?-1 No Product Name Assigned
Section Name Preliminary Working Document
WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Service Documentation
WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue
***Xerox Private Data***
All service documentation is supplied to Xerox external customers for informational purposes
only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product-trained service per-
sonnel only. Xerox does not warrant or represent that it will notify or provide to such customer
any future change to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or mod-
ules, components, or parts of such equipment may affect whether Xerox is responsible to fix
machine defects under the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You
should consult the applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third-party provided
If the customer services such equipment, modules, components or parts thereof, the customer
releases Xerox from any and all liability for the customer actions, and the customer agrees to
indemnify, defend and hold xerox harmless from any third party claims which arise directly or
indirectly for such service.
While Xerox has tried to make the documentation accurate, Xerox will have no liability arising
out of any inaccuracies or omissions. Changes are periodically made to this document.
Changes, technical inaccuracies, and typographical errors will be corrected in subsequent edi-
Prepared by Creative and Technical Communications North America
800 Phillips Road, Building 218-01A
Webster, New York 14580
ISO9001 and ISO27001 Certified
2011 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
XEROX and XEROX and design are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the US and/or
other countries.
Changes are periodically made to this document. Changes, technical inaccuracies, and typo-
graphic errors will be corrected in subsequent editions.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions documentation, may cause interference to radio
communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A comput-
ing device pursuant to subpart B of part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide rea-
sonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case
the user, at his own expense, will be required to correct the interference.
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?-2 No Product Name Assigned
Preliminary Working Document Section Name
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i WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Introduction Initial Issue
About this Manual ........................................................................................................... iii
Organization.................................................................................................................... iii
How to Use this Documentation...................................................................................... iv
Symbology and Nomenclature........................................................................................ v
Translated Warnings ....................................................................................................... x
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ii WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Introduction
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iii WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Introduction Initial Issue
About this Manual
This Service Manual is part of the multinational documentation system for this copier/printers.
The Service Documentation is used in order to diagnose machine malfunctions, adjust compo-
nents and has information which is used to maintain the product in superior operating condi-
tion. It is the controlling publication for a service call. Information on its use is found in the
Introduction of the Service Documentation.
This manual contains information that applies to NASG (XC) and ESG (XE) copiers.
Service Manual Revision
The Service Manual will be updated as the machine changes or as problem areas are identi-
The titles of the sections and a description of the information contained in each section are
contained in the following paragraphs:
Section 1: Service Call Procedures
This section contains procedures that determine what actions are to be taken during a service
call on the machine and in what sequence they are to be completed. This is the entry level for
all service calls.
Section 2: Status Indicator RAPs
This section contains the diagnostic aids for troubleshooting the Fault Code and non-Fault
Code related faults (with the exception of image quality problems).
Section 3: Image Quality
This section contains the diagnostic aids for troubleshooting any image quality problems, as
well as image quality specifications and image defect samples.
Section 4: Repairs/Adjustments
This section contains all the Adjustments and Repair procedures.
Repairs include procedures for removal and replacement of parts which have the following
special conditions:
When there is a personnel or machine safety issue.
When removal or replacement cannot be determined from the exploded view of the
Parts List.
When there is a cleaning or a lubricating activity associated with the procedure.
When the part requires an adjustment after replacement.
When a special tool is required for removal or replacement.
Use the repair procedures for the correct order of removal and replacement, for warnings, cau-
tions, and notes.
Adjustments include procedures for adjusting the parts that must be within specification for the
correct operation of the system.
Use the adjustment procedures for the correct sequence of operation for specifications, warn-
ings, cautions and notes.
Section 5: Parts Lists
This section contains the Copier/Printer Parts List.
Section 6: General Procedures/Information
This section contains General Procedures, Diagnostic Programs, and Copier/Printer Informa-
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iv WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Introduction
Section 7: Wiring Data
This section contains drawings, lists of plug/jack locations, and diagrams of the power distribu-
tion wire networks in the machine. Block Schematic Diagrams are found in pdf format in the
How to Use this Documentation
The Service Call Procedures in Section 1 describe the sequence of activities used during the
service call. The call must be entered using these procedures.
Use of the Block Schematic Diagrams
Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) are included in Section 7 (Wiring Data) of the SGS. The
BSDs show the functional relationship of the electrical circuitry to any mechanical, or non-
mechanical, inputs or outputs throughout the machine. Inputs and outputs such as motor drive,
mechanical linkages, operator actions, and air flow are shown. The BSDs will provide an over-
all view of how the entire subsystem works.
It should be noted that the BSDs no longer contain an Input Power Block referring to Chain 1. It
will be necessary to refer to the Wirenets in order to trace a wire back to its source.
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v WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Introduction Initial Issue
Symbology and Nomenclature
The following reference symbols are used throughout the documentation.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes will be found throughout the Service Documentation. The
words WARNING or CAUTION may be listed on an illustration when the specific component
associated with the potential hazard is pointed out; however, the message of the WARNING or
CAUTION is always located in the text. Their definitions are as follows:
Do not perform repair activities with the power on or electrical power supplied to the
machine. The machine could activate and cause serious personal injury when the power
is on or electrical power is supplied.
DANGER: Ne pas effectuer de dpannage avec le contact principal activ ou avec l'ali-
mentation lectrique applique la machine: celle-ci pourrait dmarrer et causer de
graves blessures.
AVVERTENZA: Non effettuare alcuna riparazione con la macchina accesa o con l'ali-
mentazione elettrica inserita. La macchina potrebbe avviarsi all'improvviso e causare
gravi ferite.
VORSICHT: Es drfen keine Reparaturarbeiten durchgefhrt werden, solange das Gert
eingeschalten oder mit der Stromquelle verbunden ist. Das Gert kann u.U in den Aktiv-
Zustand bergehen und somit erhebliche krperliche Schden verursachen.
AVISO: No realice reparaciones con la mquina encendida o conectada a la corriente. La
mquina podra activarse y ocasionar daos personales graves.
A Caution is used whenever an operating or maintenance procedure, a practice, condition, or
statement, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to the equipment.
NOTE: A Note is used whenever it is necessary to highlight an operating or maintenance pro-
cedure, practice, condition, or statement.
Machine Safety Icons
The following safety icons are displayed on the machine:
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vi WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Introduction
Use extreme care when replacing the Raster Output Scanner (ROS) or touching the high
voltage lead. Discharge the laser assembly by touching the high voltage lead to the
machine frame. The ROS utilizes a laser assembly that stores a high voltage charge
after the power has been removed and represents a shock hazard that could cause seri-
ous personal injury if not discharged.
DANGER: Faire trs attention lors du changement du gnrateur de balayage (ROS) ou
lors de la manipulation du cble de haute tension. Dcharger le systme laser en
touchant le cble HT au bti machine: le ROS utilise un systme laser qui retient une
haute tension aprs la coupure de l'alimentation, reprsentant un risque de choc et de
graves blessures.
AVVERTENZA: Fare estrema attenzione nel sostituire il Raster Output Scanner (ROS) o
nel toccare il cavo di alta tensione. Scaricare il complessivo laser collegando il cavo di
alta tensione col telaio della macchina. Il ROS utilizza un complessivo laser che ritiene
una carica di alta tensione dopo il taglio dell'alimentazione con conseguente grave peri-
colo di scossa elettrica e serie ferite.
VORSICHT: Beim Ersetzen der Lasereinheit (ROS) und beim Umgang mit Hochspan-
nungsleitern ist uerste Vorsicht geboten. Die Lasereinheit muss durch Berhren des
Hochspannungsleiters mit dem Gehuse des Gerts entladen werden. Nach Betrieb der
Lasereinheit (ROS) bleibt immer eine Hochspannungsladung zurck, welche ein hohes
Elektroschockrisiko darstellt. uerste Vorsicht ist geboten.
AVISO: Use extrema precaucin para sustituir el Escner de salida rster (ROS) o tocar
el cable de alto voltaje. Descargue el sistema lser tocando el cable de alto voltaje del
bastidor de la mquina. El ROS utiliza un sistema lser que retiene carga de alto voltaje
despus de interrumpir la alimentacin de energa y representa un grave peligro que
puede ocasionar daos personales graves si no se descarga.
Do not defeat or electrically bypass the ROS Safety Interlock Switch for any reason. The
ROS emits an undetectable laser beam that could cause serious permanent damage to
the eyes if directly viewed or viewed from a surface that may have reflected the laser
DANGER: Ne pas shunter le contact de scurit du ROS, quelle que soit la raison. Le
ROS met un rayon laser indtectable qui peut causer de graves blessures perma-
nentes aux yeux s'il est regard directement ou par le biais d'une surface qui le rfl-
AVVERTENZA: Non ostacolare o bypassare elettronicamente l'interruttore blocco di
sicurezza ROS per nessun motivo. Il ROS emette un raggio laser invisibile che pu
causare gravi ferite permanenti agli occhi se viene guardato direttamente o attraverso
una superficie riflettente.
VORSICHT: Den ROS (Rasterausgabescanner)-Sicherheitssperrschalter auf keinen Fall
vernichten oder elektronisch umgehen. Der ROS sondert einen nicht feststellbaren
Laserstrahl ab, der irreparable Augenschden verursachen kann, wenn direkt oder ber
eine Spiegelflche hineingesehen wird.
AVISO: No intente modificar o desviar electrnicamente el interruptor de seguridad por
ningn motivo. El ROS emite un rayo lser que no se puede detectar, que podra puede
causar grave dao permanente a los ojos si se lo mira directamente o desde una super-
ficie que refleja el rayo lser.
Figure 1 Laser Hazard Symbol
Laser Hazard Statement
The use of controls or adjustments other than those specified in the Laser Safety Training Pro-
gram may result in an exposure to dangerous laser radiation.
For additional information, review the Laser Safety Training program.
An arrow points to the location to install, to gain access to, or to release an object.
Figure 2 Customer Access Label
This symbol indicates that a surface can be hot. Use caution when reaching in the machine to
avoid touching the hot surfaces.
Figure 3 Heated Surface Label
Danger label indicates where electrical currents exist when the machine is closed and operat-
ing. Use caution when reaching in the machine.
Figure 4 Shock Hazard Label
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vii WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Introduction Initial Issue
These symbols indicate components that may be damaged by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).
Figure 5 ESD warning Label
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Field Service Kit
The purpose of the ESD Protection Program is to preserve the inherent reliability and quality of
electronic components that are handled by the Field Service Personnel. This program is being
implemented now as a direct result of advances in microcircuitry technology, as well as a new
acknowledgment of the magnitude of the ESD problem in the electronics industry today.
This program will reduce Field Service costs that are charged to PWB failures. Ninety percent
of all PWB failures that are ESD related do not occur immediately. Using the ESD Field Service
Kit will eliminate these delayed failures and intermittent problems caused by ESD. This will
improve product reliability and reduce callbacks.
The ESD Field Service Kit should be used whenever Printed Wiring Boards or ESD sensitive
components are being handled. This includes activities like replacing or reseating of circuit
boards or connectors. The kit should also be used in order to prevent additional damage when
circuit boards are returned for repair.
The instructions for using the ESD Field Service Kit can be found in ESD Field Service Kit
Usage in the General Procedures section of the Service Documentation.
Illustration Symbols
Figure 6 shows symbols and conventions that are commonly used in illustrations.
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viii WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Introduction
Figure 6 Illustration Symbols
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ix WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Introduction Initial Issue
Signal Nomenclature
Refer to Figure 7 for an example of Signal Nomenclature used in Circuit Diagrams and BSDs.
Figure 7 Signal Nomenclature
Voltage Measurement and Specifications
Measurements of DC voltage must be made with reference to the specified DC Common,
unless some other point is referenced in a diagnostic procedure. All measurements of AC volt-
age should be made with respect to the adjacent return or ACN wire.
Logic Voltage Levels
Measurements of logic levels must be made with reference to the specified DC Common,
unless some other point is referenced in a diagnostic procedure.
DC Voltage Measurements in RAPs
The RAPs have been designed so that when it is required to use the DMM to measure a DC
voltage, the first test point listed is the location for the red (+) meter lead and the second test
point is the location for the black meter lead. For example, the following statement may be
found in a RAP:
There is +5 VDC from TP7 to TP68.
In this example, the red meter lead would be placed on TP7 and the black meter lead on TP68.
Other examples of a statement found in a RAP might be:
There is -15 VDC from TP21 to TP33.
-15 VDC is measured between TP21 and TP33.
In these examples, the red meter lead would be placed on TP21 and the black meter lead
would be placed on TP33.
If a second test point is not given, it is assumed that the black meter lead may be attached
to the copier frame.
Table 1 Voltage Measurement and Specifications
+5 VDC +4.75 VDC TO +5.25 VDC
+24 VDC +23.37 VDC TO +27.06 VDC
Table 2 Logic Levels
+5 VDC H= +3.00 TO +5.25 VDC
L= 0.0 TO 0.8 VDC
+24 VDC H= +23.37 TO +27.06 VDC
L= 0.0 TO 0.8 VDC
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x WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Introduction
Translated Warnings
Translated Warnings are located at point of need in the Service Documentation.
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1-1 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Service Call Procedures Initial Issue
1 Service Call Procedures
Service Call Procedures.................................................................................................. 1-3
Initial Actions ................................................................................................................... 1-3
Call Flow ......................................................................................................................... 1-4
Detailed Maintenance Activities (HFSI)........................................................................... 1-6
Cleaning Procedures....................................................................................................... 1-6
Final Actions.................................................................................................................... 1-7
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1-2 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Service Call Procedures
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1-3 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Service Call Procedures, Initial Actions
Service Call Procedures Initial Issue
Service Call Procedures
Service Strategy
The service strategy for the WorkCentre 5335 Family is to perform any High Frequency Ser-
vice Item (HFSI) actions before attempting to repair any problems. Some problems will be cor-
rected by this strategy without the need to diagnose them. The Repair Analysis Procedures
(RAPs) will be used for any remaining problems.
Problems that occur in the Basic Printer mode will be repaired before problems that occur
when using the accessories.
Image Quality problems should be repaired after all other problems are repaired.
Service Call Procedures
The Service Call Procedures are a guide for performing any service on this machine. The
procedures are designed to be used with the Service Manual. Perform each step in order.
Initial Actions
The Initial Actions gather information about the condition of the machine and the problem that
caused the service call.
Call Flow
Call Flow summarizes the sequence of the Service Call Procedures.
Detailed Maintenance Activities
Detailed Maintenance Activities section provides the information needed to perform the High
Frequency Service Item (HFSI) actions.
Cleaning Procedures
The Cleaning Procedures list what needs to be cleaned at each service call.
Final Actions
The Final Actions will test the copier/printer and return it to the customer. Administrative activi-
ties are also performed in the Final Actions.
Initial Actions
The purpose of the Initial Action section of the Service Call Procedures is to determine the rea-
son for the service call and to identify and organize the actions which must be performed.
1. Gather the information about the service call and the condition of the copier/printer.
a. Question the operator(s). Ask about the location of most recent paper jams. Ask
about the image quality and the copier/printer performance in general, including any
unusual sounds or other indications.
b. After informing the customer, disconnect the machine from the customers network.
c. Check that the power cords are in good condition, correctly plugged in the power
source, and free from any defects that would be a safety hazard. Repair or replace
the power cords as required. Check that the circuit breakers are not tripped.
d. Inspect any rejected copies. Inquire as to, or otherwise determine, the paper quality
and weight, the specified paper for optimum Image Quality, 24# Xerox Color Expres-
sions (NASG) or ColorTech+90gsm (ESG). Look for any damage to the copies, oil
marks, image quality defects, or other indications of a problem.
e. Record the billing meter readings.
f. Access Diagnostic Routines (Accessing UI Diagnostics)..
NOTE: If a fault code is displayed while performing a diagnostics procedure, go to
that fault code RAP and repair the fault. Return to Diagnostics and continue with the
dC procedure that you were performing.
g. Print the HFSI Report and determine what HFSI action is required based on the cus-
tomer output volume. Refer to the Detailed Maintenance Activities section for the
detailed HFSI information. Record any items that require action.
h. Display and record the information in the Jam Counter, Fault Counter, and Shutdown
History. Classify this information into categories:
Information that is related to the problem that caused the service call.
Information that is related to secondary problems.
Information that does not require action, such as a single occurrence of a prob-
i. Check the Service Log for any recent activities that are related to the problem that
caused the service call or any secondary problem.
2. Perform any required HFSI activities identified above. Refer to the Detailed Maintenance
Activities section.
3. Exit diagnostics. Try to duplicate the problem by running the same jobs that the customer
was running.
4. Check the Image Quality in the Basic Copier Mode. Select the tray that is loaded with 11 x
17 or A3 paper, if unable to complete tray selection, go to Call Flow.
Set the copier/printer to the following setup:
Output Color - Auto
Original Type - Photo and Text Halftone
R/E - Auto
Lighter/Darker - Auto Contrast
BUS Updated 12/2011
1-4 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Initial Actions, Call Flow
Initial Issue Service Call Procedures
Sharpness - Normal
Preset Color Balance - Normal
Color Shift - Normal
Color Saturation - Normal
Copy Position - No Shift
Variable Color Balance - Normal
Run four copies of the Color Test Pattern.
Check the Image Quality. If the customer has identified any Image Quality Defects or
problems, go to IQ1 IOT Image Quality Entry RAP.
5. Go to Call Flow.
Call Flow
This procedure should be performed at every service call.
Initial Actions
Ask the operator about the problem. If the problem appears to be related to operator error, or
an attempt to perform a job outside of the machine specifications, assist the customer in learn-
ing the correct procedure.
Ask the operator about the problem.
If the problem is identified by a fault code (including Paper/Document Jams), refer to Sec-
tion 2 for the procedure and then proceed with servicing.
If the problem is noise or smell, select a mode (1 Sided/2Sided, Finisher etc.), find the
cause of the problem and proceed with servicing.
The operator operated the machine correctly.
Explain to the operator how to operate the machine correctly.
The UI display is normal.
Go to Machine Not Ready RAP. Refer to BSDs (CH2.1-CH2.4).
The problem occurs only in Print mode.
The problem occurs only in Copy mode.
The problem occurs only in Fax mode.
There is an error message displayed.
Refer to Table 1 Other Faults and identify the problem and follow the cor-
rective action.
Refer to Table 2 Error Messages and identify the message and follow the cor-
rective action.
The problem occurs only in certain modes such as Broadcast transmission.
Perform a transmission test with the call center or station. The problem reoc-
Ask the customer for permission to establish communications with
the remote machine that is causing the problem. Perform a Send
transmission test with the remote machine. Transmission was nor-
Print the protocol trace to identify whether it is the remote machine or
the machine that is causing the problem.
If the problem lies in the machine:
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1-5 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Call Flow
Service Call Procedures Initial Issue
Analyze the protocol trace, refer to Section 2 and then proceed
with servicing.
If the problem appears to lie in the remote machine:
Ask the customer to check the status of the remote machine.
There is a problem with Receive transmission test. Perform Receive trans-
mission tests with other stations within the company. Check that there is
no problem with the machine and then ask the customer to check the sta-
tus of the remote machine.
Analyze the protocol trace, refer to Section 2 and then proceed with servicing.
Check the machine settings and if necessary, ask the customer for permission to test
the machine in the mode in which the problem occurs.
Analyze the protocol trace when the problem reoccurs, for FAX problems go to GP
13 FAX Diagnostics, or go to Section 2 to proceed with servicing.
There is an image quality problem.
If there is an alignment problem, obtain separate Platen/DADF output samples, refer
to Section 4 Adjustments and then proceed with servicing.
Refer to Section 3 IQ1 IOT Image Quality Entry RAP and then proceed with servicing.
There is a problem with the network.
There is a problem with the USB connection.
There is an image quality problem.
The problem lies in a certain Client PC.
There is a problem with a certain application or programming language A.
Obtain the latest information on restrictions and technical information. Pro-
ceed accordingly.
Check the settings of that particular Client PC and if necessary ask the user to
reinstall the printer driver.
Refer to IQ1 IOT Image Quality Entry RAP and then proceed with servicing.
If the problem persists, ask the user to reinstall the printer driver.
Check the machine settings and if necessary ask the user to reinstall the printer driver.
If the problem continues, replace the network cable. If the problem persists, replace the USB
cable. Check the machine settings and discuss the problem with the customer's network
Table 1 Other Faults
Problem Corrective Action
Copies jam in the Finisher when
the output tray is near maximum
Verify condition of paper.
Can not make copies when
Auditron is enabled.
Enter Diagnostics (Accessing UI Diagnostics).. Select
Copy on screen. Machine will operate without auditron
Loud snapping noise is heard. Enter Component Control [042-003] and press the Start
button. If noise is present there is binding in toner drive
system. Repair as required
HCF (Tray 6) Paper Size Sensing
Go to BSD 7.11 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Size Sensing and
check the Tray 6 Size Sensors for open or short circuits.
HCF (Tray 6) Paper Loading Prob-
Go to BSD 7.11 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Size Sensing and
check the Tray 6 In Sensor for open or short circuit.
Table 2 Error Messages
Message Corrective Action
Tray 1 is out of Paper Reload paper into Tray 1. I f problem still exists, go to
024-950 RAP
Tray 2 is out of Paper Reload paper into Tray 2. I f problem still exists, go to
024-951 RAP
Tray 3 is out of paper Reload paper into Tray 3. I f problem still exists, go to
024-952 RAP
Tray 4 is out of paper Reload paper into Tray 4. I f problem still exists, go to
024-953 RAP
Tray 5 is out of paper Reload paper into Tray 5. I f problem still exists, go to
024-954 RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
1-6 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Detailed Maintenance Activities, Cleaning Proce-
Initial Issue Service Call Procedures
Detailed Maintenance Activities (HFSI)
1. Access Diagnostic Routines (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select NVM Read/Write.
3. Refer to Table 1 and enter a counter number for any High Frequency Service Item (HFSI)
counters to be checked. Use the customer's output volume numbers to help determine
which HFSI components should be serviced. Consider components near threshold as
candidates for service.
4. Refer to Cleaning Procedures for detailed cleaning instructions.
Cleaning Procedures
To provide cleaning procedures to be performed at every service call.
Do not use any solvents unless directed to do so by the Service Manual.
General Cleaning
Use a dry lint free cloth or a lint free cloth moistened with water for all cleaning unless directed
otherwise by the Service Manual. Wipe with a dry lint free cloth if a moistened cloth is used.
1. Feed Components (Rolls and Pads)
Follow the General Cleaning procedure above.
2. Toner Dispense Units
Vacuum the Toner Dispense units.
3. Jam Sensors
Clean the sensors with a dry cotton swab.
4. Scanner
a. Switch off the power and allow the Exposure Lamp to cool off.
b. Using the optical Cleaning Cloth, clean the front and rear of the Document Glass,
Document Cover, White Reference Strip, Reflector, and Mirror.
c. Clean the Exposure Lamp with a clean cloth and Film Remover.
d. Clean the Lens with Lens and Mirror Cleaner and lint free cloth.
Check the paper path for debris or damage. Clean the rolls with a clean cloth and Film
Remover as required.
6. Document Glass and Constant Velocity Transport Glass
Follow the General Cleaning procedure above.
7. Finisher
Check the paper path for debris or damage. Clean the Finisher with a dry lint free cloth.
Table 1 High Frequency Service Items
Counter Name
hold Service Action to be performed
954-800 Tray 1 Feed counter 300K Replace the Feed Roll, Retard Roll, Nudger
Roll (PL 9.7).
954-801 Tray 2 Feed counter 300K Replace the Feed Roll, Retard Roll, Nudger
Roll (PL 9.7).
954-802 Tray 3 Feed counter 300K Replace the Feed Roll, Retard Roll, Nudger
Roll (PL 11.10).
954-803 Tray 4 Feed counter 300K Replace the Feed Roll, Retard Roll, Nudger
Roll (PL 11.10).
954-804 MSI Feed counter 50K Replace the Feed Roll, Retard Pad (PL 13.2).
954-805 HCF Feed/Retard/
300K Replace the Feed Roll, Retard Pad and
Nudger Roll (PL 10.5, PL 10.6).
954-820 BTR 300K Replace the BTR Housing Assembly (PL 6.1)
954-850 Fuser Counter 17.5M Replace the Fuser (PL 7.1).
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1-7 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Final Actions
Service Call Procedures Initial Issue
Final Actions
To provide a guide for procedures to be done at the end of every service call.
1. Ensure that the exterior of the copier/printer and the adjacent area are clean. Use a dry
cloth or a cloth moistened with water to clean the copier/printer. Do not use solvents.
2. Check the supply of consumables. Ensure that an adequate supply of consumables is
available according to local operating procedures.
3. Complete the Service Log.
4. Perform the following steps to make a copy of the Demonstration Original for the cus-
a. Load Tray 1 with 8.5 x 11 inch (A4) or 11 x 17 inch paper.
b. Place the Color Test Pattern on the glass with the short edge of the test pattern reg-
istered to the left edge of the glass. Select Tray 1 and make a single copy.
c. Print out the Machine Settings (Configuration Report). Store this report with the ser-
vice log in the Inner Cover.
d. Ask the customer to verify the Print and Scan functions.
e. Present the copies to the customer.
5. Reconnect the machine to the customer network. Verify the function.
6. Issue copy credits as needed.
7. Discuss the service call with the customer to ensure that the customer understands what
has been done and is satisfied with the results of the service call.
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1-8 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Final Actions
Initial Issue Service Call Procedures
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2-1 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
2 Status Indicator RAPs
Chain 002
002-500 UI error............................................................................................................. 2-21
Chain 003 - Controller
003-311 IIT CDI Interface Mismatch RAP....................................................................... 2-23
003-318 IIT Software RAP .............................................................................................. 2-23
003-319 IIT Video Driver Detection RAP ........................................................................ 2-24
003-320 IISS-ESS Communication 1 RAP ..................................................................... 2-24
003-321 IISS-ESS Communication 2 RAP ..................................................................... 2-25
003-322 IISS-ESS Communication 3 RAP ..................................................................... 2-25
003-323 IISS-ESS Communication 4 RAP ..................................................................... 2-26
003-324 IISS-ESS Communication 5 RAP ..................................................................... 2-26
003-325 IISS-ESS Communication 6 RAP ..................................................................... 2-27
003-326 IISS-ESS Communication 7 RAP ..................................................................... 2-27
003-327 IISS-ESS Communication 8 RAP ..................................................................... 2-28
003-328 IISS-ESS Communication 9 RAP ..................................................................... 2-28
003-329 IISS-ESS Communication 10 RAP ................................................................... 2-29
003-330 IISS-ESS Communication 11 RAP ................................................................... 2-29
003-331 IISS-ESS Communication 12 RAP ................................................................... 2-30
003-332 IISS-ESS Communication 13 RAP ................................................................... 2-30
003-333 IISS-ESS Communication 14 RAP ................................................................... 2-31
003-334 IISS-ESS Communication 15 RAP ................................................................... 2-31
003-335 IISS-ESS Communication 16 RAP ................................................................... 2-32
003-336 IISS-ESS Communication 17 RAP ................................................................... 2-32
003-337 IISS-ESS Communication 18 RAP ................................................................... 2-33
003-338 IISS-ESS Communication 19 RAP ................................................................... 2-33
003-339 IISS-ESS Communication 20 RAP ................................................................... 2-34
003-340 IISS-ESS Communication 21 RAP ................................................................... 2-34
003-341 IISS-ESS Communication 22 RAP ................................................................... 2-35
003-342 IISS-ESS Communication 23 RAP ................................................................... 2-35
003-343 IISS-ESS Communication 24 RAP ................................................................... 2-36
003-344 IISS_ESS X Hotline Power On RAP................................................................. 2-36
003-345 PIO Unlatched 1 RAP ....................................................................................... 2-37
003-346 PIO Unlatched 2 RAP ....................................................................................... 2-37
003-702 Different Magnification for Side 1 and Side 2 RAP ........................................... 2-38
003-750 Book Duplex Documents RAP.......................................................................... 2-38
003-751 Panther Capacity RAP...................................................................................... 2-39
003-752 600dpi Cannot be Scanned RAP...................................................................... 2-39
003-753 300dpi Cannot be Scanned RAP...................................................................... 2-40
003-754 Scan Recoverable Error RAP ........................................................................... 2-40
003-755 S2X Command Error RAP ................................................................................ 2-41
003-756 All Original Sheets are Blank RAP.................................................................... 2-41
003-757 400dpi Cannot be Scanned RAP...................................................................... 2-42
003-760 Scan Settings RAP ........................................................................................... 2-42
003-761 Incorrect Paper Tray Size RAP......................................................................... 2-43
003-763 Adjustment Chart RAP...................................................................................... 2-43
003-764 Image Overlay RAP .......................................................................................... 2-44
003-780 Fax Scan Compression Fail RAP...................................................................... 2-44
003-795 AMS Limit RAP ................................................................................................. 2-45
003-930 300 DPI Scan RAP............................................................................................ 2-45
003-931 400 DPI Scan RAP............................................................................................ 2-46
003-932 600 DPI Scan RAP............................................................................................ 2-46
003-933 300 DPI Scan RAP............................................................................................ 2-47
003-934 400 DPI Scan RAP............................................................................................ 2-47
003-935 600 DPI Scan RAP............................................................................................ 2-48
003-940 Memory RAP..................................................................................................... 2-48
003-941 Page Memory Insufficient RAP......................................................................... 2-49
003-942 Document Size Auto Detect RAP...................................................................... 2-49
003-944 Image Repeat Count RAP................................................................................. 2-50
003-946 Image Rotation (Copy APS) RAP ..................................................................... 2-51
003-947 Return Documents Count RAP......................................................................... 2-51
003-948 Return Documents Mismatch RAP ................................................................... 2-52
003-952 Document Color Mismatch RAP ....................................................................... 2-52
003-955 Documents Size Exchange RAP....................................................................... 2-53
003-956 Document Size Unknown Error RAP ................................................................ 2-53
003-963 APS Object Tray RAP....................................................................................... 2-54
003-965 ATS/APS Paper Detect RAP............................................................................. 2-54
003-966 ATS/APS Destination (IIT) RAP........................................................................ 2-55
003-967 DADF APS No Destination RAP....................................................................... 2-55
003-968 Punch Position Error RAP................................................................................. 2-56
003-969 Punch Size Error RAP....................................................................................... 2-56
003-971 Copy Prevention Code Detected RAP.............................................................. 2-57
003-972 Maximum Stored Page RAP............................................................................. 2-57
003-973 Image Rotation RAP ......................................................................................... 2-58
003-974 Next Original Specification RAP........................................................................ 2-58
003-976 FAX Line Memory Overflow RAP...................................................................... 2-59
003-977 Document Mismatch (Multiple Scan) RAP........................................................ 2-59
003-978 Color Document Mismatch RAP ....................................................................... 2-60
003-980 Staple Position RAP.......................................................................................... 2-60
003-981 Staple Size RAP................................................................................................ 2-61
003-982 IITsc HDD Access Error RAP............................................................................ 2-61
Chain 005 - DADF
005-121 DADF Feed Out Sensor On Jam RAP.............................................................. 2-63
005-122 DADF Simplex/Side 1 Pre Registration Sensor On Jam RAP.......................... 2-64
005-123 DADF Simplex/Side 1 Registration Sensor On Jam RAP................................. 2-65
005-125 DADF Registration Sensor Off Jam RAP.......................................................... 2-66
005-131 DADF Invert Sensor On Jam (During Invert) RAP............................................ 2-66
005-132 DADF Invert Sensor On Jam RAP.................................................................... 2-67
005-134 DADF Inverter Sensor Off Jam (During Invert) RAP......................................... 2-67
005-135 DADF Side 2 Pre Registration Sensor On Jam RAP........................................ 2-68
005-136 DADF Side 2 Registration Sensor On Jam RAP............................................... 2-68
005-139 DADF Invert Sensor Off Jam RAP.................................................................... 2-69
005-145 DADF Registration Sensor Off Jam (Invert) RAP ............................................. 2-69
005-146 DADF Pre Registration Sensor Off Jam RAP................................................... 2-70
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-2 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-147 DADF Pre Registration Sensor Off Jam (Invert) RAP....................................... 2-70
005-194 Size Mismatch Jam On SS Mix-Size RAP........................................................ 2-71
005-196 Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size RAP ........................................................ 2-71
005-197 Prohibit Combine Size Jam RAP ...................................................................... 2-72
005-198 Too Short Size Jam RAP.................................................................................. 2-72
005-199 Too Long Size Jam RAP................................................................................... 2-73
005-210 DADF Download Fail RAP................................................................................ 2-73
005-275 DADF RAM Test Fail RAP................................................................................ 2-74
005-280 DADF EEPROM. Fail RAP ............................................................................... 2-74
005-305 DADF Feeder Cover Interlock Open (when running) RAP ............................... 2-75
005-500 DADF Write Error During Download RAP......................................................... 2-75
005-906 DADF Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP.......................................................... 2-76
005-907 DADF Pre Registration Sensor Static Jam RAP............................................... 2-76
005-913 DADF Inverter Sensor Static Jam RAP ............................................................ 2-77
005-915 DADF APS Sensor 1 Static Jam RAP .............................................................. 2-77
005-916 DADF APS Sensor 2 Static Jam RAP .............................................................. 2-78
005-917 DADF APS Sensor 3 Static Jam RAP .............................................................. 2-78
005-940 DADF No Original RAP..................................................................................... 2-79
005-941 Doc Number of Sheets is Insufficient RAP ....................................................... 2-79
005-942 Doc Fault Loading on DADF RAP..................................................................... 2-80
005-945 FS-Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size or SS Mix-Size (Cont) RAP............... 2-80
005-946 SS-Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size (Cont) RAP ....................................... 2-81
005-947 FS-Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size or SS Mix-Size RAP.......................... 2-81
005-948 SS-Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size RAP .................................................. 2-82
010 Fuser
010-338 Fuser On Time Failure RAP.............................................................................. 2-83
010-379 Fuser Hot Not Ready Return Time Failure RAP............................................... 2-84
010-420 Fuser Near End Of Life..................................................................................... 2-84
010-421 Fuser End Of Life.............................................................................................. 2-85
010-398 Fuser Fan Fault RAP ........................................................................................ 2-85
Chain 012 (Integrated Finisher)
012-132 (Integrated Finisher) Entrance Sensor ON Jam RAP ....................................... 2-87
012-151 (Integrated Finisher) Compiler Exit Sensor OFF Jam RAP .............................. 2-88
012-152 (Integrated Finisher) Compiler Exit Sensor ON Jam RAP ................................ 2-89
012-161 (Integrated Finisher) Set Eject Jam RAP.......................................................... 2-90
012-211 (Integrated Finisher) Stacker Tray Fail RAP..................................................... 2-91
012-221 (Integrated Finisher) Front Tamper Home Sensor ON Fail RAP ...................... 2-93
012-223 (Integrated Finisher) Front Tamper Home Sensor OFF Fail RAP .................... 2-94
012-224 (Integrated Finisher) Rear Tamper Home Sensor OFF Fail RAP..................... 2-95
012-259 (Integrated Finisher) Eject Home Sensor ON Fail RAP.................................... 2-96
012-263 (Integrated Finisher) Rear Tamper Home Sensor ON Fail RAP....................... 2-97
012-280 (Integrated Finisher) Eject Home Sensor OFF Fail RAP .................................. 2-98
012-283 (Integrated Finisher) Set Clamp Home Sensor ON Fail RAP ........................... 2-99
012-284 (Integrated Finisher) Set Clamp Home Sensor OFF Fail RAP ......................... 2-100
012-291 (Integrated Finisher) Stapler Fail RAP.............................................................. 2-101
012-301 (Integrated Finisher) Top Cover Interlock OPEN RAP...................................... 2-102
012-302 (Integrated Finisher) Front Cover Interlock OPEN RAP ................................... 2-103
012-903 (Integrated Finisher) Paper Remains at Compiler Exit Sensor RAP................. 2-104
012-935 (Integrated Finisher) Paper Remains at Entrance Sensor RAP........................ 2-104
Chain 012 (Finisher LX)
012-111 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Off Jam A RAP (LX) .......................................... 2-105
012-112 H-Transport Entrance Sensor On Jam A RAP (LX) .......................................... 2-105
012-126 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Off Jam B RAP (LX) .......................................... 2-106
012-131 H-Transport Entrance Sensor On Jam B RAP (LX) .......................................... 2-106
012-132 Finisher Entrance Sensor On Jam RAP (LX).................................................... 2-107
012-151 Compiler Exit Sensor Off Jam RAP (LX)........................................................... 2-107
012-152 Compiler Exit Sensor On Jam RAP (LX)........................................................... 2-108
012-161 Finisher Set Eject Jam RAP (LX) ...................................................................... 2-108
012-211 Stacker Tray Failure RAP (LX).......................................................................... 2-109
012-212 Stacker Tray Upper Limit Failure RAP (LX) ...................................................... 2-110
012-213 Stacker Tray Lower Limit Failure RAP (LX) ...................................................... 2-111
012-221 Front Tamper Home Sensor On Failure RAP (LX) ........................................... 2-112
012-223 Front Tamper Home Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX) ........................................... 2-113
012-224 Rear Tamper Home Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX) ............................................ 2-114
012-231 Punch Home Sensor On Fail RAP (LX) ............................................................ 2-115
012-243 Booklet Folder Home Sensor On Fail RAP (LX) ............................................... 2-116
012-249 Booklet Front Stapler Fail RAP (LX) ................................................................. 2-116
012-260 Eject Clamp Home Sensor On Failure RAP (LX).............................................. 2-117
012-263 Rear Tamper Failure RAP (LX)......................................................................... 2-118
012-265 Booklet Folder Home Sensor OFF Fail RAP (LX)............................................. 2-119
012-268 Booklet Rear Stapler Fail RAP (LX) .................................................................. 2-119
012-269 Booklet Sub-CPU Communications Fail RAP (LX) ........................................... 2-120
012-282 Eject Clamp Home Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX).............................................. 2-120
012-283 Set Clamp Home Sensor On Failure RAP (LX) ................................................ 2-121
012-284 Set Clamp Home Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX) ................................................ 2-122
012-291 Stapler Failure RAP (LX)................................................................................... 2-123
012-295 Stapler Move Position Sensor On Failure RAP (LX)......................................... 2-124
012-296 Staple Move Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX)........................................................ 2-124
012-300 Eject Cover Open RAP (LX).............................................................................. 2-125
012-302 Finisher Front Cover Open RAP (LX) ............................................................... 2-126
012-303 Finisher H-Transport Cover Open RAP (LX)..................................................... 2-126
012-334 Download Mode Failure RAP (LX) .................................................................... 2-127
012-500 Download Failure RAP (LX) .............................................................................. 2-127
012-700 Punch Box Nearly Full RAP (LX) ...................................................................... 2-128
012-901 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Static Jam RAP (LX) ......................................... 2-128
012-903 Paper Remains at Compiler Exit Sensor RAP (LX) .......................................... 2-129
012-905 Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor Static JAM RAP (LX)..................................... 2-129
012-911 Stacker Lower Safety Warning RAP................................................................. 2-130
012-914 Stacker Tray Stapled Set Over Count RAP ...................................................... 2-130
012-923 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Static Jam RAP (LX) ......................................... 2-131
012-935 Paper at Finisher Entrance Sensor RAP (LX)................................................... 2-131
012-949 Punch Box Missing RAP (LX) ........................................................................... 2-132
012-965 Stapler Near Empty RAP .................................................................................. 2-132
012-966 Scratch Sheet Compile RAP............................................................................. 2-133
012-969 IOT Center Tray Full RAP................................................................................. 2-133
Chain 013 (Finisher LX)
013-210 Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor ON RAP (LX)............................................ 2-135
013-211 Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor OFF RAP (LX).......................................... 2-136
013-212 Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor On Fail RAP (LX) .................................. 2-137
013-213 Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor Off Fail RAP (LX) .................................. 2-138
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-3 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
013-220 Folder Detect Fail RAP (LX) ............................................................................. 2-139
013-306 Booklet Safety Switches Open RAP (LX) ......................................................... 2-139
013-307 Booklet Cover Open RAP (LX) ......................................................................... 2-140
Chain 016 - Controller
016-210 Software Option (HDD Not Exist) RAP ............................................................. 2-141
016-211 Software Option (System Memory Low) RAP................................................... 2-141
016-212 Software Option (Page Memory Low) RAP ...................................................... 2-142
016-213 Software Option (Printer PWB) RAP................................................................. 2-142
016-214 Software Option Fail (Fax CARD Not Exist) RAP............................................. 2-143
016-215 Software Option Fail (JPEG Board Not Exist) RAP .......................................... 2-143
016-216 Software Option Fail (ExtMemory Not Exist) RAP............................................ 2-144
016-217 Software Option Fail (Controller ROM does not Support Printer Kit) RAP ....... 2-144
016-218 PostScript (PS) Kit not Installed RAP ............................................................... 2-145
016-219 Software Option RAP........................................................................................ 2-145
016-229 SW Option Failure RAP .................................................................................... 2-146
016-230 SW Option Failed - PS Image Log Kit (License Required) RAP....................... 2-146
016-231 SW Option Failed - (Image Ext PWB Not Exist) RAP....................................... 2-147
016-232 MRC HW Initialize RAP .................................................................................... 2-147
016-233 SW Option Fail (USB Host Failed or Not Installed) RAP .................................. 2-148
016-234 XCP Out of Memory Error RAP ........................................................................ 2-148
016-235 XCP Internal Error RAP .................................................................................... 2-149
016-310 SSMM Job Log Full RAP .................................................................................. 2-149
016-311 Scanner Install RAP.......................................................................................... 2-150
016-312 SW Option Fail (Hybrid Water Mark Not Exist) RAP......................................... 2-150
016-313 Hybrid Water Mark Setting Mismatch RAP....................................................... 2-151
016-314 Hybrid Water Mark Not Exist RAP .................................................................... 2-151
016-315 IIT Interface RAP .............................................................................................. 2-152
016-316 Page Memory Not Detected RAP ..................................................................... 2-152
016-317 Page Memory Error- Standard RAP ................................................................. 2-153
016-318 Page Memory Error- Option RAP ..................................................................... 2-153
016-320 Doc Conversion SW Error RAP ........................................................................ 2-154
016-321 Fax Module RAP............................................................................................... 2-154
016-322 JBA Account Full RAP ...................................................................................... 2-155
016-323 B Formatting RAP............................................................................................. 2-155
016-325 Using Personal Certificate RAP........................................................................ 2-156
016-326 Cont-UI Cable Connection Fail RAP................................................................. 2-156
016-328 Cont-MCU Cable Connection Fail RAP ........................................................... 2-157
016-330 Memory Diag Fail-1 RAP .................................................................................. 2-157
016-331 Memory Diag Fail-2 RAP .................................................................................. 2-158
016-332 Memory Diag Fail-3 RAP .................................................................................. 2-158
016-335 ROM Diag Fail-1 RAP....................................................................................... 2-159
016-336 ESS Program ROM Fail-2 RAP ........................................................................ 2-159
016-337 ESS ProgramROM Fail-3 RAP ......................................................................... 2-160
016-338 ESS FontROM Fail-1 RAP................................................................................ 2-160
016-339 ESS FontROM Fail-2 RAP................................................................................ 2-161
016-340 ESS FontROM Fail-3 RAP................................................................................ 2-161
016-341 ESS FontROM Fail-4 RAP................................................................................ 2-162
016-342 ESS RTC Failure RAP...................................................................................... 2-162
016-345 ESS NV-Memory Failure RAP .......................................................................... 2-163
016-347 ESS PageMemory Failure RAP........................................................................ 2-163
016-348 ESS PageMemory Failure-2 RAP..................................................................... 2-164
016-350 ESS EEPROM DIAG Failure 1 RAP................................................................. 2-164
016-351 ESS EEPROM DIAG Failure 2 RAP................................................................. 2-165
016-360 Cont UI Fail-1 RAP............................................................................................ 2-165
016-362 Cont UI Fail-2 RAP............................................................................................ 2-166
016-364 Cont USB2.0 Host Fail RAP.............................................................................. 2-166
016-365 Cont USB2.0 Device Fail RAP.......................................................................... 2-167
016-366 Cont HDD Fail-1 RAP ....................................................................................... 2-167
016-367 Cont HDD Fail-2 RAP ....................................................................................... 2-168
016-368 Cont Thumbnail Fail RAP.................................................................................. 2-168
016-370 ESS Failure RAP............................................................................................... 2-169
016-371 ESS USB1.1 Host Failure RAP......................................................................... 2-169
016-372 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-A RAP.................................................................... 2-170
016-373 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-B RAP.................................................................... 2-170
016-374 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-C RAP................................................................... 2-171
016-375 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-D RAP................................................................... 2-171
016-376 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-E RAP................................................................... 2-172
016-377 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-F RAP ................................................................... 2-172
016-378 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-G RAP................................................................... 2-173
016-379 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-H RAP................................................................... 2-173
016-380 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-I RAP..................................................................... 2-174
016-381 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-J RAP.................................................................... 2-174
016-382 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-P RAP................................................................... 2-175
016-400 802.1x Authentication Failure RAP................................................................... 2-175
016-401 802.1x EAP Type Not Supported RAP.............................................................. 2-176
016-402 802.1x Authentication Failure by Timing Out RAP............................................ 2-176
016-403 802.1x Certificate Failure RAP.......................................................................... 2-177
016-404 802.1x Inside Failure RAP ................................................................................ 2-177
016-405 Certificate DB File Error RAP............................................................................ 2-178
016-406 802.1x Client Certificate Failure RAP............................................................... 2-178
016-407 XCP Plug-in Security Exception RAP ............................................................... 2-179
016-408 XCP Invalid Plug-in RAP................................................................................... 2-179
016-409 XCP Plug-in Version Incompatible RAP............................................................ 2-180
016-410 XCP Plug-in Property Invalid RAP.................................................................... 2-180
016-411 XCP Unsupported Class Version RAP.............................................................. 2-181
016-412 XCP Plug-in Misc Error RAP............................................................................. 2-181
016-450 SMB Host Name Duplicated RAP..................................................................... 2-182
016-453 Dynamic DNS - IPv6 Address Dynamic Update Error RAP.............................. 2-182
016-454 DNS Dynamic Update RAP............................................................................... 2-183
016-455 SMTP Server Time-out RAP............................................................................. 2-183
016-456 SMTP Time Asynchronous RAP....................................................................... 2-184
016-461 Under Non-Transmitted Image Log Stagnation RAP........................................ 2-184
016-500 Downloader Fail RAP........................................................................................ 2-185
016-502 ROM Write RAP................................................................................................ 2-185
016-503 SMTP Redirector RAP...................................................................................... 2-186
016-504 Redirector POP Server RAP............................................................................. 2-186
016-505 Redirector POP Authentication RAP................................................................. 2-187
016-506 Image Log RAP................................................................................................. 2-187
016-507 Image Log Send RAP ....................................................................................... 2-188
016-508 Image Log RAP................................................................................................. 2-188
016-509 Image Log RAP................................................................................................. 2-189
016-510 Image Log RAP................................................................................................. 2-189
016-511 Image Log RAP................................................................................................. 2-190
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-4 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-512 Image Log RAP................................................................................................. 2-190
016-513 SMTP Server Reception Error RAP.................................................................. 2-191
016-514 XPS Error RAP ................................................................................................. 2-191
016-515 XPS Short of Memory RAP............................................................................... 2-192
016-516 XPS Print Ticket Description Error RAP ........................................................... 2-192
016-517 PS Booklet Illegal Color Mode Change RAP .................................................... 2-193
016-518 PS Booklet Conflict WM RAP ........................................................................... 2-193
016-519 Device DV - Reached Limit RAP ...................................................................... 2-194
016-522 LDAP RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-194
016-523 LDAP RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-195
016-524 LDAP RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-195
016-525 LDAP RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-196
016-526 LDAP RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-196
016-527 LDAP RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-197
016-529 Remote Download Server Time-out RAP ......................................................... 2-197
016-533 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error 37 RAP............................................... 2-198
016-534 LDAP RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-198
016-535 Remote Download File Access Error RAP........................................................ 2-199
016-536 Host Name Resolution Error in Remote Download RAP .................................. 2-199
016-537 Remote Download Server Connection Error RAP ............................................ 2-200
016-538 Remote Download File Write Error RAP........................................................... 2-200
016-539 LDAP RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-201
016-543 Attestation Agent Error 543 (REALM_UNKNOWN) RAP ................................. 2-201
016-545 Attestation Agent Error 545 (CLOCKSKEW_ERR) RAP .................................. 2-202
016-546 Attestation Agent Error 546 RAP ...................................................................... 2-202
016-548 Attestation Agent Error 548 (UNREGISTERED_DEVICE) RAP....................... 2-203
016-553 Attestation Agent Error 553 (VERSION_MISMATCH) RAP ............................. 2-203
016-554 Attestation Agent Error 554 (CONFIGRATION_ERROR) RAP ........................ 2-204
016-555 Attestation Agent Error 555 (SERVICE_ISNOT_WORKING) RAP .................. 2-204
016-556 Attestation Agent Error 556 (SERVICE_IS_PROCESSING) RAP.................... 2-205
016-557 Attestation Agent Error 557 (INTERNAL_ERROR) RAP.................................. 2-205
016-558 Attestation Agent Error 558 (MISC_ERR) RAP ................................................ 2-206
016-559 Remote Download Parameter Error RAP ......................................................... 2-206
016-560 Attestation Agent Error 560 RAP ...................................................................... 2-207
016-562 Attestation Agent Error 562 RAP ...................................................................... 2-207
016-563 ImageLog Memory Full (Exp. Kit) RAP............................................................. 2-208
016-564 Remote Download Server Authentication Failed RAP...................................... 2-208
016-565 Backup Restore Error RAP............................................................................... 2-209
016-566 NVM Backup Restore Condition Error RAP...................................................... 2-209
016-567 NVM Backup Capacity Full RAP....................................................................... 2-210
016-568 NVM Backup Restore Failed RAP .................................................................... 2-210
016-569 Attestation Agent Error 569 RAP ...................................................................... 2-211
016-570 Job Ticket Out of Memory RAP ........................................................................ 2-211
016-571 Job Ticket Parameter Mismatch RAP............................................................... 2-212
016-572 Job Ticket Media Error RAP ............................................................................. 2-212
016-573 Job Ticket Parse Error RAP.............................................................................. 2-213
016-574 Host Name Error RAP....................................................................................... 2-213
016-575 DNS Server Error in FTP RAP.......................................................................... 2-214
016-576 Server Connection Error in FTP RAP ............................................................... 2-214
016-577 FTP Service RAP.............................................................................................. 2-215
016-578 Login/Password Error RAP............................................................................... 2-215
016-579 Scanning Picture Error RAP ............................................................................. 2-216
016-580 File Name Acquisition Failure RAP................................................................... 2-216
016-581 File Name Suffix Limit Error RAP...................................................................... 2-217
016-582 File Creation Failure RAP ................................................................................. 2-217
016-583 Lock Folder Creation Failure RAP .................................................................... 2-218
016-584 Folder Creation Failure RAP............................................................................. 2-218
016-585 File Delete Failure RAP..................................................................................... 2-219
016-586 Lock Folder Delete Failure RAP........................................................................ 2-219
016-587 Folder Delete Failure RAP................................................................................ 2-220
016-588 Data Write-in Failure RAP................................................................................. 2-220
016-589 Data Read Failure RAP..................................................................................... 2-221
016-590 Data Reading Failure from FTP Server RAP................................................... 2-221
016-591 FTP Scan Filing Policy Injustice RAP .............................................................. 2-222
016-592 NEXTNAME.DAT File Access Error in FTP RAP............................................. 2-222
016-593 Internal Scan Error RAP.................................................................................... 2-223
016-594 TYPE Command Failure RAP........................................................................... 2-223
016-595 Port Command Failure RAP.............................................................................. 2-224
016-596 CDUP command failure in FTP RAP ............................................................... 2-224
016-597 Same Name File Exists in FTP Server RAP.................................................... 2-225
016-598 E-mail Message Oversize RAP......................................................................... 2-225
016-599 E-mail Message Oversize RAP......................................................................... 2-226
016-600 Key Operator Authentication Locked RAP........................................................ 2-226
016-601 Illegal Access Detection RAP............................................................................ 2-227
016-603 HDD not found Fail RAP................................................................................... 2-227
016-604 Debug Log by System RAP .............................................................................. 2-228
016-605 Debug Log by ExtCont RAP.............................................................................. 2-228
016-700 Password is Under Minimum RAP.................................................................... 2-229
016-701 ART EX Memory Expended RAP...................................................................... 2-229
016-702 Out of Page Buffer RAP.................................................................................... 2-230
016-703 E-mail To Invalid Box RAP................................................................................ 2-230
016-704 Mailbox Full RAP............................................................................................... 2-231
016-705 Secure Print RAP.............................................................................................. 2-231
016-706 Maximum Users Exceeded RAP....................................................................... 2-232
