Angle and Check Valves Copyright MSS. This material is electronically reproduced by CSSinfo, (734) 930- 9277. No part of Tne printed publication, nor any part of the electronic tile may be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form, including transmission by e-mail, by tile transfer protocol (FTP), or by being made part of a network- accessible system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Standard Practice Developed and Approved by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. J 127 Park Street, Vienna, Virginia 22180 (703) 281-6613 MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-81 An MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conform- ance is established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable. Unless otherwise specifically noted in this JvISS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See Annex C.) Substantive changes in this 1997 edition are flagged by parallel bars as shown on the margins of this paragraph. The specific detail of the change may be determined by comparing the material flagged with that in the previous edition. Any part of this standard may be quoted. Credit lines should read Extractedfrom MSS SP-80, 1997, with permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society. Reproduction prohibited under copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings I ndustry, I nc. Originally Approved November, 1974 Copyright @, 1983 by Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. MS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CONTENTS Page PURPOSE ..................................................................................... 1 SCOPEANDVALVETYPES ............................................................. 1 PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS .................................................. 2 MATERIALS ........................................................................... 4 DESIGN ............................................................................... 4 MARKINGS ...................... ...................................................... 13 TOLERANCE .......................................................................... 13 INSPECTION AND TESTING ........................................................... 13 TABLE 1 - PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 - LIST OF MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*........................ 5 3 - MINIMUM LENGTH AND DEPTH OF THREAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 - BRONZE GATE VALVES - DIAMETER OF STEM . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5 - BRONZE GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES - DIAMETER OF STEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6 - BRONZE GATE VALVES - DIAMETER OF HANDWHEEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7 - BRONZE GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES - DIAMETER OF HANDWHEEL . . . . . . 12 8A - SHELL TEST - THREADED AND SOLDER END VALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8B - SHELL TEST - FLANGED END VALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 9A - SEAT TEST - THREADED AND SOLDER END VALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - SEAT TEST - FLANGED END VALVES : - PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE LIMITATIOiii * - - - .,.......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~..... FIGURE Bl - GATE VALVE - TYPE 1 .................................................... 16 B2 - GATE VALVE - TYPE 2 .................................................... 16 B3 - GATE VALVE - TYPE 3 .................................................... 17 B4- GATE VALVE - TYPE 4 .................................................... 17 B5 - GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES - TYPE 1 .................................... 18 B6 - GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES - TYPE 2 .................................... 18 B7 - GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES - TYEE 3 .................................... 19 B8A - CHECK VALVE - TYPE 1 - HORIZONTAL LIFT CHECK .................. 20 B8B - CHECK VALVE - TYPE 1 - ANGLE LIFT CHECK ........................ 20 B9A - CHECK VALVE - TYPE 2 - HORIZONTAL AND ANGLE LIFT CHECK .... 21 B9B - CHECK VALVE - TYPE 2 - VERTICAL LIFT CHECK ..................... 21 BlO - CHECKVALVE - TYPE3 ................................................. 22 Bll - CHECK VALVE - TYPE 4 ................................................. 22 ANNEX A STRENGTH OF SOLDER JOINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ANNEX B VALVE TYPES .,,,..........,,..........,,....................................... 