Vernadsky The Biosphere

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While much of the text is in another language and difficult to understand, it seems to discuss scientific topics like the biosphere, geology, astronomy, and physics. It presents some equations related to velocity and mentions scientific names.

Some of the main topics discussed include the biosphere, geology, astronomy, physics, organisms, vegetation, water, weather, and more. It discusses scientific principles like uniformitarianism.

Scientific principles that are mentioned include uniformitarianism, vitalism, and Vernadsky's work on the biosphere and noosphere.


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Foreword by
Lynn Margulis
Mauro Ceruti
Stjepko Golubic
Ricardo Guerrero
Natsuki Ikezawa
Wolfgang E. Krumbein
Andrei Lapo
Antonio Lazcano
David Suzuki
Crispin Tickell
Malcolm Walter
Peter Westbroek
Introduction by
Jacques Grinevald
Translated by
David B. Langmuir
Revised and Annotated by
Mark A. S. McMenamin
A Peter N. Nevraumont Book
1998 Springer Science+Business Media New York
Origina1ly published by Copemicus in 1998
Softcover reprint of the hardcover lst edition 1998
Foreword 1998 Lynn Margulis
Introduction and chronology 1997 Jacques Grinevald
AU rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, record ing, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.
Llbrary of Congress Cataloglng-In-Publlcatlon Data
VernadskiY, V. 1. (Vladimir Ivanovich), 1863-1945.
[Biosfera. English]
The biosphere/by Vladimir 1. Vernadsky; forward by Lynn
Margulis and coUeagues; introduction by Jacques Grinevald;
translated by David B. Langmuir; revised and annotated by Mark A.S.
p. cm.
uA Peter N. Nevraumont book."
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-4612-7264-9 ISBN 978-1-4612-1750-3 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-1750-3
1. Biosphere. 1. McMenamin, Mark A. II. Title.
QH3434V4713 1997
33395-dC21 97-23855
A Peter N. Nevraumont Book
Manufactured in the United States of America
Printed on acid-free paper.
Designed by Iose Conde, Studio Pepin, Tokyo
Photograph of V.I. Vernadsky on jacket and
pages 4-6 courtesy of Mark McMenamin
098 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Produced by Nevraumont Publishing Company
New York, New York
President: Ann ). Perrini

