Sulfur of Metals 1

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Seeing there are seven of the Mercuries, it happens, that when the seed of Mars and Venus hath

the predominancy, they produce a masculine body of Sol, but if the feed of Saturn and Jupiter
doth predominate, then is produced a feminine body, which is called Lune; Mercury is an
assistant on both sides.
First of the sulfur of sol whereby lune is tinged into good gold.
Take of pure gold which is three times cast through antimony and of well purged mercury vive
being pressed through leather, six parts make of it an amalgam, to the quantity of this amalgam
grind twice as much of common sulfur let it evaporate on a broad pan in a gentle heat under a
muffle, stirring it still will with an iron-hook let the fire be moderate that the matter do not melt
together this gold calx must be brought to the color of a mary-gold flower then is it right then
take one part of saltpeter one part of salt ammoniac half a part of grinded pebbles draw a water
from it. Note this water must be drawn warily and exactly; to draw it after the common way will
not do it; he that is used to chemic preparations knows what he hath to do and note you must
have a strong stone retort which must be coated to hold the spirits closely its upper part must
have a pipe upward of half a spans length its wideness must bear two fingers breadth, it must be
set first in a distilling furnace which must be open above that the upper pipe may stand out
directly apply a large receiver lute it well; let your first fire be gentle then increase it that the
retort look glowing hot put a spoonful of this ground matter in at the pipe close the pipe suddenly
with a wet cloth, the spirits come rushingly into the receiver these spirits being settled then carry
in another spoonful in this manner you proceed till you have distilled all. At last give time to the
spirits to be settled to turn into water this water is a hellish dissolving strong one which dissolves
instantly prepared gold calx and laminated gold, into a thick solution of which I made mention
above in the third part. This is that which I mention in my second key which dissolves not only
gold but brings it to a volatility carrying it over the helmet whose anima may afterward be drawn
from it torn body.
Note the spirit of common salt effects the same if drawn in that manner which I shall speak of
afterward. If three parts of this salt spirit be taken and one part of spiritus nitri it is stronger than
salt ammoniac water and is better because it is not so corrosive dissolves gold the sooner carries
it over the helmet makes it volatile and fit to part with its soul; you have your choice to use
which you think best and may easier be prepared thus; take one part of the prepared gold calx
and three parts of the water which you make choice of put it into a body lute a helmet to it set it
in warm ashes let it dissolve that which is not dissolved pour three times as much water upon that
all dissolve let it cool separate the faeces put the solution into a body lute a helmet to it, let it
stand in a gentle heat day and night in balneo marae, if more faeces be settled separate them
digest them again in the balneo nine days and nights then abstract the water gently to a spissitude
like unto an oil in the bottom this abstracted water must be poured on that spissitude this must be
iterated often that it grow weary and weak; remember to lute well at all times. To the oleity on
the bottom pour fresh water which was not yet used digest day and night firmly closed then set it
in a sand cupel, distill the water from it to a thickness make the abstracted water warn put it into
a body lute it abstract it, iterate this work and make all the gold come over the helmet.
Note at the next drawing always the fire must have one degree more the gold being come over
into the water abstract the water gently from it in the balneo to the oleity, set the glass into a cold
place there will shoot transparent crystals these are the vitriol of gold, pour the water from it
distill it again unto an oleity set it by for shooting more crystals will shoot iterate it as long as
any do shoot. Dissolve these crystals in distilled water put to it of purged mercury three times as
much shake it about many colors will appear an amalgam; falls to the ground the water clears up
evaporate the amalgam gently under a muffle stirring it still with a wire at lost you get a purple
colored powder scarlet like it dissolves in vinegar into a blood-redness. Extract its anima with
prepared spirit of wine mixed with the spirit of common salt entered together into a sweetness;
this tincture of sol is like a transparent rubies, leaving a white body behind.
Note that without information you cannot attain unto the spirit of salt, if it be not sweet it hath no
extractive power to the attaining hereof observe these following manuals take good spirit of salt,
dephlegmed exactly driven forth in that manner as you shall hear anon.
Take one part of it add half a part to it of the best spirit of wine which must not have any
phlegme but must be mere sulfur of wine and must be prepared in that manner as I shall tell you
anon lute a helmet to it draw it over strongly leave nothing behind to the abstracted put more
spirit of wine draw it over somewhat stronger than you did the first time weigh it put a third time
more to it draw it over again well luted putrefy this for half a month or so long as it be sweet and
it is done in balneo very gently thus the spirit of wine and salt is prepared left its corrosity and is
fit for extracting.
Take the ruby-red prepared gold powder put of this prepared spirit of salt and wine so much that
it stand two fingers breadth over it, set it in a gentle heat the spirit will be red tinged this red
spirit must be canted oil, pour a new spirit on that which remained on the bottom set it luted into
a gentle heat let it be tinged deeply then cant it off, this work must be iterated that the body of sol
remain on the bottom like calx vive, which keep for therein sticks yet more of the salt of gold
which is effectual in ways of medicine as shall be showed anon.