16 ANNEX C REFERENCE STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ii MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-8 0. 1. BRONZE GATE, GLOBE, ANGLE AND CHECK VALVES PURPOSE. This MSS Standard Practice covers bronze gate, globe, angle, and check valves in Classes 125, 150, 200, 300 and 350 for threaded and solder ends and Classes 150 and 300 for flanged ends. Pressures in this Standard Practice are gage pressure in pounds per square inch. Hereafter the pressure will appear as psi. SCOPE AND VALVE TYPES 1 .l Scope - This standard practice covers bronze gate, globe, angle, and check valves for general purpose services and provides require- ments for the following: a) Pressure-Temperature Ratings b) Materials c) End Connections d) Dimensions e) Markings f) Testing and Inspection 1.2 Valve Types 1.2.1 Gate Valves a) Type 1 - Solid Wedge: Non-Rising Stem (NRS) Fig Bl , Annex B b) Type 2 - Solid Wedge: Inside Screw Ris- ing Stem (ISRS) Fig. B2, Annex B c) Type 3 - Split Wedge (Double Disc)- Inside Screw Rising Stem (ISRS) Fig. B3, Annex B d) Type 4 - Double Disc - Paralle Seat --Inside Screw Rising Stem (ISRS) Fig B4, Annex B 1.2.2. Globe and Angle Valves a) Type 1 - Metal Disc, Integral Seat Fig B5, Annex B b) Type 2 - Non-Metallic Disc, Integra Seat Fig. B6, Annex B c) Type 3 - Metallic Disc, Renewable Sea Fig. B7, Annex B 1.2.3 Check Valves a) Type 1 - Horizontal, Angle and Vertica Lift Check, Metal Disc to Metal Seat Fig. B8 Annex B b) Type 2 - Horizontal, Angle and Vertica Lift Check, Non-Metallic Disc to Metal Sea Fig. B9, Annex B c) Type 3 - Swing Check, Metal Disc tc Metal Seat Fig. BlO, Annex B d) Type 4 - Swing Check, Non-Metallic Disc to Metal Seat Fig. Bl 1, Annex B. 1.3 Nominal Pipe Sizes - This Standard cov ers valve sizes 3 and under as follows: a) Threaded Ends - Sizes l/8 through 3 b) Solder Ends - Sizes l/4 through 3 c) Flanged Ends - Sizes l/2 through 3 TANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 2. PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS for joints. Pressure-temperature ratings for sol- der joints made with typical commercial solders are given in Annex A. It shall be the responsibil- ity of the user to select a solder composition that is compatible with the service conditions; (as and allowable pressures may be interpolated 2.1 between temperatures shown. The pressure-temperature ratings in Table 1 apply to all products covered by this Standard Practice. Valves conforming to the requirements of this Standard Practice shall in all respects, merit these ratings. 2.2 These ratings are the maximum allowable non-shock pressures at the temperatures shown, workmanship Products that are to operate at low temperatures shall conform to the rules of the applicable codes under which they are to be used. well as to assure adequacy of employed in making the joints). 2.5 The ratings given in Table 150F shall also apply at lower 1 at -20F to temperatures. 2.3 Rating Temperature: The temperature shown corresponding to the pressure rating shall be the material temperature of the pressure retaining structure. In view of the various envi- ronments in which piping components may be installed (i.e. - insulated or not, and either heated or cooled), it is assumed that the material temperature of the pressure retaining structure is the temperature of the contained fluid. Use of a pressure rating at a material temperature other than the temperature of the contained fluid is the responsibility of the user, and subject to the requirements of applicable codes. 2.4 The safe pressure-temperature rating of a solder-joint piping system is dependent, only on valve, fitting and tubing strength, also on the composition of the solder used not but 2.6 The safe pressure-temperature rating of valves fitted with non-metallic disc, (i.e. globe and angle valves, Type 2 and check valves, Types 2 and 4) is dependent upon the composition of the disc material. It shall be the responsibility of the user to specify the service application. When no service application is specified, discs suitable for steam service at rated working conditions shall be furnished in all bronze globe and angle valves, \ Type 2, and in all bronze check valves, Types 2 and 4. Users are advised to consult with the manufacturer in cases of doubt. MS!3 STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 TABLE 1 - PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS PRESSURE(c) - psi PRESS. CLASS 125 150 200 300 350 END CONN. THD THD 1 FL@) THD THD(e) 1 THD 1 FLGW THD TEMP.;ca) MATERIAL deg. F ASTM B-62 ASTM B-6 1 170 1 240 1 195 300 155 210 180 350 140 180 165 406 125 150 150 145(d) __ 250 500 -- -- -- 225 550 I -- l -- -- 325 275 200 560 1 410 1 375 1 590 480 I 375 I 350 I 510 390 1 340 1 325 1 430 300 1 300 1 300 1 350 Notes: ca) - For lower temperatures, See Paragraph 2.5 cb) - P-T Ratings - ASME B16.24 cc) - Refer to Paragraph 2.4 for safe P-T rating for solder-joint piping systems. td)- Some codes (i.e.