Foreword to the English-Language Edition 14
Introduction: The Invisibility of the Vernadskian Revolution 20
Translator's Preface 33
Editor's Note on Translation and Transliteration 34
The Biosphere
Author's Preface to the French Edition 38
Author's Preface to the Russian Edition 39
PART ONE. The Biosphere in the Cosmos
The Biosphere in the Cosmic Medium 43
The Biosphere as a Region of Transformation of Cosmic Energy 47
The Empirical Generalization and the Hypothesis 51
Living Matter in the Biosphere 56
The Multiplication of Organisms and
Geochemical Energy in Living Matter 60
Photosynthetic Living Matter 72
Some Remarks on Living Matter in the Mechanism
of the Biosphere 85
PART TWO The Domain of Life
The Biosphere: An Envelope of the Earth 91
Living Matter of the First and Second Orders in the Biosphere 103
The Limits of Life 113
The Limits of Life in the Biosphere 117
Life in the Hydrosphere 126
Geochemical Cycles of the Living Concentrations and
Films of the Hydrosphere 134
Living Matter on Land 142
The Relationship Between the Living Films and
Concentrations of the Hydrosphere and Those of Land 148
Appendix I: A Biographical Chronology 151
Appendix II: Vernadsky's Publications in English 159
Bibliography 160
Acknowledgments 183
Index 185
Foreword to the English-Language Edition
Just as all educated westerners have heard of Albert Einstein,
Gregor Mendel, and Charles Darwin, so all educated Russians
know of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945). He is widely
celebrated in Russia and the Ukraine. A Vernadsky Avenue in
Moscow is rivaled by a monument in his memory in Kiev. His
portrait appears on Russian national stamps, air letters, and
even memorial coins.
A mineralogist and biogeologist, Vernad-
sky maintained his scholarly activity and laboratory at Moscow
University through much revolutionary turmoil. He resigned,
with most other scientists, in 1911. His previous part-time
employment as adjunct member of the Academy of Sciences
and director of the Mineralogical Museum in St. Petersburg per-
mitted him to take on these activities full-time by the end of that
When World War I broke out Vernadsky was leading an expe-
dition to seek radioactive minerals in Siberia; by May 1917 he
was elected head of his old department of Mineralogy and Geol-
ogy at Moscow University. lit health forced him to travel south
and settle with his family in the Ukraine, until he left for Paris.
He returned to the Soviet Union from France in 1926 and
remained there until his death in 1945. Through the political
morass of the Stalinist Soviet Union, Vernadsky remained vigi-
lant towards honesty, indifferent to politics, and devoted to
open scientific inquiry. The last part of his long career was also
immensely productive: he continued to publish, lecture, attend
conferences, organize institutes, express his opinions-popular
or not. Indeed Vernadsky's entire life was dedicated to fostering
the international scientific enterprise. His lectures at the Sor-
bonne in 1922-23 were known to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and
Edouard Le Roy. They were published in 1924 under the title La
In 1926 his greatest work, The Biosphere, the first
full English translation of which you now hold in your hands,
was published in Russian in 1926.4 Vernadsky with great help
from his wife and French colleagues then prepared a French lan-
guage edition in 1929.5 As only the most important and seminal
1 In reviewing Bailes' book, Stephen
M. Rowland of the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, writes
" ... Vernadsky symbolizes personal
integrity and Slavic native ability.
In the years to come, as the Russian
and Ukrainian people look for
sources of cultural pride,
Vernadsky's stature is certain to
grow. Already named in his honor
are a mineral (vernadite), a geologic
museum, the Ukrainian central
science library, several mountain
peaks and ranges, a peninsula in
East Antarctica, a submarine
volcano, a crater on the back side
of the moon, a mine in Siberia, a
scientific research vessel, a
steamship, a village in Ukraine
(Vernadovka), a street in Moscow
(Vernadsky Prospekt), and a species
of diatoms. See Rowland, 1993.
2 Bailes, 1990.
3 Vernadsky, 1924.
4 Vernadsky, 1926a.
5 Vernadsky, 1929.
scientific works are able to do, The Biosphere has remained
fresh and current for over a half-century.
The descent of what Winston Churchill called the "iron cur-
tain" and the subsequent cold war substantially reduced the
flow of scientific information from Russia to Western Europe and
beyond. This prolonged trans-European barrier deprived Eng-
lish-speaking scientific audiences of Vernadsky's imaginative
and insightful books for most of this century. Vernadsky's
obscurity in the West is surely one of the great examples in his-
tory of a political impediment to the spread of scientific infor-
mation. But like the periodic table of elements, which, in the
United States, is still seldom credited to its Russian inventor,
Dimitri Mendeleev, Vernadsky's ideas became widely known
even though they were not attributed to their author.
Although the Viennese geologist Eduard Seuss (1831-1914)
had coined the term biosphere for the place on Earth's surface
where life dwells,' and the word has since been used in various
contexts by many scientists, it is Vernadsky's concept of the
biosphere, as set forth in this book, that is accepted today.
Three empirical generalizations exemplify his concept of the
1 Life occurs on a spherical planet. Vernadsky is the first person in
history to come grips with the real implications of the fact that
Earth is a self-contained sphere.
2 Life makes geology. Life is not merely a geological force, it is the
geological force. Virtually all geological features at Earth's sur-
face are bio-influenced, and are thus part of Vernadsky's bios-
3 The planetary influence of living matter becomes more exten-
sive with time. The number and rate of chemical elements trans-
formed and the spectrum of chemical reactions engendered by
living matter are increasing, so that more parts of Earth are
incorporated into the biosphere.
What Vernadsky set out to describe was a physics of living mat-
ter. Life, as he viewed it, was a cosmic phenomenon which was
to be understood by the same universal laws that applied to
such constants as gravity and the speed of light. Still, Vernadsky
himself and many of his fundamental concepts remained large-
ly unknown.
His ideas first began to enter postwar Western science in the
form of hybrid activities called "biogeochemistry," "geomicrobi-
, Seuss, 1875.
ology," or studies of ecosystems, ecology, and "environmental
chemical cycles." Observation and measurement today of the
flow of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen through the hydrosphere,
lithosphere, atmosphere, and biota are practices based on the
style of thought invented by Vernadsky.
A statement of the major themes of V.1. Vernadsky's life work
was coaxed from him by the great English-American ecologist G.
Evelyn Hutchinson (1903-1991), of Yale University. Translated
with the aid of Vernadsky's son, George Vernadsky, who taught
history and Slavic studies also at Yale, it was organized into two
articles, which are among the last published before Vernadsky's
death in 1945, and they remained for many years the only pieces
of his writing readily available to English-speaking readers.7
Hutchinson's own chapter in The Earth as a Planet, one volume
in the Dutch-American astronomer G. P. Kuiper's work on the
solar system, itself embodied a Vernadsky-style conceptual
shift. Our Earth in this scholarly encyclopedia is described as
but one of nine planets, with life as its sole source of geochem-
ical uniqueness.
Even James E. Lovelock, FRS, the British inven-
tor and the other major scientific contributor to the concept of
an integrated biosphere in this century, remained unaware of
Vernadsky's work until well after Lovelock framed his own Gaia
Whereas Vernadsky's work emphasized life as a
geological force, Lovelock has shown that Earth has a physi-
ology: the temperature, alkalinity, acidity, and reactive gases
are modulated by life. With the completion in 1996 of more than
fifty SCOPE volumes on biogeochemistry and UNESCO'S "Man
and the Biosphere" program,tO the word "biosphere" has clear-
ly entered common parlance.
Demand for the voice of Vernadsky himself in English was
given a boost by the Biosphere 2 project. The goal of this ven-
ture, financed by the Texas oil millionaire Edward Bass and run
by a small, intensely private group of entrepreneurs, the
"Ecotechnicians," was a completely self-sustaining living sys-
tem within a 3.15-acre "greenhouse-with-an-ocean" in the Ari-
zona desert just north ofTucson. In 1990, "Biospherians" in red
space suits locked themselves into their gas-tight greenhouse
for a planned two-year stay; they encountered diminishing oxy-
gen supplies, dangerously high concentrations of carbon diox-
ide, disastrous "extinctions" of many species, and even more
disastrous population explosions of others. By 1992 the struc-
ture was opened, the "ecologically closed life support-system
experiment" ended, and the facility at Oracle, Arizona, was
7 Vernadsky. 1944. 1945
8 Hutchinson. 1954.
9 Lovelock. 1988.
10 Munn. 1971-1996.
made available to others for scientific research. This facility,
presently the largest greenhouse in the world, is currently
administered by Columbia University of New York City. Wallace
S. Broecker, Director of the Lamont Geophysical Laboratory in
Palisades, New York, which houses the geology department of
Columbia, describes in a lively account the history and current
status of Biosphere 2 of which he was the first director.
current president and executive director of Biosphere 2 is the
former assistant director of mathematics and physical science
at the US National Science Foundation; William Harris.
In search of both financial support and philosophical guid-
ance, Biosphere 2'S publishing arm, Synergetic Press, in 1986
published an 83-page bowdlerized translation of Vernadsky's
The Biosphere, based on the 232-page French text.
When one
of us (LM) asked editor-in-chiefTango Snyder Parrish (a.k.a Deb-
orah Snyder) why the book was so thin, she replied that she had
removed everything that might, in retrospect, be considered
"wrong" and so might blemish Vernadsky's posthumous repu-
tation. This unconscionable mangling further frustrated the tiny
readership that now clamored for the real Vernadsky.
Biospherians notwithstanding, the rediscovery of Vernadsky
was by this time underway. An excellent account of the scientif-
ic insights of Vernadsky, his colleagues and students, Traces of
Bygone Biospheresl
was published by Leningrad geochemist
Andrei Lapo. This small book became available in English in
198711J and later also was distributed by Synergetic Press. IS
Kendall Bailes' magnum OpUS,16 the definitive English-language
biography of Vernadsky and his times, appeared posthumously
in 1990. That Vernadsky had written widely, that his name had
been honored by several scientific institutions, awards, and
publications in the USSR, and that he was the first to recognize
the importance of life as a geological force,17 were more and
more widely discussed in a multitude of languages.
lt was pri-
marily Jacques Grinevald's presentation at the first Gaia meeting
in 1987, organized by Edward Goldsmith and Peter Bunyard and
published in a devilishly difficult to obtain book,19 that made us
all painfully aware of the main problem: the authentic Vernad-
sky remained unavailable to an English-language readership. A
newly published version of the Gaia meeting and its successors
is now available.
For at least a decade prior to the appearance of the Synergetic
Press pamphlet, a 187-page typescript of the entire The Bios-
phere in English translation was circulating in Boston and New
11 Broecker, 1996.
12 Vernadsky, 1986.
13 Lapo, 1979.
1IJ Lapo, 1982.
15 Lapo, 1987. A third edition
is planned to be published by
Copernicus/Springer Verlag in 1999.
16 Bailes, 1990.
17 Westbroek, 1991.
18 Tort, 1996.
19 Grinevald, 1988.
20 Bunyard, 1996.
York. Its mysterious, nearly blank title page offered no informa-
tion about its origins other than that it had been "translated by
David Langmuir." lynn Margulis received a copy from her col-
league, Thomas Glick, of the History and Geography Depart-
ments at Boston University, who had taught courses on the
impact of Charles Darwin.
She enthusiastically read and
passed on the by now well-worn typescript to her former stu-
dent Betsey Dexter Dyer, who currently teaches biology at
Wheaton College. Dyer had aided Andrei lapo in preparing the
English translation of the second edition of his Traces while she
enjoyed a U.S. National Academy of Sciences-sponsored
research excursion to the Soviet Union in 1984 and now she
requested his help in locating the translator. In the end both
lapo and Jacques Grinevald provided the same address. Our
enterprising publisher, Peter N. Nevraumont, found langmuir in
Santa Monica, California, alive and well in his mid-eighties, with
his faculties fully intact. langmuir, of course, was delighted to
learn that a full English translation of Vernadsky's The Bios-
phere would at long last see the light of day.
Even without an accessible version of his greatest book, we
have all felt Vernadsky's influence on our work. Indirectly
through lapo, Bailes, Grinevald, the red-suited biospherians,
the two articles sponsored by Hutchinson in the 1940s, the writ-
ings of M. M. Kamshilov,22 Westbroek, the legacy of G. E.
Hutchinson,23 and for those of us who could locate it, A. E. Fers-
man's wonderful book Geoquimica Recreativa, released in Eng-
lish as Geochemistry for Everyone,24 we have been informed in
many ways of Vernadsky's ideas. Our debt now to Peter N.
Nevraumont for his willingness to spread the word is immea-
surable. A world-class scientist and writer, Vernadsky needs no
protection from the guardians of the politically correct, whether
biospherians, anti-Communists, or others. Vernadsky is finally
allowed to speak in English for himself.
Vernadsky teaches us that life, including human life, using
visible light energy from our star the Sun, has transformed our
planet over the eons. He illuminates the difference between an
inanimate, mineralogical view of Earth's history, and an end-
lessly dynamic picture of Earth as the domain and product of
life, to a degree not yet well understood. No prospect of life's
cessation looms on any horizon. What Charles Darwin did for all
life through time,25 Vernadsky did for all life through space. Just
as we are all connected in time through evolution to common
ancestors, so we are all-through the atmosphere, lithosphere,
21 Gllck,1974.
22 Kamshilov, 1976.
23 Hutchinson, 1957-1992.
24 Fersman, 1958.
25 Darwin, 1963 [first published
hydrosphere, and these days even the ionosphere-connected
in space. We are tied through Vernadskian space to Darwinian
We embrace the opportunity afforded by Copernicus
Books of Springer-Verlag to, at long last, cast broadly the
authentic Vernadskian English-language explanations of these
Lynn Margulis University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Ma., USA
26 Margulis, L. and D. Sagan. 1995.
Mauro Ceruti Department of Linguistics and Comparative Literature, University of Bergamo, Italy
Stjepko Golubie Boston University, Boston, Ma., USA, and Zagreb, Croatia
Ricardo Guerrero Department of Microbiology, University of Barcelona, Spain
Nubuo Ikeda Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan
Natsukllkezawa Author (Winds From the Future; The Breast of Mother Nature- Yomiuri Bungaku Award)
Wolfgang E. Krumbein Department of Geomicrobiology, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Andrei Lapo VSEGEI (All-Russian Geological Research Institute), st. Petersburg, Russia
Antonio Lazcano Department of Biology, Universidad Autonoma Nacional de Mexico, Mexico
David Suzuki University of British Columbia and Canadian Broadcasting Company, Canada
Crispin Tiekell Green College, Oxford, United Kingdom
Malcolm Walter School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Peter Westbroek Department of Biochemistry, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Introduction: The Invisibility of the Vernadskian Revolution
I suggest that there are excellent reasons why revolutions have
proved to be so nearly invisible. Both scientists and laymen take
much of their image of creative scientific activity from an author-
itative source that systematically disguises-partly for impor-
tant functional reasons-the existence and significance of sci-
entific revolutions.
Thomas S. Kuhn
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
In his epoch-making article introducing the September 1970
issue of Scientific American devoted to "the Biosphere, the
founder of the Yale scientific school in ecology, George Evelyn
Hutchinson, wrote:
The idea of the biosphere was introduced into science rather
casually almost a century ago by the Austrian geologist Eduard
Suess, who first used the term in a discussion of the various
envelopes of the earth in the last and most general chapter of a
short book on the genesis of the Alps published in 1875. The
concept played little part in scientific thought, however, until the
publication, first in Russian in 1926 and later in French in 1929
(under the title La Biosphere), of two lectures by the Russian
mineralogist Vladimir Vernadsky. It is essentially Vernadsky's
concept of the biosphere, developed about 50 years after Suess
wrote, that we accept today.
Hutchinson'S authoritative assessment
has not been fully
appreciated. For most people in the West, the name Vladimir
Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945) is still largely unknown. In
fact, apart from rare exceptions like the entry in the multi-vol-
ume Dictionary of Scientific Biography, most of our usual refer-
ence books, including those in the history of science, ignore Ver-
nadsky and his Biosphere concept. The world's first scientific
monograph on the Biosphere of Earth as a planet, which Ver-
27 Kuhn, 1962, p. 136.
28 Hutchinson, 1965, pp. 1-26; and
nadsky published in 1926, is not yet listed among the major
books that have shaped our modern world view.
The special issue of Scientific American on "the Biosphere,"
a landmark in all respects, was published at the beginning of
"the environmental revolution," to borrow the title of Max
Nicholson'S 1970 book. In Western industrial societies, this
epoch was marked by the political emergence of a global envi-
ronmental movement, internationally recognized at the 1972
United Nations Stockholm Conference. Following the so-called
"Biosphere Conference"29 organized by UNESCO, Paris, in Sep-
tember 1968, the world problematique of "Man and the Bios-
phere" (UNESCO'S MAS program) became a pressing issue for
many of us, reviving, either explicitly or implicitly, views on the
biosphere that had originated with Vernadsky.3o
The Vernadskian renaissance began slowly, in the 1960s and
1970S in the Soviet Union, thanks to a little circle of scholars with-
in the Academy of Sciences. By the time of Gorbachev's pere-
stroika, Vernadsky was a cult figure for the liberals and a nation-
al icon for others. With the collapse of the USSR a major barrier to
the official recognition of Vern ad sky's life and work came down as
The international revival of Vern ad sky came of age in the
mid-1980s; many circumstances, including the Biosphere 2 pro-
ject, are recalled in the forward to this volume.
Paradoxically, at the birth of the environmental era, the very
term biosphere was often betrayed or replaced, for example,
the vague notion of "global environment." In another instance,
the biosphere was correctly named in Science and SUNival
(1966) by Barry Commoner, but in his international best seller
The Closing Circle (1971), biosphere was unfortunately replaced
by ecosphere. This neologism, in vogue since 1970, was intro-
duced in flagrant ignorance of Vernadsky's teaching. With the
use of the ecosphere, the concept of biosphere was reduced to
the "global film of organisms."32 This is a far narrower, more
pedestrian idea than what Vernadsky proposed.
In the 1970S and 1980s, many Soviet publications on global
environmental issues, including nuclear war, praised Vernadsky
as the originator of the modern theory of the Biosphere. One of
the first works to do so, the textbook Global Ecology, written by
the Soviet climatologist Mikhail I. Budyko, was published in
English and French by 1980.33 Involved in the global warming
debate since the early 1970S, Budyko was an internationally
known meteorologist and the author of several books on cli-
matic aspects of "the evolution of the Biosphere."34 But as
29 Use and Conservation of the
Biosphere, 1970.
30 Vernadsky, 1945.
31 Tort, 1996, pp. 4439-4453.
32 Lieth and Whittaker, 1975.
33 Budyko, 1980.
Kendall Bailes, the author of the only English-language biogra-
phy of Vernadsky, pointed out, Soviet appraisals often merged
with the official ideology, so that the life and thought of Vern ad-
sky were often horribly distorted:
French and English versions
of the beautiful, though not always reliable, monograph
Vladimir Vernadsky, by Rudolf Balandin, appeared in the series
"Outstanding Soviet Scientists."36 Semyon R. Mikulinsky, with
the Institute of the History of Science and Technology of the
Academy of Sciences, emphasized the neglected work of Ver-
nadsky as an historian of science, but still with an obvious com-
munist slant.
In the early 1980s, Nicholas Polunin, writing in the interna-
tional journal Environmental Conservation, emphasized "the
wide-prevailing public ignorance concerning the Biosphere,
which is such that the vast majority of people living in it (as of
course all people normally do) simply do not understand what it
is, much less realize how utterly dependent they are on it for
their life-support and very existence."38 Polunin was a British
plant geographer turned environmentalist and a former collab-
orator at Oxford with Arthur Tansley, the British botanist who in
1935 coined the term "ecosystem." It was Polunin who pro-
posed the convention of writing "Biosphere," in the sense of
Vernadsky, with a capital letter, to emphasize the unique stand-
ing of the only living planet we know in the cosmos. It is also
useful to distinguish it from the other meanings, including the
biosphere as a part of the climate system.
Polunin defined the
Biosphere as the "integrated living and life-supporting system
comprising the peripheral envelope of planet Earth together
with its surrounding atmosphere so far down, and up, as any
form of life exists naturally."
The invisibility of the Vernadskian revolution is part of the cul-
tural history of ideas. From the start, the term Biosphere has
been interpreted in many different and contradictory ways. A
scientific consensus on the term is stilllacking.
The scientific
concepts of Vern ad sky compete with and are frequently super-
seded by other popular terms and ideas, including Teilhardism,
the worldwide cultural movement accompanying the posthu-
mous edition of Teilhard de (hardin's writings on science and
religion. Teilhard developed his own notions of "Biosphere" in
many fascinating texts, but not in his strictly scientific works,"l
though it was not a clear-cut division for him. Even noted
authors erroneously credited Teilhard de (hardin for the word
3" Budyko. 1986.
35 Bailes. 1990; and Yanshin and
Yanshina. 1988.
36 Balandin. 1982.
37 Mikulinsky. 1984; and 1983. with
a commentary by Tagliamgambe.
38 Polunin. 1972; 1980; 1984;
Polunin and Grinevald. 1988.
39 As stated in the definitions
(Article 1) of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate
Change (1992). as well as in many
official scientific publications.
including the authoratative reports
of Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC).
40 See the summary of state of art
by the British geographer Richard J.
Huggett. 1991; and 1995.
1+1 Teilhard, 19551976; and 1971.
"biosphere,"42 though both Teilhard and Vernadsky were care-
ful to attribute it to the great Austrian geologist Eduard Suess
(1831-1914).'13 It is equally misleading, of course, to state that
Vernadsky originated the term. This mistake, frequently made
since UNESCO'S 1968 conference, even appears in Peter J.
Bowler's History of Environmental Sciences.
It is a flagrant
illustration of the widespread ignorance of Vernadsky's own
writings, as well as of the history of the idea of the Biosphere.
Sometimes, Teilhard and Vernadsky are merged, as, for
instance, in Theodosius Dobzhansky's 1967 book The Biology of
Ultimate Concern.
As Thomas F. Malone wrote:
The proposal to unite geophysics and biology is the culmination
of conceptual thinking that began in 1875 with the identification
of the "biosphere"-described by the Suess-as the concentric,
life-supporting layer of the primordial Earth. It has been devel-
oped as a concept in modern scientific thought largely through
the work of Vern ad sky during the 1920S.47
The Suessian model of geological envelopes,48 or
"geospheres" (the term coined by Challenger oceanographer
John Murray in 1910), was adopted by geographers, meteorolo-
gists (troposphere and stratosphere were introduced by Leon
Teisserenc de Bort in 1902), geophysicists (asthenosphere was
introduced by Joseph Barrell in 1914), and soil scientists (pedos-
phere was coined by Svante E. Mattson in 1938). This scheme of
geospheres gained wide currency through the three great
founding fathers of modern geochemistry, the American Frank
W. Clarke (1847-1931), chief chemist to the U.S. Geological Sur-
vey (1883-1925);49 the Zurich-born Norwegian geologist Victor
Moritz Goldschmidt (1888-1947), whose the life was disturbed
by Hitler's accession to power;50 and Vernadsky. As the founder
of the Russian school of geochemistry and biogeochemistry,
Vernadsky was mentioned in the major books on geochemistry
when that field came of age after World War 11.51 Then, appar-
ently, the name of Vernadsky was forgotten, as philosophers
and historians of science neglected the growing role of Earth
and planetary sciences in contemporary scientific knowledge.
The case ofVernadsky is, of course, not unique in the history of
Soviet science.
Between Suess and Vernadsky, a pioneerin"g movement
helped to merge biology and geology but, as always, the begin- .
nings were obscure. Led by the German naturalist Johannes
42 For instance, the great historian
Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975). See
Toynbee, 1976 (chapter 2: "The
43 Vernadsky, 1929 (68). Reference
to E. Suess, 1875, p. 159: "One thing
seems strange on this celestial body
consisting body consisting of
spheres, namely organic life. But this
latter is limited to a determined zone,
at the surface of the lithosphere. The
plant, which deeply roots plunge in
the soil to feed, and at the same time
rises into the air to breathe, Is a good
illustration of the situation of organic
life in the region of interaction
between the upper sphere and the
lithosphere, and on the surface of
continents we can distinguished a
self-maintained biosphere [eine
selbstllndige N
44 Bowler, 1992.
45 Grinevald, 1988.
46 On Dobzhansky's connection
with both Vernadsky and Teilhard,
see Adams, 1994.
47 Malone and Roederer, 1985, p. xiii.
48 Vernadsky, 1924, pp. 64-74, "Les
enveloppes de l'ecorce terrestre. N
49 Since 1909, Vernadsky read the
successive editions of Clarke's Data
of Geochemistry. In the second
edition (1911), Vernadsky is quoted
ten times.
50 Mason, 1992, contains
Goldschmidt's complete bibliography.
Plate 23 of this authoratative book is
a photograph of Goldschmidt and
Vernadsky in front of Goldschmidt's
home in Gottingen in June 1932.
5S Rankama and Sahama, 1950;
and Mason, 1952. These two books
include some useful historical
information, but the complete
history of geochemistry (and its role
in the rise of Earth sciences), since
the coinage of its name in 1838 by
the German chemist Christian
Friedrich Schonbein (1799-1868), the
discoverer of ozone, professor at the
University of Basel (Switzerland),
has yet to be written.
52 Graham, 1993.
Walther (1860-1937); Stanlislas Meunier (1843-1925), the
author of La Geologie biologique (1918); and the Harvard phys-
iologist Lawrence J;. Henderson (1878-1942), the author of The
Fitness of the Environment (1913). The sources of Vern ad sky are
in fact an immense library, which is the intellectual prehistory of
Gaia. As Alexander P. Vinogradov wrote on the occasion of the
100th anniversary of Vern ad sky's birth: "Much time will have to
pass before the historian of science will be able to review the
vast scientific legacy of Vern ad sky and fully grasp the depth and
many-sided ness of his influence."53 The same is true for the his-
torical sources of Vernadsky's work.
In the English-speaking world, the idea and term biosphere
were not quickly diffused, or else were used in the restricted
sense given by the geochemists,5" In France, just after World
War I and the publication (delayed because the war) of the final
volume of La Face de la Terre, the little French Catholic circle of
geologists and naturalists with the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle
enthusiastically adopted Suess's notion of "biosphere," while
rejecting Wegener's revolutionary theory of continental drift.
The geologist Pierre Termier spoke of Wegener's idea as "a
dream, the dream of a great poet," a "seductive," "unneces-
sary," "extremely convenient" hypothesis (the same words used
by Lovelock's opponents!).55 Teilhard de Chardin, already a
noted scientist as well as a mystic prophet, adopted Suess'
biosphere when he finished reading La Face de la Terre in
1921.56 When he met Vernadsky, he was completely ignorant of
the biogeochemical approach developed by his Russian col-
league. Both Vernadsky and Teilhard praised Suess for the term
biosphere and saw the need of a new "science of the Bios-
phere."57 But the common terminology is misleading. In fact,
the French scientist and the Russian scientist were interpreting
biosphere in radically different ways. It is interesting to note
that Teilhard developed his own notion of "Biosphere" mainly in
his philosophical writings,58 not through his scientific publica-
For his part, Vernadsky based his evolving conception of
the Biosphere essentially in his biogeochemical works, but also
in his work in philosophy of science, including a concept he
termed "empirical generalizations." Like many great scientists
of his time, Vernadsky. developed his personal philosophical
thought on the great questions. Like Teilhard within his order of
the Society of Jesus, our Russian scientist was censored and his
intellectual activities restrained during the Stalinist era.
Both Vernadsky and Teilhard were cosmic prophets of global-
53 Vinogradov, 1963, p727
54 Goldschmidt. 1929; and Mason.
55 Termier, 1915; 1922; 1928; 1929;
and Termier and Termier, 1952.
56 Teilhard,1957a.
57 Teilhard, 1957b.
58 Teilhard,19551976.
59 Teilhard. 1971.
i.zation. IfTeilhard was a "cosmic mystic," Vernadsky defined him-
self as a "cosmic realist." They shared a belief in science and tech-
nology as a universal, peaceful and civilizing force. Energy (force,
power, work, production) was the key-word of the Zeitgeist. Ver-
nadsky and Teilhard both offered energetic interpretations (but
based on different energetics) of biological and technological sys-
tems shared then by the Ostwald ian, Machian and Bergsonian
thinkers, extending the ideas of energetics and biological evolu-
tion to human "exosomatic evolution" (a term later coined by A.
Lotka).60 But in The Biosphere as in all his work, Vernadsky's sci-
entific perspective is radically different from that of Teilhard. The
divergence is perhaps best expressed as an opposition between
the anthropocentric view of life (Teilhardian biosphere) and the
biocentric view of the nature's economy (Vernadskian Biosphere).
Vernadsky's Biosphere is completely different from what Gre-
gory Bateson called the "Lamarckian biosphere" of Teilhard,
which was still connected to the classical idea of the Great
Chain of Being and not at all synonymous with our modern
ecosystem concept. I suspect Teilhard (long in China) did not
read Vernadsky's La Biosphere. It was never cited in all Teil-
hard's published letters, philosophical writings and scientific
works. Teilhard is not alone. Even after Vernadsky's death, The
Biosphere was mentioned, if at all, in the necrological notices
with a curious sort of no comment.
As an analytical abstraction for studying the complexity of
nature, the functional concept of ecosystem, formally intro-
duced after Vernadsky's The Biosphere, has no geographical
boundary outside the observer's choice. Its extent is defined by
the scale of observation. To quote Vernadsky, "there is nothing
large or small in nature."61 If Earth seems small to us now, it is
because man's power, a manifestation of conscious life in the
evolving Biosphere, is becoming large. While the biota, includ-
ing microorganisms, constitutes a relatively small biomass com-
pared with the total mass of the lithosphere, the hydrosphere
and the atmosphere, the planetary role of living matter in
nature's economy-to recall the classical metaphor at the roots
of ecology-is enormous. According to Vernadsky, the Bios-
phere is not only "the face of Earth" but is the global dynamic
system transforming our planet since the beginning of biogeo-
logical time. Vernadsky's position on the origin of life on Earth
evolved, but I prefer to ignore Oparin's impact
on Vernadsky's
opinion on genesis.
A comparative study is still to be written.
Vernadsky's long neglected discovery that the Biosphere, as
60 Lotka, 1945. A comparative
study of Lotka and Vernadsky is still
61 Vernadsky, 1930b, p. 701.
62 Oparin, 1957.
63 Vernadsky, 1932.
the domain of life on Earth, is a biogeochemical evolving system
with a cosmic significance, was a scientific novelty unwelcomed
by mainstream science. It was indebted to many new and old
ideas in science, as well as in philosophy, Bergson's anti-mech-
anist epistemology of life notably. Vernadsky's Biosphere con-
cept was part of the new geochemical point of view that consid-
ered Earth as a dynamic energy-matter organization, a system
comparable to a thermodynamic engine. Following the insights
of early bioenergetics, including the essay on metabolism (Stot-
fwechsef) published in 1845 by the German physician Robert
Mayer,64 the works of the German plant physiologist Wilhelm
Pfeffer,65 and the study on "the cosmic function of the green
plant" by the Russian Darwinist Kliment A. Timiryazev," Ver-
nadsky viewed the Biosphere as, "a region of transformation of
cosmic energy.,,67 Energetics of the Biosphere, as Vernadsky
emphasized, implies Earth systems as a planet functioning in
the cosmic environment, powered by the Sun. This new thermo-
dynamical cosmology was the result of what we have called the
Carnotian revolution. At the beginning of the twentieth century,
modern science was transformed by an explosion of discoveries
and inventions. The microphysics of quanta and Einstein'S theo-
ry of relativity were part of this profound metamorphosis. Bio-
logical sciences and earth sciences were also profoundly
altered by developments in applied mathematics (the so-called
probabilistic revolution), and the physical and chemical sci-
ences. The engineering-born science of thermodynamics, con-
nected with physiology, biochemistry, and (later) ecology, was
pivotal in the emergence of the concept of Earth as an evolving
system powered by internal and external energy sources. Earth
system science was still embryonic during the age of Vern ad sky,
but the author of The Biosphere was thinking ahead of his time.
One of Vernadsky's core ideas was "biogeochemical energy"
(The Biosphere, 25). This energy-centered approach was clear-
ly part of the second Scientific Revolution of the West, of which
Bergson and Le Roy were early philosophers.
To a certain degree, the intellectual confusion surrounding
the holistic idea of the Biosphere is the result of the mechanis-
tic reductionist nature of Western mainstream science, as clear-
ly expressed by the Cartesian philosophy of Jacques Monod's
Chance and Necessity.68 Other and opposite reasons exist,
including Teilhard de Chardin's pervasive influence, as we have
seen." Mainstream science viewed holism as vitalist and anti-
scientific. Paradoxically, like Teilhard, one of his holistic villains,
6It Vernadsky. 1924, PP.329330,
334-338; and the English translation
of Mayer, 1845, In Natural Science_
65 Vernadsky, The Biosphere (91);
and BUnning, 1989.
66 Timiryazev, 1903.
67 Vernadsky, 1924, chap. III, 21,
The Biosphere (8); and Trincher,
1965 (containing a long extract of
Vernadsky's Geochemistry on the
Carnot principle and life, pp. 84-93).
Compare these with Odum, 1971;
Gates, 1962; and Morowitz, 1968.
68 Monod, 1971.
69 In the West, Teilhard de
Chardin's extraordinary fame
was practically inverse of that of
Vernadsky. The debated figure of
Teilhard de Chardin is still present,
as illustrated by the recent
acclaimed books (ignoring
Vernadsky) of Barrow and Tipler,
1986; or Duve, 1995.
Monod, used the term "biosphere" only in the restricted sense
of biota, ignoring Vernadsky's concept even though it had
already been adopted by ecosystems ecology. Like Monod,
many modern biologists and biochemists are ignorant of ecolo-
gy and the Biosphere. Modern geochemistry, a "big science" in
the nuclear age, is also guilty of neglecting the whole.
four-box or reservoir scheme (atmosphere-hydrosphere-Iithos-
phere-biosphere) still represents the dominant geochemical
and geophysical paradigm.
The scientific awareness expressed by Vernadsky and some
forgotten naturalists was long absent from mainstream science,
and until recently was not a "global issue" of national politics or
international affairs.'l In it's new intellectual and international
context, Vernadsky's scientific revolution is beginning to
emerge from the haze of its early manifestations. The revolu-
tionary character of the Vernadskian science of the Biosphere
was long hidden by the reductionist, overspecialized and com-
partmentalized scientific knowledge of our time.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, after three centuries of
"modern science," biology appeared in contradiction with the
physical and chemical sciences. The paradox, pointed out by
several authors, notably the French philosopher Henri Bergson
in his great book L'Evolution creatrice (1907), was the famous
second law of thermodynamics, the Carnot principle named the
law of entropy. The anti-mechanistic philosophy of Bergson's
Creative Evolution celebrated Life as an improbable diversity-
creating whole, animated by a powerful elan vital, an accelerat-
ing biological coevolution transforming the inert matter of the
surface of this planet. This had a profound influence on Vernad-
sky, as on many naturalists among the Russian intelligentsia
before the Bolshevik Revolution. In the second part of his long
scientific career (he was over 60 when he wrote The Biosphere),
Vernadsky's intellectual ambition was to reconcile modern sci-
ence with biological processes and life as a whole of cosmic sig-
The discovery of "the living organism of the biosphere" (The
Biosphere, 13) arose from many scientific traditions and inno-
vations integrated by the encyclopedic mind of Vernadsky, a
geologist and naturalist in the broadest sense of the terms. Ver-
nadsky made this intense intellectual effort, during a difficult
but especially creative period from 1917 to the mid-1920S. It was
an historical epoch marked by World War I, the Russian revolu-
tions, and an extraordinary emotional context admirably
70 For the leading geochemist V. M.
Goldschmidt: "The totality of living
organisms represents the biosphere,
sensu strictu, and through its
metabolism the biosphere is most
intimitely connected with the
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and
pedosphere" (see Goldschmidt,
1954, p. 355) See also Mason and
Moore, 1982, p.41:
"The biosphere is the totality of
organic matter distributed through
the hydrosphere, the atmosphere,
and on the surface of the crust."
This definition goes back to the first
edition of Mason's Principles of
Geochemistry, 1952.
71 See Grinevald, 1990; Smil, 1997.
described by Lewis Feuer's Einstein and the Generation of Sci-
ence.72 But, like all the scholarly literature on the scientific rev-
olutions, Feuer's great book ignored Vernadsky and his revolu-
tionary theory of the Biosphere.
Like the rest of science in the twentieth century, biology
developed many subdisciplines and was deeply influenced by
what E. J. Dijksterhuis called "the mechanization of the world
picture. "73 The modern philosophy of the laboratory, in biology
as well as in chemistry, produced a mechanistic and reduction-
istic science, more and more separated from evolving nature.
Classical organized biology was often considered an outmoded
science after the discovery of the structure of DNA in the 1950S.
The biological and geological sciences developed as separate
fields of knowledge, ignoring Vernadsky's integrative approach.
In this modern institutional and epistemological context, Ver-
nadsky's interdisciplinary and holistic concept of the Biosphere
was a very unwelcome scientific idea.
After the initial success of the Newtonian-Laplacian world of
mechanics and the atomistic reductionism of statistical
mechanics, a holistic integration of life with the rest of the phys-
ical world was not fashionable. Some eminent scientists saw in
holism the return to vitalism or even the older tradition of life of
Earth, a sort of revival of the ancient mythology of Gaia! Ther-
modynamics was not a model for Suess's biosphere, but it was
for Vernadsky and Lotka, much more than for Teilhard. Unfortu-
nately, at the time, evolution was seen as opposed to the sec-
ond law of thermodynamics.
Now we know that thermodynamics was itself an evolving sci-
ence?" As early as the end of the nineteenth century, several
experts thought that the entropy law was a law of evolution.
Thermodynamics connects organisms with their environment,
life with Earth, and Earth as a planet with its cosmic environ-
ment. The face of Earth, this strange "domain of life" in the cos-
mos, can be seen as an evolutionary phenomenon, the result of
metabolism connecting the living organisms, the energy flow,
and the cycling of chemical elements. Influenced by Bergson
this growing scientific awareness was first expressed by Ver-
nadsky in parallel with Lotka, a well-recognized pioneer of the
ecological worldview.
Like many forgotten energetist scientists, Vernadsky was seri-
ously interested in the apparent thermodynamic paradox
between life and entropy. The debate of Darwin versus Carnot
was an epistemological problem with immense social implica-
72 Feuer. 1974
73 Dijksterhuis. 1961
7,. Wicken. 1987; Depew and Weber.
75 Vernadsky. 1934; and 1935.
pp.208-213; 308-312.
tions. This debate was in fact a question of scale and boundary,
viewpoint and measurement, in both space and time. At the
time, it was not clearly recognized that the systems can be
divided into three categories: isolated (no energy-matter
exchange with the environment), closed (only energy exchange)
or open (energy-matter exchange). In fact, the boundary of a
phenomenon is an artifact defined by the observer. In empha-
sizing this point Yernadsky was criticizing not the productive
division of scientific labor but the compartmentalization of sci-
entific knowledge, and especially the loss of the unified view of
nature shared by the great naturalists of the past.
When Yernadsky was writing on energetics of the Biosphere,
energetics was a controversial epistemological matter with
striking ideological implications, notably in Russia. Yernadsky's
integrative and holistic framework, merging the anti-mechanis-
tic approach of thermodynamics and the new atomism,76 was a
source for systems thinking in the Soviet UnionP The science
of thermodynamics, linked with the engineering of the Industri-
al Revolution, physical chemistry as well as physiology and bio-
chemistry, and later also ecology and environmental sciences,
was considered at the end of the nineteenth century to present
a new, anti-Newtonian scientific worldview. In a French paper of
1927, Yernadsky wrote:
At the end of the last century, we witnessed the influence of the
energetic mentality upon the scientific understanding of nature.
This coincided with an effort to give a dynamical conception of
environment, a conception that seemed in perfect harmony with
the thermodynamic view of the Universe.
This conception-generally credited only to Lotka in the Unit-
ed States-was the real beginning of the study of energy flows
in ecosystems, "at various size levels ranging from simplified
microcosms to the biosphere as a whole."79In fact, the episte-
mological conflict between Darwin and Carnot was not resolved
until Schrodinger's What is Life?, which impelled a change in per-
spective and the emphasis on the point that what we call "struc-
ture" in biological organization is as much a self-organization of
processes as of structures.
In The Biosphere (89) , Yernadsky
emphasized that: "Our model of the cosmos always must have a
thermodynamic component." It is in this context, prior to
Schrodinger and Prigogine, that we can appreciate Yernadsky's
warning expressed in the 1929 French edition of The Biosphere:
76 For a historical review of this
epistemological conflict see Clark,
1976, PP.41-105.
77 Susiluoto, 1982, PP.25-27. There
is an interesting parallel between
Vernadsky's biospheric framework
and the Russian thinker A.
Bogdanov (pseudonym A. A.
Malinovsky, 1873-1928), the author
of the 3 volume treatise Tektology
The Universal Organizational
Science (1925'1929, 3rd ed., 1922,
Moscow). See Bogdanov, 1980.
7B Vernadsky, 1927.
79 Odum, 1968. Vernadsky is also
omitted by Gallucci, 1973. However,
Vernadsky was quoted in Kuznetsov,
80 Bergson, 1975; Whitehead,
1926; and especially Georgescu
Roegen, 1971. See also Glansdorff
and Prigogine, 1971; Denbigh, 1975;
and Weber, 1988.
"The physical theories must inevitably be preoccupied with
the fundamental phenomena of life" (La Biosphere, 1929,
appendice, p.229).
To illustrate this new trend of scientific thought, Vernadsky
cited J. Lotka's Elements of Physical Biology (1925), A. White-
head's Science and Modem World (1926) and J.B.S. Haldane's
Daedalus (1924). These three references form a useful framework
for the critical study of The Biosphere. Parallel to Lotka, Vernad-
sky emphasized the human implications of energetics of our liv-
ing Earth, its ecological limits and economic possibilities. Unfor-
tunately, mainstream biologists and economists long ignored this
bio-economic message until the revolutionary work of the
unorthodox economist Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, who showed
the way for the critique of the mechanistic dogma of neoclassical
economics. Both Vernadsky and Georgescu-Roegen are still
unappreciated philosophers, in the old sense of the term.
course, "thermodynamics smacks of anthropomorphism" (as
Max Planck lamented); but, as Georgescu-Roegen explained, "the
idea that man can think of nature in wholly nonanthropomorphic
terms is a patent contradiction in terms." Scale-dependent obser-
vation does not exist independent of the observer. It is particular-
ly relevant in ecology, the science of complex systems ranging
from the bacterial realm to the global Biosphere.
Like the Harvard physiologists formulating the homeostasis
concept in the 1920-30S, Vernadsky was indebted to the great
French physiologist Claude Bernard notably for his distinction
(and exchange) between the "milieu interieur" (internal envi-
ronment) and the "milieu cosmique" (cosmic environment).
Both Vernadsky and Lotka recognized Bernard's legacy. In his
Sorbonne lectures, Vernadsky declared:
In most of their works studying living organisms, the biologists
disregard the indissoluble connection between the surrounding
milieu and the living organism. In studying the organism as
something quite distinct from the environment, the cosmic
milieu, as Bernard said, they study not a natural body but a pure
product of their thinking.
He pointed out a flagrant case of "fallacy of misplaced con-
creteness" (Alfred North Whitehead). Vernadsky immediately
added: "For a long time the great biologists have seen the indis-
soluble connection between the organism and the surrounding
81 GeorgescuRoegen, 1971, P.276;
complete bibliography in Georgescu
Roegen, 1995.
82 Vernadsky, 1924 (p. 43).
Quotation from Bernard, 1878, t. I,
p.67. Bernard's theory of the
constancy of the milieu n t ~ r i u r was
a decisive precedent in the
discovery of physiological
homeostasis, a term coined in 1926
(explained in 1929) by Harvard
physiologist Walter Cannon (1871'
1945), author ofthe Sorbo nne
lectures (Paris, 1930) published
under the title The Wisdom of the
Body (1932). The concept of
homeostasis gained wide currency
only after 1948 through the
influence of Norbert Wiener (1894'
1964>, the father of cybernetics.
Cannon was a close colleague of
Lawrence J. Henderson (1878'1942),
the author of The Fitness of the
Environment (1913), an inspiring
book quoted by Vernadsky, which
belongs to the prehistory of Gaia.
See Langley, 1973.
It is "living matter," Vernadsky explained, that, "prepared
itself a new 'cosmic' milieu, taking this notion in Bernard's
sense."83 This reference is capital: it constitutes an important
step in the story of the Gaian science of geophysiology. Ver-
nadsky's approach may be compared with contemporary dis-
cussions about biological organization, the order of nature, the
balance of nature's economy, self-regulating systems, process-
es of equilibrium, steady states, and geochemical cycles. The
principles of thermodynamics helped to form a new cosmologi-
cal viewpoint, a unifying framework for the study of natural
processes, connecting living systems with the energetic econo-
my of nature. Respiration and nutrition, as manifestations of
energy-matter exchange between the organism and the envi-
ronment, connect life with the cosmos. There is a natural affini-
ty between Vernadsky's thermodynamic worldview and Lotka's
concept of "world engine." Both Vernadsky and Lotka can be
considered sources for Georgescu-Roegen's new paradigm of
After Vernadsky, Lotka, Gaia theory, and
Georgescu-Roegen, the world problematique of sustainable
development can and must integrate bioeconomics and biogeo-
chemistry, our global "industrial metabolism" and the matter-
energy system of Earth's Biosphere.
There are interesting links between the Carnotian revolution,
the Wegenerian revolution, and the Vernadskian revolution,
between thermodynamics, dynamic Earth, biogeochemistry, and
bioeconomics, following the revolutionary epistemological work
of N. Georgescu-Roegen.
Our modern culture must integrate
the entropy law, the mobilist view of the dynamic Earth and the
Biosphere. A growing intellectual circle considers Vernadsky's
The Biosphere as a classic of scientific thought on a level equal to
Darwin's Origins of Species. In one of the fundamental environ-
mental books of the early 1970S, the American ecologist Howard
T. Odum, Hutchinson's former student in biogeochemistry, wrote:
We can begin a systems view of the earth through the macro-
scope of the astronaut high above the earth. From an orbiting
satellite, the earth's living zone appears to be very simple. The
thin water- and air-bathed shell covering the earth-the bios-
phere-is bounded on the inside by dense solids and on the out-
side by the near vacuum of outer space.
James Lovelock's concept of Gaia first appeared in this con-
text: "The start of the Gaia hypothesis was the view of the Earth
83 Bernard, 1878b, p.67.
84 Grinevald, 1987; and Krishnan,
85 Georgescu-Roegen, 1971. This is
his magnum opus.
86 Odum, 1971a, p. 11.
from space, revealing the planet as a whole but not in detail. "87
At the time, Vernadsky was forgotten in the West. Significantly,
in his review (New Scientist, 17 July 1986) of the booklet The
Biosphere, by V. Vernadsky, the very abridged English transla-
tion edited by Synergetic Press, Lovelock confessed:
When Lynn Margulis and I introduced the Gaia hypothesis in
1972 neither of us was aware of Vernadsky's work and none of
our much learned colleagues drew our attention to the lapse. We
retraced his steps and it was not until the 1980s that we discov-
ered him to be our most illustrious predecessor.
Now the time is ripe for the revival of the real historical figure
of Vern ad sky and his complete work on the Biosphere. We must
realize that the natural system of Earth, named Nature by Hum-
boldt, the Biosphere by Vernadsky, Gaia by Lovelock, and ecos-
phere by others is a fundamental concept for our religious,
philosophical and scientific quest to learn "What Is Life?," as
emphasized by Vernadsky himself and recently reformulated in
an admirable book, fifty years after Schrt>dinger, by Lynn Mar-
gulis and Dorion Sagan.-
Nothing is as hard or as necessary as understanding Life. Our
own individual life and our collective life is, essentially, the
activity of the Biosphere -it is creative evolution. We are, as far
as we know, the only naturally habitable planet in the solar sys-
tem, and perhaps even-although we are completely ignorant
on this scale-in the immense cosmos.
To paraphrase Michael Ruse's Taking Darwin Seriously, more
than a half century after the appearance of The Biosphere the
time has surely come to take Vernadsky seriously.
Jacques Grinevatd
University of Geneva
87 Lovelock, 1979, p.126. There is
no reference to Vernadsky in the
first scientific papers on the Gaia
hypothesis published by Lovelock
and Margulis in the 1970S. The
references to Vernadsky appeared in
the mid-198os, notably in Lovelock,
1988. For a complete bibliography,
see Margulis and Sagan, 1997.
88 Margulis and Sagan, 1995.
Translator's Preface
Translation of The Biosphere has been materially aided by
access to an English version, prepared some years ago, in a
form that faithfully followed the French edition. The revision pre-
sented here is a rather drastic one, in which the sequence of
ideas in sentences and paragraphs has been rearranged in the
interests of compactness and logical flow. It may have been rash
to take such liberties, since Vernadsky's German translator and
the Russian editor of his posthumous book both were scrupu-
lous in following the author literally. Both, however, felt it nec-
essary to explain this and beg the reader's understanding. It is
believed that the present version conscientiously preserves
Vernadsky's meaning, and it is hoped that it will give the reader
an interest in, and some understanding of, this extraordinary
scientist and his work.
Both the French and Russian editions
were used in making
this revised translation. In cases of doubt, the Russian version
was deemed the more authoritative. The appendix to the French
edition, on Evolution of Species, is not included here, nor is it in
the 1967 Russian edition.
Dr. Richard Sandor's help with part of the translation is appre-
D. B. Langmuir
June 1977
89 Editions ofV. I. Vernadsky's
book published in the past include
the following. In Russian: Biosfera
[The Biosphere}. 1926. Leningrad,
Nauch. Kim-Tekhn. Izdatel'stvo;
Izbrannye Sochineniya [Selected
Works}, 1960, Moscow. Izdatel'stvo
Akademiya Nauk SSSR. v. 5. pp. 7-
102; Biosfera [The Biosphere}. 1967
[footnotes below ascribed to A. I.
Perelman are translated from this
edition by D. Langmuir), Mysl',
Moscow. pp. 222-348; Biosfera i
Noosfera [The Biosphere and the
Noosphere}. 1989. Moscow. Nauka.
115 p.; Zhivoe Veshchestvo i Biosfera
[Living Matter and the Biosphere}.
1994, Moscow. Nauka. pp. 315-401.
In French: La BiospMre. 1929, Paris,
F. Alcan. 232 p. In Serbo-Croatian:
Biosfera. 1960. Beograd. Kultura.
233 p. In Italian: La Biosfera. 1993.
Como, Italy. Red Edisioni. In English:
only the an abridged version based
on the French edition of 1929 has
been available: The Biosphere.
1986. Oracle. Arizona. Synergetic
Editor's Note on Translation and Transliteration
The revised translation you hold has been modified somewhat
from David Langmuir's translation, which dates back to the
1970'S. Langmuir's overall organization of the text was well done
and has largely been retained. Conflicts between the French and
Russian editions have been noted.
In this translation, the text has been rendered into more flu-
ent English. In many places, this has involved adding words and
phrases that will not be found in the original. This is not, how-
ever, a problem for the fidelity of the translation, for Vernadsky's
sense has been completely retained. Much that is implicit in
Russian writing must be made explicit in English for clarity.
Doing so has dramatically improved the readability of this book
for English-speaking audiences.
The most difficult word to translate in this book is the verb
(and its derivatives) ugadyvat'1ugadat;"to guess:' In an authori-
tative dictionary of Russian verbs, the verb ugadyvat'lugadat' is
rendered simply as "guess." It is a verb whose 1st and 2nd per-
son forms are not used in contemporary Russian (S. Rowland,
personal communication), and E. Daum and W. Schenk define
it to mean to be guessed, to seem "when no definite informa-
tion is available on the subject."
David Langmuir translated ugadyvat'lugadat' as "predic-
tion," Andrei V. Lapo as "guess," but I see neither of these as
entirely adequate in this context. The word for "conjecture" in
Russian is dogadka or gadanie, and both, as well as ugady-
vat'lugadat', share the root "gad." The phrase for "scientific
guess" is nauchnoe predp%zhenie, whereas the phrases for
"by guess" or "lucky guess" are naugad and schastlivaya
dogadka, respectively.91 "Extrapolation" translates as the cog-
nate ekstrapo/yatsiya, whereas "guesswork" is rendered as
dogadki. Thus words using the "gad" root seem to imply an ele-
ment of informality. But the present context is clearly one of for-
mal scientific research. Therefore, by using ugadyvat'lugadat'
in noun form Vernadsky apparently intends it to mean some-
thing along the lines of "conjectural constructs founded on
90 Daum and Schenk,1974.
91 Gal'perin, 1972, p. 616.
guesswork," and there is no question that he uses it in a pejo-
rative sense.
The exact meaning is important here, for it underpins
Vernadsky's critique of certain mechanistic models of the world
which have a tendency to construct risky extrapolations. It
serves to highlight the contrast between the way science is con-
ducted in the East and in the West. Vernadsky may, in fact, have
been directing this criticism at the way he felt scientific research
was being conducted in the west.
A clarification of this point
may help us to understand both the differences between
Russian and western scientific epistemology and the contrasts
between Russian and western approaches to environmental
problems. Perhaps ironically, Vernadsky is being increasingly
identified in the west as a doyen of the environmental move-
Although he is surely not the most orthodox model of a west-
ern scientist, science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke in a recent
interview vividly expressed the extrapolationist approach to sci-
ence in the west. The interviewer, noting that some of Clarke's
ideas (such as geostationary satellites and ice on the moon)
had made the jump from science fiction to science fact, asked
Clarke if he had hopes that any other of the predictions in his
works of fiction would make the transition to confirmed fact.
Clarke replied: "Actually, I very seldom predict, but I extrapo-
late, and there are many things I extrapolate that I would hate
to be accurate predictions."94
Extrapolationistic representations are thus in direct conflict
with Vernadsky's preference for advancing science through
empirical generalizations-those observations that, once point-
ed out, are inescapable to any observer. Although empirical
generalizations can change over time with new evidence or new
interpretations, according to Vernadsky they should never
involve conjecture, extrapolation or guesswork. They thus con-
stitute Vernadsky's bedrock starting point for scientific investi-
gation. As you will see, however, there are places where
Vernadsky himself departs from this idealized course of
As pointed out by Andrei Lapo, the translation of another
word is critical for understanding this book. This is the Russian
word kosnoe, an antonym of "living." Langmuir usually trans-
lated this word as "crude" (as an English equivalent to the
French "brut"), and sometimes translated it as "inert." George
Vernadsky (son of Vladimir Vernadsky) always, however, trans-
92 Although the criticism could
surely also be applied to some of his
Russian colleagues.
93 Margulis and Sagan, 1985;
Matias and Habberjam. 1984; and
Meyer, 1996.
94 Guterl, 1997. pp. 6869
95 Vernadsky did on occasion
employ the concept of a "working
scientific hypothesis." See p. 10 of
his "On the geological envelopes of
Earth as a planet." paper read
before the meeting
of the Sechnov Institute of Scientific
Research, January 18. 1942.
lated kosnoe as "inert." Both Lapo and I are in agreement with
G. Vernadsky that "inert" is the best translation for kosnoe.
Translation of this word is important because Vernadsky divid-
ed the biosphere into two classes of materials, the actual living
matter and natural, bio-inert matter with which it is associated.
Dr. Lapo also noted that there are places in this book where it
is not perfectly clear whether V. Vernadsky meant to refer to the
"surrounding medium" or to the "environment" in a more gen-
eral sense. In reviewing the translation ofV. Vernadsky's words,
I have tried to maintain a faithful usage of both. This distinction
is important because in his view of the biosphere Vernadsky
emphasizes, with a nod to the work of l. Pasteur,96 the "medi-
um forming" capabilities of organisms.
Mark McMenamin
Department of Geology and Geography
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Massachusetts
May 1997
96 Vernadsky apparently took
tremendous inspiration from
Louis Pasteur. There are parallels
between the careers of both
scientists. Pasteur's first scientific
breakthrough was in the field of
crystallography. In 1848 he founded
the discipline of stereochemistry
with his discovery that tartaric
acid Osolated from fruits) came in
three varieties, laevo-tartarate,
dextro-tartarate and a racemic
mixture (paratartaric acid) of
the other two. Following Eilhard
Mitscherlich's demonstration that
the three compounds are chemically
identical, Pasteur solved the
problem of the opposite rotation of
polarized light by laevo-tartarate
and dextro-tartarate by elegantly
showing (after hand-picking the tiny
crystals) that the two substances
formed mirror-image crystalline
forms (Vallery-Rodot, 1912; and
Compton, 1932.).
When young Vernadsky was in
Paris in 1889, studying with Henri
Louis Le Chatelier and Ferdinand
Andre Fouque, he carried out
experimental studies on silicate
minerals and succeeded for the first
time in producing synthetic
sillimanite (Shakhovskaya, 1988,
P.37; Eliseev and Shafranovskii,
1989; and Kolchinskii, 1987, pp. 11-
12). An unexpected result of this
artificial synthesis was Vernadsky's
recognition of two different
crystalline forms of sillimanite. This
sillimanite polymorphism led
Vernadsky to consider the problem
of polymorphism in general for his
magister dissertation. This work
was of great geological importance,
for "Vernadsky demonstrated the
presence of a fundamental radical
in most aluminosilicates, thereby
uniting nearly all silicates into a
unified system" (Rowland, 1993,
p. 246). For his doctoral dissertation,
Vernadsky addressed the
phenomenon of gliding in crystals,
and published his first major
scientific work (Vernadsky, 1903).
Author's Preface to the French Edition
After this book appeared in Russian in 1926, the French edition
was revised and recast to correspond with the Russian text. It
forms the continuation of the essay La Geochimie, published in
the same collection (1924), of which a Russian translation has
just appeared and a German translation is to appear shortly.l
Only a few bibliographical references will be found here; for
others please consult La Geochimie. The problems discussed
herein have been touched upon in several articles, most impor-
tantly in the "Revue Generale des Sciences" (1922-1925), and in
"Bulletins of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Leningrad"
(St. Petersburg) (1826-1927), both in French.
The aim of this book is to draw the attention of naturalists,
geologists, and above all biologists to the importance of a quan-
titative study of the relationships between life and the chemical
phenomena of the planet.
Endeavoring to remain firmly on empirical grounds, without
resorting to hypotheses, I have been limited to the scant number
of precise observations and experiments at my disposal. A great
number of quantitatively expressed empirical facts need to be
collected as rapidly as possible. This should not take long once
the great importance of living phenomena in the biosphere
becomes clear.
The aim of this book is to draw attention to this matter; hope-
fully it will not pass unnoticed.
V. I. Vernadsky
December 1928
1 Vernadsky, 1930, p. 370.
Author's Preface to the Russian Edition
Among numerous works on geology, none has adequately treat-
ed the biosphere as a whole, and none has viewed it, as it will be
viewed here, as a single orderly manifestation of the mechanism
of the uppermost region of the planet - the Earth's crust.
Few scientists have realized that the biosphere is subject to
fixed laws. Since life on Earth is viewed as an accidental phe-
nomenon, current scientific thought fails to appreciate the influ-
ence of life at every step in terrestrial processes. Earth scientists
have assumed that there is no relationship between the develop-
ment of life on Earth and the formation of the biosphere - the
envelope of life where the planet meets the cosmic milieu.
Historically, geology has been viewed as a collection of events
derived from insignificant causes, a string of accidents. This of
course ignores the scientific idea that geological events are plan-
etary phenomena, and that the laws governing these events are
not peculiar to the Earth alone. As traditionally practiced, geol-
ogy loses sight of the idea that the Earth's structure is a harmo-
nious integration of parts that must be studied as an indivisible
As a rule, geology studies only the details of phenomena
connected with life; the mechanism behind the details is not
regarded as a scientific phenomenon. Though surrounded by
manifestations of such mechanisms, insufficiently attentive
investigators frequently overlook them.
In these essays, I have attempted to give a different view of the
geological importance of living phenomena. I will construct no
hypotheses and will strive to remain on the solid ground of
empirical generalization, thus portraying the geological mani-
festations of life and planetary processes from a base of precise
and incontestable facts.
I will bypass, however, three preconceived ideas, long a part of
geological thought, that seem to contradict the method of
empirical generalization in science, generalizations which con-
stitute the fundamental discoveries of natural scientists.
One of these conceptions, mentioned above, is that geological
phenomena are accidental coincidences of causes, essentially
blind, and obscure because of their complexity and number.
This preconceived idea
is only partly related to certain philo-
sophical-religious interpretations of the world; mainly it is
based upon incomplete logical analysis of our empirical knowl-
1Wo other preconceived ideas have infiltrated geology from
roots foreign to the empirical principles of science. The first is
the assumption of the existence of a beginning of life -life gene-
sis or biopoesis at a certain stage in the geological past. Consid-
ered a logical necessity, this has penetrated science in the form
of religious and philosophical speculation.' Next is the precon-
ception of an essential role for pre-geological stages of planetary
evolution during which conditions were clearly different from
those which can now be studied. In particular, an igneous-liquid
or incandescent gaseous stage is assumed as certain. These ideas
diffused into geology during early developments of philosophy
and cosmogony.
The logical consequences of these ideas are illusory, harmful,
and even dangerous when applied to contemporary geology.
Let us consider all empirical facts from the point of view of a
holistic mechanism that combines all parts of the planet in an
indivisible whole. Only then will we be able to perceive the per-
fect correspondence between this idea and the geological effects
of life. I will not speculate here about the existence of the mech-
anism, but rather will observe
that it corresponds to all the
empirical facts and follows from scientific analysis. Included in
the mechanism as its integrating member is the biosphere, the
domain of manifestation of life.
I have found no empirical evidence whatsoever for assuming
a beginning of life, nor for the influence of cosmic planetary
states on geological events, nor for the existence of an early
igneous state, and I regard these concepts as useless and restrict-
ing to valid scientific generalizations. Philosophical and cos-
mogonal hypotheses that cannot be founded on facts should be
discarded, and replacements sought.
The Biosphere in the Cosmos and The Domain of Life, the two
essays that make up this book, are independent works linked by
the point of view set forth above. The need for writing them
became apparent as a result of studies of the biosphere conduct-
ed by the author since 1917.
In connection with this work I have written three essays, as
follows: "Living Matter;' "The Structure of Living Matter;' and
2 Compare this with the "ruling the-
ory" concept ofT. C. Chamberlain
(1965). A ruling theory is one which
skews the ability of the researcher
(holding the ruling theory) to objec-
tively evaluate new data. Often this
occurs because the researcher has
come up with the idea his-or her-
self, and out of pride of parenthood
would not wish to see the theory
threatened by nonconforming data.
Such data thus tend to be inappro-
priately discounted by victims of the
ruling theory syndrome.
, Here Vern ad sky has developed a
slavic version of systematic or sub-
stantive uniformitarianism, the theo-
ry that nothing on Earth really ever
changes (not to be confused with
actualism or methodological unifor
mitarianism, the research technique
used by all geologists in which they
use present phenomena as the key
to past processes; see A. Hallam,
1992). There is an interesting paral-
lel here with western geological
thought. The actualistic principles of
J. Hutton (1795) were overextended
to the point that Earth "has no
stratigraphy whatsoever, and hence
no real history; it is instead a model
of a system in dynamic equilibrium"
(Hallam, 1992, p. 25). This substan-
tive uniformitarianism was elaborat-
ed and (over)extended by C. Lyell
(1830-1833). Lyell's view was lam
pooned by his colleague Henry de la
Beche in a cartoon showing a future
"Prof. Ichthyosaurus" lecturing to
fellow aquatic reptiles about the
odd appearance of the extinct
human animal now known only by
its skull. Indeed, Lyell felt that when
appropriate conditions of climate
and temperature reappear, the
dinosaurs, other extinct animals
and extinct vegetation will return.
Vern ad sky received actualistic
principles from the tradition of
the great Russian scientist M. V.
Lomonosov (1711-1765), who was
one of the first scientists to apply
actualism to geological problems
(Tikhomirov, 1969; and Vernadsky,
1988, pp. 326-328). Andrei Lapo
calls Vernadsky the "Lomonosov of
the Twentieth Century" (La po, 1988,
Vernadsky's dismissal of "the
existence of 0 beginning of /ife"
(emphasis his) is testimony to his
allegiance to the principle of actual-
ism (Kurkin, 1989, pp. 516'528) and
"Living Matter in Geochemiscal History of the Element's Sys-
tem:' I have not had time to prepare these for publication, but
hope to do so at a later date.
is also the Russian counterpart to west-
ern substantitive uniformitarianism.
Vernadsky sees Earth as a planet on
which life has always been present
life is thus an essential criterion for
characterizing Earth as a planet For
Vernadsky. discussion of the origin of
life on Earth is not within the realm of
science Oet alone geology) and is mere-
ly an antiquated form of "religious and
philosophical speculation." Here then is
the parallel with Hutton: to paraphrase
the famous last line of Hutton's book,
for Vernadsky life has "no vestige of a
beginning, no prospect of an end."
Also implied here is a harsh critique of
the Oparin concept, first dating from
the early 1920'S, of biopoesis (abiotic
geneSis of life) in an early Earth's
reducing atmosphere. Vernadsky did
not categorically deny the possibility of
biopoesis, but insisted that it could not
occur during the course of geological
time known to us.
Vernadsky rejects the idea of the
origin of life in an early reducing atmos-
phere. This helps explain why Vernadsky
missed the greatest research insight
available to his research program, the
discovery of the Oxygen Revolution at
two billion years ago. This discovery fell
to the American geologist Preston Cloud
(1973). Vernadsky would have appreciat-
ed the significance of Cloud's discovery,
for Vernadsky was a student and an
advisee of the great soil scientist and
teacher V. V. Dokuchaev, and the perva-
sive oxidation so characteristic of both
modern and ancient soilS does not
appear in the geological record until
after the Oxygen Revolution. It was
Dokuchaev, Vernadsky wrote in 1935,
who "first turned my attention to the
dynamic side of mineralogy" (cited in
February 1926
Bailes, 1990, p. 19) and "put forward his
thesis that the soil is a peculiar natural
body, different from rock" (Vernadsky,
1944, p. 490). Bailes (p. 19) noted how
Dokuchaev fired up "Vernadsky's inter-
est in a holistic and historical approach
to science; indeed, Vernadsky held the
history of science on a par with other
types of scientific investigation (Mikulin-
sky, 1984). Unlike western substantive
uniformitarians, Vernadsky does not
deny Earth a history. On the contrary, he
has an abiding sense of the history of
the planet, as in this quotation by Ver-
nadsky on p. 42 of Bailes' book: "miner-
als are remains of those chemical reac-
tions which took place at various points
on Earth; these reactions take place
according to laws which are known to
us, but which, we are allowed to think,
are closely tied to general changes
which Earth has undergone as a planet
The task is to connect the various phas-
es of changes undergone by the earth
with the general laws of celestial
mechanics." Vernadsky (Bailes, p. 83)
also wrote of "the beauty of historical
phenomena, their originality among the
other natural processes."
Vernadsky eventually came to a
reluctant acceptance of abiogenesis
(development of life from non-life;
discussed mainly in his posthumous
publications), and in fact championed
the idea of multiple "bioclades" (a term
coined by Raup and Valentine, 1983) or,
in other words, the polyphyletic origin
of life. See Rogal' (1989) and Borkin
(1983). In 1908 Vernadsky championed
the hypothesis of directed panspermia,
perhaps because of its possible bearing
on his concept of the eternity of life.
"By the way, it turns out that the
quantity of living matter in the earth's
crust is a constant. Then life is the same
kind of part of the cosmos as energy and
matter. In essence, don't all the specula-
tions about the arrival of 'germs' [of Iifel
from other heavenly bodies have basi-
cally the same assumptions as [the idea
ofl the eternity of life?" (p. 123, Bailes)
Bailes (p. 123) criticizes this passage
(taken from a letter to Vernadsky's for-
mer student I. V. Samoilov) as being
"rather cryptic," "not very clear," and as
evidence of a "mystical strain" in Ver-
nadsky's thought. Similar criticisms
were also levied by Oparin (1957).
These criticisms are misleading, howev-
er; Vernadsky saw life's development,
and its subsequent development ofthe
noosphere, as a materialistic process.
Vernadsky eschewed vitalism (see Ver-
nadsky, 1944, p. 509):
New vitalistic notions have their
foundation not in scientific data, which
are used rather as illustrations, but in
philosophical concepts such as
Driesch's "entelechy."[Driesch, 19141
The notion of a peculiar vital energy (yoI.
Ostwald) is likewise connected with
philosophical thought rather than with
scientific data. Facts did not confirm its
real existence.
Vernadsky probably would have
agreed with the statement of Humberto
R. Maturana and Francisco J. Varela that
living "systems, as physical autopoietic
machines, are purposeless systems
(1980). Vernadsky nevertheless permit-
ted the noosphere to form as a logical
outcome of these purposeless machines.
.. Here Vernadsky asserts that he is wor-
thy of making empirical generalizations.
5 Only one of these essays has been
published to date (Vernadsky, 1978).
The Biosphere in the Cosmic Medium
1 The face of the Earth
viewed from celestial space presents a
unique appearance, different from all other heavenly bodies.
The surface that separates the planet from the cosmic medium
is the biosphere, visible principallybecause of light from the sun,
although it also receives an infinite number of other radiations
from space, of which only a small fraction are 'visible to us. We
hardly realize the variety and importance of these rays, which
cover a huge range of wavelengths.
Our understanding is full of gaps, but improved detectors are
rapidly expanding our knowledge of their existence and variety.
Certainly they make the empty cosmic regions different from
the ideal space of geometry!8
Radiations reveal material bodies and changes in the cosmic
medium. One portion appears as energy through transitions of
states, and signals the movements of aggregates of quanta, elec-
trons and charges. The aggregates, which as a whole may remain
motionless, control the movements of their separate elements.
There are also rays of particles (the most-studied are elec-
trons) which often travel at nearly the same speed as waves, and
result from transitions in separate elements of the aggregates.
Both kinds of rays are powerful forms of energy, and cause
observable changes when they pass through material bodies.
2 For the moment, we can neglect the influence of particle radi-
ation on geochemical phenomena in the biosphere, but we must
always consider the radiations from transitions of energy states.
These will appear as light, heat, or electricity according to their
type ,and wavelength, and produce transformations in our planet.
These rays cover a known range of forty octaves in wavelength
cm to kilometers), of which the visible spectrum is one
octave? This immense range is constantly being extended by
scientific discovery, but only a few of the forty octaves have thus
far affected our view of the cosmos.
The radiations that reach our planet from the cosmos amount
to only four and one-half octaves. We explain the absence of the
other octaves on the Earth's surface by absorption in the upper
The best-known radiations come from the sun-one octave
of light rays, three of infrared radiation, and a half-octave of
ultraviolet; the last half-octave being, doubtless, only a small
fraction of the total ultraviolet from the sun, most of which is
retained by the stratosphere. (115)
6 "Biospherology" is the term now
used by some for study of the bios-
phere (see Guegamian. 1980).
Others, such as NASA, use the term
7 In this first phrase Vernadsky
echoes the title and opening sentence
of Eduard Suess's influential geologi-
cal compendium, Die Antlitz der Erde
[The Face of the EarthI (Suess, 1883-
1909, p. 1). Suess wrote:
"If we imagine an observer to
approach our planet from outer
space, and, pushing aside the belts
of red-brown clouds which obscure
our atmosphere, to gaze for a whole
day on the surface of the earth as it
rotates beneath him, the feature
beyond all others most likely to
arrest his attention would be the
wedge-like outline of the continents
as they narrow away to the South."
For more information on Suess's
influence, see Greene (1982).
Vernadsky admired the inductive
approach utilized by Suess in this
8 Vernadsky reached the conclusion
early on that radiation from the cos-
mos played a large role in the devel-
opment of life.
9 "Octave" is a term used in both
music and physical science. It
means the same thing In both: a
span over which a wavelength is
halved or doubled.
3 A new character is imparted to the planet by this powerful
cosmic force. The radiations that pour upon the Earth cause the
biosphere to take on properties to lifeless planetary
surfaces, and thus transform the face of the Earth. Activated by
radiation, the matter of the biosphere collects and redistributes
solar energy, and converts it ultimately into free energy capable
of doing work on Earth.
The outer layer of the Earth must, therefore, not be considered
as a region of matter alone, but also as a region of energy and a
source of transformation of the planet. To a great extent, exoge-
nous cosmic forces shape the face of the Earth, and as a result,
the biosphere differs historically from other parts of the planet.
This biosphere plays an extraordinary planetary role.
The biosphere is at least as much a creation of the sun as a
result of terrestrial processes. Ancient religious intuitions that
considered terrestrial creatures, especially man, to be children of
the sun were far nearer the truth than is thought by those who
see earthly beings simply as ephemeral creations arising from
blind and accidental interplay of matter and forces. Creatures on
Earth are the fruit of extended, complex processes, and are an
essential part of a harmonious
cosmic mechanism, in which it
is known that fixed laws apply and chance does not exist.
4 We arrive at this conclusion via our understanding of the
matter of the biosphere - an understanding that had been pro-
foundly modified by contemporary evidence that this matter is
the direct manifestation of cosmic forces acting upon the Earth.
This is not a consequence of the extraterrestrial origin of mat-
ter in the biosphere, perhaps the majority of which has fallen
from space as cosmic dust and meteorites. This foreign matter
cannot be distinguished in atomic structure from ordinary ter-
restrial matter.
We must pause before entering the domain of terrestrial phe-
nomena, because our ideas about the unforeseen character of
matter on this planet are going through greattransformations,
upsetting our understanding of geology.
The identity of structure
between earthly matter and exo-
genic cosmic matter is not limited to the biosphere, but extends
through the whole terrestrial crust; i.e., through the lithosphere,
which extends to a depth of 60-100 kilometers, and interfaces
with the biosphere at its outermost part. (89)
Matter in the deeper parts ofthe planet shows the same iden-
tity, although it may have a different chemical composition.
10 Cf. the Tyutchev epigraph above.
11 Vernadsky is quite explicit here
in his challenge to the
"randomness" component of
materialistic darwinism. This
component has been expressed,
complete with reference to the
biosphere, by). Monod (197
, p. 9
"Randomness caught on the
wing, preserved, reproduced by the
machinery of invariance and thus
converted into order. rule, necessity.
A totally blind process can by
definition lead to anything; it can
even lead to vision itself. In the
ontogenesis of a functional protein
are reflected the origin and descent
of the whole biosphere."
12 Presumably Vernadsky here
means Identity of atomic structure.
Matter from these regions seems, however, not to penetrate to
the Earth's crust even in small amounts, and can therefore be
ignored in studies of the biosphere.
5 The chemical composition of the crust has long been regard-
ed as the result of purely geological causes. Explanations of it
have been sought by invoking the action of waters (chemical
a.nd solvent), of the atmosphere, of organisms, of volcanicerup-
tlons, and so on, assuming that geological processes and the
properties of chemical elements have remained unchanged.
Such explanations presented difficulties, as did other and
ideas that had been proposed. The composi-
tion was conSidered to be the remains of ancient periods when
the Earth differed greatly from its present state. The crust was
regarded as a sCoria formed on the terrestrial surface from the
once-molten mass of the planet, in accordance with the chemi-
that apply when molten masses cool and To
explam the predominance of lighter elements, reference was
made to cosmic periods before the formation of the crust. It was
thought that heavier elements were collected near the center of
the Earth, during its formation as a molten mass thrown off
from a nebula.
In all these theories, the composition of the crust was seen as
a result strictly geological phenomena. Chemical changes in
of the crust were attributed to geological processes
actmg at lower temperatures, whereas isotopic changes in
crustal composition were attributed to processes acting at high-
er temperatures.
6 are decisively contradicted by newly
establIshed laws which are in accord with recent results indicat-
ing that the chemical composition of stars is marked by previ-
ously unsuspected complexity, diversity, and regularity.16
. Th:e of the Earth, and particularly its crust, has
ImplIcatIOns that transcend purely geological phenomena. To
we must direct our attention to the composi-
tion of all cosmiC matter and to modifications of atoms in cos-
mic New concepts are accumulating rapidly in this
speculative field. Comparatively little theoretical analysis has
been done, however, and deductions that might be justifiable
have seldom been made explicit. The immense importance and
unexpected consequences of these phenomena cannot, howev-
er, be disregarded. Three aspects of these phenomena can be
13 Study of deep seated kimberlite
pipe eruptions (mantle rocks that
somehow penetrated to Earth's sur-
face) demonstrate that this can no
longer be strictly the case' see
Nixon, 1973: and Cox, 1978.
14 These are the fundamental
assumptions of geological actual-
15 Such an assumption led Lord
Kelvin (see Hallam, 1992, p. 124: and
Kelvin, 1894) to an erroneous calcu-
lation of the age of Earth.
16 Here Vernadsky is without doubt
referring to the work of Einar
Hertzsprung and Henry Norris
Russell. Hertzsprung's pioneering
research advanced the knowledge
concerning the color of stars. Star
color can be used as an index to star
temperature. Russell's work greatly
extended the list of stars with
known luminosities (as calculated
by parallax measurements). Plots of
stellar luminosity to surface temper-
ature, published by Russell begin-
ning around 1915, established the
"main sequence" of stars in the
universe. Using the theoretical
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, one
may plot lines of constant stellar
radius against an ordinate axis of
luminosity and an abcissa axis of
effective temperature. Thus if one
knows the luminosity and effective
temperature of a star, it is possible
to calculate its radius.
It became possible to remotely
analyse the composition of stars
when the lines In the solar spectrum
(named Fraunhofer lines after the
glass maker and optician Joseph
Fraunhofer) were explained by
photographer W. H. Fox Talbot
(1800-1877) and Gustav Kirchoff
as absorption lines characteristic
(with absorption occuring as sun-
light passes through the cooler,
outer gaseous layers of the Sun)
for specific excitation states of par-
ticular elements.
3 A new character is imparted to the planet by this powerful
cosmic force. The radiations that pour upon the Earth cause the
biosphere to take on properties to lifeless planetary
surfaces, and thus transform the face of the Earth. Activated by
radiation, the matter of the biosphere collects and redistributes
solar energy, and converts it ultimately into free energy capable
of doing work on Earth.
The outer layer of the Earth must, therefore, not be considered
as a region of matter alone, but also as a region of energy and a
source of transformation of the planet. To a great extent, exoge-
nous cosmic forces shape the face of the Earth, and as a result,
the biosphere differs historically from other parts of the planet.
This biosphere plays an extraordinary planetary role.
The biosphere is at least as much a creation of the sun as a
result of terrestrial processes. Ancient religious intuitions that
considered terrestrial creatures, especially man, to be children of
the sun were far nearer the truth than is thought by those who
see earthly beings simply as ephemeral creations arising from
blind and accidental interplay of matter and forces. Creatures on
Earth are the fruit of extended, complex processes, and are an
essential part of a harmonious
cosmic mechanism, in which it
is known that fixed laws apply and chance does not exist.
4 We arrive at this conclusion via our understanding of the
matter of the biosphere - an understanding that had been pro-
foundly modified by contemporary evidence that this matter is
the direct manifestation of cosmic forces acting upon the Earth.
This is not a consequence of the extraterrestrial origin of mat-
ter in the biosphere, perhaps the majority of which has fallen
from space as cosmic dust and meteorites. This foreign matter
cannot be distinguished in atomic structure from ordinary ter-
restrial matter.
We must pause before entering the domain of terrestrial phe-
nomena, because our ideas about the unforeseen character of
matter on this planet are going through greattransformations,
upsetting our understanding of geology.
The identity of structure
between earthly matter and exo-
genic cosmic matter is not limited to the biosphere, but extends
through the whole terrestrial crust; i.e., through the lithosphere,
which extends to a depth of 60-100 kilometers, and interfaces
with the biosphere at its outermost part. (89)
Matter in the deeper parts ofthe planet shows the same iden-
tity, although it may have a different chemical composition.
10 Cf. the Tyutchev epigraph above.
11 Vernadsky is quite explicit here
in his challenge to the
"randomness" component of
materialistic darwinism. This
component has been expressed,
complete with reference to the
biosphere, by). Monod (197
, p. 9
"Randomness caught on the
wing, preserved, reproduced by the
machinery of invariance and thus
converted into order. rule, necessity.
A totally blind process can by
definition lead to anything; it can
even lead to vision itself. In the
ontogenesis of a functional protein
are reflected the origin and descent
of the whole biosphere."
12 Presumably Vernadsky here
means Identity of atomic structure.
Matter from these regions seems, however, not to penetrate to
the Earth's crust even in small amounts, and can therefore be
ignored in studies of the biosphere.
5 The chemical composition of the crust has long been regard-
ed as the result of purely geological causes. Explanations of it
have been sought by invoking the action of waters (chemical
a.nd solvent), of the atmosphere, of organisms, of volcanicerup-
tlons, and so on, assuming that geological processes and the
properties of chemical elements have remained unchanged.
Such explanations presented difficulties, as did other and
ideas that had been proposed. The composi-
tion was conSidered to be the remains of ancient periods when
the Earth differed greatly from its present state. The crust was
regarded as a sCoria formed on the terrestrial surface from the
once-molten mass of the planet, in accordance with the chemi-
that apply when molten masses cool and To
explam the predominance of lighter elements, reference was
made to cosmic periods before the formation of the crust. It was
thought that heavier elements were collected near the center of
the Earth, during its formation as a molten mass thrown off
from a nebula.
In all these theories, the composition of the crust was seen as
a result strictly geological phenomena. Chemical changes in
of the crust were attributed to geological processes
actmg at lower temperatures, whereas isotopic changes in
crustal composition were attributed to processes acting at high-
er temperatures.
6 are decisively contradicted by newly
establIshed laws which are in accord with recent results indicat-
ing that the chemical composition of stars is marked by previ-
ously unsuspected complexity, diversity, and regularity.16
. Th:e of the Earth, and particularly its crust, has
ImplIcatIOns that transcend purely geological phenomena. To
we must direct our attention to the composi-
tion of all cosmiC matter and to modifications of atoms in cos-
mic New concepts are accumulating rapidly in this
speculative field. Comparatively little theoretical analysis has
been done, however, and deductions that might be justifiable
have seldom been made explicit. The immense importance and
unexpected consequences of these phenomena cannot, howev-
er, be disregarded. Three aspects of these phenomena can be
13 Study of deep seated kimberlite
pipe eruptions (mantle rocks that
somehow penetrated to Earth's sur-
face) demonstrate that this can no
longer be strictly the case' see
Nixon, 1973: and Cox, 1978.
14 These are the fundamental
assumptions of geological actual-
15 Such an assumption led Lord
Kelvin (see Hallam, 1992, p. 124: and
Kelvin, 1894) to an erroneous calcu-
lation of the age of Earth.
16 Here Vernadsky is without doubt
referring to the work of Einar
Hertzsprung and Henry Norris
Russell. Hertzsprung's pioneering
research advanced the knowledge
concerning the color of stars. Star
color can be used as an index to star
temperature. Russell's work greatly
extended the list of stars with
known luminosities (as calculated
by parallax measurements). Plots of
stellar luminosity to surface temper-
ature, published by Russell begin-
ning around 1915, established the
"main sequence" of stars in the
universe. Using the theoretical
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, one
may plot lines of constant stellar
radius against an ordinate axis of
luminosity and an abcissa axis of
effective temperature. Thus if one
knows the luminosity and effective
temperature of a star, it is possible
to calculate its radius.
It became possible to remotely
analyse the composition of stars
when the lines In the solar spectrum
(named Fraunhofer lines after the
glass maker and optician Joseph
Fraunhofer) were explained by
photographer W. H. Fox Talbot
(1800-1877) and Gustav Kirchoff
as absorption lines characteristic
(with absorption occuring as sun-
light passes through the cooler,
outer gaseous layers of the Sun)
for specific excitation states of par-
ticular elements.
given preliminary discussion, namely: 1. the peculiar positions
of the elements of the crust in Mendeleev's periodic system;17
2. their complexity; 3. the non-uniformity of their distribution.
Elements with even atomic number clearly predominate in
the Earth's crust.
We cannot explain this by known geological
causes. Moreover, the same phenomenon is more marked in
meteorites, the only bodies foreign to the Earth that are imme-
diately accessible for study.19
The two other aspects seem even more obscure. The attempts
to explain them by geological laws or causes apparently contra-
dict well-known facts. We cannot understand the hard facts of
the complexity of terrestrial elements; and still less, their fixed
isotopic compositions. Isotopic ratios in various meteorites
have been shown to be the same,2 in spite of great differences in
the history and provenance of these meteorites.
Contrary to previous beliefs, it is becoming impossible to per-
ceive the laws that govern the Earth's composition in terms of
purely geological phenomena, or merely in terms of "stages" in
the Earth's history. The latter explanation fails on account of the
fact that there is neither a similarity of the deeper portions of
our planet with the composition of meteorites, nor, as in mete-
orites,21 an even mix of both lighter chemical elements and of
denser iron in rocks of either Earth's crust or rocks from depth.
The hypothesis that elements will be distributed according to
weight, with the heaviest accumulating near the center, during
the formation of the Earth from a nebula, does not agree with
the facts. The explanation can be found neither in geological
and chemical phenomena alone, nor in the history of the Earth
considered in isolation. The roots lie deeper, and must be sought
in the history of the cosmos, and perhaps in the structure of
chemical elements.
This view of the problem has recently been confirmed, in a
new and unexpected way, by the similarity in composition
between the Earth's crust and the sun and stars. The likeness in
composition of the crust and the outer portions of the sun was
noted by Russell as early as 1914, and the resemblances have
become more marked in the latest work on stellar spectra.
Cecilia H. Payne
lists heavier stellar elements in descending
order of abundance as follows: silicon, sodium, magnesium, alu-
minum' carbon, calcium, iron (more than one percent); zinc,
titanium, manganese, chromium, potassium (more than one per
This pattern clearly resembles the order of abundance in the
17 See Mendeleev, 1897.
18 See Oddo, 1914.
19 See Harkins, 1917.
20 This observation was later used
to date all of the meteorites (and
Earth itself) to at age of approxi-
mately 4.6 billion years based on
abundances of Strontium-87 and
Rubidium-87 (Reynolds, 1960).
21 See Farrington, 1901.
22 Vernadsky was overinterpreting
his data here. Iron and nickel went
to Earth's core at a time when the
planet was completely or partially
melted, early in its history. The flow'
of dense liquid toward the core
released additional heat (as thermal
[kinetic] energy converted from
potential energy) and caused
additional melting of rock.
23 See Norris, 1919.
24 See Payne, 1925.
Earth's crust: oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium,
potassium, magnesium.
These results, from a newfield of study, showstriking similar-
ities between the chemical compositions of profoundly different
celestial bodies. This might be explained by a material exchange
taking place between the outer parts of the Earth, sun, and stars.
The deeper portions present another picture, since the compo-
sition of meteorites and of the Earth's interior is clearly different
from that of the outer terrestrial envelope.
7 We thus see great changes occurring in our understanding of
the composition of the Earth, and particularly of the biosphere.
We perceive not simply a planetary or terrestrial phenomenon,
but a manifestation of the structure, distribution, and evolution
of atoms throughout cosmic history.
We cannot explain these phenomena, but at least we have
found that the way to proceed is through a new domain of phe-
nomena, different from that to which terrestrial chemistryhas so
long been limited. Viewing the observed facts differently, we
knowwhere we must seekthe solution of the problem, andwhere
the search will be useless. The structure of the cosmos manifests
itself in the outer skin or upper structure of our planet. We can
gain insight into the biosphere only by considering the obvious
bond that unites it to the entire cosmic mechanism.25
We find evidence of this bond in numerous facts of history.
The Biosphere as a Region of Transformation of
Cosmic Energy
8 The biosphere may be regarded as a region of transformers
that convert cosmic radiations into active energy in electrical,
chemical, mechanical, thermal, and other forms. Radiations
from all stars enter the biosphere, but we catch and perceive only
an insignificant part of the total; this comes almost exclusively
from the sun.
The existence of radiation originating in the
most distant regions of the cosmos cannot be doubted. Stars
and nebulae are constantly emitting specific radiations, and
everything suggests that the penetrating radiation discovered in
the upper regions of the atmosphere by Hess
beyond the limits of the solar system, perhaps in the MilkyWay,
in nebulae, or in stars of the Mira Ceti type.
The importance
of this will not be clear for some time,29 but this penetrating
cosmic radiation determines the character and mechanism of
the biosphere.
25 This view is also developed in the
works of Alexandr E. Fersman (1933,
1934, 1937 and 1939). Fersman,
Vernadsky's most influential stUdent
(Vernadsky, 1985: and Fersman,
1945), outlived his mentor by only
a few months (Backlund, 1945).
Fersman's work is not surprisingly
an extension of the Vernadskian
research program (Saukov, 1950).
26 And of that we receive only one
half billionth of the total solar out-
put (Lovins, Lovins, Krause, and
Bach, 1981).
27 See Hess, 1928.
28 Mira Ceti is a long period
variable star. Variable stars show
periodic variations in brightness and
surface temperature. Mira Ceti ,has
an average period of 331 days.
29 Here Vernadsky anticipates the
discovery of cosmic background
radiation (Weinberg, 1988).
given preliminary discussion, namely: 1. the peculiar positions
of the elements of the crust in Mendeleev's periodic system;17
2. their complexity; 3. the non-uniformity of their distribution.
Elements with even atomic number clearly predominate in
the Earth's crust.
We cannot explain this by known geological
causes. Moreover, the same phenomenon is more marked in
meteorites, the only bodies foreign to the Earth that are imme-
diately accessible for study.19
The two other aspects seem even more obscure. The attempts
to explain them by geological laws or causes apparently contra-
dict well-known facts. We cannot understand the hard facts of
the complexity of terrestrial elements; and still less, their fixed
isotopic compositions. Isotopic ratios in various meteorites
have been shown to be the same,2 in spite of great differences in
the history and provenance of these meteorites.
Contrary to previous beliefs, it is becoming impossible to per-
ceive the laws that govern the Earth's composition in terms of
purely geological phenomena, or merely in terms of "stages" in
the Earth's history. The latter explanation fails on account of the
fact that there is neither a similarity of the deeper portions of
our planet with the composition of meteorites, nor, as in mete-
orites,21 an even mix of both lighter chemical elements and of
denser iron in rocks of either Earth's crust or rocks from depth.
The hypothesis that elements will be distributed according to
weight, with the heaviest accumulating near the center, during
the formation of the Earth from a nebula, does not agree with
the facts. The explanation can be found neither in geological
and chemical phenomena alone, nor in the history of the Earth
considered in isolation. The roots lie deeper, and must be sought
in the history of the cosmos, and perhaps in the structure of
chemical elements.
This view of the problem has recently been confirmed, in a
new and unexpected way, by the similarity in composition
between the Earth's crust and the sun and stars. The likeness in
composition of the crust and the outer portions of the sun was
noted by Russell as early as 1914, and the resemblances have
become more marked in the latest work on stellar spectra.
Cecilia H. Payne
lists heavier stellar elements in descending
order of abundance as follows: silicon, sodium, magnesium, alu-
minum' carbon, calcium, iron (more than one percent); zinc,
titanium, manganese, chromium, potassium (more than one per
This pattern clearly resembles the order of abundance in the
17 See Mendeleev, 1897.
18 See Oddo, 1914.
19 See Harkins, 1917.
20 This observation was later used
to date all of the meteorites (and
Earth itself) to at age of approxi-
mately 4.6 billion years based on
abundances of Strontium-87 and
Rubidium-87 (Reynolds, 1960).
21 See Farrington, 1901.
22 Vernadsky was overinterpreting
his data here. Iron and nickel went
to Earth's core at a time when the
planet was completely or partially
melted, early in its history. The flow'
of dense liquid toward the core
released additional heat (as thermal
[kinetic] energy converted from
potential energy) and caused
additional melting of rock.
23 See Norris, 1919.
24 See Payne, 1925.
Earth's crust: oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium,
potassium, magnesium.
These results, from a newfield of study, showstriking similar-
ities between the chemical compositions of profoundly different
celestial bodies. This might be explained by a material exchange
taking place between the outer parts of the Earth, sun, and stars.
The deeper portions present another picture, since the compo-
sition of meteorites and of the Earth's interior is clearly different
from that of the outer terrestrial envelope.
7 We thus see great changes occurring in our understanding of
the composition of the Earth, and particularly of the biosphere.
We perceive not simply a planetary or terrestrial phenomenon,
but a manifestation of the structure, distribution, and evolution
of atoms throughout cosmic history.
We cannot explain these phenomena, but at least we have
found that the way to proceed is through a new domain of phe-
nomena, different from that to which terrestrial chemistryhas so
long been limited. Viewing the observed facts differently, we
knowwhere we must seekthe solution of the problem, andwhere
the search will be useless. The structure of the cosmos manifests
itself in the outer skin or upper structure of our planet. We can
gain insight into the biosphere only by considering the obvious
bond that unites it to the entire cosmic mechanism.25
We find evidence of this bond in numerous facts of history.
The Biosphere as a Region of Transformation of
Cosmic Energy
8 The biosphere may be regarded as a region of transformers
that convert cosmic radiations into active energy in electrical,
chemical, mechanical, thermal, and other forms. Radiations
from all stars enter the biosphere, but we catch and perceive only
an insignificant part of the total; this comes almost exclusively
from the sun.
The existence of radiation originating in the
most distant regions of the cosmos cannot be doubted. Stars
and nebulae are constantly emitting specific radiations, and
everything suggests that the penetrating radiation discovered in
the upper regions of the atmosphere by Hess
beyond the limits of the solar system, perhaps in the MilkyWay,
in nebulae, or in stars of the Mira Ceti type.
The importance
of this will not be clear for some time,29 but this penetrating
cosmic radiation determines the character and mechanism of
the biosphere.
25 This view is also developed in the
works of Alexandr E. Fersman (1933,
1934, 1937 and 1939). Fersman,
Vernadsky's most influential stUdent
(Vernadsky, 1985: and Fersman,
1945), outlived his mentor by only
a few months (Backlund, 1945).
Fersman's work is not surprisingly
an extension of the Vernadskian
research program (Saukov, 1950).
26 And of that we receive only one
half billionth of the total solar out-
put (Lovins, Lovins, Krause, and
Bach, 1981).
27 See Hess, 1928.
28 Mira Ceti is a long period
variable star. Variable stars show
periodic variations in brightness and
surface temperature. Mira Ceti ,has
an average period of 331 days.
29 Here Vernadsky anticipates the
discovery of cosmic background
radiation (Weinberg, 1988).
The action of solar radiation on earth-processes provides a
precise basis for viewing the biosphere as both a terrestrial and
a cosmic mechanism. The sun has completely transformed the
face of the Earth by penetrating the biosphere, which has
changed the historyand destiny of our planet by converting rays
from the sun into new and varied forms of energy. At the same
time, the biosphere is largely the product of this radiation.
The important roles played by ultraviolet, infrared, and visible
wavelengths are now well-recognized. We can also identify the
parts of the biosphere that transform these three systems of
solar vibration, but the mechanism of this transformation pre-
sents a challenge which our minds have only begun to compre-
hend. The mechanism is disguised in an infinite variety of nat-
ural colors, forms and movements, of which we, ourselves, form
an integral part. It has taken thousands of centuries for human
thought to discern the outlines of a single and complete mecha-
nism in the apparently chaotic appearance of nature.
9 In some parts of the biosphere, all three systems of solar radi-
ation are transformed simultaneously; in other parts, the
process may lie predominantly in a single spectral region. The
transforming apparatuses, which are always natural bodies, are
absolutely different in the cases of ultraviolet, visible and ther-
mal rays.
Some of the ultraviolet solar radiation is entirely absorbed,3o
and some partly absorbed, in the rarefied upper regions of the
atmosphere; i.e., in the stratosphere, and perhaps in the "free
atmosphere", which is still higher and poorer in atoms. The
stoppage or "absorption" of short waves by the atmosphere is
related to the transformation of their energy. Ultraviolet radia-
tion in these regions causes changes in electromagnetic fields,
the decomposition of molecules, various ionization phenome-
na, and the creation of new molecules and compounds. Radiant
energy is transformed, on the one hand, into various magnetic
and electrical effects; and on the other, into remarkable chemi-
cal, molecular, and atomic processes. We observe these in the
form of the aurora borealis, lightning, zodiacal light, the lumi-
nosity that provides the principal illumination of the sky on
dark nights, luminous clouds, and other upper-atmospheric
phenomena. This mysterious world of radioactive, electric,
magnetic, chemical, and spectroscopic phenomena is constant-
1y moving and is unimaginably diverse.
These phenomena are not the result of solar ultraviolet radia-
30 By alone. tion alone. More complicated processes are also involved. All
forms of radiant solar energy outside of the four and one-half
octaves that penetrate the biosphere (2) are "retained"; i.e.,
transformed into new terrestrial phenomena. In all probability
this is also true of new sources of energy, such as the powerful
torrents of particles (including electrons) emitted by the sun,
and of the material particles, cosmic dust, and gaseous bodies
attracted to the Earth by gravity.31 The role of these phenome-
na in the Earth's history is beginning to be recognized.
They are also important for another form of energy transfor-
mation -living matter. Wavelengths of 180-200 nanometers are
fataPZ to all forms of life, destroying every organism, though
shorter or longer waves do no damage. The stratosphere retains
all of these destructive waves, and in so doing protects the lower
layers of the Earth's surface, the region of life.
The characteristic absorption of this radiation is related to the
presence of ozone (the ozone screen (115), formed from free
oxygen- itself a product of life).
10 While recognition of the importance of ultraviolet radiation
is just beginning, the role of radiant solar heat or infrared radi-
ation has long been known, and calls for special attention in
studies of the influence of the sun on geologic and geochemical
processes. The importance of radiant solar heat for the existence
of life is incontestable; so, too, is the transformation of the sun's
thermal radiation into mechanical, molecular (evaporation,
plant transpiration, etc.), and chemical energy. The effects are
apparent everywhere - in the life of organisms, the movement
and activity of winds and ocean currents, the waves and surf of
the sea, the destruction of rock and the action of glaciers, the
formation and movements of rivers, and the colossal work of
snow and rainfall.
Less fully appreciated is the role that the liquid and gaseous
portions of the biosphere playas accumulators and distributors
of heat. The atmosphere, the sea, lakes, rivers, rain, and snow
actively participate in these processes. The world's ocean acts as
a heat regulator,33 making itself felt in the ceaseless change of
climate and seasons, living processes, and countless surface phe-
nomena. The special thermal properties of water,34 as deter-
mined by its molecular character, enable the ocean to play such
an important role in the heat budget of the planet.
The ocean takes up warmth quickly because of its great spe-
cific heat, but gives up its accumulated heat slowly because of
31 Earth's magnetic field actually
plays a more Important role in these
phenomena, as demonstrated by the
Van Allen Radiation Belts (see
Manahan, 1994, p. 287, fig. 9.9).
32 Certain bacteria can survive such
33 In other words, a maritime Influ-
ence greatly moderates climate on
34 Particularly its high heat capacity.
The action of solar radiation on earth-processes provides a
precise basis for viewing the biosphere as both a terrestrial and
a cosmic mechanism. The sun has completely transformed the
face of the Earth by penetrating the biosphere, which has
changed the historyand destiny of our planet by converting rays
from the sun into new and varied forms of energy. At the same
time, the biosphere is largely the product of this radiation.
The important roles played by ultraviolet, infrared, and visible
wavelengths are now well-recognized. We can also identify the
parts of the biosphere that transform these three systems of
solar vibration, but the mechanism of this transformation pre-
sents a challenge which our minds have only begun to compre-
hend. The mechanism is disguised in an infinite variety of nat-
ural colors, forms and movements, of which we, ourselves, form
an integral part. It has taken thousands of centuries for human
thought to discern the outlines of a single and complete mecha-
nism in the apparently chaotic appearance of nature.
9 In some parts of the biosphere, all three systems of solar radi-
ation are transformed simultaneously; in other parts, the
process may lie predominantly in a single spectral region. The
transforming apparatuses, which are always natural bodies, are
absolutely different in the cases of ultraviolet, visible and ther-
mal rays.
Some of the ultraviolet solar radiation is entirely absorbed,3o
and some partly absorbed, in the rarefied upper regions of the
atmosphere; i.e., in the stratosphere, and perhaps in the "free
atmosphere", which is still higher and poorer in atoms. The
stoppage or "absorption" of short waves by the atmosphere is
related to the transformation of their energy. Ultraviolet radia-
tion in these regions causes changes in electromagnetic fields,
the decomposition of molecules, various ionization phenome-
na, and the creation of new molecules and compounds. Radiant
energy is transformed, on the one hand, into various magnetic
and electrical effects; and on the other, into remarkable chemi-
cal, molecular, and atomic processes. We observe these in the
form of the aurora borealis, lightning, zodiacal light, the lumi-
nosity that provides the principal illumination of the sky on
dark nights, luminous clouds, and other upper-atmospheric
phenomena. This mysterious world of radioactive, electric,
magnetic, chemical, and spectroscopic phenomena is constant-
1y moving and is unimaginably diverse.
These phenomena are not the result of solar ultraviolet radia-
30 By alone. tion alone. More complicated processes are also involved. All
forms of radiant solar energy outside of the four and one-half
octaves that penetrate the biosphere (2) are "retained"; i.e.,
transformed into new terrestrial phenomena. In all probability
this is also true of new sources of energy, such as the powerful
torrents of particles (including electrons) emitted by the sun,
and of the material particles, cosmic dust, and gaseous bodies
attracted to the Earth by gravity.31 The role of these phenome-
na in the Earth's history is beginning to be recognized.
They are also important for another form of energy transfor-
mation -living matter. Wavelengths of 180-200 nanometers are
fataPZ to all forms of life, destroying every organism, though
shorter or longer waves do no damage. The stratosphere retains
all of these destructive waves, and in so doing protects the lower
layers of the Earth's surface, the region of life.
The characteristic absorption of this radiation is related to the
presence of ozone (the ozone screen (115), formed from free
oxygen- itself a product of life).
10 While recognition of the importance of ultraviolet radiation
is just beginning, the role of radiant solar heat or infrared radi-
ation has long been known, and calls for special attention in
studies of the influence of the sun on geologic and geochemical
processes. The importance of radiant solar heat for the existence
of life is incontestable; so, too, is the transformation of the sun's
thermal radiation into mechanical, molecular (evaporation,
plant transpiration, etc.), and chemical energy. The effects are
apparent everywhere - in the life of organisms, the movement
and activity of winds and ocean currents, the waves and surf of
the sea, the destruction of rock and the action of glaciers, the
formation and movements of rivers, and the colossal work of
snow and rainfall.
Less fully appreciated is the role that the liquid and gaseous
portions of the biosphere playas accumulators and distributors
of heat. The atmosphere, the sea, lakes, rivers, rain, and snow
actively participate in these processes. The world's ocean acts as
a heat regulator,33 making itself felt in the ceaseless change of
climate and seasons, living processes, and countless surface phe-
nomena. The special thermal properties of water,34 as deter-
mined by its molecular character, enable the ocean to play such
an important role in the heat budget of the planet.
The ocean takes up warmth quickly because of its great spe-
cific heat, but gives up its accumulated heat slowly because of
31 Earth's magnetic field actually
plays a more Important role in these
phenomena, as demonstrated by the
Van Allen Radiation Belts (see
Manahan, 1994, p. 287, fig. 9.9).
32 Certain bacteria can survive such
33 In other words, a maritime Influ-
ence greatly moderates climate on
34 Particularly its high heat capacity.
feeble thermal conductivity.35 It transforms ,the heat absorbed
from radiation into molecular energy by evaporation, into
chemical energy through the living matter which permeates it,
and into mechanical energy by waves and ocean currents. The
heating and cooling of rivers, air masses, and other meteorolog-
ical phenomena are of analogous force and scale.
11 The biosphere's essential sources of energy do not lie in the
ultraviolet and infrared spectral regions, which have only an
indirect action on its chemical processes. It is living matter- the
Earth's sum total of living organisms - that transforms the radi-
ant energy of the sun into the active chemical energy of the bios-
Living matter creates innumerable new chemical compounds
by photosynthesis, and extends the biosphere at incredible
speed as a thick layer of new molecular systems. These com-
pounds are rich in free energy in the thermodynamic field of the
biosphere. Many of the compounds, however, are unstable, and
are continuously converted to more stable forms.
These kinds of transformers contrast sharply with terrestrial
matter, which is within the field of transformation of short and
long solar rays through a fundamentally different mechanism.
The transformation of ultraviolet and infrared radiation takes
place by action on atomic and molecular substances that were
created entirely independently of the radiation itself. Photosyn-
thesis, on the other hand, proceeds by means of complicated,
specific mechanisms created by photosynthesis itself. Note, how-
ever, that photosynthesis can proceed only if ultraviolet
processes are occurring simultaneously, transform-
ing the energy in these wavelengths into active terrestrial ener-
Living organisms are distinct from all other atomic, ionic, or
molecular systems in the Earth's crust, both within and outside
the biosphere. The structures of living organisms are analogous
to those of inert matter, only more complex. Due to the changes
that living organisms effect on the chemical processes of the
biosphere, however, living structures must not be considered
simply as agglomerations of inert stuff. Their energetic charac-
ter, as manifested in multiplication, cannot be compared geo-
chemically with the static chemistry of the molecular structures
of which inert (and once-living) matter are composed.
While the chemical mechanisms of living matter are still
unknown, it is now clear that photosynthesis, regarded as an
35 Vernadsky's physics is mistaken
here. Thermal conductivity will gov-
ern both heat uptake and release.
36 Indeed, vitamin synthesis can
depend on ultraviolet irridation.
The sterol ergosterol (from ergot
fungus, yeast), similar to cholesterol,
is a precursor of vitamin D
ultraviolet irradiation of ergosterol
at a frequency of 282 nanometers,
ergosterol is converted to
cis-trachysterol. With further
irradation, cis-trachysterol is
converted into calciferol (vitamin DJ.
When a cholesterol derivative
(s,7-cholestadiene-3b-ol) is
irradiated, it forms vitamin D
, an
even more potent form of the D
vitamin. Dvitamins can be
considered to have a considerable
biogeochemical importance, as they
are required for the regulation of
deposition of skeletal and dental
calcium (Brown, 1975).
37 To maintain temperatures at
which photosynthesis can occur.
energetic phenomenon in living matter, takes place in a particu-
lar chemical environment, and also within a thermodynamic
field that differs from that of the biosphere's. Compounds that
are stable within the thermodynami<;: field of living matter
become unstable when, following death of the organism, they
enter the thermodynamic field of the biosphere
and become a
source of free energy:
The Empirical Generalization and the Hypothesis
12 An understanding of the energetic phenomena of life, as
observed in a geochemical context, provides proper explanation
for the observed facts, as outlined above. But considerable
uncertainties exist, on account of the state of our biological
knowledge relative to our knowledge of inert matter. In the
physical sciences, we have been forced to abandon ideas, long
thought to be correct, concerning the biosphere and the compo-
sition of the crust. We have also had to reject long established,
but purely geologic explanations (6). Concepts that appeared
to be logically and scientifically necessary have proved to be
illusory. Correcting these misconceptions has had entirely
unexpected effects upon our understanding of the phenomena
in question.
The study of life faces even greater difficulties, because, more
than in any other branch of the sciences, the fundamental prin-
ciples have been permeated with philosophical and religious
concepts alien to science.
The queries and conclusions of phi-
losophy and religion are constantly encountered in ideas about
the living organism. Conclusions of the most careful naturalists
in this area have been influenced, for centuries, by the inclusion
of cosmological concepts that, by their very nature, are foreign
to science. (It should be added that this in no way makes these
cosmological concepts less valuable or less profound.) As a con-
sequence, it has become extremely difficult to study the big
questions of biology and, at the same time, to hold to scientific
methods of investigation practiced in other fields.
13 The vitalistic and mechanistic representations of life are two
reflections of related philosophical and religious ideas that are
not deductions based upon scientific facts.
These representa-
tions hinder the study of vital phenomena, and upset empirical
Vitalistic representations give explanations of living phenom-
ena that are foreign to the world of models - scientific general-
38 Here Vernadsky is making a very
clear distinction between liVing mat-
ter and the non-living matter of the
biosphere. This may be compared
to the Treviranian concept of "matter
capable of life" (Drlesch, 1914).
Contrast this view with that of
Hypersea theory (see McMenamin
and McMenamin, 1994), where liVing
matter and the biospheric living
environment are one and the same
cutting out the bio-inert componeni.
The domain of phenomena within an
organism ("the field of living mailer") is
different, thermodynamically and chemi-
cally, from "the field of the biosphere".
[Editor's note: The manuscript upon
which this translation is based car-
ried 28 footnotes by Vernadsky.
These are indicated, as here, by an *
(or t). All other numbered footnotes
are annotations by M. MCMenamin
(or I.A. Perelman, as noted)].
39 Here again, Vernadsky chal-
lenges (without citing) Oparin and
Haldane, among others.
40 As put forth by A. I. Oparin (Fox,
1965), "[At] the dawn of European
civilization, with the Greek
philosophers, there were two clear
tendencies In this problem. Those
are the Platonic and the Democritian
trends, either the view that dead
matter was made alive by some
spiritual principle or the assumption
of a spontaneous generation from
that matter, from dead or inert
"The Platonic view has predomi-
nated for centuries and, in fact, still
continues to exist in the views of
vitalists and neo-vitallsts."
"The Democritian line was
pushed in the background and came
into full force only in the seven-
teenth century in the work of
Descartes. Both points of view really
differed only in their interpretation
of origin, but both of them equally
assumed the possibility of sponta-
neous generation."
feeble thermal conductivity.35 It transforms ,the heat absorbed
from radiation into molecular energy by evaporation, into
chemical energy through the living matter which permeates it,
and into mechanical energy by waves and ocean currents. The
heating and cooling of rivers, air masses, and other meteorolog-
ical phenomena are of analogous force and scale.
11 The biosphere's essential sources of energy do not lie in the
ultraviolet and infrared spectral regions, which have only an
indirect action on its chemical processes. It is living matter- the
Earth's sum total of living organisms - that transforms the radi-
ant energy of the sun into the active chemical energy of the bios-
Living matter creates innumerable new chemical compounds
by photosynthesis, and extends the biosphere at incredible
speed as a thick layer of new molecular systems. These com-
pounds are rich in free energy in the thermodynamic field of the
biosphere. Many of the compounds, however, are unstable, and
are continuously converted to more stable forms.
These kinds of transformers contrast sharply with terrestrial
matter, which is within the field of transformation of short and
long solar rays through a fundamentally different mechanism.
The transformation of ultraviolet and infrared radiation takes
place by action on atomic and molecular substances that were
created entirely independently of the radiation itself. Photosyn-
thesis, on the other hand, proceeds by means of complicated,
specific mechanisms created by photosynthesis itself. Note, how-
ever, that photosynthesis can proceed only if ultraviolet
processes are occurring simultaneously, transform-
ing the energy in these wavelengths into active terrestrial ener-
Living organisms are distinct from all other atomic, ionic, or
molecular systems in the Earth's crust, both within and outside
the biosphere. The structures of living organisms are analogous
to those of inert matter, only more complex. Due to the changes
that living organisms effect on the chemical processes of the
biosphere, however, living structures must not be considered
simply as agglomerations of inert stuff. Their energetic charac-
ter, as manifested in multiplication, cannot be compared geo-
chemically with the static chemistry of the molecular structures
of which inert (and once-living) matter are composed.
While the chemical mechanisms of living matter are still
unknown, it is now clear that photosynthesis, regarded as an
35 Vernadsky's physics is mistaken
here. Thermal conductivity will gov-
ern both heat uptake and release.
36 Indeed, vitamin synthesis can
depend on ultraviolet irridation.
The sterol ergosterol (from ergot
fungus, yeast), similar to cholesterol,
is a precursor of vitamin D
ultraviolet irradiation of ergosterol
at a frequency of 282 nanometers,
ergosterol is converted to
cis-trachysterol. With further
irradation, cis-trachysterol is
converted into calciferol (vitamin DJ.
When a cholesterol derivative
(s,7-cholestadiene-3b-ol) is
irradiated, it forms vitamin D
, an
even more potent form of the D
vitamin. Dvitamins can be
considered to have a considerable
biogeochemical importance, as they
are required for the regulation of
deposition of skeletal and dental
calcium (Brown, 1975).
37 To maintain temperatures at
which photosynthesis can occur.
energetic phenomenon in living matter, takes place in a particu-
lar chemical environment, and also within a thermodynamic
field that differs from that of the biosphere's. Compounds that
are stable within the thermodynami<;: field of living matter
become unstable when, following death of the organism, they
enter the thermodynamic field of the biosphere
and become a
source of free energy:
The Empirical Generalization and the Hypothesis
12 An understanding of the energetic phenomena of life, as
observed in a geochemical context, provides proper explanation
for the observed facts, as outlined above. But considerable
uncertainties exist, on account of the state of our biological
knowledge relative to our knowledge of inert matter. In the
physical sciences, we have been forced to abandon ideas, long
thought to be correct, concerning the biosphere and the compo-
sition of the crust. We have also had to reject long established,
but purely geologic explanations (6). Concepts that appeared
to be logically and scientifically necessary have proved to be
illusory. Correcting these misconceptions has had entirely
unexpected effects upon our understanding of the phenomena
in question.
The study of life faces even greater difficulties, because, more
than in any other branch of the sciences, the fundamental prin-
ciples have been permeated with philosophical and religious
concepts alien to science.
The queries and conclusions of phi-
losophy and religion are constantly encountered in ideas about
the living organism. Conclusions of the most careful naturalists
in this area have been influenced, for centuries, by the inclusion
of cosmological concepts that, by their very nature, are foreign
to science. (It should be added that this in no way makes these
cosmological concepts less valuable or less profound.) As a con-
sequence, it has become extremely difficult to study the big
questions of biology and, at the same time, to hold to scientific
methods of investigation practiced in other fields.
13 The vitalistic and mechanistic representations of life are two
reflections of related philosophical and religious ideas that are
not deductions based upon scientific facts.
These representa-
tions hinder the study of vital phenomena, and upset empirical
Vitalistic representations give explanations of living phenom-
ena that are foreign to the world of models - scientific general-
38 Here Vernadsky is making a very
clear distinction between liVing mat-
ter and the non-living matter of the
biosphere. This may be compared
to the Treviranian concept of "matter
capable of life" (Drlesch, 1914).
Contrast this view with that of
Hypersea theory (see McMenamin
and McMenamin, 1994), where liVing
matter and the biospheric living
environment are one and the same
cutting out the bio-inert componeni.
The domain of phenomena within an
organism ("the field of living mailer") is
different, thermodynamically and chemi-
cally, from "the field of the biosphere".
[Editor's note: The manuscript upon
which this translation is based car-
ried 28 footnotes by Vernadsky.
These are indicated, as here, by an *
(or t). All other numbered footnotes
are annotations by M. MCMenamin
(or I.A. Perelman, as noted)].
39 Here again, Vernadsky chal-
lenges (without citing) Oparin and
Haldane, among others.
40 As put forth by A. I. Oparin (Fox,
1965), "[At] the dawn of European
civilization, with the Greek
philosophers, there were two clear
tendencies In this problem. Those
are the Platonic and the Democritian
trends, either the view that dead
matter was made alive by some
spiritual principle or the assumption
of a spontaneous generation from
that matter, from dead or inert
"The Platonic view has predomi-
nated for centuries and, in fact, still
continues to exist in the views of
vitalists and neo-vitallsts."
"The Democritian line was
pushed in the background and came
into full force only in the seven-
teenth century in the work of
Descartes. Both points of view really
differed only in their interpretation
of origin, but both of them equally
assumed the possibility of sponta-
neous generation."
izations, by means of which we construct a unified theory of the
cosmos. The character of such representations makes them
unfruitful when their contents are introduced into the scientific
Mechanistic representations, that on the other hand see mere-
ly the simple play of physico-chemical forces in living organ-
isms, are equally fatal to progress in science. They hinder scien-
tific research by limiting its final results; by introducing
conjectural constructs based on guesswork,41 they obscure sci-
entific understanding. Successful conjectures of this sort would
rapidly remove all obstacles from the progress of science, but
conjectural constructs based on guesswork and their imple-
mentation has been linked too closely to abstract philosophical
constructs that are foreign to the reality studied by science.
These constructs have led to oversimplified analytical
approaches, and have thus destroyed the notion of complexity
of phenomena!'z Conjectural constructs based on guesswork
have not, thus far, advanced our comprehension of life.
We regard the growing tendency in scientific research to dis-
claim both these explanations of life, and to study living phe-
nomena by purely empirical processes, as well-founded. This
tendency or method acknowledges the impossibility of explain-
ing life, of assigning it a place in our abstract cosmos, the edifice
that science has constructed from models and hypotheses.
At the present time, we can approach the phenomena of life
successfully only in an empirical fashion, that is, without mak-
ing unfounded hypotheses. Only in this way can we discover
new aspects of living phenomena that will enlarge the known
field of physico-chemical forces, or introduce a new principle,
axiom, or idea about the structure of our scientific universe. It
will be impossible to prove these newprinciples or notions con-
clusively, or to deduce them from known axioms, but they will
enable us to develop new hypotheses that relate living phenom-
ena to our viewof the cosmos, just as understanding of radioac-
tivity connected the view of the cosmos to the world of atoms.
14 The living organism of the biosphere should nowbe studied
empirically, as a particular body that cannot be entirely reduced
to known physico-chemical systems. Whether it can be so
reduced in the future is not yet clear.
It does not seem impos-
sible, but we must not forget another possibility when taking an
empirical approach- perhaps this problem, which has been
posed by so many learned men of science, is purely illusory.
41 For notes on translation of this
passage, see "Editor's Note on
Translation and Transliteration."
42 Vernadsky is here challenging
simplistic, mechanistic extrapola-
tions in science and in so doing
rightly challenges the extensions
made of Cartesian- Newtonian
mechanics to more complex classes
of phenomena. As did Henri
Poincare some decades before,
Vernadsky anticipates the problems
that chaos theory presents to sim-
ple, extrapolation-based mechanis-
tic explanations of phenomena.
Vernadsky's intuition is reliable
here-recognition of the complexity
of the biosphere implies that he had.
at least an implicit sense of the
feedback (cybernetic) dimensions of
this field of study, although the lan-
guage to express these concepts
was not developed until shortly after
Vernadsky's death. The word cyber-
netics, from the Greek kybemetes,
"helmsman," was coined in 1948 by
Norbert Wiener.
43 This might seem to make
Vernadsky the arch holist (as
opposed to reductionist). However,
his main point here is that there are
probably classes of phenomena that
are neither easily nor well explained
by inappropriately reductive scientif-
ic approaches. Vernadsky's insight
on this subject has been decisively
vindicated (Mikhailovskii, 1988;
Progogine and Stengers, 1988). This
makes Vernadsky's scientific
approach quite unusual from a
Western scientific perspective, for
he is a confirmed empiricist who rec-
ognizes that holistic approaches will
be required to study certain complex
entities. His then is not a na'ive
empiricism, but a sophisticated
empiricism in which an empirical
approach is utilized to synthesize a
scientifically realistic, holistic view
of the subject under study. Similar
approaches can be identified in the
work of the Russian founders of
symbiogenesis (Khakhina, 1988;
Khakhina, 1992).
Analogous doubts, regarding the governance of all living forms
by the laws of physics and chemistry as currently understood,
often arise in the field of biology as well.
Even more so than in biology, in the geological sciences we
must stay on purely empirical ground, scrupulously avoiding
and vitalistic constructs. Geochemistry is an espe-
CIally Important case, since living matter and masses of organ-
isms are its principal agents, and it confronts us with living phe-
nomena at every step.
Living matter gives the biosphere an extraordinary character,
44' th .
umque In e umverse. Two distinct types of matter, inert45
andliving, though separatedby the impassable gulf of their geo-
logical history, exert a reciprocal action upon one another. It has
never been doubted that these different types of biospheric mat-
ter belong to separate categories of phenomena, and cannot be
reduced to one. This apparently-permanent difference between
living and inert matter can be considered an axiom which may,
at some time, be fully established. * Though presently unprov-
able, this principle must be taken as one of the greatest general-
izations of the natural sciences.
. The importance of such a generalization, and of most empir-
Ical generalizations in science, is often overlooked. The influ-
ence of habit and philosophical constructions causes us to mis-
take them for scientific hypotheses. When dealing with living
phenomena, it is particularly important to avoid this deeply-
rooted and pernicious habit.
15 There is a great difference between empirical generalizations
and scientific hypotheses. They offer quite different degrees of
precision. In both cases, we use deductions to reach conclusions,
which then are verified by study of real phenomena. In a histor-
ical science like geology, verificationtakes place through scien-
tific observation. .
The two cases are different because an empirical generaliza-
tion is founded on facts collected as part of an inductive
research program. Such a generalization does not go beyond the
factual limits, and disregards agreements between the conclusions
reached and our representations ofnature. There is no difference,
in this respect, between an empirical generalization and a scien-
tifically established fact. Their mutual agreement with our view
of nature is not what interests us here, but rather the contradic-
tions between them. Anysuch contradictions would constitute a
scientific discovery.
44 So far as we know.
45 Inert matter as used here
represents the raw matter, the raw
materials of life. Although Vernadsky
emphasizes his view that living
organisms have never been
produced by Inert maller, he
paradOXically implies that non-liVing
stuff is in some sense alive, or at
least has latent life. This should
not be confused with any type of
mysterious vital force, however;
Vernadsky eschewed metaphysical
interpretations. He was examining
the idea that life has special
properties, as old as maller itself,
that somehow separated it from
ordinary maller (into which it can,
by dying, be transformed). Life can
expand its realm into inert matter
but it was not formed from
* The change presently taking place
in our ideas regarding mathematical
axioms should influence the interpre-
tation of axioms in the natural sci-
ences; the latter have been less thor-
oughly examined by critical philo-
sophical thought and would consti-
tute a scientific discovery.
izations, by means of which we construct a unified theory of the
cosmos. The character of such representations makes them
unfruitful when their contents are introduced into the scientific
Mechanistic representations, that on the other hand see mere-
ly the simple play of physico-chemical forces in living organ-
isms, are equally fatal to progress in science. They hinder scien-
tific research by limiting its final results; by introducing
conjectural constructs based on guesswork,41 they obscure sci-
entific understanding. Successful conjectures of this sort would
rapidly remove all obstacles from the progress of science, but
conjectural constructs based on guesswork and their imple-
mentation has been linked too closely to abstract philosophical
constructs that are foreign to the reality studied by science.
These constructs have led to oversimplified analytical
approaches, and have thus destroyed the notion of complexity
of phenomena!'z Conjectural constructs based on guesswork
have not, thus far, advanced our comprehension of life.
We regard the growing tendency in scientific research to dis-
claim both these explanations of life, and to study living phe-
nomena by purely empirical processes, as well-founded. This
tendency or method acknowledges the impossibility of explain-
ing life, of assigning it a place in our abstract cosmos, the edifice
that science has constructed from models and hypotheses.
At the present time, we can approach the phenomena of life
successfully only in an empirical fashion, that is, without mak-
ing unfounded hypotheses. Only in this way can we discover
new aspects of living phenomena that will enlarge the known
field of physico-chemical forces, or introduce a new principle,
axiom, or idea about the structure of our scientific universe. It
will be impossible to prove these newprinciples or notions con-
clusively, or to deduce them from known axioms, but they will
enable us to develop new hypotheses that relate living phenom-
ena to our viewof the cosmos, just as understanding of radioac-
tivity connected the view of the cosmos to the world of atoms.
14 The living organism of the biosphere should nowbe studied
empirically, as a particular body that cannot be entirely reduced
to known physico-chemical systems. Whether it can be so
reduced in the future is not yet clear.
It does not seem impos-
sible, but we must not forget another possibility when taking an
empirical approach- perhaps this problem, which has been
posed by so many learned men of science, is purely illusory.
41 For notes on translation of this
passage, see "Editor's Note on
Translation and Transliteration."
42 Vernadsky is here challenging
simplistic, mechanistic extrapola-
tions in science and in so doing
rightly challenges the extensions
made of Cartesian- Newtonian
mechanics to more complex classes
of phenomena. As did Henri
Poincare some decades before,
Vernadsky anticipates the problems
that chaos theory presents to sim-
ple, extrapolation-based mechanis-
tic explanations of phenomena.
Vernadsky's intuition is reliable
here-recognition of the complexity
of the biosphere implies that he had.
at least an implicit sense of the
feedback (cybernetic) dimensions of
this field of study, although the lan-
guage to express these concepts
was not developed until shortly after
Vernadsky's death. The word cyber-
netics, from the Greek kybemetes,
"helmsman," was coined in 1948 by
Norbert Wiener.
43 This might seem to make
Vernadsky the arch holist (as
opposed to reductionist). However,
his main point here is that there are
probably classes of phenomena that
are neither easily nor well explained
by inappropriately reductive scientif-
ic approaches. Vernadsky's insight
on this subject has been decisively
vindicated (Mikhailovskii, 1988;
Progogine and Stengers, 1988). This
makes Vernadsky's scientific
approach quite unusual from a
Western scientific perspective, for
he is a confirmed empiricist who rec-
ognizes that holistic approaches will
be required to study certain complex
entities. His then is not a na'ive
empiricism, but a sophisticated
empiricism in which an empirical
approach is utilized to synthesize a
scientifically realistic, holistic view
of the subject under study. Similar
approaches can be identified in the
work of the Russian founders of
symbiogenesis (Khakhina, 1988;
Khakhina, 1992).
Analogous doubts, regarding the governance of all living forms
by the laws of physics and chemistry as currently understood,
often arise in the field of biology as well.
Even more so than in biology, in the geological sciences we
must stay on purely empirical ground, scrupulously avoiding
and vitalistic constructs. Geochemistry is an espe-
CIally Important case, since living matter and masses of organ-
isms are its principal agents, and it confronts us with living phe-
nomena at every step.
Living matter gives the biosphere an extraordinary character,
44' th .
umque In e umverse. Two distinct types of matter, inert45
andliving, though separatedby the impassable gulf of their geo-
logical history, exert a reciprocal action upon one another. It has
never been doubted that these different types of biospheric mat-
ter belong to separate categories of phenomena, and cannot be
reduced to one. This apparently-permanent difference between
living and inert matter can be considered an axiom which may,
at some time, be fully established. * Though presently unprov-
able, this principle must be taken as one of the greatest general-
izations of the natural sciences.
. The importance of such a generalization, and of most empir-
Ical generalizations in science, is often overlooked. The influ-
ence of habit and philosophical constructions causes us to mis-
take them for scientific hypotheses. When dealing with living
phenomena, it is particularly important to avoid this deeply-
rooted and pernicious habit.
15 There is a great difference between empirical generalizations
and scientific hypotheses. They offer quite different degrees of
precision. In both cases, we use deductions to reach conclusions,
which then are verified by study of real phenomena. In a histor-
ical science like geology, verificationtakes place through scien-
tific observation. .
The two cases are different because an empirical generaliza-
tion is founded on facts collected as part of an inductive
research program. Such a generalization does not go beyond the
factual limits, and disregards agreements between the conclusions
reached and our representations ofnature. There is no difference,
in this respect, between an empirical generalization and a scien-
tifically established fact. Their mutual agreement with our view
of nature is not what interests us here, but rather the contradic-
tions between them. Anysuch contradictions would constitute a
scientific discovery.
44 So far as we know.
45 Inert matter as used here
represents the raw matter, the raw
materials of life. Although Vernadsky
emphasizes his view that living
organisms have never been
produced by Inert maller, he
paradOXically implies that non-liVing
stuff is in some sense alive, or at
least has latent life. This should
not be confused with any type of
mysterious vital force, however;
Vernadsky eschewed metaphysical
interpretations. He was examining
the idea that life has special
properties, as old as maller itself,
that somehow separated it from
ordinary maller (into which it can,
by dying, be transformed). Life can
expand its realm into inert matter
but it was not formed from
* The change presently taking place
in our ideas regarding mathematical
axioms should influence the interpre-
tation of axioms in the natural sci-
ences; the latter have been less thor-
oughly examined by critical philo-
sophical thought and would consti-
tute a scientific discovery.
b) the conditions .of the terrestrial environment during all
this time have favored the existence of living matter, and
conditions have always been approximately what they are
4 In all geological periods, the chemiCal influence of living matter
on the surrounding environment has not changed significantly;
the same processes of superficial weathering have functioned
on the Earth's surface during this whole time, and the average
chemical compositions of both living matter and the Earth's
crust have been approximately the same as they are today.
5 From the unchanging processes of superficial weathering, it
follows that the number of atoms bound together by life is
unchanged; the global mass of living matter has been almost
constant throughout geological time.
Indications exist only of
slight oscillations about the fixed average.
6 Whichever phenomenon one considers, the energy liberated by
organisms is principally (and perhaps entirely) solar radiation.
Organisms are the intermediaries in the regulation of the
chemistry of the crust by solar energy.
18 These empirical generalizations force us to conclude that
many problems facing science, chiefly philosophical ones, do
not belong in our investigative domain, since they are not
derived from empirical generalizations and require hypotheses
for their formulation. For example, consider problems relating
to the beginning of life on Earth (if there was a beginning
Among these are cosmogonic models, both of a lifeless era in the
Earth's past, and also of abiogenesis during some hypothetical
cosmic period.
Such problems are so closely connected with dominant scien-
tific and philosophical viewpoints and cosmogonic hypotheses
that their logical necessity usually goes unquestioned. But the
history of science indicates that these problems originate out-
side science, in the realms of religion and philosophy. This
becomes obvious when these problems are compared with rig-
orously established facts and empirical generalizations - the
true domain of science. These scientific facts would remain
unchanged, even if the problems of biogenesis were resolved by
negation, and we were to decide that life had always existed, that
no living organism had ever originated from inert matter, and
that azoic periods had never existed on Earth. One would be
required merely to replace the present cosmogonic hypotheses
by new ones, and to apply new scientific and mathematical
Certain characteristics of the phenomena studied are of pri-
mary importance to empirical generalizations; nevertheless, the
influence of all the other characteristics is always felt. An empir-
ical generalization may be a part of science for a long time with-
out being buttressed by any hypothesis. As such, the empirical
generalization remains incomprehensible, while still exerting an
immense and beneficial effect on our understanding of nature.
But when the moment arrives, and a newlight illuminates this
generalization, it becomes a domain for the creation of scientif-
ic hypotheses, begins to transform our outlines of the universe,
and undergoes changes in its turn. Then, one often finds that the
empirical generalization did not really contain what was sup-
posed, or perhaps, that its contents were much richer. A striking
example is the history of D. J. Mendeleev's great generalization
(1869) of the periodic system of chemical elements, which
became an extended field for scientific hypothesis after Mose-
ley's discovery46 in 1915.
16 Ahypothesis, or theoretical construction, is fashioned in an
entirely different way. A single or small number of the essential
properties of a phenomenon are considered, the rest being
ignored, and on this basis, a representation of the phenomenon
is made. A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond (frequently,
far beyond) the facts upon which it is based.
To obtain the nec-
essary solidity, it must then form all possible connections with
other dominant theoretical constructions of nature, and it must
not contradict them.
An Empirical Generalization Requires No Verification After
It Has been Deduced Precisely from the Facts.
17 The exposition we shall present is based only upon empiri-
cal generalizations that are supported by all of the known facts,
and not by hypotheses or theories. The following are our begin-
ning principles:
1 During all geological periods (including the present one) there
has never been any trace of abiogenesis (direct creation of a
living organism from inert matter).
2 Throughout geological time, no azoic (Le., devoid of life)
geological periods have ever been observed.
3 From this follows:
a) contemporary living matter is connected by a genetic link to
the living matter of all former geological epochs; and
46 Actually it was 1!m. British physi-
cist H. Moseley studied x-rays emitted
by different elements and found that
the frequencies in the x-ray spectrum
at which the highest intensities
occurred varied with the element
being studied. In other words, each
element has adistinctive x-ray emis-
sion 'fingerprint'. This relationship
established that the order number of
an element in Mendeleev's periodic
table (Fersman, 1946) could be estab-
lished experimentally, and further-
more provided a foolproof method for
demonstrating whether or not all the
elements of a given region of the table
had yet been discovered (Masterton
and Slowinski, 1966). These discover-
ies formed the basis of x-ray energy
dispersive (EDs) and wavelength dis-
persive analytical technology. EDS is
frequently used in conjuction with the
scanning electron microscope, since
the imaging electron beam shot from
the tungsten filament in ascanning
electron microscope causes the ele-
ments in the sample being magnified
to radiate their characteristic x-rays.
These x-rays are collected by adetec-
tor and analysed, thus allowing ele-
mental characterization of specimens
being imaged by the scanning elec-
tron microscope.
47 It is this extrapolationistic aspect
of scientific hypotheses that
Vernadsky finds so objectionable.
48 And is far too deductive, in
Vernadsky's view, to be the founda-
tion of a reliable scientific methodol-
ogy. We thus see the profound dif-
ference between Western (extrapola-
tions, predictions) and Russian sci-
ence (assertive scientific generaliza-
49 Again Vernadsky returns to this
Huttonesque theme. He really can-
not conceive of an azoic Earth.
Elsewhere, however, he does admit
(Vernadsky, 1939) the possibility that
the abiogeneticists could be right
(but without ever citing Oparin):
"We cannot shut our eyes, howev-
er, to the fact that Pasteur was possi-
bly right, when contemplating in the
investigation of these phenomena a
way towards the solution of the most
important biological problem, and
seeking in them the possibility of
creation of life on our planet."
Alexei M. Ghilarov (1995) attributes
(P.197) Vernadsky's views on abiogen-
esis to his overwhelming empiricism:
"Vernadsky claims that the prob-
lem of the origin of life cannot be
considered in the framework of
empirical science because we know
nothing about geological layers that
undoubtedly date back to a time
when life on the Earth was absent."
In this vein, Vernadsky was fond
of citing Redi's Principle of 1669-
omne vivum e vivo- "all the living
are born from the living" (Vernadsky,
3, p. 39)
A. Lapo adds here that in 1931
(Lapo, 1980, p. 279) Vernadsky
wrote that Redi's principle does not
absolutely deny abiogenesis-it
only indicates the limits within
which abiogenesis does not occur. It
is possible that at some time early
in Earth's history chemical condi-
tions or states existed on Earth's
crust, which are now absent, but
which at the time were sufficient for
the spontaneous generation of life.
50 This idea of Vernadsky's was con-
troversial even before the 1920'S, as
pointed out (p. 22) by Yanshln and
Yanshina (1988). They note that
Vernadsky felt that throughout bio-
logical evolution, the forms of living
matter had changed but the overall
volume and weight of living matter
had not changed through time.
Convincing proof to the contrary was
already available in 1912, when
Belgian paleontologist Louis 00110
demonstrated the spread of life from
shallow marine waters into oceanic
depths and, later, on to land.
Vernadsky's error here seems to be a
result of the fact that he is complete-
ly in the thrall of his slavic variant of
substantive uniformitarianism, "the
more things change, the more they
stay the same." Charles Lyell's west-
ern version of extreme substantive
uniformitarianism holds that all crea-
tures, including mammals, were pre-
sent on Earth at avery early time.
The Russian version holds biomass
as an oscillating constant value
through the vastness of geologic
time. Dianna McMenamin and I show
how the now-recognized increase in
biomass over time is a consequence
of what Vernadsky elsewhere calls
the "pressure of life" (McMenamin
and McMenamin 1994). Thus, aban-
donment of this untenable uniformi-
tarian viewpoint regarding the con-
stancy through geologic time of
global biomass does not fundamen-
b) the conditions .of the terrestrial environment during all
this time have favored the existence of living matter, and
conditions have always been approximately what they are
4 In all geological periods, the chemiCal influence of living matter
on the surrounding environment has not changed significantly;
the same processes of superficial weathering have functioned
on the Earth's surface during this whole time, and the average
chemical compositions of both living matter and the Earth's
crust have been approximately the same as they are today.
5 From the unchanging processes of superficial weathering, it
follows that the number of atoms bound together by life is
unchanged; the global mass of living matter has been almost
constant throughout geological time.
Indications exist only of
slight oscillations about the fixed average.
6 Whichever phenomenon one considers, the energy liberated by
organisms is principally (and perhaps entirely) solar radiation.
Organisms are the intermediaries in the regulation of the
chemistry of the crust by solar energy.
18 These empirical generalizations force us to conclude that
many problems facing science, chiefly philosophical ones, do
not belong in our investigative domain, since they are not
derived from empirical generalizations and require hypotheses
for their formulation. For example, consider problems relating
to the beginning of life on Earth (if there was a beginning
Among these are cosmogonic models, both of a lifeless era in the
Earth's past, and also of abiogenesis during some hypothetical
cosmic period.
Such problems are so closely connected with dominant scien-
tific and philosophical viewpoints and cosmogonic hypotheses
that their logical necessity usually goes unquestioned. But the
history of science indicates that these problems originate out-
side science, in the realms of religion and philosophy. This
becomes obvious when these problems are compared with rig-
orously established facts and empirical generalizations - the
true domain of science. These scientific facts would remain
unchanged, even if the problems of biogenesis were resolved by
negation, and we were to decide that life had always existed, that
no living organism had ever originated from inert matter, and
that azoic periods had never existed on Earth. One would be
required merely to replace the present cosmogonic hypotheses
by new ones, and to apply new scientific and mathematical
Certain characteristics of the phenomena studied are of pri-
mary importance to empirical generalizations; nevertheless, the
influence of all the other characteristics is always felt. An empir-
ical generalization may be a part of science for a long time with-
out being buttressed by any hypothesis. As such, the empirical
generalization remains incomprehensible, while still exerting an
immense and beneficial effect on our understanding of nature.
But when the moment arrives, and a newlight illuminates this
generalization, it becomes a domain for the creation of scientif-
ic hypotheses, begins to transform our outlines of the universe,
and undergoes changes in its turn. Then, one often finds that the
empirical generalization did not really contain what was sup-
posed, or perhaps, that its contents were much richer. A striking
example is the history of D. J. Mendeleev's great generalization
(1869) of the periodic system of chemical elements, which
became an extended field for scientific hypothesis after Mose-
ley's discovery46 in 1915.
16 Ahypothesis, or theoretical construction, is fashioned in an
entirely different way. A single or small number of the essential
properties of a phenomenon are considered, the rest being
ignored, and on this basis, a representation of the phenomenon
is made. A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond (frequently,
far beyond) the facts upon which it is based.
To obtain the nec-
essary solidity, it must then form all possible connections with
other dominant theoretical constructions of nature, and it must
not contradict them.
An Empirical Generalization Requires No Verification After
It Has been Deduced Precisely from the Facts.
17 The exposition we shall present is based only upon empiri-
cal generalizations that are supported by all of the known facts,
and not by hypotheses or theories. The following are our begin-
ning principles:
1 During all geological periods (including the present one) there
has never been any trace of abiogenesis (direct creation of a
living organism from inert matter).
2 Throughout geological time, no azoic (Le., devoid of life)
geological periods have ever been observed.
3 From this follows:
a) contemporary living matter is connected by a genetic link to
the living matter of all former geological epochs; and
46 Actually it was 1!m. British physi-
cist H. Moseley studied x-rays emitted
by different elements and found that
the frequencies in the x-ray spectrum
at which the highest intensities
occurred varied with the element
being studied. In other words, each
element has adistinctive x-ray emis-
sion 'fingerprint'. This relationship
established that the order number of
an element in Mendeleev's periodic
table (Fersman, 1946) could be estab-
lished experimentally, and further-
more provided a foolproof method for
demonstrating whether or not all the
elements of a given region of the table
had yet been discovered (Masterton
and Slowinski, 1966). These discover-
ies formed the basis of x-ray energy
dispersive (EDs) and wavelength dis-
persive analytical technology. EDS is
frequently used in conjuction with the
scanning electron microscope, since
the imaging electron beam shot from
the tungsten filament in ascanning
electron microscope causes the ele-
ments in the sample being magnified
to radiate their characteristic x-rays.
These x-rays are collected by adetec-
tor and analysed, thus allowing ele-
mental characterization of specimens
being imaged by the scanning elec-
tron microscope.
47 It is this extrapolationistic aspect
of scientific hypotheses that
Vernadsky finds so objectionable.
48 And is far too deductive, in
Vernadsky's view, to be the founda-
tion of a reliable scientific methodol-
ogy. We thus see the profound dif-
ference between Western (extrapola-
tions, predictions) and Russian sci-
ence (assertive scientific generaliza-
49 Again Vernadsky returns to this
Huttonesque theme. He really can-
not conceive of an azoic Earth.
Elsewhere, however, he does admit
(Vernadsky, 1939) the possibility that
the abiogeneticists could be right
(but without ever citing Oparin):
"We cannot shut our eyes, howev-
er, to the fact that Pasteur was possi-
bly right, when contemplating in the
investigation of these phenomena a
way towards the solution of the most
important biological problem, and
seeking in them the possibility of
creation of life on our planet."
Alexei M. Ghilarov (1995) attributes
(P.197) Vernadsky's views on abiogen-
esis to his overwhelming empiricism:
"Vernadsky claims that the prob-
lem of the origin of life cannot be
considered in the framework of
empirical science because we know
nothing about geological layers that
undoubtedly date back to a time
when life on the Earth was absent."
In this vein, Vernadsky was fond
of citing Redi's Principle of 1669-
omne vivum e vivo- "all the living
are born from the living" (Vernadsky,
3, p. 39)
A. Lapo adds here that in 1931
(Lapo, 1980, p. 279) Vernadsky
wrote that Redi's principle does not
absolutely deny abiogenesis-it
only indicates the limits within
which abiogenesis does not occur. It
is possible that at some time early
in Earth's history chemical condi-
tions or states existed on Earth's
crust, which are now absent, but
which at the time were sufficient for
the spontaneous generation of life.
50 This idea of Vernadsky's was con-
troversial even before the 1920'S, as
pointed out (p. 22) by Yanshln and
Yanshina (1988). They note that
Vernadsky felt that throughout bio-
logical evolution, the forms of living
matter had changed but the overall
volume and weight of living matter
had not changed through time.
Convincing proof to the contrary was
already available in 1912, when
Belgian paleontologist Louis 00110
demonstrated the spread of life from
shallow marine waters into oceanic
depths and, later, on to land.
Vernadsky's error here seems to be a
result of the fact that he is complete-
ly in the thrall of his slavic variant of
substantive uniformitarianism, "the
more things change, the more they
stay the same." Charles Lyell's west-
ern version of extreme substantive
uniformitarianism holds that all crea-
tures, including mammals, were pre-
sent on Earth at avery early time.
The Russian version holds biomass
as an oscillating constant value
through the vastness of geologic
time. Dianna McMenamin and I show
how the now-recognized increase in
biomass over time is a consequence
of what Vernadsky elsewhere calls
the "pressure of life" (McMenamin
and McMenamin 1994). Thus, aban-
donment of this untenable uniformi-
tarian viewpoint regarding the con-
stancy through geologic time of
global biomass does not fundamen-
scrutiny to certain philosophical and religious, viewpoints called
into question by advances inscientific thought. This has hap-
pened before in modern cosmogony.
20 It is evident that if life were to cease the great chemical
processes connected with it would disappear, both from the
biosphere and probably also from the crust. All minerals in the
upper crust-the free alumino-silicious acids (clays), the car-
bonates (limestones and dolomites), the hydrated oxides of iron
and aluminum (limonites and bauxites), as well as hundreds of
others, are continuously created by the influence of life. In the
absence of life, the elements in these minerals would immedi-
Living Matter in the Biosphere
19 Life exists only in the biosphere; organisms are found only in
the thin outer layer of the Earth's crust, and are always separat-
ed from the surrounding inert matter by a clear and firm
boundary. Living organisms have never been produced by inert
matter. In its life, its death, and its decomposition an organism
circulates its atoms through the biosphere over and over again,
but living matter is always generated from life itself.
A considerable portion of the atoms in the Earth's surface are
united in life, and these are in perpetual motion. Millions of
diverse compounds are constantly being created, in a process
that has been continuing, essentially unchanged, since the early
Archean, four billion years ago.
Because no chemical force on Earth is more constant than liv-
ing organisms taken in aggregate, none is more powerful in the
long run. The more we learn, the more convinced we become
that biospheric chemical phenomena never occur independent
of life.
All geological history supports this view. The oldest Archean
beds furnish indirect indications of the existence of life; ancient
Proterozoic rocks, and perhaps even Archean rocks,53 have pre-
served actual fossil remains of organisms. Scholars such as C.
were correct in relating Archean rocks to Paleozoic,
Mesozoic, and Cenozoic rocks rich in life. Archean rocks corre-
spond to the oldest-known accessible parts of the crust, and
contain evidence that life existed in remotest antiquity at least
1.5 billion years ago.
Therefore the sun's energy cannot have
changed noticeably since that time; this deduction
is con-
firmed by the convincing astronomical conjectures of Harlow
59 See Germanov and
Melkanovitskaya, 1975.
58 Here Vernadsky strongly antici-
pates some of the arguments made
later by
J. Lovelock, especially the thought
that in an abiotic Earth the diatomic
nitrogen and oxygen gases will com-
bine to form nitrogen-oxygen com-
pounds (NO,.); Williams, 1997.
60 According to A. I. Perelman, the
most recent data show that signifi-
cant amounts of CO
are emitted
during volcanic eruptions. Evidently,
it is no accident that the significance
of carbonate deposits abruptly
increased after epochs of growing
volcanic activity (for example, the
Carbonaceous, Jurassic, Paleogene).
Note, however, that in the event of
the disappearance of life, the atmos-
pheric concentration of CO
rise, while there would be a sharp
drop in the percent of carbonate
deposits. indeed, the concentrations
of carbon dioxide in the atmos-
pheres of Venus and Mars are very
similar C965,OOO and 953,000 parts
per million volume, respectively),
whereas that of Earth is dramatically
less 850 parts per million volume;
see Williams, 1997, p.110).
61 Vadose water is suspended
water in soli or suspended in frag-
mented rock (regolith), above the
level of groundwater saturation.
Vernadsky here again demonstrates
his marvelous insight, as well as his
debt to Dokuchaev (his eacher), as
he elucidates the biogeochemical
importance of this microbe-rich,
high surface-area environment.
ately form new chemical groups corresponding to the new con-
ditions. Their previous mineral forms would disappear perma-
nently, and there would be no energy in the Earth's crust capa-
ble of continuous generation of new chemical compounds.
A stable equilibrium, a chemical calm, would be permanently
troubled from time to time only by the appearance
of matter from the depths of the Earth at certain points (e.g.,
emanations of gas, thermal springs, and volcanic eruptions).
But this freshly-appearing matter would, relatively quickly,
and maintain the stable molecular forms consistent
with the lifeless conditions of the Earth's crust.
Although there are thousands of outlets for matter that arise
from the depths of the Earth, they are lost in the immensity of
the Earth's surface; and even recurrent processes such as vol-
canic eruptions are imperceptible, in the infinity of terrestrial
After the disappearance of life, changes in terrestrial tectonics
would slowly occur on the Earth's surface. The time scale would
be quite different from the years and centuries we experience.
Change would be perceptible only in the scale of cosmic time,
like radioactive alterations of atomic systems.
The incessant forces in the biosphere - the sun's heat and the
chemical action of water - would scarcely alter the picture,
because the extinction of life would result in the disappearance
of free oxygen, and a marked reduction of carbonic acid.
chief agents in the alteration of the surface, which under present
conditions are constantly absorbed by the inert matter of the
biosphere and replaced in equal quantitybyliving matter, would
therefore disappear.
Water is a powerful chemical agent under the thermodynam-
ic conditions of the biosphere, because life processes cause this
"natural" vadose water
(89) to be rich in chemically active
foci, especially microscopic organisms. Such water is altered by
the oxygen and carbonic acid dissolved within it. Without these
constituents, it is chemically inert at the prevailing temperatures
and pressures of the biosphere. In an inert, gaseous environ-
ment, the face of the Earth would become as immobile and
chemically passive as that of the moon, or the metallic mete-
orites and cosmic dust particles that fall upon us.
21 Life is, thus, potently and continuously disturbing the chem-
ical inertia on the surface of our planet. It creates the colors and
forms of nature, the associations of animals and plants, and the
57 See Shapley, 1927.
54 See Schuchert, 1924.
55 Evidence for life is now thought
to extend back to 3,800 million
years ago; see Moizsis, Arrhenius,
McKeegan, Harrison, Nutman and
Friend, 1996; and Hayes, 1996.
56 Now known to be false; the early
sun Is now thought to have been
fainter than today, and yet the plan-
etary surface was paradoxically
warmer because of a larger propor-
tion of greenhouse gases (principal-
ly carbon dioxide) in the atmos-
53 See Pompeckj, 1928. Indeed as
Vernadsky suggests, fossils of
microorganisms are now known
from Archean rocks.
51 This is perhaps the most extreme
articulation yet of Vernadsky's sub-
stantive uniformitarianism.
tally weaken Vernadsky's other main
52 A. Lapo notes (written communi-
cation) that Russian geochemist A. I.
Perelman suggested that the follow-
ing generalization should be called