Those tinged spirits put together abstract them gently in balneo there will be left a red subtle
powder in the bottom which is the true tincture animated or sulfur of gold dulcify it with distilled
rain water it will be very subtle tender and fair. Take this extracted sulfur of sol, as you were
taught and as much of sulfur of mars as you shall hear anon when I treat of mars; grind them
together put it in a pure glass pour on it so much of spirit of mercury let it stand over it two
fingers breadth that the matter in it may be dissolved see to it that all dissolve into a ruby-like
gold-water, jointly drive it over then is it one and were at first of one stem, keep it well that
nothing of it evaporate put it to separated silver calx being precipitated with pure salt and
afterward in a fiery fixation that it sublime no more then take it forth and melt it in a wind-oven,
let it stream well then you have united bride and bridegroom and brought them unto gold of a
high degree; be thankful to God for it as long as you live.
I should give further direction how this extracted soul of sol should be further proceeded in and
to make it potable which ministers great strength and continual health unto man. But it belonging
unto medicinals, I delay it to that place where further mention shall be made of.
At this present I will speak only how the white solar body shall further be anatomized and that by
art its mercury vive, and its salt may be obtained. The process of it is thus:
Take the white body of sol from twhih you have drawn its anima reverberate it gently for half an
hour let it become corporeal then pour on it well rectified hony-water which is corrosive, extract
its salt in a gentle heat it is done in ten days space the salt being all extracted abstract the water
from it in balneo edulcorate the salt with iterated distillings with common distilled water clarify
it with spirit of wine then you have sol auri of which you shall hear more in its due place of the
good qualities it hat by way of medicine upon man. On the remaining matter pour spirit of tartar
of which in another place because it belongs unto medicinals: digest these for a months time
drive it through a glass retort into cold water, then you have quick mercury of sol many strive to
get it but in vain.
There is one mystery more in nature that the white solar body having once lost its anima may be
tinged again and brought to be pure gold which mystery is revealed to very few; I shall give a
hint of it that you may not grumble at me to have concealed any point in the work.
I hope you have considered and taken to heart what I have entrusted you withal about the
universal stone of philosophers in my third part namely how it rests merely upon the white spirit
of vitriol and how that all three principles are found only in this spirit and how you are to
proceed in and to bring each into its certain state and order.
Take the philosophic sulfur which in order is the second principle and is extracted with the spirit
of mercury pour it on the white body of the ring digest it for a month in a gentle baneo, then fix it
in ashes and at last in sand that the brown powder may appear then melt it with a fluxing powder
made of Saturn then will it be malleable and fair gold, as it was formerly in color and virtue
nothing defective.
But note the salt must not be taken from the solar body of which I made mention formerly in a
repetition of the xii. Key where you may read of it. There may be prepared yet in another manner
a transparent vitriol from gold in the following manner.
Take good aqua regis made with sal ammoniac one pound id est, dissolve four ounces of salt
ammoniac in aqua fortis, then you have a strong aqua regis, distill and rectify it often over the
helmet let no faeces stay behind let all that ascends be transparent. Then take thinly beaten gold
rolls cast formerly through antimony put them into a body pour on it aqua regis, let it dissolve as
much as it will, or as you can dissolve in it having dissolved all the gold pour into some oil of
tartar or salt of tartar dissolved in fountain water till it begins to hiss having done hissing, then
pour in again of the oil, do it so long that all the dissolved gold be fallen to the bottom and
nothing more of it precipitate and the aqua regis clear up. This being done then cant off the aqua
regis from the gold calx edulcorate it with common water, eight, ten or twelve times the gold
calx being well settled, cant off that water and dry the gold calx in the air where the sun doth not
shine do it not over a fire for as soon as it feels the least heat it kindles and great damage is done
for it would fly away forcibly that no man could stay it. This powder being ready also then take
strong vinegar pour it on, boil it continually over the fire in a good quantity of vinegar still
stirring it that it may not stick unto the bottom for xxiv. hours together, then the fulminating
quality is taken from it be careful you do not endanger your felt; cant off that vinegar dulcine the
powder and dry it. This powder may be driven per alembicum without any corrosive blood-red,
transparent and fair which is strange and unites willingly with the spirit of wine and by means of
coagulation may be brought to a solar body.
Do not speak much of it to the vulgar if you receive any benefit by and from my plain and open
information be thus minded to keep these mysteries secret still to thy dying dry and make no
show of it else thou art naked and lied open to the devils temptations in all thy ways; therefore
pray give attention to what I shall tell three, for I will impart unto thee this Arcanum also and
entrust three upon thy conscience with it.
Take good spirit of wine being brought to the highest degree let fall into it some drops of spirit of
tartar then take thy gold powder put to it three times as much of the best and subtlest common
flowers of sulfur grind these together set it on a flat pan under a muffle give to it a gentle fire let
the gold powder be in a glowing into the spirit of wine cant off the spirit of wine dry the powder
against a heat it will be porous. Being dried then add to it again three parts of flores sulfurris, let
them evaporate under a muffle neal the remaining powder in a strong heat and put it in spirit of
wine iterate this work six times at last this gold powder will be so softened porous as firm butt
dry it gently because if melts easily. Then take a coated body, which in its hinder part hath a pipe
lute a helmet to it, apply a receiver set it freely in a strong sand cupel, let your first fire be gentle
then increase it let the body be almost in a glowing heat then put in the softened well dried gold
powder pipe shoot it in nimbly there come instantly red drops into the helmet keep the fire in this
degree so long, till nothing more ascends and no more drops fall into the receiver. Note in the
receiver there must be of the best spirit of wine into which the drops of gold are to fall.
