Logix5000 Controllers IEC 61131-3 Compliance

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Programming Manual

Logix5000 Controllers IEC 61131-3 Compliance

Catalog Numbers 1756 ControlLogix, 1769 CompactLogix, 1789 SoftLogix, 1794 FlexLogix, PowerFlex 700S with DriveLogix
Important User Information
Solid-state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety
Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (publication SGI-1.1 available from
your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/literature/) describes some
important differences between solid-state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference,
and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid-state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment
must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from
the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and
requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or
liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or
software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation,
Inc., is prohibited.
Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, and TechConnect are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.
WARNING: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may
lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or
economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence
SHOCK HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage may be
BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach
dangerous temperatures.
IMPORTANT Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 3
Summary of Changes
This manual contains new and updated information.
The following controllers are no longer supported in the Logix Designer
application, version 21.
Changes throughout this revision are marked by change bars, as shown in the
margin of this page.
RSLogix 5000 programming software is now known as Studio 5000 Logix Designer application, a
component of Studio 5000 Engineering and Design Environment.
Catalog Number Description
1756-L61 ControlLogix 5561 Controller
1756-L61S ControlLogix 5561S Controller
1756-L62 ControlLogix 5562 Controller
1756-L62S ControlLogix 5562S Controller
1756-L63 ControlLogix 5563 Controller
1756-L63S ControlLogix 5563S Controller
1756-L64 ControlLogix 5564 Controller
1756-L65 ControlLogix 5565 Controller
1768-L43 CompactLogix 5343 Controller
1768-L43S CompactLogix 5343S Controller
1768-L45 CompactLogix 5345 Controller
1768-L45S CompactLogix 5345S Controller
1769-L23E-QBF1 CompactLogix 5323E-QB1 Controller
1769-L23E-QBFC1 CompactLogix 5323E-QBFC1 Controller
1769-L23-QBFC1 CompactLogix 5323-QBFC1 Controller
1769-L31 CompactLogix 5331 Controller
1769-L32C CompactLogix 5332C Controller
1769-L32E CompactLogix 5332E Controller
1769-L35CR CompactLogix 5335CR Controller
1769-L35E CompactLogix 5335E Controller
4 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Summary of Changes
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 5
Table of Contents
Preface Studio 5000 Engineering and Design Environment and
Logix Designer Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
In This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
IEC61131-3 Compliance Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Data Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
IEC61131-3 Program Portability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
IEC Compliance Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Table of Contents
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 7
Studio 5000 Engineering and
Design Environment and
Logix Designer Application
The Studio 5000 Engineering and Design Environment combines engineering
and design elements into a common environment. The first element in the
Studio 5000 environment is the Logix Designer application. The Logix Designer
application is the rebranding of RSLogix 5000 software and will continue to be
the product to program Logix5000 controllers for discrete, process, batch,
motion, safety, and drive-based solutions.
The Studio 5000 environment is the foundation for the future of
Rockwell Automation engineering design tools and capabilities. It is the one
place for design engineers to develop all the elements of their control system.
In This Manual
This manual explains the series of specifications developed by the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for programmable controllers and how to
use them with your Logix5000 controller and programming software.
This manual is one of a set of related manuals that show common procedures for
programming and operating Logix5000 controllers. For a complete list of
common procedures manuals, see the Logix 5000 Controllers Common Procedures
Programming Manual, publication 1756-PM001.
The term Logix5000 controller refers to any controller that is based on the
Logix5000 operating system, such as:
CompactLogix controllers
ControlLogix controllers
DriveLogix controllers
FlexLogix controllers
SoftLogix5800 controllers
8 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 9
Chapter 1
IEC61131-3 Compliance
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has developed a series of
specifications for programmable controllers. These specifications are intended to
promote international unification of equipment and programming languages for
use in the controls industry. These standards provide the foundation for
Logix5000 controllers and the Logix Designer application.
The IEC programmable controller specification is broken down into five separate
parts each focusing on a different aspect of the control system:
Part 1: General Information
Part 2: Equipment and Requirements Test
Part 3: Programming Languages
Part 4: User Guidelines
Part 5: Messaging Service Specification
The controls industry as a whole has focused on part 3 (IEC61131-3),
Programming Languages, because it provides the cornerstone for implementing
the other standards and provides the most significant end user benefit by
reducing training cost. Because of this, only IEC61131-3 is addressed here.