"Vernadsky's Law": "The migration
of chemical elements in the bios-
phere is accomplished either with
the direct participation of living mat-
ter (biogenic migration) or it pro-
ceeds in a medium where the specif-
ic geochemical features (oxygen,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide,
etc.) are conditioned by living mat-
ter, by both that part inhabiting the
given system at present and that
part that has been acting on the
Earth throughout geological history"
(Perelman, 1979, p. 215).
scrutiny to certain philosophical and religious, viewpoints called
into question by advances inscientific thought. This has hap-
pened before in modern cosmogony.
20 It is evident that if life were to cease the great chemical
processes connected with it would disappear, both from the
biosphere and probably also from the crust. All minerals in the
upper crust-the free alumino-silicious acids (clays), the car-
bonates (limestones and dolomites), the hydrated oxides of iron
and aluminum (limonites and bauxites), as well as hundreds of
others, are continuously created by the influence of life. In the
absence of life, the elements in these minerals would immedi-
Living Matter in the Biosphere
19 Life exists only in the biosphere; organisms are found only in
the thin outer layer of the Earth's crust, and are always separat-
ed from the surrounding inert matter by a clear and firm
boundary. Living organisms have never been produced by inert
matter. In its life, its death, and its decomposition an organism
circulates its atoms through the biosphere over and over again,
but living matter is always generated from life itself.
A considerable portion of the atoms in the Earth's surface are
united in life, and these are in perpetual motion. Millions of
diverse compounds are constantly being created, in a process
that has been continuing, essentially unchanged, since the early
Archean, four billion years ago.
Because no chemical force on Earth is more constant than liv-
ing organisms taken in aggregate, none is more powerful in the
long run. The more we learn, the more convinced we become
that biospheric chemical phenomena never occur independent
of life.
All geological history supports this view. The oldest Archean
beds furnish indirect indications of the existence of life; ancient
Proterozoic rocks, and perhaps even Archean rocks,53 have pre-
served actual fossil remains of organisms. Scholars such as C.
were correct in relating Archean rocks to Paleozoic,
Mesozoic, and Cenozoic rocks rich in life. Archean rocks corre-
spond to the oldest-known accessible parts of the crust, and
contain evidence that life existed in remotest antiquity at least
1.5 billion years ago.
Therefore the sun's energy cannot have
changed noticeably since that time; this deduction
is con-
firmed by the convincing astronomical conjectures of Harlow
59 See Germanov and
Melkanovitskaya, 1975.
58 Here Vernadsky strongly antici-
pates some of the arguments made
later by
J. Lovelock, especially the thought
that in an abiotic Earth the diatomic
nitrogen and oxygen gases will com-
bine to form nitrogen-oxygen com-
pounds (NO,.); Williams, 1997.
60 According to A. I. Perelman, the
most recent data show that signifi-
cant amounts of CO
are emitted
during volcanic eruptions. Evidently,
it is no accident that the significance
of carbonate deposits abruptly
increased after epochs of growing
volcanic activity (for example, the
Carbonaceous, Jurassic, Paleogene).
Note, however, that in the event of
the disappearance of life, the atmos-
pheric concentration of CO
rise, while there would be a sharp
drop in the percent of carbonate
deposits. indeed, the concentrations
of carbon dioxide in the atmos-
pheres of Venus and Mars are very
similar C965,OOO and 953,000 parts
per million volume, respectively),
whereas that of Earth is dramatically
less 850 parts per million volume;
see Williams, 1997, p.110).
61 Vadose water is suspended
water in soli or suspended in frag-
mented rock (regolith), above the
level of groundwater saturation.
Vernadsky here again demonstrates
his marvelous insight, as well as his
debt to Dokuchaev (his eacher), as
he elucidates the biogeochemical
importance of this microbe-rich,
high surface-area environment.
ately form new chemical groups corresponding to the new con-
ditions. Their previous mineral forms would disappear perma-
nently, and there would be no energy in the Earth's crust capa-
ble of continuous generation of new chemical compounds.
A stable equilibrium, a chemical calm, would be permanently
troubled from time to time only by the appearance
of matter from the depths of the Earth at certain points (e.g.,
emanations of gas, thermal springs, and volcanic eruptions).
But this freshly-appearing matter would, relatively quickly,
and maintain the stable molecular forms consistent
with the lifeless conditions of the Earth's crust.
Although there are thousands of outlets for matter that arise
from the depths of the Earth, they are lost in the immensity of
the Earth's surface; and even recurrent processes such as vol-
canic eruptions are imperceptible, in the infinity of terrestrial
After the disappearance of life, changes in terrestrial tectonics
would slowly occur on the Earth's surface. The time scale would
be quite different from the years and centuries we experience.
Change would be perceptible only in the scale of cosmic time,
like radioactive alterations of atomic systems.
The incessant forces in the biosphere - the sun's heat and the
chemical action of water - would scarcely alter the picture,
because the extinction of life would result in the disappearance
of free oxygen, and a marked reduction of carbonic acid.
chief agents in the alteration of the surface, which under present
conditions are constantly absorbed by the inert matter of the
biosphere and replaced in equal quantitybyliving matter, would
therefore disappear.
Water is a powerful chemical agent under the thermodynam-
ic conditions of the biosphere, because life processes cause this
"natural" vadose water
(89) to be rich in chemically active
foci, especially microscopic organisms. Such water is altered by
the oxygen and carbonic acid dissolved within it. Without these
constituents, it is chemically inert at the prevailing temperatures
and pressures of the biosphere. In an inert, gaseous environ-
ment, the face of the Earth would become as immobile and
chemically passive as that of the moon, or the metallic mete-
orites and cosmic dust particles that fall upon us.
21 Life is, thus, potently and continuously disturbing the chem-
ical inertia on the surface of our planet. It creates the colors and
forms of nature, the associations of animals and plants, and the
57 See Shapley, 1927.
54 See Schuchert, 1924.
55 Evidence for life is now thought
to extend back to 3,800 million
years ago; see Moizsis, Arrhenius,
McKeegan, Harrison, Nutman and
Friend, 1996; and Hayes, 1996.
56 Now known to be false; the early
sun Is now thought to have been
fainter than today, and yet the plan-
etary surface was paradoxically
warmer because of a larger propor-
tion of greenhouse gases (principal-
ly carbon dioxide) in the atmos-
53 See Pompeckj, 1928. Indeed as
Vernadsky suggests, fossils of
microorganisms are now known
from Archean rocks.
51 This is perhaps the most extreme
articulation yet of Vernadsky's sub-
stantive uniformitarianism.
tally weaken Vernadsky's other main
52 A. Lapo notes (written communi-
cation) that Russian geochemist A. I.
Perelman suggested that the follow-
ing generalization should be called
"Vernadsky's Law": "The migration
of chemical elements in the bios-
phere is accomplished either with
the direct participation of living mat-
ter (biogenic migration) or it pro-
ceeds in a medium where the specif-
ic geochemical features (oxygen,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide,
etc.) are conditioned by living mat-
ter, by both that part inhabiting the
given system at present and that
part that has been acting on the
Earth throughout geological history"
(Perelman, 1979, p. 215).
creative labor of civilized humanity, and also becomes a part of
the diverse chemical processes of the Earth's 'crust. There is no
substantial chemical equilibrium on the crust in which the
influence of life is not evident, and in which chemistry does not
display life's work.
Life is, therefore, not an external or accidental phenomenon of
the Earth's crust. It is closely bound to the structure of the crust,
forms part of its mechanism, and fulfills functions of prime
importance to the existence of this mechanism. Without life, the
crustal mechanism of the Earth would not exist.
22 All living matter can be regarded as a single entity in the
mechanism of the biosphere, but only one part of life, green veg-
etation, the carrier of chlorophyll, makes direct use of solar radi-
ation. Through photosynthesis, chlorophyll produces chemical
compounds that, following the death of the organism of which
they are part, are unstable in the biosphere's thermodynamic
The whole living world is connected to this green part of life
by a direct and unbreakable link.
The matter of animals and
plants that do not contain chlorophyll has developed from the
chemical compounds produced by green life. One possible
exception might be autotrophic bacteria, but even these bacteria
are in some way connected to green plants by a genetic link in
their past. We can therefore consider this part of living nature as
a development that came after the transformation of solar ener-
gy into active planetary forces. Animals and fungi accumulate
nitrogen-rich substances which, as centers of chemical free
energy, become even more powerful agents of change. Their
energy is also released through decomposition when, after
death, they leave the thermodynamic field in which they were
stable, and enter the thermodynamic field of the biosphere.
Living matter as a whole - the totality of living organisms
(160) - is therefore a unique system, which accumulates chem-
ical free energy in the biosphere by the transformation of solar
23 Studies of the morphology and ecology of green organisms
long ago made it clear that these organisms were adapted, from
their very beginning, to this cosmic function. The distinguished
Austrian botanist I. Wiesner delved into this problem, and
remarked, some time ago,63 that light, even more than heat,
exerted a powerful action on the form of green plants ... "one
62 A partial exception to this gener-
al rule was discovered in 1977.
the hydrothermal vent biotas of
the active volcanic centers of
mid-oceanic sea floor spreading
ridges (Dover, 1996; Zimmer, 1996).
The biotas here are dependent on
hydrogen sulfide (normally poiso-
nous to animals) emanating from
the volcanic fissures, black smokers
and white smokers. Chemosymbiotic
bacteria within the tissues of vent
biota animals, such as the giant
clams and giant tube worms (vesti-
mentiferan pogonophorans), not
only detoxify the hydrogen sulfide
but utilize it as an energy source In
lieu of sunlight. Consider, however,
the following from p. 290 ofYanshin
and Yanshina (1988): .
"Vernadsky considered that the
stratified part of the earth's crust (or
the lithosphere, as geologists call it)
represents avestige of bygone
biospheres, and in that event the
granite gneiss stratum was formed
as a result of metamorphism and
remelting of rocks originating at
some point in time under the
influence of living matter. Only
basalts and other basic magmatic
rocks did he regard as deep-seated
and not connected genetically with
the biosphere." [Although here the
connection with the biosphere may
simply be a longer period one .-M.
The melting (associated in this
case with lithospheric and mantle
pressure changes) and eruption of
molten rock is probably responsible
for exhalation most of the hydrogen
sulfide released at mid-ocean
ridges. Thus, even with regard to the
energy source of the hydrothermal
vent biotas (and the incredibly rapid
growth of animals living there; see
Lutz, 1994,), we may still be consid-
ering what is a part of the biosphere
sensu strictu Vernadsky (E. I.
Kolchinsky, 1987; Grinevald, 1996).
63 See Wiesner, 1877.
could say that light molded their shapes as though they were a
plastic material:'
An empirical generalization of the first magnitude arises at
this juncture, and calls attention to opposing viewpoints
between which it is, at present, impossible to choose. On the one
hand, we try to explain the above phenomenon by invoking
internal causes belonging to the livingorganism, assuming for
example that the organism adapts so as to collect all the lumi-
nous energy of solar radiation.
On the other hand, the expla-
nation is sought outside the organism in solar radiation, in
which case the illuminated green organism is treated as an inert
mass. In future work the solution should probably be sought in
a combination of both approaches. For the time being the
empirical generalization
itself is far more inlportant.
The firm connection between solar radiation and the world of
verdant creatures is demonstrated by the empirical observation
that conditions ensure that this radiation will always encounter
a green plant to transform the energy it carries. Normally, the
energy of all the sun's rays will be transformed. This transfor-
mation of energy can be considered as aproperty of living mat-
ter, its function in the biosphere. If a green plant is unable to ful-
fill its proper function, one must find an explanation for this
abnormal case.
An essential deduction, drawn from observation, is that this
process is absolutely automatic. It recovers from disturbance
without the assistance of any agents, other than luminous solar
radiation and green plants adapted for this purpose by specific
living structures and forms. Such a re-establishment of equilib-
rium can only be produced in cases of opposing forces of great
magnitude. The re-establishment of equilibrium is also linked
to the passage of time.
24 Observation of nature gives indications of this mechanism
in the biosphere. Let us reflect upon its grandeur and meaning.
Land surfaces of the Earth are entirely covered by green vegeta-
tion. Desert areas are an exception, but they are lost in the
Seen from space, the land of the Earth should appear
green, because the green apparatus which traps and transforms
radiation is spread over the globe, as continuously as the current
of solar light that falls upon it.
Living matter - organisms taken as a whole - is spread over
the entire surface of the Earth in a manner analogous to a gas; it
produces a specific pressure
in the surrounding environment,
64 In this passage, in which he
describes the need to capture light
as influencing the morphology of
photosynthetic organisms.
Vernadsky (following Wiesner)
anticipates the research results of
both Adolf Seilacher (1985) and
Mark McMenamin (1986). The
empirical generalization Vernadsky
describes here is simply that light
influences the shapes of
photosynthetic organisms. Either
they adapt to maximize light
capture, or the light somehow molds
the shape of the organisms. The
latter suggestion may sound odd
but avery similar sentiment was
expressed by D'Arcy Wentworth
Thompson (1952). In his view, the
physical and geometrical contraints
of the environment evoke particular
shapes from organisms as they
evolve, and the array of possible
shapes is finite.
65 That is, Wiesner's Inference that
light molds plant form.
66 As for instance in the
achlorophyllous Indian Pipe
Monotropa. which is nourished by
linkages to a subterranean network
of mycorrhizal mycelia.
67 In fact, desert areas are clearly
identifiable from space.
68 Here Vernadsky Introduces his
concept of the "pressure of life." He
phrased it succinctly in 1939 (see p.
13) as follows:
"The spreading of life In the
biosphere goes on by way of
reproduction which exercises a
pressure on the surrounding medium
and controls the biogenic migration
of atoms. It is absent in ... Inert
substance. The reproduction creates
in the biosphere an accumulation of
free energy which may be called
blageochemlcal energy. It can be
precisely measured."
creative labor of civilized humanity, and also becomes a part of
the diverse chemical processes of the Earth's 'crust. There is no
substantial chemical equilibrium on the crust in which the
influence of life is not evident, and in which chemistry does not
display life's work.
Life is, therefore, not an external or accidental phenomenon of
the Earth's crust. It is closely bound to the structure of the crust,
forms part of its mechanism, and fulfills functions of prime
importance to the existence of this mechanism. Without life, the
crustal mechanism of the Earth would not exist.
22 All living matter can be regarded as a single entity in the
mechanism of the biosphere, but only one part of life, green veg-
etation, the carrier of chlorophyll, makes direct use of solar radi-
ation. Through photosynthesis, chlorophyll produces chemical
compounds that, following the death of the organism of which
they are part, are unstable in the biosphere's thermodynamic
The whole living world is connected to this green part of life
by a direct and unbreakable link.
The matter of animals and
plants that do not contain chlorophyll has developed from the
chemical compounds produced by green life. One possible
exception might be autotrophic bacteria, but even these bacteria
are in some way connected to green plants by a genetic link in
their past. We can therefore consider this part of living nature as
a development that came after the transformation of solar ener-
gy into active planetary forces. Animals and fungi accumulate
nitrogen-rich substances which, as centers of chemical free
energy, become even more powerful agents of change. Their
energy is also released through decomposition when, after
death, they leave the thermodynamic field in which they were
stable, and enter the thermodynamic field of the biosphere.
Living matter as a whole - the totality of living organisms
(160) - is therefore a unique system, which accumulates chem-
ical free energy in the biosphere by the transformation of solar
23 Studies of the morphology and ecology of green organisms
long ago made it clear that these organisms were adapted, from
their very beginning, to this cosmic function. The distinguished
Austrian botanist I. Wiesner delved into this problem, and
remarked, some time ago,63 that light, even more than heat,
exerted a powerful action on the form of green plants ... "one
62 A partial exception to this gener-
al rule was discovered in 1977.
the hydrothermal vent biotas of
the active volcanic centers of
mid-oceanic sea floor spreading
ridges (Dover, 1996; Zimmer, 1996).
The biotas here are dependent on
hydrogen sulfide (normally poiso-
nous to animals) emanating from
the volcanic fissures, black smokers
and white smokers. Chemosymbiotic
bacteria within the tissues of vent
biota animals, such as the giant
clams and giant tube worms (vesti-
mentiferan pogonophorans), not
only detoxify the hydrogen sulfide
but utilize it as an energy source In
lieu of sunlight. Consider, however,
the following from p. 290 ofYanshin
and Yanshina (1988): .
"Vernadsky considered that the
stratified part of the earth's crust (or
the lithosphere, as geologists call it)
represents avestige of bygone
biospheres, and in that event the
granite gneiss stratum was formed
as a result of metamorphism and
remelting of rocks originating at
some point in time under the
influence of living matter. Only
basalts and other basic magmatic
rocks did he regard as deep-seated
and not connected genetically with
the biosphere." [Although here the
connection with the biosphere may
simply be a longer period one .-M.
The melting (associated in this
case with lithospheric and mantle
pressure changes) and eruption of
molten rock is probably responsible
for exhalation most of the hydrogen
sulfide released at mid-ocean
ridges. Thus, even with regard to the
energy source of the hydrothermal
vent biotas (and the incredibly rapid
growth of animals living there; see
Lutz, 1994,), we may still be consid-
ering what is a part of the biosphere
sensu strictu Vernadsky (E. I.
Kolchinsky, 1987; Grinevald, 1996).
63 See Wiesner, 1877.
could say that light molded their shapes as though they were a
plastic material:'
An empirical generalization of the first magnitude arises at
this juncture, and calls attention to opposing viewpoints
between which it is, at present, impossible to choose. On the one
hand, we try to explain the above phenomenon by invoking
internal causes belonging to the livingorganism, assuming for
example that the organism adapts so as to collect all the lumi-
nous energy of solar radiation.
On the other hand, the expla-
nation is sought outside the organism in solar radiation, in
which case the illuminated green organism is treated as an inert
mass. In future work the solution should probably be sought in
a combination of both approaches. For the time being the
empirical generalization
itself is far more inlportant.
The firm connection between solar radiation and the world of
verdant creatures is demonstrated by the empirical observation
that conditions ensure that this radiation will always encounter
a green plant to transform the energy it carries. Normally, the
energy of all the sun's rays will be transformed. This transfor-
mation of energy can be considered as aproperty of living mat-
ter, its function in the biosphere. If a green plant is unable to ful-
fill its proper function, one must find an explanation for this
abnormal case.
An essential deduction, drawn from observation, is that this
process is absolutely automatic. It recovers from disturbance
without the assistance of any agents, other than luminous solar
radiation and green plants adapted for this purpose by specific
living structures and forms. Such a re-establishment of equilib-
rium can only be produced in cases of opposing forces of great
magnitude. The re-establishment of equilibrium is also linked
to the passage of time.
24 Observation of nature gives indications of this mechanism
in the biosphere. Let us reflect upon its grandeur and meaning.
Land surfaces of the Earth are entirely covered by green vegeta-
tion. Desert areas are an exception, but they are lost in the
Seen from space, the land of the Earth should appear
green, because the green apparatus which traps and transforms
radiation is spread over the globe, as continuously as the current
of solar light that falls upon it.
Living matter - organisms taken as a whole - is spread over
the entire surface of the Earth in a manner analogous to a gas; it
produces a specific pressure
in the surrounding environment,
64 In this passage, in which he
describes the need to capture light
as influencing the morphology of
photosynthetic organisms.
Vernadsky (following Wiesner)
anticipates the research results of
both Adolf Seilacher (1985) and
Mark McMenamin (1986). The
empirical generalization Vernadsky
describes here is simply that light
influences the shapes of
photosynthetic organisms. Either
they adapt to maximize light
capture, or the light somehow molds
the shape of the organisms. The
latter suggestion may sound odd
but avery similar sentiment was
expressed by D'Arcy Wentworth
Thompson (1952). In his view, the
physical and geometrical contraints
of the environment evoke particular
shapes from organisms as they
evolve, and the array of possible
shapes is finite.
65 That is, Wiesner's Inference that
light molds plant form.
66 As for instance in the
achlorophyllous Indian Pipe
Monotropa. which is nourished by
linkages to a subterranean network
of mycorrhizal mycelia.
67 In fact, desert areas are clearly
identifiable from space.
68 Here Vernadsky Introduces his
concept of the "pressure of life." He
phrased it succinctly in 1939 (see p.
13) as follows:
"The spreading of life In the
biosphere goes on by way of
reproduction which exercises a
pressure on the surrounding medium
and controls the biogenic migration
of atoms. It is absent in ... Inert
substance. The reproduction creates
in the biosphere an accumulation of
free energy which may be called
blageochemlcal energy. It can be
precisely measured."
either avoiding the obstacles on its upward path, or overcoming
them. In the course of time, living matter clothes the whole ter-
restrial globe with a continuous envelope,69 which is absent only
when some external force interferes with its encompassing
movement. ...
This movement is caused by the multiplication of organisms,
which takes place without interruption,7o and with a specific
intensity related to that of the solar radiation.
In spite of the extreme variability of life, the phenomena of
reproduction, growth, and transformation of solar energy into
terrestrial chemical energy are subject to fixed mathematical
laws. The precision, rhythm, and harmony that are familiar in
the movements of celestial bodies can be perceived in these sys-
tems of atoms and energy.
The Multiplication of Organisms and Geochemical
Energy in Living Matter
25 The diffusion of living matter by multiplication, a character-
istic of all living matter, is the most important manifestation of
life in the biosphere and is the essential feature by which we dis-
tinguish life from death. It is a means by which the energy of life
unifies the biosphere. It becomes apparent through the ubiquity
oflife, which occupies all free space if no insurmountable obsta-
cles are met. The whole surface of the planet is the domain of
life, and if any part should become barren, it would soon be
reoccupied by living things. In each geological period (repre-
senting only a brief interval in the planet's history), organisms
have developed and adapted to conditions which were initially
fatal to them. Thus, the limits of life seem to expand with geo-
logical time (119, 122). In any event, during the entirety of geo-
logical history life has tended to take possession of, and utilize,
all possible space.
This tendency of life is clearly inherent; it is not an indication
of an external force, such as is seen, for example, in the dispersal
of a heap of sand or a glacier by the force of gravity.
The diffusion of life is a sign of internal energy- of the chem-
ical work life performs - and is analogous to the diffusion of a
gas. It is caused, not by gravity, but by the separate energetic
movements of its component particles. The diffusion of living
matter on the planet's surface is an inevitable movement caused
by new organisms, which derive from multiplication and occu-
py newplaces in the biosphere; this diffusion is the autonomous
energy of life in the biosphere, and becomes known through the
transformation of chemical elements and the creation of new
matter from them. We shall call this energy the geochemical
energy oflife in the biosphere.
71 Abundant parasites colonizing
the tissues of other organisms on
land are one of the key characteris.
tics of the land biota.
26 The uninterrupted movement resulting from the multiplica-
tion of living organisms is executed with an inexorable and
astonishing mathematical regularity, and is the most character-
istic and essential trait of the biosphere. It occurs on the land
surfaces, penetrates all of the hydrosphere, and can be observed
in each level of the troposphere. It even penetrates the interior of
living matter, itself, in the form of parasites.71 Throughout myr-
iads of years, it accomplishes a colossal geochemical labor, and
provides. a means for both the penetration and distribution of
solar energy on our planet.
It thus not only transports matter, but also transmits energy.
The transport of matter by multiplication thus becomes a
process sui generis. It is not an ordinary, mechanical displace-
ment of the Earth's surface matter, independent of the environ-
ment in which the movement occurs. The environment resists
this movement, causing a friction analogous to that which aris-
es in the motion of matter caused by forces of electrostatic
attraction. But movement of life is connected with the environ-
ment in a deeper sense, since it can occur only through a
gaseous exchange between the moving matter and the medium
in which it moves. The more intense the exchange of gases, the
more rapid the movement, and when the exchange of gases
stops, the movement also stops. This exchange is the breathingof
organisms; and, as we shall see, it exerts a strong, controlling
influence on multiplication. Movement due to multiplication is
therefore of great geochemical importance in the mechanisms
of the biosphere and, like respiration, is a manifestation of solar
27 Although this movement is continually taking place around
us, we hardly notice it, grasping only the general result that
nature offers us - the beauty and diversity of form, color, and
movement. We view the fields and forests with their flora and
fauna, and the lakes, seas, and soil with their abundance of life,
as though the movement did not exist. We see the static result of
the dynamic equilibrium of these movements, but only rarely
can we observe them directly.
Let us dwell then for a moment on some examples of this
movement, the creator of living nature, which plays such an
70 Compare this with the slogan
(first pointed out to me by Andrei
Lapo) of A. Huxley (1921):
"Everything ought to increase and
multiply as hard as It can."
69 See McMenamin and
McMenamin, 1994. for examples of
this tendency for life to expand its
either avoiding the obstacles on its upward path, or overcoming
them. In the course of time, living matter clothes the whole ter-
restrial globe with a continuous envelope,69 which is absent only
when some external force interferes with its encompassing
movement. ...
This movement is caused by the multiplication of organisms,
which takes place without interruption,7o and with a specific
intensity related to that of the solar radiation.
In spite of the extreme variability of life, the phenomena of
reproduction, growth, and transformation of solar energy into
terrestrial chemical energy are subject to fixed mathematical
laws. The precision, rhythm, and harmony that are familiar in
the movements of celestial bodies can be perceived in these sys-
tems of atoms and energy.
The Multiplication of Organisms and Geochemical
Energy in Living Matter
25 The diffusion of living matter by multiplication, a character-
istic of all living matter, is the most important manifestation of
life in the biosphere and is the essential feature by which we dis-
tinguish life from death. It is a means by which the energy of life
unifies the biosphere. It becomes apparent through the ubiquity
oflife, which occupies all free space if no insurmountable obsta-
cles are met. The whole surface of the planet is the domain of
life, and if any part should become barren, it would soon be
reoccupied by living things. In each geological period (repre-
senting only a brief interval in the planet's history), organisms
have developed and adapted to conditions which were initially
fatal to them. Thus, the limits of life seem to expand with geo-
logical time (119, 122). In any event, during the entirety of geo-
logical history life has tended to take possession of, and utilize,
all possible space.
This tendency of life is clearly inherent; it is not an indication
of an external force, such as is seen, for example, in the dispersal
of a heap of sand or a glacier by the force of gravity.
The diffusion of life is a sign of internal energy- of the chem-
ical work life performs - and is analogous to the diffusion of a
gas. It is caused, not by gravity, but by the separate energetic
movements of its component particles. The diffusion of living
matter on the planet's surface is an inevitable movement caused
by new organisms, which derive from multiplication and occu-
py newplaces in the biosphere; this diffusion is the autonomous
energy of life in the biosphere, and becomes known through the
transformation of chemical elements and the creation of new
matter from them. We shall call this energy the geochemical
energy oflife in the biosphere.
71 Abundant parasites colonizing
the tissues of other organisms on
land are one of the key characteris.
tics of the land biota.
26 The uninterrupted movement resulting from the multiplica-
tion of living organisms is executed with an inexorable and
astonishing mathematical regularity, and is the most character-
istic and essential trait of the biosphere. It occurs on the land
surfaces, penetrates all of the hydrosphere, and can be observed
in each level of the troposphere. It even penetrates the interior of
living matter, itself, in the form of parasites.71 Throughout myr-
iads of years, it accomplishes a colossal geochemical labor, and
provides. a means for both the penetration and distribution of
solar energy on our planet.
It thus not only transports matter, but also transmits energy.
The transport of matter by multiplication thus becomes a
process sui generis. It is not an ordinary, mechanical displace-
ment of the Earth's surface matter, independent of the environ-
ment in which the movement occurs. The environment resists
this movement, causing a friction analogous to that which aris-
es in the motion of matter caused by forces of electrostatic
attraction. But movement of life is connected with the environ-
ment in a deeper sense, since it can occur only through a
gaseous exchange between the moving matter and the medium
in which it moves. The more intense the exchange of gases, the
more rapid the movement, and when the exchange of gases
stops, the movement also stops. This exchange is the breathingof
organisms; and, as we shall see, it exerts a strong, controlling
influence on multiplication. Movement due to multiplication is
therefore of great geochemical importance in the mechanisms
of the biosphere and, like respiration, is a manifestation of solar
27 Although this movement is continually taking place around
us, we hardly notice it, grasping only the general result that
nature offers us - the beauty and diversity of form, color, and
movement. We view the fields and forests with their flora and
fauna, and the lakes, seas, and soil with their abundance of life,
as though the movement did not exist. We see the static result of
the dynamic equilibrium of these movements, but only rarely
can we observe them directly.
Let us dwell then for a moment on some examples of this
movement, the creator of living nature, which plays such an
70 Compare this with the slogan
(first pointed out to me by Andrei
Lapo) of A. Huxley (1921):
"Everything ought to increase and
multiply as hard as It can."
69 See McMenamin and
McMenamin, 1994. for examples of
this tendency for life to expand its
28 Arthropods (insects, ticks, mites, and spiders) form the
principal part of animal living matter on land. In tropical and
subtropical regions, the social insects - ants and termites - play
the dominant role. The geochemical energy of their multiplica-
tion (37), which occurs in a particular way,74 is only slightlyless
than that of the higher green plants themselves.
In termitaries, out of tens and sometimes hundreds of thou-
sands of individuals, only one is endowed with the power of
reproduction. This is the queen mother, who lays eggs through-
out her life without stopping, and can keep it up for ten years or
more. The number of eggs she can lay amounts to millions-
some queens have been said to laysixty eggs per minute with the
regularity of a clock ticking seconds.
Multiplication also occurs in swarms, when one part of a gen-
eration flies away, with a new queen mother, to a location out-
side the air space of the founder colony. Instinct serves, with
mathematical exactness, for the preservation of eggs instantly
carried off by workers, in the flight of swarms, and in the substi-
essential yet invisible role. From time to time, we observe the
disappearance of higher plant life from locallyrestricted areas.
Forest fires, burning steppes, plowed or abandoned fields,
newly-formed islands, solidified lava flows, land covered by vol-
canic dust or created by glaciers and fluvial basins, and newsoil
formed by lichens and mosses on rocks are all examples of phe-
nomena that, for a time, create an absence of grass and trees in
particular places. But this vacancy does not last; life quickly
regains its rights, as green grasses, and then arboreal vegetation,
reinhabit the area. The new vegetation enters partially from the
outside, through seeds carried by the wind or by mobile organ-
isms; but it also comes from the store of seeds lying latent in the
soil, sometimes for centuries.
The development of vegetation in a disturbed environment
clearly requires seeds, but even more critical is the geochemical
energy of multiplication. The speed at which equilibrium is
reestablished is a function of the transmission of geochemical
energy of higher green plants.
The careful observer can witness this movement of life, and
even sense its pressure,72 when defending his fields and open
spaces against it. In the impact of a forest on the steppe, or in a
mass of lichens moving up from the tundra to stifle a forest,73
we see the actual movement of solar energy being transformed
into the chemical energy of our planet.
72 Here Vernadsky Injects a qualita-
tive version of his concept of the
"pressure of life."
73 Vernadsky makes aveiled refer-
ence to Kropotkln (1987) at the
beginning of this sentence. and in
the next phrase rejects the Idyllic
connotations of Kropotkln's "mutual
aid" theory. Vernadsky's materialist
leanings are quite apparent here.
Although he never to my knowledge
cites it directly, Vernadsky must
have been exposed to symblogene-
sis theory, for one of his professors
was A. S. Famlntsyn, founder of
Russian plant physiology and one of
the chief architects of symblogene
sis theory (Khakhina, 1992).
Famintsyn is best known for
demostration that photosynthesis
can take place under artificial light
(Yanshln and Yanshlna, 1988;
Yanshln and Yanshlna, 1989).
74 That is to say, by cooperative
breeding (eusociality).
tution of a new queen mother for the old one in case of untime-
ly demise. Marvelously precise laws govern the average values of
such quantities as the number of eggs, the frequency of swarms,
the numbers of individuals in a swarm, the size and weight of
individual insects, and the rate of multiplication of termites on
the Earth's surface. These values in turn condition the rate of
transmission of geochemical energy by termite motion and
expansion. Knowing the numerical constants that define these
quantities, we can assign an exact number to the pressure pro-
duced on the environment by termites.
This pressure is very high, as is well known by men required
to protect their own food supply from termitaries. Had termites
met no obstacles in their environment - especially, no opposing
forms of life - they would have been able to invade and cover
the entire surface of the biosphere in only a few years, an area of
over 5 x 10
square kilometers.
29 Bacteria are unique among living things. Although they are
the smallest organisms (10,4 to 10,5 cm in length), they have the
greatest rate of reproduction and the greatest power of multipli-
cation. Each divides many times in 24 hours, and the most pro-
lific can divide 63-64 times in a day, with an average interval of
only 22-23 minutes between divisions. The regularity of this
division resembles that of a female termite laying eggs or a plan-
et revolving around the sun.
Bacteria inhabit a liquid or semi-liquid environment, and are
most frequently encountered in the hydrosphere; great quanti-
ties also live in soil, and within other organisms. With no envi-
ronmental obstacles, they would be able to create huge quanti-
ties of the complex chemical compounds containing an
immense amount of chemical energy, and would be able to do it
with inconceivable speed. The energy of this reproduction is so
prodigious that bacteria could cover the globe with a thin layer
of their bodies in less than 36 hours. Green grass or insects
would require several years, or in some cases, hundreds of days.
The oceans contain nearlyspherical bacteria, with a volume of
one cubic micron. A cubic centimeter could thus contain 10
bacteria. At the rate of multiplication just mentioned, this num-
ber could be produced in about 12 hours,75 starting from a sin-
gle bacterium. Actually, bacteria always exist as populations
rather than as isolated individuals, and would fill a cubic cen-
timeter much more quickly.
The division process takes place at the speed mentioned when
75 Actually, 12-15 hours.
28 Arthropods (insects, ticks, mites, and spiders) form the
principal part of animal living matter on land. In tropical and
subtropical regions, the social insects - ants and termites - play
the dominant role. The geochemical energy of their multiplica-
tion (37), which occurs in a particular way,74 is only slightlyless
than that of the higher green plants themselves.
In termitaries, out of tens and sometimes hundreds of thou-
sands of individuals, only one is endowed with the power of
reproduction. This is the queen mother, who lays eggs through-
out her life without stopping, and can keep it up for ten years or
more. The number of eggs she can lay amounts to millions-
some queens have been said to laysixty eggs per minute with the
regularity of a clock ticking seconds.
Multiplication also occurs in swarms, when one part of a gen-
eration flies away, with a new queen mother, to a location out-
side the air space of the founder colony. Instinct serves, with
mathematical exactness, for the preservation of eggs instantly
carried off by workers, in the flight of swarms, and in the substi-
essential yet invisible role. From time to time, we observe the
disappearance of higher plant life from locallyrestricted areas.
Forest fires, burning steppes, plowed or abandoned fields,
newly-formed islands, solidified lava flows, land covered by vol-
canic dust or created by glaciers and fluvial basins, and newsoil
formed by lichens and mosses on rocks are all examples of phe-
nomena that, for a time, create an absence of grass and trees in
particular places. But this vacancy does not last; life quickly
regains its rights, as green grasses, and then arboreal vegetation,
reinhabit the area. The new vegetation enters partially from the
outside, through seeds carried by the wind or by mobile organ-
isms; but it also comes from the store of seeds lying latent in the
soil, sometimes for centuries.
The development of vegetation in a disturbed environment
clearly requires seeds, but even more critical is the geochemical
energy of multiplication. The speed at which equilibrium is
reestablished is a function of the transmission of geochemical
energy of higher green plants.
The careful observer can witness this movement of life, and
even sense its pressure,72 when defending his fields and open
spaces against it. In the impact of a forest on the steppe, or in a
mass of lichens moving up from the tundra to stifle a forest,73
we see the actual movement of solar energy being transformed
into the chemical energy of our planet.
72 Here Vernadsky Injects a qualita-
tive version of his concept of the
"pressure of life."
73 Vernadsky makes aveiled refer-
ence to Kropotkln (1987) at the
beginning of this sentence. and in
the next phrase rejects the Idyllic
connotations of Kropotkln's "mutual
aid" theory. Vernadsky's materialist
leanings are quite apparent here.
Although he never to my knowledge
cites it directly, Vernadsky must
have been exposed to symblogene-
sis theory, for one of his professors
was A. S. Famlntsyn, founder of
Russian plant physiology and one of
the chief architects of symblogene
sis theory (Khakhina, 1992).
Famintsyn is best known for
demostration that photosynthesis
can take place under artificial light
(Yanshln and Yanshlna, 1988;
Yanshln and Yanshlna, 1989).
74 That is to say, by cooperative
breeding (eusociality).
tution of a new queen mother for the old one in case of untime-
ly demise. Marvelously precise laws govern the average values of
such quantities as the number of eggs, the frequency of swarms,
the numbers of individuals in a swarm, the size and weight of
individual insects, and the rate of multiplication of termites on
the Earth's surface. These values in turn condition the rate of
transmission of geochemical energy by termite motion and
expansion. Knowing the numerical constants that define these
quantities, we can assign an exact number to the pressure pro-
duced on the environment by termites.
This pressure is very high, as is well known by men required
to protect their own food supply from termitaries. Had termites
met no obstacles in their environment - especially, no opposing
forms of life - they would have been able to invade and cover
the entire surface of the biosphere in only a few years, an area of
over 5 x 10
square kilometers.
29 Bacteria are unique among living things. Although they are
the smallest organisms (10,4 to 10,5 cm in length), they have the
greatest rate of reproduction and the greatest power of multipli-
cation. Each divides many times in 24 hours, and the most pro-
lific can divide 63-64 times in a day, with an average interval of
only 22-23 minutes between divisions. The regularity of this
division resembles that of a female termite laying eggs or a plan-
et revolving around the sun.
Bacteria inhabit a liquid or semi-liquid environment, and are
most frequently encountered in the hydrosphere; great quanti-
ties also live in soil, and within other organisms. With no envi-
ronmental obstacles, they would be able to create huge quanti-
ties of the complex chemical compounds containing an
immense amount of chemical energy, and would be able to do it
with inconceivable speed. The energy of this reproduction is so
prodigious that bacteria could cover the globe with a thin layer
of their bodies in less than 36 hours. Green grass or insects
would require several years, or in some cases, hundreds of days.
The oceans contain nearlyspherical bacteria, with a volume of
one cubic micron. A cubic centimeter could thus contain 10
bacteria. At the rate of multiplication just mentioned, this num-
ber could be produced in about 12 hours,75 starting from a sin-
gle bacterium. Actually, bacteria always exist as populations
rather than as isolated individuals, and would fill a cubic cen-
timeter much more quickly.
The division process takes place at the speed mentioned when
75 Actually, 12-15 hours.
conditions are propitious. The bacterial r ~ of increase drops
with temperature, and this drop in rate is precisely predictable.
Bacteria breathe by interaction with gases dissolved in water.
A cubic centimeter of water will contain a number of gas mole-
cules much smaller than Loschmidt's number (2.7 x 10
), and
the number of bacteria cannot exceed that of the gas molecules
with which they are generatively connected. The multiplication
of organized beings is, therefore, limited by respiration and the
properties of the gaseous state of matter.
30 This example of bacteria points to another way of express-
ing the movement in the biosphere caused by multiplication.
Imagine the period of the Earth's history when the oceans cov-
ered the whole planet. (This is simply a conjecture which was
erroneously accepted by geologists). E. Suess
dates this "uni-
versal sea" or Panthalassa in the Archean Era. It was undoubted-
ly inhabited by bacteria, of which visible traces have been estab-
lished in the earliest Paleozoic strata. The character of minerals
belonging to Archean beds, and particularly their associations,
establish with certainty the presence of bacteria in all the sedi-
ments which were lithified to form Archean strata, the oldest
strata accessible to geological investigation. If the temperature
of the universal sea had been favorable, and there had been no
obstacles to multiplication, spherical bacteria (each 10-
cc in
volume) would have formed a continuous skin over the Earth's
approximately 5.1 x 10
square kilometers in less than thirty six
Extensive films, formed by bacteria, are constantly observed
in the biosphere. In the 1890'S, Professor M. A. Egounov attempt-
ed to demonstrate
the existence of a film of sulfurous bacteria,
on the boundary of the free oxygen surface
(at a depth of
about 200 meters), covering an enormous surface area,79 The
research of Professor B. 1. Isachenko,8o performed on N. M.
Knipkovitch's 1926 expedition,81 did not confirm these results;
but the phenomenon can nevertheless be observed, at a smaller
scale, in other biogeochemically dynamic areas. An example is
the junction between fresh and salt water in Lake Miortvoi
(Dead Lake)82 on Kildin Island, where the sediment-water
interface is always covered by a continuous layer of purple bac-
Other, somewhat larger microscopic organisms, such as
plankton, provide a more obvious example of the same kind of
phenomenon. Ocean plankton can rapidly create a film cover-
76 See Suess, 1883-1909. This glob-
al sea is now called Mirovia.
77 See Egounov, 1897.
78 Also called the "oxygen mini-
mum zone."
79 Based on the depth at which
Thioplaca mats on the sea floor
break up during the Austral winter
off the modern coasts of Peru and
Chile, storm wave base apparently
occurs at 60 meters water depth
(see Fossing, et.a!., 1995). These
mats can indeed be, as per M. A.
Egounov's demonstration, of great
lateral extent.
80 Boris L. Isachenko was a microbi
ologist who became heavily involved
in the Vernadskian research program.
His main interest was the propaga-
tion of microoorganisms in nature
and their role in geological process-
es, but he also did research in marine
microbiology. In 1914 he made the
first study of the microflora of the
Arctic Ocean as part of a project that
was subsequently extended to the
Sea of Japan, the Baltic Sea, the Kara
Sea, the Sea of Marmora. the Black
Sea, the Caspian Sea, and the Sea of
Azov. In 1927 he did research on salt-
water lakes and medicinal muds.
Isachenko also established the role
of actinomyces in imparting an
earthy odor to water O. Scamardella,
personal communication).
81 Nikolay M. Knipkovitch was a
zoologist and ichthyologist. The
world's first oceanographic vessel,
the Andrey Pervozvannw. was built
for his oceanographic expeditions.
The voyages of 1922-27 took place
in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea
O. Scamardella, personal
82 Vernadsky was mistaken about
the name of this lake: it is Lake
Mogilnoe (Grave Lake) (A. Lapo,
written communication).
83 See Deriugin, 1925. Vernadsky
expressed dismay that the results of
K. M. Deriugin's (1878-1936) famous
expedition remained only partly
published, and urged the Zoological
Museum of the Academy of Science
to fulfill its scientific and civic duty
to fully publish these works (see
Vernadsky, 1945, footnote 15).
ing thousands of square kilometers.
The geochemical energy of these processes can be expressed
as the speed of transmission of vital energy to the Earth's sur-
face. This speed is proportional to the intensity of multiplication
of the species under consideration. If the species were able to
populate the entire surface of the Earth, its geochemical energy
would have traversed the greatest possible distance; namely, a
great circle of Earth (equal to the length of the equator).
If the bacteria of Fischer
were to form a film in Suess's Pan-
thalassic. ocean, the speed of transmission of their energy along
a great CIrcle would be approximately 33,000 cm/sec., the aver-
age speed of movement around the Earth resulting from multi-
plication starting with one bacterium, for which a complete
"tour" of the globe would take slightly less than 36 hours.
The speed of transmission of life, over the maximum distance
accessible to it, will be a characteristic constant for each type of
homogenous livingmatter, specific for each species or breed. We
shall use this constant to express the geochemical activity oflife.
It expresses a characteristic both of multiplication, and of the
limits imposed by the dimensions and properties of the planet.
31 The speed of transmission of life is an expression not only of
the properties of individual organisms, or the living matter of
which they are composed, but also of their multiplication as a
planetary phenomenon within the biosphere. The size of the
planet is an integral part of any such considerations. The con-
cept of weight provides an analogy: the weight of an organism
on Earth would not be the same as it would be on Jupiter; simi-
larly, the speeds of transmission of life on Earth would be dif-
ferent from the speed observed for the same organism on
Jupiter, which has a different diameter.
32 While phenomena of multiplication have been too much
neglected bybiologists, certain almost unnoticed empirical gen-
eralizations about these phenomena have, by their repetition,
come to seem obvious. Among these are the following:
1 The multiplication ofall organisms can be expressed in
geometrical progressions. Thus,
where n is the number of days since the start of multiplication;
D is the ratio of progression (the number of generations
formed in 24 hours, in the case of unicellular organisms
84 See Fischer, 1900.
conditions are propitious. The bacterial r ~ of increase drops
with temperature, and this drop in rate is precisely predictable.
Bacteria breathe by interaction with gases dissolved in water.
A cubic centimeter of water will contain a number of gas mole-
cules much smaller than Loschmidt's number (2.7 x 10
), and
the number of bacteria cannot exceed that of the gas molecules
with which they are generatively connected. The multiplication
of organized beings is, therefore, limited by respiration and the
properties of the gaseous state of matter.
30 This example of bacteria points to another way of express-
ing the movement in the biosphere caused by multiplication.
Imagine the period of the Earth's history when the oceans cov-
ered the whole planet. (This is simply a conjecture which was
erroneously accepted by geologists). E. Suess
dates this "uni-
versal sea" or Panthalassa in the Archean Era. It was undoubted-
ly inhabited by bacteria, of which visible traces have been estab-
lished in the earliest Paleozoic strata. The character of minerals
belonging to Archean beds, and particularly their associations,
establish with certainty the presence of bacteria in all the sedi-
ments which were lithified to form Archean strata, the oldest
strata accessible to geological investigation. If the temperature
of the universal sea had been favorable, and there had been no
obstacles to multiplication, spherical bacteria (each 10-
cc in
volume) would have formed a continuous skin over the Earth's
approximately 5.1 x 10
square kilometers in less than thirty six
Extensive films, formed by bacteria, are constantly observed
in the biosphere. In the 1890'S, Professor M. A. Egounov attempt-
ed to demonstrate
the existence of a film of sulfurous bacteria,
on the boundary of the free oxygen surface
(at a depth of
about 200 meters), covering an enormous surface area,79 The
research of Professor B. 1. Isachenko,8o performed on N. M.
Knipkovitch's 1926 expedition,81 did not confirm these results;
but the phenomenon can nevertheless be observed, at a smaller
scale, in other biogeochemically dynamic areas. An example is
the junction between fresh and salt water in Lake Miortvoi
(Dead Lake)82 on Kildin Island, where the sediment-water
interface is always covered by a continuous layer of purple bac-
Other, somewhat larger microscopic organisms, such as
plankton, provide a more obvious example of the same kind of
phenomenon. Ocean plankton can rapidly create a film cover-
76 See Suess, 1883-1909. This glob-
al sea is now called Mirovia.
77 See Egounov, 1897.
78 Also called the "oxygen mini-
mum zone."
79 Based on the depth at which
Thioplaca mats on the sea floor
break up during the Austral winter
off the modern coasts of Peru and
Chile, storm wave base apparently
occurs at 60 meters water depth
(see Fossing, et.a!., 1995). These
mats can indeed be, as per M. A.
Egounov's demonstration, of great
lateral extent.
80 Boris L. Isachenko was a microbi
ologist who became heavily involved
in the Vernadskian research program.
His main interest was the propaga-
tion of microoorganisms in nature
and their role in geological process-
es, but he also did research in marine
microbiology. In 1914 he made the
first study of the microflora of the
Arctic Ocean as part of a project that
was subsequently extended to the
Sea of Japan, the Baltic Sea, the Kara
Sea, the Sea of Marmora. the Black
Sea, the Caspian Sea, and the Sea of
Azov. In 1927 he did research on salt-
water lakes and medicinal muds.
Isachenko also established the role
of actinomyces in imparting an
earthy odor to water O. Scamardella,
personal communication).
81 Nikolay M. Knipkovitch was a
zoologist and ichthyologist. The
world's first oceanographic vessel,
the Andrey Pervozvannw. was built
for his oceanographic expeditions.
The voyages of 1922-27 took place
in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea
O. Scamardella, personal
82 Vernadsky was mistaken about
the name of this lake: it is Lake
Mogilnoe (Grave Lake) (A. Lapo,
written communication).
83 See Deriugin, 1925. Vernadsky
expressed dismay that the results of
K. M. Deriugin's (1878-1936) famous
expedition remained only partly
published, and urged the Zoological
Museum of the Academy of Science
to fulfill its scientific and civic duty
to fully publish these works (see
Vernadsky, 1945, footnote 15).
ing thousands of square kilometers.
The geochemical energy of these processes can be expressed
as the speed of transmission of vital energy to the Earth's sur-
face. This speed is proportional to the intensity of multiplication
of the species under consideration. If the species were able to
populate the entire surface of the Earth, its geochemical energy
would have traversed the greatest possible distance; namely, a
great circle of Earth (equal to the length of the equator).
If the bacteria of Fischer
were to form a film in Suess's Pan-
thalassic. ocean, the speed of transmission of their energy along
a great CIrcle would be approximately 33,000 cm/sec., the aver-
age speed of movement around the Earth resulting from multi-
plication starting with one bacterium, for which a complete
"tour" of the globe would take slightly less than 36 hours.
The speed of transmission of life, over the maximum distance
accessible to it, will be a characteristic constant for each type of
homogenous livingmatter, specific for each species or breed. We
shall use this constant to express the geochemical activity oflife.
It expresses a characteristic both of multiplication, and of the
limits imposed by the dimensions and properties of the planet.
31 The speed of transmission of life is an expression not only of
the properties of individual organisms, or the living matter of
which they are composed, but also of their multiplication as a
planetary phenomenon within the biosphere. The size of the
planet is an integral part of any such considerations. The con-
cept of weight provides an analogy: the weight of an organism
on Earth would not be the same as it would be on Jupiter; simi-
larly, the speeds of transmission of life on Earth would be dif-
ferent from the speed observed for the same organism on
Jupiter, which has a different diameter.
32 While phenomena of multiplication have been too much
neglected bybiologists, certain almost unnoticed empirical gen-
eralizations about these phenomena have, by their repetition,
come to seem obvious. Among these are the following:
1 The multiplication ofall organisms can be expressed in
geometrical progressions. Thus,
where n is the number of days since the start of multiplication;
D is the ratio of progression (the number of generations
formed in 24 hours, in the case of unicellular organisms
84 See Fischer, 1900.
multiplying by division); and N
is the number of individuals
formed in n days. D will be characteristic for each homogenous
type of living matter (or species). The process is considered
infinite: no limits are placed upon n nor Nn in this formula.
2 This potential for infinite growth is nevertheless constrained in
the biosphere because the diffusion of living matter is subject to
the law of inertia.
It can be accepted as empirically
demonstrated that the process of multiplication is hindered
only by external forces. It slows down at low temperatures, and
weakens or ceases in the absence of food, of gas to breathe, or
of space for the newly born.
In 185
, Darwin
and Wallace put this idea in a form
familiar to older naturalists, such as C. Linnaeus,88 G. 1. L.
Buffon,89 A. Humboldt,90 C. Goo Ehrenberg,91 and K. E. Baer,92
who had studied the same problem. If not prevented by some
external obstacle, each organism could cover the whole globe and
create aposterity equal to the mass of the ocean or the Earth's
crust or the planet itself, in a time that is different, but fixed, for
each organism.
3 The specific time required for this is related to the organism's
size; small and light organisms multiply more rapidly than large
and heavy ones.
33 These three empirical principles portray the phenomenon of
multiplication as it never actually occurs in nature, since life is
in fact inseparable from the biosphere and its singular condi-
tions. Corrections must be applied to the abstractions for time
and space utilized in the above formula.
34 Limitations are imposed upon all quantities that govern the
multiplication of organisms, including the maximum number
that can be created (N
), the geometrical progression ratio,
and the speed of transmission of life. The limits will be deter-
mined by the physical properties of the medium in which life
exists, and particularly, by the gaseous interchange between
organisms and the medium, since organisms must live in a
gaseous environment, or in a liquid containing dissolved gases.
35 The dimensions of the planet also impose limitations. The
surfaces of small ponds are often covered by floating, green veg-
etation, commonly duckweed (various species of Lemna) in our
latitudes. Duckweed may cover the surface in such a closely
packed fashion that the leaves of the small plants touch each
85 In other words. the number of
individuals of a population after a
given number of days is equal to
two raised to the power of the
growth ratio (the number of genera-
tions in a day) times the number of
days. The population thus increases
rather quickly if the product of the
growth ratio and the number of days
is large.
86 This is directly analogous to the
law of Inertia in physics, e. g., a
body in motion will remain In motion
until acted upon by an external
87 Some orthodox practitioners
of western-style science have .
expressed "unease with Darwinism"
because it seemed tautological, in
other words, difficult to falsify
(Ruse, 1988. p. 10). From
Vernadsky's point of view, Darwin
and Wallace's discovery of natural
selection was clearly an extenstion
of earlier ideas. But Vernadsky
would have been firmly set against
the lofty position neo-darwinists
have given the role of chance in
their evolutionary schema.
According (p. 197) to Alexei M.
Ghilarov (1995):
"It is understandable, therefore,
that despite all his respect for
Darwin and Wallace, he considered
their concept to be only a general
theory of evolution (opposing cre-
ationism) rather than a fruitful
hypothesis of the origin of species
by natural selection. The ideas of
stochastic variation, undirectedness,
and unpredictability were alien views
to Vernadsky" Recall Vernadsky's
statement "chance does not exist".
88 See Linnaeus, 1759
89 See Buffon. 179
90 See Humboldt, 1859
91 See Ehrenberg, 1854
See Baer, 1828, 187
93 Here, according to A. l.
Perelman, no account Is taken of the
inner factors, the exhaustion of the
capabilities of organisms of a partic-
ular species to undergo a final pro-
gressive development (compare this
with Schindewolf's [translated 19931
concept of senescence), that might
other. Multiplication is hindered by lack of space, and can
resume only when empty places are made on the water surface
by external disturbances. The maximum number of duckweed
plants on the water surface is obviously determined by their
size, and once this maximum is reached, multiplication stops. A
dynamic equilibrium, not unlike the evaporation of water from
its surface, is established. The tension of water vapor and the
pressure of life
are analogous.
Green algae provide a universally known example of the same
process. Algae have a geochemical energy far higher than that of
duckweed and, in favorable conditions, can cover the trunks of
trees until no gaps are left (50). Multiplication is arrested, but
will resume at the first hint of available space in which to quar-
ter new, individual protococci. The maximum number of indi-
vidual algae that the surface of a tree can hold is, within a certain
margin of error, rigorously fixed.
36 These considerations can be extended to the whole of living
nature, although the carrying capacity varies over a wide range.
For duckweed or unicellular protococci, it is determined solely
by their size; other organisms require much larger surfaces or
volumes. In India, the elephant demands up to 30 square kilo-
meters; sheep in Scotland's mountain pastures require about
10,000 square meters; the average beehive needs a minimum of
10 to 15 square kilometers of leafy forest in the Ukraine (about
200 square meters for each bee); 3000 to 15,000 individual
plankton typically inhabit a liter of water; 25 to 30 square cen-
timeters is sufficient for ordinary grasses; a few square meters
(sometimes up to tens of meters) is needed for individual forest
It is evident that the speed of transmission of life depends on
the normal density ofliving matter, an important constant oflife
in the biosphere.* Although this has been little-studied, it clear-
ly applies to continuous layers of organisms, such as duckweed
or Protococcus, and also applies to a volume completely filled by
small bacteria. The concept can be extended to all organisms.
37 With respect to the limitation of multiplication imposed by
the dimensions of the planet, there is evidently a maximumfixed
distance over which the transmission oflife can take place; name-
ly, the length of the equator: 40,075,721 meters. If a species were
to inhabit the whole of the Earth's surface at its maximum den-
sity, it would attain its maximum number of individuals. We
lead to organic multiplication of
such species or families, in competi-
tion with other, more-progressive
species or families. Inner factors of
development have no less signifi-
cance than external vigor. The posi-
tion described by Vernadsky is, how-
ever, in agreement not only with the
biological viewpoint of his times,
but also with that which has pre-
vailed until quite recently.
94 Vernadsky's "pressure of life"
differs from Lamarck's 1802 concept
of the "power of life" (pouvoir de 10
vie; see page 92 in Lamarck, 1964).
Lamarck referred to the ability of life
to keep living matter in the living
state as a "force acting against the
tendency of compounds to separate
into their constituents" (A. V. Carozzi's
footnote 13 In Lamarck, 1964).
Vernadsky regards the pressure of
life as if he were considering a gas
obeying the laws of physics,
particularly in its tendency to expand
(Wentworth and Ladner, 1972).
Thus Vernadsky's pressurized,
expansive properties of life contrast
sharply with Lamarck's balancing
power of life. Lamarck's view has
geological antecedant in the work of
Leonardo Da Vinci, who in Folio 36r
of Codex Leicester described his
hypothesis for the relatively constant
level of sea water. Da Vinci, following
lines of thought begun by Ristoro
d' Arezzo, argued that the seas
remain at a constant level, and Earth
in balance, thanks to subterranean
waters that erode Earth's Interior,
causing caverns to collapse. But for
the collapse of caverns, sea water
would sink Into Earth (Farago, 1996).
The collapses prevent the sea from
draining completely.
By the seventeenth century the
flow of water from cloud to ocean was
better understood, leading Sachse
de Lowenheimb In his 1664 Oceanus
Macro-microcosmos to liken
hydrospheric circulation to the
circulation of blood in the human body.
Vernadsky, 1926b.
95 For example, generations per day.
96 Ven;adsky's derivation of bio-
geochemical constants, from V. I.
Vernadsky, 1926c, is as follows:
A = optimal number of generations
per day
multiplying by division); and N
is the number of individuals
formed in n days. D will be characteristic for each homogenous
type of living matter (or species). The process is considered
infinite: no limits are placed upon n nor Nn in this formula.
2 This potential for infinite growth is nevertheless constrained in
the biosphere because the diffusion of living matter is subject to
the law of inertia.
It can be accepted as empirically
demonstrated that the process of multiplication is hindered
only by external forces. It slows down at low temperatures, and
weakens or ceases in the absence of food, of gas to breathe, or
of space for the newly born.
In 185
, Darwin
and Wallace put this idea in a form
familiar to older naturalists, such as C. Linnaeus,88 G. 1. L.
Buffon,89 A. Humboldt,90 C. Goo Ehrenberg,91 and K. E. Baer,92
who had studied the same problem. If not prevented by some
external obstacle, each organism could cover the whole globe and
create aposterity equal to the mass of the ocean or the Earth's
crust or the planet itself, in a time that is different, but fixed, for
each organism.
3 The specific time required for this is related to the organism's
size; small and light organisms multiply more rapidly than large
and heavy ones.
33 These three empirical principles portray the phenomenon of
multiplication as it never actually occurs in nature, since life is
in fact inseparable from the biosphere and its singular condi-
tions. Corrections must be applied to the abstractions for time
and space utilized in the above formula.
34 Limitations are imposed upon all quantities that govern the
multiplication of organisms, including the maximum number
that can be created (N
), the geometrical progression ratio,
and the speed of transmission of life. The limits will be deter-
mined by the physical properties of the medium in which life
exists, and particularly, by the gaseous interchange between
organisms and the medium, since organisms must live in a
gaseous environment, or in a liquid containing dissolved gases.
35 The dimensions of the planet also impose limitations. The
surfaces of small ponds are often covered by floating, green veg-
etation, commonly duckweed (various species of Lemna) in our
latitudes. Duckweed may cover the surface in such a closely
packed fashion that the leaves of the small plants touch each
85 In other words. the number of
individuals of a population after a
given number of days is equal to
two raised to the power of the
growth ratio (the number of genera-
tions in a day) times the number of
days. The population thus increases
rather quickly if the product of the
growth ratio and the number of days
is large.
86 This is directly analogous to the
law of Inertia in physics, e. g., a
body in motion will remain In motion
until acted upon by an external
87 Some orthodox practitioners
of western-style science have .
expressed "unease with Darwinism"
because it seemed tautological, in
other words, difficult to falsify
(Ruse, 1988. p. 10). From
Vernadsky's point of view, Darwin
and Wallace's discovery of natural
selection was clearly an extenstion
of earlier ideas. But Vernadsky
would have been firmly set against
the lofty position neo-darwinists
have given the role of chance in
their evolutionary schema.
According (p. 197) to Alexei M.
Ghilarov (1995):
"It is understandable, therefore,
that despite all his respect for
Darwin and Wallace, he considered
their concept to be only a general
theory of evolution (opposing cre-
ationism) rather than a fruitful
hypothesis of the origin of species
by natural selection. The ideas of
stochastic variation, undirectedness,
and unpredictability were alien views
to Vernadsky" Recall Vernadsky's
statement "chance does not exist".
88 See Linnaeus, 1759
89 See Buffon. 179
90 See Humboldt, 1859
91 See Ehrenberg, 1854
See Baer, 1828, 187
93 Here, according to A. l.
Perelman, no account Is taken of the
inner factors, the exhaustion of the
capabilities of organisms of a partic-
ular species to undergo a final pro-
gressive development (compare this
with Schindewolf's [translated 19931
concept of senescence), that might
other. Multiplication is hindered by lack of space, and can
resume only when empty places are made on the water surface
by external disturbances. The maximum number of duckweed
plants on the water surface is obviously determined by their
size, and once this maximum is reached, multiplication stops. A
dynamic equilibrium, not unlike the evaporation of water from
its surface, is established. The tension of water vapor and the
pressure of life
are analogous.
Green algae provide a universally known example of the same
process. Algae have a geochemical energy far higher than that of
duckweed and, in favorable conditions, can cover the trunks of
trees until no gaps are left (50). Multiplication is arrested, but
will resume at the first hint of available space in which to quar-
ter new, individual protococci. The maximum number of indi-
vidual algae that the surface of a tree can hold is, within a certain
margin of error, rigorously fixed.
36 These considerations can be extended to the whole of living
nature, although the carrying capacity varies over a wide range.
For duckweed or unicellular protococci, it is determined solely
by their size; other organisms require much larger surfaces or
volumes. In India, the elephant demands up to 30 square kilo-
meters; sheep in Scotland's mountain pastures require about
10,000 square meters; the average beehive needs a minimum of
10 to 15 square kilometers of leafy forest in the Ukraine (about
200 square meters for each bee); 3000 to 15,000 individual
plankton typically inhabit a liter of water; 25 to 30 square cen-
timeters is sufficient for ordinary grasses; a few square meters
(sometimes up to tens of meters) is needed for individual forest
It is evident that the speed of transmission of life depends on
the normal density ofliving matter, an important constant oflife
in the biosphere.* Although this has been little-studied, it clear-
ly applies to continuous layers of organisms, such as duckweed
or Protococcus, and also applies to a volume completely filled by
small bacteria. The concept can be extended to all organisms.
37 With respect to the limitation of multiplication imposed by
the dimensions of the planet, there is evidently a maximumfixed
distance over which the transmission oflife can take place; name-
ly, the length of the equator: 40,075,721 meters. If a species were
to inhabit the whole of the Earth's surface at its maximum den-
sity, it would attain its maximum number of individuals. We
lead to organic multiplication of
such species or families, in competi-
tion with other, more-progressive
species or families. Inner factors of
development have no less signifi-
cance than external vigor. The posi-
tion described by Vernadsky is, how-
ever, in agreement not only with the
biological viewpoint of his times,
but also with that which has pre-
vailed until quite recently.
94 Vernadsky's "pressure of life"
differs from Lamarck's 1802 concept
of the "power of life" (pouvoir de 10
vie; see page 92 in Lamarck, 1964).
Lamarck referred to the ability of life
to keep living matter in the living
state as a "force acting against the
tendency of compounds to separate
into their constituents" (A. V. Carozzi's
footnote 13 In Lamarck, 1964).
Vernadsky regards the pressure of
life as if he were considering a gas
obeying the laws of physics,
particularly in its tendency to expand
(Wentworth and Ladner, 1972).
Thus Vernadsky's pressurized,
expansive properties of life contrast
sharply with Lamarck's balancing
power of life. Lamarck's view has
geological antecedant in the work of
Leonardo Da Vinci, who in Folio 36r
of Codex Leicester described his
hypothesis for the relatively constant
level of sea water. Da Vinci, following
lines of thought begun by Ristoro
d' Arezzo, argued that the seas
remain at a constant level, and Earth
in balance, thanks to subterranean
waters that erode Earth's Interior,
causing caverns to collapse. But for
the collapse of caverns, sea water
would sink Into Earth (Farago, 1996).
The collapses prevent the sea from
draining completely.
By the seventeenth century the
flow of water from cloud to ocean was
better understood, leading Sachse
de Lowenheimb In his 1664 Oceanus
Macro-microcosmos to liken
hydrospheric circulation to the
circulation of blood in the human body.
Vernadsky, 1926b.
95 For example, generations per day.
96 Ven;adsky's derivation of bio-
geochemical constants, from V. I.
Vernadsky, 1926c, is as follows:
A = optimal number of generations
per day
shall call this number (N
) the stationary numberfor homoge-
nous living matter. It. corresponds to the maximum possible
energy output of homogenous living matter - the maximum
geochemical work- and is of great importance for evaluating
the geochemical influence of life.
Each organism will reach this limiting number at a speed
which is its speed of transmission oflife, defined by the formula,
V= 139633 11
If the speed of transmission V remains constant, then obviously
the quantity D, which defines the intensity of multiplication
(32), must diminish, as the number of individuals approaches
the stationary number and the rate of multiplication slows
38 This phenomenon was clearly enunciated 40 years ago by
Karl Semper,97 an accurate observer of living nature, who noted
that the multiplication of organisms in small ponds diminished
as the number of individuals increased. The stationary number
is not actually attained, because the process slows down as the
population increases, due to causes that may not be external.
The experiments of R. Pearl and his collaborators on Drosophi-
la and on fowls (1911-1912) confirm Semper's generalization in
other environments.
39 The speed of transmission of life conveys a vivid idea of the
geochemical energy of different organisms. As we have seen, it
varies widely with the size of the organism, from some 331
meters per second for bacteria (approximately the speed of
sound in air), to less than a millimeter (0.9 mm) per second for
the Indian elephant. The speeds of transmission of other organ-
isms lie between these two extreme values.
40 In order to determine the energy of life, and the work it pro-
duces in the biosphere, both the mass and velocity (or speed of
transmission) of the organism must be considered. The kinetic
geochemical energy of living matter is expressed by the formula
h, where P is the average weight of the organism: and V is
the speed of transmission.
This formula makes it possible to determine the geochemical
work that can be performed by a given species, whenever the
surface or volume of the biosphere is known.
Attempts to find the geochemical energy of living matter per
k, = the greatest dimension (average
value) of the organism in cm
V, = the velocity of bacteria
For bacteria. take
Ii. = 64, k, = 1micron = .0001 cm.
V= 139
3' Ii.
, 18.71 (log,o k,)
V - 13963' (64)
,- 18.71-(-4)
V, = 39.349 cm/sec = .393 km/sec
(.393 km/secHs secH.6214 mileS/I
km) = 1.22 miles
Or, in other words, the velocity of bac;
teria on the surface of the planet
works out to be about 1.22 miles in
five seconds, assuming of course per-
fect survivorship of progeny and geo-
metric rates of population increase
(conditions which never actually occur
in nature). The 13963 multiplier in the
numerator of this formula is derived in
footnote 19 of Vernadsky, 1989.
The velocity formula used in the
above example can be explained as
follows. This velocity formula has
two forms:
The mean radius of Earth is 6.37
x 10
meters, and the surface area is
equal to 5.099 x 10
or 5.099 x
. The base ten logarithm of
this last number equals 18.707. So,
comparing the denominators of the
two velocity formulas above,
18.707 = log,o(k,) = 10g,oN
18.707 = 10g,oN
+ log,o(k,)
18.707 = 10g,o(NmaJ(k,)
.707 = (k,) (log,oNmaJ
Or, to put it differently, the maximum
number of creatures equals their
average maximum dimension divid-
ed into the surface area of Earth.
97 See for example Semper, 1881.
98 See Pearl, 1912; and Semper, 1881.
* The average weight of a species,
p (the average weight of an element of
homogenous living matter),logically
should be replaced by the average
number of atoms in an individual. In
the absence of elementary chemical
analysis of organisms, this can be
calculated only in exceptional cases.
have been made for a long time; for example, in the
estimates of crops. Facts and theory in this regard are incom-
plete, but important empirical generalizations have been made.
One is that the quantity of organic matter per hectare is both:
1. limited, and; 2. intimately connected with the solar energy
assimilated by green plants.
It seems that, in the case of maximum yield, the quantity of
organic matter drawn from a hectare of soil is about the same as
that produced in a hectare of ocean. The numbers are nearly the
same in size, and tend to the same limit, even though soil con-
sists of a layer only a few meters thick, while the life-bearing
ocean region is measured in kilometers.
The fact that this
nearly equal amount of vital energy is Created by such different
layers can be attributed to the illumination of both surfaces by
solar radiation, and probably also to characteristic properties of
soil. As we shall see, organisms that accumulate in the soil
(microbes) possess such an immense geochemical energy (155)
that this thin soil layer has a geochemical effect comparable to
that of the ocean, where the concentrations oflife are diluted in
a deep volume of water.
41 The kinetic geochemical energy PV
h, concentrated per
hectare, may be expressed by the following formula:
PV2) (108) (PV2) (N )
Al = -2- X K = 2(5.100
5 x ~ ~ 8
where 10
/K is the maximum number of organisms per hectare
(37); Kis the coefficient of density of life (36); N
is the sta-
tionary number for homogenous living matter (37); and
5 x 10
is the area of the Earth in square centimeters.
Characteristically, this quantity seems to be a constant for pro-
tozoa, for which the formula gives Al = (PV
h) x (10
/K) = a x
(3.51 x 10
) in CGS units. The coefficient a is approximately
This formula shows that the kinetic geochemical energy is
determined by the velocity V, and is thus related to the organ-
ism's weight, size, and intensity of multiplication. In relation to
11, V can be expressed as
V =(4
3.93) (log 2) (11) [in CGS units]t,
1870762 -log K
in which the constants are related to the size of the Earth. The
largest known value for V is 331 meters per second; and for 11,
about 63 divisions per day.102
This formula shows that the size of the planet, alone, cannot
99 A large quantity of corroborative
data for natural vegetation is found
in the book by Rodin and Basilevich,
100 Although the notion was impor-
tant to Vernadsky (possibly because
it demonstrated that the transforma-
tive power of life was as potent on
land as in the sea), this assertion
that land and sea biomass are
roughly equal is not valid. Upward
transport by vascular plants of fluid
and nutrients allows the land biota
to far outstrip the marine biota (by
approximately two orders of magni-
tude) in terms of overall biomass.
(McMenamin and McMenamin, 1993;
McMenamin and McMenamin, 1994).
Annual productivity on a per square
meter basis is about four times
greater on the land than in the sea.
101 This formula calculates the
value AI> the geochemical energy of
a particular species of organism
concentrated on a given patch of
Earth's surface area. It is calculated
by dividing the product of the geo-
chemical energy of that species
(PV2/ 2) and its maximum abun-
dance on Earth (NmaJ by the surface
area of Earth. The "2" in the denom-
inator of the final quotient is from
the denominator of PV2/ 2. The cal-
culation is an interesting and unusu-
al way to describe the bioenergetics
of organisms.
* Corresponding to the density of
protozoan protoplasm, which, by
recent measurements (see Leontiev,
1927), is about 1.05. The quicker the
multiplication, the more intense the
t This expression V applies for all
organisms, and not just for proto-
zoans. For all other groups, such as
higher animals and plants, the expres-
sion AI has another. lesser value, as a
result of profound differences
between the metabolism and organi-
zation of complex creatures (such as
animals and plants) and unicellular
protists. I cannot here delve into
examination of these complex and
import,ant distinctions.
[Editor's note: This footnote appears
in the 1989 edition but is cryptic
because Vernadsky makes just such
a comparison in sections to follow.
Perhaps he meant that he did not
shall call this number (N
) the stationary numberfor homoge-
nous living matter. It. corresponds to the maximum possible
energy output of homogenous living matter - the maximum
geochemical work- and is of great importance for evaluating
the geochemical influence of life.
Each organism will reach this limiting number at a speed
which is its speed of transmission oflife, defined by the formula,
V= 139633 11
If the speed of transmission V remains constant, then obviously
the quantity D, which defines the intensity of multiplication
(32), must diminish, as the number of individuals approaches
the stationary number and the rate of multiplication slows
38 This phenomenon was clearly enunciated 40 years ago by
Karl Semper,97 an accurate observer of living nature, who noted
that the multiplication of organisms in small ponds diminished
as the number of individuals increased. The stationary number
is not actually attained, because the process slows down as the
population increases, due to causes that may not be external.
The experiments of R. Pearl and his collaborators on Drosophi-
la and on fowls (1911-1912) confirm Semper's generalization in
other environments.
39 The speed of transmission of life conveys a vivid idea of the
geochemical energy of different organisms. As we have seen, it
varies widely with the size of the organism, from some 331
meters per second for bacteria (approximately the speed of
sound in air), to less than a millimeter (0.9 mm) per second for
the Indian elephant. The speeds of transmission of other organ-
isms lie between these two extreme values.
40 In order to determine the energy of life, and the work it pro-
duces in the biosphere, both the mass and velocity (or speed of
transmission) of the organism must be considered. The kinetic
geochemical energy of living matter is expressed by the formula
h, where P is the average weight of the organism: and V is
the speed of transmission.
This formula makes it possible to determine the geochemical
work that can be performed by a given species, whenever the
surface or volume of the biosphere is known.
Attempts to find the geochemical energy of living matter per
k, = the greatest dimension (average
value) of the organism in cm
V, = the velocity of bacteria
For bacteria. take
Ii. = 64, k, = 1micron = .0001 cm.
V= 139
3' Ii.
, 18.71 (log,o k,)
V - 13963' (64)
,- 18.71-(-4)
V, = 39.349 cm/sec = .393 km/sec
(.393 km/secHs secH.6214 mileS/I
km) = 1.22 miles
Or, in other words, the velocity of bac;
teria on the surface of the planet
works out to be about 1.22 miles in
five seconds, assuming of course per-
fect survivorship of progeny and geo-
metric rates of population increase
(conditions which never actually occur
in nature). The 13963 multiplier in the
numerator of this formula is derived in
footnote 19 of Vernadsky, 1989.
The velocity formula used in the
above example can be explained as
follows. This velocity formula has
two forms:
The mean radius of Earth is 6.37
x 10
meters, and the surface area is
equal to 5.099 x 10
or 5.099 x
. The base ten logarithm of
this last number equals 18.707. So,
comparing the denominators of the
two velocity formulas above,
18.707 = log,o(k,) = 10g,oN
18.707 = 10g,oN
+ log,o(k,)
18.707 = 10g,o(NmaJ(k,)
.707 = (k,) (log,oNmaJ
Or, to put it differently, the maximum
number of creatures equals their
average maximum dimension divid-
ed into the surface area of Earth.
97 See for example Semper, 1881.
98 See Pearl, 1912; and Semper, 1881.
* The average weight of a species,
p (the average weight of an element of
homogenous living matter),logically
should be replaced by the average
number of atoms in an individual. In
the absence of elementary chemical
analysis of organisms, this can be
calculated only in exceptional cases.
have been made for a long time; for example, in the
estimates of crops. Facts and theory in this regard are incom-
plete, but important empirical generalizations have been made.
One is that the quantity of organic matter per hectare is both:
1. limited, and; 2. intimately connected with the solar energy
assimilated by green plants.
It seems that, in the case of maximum yield, the quantity of
organic matter drawn from a hectare of soil is about the same as
that produced in a hectare of ocean. The numbers are nearly the
same in size, and tend to the same limit, even though soil con-
sists of a layer only a few meters thick, while the life-bearing
ocean region is measured in kilometers.
The fact that this
nearly equal amount of vital energy is Created by such different
layers can be attributed to the illumination of both surfaces by
solar radiation, and probably also to characteristic properties of
soil. As we shall see, organisms that accumulate in the soil
(microbes) possess such an immense geochemical energy (155)
that this thin soil layer has a geochemical effect comparable to
that of the ocean, where the concentrations oflife are diluted in
a deep volume of water.
41 The kinetic geochemical energy PV
h, concentrated per
hectare, may be expressed by the following formula:
PV2) (108) (PV2) (N )
Al = -2- X K = 2(5.100
5 x ~ ~ 8
where 10
/K is the maximum number of organisms per hectare
(37); Kis the coefficient of density of life (36); N
is the sta-
tionary number for homogenous living matter (37); and
5 x 10
is the area of the Earth in square centimeters.
Characteristically, this quantity seems to be a constant for pro-
tozoa, for which the formula gives Al = (PV
h) x (10
/K) = a x
(3.51 x 10
) in CGS units. The coefficient a is approximately
This formula shows that the kinetic geochemical energy is
determined by the velocity V, and is thus related to the organ-
ism's weight, size, and intensity of multiplication. In relation to
11, V can be expressed as
V =(4
3.93) (log 2) (11) [in CGS units]t,
1870762 -log K
in which the constants are related to the size of the Earth. The
largest known value for V is 331 meters per second; and for 11,
about 63 divisions per day.102
This formula shows that the size of the planet, alone, cannot
99 A large quantity of corroborative
data for natural vegetation is found
in the book by Rodin and Basilevich,
100 Although the notion was impor-
tant to Vernadsky (possibly because
it demonstrated that the transforma-
tive power of life was as potent on
land as in the sea), this assertion
that land and sea biomass are
roughly equal is not valid. Upward
transport by vascular plants of fluid
and nutrients allows the land biota
to far outstrip the marine biota (by
approximately two orders of magni-
tude) in terms of overall biomass.
(McMenamin and McMenamin, 1993;
McMenamin and McMenamin, 1994).
Annual productivity on a per square
meter basis is about four times
greater on the land than in the sea.
101 This formula calculates the
value AI> the geochemical energy of
a particular species of organism
concentrated on a given patch of
Earth's surface area. It is calculated
by dividing the product of the geo-
chemical energy of that species
(PV2/ 2) and its maximum abun-
dance on Earth (NmaJ by the surface
area of Earth. The "2" in the denom-
inator of the final quotient is from
the denominator of PV2/ 2. The cal-
culation is an interesting and unusu-
al way to describe the bioenergetics
of organisms.
* Corresponding to the density of
protozoan protoplasm, which, by
recent measurements (see Leontiev,
1927), is about 1.05. The quicker the
multiplication, the more intense the
t This expression V applies for all
organisms, and not just for proto-
zoans. For all other groups, such as
higher animals and plants, the expres-
sion AI has another. lesser value, as a
result of profound differences
between the metabolism and organi-
zation of complex creatures (such as
animals and plants) and unicellular
protists. I cannot here delve into
examination of these complex and
import,ant distinctions.
[Editor's note: This footnote appears
in the 1989 edition but is cryptic
because Vernadsky makes just such
a comparison in sections to follow.
Perhaps he meant that he did not
account for the actual limits imposed upon,V and A.. Can these
quantities attain higher values, or does the biosphere impose
limits upon them?103 An obstacle that imposes maximumvalues
upon these constants does, in fact, exist; namely, the gaseous
exchange that is essential for the life and multiplication of
42 Organisms cannot exist without exchange of gases - respi-
ration - and the intensity of life can be judged by the rate of
gaseous exchange.
On a global scale, we must look at the general result of respi-
ration, rather than at the breathing of a single organism. The
respiration of all living organisms must be recognized as part of
the mechanism of the biosphere. There are some long-standing
empirical generalizations in this area, which have not yet been
sufficiently considered by scientists.
The first of these is that the gases of the biosphere are identical
to those created by the gaseous exchange oflivingorganisms. Only
the following gases are found in noticeable quantities in the
biosphere, namely oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water,
hydrogen, methane, and ammonia. This cannot be an accident.
The free oxygen in the biosphere is created solely by gaseous
exchange in green plants,104 and is the principal source of the
free chemical energy of the biosphere. Finally, the quantity of
free oxygen in the biosphere, equal to 1.5 x 10
grams (about 143
million tons
) is of the same order as the existing quantity of
living matter,106 independently estimated at 10
to 10
Such a close correspondence between terrestrial gases
and life strongly suggests
that the breathing of organisms has
primary importance in the gaseous system of the biosphere; in
other words, it must be aplanetary phenomenon.
43 The intensity of multiplication, and likewise the values of V
and A., cannot exceed limits imposed by properties of gases,
because they are determined by gaseous exchange. We have
already shown (29) that the number of organisms that can live
in a cubic centimeter of any medium must be less than the num-
ber of molecules of gas it contains (Loschmidt's number; 2.716 x
at standard temperature and pressure*). If the velocity V
were greater than 331 meters per second, the number of organ-
isms smaller than bacteria (i.e., with dimensions 10-
ters or smaller) would exceed 10
per cubic centimeter. Due to
respiration, the number of organisms that exchange gas mole-
Intend to thoroughly elucidate the
subject; Vernadsky, 1989].
102 This formula is derived in foot-
note 22 of Vernadsky, 1989. It is in a
sense redundant; Vernadsky
includes it as a demonstration, to
confirm for readers that the speed of
transmission of life (V) may be
expressed as a function of the gen-
erations per day (.1.), the size of the
organisms in question (K), and the
dimensions of Earth.
103 Alexei M. Ghilarov (1995)
had this (p. 200) to say about
Vernadsky's calculation:
"Vernadsky claimed that the rate
of natural increase and dispersal of
any organism must be related to the
area of the Earth's surface, to the
length of the equator, to the dura-
tion of one rotation of the Earth on
its axis, and other planetary charac-
teristics. ... Emphasizing that "all
organisms live on the Earth in
restricted space which is of the
same size for all of them" Vernadsky
.... simply implies that all organ-
isms inhabit a common planet of a
finite size [italics his]."
But Ghilarov misses the main
point of Vernadsky's mathematical
demonstration. For Vernadsky, the
size of Earth is invariant. The main
variables, which are constant for any
species, are .1. (often expressed in
generations per day) and K(the
organism's size). So the only thing
that truly varies, and thus deter-
mines the geochemical energy and
the velocity or speed of transmis-
sion of life, is an organism's respira-
tory rate (the rate of exchange of
gases in air or as dissolved gases in
water). For Vernadsky, respiration is
the key to understanding any
species of organisms, for respiration
is the fundamental process linking
the organism to the rest of the bios-
phere. An organism's respiring sur-
faces represent the interface across
which liVing matter and bio-inert
matter interact.
104 In 1856 C. Koene [citation
unknown) hypothesized that atmos-
pheric oxygen was the result of pho-
tosynthesis. Vernadsky gave this idea
special attention, and from the per-
spective of geochemistry (Voitkevich,
Miroshnlkov, Povarennykh,
Prokhorov, 1970). The Keene hypothe-
sis was accepted without much com-
cules would have to increase as their individual dimensions
decreased. As their dimensions approached that of molecules,
the speed would rise to improbable values and become physi-
cally absurd.
Breathing clearly controls the whole process of multiplication
on the Earth's surface. It establishes mutual connections
between the numbers of organisms of differing fecundity, and
determines, in a manner analogous to temperature, the value of
A. that an organism of given dimensions can attain. Limitations
to the ability to respire are the primary impediment to the
attainment of maximum population density.
Within the biosphere, there is a desperate struggle among bios-
pheric organisms, not onlyfor food, but also for air; and the strug-
glefor the latter is the more essential, for it controls multiplication.
Thus respiration (or breathing) controls maximal possible geo-
chemical energy transfer per hectare surface area.
44 On the scale of the biosphere, the effect of gaseous exchange
and the multiplication it controls is immense. Inert matter
exhibits nothing even remotely analogous, since any living mat-
ter can produce an unlimited quantity of newliving matter.
The weight of the biosphere is not known, but it is certainly
only a tiny fraction of the total weight of the Earth's crust (or
even of the 16-20 kilometers that participate in geochemical
cycles accessible to direct study) (78). The weight of the top 16
kilometers is 2 X 10
grams, but if there were no environmental
obstacles, a much larger amount ofliving matter could be creat-
ed by multiplication in a negligible span of geological time. The
cholera vibrio and the bacterium E. coli could yield the above
mass in 1.6 to 1.75 days. The green diatom Nitzchia putrida, a
mixotrophic organism of marine slimes which consumes
decomposed organic matter and also uses solar radiation in its
chloroplasts, could produce 2 x 10
grams in 24.5 days. (This is
one of the fastest growing organisms, possiblybecause it utilizes
already existing organic matter. )
The Indian elephant, having one of the slowest multiplication
rates, could produce the same quantity of matter in 1300 years, a
short moment in the scale of geological time. Further along the
growth curve, of course, the elephant could produce the same
mass in days.109
45 Obviously, no organism produces such quantities of matter
in the real world. There is nothing fantastic, however, about dis-
plaint since it was known that plants
release (see Van Hise, 19
p. 949; It IS suspected that aconsid-
erable percentage of the oxygen now
in the atmosphere could be thus be
accounted for" [i.e., by photosynthe_
sis)), but Vernadsky was the first to
demonstrate the biogenic origin of
atmospheric oxygen in its global
entirety (Vernadsky, 1935; see also
Oparin, 1957, p. 157). For adiscussion
of the current status of the problem
see Molchanov and Pazaev, 1996.
[The citation for Koene, 1856, and
few others noted in the text else-
where, have not been located. If
anyone reading this text is familiar
with this or other unknown or
incomplete citations noted, please
provide the information to the pub-
lisher, Peter N. Nevraumont,
Nevraumont Publishing Company,
16 East 23rd Street, New York, New
York 10010, and it will be included in
future editions.)
105 The current estimate for the
mass of the atmosphere is 5 x 10
grams. Multiplying this value by the
weight percent of oxygen in the
atmosphere (22.87% of atmospheric
mass assuming 2% by volume water
vapor in air; see Gross, 1982; and
Levine, 1985) gives an atmospheric
oxygen content of 1.143 x 10
grams. Vernadsky's value is too low
by at least three orders of magni-
tude. He must have badly underesti-
mated the mass of the atmosphere.
106 It is difficult to verify or reject
Vernadsky's assertion here. The
total biomass of Earth is still poorly
known, as a result of uncertainties
as to the total biomass of
subterranean bacteria.
107 According to recent data, the
total biomass of Earth averages 7.5
x 10
grams of organic carbon
(Romankevich, 1988). Vernadsky
apparently meant total biomass,
whereas Romankevich's data
include only organic carbon.
108 Because of the vast amount of
free oxygen in the atmosphere.
live in a gaseous environ-
ment having this number of mole-
cules at 0 and 760 mm pressure. In
the presence of bacteria, the number
of gaseous molecules must be less. A
cubic centimeter of liquid containing
account for the actual limits imposed upon,V and A.. Can these
quantities attain higher values, or does the biosphere impose
limits upon them?103 An obstacle that imposes maximumvalues
upon these constants does, in fact, exist; namely, the gaseous
exchange that is essential for the life and multiplication of
42 Organisms cannot exist without exchange of gases - respi-
ration - and the intensity of life can be judged by the rate of
gaseous exchange.
On a global scale, we must look at the general result of respi-
ration, rather than at the breathing of a single organism. The
respiration of all living organisms must be recognized as part of
the mechanism of the biosphere. There are some long-standing
empirical generalizations in this area, which have not yet been
sufficiently considered by scientists.
The first of these is that the gases of the biosphere are identical
to those created by the gaseous exchange oflivingorganisms. Only
the following gases are found in noticeable quantities in the
biosphere, namely oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water,
hydrogen, methane, and ammonia. This cannot be an accident.
The free oxygen in the biosphere is created solely by gaseous
exchange in green plants,104 and is the principal source of the
free chemical energy of the biosphere. Finally, the quantity of
free oxygen in the biosphere, equal to 1.5 x 10
grams (about 143
million tons
) is of the same order as the existing quantity of
living matter,106 independently estimated at 10
to 10
Such a close correspondence between terrestrial gases
and life strongly suggests
that the breathing of organisms has
primary importance in the gaseous system of the biosphere; in
other words, it must be aplanetary phenomenon.
43 The intensity of multiplication, and likewise the values of V
and A., cannot exceed limits imposed by properties of gases,
because they are determined by gaseous exchange. We have
already shown (29) that the number of organisms that can live
in a cubic centimeter of any medium must be less than the num-
ber of molecules of gas it contains (Loschmidt's number; 2.716 x
at standard temperature and pressure*). If the velocity V
were greater than 331 meters per second, the number of organ-
isms smaller than bacteria (i.e., with dimensions 10-
ters or smaller) would exceed 10
per cubic centimeter. Due to
respiration, the number of organisms that exchange gas mole-
Intend to thoroughly elucidate the
subject; Vernadsky, 1989].
102 This formula is derived in foot-
note 22 of Vernadsky, 1989. It is in a
sense redundant; Vernadsky
includes it as a demonstration, to
confirm for readers that the speed of
transmission of life (V) may be
expressed as a function of the gen-
erations per day (.1.), the size of the
organisms in question (K), and the
dimensions of Earth.
103 Alexei M. Ghilarov (1995)
had this (p. 200) to say about
Vernadsky's calculation:
"Vernadsky claimed that the rate
of natural increase and dispersal of
any organism must be related to the
area of the Earth's surface, to the
length of the equator, to the dura-
tion of one rotation of the Earth on
its axis, and other planetary charac-
teristics. ... Emphasizing that "all
organisms live on the Earth in
restricted space which is of the
same size for all of them" Vernadsky
.... simply implies that all organ-
isms inhabit a common planet of a
finite size [italics his]."
But Ghilarov misses the main
point of Vernadsky's mathematical
demonstration. For Vernadsky, the
size of Earth is invariant. The main
variables, which are constant for any
species, are .1. (often expressed in
generations per day) and K(the
organism's size). So the only thing
that truly varies, and thus deter-
mines the geochemical energy and
the velocity or speed of transmis-
sion of life, is an organism's respira-
tory rate (the rate of exchange of
gases in air or as dissolved gases in
water). For Vernadsky, respiration is
the key to understanding any
species of organisms, for respiration
is the fundamental process linking
the organism to the rest of the bios-
phere. An organism's respiring sur-
faces represent the interface across
which liVing matter and bio-inert
matter interact.
104 In 1856 C. Koene [citation
unknown) hypothesized that atmos-
pheric oxygen was the result of pho-
tosynthesis. Vernadsky gave this idea
special attention, and from the per-
spective of geochemistry (Voitkevich,
Miroshnlkov, Povarennykh,
Prokhorov, 1970). The Keene hypothe-
sis was accepted without much com-
cules would have to increase as their individual dimensions
decreased. As their dimensions approached that of molecules,
the speed would rise to improbable values and become physi-
cally absurd.
Breathing clearly controls the whole process of multiplication
on the Earth's surface. It establishes mutual connections
between the numbers of organisms of differing fecundity, and
determines, in a manner analogous to temperature, the value of
A. that an organism of given dimensions can attain. Limitations
to the ability to respire are the primary impediment to the
attainment of maximum population density.
Within the biosphere, there is a desperate struggle among bios-
pheric organisms, not onlyfor food, but also for air; and the strug-
glefor the latter is the more essential, for it controls multiplication.
Thus respiration (or breathing) controls maximal possible geo-
chemical energy transfer per hectare surface area.
44 On the scale of the biosphere, the effect of gaseous exchange
and the multiplication it controls is immense. Inert matter
exhibits nothing even remotely analogous, since any living mat-
ter can produce an unlimited quantity of newliving matter.
The weight of the biosphere is not known, but it is certainly
only a tiny fraction of the total weight of the Earth's crust (or
even of the 16-20 kilometers that participate in geochemical
cycles accessible to direct study) (78). The weight of the top 16
kilometers is 2 X 10
grams, but if there were no environmental
obstacles, a much larger amount ofliving matter could be creat-
ed by multiplication in a negligible span of geological time. The
cholera vibrio and the bacterium E. coli could yield the above
mass in 1.6 to 1.75 days. The green diatom Nitzchia putrida, a
mixotrophic organism of marine slimes which consumes
decomposed organic matter and also uses solar radiation in its
chloroplasts, could produce 2 x 10
grams in 24.5 days. (This is
one of the fastest growing organisms, possiblybecause it utilizes
already existing organic matter. )
The Indian elephant, having one of the slowest multiplication
rates, could produce the same quantity of matter in 1300 years, a
short moment in the scale of geological time. Further along the
growth curve, of course, the elephant could produce the same
mass in days.109
45 Obviously, no organism produces such quantities of matter
in the real world. There is nothing fantastic, however, about dis-
plaint since it was known that plants
release (see Van Hise, 19
p. 949; It IS suspected that aconsid-
erable percentage of the oxygen now
in the atmosphere could be thus be
accounted for" [i.e., by photosynthe_
sis)), but Vernadsky was the first to
demonstrate the biogenic origin of
atmospheric oxygen in its global
entirety (Vernadsky, 1935; see also
Oparin, 1957, p. 157). For adiscussion
of the current status of the problem
see Molchanov and Pazaev, 1996.
[The citation for Koene, 1856, and
few others noted in the text else-
where, have not been located. If
anyone reading this text is familiar
with this or other unknown or
incomplete citations noted, please
provide the information to the pub-
lisher, Peter N. Nevraumont,
Nevraumont Publishing Company,
16 East 23rd Street, New York, New
York 10010, and it will be included in
future editions.)
105 The current estimate for the
mass of the atmosphere is 5 x 10
grams. Multiplying this value by the
weight percent of oxygen in the
atmosphere (22.87% of atmospheric
mass assuming 2% by volume water
vapor in air; see Gross, 1982; and
Levine, 1985) gives an atmospheric
oxygen content of 1.143 x 10
grams. Vernadsky's value is too low
by at least three orders of magni-
tude. He must have badly underesti-
mated the mass of the atmosphere.
106 It is difficult to verify or reject
Vernadsky's assertion here. The
total biomass of Earth is still poorly
known, as a result of uncertainties
as to the total biomass of
subterranean bacteria.
107 According to recent data, the
total biomass of Earth averages 7.5
x 10
grams of organic carbon
(Romankevich, 1988). Vernadsky
apparently meant total biomass,
whereas Romankevich's data
include only organic carbon.
108 Because of the vast amount of
free oxygen in the atmosphere.
live in a gaseous environ-
ment having this number of mole-
cules at 0 and 760 mm pressure. In
the presence of bacteria, the number
of gaseous molecules must be less. A
cubic centimeter of liquid containing
placements of mass of this order resulting from multiplication
in the biosphere. Exceptionally large masses of organisms are
actually observed in nature. There is no doubt that life creates
matter at a rate several times greater than 10
grams per year.
The biosphere's 10
to 10
grams of living matter is incessantly
moving, decomposing, and reforming. The chief factor in this
process is not growth, but multiplication. Newgenerations, born
at intervals ranging from tens of minutes to hundreds of years,
renew the substances that have been incorporated into life.
Because enormous amounts of living matter are created and
decomposed every 24 hours, the quantity which exists at any
moment is but an insignificant fraction of the total created in a
It is hard for the mind to grasp the colossal amounts of living
matter that are created, and that decompose, each day, in a vast
dynamic equilibrium of death, birth, metabolism, and growth.
Who can calculate the number of individuals continually being
born and dying? It is more difficult than Archimedes' problem
of counting grains of sand- how can they be counted when
their number varies and grows with time? The number that
exists, in a time brief by human standards, certainly exceeds the
grains of sand in the sea by a factor of more than 10
Photosynthetic Living Matter
46 The amount of living matter in the biosphere (10
to 10
grams) does not seem excessively large, when its power of mul-
tiplication and geochemical energy are considered.
All this matter is generatively connected with the living green
organisms that capture the sun's energy. The current state of
knowledge does not allow us to calculate the fraction of aliliv-
ing matter that consists of green plants, but estimates can be
made. While it is not certain that green living matter predomi-
nates on the Earth as a whole, it does seem to do so on land.
It is generally accepted that animal life predominates (in vol-
ume) in the ocean. But even if heterotrophic animal life should
be found to be the greater part of all living matter, its predomi-
nance cannot be large.
Are the two parts of living matter - photoautotrophic and
heterotrophic - nearly equal in weight? This question cannot
now be answered,112 but it can be said that estimates of the
weight of green matter, alone, give values of 10
to 10
which are the same in order of magnitude as estimates for living
matter in toto.
microbes must contain fewer than
molecules; it cannot at the same
time contain a like number of
109 An interesting comparison (sug-
gested by Peter N. Nevraumont) may
be made between Vernadsky's and
Darwin's interpretation of the rate
of increase of elephants, the
slowest breeding animals. Whereas
Vernadsky emphasized the biogeo-
logical accumulation of a quantity of
elephant "matter," Darwin empha
sized the geometrical rate of increase
in the number of individual elephants
in the struggle for existence, calculat-
ing that within 740-750 years a single
breeding female could theoretically.
produce nineteen million offspring
(Darwin, 1963, P.51).
110 Recent calculations show the
total biomass production of Earth
averages 1.2 x 10
grams of organic
carbon per year (Romankevich,
1988; Schlesinger 1991). In energetic
terms, solar energy is fixed in plants
by photsynthesis at a net rate of
about 133 TW (10
W; see Lovins,
Lovins, Krause, and Bach, 1981).
111 On land, the total biomass of
autotrophs is nearly a hundred
times as large as the biomass of het-
erotrophs (738 x 10
versus 8.10 x
, respectively). See
Romankevich, 1988.
112 The present answer to this
question would be "no." Total pho-
toautotrophic biomass on Earth is
740 x 10
grams of organic carbon,
whereas total heterotrophic biomass
is only about 10 x 10
grams of
organic carbon. See Romankevich,
1988; and Schlesinger 1991.
47 Solar energy transformers on land are structured quite dif-
ferently from those in the sea. On dry land, phanerogamous,113
herbaceous plants predominate. Trees probably represent the
greatest fraction, by weight, of this vegetation; green algae and
other cryptogamous plants (principally protista) represent the
smallest fraction. In the ocean, microscopic, unicellular green
organisms predominate; grasses like Zostera and large algae
constitute a smaller portion of green vegetation, and are con-
centrated along shores in shallow areas accessible to sunlight.
Floating masses of them, like those in the Sargasso Sea, are lost
in the immensity of the oceans.
Green metaphytes
predominate on land; in this group, the
grasses multiply at the greatest speed and possess the greatest
geochemical energy, whereas trees appear to have a lower veloc-
ity. In the ocean, green protista have the highest velocity.
The speed of transmission v, for metaphytes, probably does
not exceed a few centimeters per second. Green protista have a
speed of thousands of centimeters per second, besting the meta-
~ h y t s byhundreds of times with regard to power ofmultiplica-
hon, and clearly demonstrating the difference between marine
and terrestrial life. Although green life is perhaps less dominant
in the sea than on the soil, the total mass of green life in the
ocean exceeds that on land because of the larger size of the
?cean itself. The green protista of the ocean are the major agents
In the transformation of luminous solar energy into chemical
energy on our planet,11s
48 The energetic character of green vegetation can be
expressed quantitatively in a way that shows the distinction
between green life on land and in the sea. The formula Nn = n ~
gives the growth (u) of an organism in 24 hours due to multi-
plication. If we start with a single organism (n =1 on the first
day), we shall have:
~ -1 = U
~ =U +1 and n ~ =(u +1)n
The quantity a is a constant for each species; it is the number of
individuals that will grow in 24 hours starting from a single
organism. The magnitude (u +1)n is the number of individuals
created by multiplication on the nth day: (u +1)n =Nn.
The following example shows the significance of these num-
bers. The average multiplication of plankton, according to
Lohmann, can be expressed by the constant (u + 1) =1.
taking into account the destruction and assimilation of the
113 That is, those with visible repro-
ductive organs such as flowers and
114 Land plants, members of king-
dom Plantae.
115 Vernadsky's assertions here
have not been borne out. The mass
of photoautotrophs on land (738 x
grams of organic carbon) vastly
outweighs the mass of photoau-
totrophs in the sea (1.7 x 10
of organic carbon) (Romankevich,
). This discrepancy has recently
been attributed to upward nutrient
transport by vascular plants on land
(McMenamin and McMenamin,
placements of mass of this order resulting from multiplication
in the biosphere. Exceptionally large masses of organisms are
actually observed in nature. There is no doubt that life creates
matter at a rate several times greater than 10
grams per year.
The biosphere's 10
to 10
grams of living matter is incessantly
moving, decomposing, and reforming. The chief factor in this
process is not growth, but multiplication. Newgenerations, born
at intervals ranging from tens of minutes to hundreds of years,
renew the substances that have been incorporated into life.
Because enormous amounts of living matter are created and
decomposed every 24 hours, the quantity which exists at any
moment is but an insignificant fraction of the total created in a
It is hard for the mind to grasp the colossal amounts of living
matter that are created, and that decompose, each day, in a vast
dynamic equilibrium of death, birth, metabolism, and growth.
Who can calculate the number of individuals continually being
born and dying? It is more difficult than Archimedes' problem
of counting grains of sand- how can they be counted when
their number varies and grows with time? The number that
exists, in a time brief by human standards, certainly exceeds the
grains of sand in the sea by a factor of more than 10
Photosynthetic Living Matter
46 The amount of living matter in the biosphere (10
to 10
grams) does not seem excessively large, when its power of mul-
tiplication and geochemical energy are considered.
All this matter is generatively connected with the living green
organisms that capture the sun's energy. The current state of
knowledge does not allow us to calculate the fraction of aliliv-
ing matter that consists of green plants, but estimates can be
made. While it is not certain that green living matter predomi-
nates on the Earth as a whole, it does seem to do so on land.
It is generally accepted that animal life predominates (in vol-
ume) in the ocean. But even if heterotrophic animal life should
be found to be the greater part of all living matter, its predomi-
nance cannot be large.
Are the two parts of living matter - photoautotrophic and
heterotrophic - nearly equal in weight? This question cannot
now be answered,112 but it can be said that estimates of the
weight of green matter, alone, give values of 10
to 10
which are the same in order of magnitude as estimates for living
matter in toto.
microbes must contain fewer than
molecules; it cannot at the same
time contain a like number of
109 An interesting comparison (sug-
gested by Peter N. Nevraumont) may
be made between Vernadsky's and
Darwin's interpretation of the rate
of increase of elephants, the
slowest breeding animals. Whereas
Vernadsky emphasized the biogeo-
logical accumulation of a quantity of
elephant "matter," Darwin empha
sized the geometrical rate of increase
in the number of individual elephants
in the struggle for existence, calculat-
ing that within 740-750 years a single
breeding female could theoretically.
produce nineteen million offspring
(Darwin, 1963, P.51).
110 Recent calculations show the
total biomass production of Earth
averages 1.2 x 10
grams of organic
carbon per year (Romankevich,
1988; Schlesinger 1991). In energetic
terms, solar energy is fixed in plants
by photsynthesis at a net rate of
about 133 TW (10
W; see Lovins,
Lovins, Krause, and Bach, 1981).
111 On land, the total biomass of
autotrophs is nearly a hundred
times as large as the biomass of het-
erotrophs (738 x 10
versus 8.10 x
, respectively). See
Romankevich, 1988.
112 The present answer to this
question would be "no." Total pho-
toautotrophic biomass on Earth is
740 x 10
grams of organic carbon,
whereas total heterotrophic biomass
is only about 10 x 10
grams of
organic carbon. See Romankevich,
1988; and Schlesinger 1991.
47 Solar energy transformers on land are structured quite dif-
ferently from those in the sea. On dry land, phanerogamous,113
herbaceous plants predominate. Trees probably represent the
greatest fraction, by weight, of this vegetation; green algae and
other cryptogamous plants (principally protista) represent the
smallest fraction. In the ocean, microscopic, unicellular green
organisms predominate; grasses like Zostera and large algae
constitute a smaller portion of green vegetation, and are con-
centrated along shores in shallow areas accessible to sunlight.
Floating masses of them, like those in the Sargasso Sea, are lost
in the immensity of the oceans.
Green metaphytes
predominate on land; in this group, the
grasses multiply at the greatest speed and possess the greatest
geochemical energy, whereas trees appear to have a lower veloc-
ity. In the ocean, green protista have the highest velocity.
The speed of transmission v, for metaphytes, probably does
not exceed a few centimeters per second. Green protista have a
speed of thousands of centimeters per second, besting the meta-
~ h y t s byhundreds of times with regard to power ofmultiplica-
hon, and clearly demonstrating the difference between marine
and terrestrial life. Although green life is perhaps less dominant
in the sea than on the soil, the total mass of green life in the
ocean exceeds that on land because of the larger size of the
?cean itself. The green protista of the ocean are the major agents
In the transformation of luminous solar energy into chemical
energy on our planet,11s
48 The energetic character of green vegetation can be
expressed quantitatively in a way that shows the distinction
between green life on land and in the sea. The formula Nn = n ~
gives the growth (u) of an organism in 24 hours due to multi-
plication. If we start with a single organism (n =1 on the first
day), we shall have:
~ -1 = U
~ =U +1 and n ~ =(u +1)n
The quantity a is a constant for each species; it is the number of
individuals that will grow in 24 hours starting from a single
organism. The magnitude (u +1)n is the number of individuals
created by multiplication on the nth day: (u +1)n =Nn.
The following example shows the significance of these num-
bers. The average multiplication of plankton, according to
Lohmann, can be expressed by the constant (u + 1) =1.
taking into account the destruction and assimilation of the
113 That is, those with visible repro-
ductive organs such as flowers and
114 Land plants, members of king-
dom Plantae.
115 Vernadsky's assertions here
have not been borne out. The mass
of photoautotrophs on land (738 x
grams of organic carbon) vastly
outweighs the mass of photoau-
totrophs in the sea (1.7 x 10
of organic carbon) (Romankevich,
). This discrepancy has recently
been attributed to upward nutrient
transport by vascular plants on land
(McMenamin and McMenamin,
plankton by other organisms. The same constant for an average
crop of wheat in France is 1.0130. These numbers correspond to
the ideal average values for wheat or plankton after 24 hours of
multiplication. So the ratio of the number of plankton individ-
uals to those of wheat is
=1.2829 =0
This ratio is multiplied every 24 hours by 0, being on after n days.
On the 20th day, the value would be 145.8; on the hundredth,
the number of plankton would exceed that of wheat plants by a
factor of 6.28 x 10. After a year, neglecting the fact that the mul-
tiplication of wheat is arrested for several months, the ratio of
the populations (0
) attains the astronomical figure of 3-l x
. The initial difference between the full-grown herbaceous
plant (weighing tens of grams) and the microscopic plankton
(weighing 10-
to 10-
grams) is dwarfed by the difference in
intensity of multiplication.
The green world of the ocean gives a similar result, due to the
speed of circulation of its matter.
The force of solar radiation
allows it to create a mass equivalent inweight to the Earth's crust
(44) in 70 days or less. Herbaceous vegetation on land would
require years to produce this quantity of matter - in the case of
Solanum nigrum, for example, five years.
These figures, of course, do not give a correct perspective of
the relative roles of herbaceous vegetation and green plankton
in the biosphere, because in this method of comparison the dif-
ference grows enormouslywith time. In the five-year span men-
tioned above for Solanum nigrum, for example, the amount of
green plankton that could be produced would be hard to
express in conceivable figures.
49 It is not accidental that living green matter on land differs
from that in the sea, because the action of solar radiation in a
transparent, liquid medium is not the same as on solid, opaque
Earth. The world of plankton controls geochemical effects in the
oceans, and also on land wherever aqueous life exists.
The difference in energy possessed by these two kinds of liv-
ing matter is represented by the quantity on, and also by the
mass (m) of the individuals created. This mass is determined by
the product of the number of individuals created, and their
average weight (P): m =P(l + u)n. Small organisms would have
the advantage over large ones, energetically-speaking, only if
they really could produce a larger mass in the biosphere.
116 The point, then, of the
immediately preceding mathematical
calculations is that differences in the
Intensity of multiplication between
complex, larger organisms and
smaller ones (differences which grow
astronomically large with passage
of time) are a direct result of the
differing relative respiratory surfaces
of large and small organisms,
respectively. Smaller organisms have
a much greater surface to volume
ratio (and hence greater respiratory
surface area to volume ratio) in
comparison to larger, more complex
organisms. This accounts for, all
other things being equal, the
disparity between large and small
organisms in their velocity or speed .
oftransmission (V), and then of
course the much greater disparity
(because it is calculated using the
square of V) between their
respective geochemical energies
(PV2{z).ln comparisons of this sort,
the microbes outperform more
complex organisms by an
overwhelming margin, assuming
they are able to create sufficient
biomass. Vernadsky thus provides
the quantification required for
comparisons of geochemical energy
between species.
Any system reaches a stable equilibrium when its free energy
is reduced to a minimum under the given conditions; that is,
when all work possible in these conditions is being produced.
All processes, of both the biosphere and the crust, are deter-
mined by conditions of equilibrium in the mechanical systemof
which they are a part.
Solar radiation and the living green matter of the biosphere,
taken together, constitute a systemof this kind. When solar radi-
ation has produced the maximum work, and created the great-
est possible mass of green organisms, this system has reached a
stable equilibrium.
Since solar radiation cannot penetrate deeply into solid earth,
the layer of green matter it creates there is limited in thickness.
The environment gives all the advantages to large plants,
grasses and trees as compared to green protista. The former cre-
ate a larger quantity of living matter, although they take a longer
time to do it. Unicellular organisms can produce only a very thin
layer of living matter on the land surface, and soon reach a sta-
tionary state (37) at the limits of their development. In the sys-
tem of solar radiation and solid earth taken as a whole, unicel-
lular organisms are an unstable form,118 because herbaceous
and wooded vegetation, in spite of their smaller reserve of geo-
chemical energy, can produce much more work, and a greater
quantity of living matter.
50 The effects of this are seen everywhere. In early spring, when
life awakens, the steppe becomes covered in a few days by a thin
layer of unicellular algae (chieflylarger cyanobacteria and algae
such as Nostoc). This green coating develops rapidly, but soon
disappears, making room for the slower-growing herbaceous
plants. Due to the properties of the opaque earth, the grass takes
the upper hand, although the Nostoc has more geochemical
energy. Everywhere, tree bark, stones, and soil are rapidly cov-
ered by fast-developing Protococcus. In damp weather, these
change in only a few hours from cells weighing millionths of a
milligram into living masses weighing decigrams or grams. But
even in the most favorable conditions, their development soon
stops. As in Holland's sycamore groves, tree trunks are covered
by a continuous layer of Protococcus in stable equilibrium, fur-
ther development of which is arrested by the opacity of the mat-
ter on which they live. The fate of their aqueous cousins, freely
developing in a transparent medium hundreds of meters deep,
is quite different.
117 Vernadsky offers here a
plausible explanation for the
stability of Earth's climate; it
represents a minimum energy
configuration. See McMenamin,
118 Vernadsky is saying here that
unicellular organisms reach a stable
state only in the absence of
competing large plants, as might
have been the case during the
Precambrian. Large plants today
prevent the microbes from reaching
this stable or stationary state.
plankton by other organisms. The same constant for an average
crop of wheat in France is 1.0130. These numbers correspond to
the ideal average values for wheat or plankton after 24 hours of
multiplication. So the ratio of the number of plankton individ-
uals to those of wheat is
=1.2829 =0
This ratio is multiplied every 24 hours by 0, being on after n days.
On the 20th day, the value would be 145.8; on the hundredth,
the number of plankton would exceed that of wheat plants by a
factor of 6.28 x 10. After a year, neglecting the fact that the mul-
tiplication of wheat is arrested for several months, the ratio of
the populations (0
) attains the astronomical figure of 3-l x
. The initial difference between the full-grown herbaceous
plant (weighing tens of grams) and the microscopic plankton
(weighing 10-
to 10-
grams) is dwarfed by the difference in
intensity of multiplication.
The green world of the ocean gives a similar result, due to the
speed of circulation of its matter.
The force of solar radiation
allows it to create a mass equivalent inweight to the Earth's crust
(44) in 70 days or less. Herbaceous vegetation on land would
require years to produce this quantity of matter - in the case of
Solanum nigrum, for example, five years.
These figures, of course, do not give a correct perspective of
the relative roles of herbaceous vegetation and green plankton
in the biosphere, because in this method of comparison the dif-
ference grows enormouslywith time. In the five-year span men-
tioned above for Solanum nigrum, for example, the amount of
green plankton that could be produced would be hard to
express in conceivable figures.
49 It is not accidental that living green matter on land differs
from that in the sea, because the action of solar radiation in a
transparent, liquid medium is not the same as on solid, opaque
Earth. The world of plankton controls geochemical effects in the
oceans, and also on land wherever aqueous life exists.
The difference in energy possessed by these two kinds of liv-
ing matter is represented by the quantity on, and also by the
mass (m) of the individuals created. This mass is determined by
the product of the number of individuals created, and their
average weight (P): m =P(l + u)n. Small organisms would have
the advantage over large ones, energetically-speaking, only if
they really could produce a larger mass in the biosphere.
116 The point, then, of the
immediately preceding mathematical
calculations is that differences in the
Intensity of multiplication between
complex, larger organisms and
smaller ones (differences which grow
astronomically large with passage
of time) are a direct result of the
differing relative respiratory surfaces
of large and small organisms,
respectively. Smaller organisms have
a much greater surface to volume
ratio (and hence greater respiratory
surface area to volume ratio) in
comparison to larger, more complex
organisms. This accounts for, all
other things being equal, the
disparity between large and small
organisms in their velocity or speed .
oftransmission (V), and then of
course the much greater disparity
(because it is calculated using the
square of V) between their
respective geochemical energies
(PV2{z).ln comparisons of this sort,
the microbes outperform more
complex organisms by an
overwhelming margin, assuming
they are able to create sufficient
biomass. Vernadsky thus provides
the quantification required for
comparisons of geochemical energy
between species.
Any system reaches a stable equilibrium when its free energy
is reduced to a minimum under the given conditions; that is,
when all work possible in these conditions is being produced.
All processes, of both the biosphere and the crust, are deter-
mined by conditions of equilibrium in the mechanical systemof
which they are a part.
Solar radiation and the living green matter of the biosphere,
taken together, constitute a systemof this kind. When solar radi-
ation has produced the maximum work, and created the great-
est possible mass of green organisms, this system has reached a
stable equilibrium.
Since solar radiation cannot penetrate deeply into solid earth,
the layer of green matter it creates there is limited in thickness.
The environment gives all the advantages to large plants,
grasses and trees as compared to green protista. The former cre-
ate a larger quantity of living matter, although they take a longer
time to do it. Unicellular organisms can produce only a very thin
layer of living matter on the land surface, and soon reach a sta-
tionary state (37) at the limits of their development. In the sys-
tem of solar radiation and solid earth taken as a whole, unicel-
lular organisms are an unstable form,118 because herbaceous
and wooded vegetation, in spite of their smaller reserve of geo-
chemical energy, can produce much more work, and a greater
quantity of living matter.
50 The effects of this are seen everywhere. In early spring, when
life awakens, the steppe becomes covered in a few days by a thin
layer of unicellular algae (chieflylarger cyanobacteria and algae
such as Nostoc). This green coating develops rapidly, but soon
disappears, making room for the slower-growing herbaceous
plants. Due to the properties of the opaque earth, the grass takes
the upper hand, although the Nostoc has more geochemical
energy. Everywhere, tree bark, stones, and soil are rapidly cov-
ered by fast-developing Protococcus. In damp weather, these
change in only a few hours from cells weighing millionths of a
milligram into living masses weighing decigrams or grams. But
even in the most favorable conditions, their development soon
stops. As in Holland's sycamore groves, tree trunks are covered
by a continuous layer of Protococcus in stable equilibrium, fur-
ther development of which is arrested by the opacity of the mat-
ter on which they live. The fate of their aqueous cousins, freely
developing in a transparent medium hundreds of meters deep,
is quite different.
117 Vernadsky offers here a
plausible explanation for the
stability of Earth's climate; it
represents a minimum energy
configuration. See McMenamin,
118 Vernadsky is saying here that
unicellular organisms reach a stable
state only in the absence of
competing large plants, as might
have been the case during the
Precambrian. Large plants today
prevent the microbes from reaching
this stable or stationary state.
Trees and grasses, growing in a new transpllrent medium (the
troposphere), have developed forms according to the principles
of energetics and mechanics. Unicellular organisms may not fol-
low them on this path. Even the appearance of trees and grass-
es, the infinite variety of their forms, displays the tendency to
produce maximum work and to attain maximum bulk of living
To reach this aim, they created a new medium for life - the
51 In the ocean, where solar radiation penetrates to a depth of
hundreds of meters, unicellular algae, with higher geochemical
energy, can create living matter at an incomparably faster rate
than can the plants and trees of land. In the ocean, solar radia-
tion is utilized to its utmost. The lowest grade of photosynthet-
ic organism has a stable vital form: this leads to an exceptional
abundance of animal life, which rapidly assimilates the phyto-
plankton, enabling the latter to transform an even greater quan-
tity of solar energy into living mass.
52 Thus, solar radiation as the carrier of cosmic energynot only
initiates its own transformation into terrestrial chemical energy,
but also actually creates the transformers themselves. Taken
together, these make up living nature, which assumes different
aspects on land and in the water.
The establishment of the life forms is thus in accordance with
the way solar (cosmic) energy changes the structure of living
nature, by controlling the ratio of autotrophic to heterotrophic
organisms. A precise understanding of the laws of equilibrium
that govern this is only nowbeginning to appear.
Cosmic energy determines the pressure of life (27), which
can be regarded as the transmission of solar energy to the
Earth's surface,12o This pressure arises from multiplication, and
continually makes itself felt in civilized life. When man removes
green vegetation from a region of the Earth, he changes the
appearance of virgin nature, and must resist the pressure of life,
expending energy and performing work equivalent to this pres-
sure. If he stops this defense against green vegetation, his works
are swallowed up at once by a mass of organisms that will repos-
sess, whenever and wherever possible, any surface man has
taken from them.
This pressure is apparent in the ubiquity of life. There are no
regions which have always been devoid of life. We encounter
119 As Vernadsky later notes,
Dumas and Boussingault in 1844
considered life to be an "appendage
of the atmosphere." More recently it
has been argued that the atmos-
phere is a nonliving product of life,
like a spider's web, a view
Vernadsky seems to have anticipat-
ed here.
120 This is a remarkable passage.
Thus life not only plays the role of
horizontal transmission of matter,
but also horizontal transmission of
vertically-incoming solar energy.
vestiges of life on121 the most arid rocks, in fields of snow and
ice, in stony and sandy areas. Photosynthetic organisms are car-
ried to such places mechanically; microscopic life is constantly
born, only to disappear again; animals pass by, and some remain
to live there. Some ricWy-animated concentrations of life are
observed, but not as a green world of transformers. Birds,
beasts, insects, spiders, bacteria, and sometimes green protista
make up the populations of these apparently inanimateregions,
which are really azoic only in comparison with the "immobile"
green world of plants. These regions can be likened to those of
our latitudes where green life disappears, temporarily, beneath a
clothing of snow, during the winter suspension of photosynthe-
Phenomena ofthis sort have existed on our planet throughout
geological history, but always to a relatively limited extent. Life
has always tended to become master of apparently lifeless
regions, adapting itself to ambient conditions. Every empty
space in living nature, no matter how constituted, must be filled
in the course of time. Thus, new species and subspecies of flora
and fauna will populate azoic areas, newly formed land areas,
and aquatic basins. It is curious and important to note that the
structures of these new organisms, as well as the structures of
their ancestors, contain certain preformed properties that are
required for the specific conditions of the new environment.122
This morphological preformation and the ubiquity of life are
both manifestations of the energetic principles of the pressure
of life.
Azoic surfaces, or surfaces poor in life, are limited in extent at
any given moment of the planet's existence. But they always
exist, and are more evident on land than in the hydrosphere. We
do not knowthe reason for the restrictions they impose on vital
geochemical energy; nor do we knowwhether there exists a def-
inite and inviolable relationship between the forces on the Earth
that are opposed to life, on one hand, and the life-enhancing and
not yet fully understood force of solar radiation on the other.
53 The ways in which green vegetation has adapted so as to
attract cosmic energy can be seen in many ways. Photosynthesis
takes place principally in tiny plastids, which are smaller than
the cells they occupy. Myriads of these are dispersed in plants, to
which they impart the green color.
Examination of any green organism will show how it is both
generally and specifically adapted to attract all the luminous
121 Or In the rocks, as in the case of
cryptoendolithic Antarctic lichens.
122 Here Vernadsky alludes to what
is today called preadaptation or
exaptation. Evolutionists now feel
that organisms have no ability to
anticipate environmental change.
But once such change has occurred
(or sometimes without any such
change), organs useful for one
function can switch their function
and provide the organism bearing
them with a new adaptation-hence
the appearance that they were
"preadapted." See Cuenot, 1894a,
1894b and 1925.
Trees and grasses, growing in a new transpllrent medium (the
troposphere), have developed forms according to the principles
of energetics and mechanics. Unicellular organisms may not fol-
low them on this path. Even the appearance of trees and grass-
es, the infinite variety of their forms, displays the tendency to
produce maximum work and to attain maximum bulk of living
To reach this aim, they created a new medium for life - the
51 In the ocean, where solar radiation penetrates to a depth of
hundreds of meters, unicellular algae, with higher geochemical
energy, can create living matter at an incomparably faster rate
than can the plants and trees of land. In the ocean, solar radia-
tion is utilized to its utmost. The lowest grade of photosynthet-
ic organism has a stable vital form: this leads to an exceptional
abundance of animal life, which rapidly assimilates the phyto-
plankton, enabling the latter to transform an even greater quan-
tity of solar energy into living mass.
52 Thus, solar radiation as the carrier of cosmic energynot only
initiates its own transformation into terrestrial chemical energy,
but also actually creates the transformers themselves. Taken
together, these make up living nature, which assumes different
aspects on land and in the water.
The establishment of the life forms is thus in accordance with
the way solar (cosmic) energy changes the structure of living
nature, by controlling the ratio of autotrophic to heterotrophic
organisms. A precise understanding of the laws of equilibrium
that govern this is only nowbeginning to appear.
Cosmic energy determines the pressure of life (27), which
can be regarded as the transmission of solar energy to the
Earth's surface,12o This pressure arises from multiplication, and
continually makes itself felt in civilized life. When man removes
green vegetation from a region of the Earth, he changes the
appearance of virgin nature, and must resist the pressure of life,
expending energy and performing work equivalent to this pres-
sure. If he stops this defense against green vegetation, his works
are swallowed up at once by a mass of organisms that will repos-
sess, whenever and wherever possible, any surface man has
taken from them.
This pressure is apparent in the ubiquity of life. There are no
regions which have always been devoid of life. We encounter
119 As Vernadsky later notes,
Dumas and Boussingault in 1844
considered life to be an "appendage
of the atmosphere." More recently it
has been argued that the atmos-
phere is a nonliving product of life,
like a spider's web, a view
Vernadsky seems to have anticipat-
ed here.
120 This is a remarkable passage.
Thus life not only plays the role of
horizontal transmission of matter,
but also horizontal transmission of
vertically-incoming solar energy.
vestiges of life on121 the most arid rocks, in fields of snow and
ice, in stony and sandy areas. Photosynthetic organisms are car-
ried to such places mechanically; microscopic life is constantly
born, only to disappear again; animals pass by, and some remain
to live there. Some ricWy-animated concentrations of life are
observed, but not as a green world of transformers. Birds,
beasts, insects, spiders, bacteria, and sometimes green protista
make up the populations of these apparently inanimateregions,
which are really azoic only in comparison with the "immobile"
green world of plants. These regions can be likened to those of
our latitudes where green life disappears, temporarily, beneath a
clothing of snow, during the winter suspension of photosynthe-
Phenomena ofthis sort have existed on our planet throughout
geological history, but always to a relatively limited extent. Life
has always tended to become master of apparently lifeless
regions, adapting itself to ambient conditions. Every empty
space in living nature, no matter how constituted, must be filled
in the course of time. Thus, new species and subspecies of flora
and fauna will populate azoic areas, newly formed land areas,
and aquatic basins. It is curious and important to note that the
structures of these new organisms, as well as the structures of
their ancestors, contain certain preformed properties that are
required for the specific conditions of the new environment.122
This morphological preformation and the ubiquity of life are
both manifestations of the energetic principles of the pressure
of life.
Azoic surfaces, or surfaces poor in life, are limited in extent at
any given moment of the planet's existence. But they always
exist, and are more evident on land than in the hydrosphere. We
do not knowthe reason for the restrictions they impose on vital
geochemical energy; nor do we knowwhether there exists a def-
inite and inviolable relationship between the forces on the Earth
that are opposed to life, on one hand, and the life-enhancing and
not yet fully understood force of solar radiation on the other.
53 The ways in which green vegetation has adapted so as to
attract cosmic energy can be seen in many ways. Photosynthesis
takes place principally in tiny plastids, which are smaller than
the cells they occupy. Myriads of these are dispersed in plants, to
which they impart the green color.
Examination of any green organism will show how it is both
generally and specifically adapted to attract all the luminous
121 Or In the rocks, as in the case of
cryptoendolithic Antarctic lichens.
122 Here Vernadsky alludes to what
is today called preadaptation or
exaptation. Evolutionists now feel
that organisms have no ability to
anticipate environmental change.
But once such change has occurred
(or sometimes without any such
change), organs useful for one
function can switch their function
and provide the organism bearing
them with a new adaptation-hence
the appearance that they were
"preadapted." See Cuenot, 1894a,
1894b and 1925.
radiation accessible to it. Leaf size and in plants is
so organized that not a single ray of light escapes the micro-
scopic apparatus which transforms the captured energy. Radia-
tion reaching Earth is gathered by organisms lying in wait. Each
photosynthetic organism is part of a mobile mechanism more
perfect than any created by our will and intelligence.
The structure of vegetation attests to this. The surface of
leaves in forests and prairies is tens of times larger than the area
of the ground they cover. The leaves in meadows in our latitudes
are 22 to 38 times larger in area; those of a field of white lucerne
are 85.5 times larger; of a beech forest, 7.5 times; and so on, even
without considering the organic world that fills empty spaces
rapidly with large-sized plants. In Russian forests, the trees are
reinforced by herbaceous vegetation in the soil, by mosses and
lichens which climb their trunks, and by green algae which
cover them even under unfavorable conditions.
Onlyby great
effort and energy can man achieve any degree of homogeneity
in the cultivated areas of the Earth, where green weeds are con-
stantly shooting up.
This structure was strikingly demonstrated in virgin nature
before the appearance of man, and we can still study its traces.
In the uncultivated regions of "virgin steppe" which survive in
central Russia, one can observe a natural equilibrium that has
existed for centuries, and could be reestablished everywhere if
man did not oppose it. J. Paczoski
has described the steppe of
"Kovyl" or needle grass (Stipa capillata) of Kherson: "It gave the
impression of a sea; one could see no vegetation except the nee-
dle grass
which rose as high as a man's waist and higher. The
mass of this vegetation covered the land almost continuously,
protecting it by shade and helping it to conserve the humidity of
the soil, so that lichens and mosses were able to grow between
the tufts of the leaves and remain green at the height of sum-
Earlier naturalists have similarly described the virgin savan-
nas of Central America. F. d'Azara (1781-1801) writes
that the
plants were "so thick that the earth could only be seen on the
roads, in streams, or in gulleys:'
These virgin steppes and savannas are exceptional areas that
have escaped the hand of civilized man, whose green fields have
largely replaced them.
In our latitudes, vegetation lives with a periodicity controlled
by an astronomical phenomenon- the rotation of the Earth
around the sun.
123 The wording at the end of this
sentence suggests, as inferred
earlier, exposure to the ideas of the
symbiogenetlcists and to the ideas
that organisms of different species
can aid one another.
124 See Paczoski, 1908.
125 Needle grass, or Stipa capit/ata,
is referred to in Russian as tyrsa. It
is a tough grass with sharp leaves.
Most species of the genus Stipa are
perennials, and they are a
characteristic plant of the steppes
throughout the world.
126 This same observation strongly
influenced Kropotkin.
127 See d'Azara, 1905.
54 The same picture of saturation of the Earth's surface by
green matter can be observed in all other phenomena of plant
life: forest stands of tropical and subtropical regions, the taiga of
septentrional and temperate latitudes, savannas and tundras.
These are the coating with which green matter permanently or
periodically covers our planet, if the hand of man has not been
present. Man, alone, violates the established order; and it is a
question whether he diminishes geochemical energy, or simply
distributes the green transformers in a different way.128
Grouped vegetation and isolated plants of many forms are so
arranged as to capture solar radiation, and to prevent its escap-
ing the green-chlorophyll plastids.
Generally radiation cannot reach any locality of the Earth's
without passing through a layer of living matter that
has multiplied by over one hundred times the surface area that
would otherwise be present if life were absent from the site.
55 Land comprises 29.2 percent of the surface of the globe; all
the rest is occupied by the sea, where the principal mass of green
living matter exists and most of the luminous solar energy is
transformed into active chemical energy.
The green color of living matter in the sea is not usually
noticed, since it is dispersed in myriad microscopic, unicellular
algae. They swim freely, sometimes in crowds, and at other times
spread out over millions of square miles of ocean. They can be
found wherever solar radiation penetrates, up to 400 meters
water depth, but mostly between 20 and 50 meters from the sur-
face, rising and sinking in perpetual movement. Their multipli-
cation varies according to temperature and other conditions,
including the rotation of the planet around the sun.
Incident sunlight is undoubtedly utilized in full by these
organisms. Green algae, cyanobacteria, brown algae, and red
algae succeed each other in depth in a regular order.
The red
phycochromaceae use the blue rays, the final traces of solar light
not absorbed by water. As W. Engelmann has shown!31 all these
algae, each type with its own particular color, are adapted to
produce maximum photosynthesis in the luminous conditions
peculiar to their aqueous medium.
This succession of organisms with increasing depth is a ubiq-
uitous feature of the hydrosphere. In shallows, or in special
structures linked with geological history such as the Sargasso
Sea, the plankton, though invisible to the naked eye, are intensi-
fied by immense, floating fields or forests of algae and plants,
128 Vernadsky never makes up his
mind about the true role of humans
in the biosphere (Vernadsky, 1945).
9 Here Vernadsky means any
forested locality of Earth's surface.
The farbstreifensandwatt, or
"color-striped sand," is a within-sed.
iment bacterial and algal community
showing this same type of stratified
succession. The microbial photosyn-
thesizers of the farstreifensandwatt
partition the light by wavelength
and intensity as it passes through
the sand layer. See Schulz, 1937;
Hoffmann, 1949; and Krumbien,
Paterson and Stal, 1994.
131 See Engelmann 1984; and 1861.
They also have distinctive char-
acteristics of metal accumulation
(Tropin and Zolotukhina, 1994).
radiation accessible to it. Leaf size and in plants is
so organized that not a single ray of light escapes the micro-
scopic apparatus which transforms the captured energy. Radia-
tion reaching Earth is gathered by organisms lying in wait. Each
photosynthetic organism is part of a mobile mechanism more
perfect than any created by our will and intelligence.
The structure of vegetation attests to this. The surface of
leaves in forests and prairies is tens of times larger than the area
of the ground they cover. The leaves in meadows in our latitudes
are 22 to 38 times larger in area; those of a field of white lucerne
are 85.5 times larger; of a beech forest, 7.5 times; and so on, even
without considering the organic world that fills empty spaces
rapidly with large-sized plants. In Russian forests, the trees are
reinforced by herbaceous vegetation in the soil, by mosses and
lichens which climb their trunks, and by green algae which
cover them even under unfavorable conditions.
Onlyby great
effort and energy can man achieve any degree of homogeneity
in the cultivated areas of the Earth, where green weeds are con-
stantly shooting up.
This structure was strikingly demonstrated in virgin nature
before the appearance of man, and we can still study its traces.
In the uncultivated regions of "virgin steppe" which survive in
central Russia, one can observe a natural equilibrium that has
existed for centuries, and could be reestablished everywhere if
man did not oppose it. J. Paczoski
has described the steppe of
"Kovyl" or needle grass (Stipa capillata) of Kherson: "It gave the
impression of a sea; one could see no vegetation except the nee-
dle grass
which rose as high as a man's waist and higher. The
mass of this vegetation covered the land almost continuously,
protecting it by shade and helping it to conserve the humidity of
the soil, so that lichens and mosses were able to grow between
the tufts of the leaves and remain green at the height of sum-
Earlier naturalists have similarly described the virgin savan-
nas of Central America. F. d'Azara (1781-1801) writes
that the
plants were "so thick that the earth could only be seen on the
roads, in streams, or in gulleys:'
These virgin steppes and savannas are exceptional areas that
have escaped the hand of civilized man, whose green fields have
largely replaced them.
In our latitudes, vegetation lives with a periodicity controlled
by an astronomical phenomenon- the rotation of the Earth
around the sun.
123 The wording at the end of this
sentence suggests, as inferred
earlier, exposure to the ideas of the
symbiogenetlcists and to the ideas
that organisms of different species
can aid one another.
124 See Paczoski, 1908.
125 Needle grass, or Stipa capit/ata,
is referred to in Russian as tyrsa. It
is a tough grass with sharp leaves.
Most species of the genus Stipa are
perennials, and they are a
characteristic plant of the steppes
throughout the world.
126 This same observation strongly
influenced Kropotkin.
127 See d'Azara, 1905.
54 The same picture of saturation of the Earth's surface by
green matter can be observed in all other phenomena of plant
life: forest stands of tropical and subtropical regions, the taiga of
septentrional and temperate latitudes, savannas and tundras.
These are the coating with which green matter permanently or
periodically covers our planet, if the hand of man has not been
present. Man, alone, violates the established order; and it is a
question whether he diminishes geochemical energy, or simply
distributes the green transformers in a different way.128
Grouped vegetation and isolated plants of many forms are so
arranged as to capture solar radiation, and to prevent its escap-
ing the green-chlorophyll plastids.
Generally radiation cannot reach any locality of the Earth's
without passing through a layer of living matter that
has multiplied by over one hundred times the surface area that
would otherwise be present if life were absent from the site.
55 Land comprises 29.2 percent of the surface of the globe; all
the rest is occupied by the sea, where the principal mass of green
living matter exists and most of the luminous solar energy is
transformed into active chemical energy.
The green color of living matter in the sea is not usually
noticed, since it is dispersed in myriad microscopic, unicellular
algae. They swim freely, sometimes in crowds, and at other times
spread out over millions of square miles of ocean. They can be
found wherever solar radiation penetrates, up to 400 meters
water depth, but mostly between 20 and 50 meters from the sur-
face, rising and sinking in perpetual movement. Their multipli-
cation varies according to temperature and other conditions,
including the rotation of the planet around the sun.
Incident sunlight is undoubtedly utilized in full by these
organisms. Green algae, cyanobacteria, brown algae, and red
algae succeed each other in depth in a regular order.
The red
phycochromaceae use the blue rays, the final traces of solar light
not absorbed by water. As W. Engelmann has shown!31 all these
algae, each type with its own particular color, are adapted to
produce maximum photosynthesis in the luminous conditions
peculiar to their aqueous medium.
This succession of organisms with increasing depth is a ubiq-
uitous feature of the hydrosphere. In shallows, or in special
structures linked with geological history such as the Sargasso
Sea, the plankton, though invisible to the naked eye, are intensi-
fied by immense, floating fields or forests of algae and plants,
128 Vernadsky never makes up his
mind about the true role of humans
in the biosphere (Vernadsky, 1945).
9 Here Vernadsky means any
forested locality of Earth's surface.
The farbstreifensandwatt, or
"color-striped sand," is a within-sed.
iment bacterial and algal community
showing this same type of stratified
succession. The microbial photosyn-
thesizers of the farstreifensandwatt
partition the light by wavelength
and intensity as it passes through
the sand layer. See Schulz, 1937;
Hoffmann, 1949; and Krumbien,
Paterson and Stal, 1994.
131 See Engelmann 1984; and 1861.
They also have distinctive char-
acteristics of metal accumulation
(Tropin and Zolotukhina, 1994).
radiation accessible to it. Leaf size and distribution in plants is
so organized that not a single ray of light' escapes the micro-
scopic apparatus which transforms the captured energy. Radia-
tion reaching Earth is gathered by organisms lying in wait. Each
photosynthetic organism is part of a mobile mechanism more
perfect than any created by our will and intelligence.
The structure of vegetation attests to this. The surface of
leaves in forests and prairies is tens of times larger than the area
of the ground they cover. The leaves in meadows in our latitudes
are 22 to 38 times larger in area; those of a field of white lucerne
are 85.5 times larger; of a beech forest, 7.5 times; and so on, even
without considering the organic world that fills empty spaces
rapidly with large-sized plants. In Russian forests, the trees are
reinforced by herbaceous vegetation in the soil, by mosses and
lichens which climb their trunks, and by green algae which
cover themeven under unfavorable conditions.
Onlyby great
effort and energy can man achieve any degree of homogeneity
in the cultivated areas of the Earth, where green weeds are con-
stantly shooting up.
This structure was strikingly demonstrated in virgin nature
before the appearance of man, and we can still study its traces.
In the uncultivated regions of "virgin steppe" which survive in
central Russia, one can observe a natural equilibrium that has
existed for centuries, and could be reestablished everywhere if
man did not oppose it. J. Paczoski
has described the steppe of
"Kovyl" or needle grass (Stipa capillata) of Kherson: "It gave the
impression of a sea; one could see no vegetation except the nee-
dle grass
which rose as high as a man's waist and higher. The
mass of this vegetation covered the land almost continuously,
protecting it by shade and helping it to conserve the humidity of
the soil, so that lichens and mosses were able to grow between
the tufts of the leaves and remain green at the height of sum-
Earlier naturalists have similarly described the virgin savan-
nas of Central America. F. d' Azara (1781-1801) writes
that the
plants were "so thick that the earth could only be seen on the
roads, in streams, or in gulleys:'
These virgin steppes and savannas are exceptional areas that
have escaped the hand of civilized man, whose green fields have
largely replaced them.
In our latitudes, vegetation lives with a periodicity controlled
by an astronomical phenomenon - the rotation of the Earth
around the sun.
54 The same picture of saturation. of the Earth's surface by
green matter can be observed in all other phenomena of plant
life: forest stands of tropical and subtropical regions, the taiga of
septentrional and temperate latitudes, savannas and tundras.
These are the coating with which green matter permanently or
periodically covers our planet, if the hand of man has not been
present. Man, alone, violates the established order; and it is a
question whether he diminishes geochemical energy, or simply
distributes the green transformers in a different way.128
Grouped vegetation and isolated plants of many forms are so
arranged as to capture solar radiation, and to prevent its escap-
ing the green-chlorophyll plastids.
Generally radiation cannot reach any locality of the Earth's
without passing through a layer of living matter that
has multiplied by over one hundred times the surface area that
would otherwise be present if life were absent from the site.
55 Land comprises 29.2 percent of the surface of the globe; all
the rest is occupied bythe sea, where the principal mass of green
living matter exists and most of the luminous solar energy is
transformed into active chemical energy.
The green color of living matter in the sea is not usually
noticed, since it is dispersed in myriad microscopic, unicellular
algae. They swim freely, sometimes in crowds, and at other times
spread out over millions of square miles of ocean. They can be
found wherever solar radiation penetrates, up to 400 meters
water depth, but mostly between 20 and 50 meters from the sur-
face, rising and sinking in perpetual movement. Their multipli-
cation varies according to temperature and other conditions,
including the rotation of the planet around the sun.
Incident sunlight is undoubtedly utilized in full by these
organisms. Green algae, cyanobacteria, brown algae, and red
algae succeed each other in depth in a regular order.
The red
phycochromaceae use the blue rays, the final traces of solar light
not absorbed by water. As W. Engelmann has shown,131 all these
algae, each type with its own particular color, are adapted to
produce maximum photosynthesis in the luminous conditions
peculiar to their aqueous medium.
This succession of organisms with increasing depth is a ubiq-
uitous feature of the hydrosphere. In shallows, or in special
structures linked with geological history such as the Sargasso
Sea, the plankton, though invisible to the naked eye, are intensi-
fied by immense, floating fields or forests of algae and plants,
128 Vernadsky never makes up his
mind about the true role of humans
in the biosphere (Vernadsky, 1945).
9 Here Vernadsky means any
forested locality of Earth's surface.
130 The farbstreifensandwatt, or
"color-striped sand," is a within-sed.
iment bacterial and algal community
showing this same type of stratified
succession. The microbial photosyn-
thesizers of the farstrelfensandwatt
partition the light by wavelength
and intensity as It passes through
the sand layer. See Schulz, 1937;
Hoffmann, 1949; and Krumbien,
Paterson and Stal, 1994.
131 See Engelmann 1984; and 1861.
132 They also have distinctive char-
acteristics of metal accumulation
(iropin and Zolotukhina, 1994).
127 See d'Azara, 1905.
125 Needle grass. or Stipa capil/ata,
is referred to in Russian as tyrsa. It
is a tough grass with sharp leaves.
Most species of the genus Stipa are
perennials. and they are a
characteristic plant of the steppes
throughout the world.
124 See Paczoski, 1908.
123 The wording at the end of this
sentence suggests. as inferred
earlier. exposure to the ideas of the
symbiogeneticists and to the ideas
that organisms of different species
can aid one another.
126 This same observation strongly
influenced Kropotkin.
radiation accessible to it. Leaf size and distribution in plants is
so organized that not a single ray of light' escapes the micro-
scopic apparatus which transforms the captured energy. Radia-
tion reaching Earth is gathered by organisms lying in wait. Each
photosynthetic organism is part of a mobile mechanism more
perfect than any created by our will and intelligence.
The structure of vegetation attests to this. The surface of
leaves in forests and prairies is tens of times larger than the area
of the ground they cover. The leaves in meadows in our latitudes
are 22 to 38 times larger in area; those of a field of white lucerne
are 85.5 times larger; of a beech forest, 7.5 times; and so on, even
without considering the organic world that fills empty spaces
rapidly with large-sized plants. In Russian forests, the trees are
reinforced by herbaceous vegetation in the soil, by mosses and
lichens which climb their trunks, and by green algae which
cover themeven under unfavorable conditions.
Onlyby great
effort and energy can man achieve any degree of homogeneity
in the cultivated areas of the Earth, where green weeds are con-
stantly shooting up.
This structure was strikingly demonstrated in virgin nature
before the appearance of man, and we can still study its traces.
In the uncultivated regions of "virgin steppe" which survive in
central Russia, one can observe a natural equilibrium that has
existed for centuries, and could be reestablished everywhere if
man did not oppose it. J. Paczoski
has described the steppe of
"Kovyl" or needle grass (Stipa capillata) of Kherson: "It gave the
impression of a sea; one could see no vegetation except the nee-
dle grass
which rose as high as a man's waist and higher. The
mass of this vegetation covered the land almost continuously,
protecting it by shade and helping it to conserve the humidity of
the soil, so that lichens and mosses were able to grow between
the tufts of the leaves and remain green at the height of sum-
Earlier naturalists have similarly described the virgin savan-
nas of Central America. F. d' Azara (1781-1801) writes
that the
plants were "so thick that the earth could only be seen on the
roads, in streams, or in gulleys:'
These virgin steppes and savannas are exceptional areas that
have escaped the hand of civilized man, whose green fields have
largely replaced them.
In our latitudes, vegetation lives with a periodicity controlled
by an astronomical phenomenon - the rotation of the Earth
around the sun.
54 The same picture of saturation. of the Earth's surface by
green matter can be observed in all other phenomena of plant
life: forest stands of tropical and subtropical regions, the taiga of
septentrional and temperate latitudes, savannas and tundras.
These are the coating with which green matter permanently or
periodically covers our planet, if the hand of man has not been
present. Man, alone, violates the established order; and it is a
question whether he diminishes geochemical energy, or simply
distributes the green transformers in a different way.128
Grouped vegetation and isolated plants of many forms are so
arranged as to capture solar radiation, and to prevent its escap-
ing the green-chlorophyll plastids.
Generally radiation cannot reach any locality of the Earth's
without passing through a layer of living matter that
has multiplied by over one hundred times the surface area that
would otherwise be present if life were absent from the site.
55 Land comprises 29.2 percent of the surface of the globe; all
the rest is occupied bythe sea, where the principal mass of green
living matter exists and most of the luminous solar energy is
transformed into active chemical energy.
The green color of living matter in the sea is not usually
noticed, since it is dispersed in myriad microscopic, unicellular
algae. They swim freely, sometimes in crowds, and at other times
spread out over millions of square miles of ocean. They can be
found wherever solar radiation penetrates, up to 400 meters
water depth, but mostly between 20 and 50 meters from the sur-
face, rising and sinking in perpetual movement. Their multipli-
cation varies according to temperature and other conditions,
including the rotation of the planet around the sun.
Incident sunlight is undoubtedly utilized in full by these
organisms. Green algae, cyanobacteria, brown algae, and red
algae succeed each other in depth in a regular order.
The red
phycochromaceae use the blue rays, the final traces of solar light
not absorbed by water. As W. Engelmann has shown,131 all these
algae, each type with its own particular color, are adapted to
produce maximum photosynthesis in the luminous conditions
peculiar to their aqueous medium.
This succession of organisms with increasing depth is a ubiq-
uitous feature of the hydrosphere. In shallows, or in special
structures linked with geological history such as the Sargasso
Sea, the plankton, though invisible to the naked eye, are intensi-
fied by immense, floating fields or forests of algae and plants,
128 Vernadsky never makes up his
mind about the true role of humans
in the biosphere (Vernadsky, 1945).
9 Here Vernadsky means any
forested locality of Earth's surface.
130 The farbstreifensandwatt, or
"color-striped sand," is a within-sed.
iment bacterial and algal community
showing this same type of stratified
succession. The microbial photosyn-
thesizers of the farstrelfensandwatt
partition the light by wavelength
and intensity as It passes through
the sand layer. See Schulz, 1937;
Hoffmann, 1949; and Krumbien,
Paterson and Stal, 1994.
131 See Engelmann 1984; and 1861.
132 They also have distinctive char-
acteristics of metal accumulation
(iropin and Zolotukhina, 1994).
127 See d'Azara, 1905.
125 Needle grass. or Stipa capil/ata,
is referred to in Russian as tyrsa. It
is a tough grass with sharp leaves.
Most species of the genus Stipa are
perennials. and they are a
characteristic plant of the steppes
throughout the world.
124 See Paczoski, 1908.
123 The wording at the end of this
sentence suggests. as inferred
earlier. exposure to the ideas of the
symbiogeneticists and to the ideas
that organisms of different species
can aid one another.
126 This same observation strongly
influenced Kropotkin.
some of them very large. These are chemical.1aboratories, with
energy more powerful than the most massive forests of solid
earth. The total surface they occupy, however, is relatively
small- only a few percent of the surface area occupied by the
57 These figures, obviously, correspond approximately to the
fraction of solar energy collected by living green matter in the
biosphere. This coincidence might serve as a departure point
from which we can begin to explain the verdure of the Earth.
The solar energy absorbed by organisms is only a small part
of what falls on the Earth's surface, and the latter is an insignifi-
cant fraction of the sun's total radiation. According to S. Arrhe-
nius,134 the Earth receives from the sun 1.66 x 10
per year, while the sun emits 4 x 10