Then take this spirit of wine into whih the gold drops did fall put it in a pelican seal it
hermetically, circulate it for a month it turns then to a blood-red stone which melts in the fire like
wax beat it small, grind among it lunar calx melt them together it a strong pot, being grown cold
put it in aqua fortis there precipitates a black calx melt it then you and much good gold, as the
gold powder and the spirit of wine together with the moiety, and the added lunar clax did weigh
but one moiety of the lunar calx is not tinged the other is as good as it was to be used. If you hit
this rightly then be thankful to God; it not do not blame me I could not make it plainer unto thee.
Now if you will make this vitriol then take the powder formerly made boiled in vinegar pour it
good spirit of common salt mingled with saltpeter water and the spirit of salt of niter this
saltpeter water is made as aqua tartari is made with saltpeter; gold is dissolved in this water;
which being done then abstract the water to a thickness, set it in a cellar then there shoots a pure
vitriol of sol the water which stays with the vitriol must be canted off, distill it again to a
spissitude, set it in the cellar more of the vitriols will shoot, iterate this work as long as any
vitriol shoots. If you are minded to make the philosophers stone out of solar vitriol, as some
fantastic men endeavor in that way, then be first acquainted and ask counsel of thy purse and
prepare ten, or twelve pound of this vitriol, then you may perform the work very well, and the
Hungarian vitriol and others digged out of mines will permit thee to do it. You may extract from
this vitriol also its sulfur and salt, with spirit of wine which being all easy work, it is needless to
describe it.
Now follows the particular of lune and of the extraction of its sulfur and salt.
Take of calx vive and common salt ana, neal them together in a wind-oven then extract the salt
purely from the calx with warm water coagulate it again put to it an equal quantity of new calx
neal it, extract the salt from it iterate it three times, then is the salt prepared.
Then take the prepared lunar clax stratify the calx with prepared salt in a glass viol, pour strong
water on it, made of equal quantities of vitriol and salt peter, abstract the aqua fortis form it,
iterated a third time at last drive it strongly, let the matter well melt in the glass then take it forth
your lune is transparent and blewish, like unto an utra marine. Having brought lune thus far then
pour on it strong distilled vinegar set it in a warm place the vinegar is tinged with a transparent
blue like a sapphire and attracts the tincture of lune being separated from the salt all which
comes from lune goes again into the vinegar, which must be done by edulcoration, then you will
find the sulfur of lune fair and clear. Take one part of this sulfur of lune one half part of the
extracted sulfur of sol, six parts of the spirit of mercury, join all these in a body lute it well set it
in a gentle heat in digest ion that liquor will turn to a red brown color having all driven over the
helmet and nothing stand in the bottom then pour it on the matter remaining of the silver you
drew the sulfur from lute it well set it in ashes for to coagulate and fix it xi. days and nights or
when you see the lunar body be quite dry, brown and nothing of it doth any more rise or fume
then melt it quickly with a sudden flux fire before the blast cast it forth then you transmitted the
whole substance of silver into the best most malleable gold.
Of this particular of silver I have made mention in another place namely in the repetition of my
12. Keys, where I wrote that the spirit of salt also can destroy lune, so that a potable lune can be
made of it; of which potable lune in the last part mention shall be made of. You must note that
further must be proceeded with lune and a more exact anatomy must be made upon lune thus;
When you perceive that the sulfur of lune is wholly extracted and the vinegar takes no more
tincture from her, not the vinegar doth taste any more of salt, then dry the remaining calx of
silver, put it into a glass pour on it corrosive honey water, as you did to the gold, yet it must be
clear and without any faeces, set it in a warmth for four or five days extract lunes salt, which
you may perceive when the water grows white. The salt being all out of it then abstract the honey
water, edulcorate the corrosiveness by distilling and clarify the salt with spirit of wine the
remaining matter must be edulcorated and dried, pour upon it spirit of tartar digest it for half a
month, then proceed as you did with the gold then you have mercury of lune. The said salt of
lune hath excellent virtues upon mans body of which I shall speak in another place. The efficacy
of its salt and sulfur may be learned by this following process.
Take of the sky-colored sulfur which you extracted from lunde and is rectified with spirit of wine
put it in a glass pour on it twice as much of spirit of mercury, which is made of the white spirit of
vitriol as you have heard in the same place. In like manner take of the extracted and clarified salt
of silver put to it three times as much of spirit of mercury lute well both glasses set them into a
gentle balneo for eight days and nights, look to it that the sulfur and salt loose nothing but keep
their quantity as they were drive out of the silver. Having stood these eight days and nights then
put them together into glass seal it hermetically, set it in gentle ashes let all be dissolved and let it
in gentle ashes let all be dissolved and let it be brought again into a clear and white coagulation,
at last fix them by the degrees of fire then the matter will be as white as snow thus you have the
white tincture which with the volatile dissolved anima of sol you may animate, fix, bring to the
deepest redness and at last ferment and augment the same in infinitum the spirit of mercury being
added thereunto. And note that upon gold a process is to be ordered, with its sulfur and salt.
If you understood how their primum mobile is to be known then is it needles in this manner, and
to that purpose to destroy metals but you may prepared everything from or of their first essence
and bring them to their full perfection.
Of the particular of mars, together with the extraction of its anima and salt.
