Diffusion of Innovation Project
Diffusion of Innovation Project
Diffusion of Innovation Project
Every group/table has been assigned a product. Using the Diffusion of Innovation model to
market the product. Write your plan in Microsoft Word. Make sure to identify each of the six
Table 1,6: A basketball that never deflates
Table 2,7: Jeans that never fade
Table 3,8: A car that drives itself
Table 4,5: A phone that charges using air
Times New Roman
12 size font
Double spaced
****Remember: Reference The Standard while you are writing. Your assignment will be
deducted points for not following the writing standard.
1. Target Market (potential buyers)-40pts
o Describe your target market. Include age, sex, gender, where they live, the
highest form of education they have, if they have children, are they married, and
anything else you believe is important.
o Describe a day in the life of you ideal target.
Example: Our target market is men ages 25-45, married no children. A
day in the life for our ideal target would be as follows: He wakes up at
8:00am, gets dressed, and eats the breakfast made by his wife at a table.
He drives to his full time job in the business industry. He drives a four
door truck. He plays basketball after work two days a week. He goes to
the gym three times a week. He enjoys watching action movies and
sports TV shows. He spends time with his two dogs and visits his parents
on the weekend.
You can add as much detail as you would like
o Explain why you chose that target market
o This description should be at least two paragraphs.
2. Product positioning-20pts
o Describe the image you would like your target to have when they think about
your product.
o Why is your product better than the other competing products out there?
o Build your products identity
o Explain why you chose that identity for your product
o This section should be at least one paragraph
3. Product Concept-20pts
o How are you going to strengthen this product in the eyes of your target market
(potential buyers)?
o What is the compelling reason for buying your product?
o What extras are you adding?
o Explain why you chose these
o This section should be at least one paragraph
4. Marketing Strategy-40pts (Paragraph 20pts, Ad-10 pts, Commercial 10 pts)
o How are you going to market your product?
o Include all the ways you are going to advertise your products
o You have to include advertisement in your strategy.
You can decided whether they are print or online
You need to make a print advertisement for your product
o A picture
o A slogan
o Be creative
You need to write a TV commercial script
A 60 second commercial
o Explain why you chose these
o This section should be at least one paragraph (not including the print ad and
5. Distribution Channels-20pts
o Where are you going to sell your product?
Online or in a store?
o Which stores?
o Internationally or nationally?
o Explain why you chose these
o This section should be at least one paragraph
6. Pricing- 20pts
o How much are you going to charge for your product?
o Why? Explain your reasoning
o This section should be at least one paragraph