The IEC61131-3 programming language specification addresses numerous
aspects of programmable controller including the operating system execution,
data definitions, programming languages, and instruction set. Components of the
IEC61131-3 specification are categorized as required by the specification,
optional or extensions. By so doing, the IEC61131-3 specification provides a
minimum set of functionality that can be extended to meet end user application
needs. The downside of this approach is that each programmable control system
vendor may implement different components of the specification or provide
different extensions.
10 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Chapter 1 IEC61131-3 Compliance
Operating System
The preemptive, multitasking operating system (OS) of Logix5000 controllers
complies with the IEC61131-3 definition. In IEC61131-3, the programmable
controllers OS can contain zero or more tasks, that can execute one or more
programs each containing one or more functions or routines. According to
IEC61131-3, the number of each of these components is implementation
dependent. Logix5000 controllers provide multiple tasks, each containing
multiple programs and an unlimited number of functions or routines.
IEC61131-3 provides an option for creating different task execution
classifications. Tasks may be configured as continuous, periodic, or event based. A
continuous task does not need to be scheduled in that it will utilize any left over
processing time when other tasks are dormant. Periodic tasks are scheduled to
operate based on a reoccurring time period. The IEC61131-3 specification does
not specify a time base for periodic task configuration. An IEC61131-3 event
based task is triggered upon detection of the rising edge of a configured input.
Logix5000 controllers support both continuous and periodic tasks. Additionally,
the period for a periodic task is configurable starting as low as 1 millisecond (ms).
Data Definitions
The IEC61131-3 specification provides access to memory through the creation
of named variables. IEC61131-3 names for variables consist of a minimum of six
characters (Logix Designer application supports a minimum of 1 character)
starting with an underscore _ or an alpha character (A-Z), followed by one or
more characters consisting of an underscore _, alpha character (A-Z) or a
number (0-9). Optionally, lower case alpha characters (a-z) can be supported as
long as they are case insensitive (A = a, B = b, C = c ). Logix5000 controllers
provide full compliance with this definition, support the lower case option, and
extend the name to support up to 40 character names.
Data variables in IEC61131-3 may be defined such that they are accessible to all
programs within a resource or controller, or limited access is provided only to the
functions or routines within a single program. To pass data between multiple
resources or controllers, access paths may be configured to define the location of
the data within a system. Logix5000 controllers provide compliance by providing
program scoped, controller scoped data and permits the configuration of access
paths using produced/consumed data.
The memory interpretation of a variable within IEC61131-3 is defined through
the use of either an elementary data type or an optional derived data type that is
created from a group of multiple data types. Logix5000 controllers support the
use of the BOOL (1 bit), SINT (8 bit integer), INT (16 bit integer), DINT (32
bit integer) and REAL (IEEE floating point number) elementary data types.
Additionally, the optional derived data types are supported through the creation
of user defined structures and arrays.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 11
IEC61131-3 Compliance Chapter 1
Programming Languages
The IEC61131-3 specification defines five (5) different programming languages
and a set of common elements. All languages are defined as optional but at least
one must be supported in order to claim compliance with the specification. The
IEC61131-3 programming language components are defined as follows:
Common Language Elements
Common Graphical Elements
Instruction List (IL) Language Elements
Structured Text Language (ST) Elements
Ladder Diagram (LD) Language Elements
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Language Elements
Function Block Diagram (FBD) Language Elements
Logix5000 controllers and the Logix Designer application provide support for
the common language elements and the Structured Text, Ladder Diagram,
Sequential Function Chart, and Function Block Diagram language options.
Additionally, the environment utilizes an ASCII import/export format based on
the Structured Text language. The instruction set and program file exchange
features are discussed in detail in the sections that follow.