016-707 Sample Print RAP............................................................................................. 2-232
016-708 HDD Full Annotation/Watermark RAP .............................................................. 2-233
016-709 ART EX Command RAP................................................................................... 2-233
016-710 Delayed Print RAP............................................................................................ 2-234
016-711 E-mail Transmission Size Limit RAP................................................................. 2-234
016-712 Panther Capacity (I-Formatted) RAP................................................................ 2-235
016-713 Security Box Password RAP............................................................................. 2-235
016-714 Security Box Enable RAP ................................................................................. 2-236
016-715 ESCP Form Invalid Password RAP .................................................................. 2-236
016-716 TIFF Data Overflow RAP .................................................................................. 2-237
016-717 Fax/affix Send RAP........................................................................................... 2-237
016-718 PCL6 Memory RAP........................................................................................... 2-238
016-719 Out of PCL Memory RAP.................................................................................. 2-238
016-720 PCL Command RAP......................................................................................... 2-239
016-721 Other Errors RAP.............................................................................................. 2-239
016-722 Staple Position RAP.......................................................................................... 2-240
016-723 Punch Position Error RAP................................................................................. 2-240
016-724 Staple Position RAP.......................................................................................... 2-241
016-725 B-Formatter Image RAP.................................................................................... 2-241
016-726 PDL Auto Switch RAP....................................................................................... 2-242
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-5 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-727 Printer Request RAP......................................................................................... 2-242
016-728 TIFF Data Unsupported RAP............................................................................ 2-243
016-729 TIFF Data Size RAP ......................................................................................... 2-243
016-730 ART Command Unsupported RAP ................................................................... 2-244
016-731 TIFF Data Invalid RAP...................................................................................... 2-244
016-732 Form Not Registered RAP ................................................................................ 2-245
016-733 Destination Address RAP ................................................................................. 2-245
016-734 Destination Report Output Error RAP.............................................................. 2-246
016-735 Updating Job Template RAP ............................................................................ 2-246
016-736 Remote Directory Lock Error RAP................................................................... 2-247
016-737 Remote Lock Directory Remove Error RAP..................................................... 2-247
016-738 PS Booklet Output Size Illegal RAP.................................................................. 2-248
016-739 Mismatch Between PS Booklet and Output RAP.............................................. 2-248
016-740 PS Booklet Output Tray Incorrect RAP............................................................. 2-249
016-741 Cannot Shift to Download Mode Failure RAP................................................... 2-249
016-742 Download Data Product ID Error RAP.............................................................. 2-250
016-743 Download Data Model Mismatch RAP.............................................................. 2-250
016-744 Download Data CheckSum Error RAP ............................................................. 2-251
016-745 XPJL Soft Failure RAP...................................................................................... 2-251
016-746 Unsupported PDF File RAP.............................................................................. 2-252
016-747 Insufficient Memory RAP .................................................................................. 2-252
016-748 HDD Full RAP................................................................................................... 2-253
016-749 JCL Syntax Error RAP ...................................................................................... 2-253
016-750 Print Job RAP ................................................................................................... 2-254
016-751 PDF Error RAP ................................................................................................. 2-254
016-752 PDF Memory Limit RAP.................................................................................... 2-255
016-753 PDF PassWord Mismatch RAP ........................................................................ 2-255
016-754 PDF LZW Not Installed RAP............................................................................. 2-256
016-755 PDF Print Prohibited RAP................................................................................. 2-256
016-756 Deuteron-Prohibit Service RAP ........................................................................ 2-257
016-757 Auditron-Invalid User RAP................................................................................ 2-257
016-758 Auditron-Disabled Function RAP ...................................................................... 2-258
016-759 Auditron-Reached Limit RAP............................................................................ 2-258
016-760 PS Decompose Failure RAP............................................................................. 2-259
016-761 FIFO Empty RAP .............................................................................................. 2-259
016-762 Print LANG Not Installed RAP .......................................................................... 2-260
016-763 POP Server Not Found RAP............................................................................. 2-260
016-764 SMTP Server Connect Error RAP..................................................................... 2-261
016-765 SMTP Server HD Full RAP............................................................................... 2-261
016-766 SMTP Server File System Error RAP ............................................................... 2-262
016-767 Invalid E-mail Address RAP.............................................................................. 2-262
016-768 Invalid Sender Address RAP ............................................................................ 2-263
016-769 SMTP Server Unsupported DSN RAP.............................................................. 2-263
016-770 FAX Function Cancelled RAP........................................................................... 2-264
016-771 Scan Data Repository Error (DNS Address) RAP ........................................... 2-264
016-772 Scan Data Repository ERR (DNS Library) RAP............................................... 2-265
016-773 Invalid IP Address RAP.................................................................................... 2-265
016-774 HD Full - Compression Convert RAP................................................................ 2-266
016-775 HD Full - Image Convert RAP........................................................................... 2-266
016-776 Image Convert Error RAP................................................................................. 2-267
016-777 HD Access ERR-Image Convert RAP .............................................................. 2-267
016-778 HD Full - Scan Image Convert RAP.................................................................. 2-268
016-779 Scan Image Conversion Error RAP .................................................................. 2-268
016-780 HD Access ERR-Image Convert RAP.............................................................. 2-269
016-781 Scan Server Connect Error RAP....................................................................... 2-269
016-782 Scan Server Login Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-270
016-783 Invalid Server Path RAP .................................................................................. 2-270
016-784 Server Write Error RAP.................................................................................... 2-271
016-785 Server HD Full RAP......................................................................................... 2-271
016-786 HD Full-Scan Write Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-272
016-787 Invalid Server IP ADD RAP.............................................................................. 2-272
016-787 Invalid Server IP Address RAP........................................................................ 2-273
016-788 Retrieve to Browser Failure RAP...................................................................... 2-273
016-789 HD Full - Job Memory RAP.............................................................................. 2-274
016-790 E-mail Fragment Over RAP .............................................................................. 2-274
016-791 File Retrieve Fail RAP...................................................................................... 2-275
016-792 Specified Job Not Found RAP .......................................................................... 2-275
016-793 MF I/O HD Full RAP.......................................................................................... 2-276
016-794 Media Reader Not Installed RAP...................................................................... 2-276
016-795 Media Reader Format Error RAP...................................................................... 2-277
016-796 Document Insert Operation Error RAP.............................................................. 2-277
016-797 Media Reader Image File Read Error RAP....................................................... 2-278
016-798 No Trust Marking Option RAP........................................................................... 2-278
016-799 Print Instruction Failure RAP............................................................................. 2-279
016-910 Required Resource Not Ready (IOTsc detect) RAP......................................... 2-279
016-911 Multi-Paper Required On A Single Tray RAP .................................................. 2-280
016-940 Duplex Output Side 1 and 2 Size Difference RAP............................................ 2-280
016-941 Booklet Mixed-in-Size Image Detected RAP..................................................... 2-281
016-942 Duplex Size Difference Between Side 1 and 2 RAP......................................... 2-281
016-943 Insert doc Duplex Mix Size NG RAP................................................................. 2-282
016-944 Documents Merged NG RAP............................................................................ 2-282
016-945 Insert Doc Duplex Print NG RAP ...................................................................... 2-283
016-946 Insert Doc NG RAP........................................................................................... 2-283
016-947 APS No Destination Error RAP......................................................................... 2-284
016-948 Small Book Action NG RAP.............................................................................. 2-284
016-949 Insert Mix Doc NG RAP .................................................................................... 2-285
016-981 HDD Access Failure RAP ................................................................................. 2-285
016-982 HDD Access Error 2 RAP ................................................................................. 2-286
016-983 Image Log HDD Full RAP................................................................................. 2-286
016-985 Data Size Over Flow (Scan to E-mail) RAP...................................................... 2-287
Chain 017
017-713 Start TLS Unsupported Fault ........................................................................... 2-289
017-714 SMTP Over SSL Fault...................................................................................... 2-289
017-715 SSL Cert Untrusted Fault ................................................................................. 2-290
017-716 SSL Cert Date Invalid Fault.............................................................................. 2-290
017-717 SSL Server Cert Expired Fault......................................................................... 2-291
017-718 SSL Server Cert Invalid Fault........................................................................... 2-291
017-719 SMTP Over SSL Internal Fault......................................................................... 2-292
017-720 Contract Type Fault.......................................................................................... 2-292
017-721 Geographic Region Fault ................................................................................. 2-293
017-722 Total Impressions Over Fault ........................................................................... 2-293
Chain 018 - Network
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-6 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-400 IPSEC Error (Configuration Mismatch) RAP..................................................... 2-295
018-401 Inconsistent SIP Configuration RAP ................................................................. 2-295
018-402 SIP Server Communication Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-296
018-403 SIP Registration Fail (Authentication) RAP....................................................... 2-296
018-404 SIP Registration Fail (Other) RAP .................................................................... 2-297
018-500 CA Message Receiver Boot Error (S_cert lost) RAP........................................ 2-297
018-501 CA Server Connection Error RAP..................................................................... 2-298
018-502 Login Failure in SMB RAP ................................................................................ 2-298
018-503 CA Message Receiver Timeout RAP................................................................ 2-299
018-504 CA Session ID Mismatch RAP.......................................................................... 2-299
018-505 SMB-DOS Protocol Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-300
018-506 CA Field ID Mismatch RAP............................................................................... 2-300
018-507 CA Credential Error RAP .................................................................................. 2-301
018-508 CA Server Fatal Error RAP............................................................................... 2-301
018-509 Template Parameter Conflict RAP.................................................................... 2-302
018-510 Host Name Solution Error in BMLinkS RAP ..................................................... 2-302
018-511 DNS Server Un-sets Up in BMLinkS RAP ........................................................ 2-303
018-512 Service Connect Error in BMLinkS RAP........................................................... 2-303
018-513 BMLinkS Service Not Found RAP .................................................................... 2-304
018-514 BMLinkS Access-Right-Violation RAP.............................................................. 2-304
018-515 BMLinkS Storage-Access-Error RAP................................................................ 2-305
018-516 BMLinkS Unsupported-attribute RAP ............................................................... 2-305
018-517 BMLinkS Storage-Full RAP............................................................................... 2-306
018-518 BMLinkS Operation-Not-Available RAP............................................................ 2-306
018-519 BMLinkS Unknown-error RAP .......................................................................... 2-307
018-520 Internal Error in BMLinkS Scan RAP ................................................................ 2-307
018-521 Request Send Failure in BMLinkS RAP............................................................ 2-308
018-522 Response Receive Failure in BMLinkS RAP .................................................... 2-308
018-523 Image Send Failure in BMLinkS RAP............................................................... 2-309
018-524 Invalid Device Network Setting RAP................................................................. 2-309
018-525 HDD Full or HDD Access Error RAP ................................................................ 2-310
018-526 Rejected to be Refresh RAP............................................................................. 2-310
018-527 JT Monitor Internal Error RAP........................................................................... 2-311
018-528 Soap Request Error RAP.................................................................................. 2-311
018-529 Duplicate Scan Request RAP........................................................................... 2-312
018-530 Authentication Error RAP.................................................................................. 2-312
018-531 Failed to Create a New Job RAP...................................................................... 2-313
018-532 Too Many Jobs to Create a New Job RAP ....................................................... 2-313
018-543 Shared Name Error in SMB Server RAP .......................................................... 2-314
018-547 Number Restriction Over of SMB Scan Users RAP.......................................... 2-314
018-556 HTTP Server Script Error RAP ......................................................................... 2-315
018-557 HTTP Invalid Char in Filename RAP ................................................................ 2-315
018-558 HTTP File Not Found RAP................................................................................ 2-316
018-559 HTTP File Duplication Fail RAP........................................................................ 2-316
018-560 HTTP Server Login Fail RAP............................................................................ 2-317
018-561 HTTP Server Not Found RAP........................................................................... 2-317
018-562 HTTP Client Error RAP..................................................................................... 2-318
018-563 HTTP Server Error RAP.................................................................................... 2-318
018-564 Host Name Solution Error in HTTP RAP .......................................................... 2-319
018-565 Proxy Name Solution Error in HTTP RAP......................................................... 2-319
018-566 Server Connect Error in HTTP RAP ................................................................. 2-320
018-567 HTTP Server Access Fail RAP ......................................................................... 2-320
018-568 HTTP Server SSL Access Fail RAP.................................................................. 2-321
018-569 HTTP Server Certificate Fail RAP..................................................................... 2-321
018-570 HTTP Certificate Fail RAP ................................................................................ 2-322
018-571 Internal Error in Scan RAP................................................................................ 2-322
018-572 Invalid Char in Context RAP ............................................................................. 2-323
018-573 Invalid Char in Server RAP............................................................................... 2-323
018-574 Invalid Char in Volume RAP.............................................................................. 2-324
018-575 Invalid Char in Login RAP................................................................................. 2-324
018-576 Invalid Char in Path RAP .................................................................................. 2-325
018-577 Invalid Char in File RAP.................................................................................... 2-325
018-578 NW Server Not Found RAP .............................................................................. 2-326
018-579 NW Server Disk Full RAP ................................................................................. 2-326
018-580 Netware Invalid Volume RAP............................................................................ 2-327
018-581 Netware Invalid Path RAP................................................................................. 2-327
018-582 Access Right Fail RAP...................................................................................... 2-328
018-583 NW Server Disk Error RAP............................................................................... 2-328
018-584 NW Server Access Fail RAP............................................................................. 2-329
018-585 Netware Error in Use RAP................................................................................ 2-329
018-586 Netware Login Fail RAP.................................................................................... 2-330
018-587 File Duplication Fail RAP .................................................................................. 2-330
018-588 Scan Filing Policy Invalid RAP.......................................................................... 2-331
018-589 NEXTNAME.DAT Error RAP............................................................................. 2-331
018-590 Same Name Exists RAP................................................................................... 2-332
018-591 File Name Suffix Limit Over RAP...................................................................... 2-332
018-592 Lock Folder Create Fail RAP ............................................................................ 2-333
018-593 Lock Folder Delete Fail RAP............................................................................. 2-333
018-595 LDAP Protocol Error 595 RAP.......................................................................... 2-334
018-596 LDAP Protocol Error 596 RAP.......................................................................... 2-334
018-701 LDAP Protocol Error 01 RAP............................................................................ 2-335
018-702 LDAP Protocol Error 02 RAP............................................................................ 2-335
018-703 LDAP Protocol Error 03 RAP............................................................................ 2-336
018-704 LDAP Protocol Error 04 RAP............................................................................ 2-336
018-705 LDAP Protocol Error 05 RAP............................................................................ 2-337
018-706 LDAP Protocol Error 06 RAP............................................................................ 2-337
018-707 LDAP Protocol Error 07 RAP............................................................................ 2-338
018-708 LDAP Protocol Error 08 RAP............................................................................ 2-338
018-710 LDAP Protocol Error 09 RAP............................................................................ 2-339
018-711 LDAP Protocol Error 11 RAP............................................................................ 2-339
018-712 LDAP Protocol Error 12 RAP............................................................................ 2-340
018-713 LDAP Protocol Error 13 RAP............................................................................ 2-340
018-714 LDAP Protocol Error 14 RAP............................................................................ 2-341
018-716 LDAP Protocol Error 16 RAP............................................................................ 2-341
018-717 LDAP Protocol Error 17 RAP............................................................................ 2-342
018-718 LDAP Protocol Error 18 RAP............................................................................ 2-342
018-719 LDAP Protocol Error 19 RAP............................................................................ 2-343
018-720 LDAP Protocol Error 20 RAP............................................................................ 2-343
018-721 LDAP Protocol Error 21 RAP............................................................................ 2-344
018-725 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error (22) RAP............................................. 2-344
018-726 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error (70) RAP............................................. 2-345
018-727 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error (71) RAP............................................. 2-345
018-728 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error (72) RAP............................................. 2-346
018-732 LDAP Protocol Error 32 RAP............................................................................ 2-346
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-7 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-733 LDAP Protocol Error 33 RAP............................................................................ 2-347
018-734 LDAP Protocol Error 34 RAP............................................................................ 2-347
018-735 LDAP Protocol Error 35 RAP............................................................................ 2-348
018-736 LDAP Protocol Error 36 RAP............................................................................ 2-348
018-748 LDAP Protocol Error 48 RAP............................................................................ 2-349
018-749 LDAP Protocol Error 49 RAP............................................................................ 2-349
018-750 LDAP Protocol Error 50 RAP............................................................................ 2-350
018-751 LDAP Protocol Error 51 RAP............................................................................ 2-350
018-752 LDAP Protocol Error 52 RAP............................................................................ 2-351
018-753 LDAP Protocol Error 53 RAP............................................................................ 2-351
018-754 LDAP Protocol Error 54 RAP............................................................................ 2-352
018-764 LDAP Protocol Error 64 RAP............................................................................ 2-352
018-765 LDAP Protocol Error RAP................................................................................. 2-353
018-766 LDAP Protocol Error 66 RAP............................................................................ 2-353
018-767 LDAP Protocol Error 67 RAP............................................................................ 2-354
018-768 LDAP Protocol Error 68 RAP............................................................................ 2-354
018-769 LDAP Protocol Error 69 RAP............................................................................ 2-355
018-770 LDAP Protocol Error 70 RAP............................................................................ 2-355
018-771 LDAP Protocol Error 71 RAP............................................................................ 2-356
018-780 LDAP Protocol Error 80 RAP............................................................................ 2-356
018-781 LDAP Protocol Error 81 RAP............................................................................ 2-357
018-782 LDAP Protocol Error 82 RAP............................................................................ 2-357
018-783 LDAP Protocol Error 83 RAP............................................................................ 2-358
018-784 LDAP Protocol Error 84 RAP............................................................................ 2-358
018-785 LDAP Protocol Error 85 RAP............................................................................ 2-359
018-786 LDAP Protocol Error 86 RAP............................................................................ 2-359
018-787 LDAP Protocol Error 87 RAP............................................................................ 2-360
018-788 LDAP Protocol Error 88 RAP............................................................................ 2-360
018-789 LDAP Protocol Error 89 RAP............................................................................ 2-361
018-790 LDAP Protocol Error 90 RAP............................................................................ 2-361
018-791 LDAP Protocol Error 91 RAP............................................................................ 2-362
018-792 LDAP Protocol Error 92 RAP............................................................................ 2-362
018-793 LDAP Protocol Error 93 RAP............................................................................ 2-363
018-794 LDAP Protocol Error 94 RAP............................................................................ 2-363
018-795 LDAP Protocol Error 95 RAP............................................................................ 2-364
018-796 LDAP Protocol Error 96 RAP............................................................................ 2-364
018-797 LDAP Protocol Error 97 RAP............................................................................ 2-365
Chain 021 - FDI
021-215 Invalid Accessory Type RAP............................................................................ 2-367
021-360 Accessory Fail RAP .......................................................................................... 2-367
021-515 Wrong M/C Type Code RAP............................................................................. 2-368
021-516 Wrong Serial Number RAP............................................................................... 2-368
021-523 Internal Error RAP............................................................................................. 2-369
021-524 Inconsistency of Installation Status RAP .......................................................... 2-369
021-525 Inconsistency of Withdrawal Status RAP.......................................................... 2-370
021-528 Communication Setting Error RAP ................................................................... 2-370
021-733 Accessory Error RAP....................................................................................... 2-371
021-941 Scan Service Paused By Disable RAP............................................................. 2-371
021-942 Scan Service Paused By Color Mode RAP ...................................................... 2-372
021-943 Print Service Paused By Disable RAP.............................................................. 2-372
021-944 Print Service Paused By Color Mode RAP ....................................................... 2-373
021-945 Service Paused By Disable RAP ...................................................................... 2-373
021-946 Service Paused By Color Mode RAP................................................................ 2-374
Chain 023
023-600 Held Down Key Error (UI-Panel) ...................................................................... 2-375
023-601 Held Down Softkey Error (UI-Panel) ................................................................ 2-375
Chain 024 - Controller Communications
024-340 IOT-ESS Communication 1 RAP ...................................................................... 2-377
024-341 IOT-ESS Communication 2 RAP ...................................................................... 2-377
024-342 IOT-ESS Communication 3 RAP ...................................................................... 2-378
024-343 IOT-ESS Communication 4 RAP ...................................................................... 2-378
024-345 IOT-ESS Communication 5 RAP ...................................................................... 2-379
024-346 IOT-ESS Communication 6 RAP ...................................................................... 2-379
024-347 IOT-ESS Communication 7 RAP ...................................................................... 2-380
024-348 IOT-ESS Communication 8 RAP ...................................................................... 2-380
024-349 IOT-ESS Communication 9 RAP ...................................................................... 2-381
024-350 IOT-ESS Communication 10 RAP .................................................................... 2-381
024-351 IOT-ESS Communication 11 RAP .................................................................... 2-382
024-352 IOT-ESS Communication 12 RAP .................................................................... 2-382
024-353 IOT-ESS Communication 13 RAP .................................................................... 2-383
024-354 IOT-ESS Communication 14 RAP .................................................................... 2-383
024-355 IOT-ESS Communication 15 RAP .................................................................... 2-384
024-356 IOT-ESS Communication 16 RAP .................................................................... 2-384
024-357 IOT-ESS Communication 17 RAP .................................................................... 2-385
024-358 IOT-ESS Communication 18 RAP .................................................................... 2-385
024-359 IOT-ESS Communication 19 RAP .................................................................... 2-386
024-360 IOT-ESS Initialization RAP................................................................................ 2-386
024-361 Invalid IOT Paper Size RAP.............................................................................. 2-387
024-362 Page Sync Start RAP........................................................................................ 2-387
024-363 Page Sync Stop RAP........................................................................................ 2-388
024-364 DMA Transfer RAP ........................................................................................... 2-388
024-365 Overflow Loop Back Write RAP........................................................................ 2-389
024-366 JBIG Library Other Failure RAP........................................................................ 2-389
024-367 Decompression Synchronization RAP.............................................................. 2-390
024-368 PCI RAP............................................................................................................ 2-390
024-370 Marker Code Detection RAP............................................................................. 2-391
024-371 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 21 RAP............................................................. 2-391
024-372 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 22 RAP............................................................. 2-392
024-373 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 23 RAP............................................................. 2-392
024-374 Registration Con PLL Parameter Fail RAP...................................................... 2-393
024-375 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 24 RAP............................................................. 2-393
024-376 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 25 RAP............................................................. 2-394
024-600 Billing Master Counter RAP .............................................................................. 2-394
024-601 Billing Backup Counter 1 RAP .......................................................................... 2-395
024-602 Billing Backup Counter 2 RAP .......................................................................... 2-395
024-603 Software Key Master Counter RAP................................................................... 2-396
024-604 Software Key Backup Counter 1 RAP............................................................... 2-396
024-605 Software Key Backup Counter 2 RAP............................................................... 2-397
024-606 Billing Meter Type Master Counter RAP.......................................................... 2-397
024-607 Billing Meter Type Backup Counter 1 RAP..................................................... 2-398
024-608 Billing Meter Type Backup Counter 2 RAP..................................................... 2-398
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-8 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-609 Billing Count Type Master Counter RAP.......................................................... 2-399
024-610 Billing Count Type Backup Counter 1 RAP..................................................... 2-399
024-611 Billing Count Type Backup Counter 2 RAP..................................................... 2-400
024-612 Modal Break Point Master Counter RAP ......................................................... 2-400
024-613 Modal Break Point Backup Counter 1 RAP ..................................................... 2-401
024-614 Modal Break Point Backup Counter 2 RAP ..................................................... 2-401
024-700 Memory Shortage or HDD Not Mounted RAP .................................................. 2-402
024-701 Invalid Instruction of Face Inversion RAP........................................................ 2-402
024-702 Paper Jam RAP............................................................................................... 2-403
024-742 Print Booklet Sheets Counts Over RAP........................................................... 2-403
024-746 Print Request Failure-Paper RAP.................................................................... 2-404
024-747 Print Instruction Fail RAP................................................................................. 2-404
024-748 Bates Numbering Digit Over RAP.................................................................... 2-405
024-775 Print Booklet Sheets Counts Over (Not Field Attachment) RAP...................... 2-405
024-900 Upper Tray Out Of Place ................................................................................. 2-406
024-910 Tray 1 Size Mismatch RAP.............................................................................. 2-406
024-911 Tray 2 Size Mismatch RAP.............................................................................. 2-407
024-912 Tray 3 Size Mismatch RAP.............................................................................. 2-407
024-913 Tray 4 Size Mismatch RAP.............................................................................. 2-408
024-916 Mix Full Stack RAP ........................................................................................... 2-408
024-917 Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count RAP ........................................................ 2-409
024-926 Puncher Waste Bin Not Set RAP...................................................................... 2-409
024-928 (Integrated Office Finisher) Scratch Sheet Compile RAP................................. 2-410
024-928 (Finisher LX) Scratch Sheet Compile RAP ....................................................... 2-410
024-934 Paper Type Mismatch RAP.............................................................................. 2-411
024-936 Tray 2 Paper Mismatch RAP ........................................................................... 2-411
024-937 Tray 3 Paper Mismatch RAP ........................................................................... 2-412
024-938 OHP Kind Mismatch at Tray 4 (Not white frame OHP) RAP............................ 2-412
024-939 OHP Kind Mismatch (Not white frame OHP) RAP........................................... 2-413
024-942 Booklet Sheet Over Count RAP........................................................................ 2-413
024-943 Booklet Low Staple RAP................................................................................... 2-414
024-946 Tray 1 Position RAP.......................................................................................... 2-414
024-947 Tray 2 Position RAP.......................................................................................... 2-415
024-948 Tray 3 Position RAP.......................................................................................... 2-415
024-949 Tray 4 Position RAP.......................................................................................... 2-416
024-950 Tray 1 No Paper RAP ....................................................................................... 2-416
024-951 Tray 2 No Paper RAP ....................................................................................... 2-417
024-952 Tray 3 No Paper RAP ....................................................................................... 2-417
024-953 Tray 4 No Paper RAP ....................................................................................... 2-418
024-954 Tray 5 No Paper RAP ....................................................................................... 2-418
024-959 Tray 1 Size Mismatch RAP............................................................................... 2-419
024-960 Tray 2 Size Mismatch RAP............................................................................... 2-419
024-961 Tray 3 Size Mismatch RAP............................................................................... 2-420
024-962 Tray 4 Paper Size Mismatch RAP .................................................................... 2-420
024-963 Finisher Punch DustBox Full RAP ................................................................... 2-421
024-965 ATS/APS Paper (IOT Detect) RAP................................................................... 2-421
024-966 ATS/APS Destination RAP ............................................................................... 2-422
024-967 Mixed Width Paper (Stapler Job) RAP.............................................................. 2-422
024-968 Stapler/Punch Concurrence RAP ..................................................................... 2-423
024-969 Different Width Mix Punch RAP........................................................................ 2-423
024-976 Staple Status Failed RAP ................................................................................. 2-424
024-977 Stapler Feed Ready RAP.................................................................................. 2-424
024-979 Low Staples RAP (Integrated Finisher)............................................................. 2-425
024-979 Low Staples RAP (Finisher LX)......................................................................... 2-425
024-980 Stacker Tray Full RAP....................................................................................... 2-426
024-982 Finisher Stacker Tray Lower Safety RAP.......................................................... 2-426
024-984 Booklet Low Staple Front RAP.......................................................................... 2-427
024-989 Booklet Low Staple R RAP .............................................................................. 2-427
024-990 Punch Dust Full RAP ....................................................................................... 2-428
Chain 025 - HDD
025-596 Diagnostic HDD Maintenance RAP................................................................... 2-429
025-597 Diagnostic HDD Initialize RAP.......................................................................... 2-429
Chain 026 - Scan; Controller
026-400 Exceed the Number of Connection of USB Host Fail RAP.............................. 2-431
026-700 LDAP Protocol MAX Error RAP ........................................................................ 2-431
026-701 Address Book Request Overflow RAP.............................................................. 2-432
026-702 Address Book Directory Service Overflow RAP................................................ 2-432
026-703 Abort with Logout RAP..................................................................................... 2-433
026-704 DocuWorks Error RAP...................................................................................... 2-433
026-705 DocuWorks Short of Memory RAP.................................................................... 2-434
026-706 DocuWorks Print Prohibited RAP...................................................................... 2-434
026-707 DocuWorks Unlock Failed RAP ........................................................................ 2-435
026-708 URL Data Size Over RAP................................................................................. 2-435
026-709 URL HDD Full RAP........................................................................................... 2-436
026-710 S/MIME Unsupported Cipher Fail RAP............................................................. 2-436
026-711 Multi-Page File Size Over Limit RAP ................................................................ 2-437
026-712 HTTP Out Job Overlap Error RAP.................................................................... 2-437
026-713 Could Not Detect Proxy Server Automatically RAP......................................... 2-438
026-714 Could Not Connect to Xerox Server or Proxy RAP.......................................... 2-438
026-715 Connection to Xerox Server has Timed Out RAP............................................ 2-439
026-716 An Invalid State Message Received from Server RAP.................................... 2-439
026-717 Invalid Network Settings Were Found RAP ..................................................... 2-440
026-718 PS Print Instruction Fail RAP............................................................................ 2-440
026-719 Internal Error in Scan RAP............................................................................... 2-441
026-720 Media Full RAP................................................................................................ 2-441
026-721 Media Access Fail RAP.................................................................................... 2-442
026-722 Media Format Fail RAP.................................................................................... 2-442
026-723 Media Access Fail RAP.................................................................................... 2-443
026-726 Options Inconsistent RAP................................................................................ 2-443
026-727 Media Filepath Fail RAP .................................................................................. 2-444
026-728 WSD Scan Network Access Fail RAP.............................................................. 2-444
026-729 WSD Scan Data Transfer Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-445
026-730 Can't Detect Paper Size Of Specified Tray RAP.............................................. 2-445
Chain 027 - Network
027-400 Net Off Line RAP............................................................................................... 2-447
027-442 Duplicate IP Address RAP................................................................................ 2-447
027-443 DNS Renewal Failure of Dynamic RAP............................................................ 2-448
027-444 Duplicate IP Address RAP................................................................................ 2-448
027-445 Illegal IP Address RAP...................................................................................... 2-449
027-446 Duplicate IP Address RAP................................................................................ 2-449
027-447 Duplicate IP Address RAP................................................................................ 2-450
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-9 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-452 Duplicate IP Address RAP................................................................................ 2-450
027-500 SMTP Server Mail I/O RAP............................................................................... 2-451
027-501 POP Server RAP .............................................................................................. 2-451
027-502 POP Authentication RAP .................................................................................. 2-452
027-503 POP Server Communication Timeout RAP ...................................................... 2-452
027-504 Invalid Response Reception from SMTP Server RAP...................................... 2-453
027-513 SMB Scan Client RAP ...................................................................................... 2-453
027-514 Host Name Resolution with SMB Scan Fails RAP............................................ 2-454
027-515 DNS Server is Not Set with SMB Scan RAP .................................................... 2-454
027-516 Server Connection Error in SMB RAP .............................................................. 2-455
027-518 Login/Password Error RAP............................................................................... 2-455
027-519 Scanning Picture Preservation Place Error in SMB RAP................................. 2-456
027-520 File Name Acquisition Failure RAP................................................................... 2-456
027-521 File Name Suffix Limit Over in SMB RAP ........................................................ 2-457
027-522 File Creation Failure RAP ................................................................................. 2-457
027-523 SMB Scan Lock Folder Creation Failure RAP .................................................. 2-458
027-524 Folder Creation Failure RAP............................................................................. 2-458
027-525 File Delete Failure RAP .................................................................................... 2-459
027-526 Lock Folder Delete Failure in SMB RAP.......................................................... 2-459
027-527 Folder Delete Failure RAP................................................................................ 2-460
027-528 Data Write-in Failure RAP................................................................................. 2-460
027-529 Data Read Failure RAP .................................................................................... 2-461
027-530 File Name Conflict RAP .................................................................................... 2-461
027-531 Incorrect SMB Scan Filing RAP........................................................................ 2-462
027-532 NEXTNAME.DAT File Access Error in SMB RAP ............................................ 2-462
027-533 Internal Error in SMB Scan RAP....................................................................... 2-463
027-543 Server Name Specification Error RAP.............................................................. 2-463
027-547 SMB Protocol Error 4-007 RAP ........................................................................ 2-464
027-548 SMB Protocol Error 4-008 RAP ........................................................................ 2-464
027-549 SMB Protocol Error 4-009 RAP ........................................................................ 2-465
027-564 SMB Protocol Error 4-024 RAP ....................................................................... 2-465
027-565 SMB Protocol Error 4-025 RAP ........................................................................ 2-466
027-566 SMB Protocol Error 4-026 RAP ........................................................................ 2-466
027-569 SMB (TCP/IP) is not Started RAP..................................................................... 2-467
027-572 SMB Protocol Error 4-032 RAP ........................................................................ 2-467
027-573 SMB Protocol Error 4-033 RAP ........................................................................ 2-468
027-574 SMB Protocol Error 4-034 RAP ........................................................................ 2-468
027-576 SMB Protocol Error 4-036 RAP ........................................................................ 2-469
027-578 SMB Protocol Error 4-038 RAP ........................................................................ 2-469
027-584 SMB Protocol Error 4-044 RAP ........................................................................ 2-470
027-585 SMB Protocol Error 4-045 RAP ........................................................................ 2-470
027-586 SMB Protocol Error 4-046 RAP ........................................................................ 2-471
027-587 SMB Protocol Error 4-047 RAP ........................................................................ 2-471
027-588 SMB Protocol Error 4-048 RAP ........................................................................ 2-472
027-589 SMB Protocol Error 4-049 RAP ........................................................................ 2-472
027-590 SMB Protocol Error 4-050 RAP ........................................................................ 2-473
027-591 SMB Protocol Error 4-051 RAP ........................................................................ 2-473
027-599 SMB Protocol Error 4-Other RAP .................................................................... 2-474
027-600 ExtPrint Check Mode Error RAP....................................................................... 2-474
027-700 Mail Address Domain Error RAP ..................................................................... 2-475
027-701 Network Cable Disconnected RAP ................................................................... 2-475
027-702 Certificate for Addresses was not Found RAP................................................ 2-476
027-703 Certificate for Addresses was Expired RAP..................................................... 2-476
027-704 Certificate for Recipients Untrusted RAP......................................................... 2-477
027-705 Certificate for Recipients was Revoked RAP.................................................... 2-477
027-706 Device Certificate not Found RAP ................................................................... 2-478
027-707 Device Certificate Expired RAP ....................................................................... 2-478
027-708 Certificate Valid RAP......................................................................................... 2-479
027-709 Certificate Revoked RAP .................................................................................. 2-479
027-710 Invalid S/MIME Mail RAP.................................................................................. 2-480
027-711 S/MIME Mail Certificate RAP............................................................................ 2-480
027-712 S/MIME Mail Certificate RAP............................................................................ 2-481
027-713 S/MIME Mail Altered RAP................................................................................. 2-481
027-714 S/MIME Mail Invalid RAP.................................................................................. 2-482
027-715 S/MIME Mail Certificate Registration RAP........................................................ 2-482
027-716 E-mail Signature RAP....................................................................................... 2-483
027-720 Extension Server Host RAP.............................................................................. 2-483
027-721 Extension Server RAP ...................................................................................... 2-484
027-722 Extension Server Time-out RAP....................................................................... 2-484
027-723 Extension Server Authentication RAP............................................................... 2-485
027-724 Extension Server Access RAP.......................................................................... 2-485
027-725 Extension Server Operation RAP...................................................................... 2-486
027-726 Extension Server State RAP............................................................................. 2-486
027-727 Extension Server Parameters RAP................................................................... 2-487
027-728 Extension Server File RAP................................................................................ 2-487
027-730 SMTP Mail Division Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-488
027-731 Server Limit Error RAP...................................................................................... 2-488
027-732 Server Access Error RAP.................................................................................. 2-489
027-733 Server SSL Error RAP ...................................................................................... 2-489
027-734 Server Certificate Error RAP............................................................................. 2-490
027-735 Device SSL Config Error RAP........................................................................... 2-490
027-736 Device Certificate Error RAP............................................................................. 2-491
027-737 Template Server Read RAP.............................................................................. 2-491
027-739 Invalid Template Server Path RAP ................................................................... 2-492
027-740 Template Server Login RAP ............................................................................. 2-492
027-741 Template Server Connect RAP......................................................................... 2-493
027-742 HDD File System RAP...................................................................................... 2-493
027-743 Template Server Install RAP............................................................................. 2-494
027-744 Template Address RAP..................................................................................... 2-494
027-745 Template Address Server RAP......................................................................... 2-495
027-746 Job Template Pool Server RAP........................................................................ 2-495
027-750 Fax Document Inhibited RAP............................................................................ 2-496
027-751 Job Template Analysis RAP.............................................................................. 2-496
027-752 Required User Entry Not Entered RAP............................................................. 2-497
027-753 Job Flow Service Disabled RAP ....................................................................... 2-497
027-754 Job Flow Service File Signature Mismatch RAP............................................... 2-498
027-760 XJT Command Fail RAP.................................................................................. 2-498
027-761 Web Print Time Out RAP................................................................................. 2-499
027-762 Illegal Web Print Job Ticket RAP..................................................................... 2-499
027-763 Auditron - Unable to Verify User RAP............................................................... 2-500
027-770 PDL Error RAP................................................................................................. 2-500
027-772 SMTP Server Error (HELO) RAP...................................................................... 2-501
027-773 SMTP Server Communication Timeout RAP.................................................... 2-501
027-774 Address Inaccurate Character RAP.................................................................. 2-502
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-10 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-775 Too Many SMTP Address RAP ........................................................................ 2-502
027-776 SMTP Server Error (EHLO) RAP...................................................................... 2-503
027-777 SMTP Server Un-Supports SMTP-AUTH RAP................................................. 2-503
027-778 No Mode Specified by SMTP-AUTH RAP ........................................................ 2-504
027-779 Authentication Failure by SMTP-AUTH RAP.................................................... 2-504
027-796 E-mail Not Printed RAP .................................................................................... 2-505
027-797 Invalid Output Destination RAP ........................................................................ 2-505
Chain 033 - FAX
033-310 Fax Charge Function Fail RAP ......................................................................... 2-507
033-311 Invalid Address Book Data RAP ....................................................................... 2-507
033-312 Fax PWB Time Out RAP................................................................................... 2-508
033-313 Fax USB Fault RAP .......................................................................................... 2-508
033-314 Fax/ESS Software Mismatch RAP.................................................................... 2-509
033-315 USB Fatal Error RAP ........................................................................................ 2-509
033-316 FAX Device Cont Error RAP............................................................................. 2-510
033-317 FAX Device Cont Error RAP............................................................................. 2-510
033-318 Image Processing Error RAP............................................................................ 2-511
033-319 Fax Cont2 SW Fail RAP ................................................................................... 2-511
033-320 Controller No Response on Booting RAP......................................................... 2-512
033-321 Fax PWB No Response on Booting RAP ......................................................... 2-512
033-322 FAX I/F Timeout RAP ....................................................................................... 2-513
033-323 Fax PWB I/F Timeout RAP ............................................................................... 2-513
033-324 USB State Change Error RAP .......................................................................... 2-514
033-325 Fax PWB Fatal Error RAP ................................................................................ 2-514
033-326 Fax Manager Fatal Error RAP .......................................................................... 2-515
033-327 FCM No Response to Stop Request RAP ........................................................ 2-515
033-328 Failed to Initialize Fax Log RAP........................................................................ 2-516
033-329 Fax Process Error RAP..................................................................................... 2-516
033-330 FoIP Unrecoverable Error RAP......................................................................... 2-517
033-331 FoIP Controller Init Fail RAP............................................................................. 2-517
033-332 FoIP Controller Boot Fail RAP .......................................................................... 2-518
033-333 FoIP Controller Wake-up Fail RAP ................................................................... 2-518
033-334 FoIP Controller Message Fail RAP................................................................... 2-519
033-335 Illegal Fault Code Notice RAP .......................................................................... 2-519
033-336 Access to a Non-Mounted Channel RAP.......................................................... 2-520
033-337 FaxCard Mismatch RAP ................................................................................... 2-520
033-338 Illegal Type of FaxBox RAP.............................................................................. 2-521
033-363 Fax Control RAP............................................................................................... 2-521
033-500 No CS after RS Req RAP ................................................................................. 2-522
033-501 No PIX Data RAP.............................................................................................. 2-522
033-502 Post Message Resend Exceeded RAP ............................................................ 2-523
033-503 T1 Timeout RAP ............................................................................................... 2-523
033-504 T2 Timeout RAP ............................................................................................... 2-524
033-505 T5 Timeout RAP ............................................................................................... 2-524
033-506 DCN Receive RAP............................................................................................ 2-525
033-507 Destination Has No Receiving Ability RAP ....................................................... 2-525
033-508 Destination Polling Error RAP........................................................................... 2-526
033-509 DCS/NSS Re-transmission Error RAP.............................................................. 2-526
033-510 Fallback Error RAP ........................................................................................... 2-527
033-511 DTC/NSC Resend Error RAP ........................................................................... 2-527
033-512 Remote Has No Relay RAP.............................................................................. 2-528
033-513 Remote Has No Mailbox RAP........................................................................... 2-528
033-514 Carrier Down Detected RAP............................................................................. 2-529
033-516 EOR Receive RAP............................................................................................ 2-529
033-517 ECM Phase C Flag Timeout RAP..................................................................... 2-530
033-518 Remote Cannot Receive SUB RAP.................................................................. 2-530
033-519 PTS Has No SEP Capability RAP..................................................................... 2-531
033-520 Remote Cannot Receive Password RAP.......................................................... 2-531
033-521 Transmission Canceled via DTMF RAP............................................................ 2-532
033-522 DTMF I/F Timeout RAP..................................................................................... 2-532
033-523 Line 1 Not Connected RAP............................................................................... 2-533
033-524 Line 2 Not Connected RAP............................................................................... 2-533
033-525 Line 3 Not Connected RAP............................................................................... 2-534
033-526 ECM Error RAP................................................................................................. 2-534
033-527 EOR-Q Send RAP............................................................................................. 2-535
033-528 RTN Send RAP................................................................................................. 2-535
033-529 RTN Receive RAP ............................................................................................ 2-536
033-530 DTMF Illegal Procedure Error RAP................................................................... 2-536
033-531 DTMF Procedure Error RAP............................................................................. 2-537
033-532 Illegal Command Received RAP....................................................................... 2-537
033-533 T.30 Protocol Error RAP ................................................................................... 2-538
033-534 Unsupported Function at Remote RAP............................................................. 2-538
033-535 DCN Receive at Phase B Send RAP................................................................ 2-539
033-536 Ring Stop before Fax Device Release RAP...................................................... 2-539
033-537 In/Out Conflict RAP........................................................................................... 2-540
033-538 Fax Sending Image Process Error RAP............................................................ 2-540
033-539 Fax Receive Image Process Error RAP............................................................ 2-541
033-540 Fax Printing Image Process Error RAP............................................................. 2-541
033-541 No Destination Specified RAP .......................................................................... 2-542
033-542 Illegal Channel Request RAP............................................................................ 2-542
033-543 Illegal Dial Data RAP......................................................................................... 2-543
033-544 Busy Tone Detected RAP................................................................................. 2-543
033-545 T0 Timeout RAP................................................................................................ 2-544
033-546 No Dial Tone RAP............................................................................................. 2-544
033-547 Abort During Transmission RAP....................................................................... 2-545
033-548 Cannot Perform Manual Send RAP.................................................................. 2-545
033-549 Fax Service Disabled RAP................................................................................ 2-546
033-550 Cannot Disable Fax Service RAP..................................................................... 2-546
033-551 Fax I/F Error RAP.............................................................................................. 2-547
033-552 G3 Receive Error RAP...................................................................................... 2-547
033-553 No Mailbox/Relay RAP...................................................................................... 2-548
033-554 Wrong Password/Receive RAP ........................................................................ 2-548
033-555 Incorrect Machine Password RAP .................................................................... 2-549
033-556 Wrong Password/Send RAP............................................................................. 2-549
033-557 Destinations or Services Overflow RAP............................................................ 2-550
033-558 Remote ID Rejection RAP................................................................................. 2-550
033-563 Wrong Paper Size RAP..................................................................................... 2-551
033-564 Fax Power Fail RAP.......................................................................................... 2-551
033-565 Destination Overflow RAP................................................................................. 2-552
033-566 Unable to Initiate Call RAP................................................................................ 2-552
033-567 Illegal Dial Data RAP......................................................................................... 2-553
033-568 FCM Watchdog Timeout RAP........................................................................... 2-553
033-569 Image Direction Conflict RAP............................................................................ 2-554
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2-11 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-570 Retry Overflow RAP.......................................................................................... 2-554
033-571 Manual Send Job Canceled RAP ..................................................................... 2-555
033-572 Fax Report Print Job Delayed RAP .................................................................. 2-555
033-573 Domain Regulation Check Error RAP............................................................... 2-556
033-574 Access to a Non-Mounted Channel RAP.......................................................... 2-556
033-575 Modem Polarity Inversion Detected RAP.......................................................... 2-557
033-576 Inaccurate Dial Data RAP................................................................................. 2-557
033-577 Modem Image Under Run RAP ........................................................................ 2-558
033-578 Modem Frame Size Over RAP ......................................................................... 2-558
033-580 Missing VoIP Gateway RAP ............................................................................. 2-559
033-581 Access Authentication Failure RAP .................................................................. 2-559
033-582 Mismatched Ability RAP.................................................................................... 2-560
033-583 Temporarily Unavailable RAP........................................................................... 2-560