-ASME BPVC, Section I) limit the rating temperatures of the indicated material to 406F. ce) - Alternate ratings for valve size l/8 - 2 having threaded ends and union ring body- bonnet joints. 3 MSS STANDARD PRACTICE P-80 3. MATERIALS 4.2 Flow Passage Area 3.1 General - All valve components manu- factured to this standard shall be made from materials produced under recognized quality control procedures. Recommended materials are listed in Table 2. 3.2 Castings - All castings shall be clean and sound, without defects which will impair their service. No plugging, welding, repairing or impregnating is allowed. 4. 3.3 Users are cautioned against application with fluids which may react chemically with any material used in these valves. In certain areas of the country, where water conditions are par- ticularly aggressive, piping components made from certain zinc-bearing copper-base alloys are susceptible to a form of corrosion known as dezincification. Consultation with the manufac- .turer is advised to determine suitability in cases of doubt. DESIGN 4.1 General - Valves shall be of substantial construction to resist permanent distortion under normal service conditions and shall be free of imperfections and defects which may be injurious to the performance of the valve. 4.2.1 The flow passageway of bronze gate valves, shall have a minimum area of not less than the area of a circle having a diameter equal to the nominal pipe size except that valves fitted with seat rings may reduce the passageway area by the area of the seat ring driving lugs. The valve shall be so designed that the stem and/or wedge clear the waterway when the valve is fully open. 4.2.2 The flow passageway of bronze globe and angle valves, Types 1 and 2, designed with integral seats and when fully open, shall have an area at all points equal to the area of a circle having a diameter equal to the nominal pipe size except the area through the seat may be reduced by the area of the disc guides. 4.2.3 The flow passageway area of bronze globe and angle valves, Type 3, of the full flow design, may be reduced by the area of the seat ring driving lugs. 4.2.4 The flow passageway. of bronze globe and angle valves, Type 3, of the plug design for throttling service, may have a reduced area through the seat. 4.2.5 The flow passageway-of bronze check valves, Types 3 and 4, shall have a minimum area of not less than the area of a circle having a diameter equal to the nominal pipe size except that valves fitted with seat rings may reduce the passageway area by the area of the seat ring driving lugs. 4 MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 TABLE 2 - LIST OF MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS ASTM B61-C92200-Notei (a) ASTM B124-C37700 & C67500 ASTM B124-C67500 ASTM B16-C36000-Note(c) ASTM B124-C37700 ASTM B16-C36000-Note(c) ASTM B62-C83600-Note@) 584-C86400, C87600 & C97600 Copper-Nickel Alloy Nickel-Copper Alloy Stn. Stl. Alloy (400-500 BHN) ASTM B584-C86400 ASTM B99-C65 100 Copper-Nickel Alloy Nickel-Copper Alloy Stn. Stl. Alloy (400-500 BHN) ASTM B16-C36000-Note\(c) ASTM B140-C32000-Note@) Copper-Nickel Alloy Nickel-Copper Alloy Stn. Stl. Alloy (400-500 BHN) ASTM B62-C83600-Note \(a) ASTM B16-C36000-Note ,(c) ASTM A494-GR.M35 ASTM B584-C86400 Bl4O-C320OO-Note\(C~ TM B124-C37700-Class 200 only 5 STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 TABLE 2 - LIST OF MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUED) Nickel-Copper Alloy Stn. Stl. Alloy (400-500 BHNl 300 Series Stn. Stl. Alloy-Note@) Nickel-Copper Alloy Stn. Stl. Alloy (400-500 BHN) 300 Series Stn. Stl. Alloy-Note(h) ASTM B37 1 -C69700 ASTM B150-C64200 ASTM B62-C83600 ASTM B98-C65100 ASTM B99-C65 100 ASTM B148C95600 ASTM B371-C69400 & C69700 ASTM B584-C86400 & C87400 ASTMB584-C87500&C87600 ASTM B21 -C&400 & C47940 ASTM B21-C48200 ASTM B505-C83600 QQ-C-39OC86500 & C92200 QQ-C-465-C61400 QQ-C-591-C65100 ASTM B62-C83600-Note (a) ASTM B98-C65100 ASTM B99-C65 100 ASTM B148-C95600 ASTM B37 1 -C69400 & C69700 ASTM B584-C86500 & C87400 ASTMB584-C87500&C87600 ASTM B21 -C46400 & C48200 ASTM B505-C83600-Note(a) QQ-C-390-C86500 Stainless Steel Alloy ASTM B62-C8360@Note ASTM B584-C87600 ASTM B124C37700 ASTM BLWC37700 ASTM B16-C36000 ASTM B16-C36000-Note (s) ASTM B584-C86400 & C84400 ASTM B584-C86400 ASTM B282 Type II-Note (0 ASTM B584-C84400-Note(e) physical and corrosive properties equiv- Other Copper Alloy materials