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Sepura PEI Interface Manual

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SRM2000 - IP223 Interface

Application Guide

December 19, 2005 P/N AN-VEGA-11 Rev A

II Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface
Table of Contents
1 General ................................................................................... 1
1.1 Hardware Required......................................................................................................... 1
2 IP223 and Cable assembly configuration............................ 1
2.1 IP223 J umper settings:.................................................................................................... 1
2.2 IP223 Webpage Setup..................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 Trunked GC............................................................................................................ 2
2.2.2 Direct GC................................................................................................................ 2
2.2.3 Trunked UDSL........................................................................................................ 2
2.2.4 Trunked HDPC....................................................................................................... 3
2.2.5 Trunked Full Duplex Private Call (Phone Mode)................................................... 3
2.3 IP223 to SRM2000 Interface Cable................................................................................ 4
3 Radio Information: ................................................................. 5
3.1 Radio Personality Configurations................................................................................... 5
3.2 TETRA Network Programming Example...................................................................... 8
Radios (ISSIs)............................................................................................................................. 9
Groups (GSSIs)........................................................................................................................... 9
4 Connecting the IP223 and the SRM2000 ............................. 9
5 C-soft Full Duplex Individual Call Setup............................ 12
5.1 Setup IP Multicast List.................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Set Global Parameters................................................................................................... 13
5.3 C-Soft Phone Control Buttons...................................................................................... 13

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Enabling TETRA Radio Mode......................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 Per Line setup page (TETRA Radio) Mode and SSI example......................................... 4
Figure 3 SRM2000 Serial Port Setup.............................................................................................. 5
Figure 4 SRM2000 Serial Port Routing Setup................................................................................ 6
Figure 5 Example Trunked Mode Talk Group Setup..................................................................... 7
Figure 6 Example Direct Mode Talk Group Setup......................................................................... 8
Figure 7 Complete Cable Assembly With SRM2 Console panel................................................. 10
Figure 8 Rear view of cable connections...................................................................................... 10
Figure 9 Cable connections to the SRM2 Console Panel. ............................................................ 11
Figure 10 Cable connections to the AIU....................................................................................... 11
Figure 11 View of IP223 display after connections established.................................................. 12
Figure 12 Setup IP Multicast List Sepura Full Duplex Individual Call..................................... 12
Figure 13 Setup Global Parameters - Phone Ring Multicast and Port.......................................... 13
Figure 14 CSoft Individual Control Buttons Setup....................................................................... 13
Figure 15 CSoft DTMF Keypad................................................................................................... 14
1 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface
1 General
This application note describes the interface between the IP223 and the Sepura SRM2000
Mobile TETRA radio. The contents include the physical connections and diagrams, the setup of
the IP223, setup of the SRM2000 and CSoft PC console configurations.

The IP223 to SRM2000 interface give the Dispatcher the ability to control a TETRA Radio asset
from a remote IP based hardware or PC dispatch console. Giving connectivity through nation
wide TETRA digital trunked systems.

1.1 Hardware Required
These item will be needed to connect the IP223 to the SRM2000 Radio
ITEM: MFG Part Number
IP223 Ethernet Remote Panel 0101240
IP223-SRM2000 Interface Assembly 301961000
Sepura Console SRM2 300-00083*
Sepura Application Interface Unit (AIU) 300-00087*
Sepura Interface Cable 300-00067
IP223 DB9 Splitter Cable 301953000**

*Either the console or the AIU will be needed, but not both.
**If both IP223 Radio ports are interfaced to serial data controlled devices, such as the
SRM2000, the DB9 Splitter Cable will be required to split the single DB9 port.

2 IP223 and Cable assembly configuration
2.1 IP223 Jumper settings:

Line 1 Jumper setting Line 2
J 33, J 34 B =4-wire J 5, J 6
J 16, J 21 A =Single Ended J 19, J 20
J 14 Hanging on center pin = 10K Ohm J 24
J 3, J 9, J 11 A =Single Ended J 25, J 28, J 29
J 13 B High J 27
J 17, J 22 B = 600 ohms J 10, J 15
J 35 A = RS232 serial data J 26
R377 Solder bridge the pads together R381

2 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

2.2 IP223 Webpage Setup
To enable the IP223 to Sepura SRM2000 interface, the IP223 will need to be placed in TETRA
Radio Mode. This is done in the Multicast Port Number Setup page, as shown in Figure 1. Here
Channel One is TETRA Radio enabled by using the pull down menu under Channel Type.