033-584 SIP Request Timeout RAP ............................................................................... 2-561
033-585 SIP Request Error RAP .................................................................................... 2-561
033-586 T38 Protocol Not Ready RAP ........................................................................... 2-562
033-587 T38 Session Error RAP..................................................................................... 2-562
033-588 T38 Packet Lost RAP........................................................................................ 2-563
033-589 T38 Malformed Packet Received RAP ............................................................. 2-563
033-590 T38 Send Error RAP......................................................................................... 2-564
033-591 FoIP Max Sessions Overflow RAP ................................................................... 2-564
033-592 FoIP Internal Timeout RAP............................................................................... 2-565
033-593 Canceled by Remote Peer RAP ....................................................................... 2-565
033-710 No Document RAP............................................................................................ 2-566
033-711 Page Error RAP ................................................................................................ 2-566
033-712 Fax Control RAP............................................................................................... 2-567
033-713 Fax Control RAP............................................................................................... 2-567
033-716 No Specified Mailbox RAP................................................................................ 2-568
033-717 Incorrect Password RAP................................................................................... 2-568
033-718 No Document in Mailbox RAP .......................................................................... 2-569
033-719 Fax Job Canceled RAP..................................................................................... 2-569
033-721 Fax Page Creation Failed RAP......................................................................... 2-570
033-724 Fax Receive Memory Overflow RAP ................................................................ 2-570
033-725 Insufficient HDD Space RAP ............................................................................ 2-571
033-726 Fax Duplex Print Error RAP.............................................................................. 2-571
033-727 Cannot Rotate Image RAP ............................................................................... 2-572
033-728 Auto Print Canceled RAP.................................................................................. 2-572
033-731 Inconsistent Instructions RAP........................................................................... 2-573
033-732 Print Job Canceled RAP ................................................................................... 2-573
033-733 Fax Document Number RAP ............................................................................ 2-574
033-734 Fax Print Suspension RAP ............................................................................... 2-574
033-735 Fax Memory Allocate Timeout RAP.................................................................. 2-575
033-736 Internet FAX Off Ramp Fail RAP ...................................................................... 2-575
033-737 Fax Card Job Canceled RAP............................................................................ 2-576
033-738 JBIG Information Fail RAP................................................................................ 2-576
033-740 Fax Immediate Receive Print Canceled RAP ................................................... 2-577
033-741 Fax Page Read Open Timeout RAP................................................................. 2-577
033-742 Fax Page Read Close Timeout RAP ................................................................ 2-578
033-743 Fax Page Write Open Timeout RAP................................................................. 2-578
033-744 Fax Page Write Close Timeout RAP................................................................. 2-579
033-745 Fax Data Write Timeout RAP............................................................................ 2-579
033-746 Fax Data Read Timeout RAP ........................................................................... 2-580
033-747 Fax Service Start RAP...................................................................................... 2-580
033-749 Fax Card Memory Error RAP............................................................................ 2-581
033-750 Fax Format Error RAP ...................................................................................... 2-581
033-751 Activity Report Suspended RAP ....................................................................... 2-582
033-755 Fax Printing is Canceled RAP........................................................................... 2-582
033-790 Fax Control RAP............................................................................................... 2-583
033-791 Fax Control RAP............................................................................................... 2-583
033-792 Fax Control RAP............................................................................................... 2-584
Chain 034 - FAX
034-211 Slot1 Board Failure RAP................................................................................... 2-585
034-212 Slot2 Board Failure RAP................................................................................... 2-585
034-500 Dial Error RAP................................................................................................... 2-586
034-501 Selected Channel Dial Error RAP..................................................................... 2-586
034-505 Fax Work Memory Exceeded RAP ................................................................... 2-587
034-506 Unsupported Function at Remote RAP............................................................. 2-587
034-507 Password Check Error RAP.............................................................................. 2-588
034-508 Transmission Canceled via DTMF RAP............................................................ 2-588
034-509 DTMF Illegal Procedure RAP............................................................................ 2-589
034-510 DTMF Procedure Error RAP............................................................................. 2-589
034-511 Unable to Send File at Remote RAP................................................................. 2-590
034-512 Detect Endless Loop RAP................................................................................. 2-590
034-513 Receive Command Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-591
034-514 Requested Function Unsupported RAP............................................................ 2-591
034-515 Illegal Command Received RAP....................................................................... 2-592
034-519 No. of Destinations Exceeded RAP .................................................................. 2-592
034-520 No. of Services Exceeded RAP ........................................................................ 2-593
034-521 Internal I/F Error RAP........................................................................................ 2-593
034-522 No Manual Send Line RAP............................................................................... 2-594
034-523 Fax Service Disabled RAP................................................................................ 2-594
034-527 Dial Control Error RAP...................................................................................... 2-595
034-528 Cannot Perform Manual Send RAP.................................................................. 2-595
034-529 Document Paper Size RAP............................................................................... 2-596
034-530 DTMF I/F Timeout RAP..................................................................................... 2-596
034-550 Write to Fax Card-ROM Error Detection RAP................................................... 2-597
034-700 GCPLock-G3DicepBusy-CodecHang RAP....................................................... 2-597
034-701 Software Reset RAP......................................................................................... 2-598
034-702 No Destination Specified RAP .......................................................................... 2-598
034-703 D Channel Link RAP......................................................................................... 2-599
034-704 ISDN D Channel Data Link Error RAP.............................................................. 2-599
034-705 ISDN Layer 1 Stopped-Power On RAP............................................................. 2-600
034-706 ISDN Layer 1 Stopped-Power Off RAP............................................................. 2-600
034-707 FRMR Received RAP ....................................................................................... 2-601
034-708 Illegal Frame Received N(R) RAP .................................................................... 2-601
034-709 Illegal Frame Received RAP............................................................................. 2-602
034-710 DL Link Establishment Received RAP.............................................................. 2-602
034-711 Waiting for Link Timeout RAP........................................................................... 2-603
034-712 Internal Error (Interrupt) RAP............................................................................ 2-603
034-713 Timeout-Transmission Canceled RAP.............................................................. 2-604
034-714 Line Disconnected-Timeout T305 RAP............................................................. 2-604
034-715 Line Disconnected-Timeout 3082 RAP............................................................. 2-605
034-716 Connection Timeout (T313) RAP...................................................................... 2-605
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-12 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-717 Resume Timeout RAP ...................................................................................... 2-606
034-718 Normal Disconnection RAP .............................................................................. 2-606
034-719 No Available Lines RAP.................................................................................... 2-607
034-720 Timeout (60s,T330,309,301,310) RAP ............................................................. 2-607
034-721 Format, Contents Error RAP............................................................................. 2-608
034-722 Suspension Timeout RAP................................................................................. 2-608
034-723 No Timer Assigned RAP................................................................................... 2-609
034-724 Illegal Sequence RAP....................................................................................... 2-609
034-725 L3 Task Internal Error RAP............................................................................... 2-610
034-726 HD81501 I/F Buffer Busy RAP.......................................................................... 2-610
034-727 No Reply for 3 sec. for 1300Hz RAP ................................................................ 2-611
034-728 Invalid Destination RAP .................................................................................... 2-611
034-729 Line Disconnect, In-Channel PB Send RAP ..................................................... 2-612
034-730 In and Out Call Conflict RAP............................................................................. 2-612
034-731 Fax Network Disconnected RAP....................................................................... 2-613
034-732 Fax Network Timeout Disconnect RAP............................................................. 2-613
034-733 Call Status Mismatch RAP................................................................................ 2-614
034-734 HI Task Internal Error RAP ............................................................................... 2-614
034-735 ISDN D Channel RAP....................................................................................... 2-615
034-736 Wrong Notice from FAX Network RAP ............................................................. 2-615
034-737 Incoming Call Response Error RAP.................................................................. 2-616
034-738 Layer 1 Start Up Error RAP .............................................................................. 2-616
034-739 Layer 1 Not Synchronized RAP ........................................................................ 2-617
034-740 Transmission of Frame Error RAP.................................................................... 2-617
034-741 Unable to Send Frame RAP ............................................................................. 2-618
034-742 Frame Send Error RAP..................................................................................... 2-618
034-743 Abnormal Frame-Sending DMA RAP ............................................................... 2-619
034-744 Unacceptable Channel RAP ............................................................................. 2-619
034-745 Outgoing Call to Channel Set RAP................................................................... 2-620
034-746 No Usable Lines RAP ....................................................................................... 2-620
034-747 Switching Equipment Congestion RAP............................................................. 2-621
034-748 Specified Line Cannot be Used RAP................................................................ 2-621
034-749 Network Congestion Error RAP ........................................................................ 2-622
034-750 Network Error RAP ........................................................................................... 2-622
034-751 Temporary Network Error RAP......................................................................... 2-623
034-752 Destination Terminal Busy RAP........................................................................ 2-623
034-753 Destination Not Responding RAP..................................................................... 2-624
034-754 No Response from Destination RAP................................................................. 2-624
034-755 Destination Rejecting Call RAP ........................................................................ 2-625
034-756 Destination Faulty RAP..................................................................................... 2-625
034-757 Others (Normal, Semi-normal) RAP ................................................................. 2-626
034-758 Incorrect Destination Fax Dial No. RAP............................................................ 2-626
034-759 No Relay Network Route RAP.......................................................................... 2-627
034-760 No Line To Destination RAP............................................................................. 2-627
034-761 Incorrect Format Destination Fax No. RAP....................................................... 2-628
034-762 Facility Rejected RAP ....................................................................................... 2-628
034-763 Communication Capability Disallowed RAP ..................................................... 2-629
034-764 Communication Capability Not Configured RAP............................................... 2-629
034-765 Feature Limit Error RAP.................................................................................... 2-630
034-766 Selected Communication Not Implemented RAP ............................................. 2-630
034-767 Selected Mode Not Implemented RAP ............................................................. 2-631
034-768 Restricted Digital Information Only RAP........................................................... 2-631
034-769 Error by Service, Feature RAP.......................................................................... 2-632
034-770 Reply to Status Query RAP............................................................................... 2-632
034-771 Access Information Discarded RAP.................................................................. 2-633
034-772 Fax Connection Error RAP................................................................................ 2-633
034-773 Invalid Dial Number Specified RAP................................................................... 2-634
034-774 Invalid Line Specified RAP................................................................................ 2-634
034-775 Others (Invalid Message Class) RAP................................................................ 2-635
034-776 Insufficient Required Information RAP.............................................................. 2-635
034-777 Undefined Message Type RAP......................................................................... 2-636
034-778 Incorrect Message or Type RAP....................................................................... 2-636
034-779 No information or Not Defined RAP.................................................................. 2-637
034-780 Invalid Information RAP .................................................................................... 2-637
034-781 Call Status, Message Mismatch RAP ............................................................... 2-638
034-782 Error Cleared due to Timeout RAP................................................................... 2-638
034-783 Other Errors (Operation, etc.) RAP................................................................... 2-639
034-784 Destination Number Changed RAP .................................................................. 2-639
034-785 Incompatible Destination RAP .......................................................................... 2-640
034-786 Call Identity not in Use RAP.............................................................................. 2-640
034-787 Call Identity in Use RAP.................................................................................... 2-641
034-788 Show Other Causes RAP.................................................................................. 2-641
034-789 G4 Presentation Illegal Event RAP................................................................... 2-642
034-790 Line 0 (Ext) not Connected RAP....................................................................... 2-642
034-791 Line 1 not Connected RAP................................................................................ 2-643
034-792 Line 2 not Connected RAP................................................................................ 2-643
034-793 Line 3 not Connected RAP................................................................................ 2-644
034-794 Line 4 not Connected RAP................................................................................ 2-644
034-795 Line 5 not Connected RAP................................................................................ 2-645
034-796 Dial Error (Incorrect Fax No. 2) RAP................................................................. 2-645
034-797 Communication Parameter Error RAP.............................................................. 2-646
034-798 Data Parameter Error RAP ............................................................................... 2-646
034-799 Auto Dial Without Dial Data RAP...................................................................... 2-647
Chain 035 - FAX
035-550 Write to Fax G3-ROM error detection RAP....................................................... 2-649
035-700 Modem Faulty RAP........................................................................................... 2-649
035-701 T1 Transmission Timeout RAP......................................................................... 2-650
035-702 Destination Receive Rejected RAP................................................................... 2-650
035-703 DCN Receive at Phase B Send RAP................................................................ 2-651
035-704 Destination Polling Error RAP........................................................................... 2-651
035-705 DCS/NSS Resend Exceeded RAP ................................................................... 2-652
035-706 Fallback Error RAP ........................................................................................... 2-652
035-707 Wrong Password/Receive Banned RAP........................................................... 2-653
035-708 Post-message Resend Exceeded RAP ............................................................ 2-653
035-709 RTN Receive RAP ............................................................................................ 2-654
035-710 PIN Receive RAP.............................................................................................. 2-654
035-711 DCN Receive at Phase D RAP......................................................................... 2-655
035-712 No Response after 3 NSC RAP........................................................................ 2-655
035-713 T2 Timeout after Sending FTT RAP.................................................................. 2-656
035-714 DCN Received after NSC/DTC RAP................................................................. 2-656
035-715 Wrong Password-Polling Error RAP ................................................................. 2-657
035-716 No Post Message-T2 Timeout RAP.................................................................. 2-657
035-717 RTN Send RAP................................................................................................. 2-658
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-13 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-718 Receive T1 Timeout RAP ................................................................................. 2-658
035-719 Busy Tone Detected at Phase-B RAP .............................................................. 2-659
035-720 Unable to Receive by Remote RAP.................................................................. 2-659
035-721 DCN Received at Phase B RAP ....................................................................... 2-660
035-722 Wrong Frame Length of 300bps RAP............................................................... 2-660
035-723 No CD after Receiving Flag RAP...................................................................... 2-661
035-724 DCN Receive after Sending FTT RAP.............................................................. 2-661
035-725 Remote has no Mailbox/Relay RAP.................................................................. 2-662
035-726 PhaseC Cannot Receive-10 secs RAP............................................................. 2-662
035-727 50% Error During G3 Receive RAP.................................................................. 2-663
035-728 C EOL Cannot Receive in 10 sec RAP............................................................. 2-663
035-729 Carrier Down Detected RAP............................................................................. 2-664
035-730 No CS with Phase-C High Speed RAP............................................................. 2-664
035-731 Fax V.8 Error RAP ............................................................................................ 2-665
035-732 Fax V.34 PCH CD Off RAP............................................................................... 2-665
035-733 Fax V.34 C/PCH CS None RAP ....................................................................... 2-666
035-734 Polling Error at Remote Step V8 RAP .............................................................. 2-666
035-735 No Document in Polling Box Step V8 RAP....................................................... 2-667
035-736 No Reply DCN after Sending CTC RAP ........................................................... 2-667
035-737 No Reply DCN after Sending EOR RAP........................................................... 2-668
035-738 No Reply DCN after Sending RR RAP ............................................................. 2-668
035-739 Fax T5 Timeout RAP ........................................................................................ 2-669
035-740 Sending Stopped after EOR Send RAP............................................................ 2-669
035-741 ECM Phase C Flag Timeout RAP..................................................................... 2-670
035-742 EOR Send or Receive RAP .............................................................................. 2-670
035-743 Remote Cannot Receive SUB Function RAP ................................................... 2-671
035-744 Remote Cannot Receive Password RAP.......................................................... 2-671
035-745 PTX has No SEP Capability RAP ..................................................................... 2-672
035-746 Busy-Cannot Detect Dial Tone RAP................................................................. 2-672
035-747 Abort While Dialing RAP................................................................................... 2-673
035-748 Abort During Transmission RAP....................................................................... 2-674
035-749 No Reply from Remote Station RAP................................................................. 2-674
035-750 Power Off during Transmission RAP ................................................................ 2-675
035-751 Document Send Operation Canceled RAP....................................................... 2-675
035-752 Number of Job Restriction Error RAP............................................................... 2-676
035-753 Fax Memory Full RAP....................................................................................... 2-676
035-754 File Management Memory Full RAP................................................................. 2-677
035-755 File Add Page Error RAP.................................................................................. 2-677
035-756 Cannot Add Page RAP ..................................................................................... 2-678
035-757 No Receive Page RAP...................................................................................... 2-678
035-758 No Specified File or Page RAP......................................................................... 2-679
035-759 No Specified Job RAP ...................................................................................... 2-679
035-760 File Common Processing Error RAP ................................................................ 2-680
035-761 File Processing Error RAP................................................................................ 2-680
035-762 Line Disconnected during ISDN RAP ............................................................... 2-681
Chain 036 - FAX
036-500 Illegal PDRP Parameter RAP ........................................................................... 2-683
036-501 Illegal RDPBP Parameter RAP......................................................................... 2-683
036-502 Illegal RDPBN Parameter RAP......................................................................... 2-684
036-503 Illegal RDCLP Parameter RAP ......................................................................... 2-684
036-504 Illegal RDGR Parameter RAP........................................................................... 2-685
036-505 Undefined Response RAP................................................................................ 2-685
036-506 Negotiation Not Allowed RAP ........................................................................... 2-686
036-507 RDPBP Receive at Full Capacity RAP.............................................................. 2-686
036-508 RDPBN Receive Terminal Error RAP............................................................... 2-687
036-509 RDPBN Receive Other RAP............................................................................. 2-687
036-510 RDGR Receive RAP......................................................................................... 2-688
036-511 Illegal Procedure 1551 RAP.............................................................................. 2-688
036-512 Illegal CDS Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-689
036-513 Illegal CDC Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-689
036-514 Illegal CDE Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-690
036-515 Illegal CDD Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-690
036-516 Illegal CDR Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-691
036-517 Illegal CDPB Parameter RAP............................................................................ 2-691
036-518 Illegal CDCL Parameter RAP............................................................................ 2-692
036-519 Undefined Command RAP................................................................................ 2-692
036-520 Not Negotiable CDS Receive RAP ................................................................... 2-693
036-521 Not Negotiable CDC Receive RAP................................................................... 2-693
036-522 CDD Receive Terminal Error RAP.................................................................... 2-694
036-523 Other Than Above CDD Receive RAP.............................................................. 2-694
036-524 CDR Receive Terminal Error RAP.................................................................... 2-695
036-525 Other Than Above CDR Receive RAP.............................................................. 2-695
036-526 Illegal CDUI (Normal Document) RAP.............................................................. 2-696
036-527 Illegal CDUI (Operator Document) RAP............................................................ 2-696
036-528 Illegal CDUI (Control Document) RAP.............................................................. 2-697
036-529 Illegal CDUI (Monitor Document) RAP.............................................................. 2-697
036-530 CDS Receive-Illegal Document RAP................................................................ 2-698
036-531 DMA Channel 1 Terminated RAP..................................................................... 2-698
036-532 DMA Channel 2 Terminated RAP..................................................................... 2-699
036-533 Cannot Convert Resources RAP ...................................................................... 2-699
036-534 Decode Error in Data Convert RAP .................................................................. 2-700
036-535 White Line Transfer Error (Compress) RAP...................................................... 2-700
036-536 White Line Transfer Error (Decomp) RAP......................................................... 2-701
036-537 No RTC during Data Convert RAP.................................................................... 2-701
036-538 Document Descriptor Analysis Error RAP......................................................... 2-702
036-539 Page Descriptor Analysis Error RAP................................................................. 2-702
036-540 Text Unit Analysis Error RAP............................................................................ 2-703
036-541 Page Boundary Without TU RAP...................................................................... 2-703
036-542 Relay Broadcast Error in G4 RAP..................................................................... 2-704
036-550 Write to FaxG4-ROM Error RAP....................................................................... 2-704
036-700 G4 Communication Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-705
036-701 Receive Variable N(R) Error RAP..................................................................... 2-705
036-702 Info Frame Size Exceeded (NI) RAP ................................................................ 2-706
036-703 Monitor/Unnumbered Frame Error RAP............................................................ 2-706
036-704 Undefined Command/Response 1104 RAP...................................................... 2-707
036-705 N2 Timeout of Receive Timer RAP................................................................... 2-707
036-706 SABM Wait Timeout in G4 RAP........................................................................ 2-708
036-707 UA Wait Timeout in G4 RAP............................................................................. 2-708
036-708 Cannot Establish Link in G4 RAP ..................................................................... 2-709
036-709 DISC Receive Before Link Close RAP.............................................................. 2-709
036-710 FRMR Receive (Z=1) RAP................................................................................ 2-710
036-711 FRMR Receive (Y=1) RAP ............................................................................... 2-710
036-712 FRMR Received (Z=1) W=1 RAP..................................................................... 2-711
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-14 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-713 FRMR Receive (W=1) RAP .............................................................................. 2-711
036-714 Global Address Receive RAP........................................................................... 2-712
036-715 Line Open Timeout in G4 RAP ......................................................................... 2-712
036-716 Wrong LSI Send (Busy Timeout) RAP.............................................................. 2-713
036-717 Abnormal LSI Operation RAP........................................................................... 2-713
036-718 Disconnection Notice Timeout RAP.................................................................. 2-714
036-719 C Line On - Line 1 Off RAP............................................................................... 2-714
036-720 C Line Off - Line 1 On RAP............................................................................... 2-715
036-721 Line 1 Off During Transmission RAP................................................................ 2-715
036-722 Call Disconnected During Flag Detect RAP...................................................... 2-716
036-723 Call Disconnected While Awaiting UA RAP...................................................... 2-716
036-724 Call Disconnected While Awaiting SABM RAP................................................. 2-717
036-725 Disc Received Before Session RAP ................................................................. 2-717
036-726 Illegal Header Received RAP ........................................................................... 2-718
036-727 Illegal Parameter of CC Packet RAP ................................................................ 2-718
036-728 Illegal Parameter of CN Packet RAP ................................................................ 2-719
036-729 Illegal Parameter of DT Packet RAP................................................................. 2-719
036-730 Illegal Parameter of RI Packet RAP.................................................................. 2-720
036-731 Illegal Parameter of IT Packet RAP .................................................................. 2-720
036-732 Illegal Parameter of CI Packet RAP.................................................................. 2-721
036-733 Illegal Parameter of CF Packet RAP................................................................. 2-721
036-734 Undefined Packet Received RAP ..................................................................... 2-722
036-735 CC Wait Timeout RAP ...................................................................................... 2-722
036-736 CF Wait Timeout RAP....................................................................................... 2-723
036-737 CI Received Before G4 Session RAP............................................................... 2-723
036-738 DT Packet P(S ), P(R ) Error RAP .................................................................... 2-724
036-739 RR, RNR Packet P(S) Error RAP ..................................................................... 2-724
036-740 Busy Timeout RAP............................................................................................ 2-725
036-741 SI Received in Transmission RAP.................................................................... 2-725
036-742 SF Received in Transmission RAP................................................................... 2-726
036-743 DT Packet D Bit Error RAP............................................................................... 2-726
036-744 G4 Wait for Reply Timeout RAP ....................................................................... 2-727
036-745 G4 CN Wait Timeout RAP ................................................................................ 2-727
036-746 G4 Data Link Disconnect Notice Timeout RAP................................................. 2-728
036-747 Fast Select Response Received RAP .............................................................. 2-728
036-748 Receive Remote Charge Request RAP............................................................ 2-729
036-749 Abnormal LCGN RAP ....................................................................................... 2-729
036-750 Illegal Procedure 1301 RAP.............................................................................. 2-730
036-751 Illegal TCA Parameter RAP .............................................................................. 2-730
036-752 Illegal TCR Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-731
036-753 Illegal TCC Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-731
036-754 Illegal TBR Parameter RAP .............................................................................. 2-732
036-755 Illegal TDT Parameter RAP .............................................................................. 2-732
036-756 Undefined Ttransport Block Receive RAP........................................................ 2-733
036-757 TCA Wait Timeout RAP .................................................................................... 2-733
036-758 TCR Wait Timeout RAP.................................................................................... 2-734
036-759 TCC Wait Timeout RAP.................................................................................... 2-734
036-760 TBR Wait Timeout RAP .................................................................................... 2-735
036-761 TDT Block Size Error RAP................................................................................ 2-735
036-762 G4 NetWork Disconnect Notice Timeout RAP.................................................. 2-736
036-763 Illegal Procedure 1401 RAP.............................................................................. 2-736
036-764 Illegal CSS Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-737
036-765 Illegal CSE Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-737
036-766 Illegal CSA Parameter RAP.............................................................................. 2-738
036-767 Illegal CSUI Parameter RAP............................................................................. 2-738
036-768 Illegal CSCC Parameter RAP ........................................................................... 2-739
036-769 Illegal RSSP Parameter RAP............................................................................ 2-739
036-770 Illegal RSSN Parameter RAP............................................................................ 2-740
036-771 Illegal RSEP Parameter RAP............................................................................ 2-740
036-772 Illegal RSAP Parameter RAP............................................................................ 2-741
036-773 Illegal RSUI Parameter RAP............................................................................. 2-741
036-774 Illegal RSCCP Parameter RAP......................................................................... 2-742
036-775 Undefined Command/Response 1413 RAP...................................................... 2-742
036-776 RSSN Receive RAP.......................................................................................... 2-743
036-777 G4 Line Disconnect Notice Timeout RAP......................................................... 2-743
036-778 CSA Received (Wrong Terminal) RAP ............................................................. 2-744
036-779 CSA Receive (Others) RAP.............................................................................. 2-744
036-780 CSS Wait Timeout RAP.................................................................................... 2-745
036-781 RSSP Wait Timeout RAP.................................................................................. 2-745
036-782 RSAP Wait Timeout RAP.................................................................................. 2-746
036-783 RSEP Wait Timeout RAP.................................................................................. 2-746
036-784 RSCCP Wait Timeout RAP............................................................................... 2-747
036-785 CSUI/RSUI Wait Timeout RAP ......................................................................... 2-747
036-786 Incorrect Password (RSSN) RAP...................................................................... 2-748
036-787 Wrong Password-Polling Error for Remote RAP............................................... 2-748
036-788 Poll Send Error at Remote RAP........................................................................ 2-749
036-789 No Password for RSSP Receive RAP .............................................................. 2-749
036-790 Polling Rejected by Remote RAP ..................................................................... 2-750
036-791 Set Password-RSSP Received RAP................................................................. 2-750
036-792 CSE Received after RSSP Send RAP.............................................................. 2-751
036-793 Select Communication Error RAP..................................................................... 2-751
036-794 Line Disconnected During ISDN Mode RAP..................................................... 2-752
036-795 Canceled by Remote Station RAP.................................................................... 2-752
036-796 Sent Without Multiple Sets RAP........................................................................ 2-753
036-797 Illegal Procedure 1501 RAP.............................................................................. 2-753
036-798 Illegal RDEP Parameter RAP............................................................................ 2-754
036-799 Illegal RDDP Parameter RAP ........................................................................... 2-754
Chain 041 - IOT Manager (MCU)
041-310 IM Logic Fail RAP ............................................................................................ 2-755
041-324 MCU PWB F1 Open RAP ................................................................................ 2-755
041-325 MCU PWB F2 Open RAP ................................................................................ 2-756
041-326 MCU PWB F3 Open RAP ................................................................................ 2-756
041-327 MCU PWB F4 Open RAP ................................................................................ 2-757
041-328 MCU PWB F5 Open RAP ................................................................................ 2-757
041-329 MCU PWB F6 Open RAP ................................................................................ 2-758
041-330 MCU PWB F7 Open RAP ................................................................................ 2-758
041-331 MCU PWB F8 Open RAP ................................................................................ 2-759
041-340 MCU NVM (EEPROM) Data Fail RAP............................................................. 2-759
041-341 MCU NVM (EEPROM) Access Fail RAP.......................................................... 2-760
041-342 MCU NVM (EEPROM) Buffer Fail RAP........................................................... 2-760
041-347 Serial I/O Fail RAP........................................................................................... 2-761
041-500 Write to IOT-ROM Error Detection (During Download) RAP............................ 2-761
041-501 Write to IOT-NVM-ROM Error Detection (during download) RAP.................... 2-762
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-15 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Chain 042 - Drives
042-310 Main Motor Failure RAP.................................................................................... 2-763
042-323 Drum Motor Failure RAP................................................................................... 2-763
042-400 Odor Filter End Of Life...................................................................................... 2-764
042-401 VOC Filter End Of Life ...................................................................................... 2-764
Chain 045 - MM
045-310 Image Ready NG RAP..................................................................................... 2-765
045-311 Controller Communication Fail RAP ................................................................ 2-765
Chain 047 - Output Control
047-211 Exit 1 OCT Home Fail RAP.............................................................................. 2-767
047-213 Finisher Type Mismatch.................................................................................... 2-767
047-216 Finisher Communication Fail RAP................................................................... 2-768
047-217 HCF Communication Fault................................................................................ 2-768
047-218 Tray Module Communication Fail RAP............................................................ 2-769
047-320 ALL Destination Tray Broken RAP................................................................... 2-769
Chain 059 - Fuser
059-314 Control (Center) Thermistor Failure RAP.......................................................... 2-771
059-315 Control (Center) Thermistor Over Temperature Failure RAP ........................... 2-771
059-316 Rear Thermistor Failure RAP............................................................................ 2-772
059-317 Rear Thermistor Over Temperature Failure RAP ............................................. 2-772
Chain 061 - ROS
061-320 ROS Motor Fail RAP........................................................................................ 2-773
061-325 SOS Fail RAP .................................................................................................. 2-773
Chain 062 - IIT/IPS
062-277 ESS-DADF Communication Fail RAP............................................................... 2-775
062-300 Platen Interlock Open RAP............................................................................... 2-775
062-311 IIT Software Logic Fail RAP.............................................................................. 2-776
062-345 IIT EEPROM Fail (IIT) RAP .............................................................................. 2-777
062-360 Carriage Position Fail RAP ............................................................................... 2-777
062-362 X Hard Fail RAP................................................................................................ 2-778
062-371 Lamp Illumination Fail RAP............................................................................... 2-778
062-380 Platen AGC Fail RAP........................................................................................ 2-779
062-386 Platen AOC Fail RAP........................................................................................ 2-780
062-389 Carriage Over Run Fail RAP............................................................................. 2-781
062-393 CCD PWB Sync Signal Fail RAP...................................................................... 2-782
062-394 Cont PWBA Memory Fail RAP.......................................................................... 2-783
062-395 IIT PWB Power Cable Connection Fail RAP..................................................... 2-783
062-396 CCD Cable Connection Fail RAP ..................................................................... 2-784
062-397 IIT-Cont Video Cable Connection Fail RAP...................................................... 2-784
062-398 IIT-Cont I/O Cable Connection Fail RAP .......................................................... 2-785
062-500 Write to Error During Download RAP................................................................ 2-785
062-790 PreIPS X- Recognition Fail RAP....................................................................... 2-786
Chain 071 - Tray 1 PH
071-100Tray 1 Pre Misfeed RAP .................................................................................... 2-787
071-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 1) RAP....................................................... 2-787
071-210 Tray 1 Lift Fail RAP........................................................................................... 2-788
071-212 Tray 1 Paper Size Switch Broken RAP............................................................. 2-788
Chain 072 - Tray 2 PH
072-100Tray 2 Pre Misfeed RAP .................................................................................... 2-789
072-101Tray 2 Misfeed RAP........................................................................................... 2-789
072-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 2) RAP...................................................... 2-790
072-210 Tray 2 Lift Fail RAP.......................................................................................... 2-790
072-212 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor Broken RAP........................................................... 2-791
072-900 Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP ........................................................ 2-791
Chain 073 - Tray 3 PH
073-101 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP.......................................................................................... 2-793
073-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 3) RAP....................................................... 2-794
073-210 Tray 3 Lift Fail RAP........................................................................................... 2-794
073-212 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensor Broken RAP............................................................ 2-795
073-900 Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP ......................................................... 2-795
Chain 074 - Tray 4 PH
074-101 Tray 4 Misfeed RAP......................................................................................... 2-797
074-102 Feed Out Sensor 2 On Jam (Tray3/4)............................................................... 2-798
074-103 Feed Out Sensor 3 On Jam (Tray4).................................................................. 2-798
074-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 4) RAP...................................................... 2-799
074-210 Tray 3 Lift Fail RAP.......................................................................................... 2-799
074-212 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor Broken RAP........................................................... 2-800
074-900 Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP ........................................................ 2-800
Chain 075 - Tray 5 (MSI) PH
075-135 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 4) RAP...................................................... 2-801
Chain 077 - Paper Transportation
077-101 Registration Sensor Off Jam RAP..................................................................... 2-803
077-103 Exit Sensor 1 Off Jam RAP............................................................................... 2-803
077-106 Exit Sensor 1 On Jam RAP............................................................................... 2-804
077-109 Exit Sensor 2 On Jam RAP............................................................................... 2-804
077-113 Exit Sensor 2 Off Jam RAP............................................................................... 2-805
077-129 Registration Sensor On Jam (Duplex Wait) RAP.............................................. 2-805
077-130 Registration Sensor On Jam (Duplex Direct) RAP............................................ 2-806
077-131 Duplex Sensor On Jam RAP............................................................................. 2-806
077-211 Tray Module Type Mismatch RAP .................................................................... 2-807
077-212 Tray Module Reset Fail RAP............................................................................. 2-807
077-214 Tray Module Logic Fail RAP ............................................................................. 2-808
077-300 Front Cover Interlock Open RAP ...................................................................... 2-808
077-301 L/H Cover Interlock Open RAP......................................................................... 2-809
077-305 Tray Module L/H Cover Open RAP................................................................... 2-809
077-307 Duplex Cover Open RAP.................................................................................. 2-810
077-308 L/H Upper Cover Open RAP............................................................................. 2-810
077-309 L/H Lower Cover Open RAP............................................................................. 2-811
077-314 P/H Module Logic Fail RAP............................................................................... 2-811
077-900 Registration Sensor Static Jam RAP ................................................................ 2-812
077-901 Exit Sensor 1 Static Jam RAP........................................................................... 2-812
077-902 Exit Sensor 2 Static Jam RAP........................................................................... 2-813
077-907 Duplex Sensor Static Jam RAP ........................................................................ 2-813
Chain 078 - HCF
078-100Tray 6 (HCF) Pre Misfeed RAP.......................................................................... 2-815
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-16 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
078-101 HCF to Feed Out Sensor Fault RAP................................................................. 2-816
078-102 HCF to Registration Sensor Fault RAP............................................................. 2-817
078-104 HCF Feed Out Sensor Fault RAP..................................................................... 2-818
078-216 Logic Failure RAP............................................................................................. 2-818
078-250 HCF Lift Fault RAP ........................................................................................... 2-819
078-300 HCF Top Cover Interlock Open RAP................................................................ 2-820
078-301 HCF Docking interlock Open RAP.................................................................... 2-820
078-900 Tray 6 (HCF) Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP ............................................. 2-821
Chain 091 - Xerographics
091-313 CRUM ASIC Communication Fail RAP............................................................. 2-823
091-314 Fuser Fan Fault RAP ........................................................................................ 2-823
091-401 Drum Cartridge Near Life RAP ......................................................................... 2-824
091-402 Drum Cartridge Life Over RAP ......................................................................... 2-824
091-406 Drum Cartridge Pre Near Life RAP................................................................... 2-825
091-600 Temperature Sensor Fail RAP.......................................................................... 2-825
091-600 Humidity Sensor Fail RAP ................................................................................ 2-826
091-912 Drum Cartridge Life End RAP........................................................................... 2-826
091-913 Drum Cartridge Life End RAP........................................................................... 2-827
091-914 Drum CRUM Communication Fail RAP ............................................................ 2-827
091-915 Drum CRUM Data Broken RAP........................................................................ 2-828
091-916 Drum CRUM Data Mismatch RAP.................................................................... 2-828
091-921 Drum CRUM Not In Position RAP..................................................................... 2-829
Chain 092 - ProCon
092-315 ATC Fail RAP................................................................................................... 2-831
092-323 Dispense Fail RAP............................................................................................ 2-831
092-656 ATC Average Fail RAP ..................................................................................... 2-832
092-660 ATC Amplitude Fail RAP................................................................................... 2-832
Chain 093 - Development
093-400 Toner Cartridge Near Empty RAP .................................................................... 2-833
093-406 Toner Cartridge Pre Near Empty RAP.............................................................. 2-833
093-912 Toner Cartridge Empty...................................................................................... 2-834
093-916 Toner CRUM Not In Position RAP.................................................................... 2-834
093-924 Toner K CRUM Communication Fail RAP ........................................................ 2-835
093-925 Toner CRUM Data Broken RAP ....................................................................... 2-835
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP............................................................. 2-836
093-956 Dev Install Mode Fail RAP................................................................................ 2-837
093-959 Dev Install Times Over Fail RAP ...................................................................... 2-838
Chain 094 - Transfer
094-315 BTR Illegal output ............................................................................................. 2-839
Chain 102 - UI/Dongle SW
102-311 USB Dongle Access Fault................................................................................. 2-841
102-312 USB Dongle Illegal MAC Address Fault............................................................ 2-841
102-313 USB Dongle Illegal IOT Speed Key Fault ......................................................... 2-842
102-314 USB Dongle IOT Speed Setting Fault............................................................... 2-842
102-315 USB Dongle SW Key Setting Fault ................................................................... 2-843
102-316 USB Dongle Country Code Setting Fault .......................................................... 2-843
102-317 USB Dongle PagePack Setting Fault................................................................ 2-844
102-318 USB Dongle Country Code Setting Fault .......................................................... 2-844
102-319 Dongle NVM List Setting Fault .......................................................................... 2-845
102-356 EWS Soft Fail RAP ........................................................................................... 2-845
Chain 116 - Controller
116-210 Media Reader Fatal Error RAP......................................................................... 2-847
116-211 MediaReader Cable Disconnected RAP.......................................................... 2-847
116-212 MediaLib SW Logic Fail RAP........................................................................... 2-848
116-220 Transition to Download Mode Download RAP Initialization Failure ................. 2-848
116-312 HDD Encrypt Key RAP...................................................................................... 2-849
116-313 HDD Encrypt Setup RAP .................................................................................. 2-849
116-314 Ethernet Address RAP...................................................................................... 2-850
116-315 System Memory DIMM R/W Check RAP.......................................................... 2-850
116-316 ESS RAM DIMM R/W Check RAP.................................................................... 2-851
116-317 Standard ROM DIMM Check Fail RAP............................................................. 2-851
116-318 ESS ROM DIMM Check RAP ........................................................................... 2-852
116-319 Controller UI Configuration RAP....................................................................... 2-852
116-321 System Software RAP....................................................................................... 2-853
116-322 WebDAV S/W Fail RAP .................................................................................... 2-853
116-323 ESS NVRAM R/W Check RAP ......................................................................... 2-854
116-324 System Controller RAP..................................................................................... 2-854
116-325 ESS Fan RAP ................................................................................................... 2-855
116-328 L2 Cache Fail RAP............................................................................................ 2-855
116-329 Serial Software RAP ......................................................................................... 2-856
116-330 HDD File System RAP...................................................................................... 2-856
116-331 Invalid Log Information RAP ............................................................................. 2-857
116-332 ESS Standard ROM RAP.................................................................................. 2-857
116-333 LocalTalk Software RAP................................................................................... 2-858
116-334 ESS NVM Data Compare Fail RAP .................................................................. 2-858
116-336 Redirector HD Fail RAP.................................................................................... 2-859
116-337 SNTP Software RAP......................................................................................... 2-859
116-338 JBA RAP........................................................................................................... 2-860
116-339 JBA No HD RAP .............................................................................................. 2-860
116-340 Memory Not Enough RAP................................................................................. 2-861
116-341 ROM Version RAP............................................................................................ 2-861
116-342 SESAMi Manager Fail RAP .............................................................................. 2-862
116-343 Main PWB IC RAP............................................................................................ 2-862
116-346 Formatter RAP.................................................................................................. 2-863
116-348 Redirector RAP................................................................................................. 2-863
116-349 SIF Fail to Call Pflite RAP................................................................................. 2-864
116-350 AppleTalk Software RAP................................................................................... 2-864
116-351 Ether Talk Software RAP.................................................................................. 2-865
116-352 NetWare Software RAP .................................................................................... 2-865
116-353 HDD Mechanical RAP....................................................................................... 2-866
116-354 HDD Product RAP............................................................................................. 2-866
116-355 Agent Software RAP......................................................................................... 2-867
116-356 HDD Format RAP.............................................................................................. 2-867
116-357 PostScript RAP ................................................................................................. 2-868
116-358 Salutation Software RAP................................................................................... 2-868
116-359 PLW Fatal Error RAP........................................................................................ 2-869
116-360 SMB Software RAP........................................................................................... 2-869
116-361 Spool HDD RAP................................................................................................ 2-870
116-362 SSDP Software RAP......................................................................................... 2-870
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-17 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-363 BMLinkS/Print Service Software RAP............................................................... 2-871
116-364 Timer RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-871
116-365 Spool RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-872
116-366 Software Report RAP........................................................................................ 2-872
116-367 Parallel IF Software RAP .................................................................................. 2-873
116-368 Dump Print RAP................................................................................................ 2-873
116-370 XJCL RAP......................................................................................................... 2-874
116-371 PCL Decomposer Software RAP...................................................................... 2-874
116-372 Formatter RAP.................................................................................................. 2-875
116-373 Dynamic DNS Software RAP............................................................................ 2-875
116-374 Auto Switch RAP............................................................................................... 2-876
116-375 Formatter RAP.................................................................................................. 2-876
116-376 Port 9100 Software RAP................................................................................... 2-877
116-377 Video DMA RAP ............................................................................................... 2-877
116-378 MCR Software RAP .......................................................................................... 2-878
116-379 MCC Software RAP .......................................................................................... 2-878
116-380 ESS Font ROM DIMM RAP .............................................................................. 2-879
116-381 ABL Initialize RAP............................................................................................. 2-879
116-382 ABL Initialize RAP............................................................................................. 2-880
116-383 PIT Lib Failure RAP .......................................................................................... 2-880
116-384 DCS Fatal Error RAP........................................................................................ 2-881
116-385 IDC Software RAP ............................................................................................ 2-881
116-386 FAX Cable Insertion Error RAP ........................................................................ 2-882
116-388 HD Not Installed RAP ....................................................................................... 2-882
116-389 RAM Install RAP ............................................................................................... 2-883
116-390 ROM NVM Mismatch RAP................................................................................ 2-883
116-391 Country Code RAP ........................................................................................... 2-884
116-392 ROM DIMM Machine Code Check Fail RAP .................................................... 2-884
116-393 AAA Manager Fatal Error RAP ......................................................................... 2-885
116-394 AAA Manager Settings Failure RAP ................................................................. 2-885
116-395 USB Software RAP........................................................................................... 2-886
116-396 FIPS140 Self-Test Fail ...................................................................................... 2-886
116-397 AAAmgr illegal setting area coverage threshold ............................................... 2-887
116-399 Initialization RAP............................................................................................... 2-887
116-700 Image Expansion Kit Insufficient Memory RAP ................................................ 2-888
116-701 Memory Duplex RAP ........................................................................................ 2-888
116-702 Substitute Font RAP ......................................................................................... 2-889
116-703 PostScript Language RAP ................................................................................ 2-889
116-704 Media Reader: No Media RAP.......................................................................... 2-890
116-705 Media Reader: Format Error RAP..................................................................... 2-890
116-706 Media Reader: File Attribute Read Error RAP .................................................. 2-891
116-707 Media Reader: Image File Read Error RAP...................................................... 2-891
116-708 Media Reader: File Attribute Read Error RAP .................................................. 2-892
116-709 Media Reader: File Attribute Read Error RAP .................................................. 2-892
116-710 HP-GL/2 Memory Overflow RAP ...................................................................... 2-893
116-711 PLW Form Merge Error RAP ............................................................................ 2-893
116-712 PLW Form Memory Shortage RAP................................................................... 2-894
116-713 HDD Job Full RAP ............................................................................................ 2-894
116-714 HP-GL/2 Command RAP.................................................................................. 2-895
116-715 PLW Form Registration Error RAP ................................................................... 2-895
116-716 Media Reader: Corrupt or Missing Media File RAP.......................................... 2-896
116-717 Media Reader: Media File Read Error RAP...................................................... 2-896
116-718 PLW Form Overlay Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-897
116-719 XPIF Parameter Cancelled RAP...................................................................... 2-897
116-720 PCL Memory RAP............................................................................................. 2-898
116-725 Image Log Data Insufficient Disk Space RAP................................................... 2-898
116-737 ART User Defined Area Shortage RAP ............................................................ 2-899
116-738 Overlay Size Orientation RAP........................................................................... 2-899
116-739 Form/Logo Capacity RAP ................................................................................. 2-900
116-740 Arithmetic RAP.................................................................................................. 2-900
116-741 Maximum Forms Data Register RAP................................................................ 2-901
116-742 Max Logo Registered RAP................................................................................ 2-901
116-743 Form/Logo Size Overflow RAP......................................................................... 2-902
116-745 ART Command Error RAP................................................................................ 2-902
116-746 Selected Form RAP .......................................................................................... 2-903
116-747 Invalid Page Margin RAP.................................................................................. 2-903
116-748 Page Image Data RAP...................................................................................... 2-904
116-749 PostScript Font RAP......................................................................................... 2-904
116-750 Banner Sheet Cancelled RAP........................................................................... 2-905