Instruction Set
The instruction set specified by IEC61131-3 is entirely optional. The
specification lists a limited set of instructions that if implemented must conform
to the stated execution and visual representation. IEC61131-3 however, does not
limit the instructions set to those listed within the specification. Each PLC
vendor is free to implement additional functionality in the form of instructions
over and above those listed by the specification. Examples of such extended
instructions are those needed to perform diagnostics, PID loop control, motion
control and data file manipulation. Because extended instructions are not defined
by the IEC61131-3 specification, there is no guarantee that the implementation
between different PLC vendors will be compatible. Thus utilization of these
instructions may preclude the movement of logic between vendors.
Logix5000 controllers and the Logix Designer application provide a suite of
instructions that execute as defined by the IEC61131-3 specification. The
physical representation of these instructions maintain their look and feel with
existing systems so as to reduce the training cost associated with working with the
environment. In addition to the IEC61131-3 compliant instructions, a full range
of instructions from existing products have been brought forward into the
environment so that no functionality is lost.
12 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Chapter 1 IEC61131-3 Compliance
IEC61131-3 Program Portability
One of the goals of end-users creating programs in an IEC61131-3 compliant
environment is the movement or portability of programs between controllers
developed by different vendors. This area is a weakness of IEC61131-3 because
no file exchange format is defined by the specification. This means that if any
program created in one vendor's environment will require manipulation to move
it to another vendor's system.
In order to minimize the effort involved in performing cross-vendor portability,
the Logix Designer application for the controllers includes a full ASCII export
and import utility. Additionally, the file format that is utilized by this tool is
based on a hybrid of the IEC61131-3 Structured Text language definition.
Controller operating system and data definitions follow the appropriate
IEC61131-3 formats. Extensions were implemented in order to convert Ladder
Diagram logic into ASCII text since this is not defined by IEC61131-3.
For more information on the ASCII export and import utility of the Logix
Designer application, see the Logix5000 Controllers Import/Export Reference
Manual, publication 1756-RM084.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 13
IEC61131-3 Compliance Chapter 1
IEC Compliance Tables
Logix5000 controllers and the Logix Designer application comply with the
requirements of IEC61131-3 for the following language features:
Table Number:
Feature Number: Feature Description: Extensions and Implementation Notes:
1 2 Lower case letters none
1 3a Number sign (#) Used for immediate value data type designation
1 4a Dollar sign ($) Used for description and string control character
1 6a Subscript delimiters ([ ]) Array subscripts
2 1 Identifiers using upper case and numbers Task, program, routine, structure and tag names
2 2 Identifiers using upper case, numbers, and embedded
Task, program, routine, structure and tag names
2 3 Identifiers using upper and lower case, numbers and
embedded underlines
Task, program, routine, structure and tag names
3 1 Comments ST Comments, also support /* Comment */, and // End of line
4 1 Integer literal 12, 0, -12
4 2 Real literal 12.5, -12.5
4 3 Real literal with exponents -1.34E-12, 1.234E6
4 4 Base 2 literal 2#0101_0101
4 5 Base 8 literal 8#377
4 6 Base 16 literal 16#FFE0
4 7 Boolean zero and one 0, 1
5 1A Empty String '' Descriptions, and String Editor
5 1B String of length one containing a character 'A' Descriptions, and String Editor
5 1C String of length one containing a space ' ' Descriptions, and String Editor
5 1D String of length one containing a single quote character '$'' Descriptions, and String Editor
5 1E String of length one containing a double quote character '"' Descriptions, and String Editor
5 1F String of length two containing CR and LF characters Descriptions, and String Editor
5 1G String of length one containing the LF character '$0A' Descriptions, and String Editor
5 1H String of length 5 which would print as "$1.00" using '$$1.00' Descriptions, and String Editor
5 1I Equivalent strings of length two 'AE', and '$C4$CB' Descriptions, and String Editor
6 2 String dollar sign '$$' Descriptions, and String Editor
6 3 String single quote '$'' Descriptions, and String Editor
6 4 String Line Feed '$L' or '$l' Descriptions, and String Editor
6 5 String New-line '$N' or '$n' Descriptions, and String Editor
6 6 String From Feed (page) '$P' or '$p' Descriptions, and String Editor
6 7 String Carriage return '$R' or '$r' Descriptions, and String Editor
6 8 String Tab '$T' or '$t' Descriptions, and String Editor
6 9 String double quote $" Descriptions, and String Editor
10 1 BOOL Data Type Tag variable definition
10 2 SINT Data Type Tag variable definition
10 3 INT Data Type Tag variable definition
14 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Chapter 1 IEC61131-3 Compliance
10 4 DINT Data Type Tag variable definition
10 10 REAL Data Type Tag variable definition
10 12 Time Tag variable definition, TIMER Structure
10 16 STRING data type 8 Bits
11 1 Data type Hierarchy none
12 1 Direct Derivation from elementary types User Defined data type structures
12 4 Array data types Tag variable definition
12 5 Structured Data types User defined data type structures
13 1 BOOL, SINT, INT, DINT initial value of 0 Tag variable definition
13 4 REAL, LREAL initial value of 0.0 Tag variable definition
13 5 Time initial value of T#0s Tag variable definition, reset (RES) instruction
13 9 Empty String '' Descriptions and Strings
14 1 Initialization of directly derived types Import/export
14 4 Initialization of array data types Import/export
14 5 Initialization of structured type elements Import/export
14 6 Initialization of derived structured data types Import/export
19a 2a Textual invocation, non-formal Available in ST
20 1 Use of EN and ENO Function present in LD but not labeled. Available in FBD.
