Primary - Lesson Plan - Whole Class

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Pre-Service Teacher Copy

Lesson Plan (Whole Class)

Year Level(s): 3/ 4 Learning Area/ACARA Focus: Literacy

Date/Time: 21.8.14 (9:50-10:20am) Lesson Focus: Reading Comprehension

Background Information:

Students are from a split Year 3 /4 class setting which accommodates students with varying
academic ability levels. The students have various levels of comprehension understanding within
the area of Literacy.

Teaching/Learning Purpose(s) (written in terms of outcomes):

At the conclusion of the lesson the students should be able to:

Demonstrate appropriate level of comprehension skills as a result of answering questions
about the text.
Display appropriate written skills by using correct grammar and spelling when
completing comprehension worksheet related to the text.
Ability to recall examples of text through written questioning e.g. identify the
subject/theme and recall information about the text.


Provide copy of book for reading to class Green Eggs and Ham.
Prepare comprehension worksheet.

Learning Experiences:

1. How will I engage the learners?
Introduction & reading time (10 minutes):

Ensure students are listening through use of classroom management techniques.
Ensure 100% attention before commencement of lesson (e.g. clap hands hands
on head, shoulders, arms folded, look at me, or finger to lip, look & wait until
attention is gained. Any stragglers advise that I would like your attention in 5,
4, 3.. use a count-down method to indicate to the student/s I want their
attention when I reach 1).
Advise students that the lesson will involve me reading them a story. Explain to
the students that I expect them to listen carefully to the story because they will be
going back to their desks to complete a Reading Comprehension worksheet to
demonstrate to me that they have listened carefully to the book.
Read story to students, on conclusion praise good listening. Direct students back
to their desks, requesting they move quietly back to their seats. Advise students
that those who complete the worksheet early and I mark it as being correct, will
be able to read other books by the same author that I have provided.

2. Student tasks and activities (what will the students do to achieve the lesson purpose(s)?
Activity (15 minutes):

Students will complete a comprehension worksheet (see attached). At
commencement of activity tell students how long they have to complete the
worksheet (15 minutes).

3. Conclusion (how do you summarize the learning and relate it to the lesson purpose(s)?
Conclusion (5 minutes):

Re-group and conduct a short questioning session to discuss the answers the
students have written on their worksheets (choose different students for different
To conclude the lesson, praise the students on their efforts in listening, speaking
and recalling texts.

Assessment and evaluation: (How do you know the students have achieved the learning

When students can demonstrate their understanding of the story by completing correctly
the worksheet I provide. Students can display their ability to recall examples of text
through written questioning e.g. identify the subject/theme and recall information about
the text.

Evaluate your own performance

I ensured that I dealt with classroom management at the immediate commencement of the lesson
including a brief outline of what the Literacy lesson would comprise of and what my expectations
of rules and subsequent rewards would be. This method appeared to gain, and maintain the
students attention quickly and effectively. I also confirmed the rules, outline of the lesson and
timeframes by having it written on the whiteboard for the students to observe throughout the

During my reading of the storybook, I made good use of dramatization, facial expression and
proximity to particular students when reading. The outcome of this produced effective classroom
management and attention by all students. I was pleased with both my classroom management
strategies and reading strategies to keep the whole class on task and interested in the story I was
reading to them.

An area for improvement is the ability to gauge the correct level of reading material appropriate
for a split class level. Although I was able to keep the students focused on the story by effective
classroom management, my Mentor Teacher commented that I could have had a situation where
the students lost interest because the reading material was lower than the Year 4 level of

It would be essential for me to consider further research in the Literacy learning area in the future
to obtain the correct year level requirements for the Reading Comprehension strand of the
Literacy learning area.

A further area for improvement would be to consider in the future how I would be able to support
students with a below average level of reading comprehension. I observed through off-task
behaviour during the completion of the worksheet that a small group of students struggled with
completing the worksheet due to lack of knowledge or interest. I was however, fortunate to be
given the opportunity to mark all student worksheets after the lesson which offered me further
insight into the ability of each student.

I was confident with my decision to request students to come to the front of the class and to
answer questions I posed to them from their worksheet. I ensured that I gave these students the
opportunity to answer a range of questions (closed questioning).

Overall I was satisfied with the successful delivery of the Literacy lesson through the use of well-
planned classroom management strategies. However, for future lessons, it will be necessary for
me to conduct better research to appropriately match literature to the appropriate year level.

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