Take of red vitriol oil, or oil of sulfur one part and two parts of ordinary well water put those
together dissolve therein filings of steel, this dissolution must be filtered being warmed let it
gently evaporate a third part of it, then set the glass in a cool place there will shoot crystals as
sweet as sugar which is the true vitriol of mars, cant off that water let it evaporate more, set it
again in a cold place more crystals will shoot neal them gently under a muffle, stirring still with
an iron wire then you get a fair purple colored powder on this powder cast distilled vinegar
extract the anima of mars in a gentle balneo abstract again the vinegar and dulcorate the anima.
This is the anima of mars which being added to the spirit of mercury and united with the anima
of sol tinges lune into sol, as you heard about the gold.
Of the particular of venus what mysteries are hid therein and of the extraction of its sulfur
and salt.
Take as much of venus as you will and make vitriol of it, after the usual and common practice or
take good verdigris sold in shops it effects the same grind it small pour on it good distilled
vinegar set in a warmth the vinegar will be transparent green cant it off pour on the remaining
matter on the bottom new vinegar iterate this work as long as the vinegar takes out any tincture
and the matter of the verdigris on the bottom lies very black; put the tinged vinegar together
distill the vinegar from it to a dryness else a black vitriol will shoot thus you get a purified
verdigris grind it small pour on it the juice of immature grapes let it stand in a gentle heat this
juice makes a transparent tincture as green as a smaragdine and attracts the red tincture of venus
which affords an excellent color for painters, limmers, and others for their several uses.
When the juice extracts no more of the tincture then put all the extraction together abstract the
moiety of this juice gently set it into a cool place there shoots a very fair vitriol if you have
enough of that then you have matter enough to reduce the same and to make of it the
philosophers stone in case you should make a doubt to perform this great mystery by any other
vitriol. Of this preparation I have spoken already parabolical in the book of the keys, in the
chapter of the wine-vinegar where I said, that the common azoth is not the matter of our stone
but our azoth or material prima is extracted with the common azoth and with the wine which is
the out-pressed juice of unripe grapes and with other waters also must be prepared these are the
water wherewith the body of venus must be broken and be made into vitriol which you must
observe very well then you may free yourselves from many troubles and perplexities.
But especially note the way of the universal with this vitriol is understood in the same manner
and is thus conditioned as I told you in the third part of the universal and pointed at the common
Hungarian vitriol, and even as well out of mars put particulariter to be dealed upon with venus.
Therefore know that it may be done with great profit if you drive forth the red oil of vitriol, and
dissolve mars in it. And crystallize the solution as you were told when I treated of mars. For in
this dissolution and coagulation venus and mars are united this vitriol must be nealed under a
muffle unto a pure red powder and must be extracted further with distilled vinegar as long as
here is any redness in it then you get the anima of mars and of venus double of this doubled
virtue after the addition of the anima of sol, which you made in the before quoted quantity take
twice as much of silver calx and fix it, as you heard when I spoke of the particular of mars and of
But note that there must be twice as much of the spirit of mercury then there was allowed in that
place but in the rest the process is alike. The salt of venus must be extracted when the juice takes
no more of the green tincture, then take the remaining matter dry it pour honey water upon it
then that salt goes in that heat for five or six days and clarify it with spirit of wine then is the salt
ready for your medicine.
Of the particular of Saturn together with the extraction of its soul and salt.
Most men hold and count Saturn unworthy in several expeditions whereas if known in its
internals, ore laudable exploits would be performed with it and many excellent medicines be
prepared of it. Being it is my intention to put an elucidation to my former writings to leave it
after me for a legacy unto posterity that simple men of ordinary capacity might know and
conceive also of the things I formerly wrote of which after the resurrection of my flesh myself
shall bear record unto that I have written more than was meet which others before me have
purposely concealed it being my purpose to declare fundamentally all such particulars which
formerly at large I discourse of in a philosophic manner thus that this my declaration made in my
decrepite age be noted conscionably be those into whose hands it comes, that this my revelation
which in Gods providence will be disposed of to be a lamp of truth unto all the world may not be
imparted unto men unworthy of Gods mysteries, which acknowledge not the creator of them in a
pure humble and penitent heart persevering conversion and a fervent purpose to incline unto and
towards him. This present writing I leave as a precious badge with an earnest proviso that men
would look and observe carefully every letter contained in this and other of my writings which in
all fidelity I hold forth unto them; and begin now with Saturn who in all probability after
astronomic rules is the highest and chiefest lord in the celestial spheres by whose influence the
subterranean Saturn hath its life and coagulation putting that black color on it the rest from the
best to the worst follow after whose splendor enlightens that whole firmament and is
I should speak something of Saturns nativity from whence he takes his off-spring but in this
place I do not hold it requisite (being there hath been mention made of it in several places in my
other books) because it is to no purpose for novices and to repeat all would increase the volume,
which I do not intend purposing only to elucidate such things which formerly have been
delivered in obscure terms.
