray they somehow try to get through
this tragedy. Ameen.
2. Once again, lets make a dua this Jumma for all the people affected by the earthquake in Indonesia. Over
1000 people have now died and many more are seriously injured & homeless. Earthquakes can happen
anywhere, it could happen in the very room youre sitting in, so lets collectively make a dua. HOTD
remembers you Indonesia. Our duas are with you. Ameen
3. Tonight lets make a special dua for the people of Chile. Were all reading this message from the comfort of
our warm houses but some people in Chile (and other parts of the world) have lost absolutely everything;
houses, jobs, even loved ones. May Allah ease their pain & suffering. Lets be thankful for what WE have.
Ameen. Tonight HOTD is with Chile.
4. Tonight Id like us all to make a special dua for all those people who have lost their lives in the terrible
floods in Pakistan. May Allah grant them Jannah and forgive them their sins and grant their loved ones the
patience to deal with. Ameen
5. Tonight the thoughts of HOTD are with the loss of innocent lives in the Flotilla. May Allah help those who
were simply helping others by bringing aid to Gaza. This is a time for deep prayer not violence. Everyone
please spare a moment right now to make a special dua for those special people.
6. I wanted all of us to make a special dua for the people who lost their lives in the air crash in Islamabad,
Pakistan. May Allah grant them Jannah and forgive their sins. May Allah also grant patience to their families
and loved ones. Ameen.
Send A Dua for the Recently Departed
1. Tonight lets make a dua for people who have recently died. I get a lot of emails from people whose parents
or close family members have sadly passed away and tonight let HOTD remember all those who have left this
world for the next. May Allah forgive their sins and grant them Jannah. May Allah also grant their loved ones
the patience and strength to deal with such grief. Ameen.
2. Today lets make a special dua for the families of the 3 young men sadly killed in the rioting that occurred in
Birmingham, UK recently. May Allah grant them Jannah and give their families the patience to deal with this
loss. Ameen.
Send a Dua for Someone Looking for A Job
1. Today lets make a dua for all those people who are looking for work. Whatever Allah does is always for the
best. As long as we understand this InshaAllah we can cope with our struggles a little easier. May Allah grant
those looking for work, patience and secure them a good job. Ameen.
Send A Dua for Someone Who Has Accepted Islam
1. Today lets make a special dua for all those people who have accepted Islam. Allah has really blessed them
and theyre an inspiration to all of us. May Allah ease their troubles and grant them Jannah. Ameen!
Send A Dua for Our Dearest Parents
1. Tonight lets make a special dua for parents. Some of us take our parents for granted, thinking they will
always be here to love and comfort us but one day they wont be here. So treasure your time with them. Look
after them like they looked after you. We could have been neglected when we were small but we were all
loved and blessed. So lets make a dua that Allah blesses all parents, past and present with Jannah. May Allah
grant us the patience to deal patiently with them in their old age as they dealt patiently with us when we were
small and young. May Allah always bless them and reward them for loving and protecting us. No-one is
perfect. But we owe our parents A GREAT DEAL. May Allah grant them Jannah. Ameen.
2. Lets start this weekend with a special dua. A special prayer for our parents. Past and Present. Wherever
they are, whatever they are doing may Allah keep all our parents so safe and away from harm. As children, we
owe our parents so much. I dont think I could do for my kids, what our parents did for us. I hope Allah grants
them Jannah. Ameen
3. Asalaam Alaykum. Tonight lets make a dua for our special amazing & wonderful parents. They raised us
with such love & commitment. I hope we are showing them the same love and commitment today. When we
were young they walked slowly so we could keep up, in their old age lets not walk too fast so they cant keep
up. May Allah grant my parents and your parents, past and present the highest level of Jannah. Ameen
4. Asalaam Alaykum. So who shall we do a dua for today? How about fathers? Fathers arent perfect but
neither are we. One thing is for sure our fathers have loved & protected us when we were young & helpless.
They did more for us than we can possibly imagine. May Allah protect my wonderful father & may Allah
protect your father too. Tonight HOTD remembers fathers. May Allah bless them all with Jannah. Ameen!!