116-752 Print Job Ticket Description Warning RAP........................................................ 2-905
116-771 Invalid JBIG Parameter DL Fixed RAP............................................................. 2-906
116-772 Invalid JBIG Parameter D Fixed RAP............................................................... 2-906
116-773 Invalid JBIG Parameter P Fixed RAP ............................................................... 2-907
116-774 Invalid JBIG Parameter YD Fixed RAP............................................................. 2-907
116-775 Invalid JBIG Parameter L0 Fixed RAP.............................................................. 2-908
116-776 Invalid JBIG Parameter MX Fixed RAP ............................................................ 2-908
116-777 Invalid JBIG Parameter MY Fixed RAP ............................................................ 2-909
116-778 Invalid JBIG Par VLength Fixed RAP................................................................ 2-909
116-780 Attached Document RAP.................................................................................. 2-910
116-790 Stapling Canceled RAP (Integrated Finisher) ................................................... 2-910
116-790 Stapling Canceled RAP (Finisher LX) ............................................................... 2-911
Chain 117
117-310 WSD Scan S/W Fail ......................................................................................... 2-913
117-316 Contract Manager Software Fail ...................................................................... 2-913
117-317 Contract Manager PPP_contract Finishing Fail ............................................... 2-914
117-318 Contract Manager PPP DC Command Fail...................................................... 2-914
117-325 Contract Manager RTC Hardware Fail............................................................. 2-915
117-326 ESS NVRAM SW Access Fail.......................................................................... 2-915
117-330 XBDS Soft Fail ................................................................................................. 2-916
Chain 118
118-310 IPSEC Internal Fail RAP.................................................................................. 2-917
Chain 121 - FDI
121-316 FDI / Secure Access Conflict RAP................................................................... 2-919
121-318 Auth/Account Settings Is Not Supported RAP ................................................. 2-919
121-333 FDI-ESS Communication Fail ........................................................................... 2-920
121-334 FDI Login Fail RAP .......................................................................................... 2-920
121-335 FDI Wake Up Answer Fail RAP ....................................................................... 2-921
121-336 Unknown Accessory RAP................................................................................ 2-921
121-337 Accessory Self Diag Fail RAP.......................................................................... 2-922
121-338 FDI Answer Time Out RAP.............................................................................. 2-922
121-339 Price Table Error RAP...................................................................................... 2-923
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-18 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
121-340 EP Accessory Miss Match RAP....................................................................... 2-923
121-350 FDI Logic Fail RAP .......................................................................................... 2-924
121-370 FDI Unexpected Error RAP.............................................................................. 2-924
Chain 123 - UI Communication
123-207 Communication Manager Target RAP.............................................................. 2-925
123-209 Controller UI Communication RAP ................................................................... 2-925
123-310 Send Queue RAP ............................................................................................. 2-926
123-311 Receive Queue RAP......................................................................................... 2-926
123-312 Diag Mode Change Fail (Punch Unit Type Set) RAP ...................................... 2-927
123-317 Receive Message Queue RAP ......................................................................... 2-927
123-318 Receive Finish Queue RAP .............................................................................. 2-928
123-320 NVM Initialized for FCW Composition RAP ...................................................... 2-928
123-322 UI Target RAP................................................................................................... 2-929
123-323 UI Address RAP................................................................................................ 2-929
123-325 Object Creation RAP......................................................................................... 2-930
123-326 Memory Overflow RAP ..................................................................................... 2-930
123-327 Button Overflow RAP........................................................................................ 2-931
123-328 UI Internal Range RAP ..................................................................................... 2-931
123-329 UI Coordinates RAP.......................................................................................... 2-932
123-332 I/F Fail (Invalid Parameter CP) RAP................................................................. 2-932
123-333 Interface Communication RAP.......................................................................... 2-933
123-337 Frame Data RAP............................................................................................... 2-933
123-341 Event Queue RAP............................................................................................. 2-934
123-342 Event Queue RAP............................................................................................. 2-934
123-343 Invalid Class RAP............................................................................................. 2-935
123-344 Invalid Type RAP .............................................................................................. 2-935
123-345 Timer Queue Full RAP...................................................................................... 2-936
123-346 Invalid Timer Number RAP ............................................................................... 2-936
123-352 Sys EEPROM Read Error (UI-Panel) RAP...................................................... 2-937
123-353 UI Cable Connect Error (UI-Panel) RAP.......................................................... 2-937
123-354 Decrease in 24V Error (UI-Panel) RAP............................................................ 2-938
123-355 Decrease in 5V Error (UI-Panel) RAP.............................................................. 2-938
123-357 Sys EEPROM Write Error (UI-Panel) RAP ...................................................... 2-939
123-358 Log EEPROM Write Error (UI-Panel) RAP ...................................................... 2-939
123-362 No Object (UI-Panel) RAP ............................................................................... 2-940
123-368 UI Memory RAP................................................................................................ 2-940
123-369 Interface Value RAP ......................................................................................... 2-941
123-370 Interface Length RAP........................................................................................ 2-941
123-371 Interface Parameter RAP.................................................................................. 2-942
123-372 Interface Sequence RAP .................................................................................. 2-942
123-373 Channel RAP .................................................................................................... 2-943
123-374 User Job ID RAP............................................................................................... 2-943
123-375 Internal Resource RAP ..................................................................................... 2-944
123-376 Internal Memory RAP........................................................................................ 2-944
123-377 UI Timer RAP.................................................................................................... 2-945
123-378 Interface Format RAP ....................................................................................... 2-945
123-379 Dispatch RAP.................................................................................................... 2-946
123-380 Copy Interface RAP .......................................................................................... 2-946
123-381 Fax Interface RAP............................................................................................. 2-947
123-382 Scanner Interface RAP ..................................................................................... 2-947
123-383 Report Interface RAP........................................................................................ 2-948
123-384 Server Access RAP........................................................................................... 2-948
123-385 Service Object RAP .......................................................................................... 2-949
123-386 Service Object RAP .......................................................................................... 2-949
123-387 Service Object RAP .......................................................................................... 2-950
123-388 Attribute RAP .................................................................................................... 2-950
123-389 UI Comparator RAP.......................................................................................... 2-951
123-390 Job Parameter RAP.......................................................................................... 2-951
123-391 Job Parameter RAP.......................................................................................... 2-952
123-392 Auditron RAP .................................................................................................... 2-952
123-393 UI Compiling RAP............................................................................................. 2-953
123-394 File Access RAP ............................................................................................... 2-953
123-395 UI NVM RAP..................................................................................................... 2-954
123-396 UI Software RAP............................................................................................... 2-954
123-397 UI Manager RAP............................................................................................... 2-955
123-398 Release Queue RAP......................................................................................... 2-955
123-399 UI Internal RAP................................................................................................. 2-956
123-400 Internal Interface RAP....................................................................................... 2-956
Chain 124 - Billing & Serialization
124-310 Product Designation RAP ................................................................................. 2-957
124-311 Product Serial Number RAP ............................................................................. 2-957
124-312 Machine Codes Mismatch RAP ........................................................................ 2-958
124-313 Serial Number RAP........................................................................................... 2-958
124-314 IOT Speed RAP ................................................................................................ 2-959
124-315 IOT Speed Mismatch RAP................................................................................ 2-959
124-316 Product Mode RAP ........................................................................................... 2-960
124-317 All Product Mode RAP ...................................................................................... 2-960
124-318 Product Type Software Key RAP...................................................................... 2-961
124-319 All Product Types Software Key RAP............................................................... 2-961
124-320 EEPROM RAP.................................................................................................. 2-962
124-321 Backup SRAM RAP .......................................................................................... 2-962
124-322 Software Key RAP ............................................................................................ 2-963
124-323 Software Key Registration RAP........................................................................ 2-963
124-324 All Billings Mismatch RAP................................................................................. 2-964
124-325 Billing Restoration RAP..................................................................................... 2-964
124-326 IOT Speed Not Registered RAP ....................................................................... 2-965
124-327 IOT Speed Change SW Fail RAP..................................................................... 2-965
124-328 Punch Unit User Initial Set Up RAP................................................................. 2-966
124-331 ESS ROM DIMM Not Found RAP.................................................................... 2-966
124-332 Contract Data Mismatch RAP.......................................................................... 2-967
124-333 ASIC RAP ......................................................................................................... 2-967
124-334 ESS ROM 1 RAP.............................................................................................. 2-968
124-335 Font ROM RAP................................................................................................. 2-968
124-337 ESS RAM RAP.................................................................................................. 2-969
124-338 Duplicate Font ROMs RAP ............................................................................... 2-969
124-339 ROM DIMM Mismatch RAP .............................................................................. 2-970
124-340 CRUM Market Fail All RAP.............................................................................. 2-970
124-341 CRUM Market Fail MCU RAP.......................................................................... 2-971
124-342 CRUM Market Fail SYS 1 RAP........................................................................ 2-971
124-343 CRUM Market Fail SYS 2 RAP........................................................................ 2-972
124-344 All Billings Meter Types Mismatch RAP........................................................... 2-972
124-345 Billing Meter Type Restoration Fail RAP.......................................................... 2-973
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-19 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-346 All Billing Count Types Mismatch RAP ............................................................ 2-973
124-347 Billing Count Type Restoration Fail RAP ......................................................... 2-974
124-348 All Modal Break Points Mismatch RAP............................................................ 2-974
124-349 Modal Break Point Restoration Fail RAP......................................................... 2-975
124-350 CRUM OEM Fail All RAP................................................................................. 2-975
124-351 CRUM OEM Fail MCU RAP............................................................................. 2-976
124-352 CRUM OEM Fail SYS 1 RAP........................................................................... 2-976
124-353 CRUM OEM Fail SYS 2 RAP........................................................................... 2-977
124-360 CRUM Validation Fail All RAP ......................................................................... 2-977
124-361 CRUM Validation Fail MCU RAP..................................................................... 2-978
124-362 CRUM Validation Fail SYS 1 RAP................................................................... 2-978
124-363 CRUM Validation Fail SYS 2 RAP................................................................... 2-979
124-372 IOT Controller Software RAP............................................................................ 2-979
124-373 IOT Manager SW Fail RAP.............................................................................. 2-980
124-374 IOT Controller Software RAP............................................................................ 2-980
124-380 CRUM Market Fail All (2) RAP......................................................................... 2-981
124-381 CRUM Market Fail MCU (2) RAP .................................................................... 2-981
124-382 CRUM Market Fail SYS 1 (2) RAP .................................................................. 2-982
124-383 CRUM Market Fail SYS 2 (2) RAP .................................................................. 2-982
124-390 CRUM OEM Fail All (2) RAP ........................................................................... 2-983
124-391 CRUM OEM Fail MCU (2) RAP ....................................................................... 2-983
124-392 CRUM OEM Fail SYS 1 (2) RAP ..................................................................... 2-984
124-393 CRUM OEM Fail SYS 2 (2) RAP ..................................................................... 2-984
124-701 Side Tray to Center Tray RAP .......................................................................... 2-985
124-702 Finisher Tray to Center Tray RAP..................................................................... 2-985
124-705 Punching Cancelled RAP.................................................................................. 2-986
124-706 Folding Cancelled RAP..................................................................................... 2-986
124-708 Output Tray Changed Failure RAP................................................................... 2-987
124-709 Stapler Sheets Counts RAP.............................................................................. 2-987
124-710 Output Tray Changed from MailBoxSorter RAP .............................................. 2-988
Chain 125
PSWcont Unexpected Fail RAP.................................................................................... 2-989
Chain 127 - External Communications
127-310 ESR Task Fatal Error RAP .............................................................................. 2-991
127-314 WSD Print S/W Fail RAP .................................................................................. 2-991
127-315 ThinPrint S/W Fail RAP..................................................................................... 2-992
127-320 DFE Critical Fail RAP....................................................................................... 2-992
127-337 Job Template HDD Write RAP.......................................................................... 2-993
127-342 Job Template Monitor RAP............................................................................... 2-993
127-353 LPD Software RAP ........................................................................................... 2-994
127-354 FTP Server Software RAP................................................................................ 2-994
127-396 Mail I/O Software RAP...................................................................................... 2-995
127-398 IPP Software RAP............................................................................................. 2-995
127-399 JME Software RAP ........................................................................................... 2-996
127-700 SIP Registration Fail RAP................................................................................ 2-996
Chain 133 - Fax
133-210 Illegal Fax Parameter RAP ............................................................................... 2-997
133-211 Fax Parameter Value Invalid RAP .................................................................... 2-997
133-212 Fax Read Error- No Data RAP.......................................................................... 2-998
133-213 Fax Read Error- Invalid Data RAP.................................................................... 2-998
133-214 Fax USB Initializing RAP................................................................................... 2-999
133-215 Fax USB Device RAP ....................................................................................... 2-999
133-216 Fax USB Host Fatal RAP.................................................................................. 2-1000
133-217 Fax Manager Short of Memory RAP................................................................. 2-1000
133-218 Fax Card Message Library Short of Memory RAP............................................ 2-1001
133-219 Fax Work Memory RAP .................................................................................... 2-1001
133-220 Fax Control Task RAP ...................................................................................... 2-1002
133-221 Fax Card Boot RAP........................................................................................... 2-1002
133-222 Fax Card does not respond RAP...................................................................... 2-1003
133-223 Fax Card Reset RAP......................................................................................... 2-1003
133-224 Controller ROM Fax Card ROM RAP................................................................ 2-1004
133-226 Country Code RAP............................................................................................ 2-1004
133-280 Fax Option Slot 1 Board RAP ........................................................................... 2-1005
133-281 Received unknown message RAP.................................................................... 2-1005
133-282 Fax Card Download RAP.................................................................................. 2-1006
133-283 Fax Report Mailbox RAP................................................................................... 2-1006
133-700 Staple/Punch Cancelled RAP ........................................................................... 2-1007
133-710 Tray Select Fail RAP......................................................................................... 2-1007
Chain 134 - FAX
134-210 Fax Controller Parameter RAP ......................................................................... 2-1009
134-211 FAX PWB RAP.................................................................................................. 2-1009
Chain 202 - Timers
202-399 Internal Timer RAP............................................................................................ 2-1011
Chain 500
500-030 DC612 Print NG By IOT Wait State ................................................................. 2-1013
500-033 Diag Document Not Detected/Enough............................................................. 2-1013
500-035 Diag Document Invalid Size............................................................................. 2-1014
500-990 DC612 Print NG By Any Reason ..................................................................... 2-1014
Other Faults
AC Power RAP................................................................................................................ 2-1015
STBY +5VDC Power RAP............................................................................................... 2-1016
+5VDC Power RAP......................................................................................................... 2-1016
+24VDC Power RAP....................................................................................................... 2-1017
Machine Not Ready RAP ................................................................................................ 2-1018
OF 13-1 Secure Access RAP.......................................................................................... 2-1019
OF 16-1 Network Checkout............................................................................................. 2-1022
OF 99-1 Reflective Sensor RAP...................................................................................... 2-1029
OF 99-2 Transmissive Sensor......................................................................................... 2-1030
OF 99-3 Switch................................................................................................................ 2-1031
OF 99-4 Generic Solenoid/Clutch RAP........................................................................... 2-1032
OF 99-6 2 Wire Motor Open............................................................................................ 2-1033
OF 99-7 2 Wire Motor On................................................................................................ 2-1033
OF 99-8 Set Gate Solenoid Open ................................................................................... 2-1034
OF 99-9 Multiple Wire Motor ........................................................................................... 2-1035
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-20 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-21 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 002-500
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
002-500 UI error
UI detection error during the startup of a CUI scan job:
1. The IIT is occupied
2. Fault has occurred
3. Service is not CUI
4. Upper limit number of sheets for the XSA
After the Fault has been cleared, perform the same operation again. Or, check for any restric-
tions due to XSA.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-22 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 002-500
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-23 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-311 , 003-318
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-311 IIT CDI Interface Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Error detected when information sent to controller from IIT via IIT CDI I/F during initialization of
controller is insufficient. (e.g. bad combination of controller SW and IIT SW)
Reload correct Controller and IIT Software (GP 16).
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
003-318 IIT Software RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The IIT software is corrupt.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-24 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-319, 003-320
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-319 IIT Video Driver Detection RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
One of the following errors is detected:
Compression Threshold overflow
DMA Transfer error
Other system compression errors
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-320 IISS-ESS Communication 1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An abnormal parameter is set as the argument for the send function. After avoiding detection
condition of 116-389 at power on, extended memory capacity in document scanning area
below 256MB is detected with IITsc-detected Fault Code, while Fax Card is mounted.
Disconnect and reconnect the IIT Harness (PL 1.6).
Reload Software (GP 16).
If the problem persists, replace the IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-25 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-321, 003-322
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-321 IISS-ESS Communication 2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ACK (acknowledgement code) could not be received after 2 resend attempts. (The
Sequencing No. of the sent Message Packet is incorrect.) Error detected when information
sent to controller from IIT via IIT CDI I/F during initialization of controller is insufficient. (e.g. bad
combination of controller SW and IIT SW).
Disconnect and reconnect the IIT Harness (PL 1.6).
Reload Software (GP 16).
If the problem persists, replace the IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
003-322 IISS-ESS Communication 3 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ACK (acknowledgement code) could not be received after 2 resend attempts. (The Packet
No. of the sent Message Packet is incorrect.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-26 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-323, 003-324
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-323 IISS-ESS Communication 4 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ACK (acknowledgement code) could not be received after 2 resend attempts. (The Mes-
sage Length of the sent Message Packet is incorrect.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-324 IISS-ESS Communication 5 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ACK (acknowledgement code) could not be received after 2 resend attempts. (The Mes-
sage Length of the sent Message Packet is incorrect.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-27 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-325, 003-326
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-325 IISS-ESS Communication 6 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ACK (acknowledgement code) could not be received after 2 resend attempts. (A parity
error was detected by hardware in the IIT PWB.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-326 IISS-ESS Communication 7 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ACK (acknowledgement code) could not be received after 2 resend attempts. (Framing
error was detected by hardware in the IIT PWB.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-28 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-327, 003-328
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-327 IISS-ESS Communication 8 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ACK (acknowledgement code) could not be received after 2 resend attempts. (An overrun
error was detected by hardware in the IIT PWB.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-328 IISS-ESS Communication 9 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ACK (acknowledgement code) could not be received after 2 resend attempts. (After
header recognition, receive interruption was detected by the IIT PWB.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-29 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-329, 003-330
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-329 IISS-ESS Communication 10 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) that notifies of the occurrence of a transmission failure
is received. (The Sequencing No. of the received Message Packet is incorrect.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-330 IISS-ESS Communication 11 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) that notifies of the occurrence of a transmission failure
is received. (The Packet No. of the received Message Packet is incorrect.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-30 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-331, 003-332
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-331 IISS-ESS Communication 12 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) that notifies of the occurrence of a transmission failure
is received. (The Message Length of the received Message Packet is incorrect.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-332 IISS-ESS Communication 13 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) that notifies of the occurrence of a transmission failure
is received. (The Check Code of the received Message Packet is incorrect.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-31 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-333, 003-334
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-333 IISS-ESS Communication 14 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) that notifies of the occurrence of a transmission failure
is received. (A parity error was detected by hardware of the UART.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-334 IISS-ESS Communication 15 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) that notifies of the occurrence of a transmission failure
is received. (A framing error was detected by hardware of the UART.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-32 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-335, 003-336
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-335 IISS-ESS Communication 16 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) that notifies of the occurrence of a transmission failure
is received. (An overrun error was detected by hardware of the UART.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-336 IISS-ESS Communication 17 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) that notifies of the occurrence of a transmission failure
is received. (After the header was recognized, it was detected that receiving was aborted.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-33 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-337, 003-338
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-337 IISS-ESS Communication 18 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
After restoring from Power Saver mode, there was no response to the Power On command
sent to the IIT PWB within the specified time.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-338 IISS-ESS Communication 19 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The Driver detects Illegal Send Parameter Argument from Application.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-34 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-339, 003-340
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-339 IISS-ESS Communication 20 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The establishment of parameter transmission failed.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-340 IISS-ESS Communication 21 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
A parameter synchronization error during sending occurred.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-35 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-341, 003-342
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-341 IISS-ESS Communication 22 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
A parameter transmission error during sending occurred.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-342 IISS-ESS Communication 23 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The driver detected an incorrect receive parameter argument from the application.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-36 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-343, 003-344
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-343 IISS-ESS Communication 24 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
A parameter synchronization error during receiving occurred.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-344 IISS_ESS X Hotline Power On RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
There is a communication failure at power on between the controller and the IIT.
Initial Actions
Power On/Off
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-37 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-345, 003-346
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-345 PIO Unlatched 1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
When Job Fail signal was received from the IIT PWB, a hot line PIO (Programmed Input Out-
put) error was detected from IISS.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
003-346 PIO Unlatched 2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
When IIT image was received from the IIT PWB, a PIO (Programmed Input/Output) error was
detected from IISS.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). (If not fixed by this, reinstall the
original ESS PWB and RAM DIMM.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-38 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-702, 003-750
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-702 Different Magnification for Side 1 and Side 2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
In copying the two sides of the document simultaneously, the machine detected such settings
as apply different magnification ratios to the face (side 1) and the back (side 2) of the docu-
Change the settings so that the same magnification ratio can be applied to the face (side
1) and the back (side 2) of the document.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
003-750 Book Duplex Documents RAP
Book duplex is not set up with the correct sheet is stored with the current setting conditions.
Ask customer to check the Book Duplex setup menu.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-39 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-751, 003-752
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-751 Panther Capacity RAP
The Panther (continuous data protection protocol or utility) - Image data too small for IOT Hard-
ware to handle found in document range designation and scan area range (Width mm X
Length mm).
Increase resolution. To increase Scan size range (Width mm X Length mm).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-752 600dpi Cannot be Scanned RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
This status code is displayed - Unscannable 600dpi resolution detected after DADF Mix Duplex
Mode Job is accepted.
Perform scanning below 400 dpi resolution or perform scanning in other than mixed
If powering OFF then ON does not resolve the problem, perform the following:
1. Check the connection between IIT PWB and ESS PWB.
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
3. Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
4. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-40 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-753, 003-754
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-753 300dpi Cannot be Scanned RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
This status code is displayed if - Unscannable 300dpi or higher resolution detected after DADF
Mix Duplex Mode Job is accepted.
Perform scanning below 200 dpi resolution.
Or perform scanning in other than mixed mode.
If powering OFF then ON does not resolve the problem, perform the following:
1. Check the connection between IIT PWB and ESS PWB.
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
3. Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
4. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
003-754 Scan Recoverable Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
Recoverable high-compression Scan error
Retry the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-41 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-755, 003-756
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-755 S2X Command Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
High-compression Scan command error.
Retry the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-756 All Original Sheets are Blank RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
All scanned original sheets judged as Blank by Blank Paper Detection.
Ensure that the originals are not blank and oriented correctly. Retry the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-42 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-757, 003-760
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-757 400dpi Cannot be Scanned RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
This status code is displayed if over 400dpi cannot be scanned (DADF). 400/600dpi disabled
for DADF Mix Duplex Mode Scan.
Perform scan with 300dpi or lower resolution or change the job to that scannable with
NON-MIX mode.
If powering OFF then ON does not resolve the problem, perform the following:
1. Check the cable between IIT PWB and ESS PWB (PL 35.2), MCU all PWBs con-
nected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM).
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
3. Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
4. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
003-760 Scan Settings RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
The job properties are incorrect.
Abort the job. Change Job Startup parameters such as Tray No., Paper size etc. and retry.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-43 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-761, 003-763
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-761 Incorrect Paper Tray Size RAP
The paper size in the tray selected by auto tray switching APS differs from the paper size in the
tray selected at the tray selection. When Cover Text Tray or Interleaf +Nset Tray is selected by
APS, the paper size for that tray is different from that for Cover Tray or OHP Tray.
Ask customer to either change the paper size for the tray, or change the paper type prior-
ity setting. Change Job Startup parameters such as Tray No., Paper size etc. and retry.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Ensure that the Paper Tray Settings are set properly.
003-763 Adjustment Chart RAP
When Automatic Gradation Correction is performed the patch for position detection on the doc-
ument is not available.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Properly set the Automatic Gradation Correction Chart for automatic tone correction.
Perform White Reference and CCD Calibration ADJ 6.6.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-44 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-764, 003-780
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-764 Image Overlay RAP
When only one page can be stored in Image Overlay (with 1 sheet-original). This fault occurs
with BW M/C, not with color M/C.
Initial Actions
Automatically abort job. Power Off/On.
Ask customer to verify the job setup and rerun the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-780 Fax Scan Compression Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The compressed data size is larger than 8 times the size of the uncompressed data.
Ask customer to abort the job. Change Scan resolution parameter and retry.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT Harness (PL 1.6), ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to
them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-45 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-795, 003-930
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-795 AMS Limit RAP
AMS (Auto R/E) limit error. (The R/E ratio became out of range after the document auto detec-
tion when AMS is specified.)
Initial Actions
Ask customer to abort the job. Enter the correct R/E ratio or change the paper size.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
003-930 300 DPI Scan RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
300dpi/400dpi/600dpi disabled with DADF Mix Duplex Mode Scan. Due to insufficient Page
Memory space, A3 original cannot be scanned with specified resolution. A4/B4 original can be
scanned. There is a problem scanning 300 DPI.
Increase Page Memory (PL 35.2). Verify scan settings are correctly set and menu selec-
tions are correctly set. Scan with 300dpi or less.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-46 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-931, 003-932
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-931 400 DPI Scan RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
For scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 400dpi and 600dpi are not available. Because
Page Memory is not enough, a selected resolution is not available for scanning a A3 docu-
ment. It is available for scanning a A4/B4 document.
Verify scan settings are correctly set (at below 400dpi) and menu selections are correctly
set. Increase Page Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-932 600 DPI Scan RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
For scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 600dpi is not available.
Verify scan settings (scanning at below 600dpi) are correctly set and menu selections are
correctly set. Increase Page Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-47 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-933, 003-934
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-933 300 DPI Scan RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
Scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 300dpi, 400dpi and 600dpi are not available (when
the next document exists). Because Page Memory is insufficient, a selected resolution is not
available for scanning an A3 document. It is available for scanning an A4/B4 document.
Verify scan settings (Operate for scanning at below 300dpi) are correctly set and menu
selections are correctly set. Increase Page Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-934 400 DPI Scan RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
When scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 400dpi and 600dpi are not available (when the
next document exists). Because Page Memory is insufficient, a selected resolution is not avail-
able for scanning an A3 document. It is available for scanning an A4/B4 document.
Verify scan settings (at below 400dpi) are correctly set and menu selections are correctly
set. Increase Page Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-48 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-935, 003-940
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-935 600 DPI Scan RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
When scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 600dpi is not available (when the next docu-
ment exists). Because Page Memory is insufficient, a selected resolution is not available for
scanning an A3 document. It is available for scanning an A4/B4 document.
Verify scan settings (at below 600dpi) are correctly set and menu selections are correctly
set. Increase Page Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-940 Memory RAP
Insufficient Page Memory detected.
When IITsc is activated for the jobs that meet the following AND conditions:
Page Memory < 384MB (PL 35.2)
Side 2 cover image is selected
Color mode is not set to Black/White
High Quality mode
Power Off/On.
Cancel the job. Clear the B/W setting for Color mode or the Side 2 cover image setting,
and execute the job again.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
If the problem persists replace the IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-49 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-941, 003-942
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-941 Page Memory Insufficient RAP
A shortage of page memory. There is not enough page memory to store the image.
Change the parameter(s) and operate again.
If the problem persists, check that the Page Memory (PL 35.2) is installed and turn OFF
then ON the power.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Reseat/Replace Page Memory (PL 35.2).
003-942 Document Size Auto Detect RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 5.2 - Document Size Sensing (1 of 2)
The document size cannot be automatically detected.
Initial Actions
If the document in question is a non-standard size, ask customer to manually set the doc-
ument size. If the fault occurs with standard size documents, continue with the procedure.
Check fault history for occurrences of 005-194, 005-196, or 005-197 faults. Troubleshoot
any of these faults first.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Execute Component Control [005-221]. Block and unblock the DADF Tray Size 1 Sensor. The
display changes.
Check the wires between P/J756 and P/J761 for an open or shorted circuit or a dam-
aged or loose connector. The wires are OK.
Repair as required.
There is approx. +5VDC between P/J756 pin 3 on the DADF PWB and GND.
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Measure the voltage between P/J756 pin 2 on the DADF PWB and GND (-). Block and
unblock the DADF Tray Size 1 Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the DADF Tray Size 1 Sensor (PL 51.10).
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Execute Component Control [005-222]. Block and unblock the DADF Tray Size 2 Sensor. The
display changes.
Check the wires between P/J756 and P/J764 for an open or shorted circuit or a dam-
aged or loose connector. The wires are OK.
Repair as required.
Measure the voltage between the DADF PWB P/J756-6 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Measure the voltage between the DADF PWB P/J756-5 (+) and GND (-). Actuate the
DADF Tray Size 2 Sensor with paper. The voltage changes.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-50 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-942, 003-944
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Replace the DADF Tray Size 2 Sensor (PL 51.10).
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
003-944 Image Repeat Count RAP
Incorrect image repeat count. Even one image cannot be pasted when "Set Repeated Count-
Auto" is specified for image repeat.
Ask customer to check the job setups (Change the image repeat count parameter and
repeat the operation.)
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-51 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-946, 003-947
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-946 Image Rotation (Copy APS) RAP
Image rotation is different in every direction of Copy (APS). Part of the image will be lost if the
image is not rotated. However, a paper size that does not support rotation was selected.
Initial Actions
Select a tray with paper manually that supports rotation and repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace the IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
003-947 Return Documents Count RAP
If a user has returned an insufficient number of documents using Return Document, the mes-
sage indicating that additional N number of documents are required is displayed and job can-
cellation is prompted.
Reload the correct number of document and repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-52 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-948, 003-952
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-948 Return Documents Mismatch RAP
Returned document size mismatch (Different size settings before/after return).
A different document was returned by a user using Return Document
This error occurs only when the page information for the returned document has been
already sent to the post-process software module.
However, because distributed page information will be discarded when the machine
recovers from an interruption, the above fault is not considered an error.
The check items to determine different documents are document size/orientation and
Color mode in ACS only.
Check the document setup and repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-952 Document Color Mismatch RAP
Returned document color mismatch (Different color detected before/after return).
A different color of document was returned by a user using Return Document.
This error occurs only when the page information for the returned document has been
already sent to the post-process.
However, the error always occurs when recovered from interruption since the sent page
information has been discarded.
The check items to determine different documents are document size/orientation and
Color mode in ACS only.
Ask customer to cancel the job, check job settings (with the correct color again) and rerun
the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
If the problem persists, replace the IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-53 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-955, 003-956
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-955 Documents Size Exchange RAP
Document size change error (MixMode). When loading a document with Mixed Size Originals
prohibited, a document of different size/orientation from the initial document was detected.
Only Image Overlay has the function that inhibits different sizes during document added.
Initial Actions
Check the document size/orientation and repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
If the problem persists, replace the IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).mm
003-956 Document Size Unknown Error RAP
Document size undefined error (Only APS is selected for the function requiring document size
setting). Undefined document size was detected when Platen is selected and only APS
requires document size selection.
1. Enter a document size from the Panel or select a tray.
2. If powering OFF then ON does not resolve the problem, perform the following:
3. Check the connection between the IIT PWB and ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
4. Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
5. DADF APS Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-218/219/220] (PL 51.17)
6. Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
7. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-54 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-963, 003-965
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-963 APS Object Tray RAP
No APS compatible tray to set the relevant size. There was no APS compatible tray that could
supply paper for printing without image loss.
Image larger than A3/17 Inches
Non-TTM tray does not support APS and the image is larger than A4/Letter.
All the APS supporting trays have failure.
APS supporting trays are all set to unavailable.
Non-standard size setting for all trays.
Black/White Copy for color attributes of all trays.
Color Copy for B/W attributes of all trays
Initial Actions
Check Admin mode. Ensure that the affected tray has not been excluded from Auto Tray
Switching (Tools/Paper tray Priority settings).
Select a tray that supplies the required size paper and repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-965 ATS/APS Paper Detect RAP
APS/ATS NG (No Paper) (IIT). There was no paper in the tray that can be selected for APS.
Select a tray that supplies the required size paper and repeat the operation. Turn the
power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, replace the tray module.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-55 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-966, 003-967
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-966 ATS/APS Destination (IIT) RAP
ATS/APS No Destination Error. ATS/APS NG (Other than No Paper) (IIT). The correct size is
not loaded for APS operation.
Select a tray that supplies the required size paper and repeat the operation. Turn the
power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, replace the tray module.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-967 DADF APS No Destination RAP
Document size with DADF 8.511SEF Document size input not included.
Mix Size is not selected.
Magnification is variable.
APS Copy job with the above is designated but the tray to be selected is not available.
Although A4SEF original is set, it is detected as 8.511SEF
1. Load tray with the paper of the size displayed on the Panel or select the tray in which the
paper requested is loaded.
2. If A4SEF document is detected as Letter document, cancel the job and then readjust
DADF document guide securely until they touches the edges of the documents. Re-run
the job.
3. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
4. Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-56 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-968, 003-969
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-968 Punch Position Error RAP
Punch Position Error. It is not possible to punch at the selected location.
Specify an appropriate punch position, clear Punching or cancel Punch, and execute the
job again.
If powering OFF then ON does not resolve the problem, perform the following:
Check the connection between the IIT PWB and ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
003-969 Punch Size Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The number of slow-scan lines has exceeded the upper limit due to Fax parallel composition,
long- document enlargement, etc.
Press the Continue button to store as much data as the memory capacity and continue
scanning the next document. Or, press the Cancel button to abort the job.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, check the installation of the Page
Memory (PL 35.2).
If powering OFF then ON does not resolve the problem, perform the following:
Disconnect then reconnect the harness between the IIT PWB and ESS, MCU all PWBs
connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-57 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-971, 003-972
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-971 Copy Prevention Code Detected RAP
When job scan was executed by a user who has the permission to temporarily clear the copy
restriction code detection, copy restriction codes were detected in the document.
Because this document cannot be copied, press the "Cancel" or "Continue" button on the
003-972 Maximum Stored Page RAP
The number of pages stored exceeded the maximum number set in the system data. When
scanning a document, the no. of pages that has accumulated in the machine has exceeded the
value of "Maximum Stored Number of Copy Sheets" set in system data.
Set the number of pages of the document to be within the maximum number of pages that
can be stored.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-58 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-973, 003-974
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-973 Image Rotation RAP
The document and the image are different in orientation (except when Poster is specified).
When rotation is not available even though the orientation of the document and the image are
different and part of the image will be lost if it is not rotated.
Ask customer to verify the image loss and use a larger paper size if available. Or use
reduction to make a smaller document and repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-974 Next Original Specification RAP
Next document specified. Scanning is complete for all loaded documents.
Ask customer to verify that scanning is complete or other documents should be loaded.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-59 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-976, 003-977
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-976 FAX Line Memory Overflow RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No. of lines in the Slow Scan direction exceeded during Fax N-up. The number of lines in the
Slow Scan Direction exceeds the upper limit during processes such as Fax parallel synthesis
or enlargement of long-sized documents. Page Memory (PL 35.2) is full.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. Press the Cancel button to stop the job. Decrease a resolution or magnification
ratio and rerun the job. check the installation of the Page Memory (PL 35.2)
Disconnect then reconnect the harness between the FAX, ESS, MCU all PWBs con-
nected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
If the problem persists replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
003-977 Document Mismatch (Multiple Scan) RAP
Document size mismatch (Document exchange during Multi Scan). During multiple scan a doc-
ument was switched during Bound Originals/Booklet Creation/Poster scanning. When any
operation that requires Return Document occurs in the job with Multi Scan (Bound Originals/
Booklet/Poster) on Platen, a user returned a document of a different size from the original.
Ask customer to process a job recovery or to cancel the job and rerun the job. Reload a
correct size document and resume operation
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-60 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-978, 003-980
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
003-978 Color Document Mismatch RAP
Color Document Mismatch (Multi Scan).
1. Document replacement was detected during Bound Originals/Booklet/Poster scanning
2. When any operation that requires Return Document occurs in the job with Multi Scan
(Bound Originals/Booklet/Poster) on Platen, a user returned a document of a different
color at ACS.
Reload a correct size paper and resume operation.
If powering OFF then ON does not resolve the problem, perform the following:
1. Disconnect then reconnect the harness between the IIT PWB and ESS, MCU all
PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
3. Replace IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
4. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
003-980 Staple Position RAP
Stapling could not be done at the specified position.
Specify a Staple position again or cancel Staple, and execute the same job again.
Disconnect then reconnect the harness between the IIT PWB and ESS, MCU all PWBs
connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-61 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-981, 003-982
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
003-981 Staple Size RAP
Staple size error (Copy APS). Stapling could not be done for the selected paper size.
Specify a Staple position again or cancel Staple, and execute the same job again.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
003-982 IITsc HDD Access Error RAP
HD-FULL was detected with no pages stored. An error where the FULL is not cleared even
after some time has passed.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Perform GP 14 - only the first three parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
If the problem persists, expand the HDD partition size of the Copy service.
If the problem persists, go to Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-62 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 003-981, 003-982
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-63 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-121
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-121 DADF Feed Out Sensor On Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
After feeding started (DADF Feed Motor On (CW)) in Duplex, the DADF Feed Out Sensor did
not turn ON within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Remove the DADF Rear Cover and open the Top Cover. Enter the Diag Mode, turn ON Com-
ponent Control [005-205]. Activate the Actuator of the DADF Feed Out Sensor manually.
Does the display change between High/Low?
Disconnect the DADF Feed Out Sensor connector P/J772. Is High displayed?
Check the wire between the DADF Feed Out Sensor P/J772-2 and the DADF PWB
P/J757-5 for a short circuit. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL
Is the voltage between the DADF Feed Out Sensor P/J772-1 (+) and P/J772-3 (-)
Check the wires between the DADF PWB P/J757-6 and the DADF Feed Out Sensor
P/J772-1, as well as between the DADF PWB P/J757-4 and the DADF Feed Out
Sensor P/J772-3 for open circuits and poor contacts.
Replace the DADF Feed Out Sensor (PL 51.6).
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [005-010] (DADF Feed Motor). Does the
DADF Feed Motor operate?
Is the voltage between the DADF Feed Motor P/J776-5/2 (+) and the GND (-)
Is the voltage between the DADF PWB P/J754-B1/B2 (+) and the GND (-)
Is the voltage between the DADF PWB P/J753-2 (+) and the GND (-)
Refer to BSD 5.1 - Document Setting and check the +24VDC circuit to the
DADF PWB P/J753-2.
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Check the wires between the DADF PWB P/J754-B1 and the DADF Feed Motor P/
J776-5, as well as between the DADF PWB P/J754-B2 and the DADF Feed Motor
P/J776-2 for an open circuit and poor contact.
Turn OFF the power and disconnect P/J754 from the DADF PWB.
Measure the wire wound resistance of the Motor.
Between P/J754 pin-B1 and P/J754 pin-B5/B6
Between P/J754 pin-B2 and P/J754 pin-B3/B4
Is the resistance approximately 1Ohm for each?
Replace the DADF Feed Motor (PL 51.5).
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Check the following:
The document path for foreign substances.
The DADF Feed/Nudger Roll for contamination, wear or revolution failure.
The DADF Feed Out Sensor Actuator for disengagement, drag and damage.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-64 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-122
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-122 DADF Simplex/Side 1 Pre Registration Sensor On
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
After Pre-Feed started for the first sheet (DADF Feed Motor On (CW)) in Simplex and
Duplex, the DADF Pre Registration Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time.
After Pre-Feed started for the second sheet onwards (DADF Feed Motor On (CW)) in
Duplex, the DADF Pre Registration Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Open the Top Cover and remove the Invert Chute. Enter the Diag Mode, turn ON Component
Control [005-206]. Block the DADF Pre Registration Sensor using a sheet of paper, etc. Does
the display change to High?
Disconnect the DADF Pre Registration Sensor connector P/J774. Does the display
change to High?
Check the wire between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor P/J774-2 and the DADF
PWB P/J757-11 for a short circuit. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB
(PL 51.2).
Is the voltage between P/J774-1 (+) and P/J774-3 (-) +5VDC?
Check the wires between the DADF PWB P/J757-12 and the DADF Pre Registra-
tion Sensor P/J774-1, as well as between the DADF PWB P/J757-10 and the
DADF Pre Registration Sensor P/J774-3 for open circuits and poor contacts.
Replace the DADF Pre Registration Sensor (PL 51.17).
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [005-010] (DADF Feed Motor). Does the
DADF Feed Motor operate?
Is the voltage between the DADF Feed Motor P/J776-5/2 (+) and the GND (-)
Is the voltage between the DADF PWB P/J754-B1/B2 (+) and the GND (-)
Is the voltage between the DADF PWB P/J753-2 (+) and the GND (-)
Refer to BSD 5.1 - Document Setting and check the +24VDC circuit to the
DADF PWB P/J753-2.
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Check the wires between the DADF PWB P/J754-B1 and the DADF Feed Motor P/
J776-5, as well as between the DADF PWB P/J754-B2 and the DADF Feed Motor
P/J776-2 for an open circuit and poor contact.
Turn OFF the power and disconnect P/J754 from the DADF PWB.
Measure the wire wound resistance of the Motor.
Between P/J754 pin-B1 and P/J754 pin-B5/B6
Between P/J754 pin-B2 and P/J754 pin-B3/B4
Is the resistance approximately. 1Ohm for each?
Replace the DADF Feed Motor (PL 51.5).
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Check the following:
The document path for foreign substances.
Overly strong Retard pressure.
The DADF Pre Registration Sensor Actuator for disengagement, drag and damage.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-65 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-123
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-123 DADF Simplex/Side 1 Registration Sensor On Jam
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After Pre Registration operation started (DADF Feed Motor On (CCW)), the DADF Registration
Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Open the Top Cover and remove the Invert Chute. Enter the Diag Mode, turn ON Component
Control [005-110]. Turn ON the DADF Registration Sensor using a sheet of paper, etc. Does
the display change to "H" (opposite to the voltage level)?
Remove the DADF Rear Cover. Is the voltage between the DADF PWB P/J757-14 (+)
and the GND (-) +5VDC?
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
The voltage between the DADF Registration Sensor P/J775-2 (+) and the GND (-)
Check the connection between the DADF Registration Sensor P/J775-2 and the
DADF PWB P/J757-14 for an open circuit and poor contact.
The voltage between the DADF Registration Sensor P/J775-1 (+) and P/J775-3 (-)
Check the wires between the DADF PWB P/J757-15 and the DADF Registration
Sensor P/J775-1, as well as between the DADF PWB P/J757-13 and the DADF
Registration Sensor P/J775-3 for open circuits and poor contacts.
Replace the DADF Registration Sensor (PL 51.17).
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [005-008] (DADF Feed Motor). Does the
DADF Feed Motor operate?
The voltage between the DADF Feed Motor P/J776-5/2 (+) and the GND (-) +24VDC?
The voltage between the DADF PWB P/J754-B1/B2 (+) and the GND (-)
The voltage between the DADF PWB P/J753-2 (+) and the GND (-)
Refer to BSD 5.1 - Document Setting and check the +24VDC circuit to the
DADF PWB P/J753-2.
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Check the wires between the DADF PWB P/J754-B1 and the DADF Feed Motor P/
J776-5, as well as between the DADF PWB P/J754-B2 and the DADF Feed Motor
P/J776-2 for an open circuit and poor contact.
Turn OFF the power and disconnect P/J754 from the DADF PWB. Measure the wire
wound resistance of the Motor.
Between P/J754 pin-B1 and P/J754 pin-B5/B6
Between P/J754 pin-B2 and P/J754 pin-B3/B4
The resistance approximately 1Ohm for each?
Replace the DADF Feed Motor (PL 51.5).
Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Check the following:
The document path for foreign substances.
The Transportation Roll for contamination, wear or revolution failure.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-66 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-125, 005-131
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-125 DADF Registration Sensor Off Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the DADF Pre Registration Sensor turned OFF, the DADF Registration Sensor did not
turn OFF within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
DADF Feed Motor: Component Control [005-008] (PL 51.5)
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
Check the circuit between the DADF Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
Check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-110] (PL 51.17)
DADF Pre Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-206] (PL 51.17)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
005-131 DADF Invert Sensor On Jam (During Invert) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the DADF Registration Sensor turned ON at Invert, the DADF Invert Sensor did not turn
ON within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
Check the circuit between the DADF Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
Check the circuit between the DADF Inverter Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-110] (PL 51.17)
DADF Invert Sensor: Component Control [005-211] (PL 51.9)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-67 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-132, 005-134
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-132 DADF Invert Sensor On Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the Read Speed Control operation started (DADF Registration Motor On (CCW)), the
DADF Invert Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
Check the circuit between the DADF Inverter Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Invert Sensor: Component Control [005-211] (PL 51.9)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
005-134 DADF Inverter Sensor Off Jam (During Invert) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the DADF Registration Sensor turned OFF at Invert of the last document, the DADF
Inverter Sensor did not turn OFF within the specified time.
During the Invert where there is a next document, after the Read Speed Control operation
started (DADF Registration Motor On (CCW)), the DADF Inverter Sensor did not turn OFF
within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
Check the circuit between the DADF Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
Check the circuit between the DADF Inverter Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-110] (PL 51.17)
DADF Invert Sensor: Component Control [005-211] (PL 51.9)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-68 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-135 , 005-136
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-135 DADF Side 2 Pre Registration Sensor On Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.1 - Document Setting
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the Invert operation started (DADF Registration Motor On (CW)) at Invert, the DADF Pre
Registration Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
Check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Pre Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-206] (PL 51.17)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
The Gate Solenoid Component Control [005-090] for operation failure
Check if the Exit Roll is nipping properly. (Including the operations of Exit Nip Release
Solenoid (Component Control [005-072])) (PL 51.6).
005-136 DADF Side 2 Registration Sensor On Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the DADF Pre Registration Sensor turned ON at Invert, the DADF Registration Sensor
did not turn ON within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
Check if the Exit Roll is nipping properly. (Including the operations of Exit Nip Release
Solenoid (Component Control [005-072])) (PL 51.6)
Check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Pre Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-206] (PL 51.17)
Check the circuit between the DADF Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-110] (PL 51.17)
DADF Feed Motor: Component Control [005-008] (PL 51.5)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-69 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-139, 005-145
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-139 DADF Invert Sensor Off Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.1 - Document Setting
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the DADF Registration Sensor turned OFF in the Scan operation, the DADF Invert
Sensor did not turn OFF within the specified time.