This is the only cosmic energy we can consider in our present

state of knowledge. The total radiation that reaches the Earth
from all stars is probably less than 3-l x 10-
percent of that from
the sun, as 1. Newton demonstrated.
The energy from the
planets and the moon, mostly reflected solar radiation, is less
than one ten-thousandth of the total from the sun.
56 Thus, we see that the hydrosphere, a majority of the plane-
tary surface, is always suffused with an unbroken layer of green
energy transformers, as is most of the continental area in the
appropriate seasons. Places poor in life, such as glaciers, and
azoic regions constitute only 5 to 6 percent of the total surface
area; with this taken into account, the layer of green matter still
has a surface area far greater than that of the Earth and, by
virtue of its influence, belongs to an order of phenomena on a
cosmic-planetary scale.
If one adds the surface area of the vegetation on land to that of
phytoplankton in oceanic water column, the resulting sum rep-
resents a surface area vaster than the ocean itself. In fact, the
photosynthesizers of Earth can be shown to have approximate-
ly the same surface area as Jupiter - 6.3 x 10 square kilometers."
It is no coincidence that the surface area of the biosphere, an
entity of cosmic scale, rivals that of the other major objects in
the solar system.
The Earth's surface area is a little less than 0.01 percent
(0.0086%) of that of the sun, whereas the photosynthesizing
surface area of the biosphere is of an altogether different order:
0.86 to 4.2 percent of the sun's surface.
See Dangeard, 1910a, b. 1911a-
d; and Desroche, 1911a-e.
137 See Boussingault, 1860-84.
138 It Is likely that Vernadsky used
the terms "organic" and "com-
bustible" as synonyms.
1lj1 See Boussingault. 1860-84.
139 See Arrhenius, 1896.
140 See Brown and Escombe, 189
1lj3 As noted earlier, this statement
is Incorrect.
142 See Arrhenius, 1896.
A considerable part of all the incoming energy is absorbed by
the atmosphere and only40 percent (6.7 x 10
calories per year)
actually reaches the surface. This is available for green vegeta-
tion, but most of it goes into thermal processes in the crust, the
ocean, and the atmosphere. Living matter also absorbs a consid-
erable amount in the form of heat which, while playing an
immense role in the sustenance of life, does not directly partic-
ipate in the creation of the newchemical compounds that repre-
sent the chemical work of life.
For chemical work, i.e., the creation of organic compounds that
are unstable in the thermodynamic field of the biosphere (89),
green vegetation uses primarily wavelengths between 670 and 735
nanometers (Dangeard and Desroche, 1910-1911136). Other por-
tions of the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, at wave-
lengths between 300 and 770 nanometers, are also utilized by
green plants to power photosynthesis, but are not used as intense-
ly as those within the 670-735 range. The fact that green plants
make use of only a small part of the solar radiation that falls on
themis related to the requirements ofthe chemical work required,
rather than to imperfections in the transforming apparatus.
According to J. Boussingault,137 one percent of the solar ener-
gy received by a cultivated green field may be used for conver-
sion of energy into organic, combustible
matter. S. Arrhe-
calculates that this figure may reach two percent in areas
of intense cultivation. H. T. Brown and F. Escombe
found by
direct observation that it reaches 0.72 percent for green leaves.
Forest-covered surfaces make use of barely 0.33 percent, accord-
ing to calculations based upon woody tissue.
58 These are undoubtedly minimum figures. In Boussingault's
calculation,141 which included Arrhenius' correction,142 only
vegetation on land was considered. It should be assumed, more-
over, that the fertility of the soil is increased by cultivation, and
that the favorable conditions we create apply not only for valu-
able cultivated plants, but also for weeds. These calculations do
not account for the lives of the weeds and the microscopic pho-
tosynthesizers that benefit from the favorable conditions pro-
vided by cultivation and manure. The Earth also has rich con-
centrations of life other than fields, such as marshes, humid
forests, and prairies, where the quantity of life is higher than in
human plantings. (150 et seq.)
The principal mass of green vegetation is in the oceans,143
where the animal world assimilates vegetable matter as fast as
13lj See Arrhenius, 1896.
This assumes that 5 percent of
surface is devoid of green vegetation,
and that the green, absorbing surface
is increased by a factor of 100 to 500
multiplication. The maximum green
area then corresponds to 5.1 x 10
2.55 X 1011 square kilometers.
135 See Newton, 1989 .
133 Vernadsky's figure here is unre-
alistically high; the surface area of
Earth's vegetation is approximately
equal to the planetary surface area
(Schlesinger, 1991).
some of them very large. These are chemical.1aboratories, with
energy more powerful than the most massive forests of solid
earth. The total surface they occupy, however, is relatively
small- only a few percent of the surface area occupied by the
57 These figures, obviously, correspond approximately to the
fraction of solar energy collected by living green matter in the
biosphere. This coincidence might serve as a departure point
from which we can begin to explain the verdure of the Earth.
The solar energy absorbed by organisms is only a small part
of what falls on the Earth's surface, and the latter is an insignifi-
cant fraction of the sun's total radiation. According to S. Arrhe-
nius,134 the Earth receives from the sun 1.66 x 10
per year, while the sun emits 4 x 10

This is the only cosmic energy we can consider in our present

state of knowledge. The total radiation that reaches the Earth
from all stars is probably less than 3-l x 10-
percent of that from
the sun, as 1. Newton demonstrated.
The energy from the
planets and the moon, mostly reflected solar radiation, is less
than one ten-thousandth of the total from the sun.
56 Thus, we see that the hydrosphere, a majority of the plane-
tary surface, is always suffused with an unbroken layer of green
energy transformers, as is most of the continental area in the
appropriate seasons. Places poor in life, such as glaciers, and
azoic regions constitute only 5 to 6 percent of the total surface
area; with this taken into account, the layer of green matter still
has a surface area far greater than that of the Earth and, by
virtue of its influence, belongs to an order of phenomena on a
cosmic-planetary scale.
If one adds the surface area of the vegetation on land to that of
phytoplankton in oceanic water column, the resulting sum rep-
resents a surface area vaster than the ocean itself. In fact, the
photosynthesizers of Earth can be shown to have approximate-
ly the same surface area as Jupiter - 6.3 x 10 square kilometers."
It is no coincidence that the surface area of the biosphere, an
entity of cosmic scale, rivals that of the other major objects in
the solar system.
The Earth's surface area is a little less than 0.01 percent
(0.0086%) of that of the sun, whereas the photosynthesizing
surface area of the biosphere is of an altogether different order:
0.86 to 4.2 percent of the sun's surface.
See Dangeard, 1910a, b. 1911a-
d; and Desroche, 1911a-e.
137 See Boussingault, 1860-84.
138 It Is likely that Vernadsky used
the terms "organic" and "com-
bustible" as synonyms.
1lj1 See Boussingault. 1860-84.
139 See Arrhenius, 1896.
140 See Brown and Escombe, 189
1lj3 As noted earlier, this statement
is Incorrect.
142 See Arrhenius, 1896.
A considerable part of all the incoming energy is absorbed by
the atmosphere and only40 percent (6.7 x 10
calories per year)
actually reaches the surface. This is available for green vegeta-
tion, but most of it goes into thermal processes in the crust, the
ocean, and the atmosphere. Living matter also absorbs a consid-
erable amount in the form of heat which, while playing an
immense role in the sustenance of life, does not directly partic-
ipate in the creation of the newchemical compounds that repre-
sent the chemical work of life.
For chemical work, i.e., the creation of organic compounds that
are unstable in the thermodynamic field of the biosphere (89),
green vegetation uses primarily wavelengths between 670 and 735
nanometers (Dangeard and Desroche, 1910-1911136). Other por-
tions of the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, at wave-
lengths between 300 and 770 nanometers, are also utilized by
green plants to power photosynthesis, but are not used as intense-
ly as those within the 670-735 range. The fact that green plants
make use of only a small part of the solar radiation that falls on
themis related to the requirements ofthe chemical work required,
rather than to imperfections in the transforming apparatus.
According to J. Boussingault,137 one percent of the solar ener-
gy received by a cultivated green field may be used for conver-
sion of energy into organic, combustible
matter. S. Arrhe-
calculates that this figure may reach two percent in areas
of intense cultivation. H. T. Brown and F. Escombe
found by
direct observation that it reaches 0.72 percent for green leaves.
Forest-covered surfaces make use of barely 0.33 percent, accord-
ing to calculations based upon woody tissue.
58 These are undoubtedly minimum figures. In Boussingault's
calculation,141 which included Arrhenius' correction,142 only
vegetation on land was considered. It should be assumed, more-
over, that the fertility of the soil is increased by cultivation, and
that the favorable conditions we create apply not only for valu-
able cultivated plants, but also for weeds. These calculations do
not account for the lives of the weeds and the microscopic pho-
tosynthesizers that benefit from the favorable conditions pro-
vided by cultivation and manure. The Earth also has rich con-
centrations of life other than fields, such as marshes, humid
forests, and prairies, where the quantity of life is higher than in
human plantings. (150 et seq.)
The principal mass of green vegetation is in the oceans,143
where the animal world assimilates vegetable matter as fast as
13lj See Arrhenius, 1896.
This assumes that 5 percent of
surface is devoid of green vegetation,
and that the green, absorbing surface
is increased by a factor of 100 to 500
multiplication. The maximum green
area then corresponds to 5.1 x 10
2.55 X 1011 square kilometers.
135 See Newton, 1989 .
133 Vernadsky's figure here is unre-
alistically high; the surface area of
Earth's vegetation is approximately
equal to the planetary surface area
(Schlesinger, 1991).
the latter is produced. The rate of production upon the
quantity of green life per unit area, and appears to be about the
same as on land. The collections of heterotrophic animal life,
which are thus formed in the plankton and benthos of the
ocean, occur on a scale that can rarely, if ever, be seen on land.
We have mentioned that the minimum figure ofArrhenius
must be increased, and it should be noted that a correction of
the order indicated by this author is already apparent.
Green matter absorbs and utilizes, it would appear, up to 2
percent or more of radiant solar energy. This figure falls within
the limits 0.8 to 4.2 percent, which we calculated as the fraction
of the solar surface would have an area equal to the green
transforming surface of the biosphere (56). Since green plants
have at their disposal only 40 percent of the total solar energy
reaching the planet, the 2 percent that they use corresponds to
0.8 percent of the total solar energy.
The radius of the circle having the
same area as the Earth:
r\ = 1.2741 x 10
kilometers (taken as
The radius of the circle having the
same area as 0.02 x area of the sun:
r2 =1.9650 x 10' kilometers (taken as
The radius of the circle having the
same area as 0.008 x area of the sun:
r3 = 1.2425 x 10' kilometers (taken as
0. 08947)
In the illustration, surfaces are
reduced to areas, taking the radius of
a circle having an area equal to that of
the sun as unity.
The radius of the circle having the
same area as the sun:
r =4.3952 x 10
kilometers (taken as
The mean distance from Earth to sun
is 1.4950 x 10
km (taken as 215, rela-
tive to the radius of a circle having
area equal to that of the sun).
t That is, it oscillates about the stable
static state, as in the case of all equi-
145 See Arrhenius, 1896.
of a very fine layer of organized particles, the chloroplasts. Their
action is proportional to their surface, because the chlorophyll
itself is quite opaque to the chemically-active frequencies of
light it transforms. The maximum transformation of solar ener-
gy by green plants will occur when there is a receiver on the
Earth having a plane surface at least equal to m percent of the
luminous (plane) surface of the sun. In this case, all the rays nec-
essary for the Earth will be absorbed bythe cWorophyll-bearing
In the illustration, CD represents the diameter of a circle with
surface equal to 2 percent of the solar surface;' AB represents the
diameter of a circle with surface equal to the whole radiating
area of the sun; CD similarly represents the area receptive to
radiations falling on the Earth; T corresponds to the surface of
the Earth. Unknown relationships probablyexist connecting the
solar radiation, its character (the fraction m of chemically-
active radiations in the biosphere), and the plane surface of
green vegetation and of azoic areas. It follows that the cosmic
character of the biosphere should have a profound influence on
the biota thus formed.
60 Living matter always retains some of the radiant energy it
receives, in an amount corresponding to the quantity of organ-
isms. All empirical facts indicate that the quantity of life on the
Earth's surface remains unchanged not only during short peri-
ods, but that it has undergone practically no modificationt
throughout geological periods from the Archean to our own
The fact that living matter is formed by radiant energy lends
great importance to the empirical generalization regarding the
constancy of the mass of living matter in the biosphere, since it
forms a connection with an astronomical phenomenon; namely,
the intensity of solar radiation. No deviations of any importance
in this intensity throughout geological time can be verified.
When one considers the connection between green living mat-
ter - the principal element of life - and solar radiations of cer-
tain wavelengths, as well as our perception that the mechanism
of the biosphere is adapted to complete utilization of such rays
by green vegetation, we find a fresh and independent indication
ofthe constancyofthe quantityoflivingmatter in the biosphere.
61 The quantity of energy captured every moment in the form
of living matter can be calculated. According to S. Arrhenius,145
144 See Arrhenius. 1896.
Fig. 1
59 This coincidence can be explained only by admitting the
existence of an apparatus, in the mechanism of the biosphere,
that completely utilizes a definite part of the solar spectrum.
The terrestrial transforming surface created by the energy of
radiation will correspond to the fraction of total solar energy
that lies in the spectral regions capable of producing chemical
work on Earth.
We can represent the radiating surface of the rotating sun that
lights our planet by a luminous, flat surface oflength AB (Fig. 1).
Luminous vibrations are constantly directed to the Earth from
each point of this surface. Only a few hundredths of m percent
of these waves, having proper wavelengths, can be converted by
green living matter into active chemical energy in the biosphere.
A E B The rotating surface of the Earth
\ / can also be represented, by a plane
\ ! surface illuminated by solar rays.
\ Considering the enormous size of
the solar diameter, and the dis-
tance from the Earth to the sun,
this surface can be expressed in
the figure by the point T, which
may be considered as the focus of
the solar rays leaving the lumi-
nous surface AB.
The green transmuting appara-
tus in the biosphere is composed
the latter is produced. The rate of production upon the
quantity of green life per unit area, and appears to be about the
same as on land. The collections of heterotrophic animal life,
which are thus formed in the plankton and benthos of the
ocean, occur on a scale that can rarely, if ever, be seen on land.
We have mentioned that the minimum figure ofArrhenius
must be increased, and it should be noted that a correction of
the order indicated by this author is already apparent.
Green matter absorbs and utilizes, it would appear, up to 2
percent or more of radiant solar energy. This figure falls within
the limits 0.8 to 4.2 percent, which we calculated as the fraction
of the solar surface would have an area equal to the green
transforming surface of the biosphere (56). Since green plants
have at their disposal only 40 percent of the total solar energy
reaching the planet, the 2 percent that they use corresponds to
0.8 percent of the total solar energy.
The radius of the circle having the
same area as the Earth:
r\ = 1.2741 x 10
kilometers (taken as
The radius of the circle having the
same area as 0.02 x area of the sun:
r2 =1.9650 x 10' kilometers (taken as
The radius of the circle having the
same area as 0.008 x area of the sun:
r3 = 1.2425 x 10' kilometers (taken as
0. 08947)
In the illustration, surfaces are
reduced to areas, taking the radius of
a circle having an area equal to that of
the sun as unity.
The radius of the circle having the
same area as the sun:
r =4.3952 x 10
kilometers (taken as
The mean distance from Earth to sun
is 1.4950 x 10
km (taken as 215, rela-
tive to the radius of a circle having
area equal to that of the sun).
t That is, it oscillates about the stable
static state, as in the case of all equi-
145 See Arrhenius, 1896.
of a very fine layer of organized particles, the chloroplasts. Their
action is proportional to their surface, because the chlorophyll
itself is quite opaque to the chemically-active frequencies of
light it transforms. The maximum transformation of solar ener-
gy by green plants will occur when there is a receiver on the
Earth having a plane surface at least equal to m percent of the
luminous (plane) surface of the sun. In this case, all the rays nec-
essary for the Earth will be absorbed bythe cWorophyll-bearing
In the illustration, CD represents the diameter of a circle with
surface equal to 2 percent of the solar surface;' AB represents the
diameter of a circle with surface equal to the whole radiating
area of the sun; CD similarly represents the area receptive to
radiations falling on the Earth; T corresponds to the surface of
the Earth. Unknown relationships probablyexist connecting the
solar radiation, its character (the fraction m of chemically-
active radiations in the biosphere), and the plane surface of
green vegetation and of azoic areas. It follows that the cosmic
character of the biosphere should have a profound influence on
the biota thus formed.
60 Living matter always retains some of the radiant energy it
receives, in an amount corresponding to the quantity of organ-
isms. All empirical facts indicate that the quantity of life on the
Earth's surface remains unchanged not only during short peri-
ods, but that it has undergone practically no modificationt
throughout geological periods from the Archean to our own
The fact that living matter is formed by radiant energy lends
great importance to the empirical generalization regarding the
constancy of the mass of living matter in the biosphere, since it
forms a connection with an astronomical phenomenon; namely,
the intensity of solar radiation. No deviations of any importance
in this intensity throughout geological time can be verified.
When one considers the connection between green living mat-
ter - the principal element of life - and solar radiations of cer-
tain wavelengths, as well as our perception that the mechanism
of the biosphere is adapted to complete utilization of such rays
by green vegetation, we find a fresh and independent indication
ofthe constancyofthe quantityoflivingmatter in the biosphere.
61 The quantity of energy captured every moment in the form
of living matter can be calculated. According to S. Arrhenius,145
144 See Arrhenius. 1896.
Fig. 1
59 This coincidence can be explained only by admitting the
existence of an apparatus, in the mechanism of the biosphere,
that completely utilizes a definite part of the solar spectrum.
The terrestrial transforming surface created by the energy of
radiation will correspond to the fraction of total solar energy
that lies in the spectral regions capable of producing chemical
work on Earth.
We can represent the radiating surface of the rotating sun that
lights our planet by a luminous, flat surface oflength AB (Fig. 1).
Luminous vibrations are constantly directed to the Earth from
each point of this surface. Only a few hundredths of m percent
of these waves, having proper wavelengths, can be converted by
green living matter into active chemical energy in the biosphere.
A E B The rotating surface of the Earth
\ / can also be represented, by a plane
\ ! surface illuminated by solar rays.
\ Considering the enormous size of
the solar diameter, and the dis-
tance from the Earth to the sun,
this surface can be expressed in
the figure by the point T, which
may be considered as the focus of
the solar rays leaving the lumi-
nous surface AB.
The green transmuting appara-
tus in the biosphere is composed
the combustible, organic compounds bygreen vegeta-
tion contain 0.024 percent of the total solar energy reaching the
biosphere -1.6 x 10
kilocalories, in a one-year period.
Even on a planetary scale, this is a high figure, but it seems to
me that it should be even larger than stated. We have tried to
showelsewhere* that the mass of organic matter calculated by S.
Arrhenius,t46 based upon the annual work of the sun, should be
increased ten times, and perhaps more. It is probable that more
than 0.25 percent of the solar energy collected annually by the
biosphere is constantly stored in living matter, in compounds
that exist in a special thermodynamic field,147 different from the
field of inert matter in the biosphere.
The quantity of substances constantly moving through life is
huge, as illustrated by the production of free oxygen (approxi-
mately 1.5 x 10
grams/year).l48 Even larger, however, is the
effect of the creatures that are constantly dying, and being
replaced by multiplication. We have seen (45) that the mass of
elements that migrate in the course of a year exceeds, by many
times, the weight of the upper 16 kilometers of the Earth's crust
(of the order of 10
As far as can be judged, the energy input to the biosphere, in
the course of a year, by living matter does not much exceed the
energy that living matter has retained in its thermodynamic
field for hundreds of millions of years. This includes at least 1 x
kilocalories in the form of combustible compounds. At least
2 percent of the energy falling on the surface of the earth and
oceans is expended in the work of newcreation and reconstruc-
tion; Le., at least 1.5 x 10
kilocalories. Even if later study should
increase this figure, its order of magnitude can hardly be differ-
ent from 10

Regarding the quantity of living matter as constant through-

out geological time, the energy contained in its combustible part
can be regarded as an inherent and constant part of life. A few
times 10
kilocalories will thus be the energy transmitted by
life, annually, in the biosphere.
Some Remarks on Living Matter in the Mechanism
of the Biosphere
62 Photosynthetic living matter does not include all the essen-
tial manifestations of life in the biosphere, because the chem-
istry of the biosphere is only partially controlled by the veg-
etable world. Certain regularities that can be regarded as
empirical (if not fully understood) generalizations are frequent-
ly encountered in nature, and in spite of their uncertainties must
be taken into account. The most essential of them are described
The eminent naturalist K. E. Baer long ago noted a peculiari-
ty that governs the whole geochemical history of living
matter - the law of economy of utilization of simple chemical
bodies after they have entered into the biosphere. Baer demon-
strated this in connection with carbon, and later with nitrogen;
it can be extended to the geochemical historyof all chemical ele-
Economy in the utilization of chemical elements by living
matter is manifested, in the first instance, within organisms
themselves. When an element enters an organism, it passes
through a long series of states, forming parts of many com-
pounds, before it becomes lost to the organism. In addition, the
organismintroduces into its system only the required quantities
of these elements, avoiding any excesses. It makes choices, seiz-
ing some and leaving others, always in a definite proportion.
This aspect of the phenomenon to which Baer gave his attention
is evidently connected with the autonomy of the organism, and
with the systems of equilibrium151 which enable it to achieve
stability and to minimize its free energy.
In larger masses of living matter, this law of economy is
demonstrated with even greater clarity. Once atoms become
involved in the vital vortices of living matter, they escape only
with difficulty into the inert matter of the biosphere, and some
perhaps never escape at all. Countless heterogeneous mecha-
nisms absorb atoms into their moving medium, and preserve
them by carrying them from one vital vortex to another. These
include parasites, organisms which assimilate other organisms,
new generations produced by multiplication, symbioses, and
The latter make use of the remains of life, much
of which are still living because they are impregnated with
microscopic forms, transforming them rapidly into a form of
living matter.
So it has been, throughout the whole vital cycle, for hundreds
* See Vernadsky, 1924, p. 308.
146 See Arrhenius, 1896.
147 Such as the cambial wood of
148 Vernadsky had a math (or
proofreading) problem with his
oxygen values. He uses this same
number earler (1.5 x 10
) to
describe the total resevoir of
atmospheric oxygen, whereas here
he is using it to describe annual
generation. The correct value is
closer to 2.7 x 10
grams of
149 See Baer, 1828, 1876.
150 And with a selectivity that can
dlstigulsh heavier from lighter Iso-
topes of such elements as oxygen
and carbon.
151 American biologists today call
this equilibrium homeostasis, but
there was no such term In
Vernadsky's time.
152 One could perhaps carry this
thought further and argue that, over
geological time, the ratio of "living
matter" to "Inert matter" in the bios-
phere has Increased, with the forces
of life tending to Increase the
amount of matter in circulation as
part of something that Is alive.
Parasites and hyperparasltes have
colonized the land-based living envi-
ronment of their hosts' tissues, envi-
ronments that (partly as a result of
these symbioses) have spread over
the surface of Earth.
153 Presumably Vernadsky Is
referring here back to what he had
earlier called "compounds that exist
In a special thermodynamic field,"
such as wood and certain types of
animal tissues.
154 Indeed, Isotopic fractionation,
now a well-known characteristic of
life, was first hypothesized In Russia
by Vernadksy (1939b). Vernadsky
carried his view of life as a geologi-
cal force to the point of proposing
that biogeochemistry of elements In
organisms be used as a form of tax-
onomy of organismslln the paper
cited above (p. 7-8), Vernadsky
seems to express some disappoint-
ment that the technique Is not work-
Ing out as cleanly and simply as he
had hoped:
"Proceeding from this general
statement, it has been possible to
show by the work of our Laboratory
that [emphasis his) the atomic com-
position oforganisms, plants, and
animals is as characteristic a feature
as their morphological form or physi-
ological structure or as their appear-
ance and Internal structure. It should
be that the elementary chemi-
cal composition of living organlsm[s]
of the same species taken at different
times, In different years, at different
places, for instance in Kiev or in
Leningrad, varies less than a natural
isomorphous mixture of minerals,
the combustible, organic compounds bygreen vegeta-
tion contain 0.024 percent of the total solar energy reaching the
biosphere -1.6 x 10
kilocalories, in a one-year period.
Even on a planetary scale, this is a high figure, but it seems to
me that it should be even larger than stated. We have tried to
showelsewhere* that the mass of organic matter calculated by S.
Arrhenius,t46 based upon the annual work of the sun, should be
increased ten times, and perhaps more. It is probable that more
than 0.25 percent of the solar energy collected annually by the
biosphere is constantly stored in living matter, in compounds
that exist in a special thermodynamic field,147 different from the
field of inert matter in the biosphere.
The quantity of substances constantly moving through life is
huge, as illustrated by the production of free oxygen (approxi-
mately 1.5 x 10
grams/year).l48 Even larger, however, is the
effect of the creatures that are constantly dying, and being
replaced by multiplication. We have seen (45) that the mass of
elements that migrate in the course of a year exceeds, by many
times, the weight of the upper 16 kilometers of the Earth's crust
(of the order of 10
As far as can be judged, the energy input to the biosphere, in
the course of a year, by living matter does not much exceed the
energy that living matter has retained in its thermodynamic
field for hundreds of millions of years. This includes at least 1 x
kilocalories in the form of combustible compounds. At least
2 percent of the energy falling on the surface of the earth and
oceans is expended in the work of newcreation and reconstruc-
tion; Le., at least 1.5 x 10
kilocalories. Even if later study should
increase this figure, its order of magnitude can hardly be differ-
ent from 10

Regarding the quantity of living matter as constant through-

out geological time, the energy contained in its combustible part
can be regarded as an inherent and constant part of life. A few
times 10
kilocalories will thus be the energy transmitted by
life, annually, in the biosphere.
Some Remarks on Living Matter in the Mechanism
of the Biosphere
62 Photosynthetic living matter does not include all the essen-
tial manifestations of life in the biosphere, because the chem-
istry of the biosphere is only partially controlled by the veg-
etable world. Certain regularities that can be regarded as
empirical (if not fully understood) generalizations are frequent-
ly encountered in nature, and in spite of their uncertainties must
be taken into account. The most essential of them are described
The eminent naturalist K. E. Baer long ago noted a peculiari-
ty that governs the whole geochemical history of living
matter - the law of economy of utilization of simple chemical
bodies after they have entered into the biosphere. Baer demon-
strated this in connection with carbon, and later with nitrogen;
it can be extended to the geochemical historyof all chemical ele-
Economy in the utilization of chemical elements by living
matter is manifested, in the first instance, within organisms
themselves. When an element enters an organism, it passes
through a long series of states, forming parts of many com-
pounds, before it becomes lost to the organism. In addition, the
organismintroduces into its system only the required quantities
of these elements, avoiding any excesses. It makes choices, seiz-
ing some and leaving others, always in a definite proportion.
This aspect of the phenomenon to which Baer gave his attention
is evidently connected with the autonomy of the organism, and
with the systems of equilibrium151 which enable it to achieve
stability and to minimize its free energy.
In larger masses of living matter, this law of economy is
demonstrated with even greater clarity. Once atoms become
involved in the vital vortices of living matter, they escape only
with difficulty into the inert matter of the biosphere, and some
perhaps never escape at all. Countless heterogeneous mecha-
nisms absorb atoms into their moving medium, and preserve
them by carrying them from one vital vortex to another. These
include parasites, organisms which assimilate other organisms,
new generations produced by multiplication, symbioses, and
The latter make use of the remains of life, much
of which are still living because they are impregnated with
microscopic forms, transforming them rapidly into a form of
living matter.
So it has been, throughout the whole vital cycle, for hundreds
* See Vernadsky, 1924, p. 308.
146 See Arrhenius, 1896.
147 Such as the cambial wood of
148 Vernadsky had a math (or
proofreading) problem with his
oxygen values. He uses this same
number earler (1.5 x 10
) to
describe the total resevoir of
atmospheric oxygen, whereas here
he is using it to describe annual
generation. The correct value is
closer to 2.7 x 10
grams of
149 See Baer, 1828, 1876.
150 And with a selectivity that can
dlstigulsh heavier from lighter Iso-
topes of such elements as oxygen
and carbon.
151 American biologists today call
this equilibrium homeostasis, but
there was no such term In
Vernadsky's time.
152 One could perhaps carry this
thought further and argue that, over
geological time, the ratio of "living
matter" to "Inert matter" in the bios-
phere has Increased, with the forces
of life tending to Increase the
amount of matter in circulation as
part of something that Is alive.
Parasites and hyperparasltes have
colonized the land-based living envi-
ronment of their hosts' tissues, envi-
ronments that (partly as a result of
these symbioses) have spread over
the surface of Earth.
153 Presumably Vernadsky Is
referring here back to what he had
earlier called "compounds that exist
In a special thermodynamic field,"
such as wood and certain types of
animal tissues.
154 Indeed, Isotopic fractionation,
now a well-known characteristic of
life, was first hypothesized In Russia
by Vernadksy (1939b). Vernadsky
carried his view of life as a geologi-
cal force to the point of proposing
that biogeochemistry of elements In
organisms be used as a form of tax-
onomy of organismslln the paper
cited above (p. 7-8), Vernadsky
seems to express some disappoint-
ment that the technique Is not work-
Ing out as cleanly and simply as he
had hoped:
"Proceeding from this general
statement, it has been possible to
show by the work of our Laboratory
that [emphasis his) the atomic com-
position oforganisms, plants, and
animals is as characteristic a feature
as their morphological form or physi-
ological structure or as their appear-
ance and Internal structure. It should
be that the elementary chemi-
cal composition of living organlsm[s]
of the same species taken at different
times, In different years, at different
places, for instance in Kiev or in
Leningrad, varies less than a natural
isomorphous mixture of minerals,
of millions of years. Aportion of the atoms of the unchangeable
covering layer, which possesses a nearly uniform level of energy
of about 10
kilocalories, never leaves this vital cycle. As visual-
ized by Baer, life is parsimonious in its expenditure of absorbed
matter, and parts from it only with difficulty. Life does not easi-
ly relinquish the matter oflife, and these atoms remain associat-
ed with life for long stretches of time.
63 Because of the law of economy, there can be atoms that have
lived in the framework of living matter throughout whole geo-
logical periods, moving and migrating, but never returning to
the source of inert matter.
The unexpected picture outlined by this empirical generaliza-
tion forces us to examine its consequences and seek an explana-
tion. We can proceed only hypothetically. To begin with, this
generalization raises a question that science has not yet consid-
ered, although it has been discussed in philosophical and theo-
logical circles: are the atoms which have been absorbed in this
way, by living matter, the same as those of inert matter? Or do
special isotopic mixtures exist among them?154 Onlyexperi-
ment can give an answer to this problem, which is of great inter-
est for contemporary science.
64 The exchange of gases between organisms and their sur-
rounding medium is a life process of immense importance in
the biosphere (42). One part of this exchange has been
explained by 1. Lavoisier
as combustion, by means of which
atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen perpetually go and
come, inside and outside living vortices.
Combustion probably does not reach the essential substra-
tum of life, the protoplasm. It is possible that the atoms of car-
bon set free as carbon dioxide by the living organismare derived
from matter foreign to the organism, such as food, and not from
elements that are part of its framework. If this is so, then the
atoms that are absorbed and retained by living matter will col-
lect together only in protoplasm and its structures.
The theory of the atomic stability of protoplasm originated
with C. Bernard.
Although not accepted by orthodox biolo-
gists, it resurfaces from time to time and awakens the interest of
scholars. Perhaps a connection exists between Bernard's ideas,
Baer's generalization on vital economy,158 and the empirical fact
of the constancy of the quantity oflife in the biosphere. All these
ideas may be connected with the invariability of the quantity of
156 It is now known, of course, that
organisms are able to catabolize
both food taken in and biomolecules
forming part of the body structure.
Vernadsky appears to be arguing
here for a permanent sequestering
of some atoms in liVing structure,
but this is not generally the case.
157 See Bernard, 1866, 1878.
158 See von Baer, 1876.
159 See Boussingault and Dumas,
1844a abd 1844b. But also see
Boussingault and Dumas, 1841,
which may be the report to which
Vernadsky is referring; in that case
Vernadsky is incorrect about the
date of the conference.
160 Dumas and Boussingault thus
anticipated the Lovelockian view of
the intimate relationship between
life and atmosphere, matching
Lamarck's anticipation of
Vernadsky's articulation
of full concept of the biosphere.
protoplasmic formations in the biosphere throughout geological
65 The study of life-phenomena on the scale of the biosphere
shows that the functions fulfilled by living matter, in its ordered
and complex mechanism, are profoundly reflected in the prop-
erties and structures of living things.
In this connection, the exchange of gases must be placed in
the first rank. There is a close link between breathing and the
gaseous exchange of the planet.
J. B. Dumas and J. Boussingault showed,159 at a remarkable
conference in Paris in 1844, that living matter can be taken as an
appendage of the atmosphere.
Living matter builds bodies of
organisms out of atmospheric gases such as oxygen, carbon
dioxide, and water, together with compounds of nitrogen and
sulfur, converting these gases into liquid and solid combustibles
that collect the cosmic energy of the sun. After death, it restores
these same gaseous elements to the atmosphere by means of
life's processes.
This idea accords well with the facts. The firm, generative con-
nection between life and the gases of the biosphere is more pro-
found than it seems at first sight. The gases of the biosphere are
generatively linked with living matter which, in turn, deter-
mines the essential chemical composition of the atmosphere.
We dealt earlier with this phenomenon, in speaking of gaseous
exchange in relation to the creation and control of multiplica-
tion and the geochemical energy of organisms. (4
The gases of the entire atmosphere are in an equilibrium state
of dynamic and perpetual exchange with living matter. Gases
freed byliving matter promptly return to it. They enter into and
depart from organisms almost instantaneously. The gaseous
current of the biosphere is thus closely connected with photo-
synthesis, the cosmic energy factor.
66 After destruction of an organism, most of its atoms return
immediately to living matter, but a small amount leave the vital
process for a long time. This is not accidental. The small per-
centage is probably constant and unchangeable for each element,
and returns to living matter by another path, thousands or mil-
lions of years afterwards. During this interval, the compounds
set free by living matter play an important role in the history of
the biosphere, and even of the entire crust, because a significant
fraction of their atoms leave the biosphere for extended periods.
155 See Lavoisier, 1892.
easily expressed by stoichiometric
formulas. The composition of differ-
ent species of duckweed or insects is
more constant than the composition
of orthoclases [feldspars] or epidotes
[greenish calcsilicate minerals] from
different localities. For organisms
there is a narrow range within which
the composition varies. but there are
no stoichiometric[ally) simple ratios
for them .. It may be assumed that
in all the cases so far investigated we
find aconfirmation of the fundamen-
tal principle of biogeochemistry,
namely, that numerical biogeochemi-
cal features are specific, racial and
generic characteristics of the living
organisms. As yet it has been possi-
ble to establish it precisely for many .
species of plants and insects. But it is
already clear that this is ageneral
phenomenon. The relations are not so
simple as one could have presumed.
Many questions evidently arise that
require biological criticism."
It is clear from this passage that
Vernadsky not only wishes to view
life as a geological force, but also
individual life forms as minerals.
This view continues to influence
Russian work on the interpretation
of metal contents of various organ-
isms (e. g., Tropin and Zolotukhina,
1994; and Timonin, 1993) and on the
ability of microorganisms to mobi-
lize metals and influence the history
of mineralogy (Karavaiko, Kuznetsov
and Golomzik, 1972; and Kuznetsov,
Ivanov and Lyalikova, 1962).
Vernadsky's research on the history
of minerals of Earth's crust (1959)
has generated a unique develop-
ment of Russian thought on this
issue (e. g., A. S. Povarennykh,
1970). Vernadsky's imprint is also
apparent in the development of
Russian thought on the relationship
between the biosphere, granites and
are deposits (see Tauson, 1977).
At least one western scientist has
focused on elemental distinctions
between taxa (Morowitz, 1968).
Morowitz's Table 3-2 recalls
Vernadsky's geochemical taxonomy
of organisms, and compares the C,
H, N, 0, P, 5, Ca, Na, K, Mg, CI, Fe, si,
Zn, Rb, Cu, Br, sn, Mn, I, AI, and Pb
contents of man, alfalfa, copepod,
and bacteria. Data for the copepod
(Ca/anus finmarchicus) were taken
from Vernadsky paper, 1933a, p. 91.
of millions of years. Aportion of the atoms of the unchangeable
covering layer, which possesses a nearly uniform level of energy
of about 10
kilocalories, never leaves this vital cycle. As visual-
ized by Baer, life is parsimonious in its expenditure of absorbed
matter, and parts from it only with difficulty. Life does not easi-
ly relinquish the matter oflife, and these atoms remain associat-
ed with life for long stretches of time.
63 Because of the law of economy, there can be atoms that have
lived in the framework of living matter throughout whole geo-
logical periods, moving and migrating, but never returning to
the source of inert matter.
The unexpected picture outlined by this empirical generaliza-
tion forces us to examine its consequences and seek an explana-
tion. We can proceed only hypothetically. To begin with, this
generalization raises a question that science has not yet consid-
ered, although it has been discussed in philosophical and theo-
logical circles: are the atoms which have been absorbed in this
way, by living matter, the same as those of inert matter? Or do
special isotopic mixtures exist among them?154 Onlyexperi-
ment can give an answer to this problem, which is of great inter-
est for contemporary science.
64 The exchange of gases between organisms and their sur-
rounding medium is a life process of immense importance in
the biosphere (42). One part of this exchange has been
explained by 1. Lavoisier
as combustion, by means of which
atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen perpetually go and
come, inside and outside living vortices.
Combustion probably does not reach the essential substra-
tum of life, the protoplasm. It is possible that the atoms of car-
bon set free as carbon dioxide by the living organismare derived
from matter foreign to the organism, such as food, and not from
elements that are part of its framework. If this is so, then the
atoms that are absorbed and retained by living matter will col-
lect together only in protoplasm and its structures.
The theory of the atomic stability of protoplasm originated
with C. Bernard.
Although not accepted by orthodox biolo-
gists, it resurfaces from time to time and awakens the interest of
scholars. Perhaps a connection exists between Bernard's ideas,
Baer's generalization on vital economy,158 and the empirical fact
of the constancy of the quantity oflife in the biosphere. All these
ideas may be connected with the invariability of the quantity of
156 It is now known, of course, that
organisms are able to catabolize
both food taken in and biomolecules
forming part of the body structure.
Vernadsky appears to be arguing
here for a permanent sequestering
of some atoms in liVing structure,
but this is not generally the case.
157 See Bernard, 1866, 1878.
158 See von Baer, 1876.
159 See Boussingault and Dumas,
1844a abd 1844b. But also see
Boussingault and Dumas, 1841,
which may be the report to which
Vernadsky is referring; in that case
Vernadsky is incorrect about the
date of the conference.
160 Dumas and Boussingault thus
anticipated the Lovelockian view of
the intimate relationship between
life and atmosphere, matching
Lamarck's anticipation of
Vernadsky's articulation
of full concept of the biosphere.
protoplasmic formations in the biosphere throughout geological
65 The study of life-phenomena on the scale of the biosphere
shows that the functions fulfilled by living matter, in its ordered
and complex mechanism, are profoundly reflected in the prop-
erties and structures of living things.
In this connection, the exchange of gases must be placed in
the first rank. There is a close link between breathing and the
gaseous exchange of the planet.
J. B. Dumas and J. Boussingault showed,159 at a remarkable
conference in Paris in 1844, that living matter can be taken as an
appendage of the atmosphere.
Living matter builds bodies of
organisms out of atmospheric gases such as oxygen, carbon
dioxide, and water, together with compounds of nitrogen and
sulfur, converting these gases into liquid and solid combustibles
that collect the cosmic energy of the sun. After death, it restores
these same gaseous elements to the atmosphere by means of
life's processes.
This idea accords well with the facts. The firm, generative con-
nection between life and the gases of the biosphere is more pro-
found than it seems at first sight. The gases of the biosphere are
generatively linked with living matter which, in turn, deter-
mines the essential chemical composition of the atmosphere.
We dealt earlier with this phenomenon, in speaking of gaseous
exchange in relation to the creation and control of multiplica-
tion and the geochemical energy of organisms. (4
The gases of the entire atmosphere are in an equilibrium state
of dynamic and perpetual exchange with living matter. Gases
freed byliving matter promptly return to it. They enter into and
depart from organisms almost instantaneously. The gaseous
current of the biosphere is thus closely connected with photo-
synthesis, the cosmic energy factor.
66 After destruction of an organism, most of its atoms return
immediately to living matter, but a small amount leave the vital
process for a long time. This is not accidental. The small per-
centage is probably constant and unchangeable for each element,
and returns to living matter by another path, thousands or mil-
lions of years afterwards. During this interval, the compounds
set free by living matter play an important role in the history of
the biosphere, and even of the entire crust, because a significant
fraction of their atoms leave the biosphere for extended periods.
155 See Lavoisier, 1892.
easily expressed by stoichiometric
formulas. The composition of differ-
ent species of duckweed or insects is
more constant than the composition
of orthoclases [feldspars] or epidotes
[greenish calcsilicate minerals] from
different localities. For organisms
there is a narrow range within which
the composition varies. but there are
no stoichiometric[ally) simple ratios
for them .. It may be assumed that
in all the cases so far investigated we
find aconfirmation of the fundamen-
tal principle of biogeochemistry,
namely, that numerical biogeochemi-
cal features are specific, racial and
generic characteristics of the living
organisms. As yet it has been possi-
ble to establish it precisely for many .
species of plants and insects. But it is
already clear that this is ageneral
phenomenon. The relations are not so
simple as one could have presumed.
Many questions evidently arise that
require biological criticism."
It is clear from this passage that
Vernadsky not only wishes to view
life as a geological force, but also
individual life forms as minerals.
This view continues to influence
Russian work on the interpretation
of metal contents of various organ-
isms (e. g., Tropin and Zolotukhina,
1994; and Timonin, 1993) and on the
ability of microorganisms to mobi-
lize metals and influence the history
of mineralogy (Karavaiko, Kuznetsov
and Golomzik, 1972; and Kuznetsov,
Ivanov and Lyalikova, 1962).
Vernadsky's research on the history
of minerals of Earth's crust (1959)
has generated a unique develop-
ment of Russian thought on this
issue (e. g., A. S. Povarennykh,
1970). Vernadsky's imprint is also
apparent in the development of
Russian thought on the relationship
between the biosphere, granites and
are deposits (see Tauson, 1977).
At least one western scientist has
focused on elemental distinctions
between taxa (Morowitz, 1968).
Morowitz's Table 3-2 recalls
Vernadsky's geochemical taxonomy
of organisms, and compares the C,
H, N, 0, P, 5, Ca, Na, K, Mg, CI, Fe, si,
Zn, Rb, Cu, Br, sn, Mn, I, AI, and Pb
contents of man, alfalfa, copepod,
and bacteria. Data for the copepod
(Ca/anus finmarchicus) were taken
from Vernadsky paper, 1933a, p. 91.
67 In short, a considerable amount of matter in the biosphere
has been accumulated and united by living organisms, and
transformed by the energy of the sun. The weight of the bios-
phere should amount to some 10
Of this, activated
living matter that absorbs cosmic energy accounts for, at most,
one percent, and probably only a fraction of one percent. In
some places, however, this activated living matter predominates,
constituting 25 percent of thin beds such as soil.
The appearance and formation of living matter on our planet
is clearly a phenomenon of cosmic character. It is also very clear
that living matter becomes manifest without abiogenesis. In
other words, living organisms have always sprung from living
We now have a new process to consider: the ~ w penetration
into the Earth of radiant energyfrom the sun.
Bythis process,
living matter transforms the biosphere and the crust. It con-
stantly secretes part of the elements that pass through it, creat-
ing an enormous mass of minerals unique to life; it also pene-
trates inert matter of the biosphere with the fine powder of its
own debris.
Living matter uses its cosmic energy to produce
modifications in abiogenic compounds (140 et seq.). Radiant
energy, penetrating ever-more-deeply due to the action of living
matter on the interior of the planet, has altered the Earth's crust
throughout the whole depth accessible to observation. Biogenic
minerals converted into phreatic
molecular systems have
been the instruments of this penetration.
The inert matter of the biosphere is largely the creation of
We return, in a newvenue, to the ideas of natural philosophers
of the early 19th century: 1. Ocken,165 H. Steffens,166 and ].
Obsessed with the primordial importance of life in
geological phenomena, these thinkers grasped the history of the
Earth's crust more profoundly, and in better accordance with
empirical facts, than generations of the strictly observation dri-
ven geologists who followed.
It is curious that these effects of life on the matter of the bios-
phere, particularly on the creation of agglomerations of vadose
minerals, are chiefly connected with the activity of aqueous
organisms. The constant displacement of aqueous basins, in
geological times, spread chemical free energy of cosmic origin
throughout the planet. These phenomena appear as a stable
dynamic equilibrium, and the masses of matter that playa part
in them are as unchanging as the controlling energy of the sun.
organisms during the whole of geological history;170 they are all
genetically connected; and nowhere can solar radiation be con-
verted into chemical energy independent of a prior, living
We do not know how the extraordinary mechanism of the
Earth's crust could have been formed. This mechanism is, and
always has been, saturated with life. Although we do not under-
stand the origin of the matter of the biosphere, it is clear that it
has been functioning in the same way for billions of years.
is a mystery, just as life itself is a mystery, and constitutes a gap
in the framework of our knowledge.
Bailes (1990, p. 123) criticizes this pas-
sage as evidence of a "mystical strain" in
Vernadsky's thought. Such criticisms
were also levied by Oparin, who com-
plained that Vernadsky's "theories of per-
petuallife" (p. 59) were not in accord
with the "objective data of modern sci-
ence." Although Bailes seems confused
by Vernadsky's letter to Samoilov, the
passage helps us now to clarify
Vernadsky's thought in these matters.
Vernadsky is in effect characterizing life
as not merely a geological force but as a
cosmic force on a par with energy and
matter. Life for Vernadsky is not an
epiphenomenon of matter in an energy
stream but a comparably powerful entity
in and of itself. Comparatively fragile in
any given place and at any given
moment, the true force of life is manifest
over geologic time.
171 This remarkable passage captures
the spirit of Part One of The Biosphere. In
the same way that a geological system Is
a time-rock unit (all the rocks deposited
during a certain Interval of geological
time), Earth's crust for Vernadsky
becomes a life-rock unit, "saturated with
life," and ultimately characterized by this
life. Life for Vernadsky is the sine qua non
of Earth's crust as we know it.
What came before on this planet is, just
as it was in Vernadsky's time, still quite
unknown. The Russian version of
substantive uniformitarianism expressed
here by Vernadsky has its own scientific
validity. As we will see in Part Two, not
only does Vernadsky's view permit Earth
a history, it requires that the living matter
of the biosphere develop (razvitie) to
more complex states.
doubt much less a fraction of one percent
or two to three orders of magnitude dif-
ference than the estimate Vernadsky
gives. This only serves to underscore
Vernadsky's point about the geochemical,
catalytic nature of life in the biosphere.
170 Vernadsky thus implies that any
"azoic" period would have been pre-
geological. Oparin (1957, p. 57-59) had
much to say about this, and in the end
exonerated Vernadsky for finally agreeing
that life could have an origin:
"As a result of prolonged and varied
studies of the question, we see that
Vernadsky abandoned the untenable posl
tion of materialistic dualism [life distinct
from other matter] which he previously
held. In 1944 he wrote 'In our time the
problem cannot be treated as simply as It
could during the last century when, it
seemed, the problem of spontaneous gen-
eration had finally been solved in a nega-
tive sense by Louis Pasteur's research.'"
Indeed the picture became more
complex with Bernal's suggestion that
absorption of organic molecules onto
clays, assymetric quartz crystals or other
minerals would provide for the concentra-
tion of molecules required for life's origin,
and would prevent reverse reactions
(Young,1971, p. 371). In 1908 Vernadsky
championed directed panspermia as sup-
port for the eternity of life:
"By the way, it turns out that the quan-
tity of living matter In the earth's crust is
a constant. Then life is the same kind of
part of the cosmos as energy and matter.
In essence, don't all the speculations
about the arrival of 'germs' [of life] from
other heavenly bodies have basically the
same assumptions as [the idea of] the
eternity of life." (see Bailes, 1990, p. 123).
169 Grace Osmer (McMenamin and
McMenamin, 1994, p. 259) calcu-
lates the quantity of water in
Hypersea to be 19 cubic kilometers,
having a mass of 19 km
x (10
) x (10
/1 m
) = 1.9 x 10
or grams of water. This value
represents a significant fraction of
Earth's biomass. Vernadsky's mass
of the biosphere (10
grams) is
hugely greater (by eight orders of
magnitude) because it includes the
bio-inert parts of the lithosphere as
well as activated living matter. The
actual amount of living matter is no
168 This paragraph relates directly
to Vernadsky's main purpose in writ-
ing this book. He wanted to demon-
strate the primacy of life as a geo-
logical force, and to show that life
makes geology. Living processes
have a fairly direct influence over,
even control of, all crustal geological
processes. Vernadsky was absolute-
ly correct to emphasize this point,
and this is exactly what makes The
Biosphere such an important book.
166 See Steffens, 1801.
167 See Lamarck, 1964.
165 See Ocken, 1843.
164 In his later work Vernadsky con-
sidered inert and biogenic matter
separately. He defined the inert mat-
ter as "the matter created by
processes in which living matter
does not participate," and the bio-
genic matter as "matter which has
been created and processed by life"
(Vernadsky, 1965, pp. 58-60).
Vernadsky had not yet made this
distinction at the time of the writing
of The Biosphere. For more details,
see Lapo, 1987.
163 Of, or pertaining to, ground
water or the zone of water satura-
tion in soil.
161 Preston Cloud (Cloud. 1983, p.
138) defined the biosphere as "a
huge metabolic device for the cap-
ture, storage and transfer of energy."
162 Vernadsky emphasizes here
how the energy from sunlight can
penetrate downward into the crude
matter of the biosphere as plant
roots, deep soil microbes, the hot
deep biosphere, etc.
67 In short, a considerable amount of matter in the biosphere
has been accumulated and united by living organisms, and
transformed by the energy of the sun. The weight of the bios-
phere should amount to some 10
Of this, activated
living matter that absorbs cosmic energy accounts for, at most,
one percent, and probably only a fraction of one percent. In
some places, however, this activated living matter predominates,
constituting 25 percent of thin beds such as soil.
The appearance and formation of living matter on our planet
is clearly a phenomenon of cosmic character. It is also very clear
that living matter becomes manifest without abiogenesis. In
other words, living organisms have always sprung from living
We now have a new process to consider: the ~ w penetration
into the Earth of radiant energyfrom the sun.
Bythis process,
living matter transforms the biosphere and the crust. It con-
stantly secretes part of the elements that pass through it, creat-
ing an enormous mass of minerals unique to life; it also pene-
trates inert matter of the biosphere with the fine powder of its
own debris.
Living matter uses its cosmic energy to produce
modifications in abiogenic compounds (140 et seq.). Radiant
energy, penetrating ever-more-deeply due to the action of living
matter on the interior of the planet, has altered the Earth's crust
throughout the whole depth accessible to observation. Biogenic
minerals converted into phreatic
molecular systems have
been the instruments of this penetration.
The inert matter of the biosphere is largely the creation of
We return, in a newvenue, to the ideas of natural philosophers
of the early 19th century: 1. Ocken,165 H. Steffens,166 and ].
Obsessed with the primordial importance of life in
geological phenomena, these thinkers grasped the history of the
Earth's crust more profoundly, and in better accordance with
empirical facts, than generations of the strictly observation dri-
ven geologists who followed.
It is curious that these effects of life on the matter of the bios-
phere, particularly on the creation of agglomerations of vadose
minerals, are chiefly connected with the activity of aqueous
organisms. The constant displacement of aqueous basins, in
geological times, spread chemical free energy of cosmic origin
throughout the planet. These phenomena appear as a stable
dynamic equilibrium, and the masses of matter that playa part
in them are as unchanging as the controlling energy of the sun.
organisms during the whole of geological history;170 they are all
genetically connected; and nowhere can solar radiation be con-
verted into chemical energy independent of a prior, living
We do not know how the extraordinary mechanism of the
Earth's crust could have been formed. This mechanism is, and
always has been, saturated with life. Although we do not under-
stand the origin of the matter of the biosphere, it is clear that it
has been functioning in the same way for billions of years.
is a mystery, just as life itself is a mystery, and constitutes a gap
in the framework of our knowledge.
Bailes (1990, p. 123) criticizes this pas-
sage as evidence of a "mystical strain" in
Vernadsky's thought. Such criticisms
were also levied by Oparin, who com-
plained that Vernadsky's "theories of per-
petuallife" (p. 59) were not in accord
with the "objective data of modern sci-
ence." Although Bailes seems confused
by Vernadsky's letter to Samoilov, the
passage helps us now to clarify
Vernadsky's thought in these matters.
Vernadsky is in effect characterizing life
as not merely a geological force but as a
cosmic force on a par with energy and
matter. Life for Vernadsky is not an
epiphenomenon of matter in an energy
stream but a comparably powerful entity
in and of itself. Comparatively fragile in
any given place and at any given
moment, the true force of life is manifest
over geologic time.
171 This remarkable passage captures
the spirit of Part One of The Biosphere. In
the same way that a geological system Is
a time-rock unit (all the rocks deposited
during a certain Interval of geological
time), Earth's crust for Vernadsky
becomes a life-rock unit, "saturated with
life," and ultimately characterized by this
life. Life for Vernadsky is the sine qua non
of Earth's crust as we know it.
What came before on this planet is, just
as it was in Vernadsky's time, still quite
unknown. The Russian version of
substantive uniformitarianism expressed
here by Vernadsky has its own scientific
validity. As we will see in Part Two, not
only does Vernadsky's view permit Earth
a history, it requires that the living matter
of the biosphere develop (razvitie) to
more complex states.
doubt much less a fraction of one percent
or two to three orders of magnitude dif-
ference than the estimate Vernadsky
gives. This only serves to underscore
Vernadsky's point about the geochemical,
catalytic nature of life in the biosphere.
170 Vernadsky thus implies that any
"azoic" period would have been pre-
geological. Oparin (1957, p. 57-59) had
much to say about this, and in the end
exonerated Vernadsky for finally agreeing
that life could have an origin:
"As a result of prolonged and varied
studies of the question, we see that
Vernadsky abandoned the untenable posl
tion of materialistic dualism [life distinct
from other matter] which he previously
held. In 1944 he wrote 'In our time the
problem cannot be treated as simply as It
could during the last century when, it
seemed, the problem of spontaneous gen-
eration had finally been solved in a nega-
tive sense by Louis Pasteur's research.'"
Indeed the picture became more
complex with Bernal's suggestion that
absorption of organic molecules onto
clays, assymetric quartz crystals or other
minerals would provide for the concentra-
tion of molecules required for life's origin,
and would prevent reverse reactions
(Young,1971, p. 371). In 1908 Vernadsky
championed directed panspermia as sup-
port for the eternity of life:
"By the way, it turns out that the quan-
tity of living matter In the earth's crust is
a constant. Then life is the same kind of
part of the cosmos as energy and matter.
In essence, don't all the speculations
about the arrival of 'germs' [of life] from
other heavenly bodies have basically the
same assumptions as [the idea of] the
eternity of life." (see Bailes, 1990, p. 123).
169 Grace Osmer (McMenamin and
McMenamin, 1994, p. 259) calcu-
lates the quantity of water in
Hypersea to be 19 cubic kilometers,
having a mass of 19 km
x (10
) x (10
/1 m
) = 1.9 x 10
or grams of water. This value
represents a significant fraction of
Earth's biomass. Vernadsky's mass
of the biosphere (10
grams) is
hugely greater (by eight orders of
magnitude) because it includes the
bio-inert parts of the lithosphere as
well as activated living matter. The
actual amount of living matter is no
168 This paragraph relates directly
to Vernadsky's main purpose in writ-
ing this book. He wanted to demon-
strate the primacy of life as a geo-
logical force, and to show that life
makes geology. Living processes
have a fairly direct influence over,
even control of, all crustal geological
processes. Vernadsky was absolute-
ly correct to emphasize this point,
and this is exactly what makes The
Biosphere such an important book.
166 See Steffens, 1801.
167 See Lamarck, 1964.
165 See Ocken, 1843.
164 In his later work Vernadsky con-
sidered inert and biogenic matter
separately. He defined the inert mat-
ter as "the matter created by
processes in which living matter
does not participate," and the bio-
genic matter as "matter which has
been created and processed by life"
(Vernadsky, 1965, pp. 58-60).
Vernadsky had not yet made this
distinction at the time of the writing
of The Biosphere. For more details,
see Lapo, 1987.
163 Of, or pertaining to, ground
water or the zone of water satura-
tion in soil.
161 Preston Cloud (Cloud. 1983, p.
138) defined the biosphere as "a
huge metabolic device for the cap-
ture, storage and transfer of energy."
162 Vernadsky emphasizes here
how the energy from sunlight can
penetrate downward into the crude
matter of the biosphere as plant
roots, deep soil microbes, the hot
deep biosphere, etc.
The Biosphere: An Envelope of the Earth
68 In 1875, one of the most eminent geologists of the past cen-
tury, Prof. E. Suess of Vienna University, introduced the idea of
the biosphere as a specific, life-saturated envelope of the Earth's
Despite the importance of life in the structure of the
Earth's crust, this idea has only slowly penetrated scientific
thinking, and even today is not much appreciated. This idea,
focusing on the ubiquity of life and the continuity of its mani-
festations, represented a new empirical generalization of which
Suess could not have seen the full implications. Only as the
result of recent scientific discoveries is this beginning clear.
69 The Earth can be divided into two classes of structures: first,
great concentric regions that can be called concenters; and sec-
ond, subdivisions of these regions called envelopes or
geospheres." The chemical and physical properties of these
structures vary in a consistent manner, dependent upon dis-
tance from the center of the Earth. The biosphere forms the
envelope or upper geosphere of one of these great concentric
regions - the crust.
There are at least three great concenters: the core of the planet,
the sima region, and the crust. It appears that matter in each of
these regions is unable to circulate from one concenter to anoth-
er, except very slowly, or at certain fixed epochs. Since such
migration is not a fact of contemporary geologic history, each
region would seem to constitute an isolated, and independent,
mechanical system.
The Earth remains in the same thermodynamic conditions
for millions ofyears. Where no influx of active energy from out-
side has occurred, the mechanical systems of the Earth have
surely reached stable, dynamic equilibria. There. may well be an
inverse relation between the stability of the equilibria, and the
degree of influx of outside energy.174
70 The chemical composition of the Earth's core is clearly dif-
ferent from that of its crust. It is possible that the matter com-
posing the core exists in a particular gaseous state, above the
critical point. Unfortunately, in the present stage of science,
ideas about the physical state of the planet at great depth are
entirely conjectural. It is held that these regions are subject to
tens, hundreds, or even thousands of atmospheres of pressure.
Similarly, for these regions one typicallyassumes a prevalence of
comparatively heavy free elements or their simple compounds.
172 The concept of the biosphere is
present In Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's
1802 book Hydrogeologie (1964),
but Lamarck was referring only to
living matter, not inert matter. E.
Suess, in his book The Origin of the
Alps (1875), coined the term as fol-
lows: "One thing seems to be for-
eign on this large celestial body con-
sisting of spheres, namely, organic
life ... On the surface of conti-
nents it Is possible to single out a
self-contained biosphere" (Suess,
1875, p. 159). Suess used this term
only once and left it undefined.
Vernadsky combines the two
usages into his definition of the
biosphere, which Includes living
beings Oivlng
matter) and the sediments deposit-
ed under their influence (crude mat-
ter of the biosphere).
* The word "geosphere" is used by
several geologists and geographers in
the meaning indicated. J. Murray
(1913) and D. N. Soboleff (1926) are
examples, all based on the ideas of E.
173 The fact that Vernadsky was
willing to entertain the possibility of
matter transfer between the crust,
the mantle (Suess's sima) and the
core suggests
a mobilistic view of solid Earth that
perhaps would have been sympa-
thetic to the notion of continental
drift. We now of course know that
Earth's crust has gone through sev-
eral supercontinental cycles (super-
continents Rodinia, Gondwana, and
Pangea; Li et al. 1996).
174 This recognition of thermody-
namic stability and dynamic equilib
rium of Earth's surface was rediscov-
ered by James Lovelock (1983).
suggestion of an inverse relation-
ship between the stability of the
equlibrla and the degree of influx of
outside energy Is
a fascinating one that to my knowl-
edge has received no adequate test.
Vernadsky implies that increased
solar Influx would destabilize Earth's
The Biosphere: An Envelope of the Earth
68 In 1875, one of the most eminent geologists of the past cen-
tury, Prof. E. Suess of Vienna University, introduced the idea of
the biosphere as a specific, life-saturated envelope of the Earth's
Despite the importance of life in the structure of the
Earth's crust, this idea has only slowly penetrated scientific
thinking, and even today is not much appreciated. This idea,
focusing on the ubiquity of life and the continuity of its mani-
festations, represented a new empirical generalization of which
Suess could not have seen the full implications. Only as the
result of recent scientific discoveries is this beginning clear.
69 The Earth can be divided into two classes of structures: first,
great concentric regions that can be called concenters; and sec-
ond, subdivisions of these regions called envelopes or
geospheres." The chemical and physical properties of these
structures vary in a consistent manner, dependent upon dis-
tance from the center of the Earth. The biosphere forms the
envelope or upper geosphere of one of these great concentric
regions - the crust.
There are at least three great concenters: the core of the planet,
the sima region, and the crust. It appears that matter in each of
these regions is unable to circulate from one concenter to anoth-
er, except very slowly, or at certain fixed epochs. Since such
migration is not a fact of contemporary geologic history, each
region would seem to constitute an isolated, and independent,
mechanical system.
The Earth remains in the same thermodynamic conditions
for millions ofyears. Where no influx of active energy from out-
side has occurred, the mechanical systems of the Earth have
surely reached stable, dynamic equilibria. There. may well be an
inverse relation between the stability of the equilibria, and the
degree of influx of outside energy.174
70 The chemical composition of the Earth's core is clearly dif-
ferent from that of its crust. It is possible that the matter com-
posing the core exists in a particular gaseous state, above the
critical point. Unfortunately, in the present stage of science,
ideas about the physical state of the planet at great depth are
entirely conjectural. It is held that these regions are subject to
tens, hundreds, or even thousands of atmospheres of pressure.
Similarly, for these regions one typicallyassumes a prevalence of
comparatively heavy free elements or their simple compounds.
172 The concept of the biosphere is
present In Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's
1802 book Hydrogeologie (1964),
but Lamarck was referring only to
living matter, not inert matter. E.
Suess, in his book The Origin of the
Alps (1875), coined the term as fol-
lows: "One thing seems to be for-
eign on this large celestial body con-
sisting of spheres, namely, organic
life ... On the surface of conti-
nents it Is possible to single out a
self-contained biosphere" (Suess,
1875, p. 159). Suess used this term
only once and left it undefined.
Vernadsky combines the two
usages into his definition of the
biosphere, which Includes living
beings Oivlng
matter) and the sediments deposit-
ed under their influence (crude mat-
ter of the biosphere).
* The word "geosphere" is used by
several geologists and geographers in
the meaning indicated. J. Murray
(1913) and D. N. Soboleff (1926) are
examples, all based on the ideas of E.
173 The fact that Vernadsky was
willing to entertain the possibility of
matter transfer between the crust,
the mantle (Suess's sima) and the
core suggests
a mobilistic view of solid Earth that
perhaps would have been sympa-
thetic to the notion of continental
drift. We now of course know that
Earth's crust has gone through sev-
eral supercontinental cycles (super-
continents Rodinia, Gondwana, and
Pangea; Li et al. 1996).
174 This recognition of thermody-
namic stability and dynamic equilib
rium of Earth's surface was rediscov-
ered by James Lovelock (1983).
suggestion of an inverse relation-
ship between the stability of the
equlibrla and the degree of influx of
outside energy Is
a fascinating one that to my knowl-
edge has received no adequate test.
Vernadsky implies that increased
solar Influx would destabilize Earth's
But the physical properties of the Earth's core can be outlined
in other ways. For example, it can be imagined that the core is
solid, gaseous or viscous; that very high or very low tempera-
tures prevail at the core. Certainly, the core has a distinctly dif-
ferent chemical composition than that of the surface. Since the
mean specific gravity of the planet is 5.7, and that of the crust is
2.7, the specific gravity of the core can hardlybe less than 8, pos-
siblyeven 10. It is not unlikely that, as hypothesized, it consists
of free iron or iron-nickel alloys,175
Seismometric studies definitely indicate that, at a depth of
some 2900 kilometers below the surface of the ocean, there is a
sudden change in the physical properties of the Earth. It is
hypothesized that at this depth, seismic waves meet a different
concenter, the metallic core. It is possible, however, to put this
boundary at the lesser depth of 1200-1600 kilometers, on the
basis of other seismic wave discontinuities.
71 Although the past few years have seen great changes in sci-
entific opinions about this region of the Earth, our present
knowledge does not permit precise conclusions. The near ftiture
will, no doubt, bring great progress in this regard.
Petrogenetic research and seismic observations suggest that
silicate and aluminosilicate rocks occupy a much greater place
in the structure of our planet that was formerly imagined.
The work
of the remarkable Croatian father and son, the
MohoroviCic, has called attention to this fact.
72 The second concenter, which Suess called the sima, seemed
to him to be characterized chemically by a preponderance of sil-
icon, magnesium, and oxygen atoms. This region is at least sev-
eral hundreds, and possibly thousands, of kilometers thick. Five
principal atoms - silicon, magnesium, oxygen, iron, and alu-
minum- appear to be its main constituents, with the heavy iron
atoms increasing in frequency with depth.
Perhaps rocks analogous to the basic rocks of the crust, the
third concenter, also playa great part in the constitution of the
sima region. Several geologists and geophysicists have pointed
out that the mechanical properties of these rocks are reminis-
cent of eclogites.
73 At the upper boundary of the sima is the crust, having a
mean thickness of nearly 60 kilometers. This figure has been
fairly well established by independent data derived from seis-
175 It is presently believed that the
pressure at the center of the core
3.5 x 10
atmospheres, with
temperatures of 3000' minimum
and 5000 to 8000' maximum. Under
such conditions, ali elements have
radically changed properties. It may
be that the electron shelis are
deformed or destroyed. In any case,
the density of matter, whether gas
or metal vapor, rises. It is known
that even at much lower pressures,
elements such as silicon acquire
metaliic properties. Some
investigators therefore conclude
that silicon may predominate
in the core, though not exclusively,
and that the percentage of heavier
elements, notably iron, should
increase. -A. I. Perelman. [This was
written in 1967. Our knowledge of
conditions at Earth's core have not
advanced much since, due to the
inacessabllity of this region.
However, the lower mantle (which
constitutes more than half of Earth's
interior by volume) is known to have
a higher iron content than
previously thought. Recent
experiments show that the lower
mantle silicate mineral perovskite
can take considerable amounts of
iron into its crystal structure
(McCammon, 1997; Poirier, 1997)
-Mark McMenamin].
176 See Mohorovicic, 1910;
Mohorovicic. 1915; and Skoko and
Mokrovic, 1982.
mology and studies of specific gravity.
The remarkable isostatic surface of the sima clearly differenti-
ates it from the crust. Magma is homogeneous in all the concen-
tric layers of the sima, changing only as a function of distance
from the center of the planet. By contrast, the matter of the
Earth's crust is definitely heterogeneous. Therefore, no signifi-
cant exchange between the sima and the crust can take place.
74 It follows that there are no sources of free energy in the sima
capable of reacting with the phenomena of the crust. From the
standpoint of these phenomena, the energy of the sima is for-
eign potential energy, which has never manifested itself on the
planet's surface in geologic times. Since we can find no trace of
its action, this statement can be taken as a well-established
empirical generalization. In other words, we have no facts to
showthat the sima has not been in a state of complete, and per-
manent, chemical stasis and stable equilibrium throughout the
whole of geologic time.
Two facts confirm this viewof the sima: 1. there is no scientif-
ically-established case of matter having been brought up from
the deeper regions of the Earth;178 and 2. there is no evidence of
free energy (such as a rise in temperature) inherent in the sima.
The free energy, the heat that is conducted from deep regions to
the Earth's surface, is not connected with the sima, but rather
with the energy of radioactive chemical elements concentrated
in the crust.
75 Except for earthquakes, the study of gravity anomalies pro-
vides a greater insight into the Earth's interior than that offered
by any other measurable surface phenomena. These variations
are connected with a particular aspect of the structure of the
planet's upper region. Concentrated in this region, and distrib-
uted vertically so that the lighter parts compensate for the heav-
ier, are great portions of the crust of different density (1.0 for
water to 3.3 for basic rocks). At the theoretical depth of isostatic
compensation a surface exists where complete equilibrium of
matter and energy prevail; mechanical irregularities and chem-
ical differences should be nil throughout layers at the same
depth below this isostatic surface.
The surface separates the
crust from the sima, and is the boundary between the region of
change and the region of stasis.
We noted earlier that the biosphere, the upper envelope of the
region of change, produces the changes by drawing on the ener-
In This is now known not to be the
case. Subducting slabs of oceanic
crust are carried deep into the Sima;
see Nafi ToksQz, Minear and Julian,
1971; and Nafi ToksQz, 1975.
178 Kimberlites are an exception to
this statement; see Mitcheli, 1986;
Nixon, 1973; and Cox, 1978.
179 In a geological situation of iso-
static equilibrium, various bodies of
rock are arranged higher or lower,
based on their respective densities,
with respect to their distance from
Earth's core. In a sense, crustal
blocks float on Earth's mantle, and
ride higher or lower depending on
whether they are less or more
dense, respectively.
But the physical properties of the Earth's core can be outlined
in other ways. For example, it can be imagined that the core is
solid, gaseous or viscous; that very high or very low tempera-
tures prevail at the core. Certainly, the core has a distinctly dif-
ferent chemical composition than that of the surface. Since the
mean specific gravity of the planet is 5.7, and that of the crust is
2.7, the specific gravity of the core can hardlybe less than 8, pos-
siblyeven 10. It is not unlikely that, as hypothesized, it consists
of free iron or iron-nickel alloys,175
Seismometric studies definitely indicate that, at a depth of
some 2900 kilometers below the surface of the ocean, there is a
sudden change in the physical properties of the Earth. It is
hypothesized that at this depth, seismic waves meet a different
concenter, the metallic core. It is possible, however, to put this
boundary at the lesser depth of 1200-1600 kilometers, on the
basis of other seismic wave discontinuities.
71 Although the past few years have seen great changes in sci-
entific opinions about this region of the Earth, our present
knowledge does not permit precise conclusions. The near ftiture
will, no doubt, bring great progress in this regard.
Petrogenetic research and seismic observations suggest that
silicate and aluminosilicate rocks occupy a much greater place
in the structure of our planet that was formerly imagined.
The work
of the remarkable Croatian father and son, the
MohoroviCic, has called attention to this fact.
72 The second concenter, which Suess called the sima, seemed
to him to be characterized chemically by a preponderance of sil-
icon, magnesium, and oxygen atoms. This region is at least sev-
eral hundreds, and possibly thousands, of kilometers thick. Five
principal atoms - silicon, magnesium, oxygen, iron, and alu-
minum- appear to be its main constituents, with the heavy iron
atoms increasing in frequency with depth.
Perhaps rocks analogous to the basic rocks of the crust, the
third concenter, also playa great part in the constitution of the
sima region. Several geologists and geophysicists have pointed
out that the mechanical properties of these rocks are reminis-
cent of eclogites.
73 At the upper boundary of the sima is the crust, having a
mean thickness of nearly 60 kilometers. This figure has been
fairly well established by independent data derived from seis-
175 It is presently believed that the
pressure at the center of the core
3.5 x 10
atmospheres, with
temperatures of 3000' minimum
and 5000 to 8000' maximum. Under
such conditions, ali elements have
radically changed properties. It may
be that the electron shelis are
deformed or destroyed. In any case,
the density of matter, whether gas
or metal vapor, rises. It is known
that even at much lower pressures,
elements such as silicon acquire
metaliic properties. Some
investigators therefore conclude
that silicon may predominate
in the core, though not exclusively,
and that the percentage of heavier
elements, notably iron, should
increase. -A. I. Perelman. [This was
written in 1967. Our knowledge of
conditions at Earth's core have not
advanced much since, due to the
inacessabllity of this region.
However, the lower mantle (which
constitutes more than half of Earth's
interior by volume) is known to have
a higher iron content than
previously thought. Recent
experiments show that the lower
mantle silicate mineral perovskite
can take considerable amounts of
iron into its crystal structure
(McCammon, 1997; Poirier, 1997)
-Mark McMenamin].
176 See Mohorovicic, 1910;
Mohorovicic. 1915; and Skoko and
Mokrovic, 1982.
mology and studies of specific gravity.
The remarkable isostatic surface of the sima clearly differenti-
ates it from the crust. Magma is homogeneous in all the concen-
tric layers of the sima, changing only as a function of distance
from the center of the planet. By contrast, the matter of the
Earth's crust is definitely heterogeneous. Therefore, no signifi-
cant exchange between the sima and the crust can take place.
74 It follows that there are no sources of free energy in the sima
capable of reacting with the phenomena of the crust. From the
standpoint of these phenomena, the energy of the sima is for-
eign potential energy, which has never manifested itself on the
planet's surface in geologic times. Since we can find no trace of
its action, this statement can be taken as a well-established
empirical generalization. In other words, we have no facts to
showthat the sima has not been in a state of complete, and per-
manent, chemical stasis and stable equilibrium throughout the
whole of geologic time.
Two facts confirm this viewof the sima: 1. there is no scientif-
ically-established case of matter having been brought up from
the deeper regions of the Earth;178 and 2. there is no evidence of
free energy (such as a rise in temperature) inherent in the sima.
The free energy, the heat that is conducted from deep regions to
the Earth's surface, is not connected with the sima, but rather
with the energy of radioactive chemical elements concentrated
in the crust.
75 Except for earthquakes, the study of gravity anomalies pro-
vides a greater insight into the Earth's interior than that offered
by any other measurable surface phenomena. These variations
are connected with a particular aspect of the structure of the
planet's upper region. Concentrated in this region, and distrib-
uted vertically so that the lighter parts compensate for the heav-
ier, are great portions of the crust of different density (1.0 for
water to 3.3 for basic rocks). At the theoretical depth of isostatic
compensation a surface exists where complete equilibrium of
matter and energy prevail; mechanical irregularities and chem-
ical differences should be nil throughout layers at the same
depth below this isostatic surface.
The surface separates the
crust from the sima, and is the boundary between the region of
change and the region of stasis.
We noted earlier that the biosphere, the upper envelope of the
region of change, produces the changes by drawing on the ener-
In This is now known not to be the
case. Subducting slabs of oceanic
crust are carried deep into the Sima;
see Nafi ToksQz, Minear and Julian,
1971; and Nafi ToksQz, 1975.
178 Kimberlites are an exception to
this statement; see Mitcheli, 1986;
Nixon, 1973; and Cox, 1978.
179 In a geological situation of iso-
static equilibrium, various bodies of
rock are arranged higher or lower,
based on their respective densities,
with respect to their distance from
Earth's core. In a sense, crustal
blocks float on Earth's mantle, and
ride higher or lower depending on
whether they are less or more
dense, respectively.
gy of the sun. This solar energy is transferred, to the depths of
the crust, and soon we shall consider how this is accomplished.
In addition to the sun, there is another source of free energy-
radioactive matter, which causes slow but powerful distur-
bances in the equilibria of the Earth's crust. Are there any
radioactive atoms in the sima? We do not know; but the thermal
properties of the planet would be very different if the quantity
of such matter there were of the same order as is found in the
crust. So, radioactive matter, one of the sources of the Earth's
free energy, either does not exist in the sima or diminishes
rapidly as one goes downward from the base of the crust.
77 The thickness of the isostatic surface is not clearly known. At
one time, it was thought to be 110 to 120 kilometers; but more
recent and precise estimates are much lower. Its level seems to be
variable, depending on location, and its form is slowly being
altered by what we call the geologic process - that is to say, the
action of free energy in the Earth's crust.
Above the isostatic surface is the great concenter called the
crust. This term was originally part of the old hypothesis of a
formerly incandescent, and liquid, planet, which supposedly left
behind a "crust" of consolidation as it cooled.
Laplace gave this cosmology its fullest expression, and for
some time it was quite popular with scholars, who
ed its scientific value. It gradually became clear that no trace
whatever of such a primary crust is to be found in anyaccessi-
76 Our ideas about the physical state of matter in the sima are
imprecise. Its temperature does not appear to be very high, but
its great pressure produces odd effects. Mohorovicic suggested
that the mechanical properties of this matter, at least to the
depth of 2000 kilometers, are analogous to solids, but that the
pressures are so unimaginably high that our experimentally-
based notions of the three states of matter - solid, liquid, and
gas - are completely inapplicable. The usual parameters which
characterize the differences between these states of matter break
down even at the upper boundary of the sima, where the pres-
sures reach 20,000 atmospheres, as Bridgman's 1925 experi-
ments demonstrate.
This matter cannot be crystalline; perhaps it assumes a vitre-
ous or metallic state under the high pressures involved. These
are perfectlyhomogeneous layers in which the pressure increas-
es, and properties change, progressively with depth.
4 Vernadsky's description of the
crust precedes the acceptance of
plate tectonic theory, but here he
seems to be hinting at an awareness
of (at the time) newly emerging
ideas of continental drift.
3 Vernadsky develops this con-
cept of envelopes further in V. I.
Vernadsky, 1942.
5 This conjecture of Vernadsky's
has been decisively confirmed by
the discovery of the Van Allen
Radiation Belts (see Manahan, 1994,
p. 287, fig. 9.9).
ble geologic strata, and that this hypothetical incandescent-and-
liquid past of the planet played no part in geological phenome-
na. While the hypothesis has been abandoned, the term "crust"
continues to be used, but in a different sense.
78 In the Earth's crust, we can distinguish a series of envelopes,
the geospheres.
Each is characterized by its own dynamic,
physical, and chemical equilibria, which are largely isolated and
independent. Although the boundaries between them remain
difficult for us to establish, and are not usually spherical, the
envelopes are arranged concentrically.
The locations of the geospheric boundaries can be deter-
mined more precisely in the upper solid and lower gaseous
regions of the planet. Large quantities of chemical compounds
have reached, and continue to reach, the Earth's surface from
depths ofI6 to 20 kilometers belowsea level, and from 10 to 20
kilometers above. The geologic structure ofthe Earth shows that
the deepest rock masses do not extend below this lower limit.
Moreover, the 16 kilometer thickness approximately corre-
sponds to the region containing all sedimentary and metamor-
phic rocks. The chemical composition of the upper 16-20 kilo-
meters is probably determined by the same geological processes
going on today. The general features of this composition are well
In spite of the great progress of experimental science, our
knowledge becomes less accurate beyond the limits just indicat-
ed. Not only are we unable to unambiguously identify the mat-
ter which adjoins the Earth's crust, but further, the very states of
matter in these regions of high and low pressure are quite
The only thing that is certain is that knowledge is growing,
slowly but surely. The radical revision of old ideas regarding the
crust has just begun.
79 We must now turn our- attention to several general phe-
nomena which are important to an understanding of the
Earth's crust. First, matter in the upper layers of the atmosphere
is in a totally different state than what we are accustomed to.
The region of the planet above 80-1000 kilometers is a new
concenter, in which immense reserves of free energy in the
form of electrons and ions are concentrated. The role of this
rarefied material medium in the history of the planet is not yet

