我的家庭 - My Family

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Mom always loves me,

don't you see,

Because we are a family.
Mom -
always -
loves -
me -
because -
we -
are -
family -
When I'm scared,
Dad holds me on his knee,
Because we are a family.
I'm -
scared -
Dad -
holds -
knee -
Who helps each other?
You see, it's we,
Because we are a family.
who -
helps -
each other -
We hug a lot and kiss...
well, gee,
Because we are a family.
hug -
kiss -
We work at becoming
the best we can be,
Because we are a family.
work -
becoming -
best -
We keep our house
as neat as can be,
Because we are a family.
house -
neat -
We work things out
when we disagree,
Because we are a family.
Work things out -
disagree -
My mom and dad
are proud of me,
Because we are a family.
proud -

When someone needs
us, we try to see,
Because we are a family!
Poem from Teaching Children Joy by Linda and Richard Eyre. Art Aurora Productions.
Booklet created by www.freekidstories.org
someone -
needs -
us -
to see -

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