having alent to those of the listed materials physical and corrosive properties equiv- alent to those of the listed materials 6 DARD PRACTICE P-80 TABLE 2 - LIST OF MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUED) ASTM B124-C37700 ASTM B16-C36000 ASTM B16-C36000 ASTM B584-C86400 & C84400 ASTM B584-C86400 ASTM B282 Type II-Note(f) ASTM B584-C84400-Note@) Other Copper Alloy materials having ASTM B282 Type II-Note@ physical and corrosive properties equiv- alent to those of the listed materials Ferrous, non-ferrous a NOTES: (a) - ASTM B62-C83600, may be used in place of ASTM B61-C92200 for class 200,300 and 350 valves provided that a temperature limitation of 45WF is shown on the identification plate. (b) -ASTM B61-C92200 may be used in Class 125 and 150 valves at the manufacturers option. (c) -Bonnet, cap, disc and discholder, sizes 3/4 and smaller only. Union rings, sizes 3/8 and smaller only. (d) -Other materials having physical and corrosion resistant properties equivalent to those of the listed material. (e) -For use in Class 200 valves with non-metallic discs when temperature limitation of the disc is a maximum of 450 degrees F. (f) -Glands (non-bolted, non-threaded) only. (g) - For sizes 3/4 and smaller. (h) - Manufacturers standard hardness MS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 4.3. Body and Bonnet 4.3.1 The body-bonnet joint on bronze gate, globe and angle valves and the body-cap joint on bronze check valves may be inside screw, screw-over, union ring or bolted construction. 4.3.2 Threaded Ends Threaded end bodies may have poly- gon ends or may have rounded ends with ribs. Valves with threaded ends shall be threaded in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/ ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch). All threads shall be countersunk a dis- tance not less than one-half the pitch of threads at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Coun- tersinking shall be concentric with threads. The length of threads specified in Table 3 shall be measured to include the coun- tersink or chamfer. The maximum allowable variation in the alignment of threads of all open- ings of threaded valves shall be 0.06 inches in 12 inches. TABLE 3 - MINIMUM LENGTH AND DEPTH OF THREAD Length of Thread Depth of Thread Chamber @ 2-l/2 0.82 1.14 3 0.88 1.20 Note: ta) Allowable entry of male pipe thread. STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 4.3.3 Solder Joint Ends - Solder joint ends shall be prepared in accordance with applicable requirements of ANSI B16.18. 4.3.4 Flanged Ends - Flanges and drilling of flanged end valves shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of ASME B16.24. The finish of facing shall be in accordance with MSS SP-6. 4.3.5 Stem Thread Engagement Rising stem valves shall have a mini- mum length of stem thread engagement equal to the outside diameter of the thread when the valve is closed and 75% of the outside diameter of the stem thread when the valve is fully open. In the case of non-rising stem valves, the length of the stem thread in contact with the wedge shall be at least equal to the outside diam- eter of the thread when the valve is closed. 4.3.6 Backseat - A backseat shall be pro- vided in gate, globe and angle valves; however, repacking while the valve is pressurized is not recommended. 4.4 Discs and Seat Rings 4.4.1 Discs and Seat Rings for Bronze Gate Valves Solid wedge discs shall be of one piece construction with disc guides. The stem cham- ber of the NRS discs shall be open at the bottom for proper drainage. Split wedge and parallel seat (double disc) shall be so designed that on reaching the point of closure, thrust from the stem will cause the disc to contact and bear evenly against the seat. All discs shall have machined seating surfaces and shall be securely attached to the stem in all operating positions. Seats may have expanded-in, threaded- in or otherwise renewable seat rings or may be cast integral with the body at the manufacturers option. 4.4.2 Discs and Seat Rings for Bronze Globe and Angle Valves Discs or disc holders shall be securely fastened to the end of the stem in such a manner as to allow these parts to freely swivel. Valve Types 1 and 2 in sizes 1 / 2 and smaller may have the disc or disc holder formed on the end of the stem. Discs, plugs or disc holders of the slip-on type shall be adequately guided for self-centering and shall be so constructed with relation to body and bonnet that when the,valve is fully opened, they will not slip off the stem. Disc holders for Valves Type 2 shall be designed to contain the periphery of the non-metallic disc in position. The seat may have an expanded-in, threaded-in or otherwise renewable seat ring or may be cast integral with the body at the manufacturers option. 