Note Saturn is not to be thus flighted by reason of its external despicable from if he be wrought
in a due process after the philosophers way he is able to requite all the pains the art seeking
labors bestow on him and will acknowledge him rather to be the lord and not the servant; a lords
honor is due unto him, not only in respect of mans health but in respect also of meliorating of
metals the preparation of it is thus:
Take red minuim or ceruse these are of several worths the one is better before the other
according to their several examinations those that are sold in shops are seldom pure, without
their due aditionals my advise is that every artist undertake himself the destruction of Saturn the
process of it is several of the best I give this hint:
Take pure lead which yields to the hammer as much as you please laminate it thinly the thinner
the better hang these lamins in a large glass filled with strong vinegar in which is dissolved a like
quantity of the best salt ammoniac sublimed thrice with common salt stop the glass mouth very
closely that nothing evaporate set the glass in ashes of a gentle heat, otherwise the spirits of the
vinegar and salt ammoniac ascend and touch the Saturnal lamins at the tenth or twelfth day you
will spie a subtle ceruse banging on these lamins brush them off with a hares off go on get
enough of this ceruse provided you buy good wares, if sophisticated you labor in vain. Take a
quantity of it if you please put it in a body pour strong vinegar on it which sever times hath been
rectified and was fortified at the last rectification with a sixteenth part of spirit of vulgar salt,
dephlegmed and drawn over stop the body well or which is better lute a blind head to it, set the
body in ashes to be digested swing it often about in few days the vinegar begins to look yellow
and sweet at the first iterate it a third time it is sufficient. The remnant of the ceruse stays in the
bodies bottom unhappily filter the tinged vinegar clearly that is of a transparent yellowness put
all the tinged vinegar together abstract two parts of it in balneo marie let the third part stay
behind this third part is of a reasonable rubedo set the glass in a very cold water then the crystals
will shoot the sooner being shot take them out with a wooden spoon lay them on a paper for to
dry these are as sweet as sugar are of great energy against inflamed symptoms abstract the
vinegar further in balneo in which the crystals did shoot set that distillation aside for the shooting
of more crystals and proceed with these as you did formerly.
Now take all these crystals together they in their appearance are like unto clarified sugar or
saltpeter beat them in a mortar of glass or iron or grind them on a marble unto an unpalpableness,
reverberate it in a gentle heat to a blood-like redness: provided they do not turn to a blackness.
Having them in a scarlet color put them in a glass pour on a good spirit of juniper, abstracted
from its oil, and rectified several times into a fair white bright manner lute the glass above set it
in a gentle heat let the spirit of juniper be tinged with a transparent redness like blood then cant it
off neatly from the faeces into a pure glass with that proviso that no impure thing run therewith
on the faeces pour other spirit of juniper extract still as long as any spirit takes the tincture keep
these faeces, they contain the salt.
Take all these tinged spirits together filter them abstract them gently in balneo there remains in
the bottom a neat carnation powder, which is the anima of Saturn pour on it rain-water often
distilled, distill it strongly several times to get off that, which staid with the spirit of jhuniper and
so this subtle powder will be edulcorated delicately; keep it in a strong boiling cant it off then let
it go off neatly let it dry gently for safeties sake reverberate it again gently for its better
exiccation let all impurity evaporate let it grow cold put it in a viol put twice as much of spirit of
mercy to it which I told you of in the third part of the universal entrusted you upon your
conscience with it seal in hermetically set it in a vaporous bath which I prescribed at the
preparation of the spirit of mercury called the philosophers simus equinus let it stand in the
mystical furnace for a month then the anima of Saturn closes daily with the spirit of mercury, and
both become inseparable making up a fair transparent deeply tinged red oil; look to the
government of the fire be not too high with it else you put the spirit of mercury as a volatile spirit
to betake himself to his wings forcing him to the breaking of the glass but if these be well united
then no such fear look for one nature embraces and upholds the other.
Then take this oil or dissolved anima of Saturn out of the viol it is of a gallant fragrancy, put it
into a body apply a helmet to it lute it well drive it over then soul and spirit is united together and
fit to transmute mercury precipitated into sol.
The precipitation of mercury is done thus take one part of the spirit of salt of niter and three parts
of oil of vitriol put these together cast into it half a part of quick mercury being very well purged
set it in sand put a reasonable strong fire to it so that the spirits may not fly away let it stand a
whole day and night then abstract all the spirits then you find in the bottom a precipitated
mercury somewhat red pour the spirits on it again let it stand day and night abstract it again then
your precipitate will be more red than at the first, pour it a third time upon it, then abstract
strongly, then your precipitate is at the highest rubedo, dulcify it with distilled water let it
strongly be exiccated. Then take two parts of this precipitated mercury one part of the dissolved
Saturnal oil, put these together set it in ashes let all be fixed not one drop must stick anywhere to
the glass. Then it must be melted with due additionals of lead they close together afford gold,
which afterward at the casting through antimony may be exalted.
I have informed you hereof where I treated of mercury vive. But note that mercury must not be
precipitated unless with pure oil of vitriol or oil of venus, with the addition of the spirit of salt
niter; albeit suck mercury cannot be brought to its highest fixation by way of precipitating but its
fixed coagulation is found in Saturn as you heard.
Beat the above said mercury small grind it on a stone put it in a viol pour on it the dissolved
Saturnal oil it enters instantly if so be you proceeded right in the precipitation seal the viol
hermetically fix it in ashes at last in sand to its highest fixation then you have bound mercury
with a true knot, and brought him into a fix coagulation which brought its form and substance
into a melioration with an abundance of riches if you carry it on a white precipitate then you get
only silver which holds but little of gold.
