This document provides instructions for creating a UCF file and downloading a program to an FPGA kit. The steps are:
1. Create a UCF file from the behavioral simulation file and add I/O pin configurations.
2. Link the UCF file to the design file in the implementation process.
3. Configure the target device and program the FPGA kit with the bitstream file. Verify that the LEDs match the input combinations as specified.
This document provides instructions for creating a UCF file and downloading a program to an FPGA kit. The steps are:
1. Create a UCF file from the behavioral simulation file and add I/O pin configurations.
2. Link the UCF file to the design file in the implementation process.
3. Configure the target device and program the FPGA kit with the bitstream file. Verify that the LEDs match the input combinations as specified.
This document provides instructions for creating a UCF file and downloading a program to an FPGA kit. The steps are:
1. Create a UCF file from the behavioral simulation file and add I/O pin configurations.
2. Link the UCF file to the design file in the implementation process.
3. Configure the target device and program the FPGA kit with the bitstream file. Verify that the LEDs match the input combinations as specified.
This document provides instructions for creating a UCF file and downloading a program to an FPGA kit. The steps are:
1. Create a UCF file from the behavioral simulation file and add I/O pin configurations.
2. Link the UCF file to the design file in the implementation process.
3. Configure the target device and program the FPGA kit with the bitstream file. Verify that the LEDs match the input combinations as specified.
How you make the UCF file & download program on the kit?
1. From Sources for : select Implementation / Behavioral Simulation
Select XXXX.v file from + xc3s400-4pq208 clicking on + symbol Right Click in Mouse on the XXXX.v New Source
Select Implementation Constraints File (ucf) from New Source Wizard Give File Name as in New Project XXXX Next
2. From Sources for: select Implementation
Now click on + symbol of +XXXX.v file select - XXXX.ucf go & click on + symbol of + User Constraints under
Processes: double click on Edit Constraints (Text)
Now write the I/P Pin & O/P LED configuration as given below Save
3. From Sources for: select Implementation then select XXXX.v file
From Processes: select & double click on + Configure Target Device or click on + symbol of +Configure Target Device and double click on Manage Configuration Project (iMPACT)
After appearing Project Navigator click OK
Then click on Finish
Select XXXX.bit file from Assign New Configuration File click on Open
Click OK on Device Programming Properties
Select Xilinx symbol Right Click just on Xilinx click on Program
Progress Dialog [89%] starts loading
Now Programme Succeeded
Then go to XILINX Trainer Kit & the predetermined Switches corresponding to I/P combinations are adjusted manually and predetermined LED
glows depending upon the I/P combinations. Then O/P s are verified with the corresponding I/P s combinations according to the truth table of the