9 STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 4.4.3 Discs and Seats for Bronze Check Valves Bronze check valves, Types 1 and 2 shall have the disc or disc holder substantially guided to ensure proper seating. Bronze check valves, Types 3 and 4 shall have disc and disc holder securely fastened to the hanger or hinge. The connection shall allow sufficient freedom so that the disc will properly seat by gravity. The joint shall swivel freely to allow uniform wear except that disc or disc holders and hanger may be integral in Class 125 valves. Disc holders for Bronze check valves, Types 2 and 4 shah be designed to hold and support the non-metallic disc. The seat may have an expanded-in, threaded-in or otherwise renewable seat ring or may be cast integral with the body at the manufacturers option. 4.5 Stems for Bronze Gate Valves, and Bronze Globe and Angle Valves Stems shah be threaded with either Acme form threads or 60 truncated V threads, so that the valve will be opened when the handwheel is rotated counter-clockwise. The handwheel end of the stem shall be a tapered square with its greatest diagonal approximately equal to the diameter of the stem or it may be of the splined or serrated design of equal strength. A threaded extension shall be provided to accommodate a handwheel nut. The handwheel nut may be brass, or if made of steel, it shall have a corrosion protective plating. The diameter of that portion of the stem passing through the packing shall not be less than shown in Tables 4 and 5. 10 4.6 Packing Box and Packing Nut for Bronze Gate Valves and Bronze Globe and Angle Valves 4.6.1 Packing box for Class 125 valves may be of gland follower type or packing nut type. Packing box for all other valves, sizes greater than l/2, shall be of the gland follower type. The length .of packing in contact with the stem shall be at least one diameter of the stem passing through it. The thread of the packing nut shall be of sufficient length to enable the nut to be threaded on to the packing box or bonnet at least two full threads when the full amount of packing is in place and the length of thread engagement between the packing box or bonnet and the packing nut shall be sufficient for full travel of the gland. 46.2 Stem Packing - Stem packing shall be braided, twisted, or formed ring type made from non-asbestos material, suitable for the pressure- temperature ratings of the valve. 4.7 Handwheels for Bronze Gate Valves, and Bronze Globe and Angle Valves Handwheels smaller than in diameter shall be of the non-heat design with a raised rim to protect the hands. Handwheels 6 in. in diameter and larger may be of the plain rim type marked to show the direction of opening. The diameter of the handwheel shall not be less than shown in Tables 6 and 7. All handwheels shall have at least three spokes. STANDARD PRACTICE TABLE 4 - BRONZE GATE VALVES DIAMETER OF STEM - MINIMUM 1 0.39 0.40 0.40 0.40 l-1/4 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.44 l-1/2 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.50 2 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 2-l/2 0.59 0.59 0.61 0.61 3 0.67 0.67 0.70 0.70 TABLE 5 - BRONZE GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES 11 STANDARD PRACTICE TABLE 6 - BRONZE GATE VALVES DIAMETER OF HANDWHEEL - MINIMUM Nominal PRESSURE CLASS 4.62 4.62 I I I When irregular handwheels are furnished, the largest dimension of the shape shall be considered the handwheel diameter. TABLE 7 - BRONZE GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES Nominal Valve Size l/4 3/8 125 Inches 1.50 1.75 DIAMETER OF HANDWHEEL - MINIMUM PRESSURE CLASS. 150 200 Inches Inches 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 300 & 350 Inches 1.75 2.00 2-l/2 4.75 5.00 5.38 5.38 3 5.38 5.75 6.00 6.00 When irregular handwheels are furnished, the largest dimension of the shape shall be considered the handwheel diameter. 12 TANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 5. MARKINGS 5.1 All valves shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of MSS SP-25. 5.2 All bronze check valve bodies shall be marked to indicate the direction of flow by means of an arrow cast on the valve body or the word in or inlet cast or stamped on the inlet end of the body. 6. TOLERANCE Tolerance specified in the standards referenced for dimensions shall be applied to these valves. 7. INSPECTION AND TESTING 7.1 All valve parts shall be made within inspection limits which will ensure ready inter- changeability of parts. 7.2 Manufacturers shall be prepared to certify that their products meet the minimum require- ments of this Standard Practice. 