One thing more I must tell thee about this process that there is yet a better way to deal upon
Saturn with more profit that you may not have any cause to complain against my not declarin it
take it thus take two parts of the abovesaid dissolved oil or of the Saturnal soul, one part of
astrum solis and of antimonial sulfur whose preparation of follows afterwards two parts half as
much of salt of mars as all these are weigh them together put all into a glass vial let the third part
of it be empty set it in together to the fixed then the salt of mars, opens in this compound is
fermented by it and the matter begins to incline to a blackness for ten or twelve days it is
eclipsed then the salt returns to its coagulation laying hold in its operation on the whole
compound coagulate it first into a deep brown mass, let it stand thus unstirred in a continual heat
it turns to a blood-red body increase the fire that you may see the astrum solis to be predominant
which appears in a greenish color like unto a rainbow; keep this fire continually let all these
colors vanish it turns to a transparent red stone very ponderous needless to be projected on
mercury but tinges after its perfection and fixation all white metals into the purest gold. Then
take of the prepared fixed red stone or of the powder one part and four parts of any of the white
metal, first let the metal melt half an hour and let it be well clarified then project the powder
upon it let it drive well, and see that it be entered into the metal, and the metal begin to congeal
then is it transmuted into gold, beat the pot in pieces take it out if it hath any slacks drive them
with Saturn then is it pure and malleable. If you carry it on lune then put more of the powder to it
than you do upon Jupiter and Saturn as half an ounce of the powder tinges five ounces of lune
into sol let this be a miracle food not they soul with imparting this mystery unto others that are
unworthy of it. Proceed with salt of Saturn as you were informed about mars and venus only
distilled vinegar performs that which honey water did by the other and clarify it with spirit of
Of the particular of Jupiter together with the extraction of its anima and salt.
Take pumice stones sold in shops neal them quench them in old good wine neal them again and
quench them as you did formerly let this nealing be iterated a third time the stronger the wine is
you quench withal the better it is after that dry them gently thus are they prepared for that
purpose. Pulverize these pumice stones subtily, then take good tin laminate it stratify it in a
cementing way in a reverberating furnace reverberate this matter for five days and nights in a
flaming fire it draws the tincture of the metal then grind it small first scraping the tin lamins put
it in a glass body pour on it good distilled vinegar set it in digest ion the vinegar draws the
tincture which is red-yellow abstract this vinegar in balneo edulcorate the anima of Jupiter with
distilled water exiccate gently proceed in the rest as you did with the animal of Saturn viz.
dissolved radically in or with the spirit of mercury drive the over pour that upon two parts of red
mercury precipitated being precipitated with this venerean sanguine quality then coagulate and
fix if done successfully you may acknowledge Jupiters bounty that gave leave to transmute this
precipitate into gold which will be apparent at their melting. It performs this also it transmutes
ten parts of lune into gold if other sulfurs be added thereunto force no more upon Jupiter, its all
he is able to do being of a peaceable disposition, he told all what he could do. The process about
this salt is to extract it with distilled rain-water clarified with spirit of wine.
Of the particular of mercury vive and of its sulfur and salt.
Take of quick mercury sublimed seven times lib. semis, grind it very small pour on it a good
quantity of sharp vinegar boil it on the fire for an hour or upward stirring the matter with a
wooden spatula take it from the fire let it be cold the mercury settles to the bottom and the
vinegar clears up; if it be flow in the clearing let some drops of spirit of vitriol fall in the vinegar
it doth precipitate the other, for vitriol precipitates mercury vive, salt of tartar precipitates sol,
venus and common salt doth precipitate luna and mars doth the like to venus, a lixivium of
beach-ashes doth it to vitriol and vinegar is for common sulfur and mars for tartar, and saltpeter
for antimony. Cant off the vinegar from the precipitate you will find the mercury like a pure
washed sand pour on it vinegar iterate this work a third time then edulcorate the matter let it dry
Take two ounces of anima of mars one ounce of anima of Saturn, one ounce of anima of Jupiter
dissolve these in six ounces of mercurial spirit let all be dissolved then drive it over leave
nothing behind it will be a golden water like a transparent dissolution of sol, your prepared and
edulcorated mercury must be warmed in a strong viol, pour this warmed water gently on it a
hissing will be, stop the viol then the hissing is gone then seal it hermetically set it in a gentle
banleo in ten days the mercury is dissolved into a grass green oil set the viol in ashes for a day
and night rule your fire gently this green color turns into a yellow oil in this color is hid the
rubedo keep it in this fire and let the matter turn to a yellow powder like unto orpiment when no
more comes over then set the glass in sand for a day and a night give a strong fire to it let the
fairest ruby-rubedo appear melt it to a fixedness with a fluxing powder made of Saturn it comes
now to a malleableness one pound of it contains two ounces of good gold as deep as ever nature
produces any. Remember the poor do not precipitate thyself into an infernal abiss by forgetting
thyself in not doing the duties you ought to perform in regard of the blessing.
An oil made of mercury and its salts.
Take quick mercury being often sublimed and rectified with calx vive put it in a body dissolve it
in a heat in strong nitrous water abstract the water from it the corrosiveness which stays there
must be extracted with good vinegar well boiled in it at last abstract this vinegar the remainder of
it must be dulcified with distilled water and then exiccated. Afterward on each pound must be
poured lib.1. of the best spirit of wine let it stand luted in putrefaction then drive over what may
be driven first gently then more strongly from that which is come over abstract the spirit of wine
per balneum there stays behind a fragrant oil which is astrum mercurii an excellent remedy
against venereal diseases.