20 2 Usage without EN and ENO Available in FBD
20 3 Usage with EN and without ENO Available in FBD
20 4 Usage without EN and with ENO Available in FBD
21 1 Overloaded functions ADD(INT, DINT) or ADD(DINT, REAL) All overloaded types that are supported are documented with
each instruction
22 1 _TO_ conversion function RAD, DEG instructions Radians to/from Decimal. String numeric
conversion STOD, STOR, RTOS, DTOS. Others not needed
because of instruction overloading
22 2 Truncate conversion function TRN instruction in LD and TRUNC function in ST
22 3 BCD to INT Convert FRD instruction in LD
22 4 INT to BCD Convert TOD instruction in LD
23 1 Absolute value ABS instruction
23 2 Square root SQR instruction in LD and FBD and SQRT function in ST.
23 3 Natural log LN instruction
23 4 Log base 10 LOG instruction
23 6 Sine in radians SIN instruction / function
23 7 Cosine in radians COS instruction / function
23 8 Tangent in radians TAN instruction / function
23 9 Principal arc sine ASN instruction in LD and FBD, and ASIN function in ST
23 10 Principal arc cosine ACS instruction in LD and FBD, and ACOS function in ST
23 11 Principal arc tangent ATN instruction in LD and FBD, and ATAN function in ST
24 12 Arithmetic add ADD instruction in LD and FBD, and + in ST.
Table Number:
Feature Number: Feature Description: Extensions and Implementation Notes:
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 15
IEC61131-3 Compliance Chapter 1
24 13 Arithmetic multiplication MUL instruction in LD and FBD, and * in ST.
24 14 Arithmetic subtraction SUB instruction in LD and FBD, and - in ST.
24 15 Arithmetic divide DIV instruction in LD and FBD, and / in ST.
24 16 Modulo MOD instruction LD and ST
24 17 Exponentiation XPY instruction in LD and FBD, and ** in ST.
24 18 Value move MOV instruction in LD, and := in ST.
25 1 Bit shift left Functionality contained in BSL instruction in LD for shift of 1
25 2 Bit shift right Functionality contained in BSR instruction in LD for shift of 1
25 3 Bit rotate left Functionality contained in BSL instruction in LD for shift of 1
25 4 Bit rotate right Functionality contained in BSR instruction in LD for shift of 1
26 5 AND BAND instruction in FBD, and "&" operator in ST
26 6 OR BOR instruction in FBD
26 7 XOR BXOR instruction in FBD
26 8 NOT BNOT instruction in FBD
27 1 SELECT SEL instruction in FBD
27 2a Maximum select MAX Functionality contained in ESEL instruction in FBD and ST
27 2b Minimum select MIN Functionality contained in ESEL instruction in FBD and ST
27 3 High/Low limit LIMIT HLL instruction in FBD and ST
27 4 Multiplexer MUX MUX instruction in FBD
28 5 Comparison greater-than GRT instruction in LD and FBD, and > in ST.
28 6 Comparison greater-than or equal GRE instruction in LD and FBD, and >= in ST.