182 In particular Lord Kelvin and his
calculation of the age of Earth from
a molten beginning (Hallam, 1992, p.
124; Kelvin, 1894).
181 See Bridgman, 1925.
180 This is a very shrewd inference
on Vernadsky's part, for there are
indeed lesser amounts of radioac-
tive elements in the mantle and
core. During Earth's evolution and
the differentiation of the crust,
radioisotopes such as those of
uranium have tended to become
concentrated in the crust.
gy of the sun. This solar energy is transferred, to the depths of
the crust, and soon we shall consider how this is accomplished.
In addition to the sun, there is another source of free energy-
radioactive matter, which causes slow but powerful distur-
bances in the equilibria of the Earth's crust. Are there any
radioactive atoms in the sima? We do not know; but the thermal
properties of the planet would be very different if the quantity
of such matter there were of the same order as is found in the
crust. So, radioactive matter, one of the sources of the Earth's
free energy, either does not exist in the sima or diminishes
rapidly as one goes downward from the base of the crust.
77 The thickness of the isostatic surface is not clearly known. At
one time, it was thought to be 110 to 120 kilometers; but more
recent and precise estimates are much lower. Its level seems to be
variable, depending on location, and its form is slowly being
altered by what we call the geologic process - that is to say, the
action of free energy in the Earth's crust.
Above the isostatic surface is the great concenter called the
crust. This term was originally part of the old hypothesis of a
formerly incandescent, and liquid, planet, which supposedly left
behind a "crust" of consolidation as it cooled.
Laplace gave this cosmology its fullest expression, and for
some time it was quite popular with scholars, who
ed its scientific value. It gradually became clear that no trace
whatever of such a primary crust is to be found in anyaccessi-
76 Our ideas about the physical state of matter in the sima are
imprecise. Its temperature does not appear to be very high, but
its great pressure produces odd effects. Mohorovicic suggested
that the mechanical properties of this matter, at least to the
depth of 2000 kilometers, are analogous to solids, but that the
pressures are so unimaginably high that our experimentally-
based notions of the three states of matter - solid, liquid, and
gas - are completely inapplicable. The usual parameters which
characterize the differences between these states of matter break
down even at the upper boundary of the sima, where the pres-
sures reach 20,000 atmospheres, as Bridgman's 1925 experi-
ments demonstrate.
This matter cannot be crystalline; perhaps it assumes a vitre-
ous or metallic state under the high pressures involved. These
are perfectlyhomogeneous layers in which the pressure increas-
es, and properties change, progressively with depth.
4 Vernadsky's description of the
crust precedes the acceptance of
plate tectonic theory, but here he
seems to be hinting at an awareness
of (at the time) newly emerging
ideas of continental drift.
3 Vernadsky develops this con-
cept of envelopes further in V. I.
Vernadsky, 1942.
5 This conjecture of Vernadsky's
has been decisively confirmed by
the discovery of the Van Allen
Radiation Belts (see Manahan, 1994,
p. 287, fig. 9.9).
ble geologic strata, and that this hypothetical incandescent-and-
liquid past of the planet played no part in geological phenome-
na. While the hypothesis has been abandoned, the term "crust"
continues to be used, but in a different sense.
78 In the Earth's crust, we can distinguish a series of envelopes,
the geospheres.
Each is characterized by its own dynamic,
physical, and chemical equilibria, which are largely isolated and
independent. Although the boundaries between them remain
difficult for us to establish, and are not usually spherical, the
envelopes are arranged concentrically.
The locations of the geospheric boundaries can be deter-
mined more precisely in the upper solid and lower gaseous
regions of the planet. Large quantities of chemical compounds
have reached, and continue to reach, the Earth's surface from
depths ofI6 to 20 kilometers belowsea level, and from 10 to 20
kilometers above. The geologic structure ofthe Earth shows that
the deepest rock masses do not extend below this lower limit.
Moreover, the 16 kilometer thickness approximately corre-
sponds to the region containing all sedimentary and metamor-
phic rocks. The chemical composition of the upper 16-20 kilo-
meters is probably determined by the same geological processes
going on today. The general features of this composition are well
In spite of the great progress of experimental science, our
knowledge becomes less accurate beyond the limits just indicat-
ed. Not only are we unable to unambiguously identify the mat-
ter which adjoins the Earth's crust, but further, the very states of
matter in these regions of high and low pressure are quite
The only thing that is certain is that knowledge is growing,
slowly but surely. The radical revision of old ideas regarding the
crust has just begun.
79 We must now turn our- attention to several general phe-
nomena which are important to an understanding of the
Earth's crust. First, matter in the upper layers of the atmosphere
is in a totally different state than what we are accustomed to.
The region of the planet above 80-1000 kilometers is a new
concenter, in which immense reserves of free energy in the
form of electrons and ions are concentrated. The role of this
rarefied material medium in the history of the planet is not yet

182 In particular Lord Kelvin and his
calculation of the age of Earth from
a molten beginning (Hallam, 1992, p.
124; Kelvin, 1894).
181 See Bridgman, 1925.
180 This is a very shrewd inference
on Vernadsky's part, for there are
indeed lesser amounts of radioac-
tive elements in the mantle and
core. During Earth's evolution and
the differentiation of the crust,
radioisotopes such as those of
uranium have tended to become
concentrated in the crust.
81 It has taken many years of empirical work to establish the
existence of terrestrial envelopes, although some, such as the
atmosphere, have been familiar for centuries.
Second, the inner layers of the crust are und?ubtedly not in a
state of liquid incandescence throughout, as was formerly con-
cluded from observations of the eruption of volcanic rocks. It
must be admitted that within these layers there are large or small
aggregates of magma- masses of silicates in a fused, viscous
state - at temperatures of 600
to 1200
C, and dispersed within
a primarily solid or semiviscous matrix. There is no indication
that these magma bodies penetrate the whole crust, or that they
are not concentrated in the upper zone, or that the temperature
of the entire crust is as high as that of these incandescent, gas-
containing masses.
80 Although the structure of the deeper portions of the crust
still harbors enigmas, considerable progress toward under-
standing this structure has been made in the last few years.
The crust in its entirety seems to consist of the acid and basic
rocks found at its surface. Under the continents, to a depth of
about 15 kilometers, acid rocks (granites and granodiorites)
exist together, but at greater depths the basic rocks predominate.
Under the hydrosphere, these basic rocks are poorer in free
energy and radioactive elements, and are nearer the surface.
There thus appear to be at least three envelopes beneath the
Earth's surface, the upper one corresponding to the acidic,
granitic envelope, and extending to a depth of about 15 kilome-
ters, with considerable quantities of radioactive elements.
About 34 kilometers belowthe surface there is a sudden change
in the properties of matter (H. Jeffreys,186 S. Mohorovicic
probably marking the lower boundary of crystalline bodies, and
b d f al
' " . I "188 B I
the upper oun ary 0 R. D ys Vitreous enve ope. e ow
this level the basic rocks, and in some places the acid rocks, must
be in a plastic, perhaps partially molten state that cannot corre-
spond to any rocks known from the Earth's surface.
At the average depth of 59-60 kilometers, there is another
abrupt change in the structure of the crust, marked by seismic
evidence for dense rock phases, perhaps eclogites" (density not
less than 3 . 3 ~ 3 4
At this level we reach the sima region, in which the density of
rocks becomes greater and greater, reaching 43 to 44 at its
191 At the time Vernadsky was writ-
ing The Biosphere, many scientists
expected that by looking at biology
one would discover new laws of
physics and chemistry. Great sur-
prise was expressed when, with the
elucidation of the structure of DNA,
the "trick behind it" turned out to be
so simple Oudson, 1979, p. 60).
190 See Gibbs, 1902.
82 The above independent variables are not the only ones the-
oretically possible in heterogeneous equilibria. Electrodynamic
equilibria, for example, were studied by Gibbs. In addition, var-
ious superficial or electrostatic forces - forces of contact - have
a great importance in natural terrestrial equilibria.
In photosynthesis, the independent variable is energy. In phe-
nomena of crystallization, we encounter vectorial energy and
internal energy in the formation of crystal twins. Surface ener-
gy plays a role in all crystallization processes.
Living organisms bring solar energy into the physico-chemi-
cal processes of the crust, but they are essentially different from
all other independent variables of the biosphere, because they
are independent of the secondary systems of equilibria within
the primary thermodynamic field. The autonomy of living
organisms is shown by the fact that the parameters of their own
thermodynamic fields are absolutely different from those
observed elsewhere in the biosphere. For example, some organ-
isms maintain their own individual temperatures (independent
of the temperature of the surrounding medium) and have their
own internal pressure. They are isolated in the biosphere.
Around the turn of the century we began to grasp the princi-
ples of their origin, without fully recognizing their role in the
structure of the crust. Their origin and existence are closely
connected with chemical processes and laws of equilibrium.
More recently, it has become possible to perceive the compli-
cated chemical and physical structure of the crust, and form at
least a simple model of the phenomena and systems of equilib-
rium that apply to terrestrial envelopes.
The laws of equilibriumwere set out in mathematical form by
J. W. Gibbs (1884-1887), who applied them to relationships
between independent variables in physical and chemical
processes (temperature, pressure, physical state, and chemical
composition). All of the empirically-recognized geospheres can
be distinguished by the variables of Gibbs' equilibria.
We can
distinguish thermodynamic envelopes, determined by values of
temperature and pressure; envelopes of states of matter, charac-
terized by material phases (solid, liquid, etc.); and chemical
envelopes, distinguished by chemical composition.
Only the envelope proposed by Suess, the biosphere, is left out
of this scheme. Its reactions are subject to the laws of equilibri-
um, but are distinguished by a new property, an independent
variable which Gibbs failed to take into account,191
189 See Williamson and Adams,
.. The eclogites are certainly not those
known by petrographers, since their
structure does not appear to be
crystalline, but they have the same
density. The eclogites found in the
upper portions of the Earth's crust
represent the deepest parts of the
crust that can be studied visually.
188 See Daly, 1928; Daly, 1938; and
DalY,1940 .
187 See Mohorovicic, 19
S. Mohorovicic,1915; and Skoko and
Mokrovic, 1982.
186 See Jeffreys, 19
81 It has taken many years of empirical work to establish the
existence of terrestrial envelopes, although some, such as the
atmosphere, have been familiar for centuries.
Second, the inner layers of the crust are und?ubtedly not in a
state of liquid incandescence throughout, as was formerly con-
cluded from observations of the eruption of volcanic rocks. It
must be admitted that within these layers there are large or small
aggregates of magma- masses of silicates in a fused, viscous
state - at temperatures of 600
to 1200
C, and dispersed within
a primarily solid or semiviscous matrix. There is no indication
that these magma bodies penetrate the whole crust, or that they
are not concentrated in the upper zone, or that the temperature
of the entire crust is as high as that of these incandescent, gas-
containing masses.
80 Although the structure of the deeper portions of the crust
still harbors enigmas, considerable progress toward under-
standing this structure has been made in the last few years.
The crust in its entirety seems to consist of the acid and basic
rocks found at its surface. Under the continents, to a depth of
about 15 kilometers, acid rocks (granites and granodiorites)
exist together, but at greater depths the basic rocks predominate.
Under the hydrosphere, these basic rocks are poorer in free
energy and radioactive elements, and are nearer the surface.
There thus appear to be at least three envelopes beneath the
Earth's surface, the upper one corresponding to the acidic,
granitic envelope, and extending to a depth of about 15 kilome-
ters, with considerable quantities of radioactive elements.
About 34 kilometers belowthe surface there is a sudden change
in the properties of matter (H. Jeffreys,186 S. Mohorovicic
probably marking the lower boundary of crystalline bodies, and
b d f al
' " . I "188 B I
the upper oun ary 0 R. D ys Vitreous enve ope. e ow
this level the basic rocks, and in some places the acid rocks, must
be in a plastic, perhaps partially molten state that cannot corre-
spond to any rocks known from the Earth's surface.
At the average depth of 59-60 kilometers, there is another
abrupt change in the structure of the crust, marked by seismic
evidence for dense rock phases, perhaps eclogites" (density not
less than 3 . 3 ~ 3 4
At this level we reach the sima region, in which the density of
rocks becomes greater and greater, reaching 43 to 44 at its
191 At the time Vernadsky was writ-
ing The Biosphere, many scientists
expected that by looking at biology
one would discover new laws of
physics and chemistry. Great sur-
prise was expressed when, with the
elucidation of the structure of DNA,
the "trick behind it" turned out to be
so simple Oudson, 1979, p. 60).
190 See Gibbs, 1902.
82 The above independent variables are not the only ones the-
oretically possible in heterogeneous equilibria. Electrodynamic
equilibria, for example, were studied by Gibbs. In addition, var-
ious superficial or electrostatic forces - forces of contact - have
a great importance in natural terrestrial equilibria.
In photosynthesis, the independent variable is energy. In phe-
nomena of crystallization, we encounter vectorial energy and
internal energy in the formation of crystal twins. Surface ener-
gy plays a role in all crystallization processes.
Living organisms bring solar energy into the physico-chemi-
cal processes of the crust, but they are essentially different from
all other independent variables of the biosphere, because they
are independent of the secondary systems of equilibria within
the primary thermodynamic field. The autonomy of living
organisms is shown by the fact that the parameters of their own
thermodynamic fields are absolutely different from those
observed elsewhere in the biosphere. For example, some organ-
isms maintain their own individual temperatures (independent
of the temperature of the surrounding medium) and have their
own internal pressure. They are isolated in the biosphere.
Around the turn of the century we began to grasp the princi-
ples of their origin, without fully recognizing their role in the
structure of the crust. Their origin and existence are closely
connected with chemical processes and laws of equilibrium.
More recently, it has become possible to perceive the compli-
cated chemical and physical structure of the crust, and form at
least a simple model of the phenomena and systems of equilib-
rium that apply to terrestrial envelopes.
The laws of equilibriumwere set out in mathematical form by
J. W. Gibbs (1884-1887), who applied them to relationships
between independent variables in physical and chemical
processes (temperature, pressure, physical state, and chemical
composition). All of the empirically-recognized geospheres can
be distinguished by the variables of Gibbs' equilibria.
We can
distinguish thermodynamic envelopes, determined by values of
temperature and pressure; envelopes of states of matter, charac-
terized by material phases (solid, liquid, etc.); and chemical
envelopes, distinguished by chemical composition.
Only the envelope proposed by Suess, the biosphere, is left out
of this scheme. Its reactions are subject to the laws of equilibri-
um, but are distinguished by a new property, an independent
variable which Gibbs failed to take into account,191
189 See Williamson and Adams,
.. The eclogites are certainly not those
known by petrographers, since their
structure does not appear to be
crystalline, but they have the same
density. The eclogites found in the
upper portions of the Earth's crust
represent the deepest parts of the
crust that can be studied visually.
188 See Daly, 1928; Daly, 1938; and
DalY,1940 .
187 See Mohorovicic, 19
S. Mohorovicic,1915; and Skoko and
Mokrovic, 1982.
186 See Jeffreys, 19
Although the thermodynamic field of the latter determines the
regions in which their autonomous systems can exist, it does not
determine their internal field.
Their autonomy is also shown by their chemical compounds,
most of which cannot be formed outside themselves in the inert
milieu of the biosphere. Unstable in this medium, these com-
pounds decompose, passing into other bodies where they dis-
turb the equilibrium and thereby become a source of free ener-
gy in the biosphere.
The conditions under which these chemical compounds are
formed, in living beings, are often very different from those in
the biosphere. In the biosphere, we never observe the decompo-
sition192 of carbon dioxide and water, for example, although this
is a fundamental biochemical process. In our planet this process
only takes place in the deep regions of the magmasphere apart
from the biosphere, and can be reproduced in the laboratory
only at temperatures much higher than those in the biosphere. It
is a fundamental observation that living organisms, carriers of
the solar energy that created them, may be empirically
described as particular thermodynamic fields foreign to, and
isolated within, the biosphere, of which they constitute a com-
paratively insignificant fraction. The sizes of organisms range
from 10-
to 10
centimeters. Whatever explanation may be
given for their existence and formation, it is a fact that all chem-
ical equilibria in the medium of the biosphere are changed by
their presence, while the general laws of equilibria of course
remain unchangeable. The activity of the sum total of living
creatures, or in other words, living matter, is fully analogous to
the activity of other independent variables. Living matter may
be regarded as a special kind of independent variable in the
energetic budget of the planet.
83 The activity of living creatures is closely connected with
their food, breathing, destruction and death; or, in other words,
with the vital processes by which chemical elements enter and
leave them.
When chemical elements enter living organisms, they
encounter a medium unlike any other on our planet. We can
regard the penetration of chemical elements into living matter
as a new mode of occurrence.
Their history in this new mode of occurrence is clearly dis-
tinct from that to which they are subjected in other parts of our
planet, probably because a profound change of atomic systems
192 Vernadsky means here
abiogenic decomposition of water
and carbon dioxide, both of which
are quite stable at Earth's surface.
Both molecules, of course, are split
in the most common type of
photosynthesis (Photosystem II).
occurs in living matter. It may be that the usual mixtures of iso-
topes do not exist in living matter - a point for experimentalists
to decide.
It was formerly thought (and this opinion has not lost all its
adherents) that the special history of elemental constituents of
living matter could be explained by the predominance of col-
loids in living organisms. But in numerous examples of non-liv-
ing colloidal systems, what we know of the biochemical history
of elements is not in accord with this idea.
The properties of dispersed systems of matter (colloids) are
governed bymolecules, and not by atoms. This fact alone should
dissuade us from looking to colloidal phenomena for the expla-
nation of modes of occurrence, which are always characterized
by the states of atoms.
84 In 1921, we advanced the idea of mode of occurrence of
chemical elements as a purely empirical generalization..
The occurrence and history of the elements may be classified
in different thermodynamic fields, or in definite parts of them.
A larger number of modes of occurrence may exist than are
observed in the thermodynamic fields of our planet. The states
attributed to atoms in stellar systems, for example, in order to
explain their spectra, are impossible on Earth (the ionized
atoms of Saha-Meg-Nad
). In certain stars, these atoms are
endowed with an enormous mass, which can be explained only
by assuming densities of thousands and tens of thousands of
grams per cubic centimeter (A. Eddington).* The states of these
stellar atoms obviously have modes of occurrence that are
unknown in the Earth's crust. Other modes of occurrence not
found on our planet should be observed in the sun's corona
(electron gas), in nebulae, in comets, and in the Earth's core.
85 The existence of chemical elements in living matter should
be regarded as their particular mode of occurrence, because liv-
ing organisms are special thermodynamic fields of the bios-
phere, which profoundly alter the history of the chemical ele-
ments in them. This mode clearly should be classed with the
other modes in the crust which are characterized by the partic-
ular states of their atoms. It can be expected that future research
will clarify the modifications which atomic systems undergo,
when they enter living matter.
The different modes of occurrence of atoms in the crust are
empirically characterized by: 1. a thermodynamic field, specific
193 Isotopic fractionation has
indeed been demonstrated in organ-
isms. Organisms do this (with iso-
topes of oxygen, carbon, etc.)
because it is more energetically effi-
cient, in a biochemical sense, to use
the lighter isotopes of a given ele-
ment. See Vernadsky, 1931.
194 This statement typifies
Vernadsky's fixation on the elemen-
tal makeup of life, as opposed to its
molecular makeup.
This probably represents a desire on
Vernadsky's part to have study of
the biosphere closely linked to the
famous periodic table constructed
by Vernadsky's professor D. I.
Mendeleev (Yanshin and Yanshina,
8, p. 283; Fersman, 1946).
195 See Saha-Meg-Nad.1927.
The matter of the star Sirius Bhas a
density of 53,000. According to the
dynamic ideas of N. Bohr and E.
Rutherford (although their models
are only approximations of reality),
electrons are closer to the nucleus of
the atoms in this star than in the case
of ordinary atoms (F. Tirring, 1925).
The displacement observed in the red
spectrum of Sirius B, and in spectral
lines of bodies of similar density, con-
firm such enormous densities,
according to
relativity theory.
Although the thermodynamic field of the latter determines the
regions in which their autonomous systems can exist, it does not
determine their internal field.
Their autonomy is also shown by their chemical compounds,
most of which cannot be formed outside themselves in the inert
milieu of the biosphere. Unstable in this medium, these com-
pounds decompose, passing into other bodies where they dis-
turb the equilibrium and thereby become a source of free ener-
gy in the biosphere.
The conditions under which these chemical compounds are
formed, in living beings, are often very different from those in
the biosphere. In the biosphere, we never observe the decompo-
sition192 of carbon dioxide and water, for example, although this
is a fundamental biochemical process. In our planet this process
only takes place in the deep regions of the magmasphere apart
from the biosphere, and can be reproduced in the laboratory
only at temperatures much higher than those in the biosphere. It
is a fundamental observation that living organisms, carriers of
the solar energy that created them, may be empirically
described as particular thermodynamic fields foreign to, and
isolated within, the biosphere, of which they constitute a com-
paratively insignificant fraction. The sizes of organisms range
from 10-
to 10
centimeters. Whatever explanation may be
given for their existence and formation, it is a fact that all chem-
ical equilibria in the medium of the biosphere are changed by
their presence, while the general laws of equilibria of course
remain unchangeable. The activity of the sum total of living
creatures, or in other words, living matter, is fully analogous to
the activity of other independent variables. Living matter may
be regarded as a special kind of independent variable in the
energetic budget of the planet.
83 The activity of living creatures is closely connected with
their food, breathing, destruction and death; or, in other words,
with the vital processes by which chemical elements enter and
leave them.
When chemical elements enter living organisms, they
encounter a medium unlike any other on our planet. We can
regard the penetration of chemical elements into living matter
as a new mode of occurrence.
Their history in this new mode of occurrence is clearly dis-
tinct from that to which they are subjected in other parts of our
planet, probably because a profound change of atomic systems
192 Vernadsky means here
abiogenic decomposition of water
and carbon dioxide, both of which
are quite stable at Earth's surface.
Both molecules, of course, are split
in the most common type of
photosynthesis (Photosystem II).
occurs in living matter. It may be that the usual mixtures of iso-
topes do not exist in living matter - a point for experimentalists
to decide.
It was formerly thought (and this opinion has not lost all its
adherents) that the special history of elemental constituents of
living matter could be explained by the predominance of col-
loids in living organisms. But in numerous examples of non-liv-
ing colloidal systems, what we know of the biochemical history
of elements is not in accord with this idea.
The properties of dispersed systems of matter (colloids) are
governed bymolecules, and not by atoms. This fact alone should
dissuade us from looking to colloidal phenomena for the expla-
nation of modes of occurrence, which are always characterized
by the states of atoms.
84 In 1921, we advanced the idea of mode of occurrence of
chemical elements as a purely empirical generalization..
The occurrence and history of the elements may be classified
in different thermodynamic fields, or in definite parts of them.
A larger number of modes of occurrence may exist than are
observed in the thermodynamic fields of our planet. The states
attributed to atoms in stellar systems, for example, in order to
explain their spectra, are impossible on Earth (the ionized
atoms of Saha-Meg-Nad
). In certain stars, these atoms are
endowed with an enormous mass, which can be explained only
by assuming densities of thousands and tens of thousands of
grams per cubic centimeter (A. Eddington).* The states of these
stellar atoms obviously have modes of occurrence that are
unknown in the Earth's crust. Other modes of occurrence not
found on our planet should be observed in the sun's corona
(electron gas), in nebulae, in comets, and in the Earth's core.
85 The existence of chemical elements in living matter should
be regarded as their particular mode of occurrence, because liv-
ing organisms are special thermodynamic fields of the bios-
phere, which profoundly alter the history of the chemical ele-
ments in them. This mode clearly should be classed with the
other modes in the crust which are characterized by the partic-
ular states of their atoms. It can be expected that future research
will clarify the modifications which atomic systems undergo,
when they enter living matter.
The different modes of occurrence of atoms in the crust are
empirically characterized by: 1. a thermodynamic field, specific
193 Isotopic fractionation has
indeed been demonstrated in organ-
isms. Organisms do this (with iso-
topes of oxygen, carbon, etc.)
because it is more energetically effi-
cient, in a biochemical sense, to use
the lighter isotopes of a given ele-
ment. See Vernadsky, 1931.
194 This statement typifies
Vernadsky's fixation on the elemen-
tal makeup of life, as opposed to its
molecular makeup.
This probably represents a desire on
Vernadsky's part to have study of
the biosphere closely linked to the
famous periodic table constructed
by Vernadsky's professor D. I.
Mendeleev (Yanshin and Yanshina,
8, p. 283; Fersman, 1946).
195 See Saha-Meg-Nad.1927.
The matter of the star Sirius Bhas a
density of 53,000. According to the
dynamic ideas of N. Bohr and E.
Rutherford (although their models
are only approximations of reality),
electrons are closer to the nucleus of
the atoms in this star than in the case
of ordinary atoms (F. Tirring, 1925).
The displacement observed in the red
spectrum of Sirius B, and in spectral
lines of bodies of similar density, con-
firm such enormous densities,
according to
relativity theory.
for each mode; 2. a particular atomic configura;tion; 3. a specific
geochemical history of the element's migration; and 4. relation-
ships, often unique to the given mode, between atoms of differ-
ent chemical elements (paragenesis
86 We can distinguish four modes of occurrence through
which the elements of the crust pass, in the course of their his-
tory: 1. Massive rocks and minerals, consisting primarily of sta-
ble molecules and crystals in immobile combinations of ele-
ments; 2. Magmas, viscous mixtures of gases and liquids
containing neither the molecules nor crystals of our familiar
chemistry,* but a mobile mixture of dissociated atomic systems;
3. Dispersed elements in a free state, separate from one another
and sometimes ionized,t suggesting the radiant matter of M,
Faraday and W. Crookes; 4, Livingmatter, in which the atoms are
generally believed to occur as molecules, dissociated ionic sys-
tems, and dispersed modes, although these seem insufficient to
explain the empirical facts. It is very likely that isotopes (83)
and the symmetry of atoms also play roles in the living organ-
ism which have not yet been elucidated

87 The modes of occurrence of chemical elements playa role in

multivariate equilibria similar to those of independent variables
such as temperature, pressure, chemical composition, and states
of matter. Such modes of occurrence also characterize
geospheres reified as the thermodynamic and other envelopes
of the crust, as already described (81). These geospheres can be
called paragenetic envelopes, because they determine the main
features of paragenesis of elements - the laws of their simulta-
neous occurrence.
The biosphere is the most accessible and the best known of
the paragenetic envelopes.
88 The concept of the Earth's crust as a structure of thermody-
namic envelopes, of chemical and paragenetic states of matter, is
a typical empirical generalization. It has not yet been linked to
any theories of geogenesis or to any conception of the universe,
and is therefore still not fully explained.
From all that has been said, it can be seen that such a structure
is the result of the mutual action of cosmic forces on the one
hand; and of the interplay between the matter and the energy of
our planet, on the other. This follows from the fact that the char-
acter of matter (the quantitative relationships of the elements,
196 Paragenesis is a geological
term for the order of formation of
associated minerals in a time
succession. as often encountered in
metamorphic mineral suites.
* Glasses under high temperature and
pressure (80) can be taken as special
magmas; possibly they correspond to
a new mode of occurrence of
chemical elements.
t The ionized state may, perhaps, be a
distinct mode of occurrence.
197 A. I. Perelman notes that there
are indications that the spin (right or
left) of elementary particles plays a
significant role in the existence of
asymmetry in organisms (Gardner,
1963). Vernadsky was fascinated
with such possibilities, and felt that
there must be a basic assymetry or
anisotropy to the structure of the
universe (Mitropolsky and Kratko
1988). This idea has resurfaced
recently with the controversial
proposal that the universe is
anisotropic and has an axis
(Nodland and Ralston. 1997; Glanz,
1997; Cowen, 1997).
198 Many theories and hypotheses
have appeared in recent times
concerning the origin of layers in the
crust. A. P. Vinogradov has
developed a model in which the
formation of the crust from the
mantle is viewed as a result of so-
called "zonal melting" -A. I.
"0 '.


"0"; en
'" en'fii
g...;::i8 cQ

'" ..,
..9 ....

(U e

l:: cQ 0 S
en l.t:l .... u ., l:: ., .,
..... QJbOV l.t:l..d.,
l:: :a.
E:: '"

"0 .fj
<::! cQ
6' '" :;;.'8 6"'8


g..::l I

........ 0
+-a """"'" 0 0

Ol=l:a "5h:a

<>: III CIl 0.. .... >4.....:1 ....
> N
"" "'"
for each mode; 2. a particular atomic configura;tion; 3. a specific
geochemical history of the element's migration; and 4. relation-
ships, often unique to the given mode, between atoms of differ-
ent chemical elements (paragenesis
86 We can distinguish four modes of occurrence through
which the elements of the crust pass, in the course of their his-
tory: 1. Massive rocks and minerals, consisting primarily of sta-
ble molecules and crystals in immobile combinations of ele-
ments; 2. Magmas, viscous mixtures of gases and liquids
containing neither the molecules nor crystals of our familiar
chemistry,* but a mobile mixture of dissociated atomic systems;
3. Dispersed elements in a free state, separate from one another
and sometimes ionized,t suggesting the radiant matter of M,
Faraday and W. Crookes; 4, Livingmatter, in which the atoms are
generally believed to occur as molecules, dissociated ionic sys-
tems, and dispersed modes, although these seem insufficient to
explain the empirical facts. It is very likely that isotopes (83)
and the symmetry of atoms also play roles in the living organ-
ism which have not yet been elucidated

87 The modes of occurrence of chemical elements playa role in

multivariate equilibria similar to those of independent variables
such as temperature, pressure, chemical composition, and states
of matter. Such modes of occurrence also characterize
geospheres reified as the thermodynamic and other envelopes
of the crust, as already described (81). These geospheres can be
called paragenetic envelopes, because they determine the main
features of paragenesis of elements - the laws of their simulta-
neous occurrence.
The biosphere is the most accessible and the best known of
the paragenetic envelopes.
88 The concept of the Earth's crust as a structure of thermody-
namic envelopes, of chemical and paragenetic states of matter, is
a typical empirical generalization. It has not yet been linked to
any theories of geogenesis or to any conception of the universe,
and is therefore still not fully explained.
From all that has been said, it can be seen that such a structure
is the result of the mutual action of cosmic forces on the one
hand; and of the interplay between the matter and the energy of
our planet, on the other. This follows from the fact that the char-
acter of matter (the quantitative relationships of the elements,
196 Paragenesis is a geological
term for the order of formation of
associated minerals in a time
succession. as often encountered in
metamorphic mineral suites.
* Glasses under high temperature and
pressure (80) can be taken as special
magmas; possibly they correspond to
a new mode of occurrence of
chemical elements.
t The ionized state may, perhaps, be a
distinct mode of occurrence.
197 A. I. Perelman notes that there
are indications that the spin (right or
left) of elementary particles plays a
significant role in the existence of
asymmetry in organisms (Gardner,
1963). Vernadsky was fascinated
with such possibilities, and felt that
there must be a basic assymetry or
anisotropy to the structure of the
universe (Mitropolsky and Kratko
1988). This idea has resurfaced
recently with the controversial
proposal that the universe is
anisotropic and has an axis
(Nodland and Ralston. 1997; Glanz,
1997; Cowen, 1997).
198 Many theories and hypotheses
have appeared in recent times
concerning the origin of layers in the
crust. A. P. Vinogradov has
developed a model in which the
formation of the crust from the
mantle is viewed as a result of so-
called "zonal melting" -A. I.
"0 '.


"0"; en
'" en'fii
g...;::i8 cQ

'" ..,
..9 ....

(U e

l:: cQ 0 S
en l.t:l .... u ., l:: ., .,
..... QJbOV l.t:l..d.,
l:: :a.
E:: '"

"0 .fj
<::! cQ
6' '" :;;.'8 6"'8


g..::l I

........ 0
+-a """"'" 0 0

Ol=l:a "5h:a

<>: III CIl 0.. .... >4.....:1 ....
> N
"" "'"
for example) is neither accidental nor connected solely with
geological causes.
This empirical generalization is set out in tabular form in
Table 1
and will serve as a basis for our further discussion.
Like all empirical generalizations, this table must be regarded
as a first approximation to reality, susceptible to modification
and subsequent completion. Its significance depends upon the
factual, empirical material underlying it, and as a result of gaps
in our knowledge is very uneven in terms of its significance.
Our knowledge of the first thermodynamic envelope, and
other upper envelopes corresponding to it, is founded on a rela-
tively small number of facts, conjectures, and interpolations,
which by their nature are foreign to empirical generalization.
The same can be said of the fifth thermodynamic envelope and
the regions below it. Our knowledge of these domains is, there-
fore, unreliable, and will be drastically modified as science pro-
gresses. Hopefully, new discoveries will lead to radical changes
in current opinion in the near future.
In most cases, it is impossible to indicate the precise line of
demarcation between envelopes. The surfaces separating them
change with time, sometimes rapidly, according to all indica-
tions. Their form is complex and unstable.*2oo Our lack of
knowledge regarding the boundary zones portrayed on the
table has little importance for the problems considered here,
however, because the entire biosphere lies between these layers,
within a region of the table filled with statements based upon an
enormous collection of facts and free from hypotheses and
89 Temperature and pressure are particularlyimportant factors
in chemical equilibria, because they apply to all states, chemical
combinations, and modes of occurrence of matter. The thermo-
dynamic envelopes corresponding to them are likewise of spe-
cial importance. Our model of the cosmos always must have a
thermodynamic component.
The origin of elements and their geochemical history must,
therefore, be classified according to different thermodynamic
envelopes. From now on, the term vadose will be given to the
phenomena and the bodies in the second thermodynamic enve-
lope; phreatic, to those of the third and fourth (metamorphic)
envelopes; andjuvenile, to those of the fifth envelope.
Matter confined to the first and sixth envelopes either does
not enter into the biosphere or has not been observed in it.
199 Vernadsky later revised this
table (Vernadsky. 1954, pp. 66-68.)
*The basalt envelope is below the
oceans, probably at a depth close to 10
km for the Pacific Ocean, and deeper
for the Atlantic. It is sometimes
thought that the granite envelope
under the continents is very thick
(more than 50 km under Europe and
Asia, according to Gutenberg, 1924;
and Gutenberg, 1925).
200 Current values place the thick-
ness of oceanic crust at about 5-10
kilometers and continental crust at
about 35 kilometers (see Press and
Siever, 1982)
Living Matter of the First and Second Orders
in the Biosphere
90 While the boundaries of the biosphere are primarily deter-
mined by the field ofvital existence, there is no doubt that afield
of vital stability extends beyond its boundaries.
We do not
know how far beyond the confines of the biosphere it can go
because of uncertainties about adaptation, which is obviously a
function of time, and manifests itself in the biosphere in strict
relation to howmany millions of years an organism has existed.
Since we do not have such lengths of time at our disposal and
are currently unable to compensate for them in our experi-
ments, we cannot accurately assess the adaptive power of organ-
All experiments on living organisms have been made on bod-
ies which have adapted to surrounding conditions during the
course of immeasurable time* and have developed the matter
and structure necessary for life. Their matter is modified as it
passes through geologic time, but we do not know the extent of
the changes and cannot deduce them from their chemical char-
In spite of the fact that the study of nature shows unambigu-
ous evidence of the adaptation of life and the development of
different forms of organisms, modified to ensure their contin-
ued existence throughout centuries, it can be deduced from pre-
ceding remarks that life in the crust occupies a smaller part of
the envelopes than is potentially for it to expand into.
The synthesis ofthe age old study of nature - the unconscious
empirical generalization upon which our knowledge and scien-
tific labor rests - could not be formulated better than by saying
that life has encompassed the biosphere by slow and gradual
adaptation, and that this process has not yet attained its zenith
(112, 122). The pressure of life is felt as an expansion of the field
of vital existence beyond the field of vital stability.
The field of vital stability therefore is the product of adaptation
throughout time. It is neither permanent nor unchangeable, and
its present limits cannot clearly predict its potential limits.
The study of paleontology and ecology shows that this field
has gradually increased during the existence of the planet.
The field of existence of living organisms is not determined
solely by the properties of their matter, the properties of the
environment, or the adaptation of organisms. A characteristic
role is also played by the respiration and feeding of organisms,
201 Weyl (1966) developed this
same concept in terms of what he
called the "life boundary,"
202 See the discussion of the adap-
tive power of organisms in Cuenot,
5. Recent experiments may in
fact give us tools with which to
accurately assess the adaptive
power of organisms (Losos et at.
1997; Case, 1997).
* "Immeasurable time" is an anthro-
pocentric notion. In reality, there are
laws which have yet to be established,
regarding a definite duration of the
evolution [probably measured in bil-
lions of years1of living matter in the
t The limits of life are often sought in
the chemical and physical properties
of the chemistry of living organisms,
such as in proteins that coagulate at
60-70C. But the complex capacities
for adaptation by organisms must be
taken into account. Certain proteins
in a dry state do not change at the
temperature 100C (M. E. Chevreul,
for example) is neither accidental nor connected solely with
geological causes.
This empirical generalization is set out in tabular form in
Table 1
and will serve as a basis for our further discussion.
Like all empirical generalizations, this table must be regarded
as a first approximation to reality, susceptible to modification
and subsequent completion. Its significance depends upon the
factual, empirical material underlying it, and as a result of gaps
in our knowledge is very uneven in terms of its significance.
Our knowledge of the first thermodynamic envelope, and
other upper envelopes corresponding to it, is founded on a rela-
tively small number of facts, conjectures, and interpolations,
which by their nature are foreign to empirical generalization.
The same can be said of the fifth thermodynamic envelope and
the regions below it. Our knowledge of these domains is, there-
fore, unreliable, and will be drastically modified as science pro-
gresses. Hopefully, new discoveries will lead to radical changes
in current opinion in the near future.
In most cases, it is impossible to indicate the precise line of
demarcation between envelopes. The surfaces separating them
change with time, sometimes rapidly, according to all indica-
tions. Their form is complex and unstable.*2oo Our lack of
knowledge regarding the boundary zones portrayed on the
table has little importance for the problems considered here,
however, because the entire biosphere lies between these layers,
within a region of the table filled with statements based upon an
enormous collection of facts and free from hypotheses and
89 Temperature and pressure are particularlyimportant factors
in chemical equilibria, because they apply to all states, chemical
combinations, and modes of occurrence of matter. The thermo-
dynamic envelopes corresponding to them are likewise of spe-
cial importance. Our model of the cosmos always must have a
thermodynamic component.
The origin of elements and their geochemical history must,
therefore, be classified according to different thermodynamic
envelopes. From now on, the term vadose will be given to the
phenomena and the bodies in the second thermodynamic enve-
lope; phreatic, to those of the third and fourth (metamorphic)
envelopes; andjuvenile, to those of the fifth envelope.
Matter confined to the first and sixth envelopes either does
not enter into the biosphere or has not been observed in it.
199 Vernadsky later revised this
table (Vernadsky. 1954, pp. 66-68.)
*The basalt envelope is below the
oceans, probably at a depth close to 10
km for the Pacific Ocean, and deeper
for the Atlantic. It is sometimes
thought that the granite envelope
under the continents is very thick
(more than 50 km under Europe and
Asia, according to Gutenberg, 1924;
and Gutenberg, 1925).
200 Current values place the thick-
ness of oceanic crust at about 5-10
kilometers and continental crust at
about 35 kilometers (see Press and
Siever, 1982)
Living Matter of the First and Second Orders
in the Biosphere
90 While the boundaries of the biosphere are primarily deter-
mined by the field ofvital existence, there is no doubt that afield
of vital stability extends beyond its boundaries.
We do not
know how far beyond the confines of the biosphere it can go
because of uncertainties about adaptation, which is obviously a
function of time, and manifests itself in the biosphere in strict
relation to howmany millions of years an organism has existed.
Since we do not have such lengths of time at our disposal and
are currently unable to compensate for them in our experi-
ments, we cannot accurately assess the adaptive power of organ-
All experiments on living organisms have been made on bod-
ies which have adapted to surrounding conditions during the
course of immeasurable time* and have developed the matter
and structure necessary for life. Their matter is modified as it
passes through geologic time, but we do not know the extent of
the changes and cannot deduce them from their chemical char-
In spite of the fact that the study of nature shows unambigu-
ous evidence of the adaptation of life and the development of
different forms of organisms, modified to ensure their contin-
ued existence throughout centuries, it can be deduced from pre-
ceding remarks that life in the crust occupies a smaller part of
the envelopes than is potentially for it to expand into.
The synthesis ofthe age old study of nature - the unconscious
empirical generalization upon which our knowledge and scien-
tific labor rests - could not be formulated better than by saying
that life has encompassed the biosphere by slow and gradual
adaptation, and that this process has not yet attained its zenith
(112, 122). The pressure of life is felt as an expansion of the field
of vital existence beyond the field of vital stability.
The field of vital stability therefore is the product of adaptation
throughout time. It is neither permanent nor unchangeable, and
its present limits cannot clearly predict its potential limits.
The study of paleontology and ecology shows that this field
has gradually increased during the existence of the planet.
The field of existence of living organisms is not determined
solely by the properties of their matter, the properties of the
environment, or the adaptation of organisms. A characteristic
role is also played by the respiration and feeding of organisms,
201 Weyl (1966) developed this
same concept in terms of what he
called the "life boundary,"
202 See the discussion of the adap-
tive power of organisms in Cuenot,
5. Recent experiments may in
fact give us tools with which to
accurately assess the adaptive
power of organisms (Losos et at.
1997; Case, 1997).
* "Immeasurable time" is an anthro-
pocentric notion. In reality, there are
laws which have yet to be established,
regarding a definite duration of the
evolution [probably measured in bil-
lions of years1of living matter in the
t The limits of life are often sought in
the chemical and physical properties
of the chemistry of living organisms,
such as in proteins that coagulate at
60-70C. But the complex capacities
for adaptation by organisms must be
taken into account. Certain proteins
in a dry state do not change at the
temperature 100C (M. E. Chevreul,
through which the organisms actively select th-e materials neces-
sary for life.
We have already see the importance of respiration (the
exchange of gases) in the establishment of energy systems of
organisms, and also of the gaseous systems of the whole planet,
especially its biosphere.
This exchange, as well as the transfer of solid and liquid mat-
ter from the surrounding environment into the autonomous
field of organisms (82) -feeding-determines their habitat.
We have already discussed this, in noting the absorption and
transformation of solar energy by green organisms (42). We
now return to this discussion in more detail.
Of primary importance is identifying the source from which
organisms derive the matter necessary for life. From this point
of view, organisms are clearly divided into two distinct groups:
living matter of the first order
- autotrophic organisms, inde-
pendent of other organisms for their food; and living matter of
the second order- the heterotrophs and mixotrophs. This distrib-
ution of organisms into three groups according to their food
intake was proposed by the German physiologist W. Pfeffer
1880-1890, and is an empirical generalization with rich implica-
tions. It is more important to the study of nature than is gener-
ally thought.
Autotrophic organisms build their bodies exclusively from
inert, non-living matter. Their essential mass is composed of
organic compounds containing nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and
hydrogen - all derived from the mineral world. Autotrophs
transform this raw material into the complex organic com-
pounds which are necessary for life. The preliminary labors of
autotrophs are ultimately necessary for the existence of het-
erotrophs, which obtain their carbon and nitrogen largely from
living matter.
In mixotrophic organisms, the sources of carbon and nitro-
gen are mixed- these nutrients are derived partly from living
matter, and partly from inert matter.
The source from which organisms obtain the matter needed
for life is more complicated than appears at first sight; neverthe-
less, the classification proposed by W. Pfeffer seems to state one
of the fundamental principles of living nature.
All organisms are connected to inert matter through respira-
tion and feeding, even if only partially or indirectly so. The dis-
tinction between autotrophs and heterotrophs is based on
203 Vernadsky uses "order" here in
the sense of "trophic leveL"
204 See Pfeffer, 1881.
autotrophs' independence from other living matter insofar as
chemical elements are concerned; they can obtain all such ele-
ments from their inanimate surroundings.
But in the biosphere a large number of the molecules neces-
saryfor life are themselves the products oflife, and would not be
found in a lifeless, inert medium.
Examples are free oxygen,
0z, and biogenic gases such as CO
, NH
, HzS, etc. The role that
life plays in the production of natural aqueous solutions is just
as important. Natural water (in contrast to distilled water) is as
necessary to life as is the exchange of gases.
The limits to the independence of autotrophic organisms
should be emphasized as further evidence of the profound effect
of life on the chemical character of the inert water in which it
exists. We do not have a right to make the facile conclusion that
the autotrophic organisms of today could exist in isolation on
our planet.
Not only have they been bred from other, similar
autotrophs, but they have obtained the elements they need from
forms of inert matter produced by other organisms.
93 Thus, free oxygen is necessary for the existence of
autotrophic green organisms.
They themselves create it from
water and carbon dioxide. It is a biochemical product which is
foreign to the inert matter of the biosphere.
Furthermore, it cannot be proved that free oxygen is the only
material necessary for life that originates from life itself. For
example, J. Bottomley has raised the problem of the importance
of complex organic compounds for the existence of the green
aquatic plants called auximones.
The actual existence of aux-
onomes has not been established, and the hypothesis has been
questioned, but Bottomley's research has touched upon a more
general question. In the scientific picture of nature, the impor-
tance of barely detectable traces of organic compounds present
in natural fresh or salt water is becoming more and more appar-
ent. The reservoir of organic matter in the biosphere has a total
mass of at least several quadrillion tons. It cannot be said that
this mass originates exclusivelywith autotrophic organisms. On
the contrary, we see at everystep the immense importance ofthe
nitrogen-rich compounds created by the heterotrophic and
mixotrophic organisms. These are especially important in the
life of organisms as food, and in the origin of carbon-rich min-
eral deposits.
Nature continually makes these materials visible to the naked
eye without recourse to chemical analysis. They form fresh
205 For Vernadsky, biogenic macro-
molecules are undOUbtedly "prod-
ucts of life." This partly explains his
difficulties with concepts of abio-
genesis, difficulties which still afflict
the study of the origin of life. The
fundamental problem Is of the chick-
en and egg varlety- how can life
be created from macromolecules
which themselves are products of
life? (See Cairns-Smith, 1991).
206 Vernadsky does not like to take
organisms out of their biospheric
and historical context. Vernadsky
have objected to the thought-based
experiment, discussed by J. W.
Schopf (personal communication).
that one cyanobacterium,
Innoculated into a sterile Earth,
could (with unrestricted growth)
oxygenate the atmosphere In forty
207 Vernadsky seems to be
unaware of the acute toxicity of
oxygen to unprotected organisms.
This may also explain his apparent
rejection of Oparin's suggestion of
an early reducing atmosphere on
Earth. Current research suggests
that the early atmosphere was
indeed anoxic, but was not as
reducing as proposed by Oparln and
Haldane. Rather, it was a carbon
dioxide rich atmosphere (see
Schwartzman and Volk. 1989).
208 See Bottomley, 1917
through which the organisms actively select th-e materials neces-
sary for life.
We have already see the importance of respiration (the
exchange of gases) in the establishment of energy systems of
organisms, and also of the gaseous systems of the whole planet,
especially its biosphere.
This exchange, as well as the transfer of solid and liquid mat-
ter from the surrounding environment into the autonomous
field of organisms (82) -feeding-determines their habitat.
We have already discussed this, in noting the absorption and
transformation of solar energy by green organisms (42). We
now return to this discussion in more detail.
Of primary importance is identifying the source from which
organisms derive the matter necessary for life. From this point
of view, organisms are clearly divided into two distinct groups:
living matter of the first order
- autotrophic organisms, inde-
pendent of other organisms for their food; and living matter of
the second order- the heterotrophs and mixotrophs. This distrib-
ution of organisms into three groups according to their food
intake was proposed by the German physiologist W. Pfeffer
1880-1890, and is an empirical generalization with rich implica-
tions. It is more important to the study of nature than is gener-
ally thought.
Autotrophic organisms build their bodies exclusively from
inert, non-living matter. Their essential mass is composed of
organic compounds containing nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and
hydrogen - all derived from the mineral world. Autotrophs
transform this raw material into the complex organic com-
pounds which are necessary for life. The preliminary labors of
autotrophs are ultimately necessary for the existence of het-
erotrophs, which obtain their carbon and nitrogen largely from
living matter.
In mixotrophic organisms, the sources of carbon and nitro-
gen are mixed- these nutrients are derived partly from living
matter, and partly from inert matter.
The source from which organisms obtain the matter needed
for life is more complicated than appears at first sight; neverthe-
less, the classification proposed by W. Pfeffer seems to state one
of the fundamental principles of living nature.
All organisms are connected to inert matter through respira-
tion and feeding, even if only partially or indirectly so. The dis-
tinction between autotrophs and heterotrophs is based on
203 Vernadsky uses "order" here in
the sense of "trophic leveL"
204 See Pfeffer, 1881.
autotrophs' independence from other living matter insofar as
chemical elements are concerned; they can obtain all such ele-
ments from their inanimate surroundings.
But in the biosphere a large number of the molecules neces-
saryfor life are themselves the products oflife, and would not be
found in a lifeless, inert medium.
Examples are free oxygen,
0z, and biogenic gases such as CO
, NH
, HzS, etc. The role that
life plays in the production of natural aqueous solutions is just
as important. Natural water (in contrast to distilled water) is as
necessary to life as is the exchange of gases.
The limits to the independence of autotrophic organisms
should be emphasized as further evidence of the profound effect
of life on the chemical character of the inert water in which it
exists. We do not have a right to make the facile conclusion that
the autotrophic organisms of today could exist in isolation on
our planet.
Not only have they been bred from other, similar
autotrophs, but they have obtained the elements they need from
forms of inert matter produced by other organisms.
93 Thus, free oxygen is necessary for the existence of
autotrophic green organisms.
They themselves create it from
water and carbon dioxide. It is a biochemical product which is
foreign to the inert matter of the biosphere.
Furthermore, it cannot be proved that free oxygen is the only
material necessary for life that originates from life itself. For
example, J. Bottomley has raised the problem of the importance
of complex organic compounds for the existence of the green
aquatic plants called auximones.
The actual existence of aux-
onomes has not been established, and the hypothesis has been
questioned, but Bottomley's research has touched upon a more
general question. In the scientific picture of nature, the impor-
tance of barely detectable traces of organic compounds present
in natural fresh or salt water is becoming more and more appar-
ent. The reservoir of organic matter in the biosphere has a total
mass of at least several quadrillion tons. It cannot be said that
this mass originates exclusivelywith autotrophic organisms. On
the contrary, we see at everystep the immense importance ofthe
nitrogen-rich compounds created by the heterotrophic and
mixotrophic organisms. These are especially important in the
life of organisms as food, and in the origin of carbon-rich min-
eral deposits.
Nature continually makes these materials visible to the naked
eye without recourse to chemical analysis. They form fresh
205 For Vernadsky, biogenic macro-
molecules are undOUbtedly "prod-
ucts of life." This partly explains his
difficulties with concepts of abio-
genesis, difficulties which still afflict
the study of the origin of life. The
fundamental problem Is of the chick-
en and egg varlety- how can life
be created from macromolecules
which themselves are products of
life? (See Cairns-Smith, 1991).
206 Vernadsky does not like to take
organisms out of their biospheric
and historical context. Vernadsky
have objected to the thought-based
experiment, discussed by J. W.
Schopf (personal communication).
that one cyanobacterium,
Innoculated into a sterile Earth,
could (with unrestricted growth)
oxygenate the atmosphere In forty
207 Vernadsky seems to be
unaware of the acute toxicity of
oxygen to unprotected organisms.
This may also explain his apparent
rejection of Oparin's suggestion of
an early reducing atmosphere on
Earth. Current research suggests
that the early atmosphere was
indeed anoxic, but was not as
reducing as proposed by Oparln and
Haldane. Rather, it was a carbon
dioxide rich atmosphere (see
Schwartzman and Volk. 1989).
208 See Bottomley, 1917
water and salt water foams, and the i r i e s e ~ t films which com-
pletely cover aquatic surfaces for thousands and millions of
square kilometers. They color rivers, marshy lakes, tundras, and
the black and brown rivers of tropical and subtropical regions.
No organism is isolated from these organic compounds, even if
they are buried within the earth, because these compounds are
continually penetrating it by means of rain, dew, and solutions
of the soil.
The quantity of dissolved and colloidal organic matter in nat-
ural water varies between 10-
and 10-
percent, and has a gross
mass amounting to 1018 to 10
tons, mostly in the ocean. This
quantity is apparently greater than that of living matter itself.
The idea of its importance is slowly entering contemporary sci-
entific thinking. Even with the old naturalists, we occasionally
come across an interpretation of this impressive phenomenon,
sometimes from an unexpected point of view.
During the years 1870-1880, the gifted naturalist J. Mayer
briefly pointed out the important role of such matter in the
composition of medicinal waters and in the general economy of
This role is even deeper and more striking than he
supposed with regard to the origin of vadose and phreatic min-
94 The fact that some of the compounds of inert matter
required by autotrophic organisms has a biochemical origin
does not diminish the distinction between them and het-
erotrophic or mixotrophic organisms. This can be made clear by
giving a somewhat more restricted definition of autotrophy, and
adhering to it in our future discussions.
We will call "autotrophs" those organisms ofthe biosphere which
draw the elements necessary for their sustenance from the sur-
rounding inert matter of the biosphere in which they exist, and
which have no bodily need for organic compounds prepared by
other living organisms.
Such a laconic definition cannot adequately cover this entire
phenomenon, since there must necessarily be transitional states
and borderline cases, such as the saprophytes which feed on
dead and decomposing organisms. The essential food of sapro-
phytes, however, is nearly always composed of microscopic liv-
ing beings which have entered the remains of dead organisms.
In considering the idea that autotrophic organisms are limit-
ed to the current biosphere, we exclude the possibility of draw-
ing conclusions about the Earth's past, and particularly about
209 According to E. A. Romankevich
(1984). the average content of dis-
solved organic carbon in oceanic
water is 1.36 x 10.
%, for a total
mass of approximately 1.9 x 10
tons. The actual value is not well
constrained but probably lies
between Vernadsky's and
Romankevich's values (Sugimura
and Suzuki, 1988).
210 Vernadsky's reference could not
be located, but see Mayer, 1855.
the possibility that life began on Earth in the form of some kind
of autotrophic organisms; for it is certain that the presence of
vital products in the biosphere is indispensable for all existing
autotrophic organisms.
95 The distinction between primary producers and consumers
is shown by their distribution in the biosphere. The regions
accessible to primary producers with autotrophic lifestyles are
always more extensive than the habitat of organisms which must
consume living matter.
Autotrophs belong to one of two distinct groups: photosyn-
thetic plants and autotrophic bacteria. The latter are character-
ized by their minute dimensions and their great powers of
We have already seen that photosynthesizing organisms are
the essential mechanism of the biosphere, and the source of the
active chemical energy, both of the biosphere and, to a great
extent, the entire crust.
The field of existence of these green autotrophic organisms is
primarily determined by the domain of solar radiation. Their
mass is very large, compared to the mass of live animals; it is
perhaps half
of all living matter. Some of these organisms are
adapted to the capture and full utilization of feeble luminous
It has been argued, that at various times in the Earth's past, the
extent of photosynthetic life was greater or lesser than it is now,
and indeed this may very well have be the case, although it is not
yet possible to be certain about it.
The immense quantity of matter contained in green organ-
isms, together with their ubiquity and their presence wherever
solar radiation reaches, sometimes gives rise to the idea that
these photosynthesizers constitute the essential basis of life.
One sees also that in geologic times they have been trans-
formed by evolution into a multiplicity of organisms which con-
stitute second-order living matter.
At the present time, they
control the fate of both the entire animal world, and also the
immense number of other organisms that lack chlorophyll
(such as fungi and bacteria).
Green organisms carry out the most important chemical
transformation that takes place on the Earth's crust - the cre-
ation of free oxygen, by photosynthetic destruction of oxides as
stable and as universal as water and carbon dioxide. Photosyn-
thesizers undoubtedly performed this same work in the past
211 Vernadsky's insight here was
rediscovered by). W. Schopf (1978),
who notes that the very earliest
organisms must have been
heterotrophs. Although it might
appear that Vernadsky is ensnared
here by his insistence on
substantive uniformitarianism, in
fact he is presenting a sophisticated
argument, the idea that our
understanding of biopoesis is
flawed because it lacks a
satisfactory materialistic
212 Or more.
213 This idea that green plants give
rise to "second-order living matter,"
that is, primary and secondary (and
higher order) consumers, was also
in 1953 by A. C. Hardy. Few zoolo
gists would endorse this idea today,
although "Garden of Ediacara" theo-
ry suggests that many of the earliest
animals may have been photosymbl-
otic (McMenamin, 1986). Achloro-
phyllous plants such as Monotropa,
of course, did evolve from green
water and salt water foams, and the i r i e s e ~ t films which com-
pletely cover aquatic surfaces for thousands and millions of
square kilometers. They color rivers, marshy lakes, tundras, and
the black and brown rivers of tropical and subtropical regions.
No organism is isolated from these organic compounds, even if
they are buried within the earth, because these compounds are
continually penetrating it by means of rain, dew, and solutions
of the soil.
The quantity of dissolved and colloidal organic matter in nat-
ural water varies between 10-
and 10-
percent, and has a gross
mass amounting to 1018 to 10
tons, mostly in the ocean. This
quantity is apparently greater than that of living matter itself.
The idea of its importance is slowly entering contemporary sci-
entific thinking. Even with the old naturalists, we occasionally
come across an interpretation of this impressive phenomenon,
sometimes from an unexpected point of view.
During the years 1870-1880, the gifted naturalist J. Mayer
briefly pointed out the important role of such matter in the
composition of medicinal waters and in the general economy of
This role is even deeper and more striking than he
supposed with regard to the origin of vadose and phreatic min-
94 The fact that some of the compounds of inert matter
required by autotrophic organisms has a biochemical origin
does not diminish the distinction between them and het-
erotrophic or mixotrophic organisms. This can be made clear by
giving a somewhat more restricted definition of autotrophy, and
adhering to it in our future discussions.
We will call "autotrophs" those organisms ofthe biosphere which
draw the elements necessary for their sustenance from the sur-
rounding inert matter of the biosphere in which they exist, and
which have no bodily need for organic compounds prepared by
other living organisms.
Such a laconic definition cannot adequately cover this entire
phenomenon, since there must necessarily be transitional states
and borderline cases, such as the saprophytes which feed on
dead and decomposing organisms. The essential food of sapro-
phytes, however, is nearly always composed of microscopic liv-
ing beings which have entered the remains of dead organisms.
In considering the idea that autotrophic organisms are limit-
ed to the current biosphere, we exclude the possibility of draw-
ing conclusions about the Earth's past, and particularly about
209 According to E. A. Romankevich
(1984). the average content of dis-
solved organic carbon in oceanic
water is 1.36 x 10.
%, for a total
mass of approximately 1.9 x 10
tons. The actual value is not well
constrained but probably lies
between Vernadsky's and
Romankevich's values (Sugimura
and Suzuki, 1988).
210 Vernadsky's reference could not
be located, but see Mayer, 1855.
the possibility that life began on Earth in the form of some kind
of autotrophic organisms; for it is certain that the presence of
vital products in the biosphere is indispensable for all existing
autotrophic organisms.
95 The distinction between primary producers and consumers
is shown by their distribution in the biosphere. The regions
accessible to primary producers with autotrophic lifestyles are
always more extensive than the habitat of organisms which must
consume living matter.
Autotrophs belong to one of two distinct groups: photosyn-
thetic plants and autotrophic bacteria. The latter are character-
ized by their minute dimensions and their great powers of
We have already seen that photosynthesizing organisms are
the essential mechanism of the biosphere, and the source of the
active chemical energy, both of the biosphere and, to a great
extent, the entire crust.
The field of existence of these green autotrophic organisms is
primarily determined by the domain of solar radiation. Their
mass is very large, compared to the mass of live animals; it is
perhaps half
of all living matter. Some of these organisms are
adapted to the capture and full utilization of feeble luminous
It has been argued, that at various times in the Earth's past, the
extent of photosynthetic life was greater or lesser than it is now,
and indeed this may very well have be the case, although it is not
yet possible to be certain about it.
The immense quantity of matter contained in green organ-
isms, together with their ubiquity and their presence wherever
solar radiation reaches, sometimes gives rise to the idea that
these photosynthesizers constitute the essential basis of life.
One sees also that in geologic times they have been trans-
formed by evolution into a multiplicity of organisms which con-
stitute second-order living matter.
At the present time, they
control the fate of both the entire animal world, and also the
immense number of other organisms that lack chlorophyll
(such as fungi and bacteria).
Green organisms carry out the most important chemical
transformation that takes place on the Earth's crust - the cre-
ation of free oxygen, by photosynthetic destruction of oxides as
stable and as universal as water and carbon dioxide. Photosyn-
thesizers undoubtedly performed this same work in the past
211 Vernadsky's insight here was
rediscovered by). W. Schopf (1978),
who notes that the very earliest
organisms must have been
heterotrophs. Although it might
appear that Vernadsky is ensnared
here by his insistence on
substantive uniformitarianism, in
fact he is presenting a sophisticated
argument, the idea that our
understanding of biopoesis is
flawed because it lacks a
satisfactory materialistic
212 Or more.
213 This idea that green plants give
rise to "second-order living matter,"
that is, primary and secondary (and
higher order) consumers, was also
in 1953 by A. C. Hardy. Few zoolo
gists would endorse this idea today,
although "Garden of Ediacara" theo-
ry suggests that many of the earliest
animals may have been photosymbl-
otic (McMenamin, 1986). Achloro-
phyllous plants such as Monotropa,
of course, did evolve from green
periods of geologic history. The phenomena of superficial
weathering clearly showthat free oxygen played the same role in
the Archean Era that it plays nowin the biosphere. The compo-
sition of the products of superficial weathering, and the quanti-
tative relationships that can be established between them, Were
the same in the Archean Era as they are today. The realm of pho-
tosynthesizers in those distant times was the source of free oxy-
gen, the mass of which was of the same order as it is now.
quantity ofliving green matter, and the energy of solar radiation
that gave it birth, could not have been perceptibly different in
that strange and distant time from what they are today.215 (57)
We do not, however, possess the remains of any photosynthe-
sizers of the Archean Era.
These remains only begin to appear
continuously from the Paleozoic, but then clearly show intense
and uninterrupted evolution of innumerable forms, culminating
in some 200,000 species described by biologists. The total num-
ber of species which have existed, and which exist today, on our
planet is not an accidental one; but it cannot yet be calculated,
since the relatively small number of fossil species (several thou-
sands) merely indicates the imperfection of our knowledge. The
number of describedfossil species continues to groweachyear.
96 Autotrophic bacteria represent a smaller quantity of living
matter. S. N. Vinogradsky first discovered them at the end of the
19th century,218 but the concept of organisms lacking chloro-
phyll and independent of solar radiation has not yet affected sci-
entific thought as it should have. In contrast, the existence of
autotrophic green organisms was discovered in the late 18th and
early 19th centuries, and their geochemical significance was
brought to light by J. Boussingault, J. B. Dumas,219 and F. V. J.
in the years 1840 to 1850. The role of autotrophic bac-
teria in the geochemical history of sulfur, iron, nitrogen and car-
bon is very important; but these bacteria showlittle variation, in
the sense that only about a hundred species are known, and
their mass is incomparably less than that of green plants.
These organisms are widely dispersed- in soil, the slime of
aqueous basins, and sea water - although nowhere in quantities
comparable to autotrophic green plants on land, or oceanic'
green plankton. The geochemical energy of these bacteria is,
however, the highest for any living matter, and higher than that
of green plants bya factor of ten or a hundred. The overall kinet-
ic geochemical energy per hectare will be of the same order for
both unicellular green algae and bacteria; but while the algae
214 This incorrect line of argument
helps explain why Vernadsky missed
the connection between oxygena-
tion of the atmosphere and the
Precambrian banded iron forma-
215 The composition of Archean
erosion products was probably very
different from present ones. This
was shown, for example, by the
Finnish geochemist Rankam, for the
products of the lower Bothnian ero-
sion of diorites in Finland. Most
investigators now accept that the
initial atmosphere of Earth did not
contain oxygen. -A. I. Perelman.
216 Now we do: see Awramik,
Schopf and Walter, 1983.
217 P. R. Erlich and E. O. Wilson
(1991) conjecture (p. 759) that "it is
easily possible that the true number
[global total] of species is closer to
than 10
218 S. N. Vinogradsky's discovery of
chemoautotrophic microorganisms,
discovery of overwhelming impor-
tance for biospheric studies, was
made in 1887: see Vinogradsky,
1887. (See also Lapo, 1990, p. 205).
219 See Boussingault and Dumas,
220 See Leibig, 1847.
can reach the maximum stationary state in about ten days, bac-
teria in favorable conditions need only a tenth of this time.
97 There are only a few recorded observations on the multipli-
cation of autotrophic bacteria. According to J. Reinke,221 they
appear to multiply more slowly than other bacteria; N. G.
Cholodny's observations
of iron bacteria do not contradict
this. These bacteria divide only once or twice in 24 hours (D = 1
to 2 per day); ordinary bacteria divide as slowly as this only
under unfavorable conditions. For example, Bacillus ramosus
(which inhabits rivers) yields at least 48 generations in 24 hours
under favorable conditions, but only 4 generations when the
temperatures are low.
Even this rate of multiplication, which might apply for all
autotrophic bacteria, is much higher than that of unicellular
green protists. The speed of transmission of geochemical ener-
gy should be correspondingly greater, and we should therefore
expect that the bacterial mass in the biosphere would far exceed
the mass of green eukaryotes. In addition, the phenomenon
observed in the seas (51) should occur, with bacteria predomi-
nating over green protista, in the same way that unicellular algae
predominate over green metaphytes.
98 In fact, however, this is not what actually happens. Restraints
are imposed on the accumulation of this form of living matter
for reasons similar to those that allow green metaphytes to pre-
dominate over green protista on land.
Monera are ubiquitous, existing throughout the ocean to
depths far beyond the penetration of solar radiation, and they
are diverse enough to include nitrogen, sulfur, and iron bacteria,
which are not as common as other types of bacteria. One is led
to conclude that bacterial abundance is a ubiquitous and con-
stant feature of the Earth's surface.
We find confirmation of this in the very special conditions of
nutrition onwhich bacterial existence depends. Chemoautotroph-
ic bacteria receive all the energy needed for life by completing the
oxidation of unoxidized and partially-oxidized natural com-
pounds of nitrogen, sulfur, iron, manganese, and carbon. Oxy-
gen-depleted matter (vadose minerals of these elements) needed
by these bacteria can never be amassed in sufficient quantities in
the biosphere, because the domain of the biosphere is a region of
oxidation, saturated by free oxygen created by green organisms. In
this medium, the most thoroughly oxidized compounds are the
221 See). Reinke, 1901.
222 See Cholodny, 1926.


periods of geologic history. The phenomena of superficial
weathering clearly showthat free oxygen played the same role in
the Archean Era that it plays nowin the biosphere. The compo-
sition of the products of superficial weathering, and the quanti-
tative relationships that can be established between them, Were
the same in the Archean Era as they are today. The realm of pho-
tosynthesizers in those distant times was the source of free oxy-
gen, the mass of which was of the same order as it is now.
quantity ofliving green matter, and the energy of solar radiation
that gave it birth, could not have been perceptibly different in
that strange and distant time from what they are today.215 (57)
We do not, however, possess the remains of any photosynthe-
sizers of the Archean Era.
These remains only begin to appear
continuously from the Paleozoic, but then clearly show intense
and uninterrupted evolution of innumerable forms, culminating
in some 200,000 species described by biologists. The total num-
ber of species which have existed, and which exist today, on our
planet is not an accidental one; but it cannot yet be calculated,
since the relatively small number of fossil species (several thou-
sands) merely indicates the imperfection of our knowledge. The
number of describedfossil species continues to groweachyear.
96 Autotrophic bacteria represent a smaller quantity of living
matter. S. N. Vinogradsky first discovered them at the end of the
19th century,218 but the concept of organisms lacking chloro-
phyll and independent of solar radiation has not yet affected sci-
entific thought as it should have. In contrast, the existence of
autotrophic green organisms was discovered in the late 18th and
early 19th centuries, and their geochemical significance was
brought to light by J. Boussingault, J. B. Dumas,219 and F. V. J.
in the years 1840 to 1850. The role of autotrophic bac-
teria in the geochemical history of sulfur, iron, nitrogen and car-
bon is very important; but these bacteria showlittle variation, in
the sense that only about a hundred species are known, and
their mass is incomparably less than that of green plants.
These organisms are widely dispersed- in soil, the slime of
aqueous basins, and sea water - although nowhere in quantities
comparable to autotrophic green plants on land, or oceanic'
green plankton. The geochemical energy of these bacteria is,
however, the highest for any living matter, and higher than that
of green plants bya factor of ten or a hundred. The overall kinet-
ic geochemical energy per hectare will be of the same order for
both unicellular green algae and bacteria; but while the algae
214 This incorrect line of argument
helps explain why Vernadsky missed
the connection between oxygena-
tion of the atmosphere and the
Precambrian banded iron forma-
215 The composition of Archean
erosion products was probably very
different from present ones. This
was shown, for example, by the
Finnish geochemist Rankam, for the
products of the lower Bothnian ero-
sion of diorites in Finland. Most
investigators now accept that the
initial atmosphere of Earth did not
contain oxygen. -A. I. Perelman.
216 Now we do: see Awramik,
Schopf and Walter, 1983.
217 P. R. Erlich and E. O. Wilson
(1991) conjecture (p. 759) that "it is
easily possible that the true number
[global total] of species is closer to
than 10
218 S. N. Vinogradsky's discovery of
chemoautotrophic microorganisms,
discovery of overwhelming impor-
tance for biospheric studies, was
made in 1887: see Vinogradsky,
1887. (See also Lapo, 1990, p. 205).
219 See Boussingault and Dumas,
220 See Leibig, 1847.
can reach the maximum stationary state in about ten days, bac-
teria in favorable conditions need only a tenth of this time.
97 There are only a few recorded observations on the multipli-
cation of autotrophic bacteria. According to J. Reinke,221 they
appear to multiply more slowly than other bacteria; N. G.
Cholodny's observations
of iron bacteria do not contradict
this. These bacteria divide only once or twice in 24 hours (D = 1
to 2 per day); ordinary bacteria divide as slowly as this only
under unfavorable conditions. For example, Bacillus ramosus
(which inhabits rivers) yields at least 48 generations in 24 hours
under favorable conditions, but only 4 generations when the
temperatures are low.
Even this rate of multiplication, which might apply for all
autotrophic bacteria, is much higher than that of unicellular
green protists. The speed of transmission of geochemical ener-
gy should be correspondingly greater, and we should therefore
expect that the bacterial mass in the biosphere would far exceed
the mass of green eukaryotes. In addition, the phenomenon
observed in the seas (51) should occur, with bacteria predomi-
nating over green protista, in the same way that unicellular algae
predominate over green metaphytes.
98 In fact, however, this is not what actually happens. Restraints
are imposed on the accumulation of this form of living matter
for reasons similar to those that allow green metaphytes to pre-
dominate over green protista on land.
Monera are ubiquitous, existing throughout the ocean to
depths far beyond the penetration of solar radiation, and they
are diverse enough to include nitrogen, sulfur, and iron bacteria,
which are not as common as other types of bacteria. One is led
to conclude that bacterial abundance is a ubiquitous and con-
stant feature of the Earth's surface.
We find confirmation of this in the very special conditions of
nutrition onwhich bacterial existence depends. Chemoautotroph-
ic bacteria receive all the energy needed for life by completing the
oxidation of unoxidized and partially-oxidized natural com-
pounds of nitrogen, sulfur, iron, manganese, and carbon. Oxy-
gen-depleted matter (vadose minerals of these elements) needed
by these bacteria can never be amassed in sufficient quantities in
the biosphere, because the domain of the biosphere is a region of
oxidation, saturated by free oxygen created by green organisms. In
this medium, the most thoroughly oxidized compounds are the
221 See). Reinke, 1901.
222 See Cholodny, 1926.