Figure 1 Enabling TETRA Radio Mode
Once the TETRA Radio Mode is enabled in the Multicast Setup, the Per Line Setup page will
display only those items necessary to configure a TETRA Radio. Figure 2 shows an example of
how the TETRA Radio Mode and SSI parameters may be set. The Mode settings are:

Trunked Group Call (Trunked GC)
Direct Group Call (Direct GC)
Trunked User Defined Scan List (Trunked UDSL)
Trunked Half Duplex Private Call (Trunked HDPC)
Trunked Full Duplex Private Call (Normal Phone Call see notes)
2.2.1 Trunked GC
A half duplex point to multi-point call where immediate communication can take place between
the calling and the called users. As named, this call is trunked and requires network access.
2.2.2 Direct GC
Communication with other TETRA radios without the use of the network. This is called Direct
Mode Operation or DMO.
2.2.3 Trunked UDSL
The User Defined Scan List is a mean to scan specific group that are predefined in the radio and
in the IP223. A UDSL is a collection of pre-defined talk group (or function tones) settings. A
UDSL string is entered in the SSI parameter field and is separated by the semicolon as shown in
the Figure 2 below. A UDSL string can accept up to 10 Trunked groups.

3 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface
If a F-Tone number in the UDSL is not assigned to Trunked GC, then the scan list is invalid and
the IP223 will not change to that F-Tone. If the F-Tone is correctly configured and in a UDSL,
but the group number assigned to the F-Tones Trunked GC is invalid, the IP223 will change to
that F-Tone, but the invalid group number will not be scanned.

In Figure 2, F-Tone 11 is an example of an improperly configured UDSL. Any attempts to
change to this F-Tone will not occur as the F-Tone entries correspond to non-Trunked GC
channels. The IP223 will catch this improper assignment and skip a channel change to that F-

Transmissions will only occur on the first entry in the UDSL. For example, UDSL (1;2;3;4;5) if
scanning stops on group assigned to F-Tone 4, only group 1 is available for retransmit.
2.2.4 Trunked HDPC
Half duplex point to point call between caller and called units. Each unit asks permission to
transmit before each transaction.
2.2.5 Trunked Full Duplex Private Call (Phone Mode)
There is not a specific programming dialog in the IP223 for this mode. It is completed by adding
a phone line to the Dispatch console. If more than one phone mode line exists on the console,
then another line for the TETRA Trunked FDPC will need to be added. This line should not use
the phone mode pool function for selecting the phone asset to use when calling, but instead select
the specific line for the Sepura Radio. Once this is complete, normal phone calls to TETRA radio
subscriber units can be made. Also, the F-Tone that the IP223 TETRA interface was last on
cannot be Direct GC(DMO), or the phone line will return not available. Any trunked mode
configuration will work.

4 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

Figure 2 Per Line setup page (TETRA Radio) Mode and SSI example.

2.3 IP223 to SRM2000 Interface Cable
The following drawing shows the pin connections and hardware assembly.
5 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

3 Radio Information:
3.1 Radio Personality Configurations
The following Figures show required setting in the Sepura SRM2000 Radio. The Peripheral
Equipment Interface (PEI) port needs to be configured to allow the IP223 direct control.
Misc Tab General PEI Parameters.
Figure 3 show the General PEI Parameters page. The baud rate format needs to be configured for
the IP223 to communicate with the radio. The baud rate should be set to 19200 on logical port 1.

Set Serial Port Usage to Normal AT on first physical port.
PEI Accessory type to Remote Mic

Figure 3 SRM2000 Serial Port Setup
6 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

Misc Tab PEI Profile Parameters:
These parameters are required to route voice and data to the appropriate external ports. The
proper routings are shown in Figure 4.

CC Voice and Data in both Trunked and Direct Mode should be routed to Logical port 1.

Trunked Mode Services: SDS Status and TL should be set to Route to MT.

Figure 4 SRM2000 Serial Port Routing Setup

7 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface
Talk Group Tab Talk Group Parameter:
Figure 5 shows an example of defining a talk group in trunked mode.

Figure 5 Example Trunked Mode Talk Group Setup
8 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

Talk Group Tab Talk Group Parameters:
Figure 6 shows an example of a Direct Mode setup.

Figure 6 Example Direct Mode Talk Group Setup
For an explanation of the terms and fields refer to the SRM2000 programming manual and
Sepura TETRA programmer help files.
3.2 TETRA Network Programming Example

Below is an example of a network programming configuration used at the TETRA World
Congress 2005. The parameter discussed above are illustrated in the programming tables.