28 7 Comparison equal EQU instruction in LD and FBD, and = in ST.
28 8 Comparison less-than LES instruction in LD and FBD, and < in ST.
28 9 Comparison less-than or equal LEQ instruction in LD and FBD, and <= in ST.
28 10 Comparison not equal NEQ instruction in LD and FBD, and <> in ST.
29 1 String length LEN Contained as Parameter of STRING data type
29 4 Middle string MID MID instruction in LD and ST
29 5 String concatenation CONCAT CONCAT instruction in LD and ST
29 6 String insert INSERT INSERT instruction in LD and ST
29 7 String delete DELETE DELETE instruction in LD and ST
29 9 Find string FIND FIND instruction in LD and ST
32 1 Input read FBD and ST
32 2 Input write FBD and ST
32 3 Output read FBD and ST
32 4 Output write FBD and ST
34 1 Bistable set dominant SETD instruction in FBD and ST
34 2 Bistable reset dominant RESD instruction in FBD and ST
35 1 Rising edge detector OSR instruction in LD and OSRI instruction in FBD and ST
35 2 Falling edge detector OSF instruction in LD and OSFI instruction in FBD and ST
Table Number:
Feature Number: Feature Description: Extensions and Implementation Notes:
16 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Chapter 1 IEC61131-3 Compliance
36 1b Up-counter Functionality contained in CTU and RES instructions in LD and
in CTUD instruction in FBD and ST
37 2a On-delay timer Functionality contained in TON instruction in LD and TONR
instruction in FBD and ST
37 3a Off-delay timer Functionality contained in TOF instruction in LD and TOFR
instruction in FBD and ST
38 2 On-delay timing Functionality contained in TON instruction in LD and TONR
instruction in FBD and ST
38 3 Off-delay timing Functionality contained in TOF instruction in LD and TOFR
instruction in FBD and ST
40 1a SFC Step
40 1b SFC initial Step
40 2a SFC Step Textual Import/export, step name is specified using the format
"Operand := step_name"
40 2b SFC initial Step textual Import/export, uses "InitialStep" Parameter and step name is
specified using the format "Operand := step_name"
40 3a SFC Step Flag general form Step backing tag
40 4 Step elapsed time general form Step backing tag
41 1 Transition using ST
41 5 Transition textual form Import/export with different formatting
41 7 Transition Name Transition Backing Tag
41 7a Transition Set by LD Transition Backing Tag
41 7b Transition Set by FBD Transition Backing Tag
41 7d Transition Set by ST Transition Backing Tag
42 1 Action Boolean Action Backing tag
42 3s Action textual representation Import/export
43 1 Step Action association
43 2 Step with Concatenated Actions
43 3 Textual Step body Import/export with different formatting
43 4 Action Body Field Embedded ST
44 1 Action Block Qualifier
44 2 Action Block Name
44 3 Action Indicator Tag Extended this to support DINT, INT, SINT, or REAL in addition to
44 5 Action using ST Supports both embedded ST and JSR to ST routine
44 6 Action using LD Using JSR to LD routine
44 7 Action using FBD Using JSR to FBD Routine
45 1 Action Qualifier None Default is N when none is explicitly entered
45 2 Action Qualifier N - Non-stored
45 3 Action Qualifier R - Reset
45 4 Action Qualifier S - Set / Stored
45 5 Action Qualifier L - Time Limited
Table Number:
Feature Number: Feature Description: Extensions and Implementation Notes:
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 17
IEC61131-3 Compliance Chapter 1
45 6 Action Qualifier D - Time Delayed
45 7 Action Qualifier P - Pulse
45 8 Action Qualifier SD - Stored and Time Delayed
45 9 Action Qualifier DS - Delayed and Stored
45 10 Action Qualifier SL - Stored and time limited
45 11 Action Qualifier P1 - Pulse Rising Edge
45 12 Action Qualifier P0 - Pulse Falling Edge
45a 1 Action Control
45a 2 Action Control
46 1 SFC Single Sequence
46 2a SFC Divergence of sequence selection Use of line connections vs. asterisk
46 2b SFC Divergence of sequence selection with execution order.