most stable forms. Autotrophic microorganisms are consequently
forced to actively search for a favorable and their various
adaptations result from this requirement.
While bacteria can secure the energy needed for life by trans-
forming partially-oxidized into completely-oxidized matter, the
number of chemical elements in the biosphere capable of such
reactions is limited. Stable final forms of oxygen-rich com-
pounds are also created independently of bacteria by purely
chemical processes, since the biosphere is intrinsically a medi-
um in which such molecular structures are stable.
99 Autotrophic bacteria are in a continual state of deprivation.
This results in numerous adaptations of life, as demonstrated in
aqueous basins, mineral-water springs, sea water, and damp soil,
where we observe curious secondary equilibria between sul-
fate-reducing bacteria and autotrophic organisms that oxidize
sulfides. The former establish the conditions of existence for the
latter. Numerous cases of such secondary equilibria show that
this phenomenon is a part of an orderly mechanism. Living
matter has developed these equilibria as a result of the immense
vital pressure of autotrophic bacteria seeking a sufficient quan-
tity of the ready-made, oxygen-poor compounds (29). Living
matter itself has created these compounds within an inert medi-
um in which such compounds were not originally present.
In the ocean, an identical exchange occurs between
autotrophic bacteria that oxidize nitrogen and heterotrophic
organisms that deoxidize the nitrates. This forms one of the
marvelous equilibria of the hydrosphere's chemistry.
The ubiquity of these organisms shows their immense geo-
chemical energy and speed of vital transmission; their limited
distribution indicates the shortage of oxygen-poor compounds
in the biosphere, where green plants are continuously releasing
excess free oxygen. If these organisms do not constitute a con-
siderable mass of living matter, it is only because it is physically
impossible for them to do so: the biosphere lacks sufficient
quantities of the compounds needed for their existence.
Although the precise relationships still elude us, there must be
definite quantitative relationships between the amount of mat-
ter in the biosphere composed of photoautotrophs and that
composed of autotrophic bacteria.
100 The opinion is often expressed that these curious organ-
isms are representatives of the oldest organisms, and having an
even earlier origin than green plants. One of the most eminent
naturalists and thinkers of our time, the American H. F.
Osborn,223 has recently reiterated such ideas.
The role of autotrophic bacteria in the biosphere contradicts
this view, however. The strict connection between their presence
or absence and the presence of free oxygen proves their depen-
dence on green organisms and on the energy of solar radiation.
This dependence is equally strong for fungi and heterotrophic
bacteria, and for animals which feed upon the materials pro-
duced by green plants.
The character of their functions in the general economy of
nature shows also their derivative importance, in comparison to
green plants. Their importance is enormous in the biogeochem-
ical history of sulfur and nitrogen, the two indispensable ele-
ments for construction of the essential matter of the proto-
plasm- amino acids and proteins. If the activity of these
autotrophic organisms were to stop, life would, perhaps, be
quantitatively reduced; but it would remain a powerful mecha-
nism in the biosphere, because the necessary vadose com-
pounds sulfates, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide)
are created in great quantities independently of life.
Without wishing to anticipate the question of autotrophy
(94) and the beginnings oflife on Earth, it is very probable that
autotrophic bacteria depend upon photosynthetic organisms,
and that their origin was derivative from theirs.
indicates that these autotrophic organisms are vital forms which
complete the utilization of the energy of solar radiation by per-
fecting the "solar radiation-green organism" mechanism, and
are not a form of life that is independent of radiant energy from
the cosmos.
The whole heterotrophic world, with its innumerable forms of
animals and fungi, millions of species, is analogous to the same
101 This fact is also clearly demonstrated by the nature of dis-
tribution of living matter in the biosphere.
This distribution is determined entirely by the field of stability
ofthe green vegetation; in other words, bythe region of the plan-
et that is saturated with solar radiation. The principal mass of
living matter is concentrated in this region, including het-
erotrophic organisms and autotrophic bacteria, the existence of
which is closely connected to the free oxygen or the organic
compounds created by green organisms.
223 See Osborn. 1917.
224 See Canter, 1996.
225 Another facet of the 'eternal
life' assumption.
most stable forms. Autotrophic microorganisms are consequently
forced to actively search for a favorable and their various
adaptations result from this requirement.
While bacteria can secure the energy needed for life by trans-
forming partially-oxidized into completely-oxidized matter, the
number of chemical elements in the biosphere capable of such
reactions is limited. Stable final forms of oxygen-rich com-
pounds are also created independently of bacteria by purely
chemical processes, since the biosphere is intrinsically a medi-
um in which such molecular structures are stable.
99 Autotrophic bacteria are in a continual state of deprivation.
This results in numerous adaptations of life, as demonstrated in
aqueous basins, mineral-water springs, sea water, and damp soil,
where we observe curious secondary equilibria between sul-
fate-reducing bacteria and autotrophic organisms that oxidize
sulfides. The former establish the conditions of existence for the
latter. Numerous cases of such secondary equilibria show that
this phenomenon is a part of an orderly mechanism. Living
matter has developed these equilibria as a result of the immense
vital pressure of autotrophic bacteria seeking a sufficient quan-
tity of the ready-made, oxygen-poor compounds (29). Living
matter itself has created these compounds within an inert medi-
um in which such compounds were not originally present.
In the ocean, an identical exchange occurs between
autotrophic bacteria that oxidize nitrogen and heterotrophic
organisms that deoxidize the nitrates. This forms one of the
marvelous equilibria of the hydrosphere's chemistry.
The ubiquity of these organisms shows their immense geo-
chemical energy and speed of vital transmission; their limited
distribution indicates the shortage of oxygen-poor compounds
in the biosphere, where green plants are continuously releasing
excess free oxygen. If these organisms do not constitute a con-
siderable mass of living matter, it is only because it is physically
impossible for them to do so: the biosphere lacks sufficient
quantities of the compounds needed for their existence.
Although the precise relationships still elude us, there must be
definite quantitative relationships between the amount of mat-
ter in the biosphere composed of photoautotrophs and that
composed of autotrophic bacteria.
100 The opinion is often expressed that these curious organ-
isms are representatives of the oldest organisms, and having an
even earlier origin than green plants. One of the most eminent
naturalists and thinkers of our time, the American H. F.
Osborn,223 has recently reiterated such ideas.
The role of autotrophic bacteria in the biosphere contradicts
this view, however. The strict connection between their presence
or absence and the presence of free oxygen proves their depen-
dence on green organisms and on the energy of solar radiation.
This dependence is equally strong for fungi and heterotrophic
bacteria, and for animals which feed upon the materials pro-
duced by green plants.
The character of their functions in the general economy of
nature shows also their derivative importance, in comparison to
green plants. Their importance is enormous in the biogeochem-
ical history of sulfur and nitrogen, the two indispensable ele-
ments for construction of the essential matter of the proto-
plasm- amino acids and proteins. If the activity of these
autotrophic organisms were to stop, life would, perhaps, be
quantitatively reduced; but it would remain a powerful mecha-
nism in the biosphere, because the necessary vadose com-
pounds sulfates, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide)
are created in great quantities independently of life.
Without wishing to anticipate the question of autotrophy
(94) and the beginnings oflife on Earth, it is very probable that
autotrophic bacteria depend upon photosynthetic organisms,
and that their origin was derivative from theirs.
indicates that these autotrophic organisms are vital forms which
complete the utilization of the energy of solar radiation by per-
fecting the "solar radiation-green organism" mechanism, and
are not a form of life that is independent of radiant energy from
the cosmos.
The whole heterotrophic world, with its innumerable forms of
animals and fungi, millions of species, is analogous to the same
101 This fact is also clearly demonstrated by the nature of dis-
tribution of living matter in the biosphere.
This distribution is determined entirely by the field of stability
ofthe green vegetation; in other words, bythe region of the plan-
et that is saturated with solar radiation. The principal mass of
living matter is concentrated in this region, including het-
erotrophic organisms and autotrophic bacteria, the existence of
which is closely connected to the free oxygen or the organic
compounds created by green organisms.
223 See Osborn. 1917.
224 See Canter, 1996.
225 Another facet of the 'eternal
life' assumption.
Heterotrophic organisms and autotrophic b,acteria are capa-
ble of penetrating regions of the biosphere where solar radiation
and green life are not present. Agreat number of such organisms
inhabit only these dark regions of the biosphere. It is common-
ly assumed, probably correctly, that they have migrated to these
areas from the sunlit surface, gradually adapting themselves to
the new conditions of life. Morphological studies of deep sea
and cave-dwelling animals indicate (sometimes irrefutably) that
such fauna are derived from ancestors that formerly inhabited
the illuminated regions of the planet.
Fromthe geochemical point of viewconcentrations of life that
do not contain green organisms have particular importance.
Some of these concentrations make up the benthic film at the
base of the hydrosphere (130), the lower parts of the littoral
concentrations ofthe oceans, and the living films at the bottom of
the continental aqueous basins (lS8). We shall see the immense
role in the chemical history of the planet that these concentra-
tions play. We can be certain, however, that they are closely con-
nected, directly or indirectly, with organisms of the green
regions. The morphology and paleontology of this second-
order living matter suggest its derivation from organisms
inhabiting the sunlit regions of the planet, as mentioned above.
There is also another way in which solar radiation is the basis
of its daily life. These deep vital films have a close relationship to
the organic debris that falls from the upper portions of the
ocean, and reaches the bottombefore it has had time to decom-
pose. Anaerobic organisms in the bottom film depend upon this
debris for food. The parts of the planet illuminated by the sun
are thus the primary energy source for these films.
Free oxygen from the atmosphere also penetrates to the bot-
tom of the sea. Everything indicates that these phenomena of
the benthic regions are in a state of perpetual evolution, and that
their field of influence is becoming more and more vast. A slow
and continuous movement of living matter, from the green bed
into various azoic
regions of the planet, seems to have taken
place throughout geologic time; and at the present stage, the
domain of life is being extended by benthic organisms.
102 The creation of new forms of luminous energy by het-
erotrophic living matter may be one manifestation of this
process. The phosphorescence of organisms (bioluminescence)
consists of wavelengths which overlap those of solar radiation
on the Earth's surface. This secondary luminous radiation
226 Such communities are indeed
widespread; for example sea floor
sulfur bacteria mats (Fossing. et. aI.,
1995) and the now famous vent bio-
tas (Gould and Gould. 1989).
227 There are very few surface
regions of the planet that are truly
azoic. As noted by Thomas Gold
(1996). a strong argument against
sending a manned mission to Mars
is that Earth bacteria might escape
from the astronauts and render it
impossible for us to tell if Mars has
or ever had any endemic life forms:
"Mars as a 'Rosetta stone' for the
origin of life would be lost forever."
, !
allows green plankton over an area of hundreds of square kilo-
meters to produce their chemical work during times when solar
energy does not reach them. The phosphorescence becomes
more intense with depth.
Is the phosphorescence of deep-sea organisms a new example
of the same mechanism? Is this mechanism causing photosyn-
thetic life to revive, several kilometers below the surface, by
transmitting solar energy to depths it could not otherwise
reach? We do not know, but we must not forget that oceano-
graphic expeditions have found green organisms living at
depths far beyond the penetration of solar radiation. The ship
"Valdivia" found, for example, Halionella algae living at a depth
of about two kilometers.
The transportation by living matter of luminous energy into
new regions, in the form of thermodynamically unstable chem-
ical compounds, and also of secondary luminous energy-
phosphorescence - causes a slight provisional extension oft1le
domain of photosynthesis. This is analogous to the luminous
energy created by human civilization, which is used by green
living matter, but has not yet significantly affected photosynthe-
sis on the planet.
Nowwe shall turn from the discussion of green living matter,
in order to deal with the rest of the living world.
The Limits of Life
103 The field of stability oflife extends beyond the limits of the
biosphere, and the independent variables which determine the
stability (temperature, chemical composition, etc.) attain values
well beyond the characteristic biospheric extremes of these
The field of stability oflife is the region in which life can attain
its fullest expansion. This field seems to be neither rigorously
determined nor constant.
The ability of organisms to adapt to previously lethal condi-
tions after a number of generations is a characteristic of living
We cannot study this subject experimentally, because
millions of years are required for the process of adaptation.231
Living matter, in contrast to inert matter, displays a mobile equi-
librium. This equilibrium, acting over stretches of geologic
time, exerts a pressure upon the surrounding environment.
In addition, the field of stability of life is clearly divided into
the field of gravity for the more voluminous organisms, and the
field of molecular force for the smaller organisms such as
228 This is a remarkable
observation and would strain belief
if not for recent proposals from
western scientists that
photosynthesis originated at deep
sea vents at vanishingly low levels
of ambient light (Dover, 199
Zimmer, 1996). The shrimp Rimicaris
exoculata ("eyeless fissure shrimp")
has unusual, large, strip-shaped
eyes along its back (not in the
ordinary position of eye sockets)
and it can actually see light
(invisible to humans) emanating
from deep sea hydrothermal vents.
These arthropods apparently use
the light to keep a safe distance
from the superheated vent
emissions. The most primitive forms
of bacterial chlorophyll absorb the
most light at the frequencey bands
measured at hydrothermal vents,
leading Dover to propose that
photosynthesis evolved at such
vents. Vernadsky might have
frowned on such a western-style,
extrapolationistic inference.
229 Flourishing communities of
photosynthesizing mosses are
known which use as an energy
source the lights installed for
tourists in Howe Caverns in upstate
New York (-M. McMenamin).
230 Unfortunately, this sentiment
was carried to an extreme by T.
lysenko (1948) in his unsuccessful
attempts to "force" crops to adapt
to harsh climates. Vernadsky played
no part in this fiasco.
231 See Case, 1997.
Heterotrophic organisms and autotrophic b,acteria are capa-
ble of penetrating regions of the biosphere where solar radiation
and green life are not present. Agreat number of such organisms
inhabit only these dark regions of the biosphere. It is common-
ly assumed, probably correctly, that they have migrated to these
areas from the sunlit surface, gradually adapting themselves to
the new conditions of life. Morphological studies of deep sea
and cave-dwelling animals indicate (sometimes irrefutably) that
such fauna are derived from ancestors that formerly inhabited
the illuminated regions of the planet.
Fromthe geochemical point of viewconcentrations of life that
do not contain green organisms have particular importance.
Some of these concentrations make up the benthic film at the
base of the hydrosphere (130), the lower parts of the littoral
concentrations ofthe oceans, and the living films at the bottom of
the continental aqueous basins (lS8). We shall see the immense
role in the chemical history of the planet that these concentra-
tions play. We can be certain, however, that they are closely con-
nected, directly or indirectly, with organisms of the green
regions. The morphology and paleontology of this second-
order living matter suggest its derivation from organisms
inhabiting the sunlit regions of the planet, as mentioned above.
There is also another way in which solar radiation is the basis
of its daily life. These deep vital films have a close relationship to
the organic debris that falls from the upper portions of the
ocean, and reaches the bottombefore it has had time to decom-
pose. Anaerobic organisms in the bottom film depend upon this
debris for food. The parts of the planet illuminated by the sun
are thus the primary energy source for these films.
Free oxygen from the atmosphere also penetrates to the bot-
tom of the sea. Everything indicates that these phenomena of
the benthic regions are in a state of perpetual evolution, and that
their field of influence is becoming more and more vast. A slow
and continuous movement of living matter, from the green bed
into various azoic
regions of the planet, seems to have taken
place throughout geologic time; and at the present stage, the
domain of life is being extended by benthic organisms.
102 The creation of new forms of luminous energy by het-
erotrophic living matter may be one manifestation of this
process. The phosphorescence of organisms (bioluminescence)
consists of wavelengths which overlap those of solar radiation
on the Earth's surface. This secondary luminous radiation
226 Such communities are indeed
widespread; for example sea floor
sulfur bacteria mats (Fossing. et. aI.,
1995) and the now famous vent bio-
tas (Gould and Gould. 1989).
227 There are very few surface
regions of the planet that are truly
azoic. As noted by Thomas Gold
(1996). a strong argument against
sending a manned mission to Mars
is that Earth bacteria might escape
from the astronauts and render it
impossible for us to tell if Mars has
or ever had any endemic life forms:
"Mars as a 'Rosetta stone' for the
origin of life would be lost forever."
, !
allows green plankton over an area of hundreds of square kilo-
meters to produce their chemical work during times when solar
energy does not reach them. The phosphorescence becomes
more intense with depth.
Is the phosphorescence of deep-sea organisms a new example
of the same mechanism? Is this mechanism causing photosyn-
thetic life to revive, several kilometers below the surface, by
transmitting solar energy to depths it could not otherwise
reach? We do not know, but we must not forget that oceano-
graphic expeditions have found green organisms living at
depths far beyond the penetration of solar radiation. The ship
"Valdivia" found, for example, Halionella algae living at a depth
of about two kilometers.
The transportation by living matter of luminous energy into
new regions, in the form of thermodynamically unstable chem-
ical compounds, and also of secondary luminous energy-
phosphorescence - causes a slight provisional extension oft1le
domain of photosynthesis. This is analogous to the luminous
energy created by human civilization, which is used by green
living matter, but has not yet significantly affected photosynthe-
sis on the planet.
Nowwe shall turn from the discussion of green living matter,
in order to deal with the rest of the living world.
The Limits of Life
103 The field of stability oflife extends beyond the limits of the
biosphere, and the independent variables which determine the
stability (temperature, chemical composition, etc.) attain values
well beyond the characteristic biospheric extremes of these
The field of stability oflife is the region in which life can attain
its fullest expansion. This field seems to be neither rigorously
determined nor constant.
The ability of organisms to adapt to previously lethal condi-
tions after a number of generations is a characteristic of living
We cannot study this subject experimentally, because
millions of years are required for the process of adaptation.231
Living matter, in contrast to inert matter, displays a mobile equi-
librium. This equilibrium, acting over stretches of geologic
time, exerts a pressure upon the surrounding environment.
In addition, the field of stability of life is clearly divided into
the field of gravity for the more voluminous organisms, and the
field of molecular force for the smaller organisms such as
228 This is a remarkable
observation and would strain belief
if not for recent proposals from
western scientists that
photosynthesis originated at deep
sea vents at vanishingly low levels
of ambient light (Dover, 199
Zimmer, 1996). The shrimp Rimicaris
exoculata ("eyeless fissure shrimp")
has unusual, large, strip-shaped
eyes along its back (not in the
ordinary position of eye sockets)
and it can actually see light
(invisible to humans) emanating
from deep sea hydrothermal vents.
These arthropods apparently use
the light to keep a safe distance
from the superheated vent
emissions. The most primitive forms
of bacterial chlorophyll absorb the
most light at the frequencey bands
measured at hydrothermal vents,
leading Dover to propose that
photosynthesis evolved at such
vents. Vernadsky might have
frowned on such a western-style,
extrapolationistic inference.
229 Flourishing communities of
photosynthesizing mosses are
known which use as an energy
source the lights installed for
tourists in Howe Caverns in upstate
New York (-M. McMenamin).
230 Unfortunately, this sentiment
was carried to an extreme by T.
lysenko (1948) in his unsuccessful
attempts to "force" crops to adapt
to harsh climates. Vernadsky played
no part in this fiasco.
231 See Case, 1997.
microbes and ultramicrobes (on the order of mmlong). The
lives and movements of the latter are primarily determined by
luminous and other radiations. Although the sizes of these two
fields are not well documented, we know that they must be
determined by the tolerances of organisms.
We shall consider the most important characteristics of both
fields of stability (that is, the field of stability of life and the field
of stability of the biosphere): 1. temperature; 2. pressure; 3. state
of matter of the medium; 4. the chemistry of the medium; and
5. luminous energy.
105 Certain heterotrophic organisms (especially those in the
latent state, such as fungal spores) demonstrate the highest tem-
perature tolerance, and can withstand about 140 C. This limit
varies with the humidity of the habitat.
1. Pasteur's experiments
on spontaneous generation
showed that some microbial spores were not destroyed by rais-
ing the temperature to 120 C in a humid medium. Destruction
required no less than 180 C In Christensen's
experiments, soil bacteria resisted temperatures of 130 C for
five minutes, and 140 C for one minute.
The bacterial spores
described by Zettnow
were not destroyed after exposure to
steam flow for twenty-four hours (Y. 1. Omeliansk
At lowtemperatures, the field of stability is greater. Experiments
at the Jenner Institute in London showed that bacterial spores
104 We must now distinguish two kinds of conditions: 1. those
which do not exceed life's capacity to endure and to exercise its
functions (i.e., conditions which cause suffering but not death);
and 2. conditions which allowlife to multiply.
Due to the genetic links uniting all living matter, these condi-
tions may be about the same for all organisms; the field is, how-
ever, much more limited for green vegetation than for het-
erotrophic organisms. The limit is actually determined by the
physico-chemical properties of the compounds constituting the
organism, and specifically by their stability. In some cases, it
appears that the mechanisms formed by compounds that con-
trol the functions of life
are first to be destroyed under diffi-
cult conditions. Both the compounds and the mechanisms they
catalyze have been ceaselessly modified by adaptation during
geological time.
Some extreme examples of the survival of particular organisms
will illustrate the maximum vital field as it is presently known.
238 See MacFadyen, 1902.
239 See Becquerel, 1910.
241 See Tamman and Khlopin, 19
242 Papers by Daly and Minton
(1996) show that some organisms
can indeed withstand hard penetrat-
ing radiation.
240 The figures in this paragraph
are from the French edition of 1925.
See Van Hise, 1904, p. 52; and Hann,
243 Vernadsky was thus willing to
entertain the concept of pansper-
107 The importance of certain radiant energy wavelengths for
plants has often been pointed out. This is true for the entire
biosphere. Photosynthesizers perish relatively quicklywhen this
radiation is absent. Heterotrophic organisms, and at least cer-
tain autotrophic bacteria, can live in the dark; but the character
of this darkness (long-wavelength, infrared radiation) has not
been studied. On the other hand, we know that short and high-
ly energetic wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation are an
insurmountable barrier to life.
The medium characterized by very short, ultraviolet wave-
lengths is inanimate (114). Becquerel's experiments have
demonstrated that this radiation kills all forms of life in a very
short time.
Interplanetary space, where these rays are present,
is inaccessible to all forms of life adapted to the biosphere,
although neither the temperature, pressure, nor chemical char-
acter of this space presents any obstacle.
The confines of life
in the various regions of radiant energy must be studied in
detail, as indicated by what we know about the relationship
between life in the biosphere and solar radiation.
remained stable for twenty hours in liquid hydrogen (-252 C). A.
MacFadyen reports microorganisms which remained intact for
many months in liquid air (-200 C),238 In P. Becquerel's experi-
ments, fungal spores remained in vacuum at -253 C for seventy-
two hours without losing their viability.239 Similarly, the most
diverse plant seeds have survived ten-and-a-halfhours invacuum
at an even lower temperature ... -269 C.
We can thus estimate a range of 450C240 as the thermal field
within which certain vital forms can survive. The range is clear-
ly less for green vegetation. There are no precise experiments on
this subject, but it is doubtful that the range is greater than 150-
160 C (from -60 to +80).
106 The limits of pressure in the vital field are large. In experi-
ments by G. Khlopin and G. Tammann
, fungi, yeast, and bac-
teria withstood a pressure of 3000 atmospheres without appar-
ent change in properties. Yeast survived 8000 atmospheres. At
the other extreme, seeds and spores can be preserved for long
intervals in a vacuum. There seems to be no difference between
heterotrophic and photoautotrophic organisms in this regard.
108 The scale of chemical changes that life can undergo is enor-
mous. The discoveryby1. Pasteur of anaerobic organisms proved
236 See Zettnow, 1912.
234 See Ducloux, 1905, 1908.
232 Such as enzymes.
237 See Omeliansky, 1923.
This impression of Pasteur's
collaborators at the time of his
celebrated discussion with G. Fouche
seems to have greater importance for
the determination of the maximum
temperature in the vital thermal field,
than in experiments on pure cultures.
It is based on the study of the
properties of hay infusions, which are
closer to the complex medium of life
on Earth's crust than are pure
235 See Christensen and Larsen,
1911; and Christensen, 1915.
233 For descriptions of these exper-
iments, see Vallery-Rodot, 1912;
Compton, 1932; Pasteur 1876.
microbes and ultramicrobes (on the order of mmlong). The
lives and movements of the latter are primarily determined by
luminous and other radiations. Although the sizes of these two
fields are not well documented, we know that they must be
determined by the tolerances of organisms.
We shall consider the most important characteristics of both
fields of stability (that is, the field of stability of life and the field
of stability of the biosphere): 1. temperature; 2. pressure; 3. state
of matter of the medium; 4. the chemistry of the medium; and
5. luminous energy.
105 Certain heterotrophic organisms (especially those in the
latent state, such as fungal spores) demonstrate the highest tem-
perature tolerance, and can withstand about 140 C. This limit
varies with the humidity of the habitat.
1. Pasteur's experiments
on spontaneous generation
showed that some microbial spores were not destroyed by rais-
ing the temperature to 120 C in a humid medium. Destruction
required no less than 180 C In Christensen's
experiments, soil bacteria resisted temperatures of 130 C for
five minutes, and 140 C for one minute.
The bacterial spores
described by Zettnow
were not destroyed after exposure to
steam flow for twenty-four hours (Y. 1. Omeliansk
At lowtemperatures, the field of stability is greater. Experiments
at the Jenner Institute in London showed that bacterial spores
104 We must now distinguish two kinds of conditions: 1. those
which do not exceed life's capacity to endure and to exercise its
functions (i.e., conditions which cause suffering but not death);
and 2. conditions which allowlife to multiply.
Due to the genetic links uniting all living matter, these condi-
tions may be about the same for all organisms; the field is, how-
ever, much more limited for green vegetation than for het-
erotrophic organisms. The limit is actually determined by the
physico-chemical properties of the compounds constituting the
organism, and specifically by their stability. In some cases, it
appears that the mechanisms formed by compounds that con-
trol the functions of life
are first to be destroyed under diffi-
cult conditions. Both the compounds and the mechanisms they
catalyze have been ceaselessly modified by adaptation during
geological time.
Some extreme examples of the survival of particular organisms
will illustrate the maximum vital field as it is presently known.
238 See MacFadyen, 1902.
239 See Becquerel, 1910.
241 See Tamman and Khlopin, 19
242 Papers by Daly and Minton
(1996) show that some organisms
can indeed withstand hard penetrat-
ing radiation.
240 The figures in this paragraph
are from the French edition of 1925.
See Van Hise, 1904, p. 52; and Hann,
243 Vernadsky was thus willing to
entertain the concept of pansper-
107 The importance of certain radiant energy wavelengths for
plants has often been pointed out. This is true for the entire
biosphere. Photosynthesizers perish relatively quicklywhen this
radiation is absent. Heterotrophic organisms, and at least cer-
tain autotrophic bacteria, can live in the dark; but the character
of this darkness (long-wavelength, infrared radiation) has not
been studied. On the other hand, we know that short and high-
ly energetic wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation are an
insurmountable barrier to life.
The medium characterized by very short, ultraviolet wave-
lengths is inanimate (114). Becquerel's experiments have
demonstrated that this radiation kills all forms of life in a very
short time.
Interplanetary space, where these rays are present,
is inaccessible to all forms of life adapted to the biosphere,
although neither the temperature, pressure, nor chemical char-
acter of this space presents any obstacle.
The confines of life
in the various regions of radiant energy must be studied in
detail, as indicated by what we know about the relationship
between life in the biosphere and solar radiation.
remained stable for twenty hours in liquid hydrogen (-252 C). A.
MacFadyen reports microorganisms which remained intact for
many months in liquid air (-200 C),238 In P. Becquerel's experi-
ments, fungal spores remained in vacuum at -253 C for seventy-
two hours without losing their viability.239 Similarly, the most
diverse plant seeds have survived ten-and-a-halfhours invacuum
at an even lower temperature ... -269 C.
We can thus estimate a range of 450C240 as the thermal field
within which certain vital forms can survive. The range is clear-
ly less for green vegetation. There are no precise experiments on
this subject, but it is doubtful that the range is greater than 150-
160 C (from -60 to +80).
106 The limits of pressure in the vital field are large. In experi-
ments by G. Khlopin and G. Tammann
, fungi, yeast, and bac-
teria withstood a pressure of 3000 atmospheres without appar-
ent change in properties. Yeast survived 8000 atmospheres. At
the other extreme, seeds and spores can be preserved for long
intervals in a vacuum. There seems to be no difference between
heterotrophic and photoautotrophic organisms in this regard.
108 The scale of chemical changes that life can undergo is enor-
mous. The discoveryby1. Pasteur of anaerobic organisms proved
236 See Zettnow, 1912.
234 See Ducloux, 1905, 1908.
232 Such as enzymes.
237 See Omeliansky, 1923.
This impression of Pasteur's
collaborators at the time of his
celebrated discussion with G. Fouche
seems to have greater importance for
the determination of the maximum
temperature in the vital thermal field,
than in experiments on pure cultures.
It is based on the study of the
properties of hay infusions, which are
closer to the complex medium of life
on Earth's crust than are pure
235 See Christensen and Larsen,
1911; and Christensen, 1915.
233 For descriptions of these exper-
iments, see Vallery-Rodot, 1912;
Compton, 1932; Pasteur 1876.
that life can exist in a medium without free oxygen. The assumed
limits of life were greatly enlarged by Pasteur's discovery.2JILI
The autotrophic organisms discovered by S. Vinogradsky
showed that life could exist in a purely mineral medium, con-
taining no preexisting organic compounds.
Spores and seeds seem to be able to remain perfectly intact, as
latent vital forms, for an indefinite time in a medium devoid of
gas or water.
It is also possible for various forms of life to live with impuni-
ty in the most diverse chemical media. Bacillus boracicolla, in
the hot boracic-water springs of Tuscany, can live in a saturated
solution of boric acid, and also easily endures a ten percent solu-
tion of sulfuric acid at environmental temperatures.
are many organisms, chiefly fungal molds, which live in strong
solutions of salts fatal to other organisms, such as saturated
solutions of the sulfate, nitrate, and niobate of potassium.
Bacillus boracicolla, mentioned above, resists solutions of
0.3% mercury chloride; other bacteria and protists survive in
saturated solutions of mercury chloride;247 yeast can live in a
solution of sodiumhydrofluorate. The larvae of certain flies sur-
vive 10% solutions of formalin, and there are bacteria which
multiply in an atmosphere of pure oxygen. These phenomena
are poorly known, but they demonstrate the apparently unlim-
ited adaptability of living forms.
We are only speaking here of heterotrophic organisms. The
development of green organisms demands the presence of free
oxygen (sometimes in aqueous solution). Saturated saline solu-
tions make the development of this form of life impossible.
109 Although certain forms of life in a latent state can survive
in an absolutely dry medium, water in liquid or vapor form is
essential for growth and multiplication. In addition to the obvi-
ous fact that green life cannot exist without water, it can be
noted that the geochemical energy of organisms, as shown by
multiplication, changes from a potential to an active form only
in the presence of water containing gases needed for breathing.
The foundation of all life, photosynthetic green life, cannot
exist without water. The mechanism of the action of water has
recently become clearer, through an understanding of the acid-
base balance and the degree of ionization of aqueous solu-
The role of these phenomena is enormous, because most of
the mass ofliving matter is concentrated in the natural waters of
244 See Pasteur, 1876.
245 See Vinogradsky, 1888a, 1888b,
and 1989..
246 See Bargagli Petrucci, 1914.
247 See Besredka, 1925.
248 In recent years the important
of the structure of water has also
been clarified, depending upon the
condition of the geomagnetic pole
and solar
activity. -A. I. Perelman.
the biosphere, and the living conditions of all organisms are
closely related to natural aqueous solutions. The matter of
organisms is formed principally of aqueous salt solutions.* Pro-
toplasm may be considered an aqueous suspension in which
coagulations and colloidal changes occur. The phenomena of
ionization are ubiquitous. Because of continuous, reciprocal
action between the internal liquids of the organisms and the
surrounding aqueous solutions, the relative ionizations of the
two media are of great importance. Subtle methods of recording
exact changes in ionization provide an excellent way to study
the principal medium of life.
Sea water contains about 10-
% (H+); it is thus slightly alka-
line, and is continuously maintained so, in the presence of
numerous ongoing chemical processes.
This degree of ionization is very favorable for the life of
marine organisms; the slightest variations always have repercus-
sions in living nature, positive or negative, depending on the
It is clear that life can exist only within limits of ionization
between 10-
and 10-
% (H+).249
110 The physical state of the mediumis extremely important for
life processes. Life in latent form can be preserved in solid, liq-
uid, or gaseous states, and in a vacuum. Seeds can be preserved
for a certain time, without gaseous exchange, in all states of mat-
ter. But the fully-functioning living organism requires gaseous
exchange (respiration), and stable conditions for the colloidal
systems that form its body. In solid media, living organisms are
found only in porous bodies where there is access to gaseous
exchange. Due to the verysmall dimensions ofmany organisms,
fairly compact media can be inhabited; but a liquid solution or
colloid cannot maintain life if it lacks gas.
We once again encounter the exceptional importance of the
gaseous state of matter, a point frequently made in this essay.
The Limits of Life in the Biosphere
111 Thus far, we have seen that the biosphere, by structure, com-
position, and physical makeup, is completely enclosed by the
domain of life, which has so adapted itself to biospheric condi-
tions that there is no place in which it is unable to manifest itself
in one way or another.
This statement does not hold true under temporary, abnormal
circumstances, such as would prevail during times of erupting
* Organisms contain 60 to 99% wate
by weight, and thus are composed r
from 80-100% of aqueous solutions
or suspensions.
249 Contemporary data indicate
that these limits are in fact mUch
that life can exist in a medium without free oxygen. The assumed
limits of life were greatly enlarged by Pasteur's discovery.2JILI
The autotrophic organisms discovered by S. Vinogradsky
showed that life could exist in a purely mineral medium, con-
taining no preexisting organic compounds.
Spores and seeds seem to be able to remain perfectly intact, as
latent vital forms, for an indefinite time in a medium devoid of
gas or water.
It is also possible for various forms of life to live with impuni-
ty in the most diverse chemical media. Bacillus boracicolla, in
the hot boracic-water springs of Tuscany, can live in a saturated
solution of boric acid, and also easily endures a ten percent solu-
tion of sulfuric acid at environmental temperatures.
are many organisms, chiefly fungal molds, which live in strong
solutions of salts fatal to other organisms, such as saturated
solutions of the sulfate, nitrate, and niobate of potassium.
Bacillus boracicolla, mentioned above, resists solutions of
0.3% mercury chloride; other bacteria and protists survive in
saturated solutions of mercury chloride;247 yeast can live in a
solution of sodiumhydrofluorate. The larvae of certain flies sur-
vive 10% solutions of formalin, and there are bacteria which
multiply in an atmosphere of pure oxygen. These phenomena
are poorly known, but they demonstrate the apparently unlim-
ited adaptability of living forms.
We are only speaking here of heterotrophic organisms. The
development of green organisms demands the presence of free
oxygen (sometimes in aqueous solution). Saturated saline solu-
tions make the development of this form of life impossible.
109 Although certain forms of life in a latent state can survive
in an absolutely dry medium, water in liquid or vapor form is
essential for growth and multiplication. In addition to the obvi-
ous fact that green life cannot exist without water, it can be
noted that the geochemical energy of organisms, as shown by
multiplication, changes from a potential to an active form only
in the presence of water containing gases needed for breathing.
The foundation of all life, photosynthetic green life, cannot
exist without water. The mechanism of the action of water has
recently become clearer, through an understanding of the acid-
base balance and the degree of ionization of aqueous solu-
The role of these phenomena is enormous, because most of
the mass ofliving matter is concentrated in the natural waters of
244 See Pasteur, 1876.
245 See Vinogradsky, 1888a, 1888b,
and 1989..
246 See Bargagli Petrucci, 1914.
247 See Besredka, 1925.
248 In recent years the important
of the structure of water has also
been clarified, depending upon the
condition of the geomagnetic pole
and solar
activity. -A. I. Perelman.
the biosphere, and the living conditions of all organisms are
closely related to natural aqueous solutions. The matter of
organisms is formed principally of aqueous salt solutions.* Pro-
toplasm may be considered an aqueous suspension in which
coagulations and colloidal changes occur. The phenomena of
ionization are ubiquitous. Because of continuous, reciprocal
action between the internal liquids of the organisms and the
surrounding aqueous solutions, the relative ionizations of the
two media are of great importance. Subtle methods of recording
exact changes in ionization provide an excellent way to study
the principal medium of life.
Sea water contains about 10-
% (H+); it is thus slightly alka-
line, and is continuously maintained so, in the presence of
numerous ongoing chemical processes.
This degree of ionization is very favorable for the life of
marine organisms; the slightest variations always have repercus-
sions in living nature, positive or negative, depending on the
It is clear that life can exist only within limits of ionization
between 10-
and 10-
% (H+).249
110 The physical state of the mediumis extremely important for
life processes. Life in latent form can be preserved in solid, liq-
uid, or gaseous states, and in a vacuum. Seeds can be preserved
for a certain time, without gaseous exchange, in all states of mat-
ter. But the fully-functioning living organism requires gaseous
exchange (respiration), and stable conditions for the colloidal
systems that form its body. In solid media, living organisms are
found only in porous bodies where there is access to gaseous
exchange. Due to the verysmall dimensions ofmany organisms,
fairly compact media can be inhabited; but a liquid solution or
colloid cannot maintain life if it lacks gas.
We once again encounter the exceptional importance of the
gaseous state of matter, a point frequently made in this essay.
The Limits of Life in the Biosphere
111 Thus far, we have seen that the biosphere, by structure, com-
position, and physical makeup, is completely enclosed by the
domain of life, which has so adapted itself to biospheric condi-
tions that there is no place in which it is unable to manifest itself
in one way or another.
This statement does not hold true under temporary, abnormal
circumstances, such as would prevail during times of erupting
* Organisms contain 60 to 99% wate
by weight, and thus are composed r
from 80-100% of aqueous solutions
or suspensions.
249 Contemporary data indicate
that these limits are in fact mUch
volcanoes and lava flows. Toxic volcanic exhalations
(hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, for example), and hot
springs which accompany volcanic action, are examples of such
temporary phenomena; the absence of life caused by them is
also temporary. Analogous phenomena of longer duration, such
as permanent thermal sources with temperatures of about 90
C, are inhabited by organisms adapted to these conditions.
Natural saline solutions with concentrations more than 5%
may not be permanently inanimate; we simply do not know
whether they are or not. The Dead Sea in Palestine is regarded as
the largest saltwater basin of its kind. There is proof, however,
that certain naturally acidic waters (containing hydrochloric
and sulfuric acid), whose ionization is at least 10-
% (H+), must
be inanimate
(109). The extent of such dead zone is, howev-
er, insignificant when compared to the planet as a whole.
112 The terrestrial envelope occupied by living matter, which
can be regarded as the entire field of existence of life, is a con-
tinuous envelope, and should be differentiated from discontin-
uous envelopes such as the hydrosphere.
The field vital stability is, of course, far from completelyoccu-
pied by living matter; we can see that a slow penetration of life
into new regions has occurred during geological time.
Two regions of the field of vital stability must be distin-
guished: 1. the region of temporary penetration, where organ-
isms are not subject to sudden annihilation; and 2. the region of
stable existence of life, where multiplication can occur.
The extreme limits of life in the biosphere probably represent
absolute conditions for all organisms. These limits are reached
when anyone of these conditions, which can be expressed as
independent variables of equilibrium, becomes insurmountable
for living matter; it might be temperature, chemical composi-
tion, ionization of the medium, or the wavelength of radiations.
Definitions of this kind are not absolute, since adaptation
gives organisms immense ability to protect themselves against
harmful environmental conditions. The limits of adaptation are
unknown, but are increasing with time on a planetary scale.
Establishing such limits on the basis of known adaptations of
life requires guesswork, always a hazardous and uncertain
undertaking. Man, in particular, being endowed with under-
standing and the ability to direct his will, can reach places that
are inaccessible to any other living organisms.
Given the indissoluble unity of all living beings, an insight
115 This radiation reaches no further down because of its com-
plete absorption by ozone, which is continually formed in rela-
tively large quantities from free oxygen (and perhaps water) by
the action of this same ultraviolet radiation.
254 See Fesenkov, 1976.
252 We see here again Vernadsky's
challenge to chance-driven
causality; "chance does not exist"
as he put it earlier. The idea of
arogenesis or progressive evolution
has a long history in Russian
evolutionary biology (see comment
by L1ya N. Khakhina in "Note on
translation and transliteration" by
Mark McMenamin and Lynn
Margulis, p. xxix
in L. N. Khakhina, 1992). This idea of
progressive evolution. most fully
articulated in the west by P. Teilhard
de (hardin in his use of the term
complexi{ication. is anathema to
some contemporary western
evolutionary biologists. The
question remains open, especially In
the minds of Russians such as
.. According to other calculations, the
figures are more than a thousand
times less - one ton per one hundred
cubic kilometers; one kilogram per
200 cubic kilometers.
253 Vernadsky devoted an entire
article to this subject: Vernadsky,
flashes upon us. When we viewlife as a planetary phenomenon,
this capacity of Homo sapiens cannot be regarded as acciden-
It follows that the question of unchanging limits of life in
the biosphere must be treated with caution.
113 The boundaries of life,253 based upon the range of existence
of contemporary organisms and their powers of adaptation,
clearly show that the biosphere is a terrestrial envelope. For the
conditions that make life impossible occur simultaneously over
the whole planet. It is therefore sufficient to determine only the
upper and lower limits of the vital field.
The upper limit is determined by the radiant energy which
eliminates life. The lower limit is formed by temperatures so
high that life becomes impossible. Between these limits, life
embraces (though not completely) a single thermodynamic
envelope, three chemical envelopes, and three envelopes ofstates
of matter (88). The above limits clearly reveal the importance
ofthe last three, the troposphere, hydrosphere, and upper lithos-
phere. We will take these as the basis of the exposition to follow.
114 By all appearances the natural forms of life cannot pass
beyond the upper stratosphere. As Table I shows (88), there is a
paragenetic envelope above the stratosphere in which the exis-
tence of chemical molecules or compounds is unlikely. This is
the region of the maximum rarefaction of matter, even if we
accept Prof. V. G. Fesenkov's calculations,254 which suggest that
it contains greater quantities of matter than formerly supposed
(1923-1924). He states that there is one ton of matter per cubic
kilometer at a height of150 to 200 kilometers." The newmode of
occurrence of chemical elements in these regions results not
only from dispersion, reduction of collisions, or lengthened free
trajectories of gaseous particles, but also from the powerful
action of ultraviolet and other solar radiation and also, perhaps,
from the activity of cosmic radiation (8). Ultraviolet radiation
is a very active chemical agent, which in the 160-180 nm range
destroys all life, even spores that are stable in dry media or a vac-
uum. It seems certain that this radiation penetrates the upper
250 This is not correct. although the
modern correction only further Vali-
dates Vernadsky's basic point. The
range indicated (pH = 5-9) is the
most favorable for life, but living
organisms can exist both in more-
acid (bacteria, down to pH = 1 or
less) and in more-alkaline media.
The Dead Sea is now known to be
inhabited by avariety of peculiar
251 In Antarctica, at the Soviet
"Vostok" station, people worked
during the winter without special
adaptation in conditions of oxygen
starvation. with winds 8-10 m/sec
(18-22 m.p.h.) and temperatures
C. The equivalent still air tem-
perature is -1300 C. -A. I. Perelman.
volcanoes and lava flows. Toxic volcanic exhalations
(hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, for example), and hot
springs which accompany volcanic action, are examples of such
temporary phenomena; the absence of life caused by them is
also temporary. Analogous phenomena of longer duration, such
as permanent thermal sources with temperatures of about 90
C, are inhabited by organisms adapted to these conditions.
Natural saline solutions with concentrations more than 5%
may not be permanently inanimate; we simply do not know
whether they are or not. The Dead Sea in Palestine is regarded as
the largest saltwater basin of its kind. There is proof, however,
that certain naturally acidic waters (containing hydrochloric
and sulfuric acid), whose ionization is at least 10-
% (H+), must
be inanimate
(109). The extent of such dead zone is, howev-
er, insignificant when compared to the planet as a whole.
112 The terrestrial envelope occupied by living matter, which
can be regarded as the entire field of existence of life, is a con-
tinuous envelope, and should be differentiated from discontin-
uous envelopes such as the hydrosphere.
The field vital stability is, of course, far from completelyoccu-
pied by living matter; we can see that a slow penetration of life
into new regions has occurred during geological time.
Two regions of the field of vital stability must be distin-
guished: 1. the region of temporary penetration, where organ-
isms are not subject to sudden annihilation; and 2. the region of
stable existence of life, where multiplication can occur.
The extreme limits of life in the biosphere probably represent
absolute conditions for all organisms. These limits are reached
when anyone of these conditions, which can be expressed as
independent variables of equilibrium, becomes insurmountable
for living matter; it might be temperature, chemical composi-
tion, ionization of the medium, or the wavelength of radiations.
Definitions of this kind are not absolute, since adaptation
gives organisms immense ability to protect themselves against
harmful environmental conditions. The limits of adaptation are
unknown, but are increasing with time on a planetary scale.
Establishing such limits on the basis of known adaptations of
life requires guesswork, always a hazardous and uncertain
undertaking. Man, in particular, being endowed with under-
standing and the ability to direct his will, can reach places that
are inaccessible to any other living organisms.
Given the indissoluble unity of all living beings, an insight
115 This radiation reaches no further down because of its com-
plete absorption by ozone, which is continually formed in rela-
tively large quantities from free oxygen (and perhaps water) by
the action of this same ultraviolet radiation.
254 See Fesenkov, 1976.
252 We see here again Vernadsky's
challenge to chance-driven
causality; "chance does not exist"
as he put it earlier. The idea of
arogenesis or progressive evolution
has a long history in Russian
evolutionary biology (see comment
by L1ya N. Khakhina in "Note on
translation and transliteration" by
Mark McMenamin and Lynn
Margulis, p. xxix
in L. N. Khakhina, 1992). This idea of
progressive evolution. most fully
articulated in the west by P. Teilhard
de (hardin in his use of the term
complexi{ication. is anathema to
some contemporary western
evolutionary biologists. The
question remains open, especially In
the minds of Russians such as
.. According to other calculations, the
figures are more than a thousand
times less - one ton per one hundred
cubic kilometers; one kilogram per
200 cubic kilometers.
253 Vernadsky devoted an entire
article to this subject: Vernadsky,
flashes upon us. When we viewlife as a planetary phenomenon,
this capacity of Homo sapiens cannot be regarded as acciden-
It follows that the question of unchanging limits of life in
the biosphere must be treated with caution.
113 The boundaries of life,253 based upon the range of existence
of contemporary organisms and their powers of adaptation,
clearly show that the biosphere is a terrestrial envelope. For the
conditions that make life impossible occur simultaneously over
the whole planet. It is therefore sufficient to determine only the
upper and lower limits of the vital field.
The upper limit is determined by the radiant energy which
eliminates life. The lower limit is formed by temperatures so
high that life becomes impossible. Between these limits, life
embraces (though not completely) a single thermodynamic
envelope, three chemical envelopes, and three envelopes ofstates
of matter (88). The above limits clearly reveal the importance
ofthe last three, the troposphere, hydrosphere, and upper lithos-
phere. We will take these as the basis of the exposition to follow.
114 By all appearances the natural forms of life cannot pass
beyond the upper stratosphere. As Table I shows (88), there is a
paragenetic envelope above the stratosphere in which the exis-
tence of chemical molecules or compounds is unlikely. This is
the region of the maximum rarefaction of matter, even if we
accept Prof. V. G. Fesenkov's calculations,254 which suggest that
it contains greater quantities of matter than formerly supposed
(1923-1924). He states that there is one ton of matter per cubic
kilometer at a height of150 to 200 kilometers." The newmode of
occurrence of chemical elements in these regions results not
only from dispersion, reduction of collisions, or lengthened free
trajectories of gaseous particles, but also from the powerful
action of ultraviolet and other solar radiation and also, perhaps,
from the activity of cosmic radiation (8). Ultraviolet radiation
is a very active chemical agent, which in the 160-180 nm range
destroys all life, even spores that are stable in dry media or a vac-
uum. It seems certain that this radiation penetrates the upper
250 This is not correct. although the
modern correction only further Vali-
dates Vernadsky's basic point. The
range indicated (pH = 5-9) is the
most favorable for life, but living
organisms can exist both in more-
acid (bacteria, down to pH = 1 or
less) and in more-alkaline media.
The Dead Sea is now known to be
inhabited by avariety of peculiar
251 In Antarctica, at the Soviet
"Vostok" station, people worked
during the winter without special
adaptation in conditions of oxygen
starvation. with winds 8-10 m/sec
(18-22 m.p.h.) and temperatures
C. The equivalent still air tem-
perature is -1300 C. -A. I. Perelman.
According to Fabry and Buisson, the entire ,amount of ozone
in a pure state would form a layer five millimetersthick.
ertheless, this small amount, dispersed among the atmospheric
gases, is enough to halt these fatal radiations.
The ozone is recreated as fast as it is destroyed, because the
ultraviolet radiation meets an abundance of oxygen atoms lower.
in the stratosphere. Life is thus protected by an ozone screen five
millimeters thick,256 which marks the natural upper limit of the
The free oxygen necessary for the creation of ozone is formed
in the biosphere solely through biochemical processes, and
would disappear
if life were to stop.258 Life creates both the
free oxygen in the Earth's crust, and also the ozone that protects
the biosphere from the harmful short-wavelength radiation of
celestial bodies.
Obviously, life's latest manifestation - civilized man- can
protect himself in other ways, and thus penetrate beyond the
ozone screen with impunity.
116 The ozone screen determines only the potential upper
limit of life, which actually stops well below this atmospheric
Green autotrophics do not develop above the forests, fields,
prairies, and grasses of land. There are no unicellular green
organisms in the aerial medium. The oceans throw green plank-
ton a short distance upward, but only accidentally. Organisms
can raise themselves higher than green vegetation only by
mechanical means created for flight. Even in this way, green
organisms cannot penetrate the atmosphere for any great dis-
tance or length of time.
For example, the spores of the
conifers and cryptogams are probably the largest mass of green
organisms dispersed and lifted up by the winds. Sometimes they
reach great heights, but only for short periods. These are the
smallest spores, and contain little or no chlorophyll.
The green layer is the upper limit of transformation of solar
radiation, and is situated on the surface of the land and in upper
layers of the ocean. The range of this layer has become more vast
over geologic time, but it does not rise into the atmosphere to
any great extent.
Due to the proclivity of the green autotrophs to maximize the
capture of solar energy, they have penetrated very efficiently
into the lower layers of the troposphere, rising to a height of over
100 meters in the form of large trees and stands of vegetation 50
255 See Fabry and Buisson. 1913.
256 Contemporary observations
have demonstrated a decrease in
the ozone layer of three to four per-
cent during the interval 1969-1993.
The largest reduction in the ozone
shield occurs over the Antarctic,
where there is an ozone hole 40 x
square kilometers in area
(Karol', Kiselev and Frol'kis, 1995).
257 A certain amount of free oxygen
is formed in the upper layers of the
atmosphere by the action of cosmic
rays, possible reactions being N+ P
....) 0 + hv;
o.....}N+ hv; and N+ P.....) 0 + hv (p
= proton; hu = types of radiation).
While the magnitude of this process
cannot yet be calculated, it
obviously plays only an insignificant
role in the planetary oxygen
balance, since the amount of oxygen
in the atmosphere agrees within an
order of magnitude with that arising
from green living matter. -A. I.
258 In 1856 C. Koene hypothesized
that atmospheric oxygen was the
result of photosynthesis. Vernadsky
gave this
idea special attention, and from the
perspective of geochemistry
(Voitkevich, Miroshnikov.
Povarennykh and Prokhorov, 1970).
Vernadsky was the first to
demonstrate the biogenic origin of
atmospheric oxygen (Vernadsky,
1935; Oparin, 1957. p. 157).
259 Study of life in the atmosphere
has been continued by S. V. Lysenko
or more meters in height. These vital forms have been in exis-
tence since the Paleozoic Era.
117 The principal mass of living matter that penetrates the
atmosphere belongs to the second order, and includes all flying
organisms. For millions of years life has penetrated the atmos-
phere principally in the form of the very small bacteria, spores
and flying animals. Larger concentrations, mostly in the latent
state as spores, can only be observed in regions penetrated by
dust. According to A. Klossovsky,261 dust reaches an average
height of five kilometers; O. MengeF62 states that this distance is
2.8 km. In any case, it is chiefly inert matter.
Air on the tops of mountains is very poor in organisms, but
some do exist there. 1. Pasteur found only an average of four to
five pathogenic microbes per cubic meter,263 when such air was
cultured. Fleming has found, at the most, only one pathogenic
microbe per three liters at a height of four kilometers
It seems that the microflora of the upper layers are relatively
poor in bacteria, and rich in yeast and fungi
. Microflora cer-
tainly penetrate beyond the average boundary of the dusty atmos-
phere (5 km), but there are few precise observations. This flora
might be carried to the limits of the troposphere (9-13 km) since
the movement of air currents reaches this height. It is unlikely that
the ascent of this material has played any role whatsoever in the
Earth's history, in view of the latent state of most of these organ-
isms, and the barely detectable numbers of them present.
118 It is not clear whether animals go beyond the troposphere,
though they sometimes reach its upper regions above the high-
est mountain summits.
According to A. Humboldt, the condor flies to heights of seven
kilometers. He has also observed flies on the summit of Mt.
Chimborazo (5882 meters).266
The observations on avian flight by Humboldt and others
have been challenged by modern studies of bird migrations. The
latest observations of A. F. R. Wollaston and members of the
British Mt. Everest expedition, however, prove that certain
alpine birds of prey soar around the highest summits (7540 m).
Himalayan crows were seen up to 8200 meters.
These, however, are values for particular species. Most birds,
even in mountainous country, go no higher than 5 km. Aviators
have not found them above 3 km; eagles have been observed this
260 The first forests appear in the
Late Devonian. (Snigirevskaya,
1988; McMenamin and McMenamin
1993) ,
261 See Klossovsky, 1908, 1914.
262 See Mengel, 1923.
263 See Pasteur. 1876. Here there is
a discordance between the Russian
(1926) and the French editions of
The Biosphere. In the Russian it
reads "per cubic meter," in the
French "per cubic centimeter," The
former is apparently the correct ver
264 See Fleming, 1908.
265 See Omeliansky, 1923.
266 See Humbolt, 1859.
267 See Howard-Bury, 1922.
268 A griffon vulture is known to
have collided with an aircraft at an
altitude of 12.5 kilometers (A. Lapo.
written communication).
According to Fabry and Buisson, the entire ,amount of ozone
in a pure state would form a layer five millimetersthick.
ertheless, this small amount, dispersed among the atmospheric
gases, is enough to halt these fatal radiations.
The ozone is recreated as fast as it is destroyed, because the
ultraviolet radiation meets an abundance of oxygen atoms lower.
in the stratosphere. Life is thus protected by an ozone screen five
millimeters thick,256 which marks the natural upper limit of the
The free oxygen necessary for the creation of ozone is formed
in the biosphere solely through biochemical processes, and
would disappear
if life were to stop.258 Life creates both the
free oxygen in the Earth's crust, and also the ozone that protects
the biosphere from the harmful short-wavelength radiation of
celestial bodies.
Obviously, life's latest manifestation - civilized man- can
protect himself in other ways, and thus penetrate beyond the
ozone screen with impunity.
116 The ozone screen determines only the potential upper
limit of life, which actually stops well below this atmospheric
Green autotrophics do not develop above the forests, fields,
prairies, and grasses of land. There are no unicellular green
organisms in the aerial medium. The oceans throw green plank-
ton a short distance upward, but only accidentally. Organisms
can raise themselves higher than green vegetation only by
mechanical means created for flight. Even in this way, green
organisms cannot penetrate the atmosphere for any great dis-
tance or length of time.
For example, the spores of the
conifers and cryptogams are probably the largest mass of green
organisms dispersed and lifted up by the winds. Sometimes they
reach great heights, but only for short periods. These are the
smallest spores, and contain little or no chlorophyll.
The green layer is the upper limit of transformation of solar
radiation, and is situated on the surface of the land and in upper
layers of the ocean. The range of this layer has become more vast
over geologic time, but it does not rise into the atmosphere to
any great extent.
Due to the proclivity of the green autotrophs to maximize the
capture of solar energy, they have penetrated very efficiently
into the lower layers of the troposphere, rising to a height of over
100 meters in the form of large trees and stands of vegetation 50
255 See Fabry and Buisson. 1913.
256 Contemporary observations
have demonstrated a decrease in
the ozone layer of three to four per-
cent during the interval 1969-1993.
The largest reduction in the ozone
shield occurs over the Antarctic,
where there is an ozone hole 40 x
square kilometers in area
(Karol', Kiselev and Frol'kis, 1995).
257 A certain amount of free oxygen
is formed in the upper layers of the
atmosphere by the action of cosmic
rays, possible reactions being N+ P
....) 0 + hv;
o.....}N+ hv; and N+ P.....) 0 + hv (p
= proton; hu = types of radiation).
While the magnitude of this process
cannot yet be calculated, it
obviously plays only an insignificant
role in the planetary oxygen
balance, since the amount of oxygen
in the atmosphere agrees within an
order of magnitude with that arising
from green living matter. -A. I.
258 In 1856 C. Koene hypothesized
that atmospheric oxygen was the
result of photosynthesis. Vernadsky
gave this
idea special attention, and from the
perspective of geochemistry
(Voitkevich, Miroshnikov.
Povarennykh and Prokhorov, 1970).
Vernadsky was the first to
demonstrate the biogenic origin of
atmospheric oxygen (Vernadsky,
1935; Oparin, 1957. p. 157).
259 Study of life in the atmosphere
has been continued by S. V. Lysenko
or more meters in height. These vital forms have been in exis-
tence since the Paleozoic Era.
117 The principal mass of living matter that penetrates the
atmosphere belongs to the second order, and includes all flying
organisms. For millions of years life has penetrated the atmos-
phere principally in the form of the very small bacteria, spores
and flying animals. Larger concentrations, mostly in the latent
state as spores, can only be observed in regions penetrated by
dust. According to A. Klossovsky,261 dust reaches an average
height of five kilometers; O. MengeF62 states that this distance is
2.8 km. In any case, it is chiefly inert matter.
Air on the tops of mountains is very poor in organisms, but
some do exist there. 1. Pasteur found only an average of four to
five pathogenic microbes per cubic meter,263 when such air was
cultured. Fleming has found, at the most, only one pathogenic
microbe per three liters at a height of four kilometers
It seems that the microflora of the upper layers are relatively
poor in bacteria, and rich in yeast and fungi
. Microflora cer-
tainly penetrate beyond the average boundary of the dusty atmos-
phere (5 km), but there are few precise observations. This flora
might be carried to the limits of the troposphere (9-13 km) since
the movement of air currents reaches this height. It is unlikely that
the ascent of this material has played any role whatsoever in the
Earth's history, in view of the latent state of most of these organ-
isms, and the barely detectable numbers of them present.
118 It is not clear whether animals go beyond the troposphere,
though they sometimes reach its upper regions above the high-
est mountain summits.
According to A. Humboldt, the condor flies to heights of seven
kilometers. He has also observed flies on the summit of Mt.
Chimborazo (5882 meters).266
The observations on avian flight by Humboldt and others
have been challenged by modern studies of bird migrations. The
latest observations of A. F. R. Wollaston and members of the
British Mt. Everest expedition, however, prove that certain
alpine birds of prey soar around the highest summits (7540 m).
Himalayan crows were seen up to 8200 meters.
These, however, are values for particular species. Most birds,
even in mountainous country, go no higher than 5 km. Aviators
have not found them above 3 km; eagles have been observed this
260 The first forests appear in the
Late Devonian. (Snigirevskaya,
1988; McMenamin and McMenamin
1993) ,
261 See Klossovsky, 1908, 1914.
262 See Mengel, 1923.
263 See Pasteur. 1876. Here there is
a discordance between the Russian
(1926) and the French editions of
The Biosphere. In the Russian it
reads "per cubic meter," in the
French "per cubic centimeter," The
former is apparently the correct ver
264 See Fleming, 1908.
265 See Omeliansky, 1923.
266 See Humbolt, 1859.
267 See Howard-Bury, 1922.
268 A griffon vulture is known to
have collided with an aircraft at an
altitude of 12.5 kilometers (A. Lapo.
written communication).
Butterflies have been seen at 6400m; spiders at 6700 m; the
green fly, at 8200 m. Certain plants (Arenaria' muscosa and Del-
phinium glacial) live at 6200 to 6300 m (Hingston,269 1925).270
119 It is man who ascends to the greatest heights of the stratos-
phere, unwittingly taking with him the forms of life that accom-
pany his body or its products.
The region accessible to man is enlarging with the develop-
ment of aerial navigation, and now extends beyond the ozone
Sounding balloons, which have reached the greatest heights,
always contain some representatives of life. A balloon of this
kind launched at Pavia, December 17, 1913, went to 37,700 m.
Man, himself, has risen above the highest mountain. In 1875,
G. Tissandier,271 and 1868, J. Glaisher, almost achieved this in
aerostatic balloons (8600 m and 8830 m, respectively272); air-
planes have reached the limits of the troposphere. The French-
man Callisot, and the American J. A. Macready in 1925, rose to
12,000 and 12,100 m; and this record will obviously soon be sur-
With respect to permanent human collections, villages reach
5100 and 5200 m in Peru and Tibet; railways, 4770 m in Peru.
Oat fields exist at 4650 m.
120 In short, life in the biosphere reaches its terrestrial bound-
ary, the ozone screen, only in rare circumstances. Both the
stratosphere and the upper layers of the troposphere are essen-
tially inanimate.
No organism lives continuously in the air. Only a thin layer of
the air, usually well below100 meters thick, can be considered to
contain life.
The conquest of the air is a new phenomenon in the geologi-
cal history of the planet. It could not have happened without the
development of subaerial terrestrial organisms - plants (Pre-
cambrian origin?), insects, flying vertebrates
(Paleozoic ori-
gin?), and birds (Mesozoic origin). Evidence for the mechanical
transport of microflora and spores dates from the most distant
geological periods. But only when civilized humanity appeared
did living matter make a great stride toward conquest of the
entire atmosphere.
The atmosphere is not an independent region oflife. From the
biological point of view, its thin layers are part of the adjacent
hydrosphere and lithosphere. Only in the upper part of the
269 Vernadsky's exact reference
could not be located but see
Hingston (1925).
270 In mountains above 6000 m
other animals are also found.
although large animals enter this
zone only while migrating from one
slope to another. Some species of
mammals (e.g. pikas), birds, and
insects inhabit regions above 6000
m during the summer, in areas free
of ice and snow. -A. I. Perelman.
271 See Tissandier, 1887, 1887-
1890. Gaston Tissandier was a
chemist. He and his brother Albert,
with three others, remained in the
air for 23 hours in 1875. In 1824 G.
Tissandier rose to a height of 9150
meters. He was the sole survivor of
this ascent, the other two with him
dying of asphyxia.
272 This ascent was made without
breathing apparatus. The height has
been disputed.
273 As indeed it was, culminating of
course in America's NASA Apollo
space program that landed men on
the moon in the late 1960'S and
early 1970'S. Both Callisot and
Macready were early aviators.
274 See Padian, 1985.
lithosphere do atmospheric layers take part in concentrations of
life and living films. (150)
The enormous influence exercised on the history of the
atmosphere by living matter is not related to the immediate
presence of life in the gaseous medium, but to gaseous
exchange - the biological creation of newgases, and their liber-
ation and absorption in the atmosphere. This occurs both in the
gaseous layer adjacent to the Earth's surface, and in gases dis-
solved in natural waters.
The final, grand effect - the occupation of the entire gaseous
envelope of the planet by vital energy, resulting from diffusion of
oxygen and other gases produced by life - is a result of the
gaseous state of matter, and not of the properties of living matter.
121 Theoretically, the lower limit of life on Earth should be just
as distinct as the upper limit set by the ozone screen, and should
be determined by temperatures that make the existence and
of an organism impossible.
The temperature of 100 C that clearly marks this barrier is
usually found 3 to 3.5 km below the Earth's surface, though at
certain places it occurs at about 2.5 km. We may assume that liv-
ing creatures in their present forms cannot exist at a depth
greater than 3 km below
the surface of the earth.
The level of this 100 C planetary boundary is deeper under
the ocean, which has a mean depth of 3.8 km, and bottom tem-
peratures a few degrees above zero. The temperature barrier to
life under ocean regions would therefore occur at depths of 6.5
to 6.7 km, assuming thermal conditions to be the same as under
land areas. Actually, the rise in temperature with depth seems to
take place more rapidly under the sea,276 and it is unlikely that
layers accessible to life extend more than 6km belowthe surface
of the hydrosphere.
This limit of 100 C is conventional. Some organisms on the
Earth's surface are able to multiply at temperatures of 70 to 80,
but none are known to have adapted to permanent existence at
100 C.
Thus it is unlikely that the lower limit of the biosphere exceeds
a depth of 2.5 to 2.7 km on land, and 5 to 5.5 km in the oceans.
This limit is probably determined by the temperature,278
rather than by oxygen deficiency in the deep regions, because
absence of oxygen is no obstacle to life. Free oxygen vanishes at
shallow depths beneath the continents, and is rarely observed
even a few hundred meters beneath the surface. It is certain,
275 Recent studies have pushed
close to this limit, with live bacteria
occurlng at depths up to 2.8 kilome
ters beneath
the surface of Earth (Kerr 1997;
Anonymous, 1996b; and Fredricson
and Onstatt, 1996). Acetogenlc bac.
teria occur in sediments to depths of
888 meters (See Chapelle and
Bradley, 1996; Monastersky 1997).
276 Vernadsky means here that the
geothermal gradient is steeper in
oceanic crust than in continental
2n This still appears to be the
case, even for hyperthermophilic
bacteria (which can survive expo-
sure to 110C; Peak et al. 1995).
278 And also by salt concentrations
(Lapo, 1987). For contemporary dis-
cussion of the deep hot biosphere,
see Delaney et aI., 1994; Pedersen,
1993; and Gold and Soter, 1980.
Butterflies have been seen at 6400m; spiders at 6700 m; the
green fly, at 8200 m. Certain plants (Arenaria' muscosa and Del-
phinium glacial) live at 6200 to 6300 m (Hingston,269 1925).270
119 It is man who ascends to the greatest heights of the stratos-
phere, unwittingly taking with him the forms of life that accom-
pany his body or its products.
The region accessible to man is enlarging with the develop-
ment of aerial navigation, and now extends beyond the ozone
Sounding balloons, which have reached the greatest heights,
always contain some representatives of life. A balloon of this
kind launched at Pavia, December 17, 1913, went to 37,700 m.
Man, himself, has risen above the highest mountain. In 1875,
G. Tissandier,271 and 1868, J. Glaisher, almost achieved this in
aerostatic balloons (8600 m and 8830 m, respectively272); air-
planes have reached the limits of the troposphere. The French-
man Callisot, and the American J. A. Macready in 1925, rose to
12,000 and 12,100 m; and this record will obviously soon be sur-
With respect to permanent human collections, villages reach
5100 and 5200 m in Peru and Tibet; railways, 4770 m in Peru.
Oat fields exist at 4650 m.
120 In short, life in the biosphere reaches its terrestrial bound-
ary, the ozone screen, only in rare circumstances. Both the
stratosphere and the upper layers of the troposphere are essen-
tially inanimate.
No organism lives continuously in the air. Only a thin layer of
the air, usually well below100 meters thick, can be considered to
contain life.
The conquest of the air is a new phenomenon in the geologi-
cal history of the planet. It could not have happened without the
development of subaerial terrestrial organisms - plants (Pre-
cambrian origin?), insects, flying vertebrates
(Paleozoic ori-
gin?), and birds (Mesozoic origin). Evidence for the mechanical
transport of microflora and spores dates from the most distant
geological periods. But only when civilized humanity appeared
did living matter make a great stride toward conquest of the
entire atmosphere.
The atmosphere is not an independent region oflife. From the
biological point of view, its thin layers are part of the adjacent
hydrosphere and lithosphere. Only in the upper part of the
269 Vernadsky's exact reference
could not be located but see
Hingston (1925).
270 In mountains above 6000 m
other animals are also found.
although large animals enter this
zone only while migrating from one
slope to another. Some species of
mammals (e.g. pikas), birds, and
insects inhabit regions above 6000
m during the summer, in areas free
of ice and snow. -A. I. Perelman.
271 See Tissandier, 1887, 1887-
1890. Gaston Tissandier was a
chemist. He and his brother Albert,
with three others, remained in the
air for 23 hours in 1875. In 1824 G.
Tissandier rose to a height of 9150
meters. He was the sole survivor of
this ascent, the other two with him
dying of asphyxia.
272 This ascent was made without
breathing apparatus. The height has
been disputed.
273 As indeed it was, culminating of
course in America's NASA Apollo
space program that landed men on
the moon in the late 1960'S and
early 1970'S. Both Callisot and
Macready were early aviators.
274 See Padian, 1985.
lithosphere do atmospheric layers take part in concentrations of
life and living films. (150)
The enormous influence exercised on the history of the
atmosphere by living matter is not related to the immediate
presence of life in the gaseous medium, but to gaseous
exchange - the biological creation of newgases, and their liber-
ation and absorption in the atmosphere. This occurs both in the
gaseous layer adjacent to the Earth's surface, and in gases dis-
solved in natural waters.
The final, grand effect - the occupation of the entire gaseous
envelope of the planet by vital energy, resulting from diffusion of
oxygen and other gases produced by life - is a result of the
gaseous state of matter, and not of the properties of living matter.
121 Theoretically, the lower limit of life on Earth should be just
as distinct as the upper limit set by the ozone screen, and should
be determined by temperatures that make the existence and
of an organism impossible.
The temperature of 100 C that clearly marks this barrier is
usually found 3 to 3.5 km below the Earth's surface, though at
certain places it occurs at about 2.5 km. We may assume that liv-
ing creatures in their present forms cannot exist at a depth
greater than 3 km below
the surface of the earth.
The level of this 100 C planetary boundary is deeper under
the ocean, which has a mean depth of 3.8 km, and bottom tem-
peratures a few degrees above zero. The temperature barrier to
life under ocean regions would therefore occur at depths of 6.5
to 6.7 km, assuming thermal conditions to be the same as under
land areas. Actually, the rise in temperature with depth seems to
take place more rapidly under the sea,276 and it is unlikely that
layers accessible to life extend more than 6km belowthe surface
of the hydrosphere.
This limit of 100 C is conventional. Some organisms on the
Earth's surface are able to multiply at temperatures of 70 to 80,
but none are known to have adapted to permanent existence at
100 C.
Thus it is unlikely that the lower limit of the biosphere exceeds
a depth of 2.5 to 2.7 km on land, and 5 to 5.5 km in the oceans.
This limit is probably determined by the temperature,278
rather than by oxygen deficiency in the deep regions, because
absence of oxygen is no obstacle to life. Free oxygen vanishes at
shallow depths beneath the continents, and is rarely observed
even a few hundred meters beneath the surface. It is certain,
275 Recent studies have pushed
close to this limit, with live bacteria
occurlng at depths up to 2.8 kilome
ters beneath
the surface of Earth (Kerr 1997;
Anonymous, 1996b; and Fredricson
and Onstatt, 1996). Acetogenlc bac.
teria occur in sediments to depths of
888 meters (See Chapelle and
Bradley, 1996; Monastersky 1997).
276 Vernadsky means here that the
geothermal gradient is steeper in
oceanic crust than in continental
2n This still appears to be the
case, even for hyperthermophilic
bacteria (which can survive expo-
sure to 110C; Peak et al. 1995).
278 And also by salt concentrations
(Lapo, 1987). For contemporary dis-
cussion of the deep hot biosphere,
see Delaney et aI., 1994; Pedersen,
1993; and Gold and Soter, 1980.
however, that anaerobic life penetrates to much greater depths.
The independent researches of E. S. Bastin
of the United
States and N. Ushinsky of Russia
(1926-1927) have confirmed
the earlier observations of F. Stapff
that anaerobic flora exist
more than a kilometer below the Earth's surface.
122 High temperatures are an insurmountable, though theoret-
ical, limit for the biosphere. Other factors, taken together, have a
much more powerful influence on the distribution of life, and
prevent it from reaching regions which would otherwise be
accessible to it from a thermal standpoint.
Certain macroscopic organisms have created a curious geo-
logic phenomenon as they have penetrated into the depths.
These dark regions of the planet have been populated by specif-
ic organisms which are geologically young, and the tendency to
reach downward continues.
In a manner analogous to the situation at the upper limit of
the biosphere, life is descending slowlybut ineluctably to greater
depths. The lower limit it is approaching is, however, further
away than the upper limit.
Green organisms obviously cannot leave the illuminated
regions of the Earth's surface. Only heterotrophic organisms
and autotrophic bacteria can go lower.
Life penetrates the depths of the earth in a different manner
than in the ocean. Dispersed animal life exists at very great
oceanic depths, depending upon the shape of the sea floor. Asea
- Hyphalaster per/eetus - has been found at a depth
of 6035 meters. Benthic aquatic forms can penetrate into the
deepest trenches, but so far living organisms have not been
found below 6500 meters.*283 The entire ocean contains dis-
persed bacteria, which at depths more than 5500 meters are con-
centrated on the ocean bed. Their presence in the mud of the
deepest trenches has not been proven definitely, however. 284
123 Life does not go so deep on land, primarily because free
oxygen does not penetrate very far. Dissolved free oxygen in the
ocean (where its proportion, relative to nitrogen, is greater than
in the atmosphere) is in direct contact with the outside air.
Atmospheric oxygen reaches the deepest ocean trenches (10
km), and losses are continually replaced from the atmosphere
by solution and diffusion. The layer of penetration of free
oxygen is the thin upper layer of seafloor mud. (141)
279 See Bastin, 1926.
280 See Ushinsky, 1926;
Ginzburg-Karagicheva, 1926;
Bogachev, 1927;
Glnzburg-Karagicheva, 1927; and
Ushinsky, 1927.
281 See Stapff, 1891.
282 The Soviet exploration vessel
"Vityaz" found abundant organisms
on the bottom of deep trenches. The
American submersibles have con-
firmed these results.
* The depth of the ocean reaches
10 km: a depth of 9.95 km has recent-
ly been recorded near the Kurile '
The greatest previously-known depth
was 9.79 km near the Philippines.
IA. I. Perelman gives the following
data with respect to the deepest
of the world oceans: Mariana trench,
11,022 m; Tonga trench, 10,882;
Kurile-Kamchatka trench, 10,542;
Philippine trench, 10,497.)
283 Expeditions of the Vityaz
(USSR) and the Galatea (Denmark) in
the 1940S and 1950S demonstrated
the presence of life In the greatest
oceanic depths, I. e., at depths up to
11,022 meters.
284 It has been demonstrated more
recently (Zanlnetti, 1978).
Free oxygen disappears very quickly with depth on land,
being rapidly absorbed by organisms and oxygen-hungry
organic and other reduced compounds. Water from sources one
or two kilometers deep lacks free oxygen. A sharp division is
observed between vadose water that contains free oxygen from
the air, and phreatic water that contains none, but this has not
yet been fully clarified.*285 Free oxygen usually penetrates the
entire soil and part of the subsoil. Its level is nearer the surface
in marshyand swampysoils. According to Hesselman, such soils
in our latitudes lack free oxygen below a depth of 30 cm.
Oxygen has been found in subsoil at a depth of several meters
(sometimes more than 10 m) where there is no obstacle to its
passage such as solid rocks, which are always devoid of free oxy-
gen; traces of oxygen, however, can enter the upper surfaces of
rocks which are in contact with air.
In exceptional cases, cavities and open fissures provide access
for air to depths of several hundred meters. Man-made bore
holes and mine shafts reach down two kilometers or more, but
are insignificant on the scale of the biosphere.
In any case, these holes are rarely deeper than sea level; deep
parts of the continents often lie belowthem. The bottom ofLake
Baikal in Siberia, a true freshwater sea containing prolific life, is
50 meters belowsea leveJ.287
It seems that life in the depths of the continents never reaches
the average depth of the hydrosphere (3800 m).
It should be noted that recent research on the genesis of petro-
leum and hydrogen sulfide has lowered the previously-estimat-
ed limits of anaerobic life, indicating that the genesis of these
phreatic minerals is biological, and that it took place at temper-
atures much higher than those of the Earth's surface. But even if
the organisms involved were highly thermophilic (which has
not been demonstrated), they could onlylive at temperatures of
about 70
C- far from the isogeotherm of 100
4 Hydrospheric life is predominant because the hydrosphere
has a large volume, all of which is occupied by life, extending
through a layer averaging 3800 meters in thickness, with a max-
imum of 10 kilometers. On land (21%of the planet's surface) the
region of life has an average thickness of only a hundred meters,
with a maximum of 2500. Moreover, life on land extends below
sea level only in exceptional cases, while in the hydrosphere it
penetrates more deeply- to 3800 meters.
* In the vast majority of cases, reports
concerning free oxygen arise from
errors of observation.
5 L. E. Kramarenko (1983) recent-
ly proposed the following schema of
hydrobiogeochemical zonation of
Earth's crust: 1- the aerobic zone; II
- the mixed zone; 111- the anaerobic
zone; IV - the zone within which
bacteria are absent.
286 See Hesselman, 1917.
7 Recent measurements indicate
that the surface of Lake Baikal is at
an elevation of 456 meters above
mean sea level, and that its maxi-
mum depth is 1,620 meters. Thus its
deepest point is 1,164 meters below
however, that anaerobic life penetrates to much greater depths.
The independent researches of E. S. Bastin
of the United
States and N. Ushinsky of Russia
(1926-1927) have confirmed
the earlier observations of F. Stapff
that anaerobic flora exist
more than a kilometer below the Earth's surface.
122 High temperatures are an insurmountable, though theoret-
ical, limit for the biosphere. Other factors, taken together, have a
much more powerful influence on the distribution of life, and
prevent it from reaching regions which would otherwise be
accessible to it from a thermal standpoint.
Certain macroscopic organisms have created a curious geo-
logic phenomenon as they have penetrated into the depths.
These dark regions of the planet have been populated by specif-
ic organisms which are geologically young, and the tendency to
reach downward continues.
In a manner analogous to the situation at the upper limit of
the biosphere, life is descending slowlybut ineluctably to greater
depths. The lower limit it is approaching is, however, further
away than the upper limit.
Green organisms obviously cannot leave the illuminated
regions of the Earth's surface. Only heterotrophic organisms
and autotrophic bacteria can go lower.
Life penetrates the depths of the earth in a different manner
than in the ocean. Dispersed animal life exists at very great
oceanic depths, depending upon the shape of the sea floor. Asea
- Hyphalaster per/eetus - has been found at a depth
of 6035 meters. Benthic aquatic forms can penetrate into the
deepest trenches, but so far living organisms have not been
found below 6500 meters.*283 The entire ocean contains dis-
persed bacteria, which at depths more than 5500 meters are con-
centrated on the ocean bed. Their presence in the mud of the
deepest trenches has not been proven definitely, however. 284
123 Life does not go so deep on land, primarily because free
oxygen does not penetrate very far. Dissolved free oxygen in the
ocean (where its proportion, relative to nitrogen, is greater than
in the atmosphere) is in direct contact with the outside air.
Atmospheric oxygen reaches the deepest ocean trenches (10
km), and losses are continually replaced from the atmosphere
by solution and diffusion. The layer of penetration of free
oxygen is the thin upper layer of seafloor mud. (141)
279 See Bastin, 1926.
280 See Ushinsky, 1926;
Ginzburg-Karagicheva, 1926;
Bogachev, 1927;
Glnzburg-Karagicheva, 1927; and
Ushinsky, 1927.
281 See Stapff, 1891.
282 The Soviet exploration vessel
"Vityaz" found abundant organisms
on the bottom of deep trenches. The
American submersibles have con-
firmed these results.
* The depth of the ocean reaches
10 km: a depth of 9.95 km has recent-
ly been recorded near the Kurile '
The greatest previously-known depth
was 9.79 km near the Philippines.
IA. I. Perelman gives the following
data with respect to the deepest
of the world oceans: Mariana trench,
11,022 m; Tonga trench, 10,882;
Kurile-Kamchatka trench, 10,542;
Philippine trench, 10,497.)
283 Expeditions of the Vityaz
(USSR) and the Galatea (Denmark) in
the 1940S and 1950S demonstrated
the presence of life In the greatest
oceanic depths, I. e., at depths up to
11,022 meters.
284 It has been demonstrated more
recently (Zanlnetti, 1978).
Free oxygen disappears very quickly with depth on land,
being rapidly absorbed by organisms and oxygen-hungry
organic and other reduced compounds. Water from sources one
or two kilometers deep lacks free oxygen. A sharp division is
observed between vadose water that contains free oxygen from
the air, and phreatic water that contains none, but this has not
yet been fully clarified.*285 Free oxygen usually penetrates the
entire soil and part of the subsoil. Its level is nearer the surface
in marshyand swampysoils. According to Hesselman, such soils
in our latitudes lack free oxygen below a depth of 30 cm.
Oxygen has been found in subsoil at a depth of several meters
(sometimes more than 10 m) where there is no obstacle to its
passage such as solid rocks, which are always devoid of free oxy-
gen; traces of oxygen, however, can enter the upper surfaces of
rocks which are in contact with air.
In exceptional cases, cavities and open fissures provide access
for air to depths of several hundred meters. Man-made bore
holes and mine shafts reach down two kilometers or more, but
are insignificant on the scale of the biosphere.
In any case, these holes are rarely deeper than sea level; deep
parts of the continents often lie belowthem. The bottom ofLake
Baikal in Siberia, a true freshwater sea containing prolific life, is
50 meters belowsea leveJ.287
It seems that life in the depths of the continents never reaches
the average depth of the hydrosphere (3800 m).
It should be noted that recent research on the genesis of petro-
leum and hydrogen sulfide has lowered the previously-estimat-
ed limits of anaerobic life, indicating that the genesis of these
phreatic minerals is biological, and that it took place at temper-
atures much higher than those of the Earth's surface. But even if
the organisms involved were highly thermophilic (which has
not been demonstrated), they could onlylive at temperatures of
about 70
C- far from the isogeotherm of 100
4 Hydrospheric life is predominant because the hydrosphere
has a large volume, all of which is occupied by life, extending
through a layer averaging 3800 meters in thickness, with a max-
imum of 10 kilometers. On land (21%of the planet's surface) the
region of life has an average thickness of only a hundred meters,
with a maximum of 2500. Moreover, life on land extends below
sea level only in exceptional cases, while in the hydrosphere it
penetrates more deeply- to 3800 meters.
* In the vast majority of cases, reports
concerning free oxygen arise from
errors of observation.
5 L. E. Kramarenko (1983) recent-
ly proposed the following schema of
hydrobiogeochemical zonation of
Earth's crust: 1- the aerobic zone; II
- the mixed zone; 111- the anaerobic
zone; IV - the zone within which
bacteria are absent.
286 See Hesselman, 1917.
7 Recent measurements indicate
that the surface of Lake Baikal is at
an elevation of 456 meters above
mean sea level, and that its maxi-
mum depth is 1,620 meters. Thus its
deepest point is 1,164 meters below
Life in the Hydrosphere
125 The vital phenomena of the hydrosphere have remained
unchanged in many respects since the Archean. Moreover, these
phenomena have occurred only in certain regions ofthe hydros-
phere during this entire period, despite the variability oflife and
changes in the oceans, and must be regarded as stable charac-
teristics both of the biosphere and of the entire crust.
A basis for studying the mechanism of such phenomena is
provided by the density of life in richly-animated oceanic
regions that we shall call living films and concentrations. These
are continuous, concentric regions, potential or actual, which
can be regarded as secondary subdivisions of the hydrosphere.
Maximal transformation of solar energy takes place in them.
They should be included in any study of the geochemical effects
oflife, and of the influence oflife processes, on the history of the
The properties of these living films and concentrations are of
interest in the following respects:
1 From the point of viewof the distribution and types of living green
matter, and thus, of the regions of the hydrosphere where most of
the planet's free oxygen is created.
2 From the point of view of the distribution in space and time of
newly created life in the hydrosphere - i.e., from the standpoint of
multiplication, from which quantitative information may be gained
about the laws which govern the intensity of geochemical energy
and its periodic changes.
3 From the point of view of the relation of geochemical processes to
the history of particular chemical elements in the Earth's crust, and
thus, to the influence exerted by oceanic life upon the geochemistry
of the planet. It will be seen that the functions ofvital films and con-
centrations are diverse and specific, and that they have not changed
over geologic time.
126 We have noted that the surface of the ocean is covered by a
continuous layer of green life (55). This is the field of produc-
tion of free oxygen, which penetrates the whole ocean, including
the deepest trenches, as a result of convection and diffusion.
Green autotrophic organisms are concentrated principally at
depths less than 100 meters. Below400 meters, for the most part
onlyheterotrophic animals and bacteria are found.
While the
entire surface of the ocean is the domain of phytoplankton,
large primary producers such as algae and marine grasses play
leading roles in certain places. Theyform concentrations ofvery
288 This contradicts Vernadsky's
previous statements about what
was dredged by the Valdivia.
different kinds, although often not differentiated as such by
marine biologists. Algae and grasses develop abundantly in
shallowlittoral areas of the oceans, and algae also form floating
masses in parts of the open sea. The Sargasso Sea is a striking
example of the latter, with an area of more than 100,000 km2 We
will call these concentrations "littoral" and "sargassic:' respec-
Microscopic, unicellular organisms, concentrated near the
ocean surface as phytoplankton, form the principal mass of
green life. i ~ i s due to the great intensity of multiplication of
phytoplankton, corresponding to a velocity (V) of 250 to 275
cm/sec. This value can reach as high as thousands of centime-
ters per second, whereas for littoral algae it is only 1.5 to 2.5
cm/sec., with a maximum perhaps ten times higher. If the occu-
pation of the ocean by life, corresponding to the radiant energy
received by the surface, depended solely on the speed V, phyto-
plankton should occupy an area one hundred times greater than
that occupied by large algae. The distribution of the different
types of oxygen producers approximately corresponds to this.
Littoral algae are only found in shallowparts of the ocean.* The
area of the seast is less than 8% of the ocean surface,289 and only
a very small part of the ocean surface is covered by the larger
algae and grasses. Eight percent of the surface therefore is the
maximum area that the littoral plants might occupy, and in fact
they cannot attain this limit. Floating concentrations of the sar-
gassic algae play an even lesser role. The greatest mass of them,
in the Sargasso Sea, covers only 0.02% of the surface area of the
7 Green life is rarely visible to the naked eye in the ocean, and
by no means represents the entire manifestation of life in the
hydrosphere. The abundant development of heterotrophic life
in the hydrosphere is rarely equaled on land. It is generally
believed, probably correctly, that animals dominate the situa-
tion in the ocean and put their stamp upon all of the manifesta-
tions oflife that are concentrated there.
This animal life could
not develop, however, without the simultaneous existence of
green primary producers, and its relative distribution is a result
of the presence of photosynthesizing organisms. The close link
between the feeding and breathing of these two forms of living
matter is the factor that caused organisms to accumulate in the
living films and concentrations of the oceans.
*Where great depths occur near the
shore, the bed of algae occupies an
insignificant area.
t That is to say, at depths less than
1000 to 1200 meters, including the
deeper basins.
9 See Shokalsky, 1917.
There also exist floating con.
centrations of phyllophoran sea.
weeds in the Black Sea called
"lernov's Phyllophora field" (A.
lapo, written communication).
This interesting statement
could only be true for times after the
Cambrian explosion. The exact
meaning of Vernadsky's term "domi-
nate" here is unclear. If it means in
terms of total
biomass, it must be incorrect. If it
means ecological dominance by het-
erotrophs. then surely it is right.
Life in the Hydrosphere
125 The vital phenomena of the hydrosphere have remained
unchanged in many respects since the Archean. Moreover, these
phenomena have occurred only in certain regions ofthe hydros-
phere during this entire period, despite the variability oflife and
changes in the oceans, and must be regarded as stable charac-
teristics both of the biosphere and of the entire crust.
A basis for studying the mechanism of such phenomena is
provided by the density of life in richly-animated oceanic
regions that we shall call living films and concentrations. These
are continuous, concentric regions, potential or actual, which
can be regarded as secondary subdivisions of the hydrosphere.
Maximal transformation of solar energy takes place in them.
They should be included in any study of the geochemical effects
oflife, and of the influence oflife processes, on the history of the
The properties of these living films and concentrations are of
interest in the following respects:
1 From the point of viewof the distribution and types of living green
matter, and thus, of the regions of the hydrosphere where most of
the planet's free oxygen is created.
2 From the point of view of the distribution in space and time of
newly created life in the hydrosphere - i.e., from the standpoint of
multiplication, from which quantitative information may be gained
about the laws which govern the intensity of geochemical energy
and its periodic changes.
3 From the point of view of the relation of geochemical processes to
the history of particular chemical elements in the Earth's crust, and
thus, to the influence exerted by oceanic life upon the geochemistry
of the planet. It will be seen that the functions ofvital films and con-
centrations are diverse and specific, and that they have not changed
over geologic time.
126 We have noted that the surface of the ocean is covered by a
continuous layer of green life (55). This is the field of produc-
tion of free oxygen, which penetrates the whole ocean, including
the deepest trenches, as a result of convection and diffusion.
Green autotrophic organisms are concentrated principally at
depths less than 100 meters. Below400 meters, for the most part
onlyheterotrophic animals and bacteria are found.
While the
entire surface of the ocean is the domain of phytoplankton,
large primary producers such as algae and marine grasses play
leading roles in certain places. Theyform concentrations ofvery
288 This contradicts Vernadsky's
previous statements about what
was dredged by the Valdivia.
different kinds, although often not differentiated as such by
marine biologists. Algae and grasses develop abundantly in
shallowlittoral areas of the oceans, and algae also form floating
masses in parts of the open sea. The Sargasso Sea is a striking
example of the latter, with an area of more than 100,000 km2 We
will call these concentrations "littoral" and "sargassic:' respec-
Microscopic, unicellular organisms, concentrated near the
ocean surface as phytoplankton, form the principal mass of
green life. i ~ i s due to the great intensity of multiplication of
phytoplankton, corresponding to a velocity (V) of 250 to 275
cm/sec. This value can reach as high as thousands of centime-
ters per second, whereas for littoral algae it is only 1.5 to 2.5
cm/sec., with a maximum perhaps ten times higher. If the occu-
pation of the ocean by life, corresponding to the radiant energy
received by the surface, depended solely on the speed V, phyto-
plankton should occupy an area one hundred times greater than
that occupied by large algae. The distribution of the different
types of oxygen producers approximately corresponds to this.
Littoral algae are only found in shallowparts of the ocean.* The
area of the seast is less than 8% of the ocean surface,289 and only
a very small part of the ocean surface is covered by the larger
algae and grasses. Eight percent of the surface therefore is the
maximum area that the littoral plants might occupy, and in fact
they cannot attain this limit. Floating concentrations of the sar-
gassic algae play an even lesser role. The greatest mass of them,
in the Sargasso Sea, covers only 0.02% of the surface area of the
7 Green life is rarely visible to the naked eye in the ocean, and
by no means represents the entire manifestation of life in the
hydrosphere. The abundant development of heterotrophic life
in the hydrosphere is rarely equaled on land. It is generally
believed, probably correctly, that animals dominate the situa-
tion in the ocean and put their stamp upon all of the manifesta-
tions oflife that are concentrated there.
This animal life could
not develop, however, without the simultaneous existence of
green primary producers, and its relative distribution is a result
of the presence of photosynthesizing organisms. The close link
between the feeding and breathing of these two forms of living
matter is the factor that caused organisms to accumulate in the
living films and concentrations of the oceans.
*Where great depths occur near the
shore, the bed of algae occupies an
insignificant area.
t That is to say, at depths less than
1000 to 1200 meters, including the
deeper basins.
9 See Shokalsky, 1917.
There also exist floating con.
centrations of phyllophoran sea.
weeds in the Black Sea called
"lernov's Phyllophora field" (A.
lapo, written communication).
This interesting statement
could only be true for times after the
Cambrian explosion. The exact
meaning of Vernadsky's term "domi-
nate" here is unclear. If it means in
terms of total
biomass, it must be incorrect. If it
means ecological dominance by het-
erotrophs. then surely it is right.
128 Living matter constitutes such a small fraction of the total
mass of the ocean that sea water can be said to be mostly inani-
Even the auto- and heterotrophic bacteria, though wide-
ly dispersed, make up only an insignificant part of the ocean's
weight. In this respect, they resemble the rare chemical ions of
marine solutions. Large quantities of living organisms are found
onlyinthe living films and concentrations, but even here, we find
only one percent of living matter by weight; the amount can
reach a few percent in certain places, but only temporarily.
These living films and concentrations form regions of power-
fw chemical activity in which life is perpetually moving. The
formations as a whole remain almost stationary, however, and
are zones of stable equilibria within the changing structure of
the biosphere - zones that are as constant and characteristic of
the ocean as are the sea currents.
We distinguish four stable groupings of life in the ocean: two
films, the planktonic and the benthic; and two concentrations,
the littoral and the sargassic.
129 The most characteristic of these living collections is the
essential thin, upper layer of phytoplankton, which can be said
to cover the entire ocean surface with rich green life.
Sometimes the primary producers predominate in this film,
but heterotrophic animals that depend upon phytoplankton for
their existence are probably just as important, because of their
global role in planetary chemistry.
The phytoplankton are always unicellular; the metazoans are
an important part of zooplankton, and are sometimes found in
larger quantities than on land. Thus, from time to time, we
observe in the oceanic plankton the hard and soft roes of fish,
crustacea, worms, starfish, and the like in prodigious quantities,
exceeding those of all other living things. According to Hjort,
the number of individuals averages between 3 and 15 micro-
scopic phytoplankton per cubic centimeter.
This number
rises to 100 for all the microplankton.
The number of unicel-
lwar phytoplankton is usually smaller than that of the het-
erotrophic animals, not including bacteria or nanoplankton.
The planktonic film, therefore, carries hundreds, if not thou-
sands, of microscopic individuals per cubic centimeter, each an
independent center of geochemical energy (48). This dispersed
living matter cannot be less than 10-
to 10-
percent, by weight,
of the total mass of ocean water, and is probably exceeds this
292 Contemporary results support
this view. Life becomes sparse in the
waters near the Hawaiian Islands,
where living matter exists In sea
water at concentrations less than 3
x 10.
293 In the sections that follow
Vernadsky Is not entirely consistent
his use of terminology (A. Lapo,
written communication). For
instance, he calls sargassic and
littoral concentrations films whereas
bottom films are called
concentrations. In later work 01. I.
Vernadsky [W. j. Vernadsky), 1933a)
he used these terms with greater
precision, for example, "bottom
film" becomes synonymous with
"benthic film." In his The Chemical
Structure of the Earth's Biosphere
and its Surroundings 0Jernadsky,
1965), Vernadsky identifies a third
type of living concentration, namely,
oceanic reefs.
294 This is a misapprehension on
Vernadsky's part. Much of the ocean
surface is a nutrient starved
biological desert, unable to support
abundant phytoplankton.
295 See Hjort and Gran, 1900.
296 See Allen, 1919.
This layer is tens of meters thick, and is usually located at a
depth of 20 to 50 meters.
From time to time, the plankton rise
and fall in relation to the surface. The density of individuals falls
off rapidly outside this film, especially beneath it, and at depths
below400 meters individual plankters are very dispersed.
Living organisms in the mass of the ocean (average depth
3800 m, max. 10 km) thus form an extremely thin film, averag-
ing only a few percent of the whole thickness of the hydros-
phere. From the point of view ofchemistry, this part of the ocean
can be considered active, and the remainder biochemically weak.
It is evident that the planktonic film constitutes an important
part of the mechanism of the biosphere. In spite of its thinness,
one is reminded of the ozone screen, which is important despite
the insignificant fraction of ozone concentration within it.
The area of the plankton layer is hundreds of millions of
square kilometers, and its weight must be on the order of 10
130 The livingfilm of the ocean bottom is found in marine mud
and in the thin layer of water adjacent to it.
This thin film
resembles the planktonic film in size and volume, but exceeds it
in weight.
It consists of two parts. The upper film, the pelogen,* is a
region offree oxygen. Rich animal life exists at its surface, where
metazoans play an important role, and relationships between
organisms are very complex. The quantitative study of this bio-
is just beginning.
This fauna is higWy developed in certain places. As we have
already indicated, concentrations of benthic metazoa per
hectare are approximately equal to those of the vegetable meta-
phytes on land at their highest yield
The number of benthic marine animals decreased noticeably
at depths of four to six kilometers, and in the deepest trenches,
macroscopic animals seem to disappear (below7 km).
Below the benthos is the layer ofbottom mud- the lower part
of the bottom film. Protista are here in immense quantities, and
a dominant role is played by bacteria with their tremendous
geochemical energy. Only the thin, upper pelogen layer, a few
centimeters thick, contains free oxygen. Below this is a thick
layer of mud saturated with anaerobic bacteria and innumerable
burrowing animals.
In this deeper mud, all chemical reactions occur in a highly
reducing medium. The role of this relatively thin layer in the
297 Recent work has led to a much
better characterization of the "green
layer" of the ocean. See Menzel and
Ryther, 1960; Cullen, 1982; Trees,
Bidigare and Brooks, 1986; Varela,
Cruzado, Tintore and Ladona, 199
and Venrick, McGowan and
Mantayla, 1972.
298 This figure inciudes the weight
of the water in which the plankton
299 There is a close correspon-
dence between the biomass in the
benthic film and the amount of
planktonic biomass in the immedi-
ately overlying water column. In
other words, marine waters with
elevated planktonic biomass corre-
spond to areas of the sea floor with
large amounts of living matter in the
benthic film of life. This correlation
is called the "Zenkevic h conformity
principle" after the eminent Russian
oceanographer L. A. Zenkevich
970) who discovered the
effect (see Strakhov, 1978 -A. Lapo,
written communication).
* This term, proposed by M. M.
Solovieff, has been adopted by
Russian limnologists.
300 A biocenose is a community of
organisms occupying a particular
301 In Vernadsky's time, the bottom
film had been studied only on the
shelf. Vernadsky mistakenly extrapo-
lated the shelf data to deeper
regions of the ocean floor.
Subsequent research has shown
that in the deepest parts of the
ocean the biomass of the benthos
consists of less than 1 gram of living
matter per square meter of the bot-
tom. A camera placed on the sea
floor in the east-equatorial region of
the Pacific, timed to take pho-
tographs every four hours over a
period of 202 days, captured only
35 animals on film during this peri-
od (Paul, Thorndike, Sullivan,
Heezen, and Gerard, 1978:
A. Lapo, personal communication).
128 Living matter constitutes such a small fraction of the total
mass of the ocean that sea water can be said to be mostly inani-
Even the auto- and heterotrophic bacteria, though wide-
ly dispersed, make up only an insignificant part of the ocean's
weight. In this respect, they resemble the rare chemical ions of
marine solutions. Large quantities of living organisms are found
onlyinthe living films and concentrations, but even here, we find
only one percent of living matter by weight; the amount can
reach a few percent in certain places, but only temporarily.
These living films and concentrations form regions of power-
fw chemical activity in which life is perpetually moving. The
formations as a whole remain almost stationary, however, and
are zones of stable equilibria within the changing structure of
the biosphere - zones that are as constant and characteristic of
the ocean as are the sea currents.
We distinguish four stable groupings of life in the ocean: two
films, the planktonic and the benthic; and two concentrations,
the littoral and the sargassic.
129 The most characteristic of these living collections is the
essential thin, upper layer of phytoplankton, which can be said
to cover the entire ocean surface with rich green life.
Sometimes the primary producers predominate in this film,
but heterotrophic animals that depend upon phytoplankton for
their existence are probably just as important, because of their
global role in planetary chemistry.
The phytoplankton are always unicellular; the metazoans are
an important part of zooplankton, and are sometimes found in
larger quantities than on land. Thus, from time to time, we
observe in the oceanic plankton the hard and soft roes of fish,
crustacea, worms, starfish, and the like in prodigious quantities,
exceeding those of all other living things. According to Hjort,
the number of individuals averages between 3 and 15 micro-
scopic phytoplankton per cubic centimeter.
This number
rises to 100 for all the microplankton.
The number of unicel-
lwar phytoplankton is usually smaller than that of the het-
erotrophic animals, not including bacteria or nanoplankton.
The planktonic film, therefore, carries hundreds, if not thou-
sands, of microscopic individuals per cubic centimeter, each an
independent center of geochemical energy (48). This dispersed
living matter cannot be less than 10-
to 10-
percent, by weight,
of the total mass of ocean water, and is probably exceeds this
292 Contemporary results support
this view. Life becomes sparse in the
waters near the Hawaiian Islands,
where living matter exists In sea
water at concentrations less than 3
x 10.
293 In the sections that follow
Vernadsky Is not entirely consistent
his use of terminology (A. Lapo,
written communication). For
instance, he calls sargassic and
littoral concentrations films whereas
bottom films are called
concentrations. In later work 01. I.
Vernadsky [W. j. Vernadsky), 1933a)
he used these terms with greater
precision, for example, "bottom
film" becomes synonymous with
"benthic film." In his The Chemical
Structure of the Earth's Biosphere
and its Surroundings 0Jernadsky,
1965), Vernadsky identifies a third
type of living concentration, namely,
oceanic reefs.
294 This is a misapprehension on
Vernadsky's part. Much of the ocean
surface is a nutrient starved
biological desert, unable to support
abundant phytoplankton.
295 See Hjort and Gran, 1900.
296 See Allen, 1919.
This layer is tens of meters thick, and is usually located at a
depth of 20 to 50 meters.
From time to time, the plankton rise
and fall in relation to the surface. The density of individuals falls
off rapidly outside this film, especially beneath it, and at depths
below400 meters individual plankters are very dispersed.
Living organisms in the mass of the ocean (average depth
3800 m, max. 10 km) thus form an extremely thin film, averag-
ing only a few percent of the whole thickness of the hydros-
phere. From the point of view ofchemistry, this part of the ocean
can be considered active, and the remainder biochemically weak.
It is evident that the planktonic film constitutes an important
part of the mechanism of the biosphere. In spite of its thinness,
one is reminded of the ozone screen, which is important despite
the insignificant fraction of ozone concentration within it.
The area of the plankton layer is hundreds of millions of
square kilometers, and its weight must be on the order of 10
130 The livingfilm of the ocean bottom is found in marine mud
and in the thin layer of water adjacent to it.
This thin film
resembles the planktonic film in size and volume, but exceeds it
in weight.
It consists of two parts. The upper film, the pelogen,* is a
region offree oxygen. Rich animal life exists at its surface, where
metazoans play an important role, and relationships between
organisms are very complex. The quantitative study of this bio-
is just beginning.
This fauna is higWy developed in certain places. As we have
already indicated, concentrations of benthic metazoa per
hectare are approximately equal to those of the vegetable meta-
phytes on land at their highest yield
The number of benthic marine animals decreased noticeably
at depths of four to six kilometers, and in the deepest trenches,
macroscopic animals seem to disappear (below7 km).
Below the benthos is the layer ofbottom mud- the lower part
of the bottom film. Protista are here in immense quantities, and
a dominant role is played by bacteria with their tremendous
geochemical energy. Only the thin, upper pelogen layer, a few
centimeters thick, contains free oxygen. Below this is a thick
layer of mud saturated with anaerobic bacteria and innumerable
burrowing animals.
In this deeper mud, all chemical reactions occur in a highly
reducing medium. The role of this relatively thin layer in the
297 Recent work has led to a much
better characterization of the "green
layer" of the ocean. See Menzel and
Ryther, 1960; Cullen, 1982; Trees,
Bidigare and Brooks, 1986; Varela,
Cruzado, Tintore and Ladona, 199
and Venrick, McGowan and
Mantayla, 1972.
298 This figure inciudes the weight
of the water in which the plankton
299 There is a close correspon-
dence between the biomass in the
benthic film and the amount of
planktonic biomass in the immedi-
ately overlying water column. In
other words, marine waters with
elevated planktonic biomass corre-
spond to areas of the sea floor with
large amounts of living matter in the
benthic film of life. This correlation
is called the "Zenkevic h conformity
principle" after the eminent Russian
oceanographer L. A. Zenkevich
970) who discovered the
effect (see Strakhov, 1978 -A. Lapo,
written communication).
* This term, proposed by M. M.
Solovieff, has been adopted by
Russian limnologists.
300 A biocenose is a community of
organisms occupying a particular
301 In Vernadsky's time, the bottom
film had been studied only on the
shelf. Vernadsky mistakenly extrapo-
lated the shelf data to deeper
regions of the ocean floor.
Subsequent research has shown
that in the deepest parts of the
ocean the biomass of the benthos
consists of less than 1 gram of living
matter per square meter of the bot-
tom. A camera placed on the sea
floor in the east-equatorial region of
the Pacific, timed to take pho-
tographs every four hours over a
period of 202 days, captured only
35 animals on film during this peri-
od (Paul, Thorndike, Sullivan,
Heezen, and Gerard, 1978:
A. Lapo, personal communication).
chemistry of the biosphere is enormous (14l). The thickness of
the bottom film, including the layer of mud, sometimes exceeds
100 meters, and may be much thicker. This is so, for example, in
the trenches occupied by organisms like the crinoids, which
seem to be very important in the chemical processes of the
Earth. At the moment, we can only make a conventional esti-
mate that the thickness of this living concentration is from 10 to
60 meters.
131 Plankton and the benthic film of life spread out over the
entire hydrosphere. If the area occupied by the plankton is
approximately that of the ocean itself (3.6 x 10
km), then the
benthic film should be larger, since it conforms to the irregular
sea floor surface.
These two films surround the hydrosphere, and are connected
to the two other vital concentrations close to the oxygen-rich
surface of the planet - namely, the littoral and sargassic concen-
The littoral vital concentrations sometimes include the entire
volume of water down to the bottom film, since they are adapt-
ed to shallower regions of the hydrosphere.
The area of the littoral concentrations never exceeds ten per-