Parameter TWC Base Stations Comment
Network Codes
Network Name Telex Communications
TETRA Mobile Country Code (TMCC) 232
TETRA Mobile Network Code (TMNC) 2005
Common Settings
BS Tx Power 10 W

Frequentis TWC 2005 Network Configuration.
9 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface
Base Band Frequency 380 MHz
Duplex Spacing 10 MHz
Offset 12.5 kHz
Carrier Frequencies (BS
Tx) [MHz]
390,0625 (control channel) 390,3625 390,5625
390,4625 (spare; may not be used)
Assigned by German
Frequency Authority

Radios (ISSIs)

Mnemonic ISSI Type Comment
Telex_1 8001 SRM2000

Groups (GSSIs)

Mnemonic GSSI Comment
Telex_GRP 8100

In addition to this group Telex may use the following five Sepura Groups (see also table 3.2):

SEPURA_26 6350 Shared Group; Used by Sepura and Telex
SEPURA_27 6360 Shared Group; Used by Sepura and Telex
SEPURA_28 6370 Shared Group; Used by Sepura and Telex
SEPURA_29 6380 Shared Group; Used by Sepura and Telex
SEPURA_30 6390 Shared Group; Used by Sepura and Telex

4 Connecting the IP223 and the SRM2000
Figure 7 shows the complete cable assembly connections. There should be no confusion as to the
connections, as each cable has a unique end. The cable descriptions follow:
DB25 to 10 pin Aux: Used to route audio from the IP223 to the SRM2 console panel.
The DB25 can be connected to radio 1 or radio 2, but the 10 pin Auxiliary connector will need to
be connected into Audio Accessory Interface 1. See Figure 9 and Figure 10.

10 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

Figure 7 Complete Cable Assembly With SRM2 Console panel.
Figure 8 Shows the rear view of the IP223 and the SRM2000 radio. The Serial cable is connected
to Interface One on the SRM2000 radio and the DB9 on the IP223. The black transceiver cable is
connected from SRM2000 Interface 2 on the radio, to the Transceiver port (Middle connector)
on the SRM2 console panel and AIU. Not shown is the power connection, which will be
connected to the Power/Audio port on the radio, then to the power supply.

Figure 8 Rear view of cable connections
11 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

Figure 9 shows a close up of the connections to the SRM2 console panel. The middle connector
is the radio transceiver connection. Audio and serial data are routed to the radio from this port.
The far right connector is the Audio Accessory Interface 1. Audio from the IP223 is routed to
this connector. The unused connector is the Audio Accessory Interface 2. Audio Accessory
Interface 2 is not the preferred connector for the IP223 Audio interface.

Figure 9 Cable connections to the SRM2 Console Panel.
Figure 10 shows the connection to the Applications Interface Unit (AIU). This can be used
instead of the SRM2 console panel shown above. The connections are the same.

Figure 10 Cable connections to the AIU.
12 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

Figure 11 show the front panel display of the IP223. When Radio one or two is configured for
TETRA radio mode and the IP223 makes the connection to the Sepura SRM2000 radio, the
display Sepura. Top row will display for radio one, bottom row for radio two.

Figure 11 View of IP223 display after connections established.

5 C-soft Full Duplex Individual Call Setup
The IP223 uses C-soft phone function for the Sepura full duplex individual call operation.
NOTE: This example shows a basic setup for C-Soft. Please refer to the User manual for other
Vega IP based consoles if necessary
5.1 Setup IP Multicast List

Figure 12 Setup IP Multicast List Sepura Full Duplex Individual Call
Figure 12 shows an example of setting a line in C-soft for Sepura full duplex individual call. In
this example, the Line Type is selected as Phone mode. The Line Name is arbitrary and called
Line 2 in the case. The Rx port numbers need to be unique. Typically they are just the next
number in a standard assignment sequence. The Base Radio IP address will be the IP address of
the IP-223 that is connected to the Sepura radio.
13 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface
5.2 Set Global Parameters

Figure 13 Setup Global Parameters - Phone Ring Multicast and Port
Figure 13 shows the Individual Ring Multicast and Port number setting. This value will be the
same as that shown in Figure 1.
5.3 C-Soft Phone Control Buttons

Figure 14 CSoft Individual Control Buttons Setup

Error! Reference source not found.14 shows a few of the basic C-Soft Individual Control
buttons. Any button can be configured for a task by Right-Clicking on the button, then using the
UI Element Function pull down menu. In this case, Phone On/Offhook was selected and line 2
of the C-soft is selected as phone line. The Remote Phone Line Select tab shows that select line 1
in the case of the IP-223 because line 1 is selected as TETRA radio in Figure 1. Please refer to
the C-Soft manual for further details on the button configuration.

Figure 15 shows an example of the keypad configuration. The B key is used as a send button in
manually dialing an individual call. Take the individual line offhook, dial the number, then press
the B key to connect the call.

14 Sepura SRM2000 IP223 Interface

Figure 15 CSoft DTMF Keypad

Technical Support:
email address: acttechsupport@us.telex.com phone #:1-800-898-6723
TELEX Communications, Inc. Vega Signaling Products
8601 East Cornhusker Highway, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68507
Phone: (402) 465-7026 / (800) 752-7560 Fax: (402) 467-3279
E-mail: vega@telex.com, Web: www.vega-signaling.com

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