5. Tonight lets make a dua for our parents. Past or Present. May Allah grant us the patience to deal patiently
with them in their old age as they dealt patiently with us when we were small and young. May Allah always
bless them and reward them for loving and protecting us. No-one is perfect. But we owe our parents A
GREAT DEAL. May Allah grant them Jannah. Ameen
6. Today lets make a special dua for our mothers. For our gorgeous amazing loving mothers. Who do so much
for us. Who have sacrificed so much for us. Who put up so much from us! Do we ever tell them how special
they are? Maybe we should. Today HOTD is praying all mothers (and fathers) receive Allahs blessing and
that as children, we all appreciate them every single. day.Ameen!
7. Today lets make a special dua for our parents. May Allah keep our parents away from harm. May Allah
give us the patience to deal with them in their old age as they dealt with us in our young age. When we were
small and couldnt walk fast our parents slowed their walking down to suit us, are we slowing our walking
now to suit them as they are old. May we never forget how much they have done for us. Ameen
8. Tonight lets make a dua for someone really special. I mean, really REALLY special. Our wonderful
Mother. Whether past or present, may Allah bless our amazing mothers with Jannah. May Allah give us the
intelligence & Imaan to really look after them. Tonight Hadith of the Day pays tribute to all mothers and prays
Allah grant them Jannah. Ameen!
9. We all love our parents. I make a dua this evening that all our parents, past and present enter Jannah safely.
10. Today lets make a special dua for our mothers, Past or Present. May Allah bless them with Jannah. May
we never forget how much our mothers have done for us when we were small & helpless. Are we showing
them the same support & love? Today I make a dua that Allah keeps all mothers safe. Ameen!
11. Tonight lets make a special dua for our Mothers. Not only have they loved & protected us all our lives, but
theyve kept us safe. When was the last time we all sat our mothers down & said I love and appreciate you
Just imagine how happy that would make our mothers. So may Allah bless all our mothers, past and present
with Jannah because no-one deserves it more than they do. Ameen.
Send A Dua for Our Daughters
1. Today I want to make a really special dua for daughters. Whether they are young or old, daughters have a
very special place in all our hearts. It`s amazing that just one small hug from your daughters can mean so
much. I pray Allah blesses my daughters and I pray Allah blesses all daughters with Imaan and Jannah.
Send A Dua for the Men in Our Lives
1. Asalaam Alaykum. So who shall we do a dua for today? How about fathers? Fathers arent perfect but
neither are we. One thing is for sure our fathers have loved and protected us when we were young and helpless.
They did more for us than we can possibly imagine. May Allah protect my wonderful father and may Allah
protect your father too. Tonight HOTD remembers fathers. May Allah bless them all with Jannah. Ameen!!
2. Right sisters! Did you think I forgot about you? The HOTD brothers all made a Dua earlier this week
and now its your turn InshaAllah. So raise your hands and make a Dua that all the men in your life, husbands,
fathers, brothers and sons remain safe and under the protection of Allah. May they stay on the right path. May
they receive your support and the blessings of Allah. Ameen!
Send A Dua for Our Beautiful Children
1. Today lets make a special dua for our beautiful children. As they grow older (and cheekier no doubt!) I
pray Allah protects them and keeps them far from harm. I pray they learn to respect their parents. I also want to
make a special prayer for those who are trying to have children. InshaAllah your time will come. Keep the
faith. Hope youre all doing well.
Send A Dua for Parents Sending their Children to School
1. Today a special prayer for parents who are sending their children to school, whether its primary, junior or
secondary school, its a nervous yet exciting time for parents and a new adventure for the kids. Today I pray
that wherever our children are, may Allah keep them safe and away from harm. Our children are so very
special and I pray they always stay safe. Ameen.
Send A Dua for Friends and Family Taking Exams
1. Today lets make a special dua for those who are taking exams. It can be a stressful time in life but
InshaAllah if you put the hard work in youll reap the rewards. Study hard and InshaAllah you will succeed. I
hope none of you are getting too stressed and if you are, step back, take a deep breath and have a break (Or
maybe a Kitkat) InshaAllah hope it all works out for you! HOTD is with you students today.