During the 1 Sided mode scan operation where there is a next document, after the Next
Document Scan Read Speed Control started (DADF Registration Motor On (CCW)), the
DADF Inverter Sensor did not turn OFF within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
The Gate Solenoid Component Control [005-090] for operation failure
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
Check if the Exit Roll is nipping properly. (Including the operations of Exit Nip Release
Solenoid (Component Control [005-072])) (PL 51.6)
Check the circuit between the DADF Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-110] (PL 51.17)
Check the circuit between the DADF Inverter Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Invert Sensor: Component Control [005-211] (PL 51.9)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
005-145 DADF Registration Sensor Off Jam (Invert) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the DADF Pre Registration Sensor turned OFF at Invert, the DADF Registration Sensor
did not turn OFF within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
DADF Feed Motor: Component Control [005-008] (PL 51.5)
Check the circuit between the DADF Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-110] (PL 51.17)
Check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Pre Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-206] (PL 51.17)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-70 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-146, 005-147
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-146 DADF Pre Registration Sensor Off Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the DADF Feed Out Sensor turned OFF in 1 Sided mode, the DADF Pre Registration
Sensor did not turn OFF within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
DADF Feed Motor: Component Control [005-010] (PL 51.5)
Check if the Exit Roll is nipping properly. (Including the operations of Exit Nip Release
Solenoid (Component Control [005-072])) (PL 51.6)
Check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Pre Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-206] (PL 51.17)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
005-147 DADF Pre Registration Sensor Off Jam (Invert)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
After the DADF Registration Motor turned ON at Invert, the DADF Pre Registration Sensor did
not turn OFF within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Transportation failure due to foreign substance in the document path
The surface of the roll for foreign substance
The surface of the roll for wear
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
DADF Registration Motor: Component Control [005-033] (PL 51.5)
DADF Feed Motor: Component Control [005-010] (PL 51.5)
Check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor and the DADF PWB
DADF Pre Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-206] (PL 51.17)
DADF PWB failure. (PL 51.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-71 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-194, 005-196
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-194 Size Mismatch Jam On SS Mix-Size RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.3 Document Size Sensing (2 of 2)
In Slow Scan (SS) Mixed mode, it was detected that the size in the Fast Scan Direction was
different from the width of the document guide.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check that the DADF Tray Set Guide operates normally.
Check the circuit between the DADF Tray Set Guide Sensors 1-3 and the DADF PWB
DADF Tray Set Guide Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-215/216/217] (PL 51.10)
005-196 Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.2 - Document Size Sensing (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.3 Document Size Sensing (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
A document in a different size from the first document was detected in the No Mix mode.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
DADF Tray Set Guide Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-215/216/217] (PL 51.10)
DADF APS Sensor 1: Component Control [005-218] (PL 51.17)
Document Tray Size Sensor 1/2: Component Control [005-221/222] (PL 51.10)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16).
If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-72 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-197, 005-198
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-197 Prohibit Combine Size Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
A prohibited size combination was detected.
Explain to the customer that the following combinations are prohibited.
5.5 x 8.5 SEF and all the other document sizes.
A5 SEF and all the other document sizes.
B5 SEF, plus 11 x 15 SEF, 11 x 17 SEF, A4 LEF, A3 LEF, 8.5 x 11 LEF.
005-198 Too Short Size Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
It was detected that the document length in Slow Scan direction was out of the specifications.
Simplex mode: shorter than 85mm
Duplex mode: shorter than 110mm
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the document size a user has scanned. If its length is within the available range for
DADF feeding, check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor, the DADF Feed
Out Sensor, and the DADF PWB.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16). If no problems are
found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-73 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-199, 005-210
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-199 Too Long Size Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
It was detected that the document length in Slow Scan direction was out of the specifications.
Simplex and Duplex modes: 431.9mm or longer
Fax mode: 1501.0mm or longer
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the document size a user has scanned. If its length is within the available range for
DADF feeding, check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor, the DADF Feed
Out Sensor, and the DADF PWB.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16). If no problems are
found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
005-210 DADF Download Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
When the IISS starts up (Power ON/Sleep recovery), it was detected that the DADF is in
Download Mode.
Complete the DADF software download.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-74 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-275, 005-280
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-275 DADF RAM Test Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
The DADF PWB RAM failed during the Read/Write operation. (At Power ON)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
If the problem persists switch the power OFF then ON.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16). If no problems are
found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
005-280 DADF EEPROM. Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
The DADF EEPROM. Read/Write operation failed.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
If the problem persists after turning the power OFF then ON. Check the sw version of the con-
troller sw - update if required. Replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-75 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-305, 005-500
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-305 DADF Feeder Cover Interlock Open (when
running) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.1 - Document Setting
The Feeder Cover Interlock was opened during DADF operation.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The DADF Feeder Cover for misalignment or damage.
DADF Interlock Switch: Component Control [005-212] (PL 51.5)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, check the circuit between the DADF Interlock Switch and the
DADF PWB. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
005-500 DADF Write Error During Download RAP
Job Fail. An error has occurred during the process of writing data to the DADF-ROM (During
Download. Not able to carry out normal operation because ROM content is missing.
Retry job. If retry failed, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2) and perform download again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-76 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-906, 005-907
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-906 DADF Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
The DADF Feed Out Sensor turns ON at the following timings.
1. When Power is ON
2. At Feeder Cover Interlock Close
3. At Platen Interlock Close
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the DADF Feed Out Sensor for remaining paper, the Actuator for return failure, for-
eign substances, contamination on sensors, and etc.
DADF Feed Out Sensor: Component Control [005-205] (PL 51.6)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, check the circuit between the DADF Feed Out Sensor and the
DADF PWB. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
005-907 DADF Pre Registration Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
The DADF Pre Registration Sensor turns ON at the following timings:
1. When Power is ON
2. At Feeder Cover Interlock Close
3. At Platen Interlock Close
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the DADF Pre Registration Sensor for remaining paper, the Actuator for return fail-
ure, foreign substances, contamination on sensors, and etc.
DADF Pre Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-206] (PL 51.17)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, check the circuit between the DADF Pre Registration Sensor and
the DADF PWB. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-77 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-913, 005-915
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-913 DADF Inverter Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
The DADF Invert Sensor turns On at the timings below.
1. When Power is ON
2. At Feeder Cover Interlock Close
3. At Platen Interlock Close
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the DADF Inverter Sensor for remaining paper, the Actuator for return failure, for-
eign substances, contamination on sensors, and etc.
DADF Invert Sensor: Component Control [005-211] (PL 51.9)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, check the circuit between the DADF Invert Sensor and the DADF
PWB. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
005-915 DADF APS Sensor 1 Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
The DADF APS Sensor 1 turns ON at the timings below.
1. When Power is ON
2. At Feeder Cover Interlock Close
3. At Platen Interlock Close
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the DADF APS Sensor 1 for remaining paper, the Actuator for return failure,
foreign substances, contamination on sensors, and etc.
DADF APS Sensor 1: Component Control [005-218] (PL 51.17)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, check the circuit between the DADF APS Sensor 1 and the DADF
PWB. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-78 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-916, 005-917
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-916 DADF APS Sensor 2 Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
The DADF APS Sensor 2 turns ON at the timings below.
1. When Power is ON
2. At Feeder Cover Interlock Close
3. At Platen Interlock Close
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the DADF APS Sensor 2 for remaining paper, the Actuator for return failure, for-
eign substances, contamination on sensors, and etc.
DADF APS Sensor 2: Component Control [005-219] (PL 51.17)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, check the circuit between the DADF APS Sensor 2 and the DADF
PWB. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
005-917 DADF APS Sensor 3 Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
The DADF APS Sensor 3 turns ON at the timings below.
1. When Power is ON
2. At Feeder Cover Interlock Close
3. At Platen Interlock Close
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Check the DADF APS Sensor 3 for remaining paper, the Actuator for return failure, for-
eign substances, contamination on sensors, and etc.
DADF APS Sensor 3: Component Control [005-220] (PL 51.17)
If the problem persists, check the circuit between the DADF APS Sensor 3 and the DADF
PWB. If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-79 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-940, 005-941
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-940 DADF No Original RAP
Operation Fail. Final document correction notification due to DADF document being pulled out.
Reload the document.
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at System Fail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
005-941 Doc Number of Sheets is Insufficient RAP
Operation Fail. Though all documents/N documents reloaded, the machine detected one or
more documents were missing. Whether all documents or N documents are reloaded, the
machine detects one or more documents are missing while skipping scanned documents (i.e.
feeding them without scanning them). If a failure occurs before the machine finishes scanning
documents and outputs them, the machine skips scanned documents even if it instructs the
user to reload N documents.
As the number of documents is insufficient, reload a proper number of documents.
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at System Fail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-80 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-942, 005-945
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-942 Doc Fault Loading on DADF RAP
Operation Fail. DADF-loaded documents Fail (DADF-250). When the Nudger Solenoid is
turned ON to return at the start of a job, it is detected that the Level Sensor does not turn OFF.
1. Reduce documents in number and reload a smaller number of them.
005-945 FS-Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size or SS Mix-
Size (Cont) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.3 Document Size Sensing (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
In No Mix or Slow Scan (SS) Mixed mode, it was detected that a document with a different size
in Fast Scan (FS) direction was transported from the DADF. (If paper was not fed, 005-945 is
displayed. If paper was fed, 005-947 is displayed.)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Check that the DADF Tray Set Guide operates normally.
DADF Tray Set Guide Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-215/216/217] (PL 51.10)
Check the circuit between the DADF Tray Set Guide Sensors 1-3 and the DADF PWB
DADF APS Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-218/219/220] (PL 51.17)
Check the circuit between the DADF APS Sensors 1-3 and the DADF PWB.
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at System Fail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-81 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-946, 005-947
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
005-946 SS-Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size (Cont) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.2 - Document Size Sensing (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
In No Mix mode, it was detected that a document with a different size in Slow Scan (SS) direc-
tion was transported from the DADF. (If paper was not fed, 005-946 is displayed. If paper was
fed, 005-948 is displayed.)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Document Tray Size Sensor 1/2: Component Control [005-221/222] (PL 51.10)
Check the circuit between the Document Tray Size Sensor 1/2 and the DADF PWB.
DADF Feed Out Sensor: Component Control [005-205] (PL 51.16)
DADF Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-110] (PL 51.17)
DADF APS Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-218/219/220] (PL 51.17)
Check the circuit between the DADF APS Sensors 1-3 and the DADF PWB.
If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at System Fail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
005-947 FS-Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size or SS Mix-
Size RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.3 Document Size Sensing (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
In No Mix or Slow Scan (SS) Mixed mode, it was detected that a document with a different size
in Fast Scan (FS) direction was transported from the DADF. (If paper was not fed, 005-945 is
displayed. If paper was fed, 005-947 is displayed.)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Check that the DADF Tray Set Guide operates normally.
DADF Tray Set Guide Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-215/216/217] (PL 51.10)
Check the circuit between the DADF Tray Set Guide Sensors 1-3 and the DADF PWB
DADF APS Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-218/219/220] (PL 51.17)
Check the circuit between the DADF APS Sensors 1-3 and the DADF PWB.
If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at System Fail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-82 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 005-948
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
005-948 SS-Size Mismatch Jam On No Mix-Size RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 5.2 - Document Size Sensing (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
In No Mix mode, it was detected that a document with a different size in Slow Scan (SS) direc-
tion was transported from the DADF. (If paper was not fed, 005-946 is displayed. If paper was
fed, 005-948 is displayed.)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Document Tray Size Sensor 1/2: Component Control [005-221/222] (PL 51.10)
Check the circuit between the Document Tray Size Sensor 1/2 and the DADF PWB.
DADF Feed Out Sensor: Component Control [005-205] (PL 51.16)
DADF Registration Sensor: Component Control [005-110] (PL 51.17)
DADF APS Sensors 1-3: Component Control [005-218/219/220] (PL 51.17)
Check the circuit between the DADF APS Sensors 1-3 and the DADF PWB.
If no problems are found, replace the DADF PWB (PL 51.2).
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at System Fail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-83 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 010-338
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
010-338 Fuser On Time Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.1 - Fusing Heat Control
After the Main Lamp turned On during warm up, the Control Thermistor did not detect
READY temperature within the specified time.
After the Main Lamp turned On during standby, the Control Thermistor did not detect a
specific temperature within the specified time.
After the Sub Lamp turned On during standby, the Control Thermistor did not detect a
specific temperature within the specified time.
After the empty rotation started, the Control Thermistor did not detect the empty rotation
finishing temperature within the specified time.
After the Main Lamp turned On during printing, the Control Thermistor did not detect a
specific temperature within the specified time.
After the Sub Lamp turned On during printing, the Control Thermistor did not detect a spe-
cific temperature within the specified time.
Initial Actions
Voltage Supply
Indoor Temperature
NOTE: When this fault occurs, NVM location 744-005 is set to 1, 2, or 3, depending on the
fault. You must reset this location to 0 in order to clear the fault.
Check for paper on the Fuser. The Fuser has no paper wrapped round it.
Remove the paper.
Check the installation of the Fuser Unit. The Fuser Unit is securely installed.
Install the Fuser Unit securely.
Remove the Fuser Unit. Check the conductivity of the contact points of the Thermostat. The
contact points are connected.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the resistance of the Main Lamp between J621-6 and J621-7 for an open circuit or a
short circuit (BSD 10.1). The resistance of the Main Lamp is 100 ohms or lower.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the resistance of the Sub Lamp between J621-2 and J621-7 for an open circuit or a
short circuit (BSD 10.1). The resistance of the Sub Lamp is 100 ohms or lower.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the resistance of the Control (Center) Thermistor between J621-5 and J621-1 (BSD
10.1). There is no open circuit in the Center STS and the resistance is 3k ohms or higher.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the resistance of the Rear Thermistor between J621-7 and J621-3 (BSD 10.1). The
resistance is 3k ohms or higher.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the wire between P/J411-B7 and J621-7 for an open circuit or a short circuit ( BSD
10.1). The wire between P/J411 and J621 is conducting without an open circuit or a
short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Check the wire between P/J414 and P530 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 10.1).
The wire between P/J414 and P530 conducts and if free of a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). If the problem persists, replace the AC Drive PWB (PL 18.2)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-84 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 010-379, 010-420
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
010-379 Fuser Hot Not Ready Return Time Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.1 - Fusing Heat Control
Recovery time from High-temp Not Ready state becomes larger than the setting value (NVM).
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check for paper on the Fuser. The Fuser has no paper wrapped round it.
Remove the paper.
Check the installation of the Fuser Unit. The Fuser Unit is securely installed.
Install the Fuser Unit securely.
Check the resistance of the Rear Thermistor between J621-7 and J621-3 ( BSD 10.1). The
resistance is 3k ohms or higher.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the resistance of the Center Thermistor between J621-5 and J621-1 (BSD 10.1). The
resistance is 3k ohms or higher.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the wire between P/J411 and J621 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 10.1).
The wire between P/J411 and J621 is conducting without an open circuit or a short cir-
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
010-420 Fuser Near End Of Life
Replace the Fuser Assembly in 100K copies.
The Fuser Assembly was replaced.
Replace the Fuser Assembly (PL 7.1)
Run the HFSI Counter Report [954-850]. Check the volume on the fuser and compare to
Fuser HFSI value in Detailed Maintenance Activities.
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
If the problem continues, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-85 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 010-421, 010-398
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
010-421 Fuser End Of Life
Fuser at end of life.
Replace the Fuser Assembly (PL 7.1) and reset the HFSI Value (HFSI Counter) [954-850].
010-398 Fuser Fan Fault RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 - Fusing
Fan (for air exhaust around the Fuser) rotation failure.
Execute Component Control for the Fuser Fan [042-006]. The Fuser Fan rotates.
Check the wires between P/J210 on the Fuser Fan and P/J411 on the MCU PWB for an
open or shorted circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair as required.
Replace the Fuser Fan (PL 4.1) before replacing the MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Check the wire between P/J210-3 on the Fuser Fan and P/J411-B12 on the MCU PWB for an
open circuit. If OK, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-86 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 010-421, 010-398
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-87 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-132 (Integrated Finisher)
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-132 (Integrated Finisher) Entrance Sensor ON Jam
BSD-ON: BSD 12.3 Integrated Finisher Transportation
Finisher Entrance Sensor does not turn On within a specified time after receiving the Sheet
Exit command (the sheet to be ejected has turned ON the IOT Exit Sensor 1).
Initial Actions
Check that the Finisher Entrance Sensor is properly installed and free from foreign
objects and that the actuator is not broken.
Power Off/On.
Check the specifications of paper. Paper is in spec.
Replace the paper with new paper that is in spec.
Check the condition of the paper. The paper is in normal condition without any problem
that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Resolve any problem that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Check the transport path for a foreign object, deformed part, and paper dust. The transport
path is in normal condition.
Repair the deformed part(s) and remove the foreign object(s) and paper dust.
Check that the Finisher is installed properly. The Finisher is properly installed and properly
connected to the IOT.
Reinstall the Finisher properly.
Enter Component Control [012-140]. Actuate the Finisher Entrance Sensor. The display
Check the connections of P/J8709 and P/J8729. P/J8709 and P/J8729 are securely
Connect P/J8709 and P/J8729 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8709 and P/J8729. The wires between
P/J8709 and P/J8729 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8709-6 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8709-5 (+) and GND (-). Actuate the Fin-
isher Entrance Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Finisher Entrance Sensor (PL 22.5).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-88 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-151 (Integrated Finisher)
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-151 (Integrated Finisher) Compiler Exit Sensor OFF
BSD-ON: BSD 12.3 Integrated Finisher Transportation
The Compiler Exit Sensor does not turn Off within a specified time after it has turned On.
Initial Actions
Check the Compiler Exit Sensor is properly installed and free from foreign objects and
that the actuator is not binding.
Power Off/On.
Check the specifications of paper. Paper is in spec.
Replace the paper with new paper that is in spec.
Check the condition of the paper. The paper is in normal condition without any problem
that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Resolve any problem that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Check the transport path for a foreign object, deformed part, and paper dust. The transport
path is in normal condition with no foreign object, deformed part and paper dust.
Repair the deformed part(s) and remove the foreign object(s) and paper dust.
Check the Transport Roll for wear, deterioration and paper dust. The Transport Roll is in
normal condition, not worn and deteriorated and with no paper dust.
Remove the paper dust and replace the worn or deteriorated Transport Roll.
Check the drive mechanism to the Transport Roll for a deformed, broken part, and/or belt dam-
age. The drive mechanism is free of defects.
Repair defects or damage to the drive mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-150]. Actuate the Compiler Exit Sensor. The display
Check the connections of P/J8709 and P/J8728. P/J8709 and P/J8728 are securely
Connect P/J8709 and P/J8728 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8709 and P/J8728. The wire P/J8709
and P/J8728 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8709-3 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8709-2 (+) and GND (-). Actuate the
Compiler Exit Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Compiler Exit Sensor (PL 22.5).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-095]. The Finisher Transport Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8706 and P/J8739 . P/J8706 and P/J8739 are securely
Connect P/J8706 and P/J8739 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8706 and P/J8739. The wire between
P/J8706 and P/J8739 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8706-5 (+) and GND (-), and P/J8706-7
(+) and GND (-). Each voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit.
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher Transport Motor (PL 22.4). If the problem persists, replace
the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-013]. When the Sub Paddle Solenoid is turned On/Off, the Sub Paddle Shaft
Assembly goes down/up.
Check the Sub Paddle mechanism for a deformed or broken part and not-seated gears.
The Sub Paddle mechanism is free from defects and gears are seating properly.
Repair defects to the Sub Paddle mechanism.
Check the connections of P/J8705 and P/J8734. P/J8705 and P/J8734 are securely
Connect P/J8705 and P/J8734 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8705 and P/J8734. The wires between
P/J8705 and P/J8734 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-89 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-151 (Integrated Finisher), 012-152 (Integrated
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8705-1 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the circuit is OK,
replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-013], measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8705-2 (+) and GND (-
). The voltage changes.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Sub Paddle Solenoid (PL 22.3).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
012-152 (Integrated Finisher) Compiler Exit Sensor ON
BSD-ON: BSD 12.3 Integrated Finisher Transportation
The Compiler Exit Sensor does not turn On within a specified time after receiving the Sheet
Exit command (the paper to be ejected has turned On the IOT Exit Sensor 1).
Initial Actions
Check the Compiler Exit Sensor is properly installed and free from foreign objects and
that the actuator is not broken.
Power Off/On.
Check the specifications of paper. Paper is in spec.
Replace the paper with new paper that is in spec.
Check the condition of the paper. The paper is in normal condition without any problem
that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Resolve any problem that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Check the transport path for a foreign object, deformed part, and paper dust. The transport
path is in normal condition with no foreign object, deformed part and paper dust.
Repair the deformed part(s) and remove the foreign object(s) and paper dust.
Check the Transport Roll for wear, deterioration and paper dust. The Transport Roll is in
normal condition.
Remove the paper dust and replace the worn or deteriorated Transport Roll.
Check the drive mechanism to the Transport Roll for a deformed parts, broken parts, and/or
belt damage. The drive mechanism free from defects.
Repair defects or damage to the drive mechanism.
Check that the Finisher is installed properly. The Finisher is properly installed and properly
connected to the IOT.
Reinstall the Finisher properly.
Enter Component Control [012-150]. Actuate the Compiler Exit Sensor. The display
Check the connections of P/J8709 and P/J8728. P/J8709 and P/J8728 are securely
Connect P/J8709 and P/J8728 securely.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-90 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-152 (Integrated Finisher), 012-161 (Integrated Fin-
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8709 and P/J8728. The wires between
J 8709 and P/J8728 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8709-3 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8709-2 (+) and GND (-). Actuate the
Compiler Exit Sensor. The voltage normally changes.
Replace the Compiler Exit Sensor (PL 22.5).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-095]. The Finisher Transport Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8706 and P/J8739. P/J8706 and P/J8739 are securely
Connect P/J8706 and P/J8739 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8706 and P/J8739. The wire between
P/J8706 and P/J8739 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8706-5 (+) and GND (-), and P/J8706-7
(+) and GND (-). Each voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit.
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher Transport Motor (PL 22.4). If the problem persists, replace
the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
012-161 (Integrated Finisher) Set Eject Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.6 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (1 of 2)
In the Eject Motors ejecting operation, Eject Home Sensor ON was detected within a specified
time after the start of the reverse operation of the Eject Motor.
(The Eject Motor should have ejected paper, but returned Home earlier than specified.)
Initial Actions
Check the Eject Home Sensor is properly installed, not broken, and has no foreign object.
Power Off/On.
Check the specifications of paper. Paper is in spec.
Replace the paper with new paper that is in spec.
Check the condition of the paper. The paper is in normal condition without any problem
that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Resolve any problem that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Check the Eject mechanism for deformed parts, broken parts, and/or belt damage. The Eject
mechanism free from defects.
Repair the Eject mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-252]. Block and unblock the Eject Home Sensor with a piece of
paper. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8700 and P/J8725. P/J8700 and P/J8725 are securely
Connect P/J8700 and P/J8725 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8700 and P/J8725. The wires between
P/J8700 and P/J8725 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-9 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-2 (+) and GND (-). Block and
unblock the Eject Home Sensor with a piece of paper. The voltage changes.
Replace the Eject Home Sensor (PL 22.10).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-91 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-161 (Integrated Finisher), 012-211 (Integrated
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-054] and [012-056] alternately. The Eject Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8706 and P/J8741. P/J8706 and P/J8741 are securely
Connect P/J8706 and P/J8741 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8706 and P/J8741. The wires between
P/J8706 and P/J8741 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8706-13 (+) and GND (-), and between
P/J8706-15 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit.
Check the Eject Motor drive mechanism for deformed parts, broken parts, and/or belt
damage The drive mechanism free from defects.
Repair defects or damage to the drive mechanism.
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 22.9). If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB
(PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
012-211 (Integrated Finisher) Stacker Tray Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.8 - Integrated Finisher Stacker Tray Control
Within a specified time after the Stacker Tray started lifting up, the Stack Height Sensor
did not detect the lifting up of the Stacker Tray.
Within a specified time after the Stacker Tray started going down at initialization and dur-
ing a job, the lower position of the tray (Full) could not be detected based on the changes
in the Stacker Stack Sensor 1 and the Stacker Stack Sensor 2.
Initial Actions
Check the Stack Height Sensor is properly installed, not broken, and has no foreign
Check the Stacker Stack Sensors 1 and 2 are properly installed and have no foreign
objects and that their actuators are not broken.
Power Off/On.
Check the drive mechanism to the Stacker Tray for a deformed or broken part and not-seated
gears. The mechanism is free from defects and the gears seat properly.
Repair the mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-267]. Block and unblock the Stack Height Sensor with a piece
of paper. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8708 and P/J8727. P/J8708 and P/J8727 are securely
Connect P/J8708 and P/J8727 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8708 and P/J8727. The wire between
P/J8708 and P/J8727 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8708-3 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8708-2 (+) and GND (-). Block and
unblock the Stack Height Sensor with a piece of paper. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stack Height Sensor (PL 22.10).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-278]. Block and unblock the Stacker Stack Sensor 1 by rotating the actuator. The
display changes.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-92 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-211 (Integrated Finisher)
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Check the connections of P/J8707 and P/J8722. P/J8707 and P/J8722 are securely
Connect P/J8707 and P/J8722 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8707 and P/J8722. The wires between
P/J8707 and P/J8722 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8707-6 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8707-5 (+) and (-). Block and unblock the
Stacker Stack Sensor 1 by rotating the actuator. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker Stack Sensor 1 (PL 22.8).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-279]. Block and unblock the Stacker Stack Sensor 2 by rotating the actuator. The
display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8707 and P/J8721. P/J8707 and P/J8721 are securely
Connect P/J8707 and P/J8721 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8707 and P/J8721. The wires between
P/J8707 and P/J8721 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8707-3 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8707-2 (+) and GND (-). Block and
unblock the Stacker Stack Sensor 2 by rotating the actuator. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker Stack Sensor 2 (PL 22.8).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-060] and [012-061] alternately. The Stacker Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8711 and P/J8736. P/J8711 and P/J8736 are securely
Connect P/J8711 and P/J8736 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8711 and P8736. The wires between P/
J8711 and P8736 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Enter [012-060], measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8711-1 (+) and GND (-
). The voltage changes.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-061], measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8711-2 (+) and GND (-
). The voltage changes.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open and short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Stacker Motor (PL 22.8).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-93 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-221 (Integrated Finisher)
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-221 (Integrated Finisher) Front Tamper Home Sensor
BSD-ON: BSD 12.4 - Integrated Finisher Tamping and Offset
During the moving of the Front Tamper, when the Front Tamper Home Sensor was Off, to the
home position, the Front Tamper Home Sensor did not detected turning On within a specified
time after the Front Tamper started moving.
Initial Actions
Check the Front Tamper Home Sensor is properly installed and has no foreign object and
that the actuator is not broken.
Power Off/ON.
Check the Front Tamper for any foreign object, deformation and binding that prevents it from
moving. The Front Tamper is defects and binding.
Repair the deformation and remove the foreign object(s) and the binding.
Check the drive mechanism to the Front Tamper for a deformed or broken part and not-seated
gears. The drive mechanism is free from defects and the gears seat properly.
Repair the Front Tamper mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-220]. Move the Front Tamper by hand to block and unblock the
Front Tamper Home Sensor. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8700 and P/J8724. P/J8700 and P/J8724 are securely
Connect P/J8700 and P/J8724 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8700 and P/J8724. The wires between
P/J8700 and P/J8724 are OK.
Repair the open wire or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-6 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-5 (+) and GND (-). Move the Front
Tamper by hand to block and unblock the Front Tamper Home Sensor. The voltage
Replace the Front Tamper Home Sensor (PL 22.10).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-020] and [012-023] alternately. The Front Tamper Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8710, J8738A and P/J8738B. P/J8710, J8738A and
J8738B are securely connected.
Connect P/J8710, J8738A and P/J8738B securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8710, J8738A and J8738B. The wires
between are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8710-5 (+) and GND (-), and between P/
J8710-7 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Front Tamper Motor (PL 22.10). If the problem continues, replace the Fin-
isher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-94 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-223 (Integrated Finisher)
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-223 (Integrated Finisher) Front Tamper Home Sensor
BSD-ON: BSD 12.4 - Integrated Finisher Tamping and Offset
At the end of the operation to turn Off the Front Tamper Home Sensor that was On, the
Front Tamper Home Sensor was not detected being Off.
The Front Tamper Home Sensor should have turned Off and then the Front Tamper Motor
stopped, but the Front Tamper Home Sensor was On.
Initial Actions
Check the Front Tamper Home Sensor is properly installed and has no foreign object and
that the actuator is not broken.
Power Off/ON.
Check the Front Tamper for any foreign object, deformation and binding that prevents it from
moving. The Front Tamper free from defects and binding.
Repair the deformation and remove the foreign object(s) and the binding.
Check the drive mechanism to the Front Tamper for a deformed or broken part and not-seated
gears. The drive mechanism is free from defects and the gears seat properly.
Repair the Front Tamper drive mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-220]. Move the Front Tamper by hand to block and unblock the
Front Tamper Home Sensor. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8700 and P/J8724. P/J8700 and P/J8724 are securely
Connect P/J8700 and P/J8724 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8700 and P/J8724. The wires between
P/J8700 and P/J8724 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-6 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-5 (+) and GND (-). Move the Front
Tamper by hand to block and unblock the Front Tamper Home Sensor. The voltage
Replace the Front Tamper Home Sensor (PL 22.10).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-020] and [012-023] alternately. The Front Tamper Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8710, J8738A and P/J8738B. P/J8710, J8738A and
J8738B are securely connected.
Connect P/J8710, J8738A and P/J8738B securely.
Check for an open wire or short circuit between P/J8710, J8738A and J8738B. The
wire between P/J8710, J8738A and J8738B are OK.
Repair the open wire or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8710-5 (+) and GND (-), and between P/
J8710-7 (+) and GND (-). Each voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Front Tamper Motor (PL 22.10). If the problem continues, replace the Fin-
isher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-95 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-224 (Integrated Finisher)
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-224 (Integrated Finisher) Rear Tamper Home Sensor
BSD-ON: BSD 12.4 - Integrated Finisher Tamping and Offset
At the end of the operation of trying to turn Off the Rear Tamper Home Sensor that was
On, the Rear Tamper Home Sensor was not detected being Off.
The Rear Tamper Home Sensor should have turned Off and then the Rear Tamper Motor
stopped, but the Rear Tamper Home Sensor was On.
Initial Actions
Check the Rear Tamper Home Sensor is properly installed and has no foreign object and
that the actuator is not broken.
Power Off/ON.
Check the Rear Tamper for any foreign object, deformation and binding that prevents it from
moving. The Rear Tamper is free from defects and binding.
Repair the deformation and remove the foreign object(s) and the binding.
Check the drive mechanism to the Rear Tamper for a deformed or broken part and not-seated
gears. The drive mechanism is in normal condition, not deformed or broken and with no
not-seated gears.
Repair the Rear Tamper drive mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-221]. Move the Rear Tamper by hand to block and unblock the
Rear Tamper Home Sensor. The display of changes.
Check the connections of P/J8700 and P/J8726. P/J8700 and P/J8726 are securely
Connect P/J8700 and P/J8726 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8700 and P/J8726. The wires between
P/J8700 and P/J8726 are OK.
Repair the open wire or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-12 (+) and GND (-). The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-11 (+) and GND (-). Move the Rear
Tamper by hand to block and unblock the Rear Tamper Home Sensor. The voltage
Replace the Rear Tamper Home Sensor (PL 22.9).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-026] and [012-029] alternately. The Rear Tamper Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8710, J8737A and P/J8738B. P/J8710, J8737A and P/
J8738B are securely connected.
Connect P/J8710, J8737A and P/J8738B securely.
Check for an open wire or short circuit between P/J8710, J8737A and J8737B. The
wire between P/J8710, J8737A and J8737B are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8710-1 (+) and GND (-), and between P/
J8710-3 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Repair the Rear Tamper Motor (PL 22.10). If the problem continues, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-96 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-259 (Integrated Finisher)
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-259 (Integrated Finisher) Eject Home Sensor ON Fail
BSD-ON: BSD 12.6 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (1 of 2)
In the Eject Motors initializing operation and ejecting operation, one of the following is met.
With the Eject Home Sensor Off, the Eject Motor started rotating in reverse direction.
Within a specified time after that, the Eject Home Sensor was not detected turning On.
With the Eject Home Sensor Off, the Eject Motor started rotating in reverse direction. The
Eject Home Sensor should have been detected turning On and then the Eject Motor
stopped, but then the Eject Home Sensor was not On.
Initial Actions
Check the Eject Home Sensor is properly installed, not broken and has no foreign object.
Power Off/ON.
Check the Eject mechanism for a deformed or broken part and not-seated belts. The mecha-
nism is free from defects and belt damage.
Repair the mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-252]. Block and unblock the Eject Home Sensor. The display
Check the connections of P/J8700 and P/J8725. P/J8700 and P/J8725 are securely
Connect P/J8700 and P/J8725 securely.
Check for an open wire or short circuit between P/J8700 and P/J8725. The wire
between P/J8700 and P/J8725 is normally conductive with no open wire or short
Repair the open wire or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-9 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-2 (+) and GND (-). Block and
unblock the Eject Home Sensor. The voltage changes
Replace the Eject Home Sensor (PL 22.10).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-054] and [012-056] alternately. The Eject Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8706 and P/J8741. P/J8706 and P/J8741 are securely
Connect P/J8706 and P/J8741 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8706 and P/J8741. The wires between
P/J8706 and P/J8741 are OK.
Repair the open wire or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8706-13 (+) and GND (-), and between
P/J8706-15 (+) and GND (-). Each voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 22.9). If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB
(PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-97 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-263 (Integrated Finisher)
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-263 (Integrated Finisher) Rear Tamper Home Sensor
BSD-ON: BSD 12.4 - Integrated Finisher Tamping and Offset
During the moving of the Rear Tamper from when the Rear Tamper Home Sensor was Off to
the home position, the Rear Tamper Home Sensor was not detected turning On within a speci-
fied time after the Rear Tamper started moving.
Initial Actions
Check the Rear Tamper Home Sensor is properly installed and has no foreign object and
that the actuator is not broken.
Power Off/ON.
Check the Rear Tamper for any foreign object, deformation and binding that prevents it from
moving. The Rear Tamper is free from defects and binding.
Repair the deformation and remove the foreign object(s) and the binding.
Check the drive mechanism to the Rear Tamper for a deformed or broken part and not-seated
gears. The drive mechanism is free from defects and gears seat properly.
Repair the Rear Tamper drive mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-221]. Move the Rear Tamper by hand to block and unblock the
Rear Tamper Home Sensor. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8700 and P/J8726. P/J8700 and P/J8726 are securely
Connect P/J8700 and P/J8726 securely.
Check for an open wire or short circuit between P/J8700 and P/J8726. The wire
between P/J8700 and P/J8726 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-12 (+) and GND (-). The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-11 (+) and GND (-). Move the Rear
Tamper by hand to block and unblock the Rear Tamper Home Sensor. The voltage
Replace the Rear Tamper Home Sensor (PL 22.9).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-026] and [012-029] alternately. The Rear Tamper Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8710, J8737A and P/J8738B. P/J8710, J8737A and P/
J8738B are securely connected.
Connect P/J8710, J8737A and P/J8738B securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8710, J8737A and J8737B. The wires
between P/J8710, J8737A and J8737B are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8710-1 (+) and GND (-), and between P/
J8710-3 (+) and GND (-). Each voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Rear Tamper Motor (PL 22.10). If the problem continues, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-98 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-280 (Integrated Finisher)
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-280 (Integrated Finisher) Eject Home Sensor OFF Fail
BSD-ON: BSD 12.6 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (1 of 2)
In the Eject Motors initializing operation and ejecting operation, the Eject Motor had rotated
forward for a time corresponding to a specified number of pulses since the Eject Home Sensor
was On, and then the motor stopped, but then the Eject Home Sensor was not detected turning
Initial Actions
Check the Eject Home Sensor is properly installed, not broken and has no foreign object.
Power Off/ON.
Check the Eject mechanism for a deformed or broken part and not-seated belts. The mecha-
nism is free from defects and belt damage.
Repair the mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-252]. Block and unblock the Eject Home Sensor with a piece of
paper. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8700 and P/J8725. P/J8700 and P/J8725 are securely
Connect P/J8700 and P/J8725 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8700 and P/J8725. The wires between
P/J8700 and P/J8725 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-9 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8700-2 (+) and GND (-). Block and
unblock the Eject Home Sensor with a piece of paper. The voltage changes.
Replace the Eject Home Sensor (PL 22.10).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-054] and [012-056] alternately. The Eject Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8706 and P/J8741. P/J8706 and P/J8741 are securely
Connect P/J8706 and P/J8741 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8706 and P/J8741. The wires between
P/J8706 and P/J8741 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8706-13 (+) and GND (-), and between
P/J8706-15 (+) and GND (-). Each voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 22.9). If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB
(PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-99 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-283 (Integrated Finisher)
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-283 (Integrated Finisher) Set Clamp Home Sensor ON
Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.7 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (2 of 2)
In the initialize operations each at Power On, when Interlock closed and at the start of a job,
and in the Set Clamp Motors ejecting operation, the Set Clamp Home Sensor was not
detected turning On within a specified time after the start of the Set Clamp Motor operation.
Initial Actions
Check the Set Clamp Home Sensor is properly installed and has no foreign object and
that the actuator is not broken.
Power Off/ON.
Check the Set Clamp mechanism for a deformed or broken part and not-seated belts. The
mechanism is free from defects and belt damage.
Repair the Set Clamp mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-251]. Rotate the Set Clamp Shaft by hand to block and unblock
the Set Clamp Home Sensor. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8707, P/J8742B, P/J8742A and P/J8723. P/J8707, P/
J8742B, P/J8742A and P/J8723 are securely connected.
Connect P/J8707, P/J8742B, P/J8742A and P/J8723 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8707 and J8742B, and between J8742A
and P/J8723. The wires between P/J8707 and J8742B and between J8742A and
P/J8723 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8707-9 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8707-8 (+) and GND (-). Rotate the Set
Clamp Shaft by hand to block and unblock the Set Clamp Home Sensor. The voltage
Replace the Set Clamp Home Sensor (PL 22.4).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-017]. The Set Clamp Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8708 and P/J8740. P/J8708 and P/J8740 are securely
Connect P/J8708 and P/J8740 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8708 and P/J8740. The wires between
P/J8708 and P/J8740 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8708-9 (+) and GND (-), and between P/
J8708-11 (+) and GND (-). Each voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Set Clamp Motor (PL 22.9). If the problem continues, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-100 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-284 (Integrated Finisher)
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-284 (Integrated Finisher) Set Clamp Home Sensor OFF
Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.7 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (2 of 2)
In the initialize operations each at Power On, when Interlock closed and at the start of a job,
and in the Set Clamp Motors ejecting operation, the Set Clamp Home Sensor was not
detected turning Off within a specified time after the start of the Set Clamp Motor operation.
Initial Actions
Check the Set Clamp Home Sensor is properly installed and has no foreign object and
that the actuator is not broken.
Power Off/ON.
Check the Set Clamp mechanism for a deformed or broken part and not-seated belts. The
mechanism is free from defects and belt damage.
Repair the Set CLamp mechanism.
Enter Component Control [012-251]. Rotate the Set Clamp Shaft by hand to block and unblock
the Set Clamp Home Sensor. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8707, P/J8742B, P/J8742A and P/J8723. P/J8707, P/
J8742B, P/J8742A and P/J8723 are securely connected.
Connect P/J8707, P/J8742B, P/J8742A and P/J8723 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8707 and J8742B, and between J8742A
and P/J8723. The wires between P/J8707 and J8742B and between J8742A and P/
J8723 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8707-9 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8707-8 (+) and GND (-). Rotate the Set
Clamp Shaft by hand to block and unblock the acceptance surface of the Set Clamp
Home Sensor. The voltage changes normally.
Replace the Set Clamp Home Sensor (PL 22.4).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Enter [012-017]. The Set Clamp Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8708 and P/J8740. P/J8708 and P/J8740 are securely
Connect P/J8708 and P/J8740 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8708 and P/J8740. The wires between
P/J8708 and P/J8740 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8708-9 (+) and GND (-), and between P/
J8708-11 (+) and GND (-). Each voltage is approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Set Clamp Motor (PL 22.9). If the problem continues, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-101 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-291 (Integrated Finisher)
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-291 (Integrated Finisher) Stapler Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.5 - Integrated Finisher Staple Control
Within a specified time after the Staple Motor started rotating in reverse direction, the Staple
Head Home Sensor was never detected turning On.
Initial Actions
Check that the Staple Assembly and the Cartridge are properly installed, not broken and
include no foreign objects.
Power Off/ON.
Enter Component Control [012-046] and [012-047] alternately. The Staple Motor rotates.
Check the connections of P/J8705 and P/J8735. P/J8705 and P/J8735 are securely
Connect P/J8705 and P/J8735 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8705 and P/J8735. The wires between
P/J8705 and P/J8735 are OK.
Repair the open wire or short circuit.
Enter [012-046] and [012-047] alternately. Measure the voltages between Finisher PWB
P/J8705-3, 4, 5, 6 (+) and GND (-). Each voltage changes.
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the prob-
lem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7)
Replace the Staple Assembly (PL 22.4).
Enter [012-046] and [012-047] alternately. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8701 and P/J8731. P/J8701 and P/J8731 are securely
Connect P/J8701 and P/J8731 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8701 and P/J8731. The wires between
P/J8701 and P/J8731 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8701-9 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8731-5 (+) and GND (-). Enter [012-046]
and [012-047] alternately. The voltage changes.
Replace the Staple Assembly (PL 22.4).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-102 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-301 (Integrated Finisher)
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-301 (Integrated Finisher) Top Cover Interlock OPEN
BSD-ON: BSD 12.1 - Integrated Finisher DC Power and Interlock Switching
The Top Cover Interlock Open was detected.
Initial Actions
Check that the Top Cover can be opened and closed.
Check the Finisher Top Cover Interlock Sensor and the Finisher Top Cover Interlock +24V
Switch are properly installed, not broken, and have no foreign objects
Power Off/ON.
Check the following;
Top Cover installation
Finisher Top Cover Interlock Sensor for damage
Finisher Top Cover Interlock +24V Switch actuator for any damage
These parts are in normal condition.
Repair or replace any of the parts that has a defect.
Enter Component Control [012-300]. Open and close the Top Cover to block and unblock the
Finisher Top Cover Interlock Sensor. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8701 and P/J8730. P/J8701 and P/J8730 are securely
Connect P/J8701 and P/J8730 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8701 and P/J8730. The wires between
P/J8701 and P/J8730 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8701-3 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8701-2 (+) and GND (-). Open and close
the Top Cover to block and unblock the Finisher Top Cover Interlock Sensor. The volt-
age changes.
Replace the Finisher Top Cover Interlock Sensor (PL 22.3).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8702-1 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
approx. +24VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-103 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-302 (Integrated Finisher)
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-302 (Integrated Finisher) Front Cover Interlock OPEN
BSD-ON: BSD 12.1 - Integrated Finisher DC Power and Interlock Switching
The Front Cover Interlock Open was detected.
Initial Actions
Check that the Top Cover can be opened and closed.
Check that the Finisher Front Interlock Switch is properly installed, not broken, and has no
foreign object.
Power Off/ON.
Check the following;
Front Cover installation
hinges for any damage
Finisher Top Cover Interlock Sensor for any damage
Thee above parts are OK.
Repair or replace any of the parts that are defected.
Enter Component Control [012-302]. Open and close the Front Cover to turn On and Off the
Finisher Front Interlock Switch. The display changes.
Connect the connections of P/J8702 and P/J8733. P/J8702 and P/J8733 are securely
Connect P/J8702 and P/J8733 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8702 and P/J8733. The wires between
P/J8702 and P/J8733 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8702-4 (+) and GND (-). Open and close
the Front Cover to turn On and Off the Finisher Front Interlock Switch. The voltage
Replace the Finisher Front Interlock Switch (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8702-1 (+) and (-). The voltage is approx.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +24VDC circuit.
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-104 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-903 (Integrated Finisher), 012-935 (Integrated Fin-
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-903 (Integrated Finisher) Paper Remains at Compiler
Exit Sensor RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.3 - Integrated Finisher Transportation
At Power On, the Compiler Exit Sensor detected paper.
While the Main Motor was operating at initialization at Power On, the Compiler Exit Sen-
sor detected paper.
When the Cycle down operation at the end of a job was complete, the Compiler Exit Sen-
sor was On.
Initial Actions
Check the power supply voltage at the customer site for a drop.
Check the Compiler Exit Sensor is properly installed and free from foreign objects and
that the actuator is not binding.
Power Off/ON.
Check for paper remaining on the Compiler Exit Sensor and how it is installed. The sensor is
properly installed with no paper left there.
Remove the remaining paper and reinstall the sensor properly.
Enter Component Control [012-150]. Actuate the Compiler Exit Sensor. The display
Check the connections of P/J8709 and P/J8728. P/J8709 and P/J8728 are securely
Connect P/J8709 and P/J8728.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8709 and P/J8728. The wires between
P/J8709 and P/J8728 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8709-3 (+) and GND (-). The voltage is
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between Finisher PWB P/J8709-2 (+) and GND (-). Actuate the
Compiler Exit Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Compiler Exit Sensor (PL 22.5).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
012-935 (Integrated Finisher) Paper Remains at Entrance
Sensor RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.3 Integrated Finisher Transportation
At Power On the Finisher Entrance Sensor detected paper.
While the Main Motor was operating at initialization at Power On, the Finisher Entrance
Sensor detected paper.
When the Cycle down operation at the end of a job was complete, the Finisher Entrance
Sensor was On.
Initial Actions
Check the power supply voltage at the customer site for a drop.
Check the Finisher Entrance Sensor is properly installed and free from foreign objects
and that the actuator is not binding.
Power Off/ON.
Check for paper remaining on the Finisher Entrance Sensor and how it is installed. The sen-
sor is properly installed and free from paper.
Remove the remaining paper and reinstall the sensor properly.
Enter Component Control [012-140]. Move the Finisher Entrance Sensor actuator by hand or
with a piece of paper. The display changes.
Check the connections of P/J8709 and P/J8729. P/J8709 and P/J8729 are securely
Connect P/J8709 and P/J8729 securely.
Check for an open or short circuit between P/J8709 and P/J8729. The wire between
P/J8709 and P/J8729 are OK.
Repair the open or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between P/J8709-6 (+) on the Finisher PWB and GND (-). The
voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Go to Integrated Finisher Wirenets and check the +5VDC circuit.
Measure the voltage between P/J8709-5 (+) on the Finisher PWB and GND (-). Actuate
the Finisher Entrance Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Finisher Entrance Sensor (PL 22.5).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem
continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the problem contin-
ues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-105 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-111, 012-112
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-111 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Off Jam A RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
The H-Transport Entrance Sensor did not turn off within the specified time after it turned on.
Check the H-Transport Drive Rolls (PL 23.4) and Pinch Rolls (PL 23.3) for wear or contamina-
tion. Check for obstructions or damage in the paper path. The Paper Path is OK.
Clean or replace as required.
Execute Component Control [012-190], H-Transport Entrance Sensor. Actuate the H-Transport
Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8861 pin 2 and J8897 pin 6 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between J8897, pins 4 and 5 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between J8897, pin 6 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
H-Transport Entrance Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the H-Transport Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Power OFF. Open the H-Transport Top Cover. Cheat the H-Transport Interlock Sensor. Power
ON. The H-Transport Belt rotates.
Check the wires between P/J8862 on the H-Transport Motor and J8897 on the Finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the resistance of the H-Transport Motor between each pin P/J8862-1/2/5/6.
The resistance is approx. 20 Ohm.
Replace the H-Transport Motor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem persists, replace the H-Transport
Motor (PL 23.4).
Check the H-Transport Entrance Sensor and H-Transport Motor circuits for an intermittent con-
dition. If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-112 H-Transport Entrance Sensor On Jam A RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
After the Fuser Exit Sensor turned on, the H-Transport Entrance Sensor did not turn on within
the specified time.