Seeing the salt and astrum of mercury is of the same medicinal operation I hold it needless to
write of each in particular and will join their operation into one and declare of it in the last part
about the salt of mercury because they are of one effect in medicinal operations. Take the made
oil or astrum mercurii which by reason of its great heat keeps its own body in a perpetual running
casting it on the next standing earth from which you formerly drew the oil. Set it in a heat the oil
draws its own salt that being done put to it a reasonable quantity of spirit of wine abstract it again
the salt stays behind dissolved in the fresh spirit of wine being dulcified by cohobation: then is
the mercurial salt ready and prepared for the medicine as shall be mentioned in the last part.
Mercury is able to do no more neither particulariter, nor universaliter, because he is far off from
philosophers mercury although many are deceived in their fancies to the contrary.
Of the particular of antimony together with the extraction of its sulfur and salt.
Take good Hungarian antimony pulverize it subtily to a meal calcine it over a gentle heat stirring
it still with an iron wire and let it be albified and that at last it may be able to hold out in a strong
fire. Then put it into a melting pot melt it cast it forth turn it to a transparent glass beat that glass
grind it subtily put it in a glass body of a broad flat bottom pour on it distilled vinegar let it stand
luted in a gentle hear for a good while the vinegar extracts the antimonial tincture which is of a
deep redness abstract the vinegar there remains a sweet yellow subtle powder which must be
edulcorated with distilled water all acidity must be taken off exiccate it pour on it the best
graduated spirit of wine set it in a gentle heat you have a new extraction which is fair and yellow
cant it off pour on other spirit let it extract as long as it can then abstract the spirit of wine
exiccate you find a tender deep yellow subtle powder of an admirable medicinal operation is
nothing inferior unto potable sol.
Take two parts of this powder one part of solar sulfur grind these small then take three parts of
sulfur of mars pour on it six parts of spirit of mercury, set it in digestion well luted, let the sulfur
of mars be dissolved totally then carry in a fourth part of the ground matter of the sulfur of
antimony and of sol lute and digest let all be dissolved then carry in more of your ground sulfurs
proceed as formerly iterating it so long till all be dissolved then the matter becomes a thick
brown oil drive all over jointly into one leave nothing behind in the bottom then pour it on a
purely separated lunar calx, fix it by degrees of fire then melt it into a body separate it with an
aqua fort, six times as much of sol is precipitated then above the ponderosity the compound did
weigh the remainder of lune serves for such works you please to put it unto.,
The antimonial tincture being extracted totally from its vitrum and no vinegar takes more hold of
any tincture then exiccate the remaining powder which is of a black color put it into a melting
pot lute it let it stand in a reasonable heat let all the sulfureous part burn away grind the
remaining matter pour on it new distilled vinegar extract its salt abstract the vinegar edulcorate
the acidity by cohobation clarify so long so that the water be white and clear. If you have
proceeded well in your manuals then the lesser time will be required to extract the antimonial salt
as you shall hear of it. Whereby you may observe that the antimonial sulfur is extracted in the
following manner and is of the same medicinal operation but is of a quicker and speedier work
which is a matter of consequence and worthy to be taken notice of.
A short way to make antimonial sulfur and salt.
Take good vitriol common salt and unslaked lime of each one pound four ounces of salt
ammoniac beat hem small put them in a glass body pour on it three pound of common vinegar let
it stand in digestion stopped for a day put it afterward into a retort apply a receiver to it distill it
as usually an aquafort is distilled. Take of the off drawn liquor and of common salt one pound of
each rectify them once more let no muddiness come over with it all must come clear then take
one pound of pulverized antimonial glass pour this spirit on it lute it well digest and let all be
dissolved then abstract the water in balneo marie there remains in the bottom a black, thick, fluid
matter but somewhat dry lay it on a glass table set it in a cellar a red oil flows from it leaving
some faeces behind coagulate this red oil gently upon ashes let it be exiccated there then pour the
best spirit of wine on it, it extracts a tincture which is blood red cant off that which it tinged pour
other spirit of wine on the remainder let all redness be extracted thus you have the tincture or
antimonial sulfur which is of a wonderful medicinal efficacy and is equivalent unto potable gold
as you heard in the former process. And its preparation serves now to proceed with it
particualariter, as I showed in the former. This black matter which stayed behind after the
extraction of sulfur must be well exiccated, extract its snow-white salt with distilled vinegar
educorate it clarify it with spirit of wine observe its virtues in medicina of the which in the last
Thus I conclude my fourth part also. Other mysteries in nature and some augmentations might be
here annected but I wave them mentioning only the chiefest of them and are such which may be
wrought easily and in a short time and whereby good store of riches may be gotten. The rest
which are not of that importance and may easily draw novices into errors bringing no profit for
the present may in good time by careful practice be found out and obtained.
If you only know these whereby health and wealth is obtained then these metalline sulfurs in
their compounds may bring great profit unto you to write of all these circumstantially is
impossible to one man it is of an infinite labor call upon God for grace and mercy: A
fundamental theory affords the practice part from thence flow infinite springs all from one head.