7.3 Pressure Test 7.3.1 Shell Test - Each valve assembly shall be given a hydrostatic or pneumatic shell test as specified in Tables 8A and 8B. No visible leakage is permitted in the valve pressure boundary except at the stem packing (when adjustable) or test connection seals. TABLE 8A - SHELL TEST THREADED AND SOLDER END VALVES See Table 1, Note e TABLE 8B - SHELL TEST FLANGED END VALVES DARD PRACTICE P-80 7.3.2 Seat Test Each gate, globe and angle valve shall be given a hydrostatic or pneumatic seat test as specified in Tables 9A and 9B. The maximum permissible leakage rate shall be 10 ml of water per hour per inch of diameter of nominal valve size or 0.1 of a standard cubic foot of air per hour (50 standard ,ml of air per minute) per inch of diameter of nominal valve size for valves in sizes 1 and larger, and 10 ml of water per hour or 0.1 of a standard cubic foot of air per hour (50 standard ml of air per minute) for valves in sizes smaller than 1. Each check. valve shall be given a hydrostatic or pneumatic seat test. The test pres- sure shall be equal to 50 psi minimum. The pressure is to be applied at the outlet side of the disc. The maximum permissible leakage rate shall be 40 ml of water per hour per inch of diameter of nominal valve size or 0.4 of a stan- dard cubic foot of air per hour (200 standard ml of air per minute) per inch of nominal valve size for valves in sizes 1 and larger and 40 ml of water per hour or 0.4 of a standard cubic foot of air per hour (200 standard ml of air per minute) for valves in sizes smaller than 1. 7.3.3. Alternate Test Methods Alternate test procedures may be substituted when an established quality assurance program provides equivalent results to the test require- ments of Paragraphs 7.3.1 and 7.3.2. TABLE 9A - SEAT TEST THREADED AND SOLDER END VALVES (a) See Table 1, Note e TABLE 9B - SEAT TEST FLANGED END VALVES MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 (This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and placed after the main text for convenience.) Extracted from American National Standard - ANSI B16.18, Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings. The maximum recommended pressure-temperature limitations for solder joints made with copper tube and cast copper alloy fittings, using representative commercial solders, are listed in the table below. NOTE: For working temperatures, in the 0 F to -20 F range, it is recommended that a joint material melting at or above 1000 F be employed.(d) CAUTION: When solder joint valves are used, the rating will be the lowest value of Table 1 or Table Al. Also refer to Paragraph 2.4. Joining Material 50-50 Tin-Lead Solder (b) te) 95-5 Tin-Antimony Solder(c) i Joining Cc) Materials Melting at or above 1000 F Table Al - PressureTemperature Limitations Working Maximum Temperature Working Pressure I I Size l/4 thru r Size 1 l/4 thru dta) Size 2 l/2 thru $I Pressure-temperature ratings consistent with the materials and procedures employed IPTES: a (b) I:; (e) Standard water tube sizes. ANSI/ASTM B32 Alloy Grade 50A. ANSI/ASTM 832 Alloy Grade 95TA. These joining materials are defined as brazing alloys by the American Welding Society. The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendment of 1986 prohibits any solder with a lead content in excess of 0.2% for use on potable water systems. 15 STANDARD PRACTICE VALVE TYPES This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice which is placed after the main text for convenience. 2 IDENTIFICATION PLATE 3 HANDWHEEL 4 STEM 5 PACKING NUT 6 GLAND 1 7 PACKING I I PART NAME I 1 HANDWHEEL NUT 2 IDENTIFICATION PLATE 3 HANDWHEEL 4 STEM 5 PACKING NUT 6 GLAND GATE VALVE TYPE 1 Note: The valve sketches herein are for the purpose of illustration and nomenclature only. They do not represent any manufacturers product. GATE VALVE TYPE 2 Figure B 1 16 Figure B2 STANDARD PRACTICE SP-ml I PART NAhE I PART NAME 1 HANDWHEEL NUT 2 IDENTIFICATION PLATE 3 HANDWHEEL 4 STEM GATE VALVE TYPE 3 Figure B3 Note: The valve sketches herein are for the purpose of illustration and nomenclature only. They do not represent any manufacturers product. I * 17 GATE VALVE TYPE 4 Figure B4 STANDARD PRACTICE STEM & DISC l/4-1 12 VALVES are for the purpose Note: The valve sketches h of illustration and nomenclature only. represent any manufacturers product. They do not PART NAME 1 HANDWHEEL NUT 2 IDENTIFICATION PLATE 3 HANDWHEEL 4(a) STEM 5 PACKING NUT 6 GLAND 7 PACKING (ah/4-1/2 MAY HAVEI NTEGRALSTEM GLOBE AND ANGLE-VALVES TYPE 1 Figure B5 I z <: i I 2 L-.-..