Check the H-Transport Drive Rolls (PL 23.4) and Pinch Rolls (PL 23.3) for wear or contamina-
tion. Check for obstructions or damage in the paper path. The Paper Path is OK.
Clean or replace as required.
Execute Component Control [012-190], H-Transport Entrance Sensor. Actuate the H-Transport
Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8861 pin 2 and J8897 pin 6 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between J8897, pins 4 and 5 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between J8897, pin 6 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
H-Transport Entrance Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the H-Transport Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Power OFF. Open the H-Transport Top Cover. Cheat the H-Transport Interlock Sensor. Power
ON. The H-Transport Belt rotates.
Check the wires between P/J8862 on the H-Transport Motor and J8897 on the Finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the resistance of the H-Transport Motor between each pin P/J8862-1/2/5/6.
The resistance is approx. 20 Ohm.
Replace the H-Transport Motor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem persists, replace the H-Transport
Motor (PL 23.4).
Check the H-Transport Entrance Sensor and H-Transport Motor circuits for an intermittent con-
dition. If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-106 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-126, 012-131
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-126 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Off Jam B RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
After the H-Transport Entrance Sensor turned On, the H-Transport Entrance Sensor did not
turn Off within the specified time.
Check the H-Transport Drive Rolls (PL 23.4) and Pinch Rolls (PL 23.3) for wear or contamina-
tion. Check for obstructions or damage in the paper path. The Rolls and Paper Path are OK.
Clean or replace as required.
Execute Component Control [012-190], H-Transport Entrance Sensor. Actuate the H-Transport
Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8861 pin 2 and J8897 pin 6 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between J8897, pins 4 and 5 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between J8897, pin 6 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
H-Transport Entrance Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the H-Transport Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Power OFF. Open the H-Transport Top Cover. Cheat the H-Transport Interlock Sensor. Power
ON. The H-Transport Belt rotates.
Check the wires between P/J8862 on the H-Transport Motor and J8897 on the Finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the resistance of the H-Transport Motor between each pin P/J8862-1/2/5/6.
The resistance is approx. 20 Ohm.
Replace the H-Transport Motor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem persists, replace the H-Transport
Motor (PL 23.4).
Check the H-Transport Entrance Sensor and H-Transport Motor circuits for an intermittent con-
dition. If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-131 H-Transport Entrance Sensor On Jam B RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
After the Fuser Exit Sensor turned On, the H-Transport Entrance Sensor did not turn On within
the specified time.
Check the H-Transport Drive Rolls (PL 23.4) and Pinch Rolls (PL 23.3) for wear or contamina-
tion. Check for obstructions or damage in the paper path. The Rolls and Paper Path are OK.
Clean or replace as required.
Execute Component Control [012-190], H-Transport Entrance Sensor. Actuate the H-Transport
Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8861 pin 2 and J8897 pin 6 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between J8897, pins 4 and 5 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between J8897, pin 6 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
H-Transport Entrance Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the H-Transport Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Power OFF. Open the H-Transport Top Cover. Cheat the H-Transport Interlock Sensor. Power
ON. The H-Transport Belt rotates.
Check the wires between P/J8862 on the H-Transport Motor and J8897 on the Finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the resistance of the H-Transport Motor between each pin P/J8862-1/2/5/6.
The resistance is approx. 20 Ohm.
Replace the H-Transport Motor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem persists, replace the H-Transport
Motor (PL 23.4).
Check the H-Transport Entrance Sensor and H-Transport Motor circuits for an intermittent con-
dition. If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-107 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-132, 012-151
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-132 Finisher Entrance Sensor On Jam RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.16 - Office Finisher LX Transportation
After the Fuser Exit Sensor turned On, the Finisher Entrance Sensor did not turn On within the
specified time.
Execute Component Control [012-100], Finisher Entrance Sensor. Actuate the Finisher
Entrance Sensor (PL 23.14). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8868 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage
is approx. P/J8988 +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
Finisher Entrance Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Finisher Entrance Sensor (PL 23.14).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-038], Transport Motor. The Transport Motor rotates.
Check the wires between P/J8879 on the Transport Motor and P/J8983 on the Finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the resistance of the Transport Motor between each pin P/J8879-1/2/5/6. The
resistance is approx. 20 Ohm.
Replace the Transport Motor (PL 23.13).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem persists, replace the Transport
Motor (PL 23.13).
Check the Entrance Roller, Paddle Shaft and Eject Belt for wear, damage or contamination (PL
Check the Finisher Entrance Sensor and Transport Motor circuits for an intermittent condition.
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-151 Compiler Exit Sensor Off Jam RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.16 - Office Finisher LX Transportation
After the Compiler Exit Sensor turned On, the Compiler Exit Sensor did not turn Off within the
specified time.
Execute Component Control [012-150], Compiler Exit Sensor. Actuate the Compiler Exit Sen-
sor (PL 23.14). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8869 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 6 and 4 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 5 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
Compiler Exit Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Compiler Exit Sensor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-038], Transport Motor. The Transport Motor rotates.
Check the wires between P/J8879 on the Transport Motor and P/J8983 on the Finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the resistance of the Transport Motor between each pin P/J8879-1/2/5/6. The
resistance is approx. 20 Ohm.
Replace the Transport Motor (PL 23.13).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem persists, replace the Transport
Motor (PL 23.13).
Check the Exit Roller, Paddle Shaft and Eject Belt for wear, damage or contamination (PL
Check the Compiler Exit Sensor and Transport Motor circuits for an intermittent condition.
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-108 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-152, 012-161
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-152 Compiler Exit Sensor On Jam RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.16 - Office Finisher LX Transportation
After the H-Transport Exit Sensor turned On, the Compiler Exit Sensor did not turn On within
the specified time.
Initial Actions
Ensure that Chute Assembly (PL 23.14 Item 16) is present and properly installed.
Power OFF/ON
Execute Component Control [012-150], Compiler Exit Sensor. Actuate the Compiler Exit Sen-
sor (PL 23.14). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8869 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 6 and 4 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 5 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
Compiler Exit Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Compiler Exit Sensor (PL 23.14).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-038], Transport Motor. The Transport Motor rotates.
Check the wires between P/J8879 on the Transport Motor and P/J8983 on the Finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the resistance of the Transport Motor between each pin P/J8879-1/2/5/6. The
resistance is approx. 20 Ohm.
Replace the Transport Motor (PL 23.13).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem persists, replace the Transport
Motor (PL 23.13).
Check the Exit Roller, Entrance Roller, Paddle Shaft and Eject Belt for wear, damage or con-
tamination (PL 23.13).
Check the Compiler Exit Sensor and Transport Motor circuits for an intermittent condition.
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-161 Finisher Set Eject Jam RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.19 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
After the Eject Motor turned On, the Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor did not turn Off within the
specified time.
Enter Component Control [012-151], Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor. Select Start. Actuate
the Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8880 pin 2 and P/J8994 pin 2 on the Finisher PWB for an open
or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8994 pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage is
approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8994 pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD 12.19 -
Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2) Actuate the Compiler Tray No Paper Sen-
sor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor (PL 23.12).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-054 Eject Motor FORWARD LO] and Component
Control [012-055 Eject Motor FORWARD HI]. The Eject Motor starts up.
Check the wires between P/J8878 on the Eject Motor and P/J8983 on the Finisher PWB
(BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)) for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the resistance of the Eject Motor between each point of P/J8878-1/3/4/6. The
resistance is approx. 20 Ohm.
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 23.11). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher PWB (PL
Check the Exit Roller, Entrance Roller, Paddle Shaft and Eject Belt for wear, damage or con-
tamination (PL 23.13).
Check the Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor and Eject Motor circuits for an intermittent condi-
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-109 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-161, 012-211
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-211 Stacker Tray Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
Stack Height Sensor 1 is not ON within the specified time after stacker tray starts elevat-
ing.While Stacker Tray is elevating or lowering, the state of the Encoder Sensor does not
change within the specified time.
Initial Actions
Check for obstructions under the tray.
Check the operation of the Stacker Height Sensor 1 actuator.
Check the tray raise/lower mechanism for damage or contamination.
Execute Component Control [012-264], Stacker Height Sensor 1. Actuate the Stacker Height
Sensor 1. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8873 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 17 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 16 and 18 on the Finisher PWB. The volt-
age is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 17 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate
the Stacker Height Sensor 1. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker Height Sensor 1 (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-263], Stacker Encoder Sensor. Manually rotate the Encoder
(PL 23.7) to block and unblock the sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8875 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 23 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 22 and 24 on the Finisher PWB. The volt-
age is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 23 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Manually
rotate the Encoder (PL 23.7) to block and unblock the Stacker Encoder Sensor. The volt-
age changes.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-110 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-211, 012-212
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Replace the Stacker Encoder Sensor (PL 23.7).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-060], Stacker Motor Up, and [012-061], Stacker
Motor Down. The Stacker Motor (PL 23.7) Moves.
There is +24 VDC from P/J8986 pin 12 to GND (BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX
Stacker Tray Control)
Go to BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control and check the circuit
of the Option Switch (PL 23.9). Repair/reconnect as required.
Check the wires between P/J8986 pins 11 and 12, and the Stacker Motor for an open or
short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the Stacker Elevator Motor (PL 23.7). If the problem persists, replace the Fin-
isher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-212 Stacker Tray Upper Limit Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
The stacker has continued to elevate after the defined period of time has passed since Stacker
No Paper Sensor is ON during stacker elevation.
Initial Actions
Check for obstructions under the tray.
Check the operation of the Stacker Height Sensor actuators.
Check the tray raise/lower mechanism for damage or contamination.
Execute Component Control [012-264], Stacker Height Sensor 1. Actuate the Stacker Height
Sensor 1. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8873 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 17 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 16 and 18 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 17 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control. Actuate the Stacker Height Sensor 1. The
voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker Height Sensor 1 (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-265], Stacker Height Sensor 2. Block and unblock the
Stacker Height Sensor 2. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8874 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 20 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 19 and 21 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 20 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD
12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). Actuate the Stacker Height Sensor 1.
The voltage changes.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-111 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-212, 012-213
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Replace the Stacker Height Sensor 2 (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-263], Stacker Encoder Sensor. Manually rotate the Encoder
(PL 23.7) to block and unblock the sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8875 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 23 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 22 and 24 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 23 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control. Manually rotate the Encoder (PL 23.7) to
block and unblock the Stacker Encoder Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker Encoder Sensor (PL 23.7).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-262], Stacker No Paper Sensor. Block and unblock the Sen-
sor (PL 23.7). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8872 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 14 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 13 and 15 on the Finisher PWB BSD 12.24 -
Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control. The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 14 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control. Actuate the Stacker No Paper Sensor. The
voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker No Paper Sensor (PL 23.7).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-213 Stacker Tray Lower Limit Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
Stacker descended lower than normal levels, below low limit height.
Initial Actions
Check for obstructions under the tray.
Check the operation of the Stacker Height Sensor actuators.
Check the tray raise/lower mechanism for damage or contamination.
Execute Component Control [012-264], Stacker Height Sensor 1. Actuate the Stacker Height
Sensor 1. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8873 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 17 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 16 and 18 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 17 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD
12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control).Actuate the Stacker Height Sensor 1.
The voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker Height Sensor 1 (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-265], Stacker Height Sensor 2. Block and unblock the
Stacker Height Sensor 2. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8874 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 20 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 19 and 21 on the Finisher BSD 12.24 -
Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 20 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control. Actuate the Stacker Height Sensor 1. The
voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker Height Sensor 2 (PL 23.11).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-112 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-213, 012-221
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-263], Stacker Encoder Sensor. Manually rotate the Encoder
(PL 23.7) to block and unblock the sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8875 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 23 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 22 and 24 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 23 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD
12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). Manually rotate the Encoder (PL 23.7)
to block and unblock the Stacker Encoder Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker Encoder Sensor (PL 23.7).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Execute Component Control [012-262], Stacker No Paper Sensor. Block and unblock the Sen-
sor (PL 23.7). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8872 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 14 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 13 and 15 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.24
- Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 14 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD
12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control). Actuate the Stacker No Paper Sen-
sor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stacker No Paper Sensor (PL 23.7).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-221 Front Tamper Home Sensor On Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.18 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.19 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
After the Front Tamper started moving to the home position, the Front Tamper Home Sensor
did not turn On within 800ms.
Manually operate the Tamper mechanism. The Tamper mechanism moves smoothly.
Replace the parts that are interfering with operation.
Execute Component Control [012-220], Front Tamper Home Sensor. Manually operate the
Tamper mechanism to block and unblock the sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8881 pin 2 and P/J8994 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8994, pins 6 and 4 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8994, pin 5 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Manually
operate the Tamper mechanism to block and unblock the Front Tamper Home Sensor.
The voltage changes.
Replace the Front Tamper Home Sensor (PL 23.12).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-020], Front Tamper Motor Front and [012-023],
Front Tamper Motor Rear. The Front Tamper Motor moves.
There is +24 VDC from P/J8994 pin 19 on the Finisher PWB to GND
There is +24 VDC from J8982 pin 4 on the Finisher PWB to GND.
Go to BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching and check the
+24V circuit feeding pin 4. Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Check the wires between P/J8994, pins 18 ~ 22 on the Finisher PWB, and the Front
Tamper Motor P/J8884 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector.
The wires are OK.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-113 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-221, 012-223
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the front Tamper Motor (PL 23.12). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-223 Front Tamper Home Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.18 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.19 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
After the Front Tamper started moving away from the home position, the Front Tamper Home
Sensor did not turn Off within the specified time.
Manually operate the Tamper mechanism. The Tamper mechanism moves smoothly.
Replace the parts that are interfering with operation.
Execute Component Control [012-220], Front Tamper Home Sensor. Manually operate the
Tamper mechanism to block and unblock the sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8881 pin 2 and P/J8994 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8994, pins 6 and 4 on the Finisher PWB BSD 12.18 -
Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (1 of 2). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8994, pin 5 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD 12.18
- Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (1 of 2). Manually operate the Tamper mecha-
nism to block and unblock the Front Tamper Home Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Front Tamper Home Sensor (PL 23.12).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-020], Front Tamper Motor Front and [012-023],
Front Tamper Motor Rear. The Front Tamper Motor moves.
There is +24 VDC from P/J8994 pin 19 on the Finisher PWB to GND
There is +24 VDC from J8982 pin 4 on the Finisher PWB to GND
Go to BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching: J8982 and check
the +24V circuit feeding pin 4. Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Check the wires between P/J8994, pins 18 ~ 22 on the Finisher PWB, and the Front
Tamper Motor P/J8884 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector.
The wires are OK.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-114 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-223, 012-224
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the Front Tamper Motor (PL 23.12). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-224 Rear Tamper Home Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.18 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.19 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
After the Rear Tamper started moving away from the home position, the Rear Tamper Home
Sensor did not turn Off within the specified time.
Manually operate the Tamper mechanism. The Tamper mechanism moves smoothly.
Replace the parts that are interfering with operation.
Execute Component Control [012-221], Rear Tamper Home Sensor. Manually operate the
Tamper mechanism to block and unblock the sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8882 pin 2 and P/J8994 pin 8 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8994, pins 9 and 7 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8994, pin 8 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Manually
operate the Tamper mechanism to block and unblock the Rear Tamper Home Sensor.
The voltage changes.
Replace the Rear Tamper Home Sensor (PL 23.12).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-026], Rear Tamper Motor Front and [012-029],
Rear Tamper Motor Rear. The Rear Tamper Motor moves.
There is +24 VDC from P/J8994 pin 19 on the Finisher PWB to GND
There is +24 VDC from J8982 pin 4 on the Finisher PWB to GND
Go to BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching and check the
+24V circuit feeding pin 4. Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Check the wires between P/J8994, pins 13 ~ 17 on the Finisher PWB, and the Rear
Tamper Motor P/J8883 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector.
The wires are OK.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-115 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-224, 012-231
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the Rear Tamper Motor (PL 23.12). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-231 Punch Home Sensor On Fail RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
The Punch Home Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after the Punch Motor
started running.
Initial Actions
Check the following:
Punch Home Actuator for deformation
Punch Home Sensor for proper installation
Punch Home Sensor connectors
Punch Motor for proper operation
Punch Motor connectors
Enter Component Control [12-074] and [12-078], Punch Motor (PL 23.5), alternately. Select
Start. The Punch Motor runs.
Select Stop. Check circuit of the Punch Motor. Refer to BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX
Punch to troubleshoot the Circuit.
Select Stop. Select [12-271], Punch Home Sensor (PL 23.5). Select Start. Actuate the sensor
with a piece of paper. The display changes.
Go to BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch. Check circuit of the Punch Home Sensor.
Select Stop. If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-116 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-243, 012-249
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-243 Booklet Folder Home Sensor On Fail RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.17 - Office Finisher LX Folding
Folder Home Sensor is not turned on after the lapse of 500ms from Motor ON while Folder
Knife is returning to Home.
Initial Actions
The Folder Home Sensor for improper installation
The Folder Home Sensor connectors for connection failure
The Folder Knife Motor connectors for connection failure
The Knife drive mechanism for a foreign substance
Enter Component Control [013-022], Folder Knife Motor FWD and [013-023], Folder Knife
Motor REV alternately. Select Start. The Fold Knife Motor energizes.
Select Stop. Refer to (BSD 12.17 - Office Finisher LX Folding. Check continuity
between the Booklet Folder Knife Motor ( P/J8905) and the Finisher PWB ( P8985), and
between the Booklet PWB ( P/J8994) and the Finisher PWB ( P8985). The continuity
check is OK.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Booklet Folder Knife Motor (PL 23.15). If the problem continues, replace the
Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Select Stop. Enter [13-101], Folder Home Sensor. Select Start. Block/unblock the Folder
Home Sensor. The display changed.
Check the wire between J8904 pin 2 and P/J8990 pin 2 on the FInisher PWB for an open
or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8990, pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.17 -
Office Finisher LX Folding The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8990, pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.17
- Office Finisher LX Folding. Block/unblock the Folder Home Sensor. The voltage
Replace the Folder Home Sensor (PL 23.15).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-249 Booklet Front Stapler Fail RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.26 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (1 of 2 - Front)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching
The Booklet Front Staple Home Switch is not ON (does not return to home position) within the
specified time after the Booklet Front Staple Motor starts to reverse.
Initial Actions
Check the Booklet Front Stapler for jammed staples or an incorrectly installed staple cartridge.
Enter Component Control [12-024], Staple Motor FWD. and then [12-025], Staple Motor REV.
The Front Booklet Stapler cycles normally.
There is +24 VDC from P/J8993 pin 5 on the Booklet PWB to GND.
Check the circuit from the Booklet PWB to the Booklet Stapler Cover Switch (BSD
12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching. Repair/replace as
required (PL 23.21).
Switch off the power. Check the wires between P/J8994 on the Booklet PWB and J8894
on the Front Booklet Stapler for a loose or damaged connector, or an open or short circuit.
If the wires are OK, replace the Front Booklet Stapler Assembly (PL 23.19). If the problem
remains, replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Switch off the power. Check the wire between P/J8995, pin 5 on the Booklet PWB and J8894
pin 3 on the Front Booklet Stapler for a loose or damaged connector, or an open or short cir-
cuit. If the wires are OK, replace the Front Booklet Stapler Assembly (PL 23.19). If the problem
remains, replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-117 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-260
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-260 Eject Clamp Home Sensor On Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
After the Eject Clamp started ascending, the Eject Clamp Home Sensor did not turn On within
Initial Actions
Manually operate the Eject mechanism. Check for binding, a dirty sensor, or damage.
Check the actuator for the Eject Clamp Home Sensor b for damage
Execute Component Control [012-250], Eject Clamp Home Sensor. Block and unblock the
Eject Clamp Home Sensor The display changes.
Check the wire between J8870 pin 2 on the Eject Clamp Home Sensor and P/J8988 pin
8 on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
wire is OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 9 and 7 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 8 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
Eject Clamp Home Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Eject Clamp Home Sensor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-052], Eject Clamp Up and [012-053], Eject Clamp
Down. The Eject Motor (PL 22.9) starts up.
Check the wires between P/J8878 pins 1~6 on the Eject Motor and P/J8983 pins 5~8 on
the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors BSD 12.22
- Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2). The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the resistance of the Eject Motor between each pin of P/J8878-1/3/4/6. The
resistance is approx. 2Ohm.
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem remains, replace the Eject Motor
(PL 23.11)
Go to BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2). Check for an intermittent circuit
or intermittent mechanical problem. If the check is OK, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-118 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-263
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-263 Rear Tamper Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.18 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.19 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
After the Rear Tamper started moving to the home position, the Rear Tamper Home Sensor did
not turn On within 800ms.
Manually operate the Tamper mechanism. The Tamper mechanism moves smoothly.
Replace the parts that are interfering with operation.
Execute Component Control [012-221], Rear Tamper Home Sensor. Manually operate the
Tamper mechanism to block and unblock the sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8882 pin 2 and P/J8994 pin 8 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8994, pins 9 and 7 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8994, pin 8 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.19
- Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2). Manually operate the Tamper mecha-
nism to block and unblock the Rear Tamper Home Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Rear Tamper Home Sensor (PL 23.12).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-026], Rear Tamper Motor Front and [012-029],
Rear Tamper Motor Rear. The Rear Tamper Motor moves.
There is +24 VDC from P/J8994 pin 14 on the Finisher PWB to GND
There is +24 VDC from J8982 pin 4 on the Finisher PWB to GND
Go to BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching and check the
+24V circuit feeding pin 4. Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Check the wires between P/J8994, pins 13 ~ 17 on the Finisher PWB, and the Rear
Tamper Motor P/J8883 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector.
The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Replace the Rear Tamper Motor (PL 23.12). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-119 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-265, 012-268
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-265 Booklet Folder Home Sensor OFF Fail RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.17 - Office Finisher LX Folding
When the Booklet Home moves from Home position, the Folder Home Sensor did not turn OFF
within the specified time.
Initial Actions
The Folder Home Sensor for improper installation
The Folder Home Sensor connectors for connection failure
The Booklet Fold Knife Motor connectors for connection failure
The Knife drive mechanism for a foreign substance
Enter Component Control [013-022], Folder Knife Motor FWD and [013-023], Folder Knife
Motor REV alternately. Select Start. The Fold Knife Motor energizes.
Select Stop. Refer to BSD 12.17 - Office Finisher LX Folding Check continuity between
the Folder Knife Motor ( P/J8905) and the Finisher PWB ( P8985), and between the Book-
let PWB ( P/J8994) and the Finisher PWB ( P8985). The continuity check is OK.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Folder Knife Motor (PL 23.15). If the problem continues, replace the Booklet
PWB (PL 23.21).
Select Stop. Enter [13-101], Folder Home Sensor. Select Start. Block/unblock the Folder
Home Sensor. The display changed.
Check the wire between J8904 pin 2 and P/J8990 pin 2 on the FInisher PWB for an open
or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8990, pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB BSD 12.17 -
Office Finisher LX Folding The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8990, pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD 12.17
- Office Finisher LX Folding.Block/unblock the Folder Home Sensor. The voltage
Replace the Folder Home Sensor (PL 23.15).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-268 Booklet Rear Stapler Fail RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.27 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (2 of 2 - Rear)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching
The Booklet Rear Staple Home Switch is not ON (does not return to home position) within the
specified time after the Booklet Rear Staple Motor starts to reverse.
Initial Actions
Check the Booklet Rear Stapler for jammed staples or an incorrectly installed staple cartridge.
Enter Component Control [12-026], Staple Motor FWD. and then [12-027], Staple Motor REV.
The Front Booklet Stapler cycles normally.
There is +24 VDC from P/J8993 pin 5 on the Booklet PWB to GND.
Check the circuit from the Booklet PWB to the Booklet Stapler Cover Switch (BSD
12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching. Repair/replace as
required (PL 23.21).
Switch off the power. Check the wires between P/J8995 on the Booklet PWB and P/
J8995 on the Rear Booklet Stapler BSD 12.27 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control
(2 of 2 - Rear) for a loose or damaged connector, or an open or short circuit. If the wires
are OK, replace the Rear Booklet Stapler Assembly (PL 23.20). If the problem remains,
replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Switch off the power. Check the wire between P/J8995, pin 12 on the Booklet PWB and P/
J8995 pin 3 on the Rear Booklet Stapler BSD 12.27 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control
(2 of 2 - Rear) for a loose or damaged connector, or an open or short circuit. If the wires are
OK, replace the Rear Booklet Stapler Assembly (PL 23.20). If the problem remains, replace the
Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-120 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-269, 012-282
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-269 Booklet Sub-CPU Communications Fail RAP (LX)
Communications between the Finisher PWB and the Booklet PWB Failed
Initial Actions
Check the connectors at the Finisher PWB and the Booklet PWB are connected or seated
Check the wiring between the Finisher PWB and the Booklet PWB for damage
Power off and power on the printer. Execute Component Control [013-161], Booklet Maker
Detected. The problem is resolved.
Reload the software. The problem is resolved.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem continues, replace the Booklet
PWB (PL 23.21).
Rerun the job.
Rerun the job.
012-282 Eject Clamp Home Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
After the Eject Clamp started descending, the Eject Clamp Home Sensor did not turn Off within
Initial Actions
Manually operate the Eject mechanism. Check for binding, a dirty sensor, or damage.
Check the actuator for the Eject Clamp Home Sensor for damage
Execute Component Control [012-250], Eject Clamp Home Sensor. Block and unblock the
Eject Clamp Home Sensor The display changes.
Check the wire between J8870 pin 2 on the Eject Clamp Home Sensor and P/J8988 pin
8 on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
wire is OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 9 and 7 on the Finisher PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 8 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
Eject Clamp Home Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Eject Clamp Home Sensor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-052], Eject Clamp Up and [012-053], Eject Clamp
Down. The Eject Motor starts.
Check the wires between P/J8878 pins 1~6 on the Eject Motor and P/J8983 pins 5~8 on
the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors BSD 12.22
- Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2). The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the resistance of the Eject Motor between each pin of P/J8878-1/3/4/6. The
resistance is approx. 2Ohm.
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem remains, replace the Eject Motor
(PL 23.11)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-121 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-282, 012-283
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Go to BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2). Check for an intermittent circuit
or intermittent mechanical problem. If the check is OK, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-283 Set Clamp Home Sensor On Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.23 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2)
After the Set Clamp started, the Set Clamp Home Sensor did not turn On within 200ms.
Initial Actions
Manually operate the Eject mechanism. Check for binding, a dirty sensor, or damage.
Check the actuator for the Set Clamp Home Sensor for damage
Execute Component Control [012-251], Set Clamp Home Sensor. Actuate the Set Clamp
Home Sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8871 pin 2 on the Set Clamp Home Sensor and P/J8988 pin 11
on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
wire is OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 12 and 10 on the Finisher PWB. The volt-
age is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between the P/J8988 pin 11 on the Finisher PWB and GND). Actu-
ate the Eject Clamp Home Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Eject Clamp Home Sensor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-052], Eject Clamp Up and [012-053], Eject Clamp
Down. The Eject Motor starts.
Check the wires between P/J8878 pins 1~6 on the Eject Motor and P/J8983 pins 5~8 on
the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors BSD 12.22
- Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)). The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the resistance of the Eject Motor between each pin of P/J8878-1/3/4/6. The
resistance is approx. 2 Ohm.
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem remains, replace the Eject Motor
(PL 23.11)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-122 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-283, 012-284
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Execute Component Control [012-050 Set Clamp Clutch ON]. The Set Clamp Clutch ener-
Select Stop. Check the wires between P/J8877 pins 1 and 2 on the Set Clamp Clutch and
P/J8983 pins 3 and 4 on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or dam-
aged connectors (BSD 12.23 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2). The wires are
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB P8983-4 (+) and GND (-). The voltage
is approx. +24VDC.
Replace the Set Clamp Clutch (PL 23.11). If the problem persists, replace the Fin-
isher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-284 Set Clamp Home Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.23 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2)
After the Set Clamp completed operation, the Set Clamp Home Sensor did not turn Off within
the specified time.
Initial Actions
Manually operate the Eject mechanism. Check for binding, a dirty sensor, or damage.
Check the actuator for the Set Clamp Home Sensor for damage
Execute Component Control [012-251], Set Clamp Home Sensor. Actuate the Set Clamp
Home Sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8871 pin 2 on the Set Clamp Home Sensor and P/J8988 pin 11
on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
wire is OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 12 and 10 on the Finisher PWB. The volt-
age is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between the P/J8988 pin 11 on the Finisher PWB and GND). Actu-
ate the Eject Clamp Home Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Eject Clamp Home Sensor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-052], Eject Clamp Up and [012-053], Eject Clamp
Down. The Eject Motor starts.
Check the wires between P/J8878 pins 1~6 on the Eject Motor and P/J8983 pins 5~8 on
the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors (BSD
12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2). The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the resistance of the Eject Motor between each pin of P/J8878-1/3/4/6. The
resistance is approx. 2Ohm.
Replace the Eject Motor (PL 23.11).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16). If the problem remains, replace the Eject Motor
(PL 23.11)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-123 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-284, 012-291
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Execute Component Control [012-050 Set Clamp Clutch ON]. The Set Clamp Clutch ener-
Select Stop. Check the wires between P/J8877 pins 1 and 2 on the Set Clamp Clutch and
P/J8983 pins 3 and 4 on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or dam-
aged connectors BSD 12.23 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2). The wires are
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB P8983-4 (+) and GND (-). The voltage
is approx. +24VDC.
Replace the Set Clamp Clutch (PL 23.11). If the problem persists, replace the Fin-
isher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-291 Stapler Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control
After the Stapler Motor turned On (Forward rotation), the Staple Head Home Sensor did
not switch from Off to On within the specified time.
After the Stapler Motor turned On (Reverse rotation), the Staple Head Home Sensor did
not turn On within the specified time.
Initial Actions
Check the Stapler for jammed staples or an incorrectly installed staple cartridge.
Execute Component Control [012-046], Staple Motor FWD, and [012-047], Staple Motor REV.
The Stapler cycles.
Check the wires between J8887, pins 1~4 on the Stapler Assembly and P/J8981 pins
9~12 on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. If
the wires are OK, the Stapler Assembly (PL 23.8). If the problem continues, replace the
Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Select Stop. Execute [012-244], Staple Home Sensor. The display is Low.
There is +5 VDC from pin 5 to pin 1 of J8886 on the Stapler Assembly.
Check the wires from P/J8981, pins 4 and 8, to J8886 pins 5 and 1 for an open cir-
cuit. If the wires are OK, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Check the wire from J8886 pin 4 to P/J8981 pin 5 for an open circuit. If the wire is OK,
replace the Stapler Assembly (PL 23.8).
Go to BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control Check for an intermittent connection. If
the check is good, replace the Stapler Assembly (PL 23.8). If the problem continues, replace
the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-124 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-295, 012-296
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-295 Stapler Move Position Sensor On Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.20 - Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning
After the Stapler started moving to the staple position, the Stapler Move Position Sensor
did not turn On within 2sec.
After the Stapler completed moving to the Staple Position, the Stapler Move Position Sen-
sor did not turn On.
Initial Actions
Check the Stapler, Base Frame, and Rail (PL 23.8) for freedom of movement.
Execute Component Control [012-241], Stapler Move Position Sensor. Move the Stapler by
hand from the Home position to the staple position and back. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8885 pin 2 on the Stapler Move Position Sensor and P/J8981
pin 2 on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wire is OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8981, pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB BSD 12.20 -
Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning. The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8981 pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.20 -
Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning Move the Stapler by hand from the Home position
to the staple position and back. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stapler Move Position Sensor (PL 23.8).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-045], Staple Move Motor Rear and [012-042],
Staple Move Motor Front. The Stapler Move Motor moves.
Check the wires between P/J8981 pins 13~16 on the Finisher PWB and P/J8888 on the
Stapler Move Motor BSD 12.20 - Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning for an open or
short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Replace the Staple Move Motor (PL 23.8). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Go to BSD 12.20 - Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning Check for an intermittent connec-
tion. If the check is good, replace the Stapler Assembly (PL 23.8). If the problem continues,
replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-296 Staple Move Sensor Off Failure RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.20 - Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning
After the Stapler started moving to the Staple Position and the Staple Move Sensor turned
Off, the Staple Move Sensor did not turn Off within 500ms.
After the Staple Position had been fixed, the Staple Move Sensor turned Off.
After the Staple Move Sensor turned On when paper passed through the Dual Staple 1
Position while moving to the Rear Staple Position, the Staple Move Sensor did not turn Off
within 500ms.
Initial Actions
Check the Stapler, Base Frame, and Rail (PL 23.8) for freedom of movement.
Execute Component Control [012-241], Stapler Move Position Sensor. Move the Stapler by
hand from the Home position to the staple position and back. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8885 pin 2 on the Stapler Move Position Sensor and P/J8981
pin 2 on the Finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wire is OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8981, pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB BSD 12.20 -
Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning. The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8981 pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.20 -
Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning). Move the Stapler by hand from the Home posi-
tion to the staple position and back. The voltage changes.
Replace the Stapler Move Position Sensor (PL 23.8).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [012-045], Staple Move Motor Rear and [012-042],
Staple Move Motor Front. The Stapler Move Motor moves.
Check the wires between P/J8981 pins 13~16 on the Finisher PWB and P/J8888 on the
Stapler Move Motor BSD 12.20 - Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning for an open or
short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Replace the Staple Move Motor (PL 23.8). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-125 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-296, 012-300
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Go to BSD 12.20 - Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning Check for an intermittent connec-
tion. If the check is good, replace the Stapler Assembly (PL 23.8). If the problem continues,
replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-300 Eject Cover Open RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
Eject Cover Switch open was detected.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the Eject Cover is down
Check Eject Cover Switch for improper installation
Check Eject Cover Switch connectors for connection failure
Check Actuator part for deformation
Enter Component Control [012-300], Eject Cover Switch (PL 23.11). Select Start. Actuate the
Eject Cover Switch. The display changes
Select Stop. Check continuity of the Eject Cover Switch ( J8889, pin 1 to pin 2). The
continuity check is OK.
Replace the Eject Cover Switch (PL 23.11).
Check continuity between the Eject Cover Switch and the Finisher PWB ( J8982 pin 1 to.
J8889 pin 1, and J8889 pin2 to J8889 pin 7. If the check is OK, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Select Stop. If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-126 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-302 , 012-303
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-302 Finisher Front Cover Open RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
The Finisher Front Cover is open.
Initial Actions
Check the installation of the H-Transport Open Sensor
Opening/closing of the Finisher H-Transport Cover.
Execute Component Control [012-302], Front Door Interlock Switch. Open/close the Finisher
Front Cover. The display changes.
Open the Front Door and cheat the Front Door Interlock Switch The display changes.
Check the wires between J8982 pin 3 and J8891 pin 2B, and from J8891 pin 2A to
J8982 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The
wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Remove the cheater. Measure the voltage between J8891 pin 2A on the Front Door
Interlock Switch and GND (BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching).
The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Check the wire from J8891 pin 2A to J8982 pin 3 for an open or short circuit,
or a loose or damaged connector. If the wires are OK, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Cheat the Interlock Switch. The voltage drops to 0 VDC.
Replace the Front Door Interlock Switch (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Check the actuator for damage or misalignment
Check the Interlock circuit for an intermittent condition BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Inter-
lock Switching If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-303 Finisher H-Transport Cover Open RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
The Finisher H-Transport Cover is open.
Initial Actions
Check the installation of the H-Transport Open Sensor
Opening/closing of the Finisher H-Transport Cover.
Execute Component Control [012-303], H-Transport Open Sensor. Actuate the H-Transport
Open Sensor (PL 23.4). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8860 pin 2 and J8897 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between J8897, pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.14 -
Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation. The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between J8897, pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD 12.14 -
Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation). Actuate the H-Transport Open Sensor.
The voltage changes.
Replace the H-Transport Open Sensor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-127 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-334, 012-500
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-334 Download Mode Failure RAP (LX)
Failure in previous download (abnormal termination during download); can only start in Down-
load Mode upon turning power on.
Download defective; check the following:
Cable connection between Finisher and IOT is not connected or defective
Finisher power cable is plugged in properly
012-500 Download Failure RAP (LX)
Detected error while writing to Finisher ROM.Proper operation not available since ROM may
have been erased.
Retry download. If the problem continues, replace the FInisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-128 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-700, 012-901
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-700 Punch Box Nearly Full RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
Punch Box nearly full.
Empty the Punch Box and re-insert. If the fault remains, check the circuit of the Punch Box Set
012-901 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Static Jam RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
Paper remains on the H-Transport Entrance Sensor.
Initial Actions
Check the paper path. If no paper is found continue with this RAP.
Clean the sensor.
Execute Component Control [012-190], H-Transport Entrance Sensor. Actuate the H-Transport
Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8861 pin 2 and J8897 pin 6 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between J8897, pins 4 and 5 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.14 -
Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between J8897, pin 6 on the Finisher PWB and GND BSD 12.14 -
Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation. Actuate the H-Transport Entrance Sen-
sor. The voltage changes.
Replace the H-Transport Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-129 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-903, 012-905
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-903 Paper Remains at Compiler Exit Sensor RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.16 - Office Finisher LX Transportation
Paper remains on the Compiler Exit Sensor.
Initial Actions
Check the paper path. If no paper is found continue with this RAP.
Clean the sensor.
Execute Component Control [012-150], Compiler Exit Sensor. Actuate the Compiler Exit Sen-
sor (PL 23.14). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8869 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pins 6 and 4 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.16 -
Office Finisher LX Transportation). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988, pin 5 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD 12.16
- Office Finisher LX Transportation).Actuate the Compiler Exit Sensor. The voltage
Replace the Compiler Exit Sensor (PL 23.14).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-905 Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor Static JAM RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.19 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2)
Paper remains on the Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor.
Initial Actions
Check the paper path. If no paper is found continue with this RAP.
Clean the sensor.
Enter Component Control [012-151], Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor. Select Start. Actuate
the Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8880 pin 2 and P/J8994 pin 2 on the Finisher PWB for an open
or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8994 pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.19 -
Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8994 pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD 12.19
- Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2). Actuate the Compiler Tray No Paper
Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor (PL 23.12).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-130 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-911, 012-914
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-911 Stacker Lower Safety Warning RAP
The Height Alignment was not successful within 250msec when the Height Adjustment was
performed for output paper to the Stacker Tray (Tray lowering down) in the middle of a job.
Remove all paper from the Stacker. If the problem continues, go to the 012-213 RAP.
012-914 Stacker Tray Stapled Set Over Count RAP
The Staple Set Count of the Stacker Tray has exceeded 50 sets during the Staple Set Eject
Remove all paper from the Stacker. If the problem continues, go to the 012-161 RAP.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-131 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-923, 012-935
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-923 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Static Jam RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
During standby, paper was detected by the H-Transport Entrance Sensor.
Initial Actions
Check the paper path. If no paper is found continue with this RAP.
Clean the sensor.
Execute Component Control [012-190], H-Transport Entrance Sensor. Actuate the H-Transport
Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8861 pin 2 and J8897 pin 6 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between J8897, pins 4 and 5 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.14 -
Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between J8897, pin 6 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD 12.14 -
Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation). Actuate the H-Transport Entrance Sen-
sor. The voltage changes.
Replace the H-Transport Entrance Sensor (PL 23.4).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-935 Paper at Finisher Entrance Sensor RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.16 - Office Finisher LX Transportation
Control logic reports paper at the Finisher Entrance Sensor.
Initial Actions
Check for obstructions in the paper path
Check that the Finisher is docked correctly to ensure proper Transport Gate operation
Enter Component Control [012-100], Finisher Entrance Sensor. Select Start. Actuate the Fin-
isher Entrance Sensor. The display changes.
Check the wire between J8868 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 3 and 1 on the Finisher PWB (BSD 12.16 -
Office Finisher LX Transportation). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 2 on the Finisher PWB and GND (BSD 12.16 -
Office Finisher LX Transportation). Actuate the Finisher Entrance Sensor. The volt-
age changes.
Replace the Finisher Entrance Sensor (PL 23.14).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-132 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-949, 012-965
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
012-949 Punch Box Missing RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
Punch Box Set Sensor detected Punch Box to be missing.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the Punch Box is present and installed properly
Enter Component Control [012-275], Punch Box Set Sensor (PL 23.5). Select Start. Remove
and insert the Punch Box manually. The display changes
Select Stop. Check continuity between the Punch Box Set Sensor ( J8866); P8863; and
the Finisher PWB ( J8897). The continuity check is OK.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Punch Box Set Sensor (PL 23.5). If the problem continues, replace the Fin-
isher PWB (PL 23.16).
Check the Punch Box Set Sensor Actuator and Punch Box Guide for deformation. The Punch
Box can be removed and inserted properly.
Repair or replace the Punch Box (PL 23.2).
Select Stop. If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
012-965 Stapler Near Empty RAP
Low Staple Sensor ON is detected during power ON and Interlock Close
Low Staple Sensor ON is detected right before the Staple Head Close operation
Check the Staple Cartridge. If the Staples are NOT low, go to the 012-291 RAP.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-133 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-966, 012-969
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
012-966 Scratch Sheet Compile RAP
Paper was detected that was either out of spec, in poor condition (wrinkled, curled) and was
ejected to the compiler.
NOTE: This Code is an operation message. If this fail code is frequently declared, perform the
procedure below.
Initial Actions
Check that the Top Cover can be opened and closed.
Power Off/On.
Check the specifications of paper. The paper is in spec.
Replace the paper with new paper that is in spec.
Check the condition of the paper. The paper is in normal condition without any problem
that causes the paper to be bent (dog eared) or jam.
Resolve any problem that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Check for a Fault Code. Another Fault Code is displayed.
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Go to the appropriate Fault Code.
012-969 IOT Center Tray Full RAP
The H-Transport Entrance Sensor is detected to be ON for 10 successive seconds.
Go to the 012-126 RAP.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-134 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 012-966, 012-969
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-135 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 013-210
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
013-210 Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor ON RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning
Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor does not turn on within designated time period
Initial Actions
Ensure the Staple Head is free from obstructions
Check for 013-306 or 013-307 Faults.
Execute Component Control [013-143], Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor. Move the Booklet
Staplers to block and unblock the sensor (PL 23.18). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8897 pin 2 and P/J8991 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8991, pins 3 and 1 on the Booklet PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Measure the voltage between P/J8991 pin 2 on the Booklet PWB and GND. Actuate the
Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor (PL 23.18).
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Alternately execute Component Control [013-028], Stapler Move Motor In and [013-029], Sta-
pler Move Motor Out. The Stapler Move Motor moves.
Check the wires between P/J8992 pins 1~6 on the Booklet PWB and P/J8906 on the
Booklet Stapler Move Motor for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Monitor the voltage at J8984, pin 3. Alternately execute Component Control [013-028],
Stapler Move Motor In and [013-029], Stapler Move Motor Out. An AC clock pulse is
Check the wire between J8984, pin 3 and J8985 pin 4. If the wire is OK, replace the
Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Booklet Stapler Move Motor (PL 23.18). If the problem persists, replace the
Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Go to BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning5 and check for an intermittent
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-136 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 013-211
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
013-211 Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor OFF RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning
Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor does not turn off within designated time period
Initial Actions
Ensure the Staple Head is free from obstructions
Check for 013-306 or 013-307 Faults.
Execute Component Control [013-143], Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor. Move the Booklet
Staplers to block and unblock the sensor (PL 23.18). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8897 pin 2 and P/J8991 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wire is OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8991, pins 3 and 1 on the Booklet PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Measure the voltage between P/J8991 pin 2 on the Booklet PWB and GND. Actuate the
Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor (PL 23.18).
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Alternately execute Component Control [013-028], Stapler Move Motor In and [013-029], Sta-
pler Move Motor Out. The Stapler Move Motor moves.
Check the wires between P/J8992 pins 1~6 on the Booklet PWB and P/J8906 on the
Booklet Stapler Move Motor for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Monitor the voltage at J8984, pin 3. Alternately execute Component Control [013-028],
Stapler Move Motor In and [013-029], Stapler Move Motor Out. An AC clock pulse is
Check the wire between J8984, pin 3 and J8985 pin 4. If the wire is OK, replace the
Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Booklet Stapler Move Motor (PL 23.18). If the problem persists, replace the
Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Go to BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning and check for an intermittent
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-137 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 013-212
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
013-212 Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor On Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning
Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor does not turn on within designated time period
Initial Actions
Ensure the Staple Head is free from obstructions
Check for 013-306 or 013-307 Faults.
Execute Component Control [013-144], Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor. Move the Book-
let Stapler to block and unblock the sensor (PL 23.18). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8898 pin 2 and P/J8991 pin 5; and the wire between J8984,
pin 5 and J8985 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector.
The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8991, pins 6 and 4 on the Booklet PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Measure the voltage between P/J8991 pin 5 on the Booklet PWB and GND. Actuate the
Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor (PL 23.18).
Measure the voltage between J8895 pin 5 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [013-028], Stapler Move Motor In and [013-029], Sta-
pler Move Motor Out. The Stapler Move Motor moves.
Check the wires between P/J8992 pins 1~6 on the Booklet PWB and P/J8906 on the
Booklet Stapler Move Motor for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Monitor the voltage at J8984, pin 3. Alternately execute Component Control [013-028],
Stapler Move Motor In and [013-029], Stapler Move Motor Out. An AC clock pulse is
Check the wire between J8984, pin 3 and J8985 pin 4. If the wire is OK, replace the
Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Booklet Stapler Move Motor (PL 23.18). If the problem persists, replace the
Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Go to BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning and check for an intermittent
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-138 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 013-213
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
013-213 Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor Off Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning
Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor does not turn off within designated time period
Initial Actions
Ensure the Staple Head is free from obstructions
Check for 013-306 or 013-307 Faults.
Execute Component Control [013-144], Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor. Move the Book-
let Stapler to block and unblock the sensor (PL 23.18). The display changes.
Check the wire between J8898 pin 2 and P/J8991 pin 5; and the wire between J8984,
pin 5 and J8895 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector.
The wires are OK.
Repair/reconnect as required.
Measure the voltage between P/J8991, pins 6 and 4 on the Booklet PWB. The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Measure the voltage between P/J8991 pin 5 on the Booklet PWB and GND. Actuate the
Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor (PL 23.18).
Measure the voltage between J8895 pin 5 on the Finisher PWB and GND. Actuate the
Booklet Staple Move Position Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21). If the problem persists, replace the Finisher
PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Alternately execute Component Control [013-028], Stapler Move Motor In and [013-029], Sta-
pler Move Motor Out. The Stapler Move Motor moves.
Check the wires between P/J8992 pins 1~6 on the Booklet PWB and P/J8906 on the
Booklet Stapler Move Motor for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wires are OK.
Repair/replace as required.
Monitor the voltage at J8984, pin 3. Alternately execute Component Control [013-028],
Stapler Move Motor In and [013-029], Stapler Move Motor Out. An AC clock pulse is
Check the wire between J8984, pin 3 and J8895 pin 4. If the wire is OK, replace the
Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Booklet Stapler Move Motor (PL 23.18). If the problem persists, replace the
Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
Go to BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning and check for an intermittent
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-139 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 013-220, 013-306
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
013-220 Folder Detect Fail RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.17 - Office Finisher LX Folding
Control logic cannot detect the Folder Assembly.
Execute Component Control [013-160], Folder Detected. The display is Low.
There is less than 1 VDC at P/J8990 pin 4.
Check the wires between P/J8990 pins 4 and 5. Make sure that P/J8903 is securely
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Go to BSD 12.17 - Office Finisher LX Folding and check for an intermittent circuit.
013-306 Booklet Safety Switches Open RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching
Control logic senses that one or more Booklet Safety Switch is open.