If you go otherwise to work than I entreats you to do by the creator of heaven and earth then all
your actions will be retrograde unto a temporal disaster.
I should annex here the efficacies of other minerals which are next unto metals but seeing they
are of no ability unto transmutation of metals but seeing they are of no ability unto transmutation
of metals, but are only medicinal and are qualified to do their work to the admiration of those
that make use of them, I leave them at this time. The almighty hath put wonderful virtues into
metalline salts, which have been found approved several ways.
Of Antimonial Mercury.
There is made a sublimate of antimony with spirit of tartar and salt ammoniac being digested for
a time which by means of mars, is turned into quick mercury. This antimonial mercury hath been
sought of many but few have gotten it which is the reason why its praise is not divulged much
less is its operative quantity known; if you know how to precipitate it well, then your arrow will
hit the mart to perform strange matters; its qualities out not to be made common.
Of Vitriol.
Vitriol contains two spirits a white and a red one; the white spirit is the white sulfur upon white
the red spirit is the red sulfur upon red; he that hath ears let him hear!
The white spirit is sour causes an appetite and a good digestion in a mans stomach. The red
spirit is yet sourer and is more ponderous than the white in its distilling a longer fire must be
continued, because it is fixer in its degree. Of the white by distilling of sulfur of lune is made
argentum potabile. In the like manner the gold being destroyed in the spirit of common salt and
made spiritual by distilling and its sulfur taken from it and joined with a red spirit in a due dose
that it may be dissolved and then for a time putrefied in spirit of wine to be further digested and
often abstracted that nothing remain in the bottom then you have made an aurum potabile of
which great volumes have been written but very few of their processes were right. Note that the
red spirit must be rectified from its acidity and be brought into a sweetness subtilly penetrating of
a pleasant taste and sweet fragrancy.
Of common Sulfur.
There is made of it a balsam with sallet oil or oil of juniper in like manner with the white spirit of
turpentine and is of a red color is made thus: take flowers of sulfur made with the colcothar of
vitriol digest them for a time in horst dung or any other way this balsam may safely be used for
such that are in a consumption of the lungs, especially if rectified several times with spirit of
wine, drawn over and separated that it be blood red. This balsom is a preservative against
corruption and rottenness.
The quintessence of sulfur is in a mineral where a sulfureous flint is generated: this beaten
pebbles being put in a glass and on it be poured a strong aquafort made of vitriol and salt peter
and let dissolve what may be dissolved abstract that water the remainder must be well dulcified
and reverberated to a redness pour on that spirit of wine extract its tincture afterward circulate for
a time in the pelican let all the essence of sulfur be separated it stays below the spirit of wine like
fat sallet oil by reason of its ponderousness its dose of six grains is found to work sufficiently. If
you digest in this essence of sulfur, myrrhe, aloes and other species it extracts their virtues and
makes it into a balsom which suffers no flesh or other parts that are subject unto putrefaction to
fall into rottenness for which cause the ancients have put this name to it: Balsamus mortuorum.
Thus I close to speak any further of combustible sulfur. There may be made an oil of it which is
found very useful the sulfur must be sublimed in a high instrument with a good heat which
sublimation in a long time changes into a liquor or oil standing in a humid place but being I do
not intend to use any prolixity of words, I let it rest so. There may be cocted a liver out of
common sulfur which is turned unto milk and it may also be changed into red oil, with linseed
oil many other medicinals may be made out of sulfur: Its flowers essence and oil are preferred
before the rest together with the white and red fixed cinnabar which are made of it because in
them is found a mighty virtue.
Of calx vive.
Quick lime is strengthened and made more fiery and hot by a pure and unsophisticated spirit of
wine which is often poured on it and abstracted again then the white salt of tartar must be
grinded with it together with its additionals which must be dead and contain nothing then you
will draw a very hellish spirit in which great mysteries lye hid. How this spirit is gotten, I told it
observe it keep it take if for a fare-well.
Of Saltpeter.
My greatest enemy is common sulfur and yet is my best friend also for being purged by him and
clarified in the fire, then am I able to allay all heats of the body within and without and am one of
the best medicaments to expel and to keep off the poisonous plague.
I am a greater cooler outwardly than Saturn, but my spirit is more hot than any, I cool and burn
according as men will make use of me and according as I am prepared.
Of Tartar.
The creator hath put such virtue into it that it bears a wonderful love and friendship unto metals,
making them malleable: it purges lune unto a whiteness and incorporates into her such
additionals which are convenient for her being digested for a time with minerals or metals and
then sublimed and vilified they all come unto a quick mercury, its ordinary spirit uses for the
opening of metals.
Of Vinegar.
I must aquaint you with one thing, which is this, that this is not the philosophers vinegar our
vinegar or acetum is another liquor namely a matter itself: for the stone of philosophers is made
out of Azoth of philosophers, which must be prepared with ordinary distilled Azoth, with spirit
of wine and with other water besides and must be reduced unto a certain order.
Of Wine.
If a rectified aqua vitae be lighted, then mercury and the vegetable sulfur separates that sulfur
burns bright, being a mere fire, the tender mercury betakes himself to his wings and flies to his
He that can shut up and catch this fiery spirit, he may boast, that he hath gotten a great victory in
the chemical battle: for this vegetable fiery sulfur is the only key to draw the sulfur from mineral
and metalline bodies.

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