cent of the surface area of the ocean. Their average thickness is
hundreds of meters, and sometimes is as much as 500 or 1000
meters. Sometimes they form common agglomerations with the
planktonic and benthic films.
Littoral concentrations in the shallower regions of ocean and
seas are dependent upon the penetration of solar luminous and
thermal radiation into the water, and upon the outpouring of
rivers that deliver organic remains and terrestrial dust in solu-
tion and suspension. These littoral concentrations consist part-
ly of forests of algae and marine grasses, and partly of collec-
tions of mollusks, coral, calcareous algae, and bryozoa. The
overall amount of littoral living matter should be less than that
in the planktonic and benthic films, since less than one-tenth of
the surface area of the ocean is represented by regions having a
depth less than one kilometer.
132 The sargassic living concentrations, which have attracted lit-
tle attention until recently, appear to occupy a special place, and
have been explained in a variety of ways. They differ from the
planktonic film in the character of their flora and fauna, and
from littoral concentrations by independence from the debris of
continents and the biogenic products of rivers. In contrast to lit-
toral concentrations,sargassic ones are found on the surface of
deep regions of the ocean, having no connection with the ben-
thos and the bottom film.
For a long time, they were considered to be secondary forma-
tions consisting of floating debris carried off from littoral con-
centrations by winds and ocean currents.
Their fixed location
at definite points in the ocean was explainedbythe distribution of
winds and currents, which under appropriate circumstances form
becalmed regions. While such opinions are still popular in scien-
tific literature, they have been refuted, at least in the case of the
largest and best-studied of these formations, the Sargasso Sea.
Special flora and fauna are found there, some of which clearly
have their origin in the benthos oflittoral regions. It is verylike-
ly that L. Germain was correct in relating their origin to the slow
adaptation of fauna and flora to new conditions;303 i.e., to the
evolution of living littoral matter during the gradual descent304
of a continent or group of islands where the Sargasso Sea is
found today.305
The future will showwhether or not it is possible to apply this
explanation to other biogenic accumulations of similar kind. In
any case, it is irrefutable that this type of living concentration,
with its rich population of large plants and particular types of
animals, is quite different from the planktonic and benthic films.
No exact measure of sargassic concentrations has been made,
but the area they cover is apparently not extensive, and is cer-
tainly small in comparison with the littoral concentrations.
133 The facts show that barely 2% of the ocean is occupied by
concentrations of life, and that life in the other region is highly
These living concentrations and films exert a considerable
influence on the entire ocean, particularly on its chemical com-
position, chemical processes, and gaseous systems. Organisms
outside these vital layers do not, however, cause significant
quantitative changes in the ocean. In our quantitative evaluation
of life in the biosphere, we shall therefore neglect the principal
mass of the ocean, and consider only four regions and their bio-
masses; namely, the planktonic and benthic living films and the
sargassic and littoral concentrations.
134 Interruptions of multiplication occur at regularly spaced
intervals in all these biocenoses. The rhythm of multiplication
302 It has been hypothesized that
the living concentration of the
Sargasso Sea first formed in the
Miocene in the Tethyan seaway (in
the vicinity of the modern
Carpathian Mountains) and then
subsequently migrated 8000 kilome-
ters to the west to its present posi-
tion in the Atlantic Ocean
Oerzmanska and Kotlarczyk, 1976;
Menzel and Ryther, 1960).
303 See Germain, 1924. 1925.
304 This old idea. which dates back
to Jules Rengade In the 1870's, was
rearticulated by Edward W. Berry in
1945, in which envisaged "a laying
bare of the shallow sea bottom and
the direct survival and modification
of some of its denizens into Land
plants." This curious and incorrect
idea has elements in common with
Lysenkoism (1948), particularly as
regards the implied inheritance of
acquired characteristics.
305 This passage has a decidedly
antique flavor, smacking of the leg-
end of Atlantis, although Vernadsky
is here referring to submerged land
bridges or the like.
chemistry of the biosphere is enormous (14l). The thickness of
the bottom film, including the layer of mud, sometimes exceeds
100 meters, and may be much thicker. This is so, for example, in
the trenches occupied by organisms like the crinoids, which
seem to be very important in the chemical processes of the
Earth. At the moment, we can only make a conventional esti-
mate that the thickness of this living concentration is from 10 to
60 meters.
131 Plankton and the benthic film of life spread out over the
entire hydrosphere. If the area occupied by the plankton is
approximately that of the ocean itself (3.6 x 10
km), then the
benthic film should be larger, since it conforms to the irregular
sea floor surface.
These two films surround the hydrosphere, and are connected
to the two other vital concentrations close to the oxygen-rich
surface of the planet - namely, the littoral and sargassic concen-
The littoral vital concentrations sometimes include the entire
volume of water down to the bottom film, since they are adapt-
ed to shallower regions of the hydrosphere.
The area of the littoral concentrations never exceeds ten per-
cent of the surface area of the ocean. Their average thickness is
hundreds of meters, and sometimes is as much as 500 or 1000
meters. Sometimes they form common agglomerations with the
planktonic and benthic films.
Littoral concentrations in the shallower regions of ocean and
seas are dependent upon the penetration of solar luminous and
thermal radiation into the water, and upon the outpouring of
rivers that deliver organic remains and terrestrial dust in solu-
tion and suspension. These littoral concentrations consist part-
ly of forests of algae and marine grasses, and partly of collec-
tions of mollusks, coral, calcareous algae, and bryozoa. The
overall amount of littoral living matter should be less than that
in the planktonic and benthic films, since less than one-tenth of
the surface area of the ocean is represented by regions having a
depth less than one kilometer.
132 The sargassic living concentrations, which have attracted lit-
tle attention until recently, appear to occupy a special place, and
have been explained in a variety of ways. They differ from the
planktonic film in the character of their flora and fauna, and
from littoral concentrations by independence from the debris of
continents and the biogenic products of rivers. In contrast to lit-
toral concentrations,sargassic ones are found on the surface of
deep regions of the ocean, having no connection with the ben-
thos and the bottom film.
For a long time, they were considered to be secondary forma-
tions consisting of floating debris carried off from littoral con-
centrations by winds and ocean currents.
Their fixed location
at definite points in the ocean was explainedbythe distribution of
winds and currents, which under appropriate circumstances form
becalmed regions. While such opinions are still popular in scien-
tific literature, they have been refuted, at least in the case of the
largest and best-studied of these formations, the Sargasso Sea.
Special flora and fauna are found there, some of which clearly
have their origin in the benthos oflittoral regions. It is verylike-
ly that L. Germain was correct in relating their origin to the slow
adaptation of fauna and flora to new conditions;303 i.e., to the
evolution of living littoral matter during the gradual descent304
of a continent or group of islands where the Sargasso Sea is
found today.305
The future will showwhether or not it is possible to apply this
explanation to other biogenic accumulations of similar kind. In
any case, it is irrefutable that this type of living concentration,
with its rich population of large plants and particular types of
animals, is quite different from the planktonic and benthic films.
No exact measure of sargassic concentrations has been made,
but the area they cover is apparently not extensive, and is cer-
tainly small in comparison with the littoral concentrations.
133 The facts show that barely 2% of the ocean is occupied by
concentrations of life, and that life in the other region is highly
These living concentrations and films exert a considerable
influence on the entire ocean, particularly on its chemical com-
position, chemical processes, and gaseous systems. Organisms
outside these vital layers do not, however, cause significant
quantitative changes in the ocean. In our quantitative evaluation
of life in the biosphere, we shall therefore neglect the principal
mass of the ocean, and consider only four regions and their bio-
masses; namely, the planktonic and benthic living films and the
sargassic and littoral concentrations.
134 Interruptions of multiplication occur at regularly spaced
intervals in all these biocenoses. The rhythm of multiplication
302 It has been hypothesized that
the living concentration of the
Sargasso Sea first formed in the
Miocene in the Tethyan seaway (in
the vicinity of the modern
Carpathian Mountains) and then
subsequently migrated 8000 kilome-
ters to the west to its present posi-
tion in the Atlantic Ocean
Oerzmanska and Kotlarczyk, 1976;
Menzel and Ryther, 1960).
303 See Germain, 1924. 1925.
304 This old idea. which dates back
to Jules Rengade In the 1870's, was
rearticulated by Edward W. Berry in
1945, in which envisaged "a laying
bare of the shallow sea bottom and
the direct survival and modification
of some of its denizens into Land
plants." This curious and incorrect
idea has elements in common with
Lysenkoism (1948), particularly as
regards the implied inheritance of
acquired characteristics.
305 This passage has a decidedly
antique flavor, smacking of the leg-
end of Atlantis, although Vernadsky
is here referring to submerged land
bridges or the like.
in vital films and concentrations the intensity of
biogeochemical work on the entire planet.
As we have seen, the most characteristic feature of both
oceanic living films is the preponderance of protista-organ-
isms of small size and high speed of multiplication. Their speed
of transmission of life under favorable conditions probably
approaches 1000 cm/second. They also are endowed with the
greatest intensity of gaseous exchange (proportional to surface
area, as always), and exhibit the greatest geochemical kinetic
energy per hectare (41); in other words, they can reach the
maximum density of living matter and the limit of fecundity
more quickly than any other kind of organism.
The protista inthe plankton are clearly different from those in
the benthic living film. Bacteria predominate in the enormous
mass of non-decomposed debris, derived from larger organ-
isms, that accumulates in the benthic living film. In the plank-
tonic film, bacteria take a second place in terms of mass relative
to green protista and protozoa.
135 The protozoa are not the major form of animal life in the
planktonic film. Metazoa, such as crustacea, larvae, eggs, young
fish, etc., are more prominent in this region.
The rhythm of multiplication of metazoa is generally slower
than that of protozoa. For these higher forms, the speed of
transmission of life is fractions of a centimeter per second. For
oceanic fish and planktonic crustacea, the value V does not
seem to fall below a few tenths of a centimeter per second.
An enormous quantity of metazoa, often including large indi-
viduals, characterizes the benthic vital film. Metazoan multipli-
cation is sometimes slower than that of smaller planktonic
organisms. It is possible that organisms with a very low intensi-
ty of multiplication can be found in the benthic layer.
In littoral and sargassic concentrations, protista occupy sec-
ond place and do not determine the intensity of geochemical
processes. Metazoa and metaphytes are the characteristic forms
of life in these biocenoses. Metazoa play a role that increases
with depth, particularly in littoral concentrations, and they
become the basic form of life in deeper regions. Their impor-
tance is apparent in the extensive colonies of corals, hydroids,
crinoids, and bryozoa.
136 The progression and rhythm of multiplication are scientif-
ically not well understood. We know only that multiplication
does not continue uninterrupted, but rather in a defined and
repetitive way, closely linked with astronomical phenomena.
Multiplication depends on the intensity of solar radiation, on
the quantity of life, and on the character of the environment.
The intensity of multiplication, which is specific to each type
of organism, is proportional to the rate of migration
atoms needed for the life of the organism, and to the quantity of
such atoms that the organism contains. The planktonic film
provides the currently best-understood example of this
137 As for the planktonic film, rhythmic changes brought about
by multiplication correspond to annual cycles in the vital medi-
um, and are closely connected with movements of the ocean.
Tides, and changes in temperature, salinity, evaporation, and
intensity of solar radiation, all have a cosmic origin.
A related phenomenon is the creative wave of organic matter
in the form of new individuals which spreads across the ocean
in the spring, and diminishes in the summer months. It is appar-
ent in the annual breeding cycle of nearly all "advanced" crea-
tures, and affects the composition of plankton. "With just as
much certainty as the approach of the spring equinox and the
rise in temperature, and just as precisely, the mass of plant and
animal plankton in a given volume of sea water reaches its annu-
al maximum and then again decreases:'307 Johnstone's picture is
characteristic of our latitudes, but it is also true for the whole
ocean, mutatis mutandis.
The plankton is a biocenose within which all organisms are
closely connected, the most frequently observed being copepod
crustacea living on diatoms, and diatoms themselves, in the
North Atlantic.
One such annual rhythmis observable in the seas of northeast
Europe. In February-June (for most fish, from March to April)
the plankton is loaded with fish eggs in the form of hard roe. In
Spring, after March, siliceous diatoms, such as Biddulphia, Coc-
cinodiscus, and later some of the dinoflagellates, begin to swarm.
The numbers of diatoms and dinoflagellates decrease rapidly as
summer approaches, but they are soon replaced by copepods
and other zooplankters. September and October bring a second,
less-intensive expansion of phytoplankton in the form of
diatoms and dinoflagellates. December, and particularly Janu-
ary and February, are characterized by an impoverishment of
life and slower multiplication.
306 Vernadsky means here the hori
zontal migration of maller. more or
parallel to Earth's surface.
307 See Johnstone, 1911, 1908 and
in vital films and concentrations the intensity of
biogeochemical work on the entire planet.
As we have seen, the most characteristic feature of both
oceanic living films is the preponderance of protista-organ-
isms of small size and high speed of multiplication. Their speed
of transmission of life under favorable conditions probably
approaches 1000 cm/second. They also are endowed with the
greatest intensity of gaseous exchange (proportional to surface
area, as always), and exhibit the greatest geochemical kinetic
energy per hectare (41); in other words, they can reach the
maximum density of living matter and the limit of fecundity
more quickly than any other kind of organism.
The protista inthe plankton are clearly different from those in
the benthic living film. Bacteria predominate in the enormous
mass of non-decomposed debris, derived from larger organ-
isms, that accumulates in the benthic living film. In the plank-
tonic film, bacteria take a second place in terms of mass relative
to green protista and protozoa.
135 The protozoa are not the major form of animal life in the
planktonic film. Metazoa, such as crustacea, larvae, eggs, young
fish, etc., are more prominent in this region.
The rhythm of multiplication of metazoa is generally slower
than that of protozoa. For these higher forms, the speed of
transmission of life is fractions of a centimeter per second. For
oceanic fish and planktonic crustacea, the value V does not
seem to fall below a few tenths of a centimeter per second.
An enormous quantity of metazoa, often including large indi-
viduals, characterizes the benthic vital film. Metazoan multipli-
cation is sometimes slower than that of smaller planktonic
organisms. It is possible that organisms with a very low intensi-
ty of multiplication can be found in the benthic layer.
In littoral and sargassic concentrations, protista occupy sec-
ond place and do not determine the intensity of geochemical
processes. Metazoa and metaphytes are the characteristic forms
of life in these biocenoses. Metazoa play a role that increases
with depth, particularly in littoral concentrations, and they
become the basic form of life in deeper regions. Their impor-
tance is apparent in the extensive colonies of corals, hydroids,
crinoids, and bryozoa.
136 The progression and rhythm of multiplication are scientif-
ically not well understood. We know only that multiplication
does not continue uninterrupted, but rather in a defined and
repetitive way, closely linked with astronomical phenomena.
Multiplication depends on the intensity of solar radiation, on
the quantity of life, and on the character of the environment.
The intensity of multiplication, which is specific to each type
of organism, is proportional to the rate of migration
atoms needed for the life of the organism, and to the quantity of
such atoms that the organism contains. The planktonic film
provides the currently best-understood example of this
137 As for the planktonic film, rhythmic changes brought about
by multiplication correspond to annual cycles in the vital medi-
um, and are closely connected with movements of the ocean.
Tides, and changes in temperature, salinity, evaporation, and
intensity of solar radiation, all have a cosmic origin.
A related phenomenon is the creative wave of organic matter
in the form of new individuals which spreads across the ocean
in the spring, and diminishes in the summer months. It is appar-
ent in the annual breeding cycle of nearly all "advanced" crea-
tures, and affects the composition of plankton. "With just as
much certainty as the approach of the spring equinox and the
rise in temperature, and just as precisely, the mass of plant and
animal plankton in a given volume of sea water reaches its annu-
al maximum and then again decreases:'307 Johnstone's picture is
characteristic of our latitudes, but it is also true for the whole
ocean, mutatis mutandis.
The plankton is a biocenose within which all organisms are
closely connected, the most frequently observed being copepod
crustacea living on diatoms, and diatoms themselves, in the
North Atlantic.
One such annual rhythmis observable in the seas of northeast
Europe. In February-June (for most fish, from March to April)
the plankton is loaded with fish eggs in the form of hard roe. In
Spring, after March, siliceous diatoms, such as Biddulphia, Coc-
cinodiscus, and later some of the dinoflagellates, begin to swarm.
The numbers of diatoms and dinoflagellates decrease rapidly as
summer approaches, but they are soon replaced by copepods
and other zooplankters. September and October bring a second,
less-intensive expansion of phytoplankton in the form of
diatoms and dinoflagellates. December, and particularly Janu-
ary and February, are characterized by an impoverishment of
life and slower multiplication.
306 Vernadsky means here the hori
zontal migration of maller. more or
parallel to Earth's surface.
307 See Johnstone, 1911, 1908 and
The rhythm of multiplication is characteristic, constant, and
distinct for each species, and is repeated from year to year with
the unchanging precision of all cosmic phenomena.
Geochemical Cycles of the Living Concentrations and
Films of the Hydrosphere
138 The geochemical effects of multiplication appear in the
rhythm of terrestrial chemical processes, which create specific
chemical compounds in each living film and concentration.
Once chemical elements have entered into the cycles of living
matter they remain there forever and never again emerge, except
for a small portion that become detached in the form of vadose
minerals. It is preciselythis fraction that creates the chemistry of
the ocean. The intensity of multiplication of organisms is thus
reflected in the rate of formation of vadose deposits.
The planktonic film is the principal source of the free oxygen
produced by green organisms. The nitrogen compounds con-
centrated in it play an enormous role in the terrestrial chemistry
of this element. This film is also the central source of the organ-
ic compounds created in ocean waters. Several times a year, cal-
cium is collected there in the form of carbonates, and likewise
silicon is collected in the form of opal; these compounds end up
as part of the benthic film. The geological accumulations of this
work can be observed in the thick deposits of sedimentary
rocks,38 in chalky limestones (nanoplankton algae, foramin-
ifera) and in cherts (siliceous deposits of diatoms, sponges, and
radiolaria) .
139 The sargassic and to a certain degree the littoral concentra-
tions are analogous to the planktonic film in terms of their
respective chemical products. They, too, playa great part in the
formation of free oxygen, of oxides of nitrogen and of sulfur,
and of carbon-containing nitrogen and calcium compounds.
It appears evident that, in these areas of concentration, magne-
sium enters the solid parts of organisms in significant amounts,
although to a lesser degree than calcium, and immediately passes
via this route into the composition of vadose minerals.
Concentrations of life are much less important than plank-
in the history of silicon. The cyclic migration of this ele-
ment in living matter is, however, very intense.
140 The history of all the chemical elements in living concen-
trations and films is characterized by two different processes: 1.
308 A. P. Lisitsyn (1978) has
characterized a specific
planktogenic subtype of
carbonaceous sediment. There has
long been an implicit recognition of
this subtype in the West; for
example, the Cretaceous Period
itself (Latin creta, chalk) is named
for the abundant chalk deposits
formed at the time.
309 For example, see H. Pestana,
310 Such as dolomite.
311 Because of the use of opal
(hydrated silica) in diatom, radiolari-
an and other planktonic protist .
the migration of chemical elements (specific and distinct for
each element) through living matter; and 2. their escape from
living matter in the form of vadose compounds. The total
amount of material escaping during a short cycle of life, say one
year, is imperceptible. The quantity of the elements that quit the
cycle can only become perceptible after geological, rather than
historical, periods of time. The masses of inert solid matter that
are created in this way are, however, much larger than the weight
of living matter existing at any given moment on the planet.
From this point of view, the planktonic film is very different
from the littoral oflife. The vital cycle of the lat-
ter releases much greater quantities of chemical elements, and
consequentlyleaves greater traces in the structure ofthe cruSt.312
These phenomena occur most intensely in the lower layers of
littoral concentrations, near the bottom film, and in parts con-
tiguous to land. The latter is characterized by the separation of
carbon and nitrogen compounds and by the evaporation of
hydrogen sulfide gas, with the consequent escape of sulfur from
these parts of the crust. By this biochemical route, sulfates
escape fromlakes and saline lagoons that are formed on the bor-
ders of sea basins.
141 In littoral concentrations there is no clear boundary
between the chemical reactions of the bottom mud and those at
the surface, whereas in the open sea they are separated by kilo-
meters of chemically-inert water. In shallow seas and near
coasts, the boundaries disappear, and the actions of these living
agglomerations merge to form regions of particularly intense
biochemical work.
The intensity of such work is always high in the bottom film,
where the predominant role is played bythe organisms endowed
with maximum geochemical energy; namely, bacteria. The
chemical conditions there are strikingly different from those in
other media, because of the presence oflarge quantities of com-
pounds, mostlyvital products, which avidly absorb the free oxy-
gen supplied from the ocean surface. A reducing medium thus
exists in the marine mud of the bottom film. This is the realm of
anaerobic bacteria. Oxidizing reactions can only occur in the
pelogen, a layer several millimeters thick in which intense oxy-
genating, biochemical processes produce nitrates and sulfates.
This layer separates the upper population of the benthic con-
centrations oflife (which are analogous in their chemistryto the
littoral concentrations) from that of the reducing medium of the
The which take place in
sargasslc concentrations are not
known precisely.
312 In particular, the limestones
and pyrite-rich sediments deposited
on continental margins.
The rhythm of multiplication is characteristic, constant, and
distinct for each species, and is repeated from year to year with
the unchanging precision of all cosmic phenomena.
Geochemical Cycles of the Living Concentrations and
Films of the Hydrosphere
138 The geochemical effects of multiplication appear in the
rhythm of terrestrial chemical processes, which create specific
chemical compounds in each living film and concentration.
Once chemical elements have entered into the cycles of living
matter they remain there forever and never again emerge, except
for a small portion that become detached in the form of vadose
minerals. It is preciselythis fraction that creates the chemistry of
the ocean. The intensity of multiplication of organisms is thus
reflected in the rate of formation of vadose deposits.
The planktonic film is the principal source of the free oxygen
produced by green organisms. The nitrogen compounds con-
centrated in it play an enormous role in the terrestrial chemistry
of this element. This film is also the central source of the organ-
ic compounds created in ocean waters. Several times a year, cal-
cium is collected there in the form of carbonates, and likewise
silicon is collected in the form of opal; these compounds end up
as part of the benthic film. The geological accumulations of this
work can be observed in the thick deposits of sedimentary
rocks,38 in chalky limestones (nanoplankton algae, foramin-
ifera) and in cherts (siliceous deposits of diatoms, sponges, and
radiolaria) .
139 The sargassic and to a certain degree the littoral concentra-
tions are analogous to the planktonic film in terms of their
respective chemical products. They, too, playa great part in the
formation of free oxygen, of oxides of nitrogen and of sulfur,
and of carbon-containing nitrogen and calcium compounds.
It appears evident that, in these areas of concentration, magne-
sium enters the solid parts of organisms in significant amounts,
although to a lesser degree than calcium, and immediately passes
via this route into the composition of vadose minerals.
Concentrations of life are much less important than plank-
in the history of silicon. The cyclic migration of this ele-
ment in living matter is, however, very intense.
140 The history of all the chemical elements in living concen-
trations and films is characterized by two different processes: 1.
308 A. P. Lisitsyn (1978) has
characterized a specific
planktogenic subtype of
carbonaceous sediment. There has
long been an implicit recognition of
this subtype in the West; for
example, the Cretaceous Period
itself (Latin creta, chalk) is named
for the abundant chalk deposits
formed at the time.
309 For example, see H. Pestana,
310 Such as dolomite.
311 Because of the use of opal
(hydrated silica) in diatom, radiolari-
an and other planktonic protist .
the migration of chemical elements (specific and distinct for
each element) through living matter; and 2. their escape from
living matter in the form of vadose compounds. The total
amount of material escaping during a short cycle of life, say one
year, is imperceptible. The quantity of the elements that quit the
cycle can only become perceptible after geological, rather than
historical, periods of time. The masses of inert solid matter that
are created in this way are, however, much larger than the weight
of living matter existing at any given moment on the planet.
From this point of view, the planktonic film is very different
from the littoral oflife. The vital cycle of the lat-
ter releases much greater quantities of chemical elements, and
consequentlyleaves greater traces in the structure ofthe cruSt.312
These phenomena occur most intensely in the lower layers of
littoral concentrations, near the bottom film, and in parts con-
tiguous to land. The latter is characterized by the separation of
carbon and nitrogen compounds and by the evaporation of
hydrogen sulfide gas, with the consequent escape of sulfur from
these parts of the crust. By this biochemical route, sulfates
escape fromlakes and saline lagoons that are formed on the bor-
ders of sea basins.
141 In littoral concentrations there is no clear boundary
between the chemical reactions of the bottom mud and those at
the surface, whereas in the open sea they are separated by kilo-
meters of chemically-inert water. In shallow seas and near
coasts, the boundaries disappear, and the actions of these living
agglomerations merge to form regions of particularly intense
biochemical work.
The intensity of such work is always high in the bottom film,
where the predominant role is played bythe organisms endowed
with maximum geochemical energy; namely, bacteria. The
chemical conditions there are strikingly different from those in
other media, because of the presence oflarge quantities of com-
pounds, mostlyvital products, which avidly absorb the free oxy-
gen supplied from the ocean surface. A reducing medium thus
exists in the marine mud of the bottom film. This is the realm of
anaerobic bacteria. Oxidizing reactions can only occur in the
pelogen, a layer several millimeters thick in which intense oxy-
genating, biochemical processes produce nitrates and sulfates.
This layer separates the upper population of the benthic con-
centrations oflife (which are analogous in their chemistryto the
littoral concentrations) from that of the reducing medium of the
The which take place in
sargasslc concentrations are not
known precisely.
312 In particular, the limestones
and pyrite-rich sediments deposited
on continental margins.
bottom mud, a type of medium that is nQt encountered else-
where in the biosphere.
The equilibrium established between the oxidizing and
reducing media is constantly upset by the incessant labors of
burrowing animals.
Biochemical and chemical reactions take
place in both directions, supporting the production of unstable
bodies rich in free chemical energy. It is not possible, at present,
to assess the geochemical importance of this phenomenon.
The principal characteristic ofliving bottom films is the con-
stant deposition of rotting debris, of dead organisms descending
from the planktonic, sargassic, and littoral films. This organic
debris, saturated with primarily anaerobic bacteria, adds to and
reinforces the reducing chemical character of the bottom films.
142 Because of the character of their living matter, the bottom
concentrations of life play an absolutely essential role in the
biosphere. This is important in the creation of inert matter,
because the special products of their biochemical processes
under anaerobic conditions are not gases, but solids, or colloids
which generally become solids.
Ambient conditions are favorable for the preservation of such
solids, because in this region, organisms and their remains are
not subjected to the usual biochemical conditions of decompo-
sition and putrefaction, and are rapidly shielded from the oxi-
dizing processes that would normally cause much of their mat-
ter to end up in gaseous form. They are not oxidized or
"consumed" because both aerobic and anaerobic life are extin-
guished at a relatively shallow depth in the marine mud. As vital
remains and particles of inert, suspended matter fall from
above, the lower layers of sea mud become inanimate. The
chemical bodies formed by life have no time to be transformed
into gaseous products or to enter into new living matter. The
layer of living mud,315 never more than a few meters in thick-
ness, is constantly growing from above, while at its bottom life is
being constantly extinguished.
The transformation of organic remains into gas, causing "dis-
appearance;' occurs only as a result of biochemical processes. In
layers that do not contain life, organic debris is transformed
quite differently, changing during geological time into solid and
colloidal vadose minerals.
Products of the latter type of transformation are found every-
where. Surface layers of sedimentary rock several kilometers
thick become metamorphised by slow chemical changes, and
313 Contemporary observations
reinforce this view. According to
results of recent radiocarbon
investigations made by
V. M. Kuptsov from the Institute of
Oceanography in Moscow. a layer of
mud 20 centimeters in thickness at
the sediment-water interface on the
floor could not be subjected to
detailed radiocarbon analysis
because of pervasive mixing of the
sedimentary layers by the burrowing
activities of benthic animals (A.
Lapo, personal communication). On
many parts of the sea floor the
bottom consists of a soupy
substrate consisting of a centimeter
thick or thicker mantle of easily
resuspended mud that results from
physical reworking by burrowing
animals and continuous settling out
of silt and clay from
ambient wave and current action
(Bokuniewicz and Gordon. 1980).
314 Although it has been strongly
implicated as a contributor to the
trophic changes associated with the
Cambrian explosion of skeletonized
animals (Dalziel, 1997; McMenamin
and McMenamin, 1990).
315 This "living mud" metaphor is
pursued by Stolz, 1983; Stolz and
Margulis, 1984; and Stolz, Margulis
and Guardans, 1987.
enter the structure of massive hyperabyssallayers of phreatic or
juvenile material, after encountering high temperatures in the
magma envelope.
Later, they reenter the biosphere under the
influence of the energy corresponding to these temperatures
(77, 78). They bring free energy to these deeper regions of the
planet - energy previously obtained from sunlight, and
changed to chemical form by life.
143 The living bottom films and contiguous littoral concentra-
tions merit particular attention in relation to the chemical work
of living matter on the planet. These chemically powerful and
active regions are slow-acting, but have been uniform and equal
in their effects throughout geological time. The distribution of
the seas and continents on the Earth's surface give an idea of
how these concentrations have shifted in time and space.
In the bottom film, the upper oxidizing part (mainly the ben-
thos) and the lower reducing part are geochemically important,
and at depths less than 400 meters they are especially so. At such
depths, these layers become mixed with vital littoral concentra-
tions, and their products are supplemented by others that are
geochemically associated with photosynthetic life. (55)
The oxidizing medium of the bottom film has clearly influ-
enced the history of manyelements in addition to oxygen, nitro-
gen, and carbon. This medium completely alters the terrestrial
history of calcium. It is very characteristic that calcium is the
predominant metal in living matter. It probably exceeds one
percent by weight of the average composition of living matter,
and in many organisms (mostly marine) exceeds 10% or even
20 %. The action of living matter separates calcium from the
sodium, magnesium, potassium, and iron of the biosphere, even
though it is similar in abundance to these elements, and com-
bines with them in common molecules in all the inert matter of
the Earth's crust.
Calcium is separated by living processes in
the form of complex carbonates and phosphates and, more
rarely, oxalates, and thus remains in vadose minerals of bio-
chemical origin with only slight modifications.
The littoral and bottom concentrations of ocean life provide
the principal mechanism for formation of calcium agglomera-
tions, which do not exist in the silicon-rich, juvenile parts of the
crust, nor in its deep phreatic regions.
At least 6 x 10
grams of calcium, in the form of carbonates,
is liberated each year in the ocean. There are 10
to 10
of calcium in a state of migration in the cycle of living matter;
316 High temperatures will also be
encountered without the direct
association of magma because of
heat of burial. Sediments with abun-
dant fixed (organic) compounds gen-
erate oil and gas when they pass
through the themal "window" of
natural gas generation (Epstein.
Epstein and Harris, 1977: Harris,
Harris and Epstein, 1978; Harris,
7 This aspect of the Vernadskian
research program has been carried
forward by Boichenko (1986).
8 Although calcite (plus dolomite
and ankerite; see Williams, Turner
and Gilbert, 1982) can form as part
of unusual igneous deposits called
carbonatites. Carbonatites are
associated with ultrabasic alkaline
rocks. particularly alkaline
bottom mud, a type of medium that is nQt encountered else-
where in the biosphere.
The equilibrium established between the oxidizing and
reducing media is constantly upset by the incessant labors of
burrowing animals.
Biochemical and chemical reactions take
place in both directions, supporting the production of unstable
bodies rich in free chemical energy. It is not possible, at present,
to assess the geochemical importance of this phenomenon.
The principal characteristic ofliving bottom films is the con-
stant deposition of rotting debris, of dead organisms descending
from the planktonic, sargassic, and littoral films. This organic
debris, saturated with primarily anaerobic bacteria, adds to and
reinforces the reducing chemical character of the bottom films.
142 Because of the character of their living matter, the bottom
concentrations of life play an absolutely essential role in the
biosphere. This is important in the creation of inert matter,
because the special products of their biochemical processes
under anaerobic conditions are not gases, but solids, or colloids
which generally become solids.
Ambient conditions are favorable for the preservation of such
solids, because in this region, organisms and their remains are
not subjected to the usual biochemical conditions of decompo-
sition and putrefaction, and are rapidly shielded from the oxi-
dizing processes that would normally cause much of their mat-
ter to end up in gaseous form. They are not oxidized or
"consumed" because both aerobic and anaerobic life are extin-
guished at a relatively shallow depth in the marine mud. As vital
remains and particles of inert, suspended matter fall from
above, the lower layers of sea mud become inanimate. The
chemical bodies formed by life have no time to be transformed
into gaseous products or to enter into new living matter. The
layer of living mud,315 never more than a few meters in thick-
ness, is constantly growing from above, while at its bottom life is
being constantly extinguished.
The transformation of organic remains into gas, causing "dis-
appearance;' occurs only as a result of biochemical processes. In
layers that do not contain life, organic debris is transformed
quite differently, changing during geological time into solid and
colloidal vadose minerals.
Products of the latter type of transformation are found every-
where. Surface layers of sedimentary rock several kilometers
thick become metamorphised by slow chemical changes, and
313 Contemporary observations
reinforce this view. According to
results of recent radiocarbon
investigations made by
V. M. Kuptsov from the Institute of
Oceanography in Moscow. a layer of
mud 20 centimeters in thickness at
the sediment-water interface on the
floor could not be subjected to
detailed radiocarbon analysis
because of pervasive mixing of the
sedimentary layers by the burrowing
activities of benthic animals (A.
Lapo, personal communication). On
many parts of the sea floor the
bottom consists of a soupy
substrate consisting of a centimeter
thick or thicker mantle of easily
resuspended mud that results from
physical reworking by burrowing
animals and continuous settling out
of silt and clay from
ambient wave and current action
(Bokuniewicz and Gordon. 1980).
314 Although it has been strongly
implicated as a contributor to the
trophic changes associated with the
Cambrian explosion of skeletonized
animals (Dalziel, 1997; McMenamin
and McMenamin, 1990).
315 This "living mud" metaphor is
pursued by Stolz, 1983; Stolz and
Margulis, 1984; and Stolz, Margulis
and Guardans, 1987.
enter the structure of massive hyperabyssallayers of phreatic or
juvenile material, after encountering high temperatures in the
magma envelope.
Later, they reenter the biosphere under the
influence of the energy corresponding to these temperatures
(77, 78). They bring free energy to these deeper regions of the
planet - energy previously obtained from sunlight, and
changed to chemical form by life.
143 The living bottom films and contiguous littoral concentra-
tions merit particular attention in relation to the chemical work
of living matter on the planet. These chemically powerful and
active regions are slow-acting, but have been uniform and equal
in their effects throughout geological time. The distribution of
the seas and continents on the Earth's surface give an idea of
how these concentrations have shifted in time and space.
In the bottom film, the upper oxidizing part (mainly the ben-
thos) and the lower reducing part are geochemically important,
and at depths less than 400 meters they are especially so. At such
depths, these layers become mixed with vital littoral concentra-
tions, and their products are supplemented by others that are
geochemically associated with photosynthetic life. (55)
The oxidizing medium of the bottom film has clearly influ-
enced the history of manyelements in addition to oxygen, nitro-
gen, and carbon. This medium completely alters the terrestrial
history of calcium. It is very characteristic that calcium is the
predominant metal in living matter. It probably exceeds one
percent by weight of the average composition of living matter,
and in many organisms (mostly marine) exceeds 10% or even
20 %. The action of living matter separates calcium from the
sodium, magnesium, potassium, and iron of the biosphere, even
though it is similar in abundance to these elements, and com-
bines with them in common molecules in all the inert matter of
the Earth's crust.
Calcium is separated by living processes in
the form of complex carbonates and phosphates and, more
rarely, oxalates, and thus remains in vadose minerals of bio-
chemical origin with only slight modifications.
The littoral and bottom concentrations of ocean life provide
the principal mechanism for formation of calcium agglomera-
tions, which do not exist in the silicon-rich, juvenile parts of the
crust, nor in its deep phreatic regions.
At least 6 x 10
grams of calcium, in the form of carbonates,
is liberated each year in the ocean. There are 10
to 10
of calcium in a state of migration in the cycle of living matter;
316 High temperatures will also be
encountered without the direct
association of magma because of
heat of burial. Sediments with abun-
dant fixed (organic) compounds gen-
erate oil and gas when they pass
through the themal "window" of
natural gas generation (Epstein.
Epstein and Harris, 1977: Harris,
Harris and Epstein, 1978; Harris,
7 This aspect of the Vernadskian
research program has been carried
forward by Boichenko (1986).
8 Although calcite (plus dolomite
and ankerite; see Williams, Turner
and Gilbert, 1982) can form as part
of unusual igneous deposits called
carbonatites. Carbonatites are
associated with ultrabasic alkaline
rocks. particularly alkaline
this constitutes an appreciable fraction of all, the calcium in the
crust (about 7 x 10
grams), and a very considerable proportion
of the calcium in the biosphere. Calcium is concentrated by
organisms of the benthos endowed with high speeds of trans-
mission of life, such as mollusks, crinoids, starfish, algae, coral,
hydroids and others, and also by protista in the sea mud, by
plankton (including nanoplankton), and lastly by bacteria,319
which have the highest kinetic geochemical energy of all living
The calcium compounds thus released form entire mountain
ranges, some of which have volumes of millions of cubic meters.
The whole process, in which solar energy controls the activity of
living organisms and determines the chemistry of the Earth's
crust, is comparable in magnitude to the formation of organic
compounds and free oxygen by decomposition of water and
Calcium, in the form principally of carbonates, but also of
phosphates, is carried by rivers to the ocean from land, where
most of it has already passed through living matter in another
form. (lS6)
144 These oceanic concentrations of life have an influence,
analogous to that described above, on the history of other com-
mon elements of the Earth's crust, certainly among these silicon,
aluminum, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Many details
concerning the distributions of elements are still obscure, but
the immense importance of living films in the geochemical his-
tory of these elements cannot be doubted.
In the history of silicon, the influence of the bottom film is
revealed by deposits of debris of siliceous organisms - radiolar-
ia, diatoms, sponges - which come partly from plankton and
partlyfrom the benthos. The greatest known deposits of free sil-
ica, having volumes amounting to millions of cubic kilometers,
are formed at the sediment-water interface. Free silica is inert
and not susceptible to change in the biosphere. It is, however, a
powerful chemical factor and a carrier of free chemical energy
in the metamorphic and magmatic envelopes of the Earth
because of its chemical character as a free anhydrous acid.
There can be no doubt about another biochemical action that
takes place, although its importance is still hard to evaluate. This
is the decomposition of alumino-silicates of kaolinitic structure
by diatoms and perhaps even by bacteria, resulting on the one
hand the free silica deposits mentioned above, and on the other
319 See. for example, Castanier.
Maurin, and Bianchi, 1984.
hand in the separation of alumina hydrates. This process seems
to take place not only in muddy sediment but, to judge by the
experiments of J. Murray and R. Irvine, in suspensions of clay-
like particles in sea water.
These are, themselves, the result of
biochemical processes of superficial alteration of inert matter in
islands and continents.
145 The largest known concentrations of iron and man-
in the Earth's crust have undoubtedly resulted from
biochemical reactions in the bottom layer. Such are the young
Tertiary iron ores of Kertch and the Mesozoic ores of Lorraine.
All evidence indicates that these limonites and iron-rich chlo-
rites were formed in a manner closely connected with living
Although the chemical reactions involved in this
phenomenon are still unknown, the principal fact of their bio-
chemical, bacterial character evokes no doubts. The recent
works of Russian scholars like B. Perfilieff, V. Butkevich, and B.
Isachenko (1926-1927) have demonstrated this.
The same processes have been repeated, throughout all geo-
logical history, since Archean times.
In this manner, for
example, the largest and oldest concentrations of iron were
formed in Minnesota.
Numerous manganese minerals,326 including their greatest
concentrations in the District of Kutaisi in the Transcaucasus,
have an analogous character. There are transitions between iron
and manganese minerals, and at the present moment analogous
syntheses are occurring over considerable areas of the ocean
floor. There can be no serious doubt concerning the biochemi-
cal and bacterial nature of these processes.
146 Phosphorus compounds are being deposited on the sea
bottom in a similar fashion. Their connection with life process-
es is undoubted, but the mechanism is not known.
Phosphorite deposits, which have been found in all geological
periods since the Cambrian, are of biogenic origin.
There is
no doubt that the'se concretionary accumulations of phospho-
rus, which are being formed today, for example, on a small scale
near the South African coast, are related to the living bottom
concentrations. Part of this phosphorus had certainly been
accumulated in the form of complex phosphates concentrated
in different parts of living organisms.
The phosphorus necessary to the life of organisms does not, as
a rule, leave the vital cycle.
The conditions in which it can
320 See Murray and Irvine, 1893:
and Murray, 1913.
321 Vernadsky pursued this topic
further in 1934.
322 Sea-floor manganese nodules,
formed of concentric layers of man-
ganese oxides accreted around solid
objects such as a shark teeth or
whale ear bones (see Gupta, 1987),
are also thought to be associated
with bacteria (Banerjee Iyer, 1991:
Janin, 1987).
323 See Perfil'ev, 1926: Butkevich,
1928; Isachenko, 1927; and Perfil'ev.
1964. See also Cowen and Bruland.
324 Again, Vernadsky expresses his
uniformitarian views. Note again
howVernadsky so completely misses
the oxygen crisis (the buildup of oxy-
gen in Earth's atmosphere two billion
years ago) and its relationship to
banded iron formations he alludes to
at the end of this paragraph.
Although it would have obliterated
any geochemical notion of substan-
tive uniformitarianism, it would have
boldly vindicated Vernadsky's notion
of life as a geological force. How did
Vernadsky, or his successors, neglect
to make this important discovery?
Historical accident may provide a
key. Banded iron formations similar
to those of the famous 2 billion year
old ones of the Precambrian (such as
the ones in Minnesota Vernadsky
cites). complete with parallel bands
of hematite, occur in the Altai
Mountains of western Siberia and
eastern Kazakhstan. The earliest
research into the geological distribu-
tion of iron deposits of the Altai took
place around 1927 and it is possible
that early reports influenced
Vernadsky's views of the significance
of banded iron deposits before the
last edition of The Biosphere was
published in 1929. The Devonian
examples of banded iron shown in
Plate 59, figures 1 and 2 of Kalugin
(1970) are quite similar to
Precambrian examples. and might
lead one to conclude that banded
iron formation is a more generally
geologiCally wide ranging type of
deposit than it actually is.
In fairness to Vernadsky, even later
researchers in the West have stum-
bled on the banded iron formation
question. Cairns-Smith (1978) incor-
this constitutes an appreciable fraction of all, the calcium in the
crust (about 7 x 10
grams), and a very considerable proportion
of the calcium in the biosphere. Calcium is concentrated by
organisms of the benthos endowed with high speeds of trans-
mission of life, such as mollusks, crinoids, starfish, algae, coral,
hydroids and others, and also by protista in the sea mud, by
plankton (including nanoplankton), and lastly by bacteria,319
which have the highest kinetic geochemical energy of all living
The calcium compounds thus released form entire mountain
ranges, some of which have volumes of millions of cubic meters.
The whole process, in which solar energy controls the activity of
living organisms and determines the chemistry of the Earth's
crust, is comparable in magnitude to the formation of organic
compounds and free oxygen by decomposition of water and
Calcium, in the form principally of carbonates, but also of
phosphates, is carried by rivers to the ocean from land, where
most of it has already passed through living matter in another
form. (lS6)
144 These oceanic concentrations of life have an influence,
analogous to that described above, on the history of other com-
mon elements of the Earth's crust, certainly among these silicon,
aluminum, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Many details
concerning the distributions of elements are still obscure, but
the immense importance of living films in the geochemical his-
tory of these elements cannot be doubted.
In the history of silicon, the influence of the bottom film is
revealed by deposits of debris of siliceous organisms - radiolar-
ia, diatoms, sponges - which come partly from plankton and
partlyfrom the benthos. The greatest known deposits of free sil-
ica, having volumes amounting to millions of cubic kilometers,
are formed at the sediment-water interface. Free silica is inert
and not susceptible to change in the biosphere. It is, however, a
powerful chemical factor and a carrier of free chemical energy
in the metamorphic and magmatic envelopes of the Earth
because of its chemical character as a free anhydrous acid.
There can be no doubt about another biochemical action that
takes place, although its importance is still hard to evaluate. This
is the decomposition of alumino-silicates of kaolinitic structure
by diatoms and perhaps even by bacteria, resulting on the one
hand the free silica deposits mentioned above, and on the other
319 See. for example, Castanier.
Maurin, and Bianchi, 1984.
hand in the separation of alumina hydrates. This process seems
to take place not only in muddy sediment but, to judge by the
experiments of J. Murray and R. Irvine, in suspensions of clay-
like particles in sea water.
These are, themselves, the result of
biochemical processes of superficial alteration of inert matter in
islands and continents.
145 The largest known concentrations of iron and man-
in the Earth's crust have undoubtedly resulted from
biochemical reactions in the bottom layer. Such are the young
Tertiary iron ores of Kertch and the Mesozoic ores of Lorraine.
All evidence indicates that these limonites and iron-rich chlo-
rites were formed in a manner closely connected with living
Although the chemical reactions involved in this
phenomenon are still unknown, the principal fact of their bio-
chemical, bacterial character evokes no doubts. The recent
works of Russian scholars like B. Perfilieff, V. Butkevich, and B.
Isachenko (1926-1927) have demonstrated this.
The same processes have been repeated, throughout all geo-
logical history, since Archean times.
In this manner, for
example, the largest and oldest concentrations of iron were
formed in Minnesota.
Numerous manganese minerals,326 including their greatest
concentrations in the District of Kutaisi in the Transcaucasus,
have an analogous character. There are transitions between iron
and manganese minerals, and at the present moment analogous
syntheses are occurring over considerable areas of the ocean
floor. There can be no serious doubt concerning the biochemi-
cal and bacterial nature of these processes.
146 Phosphorus compounds are being deposited on the sea
bottom in a similar fashion. Their connection with life process-
es is undoubted, but the mechanism is not known.
Phosphorite deposits, which have been found in all geological
periods since the Cambrian, are of biogenic origin.
There is
no doubt that the'se concretionary accumulations of phospho-
rus, which are being formed today, for example, on a small scale
near the South African coast, are related to the living bottom
concentrations. Part of this phosphorus had certainly been
accumulated in the form of complex phosphates concentrated
in different parts of living organisms.
The phosphorus necessary to the life of organisms does not, as
a rule, leave the vital cycle.
The conditions in which it can
320 See Murray and Irvine, 1893:
and Murray, 1913.
321 Vernadsky pursued this topic
further in 1934.
322 Sea-floor manganese nodules,
formed of concentric layers of man-
ganese oxides accreted around solid
objects such as a shark teeth or
whale ear bones (see Gupta, 1987),
are also thought to be associated
with bacteria (Banerjee Iyer, 1991:
Janin, 1987).
323 See Perfil'ev, 1926: Butkevich,
1928; Isachenko, 1927; and Perfil'ev.
1964. See also Cowen and Bruland.
324 Again, Vernadsky expresses his
uniformitarian views. Note again
howVernadsky so completely misses
the oxygen crisis (the buildup of oxy-
gen in Earth's atmosphere two billion
years ago) and its relationship to
banded iron formations he alludes to
at the end of this paragraph.
Although it would have obliterated
any geochemical notion of substan-
tive uniformitarianism, it would have
boldly vindicated Vernadsky's notion
of life as a geological force. How did
Vernadsky, or his successors, neglect
to make this important discovery?
Historical accident may provide a
key. Banded iron formations similar
to those of the famous 2 billion year
old ones of the Precambrian (such as
the ones in Minnesota Vernadsky
cites). complete with parallel bands
of hematite, occur in the Altai
Mountains of western Siberia and
eastern Kazakhstan. The earliest
research into the geological distribu-
tion of iron deposits of the Altai took
place around 1927 and it is possible
that early reports influenced
Vernadsky's views of the significance
of banded iron deposits before the
last edition of The Biosphere was
published in 1929. The Devonian
examples of banded iron shown in
Plate 59, figures 1 and 2 of Kalugin
(1970) are quite similar to
Precambrian examples. and might
lead one to conclude that banded
iron formation is a more generally
geologiCally wide ranging type of
deposit than it actually is.
In fairness to Vernadsky, even later
researchers in the West have stum-
bled on the banded iron formation
question. Cairns-Smith (1978) incor-
148 Certain bacteria liberate sulfur in the form of hydrogen
sulfide by decomposing sulfates, polythionates, and complex
organic compounds.
The hydrogen sulfide thus liberated
enters into numerous chemical reactions and produces metallic
sulfides. The biochemical liberation of hydrosulfuric acid is a
escape are not clear, but everything indicates that the phosphorus
of organic colloidal compounds and the phosphates of body flu-
ids are transformed into concretions and emigrate from the vital
cycle along with phosphorus in calcium compounds of skeletons.
This emigration of phosphorus takes place at the death of
organisms with phosphorus-rich skeletons whenever condi-
tions prevent the usual processes of bodily alteration, and create
a medium favorable for specific bacteria. However this may be,
one cannot doubt the biogenic origin of these phosphoric mass-
es, nor their close and permanent connection with the living
bottom film, nor the regular occurrence of analogous phenom-
ena throughout geological time. Great concentrations of phos-
phorus have been accumulated in this way, including the Ter-
tiary phosphorites of North Africa and of the southeastern
states of North America.
147 Even with our incomplete present knowledge, it is obvious
that the bottom film is important in the history of magnesium
and of barium, and probably of vanadium, strontium and ura-
. nium.
These subjects have been little-explored, as yet.
The lower part of the bottom film contains no oxygen, and is
poorly studied. This region of anaerobic bacterial life contains
organic compounds that have reached it following their genesis
in a different, oxygen-rich medium by living organisms foreign
to familiar environments. Although we can, at best, make con-
jectures about this obscure region. The processes occurring
there must be taken into account in estimating the role of life in
the Earth's crust.
Two undoubted empirical generalizations can be stated:
1. these deposits of marine mud and organic debris are impor-
tant in the history of sulfur, phosphorus, iron, copper, lead, sil-
ver, nickel, vanadium, and (according to all appearances) cobalt,
and perhaps other rarer metals;331 and 2. the renewal of this
phenomenon on an important scale, at different epochs in geo-
logical history, indicates its connection with specific physico-
geographical and biological conditions that prevailed when
marine basins slowly dried up in ancient times.
333 At the Oklo Site (Gabon, Africa),
estuarine bacteria two billion years
ago precipitated large quantities of
uranium out of solution. Rising lev-
els of free oxygen two billion years
ago (the "Oxygen Crisis") caused
the uranium minerals to become sol-
uble. They were moved seaward by
riverine transport. By aprocess of
organic chelation, the ancient bacte-
rial mats absorbed the uranium
before it was diluted in the sea.
These uranium isotopes became
concentrated to the point where they
triggered anatural, water-mediated
nuclear reaction, areaction made
possible because the proportion of
easily fissionable uranium was
greater two billion years ago than it
is today. The toxic byproducts of this
astonishing, naturally-occurring reac-
tion are still detectable in the strata.
Oklo is not aunique site; sixteen
occurrences of this type are known
in Precambrian strata of Africa.
Based on inferences about positions
of ancient continents, asearch is
underway for evidence of the Oklo
phenomenon in South America.
Of the sixteen known Oklo and
the Bangombe natural fission reac-
tors (hydrothermally altered clastic
sedimentary rocks that contain
abundant uraninite and authigenic
clay minerals), anumber are highly
enriched in organic substances (see
Nagy, Gauthierlafaye, Holliger,
Mossman, and Leventhal, 1993).
These organic-rich reactors may
serve as time-tested analogs for
anthropogenic nuclear-waste con-
tainment strategies.
Organic matter apparentiy helped
to concentrate quantities of uranium
sufficient to initiate the nuclear
chain reactions. Liquid bitumen was
generated from organic matter by
hydrothermal reactions during
nuclear criticality. The bitumen soon
became asolid composed of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
and an intimate mixture of
cryptocrystalline graphite, which
enclosed and immobilized uranlnite
and the fission-generated isotopes
within the uraninite. This
mechanism prevented major loss of
uranium and fission products from
the natural nuclear reactors for well
over abillion years.
334 According to A. Lapo (written
communication), this remark by
Vernadsky is important. Even today,
149 It follows that the same distribution of life has existed in the
hydrosphere throughout all geological periods, and that the
manifestation of life in the chemistry of the planet has remained
constant. The planktonic film and the bottom film and the con-
centrations of life (in any case, the littoral concentrations) have
functioned throughout these periods, as parts of a biochemical
apparatus that has operated for hundreds of millions of years.
The continual displacements of land and sea have moved these
chemically active regions from one place to another, but the
study of geological deposits gives no sign of any change in the
structure of the hydrosphere or its chemical manifestations.
From the morphological point of view, however, the living
world has become unrecognizable during this time. Since evolu-
tion has evidently not had any noticeable effect on the quantity
of living matter or on its average chemical composition, mor-
phological changes must have taken place within definite frame-
that did not interfere with the manifestations of life in
the chemical framework of the planet.
This morphological evolution was undoubtedly connected
with complex chemical processes which must have been impor-
phenomenon characteristic of thebenthic region, and goes on
everywhere in marine basins. The HzS becomes rapidly oxi-
dized in the upper parts of these basins, yielding sulfates which
can recommence the cycle of biochemical transformations.
The biochemical genesis of compounds of some metals is not
so clear. Everything shows, however, that sulfur compounds of
iron, copper, vanadium, and perhaps other metals have been
formed by the alteration of organisms rich in these minerals.
Organic matter of the marine basins probably has the property
of concentrating and retaining metals from weak solutions. The
metals themselves, however, may sometimes have no connec-
tion with living matter.
In any case, the liberation of metals would not take place if
there were no debris oflife; that is, if the interstitial organic por-
tion of the marine basin were not a product of living matter.
Such processes are observed today on a large scale in the Black
Sea (genesis ofiron sulfide) and are verynumerous l s ~ r on
a lesser scale. It has been possible to establish their strong devel-
opment, also, in other geological periods. Immense quantities of
copper were thus liberated into the biosphere in Eurasia during
the Permian and Triassic periods, originating from rich organic
solutions and organisms of specific chemical composition.
332 Such bacteria are heterotroph-
ic, in effect respiring the oxidized
sulfur compounds such as sulfate
the same way we respire oxygen.
(TrUper, 1982.)
327 The process is much better
understood today; see Baturin, 1989.
Phosphate reaches the sea floor from
the water column. Anoxic sediments
return phosphate to the water
column; oxic sediments retain the
phosphate (see Williams,1997, p. 90).
Holland (1990) argues that because of
this process, the geochemistry of
phosphorus controls the levels of
oxygen in the atmosphere.
329 Although it may certainly be
considered "nonliving" if it is in the
form of dissolved orthophosphate.
Cells of the alga Anabaena flos-aquae
have been used to detect the
amounts of phosphorus in aquatic
ecosystems, and the sensitivity of
such biotic measurements compares
favorably to conventional methods of
assay for dissolved orthophosphates
(Stewart, Fitzgerald and Burris, 1970;
Patrick, 1973).
330 See Mann and Fyfe, 1985;
Neruchev, 1982; and Adriano, 1992.
326 The manganese mineral verna-
dite was named in honor of V. I.
Vernadsky (Chukhrov, Groshkov,
Berezovskaya, and Sivtsov, 1979).
331 See Adriano, 1992.
325 See Gruner, 1924; and Gruner,
328 Phosphorite deposits occur in
the Precambrian as well (Kholodov
and Paul', 1993; Cook and Shergold,
reelly postulated solution photo-
chemistry as the source of oxygen
needed to precipitate the iron as fer-
ric deposits on the sea floor. Recent
research decisively supports Preston
Cloud's (1973) arguments regarding
the genesis of banded iron formations
(Ho Ahn and Busek, 1990). Cloud
retraced the intellectual steps leading
up to his banded iron formation
hypothesis in avery interesting article
published In (1983). See also
Konhauser and Ferris, 1996; Kump,
1993; and Widdel, Schnell, Heising,
Ehrenreich, Assmus and Schink, 1993.
148 Certain bacteria liberate sulfur in the form of hydrogen
sulfide by decomposing sulfates, polythionates, and complex
organic compounds.
The hydrogen sulfide thus liberated
enters into numerous chemical reactions and produces metallic
sulfides. The biochemical liberation of hydrosulfuric acid is a
escape are not clear, but everything indicates that the phosphorus
of organic colloidal compounds and the phosphates of body flu-
ids are transformed into concretions and emigrate from the vital
cycle along with phosphorus in calcium compounds of skeletons.
This emigration of phosphorus takes place at the death of
organisms with phosphorus-rich skeletons whenever condi-
tions prevent the usual processes of bodily alteration, and create
a medium favorable for specific bacteria. However this may be,
one cannot doubt the biogenic origin of these phosphoric mass-
es, nor their close and permanent connection with the living
bottom film, nor the regular occurrence of analogous phenom-
ena throughout geological time. Great concentrations of phos-
phorus have been accumulated in this way, including the Ter-
tiary phosphorites of North Africa and of the southeastern
states of North America.
147 Even with our incomplete present knowledge, it is obvious
that the bottom film is important in the history of magnesium
and of barium, and probably of vanadium, strontium and ura-
. nium.
These subjects have been little-explored, as yet.
The lower part of the bottom film contains no oxygen, and is
poorly studied. This region of anaerobic bacterial life contains
organic compounds that have reached it following their genesis
in a different, oxygen-rich medium by living organisms foreign
to familiar environments. Although we can, at best, make con-
jectures about this obscure region. The processes occurring
there must be taken into account in estimating the role of life in
the Earth's crust.
Two undoubted empirical generalizations can be stated:
1. these deposits of marine mud and organic debris are impor-
tant in the history of sulfur, phosphorus, iron, copper, lead, sil-
ver, nickel, vanadium, and (according to all appearances) cobalt,
and perhaps other rarer metals;331 and 2. the renewal of this
phenomenon on an important scale, at different epochs in geo-
logical history, indicates its connection with specific physico-
geographical and biological conditions that prevailed when
marine basins slowly dried up in ancient times.
333 At the Oklo Site (Gabon, Africa),
estuarine bacteria two billion years
ago precipitated large quantities of
uranium out of solution. Rising lev-
els of free oxygen two billion years
ago (the "Oxygen Crisis") caused
the uranium minerals to become sol-
uble. They were moved seaward by
riverine transport. By aprocess of
organic chelation, the ancient bacte-
rial mats absorbed the uranium
before it was diluted in the sea.
These uranium isotopes became
concentrated to the point where they
triggered anatural, water-mediated
nuclear reaction, areaction made
possible because the proportion of
easily fissionable uranium was
greater two billion years ago than it
is today. The toxic byproducts of this
astonishing, naturally-occurring reac-
tion are still detectable in the strata.
Oklo is not aunique site; sixteen
occurrences of this type are known
in Precambrian strata of Africa.
Based on inferences about positions
of ancient continents, asearch is
underway for evidence of the Oklo
phenomenon in South America.
Of the sixteen known Oklo and
the Bangombe natural fission reac-
tors (hydrothermally altered clastic
sedimentary rocks that contain
abundant uraninite and authigenic
clay minerals), anumber are highly
enriched in organic substances (see
Nagy, Gauthierlafaye, Holliger,
Mossman, and Leventhal, 1993).
These organic-rich reactors may
serve as time-tested analogs for
anthropogenic nuclear-waste con-
tainment strategies.
Organic matter apparentiy helped
to concentrate quantities of uranium
sufficient to initiate the nuclear
chain reactions. Liquid bitumen was
generated from organic matter by
hydrothermal reactions during
nuclear criticality. The bitumen soon
became asolid composed of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
and an intimate mixture of
cryptocrystalline graphite, which
enclosed and immobilized uranlnite
and the fission-generated isotopes
within the uraninite. This
mechanism prevented major loss of
uranium and fission products from
the natural nuclear reactors for well
over abillion years.
334 According to A. Lapo (written
communication), this remark by
Vernadsky is important. Even today,
149 It follows that the same distribution of life has existed in the
hydrosphere throughout all geological periods, and that the
manifestation of life in the chemistry of the planet has remained
constant. The planktonic film and the bottom film and the con-
centrations of life (in any case, the littoral concentrations) have
functioned throughout these periods, as parts of a biochemical
apparatus that has operated for hundreds of millions of years.
The continual displacements of land and sea have moved these
chemically active regions from one place to another, but the
study of geological deposits gives no sign of any change in the
structure of the hydrosphere or its chemical manifestations.
From the morphological point of view, however, the living
world has become unrecognizable during this time. Since evolu-
tion has evidently not had any noticeable effect on the quantity
of living matter or on its average chemical composition, mor-
phological changes must have taken place within definite frame-
that did not interfere with the manifestations of life in
the chemical framework of the planet.
This morphological evolution was undoubtedly connected
with complex chemical processes which must have been impor-
phenomenon characteristic of thebenthic region, and goes on
everywhere in marine basins. The HzS becomes rapidly oxi-
dized in the upper parts of these basins, yielding sulfates which
can recommence the cycle of biochemical transformations.
The biochemical genesis of compounds of some metals is not
so clear. Everything shows, however, that sulfur compounds of
iron, copper, vanadium, and perhaps other metals have been
formed by the alteration of organisms rich in these minerals.
Organic matter of the marine basins probably has the property
of concentrating and retaining metals from weak solutions. The
metals themselves, however, may sometimes have no connec-
tion with living matter.
In any case, the liberation of metals would not take place if
there were no debris oflife; that is, if the interstitial organic por-
tion of the marine basin were not a product of living matter.
Such processes are observed today on a large scale in the Black
Sea (genesis ofiron sulfide) and are verynumerous l s ~ r on
a lesser scale. It has been possible to establish their strong devel-
opment, also, in other geological periods. Immense quantities of
copper were thus liberated into the biosphere in Eurasia during
the Permian and Triassic periods, originating from rich organic
solutions and organisms of specific chemical composition.
332 Such bacteria are heterotroph-
ic, in effect respiring the oxidized
sulfur compounds such as sulfate
the same way we respire oxygen.
(TrUper, 1982.)
327 The process is much better
understood today; see Baturin, 1989.
Phosphate reaches the sea floor from
the water column. Anoxic sediments
return phosphate to the water
column; oxic sediments retain the
phosphate (see Williams,1997, p. 90).
Holland (1990) argues that because of
this process, the geochemistry of
phosphorus controls the levels of
oxygen in the atmosphere.
329 Although it may certainly be
considered "nonliving" if it is in the
form of dissolved orthophosphate.
Cells of the alga Anabaena flos-aquae
have been used to detect the
amounts of phosphorus in aquatic
ecosystems, and the sensitivity of
such biotic measurements compares
favorably to conventional methods of
assay for dissolved orthophosphates
(Stewart, Fitzgerald and Burris, 1970;
Patrick, 1973).
330 See Mann and Fyfe, 1985;
Neruchev, 1982; and Adriano, 1992.
326 The manganese mineral verna-
dite was named in honor of V. I.
Vernadsky (Chukhrov, Groshkov,
Berezovskaya, and Sivtsov, 1979).
331 See Adriano, 1992.
325 See Gruner, 1924; and Gruner,
328 Phosphorite deposits occur in
the Precambrian as well (Kholodov
and Paul', 1993; Cook and Shergold,
reelly postulated solution photo-
chemistry as the source of oxygen
needed to precipitate the iron as fer-
ric deposits on the sea floor. Recent
research decisively supports Preston
Cloud's (1973) arguments regarding
the genesis of banded iron formations
(Ho Ahn and Busek, 1990). Cloud
retraced the intellectual steps leading
up to his banded iron formation
hypothesis in avery interesting article
published In (1983). See also
Konhauser and Ferris, 1996; Kump,
1993; and Widdel, Schnell, Heising,
Ehrenreich, Assmus and Schink, 1993.
Living Matter on Land
150 The land presents a totally different picture from that of the
It contains only one livingfilm,340 consisting of
the soil and its population offauna andflora. The aqueous basins
are living concentrations
and must be considered separately,
because they are quite distinct biochemically and biologically,
and completely different in their geological effect.
Life covers the land in an almost uninterrupted film. Traces
are found on glaciers and eternal snows, in deserts, and on
mountain summits. In extreme cases, we can speak only of a
temporary absence or scarcity of life, because in one or another
form it is manifested everywhere. Spaces where life is rare con-
stitute barely 10% of the land surface. The remainder is an inte-
gralliving film.
tant on the scale of an individual, or even a species. New chem-
ical compounds were created, and old ones disappeared with the
extinction of species, without appreciable repercussions on
overall geochemical effects or on the planetary manifestations
of life. Even a biochemical phenomenon of such enormous
importance as the creation of the skeleton of metazoa, with its
high concentration of calcium, phosphorus, and sometimes
magnesium, took place unnoticed in the geochemical history of
these elements.
This is true, despite the fact that before the
Paleozoic Era, these organisms probably did not have skeletons.
(This hypothesis, often considered an empirical generalization,
explains many important features of the paleontological history
of the organic world.)
The fact that introduction of the skeleton had no effect on
the geochemical history of phosphorus, calcium, and magne-
sium gives us reason to believe that, before the creation of
metazoa with skeletons, the same compounds of these ele-
ments were produced on the same scale by protista, including
The same process continues today, but its role
must have been much more important and universal in the
If these two phenomena, despite their differences in mecha-
nism and time of occurrence, caused the biogenic migration of
the same elements in identical masses, the morphological
change, important though it was, exerted no effect on the geo-
chemical history of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Everything seems to showthat an event of this order did actual-
ly take place in the geological history of life.
343 Anaerobic bacteria are now
known to exist in subterranean
waters at depths of several kilome-
342 Vernadsky may have been
referring here only to complex forms
of life such as vascular plants and
animals. Vernadsky understood the
depth to which bacteria reach below
the soil surface (Vernadsky, 1945).
This depth is now known to reach
2.8 kilometers (Anonymous, 1996b;
Fredricson and Onstatt, 1996).
344 Others have recognized the
influence of forest clearing on
species diversity (e.g. Hutchinson,
1964). but Vernadsky was first to
emphasize its geochemical
consequences. With contemporary
concern over c1earcutting of tropical
rain forest, Vernadsky's comments
here are prescient.
152 Obvious features of this film are the annual changes in
composition and manifestation (in which we ourselves are par-
ticipants) produced by the solar cycle.
The predominant organisms, in terms of quantity of matter,
are the green plants, including grasses and trees. In the animal
population, insects, ticks, and perhaps spiders predominate. In
striking contrast to oceanic life, the heterotrophic organisms-
animals - playa secondary role. The most powerful parts, the
great forests of tropical countries, like the African hylea, and the
northern taiga are often deserts so far as the higher animals
such as mammals, birds, and other vertebrates are concerned.
The animal population of these tremendous areas of green
organisms consists of arthropods, which seem insignificant to
us. The seasonal fluctuations in multiplication, which were
observed in plankton only after extended study, are obvious in
the continental film. Multiplication varies as life slows down in
winter in our latitudes, and awakens in the spring. This phe-
nomenon occurs in countless ways, from the poles to the trop-
ics. Seasonal periods are also a characteristic of soils and their
invisible life. Although this last subject has been little studied, its
role in the history of the planet is, as we shall see, much greater
than generally admitted.
In short, for all films in the hydrosphere and on dry land there
are periods, regulated by the sun, during which fluctuations
occur in the intensity of geochemical energy, and in the activity
151 This film is thin, extending only some tens of meters above
the surface in forest areas; in steppes and fields it does not reach
more than a few meters. The forests of equatorial countries with
the highest trees form living films having average thicknesses
from 40 to 50 meters. The highest trees rise to 100 meters or
more, but are lost in the general mass of plant life and are negli-
gible in their overall effect. Life does not sink more than a few
meters into the soil and subsoiI,342 Aerobic life ranges from 1 to
5 meters, and anaerobic life to tens of meters.
The living film
thus covers the continents with a layer that extends from sever-
al tens of meters above ground to several meters below (areas of
grass). Civilized humanity has introduced changes into the
structure of the film on land which have no parallel in the
hydrosphere. These changes are a new phenomenon in geologi-
cal history, and have chemical effects yet to be determined. One
of the principal changes is the systematic destruction during
human history of forests, the most powerful parts of the film.
338 Yet another manifestation of
Vernadsky's version of substantive
uniformitarianism. True, there were
microbial biomineralizers in the
Proterozoic. but there was nothing
like the variety of different types of
skeletons (in both animals and other
types of organisms) after the
Cambrian boundary. Vernadsky does
not seem to have completely
grasped the empirical generalization
that there is an evolutionary
interplay between the morphology
of living matter and Earth's
geochemistry, all powered by cosmic
340 Vernadsky later classified
subaerial and soil biocenoses as
separate units, but it is not clear
whether he considered them as
living films or as merely living
concentrations (Lapo, 1980, written
communication; p. 31).
341 Vernadsky later distinguished,
as separate from the aqueous basin
living concentrations, the flood-plain
concentrations and the coastal
concentrations (Vernadsky, 1954, pp.
337 Not so. There is a pronouced
shift across the
Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary
from dolomites to limestones,
largely as aresult of
skeleton-forming organisms. Reef
forming animals of the last 500
million years play an important role
in carbonate geochemistry on a
global scale.
339 Contemporary views on this
subject are discussed in
Dobrovolsky, 1994.
336 This is afascinating idea,
almost completely unexplored by
modern evolutionary biologists.
Vernadsky implies that the
morphology of organisms is
constrained by, and more
interestingly, must conform to,
ambient geochemical constraints.
335 Indeed, marine salinity has
remained constant for at least the
last 570 million years (Hinkle, 1996).
some researchers neglect to distIn-
guish between living and non-living
organic matter in geological processes.
Living Matter on Land
150 The land presents a totally different picture from that of the
It contains only one livingfilm,340 consisting of
the soil and its population offauna andflora. The aqueous basins
are living concentrations
and must be considered separately,
because they are quite distinct biochemically and biologically,
and completely different in their geological effect.
Life covers the land in an almost uninterrupted film. Traces
are found on glaciers and eternal snows, in deserts, and on
mountain summits. In extreme cases, we can speak only of a
temporary absence or scarcity of life, because in one or another
form it is manifested everywhere. Spaces where life is rare con-
stitute barely 10% of the land surface. The remainder is an inte-
gralliving film.
tant on the scale of an individual, or even a species. New chem-
ical compounds were created, and old ones disappeared with the
extinction of species, without appreciable repercussions on
overall geochemical effects or on the planetary manifestations
of life. Even a biochemical phenomenon of such enormous
importance as the creation of the skeleton of metazoa, with its
high concentration of calcium, phosphorus, and sometimes
magnesium, took place unnoticed in the geochemical history of
these elements.
This is true, despite the fact that before the
Paleozoic Era, these organisms probably did not have skeletons.
(This hypothesis, often considered an empirical generalization,
explains many important features of the paleontological history
of the organic world.)
The fact that introduction of the skeleton had no effect on
the geochemical history of phosphorus, calcium, and magne-
sium gives us reason to believe that, before the creation of
metazoa with skeletons, the same compounds of these ele-
ments were produced on the same scale by protista, including
The same process continues today, but its role
must have been much more important and universal in the
If these two phenomena, despite their differences in mecha-
nism and time of occurrence, caused the biogenic migration of
the same elements in identical masses, the morphological
change, important though it was, exerted no effect on the geo-
chemical history of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Everything seems to showthat an event of this order did actual-
ly take place in the geological history of life.
343 Anaerobic bacteria are now
known to exist in subterranean
waters at depths of several kilome-
342 Vernadsky may have been
referring here only to complex forms
of life such as vascular plants and
animals. Vernadsky understood the
depth to which bacteria reach below
the soil surface (Vernadsky, 1945).
This depth is now known to reach
2.8 kilometers (Anonymous, 1996b;
Fredricson and Onstatt, 1996).
344 Others have recognized the
influence of forest clearing on
species diversity (e.g. Hutchinson,
1964). but Vernadsky was first to
emphasize its geochemical
consequences. With contemporary
concern over c1earcutting of tropical
rain forest, Vernadsky's comments
here are prescient.
152 Obvious features of this film are the annual changes in
composition and manifestation (in which we ourselves are par-
ticipants) produced by the solar cycle.
The predominant organisms, in terms of quantity of matter,
are the green plants, including grasses and trees. In the animal
population, insects, ticks, and perhaps spiders predominate. In
striking contrast to oceanic life, the heterotrophic organisms-
animals - playa secondary role. The most powerful parts, the
great forests of tropical countries, like the African hylea, and the
northern taiga are often deserts so far as the higher animals
such as mammals, birds, and other vertebrates are concerned.
The animal population of these tremendous areas of green
organisms consists of arthropods, which seem insignificant to
us. The seasonal fluctuations in multiplication, which were
observed in plankton only after extended study, are obvious in
the continental film. Multiplication varies as life slows down in
winter in our latitudes, and awakens in the spring. This phe-
nomenon occurs in countless ways, from the poles to the trop-
ics. Seasonal periods are also a characteristic of soils and their
invisible life. Although this last subject has been little studied, its
role in the history of the planet is, as we shall see, much greater
than generally admitted.
In short, for all films in the hydrosphere and on dry land there
are periods, regulated by the sun, during which fluctuations
occur in the intensity of geochemical energy, and in the activity
151 This film is thin, extending only some tens of meters above
the surface in forest areas; in steppes and fields it does not reach
more than a few meters. The forests of equatorial countries with
the highest trees form living films having average thicknesses
from 40 to 50 meters. The highest trees rise to 100 meters or
more, but are lost in the general mass of plant life and are negli-
gible in their overall effect. Life does not sink more than a few
meters into the soil and subsoiI,342 Aerobic life ranges from 1 to
5 meters, and anaerobic life to tens of meters.
The living film
thus covers the continents with a layer that extends from sever-
al tens of meters above ground to several meters below (areas of
grass). Civilized humanity has introduced changes into the
structure of the film on land which have no parallel in the
hydrosphere. These changes are a new phenomenon in geologi-
cal history, and have chemical effects yet to be determined. One
of the principal changes is the systematic destruction during
human history of forests, the most powerful parts of the film.
338 Yet another manifestation of
Vernadsky's version of substantive
uniformitarianism. True, there were
microbial biomineralizers in the
Proterozoic. but there was nothing
like the variety of different types of
skeletons (in both animals and other
types of organisms) after the
Cambrian boundary. Vernadsky does
not seem to have completely
grasped the empirical generalization
that there is an evolutionary
interplay between the morphology
of living matter and Earth's
geochemistry, all powered by cosmic
340 Vernadsky later classified
subaerial and soil biocenoses as
separate units, but it is not clear
whether he considered them as
living films or as merely living
concentrations (Lapo, 1980, written
communication; p. 31).
341 Vernadsky later distinguished,
as separate from the aqueous basin
living concentrations, the flood-plain
concentrations and the coastal
concentrations (Vernadsky, 1954, pp.
337 Not so. There is a pronouced
shift across the
Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary
from dolomites to limestones,
largely as aresult of
skeleton-forming organisms. Reef
forming animals of the last 500
million years play an important role
in carbonate geochemistry on a
global scale.
339 Contemporary views on this
subject are discussed in
Dobrovolsky, 1994.
336 This is afascinating idea,
almost completely unexplored by
modern evolutionary biologists.
Vernadsky implies that the
morphology of organisms is
constrained by, and more
interestingly, must conform to,
ambient geochemical constraints.
335 Indeed, marine salinity has
remained constant for at least the
last 570 million years (Hinkle, 1996).
some researchers neglect to distIn-
guish between living and non-living
organic matter in geological processes.
of living matter and its "vortices" of h e m i ~ l elements. Geo-
chemical processes are subject to rising and falling pulsations,
although the numerical laws which govern these are not yet
154 An insignificant fraction of the solid remains (probably
several million tons) escapes each year from the dynamic equi-
librium of the life cycle on the land. This mass escapes in the
form of finely-powdered "traces" of "biogenic organic matter",
composed chiefly of compounds of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen,
nitrogen, and in smaller amounts of phosphorus, sulfur, iron,
silicon, etc. The whole biosphere is penetrated bythis powder, of
which a small, still-undetermined fraction leaves the vital cycle,
sometimes for millions of years.
These organic remains enter into the whole matter of the bios-
phere, living and inert. They are accumulated in all vadose min-
erals and surface waters, and are carried by rivers to the sea.
Their influence on chemical reactions in the biosphere is enor-
mous, analogous to that of organic matter dissolved in natural
153 The geochemical phenomena connected with the living
film on land are very different from those in the oceanic films.
The emigration of chemical elements from the life cycle on land
never results in concentrations ofvadose minerals similar to the
marine deposits, which receive millions of tons per year of cal-
cium and magnesium carbonates (limestones and dolomites),
silica (opals), hydrated iron oxides (limonites), hydrated man-
ganese compounds (pyrolusite and psilomelane), and complex
phosphates of calcium (phosphorites). (143 et seq.) All these
bodies have a marine, or at least an aqueous, origin. Chemical
elements in living matter on land emigrate from the vital cycle
less frequently than those in the hydrosphere (142). After the
death of the organism, the matter of which it is composed is
either immediately absorbed by new organisms, or escapes to
the atmosphere in the form of gaseous products. These bio-
genetic gases 02' CO
, H
0, N
, NH
, are absorbed at once in the
gaseous exchange of living matter.
A complete dynamic equilibrium is established, thanks to the
enormous geochemical work producedbyliving matter on land,
which after tens of millions of years of existence, leaves only
insignificant traces
in the solid bodies of which the Earth's
crust is composed. The chemical elements of life on land are in
incessant motion, in the form of gases and living organisms.
347 Vernadsky later applied the
concept of bio-inert matter to
complex systems such as soil, and
argued that blo-inert matter is
created simultaneously by liVing
organisms and inert processes and
therefore represents a dynamic
equilibrium of the two. Such
equilibria are found in the oceans, in
almost all other waters of the
biosphere, oil, soil, weathering
crusts on land, etc. (See Vernadsky,
1965, p. 59. See also Perelman,
348 See Kovda, 1985.
349 See Cuvier, 1826.
waters (93). Vital organic remains are charged with free chem-
ical energy in the thermodynamic field of the biosphere, and
because of their small dimensions easily give rise to aqueous
dispersed systems and colloidal solutions.
155 These remains are concentrated in soils, and cannot be con-
sidered an absolutely inert matter.
Living matter in soil often
reaches tens of percent by weight. Soil is the region where the
maximum geochemical energy of living matter is concentrated,
and is the most important biogeochemical laboratory, from the
point ofviewof geochemical results and the development of the
chemical and biochemical processes that take place in it.
This region is comparable in importance to the mud layer of
the living film of the ocean floor (141), but differs from it in the
importance of the oxidizing layer; this is only a few millimeters
or centimeters thick in the bottom mud, but can exceed one
meter in the soils. Burrowing animals are powerful factors in
producing homogeneity in both regions.
The soil is a region in which surface changes of energy take
place in the presence of abundant free oxygen and carbon diox-
ide. These gases are partly formed by living matter in the soil
In contrast to the sub-aerial chemistry of the Earth, the chem-
ical formations of the soil do not enter wholly into the living
vortices of elements which, according to the picturesque expres-
sion of G. Cuvier, constitute the essence of life; they are not con-
verted into gaseous forms of natural bodies.
They leave the
vital cycle temporarily and reappear in another imposing plan-
etary phenomenon, the formation of natural water and the salt
water of the ocean.
The soil lives to the extent that it is damp. Its processes take
place in aqueous solutions and colloids. Herein lies the chemical
difference between living matter in soil and living organisms
above the soil. The mechanism of water on land plays the deci-
sive role in the former case.
156 Water on land is constantly moving in a cyclic process dri-
ven by the energy of the sun. Cosmic energy influences our
planet in this way, as much as bythe geochemical work oflife. In
the whole mechanism of the crust, the action of water is
absolutely decisive, and this is most obvious in the biosphere.
Not only does water constitute, on average, more than two-
thirds of the weight ofliving matter (109), but its presence is an
345 Coal deposits might be deemed
an exception to this.
346 Early successional moss
ecosystems require this "powder" or
bulk precipitation as their primary
nitrogen source
(R. D. Bowden. 1991).
of living matter and its "vortices" of h e m i ~ l elements. Geo-
chemical processes are subject to rising and falling pulsations,
although the numerical laws which govern these are not yet
154 An insignificant fraction of the solid remains (probably
several million tons) escapes each year from the dynamic equi-
librium of the life cycle on the land. This mass escapes in the
form of finely-powdered "traces" of "biogenic organic matter",
composed chiefly of compounds of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen,
nitrogen, and in smaller amounts of phosphorus, sulfur, iron,
silicon, etc. The whole biosphere is penetrated bythis powder, of
which a small, still-undetermined fraction leaves the vital cycle,
sometimes for millions of years.
These organic remains enter into the whole matter of the bios-
phere, living and inert. They are accumulated in all vadose min-
erals and surface waters, and are carried by rivers to the sea.
Their influence on chemical reactions in the biosphere is enor-
mous, analogous to that of organic matter dissolved in natural
153 The geochemical phenomena connected with the living
film on land are very different from those in the oceanic films.
The emigration of chemical elements from the life cycle on land
never results in concentrations ofvadose minerals similar to the
marine deposits, which receive millions of tons per year of cal-
cium and magnesium carbonates (limestones and dolomites),
silica (opals), hydrated iron oxides (limonites), hydrated man-
ganese compounds (pyrolusite and psilomelane), and complex
phosphates of calcium (phosphorites). (143 et seq.) All these
bodies have a marine, or at least an aqueous, origin. Chemical
elements in living matter on land emigrate from the vital cycle
less frequently than those in the hydrosphere (142). After the
death of the organism, the matter of which it is composed is
either immediately absorbed by new organisms, or escapes to
the atmosphere in the form of gaseous products. These bio-
genetic gases 02' CO
, H
0, N
, NH
, are absorbed at once in the
gaseous exchange of living matter.
A complete dynamic equilibrium is established, thanks to the
enormous geochemical work producedbyliving matter on land,
which after tens of millions of years of existence, leaves only
insignificant traces
in the solid bodies of which the Earth's
crust is composed. The chemical elements of life on land are in
incessant motion, in the form of gases and living organisms.
347 Vernadsky later applied the
concept of bio-inert matter to
complex systems such as soil, and
argued that blo-inert matter is
created simultaneously by liVing
organisms and inert processes and
therefore represents a dynamic
equilibrium of the two. Such
equilibria are found in the oceans, in
almost all other waters of the
biosphere, oil, soil, weathering
crusts on land, etc. (See Vernadsky,
1965, p. 59. See also Perelman,
348 See Kovda, 1985.
349 See Cuvier, 1826.
waters (93). Vital organic remains are charged with free chem-
ical energy in the thermodynamic field of the biosphere, and
because of their small dimensions easily give rise to aqueous
dispersed systems and colloidal solutions.
155 These remains are concentrated in soils, and cannot be con-
sidered an absolutely inert matter.
Living matter in soil often
reaches tens of percent by weight. Soil is the region where the
maximum geochemical energy of living matter is concentrated,
and is the most important biogeochemical laboratory, from the
point ofviewof geochemical results and the development of the
chemical and biochemical processes that take place in it.
This region is comparable in importance to the mud layer of
the living film of the ocean floor (141), but differs from it in the
importance of the oxidizing layer; this is only a few millimeters
or centimeters thick in the bottom mud, but can exceed one
meter in the soils. Burrowing animals are powerful factors in
producing homogeneity in both regions.
The soil is a region in which surface changes of energy take
place in the presence of abundant free oxygen and carbon diox-
ide. These gases are partly formed by living matter in the soil
In contrast to the sub-aerial chemistry of the Earth, the chem-
ical formations of the soil do not enter wholly into the living
vortices of elements which, according to the picturesque expres-
sion of G. Cuvier, constitute the essence of life; they are not con-
verted into gaseous forms of natural bodies.
They leave the
vital cycle temporarily and reappear in another imposing plan-
etary phenomenon, the formation of natural water and the salt
water of the ocean.
The soil lives to the extent that it is damp. Its processes take
place in aqueous solutions and colloids. Herein lies the chemical
difference between living matter in soil and living organisms
above the soil. The mechanism of water on land plays the deci-
sive role in the former case.
156 Water on land is constantly moving in a cyclic process dri-
ven by the energy of the sun. Cosmic energy influences our
planet in this way, as much as bythe geochemical work oflife. In
the whole mechanism of the crust, the action of water is
absolutely decisive, and this is most obvious in the biosphere.
Not only does water constitute, on average, more than two-
thirds of the weight ofliving matter (109), but its presence is an
345 Coal deposits might be deemed
an exception to this.
346 Early successional moss
ecosystems require this "powder" or
bulk precipitation as their primary
nitrogen source
(R. D. Bowden. 1991).
absolutely necessary condition for the multiplication of living
organisms and the manifestation of their geochemical energy.
Life becomes a part of the mechanism of the planet only
because of water.
In the biosphere, water cannot be separated from life, and life
cannot be separated from water. It is difficult to establish where
the influence of water ends, and the influence of heterogeneous
living matter begins. Soil quickly becomes saturated, and leak-
ing surface waters carry away its rich organic remains in solu-
tions or suspensions. The composition of fresh water is thus
directly determined by the chemistry of the soil, and is a mani-
festation of its biochemistry. It follows that soil determines the
essential composition of river waters where, finally, all surface
waters are collected.
The rivers discharge into the sea, and the composition of
oceanic water, at least its saline part, is principally due to the
chemical work ofsoil, and its still poorly known biocenose.
The oxidizing character of the soil mediumis important here,
and accounts for the final dissolved products of the soil's living
matter. Sulfates and carbonates predominate in river water,
along with sodium chloride. The character of these elements in
river water is directly related to their biochemistry in soil, but
differs sharply from the character of the solid compounds that
they form in non-living envelopes.
157 Other chemical manifestations of living matter are also
related to the circulation of water on land. The life in aqueous
basins is quite different from that in ground regions. Phenome-
na in aqueous basins are in.many ways analogous to the living
films and concentrations of the hydrosphere. The planktonic
and benthic films and littoral concentrations are recognizable
on a smaller scale. We find the processes involving both oxidiz-
ing and reducing media. Finally, the emigration of chemical ele-
ments from the vital cycle plays an important role, as does the
formation of solid products which later enter into the sedimen-
tary rocks of the crust. Here, it seems that the process of libera-
tion of solid bodies in the biosphere is linked to the phenome-
non of a reducing medium, to the rapid disappearance of
oxygen, and to the disappearance both of aerobic and anaerobic
In spite of these points of resemblance, the geochemical
effects of life on land differ fundamentally from those in the
158 This difference arises from two facts, one chemical and one
physical; namely, that most of the water in the aqueous basins is
fresh, and that most of these basins are shallow. Vernal pools,
lakes and marshes, rather than rivers, hold most of the continen-
tal water mass, and in most cases are only deep enough to con-
tain a single living concentration - the fresh water concentration
of life. Only in the fresh water seas, of which Lake Baikal is an
example, do we observe separate living films analogous to those
of the hydrosphere, and these inland seas are exceptional cases.
The biochemical role of lakes is distinct from that of ocean
waters primarily because the chemical compounds formed in
fresh water are different. The chief product consists of carbon
compounds. Silica, calcium carbonate, and hydrated iron oxides
play a minor role in comparison to the deposition of
carbon-bearing bodies in the bottomfilms of aqueous basins on
land. It is here, and only here, that coal and bitumen are formed
in appreciable amounts. These solid, stable, oxygen-poor bodies
of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen are the stable forms of vadose
minerals which, on leaving the biosphere, pass into other organ-
ic compounds of carbon. The carbon is set free as graphite dur-
ing their final transformation in metamorphic regions.
There is no appreciable quantity of stable carbon-nitrogen
substances in sea water; these are never formed in the chemistry
of the ocean.
Whether this is an effect of the chemical char-
acter of the medium, or ofthe structure of the living matter con-
cerned, we cannot say. Nor is it clear why such compounds are
formed in bodies of fresh water, although the process has
occurred throughout geologic times. In both cases, the phe-
nomena are certainly connected with life processes.
These masses of organic matter provide powerful sources of
potential energy- "fossilized sun-rays", according to the pic-
turesque expression of R. Mayer. They have been enormously
important in the history of man, and considerably more so in
the economy of nature. An idea of their scale can be obtained
from the size of the known reserves of coal.
It seems almost certain that the chief sources of liquid hydro-
carbons (Le., the petroleums) lie in fresh water concentra-
It is possible that, like many beds of coal, these basins were
once close to the sea. The formation of petroleum is not a sur-
face process; it results from the apparently biochemical decom-
position of debris of organisms, in the absence of free oxygen,
near the lower limits of the biosphere. The process terminates in
Amino acids and other nitroge_
nous compounds occur in sufficient
quantites to permit some organisms
to feed by directly absorbing them
from sea water (see McMenamin,
351 Lake deposits such as the oil
shales (more properly, organic marl-
stones) of the Green River Basin can
Indeed harbor considerable hydro-
carbon deposits. However, the bulk
of these deposits worldwide are
marine, with marine deposits of the
ancient Tethyan seaway (Persian
Gulf) accounting for most of
present global petroleum reserves.
absolutely necessary condition for the multiplication of living
organisms and the manifestation of their geochemical energy.
Life becomes a part of the mechanism of the planet only
because of water.
In the biosphere, water cannot be separated from life, and life
cannot be separated from water. It is difficult to establish where
the influence of water ends, and the influence of heterogeneous
living matter begins. Soil quickly becomes saturated, and leak-
ing surface waters carry away its rich organic remains in solu-
tions or suspensions. The composition of fresh water is thus
directly determined by the chemistry of the soil, and is a mani-
festation of its biochemistry. It follows that soil determines the
essential composition of river waters where, finally, all surface
waters are collected.
The rivers discharge into the sea, and the composition of
oceanic water, at least its saline part, is principally due to the
chemical work ofsoil, and its still poorly known biocenose.
The oxidizing character of the soil mediumis important here,
and accounts for the final dissolved products of the soil's living
matter. Sulfates and carbonates predominate in river water,
along with sodium chloride. The character of these elements in
river water is directly related to their biochemistry in soil, but
differs sharply from the character of the solid compounds that
they form in non-living envelopes.
157 Other chemical manifestations of living matter are also
related to the circulation of water on land. The life in aqueous
basins is quite different from that in ground regions. Phenome-
na in aqueous basins are in.many ways analogous to the living
films and concentrations of the hydrosphere. The planktonic
and benthic films and littoral concentrations are recognizable
on a smaller scale. We find the processes involving both oxidiz-
ing and reducing media. Finally, the emigration of chemical ele-
ments from the vital cycle plays an important role, as does the
formation of solid products which later enter into the sedimen-
tary rocks of the crust. Here, it seems that the process of libera-
tion of solid bodies in the biosphere is linked to the phenome-
non of a reducing medium, to the rapid disappearance of
oxygen, and to the disappearance both of aerobic and anaerobic
In spite of these points of resemblance, the geochemical
effects of life on land differ fundamentally from those in the
158 This difference arises from two facts, one chemical and one
physical; namely, that most of the water in the aqueous basins is
fresh, and that most of these basins are shallow. Vernal pools,
lakes and marshes, rather than rivers, hold most of the continen-
tal water mass, and in most cases are only deep enough to con-
tain a single living concentration - the fresh water concentration
of life. Only in the fresh water seas, of which Lake Baikal is an
example, do we observe separate living films analogous to those
of the hydrosphere, and these inland seas are exceptional cases.
The biochemical role of lakes is distinct from that of ocean
waters primarily because the chemical compounds formed in
fresh water are different. The chief product consists of carbon
compounds. Silica, calcium carbonate, and hydrated iron oxides
play a minor role in comparison to the deposition of
carbon-bearing bodies in the bottomfilms of aqueous basins on
land. It is here, and only here, that coal and bitumen are formed
in appreciable amounts. These solid, stable, oxygen-poor bodies
of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen are the stable forms of vadose
minerals which, on leaving the biosphere, pass into other organ-
ic compounds of carbon. The carbon is set free as graphite dur-
ing their final transformation in metamorphic regions.
There is no appreciable quantity of stable carbon-nitrogen
substances in sea water; these are never formed in the chemistry
of the ocean.
Whether this is an effect of the chemical char-
acter of the medium, or ofthe structure of the living matter con-
cerned, we cannot say. Nor is it clear why such compounds are
formed in bodies of fresh water, although the process has
occurred throughout geologic times. In both cases, the phe-
nomena are certainly connected with life processes.
These masses of organic matter provide powerful sources of
potential energy- "fossilized sun-rays", according to the pic-
turesque expression of R. Mayer. They have been enormously
important in the history of man, and considerably more so in
the economy of nature. An idea of their scale can be obtained
from the size of the known reserves of coal.
It seems almost certain that the chief sources of liquid hydro-
carbons (Le., the petroleums) lie in fresh water concentra-
It is possible that, like many beds of coal, these basins were
once close to the sea. The formation of petroleum is not a sur-
face process; it results from the apparently biochemical decom-
position of debris of organisms, in the absence of free oxygen,
near the lower limits of the biosphere. The process terminates in
Amino acids and other nitroge_
nous compounds occur in sufficient
quantites to permit some organisms
to feed by directly absorbing them
from sea water (see McMenamin,
351 Lake deposits such as the oil
shales (more properly, organic marl-
stones) of the Green River Basin can
Indeed harbor considerable hydro-
carbon deposits. However, the bulk
of these deposits worldwide are
marine, with marine deposits of the
ancient Tethyan seaway (Persian
Gulf) accounting for most of
present global petroleum reserves.
phreatic regions. The derivation from living matter of the bulk
of the petroleum is confirmed by a multitude ofwell-established
The Relationship Between the Living Films and
Concentrations of the Hydrosphere and Those of Land
159 It follows from the preceding that life presents an indivisi-
ble and indissoluble whole, in which all parts are interconnect-
ed both among themselves and with the inert medium of the
biosphere. In the future, this picture will no doubt rest upon a
precise and quantitative basis. At the moment, we are only able
to follow certain general outlines, but the foundations of this
approach seem solid.
The principal fact is that the biosphere has existed throughout
all geological periods, from the most ancient indications of the
In its essential traits, the biosphere has always been constituted
in the same way. One and the same chemical apparatus, created
and kept active by living matter, has been functioning continu-
ously in the biosphere throughout geologic times, driven by the
uninterrupted current of radiant solar energy. This apparatus is
composed of definite vital concentrations which occupy the
same places in the terrestrial envelopes of the biosphere, while
constantly being transformed. These vital films and concentra-
tions form definite secondary subdivisions of the terrestrial
envelopes. They maintain a generally concentric character,
though never covering the whole planet in an uninterrupted
layer. They are the planet's active chemical regions and contain
the diverse, stable, dynamic equilibrium systems of the terres-
trial chemical elements.
These are the regions where the radiant energy of the sun is
transformed into free, terrestrial chemical energy. These regions
depend, on the one hand, upon the energy they receive from the
sun; and on the other upon, upon the properties of living mat-
ter, the accumulator and transformer of energy. The transfor-
mation occurs in different degrees for different elements, and
the properties and the distribution of the elements themselves
play an important role.
160 All the living concentrations are closely related to one
another, and cannot exist independently. The link between the
living films and concentrations, and their unchanging character
throughout time, is an eternal characteristic of the mechanism
of the Earth's crust.
As no geological period has existed independently of conti-
nental areas, so no period has existed when there was only land.
Only abstract scientific fantasy could conceive our planet in the
form of a spheroid washed by an ocean, in the form of the "Pan-
thalassa" of E. Suess, or in the form of a lifeless and arid pene-
plain, as imagined long ago byI. Kant
and more recently by P.
The land and the ocean have coexisted since the most remote
geological times. This coexistence is basically linked with the
geochemical history of the biosphere, and is a fundamen'tal
characteristic of its mechanism. From this point ofview, discus-
sions on the marine origin of continental life seem vain and fan-
tastic. Subaerial life must be just as ancient as marine life,354
within the limits of geological times; its forms evolve and
change, but the change always takes place on the Earth's surface
and not in the ocean. It if were otherwise, a sudden revolution-
ary change would have had to occur in the mechanism of the
biosphere, and the study of geochemical processes would have
revealed this. But from Archean times until the present day, the
mechanism of the planet and its biosphere has remained
unchanged in its essential characteristics.
Recent discoveries in paleobotany seem to be changing cur-
rent opinions in the ways indicated above. The earliest plants, of
basal Paleozoic age, have an unexpected complexit
356 which
indicates a drawn-out history of subaerial evolution.
Life remains unalterable in its essential traits throughout all
geological times, and changes only in form. All the vital films
(plankton, bottom, and soil) and all the vital concentrations (lit-
toral, sargassic, and fresh water) have always existed. Their
mutual relationships, and the quantities of matter connected
with them, have changed from time to time; but these modifica-
tions could not have been large, because the energy input from
the sun has been constant, or nearly so, throughout geological
time, and because the distribution of this energy in the vital
films and concentrations can onlyhave been determined byliv-
ing matter - the fundamental part, and the onlyvariable part, of
the thermodynamic field of the biosphere.
But living matter is not an accidental creation. Solar energy is
reflected in it, as in all its terrestrial concentrations.
We could push this analysis further, and examine in greater
depth the complex mechanism of the living films and concen-
trations, and the mutual chemical relationships which link them
together. We hope to return at a later time to problems of homo-
352 See Kant, 1981,
353 See Lowell, 1909.
354 A fascinating insight, and
apparently correct, assuming that
refers here primarily to bacteria
(Schwartzman and Volk, 1989).
A. I. Perelman felt that Vernadsky
referring to more complex organ-
if so, Vernadsky was led astray by
uniformitarian leanings.
355 See Cloud, 1973, p. 1135.
356 This is indeed true, especially
for the Silurian plant
Baragwanathia. The complexity,
however, is better explained by the
onset of symbiosis of plants with
fungi than by a long stretch of prior
evolutiQn (McMenamin and
McMenamin, 1994).
phreatic regions. The derivation from living matter of the bulk
of the petroleum is confirmed by a multitude ofwell-established
The Relationship Between the Living Films and
Concentrations of the Hydrosphere and Those of Land
159 It follows from the preceding that life presents an indivisi-
ble and indissoluble whole, in which all parts are interconnect-
ed both among themselves and with the inert medium of the
biosphere. In the future, this picture will no doubt rest upon a
precise and quantitative basis. At the moment, we are only able
to follow certain general outlines, but the foundations of this
approach seem solid.
The principal fact is that the biosphere has existed throughout
all geological periods, from the most ancient indications of the
In its essential traits, the biosphere has always been constituted
in the same way. One and the same chemical apparatus, created
and kept active by living matter, has been functioning continu-
ously in the biosphere throughout geologic times, driven by the
uninterrupted current of radiant solar energy. This apparatus is
composed of definite vital concentrations which occupy the
same places in the terrestrial envelopes of the biosphere, while
constantly being transformed. These vital films and concentra-
tions form definite secondary subdivisions of the terrestrial
envelopes. They maintain a generally concentric character,
though never covering the whole planet in an uninterrupted
layer. They are the planet's active chemical regions and contain
the diverse, stable, dynamic equilibrium systems of the terres-
trial chemical elements.
These are the regions where the radiant energy of the sun is
transformed into free, terrestrial chemical energy. These regions
depend, on the one hand, upon the energy they receive from the
sun; and on the other upon, upon the properties of living mat-
ter, the accumulator and transformer of energy. The transfor-
mation occurs in different degrees for different elements, and
the properties and the distribution of the elements themselves
play an important role.
160 All the living concentrations are closely related to one
another, and cannot exist independently. The link between the
living films and concentrations, and their unchanging character
throughout time, is an eternal characteristic of the mechanism
of the Earth's crust.
As no geological period has existed independently of conti-
nental areas, so no period has existed when there was only land.
Only abstract scientific fantasy could conceive our planet in the
form of a spheroid washed by an ocean, in the form of the "Pan-
thalassa" of E. Suess, or in the form of a lifeless and arid pene-
plain, as imagined long ago byI. Kant
and more recently by P.
The land and the ocean have coexisted since the most remote
geological times. This coexistence is basically linked with the
geochemical history of the biosphere, and is a fundamen'tal
characteristic of its mechanism. From this point ofview, discus-
sions on the marine origin of continental life seem vain and fan-
tastic. Subaerial life must be just as ancient as marine life,354
within the limits of geological times; its forms evolve and
change, but the change always takes place on the Earth's surface
and not in the ocean. It if were otherwise, a sudden revolution-
ary change would have had to occur in the mechanism of the
biosphere, and the study of geochemical processes would have
revealed this. But from Archean times until the present day, the
mechanism of the planet and its biosphere has remained
unchanged in its essential characteristics.
Recent discoveries in paleobotany seem to be changing cur-
rent opinions in the ways indicated above. The earliest plants, of
basal Paleozoic age, have an unexpected complexit
356 which
indicates a drawn-out history of subaerial evolution.
Life remains unalterable in its essential traits throughout all
geological times, and changes only in form. All the vital films
(plankton, bottom, and soil) and all the vital concentrations (lit-
toral, sargassic, and fresh water) have always existed. Their
mutual relationships, and the quantities of matter connected
with them, have changed from time to time; but these modifica-
tions could not have been large, because the energy input from
the sun has been constant, or nearly so, throughout geological
time, and because the distribution of this energy in the vital
films and concentrations can onlyhave been determined byliv-
ing matter - the fundamental part, and the onlyvariable part, of
the thermodynamic field of the biosphere.
But living matter is not an accidental creation. Solar energy is
reflected in it, as in all its terrestrial concentrations.
We could push this analysis further, and examine in greater
depth the complex mechanism of the living films and concen-
trations, and the mutual chemical relationships which link them
together. We hope to return at a later time to problems of homo-
352 See Kant, 1981,
353 See Lowell, 1909.
354 A fascinating insight, and
apparently correct, assuming that
refers here primarily to bacteria
(Schwartzman and Volk, 1989).
A. I. Perelman felt that Vernadsky
referring to more complex organ-
if so, Vernadsky was led astray by
uniformitarian leanings.
355 See Cloud, 1973, p. 1135.
356 This is indeed true, especially
for the Silurian plant
Baragwanathia. The complexity,
however, is better explained by the
onset of symbiosis of plants with
fungi than by a long stretch of prior
evolutiQn (McMenamin and
McMenamin, 1994).