2. Today lets make a dua for all those students who are taking exams. It can be a very stressful time but
InshaAllah if you put the effort in youll reap the rewards. Always think positively, keep asking from Allah
and I pray you achieve good results from your best efforts. Ameen
3. A lot of our HOTD members are currently studying or taking exams. Lets make a dua for ALL those
students who are taking exams. Put the effort in and InshaAllah I pray Allah rewards you with good grades!
May Allah make it easy on you, ease your stresses and grant you all that is good. InshaAllah I hope you all
pass your exams! Ameen
Send A Dua About Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
1. In the desert of Arabia he was born. His name is Mohammad. Peace be upon him. He is the blessed one. The
one whom billions now follow. His name means highly praised. He is the greatest mind among all great minds.
To me, he means more than all the Kings in the world. I love him. I wish I could have met him. Even for a
moment. His name is Mohammad (peace be upon him) & we dedicate this dua to you.
2. Oh Allah. We have dedicated HOTD to the single most amazing man in the history of the universe. Our
beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). If this pleases you, forgive our sins. If this pleases you,
grant us Jannah. If this pleases you, keep us and our families safe. Thank you for giving us our Rasul Allah. A
shining example to all mankind. Oh Allah keep us safe. Ameen
Send A Dua for Someone Looking for A Life Partner
1. Today lets make a dua for people who are trying to find their life partners. May Allah help those brothers
and sisters who are looking to get married and fulfil an important part of their Sunnah. May Allah help them
find true love and real friendship in their prospective partners. May Allah reward their good intentions. Yes it
can be difficult finding that right person but we all know whatever Allah has planned is the best for us. Some
things can simply take time. Allah is the best planner. Lets have faith. Ameen!
A Beautiful Dua about Allah
1. O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away
from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good.
Indeed, You are over all things competent. You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the day to enter
the night; and You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living. And You give
provision to whom You will without account.
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:26-27
2. There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.
Surat Al-Anbya 21:87
A Beautiful Dua About Assurance and Ease
1. My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance]; And ease for me my task; And untie the knot from my
tongue; That they may understand my speech.
Surat Taha 20:25-28
A Beautiful Dua about Believers
1. Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses
Surat Al-Maidah 5:83
A Beautiful Dua about Burdens
1. Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a
burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no
ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us
victory over the disbelieving people.
Surat Al-Baqarah 2:286
A Beautiful Dua About Deeds
1. Our Lord, You have encompassed all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who have repented
and followed Your way and protect them from the punishment of Hellfire. Our Lord, and admit them to
gardens of perpetual residence which You have promised them and whoever was righteous among their
fathers, their spouses and their offspring. Indeed, it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. And protect
them from the evil consequences [of their deeds]. And he whom You protect from evil consequences that Day
You will have given him mercy. And that is the great attainment.
Surat Ghafir 40:7-9
A Beautiful Dua about Faith
1. Our Lord, we have believed in what You revealed and have followed the messenger Isa, so register us
among the witnesses [to truth].
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:53
2. Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller calling to faith, [saying], Believe in your Lord, and we have
believed. Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our misdeeds and cause us to die with the
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:193
A Beautiful Dua about Family
1. Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for
the righteous.
Surat Al-Furqan 25:74
A Beautiful Dua about Forgiveness
1. Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the excess [committed] in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us
victory over the disbelieving people.
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:147
2. Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will
surely be among the losers.
Surat Al-Araf 7:23
3. Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment
toward those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed You are Kind and Merciful.
Surat Al-Hashr 59:10
A Beautiful Dua about Guidance
1. Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed,
You are the Bestower.
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:8
2. Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance.
Surat Kahf 18:10
A Beautiful Dua about Hell and Hellfire
1. Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us
from the punishment of the Fire.
Surat Al-Baqarah 2:201
2. Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the
punishment of the Fire.
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:191
3. Our Lord, indeed whoever You admit to the Fire You have disgraced him, and for the wrongdoers there
are no helpers.
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:192
4. Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of Hell. Indeed, its punishment is ever adhering; Indeed, it is evil
as a settlement and residence.