Initial Actions
Check for 013-307 Faults.
There is +24 VDC between P/J8993 pin 3 on the Booklet PWB and GND.
There is +24 VDC between P/J8993 pin 6 on the Booklet PWB and GND.
Go to the 013-307 RAP
GO to BSD 12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching and check the cir-
cuit through the Booklet Safety Switches (PL 23.21).
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-140 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 013-307
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
013-307 Booklet Cover Open RAP (LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching
Control logic senses that the Booklet Cover is open.
Initial Actions
Ensure the Cover is closed
There is +24 VDC between P/J8993 pin 5 on the Booklet PWB and GND.
GO to BSD 12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching and check the cir-
cuit from P/J8993 to and from J8899 on the Booklet Stapler Cover Switch (PL 23.21).
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-141 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-210, 016-211
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-210 Software Option (HDD Not Exist) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
One of the Software option functions cannot be executed due to a HDD error or the HDD is not
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check HDD electrical connections. Check for 5VDC between P/J302-4 (red) and P/J302-
3 (blk) on the HDD
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
016-211 Software Option (System Memory Low) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
One of the Software option functions cannot be executed due to insufficient System Memory
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. Add more memory to Option Memory on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Refer customer to following User Guide headings to check memory usage:
Allocate Memory
Memory Settings
Mailbox Screen
Properties Features
Data Encryption
Memory Full Procedure
Maximum Stored Pages
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-142 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-212, 016-213
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-212 Software Option (Page Memory Low) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
One of the Software option functions cannot be executed due to insufficient Page Memory
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. Expand the Memory (Page) of the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Refer customer to following User Guide headings to check memory usage:
Allocate Memory
Memory Settings
Properties Features
Maximum Stored Pages
Mailbox Screen
Data Encryption
Memory Full Procedure
016-213 Software Option (Printer PWB) RAP
One of the Software option functions cannot be executed due to a PRT_CARD error or
PRT_CARD not installed.
Initial Actions
If this fault occurs during installation or network setup, the machine SW may not have been
loaded correctly; go to GP 3 .
NOTE: the Printer PWB is an option that the customer must purchase and is ordered by the
Sales rep.
Check installation of the Printer PWB (USB or Parallel).
Remove and reseat the Printer PWB if one is present.
If the problem persists, replace the Printer PWB
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-143 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-214, 016-215
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-214 Software Option Fail (Fax CARD Not Exist) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
One of the FAX address book functions cannot be executed due to a FAX PWB error not
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the installation of the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
016-215 Software Option Fail (JPEG Board Not Exist) RAP
An JPEG Board error or JPEG Board not installed was detected. The scanner functions cannot
be executed due to a JPEG Board error or JPEG Board not installed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check installation and electrical connections of the Installation of the JPEG Board.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-144 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-216 , 016-217
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-216 Software Option Fail (ExtMemory Not Exist) RAP
The system detected that the Extension Memory was not installed. Color Scanner or
SACAN_ACS functions cannot be executed because the Extension Memory is not installed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Pull out and then insert the IISS Extension Memory (memory on the extension PWB at the side
of the IIT PWB).
016-217 Software Option Fail (Controller ROM does not
Support Printer Kit) RAP
Functions such as local printing cannot be executed due to a Printer Kit option PWB error or
the ESS PWB ROM is incompatible with the Printer Kit.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. Upgrade the firmware in the Controller ROM that supports Printer Kit
Remove and reseat Printer PWB (USB or Parallel), ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
If the problem persists, replace the Parallel Printing PWB or the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-145 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-218, 016-219
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-218 PostScript (PS) Kit not Installed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Because PostScript (PS) Kit is not installed, XDOD functions cannot be fulfilled.
NOTE: the Postscript kit is a standard feature in XC machines, but it is optional elsewhere
Switch the power OFF then ON.
XC: Reload the machine software (GP 16). If the problem continues, replace the ESS
PWB (PL 35.2)
XE: Check whether or not the Postscript kit is installed by pressing the Machine Status button,
then selecting the Software Versions button. If the Postscript kit is installed, Item 2 will read
"Controller + PS ROM". If Item 2 reads "Controller ROM", then the Postscript kit is not
installed. The Postscript feature is installed
the customer must order the Postscript kit from the Sales rep
If the problem continues, replace the Postscript ROM (PL 35.2). If the problem continues,
replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). Reload the machine software (GP 16).
016-219 Software Option RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Functions such as local printing cannot be executed due to the Printing Kit SW Option not
being enabled. The ROM was replaced without license (Printer Kit SW Key not set).
Initial Actions
If this fault occurs during installation or network setup, the machine SW may not have been
loaded correctly; go to GP 3 .
Install the Printer Kit SW Option Key Software Options and set to enable.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-146 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-229, 016-230
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-229 SW Option Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
SW Option Fail (FCW-UI Not Exist) The extension MEM PWB is not installed.
NOTE: Even thought this refers to the UIs that are not installed on the machine the actual UI is
the MCW UI this fault can be generated if the ESS does not detect the UI is installed. Therefore
check the connections from the UI to the ESS PWB.
Disconnect and reconnect the UI Cable at the ESS PWB.
016-230 SW Option Failed - PS Image Log Kit (License
Required) RAP
The PS-ROM was installed in a machine where SW key: "Image Log Kit Enabled" and SW key:
"Image Log Kit for PS Disabled" are specified. When the "PS-ROM" is installed in the machine,
the image log function cannot operate unless the "Image Log Kit for PS" has been installed.
Switch the Machine Power Off then On.
If the problem is still present, In UI Diagnostics (Accessing UI Diagnostics) ensure that the
SW Key for the PS Image Log Kit is entered and enabled. Contact the System Adminis-
trator to get the SW Key if required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-147 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-231, 016-232 MRC HW Initialize RAP
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-231 SW Option Failed - (Image Ext PWB Not Exist)
This fault is generated when the Thumbnail Preview PWB is not detected due to failed PWB or
the Image Compression Kit has not been installed while the Thumbnail Preview Software Key
has been enabled.
Initial Actions
Switch the machine power Off and On.
This fault could be declared if the Thumbnail Preview option had been installed and then
the Thumbnail Preview PWB was removed. The Option may still be enabled.
When the SW Option function is set to "Enabled", the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) either detected
that the Image Ext PWB is not installed, or the Image Ext PWB has failed.
Thumbnail SW Option
Preview SW Option
Image Lock SW Option
If the option was removed from the machine but the fault cannot be cleared, Do Not enter the
Software Option Key command "ClearAllFlags" in an attempt to correct this condition; the
machine will not boot up afterward.
Instead, contact Field Engineering for assistance with this condition.
The Image Extension Kit (Ama + toto board) has a failure or is not installed. Replace or
install it.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Uninstall and reinstall the Image Ext PWB and retry the job.
If the problem is still present replace the Image Ext PWB.
016-232 MRC HW Initialize RAP
MRC HW Initialize Error. Error occurs while high-compression board is being initialized.
Switch the power Off then On.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
Replace high compression board. When the cause cannot be identified, to take the follow-
ing action to check if the status can be improved:
Replace Memory Module on Main PWB
Replace Main PWB
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-148 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-233, 016-234
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-233 SW Option Fail (USB Host Failed or Not Installed)
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
SW optional function not achieved. Any one of the SW optional functions cannot be used
because the USB Host has a failure/is not installed. When the SW optional function is being
enabled, the USB port (and USB Host Card) for the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) was detected to be
not installed or having errors.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - reload Software (GP 16)
If the problem persists, install the USB Host Card on the ESS PWB, replace the ESS
PWB (PL 35.2).
016-234 XCP Out of Memory Error RAP
XCP stops when JVM is unable to function due to insufficient memory space.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. The software module that runs Java within the Controller has ran out of memory
and became unable to continue operating.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-149 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-235, 016-310
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-235 XCP Internal Error RAP
JVM stopped due to an internal error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
016-310 SSMM Job Log Full RAP
Job log file is not obtained from external application (AWAYS) and the files over specified limit
(280 files) are stored.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On after receiving job log file (GetJobLog) from external application (AWAYS) via
Obtain job log file (GetJobLog) from external application (AWAYS) via SSMI. After that, Power
If problem persists call support center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-150 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-311 , 016-312
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-311 Scanner Install RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The system detected that the scanner is not installed.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IF Cable PL 10.7, IIT, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to
them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-312 SW Option Fail (Hybrid Water Mark Not Exist) RAP
Hybrid Water Mark detection hardware unloaded is detected with SW option function being set
to Valid. Detected prior to 016-313 detection.
Check the following:
1. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
2. In UI Diagnostics, (Accessing UI Diagnostics) ensure that the password for the Secure
Watermark Kit, Software Option is installed.
3. Ensure that the Hybrid WaterMark PWB is installed and connected correctly. Plugs into
IIT PWB under the IPS cover (PL 1.6).
4. Ensure that the Hard Disk Drive HDD (PL 35.2) is installed and operational.
5. Confirm System Memory PL 35.2 is sufficient for this option (768MB).
NOTE: If the Hybrid (Secure) WaterMark was installed and is no longer installed (PWB
not plugged into the top of the IIT PWB) but the SW Key had been installed the only way
to clear fault is to enter NVM Read/Write and reset NVM 785-021 to 0. This will clear the
6. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
7. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
8. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
9. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-151 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-313, 016-314 Hybrid Water Mark Not Exist RAP
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-313 Hybrid Water Mark Setting Mismatch RAP
This is a configuration error type of fault related to the Secure Watermark Kit.
Check the following:
1. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
2. In UI Diagnostics, (Accessing UI Diagnostics) ensure that the password for the Secure
Watermark Kit, Software Option is installed.
3. Ensure that the HDD (PL 35.2) is installed and operational.
4. Confirm System Memory is sufficient for this option (768MB).
5. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
6. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
7. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
8. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-314 Hybrid Water Mark Not Exist RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
SW Option Fail (HybridWaterMark Not Exist). While SW option function is enabled, simulta-
neous duplex scanning with 2 HWM boards (for Side1 and Side2) is conducted using the com-
bination of DADF:PF1.5/IIT:PF1-BW. When reproduction limitation code is detected, the
function is reflected only on page for which the code is detected.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Power OFF/ON.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-152 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-315, 016-316
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-315 IIT Interface RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
An error was detected in the IF between the IIT and the IOT.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IF between Scanner and IOT, IIT, ESS, MCU all PWBs
connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
Replace the IIT PWB (PL 1.6). If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
016-316 Page Memory Not Detected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The system detected that the Page Memory (Standard) of the scanner was not installed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure connectors on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) and the IIT PWB (PL 1.6) are securely
Check the installation of the Printer PWB if present.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-153 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-317, 016-318
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-317 Page Memory Error- Standard RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The system detected an error in the Page Memory (Standard) of the scanner.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. Remove/install PageMemory(Standard).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check the installation of the Printer PWB if present.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-318 Page Memory Error- Option RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The system detected an error in the Page Memory (Option) of the scanner.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the installation of the Printer PWB if present.
Refer customer to following User Guide headings to check memory usage:
Allocate Memory
Memory Settings
Properties Features
Maximum Stored Pages
Mailbox Screen
Data Encryption
Memory Full Procedure
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-154 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-320, 016-321
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-320 Doc Conversion SW Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
A fatal error with doc conversion software was detected.
If powering OFF then ON does not resolve the problem, perform the following:
1. Check ESS PWB and IIT PWB connections
2. If the above actions do not resolve the problem, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
3. Reinstall the software.
016-321 Fax Module RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
With SysCheckFax(), ERROR is returned. If PFNOTEXIST is returned, M/C configuration is
regarded as that without FAX.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-155 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-322, 016-323
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-322 JBA Account Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The accumulated accounting data in Job Based Accounting reached the specified value.
Switch the power off then on 2 minutes after the job is attempted (after an external
Accounting Server has read the accounting data).
If the problem persists, have the customer perform a manual retrieval of machine data
from their Accounting server.
If the problem persists, perform Initialize Hard Disk and then have the customer push the
User Accounts to the machine from their Accounting server.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-323 B Formatting RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An internal formatting error occurred. Unrecoverable error is detected within Fax Send image
conversion area B-Formatter task from extended mailbox in "Multi-Send using Job Flow Indica-
tion" or "UI Multi-Send".
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-156 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-325 , 016-326
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-325 Using Personal Certificate RAP
IC certificate card with personal info is used.
Set NVM Read/Write location [790-389] to 0.
016-326 Cont-UI Cable Connection Fail RAP
The controller has detected a failure at its cable connection with the UI.
Turn the power OFF and ON
If the problem persists, perform the following:
1. Check the connection of the cable between the controller and UI.
2. Replace the cable.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-157 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-328, 016-330 Memory Diag Fail-1 RAP
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-328 Cont-MCU Cable Connection Fail RAP
The controller has detected a failure at its cable connection with the MCU.
Turn the power OFF and ON.
If the problem persists, perform the following:
1. Check the connection of the cable between the controller and MCU.
2. Replace the cable.
016-330 Memory Diag Fail-1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont SystemMemory Diag Fail-1. Capacity of Slot1 loaded memory is out of spec.
Power Off/On.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Remove/insert ESS RAM DIMM.
Replace ESS RAM DIMM (PL 35.2).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-158 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-331 Memory Diag Fail-2 RAP, 016-332 Memory
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-331 Memory Diag Fail-2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont SystemMemory Diag Fail-2. Capacity of Slot2 loaded memory is out of spec.
Power Off/On.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Remove/insert ESS RAM DIMM.
Replace ESS RAM DIMM (PL 35.2).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-332 Memory Diag Fail-3 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont SystemMemory Diag Fail-3. Capacity of Slot3 loaded memory is out of spec.
Power Off/On.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Remove/insert ESS RAM DIMM.
Replace ESS RAM DIMM (PL 35.2).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-159 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-335 ROM Diag Fail-1 RAP, 016-336
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-335 ROM Diag Fail-1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont Program ROM Diag Fail-1. Program ROM2 CheckSum is not correct.
Power Off/On.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS ROM DIMM (PL 35.2).
Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-336 ESS Program ROM Fail-2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Program ROM1 Write Command failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Perform the following:
Remove/insert ESS ROM.
Replace ESS ROM ((PL 35.2).
Remove/insert Print Kit.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace Printer Kit.
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-160 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-337, 016-338
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-337 ESS ProgramROM Fail-3 RAP
Program ROM2 Write Command failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove/insert ESS ROM DIMM. If the problem continues, replace ESS ROM DIMM (PL 35.2).
If the problem persists, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-338 ESS FontROM Fail-1 RAP
OnBoard loaded Font ROM ID is out of spec.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Replace Print Kit. If the problem continues, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-161 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-339, 016-340
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-339 ESS FontROM Fail-2 RAP
Slot1 loaded Font ROM ID is out of spec.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Perform the following:
Remove/insert ESS FontROM DIMM.
Replace ESS FontROM DIMM (PL 35.2).
Remove/insert Print Kit.
Replace Printer Kit (PL xxx).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-340 ESS FontROM Fail-3 RAP
Slot2 loaded Font ROM ID is out of spec.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove/insert ESS FontROM DIMM. If the problem continues, replace ESS FontROM DIMM
#2 (PL 35.2). If the problem persists, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-162 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-341, 016-342
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-341 ESS FontROM Fail-4 RAP
Slot2 loaded Font ROM CheckSum is out of spec.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove/insert ESS FontROM DIMM. If the problem continues, replace ESS FontROM DIMM
(PL 35.2). If the problem persists, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-342 ESS RTC Failure RAP
RTC time range is out of the specified range. (Ex. 13 month 36 day) Time does not go on.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
If the problem persists, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-163 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-345, 016-347
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-345 ESS NV-Memory Failure RAP
Initial address data is 0x00.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove/insert System Memory. If problem continues, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-347 ESS PageMemory Failure RAP
Slot2 loaded memory capacity is out of spec.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove/insert System Memory. If the problem continues, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-164 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-348, 016-350
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-348 ESS PageMemory Failure-2 RAP
W/R/V test error for Page Memory.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove/insert System Memory. If the problem continues, replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-350 ESS EEPROM DIAG Failure 1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Product ID cannot be obtained.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On.
1. Check connections between the following components:
ESS EEPROM and ESS PWB (check for bent pins etc.) (PL 35.2).
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
3. If problem persists replace ESS PWB. PL 35.2.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-165 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-351, 016-360
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-351 ESS EEPROM DIAG Failure 2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Read/Write/Verify error for the ESS EEPROM.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On.
1. Check connections between the following components:
ESS EEPROM and ESS PWB (check for bent pins etc.) (PL 35.2).
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
3. If problem persists replace ESS PWB. PL 35.3.
016-360 Cont UI Fail-1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont UI Diagnostic Fail-1. An error occurred during W/R/V test of PCI Config interval.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
1. Remove and re-install the UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7).
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
3. If problem persists replace ESS PWB. PL 35.3.
4. Replace the UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7).
5. Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-166 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-362, 016-364
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-362 Cont UI Fail-2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont UI Diagnostic Fail-2. UI Communication error has occurred. An error occurred during W/
R/V test of VRAM. The Command/Status line is normal if entering the Long Boot Mode.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
1. Disconnect and connect the UI cable (PL 18.2).
2. Remove and re-install the UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7).
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
4. Replace the UI cable (PL 18.2).
5. Replace the UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7).
6. Replace the Control Panel Assembly (PL 18.3).
7. Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-364 Cont USB2.0 Host Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont USB2.0 Host Diagnostic Fail. An error occurred during W/R/V test of PCI Config interval
or W/R/V test of internal register.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). Check
the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-167 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-365, 016-366
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-365 Cont USB2.0 Device Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont USB2.0 Device Diagnostic Fail. An error occurred during W/R/V test of PCI Config inter-
val or W/R/V test of internal register.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). Check
the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
016-366 Cont HDD Fail-1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont HDD Diagnostic Fail-1. An error has occurred during IDE Controller check (ideDrv equiv-
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
Disconnect and re-connect the HDD Wire Harness (PL 35.2).
Check for 5VDC between P/J302-1 (red) and P/J302-3 (blk) on the HDD.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace the HDD and the HDD Wire Harness (PL 35.2).
Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-168 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-367, 016-368
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-367 Cont HDD Fail-2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont HDD Diagnostic Fail-2. An error occurred during W/R/V test of HDD.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
Disconnect and re-connect the HDD Wire Harness (PL 35.2).
Check for 5VDC between P/J302-1 (red) and P/J302-3 (blk) on the HDD.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace the HDD and the HDD Wire Harness (PL 35.2).
Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-368 Cont Thumbnail Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Cont Diagnostic Fail. An error occurred during W/R/V test of PCI Config interval or W/R/V test
of internal register.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following
Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-169 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-370, 016-371
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-370 ESS Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Error is detected in rendering engine diagnosis.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2). Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
016-371 ESS USB1.1 Host Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Error is detected in USB1.1Host diagnosis (Communication with Fax PWB cannot be estab-
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Perform the following in order:
Check the FAX PWB connection
Remove/insert FAX Cable
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-170 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-372, 016-373
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-372 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-A RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition A).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
016-373 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-B RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition B).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-171 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-374, 016-375
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-374 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-C RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition C).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
016-375 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-D RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition D).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-172 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-376, 016-377
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-376 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-E RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition E).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
016-377 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-F RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition F).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-173 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-378, 016-379
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-378 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-G RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition G).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
016-379 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-H RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition H).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-174 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-380, 016-381
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-380 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-I RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition I).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
016-381 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-J RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition J).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-175 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-382, 016-400
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-382 Cont HDD FileSystem Fail-P RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Boot Diag detected a logic error with HDD (Partition P).
Perform the following:
1. Power OFF then ON.
2. Initialize the HDD Initialize Hard Disk.
016-400 802.1x Authentication Failure RAP
802.1x Authentication Error (incorrect user name or password). The user name or password
that has been set in the machine is incorrect. The settings are different from those in the
Authentication Device switch that is physically connected to the machine via the network.
1. Enter the correct user name or password for 802.1x authentication from the machine
2. Check the settings in the Authentication Device switch that is physically connected to the
machine via the network.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-176 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-401, 016-402
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-401 802.1x EAP Type Not Supported RAP
802.1x Authentication Method Mismatch (the authentication server does not support the
authentication method of the machine). A Fail signal, which indicates that the authentication
method set in the machine cannot be processed, was received from the Authentication Device
switch that is physically connected to the machine via the network.
Set the authentication method of the machine to be the same as the one set in the
authentication server.
Check the 802.1x authentication method from the UI.
016-402 802.1x Authentication Failure by Timing Out RAP
802.1x Authentication Time-out (there was no response signal from the Authentication Device).
The authentication was timed-out because there was no response signal from the Authentica-
tion Device switch that is physically connected to the machine via the network.
Check the switch settings and network connections of the Authentication Device switch
that is physically connected to the machine via the network and connect it properly.
If the problem persists, check the settings of the switch that the device is connected to
and the network connection.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-177 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-403, 016-404
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-403 802.1x Certificate Failure RAP
802.1x Authentication Certificate Mismatch. The root server certificate for the authentication
server is not stored in the machine or it is mismatched.
Store the root server certificate for the authentication server in the machine.
If the root certificate of the server certificate cannot be obtained, disable the 802.1x set-
ting item "Verify Server Certificate" in the device.
016-404 802.1x Inside Failure RAP
Other 802.1x Authentication Errors
An internal error has occurred in the 802.1x supplicant function of the machine.
An incorrect protocol signal was received from the authentication server.
Repeat the operation.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-178 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-405, 016-406
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-405 Certificate DB File Error RAP
Certificate data base file is wrong. When certificate database file is loaded while system is on,
header error and size error are detected.
Errors with certificate database file were detected. Enter Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diag-
nostics). Perform Delete All Certificates / Initialize Settings.
016-406 802.1x Client Certificate Failure RAP
An error in setting up Client Certificate for 802.1x authentication. Although EAP-TLS" is
selected as the authentication method for 802.1x authentication, SSL Client Certificate is not
set up or deleted.
1. Store SSL Client Certificate in this machine and set it up as SSL Client Certificate.
2. If SSLClient Certificate cannot be set up, select an authentication method other than
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-179 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-407 , 016-408
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-407 XCP Plug-in Security Exception RAP
Package Manager detected a security exception error.
Modify the plug-in and re-install.
016-408 XCP Invalid Plug-in RAP
Package Manager detected an invalid plug-in.
Modify the plug-in and re-install.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-180 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-409, 016-410
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-409 XCP Plug-in Version Incompatible RAP
Package Manager detected an incompatible plug-in version.
Modify the plug-in and re-install.
016-410 XCP Plug-in Property Invalid RAP
Package Manager detected an invalid plug-in property.
Modify the plug-in and re-install.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-181 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-411, 016-412
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-411 XCP Unsupported Class Version RAP
Package Manager detected an unsupported class version.
Modify the plug-in and re-install.
016-412 XCP Plug-in Misc Error RAP
Package Manager detected a miscellaneous plug-in error.
Modify the plug-in and re-install.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-182 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-450, 016-453
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-450 SMB Host Name Duplicated RAP
A PC of the same host name exists on the network.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Refer the customer to the Network Management > TCP/IP Protocol Configuration section of
the System Administrator Guide for the steps on changing the TCP/IP and SMB Host Names
set in the machine so they no longer conflict with another device on the network.
If the System Administrator Guide is not available, the Host Name can be changed by perform-
ing the following from within the machine's CentreWare Internet Services web page:
1. Click the Properties tab.
2. Enter the System Administrator User Name and Password (default admin, 1111) if
3. Click the Connectivity folder, then the Protocols folder.
4. Click TCP/IP and enter a new Host Name (obtained from the customer) into the Host
Name field.
5. Click Apply and reboot the machine when prompted.
016-453 Dynamic DNS - IPv6 Address Dynamic Update
Error RAP
Updating the IPv6 address / host name in DNS server failed
Have the customer confirm that the DNS server address is correctly set in the machine by
printing a configuration report and checking the DNS setting.
Confirm with the customer's system administrator whether their DNS server allows Dynamic
DNS registration using IPv6 address.
If the customer does not want the Dynamic DNS Registration setting enabled in the machine,
perform the following steps to disable the setting from within the machine's CentreWare Inter-
net Services web page:
Click the Properties tab.
Enter the System Administrator User Name and Password (default admin, 1111) if
Click the Connectivity folder, then the Protocols folder.
Click TCP/IP and enter a new Host Name (obtained from the customer) into the Host
Name field.
Click Apply and reboot the machine when prompted.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-183 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-454, 016-455
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-454 DNS Dynamic Update RAP
DNS Dynamic Update failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the DNS settings listed under
the main header "Communication Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
Confirm with the customer's system administrator whether their DNS server allows Dynamic
DNS registration using IPv6 address.
If the customer does not want the Dynamic DNS Registration setting enabled in the machine,
perform the following steps to disable the setting from within the machine's CentreWare Inter-
net Services web page:
Click the Properties tab.
Enter the System Administrator User Name and Password (default admin, 1111) if
Click the Connectivity folder, then the Protocols folder.
Click TCP/IP and enter a new Host Name (obtained from the customer) into the Host
Name field.
Click Apply and reboot the machine when prompted.
016-455 SMTP Server Time-out RAP
There is no response from the SMTP server within the specified time (60sec).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Verify that the customer can print to the machine. The customer can print
The customer can open the machine's CentreWare Internet Services web page from
their PC
Verify that the green link LED is lit next to the Ethernet port on the side of the
machine when the customer's network cable is connected.
Print a machine Configuration Report and have the customer verify that the TCP/IP
settings are correct.
Refer to GP 1 and try printing from your PWS to verify that the machine will print. If
you can print from your PWS, contact your next level of support.
Have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center to obtain help for their
printing problem.
Disconnect the customer's network cable from the machine and try to send an email from the
machine. Press the Job Status button on the UI, then select the Completed Jobs tab and
select the Email job that was just attempted to see the fault code Fault 016-781 is declared
by the machine.
Reload the machine software (GP 16)
If the problem persists, contact your next level of support
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer verify that the SMTP Server settings are
correct. If they are, then have the customer contact the Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-184 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-456, 016-461
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-456 SMTP Time Asynchronous RAP
A standard time synchronized source message and an asynchronous message was received
from the SMTP server.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
If the time on the machine is incorrect, User Guide heading Changing the Default Time Set-
tings procedure resets the time. Or follow procedure below.
1. Press the Log In/Out button on the control panel.
2. Enter the Key Operator ID using the numeric keypad on the control panel. Select Confirm
NOTE: The default Key Operator ID is 1111. If the Authentication feature is enabled, you
may be required to enter a password. The default password is admin.
3. Select System Settings on the System Administrator Menu screen.
4. Select System Settings on the System Settings screen.
5. Select Common Settings on the System Settings screen.
6. Select Machine Clock/Timers on the Common Settings screen.
7. Select the required option.
8. Select Change Settings.
9. Change the value using the scroll buttons or select required options.
10. Select Save.
11. Return to main menu.
016-461 Under Non-Transmitted Image Log Stagnation
Limitation of creation of new job due to Image Log transfer suspension is in process.
Check Image Log management server condition and network condition and identify/fix the fac-
tors that interfere with Image Log transfer to Image Log server.
Check transfer setting and transfer the log to be transferred.
Or change the transfer guarantee level to Low. If it is set to Low, Image Log may not trans-
ferred the Log, but delete the log in order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-185 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-500, 016-502
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-500 Downloader Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Error detected while in data write to Cont-ROM. (DLD (Download Direct) system)
Refer to GP 16 and try installing the software using one of the other methods listed (PWS
with the Software Download Tool, USB Thumb Drive or CentreWare Internet Services
Web Page).
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
If the problem continues, obtain another software CD or download another copy of the
software file from Xerox.com and try reloading that software.
016-502 ROM Write RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
There is a ROM writing failure in the Controller.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove and reinstall the memory PWBs on the ESS (PL 35.2).
If the problem persists, disconnect and reconnect the electrical connections on the HDD
(PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-186 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-503, 016-504
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-503 SMTP Redirector RAP
The Redirector cannot resolve the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Server address.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the DNS settings listed under
the main header "Communication Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
Have the customer confirm that the SMTP Server settings listed under the sub-header "Email
Service Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
If the customer has entered the Host Name of their SMTP Server into the machine's SMTP
Server settings of the machine, then have them enter the IP Address of their SMTP server.
If the problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Administrator
Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the Xerox Cus-
tomer Support Center.
016-504 Redirector POP Server RAP
The Redirector cannot resolve the POP (Post Office Protocol) Server address.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the DNS settings listed under
the main header "Communication Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
Have the customer confirm that the POP3 Server settings listed under the sub-header "Email
Service Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
If the customer has entered the Host Name of their POP3 Server into the machine's POP3
Server settings, then have them enter the IP Address of their POP3 server into the machine.
If the problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Administrator
Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the Xerox Cus-
tomer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-187 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-505, 016-506
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-505 Redirector POP Authentication RAP
The Redirector cannot pass POP (Post Office Protocol) authentication.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the POP3 Server settings,
including the POP3 Server Login Name listed under the sub-header "Email Service Settings"
are correctly set in the machine.
NOTE: The POP3 Password is not listed on the Configuration Report for security reasons.
If the problem persists, have the customer perform the following thru the CentreWare Internet
Services Web Page of the machine:
Re-enter the POP3 Server Password in Properties>Connectivity>Protocols>POPS Setup
to ensure that it is entered correctly.
Enter the customer's Domain name ahead of the Login Name in the POP3 Server Login
Name field (i.e.: xerox\emailuser).
If the problem persists, have the customer refer to the product's System Administrator Guide to
be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the Xerox Customer Sup-
port Center.
016-506 Image Log RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The Image Log in the HDD is full. Because the log image storage area on the disk is full, a job
cannot be continued. When the system data "Level of Ensuring Log image Creation" is set to
"High" the log image storage area on the disk becomes full (during processing any job other
than copy/scan jobs).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Switch off the power and disconnect and reconnect the electrical connectors in the ESS and
HD. Switch on the power.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-188 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-507, 016-508
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-507 Image Log Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The Image Log send command 1 in the HDD failed. A log image transfer fails, making it impos-
sible to continue a target job which will consist of created images. With the system data "Auto
Transfer Setting" set to "Transfer by the job" a log image transfer fails, making it impossible to
continue a target job.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Switch off the power and disconnect and reconnect the electrical connectors in the ESS and
HD. Switch on the power.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
016-508 Image Log RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The Image Log send command 2 in the HDD failed. A log image transfer fails, making it impos-
sible to continue an image transfer job.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. Check the state of the destination image log control server and that of the net-
work, and clear any factor preventing image logs from being transferred to the image log con-
trol server.
Switch off the power and disconnect and reconnect the electrical connectors in the ESS and
HD. Switch on the power.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-189 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-509, 016-510
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-509 Image Log RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The Image Log block send command 1 in the HDD failed. With the system data "Auto Transfer
Setting" set to "Transfer by the job," transfer rules are not registered, causing a job to be dis-
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Switch off the power and disconnect and reconnect the electrical connectors in the ESS and
HD. Switch on the power. Register rules for transfer from the destination image log control
server to the device.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists perform GP 16 Special Boot Modes HDD Initialization.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
016-510 Image Log RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The Image Log block send command 2 in the HDD failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. Rules for log image transfer are not registered. Because transfer rules are not
registered, a transfer fails. Register rules for transfer from the destination image log control
server to the device.
Switch off the power and disconnect and reconnect the electrical connectors in the ESS and
HD. Switch on the power.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-190 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-511, 016-512
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-511 Image Log RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The Image Log invalid send rule 1 executed in the HD.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. With the system data "Auto Transfer Setting" set to "Transfer by the job," illegal
transfer rules cause a job to be discontinued. Overwrite rules for transfer from the destination
image log control server to the device.
Switch off the power and disconnect and reconnect the electrical connectors in the ESS and
HD. Switch on the power.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
016-512 Image Log RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The Image Log invalid send rule 2 executed in the HD.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On. Rules for log image transfer are illegal. Illegal transfer rules cause a transfer fail-
ure. Overwrite rules for transfer from the destination image log control server to the device.
Switch off the power and disconnect and reconnect the electrical connectors in the ESS and
HDD. Switch on the power.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-191 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-513, 016-514
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-513 SMTP Server Reception Error RAP
A timeout error occurred when the machine was receiving a response from SMTP Server (after
the machine connected to the server)
The usual cause for this fault is that the server or the network is busy. Wait for a while and then
rerun the job. If the situation does not improve, contact the network administrator.
016-514 XPS Error RAP
Invalid Schema, parameter error, XPS (XML Paper Specification) file breakage and XPS (XML
Paper Specification) decomposer internal error occurs while in XPS Bridge is processing.
Print using printer driver (ART-EX,PCL etc.) from XPS Viewer. If the problem persists, go to the
following to resolve it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-192 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-515, 016-516
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-515 XPS Short of Memory RAP
Memory shortage is detected in XPS (XML Paper Specification) Bridge processing.
Change print mode to Standard if it is set to High image quality or High speed
When the problem continues, extend memory capacity
When the problem persists even with memory extended to the max. capacity, print using
driver (ART-EX, PCL etc.) from XPS Viewer
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-516 XPS Print Ticket Description Error RAP
Print Ticket included in XPS (XML Paper Specification) Document is Grammar this machine
does not support or Print request content this machine does not support.
Check if there is any problem in usage of the application for submitting print job and print
request content.
When no problem is found, to contact supplier of the relevant application for submitting
print job
When the problem cannot be solved, to obtain printer setting list, job history report and
print data with Print Ticket which has been submitted
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-193 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-517, 016-518
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-517 PS Booklet Illegal Color Mode Change RAP
PSDecomp detects change of Process Color Model or resolution/bi-tone/con-tone parameter
while in interpretation of job with Booklet designation.
Have customer resubmit the job with corrected parameters. Rewrite the PostScript file in
the way that does not allow the page device, Process Color Model, to be changed in the
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-518 PS Booklet Conflict WM RAP
PS Booklet and Watermarks were specified at the same time.
PS Booklet and Watermark/UUID cannot be specified at the same time. Cancel either
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-194 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-519, 016-522
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-519 Device DV - Reached Limit RAP
Device Document Volume - Reached Limit.
Change the maximum number of documents that can be printed.
016-522 LDAP RAP
There is a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) error in the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Proto-
col) protocol.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Have the customer refer to the product System Administrator Guide to disable SSL in the
machine and then have them try using the LDAP protocol. This process will half split the prob-
lem to determine if the problem is with SSL or LDAP.
If the problem persists, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center and
ask for help with LDAP.
If the LDAP problem is eliminated, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support
Center and ask for help with SSL.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-195 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-523, 016-524
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-523 LDAP RAP
There is a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) error in the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Proto-
col) protocol.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Have the customer refer to the product System Administrator Guide to disable SSL in the
machine and then have them try using the LDAP protocol. This process will half split the prob-
lem to determine if the problem is with SSL or LDAP.
If the problem persists, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center and
ask for help with LDAP.
If the LDAP problem is eliminated, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support
Center and ask for help with SSL.
016-524 LDAP RAP
There is a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) error in the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Proto-
col) protocol.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Have the customer refer to the product System Administrator Guide to disable SSL in the
machine and then have them try using the LDAP protocol. This process will half split the prob-
lem to determine if the problem is with SSL or LDAP.
If the problem persists, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center and
ask for help with LDAP.
If the LDAP problem is eliminated, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support
Center and ask for help with SSL.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-196 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-525, 016-526
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-525 LDAP RAP
There is a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) error in the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Proto-
col) protocol.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Have the customer refer to the product System Administrator Guide to disable SSL in the
machine and then have them try using the LDAP protocol. This process will half split the prob-
lem to determine if the problem is with SSL or LDAP.
If the problem persists, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center and
ask for help with LDAP.
If the LDAP problem is eliminated, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support
Center and ask for help with SSL.
016-526 LDAP RAP
There is a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) error in the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Proto-
col) protocol.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Have the customer refer to the product System Administrator Guide to disable SSL in the
machine and then have them try using the LDAP protocol. This process will half split the prob-
lem to determine if the problem is with SSL or LDAP.
If the problem persists, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center and
ask for help with LDAP.
If the LDAP problem is eliminated, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support
Center and ask for help with SSL.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-197 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-527, 016-529
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-527 LDAP RAP
There is a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) error in the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Proto-
col) protocol.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Have the customer refer to the product System Administrator Guide to disable SSL in the
machine and then have them try using the LDAP protocol. This process will half split the prob-
lem to determine if the problem is with SSL or LDAP.
If the problem persists, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center and
ask for help with LDAP.
If the LDAP problem is eliminated, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support
Center and ask for help with SSL.
016-529 Remote Download Server Time-out RAP
There was no response within the specified time (60 sec.) when connecting to the Remote
Download server.
Check the network connection. Check that the Remote Download server is properly con-
figured and operating on the network.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-198 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-533, 016-534
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-533 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error 37 RAP
The time setting for the machine and the Kerberos (a computer network authentication proto-
col, which allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to
one another in a secure manner) Server are set at different times or the Daylight Saving Time
settings are different and should be the same.
Do the following:
1. Enter CE Mode, refer to Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode and access the UI Diag-
nostics, refer to Accessing UI Diagnostics. Select the Date / Time from the Maintenance/
Diagnostics screen.
2. Check and record the Time and Daylight Saving Time settings.
3. Have the System Administrator check the Time and Daylight Saving Time settings for the
Kerberos Server.
4. Adjust the Time and/or the Daylight Time setting that does not agree with the Kerberos
Server in Date / Time.
5. Exit UI Diagnostics. The machine should reboot with the time change.
If the problem persists, perform the following steps at the machine UI:
1. Enter CE Mode
2. Press the Machine Status button and then select the Tools tab.
3. Select System Settings, then Common Settings and then Machine / Clock Timers
4. Enable the setting NTP Time Synchronization
5. Select the setting Time Server Address and enter the Kerberos Server Name or IP
Address that can be found on the Configuration Report.
6. Save the settings and reboot the machine.
If the problem persists, have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center
016-534 LDAP RAP
There was a Kerberos server authentication protocol error. The realm assigned to the machine
does not exist on the Kerberos server or the machine is not connecting to the Kerberos server
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check that the realm name and Kerberos server address settings on the machine are correct.
If connected with Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 Server, make sure the realm name is in
upper case characters.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-199 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-535, 016-536
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-535 Remote Download File Access Error RAP
The specified FW update file (Download image file) is not found in the Remote Download
Check the Remote Download server for the FW update file.
016-536 Host Name Resolution Error in Remote Download
Failed to resolve the hostname (server name) during the DNS access before connecting to the
Remote Download server. DNS library call error.
Check the connection to the DNS.
Check whether the Remote Download server name has been registered in the DNS.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-200 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-537, 016-538
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-537 Remote Download Server Connection Error RAP
The port of the connection destination Remote Download server is not open.
Check the network connection setting (port) of the Remote Download server.
016-538 Remote Download File Write Error RAP
The FW update file that was obtained from the Remote Download server cannot be saved
properly into the HDD.
Check the HDD for free space and delete unnecessary files. Or, replace the HDD.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-201 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-539, 016-543
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-539 LDAP RAP
There was a Kerberos server authentication protocol error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
This error was generated by the software.
016-543 Attestation Agent Error 543 (REALM_UNKNOWN)
The specified realm/domain has disappeared from the ApeosWare Authentication Agent. (The
domain was manually deleted at the ApeosWare Authentication Agent after obtaining the realm
name list from the device.)
Either update the realm list using the Realm Update button of the device or add the domain
into the ApeosWare Authentication Agent. To update the device realm information, perform the
following: Press the [Authentication Agent] button on the Authentication window of the device.
The Authentication Agent window appears. Press the [Update] button on the window.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-202 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-545, 016-546
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-545 Attestation Agent Error 545 (CLOCKSKEW_ERR)
A Clock skew error has occurred in attestation.
The time of ApeosWare Authentication Agent and Active Directory is out of sync with the upper
limit of the Kerberos ClockSkew set in the Active Directory.
Match the time of the PC where the ApeosWare Authentication agent is installed in with the
time of the PC where the Active Directory is.
Furthermore, if the Windows Time Service in the PC where the ApeosWare Authentication
Agent is installed is stopped, start it up.
Refer to the ApeosWare Authentication agent User Guide for solutions.
016-546 Attestation Agent Error 546 RAP
A general user tried to obtain the information of another user.
Po/Po. Contact our Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-203 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-548, 016-553
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-548 Attestation Agent Error 548
The information of the machine that is performing the authentication operation is not in the
database (GetUserInformation method only).
The device is not registered in the ApeosWare Authentication Agent.
Register the device in the ApeosWare Authentication Agent. Refer to the ApeosWare Authen-
tication Agent User Guide for solutions. Match the time of the PC where the ApeosWare
Authentication agent is installed in with the time of the PC where the Active Directory is.
016-553 Attestation Agent Error 553
The version information written in the SOAP Header cannot be understood. The ApeosWare
Authentication Agent does not support the version of the device interface.
The version of the ApeosWare Authentication Agent needs to be upgraded.
Check that the machine is a product that is supported by the upgraded version of the
ApeosWare Authentication Agent.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-204 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-554, 016-555
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-554 Attestation Agent Error 554
The existence check for the specified user in the event of an authentication error has failed.
The domain user reference login name or the reference password of the ApeosWare Authenti-
cation Agent domain is incorrect.
Set the domain user reference login name or the reference password of the ApeosWare
Authentication Agent domain to the correct items.
016-555 Attestation Agent Error 555
Timed out when connecting to the authentication server.
The ApeosWare Authentication Agent cannot connect to the database or the Active Directory.
Check that the ApeosWare Authentication Agent can connect to the database or the Active
Refer to the ApeosWare Authentication Agent User Guide for solutions.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-205 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-556, 016-557
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-556 Attestation Agent Error 556
Time-out during database processing.
Error has occurred in the database that the ApeosWare Authentication Agent is connected to
due to overloading.
Wait for a while before authenticating again as the service is overloaded.
If that did not solve the problem, check the ApeosWare Authentication Agent.
Refer to the ApeosWare Authentication Agent User Guide for solutions.
016-557 Attestation Agent Error 557 (INTERNAL_ERROR)
Another error has occurred in attestation.
An internal error has occurred in the ApeosWare Authentication Agent.
Check the ApeosWare Authentication Agent.
Refer to the ApeosWare Authentication Agent User Guide for solutions.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-206 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-558, 016-559
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-558 Attestation Agent Error 558 (MISC_ERR) RAP
The machine has received an unknown error from the ApeosWare Authentication Agent.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
016-559 Remote Download Parameter Error RAP
When performing the Remote Download, an invalid value is set in the required system data.
Check that all system data that must be set to perform the Remote Download have been prop-
erly set. Example: Check the server settings corresponding to the IP mode, etc.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-207 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-560, 016-562
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-560 Attestation Agent Error 560 RAP
A communication error has occurred between the ApeosWare Authentication Agent and the
Check that the network cable is connected and check the settings of the Authentication Agent
If DNS address of the Server is set as the Server name/IP address of the ApeosWare Authen-
tication Agent in the printer function settings list, check that DNS is enabled
016-562 Attestation Agent Error 562 RAP
Attestation Agent Error
*ICCG External Attestation agent detected a duplicated ID
Correct a temporary user entered into Active Directory or Attestation Agent so that it does not
have the same IC card info as any other user.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-208 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-563, 016-564
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-563 ImageLog Memory Full (Exp. Kit) RAP
When the system data "Log/Image Creation Guarantee Level" is set to "High," the Thumbnail
Preview Kit has insufficient memory.
Set the image quality to "Normal."
016-564 Remote Download Server Authentication Failed
When accessing the Remote Download server, an authentication error notification was issued
from the server.
Check that the correct user name and password was specified when accessing the Remote
Download server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-209 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-565, 016-566
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-565 Backup Restore Error RAP
When performing backup, there is no backup storage destination.
When performing restore or deletion of backup files, there are no backup files.
For USB backup, check that the USB Memory is properly installed. If the problem per-
sists, use a PC to check the USB memory for a "backup" directory. If it is not there, create
When performing restore or deletion of backup files from the USB backup file, check that
the USB Memory is properly installed.
016-566 NVM Backup Restore Condition Error RAP
During backup, the FW download file that has the same version as the machine cannot be
During restore, the machine configuration during backup and restore does not match.
Therefore, the restore cannot be performed.
During backup, save the FW download file into the "dwld" directory in the USB memory,
plug it into the machine, and then perform the backup.
During restore, use the same IOT and IIT ROM versions as those during backup. When
performing restore using a USB backup file, also use the same HDD configuration.
If there is no HDD, use the same ESS ROM versions as well. If the same configuration
cannot be attained, delete the backup file from the panel.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-210 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-567, 016-568
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-567 NVM Backup Capacity Full RAP
The backup destination has insufficient capacity.
Before performing the HDD backup, delete existing backup files through the panel to
increase the capacity.
Before performing USB backup, delete the backup files in the USB memory through the
panel, or use a PC to delete unnecessary files in the USB memory to increase the capac-
016-568 NVM Backup Restore Failed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
One of the following problems has occurred:
NVM data could not be backed up or restored for some reason
An HDD access error has occurred.
A USB Memory access error has occurred.
The backup file was corrupted during restore.
Format the HDD before performing HDD backup.
Before performing restore using the HDD backup file, delete backup files through the
panel. If the problem persists, format the HDD.
For USB backup, check that the USB Memory is properly installed. If the problem per-
sists, use a PC to format the USB Memory.
When performing restore using USB backup files, check that the USB Memory is properly
installed. If the problem persists, use the panel or a PC to delete the backup files.
If the problem still persists, use a PC to format the USB Memory.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-211 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-569, 016-570
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-569 Attestation Agent Error 569 RAP
Errors related to the functions of the Authentication Agent other than listed previously Attesta-
tion Agent Error
Turn the power OFF then ON
016-570 Job Ticket Out of Memory RAP
XPIF Parser detects 'out of memory' while interpreting job ticket.
Increase memory size for job ticket on UI Panel (see SA Guide), restart MC, and then re-run
the job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-212 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-571, 016-572
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-571 Job Ticket Parameter Mismatch RAP
Decomposer detects job ticket has instruction that is inconsistent with device spec.
Check for a mismatch between parameters specified by job ticket, correct the parameters and
then resend the job.
016-572 Job Ticket Media Error RAP
Decomposer detects paper whose properties are specified by job ticket cannot be recognized
as paper (size/type/color) supported by device.
Check that the device that receives data can print it onto paper whose properties (size/type/
weight/color/punched) are specified by job ticket.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-213 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-573, 016-574
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-573 Job Ticket Parse Error RAP
XPIF Parser has received and processed job ticket that has syntax impossible to interpret.
Ensure the following: software is properly installed on client that generates job ticket; opera-
tional requirements are met; and software version matches device version.
016-574 Host Name Error RAP
A failure in resolving a problem with a host name in FTP scan
Check the connection to DNS.
Or check that the destination server name is entered on DNS.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-214 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-575, 016-576
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-575 DNS Server Error in FTP RAP
In FTP scan, the server was not found on DNS.
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the DNS settings listed under
the main header "Communication Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
Have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or Alternate File Destination set-
tings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the machine.
If the customer has entered the Host Name of their FTP Server into the File Destination set-
tings, then have them enter the IP Address of their FTP server into the machine.
If the problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Administrator
Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the Xerox Cus-
tomer Support Center.
016-576 Server Connection Error in FTP RAP
In FTP scan, there is a problem with the connection to the server.
Verify that the customer can print to the machine. The customer can print
The customer can open the machine's CentreWare Internet Services web page from
their PC
Verify that the green link LED is lit next to the Ethernet port on the side of the
machine when the customer's network cable is connected.