______ 2 J I PART NAME I 1 HANDWHEEL NUT 2 IDENTIFICATION PLATE 3 HANDWHEEL 4 STEM 5 PACKING NUT 6 GLAND 7 PACKING 8 BONNET 9 DISC HOLDER 10 DISC GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES TYPE 2 Figure B6 MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 SLIP-ON DISC ASSEMBLY PART NAME 1 HANDWHEEL NUT 2 IDENTIFICATION PLATE 7 PACKING 8 BONNET 9 UNION RING IO LOCK NUT 11 PLUG DISC Note: The valve sketches herein are for the purpose 12 SEAT RING of illustration and nomenclature only. They do not represent any manufacturers product. 13 BODY GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES TYPE 3 Figure B7 19 STANDARD PRACTICE SP4 PART NAME 1 CAP CHECK VALVE - TYPE 1 Horizontal Lift Check - Metal to Metal Seat Figure B8A Note: The valve skefches herein are for the purpose of illustration and nomenclature only. They do noi represent any manufacturers product. PART NAME 1 CAP CHECK VALVE - TYPE 1 Angle Lift Check - Metal to Metal Seat Figure B8B 20 MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-80 I PART NAME I I 4 DISC I 1 5 DISCGUIDENUT 1 PART NAME Note: The valve sketches herein are for the purpose of illustration and nomenclature only. They do not represent any manufacturers product. Figure B9A Figure B9B 21 STANDARD PRACTICE CHECK VALVE TYPE 3 Figure BlO PART NAME 1 CAP 2 STOP PLUG 3 SIDE PLUGS 4 HANGER PIN 5 HANGER 6 RETAINING RING 7 WASHER 8 DISC I 9 BODY (a) (a) Body of Y type design also acceptable Note: The valve sketches herein are for the purpose of illustration and nomenclature only. They do not represent any manufacturers product. PART NAME 1 CAP 2 SIDE PLUGS 3 HANGER PIN 4 HANGER 5 DISC HOLDER 6 DISC 7 HANGER NUT 8 DISC NUT 9 BODYI (a) Body of Y type design also acceptable CHECK VALVE TYPE 4 Figure B 11 22 MSS ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 1992 ANSI B16.18-1984 ASME B16.24-1991 Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) Cast Copper Alloy Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges, Class 150,300,400,600,900,1500, and 2500, and Flanged Fittings, Class 150 and 300 ASTM Publications ASTM A494-94 ASTM B16-92 ASTM B21-96 ASTM B6 l-93 ASTM B62-93 ASTM B98-93 ASTM B99-93 ASTM B124-94 ASTM B 140-92 ASTM B148-93A ASTM B150-95A ASTM B282-95 ASTM B37 l-96 ASTM B584-93 Specification for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Castings Specification for Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes for Use in, Screw Machines Specification for Naval Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes Specification for Steam or Valve Bronze Castings Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar and Shapes Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Wire for General Purposes Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Forging Rod, Bar and Shapes Specification for Copper, Zinc, Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware Bronze) Rod, Bars and Shapes Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings Specification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar and Shapes Specification for Sintered Brass Structural Parts Specification for Copper-Zinc-Silicon Alloy Rod Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications MSS Publications MSS SP-6-1996 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings MSS SP-25-1993 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions Federal Specifications QQ-C-390 QQ-C-465 QQ-C-591 Copper Alloy Castings Copper-Aluminum Alloys Copper-Silicon, Copper-Zinc-Silicon & Copper-Nickel-Silicon Alloys I REFE DARDS This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice which is placed after the main text for convenience. List of standards and specifications referenced in this Standard Practice show the year of approval. ASME Publications (Approved as American National Standards) Publications of the following organizations appear on above list: ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 ASTM American Society for Testing and Material 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. 127 Park Street, N.E., Vienna, VA 22180 Publications appearing above which have been approved as American National Standards may also be obtained from: ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc. 11 xx,,-* ?,,I c*,,,+ XTTd.., XT.