Surat Al-Furqan 25:65-66
A Beautiful Dua about Honour
3. My Lord, grant me authority and join me with the righteous. And grant me a reputation of honor among
later generations. And place me among the inheritors of the Garden of Pleasure. And forgive my father.
Indeed, he has been of those astray. And do not disgrace me on the Day they are [all] resurrected The Day
when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children; But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart.
Surat Ash-Shuraa 26:83-89
A Beautiful Dua about Knowledge
1. My Lord, increase me in knowledge.
Surat Taha 20:114
A Beautiful Dua about Light
1. Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.
Surat Tahrim 66:8
A Beautiful Dua about Mercy
1. Our Lord, indeed we have believed, so forgive us our sins and protect us from the punishment of the Fire,
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:16
2. Our Lord, make us not [objects of] trial for the wrongdoing people. And save us by Your mercy from the
disbelieving people.
Surat Yunus 10:85-86
3. Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and have mercy upon us, and You are the best of the merciful.
Surat Al-Muminun 23:109
A Beautiful Dua about Parents
1. Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the account is established.
Surat Ibrahim 14:41
A Beautiful Dua about Patience
1. Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving
Surat Al-Baqarah 2:250
2. Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You].
Surat Al-Araf 7:126
A Beautiful Dua about Allahs Promise
1. Our Lord, surely You will gather the people for a Day about which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does
not fail in His promise.
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:9
2. Our Lord, and grant us what You promised us through Your messengers and do not disgrace us on the Day
of Resurrection. Indeed, You do not fail in [Your] promise.
Surat Al-e-Imran 3:194
A Beautiful Dua about Seeking Refuge
1. My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the incitements of the devils, And I seek refuge in You, my Lord, lest
they be present with me.
Surat Al-Muminun 23:97-98
A Beautiful Dua about Righteousness
1. Our Lord, do not place us with the wrongdoing people.
Surat Al-Araf 7:47
2. My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents
and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring. Indeed, I have
repented to You, and indeed, I am of the Muslims.
Surat Al-A?qaf 46:15
A Beautiful Dua about Sorrow
1. Praise to Allah, who has removed from us [all] sorrow. Indeed, our Lord is Forgiving and Appreciative
Surat Fatir 35:34
A Beautiful Dua about Submission
1. Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.
Surat Al-Baqarah 2:127
2. Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds. No
partner has He. And this I have been commanded, and I am the first [among you] of the Muslims.
Surat Al-Anam 6:162-163
3. Our Lord, upon You we have relied, and to You we have returned, and to You is the destination. Our Lord,
make us not [objects of] torment for the disbelievers and forgive us, our Lord. Indeed, it is You who is the
Exalted in Might, the Wise.
Surat Al-Mumta?anah 60:4-5
A Beautiful Dua about Taqwa
1. My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and [many] from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my
Surat Ibrahim 14:40
A Beautiful Dua about Truth
1. Our Lord, decide between us and our people in truth, and You are the best of those who give decision.
Surat Al-Araf 7:89
2. Our Lord, indeed You know what we conceal and what we declare, and nothing is hidden from Allah on
the earth or in the heaven.
Surat Ibrahim 14:38
A Beautiful Dua about the Ummah
1. Our Lord, and make us Muslims [in submission] to You and from our descendants a Muslim nation [in
submission] to You. And show us our rites and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of
repentance, the Merciful.
Surat Al-Baqarah 2:128
A Beautiful Dua about Worship
1. It is You we worship and You we ask for help. Guide us to the straight path The path of those upon
whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.
Surat Al-Fatihah 1:5-7
Dua for Parents
The following are two Duas from the Quran that one can
make for their parents.

"My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring
me up when I was small." [Quran; Surah Al-Isra, Verse 24]
Transliteration: Rabbi
irhamhuma kama rabbayaneesagheeran

"Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the
believers on the Day when the reckoning will be
established." [Quran: Surah Ibrahim, Verse 41]
Transliteration: Rabbana ighfir lee waliwalidayya
walilmumineena yawma yaqoomu alhisabu

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