46 3 SFC Convergence of sequence selection
46 4a SFC Simultaneous sequence divergence
46 4b SFC Simultaneous sequence convergence
46 5a, b, c SFC Sequence Skip
46 6a, b, c SFC Sequence Loop
46 7 SFC Loop directional arrows When wire is hidden
47 1 SFC Graphical representation
47 4 SFC Graphical representation
48 1 SFC Minimal Step Compliance Requirements Refer to notes on individual tables above.
48 2 SFC Minimal Transition Compliance Requirements Refer to notes on individual tables above.
48 3 SFC Minimal Action Compliance Requirements Refer to notes on individual tables above.
48 4 SFC Minimal Action Body Compliance Requirements Refer to notes on individual tables above.
48 5 SFC Minimal Action Qualifier Compliance Requirements Refer to notes on individual tables above.
48 6 SFC Minimal Branch Compliance Requirements Refer to notes on individual tables above.
48 7 SFC Minimal Block Connection Compliance Requirements Refer to notes on individual tables above.
55 1 ST Parenthesization (expression)
55 2 ST Function Evaluation Using non-formal form of invocation for built in functions. JSR
used within ST language to call user developed code.
55 3 ST Exponentiation **
55 4 ST Negation -
55 5 ST Negation NOT
55 6 ST Multiply *
55 7 ST Divide /
55 8 ST Modulo MOD
55 9 ST Add +
55 10 ST Subtract -
55 11 ST Comparison <, >, <=, >=
Table Number:
Feature Number: Feature Description: Extensions and Implementation Notes:
18 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Chapter 1 IEC61131-3 Compliance
55 12 ST Equality =
55 13 ST Inequality <>
55 14 ST Boolean AND as &
55 15 ST Boolean AND
55 16 ST Boolean XOR
55 17 ST Boolean OR
56 1 ST Assignment :=
56 2 ST Function Block invocation
56 3 ST RETURN RET( ) with multiple Parameters
56 9 ST EXIT
56 10 ST Empty Statement ;
57 1, 2 Horizontal line LD editor, FBD editor
57 3, 4 Vertical line LD editor, FBD editor
57 5, 6 Horizontal / Vertical connection LD editor, FBD editor
57 7, 8 Line crossings without connection FBD editor
57 9, 10 Connection and non-connection corners LD editor, FBD editor
57 11, 12 Blocks with connections LD editor, FBD editor
57 13,14 Connectors FBD editor
58 2 Unconditional jump JMP instruction in LD
58 3 Jump target LBL instruction in LD
58 4 Conditional jump JMP instruction in LD
58 5 Conditional return RET instruction in LD
58 8 Unconditional return RET instruction in LD
59 1 Left hand power rail LD editor
59 2 Right hand power rail LD editor
60 1 Horizontal link LD editor
60 2 Vertical link LD editor
61 1, 2 Normally open contact --| |-- XIC instruction in LD
61 3, 4 Normally close contact --| / |-- XIO instruction in LD
61 5, 6 Positive transition sensing contact -| P |- ONS instruction in LD
62 1 Coil --( )-- OTE instruction in LD
62 3 Set (latch) coil Functionality contained in OTL instruction in LD
Table Number:
Feature Number: Feature Description: Extensions and Implementation Notes:
Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 19
IEC61131-3 Compliance Chapter 1
62 4 Reset (unlatch) coil Functionality contained in OTU instruction in LD
62 8 Positive transition sensing coil OSR instruction in LD
62 9 Negative transition sensing coil OSF instruction in LD
(1) Table associated with languages other than Structured Text, sequential function chart, Ladder diagram and Function Block diagram have been skipped.
Table Number:
Feature Number: Feature Description: Extensions and Implementation Notes:
20 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012
Chapter 1 IEC61131-3 Compliance
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Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-PM018C-EN-P - November 2012 22
Supersedes Publication 1756-PM018B-EN-P - July 2008 Copyright 2012 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
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You can contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.
New Product Satisfaction Return
Rockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility.
However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.
Documentation Feedback
Your comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document,
complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/literature/.
United States or Canada 1.440.646.3434
Outside United States or Canada Use the Worldwide Locator at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/support/americas/phone_en.html, or contact your local Rockwell
Automation representative.
United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to your
distributor to complete the return process.
Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.

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