geneous living matter and to the structure ofliving nature in the

357 Vernadsky did indeed return to
these problems in book manuscripts
which were not published until after
his death, and then only in Russian
(Vernadsky, 1965). Agood number
of Vernadsky's later works are treat-
ments of his biosphere concept:
Vernadsky, 1940; 1980; 1991; 1992;
and 1994.
Appendix I
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945)
A Biographical Chronology
Compiled by Jacques Grinevald
March 12 (February 28, old style) Born in St Petersburg, Tsarist
The family moves to Kharkov, Ukraine.
Gymnasium. Much influenced by his uncle E. M. Korolenko (1810-80),
an encyclopedist autodidact and nature-lover.
Publication of Die Enstchung der A/pen by Eduard Suess (first men-
tion of the "biosphere.")
Back to St. Petersburg. His father, Ivan Vasslievich Vernadsky (1821-
1884), a professor of political economy (Kiev, Moscow) and political-
ly active in the liberal movement, manages a bookshop and a print-
ing house. Vladimir will be a great reader in many languages.
Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (Section of Natural Sciences), St.
Petersburg University. Student of the great chemist Dmitri
Mendeleyev (1834-1907), and Vasili V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903), the
founder of pedology, soil science. Dokuchaev, indebted to
Humboldtian science, has been the father of a large naturalist
school, including S. N. Winogradsky [Vinogradsky] (1856-1946), V.
Agafonoff (1863-1955), G. F. Morozov (1867-1920), K. D. Glinka (1867-
1927), B. B. Polynov (1867-1952), and L. S. Berg (1876-1950), and
especially V. Vernadsky (who also created a large scientific school).
Elected a member of the Mineraological Society (St. Petersberg).
Publication of Das Antlitz der Erde by Eduard Suess.
Married Natalya E. Staritskaya (1860-1943). One year later, birth of
their son George Vernadsky (emigrated in 1921; professor at Yale
1927, died in 1973, USA).
Appendix I
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945)
A Biographical Chronology
Compiled by Jacques Grinevald
March 12 (February 28, old style) Born in St Petersburg, Tsarist
The family moves to Kharkov, Ukraine.
Gymnasium. Much influenced by his uncle E. M. Korolenko (1810-80),
an encyclopedist autodidact and nature-lover.
Publication of Die Enstchung der A/pen by Eduard Suess (first men-
tion of the "biosphere.")
Back to St. Petersburg. His father, Ivan Vasslievich Vernadsky (1821-
1884), a professor of political economy (Kiev, Moscow) and political-
ly active in the liberal movement, manages a bookshop and a print-
ing house. Vladimir will be a great reader in many languages.
Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (Section of Natural Sciences), st.
Petersburg University. Student of the great chemist Dmitri
Mendeleyev (1834-1907), and Vasili V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903), the
founder of pedology, soil science. Dokuchaev, indebted to
Humboldtian science, has been the father of a large naturalist
school, including S. N. Winogradsky [Vinogradsky] (1856-1946), V.
Agafonoff (1863-1955), G. F. Morozov (1867-1920), K. D. Glinka (1867-
1927), B. B. Polynov (1867-1952), and L. S. Berg (1876-1950), and
especially V. Vernadsky (who also created a large scientific school).
Elected a member of the Mineraological Society (St. Petersberg).
Publication of Das Antlitz der Erde by Eduard Suess.
Married Natalya E. Staritskaya (1860-1943). One year later, birth of
their son George Vernadsky (emigrated in 1921; professor at Yale
1927, died in 1973, USA).
Vernadsky obtains a scholarship for two years of advanced studies in
Western Europe. Crystallography and mineralogy at Munich with Paul
Groth (1843'1927). Friendship with Hans Driesch (1867-1941),
Haeckel's graduate student and later famous as a controversial vital-
ist philosopher of organicism. Geological trip in the Alps with Karl von
Zittel (1839-1904). Attended IVth International Geological Congress
in London. Elected corresponding member of the British Association
for the Advancement of Science. During an expedition in Wales, he
meets Alexi P. Pavlov (1845-1929), who invites him to teach at
Moscow University.
First stay in Paris. Mineralogy at the laboratory of Ferdinand Fouque
(1828-1904), at the College de France, together with Agafonoff and
Alfred Lacroix (1863-1948), later Secretaire perpetuel of the
Academie des Sciences (since 1914). Thermodynamics and physical
chemistry with Henry Le Chatelier (1850-1936), at the Ecole des
Mines. Crystallography at the Sorbonne with Pierre Curie (1859-
1906), discovering the problem of symmetry and dissymetry.
Dokuchav's representative at the Exposition Internationale of Paris.
Elected member of the Societe de mineralogie.
Begins Master's thesis, Moscow University. Returns to Paris.
Master's dissertation: "On the sillimanite group and on the role of
the alumina in the silicates." Begins his twenty year professorship in
mineralogy and crystallography at Moscow University.
Sent on research mission to Europe (Germany, Switzerland, France).
Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity.
Doctoral thesis, Moscow University.
Extraordinary Professor. Birth of their daughter Nina (eventually emi-
grated to USA).
Ordinary Professor. Lectures on the development of "a scientific
world view" emphasizing the need for an unifted view of nature.
The Fundamentals of Crystallography. Begins his association with his
favorite student Aleksandr E. Fersman (1883-1945), later a leading
Soviet geochemist. The Nobel Prize in physics is shared by Henri
Becquerel (1852-1908) and the Curies for the discovery of radioactiv-
First democratic revolution in Russia. Foundingmember of the liber-
al Constitutional-Democratic Party (KO). Member of its Central
Committee (from 1908 to 1918.)
Elected extraordinary member of the Academy of Sciences. First part
of his multi-volume Descriptive Mineralogy. At a British Association
meeting, in Dublin, he is attracted to geological implications of
radioactivity by John Joly (1857-1933). Publication of Die Energie, by
Withem Ostwald (1853-1932), Leipzig. Ostwald's energetism, adopt-
ed by Mach's Russian disciples, including A. Bogdanov, is attacked by
Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, future gospel of Stalinist
Reads The Data of Geochemistry by Frank W. Clarke (1847-1934). He
decides to turn to geochemistry.
Visits Marie Curie Sklodowska (1867-1934) in Paris, and proposes to
organize an "international radiography of the earth's crust."
A large group of Moscow University professors, including Vernadsky,
resigns in protest against the repressive policy of the tsarist Minister
of Education. Returns to St. Petersburg. Visits the great geologist
Eduard Suess (1831-1914), President of the Imperial Academy of
Sciences, Vienna.
Full member of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.
Xilith International Geological Congress in Canada; travelling also in
USA, visiting several laboratories, including the Geophysical
Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
World War I. Russia is attacked by Germany. First use of the term
"biosphere" in Vernadsky's published work.
Founder and Chairman (until 1930) of the Commission for the Study
of Natural Productive Forces (KEPS), directed to organize "scientific,
technical, and social forces for more effective participation in the war
effort." Publication of Die Entsehung der Kontinente und Ozeane by
Alfred Wegener.
Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Einstein proposes general theory of relativity.
The February Revolution. Collapse of the Tsarist regime. Member of
Kerensky's Provisional Government, as Assistant to the Minister of
Education. In Summer, afflicted by tuberculosis, he moves to
Ukraine, where he possessed a family dacha. He begins writing a
long manuscript on Living Matter (not published until 1978). The
October Revolution. Russian civil war.
He resigns from his party, feeling himself "morally incapable of par-
ticipating in the civil war." Founding member-together with several
promising scientists, including Ivan I. Schmalhausen (1884-1963)-
and first President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev. Lives
and works in secret outside Kiev, at the Biological Research Station
near Starosele on the Dnieper. Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-75),
later the famous evolutionary biologist, who emigrated (in December
1927) to the United States, is one of his research assistants (1918-19).
The Vernadskys move to Crimea. Like many other anti-Bolshevik sci-
entists, Vernadsky takes refuge as professor at the Tauride University,
Simferopol, under the protection of General Wrangel's Army. He is
elected Rector. This position is bright but short lived. The Vernadskys
are also helped by Hoover's American Relief Administration (ARA).
The White Armies are unable to resist to the Red Army. The evacua-
tion commanded by General Wrangel, includes the Vernadskys. But
only George, Venadsky's son, accepts evacuation (first emigrated to
Prague). Vernadsky, his wife, and daughter are arrested by the
Cheka, and brought back to Moscow. Thanks to Lenin himself, they
are soon liberated. Founding father and Chairman of the Commission
on the History of Knowledge, Academy of Sciences.
Petrograd. The Radium Institute is founded under the direction of
Vernadsky (until 1939), Fersman as deputy chairman and Vitali G.
Khlopin (1890-1950) as secretary (director in 1939). At the invitation
from the Rector of the Sorbonne, Paul Appell (1855-1930), and with
an official scholarship (for one year) from his Academy, Vernadsky
and his wife move to France, via Prague. As "Professeur agree de
l'Universite de Paris," Vernadsky is invited to give lectures on
"Geochemistry" (Winter 1922-23). Works at the Museum d'histoire
naturelle (A. Lacroix), and at the Institut du Radium (Marie Curie). In
May, Vernadsky is received by Henri Bergson (1859-1941), then
President of the Commission internationale de la cooperation intel-
lectuelle of the League of Nations. December 30, 1922: creation of
the USSR (collapse in December 1991).
Meeting of the British Association at Liverpool, where he is
impressed by Paul Langevin (1872-1946) and Niels Bohr (1885-1962).
His "plea for the establishment of a bio-geochemicallaboratory" is
published in Liverpool. His academic position in France is again
extended for one year.
La Geochimie, Felix Akan: Paris. Receives a financial support from
the Rosenthal Foundation for measuring biogeochemical energy.
Many discussions with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) and
Edouard Le Roy (1870-1954). The trio invent the concept of "the noo-
sphere." Publication of The Origin of Life by Alexander I. Oparin
(1894-1980). His Academy urges him to return in Russia. Death of
192 5
"L'autotrophie de I'humanite," Revue generale des Sciences
(September 15-30); "Sur la portee biologiques de quelques manifes-
tations geochimiques de la vie," Revue generale des Sciences (May
30). The celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Soviet Academy
of Sciences: the name of Vern ad sky is omitted-probably a political
warning. Lack of permanent funding from the West for his biogeo-
chemical lab project, moral obligation to his friends, deep patriotism,
optimism about the Soviet science policy, and loyalty to his beloved
Academy forces him to return to his native country, now the USSR
under the Soviet regime. Departs from Paris in December. He stays
first in Prague, where his book Biosfera-mainly written in France-
was finished. Stalin consolidates his power.
Returns to Leningrad in March, with his wife, leaving George (teach-
ing at Charles University in Prague) and Nina (now Dr. in medicine)
abroad. Publication-2,000 copy first printing-of Biosfera. He orga-
nizes within the Academy of Sciences the Department of Living
Matter. Again heads the KEPS, until its reorganization in 1930, and
the Radium Institute. Elected to the Czech and Serbian Academies of
Sciences, Societe geologique de France, German Chemical Society,
German and American Mineralogical Societies. Publication of Holism
and Evolution by Jan Christiaan Smuts (1870-1950), the famous
South African General.
Thoughts on the Contemporary Significance of the History of
Know/edge. Three-month tour in Western Europe. The Soviet Science
Week in Berlin. Helps to create the Dokuchaev Soil Institute, directed
by Glinka, then Polynov. His son George is appointed professor of
Russian history at Yale University.
"Le bacteriophage et la vitesse de transmission de la vie dans la
biosphere," Revue generale des Sciences (Mars 15). Elected corre-
sponding member of the Academie des Sciences, Paris (Section of
Mineralogy). His department of Living Matter (within KEPS) is reorga-
nized into the Biogeochemical Laboratory (BIOGEL) -after World War
II, the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry,
Moscow, with Aleksandr P. Vinogradov (1895-1975) as first director.
La Biosphere, Paris, Felix Akan. Serious ideological assault begins
on the Academy of Sciences: Vernadsky is the leader of an unsuc-
cessful resistance against the Communist Party's progressive
takeover of the Academy.
Geochemie in ausgewahlten Kapiteln, translated from the Russian by
Dr. E. Kordes, Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft (Die
Biosphiire, Leipzig, 1930, quoted many times in Kordes's edition, was
apparently never published). "L'etude de la vie et la nouvelle
physique," Revue generale des Sciences (December 31). As are many
conservationists and ecologists, Vladimir V. Stanchinsky (1882-
1942), who is indebted to Vernadsky for his energetic and holistic
approach of natural systems, is attacked by I. I. Prezent (1902-67),
the Bolshevizer of biology and ally of T. D. Lysenko (1898-1976). The
Commission on the History of Sciences, is transfomed into the
Institute of the History of Science and Technology, Vernadsky is
replaced as director by Nikolai Bukharin (1888-1938).
Second International Congress of the History of Science and
Technology, London; marked by the Marxist contributions of the offi-
cial Soviet delegation, led by N. Bukharin (including A. loffe, N.
Vavilov, B. Hessen, and, of course, not Vernadsky.)
"Sur les conditions de I'apparition de la vie sur la terre," Revue
generale des Sciences. Visites his Norwegian colleague Victor Moritz
Goldschmidt (1888-1947), considered the founder of modern geo-
chemistry, in Gottingen, Germany. Travels to Paris. His Radium
Institute decides to build a cyclotron, which begins operation in the
late 1930S with Igor Kurtchatov (1903-60), later the chief scientist of
the Soviet atomic bomb program (secretly initiated in 1942, without
Invited to the University of Paris: two conferences (December 19 and
22) on radiogeology at Marie Curie's Radium Institute. Japanese
translation of Vernadsky's Geochemistry.
History of Natural Waters (in Russian). His friend and collaborator
Boris L. Lickov (1888-1966) is arrested and deported. Their corre-
spondance continues (published in 1979-80, but still in censored
form). "Le probleme du temps dans la science contemporaine,"
Revue generale des Sciences; also published in booklet form. Head
of the Commission on Heavy Water (transformed into a Commission
on Isotopes in 1939) created by the Academy of Sciences.
Vernadsky moves to Moscow, because of the transfer of the Academy
of Sciences of the USSR. Death of Karpinsky, Vernadsky's friend and
"bourgeois" president of the Academy (elected in 1917). Last travel in
France and abroad. Les de la radiogeologie, Paris.
Problems of biogeochemistry. Increasing difficulties with publication
of his non-technical works.
On the boundaries of the biosphere, Moscow, Academy of Sciences,
"Geological Series." International Geological Congress, Moscow.
Proposes an international commission for measuring geological time
by radioactive methods. Moscow show trials begin.
Goethe as a Naturalist (not published until 1946). Scientific Thought
as a Planetary Phenomenon (not published until 1977). The Institute
of the History of Science and Technology is closed after Bukharin's
World War II. His longtime friend D. Shakhovskoi is arrested (and dies
in prison the following year).
Biogeochemical Essays, 1922-1932, Academy of Sciences of the USSR
(in Russian). He begins writing his major work The Chemical Structure
of the Earth's Biosphere and its Surroundings, never completed, not
published until 1965 (only in Russian). After receiving news from his
son George (a New York Times clipping of May 5 on nuclear research),
Vernadsky writes a letter Ouly 1) about the national need-"despite
the world military situation" -for an urgent program in atomic ener
gy to the geophysicist Otto Yu. Schmidt (1891-1956), vice-president
of the Academy of Sciences and close to Stalin. Vernadsky, together
with his close associates Khlopin and Fersman are not unaware of
military implications of the technical use of energy within the atom,
but their main concern was about long-term energy needs of
humankind. Vernadsky urges the Soviet Academy to create a
Commission on "the uranium problem;" established in July, with the
physicist Abram F. loffe (1880-1960) as chairman, and Khlopin vice-
The Nazi German invasion of the USSR. Evacuated, along with other
elderly academicians, to the climatic station of Borovoe, Kazakhstan.
While his Kiev friend Schmalhausen is writing Factors of Evolution
(published in 1946), Vernadsky continues to write Chemical Structure
of the Earth's Biosphere and its Surroundings. Victim of the rising
Lysenko's dogma, N. Vavilov is arrested and dismissed from all his
posts (sent to a concentration camp, he dies in prison in 1943).
Returns to Moscow. For his 80th jubilee, Vernadsky is officially
honored with State Prize of USSR. He writes "Some words on the noo-
sphere," published in Russia in 1944 (in USA in January 1945). After
the death of his wife (February), Vernadsky returns to Moscow. He
expresses the opinion that after the war the Soviet scientists need to
enter into much closer contact with the American scientists.
Problems of Biogeochemistry, II, translated by George Vernadsky, edit-
ed and condensed by G. E. Hutchinson, published in the Transactions
of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Publication of What
/s Life? by Erwin Schrodinger.
Oanuary 6) Death after a brain hemorrhage. Buried at the Novo-
devichye cemetary.
Appendix II
Vernadsky's Publications in English
Compiled by A. V. Lapo
"A plea for the establishment of a bio-geochemicallaboratory." The
Marine Biological Station at Port Erin (Isle of Man) Annual Report,
Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society, 1923, v. 37, pp. 38-
"Isotopes and living matter." Chemical News, 1931, v. 142 <3692), pp.
"Biogeochemical role of the aluminum and silicon in soils." Comptes
Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de I'USSR, 1938, V. 21
<3), pp. 126-128.
"On some fundamental problems of biogeochemistry." Travaux du
Laboratoire Biogeochemique de l'Academie des Sciences de I'USSR,
1939, V. 5, pp. 5-17
"Problems of Biogeochemistry, II. The fundamental matter-energy
difference between the living and the inert natural bodies of the bios-
phere." Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and
Sciences, 1944, v. 35, pp. 483-517.
"The biosphere and the noijsphere." American Scientist, 1945, v. 33
(1), pp. 1-12; republished: Main Currents In Modern Thought, 1946,
April, pp. 49-53.
The Biosphere. (Abridged edition) Synergistic Press, Inc., 1986, 82
The Biosphere. (Complete annotated edition) Nevraumont/Coperni-
cus/Springer-Verlag, 1997, 192 pgs.
Adams, M. B., ed. 1994. The Evolution ofTheodosius Dobzhansky: Essays on
His Life and Thought in Russia and America. Princeton: Princeton Universi-
ty Press.
Adriano, D. C. 1992. Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals. Boca Raton, Florida:
Lewis Publishers.
Allen, E. R. 1919. "Some conditions affecting the growth and activities of Azo-
tobacter chroococcum." J. Marine Biolog. Assoc., Plymouth, N. S. V.12. p. 7.
Anonymous. 1996a. "Witches' brew of weird bugs." Frontiers, Newsletter of
the National Science Foundation October, p. 2.
--. 1996b. "Rock-eating slime." Discoverv. 17, pp. 20-21.
Arrhenius, S. 1896. "On the influence of carbonic acid in the air upon the tem-
perature of the ground." Philosophical Magazine, 5th series v. 41, pp. 237-
--. 1915. Quantitative Laws in Biological Chemistry. London: G. Bell and
Asmous, V. C. 1945. "Obituary-Academician V. I. Vernadsky 1863-1945." Sci-
ence v. 102, pp. 439-441.
Austin, J. H. 1978. Chase, Chance and Creativity. New York: Columbia Univer-
sity Press.
Awramik, S. M., J. W. Schopf, and M. R. Walter. 1983. "Filamentous fossil bac-
teria from the Archean of Western Australia." Precambrian Research v. 20,
Backlund, H. G. 1945. "V. I. Vernadski 12/3 1963-6/11945 och A. E. Fersman
8/111883-20/5 1945; en studie i mineralogiens renaessans." Geologiska
Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingarv. 67, pp. 534-548.
Baer, K. E. von. 1828. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere: Beobachtung und
Ref/exion. Konigsberg: Borntrager.
--. 1864-1876. Reden gehalten in wissenschaftlichen Versammlungen
und kleinere Aufsiitze vermischten Inhalts, zwei Bande. st. Petersburg: H.
--. 1876. Studien aus der Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften. st.
Petersburg: H. Schmitzdorf.
Bailes, K. E. 1990. Science and Russian Culture in an Age of Revolutions: II. I.
Vernadsky and His Scientific School, 1863-1945. Bloomington and Indi-
anapolis: Indiana University Press.
Banerjee, R., and S. D. Iyer. 1991. "Biogenic influence on the growth of ferro-
manganese micronodules in the Central Indian Basin." Marine Geology v.
97, pp. 413-421.
Bargagli Petrucci.G. 1914- "Studi sulla flora microscopia cieUaregione
boracifera toscana. V. L'ossidazione biologica dell'idrogeno solforato."
Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. Firenze v. 21, n. S, pp. 267-278.
Barlow, c., and T. Volk. 1990. "Open systems living in a closed biosphere: a
new paradox for the Gaia debate." BioSystems v. 23, pp. 371-384.
Barrow, J. D., and F. J. Tippler. 1986. The Anthropoloical Cosmological Princi-
ple. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bastin, E. S. 1926. "The presence of sulphate reducing bacteria in oil field
waters." Science v. 63, pp. 21-24.
Baturin, G. N. 1989. "The Origin of Marine Phosphorites." International Geol.
Review v. 31, pp. 327-342.
Becquerel, P. 1910. "Recherches experimentales sur la vie latentedes spores
des mucorinees." Comptes Rendu de Academie des Sciences, Paris v. 150,
Bergson, H. 1975. Creative Evolution [Reprint of 1944 edition. Translated by A.
Mitchell]. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Bernard, C. 1866. e ~ o n s sur les proprietes des tissues vivants. Paris: Bail-
--. 1878a. La science experimentale. Paris: J. B. Baillere and Son.
--. 1878b. e ~ o n s sur les phenomenes de la vie communs animaux at
aux vegetaux. Paris: Librairie J. -B. Bailliere [1966, new edition with a for-
ward by G. Canguilhem. Paris: Vrin].
Berry, E. W. 1945. "The beginnings and history of land plants." Johns Hopkins
University Studies in Geology v. 14, pp. 9-91.
Besredka, A. M. 1925. Mestny Immunitet [Local Immunity]. Paris, Soc. d'edi-
tions Sci. France-Russie [Later edition is Besredka, A. M. 1937. Les immu-
nites locales. Paris: Masson et Cie.].
Bogachev, V. V. 1927. "Iskopaemaya voda i bakterial'nye protsessy v produk-
tivnoy tolshche Apsheronskogo poluostrova" ["Ancient aquifer water and
bacterial processes in productive strata of the Apsheron peninsula"]. Azer-
bidzhan. Ne{tyanoe Kozyaistvo [Azerbaijan Oil Economics] n. 2, pp. 48-53.
Bogdanov, A. A. 1922 [A. A. MalinovskyJ. Tektology: The Universal Organiza-
tional Science [3rd ed.]. Moscow.
--. 1980 [A. A. Malinovsky]. Essays in Tektology: The General Science of
Organization [Tranlated by G. Gorelik. 2nd ed., 1984J. Seaside, CA: Inter-
systems Publications.
Bohr, N. 1934. Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Boichenko, E. A. 1986. "Uchastiie metallov v evolutsii biogeokhimicheskikh
protsessov biosfery" ["Participation of metals in the evolution of biogeo-
chemical processes of the biosphere"J. Geokhimiya n. 6, pp. 869-873.
Bokuniewicz, H. J., and P. B. Gordon. 1980. "Sediment transport and deposi-
tion in Long Island Sound." Advances in Geophysics v. 22, pp. 69-106.
Borkin, L. Ya. 1983. "Problema mnogo- i polifilii v evolyutsionnoi teorii" ["The
problem of monophyly and polyphyly in evolutionary theory"]. In Rasvitie
evolyutsionnoi teorii v SSSR [The development of evolutionary theory in
the USSR], pp. 405-421. Leningrad: Nauka.
Bottomley, W. B. 1917. "Some effects of organic growth-promoting sub-
stances (auximones) on the growth of Lemna minor in mineral culture solu-
tions." Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. v. 89, n. B, pp. 481-507, June 1.
Boussingault, J. B. 1860-84. Agronomie, chimie agricole et physiologie [2nd
ed.J. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier.
Boussingault, J. B., and J. B. Dumas. 1841. "Recherches sur la veritable con-
stitution de l'air atmospherique." Comptes Rendus XII, pp. 1005-1025.
--. 1844a. Chemical and Physiological Balance of Organic Nature. New
York: Saxton and Miles.
--. 1844b. Essai de statique chimique des etres organises. Paris: Fortin
et Masson.
Bowden, R. D. 1991. "Inputs, outputs and accumulations of nitrogen in an
early successional moss (Polytrichum) ecosystem." Ecological Mono-
graphs v. 61, pp. 207-223.
Bowers, R. W., ed. 1965. Meteoritica, Volume 23. New York: Taurus Press [A
collection of articles edited by V. G. Fesenkov and Yeo L. Krinov, translated
by Spectrum Translation and Research, Inc.J.
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It's unusual for a book's publisher to write its acknowledg-
ments. This edition of The Biosphere, however, drew on the tal-
ents of such disparate participants, separated by many miles
and decades, that no one else is in a position to thank (or even
know of) everyone to whom thanks is due. So, by default, this
pleasant task falls to me.
This book's publication was made possible, first and fore-
most, by the advocacy, counsel, and genius of Lynn Margulis.
She has inspired a generation of students, challenged her col-
leagues to see deeper into the nature of living matter, and been
a model of excellence and daring to all those who are privileged
to know her. She is a worthy successor to Vernadsky.
jacob Needleman, john Pentland, and the other members of
the Far West Institute had the prescience in the 1970S to com-
mission a translation of The Biosphere. It is that translation,
somewhat revised, which has become this book. David
Langmuir, the original translator, generously made available all
his notes, including summaries of his conversations with Evelyn
Hutchinson regarding Vernadsky and his ideas.
I am grateful to all those mentioned in the Foreword for their
wisdom and aid in obtaining written information about
Vernadsky's biosphere. Andrei Lapo, the great Vernadsky schol-
ar, answered many questions about Vernadsky's life and his
concept of the biosphere. Wolfgang Krumbien and his col-
league, George Levit, suggested valuable corrections to the
original translation. jacques Grinevald, whose Introduction
graces this book, contributed insights into Vernadksy's place in
the history of science. I. A. Perelman made available annota-
tions he had prepared for a 1967 Russian-language edition of
The Biosphere, some of which have been translated and reprint-
ed in this edition. Others whose comments, insights, and work
were of value for the completion of this project include Connie
Barlow, Stewart Brand, Michael Chapman, AI Coons, Ludovico
Galleni, Loren Graham, David Grinspoon, Guenzel Guegamian,
james Lovelock, Dianna McMenamin, Louis Orcel, Sergei
Ostroumov, Cheryl Peach, Nicholas Polunin, Donna Reppard,
Stephen Rowland, Dorion Sagan, Paul Samson, Richard Sandor,
Eric Schneider, David Schwartzman, George Theokritov,
Francisco Varela, Tyler Volk, Tom Wakefield and Sandy Ward. A
special thanks is due Joe Scamardella who in a Herculean effort
tracked down many of the obscure 19th and early 20th century
citations. Sharon Dornhoff is acknowledged for her faithful tran
scription of the original translation and Gary Halsey for his
preparation of the index.
Jose Conde, graphic artist extraordinaire, has given this edi-
tion of The Biosphere its elegant jacket and interior design.
At Springer-Verlag, William Frucht, who believed in The
Biosphere from the first day, contributed mightily to each and
every stage of its editing and production; Jerry Lyons, an editor
who has changed the face of science publishing in this country,
provided much crucial support; and Teresa Shields lent her edi-
torial, Natalie Johnson her production, and Karen Phillips her
design expertise; and at Nevraumont Publishing, I thank
Simone Nevraumont for her aid in preparation of the manuscript
and Ann J. Perrini for her sage advice.
Last but not least, Mark McMenamin deserves thanks for his
rigorous review and revision of the original translation and for
his illuminating notes on the antecedents, intent, and succes-
sors to Vernadsky's world view.
Vladimir Vernadsky, a modest man, might well be surprised by
all the attention accorded to his book and himself. I hope he
would be pleased, after a 7o-year gestation, with the appear-
ance of this English-language edition of the complete text of his
great work.
Peter N. Nevraumont
October 1997
Academie des Sciences 152
111. 116. 118. 135. 141. 147
actinomyces 64
actualism 39. 46
adaptation 77. 103. 104. 110. 113. 114.
116. 118. 119. 131
aerobic life See also
Africa 139. 140. 141. 143. 155
air 23. 31. 49. 61. 68. 69. 70. 71. 119.
124. 125. See also wind.
life in 64. 68. 120. 121. 122. See also
atmosphere. microorganisms in the.
brown 79
red 79
Algonkian rocks 56
alkali 16. 116. 137
Alps 20. 91. 152
ammonia 70. 111
Anabaena {los-aquae 140
anaerobic life 112. 116. 124. 125. 129.
135. 136.140 143. 147
animals See also
human; mammals.
benthic 112. 131. 136
burrowing 112. 129. 136. 145
extinct 40. 107
flying 121-122. See also birds;
human flight.
heterotrophic 82. 143
large surface area of 67. 71. See also
photosymbiotic 107
physiological structure of 85. 86
and distribution of 124. 131.
skeletons of 136. 139. 140. 142
work of 57-58. See also producers
and consumers.
Antarctica 14. 77. 119
anthropomorphism 30
ants 62
Archean (eon) 56. 64. 83. 108. 126. 139.
Arenaria muscosa 122
Arrhenius. S. 80. 81. 82. 84. 160.
arthropods 62. 113. 143
Asia 25. 102. 122. 141. 156
Atlantic Ocean 102. 131. 133
atmosphere 18. 91. 101. See also oxy-
gen in Earth. atmosphere of.
aerial flight in the 31. 120. 121. 122
chemical composition of the 87. 101.
heat and pressure in the 56.57.71.
history of the 70. 120-121. 122
microorganisms in the 25. 27. 70.
140. See also air. life in.
radiation penetration ofthe 43.47.
weight and volume of 71. 88
atomic number 46. 55
atomism 28. 29
atomosphere 16
atoms 52. 56. 98. 100. 101. 120
organism's composition of 85.87.
98-99. 133
radiation's action upon 50. 59
structure of
stability and 86. 92. 94
aurora borealis 48
autotrophs 76. 115. See also bacteria.
autotrophic; chemoautotrophs.
definition of 104-105. 106. 107
green 120. 126
auxonomes 105
Bacillus boracicolla 116
Bacillus ramo usus 109
Backlund. H. G. 47. 160
bacteria. See also cyanobacteria.
abundance of 63.64-
108-109. 141
and distribution of 63. 111. 123.
acetogenic 123
airborne 70. 71. 114. 121
anaerobic 125. 129. 135. 140
autotrophic 108. 109. 110. 111. 112.
115. 124. 128
chemosymbiotic 58. 113
composition 86. 108. 109. 111. 132.
and generation of
calcium 138. 142
carbon 108. 109. 135
iron 108. 109. 139. 140
manganese 109. 139
nitrogen 108. 109. 135
sulfur 58. 64. 109. 112. 135. 141
chlorophyll 113
structure and 63. 64
definition of 63-65.77.107
bacteria continued
energy and 108-109. 110. 111. 112.
113.115. 129. 135. 138
radiant 49. 50. 115
fresh water 63. 68. 110. 116. 117.
125. 141 143
heterotrophic 116. 126. 128. 141
sea water 63. 69. 110. 109. 111. 116.
at hydrothermal vents 58. 113.
123. 124
soil and 63. 69. 79. 109. 114. 125.
spherical 63. 64
spores 114-115. 116
survival conditions of 114-118. 123-
124. 125. 126. 143
thermophilic 123. 124
Baer. K.E. von
Bailes. K.E.
barisphere 101
barium 140
basalts 58. 101. 102
Bastin. E. S. 124. 161
bauxite 56
Becquerel. P. 115.152.161
beech 78
bees 67
benthos 82. 129-130. 138-139. See also
animals. benthic; films. benthic.
Bernard. C. 30. 31. 86. 161
Biddulphia 133
biocenoses 129. 132. 133. 142. 146
148. See also energy. biochemical.
biogenic migration 56. 59. See also
chemical elements. migration of; mat-
ter. biogenic.
Biogeochemical Essay 1922-1932 157
biogeochemistry 64. 85. 111. 132. 145.
See also energy. biogeochemical;
Russia. science in. biogeochemical.
biology See also
Russia. science in. biological.
evolutionary 119
field of 28. 53. 86. 97
geomicro- 15-16
marine 127
technology 25
bioluminescence 112-113
biomass. global 55.69-71.72.74-79.
biopoesis 40. 41. 107
Biosphere II 16-17.21
"Biopshere Conference" 21. 23. 87
biosphere. definition of 15. 16. 20. 21.
22.23.24. 27.
101.105. 108.150.153
Biosphere in the Cosmos. The 40
Biosphere. The 14-32. 34. 121. 139. 156.
,iota 16, 25, 27, 61, 69, 83, 140
hydrothermal vent 58, 112, 113
,irds 68, 121, 122, 143
31ack Sea 64, 141
30hr, N. 99, 154, 161
30usslngault, J.B. 76,81,87,108,161,
3rldgman, P. W. 94, 162
,ryozoa 130,132
butterflies 122
algae containing 130
minerals containing 50, 134, 137-138.
144. 147
skeletal 50. 85. 86. 134. 138. 139.
140. 142 147
:ambrian (period) 127. 136. 139. 142
carbon. See also hydrocarbons.
in water basins 147
Isotopes of 85. 99. 136
on land 135
minerals containing 86. 104. 134.
organisms and 71. 72. 73. 85. 86.
carbon dioxide
101.105.107. 138,145
142. 144. 147
:arboniferous (period) 57
:arnot 27.29.31
Carpathian Mountains 131
Caspian Sea 64
catalyst 88. 114
Cenozoic (era) 56
Central America 78
chance 26. 31. 34. 39. 40. 44. 48. 58.
66.79. 150
Chance and Necessity 26
Chardin. P. T. de 14. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26
27. 28.119. 155
chelation 141
chemical elements 15.45. 54. 56.85.
100. 119. 148'149
breakdown of compounds into 58.
67.8486.87. 88.98.110
changing properties of 15. 28. 45'46.
61. 92. 95. 96
dispersal of
free 91.100
history of 85. 99-100. 102. 126. 135.
isotopes of 45, 46. 85. 99. 100. 141.
migration of
in Earth's crust 56,88.95.100.
in living matter 69. 73. 86. 98'99.
134.135. 137-142. 144. 145. 146.
See also matter. living. and medi
in the biosphere 56, 59
chemical elements continued
periodic table 15. 46. 54. 99
radioactive 85. 86. 93. 94. 96 99.
relationships between 100-101
sources of. for living matter 104. 105.
Chemical Structure of Earth's Biosphere
and its Surroundings. The 128.157.
chemistry. See also biochemistry; energy.
geobiochemical; geochemistry;
Russia. science in. chemical.
laws 29.45. 53. 97
planetary 16. 92. 95. 112. 128. 134.
reactions in 15. 41. 45. 50. 51. 60.
110, 113, 116, 119, 136, 141. See also
oxidation; reduction.
chemoautotrophs 108, 109
Chevreul, M. E. 103, 163
chlorine 86, 118, 146
chlorophyll 58, 71, 79, 83, 107. 108, 113,
cholesterol 50
chromium 46
clay 56, 136, 139, 141
climate 21, 22, 40, 49, 75, 91, 113, 139,
157. See also weather.
Cloud, P. 41.88, 139, 149, 163
clouds 43,48,67. See also water vapor.
coal 144,147,148
cobalt 140
Cocclnodiscus 133
colloid 99.101,106,117,136,140,145
combustion 81, 84. 86. 87
competition 66,73,74,75
concenters 24, 91, 92, 93, 94. 95, 96.
See also Earth, core of; Earth, crust of;
Earth, sima region of.
boundaries between 91'94, 123
matter transfer between 91, 93. 122
copepod 86. 133
copper 86, 140
corals 130, 132. 138
cosmos 22. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30, 31.
as medium 43
study of the 40,46.51-56.58,94.133
creationism 66
Cretaceous (period) 134
crinoids 130, 132, 138
crust of; Earth. sima region of
boundaries between 91'94, 123
matter trilnsfer between 91.93, 122
crustacea 86,128132
crystal 36.89,92.94,96,97,100.101.
cryanobacteria 75, 79, 105
cybernetics 52
Darwin, C. 14, 18, 19, 26, 29. 32, 44, 59,
66,71 164
Dead Sea 118
Delphinium glacial 122
Descartes, R. 26,51,52
deserts 59, 77, 142, 143
Devonian. Late (period) 121. 139
diatoms 14,57,71.133,134.138.139
dinoflagellates 133
ONA 28,100
dolomites 56,134.137,142.144
Domain of Life. The 40
Drosophila 68
duckweed 66.67,85
Dumas. J. B.
E. coli 71
Earth. See also concenters; envelopes;
films; land.
composition of 91, 92
core of 46.91'92,94.99
crust of 41.44,89,91,101.103.107.
140. 146, 149. See also chemical
elements. migration of, in Earth's
composition of the 51,55,86,93,
chemical 45. 46-47
density of the 71, 80, 93
formation of 45'47.88.100
hydrobiogeochemical zonation of
the 125
life in the 55, 113, 120, 123
structure of the 58,74,92,93,95.
surface of the 56. 73. 93. 94. 100
dimensions of 67.70
distance between the Sun and 83
equator of 67, 70, 129. 143
global warming of 16, 21
interior of 26.47.57,67,88,91-94,
life in the 123,124
matter from the 92, 93
pressure and temperature in the
91, 92. 94-96, 115, 118. 119
mantle of 91, 92, 93, 94, 100
poles of 116. 143
rotation and revolution around the
Sun 43. 63. 65. 70, 79. 82. 143
science 23. 26
sima regions 91. 92, 93, 94, 96
spherical 15, 23, 95. 149
surface of 23,25,27,43.45,49,55'
57,59,61,63'70.77.79. 82.85.91-
93, 95, 96, 98.101. 112, 113. 123. 130.
green 79, 80, 81. 82
matter migration ofthe 133-134
motion on the 55-57,59,61
penetration of solar energy into the
43-44.47-51, 80.
temperature of the 94, 113, 123,
earthquakes 92.93.96
eclogites 92.96
ecology 16. 20. 21. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 127
economy of utilization. law of 25. 30.
31 85. 86.98.99. 106.147
ecosphere 21. 32
ecosystem 16.22. 25. 27. 140
Einstein. A. 14. 26. 28. 154
electrons 43. 49. 54. 92 95. 99. 101
elephant 67.68.71
empiricism 35. 38. 40. 52. 54-55. 83.
generalizations of 39.41.51-56.59.
156. See also energy transformation.
energy 28.
104. See also light; radiation.
and matter 26. 29. 31. 41. 44. 55. 68. See also mat-
ter. living. energy of.
biochemical 26. 59. 60. 61. 63. 135.
138. 139. 141. 145
biogeochemical 26. 59. 60. 155
138. 146. 148. See also energy. solar.
conversion to chemical energy.
free 57.70
from solar energy
See also photosynthesis.
cosmic 26. 44. 76. 8081. 145. See
also energy. solar.
cycle 85-86
electrical 61.97. See also energy.
solar. conversion to electrical energy.
electromagnetic 113. 115
spectrum 18. 45-49. 54. 79. 81-83.
99. 112-115. 118. 120
free 51.59. 70. 85. 88. 93. 94. 95. 96.
98 137
geochemical 61. 65. 70-73. 79. 87.
108-110. 116. 128. 135. 139. 144-146
internal and external 60. 91. 97
kinetic 46. 68. 108. 132. 138
lumescent 79. 113. See also light and
magnetic 48. 49. 116. See also field.
mechanical See energy. solar. conver
sion to mechanical energy.
molecular 48. 49. 50. 114
potential 46. 147
150. See also Earth. surface of. solar
energy. penetration of the; light. sun;
energy continued
radiation. solar; Sun.
conversion to. See also climate;
chemical energy 44. 47-50. 51. 89. 137.
See also photosynthesis.
electrical energy 47. 48. 49
mechanical energy 47.49.145.
146. See also evaporation.
thermal energy 16. 43. 45. 47. See also
thermodynamic field.
storage 84. 88. 95. 148
thermal 58. 62. 66. 93. 94. 101. 118.
123-124. 126. 137. 141. See also
energy. solar. conversion to thermal
energy; ocean as global heat regula-
transformation 18. 47-50. 59. 60. 62. See also
vectoral 97
England 22. 152
entrophy 27.28-29.31. See also life.
cessation of.
atomic 101
basalt 101. 102
biosphere 91-102
boundaries between 95. 102. 122.
chemical 97.101.119
concentric 95
electron 101. 123
geological 23.35.55
granite 96. 101. 102
heat ray and radioactive 101
in Earth's crust
light ray 101
magmatic 101.137.138
metamorphic 101. 102. 138
non-living 146
of states of matter 97.101.119
parage netic 100
radiation 101
sedimentary 101
surface 101
upper 101. 102
vitreous 96
environment 16. 26. 36. 47. 51. 55. 59.
61. 63. 103. 133. 135. 136. See also
airless. See space. outer; vacuum.
as medium 16.27. 28. 30. 43. 61. 74.
147. See also matter. living. and medi-
inert 98. 105. 110
vital 128. 129. 130. 131. 132
environment continued
disturbed 35. 62. 77
high surface area 57
humid 78.88. 110. 114. 115. 141. 145
revolution in awareness of 21. 27. 35
scientific study of the 22. 23. 29
temperature. extreme 45. 77. 114-
116. 118. 119. 123. 124. 137
enzymes 114
epidotes 85
epistemology 28-29.35.52
Epstein and Harris 137.166.168
equilibrium 31.57.
98. 100. 136. See also harmony.
chemical 58. 93. 95. 98. 102. 116
dynamic See also
laws of
117. 118. 128. 136. 148
eukaryotes 109
154. 155. 156.157. 158
evolution 18. 28. 33. 66. 112. 131. 149
adaptation and 66.77.103
photosynthesis and 107. 108. 113
planetary 40. 94
progressive 119
Face of the Earth. The 43
Faraday. M. 100
Fersman. A. E.
157. 166
electromagnetic 48
gravity 114
internal 98
magnetic 48. 49
molecular force 114
of stability 103. 111. 113. 114. 115. 118
thermal 114. 115
thermodynamic 50.51. 58.81.84. 145.150
vital 103. 114. 115. 118. 119
Zernov's Phyllophora 127
films. See also life. concentration of.
benthic 112. 124. 128. 130. 131. 132.
bottom 128. 129-131. 135. 136. 137.
138.139. 140141.147.149
in the hydrosphere 112. 123. 126-142.
144.145-146.147. 148-150
living 21. 64. 123. 126
on land 79. 106. 123-124. 127. 142-150
planktonic 128. 129. 130. 131. 132.
133. 134-136. 141. 146. 149
products of 134-140
sargassic 136. 149
films continued
soil 145-148. 149
vital 131. 132. 148. 149
rythym of multiplication in 112.
132 133. 134.
fish 128. 132. 133. 139
fission reactors. natural 141
Fitness of the Environment. The 24
flies 116.122
flourine 118
food 127. 147
living 107
foraminifera 134
120_ See also trees.
ancient 121
fires 62
tropical 143
formalin 116
fossils 56. 108. 136. 144. 147
France 14. 20. 21. 22. 24. 29. 33. 37.
74.87. 152 155. 156.157
hypothesis 16. 24. 31-32
96.101. 104. 116. 119. 123. 124. 131. See also matter.
states of.
and liquids 87. 100. 116. 146
microbes in 71
electron 99
exchange of 61. 66. 70. 71. 86. 87. See also res-
greenhouse 16. 21. 56
in Earth's core 91-92
incandescent 40
supercritical 101
geochemical cycles 16. 31. 134
Geochemie in ausgewahlten Kapiteln
geochemistry 16. 24. 27. 43. 50. 56. See also biogeo-
chemistry: energy. biochemical: ener-
gy. geochemical; Russia. science in.
as taxonomy 85.86
history in 23. 85. 99. 100. 138. 142.
geography 22. 23. 25. 91. 140. 141
geology 4&. 41. 85. See 6Is& Russia.
science in. geological: time. geologic.
bio-. 14. 41. 25
cosmic influences on events in plane-
tary 40
field of 39.40. 45. 46
life as a force in 16. 86. 88. 139
geomicrobiology 15-16
Geoqufmica Recreativa 18
geospheres 23. 91. 97. 100
boundaries in 95.96. 122. 157
Germany 23.104. 155. 156
Ghilarov 54. 66. 70. 167
glacier 49. 60. 62. 80. 142
glass 94. 96. 100. 101
Goethe as a Naturalist 157
Goldchmidt. V. M.
granite 58. 86. 96. 101. 102
graphite 147
marine 126.127.130
needle 78
gravity 15.49. 60. 114
specific 92. 93. 100
Grinevald. J.
growth 58. 69. 70. 71. 73. 83. 84. 105
and development 41. 43. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62-72. 75. 76. 89. 103. 116
population 16.62-
See also matter. living. multiplication
Haldane. F. 51.105.168
Halianel/a 113
Hallam. A. 40. 45. 94. 168
harmony 42. 44. 60. See also equilibri-
Hawaii 128
helium 101
heterotrophs 72. 73. 76. 116. 143. See
also animals. heterotrophic: bacteria.
abundance of 82. 111. 112. 114. 127
definition of 104-105. 106. 107
in the absence of sunlight 112. 115.
nitrates and 110
History of Environmental Sciences 23
Holland 75
homeostasis 30. 85
chemical composition of a 86
civilization 28. 29. 51. 58. 76. 113.
120. 122. 143
flight 31. 121-122
history 25. 40. 78. 143. 147
influence in nature 48. 78. 79
Humbolt. A. von 32.66.121. 151. 169
Hutchinson. G. E. 16. 18. 20. 31. 143.
Hutton. J. 40. 54. 169
Huxley. A. 60. 169
hydrocarbons 141. 147-148
hydrogen 70.86. 101. 104. 105. 115.
118. 141. 144. 147
hydrogen sulfide 56. 58.111. 135. 141
hydroids 132. 138
134. See also lake: ocean; water.
life in the
143. 144. 146.147.148-150.
Hyphalaster perfectus 124
hypotheses 34. 35. 39. 102. See also
empiricism. generalizations of: sci-
ence. investigative methods in; sci-
ence. models in: theory.
as preconception 30. 40. 51-54
philosophical and cosmogonal 40
igneous rock 40. 45. 58. 137
Imperial Academy of Sciences. Vienna
India 67.68.71
Indian Pipe Monotropa 59
Industrial Revolution 29
social 62-63
iodine 86
ionization 48. 50. 95. 99. 100. 116. 128
and survival of life 117. 118
ionosphere 19
in Earth
core and mantle of 92. 101
crust of
band formations 108. 139-140
free 92
minerals containing 86.135. 139
organisms and
139. 140. 141. 144. 147
stellar 46
iron sulfide 141
Isachenko. B. L. 64. 139. 169
islands 62. 64. 124. 131. 139
isotopic fractionation 85. 99
isotropism 45. 46
Jupiter 65. 80
Jurassic (period) 57
juvenile phenomena 102. 137
Kant. I. 149. 170
Kara Sea 64
Karavaiko. Kuznetsov. and Golomzik
Kelvin. Lord 45.94. 170
Khakhina. L.N. 52.62. 119. 170
Khlopin. V. G.
kimberlites 93
Kropotkm; P. A. 62. 78. 171
Kuznetsov. S. I. 86. 170. 171
L'Evolution creatrice 27
La Geochimie 14. 38. 155. 156
La Geologie biologique 24
lake 49.61. 64. 66. 68. 81. 106. 135. 147
125. 135. 148
Lake Baikal 125. 147
Lamarck. J.
138.142.150. See also islands: soil:
Earth. crust of.
distribution of 137.141
life on 31.5660.61.6263.67.68. 80.
newly formed 62. 77
Langmuir. D. 18. 33. 34. 35
Lapo. A. V.
60.64. 108. 123. 128. 129. 136. 141.
142. 159. 171
Lavoiser. L. A. 86. 172
lead 86.140
leaf 78.81
lichen 62.77.78
51. 60. See also air. life in: films. liv
ing: lake life: land. life on: matter. liv
ing: ocean life: soil. life in.
absence of 54. 55.118
as a geological force 15. 16. 39. 88
cessation of
84. 87. 91. 98. 106. 114. 115. 119. 120.
122.136.140 144.
after 87. 106
concentration of 112. 117. 123. 126. 135. 136.138. See also
ocean. littoral concentration of:
ocean: sargassic concentration of:
water: fresh concentration.
cycle 8586. 135. 138. 140.144. 145
distribution of 121. 124. 126. 141
domain of 28. 40. 90. 112. 117
energy of 60. 61. 68. 104. See also
matter. living. energy of.
eternity of 60. 89. 111
expansion of 60. 67. 68. 69. 70. 77.
78. 79. 103. 133. See also growth.
population: matter. living. multiplica
"germs" of 41. 89. 117.
individual and collective 22. 29. 32.
58. 62. 78. See also competition: sys
tems. autonomous.
limits of 103. 113134
origin of 15. 18. 25.26. 30. 40.41 43. 100.
from nonlife 41. 53. See also
pressure of
77. 103
systems of 1617. 22. 23
transmission of 65.66
speed of
ubiquity of 60. 77. 91. 107. 110. 119.
See also time. geologic. quantity of
life over.
112. 113. 115. 124. 130
and energy 18. 4548. 54. 79. 99.
112. 113. 114
artificial 62. 113
capture of 45. 59. 78. 79. See also
Earth. surface of. penetration of solar
energy into the: photosynthesis.
spectrum. visible
99. 101. 120. 113. See also energy.
electromagnetic. spectrum: radiation.
See also energy. solar.
lightning 48
limestones 56. 134. 142. 144
limonite 56. 144
Linnaeus. C. 66.172
88. 101. 119. 123
Living Matter 154
Lotka. A.J. 25. 28. 29. 30. 31. 172
Lovelock. J. E.
Lyell. C. 40. 55. 172
Lysenko. T. D. 113. 131. 156. 158
Mach 25.153
magma 40. 45. 46. 58. 62. 93. 94. 96.
100. 101. 118. 137
magmasphere 98. 101
138. 140. 142. 144
mammals 55. 122. 143
"Man and the Biosphere" 16. 21
manganese 46. 86. 109. 139. 140. 144
Margulis. L. 18. 19. 31. 32. 35. 119. 136.
173. 178
Mars 57.112
matter 28.44. 50. 53. 59. 88. 148. See
also energy and matter.
biogenic 56. 59. 70. 88. 105. 120. 131.
136. 139. 140. 141 144. 145. 148. See
also matter. living: matter. organic.
color of
creation of new
91 92 93. 126
exchange between concenters 91. 93
extraterrestrial origin of 44
form of 57. 59. 76. 85. 108. See also
life. pressure of: space.
atmospheric 121. 122. See also
gases: particles.
created from living matter 8586.
136137. 144
living matter created from 41. 52
55. 105. 106. See also
abiogenesis: food.
living 25. 35. 41. 50. 52.55. 59. 83.
85.137. 142. See also air. life in: ani
mals: biomass; films. living; growth;
lake life; land. life on; life; ocean life;
soil. life in; vegetation.
matter. living continued
and mediums 85.86.87.
130. 131. 132. 134142. See
also chemical elements. migration
of. in living matter.
composition of 9899. 103. 113.
137. 138.141
decomposition 56. 58. 72. 81.
106. 112. 130. 131. 132. See also
matter. biogenic.
diffusion of 60. 66. 84. 88
energy of 55.68.7475.82.104.
112. 135.138. 141. 145. See also
energy. biochemical; energy. bio
geochemical; life. energy of.
geochemical 85.87.88
first and second orders of 103
113. 121. See also autotrophs;
heteretrophs; mixotrophs.
116. 124. 126128. 132. 134. 143
littoral 127.130.131
See also motion.
multiplication 59. 60. 66. 143
144. 146
and genes 28. 54. 97. 114
control of 87
mathematical regularity of 61
rate of 6265.6768. 69. 70.
128. 132. 133
rhythmic 132. 133135
pressure and temperature of 97.
114. 115. 121. 133
scale and size of 68. 69. 70. 77. 129. 145
spontaneous generation of 51.
55.89.114. See also abiogensis.
structure of 40. 46. 59. 76. 77. 150
79. 109. 127. 128
weight and volume of 55.6568.
69. 70. 71. 72. 84. 105. 125. 128.
129,135. 138. 141.143,146.See
also biomass.
organic 23. 69. 81. 83. 84. 133. See
also matter. biogenic.
decomposition of 87,88,117.
139.140.141. 145.148
and gases 136,137.144
living and nonliving 36. 41. 141
142 144. 145
quantification of 41, 67. 68. 69. 71.
72.84, 119. 121. 130. See also time.
geologic. quantity of life over.
matter continued
states of 76.85. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.
96. 97. 100. 101-103. 104. 106. 114. See also
envelopes; gases; liquids.
McMenamin and McMenamin 36.51. 173
autopoietic 41
displacement 61
dogma of the
holistic 40. 52
of details 39
of the biosphere
85-89. 107. 111. 129
planetary 145. 146. 147
statistical 28
transformational 48
Mendel. G. 14
Mendeleev. D. J.
Menzel. D. W. 129.131.174
Mesozoic (era) 56. 122
139. 140. 141
and microorganisms 86. 141
metamorphic rock 58. 95. 100. 101. 137.
See also envelopes.
metaphytes 73. 109. 129. 132
metazoa 129. 132. 142
methane 70
MilkyWay 47
minerals 18. 36. 41. 86
biogenic origin of 88. 100. 139
distribution of 92. 138'140
life and decomposition of 56.57.58.
64. 85. 104. 105. 135'136. 141
144. 145. 147
Miocene 131
Mira (eti 47
mites 62
mixotrophs 104. 105. 106. 107. 112. 121
mode of occurrence 98. 99. 100. 102
Mohorovicic. S. 92. 94. 96. 174
molecules 48'
100. 101. 105. 110. 114. 119. 137
mollusks 130. 138
Monod. J. 26'27.44.174
Moon 57.81.122
Morowitz. H. J. 26.86.174
141 142
Moscow University 14.152.153
mosses 62. 78. 113. 144
motion 113.120'121.
144. See also equilibrium.
perpetual. of life
131 138.139. 142
Mt. Everest 121
mud 129. 130. 136. 138. 139. 140. 145.
See also films. bottom; ocean bot
tom; soil.
mystery 22. 41. 48. 53. 89. 96
nature 59.
aesthetics of 42. 59
diversity of
observation of 29.48.51'56.59.
Nevraumont. P. N. 18. 71
Newton. I. 29. 52. 81. 175
nickel 46. 92. 140
nitrates 110. 111. 116. 135
abundance of 137
in Earth
atmosphere of 16. 70. 101. 124
crust of
hydrosphere 16. 147
organisms and 58. 86. 104. 105. 108.
109. 124. 137.139. 140.144
oxidation of 110
production of 134
Nitzchia putrida 71
nodule 139
noosphere 41. 155. 158. 159
Nostoc 75
125. 128. 129. 131. 134. See also
Panthalassa"; oxygen. ocean con
taining; water. sea.
and coasts 135. 139. 142. 149
as global heat regulator 16.49'50.
123. 125. 133
bottom 58. 64. 112. 113. 114. 123.
124. 125. 129.
139. 140.145
and Earth's crust 93. 102. 123.
and trenches 126. 130
and hypothermal vents 58.
112. 113. 123. 129
life on the 64. 129. See also mud.
depths 124.127. 129.
life in the 109. 112. 113. 123. 124.
distribution of 137. 141
green layer of the 126'127. 128. 129
level 67.96,125
life 69. 106. 118. 138. 139. 143. 144.
149. See also films. benthic; films.
planktonic; ocean bottom. life on the;
ocean depths. life in the; ocean. lit
toral concentration of; ocean; sargas
sic. concentration of.
at surface'127.129
mineral deposits from 138. 139.
140. 144. 148
ocean continued
littoral concentration of 112. 127.
130'132.134'137. 146.149
mass 128. 129. 131
penetration of solar radiation into the
79. 127
reefs 58. 128. 142
sargassic concentration of 127.130.
tides 132
opal 134. 144
Oparin. A.1.
orthoclases (feldspars) 85
Ostwald. W. 25.153
oxidation 105.107. 109. 110. 134. 135. 140.141.144. 145.
oxygen. See also oxidation.
abundance of 16. 39. 41. 110. 119.
137.139. 140.141 147
in Earth
atmosphere of 57.101.105.
biogenic origin of 70. 120
crust of 47. 56'
free 84. 101. 123'124. 135. 141. 145.
formation of
isotopes 85. 99
minimum zone 64
ocean containing 124. 125
organisms and'105.
109'111. 120. 137. 139'141. 144
soil containing 145. 146
toxicity of 105
ozone 23. 48. 49. 120. 122. 123. 129
Pacific Ocean 102. 129
Paleogene (period) 57
paleontology 103. 112. 142. 149
Paleozoic (era) 56. 64. 108. 121. 122.
panspermia 40. 41. 89. 115
"Panthalassa" 64. 149
particles 43. 49. 60. 83. 100. 119. 136.
139. See also atoms.
dust 44.49.
Pasteur. L. 36. 54. 89. 114. 116. 121. 175
pedosphere 23. 27
pelogen 129. 135
Perelman. A. I.
Permian (period) 141
Persian Gulf 148
philosophy 22.26. 28. 40. 41. 51. 53.
photoautotrophs 71. 73. 110. 115
photosynthesis 50. 58. 59. 60. 62. 70.
107. 108. 111. 113. 115. 116. 120. 137
phreatic phenomena 88. 102. 106. 125.
physico-chemical force 52. 114
physics 15.16.17. 23. 24. 26. 27. 29.
planetary phenomena 47-49. 58. 70.
plankton See also films.
freshwater 64-65
multiplication of 67. 73-75
nano- 128.134.138
potassium 46. 47. 86. 116. 137
Precambrian (era) 75. 108. 139. 140. 141
Problems of Biogeochemistry, /I 158
producers and consumers 29. 69-71.
105.107. 126.128.135-137. 138
protein 44. 103. 111
Proterozoic (eon) 142
protists 69. 73. 75. 77. 109. 116. 129.
132 134.138 142.147
Protococcus 67.75
psilomelane 144
pyrolusite 144
quanta 26. 43
radiation 43. 44. 47. 49. 79. 82. 83. 95.
107. 114. 118. See also energy.
and survival of life 115. 119. 120
infrared 43. 48. 50
luminous See also
solar 48. 55.60-61.74-79.101.107.
111-113.133. See also energy. solar.
thermal 49. See also energy. ther-
ultraviolet 43. 48. 49. 50. 115. 119.
radioactivity 14. 27. 46. 48. 50. 52. 54.
101.152.154. 157
radiolaria 134. 138
reductivism 26, 28, 52
religion 22. 24. 40. 41. 44. 51. 55. 56.
reproduction. See also matter. living.
respiration 23. 61. 64. 66. 69. 70. 71. See also gases.
exchange of.
Revue generale de Sciences 155. 156
Rimicaris exoculata 113
rivers 49. 78. 106. 109. 130. 138. 141.
145. 146. 147
surface 92. 126. 128. 129. 130. 131.
132 133. 135. 136
trenches 126. 130
hydrothermal vents in deep 58.
112. 113. 123. 124
Romankevich. E. A. 71. 72. 73. 106. 177
rubidium 46. 86
forests in 78
language of
politics in 14-15. 22. 153. 154. 155.
157. 158
science in
119. 124.151
157. 158
biochemical 26.27.57
biogeochemical 157
biological 23. 26. 27. 28. 30. 31. 139
chemical 26.27.151
cosmological 26. 27
ecological 26. 27
geochemical 23. 24. 26. 27. 56.
geological 23. 24. 31. 40. 56. 67.
86.139. 157
mineralogical 86
philosophy of 24. 27. 29. 31.40.
oceanographical 129. 136
vs. Western science 52.54-55.
66-67.85. 86.89. 113.119. 139
zoological 64
Siberia 125. 147
Ukraine 14. 67
salt 64. 116. 123. 133
solution 64. 105. 106. 116-118. 125.
saprophytes 85. 106
Sargasso Sea
Schlessinger. W. H. 72. 80. 177
Schopf and Walter
Schuchert. C. 56. 177
Schulz. E. 79. 177
Schwartzman and Volk 105. 149. 177
science 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 29. 40.
51. 52.66. 105. See also Russia. sci-
ence in.
and politics 14. 21. 22. 24. 27. 143.
154. 156.157.158
and technology 25.157
discovery in
science continued
established facts in 53. 64. 55
extrapolation and prediction in 34-
history of 20. 22. 23. 24. 41. 156.
investigative methods of 17.34.35.
59. 89. 114
models in 29. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 99
revolutions in
scoria 45
Scotland 67
sedimentary rock 50. 64. 79. 95. 101. 141.146
life in deep 91. 123. See also mud.
sheep 67
silica 134.138. 139
silicates 36. 56. 85. 92. 94. 96. 133.
134. 138. 139
Silurian (period) 149
silver 140
Skoko and Mokrovic 92. 96. 178
slimes 71. 108
Societe francaise de mineralogie 152
sodium hydrofluorate 116
soil 23.41. 57. 61. 62. 71. 77. 78. 81.
106. 108. See also bacteria. soil and;
films. soil; oxygen. soil containing;
damp 78. 88. 110. 145
life in 69. 73-75. 77. 88. 143-144.
145. 146. See also land. life on.
and subsoil 125. 143
Solanum nigrum 74
South America 64. 122. 141
space 18. 29. 36. 61. 66. 68. 69. 70. 77.
78. 103. 126. 137. 143. See also envi-
geometric 43. 59. 65-66
interplanetary 115
lack of 66-67.70.117
outer 31. 43. 59
85. 108. 111. 121. 122. 143
aiding one another 78. See also
competition; life. individual and col-
and race 86
energy quantifications between 74
new and old See
also fossils.
sponges 134. 138
springs 57. 110. 116. 118
St. Petersburg University 151
starfish 128. 138
stellar spectra 45. 46. 80. 99
steppes 78. 143
Stoltz. J. F. 136. 178
93. 96. 100. 125. See also crystal;
igneous rock; magma; metamorphic
rock; sedimentary rock.
and time unit 89. 94
clastic 141
fragmented (regolith) 57
origins of 92. 96
stratosphere 23. 43. 47. 48. 49. 101.
119. 122
stronti u m 46. 140
structure as process 29. 44
Suess. E.
sulfates 110. 111. 141
organisms and 58. 64. 109. 112. 135.
in acid 116. 118. 141
Sun 16. 18. 26. 32. 43-47. 49. 50. 55. 80.81-84. 87.88.
96. 99. 112. 116. 143. 144. See also
energy. solar; light. sun-; radiation.
outer layer of the 45. 46. 80. 82. 83
survival 21. 71.85. 97.98. 113-125
sycamore 75
systems 22. 23. 25. 26. 29. 30. 32. 40.
open and closed 16-17. 29
taiga 79. 143
tectonics. plate 57.91.95
termites 62-63
Tethyan seaway 131. 148
theory 30. 31. 45. 52. 55. 62. 66. 91.
95.100.107. See also hypotheses.
atomic stability of protoplasm 86.87
cooling planet 45. 94-95
evolution 28. 66. 77
of depth for isostatic compensation
of a surface 93
relativity 26. 99. 154
thermodynamics 26. 29. 30. 31. 50. 51.
57.113. See also envelopes. thermo-
second law of 27.28
Thompson. D. W. 59. 179
Thoughts on the Contemporary
Significance of the History of
Knowledge 155
ticks 62. 143
time 15. 19. 25. 26. 27. 29. 48. 61. 66.
and eternity
See also life. eternity of.
and speed
69. 71. See also life. speed of trans-
mission of; matter. living. multiplica-
tion rate of.
time continued
biosphere's existence over 148
quantity of life over 41.54-55.77.
114. 120. 141. 149
radioactivity and 57. 157
scale of
tin 86
titanium 46
Traces of Bygone Biospheres 17-18
Transactions of the Connecticut
Academy of Arts and Sciences 158
trees 62. 73. 75. 78. 120. 121. 143. See
also forest.
Trees and Bidigare 129. 179
Triassic (period) 141
tropics 62. 79 106. 143
Tropin. I. V. 79. 86. 179
troposphere 23. 61. 76. 101. 119. 120.
tundra 62. 79. 106
142 149
universe. the 15. 25. 53. 54. 100
uranium 94. 140. 141
us 15. 17. 23. 29. 85. 111. 124. 139. 140.
153. 154. 155. 158
Ushinsky. N.G. 124.180
119. 122. See also space. outer.
vadose phenomena 102. 106. 109. 125.
134. 135. 136.144.145. 147
Valdivia 126
Van Allen Radiation Belt 49. 95
vanadium 140. 141
vegetation 23. 26. 49. 58. 59. 61. 62.
See also life; matter. living; matter.
and animals 57-58
extinct 40. 149
foliage of 66-67.78.81
109. 114. 120
marine 105. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130.
131. 132
phanerogamous (flowering) 73. 121
seeds and spores of 62. 115. 1t6.
119. 120. 121. See also growth.
survival of 113. 114. 115
woody 62. 75. 81. 85. See also for-
est; trees.
Venus 57
N. 152.154.155
Vernadsky. V.I. 14. 22.140. 151-158.
vibration. luminous 82
Vinci. L. da 67
Vinogradsky. S. N. 108. 116. 182
vitalism 28.41. 51. 53. 152
Voitkevich. Miroshnikov. Povarennykh.
and Prokhorov 70. 120. 182
volcano 14.45,
118. 120. 125. 130, 132, 144. See also
environment. humid.
basins 62. 69. 80. 88, 108.110. 112,
118. 129. 135. 136. 140. 141. 143. 146.
147.148,149. See also lake; ocean;
decomposition of 138
129. 146. 149
concentration 147. See also lake;
ground See
also springs.
hot 49, 116. 118
in organisms 117
motion of bodies of 49. 50
141, 145. 156
phreatic 106. 125
sea 67. 69. 106, 108. 110. 128, 129.
133. 134. 139. 141. 142. 144. 145, 146.
147. See also bacteria. sea water;
ocean; salt solution.
sediment 136.137.138
solutions 45.57. 79. 105. 106. 116, 145.146
surface 49. 67. 106. 145. 146
vadose 57,106,125
vapor 67. 70, 71. 114. 116. 123
weather 21. 23. 50. 75. 139. See also
133. 134. 143
weathering 55.67.108,145
Weiner, N. 30, 52
Whitehead. A. N. 29. 30. 183
Wiesner. i. 58. 59. 183
wind 49. 119. 120. 121. 131
worms 58. 128
x-ray 54
Yale University 16. 20, 155. 158
Yanshin and Yanshina 55. 58. 62, 99-
yeast 115. 116. 121
Zimmer. C. 58.113.183
zinc 46.86
zodiacal light 48

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