-...,, hTV ,nfl21 LIJI I IWJJ 3LUllUl l-luGllcuY (Price List Available Upon Request) SP-9-1995 SP-01997 SP-25-1998 SP-42-1990 SP431991 SP-44-1995 SP-45-1992 SP-51-1991 SP-591995 SP-561995 SP-511995 SP-55-1993 SP-9@1991 SP-51-1992 SP-951994 SP-67-1995 SP-991997 SP-991999 SP-701990 SP-71-1997 SP-72-q992 SP-73-1991 SP-751993 SP-n-1995 SP-781997 SP-79-1992 SPao.1997 SP-91-1995 SP-92-1992 SP-911995 SP851994 SP-561997 SP-S7-1991 SP881993 SP-591999 SP-9S19S9 SP-91-1992 SP-92-1997 SP-931997 SP-941992 SP-951959 SP-95-1999 SP-971995 SP-99-1995 SP-99-1994 SP-la%1997 SP-101-1999 SP-102-1999 SP-lot-1995 SP-104-1995 SP-l(M1999 SP-log-1990 SP-107-1991 SP-109.1999 SP-ICG-1997 SP-110-1995 SP-Ill-1999 SP-112-1993 SP-113-1994 SP-1141995 SP-115-1995 SP-1161995 SP-117-1999 sp-1iai996 SP-119-1995 SP-1201997 SP-121-1997 SP-122-1997 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings Spot Facing for Bronze, iron and Steel Flanges Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions (R 95) Class 159 Corrosion Resistant Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld Ends (R 99) Wrought Stainless Steel Butt-Welding Fittings Steel Pipeline Flanges Bypass and Drain Connections (R 95) Class 15CLW Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged Fittings Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Magnetic Particle Examination Method Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Radiographic Examination Method Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components -Visual Method for Eval. of Surface Irregularities Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves Pressure Testing of Steel Valves High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets ButterRy Valves High Pressure 6uSertly Valves With Offset Design Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application Cast Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-Welding Ends for General Service (R 9S) Brazing Joints for Wrought and Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings Specification for High Test Wrought Butt Welding Fittings Guidelines for Pips Support Contractual Relationships (R 92) Cast Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves Stainless Steel, Bonnetless, Flanged, Knife Gate Valves Valve Pressure Testing Methods Class 399S steel Pipe Unions, Socket-Welding and Threaded Cast Iron Globe &Angle Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fittings and Actuators (R 95) Factory-Made Butt-Welding Fittings for Class 1 Nuclear Piping Applications Diaphragm Type Valves Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practices (R 91) Guidelines on Terminology for pipe Hangers and Supports (R 9S) Guidelines for Manual Operation of Valves (R 92) MSS Valve User Guide (R 92) Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgins for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Liquid Penetrant Examination Method Quality Standard for Ferrftic and Martensitic Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Ultrasonic Examination Method (R 91) Swage (d) Nipples and Bull Plugs Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and Fittings Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings-Socket Welding, Threaded and Buttwelding Ends Pmtective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings lnetrument Valves Qualification Requirements for Elastomer Diaphragms for Nuclear Service Diaphragm Type Valves Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics WrougM Copper and Copper Alloy Insert Fittings for Polybutylene Systems Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings Instrument Valves for Code Applications (R 99) Cast Copper Alloy Flanges andFlanged Fittings, Class 125,159 and XXI Transition Union Fittings for Joining Metal and Plastic Products Resilient-Seated Cast Iron-Eccentric Plug Valves Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping Sleeves Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes - Visual and Tactile Method. This SP must be sold with a l@surface, three-dimensional Cast Surface Comparator, which is a necessary part of the Standard. Additional Comparators may be sold separately at $19.00 each. Same quantity discounts apply on total order. Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping Valves Corrosion Resistant Pipe Fittings Threaded and Socket Welding, Class 150 and loo0 Excess Flow Valves for Natural Gas Service Service Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water Systems Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate Valves - _ Comnact Steel Globe 8 Check Valves - Flanged. Flangeless, Threaded &Welding Ends (Chemical & Petroleum Refinery Service) Belled End Socket Welding Fittings, Stainleis Steel &d Copper Nickel Flexible Graphite Packing System for Rising Stem Steel Valves (Design Requirements) Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for Rising Stem Steel Valves Plastic Industrial Ball Valves - _._ _. (R-YEAR) InrMaies year standard rearhmleo w11ilou1 subs1arme cnanges A large number of former MSS Practices have been approved by the ANSI or ANSI Standards. published by others. In order to maintain a single source of aothoritallve information, the MSS vdlhdravm b Standard Practices In such cases. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.