Print a machine Configuration Report and have the customer verify that the TCP/IP
settings are correct.
Refer to GP 1 and try printing from your PWS to verify that the machine will print. If
you can print from your PWS, contact your next level of support.
Have the customer contact the Xerox Customer Support Center to obtain help for their
printing problem.
Disconnect the customer's network cable from the machine and try to send an email from the
machine. Press the Job Status button on the UI, then select the Completed Jobs tab and
select the Email job that was just attempted to see the fault code Fault 016-781 is declared
by the machine.
Reload the machine software (GP 16)
If the problem persists, contact your next level of support
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer verify that the SMTP Server settings are
correct. If they are, then have the customer contact the Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-215 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-577, 016-578
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-577 FTP Service RAP
FTP Service has a problem.
Check the following:
FTP Service is activated
Check that the FTP port number of the Server matches the FTP port number that is set on
the machine.
016-578 Login/Password Error RAP
A login name or password error in FTP scan.
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Ask the customer to reset or change the Password for the machine's User account on their
FTP server as the Password may have expired. If they change the Password at their server,
then the new Password must be entered into the File Destination settings in the machine.
Refer to the System Administrator Guide.
Have the customer attempt to log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using
the Login Name and Password specified in the machine. This will verify that the Name and
Password are correct.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-216 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-579, 016-580
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-579 Scanning Picture Error RAP
There is a problem with the place to save images scanned in FTP scan.
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Have the customer perform the following:
1. Log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using the Login Name and
Password specified in the machine.
2. Create a Folder on the FTP server in the location that the machine should be transferring
files into and copy a file into the Folder. Then delete the file and folder. This will verify that
the machine's User account has proper permissions on the FTP server.
3. Have them verify that there is sufficient file space in the destination on the FTP server to
allow the machine to transfer files.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
016-580 File Name Acquisition Failure RAP
A failure in acquiring a file name/folder on the FTP scan server.
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Have the customer perform the following:
1. Log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using the Login Name and
Password specified in the machine.
2. Create a Folder on the FTP server in the location that the machine should be transferring
files into and copy a file into the Folder. Then delete the file and folder. This will verify that
the machine's User account has proper permissions on the FTP server.
3. Have them verify that there is sufficient file space in the destination on the FTP server to
allow the machine to transfer files.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-217 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-581, 016-582
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-581 File Name Suffix Limit Error RAP
The suffix of a FTP scan file name/folder name exceeds the limit.
Change the file name/destination folder, or move or delete the file in the destination folder.
016-582 File Creation Failure RAP
A failure in creating a FTP scan file.
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Have the customer perform the following:
1. Log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using the Login Name and
Password specified in the machine.
2. Create a Folder on the FTP server in the location that the machine should be transferring
files into and copy a file into the Folder. Then delete the file and folder. This will verify that
the machine's User account has proper permissions on the FTP server.
3. Have them verify that there is sufficient file space in the destination on the FTP server to
allow the machine to transfer files.
4. Have the customer check for an abundance of files and folders and delete some of them
if possible.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-218 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-583, 016-584
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-583 Lock Folder Creation Failure RAP
A failure in creating a FTP scan lock folder
Check the following:
If the existing lock directory (*.LCK) is left on the destination, manually delete it and retry
the job.
That the specified name is a folder name that can be created in the storage place.
That there is no folder with the same name as the specified one.
That the storage place has some space available.
016-584 Folder Creation Failure RAP
A failure in creating a FTP scan folder
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Have the customer perform the following:
1. Log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using the Login Name and
Password specified in the machine.
2. Create a Folder on the FTP server in the location that the machine should be transferring
files into and copy a file into the Folder. Then delete the file and folder. This will verify that
the machine's User account has proper permissions on the FTP server.
3. Have them verify that there is sufficient file space in the destination on the FTP server to
allow the machine to transfer files.
4. Have the customer check for an abundance of files and folders and delete some of them
if possible.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-219 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-585, 016-586
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-585 File Delete Failure RAP
A failure in deleting a FTP scan file. Check the right to access the server.
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Have the customer perform the following:
1. Log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using the Login Name and
Password specified in the machine.
2. Create a Folder on the FTP server in the location that the machine should be transferring
files into and copy a file into the Folder. Then delete the file and folder. This will verify that
the machine's User account has proper permissions on the FTP server.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
016-586 Lock Folder Delete Failure RAP
A failure in deleting a FTP scan lock folder
Check the following:
The right to access the server.
If the existing lock directory (*.LCK) is left on the destination, manually delete it and retry
the job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-220 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-587, 016-588
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-587 Folder Delete Failure RAP
A failure in deleting a FTP scan folder
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Have the customer perform the following:
1. Log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using the Login Name and
Password specified in the machine.
2. Create a Folder on the FTP server in the location that the machine should be transferring
files into and copy a file into the Folder. Then delete the file and folder. This will verify that
the machine's User account has proper permissions on the FTP server.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
016-588 Data Write-in Failure RAP
A failure in writing data onto the FTP scan server
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Have the customer perform the following:
1. Log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using the Login Name and
Password specified in the machine.
2. Create a Folder on the FTP server in the location that the machine should be transferring
files into and copy a file into the Folder. Then delete the file and folder. This will verify that
the machine's User account has proper permissions on the FTP server.
3. Have them verify that there is sufficient file space in the destination on the FTP server to
allow the machine to transfer files.
4. Have the customer check for an abundance of files and folders and delete some of them
if possible.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-221 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-589, 016-590
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-589 Data Read Failure RAP
A failure in reading data from the FTP scan server
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the Default File Destination or
Alternate File Destination settings listed on the last page of the report are correctly set in the
machine, especially the Login Name.
Have the customer perform the following:
1. Log in to their FTP server from a PC on their network and using the Login Name and
Password specified in the machine.
2. Create a Folder on the FTP server in the location that the machine should be transferring
files into and copy a file into the Folder.
3. Have the customer try to open the copied file on the FTP server.This will verify that the
machine's User account has proper permissions on the FTP server.
If the machine problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Admin-
istrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
016-590 Data Reading Failure from FTP Server RAP
"Prohibit Overwrite" is selected for FTP scan "File Name Conflict". Unable to save a file after
connecting to the FTP server during scanner (Save to PC) FTP transfer because "File Name
Conflict" is set to "Cancel Job".
Set "File Name Conflict" to other than "Cancel Job".
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-222 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-591, 016-592
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-591 FTP Scan Filing Policy Injustice RAP
Incorrect FTP scan filing policy (when additional items are selected). Incorrect filing policy
(when additional items are selected) was detected after connecting with the FTP server.
1. When "Add" is selected for "File Name Conflict", check that the file format is not set to
016-592 NEXTNAME.DAT File Access Error in FTP RAP
NEXTNAME.DAT file access error during FTP scan. An error has occurred when accessing the
NEXTNAME.DAT file after connecting to the FTP server during scanner (Save to PC) FTP
1. When "Add" is selected for "File Name Conflict", check that the NEXTNAME.DAT file is
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-223 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-593, 016-594
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-593 Internal Scan Error RAP
An internal error occurred in FTP scan. A Redirector internal error has occurred after connect-
ing to the FTP server.
If the same operation causes this to reoccur, contact our Custom Support Center.
016-594 TYPE Command Failure RAP
In FTP scan, a TYPE command failed. (network error)
If the same operation causes this to reoccur, contact our Custom Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-224 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-595, 016-596
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-595 Port Command Failure RAP
In FTP scan, a Port command failed. (network error)
If the same operation causes this to reoccur, contact our Custom Support Center.
016-596 CDUP command failure in FTP RAP
The CDUP command has failed during FTP scan (Network error). The CDUP command has
failed after connecting to the FTP server.
Repeat the operation.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-225 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-597, 016-598
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-597 Same Name File Exists in FTP Server RAP
The process was cancelled since a file (folder) with the same name exists during FTP scan
(CreditMutuel specifications).
Perform the same operation again without multiple machines accessing the same folder
in the same server.
016-598 E-mail Message Oversize RAP
In paginating, mail data size per page exceeds system data "max message size."
Perform the following:
1. Reduce resolution (image-to-send quality) and resend the job.
2. Reduce magnification and resend the job
3. Perform the following steps at the machine UI to increase the size of the Email jobs
that the machine will transfer:
a. Enter CE Mode (refer to Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode).
b. Press the Machine Status button and then select the Tools tab.
c. Select System Settings, then Email / Service Settings and then Email Con-
d. Increase the settings Maximum Data Size Per Email and Maximum Total
Data Size to 20MB and 100MB respectively.
e. Save the settings and reboot the machine.
4. If the problem persists, have the customer check the maximum allowable size for
emails and attachments on their SMTP (Email) server as this could be causing the
fault in the machine.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-226 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-599, 016-600
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-599 E-mail Message Oversize RAP
In paginating, mail data size per page exceeds system data "max message size."
Perform the following:
1. Reduce resolution (image-to-send quality) and resend the job.
2. Reduce magnification and resend the job
3. Perform the following steps at the machine UI to increase the size of the Email jobs
that the machine will transfer:
a. Enter CE Mode (refer to Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode).
b. Press the Machine Status button and then select the Tools tab.
c. Select System Settings, then Email / Service Settings and then Email Con-
d. Increase the settings Maximum Data Size Per Email and Maximum Total
Data Size to 20MB and 100MB respectively.
e. Save the settings and reboot the machine.
4. If the problem persists, have the customer check the maximum allowable size for
emails and attachments on their SMTP (Email) server as this could be causing the
fault in the machine.
016-600 Key Operator Authentication Locked RAP
The number of incorrect Key Operator log in attempts reached the limit.
NOTE: Default is 5 events. NVM Read/Write [700-563] can be set between 1 to 10 events.
With this feature enabled, the machine denies access when an incorrect System Administrator
ID is entered the selected number of times.
If required, refer to GP 2 to reset password to 1111 (default) if the System Administrator ID is
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-227 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-601, 016-603
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-601 Illegal Access Detection RAP
The number of incorrect authentication login attempts reached the limit.
NOTE: Default is 10 users. NVM location [700-564] can be set 1 to 600 users.
If required, refer to GP 2 to reset password to 1111 (default) if the System Administrator ID is
016-603 HDD not found Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The HDD went undetected
Switch the power off, then on
Go to BSD 16.1 - ESS and check the cables between the ESS PWB and the HDD.
If problem still exists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-228 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-604, 016-605
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-604 Debug Log by System RAP
Automatic creation of Debug Log by System
Switch the power off, then on
If problem still exists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
016-605 Debug Log by ExtCont RAP
Automatic creation of Debug Log by ExtCont
Switch the power off, then on
If problem still exists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-229 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-700, 016-701
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-700 Password is Under Minimum RAP
Job with password of which number of digit is below the minimum value for a password is
Make the minimum number of password digit for Security Print and Authentication Print setta-
ble. Do not store job with password of which number of digit is below the minimum value.
Increase the number of digit of the password of desired print job to a value larger than the min-
016-701 ART EX Memory Expended RAP
Insufficient memory was detected while using the ART EX.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Increase the allocated memory of the ART EX. (In some cases, actual memory must be
Change the print mode. (Example: High Quality mode Normal mode)
Lower the resolution.
Set [Page Print mode] to [Enabled].
Execute [Image Compression] in the [Graphics] tab of the printer driver.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-230 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-702, 016-703
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-702 Out of Page Buffer RAP
Insufficient Print Page Buffer is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Set [Print Mode] to [High Speed] and reduce the print resolution before retrying the opera-
Increase the memory to increase the page buffer.
Retry the operation in [Print Page Mode]. (PLW Decomposer (=ART-EX) only)
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-703 E-mail To Invalid Box RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The system detected an unopened or invalid mailbox and aborted a job when receiving an E-
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Even if there are no options such as Internet FAX and Scan To E-Mail, this fault occurs in nor-
mal Fax receiving and sending. Here is detailed description.
In Fax/Internet FAX sending, a mailbox is to be used in the machine for Fax communica-
tions, but the mailbox could not be set up.
In receiving Email/Fax/Internet FAX no mailbox or an invalid mailbox is detected, and a
job is over.
Perform the following:
Check whether a selected mailbox is set up. If not, set it up.
Ask the sender to send E-Mail/Fax/Internet FAX to a valid mailbox. If this does not resolve
the problem, perform the following.
Replace the FMO (the IF Board for Fax).
If this does not resolve the problem, it then indicates that the HDD can be defect. Perform
the following in order.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-231 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-704, 016-705
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-704 Mailbox Full RAP
When accessing the HD, the control logic detected that the mailbox was full (it exceeded the
maximum number of documents per box) and aborted the job.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Delete unnecessary documents and then repeat the operation.
Refer customer to Mailbox section in User Guide.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-705 Secure Print RAP
Registration for Secure Print failed because Security Storage cannot be done without a HD.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Although the machine was set to store scanned documents into a Mailbox, the Scanner
Kit or E-mail Kit option was not installed.
2. The Printer Driver for this machine was not used. # Not for HDD standard machines but
for machines with options #
3. A Secure Print, Mailbox Print, Auditron Print, or Private Print job was received without the
Functional Expansion Kit installed.
1. For 1., press the <All Services> button and check whether [Scanner (Scan to Mailbox)] is
displayed. If it is displayed, check whether scanned documents can be stored into a Mail-
box. If documents cannot be stored into the Mailbox, install the Scanner Kit or E-mail Kit
2. For 2., use the Printer Driver for this machine. # Not for HDD standard machines but for
machines with options #
3. For 3., check whether the Functional Expansion Kit is installed in this machine. When the
Functional Expansion Kit is not installed.
If the function is not used, set [Hard Disk] in the [Options] tab to [Not Available] at the
Printer Driver
To use the function, install the Functional Expansion Kit.
When the Functional Expansion Kit is installed
Set [Hard Disk] in the [Options] tab to [Available] at the Printer Driver
Check whether the options required for mailbox storage are installed. Required
options: up to DMP5 - Scanner Kit; DMP6 or later - Scanner Kit or E-mail Kit
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to
them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. Reload software
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence
and heed cautions
a. Job Log Clear Mode
b. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-232 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-706, 016-707
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-706 Maximum Users Exceeded RAP
The system detected that a job exceeded the maximum no. of users for Secure and Sample
Prints and aborted the job. FULL status was detected at HD access and a job was aborted
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Delete unnecessary documents/users and print again.
Refer customer to User Guide headings Maximum Stored Pages,
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-707 Sample Print RAP
Proof Print Registration failed because it cannot be stored without a HD.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
If the problem occurred at installation, check whether the operations for Proof Print are correct.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-233 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-708, 016-709
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-708 HDD Full Annotation/Watermark RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
When an Annotation/Watermark image was to be stored in the HDD, the Full status was
detected and the job was aborted.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Check HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
2. If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
3. If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
4. Cancel Annotation/Watermark and repeat the operation
5. Reduce the no. of document pages. In Mixed Size mode, only a single size is available
6. For printing Stored Document, delete unnecessary documents from the HDD and repeat
the operation
7. Expand the capacity of the HDD partition of the relevant service.
8. If the problem persists, perform the following procedures in sequence to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed
a. Job Log Clear Mode
b. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and
016-709 ART EX Command RAP
An ART EX command error occurred during PLW processing.
Syntax error, undefined command
Parameter error
Decomposer internal error, etc
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
This error occurs when some parts of the created print file are missing or abnormal. In parallel
connection, check it according to the procedures given below.
1. Set [Parallel Bi-Directional Communication] to [OFF] in the printer driver
2. Set a longer time for [Auto Output Time] by selecting [Port Settings]>[Parallel] in CWIS
3. Replace the parallel cable
4. If a long parallel cable is used, use a short cable (genuine) and try printing again
5. Change the BIOS settings in the PC. (Change the current parallel port settings to others.)
6. Change the power supply outlet (socket)
7. In network connection, connect the PC with the printer
8. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-234 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-710, 016-711
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-710 Delayed Print RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
A Delay Print Job was received from the machine that has no HDD installed.
The number of jobs that can be simultaneously received (100 jobs) was exceeded.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check whether the HDD is installed
1. (If HDD is installed or HDD is full, free up the HDD capacity.)
2. If Secure Print/Proof Print or Knowledge Storage Print is specified, disable them
3. Reduce the Delay Print jobs waiting to 100 jobs or less.
4. If the problem has occurred at installation, check whether the operations are correct
5. If the problem persists, perform the following procedures in sequence to repair it
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed
a. Job Log Clear Mode
b. HDD Initialize Mode
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and
016-711 E-mail Transmission Size Limit RAP
The send module (redirector) attempted to send data exceeding the system data size limit for
Scan to E-mail.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Decrease the send parameter for resolution (send image quality) and resend.
2. Reduce the image using the send parameter and resend (e.g. 11 x 17 to 8.5 x 11 or A3 to
3. Reduce resolution (image-to-send quality) and resend the job.
4. Reduce magnification and resend the job
5. Perform the following steps at the machine UI to increase the size of the Email jobs that
the machine will transfer:
a. Enter CE Mode (refer to Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode).
b. Press the Machine Status button and then select the Tools tab.
c. Select System Settings, then Email / Service Settings and then Email Controls
d. Increase the settings Maximum Data Size Per Email and Maximum Total Data
Size to 20MB and 100MB respectively.
e. Save the settings and reboot the machine.
6. If the problem persists, have the customer check the maximum allowable size for emails
and attachments on their SMTP (Email) server as this could be causing the fault in the
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-235 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-712, 016-713
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-712 Panther Capacity (I-Formatted) RAP
Capability of Panther in Scan service was deteriorated (I-Formatter).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Increase the resolution or enlarge the scan area
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-713 Security Box Password RAP
Password check error was detected during data storage in a Mailbox. Though the Mailbox
specified for the job exists, the password set in the specified Mailbox and the password speci-
fied for the job do not match.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Set a correct password and try again. If the problem persists, perform the following proce-
dure to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-236 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-714, 016-715
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-714 Security Box Enable RAP
Box not opened error was detected during data storage in a Mailbox. The mailbox specified for
the job does not exist.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Open the appropriate mailbox and try again. If the problem persists, perform the following
procedure to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-715 ESCP Form Invalid Password RAP
Incorrect password was input when attempting to use ESCP form. Job is aborted.
Input the correct password to use ESCP Form.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-237 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-716, 016-717
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-716 TIFF Data Overflow RAP
There is a spooling problem with TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) data. The system detected
that the files to be spooled in TIFF exceeded the disk capacity
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Install the HDD or increase the capacity of the HDD
If the problem persists, perform the following procedures in sequence to repair it
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Remove and replace the DIMM (PL 35.2).
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Perform Initialize Hard Disk.
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and
016-717 Fax/affix Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax/Internet FAX Send Result Information is not saved in the Cont
Failed attempt to create "Unsent Report" or "Monitor Report" because the "Send Result
Data" that is required to create the report is not stored in the memory/HDD of the device.
HDD Full due to an Internet FAX document send with size exceeding the partition C
size (2GB or 4GB), resulting in the "Internet FAX Send Result Data" being unable to
be stored.
Over 200 jobs were executed since the last selected Output Report job, resulting in
the "Internet FAX Send Result Data" being overwritten.
Split any Internet FAX documents that would exceed 2GB in document storage size into
several jobs and control the usage amount of memory, HDD, etc.
If there is a large amount of Scanner/Internet FAX documents being processed, please
wait until the other scanner/Internet FAX jobs are completed before performing your
Scanner/Internet FAX job.
Do not perform over 200 jobs in between the end of the job that you want to output the
report for until the actual report output operation.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Remove and replace the DIMM (PL 35.2).
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Perform Initialize Hard Disk.
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-238 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-718, 016-719
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-718 PCL6 Memory RAP
Insufficient PCL6 Decomposer Memory
As the PLW memory is fixed, decreasing the resolution may reduce the PLW memory.
(Only when PLW is enabled)
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-719 Out of PCL Memory RAP
Insufficient memory is detected while using PCL.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Increase the PCL memory size. Increasing the memory for the whole system will increase
the memory to be allocated to the Decomposer in some measure.
UI settings or other ways cannot explicitly increase the PCL memory.
Therefore, if a job is aborted due to insufficient memory when the memory has been
increased to the maximum capacity, change the printer driver settings to see if printing
becomes available.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-239 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-720, 016-721
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-720 PCL Command RAP
A PCL command error occurred during PCL processing.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-721 Other Errors RAP
An unexpected error occurred during printing at the PLW decomposer.
An unexpected error occurred during printing.
Paper types cannot be determined because all the settings for [Custom Paper Prior-
ity] are set to [Disabled] in CWIS, etc.
This ia an error that is not related to ART system commands/forms.
ESCP command error.
Incorrect control code from the input stream, etc.
Make settings for [Custom Paper Priority] in CWIS, etc.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-240 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-722, 016-723
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-722 Staple Position RAP
The job was cancelled when the Staple Position could not be determined.
Initial Actions
Ensure the staple position selection matches the available staple position in the finisher.
Set the Staple reference point, paper size, etc. of the Print Data that is sent to the printing
section to be the ones that can be processed by the machine.
Check the system at the client side.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-723 Punch Position Error RAP
The job is canceled due to impossible Punch position, paper size, etc. Punch position that is
not supported by this machine or the paper size that is not supported by the Finisher was spec-
Set the Punch reference point, paper size, etc. of the Print Data that is sent to the printing
section to be the ones that can be processed by the machine.
Check the system at the client side.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-241 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-724, 016-725
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-724 Staple Position RAP
The staple selection and hole punch selection is not compatible.
Initial Actions
Ensure the staple position selection and hole punch position selection is compatible (no holes
will be punched on staples or staples located in holes)
Change settings so that the same blinding position (same side of output paper) is speci-
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-725 B-Formatter Image RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error has occurred in the B-Formatter during the image conversion of scanned document to
Fax sending document. An error has occurred where the Mailbox document cannot be con-
verted to Facsimile Data when Job Flow function of the machine is used to send the scanned
documents stored in the Mailbox to the Facsimile Device
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Do not use the Job Flow function.
On the Facsimile selection screen of the machine, specify to directly scan the document
and send it to the Facsimile recipient.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-242 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-726, 016-727
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-726 PDL Auto Switch RAP
Print language auto judgement has failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
In parallel connection, check it according to the procedures given below.
1. Set a longer time for [Auto Output Time] by selecting [Port Settings]>[Parallel] in
2. Replace the parallel cable.
3. If a long parallel cable is used, use a short cable (genuine) and try printing again.
4. Change the print language from [Auto] to [ARTEX] or [PS] fixed by selecting [Emula-
tion Settings]>[Print Mode] in CWIS.
5. If not in parallel connection, check Step 4 above.
6. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
7. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-727 Printer Request RAP
The result of a print request is a zero-page document that cannot be stored in a mailbox, and
the job is canceled. The P-Formatter attempted to store a 0 page document into the Mailbox,
but the job is canceled because 0 page documents cannot be stored
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Do not allow the Print Result that is to be stored in the Mailbox to be 0 page.
If Paper Saving is "ON", turn it "OFF" and print again. Check that the printed document is
not a blank paper, and input some text if it is blank.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-243 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-728 , 016-729
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-728 TIFF Data Unsupported RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) data contains a tag that is not set in the Image File
Expansion Library.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Refer customer to following User Guide headings:
TIFF-S, TIFF-S, and TIFF-J in Internet iFax Profile
Job Templates - Network Scanning
File Format
016-729 TIFF Data Size RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The specified TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) settings exceed the upper limit of the valid
number of colors and pixels.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Refer customer to following User Guide headings:
TIFF-S, TIFF-S, and TIFF-J in Internet Fax Profile
Job Templates - Network Scanning
File Format
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-244 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-730, 016-731
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-730 ART Command Unsupported RAP
A command not supported by the ART was detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-731 TIFF Data Invalid RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) data is corrupt.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
If the problem persists, refer customer to following User Guide headings:
TIFF-S, TIFF-S, and TIFF-J in Internet iFax Profile
Job Templates - Network Scanning
File Format
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-245 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-732, 016-733
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-732 Form Not Registered RAP
The decomposer detected that the form specified in emulation is not registered.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Rerun the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-733 Destination Address RAP
There is an error in the destination address. A failure to resolve a P2P address problem (before
connection to the server).
1. When E-mails are sent using Peer-to-peer communication, an IP address could not be
obtained from the text on the right side of @ in the destination E-mail address.
2. When E-mails are sent using Peer-to-peer communication, DNS cannot be resolved with
the text on the right side of @ in the destination E-mail address as FQDN.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Check if the destination address has been entered properly.
2. Set a correct DNS server address.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedures in sequence to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-246 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-734, 016-735
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-734 Destination Report Output Error RAP
Destination Result report output has failed.
1. Set [Receive via SMTP] for E-mail receive setting on the sending device.
2. Remove the restriction on receiving E-mails from a self-domain in the receivable domain
list if any.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedures in sequence to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-735 Updating Job Template RAP
The system attempted to output the Job Template List while the Job Template was being
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-247 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-736, 016-737
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-736 Remote Directory Lock Error RAP
Creation of Lock directories has failed
1. Delete any existing lock directories (*.LCK) in the transfer destination manually and then
execute the job again.
2. Make correct settings for the permissions to the transfer destination directories.
3. Secure a disk capacity if the HDD for the transfer destination directory is full.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-737 Remote Lock Directory Remove Error RAP
Failed to delete the Lock directory. Power was turned OFF in the middle of FTP transfer
because the CDI cable was disconnected or the Reset SW of DFE was actuated.
Delete any existing lock directories (*.LCK) in the transfer destination manually and then
execute the job again.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-248 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-738, 016-739
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-738 PS Booklet Output Size Illegal RAP
PS Booklet Print Output Paper Size is illegal.
Specify the paper size that allows booklet printing.
016-739 Mismatch Between PS Booklet and Output RAP
Mismatch between PS Booklet Doc and Output Paper
Specify the combination of the document/paper sizes that allows booklet printing.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-249 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-740, 016-741
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-740 PS Booklet Output Tray Incorrect RAP
PS Booklet Output Tray is incorrect.
Specify the tray that allows booklet printing.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-741 Cannot Shift to Download Mode Failure RAP
Not able to change into Download Mode.
Unable to transit to Download Mode because download prohibition was detected due to
SysData:700-420 = 1, or because a job exists.
The machine did not transit to Download Mode because it detected "User Operation in
Progress". (The machine remains in the "User Operation in Progress" state for 1 minute
after panel operation was completed)
After completing a panel operation, wait for 1 minute or longer before starting the down-
load operation.
Cancel the Download Prohibited mode (set SysData:700-420 to 0) before retrying the
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-250 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-742, 016-743
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-742 Download Data Product ID Error RAP
Download data Product ID mismatch. The Product ID sent by the Download Data does not
match the Product ID (SysData: 700-421 ~ 700-428) stored in the SEEP-ROM.
Download data is illegal. Obtain the download data again and retry.
016-743 Download Data Model Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Machine model/Panel type error.
The ModelName obtained from the installed IISS/DADF/IOT/FaxCard/Finisher do not
match the ModelName found in the firmware, CDI header inclusive, in the Download File.
"ModelName obtained from the currently installed ROM header" and "ModelName stored
in Download File" are compared in the Controller.
The panel type (HBorFCW) connected to the device during Download is different from the
panel type (HBorFCW) stored in the Controller firmware, CDI header inclusive, in the
Download File.
The Download File is illegal. Find a Download File that has the same model with the
device VerUP and retry job.
Or, find a Download File that supports the Panel (FCW-UI or HB-UI type) connected to the
device and retry job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-251 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-744, 016-745
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-744 Download Data CheckSum Error RAP
Download data CheckSum is not correct.
Properly connect the cable to the device and restart the operation.
016-745 XPJL Soft Failure RAP
XPJL fatal error in downloading. (Error occurs after XPJL recognizes received data to be down-
load data).
Power OFF/ON.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-252 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-746, 016-747
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-746 Unsupported PDF File RAP
There was transparency or JBIG2 in a PDF version 1.3 file.
Ask customer to print using the driver from Acrobat Reader.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-747 Insufficient Memory RAP
An error occurred while processing the annotation image data due to insufficient memory.
Take one of the following actions:
Increase the annotation image memory size
Reduce the number of the images in [Repeat Image]
If the problem persists, Power Off/On the machine
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-253 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-748 , 016-749
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-748 HDD Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
HDD Full status was detected and the job was aborted when accessing a mailbox.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Refer customer to check Mailbox section in User Guide to make available more HDD
2. Split the job into pages in order to prevent FULL state. Reduce the resolution if possible.
3. Delete documents that are no longer needed, such as: Mailbox documents, FAX Send
Wait documents, Secure Print documents and Delayed Print documents. Make sure that
there is space in the HDD before re-scanning and re-printing.
4. Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
5. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
6. Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
a. Job Log Clear Mode
b. HDD Initialize Mode
7. Perform Initialize Hard Disk
8. Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
9. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-749 JCL Syntax Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The PJL/XPJL detected a print language that cannot be printed.
1. The print language received from the printer driver is a print language that cannot be
printed by the machine.
2. ContentsBridge was used to attempt to print a PDF file through a machine that cannot
process PDF.
3. When this happens with a received Internet FAX document, the Internet FAX document
that was sent by the other machine is in a print language that cannot be printed by this
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. In the case of 1, use the printer driver of the machine to print. Explanation: Depending on
PostScript, etc. options are necessary to print the desired print language. For more
details, please contact our sales representatives.
2. In the case of 2, do not use ContentsBridge to print a PDF file.
3. In case of 3, please request the other party to resend the Internet FAX document using a
print language that can be printed by this machine.
4. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
5. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-254 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-750, 016-751
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-750 Print Job RAP
The control logic detected an error in the print job ticket.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Refer customer to User Guide section Change Print Settings or Print Mode Settings.
When the customer uses applications such as "ContentsBridge2005", etc. to send PDF
directly, the machine received the print job ticket that was sent together with the PDF.
However, the print job ticket data is either "Text that is not supported in this machine" or
"Print instruction that is not supported in this machine".
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-751 PDF Error RAP
One of the following errors occurred while performing PDF Bridge processing:
Syntax error
Use of undefined commands
Parameter error
Broken PDF file
Internal error
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to print using the driver from Acrobat Reader.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-255 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-752, 016-753
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-752 PDF Memory Limit RAP
Insufficient memory was detected during PDF Bridge processing.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
When the Print mode is set to [High Quality], change the setting to [Normal]. When the
Print mode is set to [Standard], change the setting to [High Speed]. (Only for the machine
with High Quality mode.)
Expand the memory capacity.
If the problem persists after expanding to the maximum capacity, print using a driver from
Acrobat Reader.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-753 PDF PassWord Mismatch RAP
PDF Password Mismatched. The password specified on the UI panel and the password speci-
fied in XJPL (specified by the contents bridge) did not agree when processing a PDF file that
was password protected.
Specify the correct password on UI Panel or through Contents Bridge.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-256 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-754, 016-755
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-754 PDF LZW Not Installed RAP
PDF LZW Not Installed. A PDF file that used LZW compression technology was processed by
the PDF bridge when the Contents Bridge Expansion Kit was not installed.
Install Contents Bridge Expansion Kit, or print from Acrobat Reader by using the driver.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-755 PDF Print Prohibited RAP
PDF Print Prohibited. A PDF file for which it had been specified that printing was prohibited
was processed.
Clear the prohibition of printing a PDF file and then print it by using Acrobat.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-257 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-756, 016-757
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-756 Deuteron-Prohibit Service RAP
Auditron-Prohibit Service. The use of this service is prohibited.
Ask the account administrator to permit the use of services.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
016-757 Auditron-Invalid User RAP
Auditron-Invalid User. A user account is invalid.
Set the correct account and retry.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-258 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-758, 016-759
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-758 Auditron-Disabled Function RAP
Auditron-Disabled Function. A function cannot be used due to lack of rights or permission.
1. Reset to another function available for the account and retry.
2. Ask the account administrator to add the rights.
3. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
4. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-759 Auditron-Reached Limit RAP
Auditron-Reached Limit. The upper bound to the number of pages that can be copied was
Ask the account administrator to set a new paper qty.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-259 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-760, 016-761
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-760 PS Decompose Failure RAP
PS Decompose Failure. An error occurred during postscript (option) processing.
Set a print mode to Speed Preferred.
Resend the job. (If the problem persists, check the execution environment and data.)
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-761 FIFO Empty RAP
FIFO Empty. Image expansion error (FIFO empty error).
Print in the Speed Preferred mode. If this does not resolve the problem, use the Print
Guarantee mode for print. (Only for the machine with this mode.)
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-260 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-762, 016-763
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-762 Print LANG Not Installed RAP
Print LANG Not Installed. A function that is not installed (such as a print language or print util-
ity) was specified.
In Printer Mode specify a print language.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-763 POP Server Not Found RAP
The machine cannot find the POP server (when trying to connect to it).
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the DNS settings listed
under the main header "Communication Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
Have the customer confirm that the POP3 Server settings listed under the sub-header
"Email Service Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
If the customer has entered the Host Name of their POP3 Server into the machine's
POP3 Server settings, then have them enter the IP Address of their POP3 server into the
If the problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Administra-
tor Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-261 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-764, 016-765
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-764 SMTP Server Connect Error RAP
SMTP Server Connect Error. It was not possible to connect to the SMTP server.
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm that the DNS settings listed under
the main header "Communication Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
Have the customer confirm that the SMTP Server settings listed under the sub-header "Email
Service Settings" are correctly set in the machine.
If the customer has entered the Host Name of their SMTP Server into the machine's SMTP
Server settings of the machine, then have them enter the IP Address of their SMTP server.
If the problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Administrator
Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the Xerox Cus-
tomer Support Center.
016-765 SMTP Server HD Full RAP
SMTP Server HD Full. It was not possible to send mail because the HDD capacity of the SMTP
server was full.
Inform the customer that the machine is receiving communication from their SMTP (Email)
server that the server disk drive or Mailboxes are full. They must delete jobs on their server
before the machine will be allowed to email again.
If the problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Administrator
Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the Xerox Cus-
tomer Support Center. Retrieve E-mails in the SMTP Server HD. Check the server capacity.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-262 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-766, 016-767
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-766 SMTP Server File System Error RAP
SMTP Server File System Error. An error occurred in the SMTP server.
Inform the customer that the machine is receiving communication from their SMTP (Email)
server that the server disk drive or Mailboxes are full. They must delete jobs on their server
before the machine will be allowed to email again.
If the problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Administrator
Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the Xerox Cus-
tomer Support Center.
016-767 Invalid E-mail Address RAP
Invalid E-mail Address. It was not possible to send because the mail address was wrong.
Inform the customer that the machine is receiving communication from their SMTP (Email)
server that the recipient email address they are attempting to send to is invalid. Have them try
to email to an address that is within their building (same domain name). They can email to an
address within their Domain
Disconnect the network cable from the machine and attempt to send another email job
The 016-781 fault is declared
Reload the machine software using the PWS / Software Download Tool and down-
load each individual software file rather than the "All-In-One" file.
If the problem persists, contact your next level of support
Have the customer refer to the product's System Administrator Guide to be sure that the
machine is properly configured or have them contact the Xerox Customer Support Center.
If they are not able to email outside of their Domain then their SMTP (Email) server must be
configured for email relaying. They should contact the Xerox Customer Support Center for
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-263 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-768, 016-769
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-768 Invalid Sender Address RAP
Invalid Sender Address. It was not possible to connect to the SMTP server because the mail
address of this equipment was not correct.
Print a Configuration Report and have the customer confirm the following settings on the
The Machine's E-mail Address setting listed under the sub-header "Email Service Set-
tings" is entered correctly in the machine.
The Host Name setting listed under the sub-header "SMB" does not contain a space in
the name.
If the problem persists, then have the customer refer to the product's System Administra-
tor Guide to be sure that the machine is properly configured or have them contact the
Xerox Customer Support Center.
016-769 SMTP Server Unsupported DSN RAP
SMTP Server Unsupported DSN. The SMTP server does not support path verification (DNS).
Enable the ESMTP function of the nearest SMTP server, or set DNS to OFF and send.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-264 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-770, 016-771
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-770 FAX Function Cancelled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The direct fax function is disabled.
To release the direct FAX job prohibition, set the target system to "0". Check with the System
Administrator whether the function is enabled.
016-771 Scan Data Repository Error (DNS Address) RAP
The Scanned Data Repository Address cannot be solved (Response to DNS Address). An
error occurred while recalling the DNS Resolution Library.
Check the connection to the DNS. Or, check whether the Scan Data Repository domain
name has been registered in the DNS.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedures in sequence to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-265 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-772 , 016-773
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-772 Scan Data Repository ERR (DNS Library) RAP
In trying to run a job using SMTP, the device found that the device had not been registered on
the DNS server. (before connection to the server). An error occurred while recalling the DNS
Resolution Library.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Set the DNS address. Or, set the Scan Data Repository address using IP address.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-773 Invalid IP Address RAP
Local machine IP address failure (DHCP lease expired). When connection fails, the valid flag
of the resource IP address is "False".
Check the DHCP environment. Or, set a fixed IP address in the machine.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedures in sequence to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firm-
ware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-266 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-774 , 016-775
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-774 HD Full - Compression Convert RAP
HDD Full at Compression type conversion. HDD Full occurred when the S-Formatter did the
compression type conversion of the JBIG compressed images into the MH system (partition
#1). Disk Full was detected when opening/writing file for Compression type conversion
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Free up some HDD space and repeat the operation.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it.
Disconnect/reconnect HDD
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and
016-775 HD Full - Image Convert RAP
Insufficient HDD capacity was detected during image conversion process by S-Formatter. Disk
Full was detected when opening/writing file for image processing operation.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Free up some HDD space and repeat the operation.
Retrieve each page from the EWS.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it.
Disconnect/reconnect HDD
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-267 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-776 , 016-777
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-776 Image Convert Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error that is not due to HDD access has occurred during image conversion process at the
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. If the failure occurred during Salutation/Fax to Email, obtain the pages one by one from
the Mailbox through a Web Browser and try again.
2. If the problem occurred when encrypting or specifying a signature using the "Default Cer-
Check the validity of the certificate.
Set the correct date and time on the machine.
016-777 HD Access ERR-Image Convert RAP
The HDD Access Error has occurred during image conversion process by S-Formatter. An
error other than Disk Full was detected when opening/reading/writing file for compression con-
version/image processing operation
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Disconnect/reconnect HDD
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace the HDD (PL 35.2) and perform the operation again.
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-268 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-778 , 016-779
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-778 HD Full - Scan Image Convert RAP
Insufficient HDD capacity was detected during scanned image conversion process in I-Format-
ter. HDD Full was detected when opening/writing file for operation
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Free up some HDD space and scan again.
Disconnect/reconnect HDD
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-779 Scan Image Conversion Error RAP
Scan Image Conversion Error. An error occurred during scan image conversion processing.
Repeat the operation.
If an error occurs when scanning a relatively large-size document such as A3 with [Scan
Resolution 600dpi] specified, reduce the scan resolution to 400dpi or less and operate
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-269 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-780, 016-781
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-780 HD Access ERR-Image Convert RAP
A HDD access error was detected during scanned image conversion processing in I-Formatter.
An error other than HDD Full was detected when opening/writing file for operation.
Disconnect/reconnect HDD
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
Replace HDD (PL 35.2) and try scanning again.
016-781 Scan Server Connect Error RAP
Scan Server Connect Error. The Centreware scan service could not connect to the server to
send a file.
Failed to connect to the SMTP mail server.
1. The machine and server cannot communicate with each other.
2. After establishing connection between this machine and the server, it was detected
that the hostname set in the machine is not of ASCII characters.
1. Check the network cable for connection.
2. If the host name set up on this machine has non-ASCII letters, set a new host name using
ASCII letters.
Log In/Out =>System Settings =>Network Settings =>Machine Mail Address/Host Name
=>Host Name
3. Check that the server IP address is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-270 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-782, 016-783
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-782 Scan Server Login Error RAP
A failure in logging in to the server to transfer a file to it.
Failed to log into FTP server
Failed to log into SMB server.
Also occurs in SMB when the network cable is disconnected
Perform the following procedures:
1. For SMB, first check the connection of the network cable. If that does not solve it,
proceed as follows.
2. As EUC Code (Japanese) cannot be used in the hostname of the current specifica-
tion, change it to English.
3. Register the job flow from EasyAdmin.
Now even if the hostname is in EUC Code (Japanese), transfer is possible.
4. Check the "Server Name/IP Address" at the address display.
WinNT4.0: Because SMB transfer to WinNT4.0 is not possible with IP Address,
change the "Server Name/IP Address" to Hostname.
WinXP: Can SMB transfer normally even with IP Address.
5. In the default settings of WinXP, empty password cannot be used for access though
the network.
Change the WinXP settings to "Allow Empty Password Access" and operate again.
6. Set a login name and a password at the Destination Server.
7. Make correct settings for the attributes of the Job Template file.
8. At the CW, set the same account as above as a resource in the client PC.
016-783 Invalid Server Path RAP
When transferring a file to the server, a selected path is not found.
"CWD" command failure of output directory specified in DocumentPath attributes. Either
the specified path does not exist, or no access right
Either the specified path does not exist, or no access right
1. Make correct settings for the attributes of the Job Template file.
2. Check the server path name set in the Job Template and set up again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-271 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-784, 016-785
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-784 Server Write Error RAP
A failure in writing to the server to transfer a file to it.
FTP command "STOR" or write failure, outside of HDD Full
Write error in the forwarding server, outside of HDD Full
Perform the following procedures:
1. Check that there is "Write Authorization" in the server directory.
2. Free some space on the server disk.
016-785 Server HD Full RAP
When transferring a file to the server, the server file system becomes full.
FTP command "STOR" or write failure, when HDD Full was detected
Write error in the forwarding server, when HDD Full was detected
Perform the following procedures:
1. Check that there is "Write Authorization" in the server directory.
2. Free some space on the server disk.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-272 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-786, 016-787
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-786 HD Full-Scan Write Error RAP
HD Full-Scan Write Error. It was not possible to write a file while using the scan function
because the HDD capacity was insufficient.
1. Turn the machine OFF then ON.
2. If no paper remains in the tray of this machine, replenish the paper.
3. If this occurs when sending e-mail, take any one of the following actions:
Reduce the resolution and re-send it.
Reduce the size and re-send it.
Reduce the number of pages and separate the job into several batches when send-
Set [Output Color] to [Black] and re-send it.
4. A print job may make HDD full for a while, so wait for a while and retry.
5. Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
a. Job Log Clear Mode
b. HDD Initialize Mode
6. Initialize Hard Disk.
7. Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
8. Check the sw version of the controller sw. Reload software.
9. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-787 Invalid Server IP ADD RAP
[JT Syntax Error during Scanning]
This is a syntax error in the Job Template during Scan to FTP operation and limited to the
following cases (because of Redirector detection):
Incorrect Server IP Address (IP Syntax Error)
A text with incorrect format has been entered as the IP address for Job Template settings.
Specify the correct Job Template.
1. Check the settings of Job Template.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-273 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-787, 016-788
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-787 Invalid Server IP Address RAP
This is a syntax error in the Job Template during Scan to FTP operation and limited to the fol-
lowing cases (because of Redirector detection): Incorrect Server IP Address (IP Syntax Error).
A text with incorrect format has been entered as the IP address for Job Template settings
Specify the correct Job Template.
1. Check the settings of Job Template.
016-788 Retrieve to Browser Failure RAP
Retrieve to Browser Failed. The retrieval of a file from a web browser failed.
1. Reload the browser page and perform retrieval operation again.
2. Activate the browser again and perform retrieval operation again.
3. Turn the device OFF then ON and perform retrieval operation again.
Note that no actions are required if the job was canceled by a user.
4. Improve the connection status to a network.
5. Check whether there are problems such as duplicated IP addresses.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-274 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-789, 016-790
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-789 HD Full - Job Memory RAP
Redirector Task Operational HDD Limit Overflow.
[For E-mail Send]
Use a lower resolution or reduce the size before sending.
Reduce the no. of pages to split the job into a few.
Send with B/W Binary etc.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. Reload software
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-790 E-mail Fragment Over RAP
In paginating and partial fragmenting of message, the qty of mail fragments per address
exceeds system data "max fragment qty."
Perform the following:
1. Reduce resolution (image-to-send quality) and resend the job.
2. Reduce magnification and resend the job.
3. Change ""max fragment qty"" to a larger value.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-275 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-791, 016-792
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-791 File Retrieve Fail RAP
This error occurred during Scan to FTP/SMB, CWSS. Access to the transfer destination and
job template storage destination has failed
Check the Server directory structure and files (for their existence, etc.) and the access
rights for both. Also, check whether access to the specified transfer destination server is
016-792 Specified Job Not Found RAP
Specified Job Not Found. The job log for a job specified in the panel could not be obtained
when outputting an aggregate report by job.
Repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-276 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-793, 016-794
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-793 MF I/O HD Full RAP
MF I/O HD Full. The HDD capacity was insufficient.
Delete the files in the HDD. Or, initialize the HD (Initialize Hard Disk).
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-794 Media Reader Not Installed RAP
Media Reader: Media No Insert.
Check that the Media is installed.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-277 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-795, 016-796
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-795 Media Reader Format Error RAP
Media Reader: Format Error.
1. Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check the file format/directory in the media
and the selected mode (Digital Camera Print/Document Print), then make settings again.
2. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-796 Document Insert Operation Error RAP
Document insert operation error.
1. Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check whether the print file attribute data is
displayed in the PC and make settings again.
2. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-278 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-797, 016-798
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-797 Media Reader Image File Read Error RAP
Media Reader: Image File Read Error.
1. Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check whether the print file images are dis-
played in the PC and make settings again.
2. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-798 No Trust Marking Option RAP
No Trust Marking Option. When the decomposer called the S-image library the error of no HDD
was returned.
Install the necessary options (HDD).
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-279 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-799, 016-910
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-799 Print Instruction Failure RAP
Print Instruction Fail. A print parameter was incorrect.
Perform the job again.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-910 Required Resource Not Ready (IOTsc detect) RAP
Requested paper or staple is not ready to perform a job.
Perform the job again.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-280 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-911, 016-940
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-911 Multi-Paper Required On A Single Tray RAP
The paper and staples requested by the print specification are not loaded, or, Different sizes
and/or types of paper switching are requested from the same Tray.
Force this Job to run and follow the panel display to replenish the paper, switch the paper,
and replenish the staples. Or, cancel this Job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-940 Duplex Output Side 1 and 2 Size Difference RAP
After the start of a job with Duplex Output selected, a difference was detected in size
between side 1 and side 2.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-281 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-941, 016-942
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-941 Booklet Mixed-in-Size Image Detected RAP
After the start of a job with Booklet selected, mixed-in-size/orientation pages with images
were detected.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-942 Duplex Size Difference Between Side 1 and 2 RAP
As a result of deletion of a page for which Duplex was selected, a difference was detected
in size between side 1 and side 2.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-282 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-943, 016-944
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-943 Insert doc Duplex Mix Size NG RAP
Different size settings for side 1 and side 2 were detected after the document and separa-
tors had been inserted for the pages with 2-Sided Print specified.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-944 Documents Merged NG RAP
The document collate setting for the pages including the cover with images or the docu-
ment with separators with Document Attachment specified was detected.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-283 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-945, 016-946
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-945 Insert Doc Duplex Print NG RAP
The documents that do not support 2-Sided Print has been inserted for the pages for 2-
Sided Print.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-946 Insert Doc NG RAP
It was found that a doc or a divider was inserted after the cover or divider page.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-284 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-947, 016-948
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-947 APS No Destination Error RAP
The system detected that no tray is loaded with paper for Auto Paper Selection after the
job for which the paper for APS (Auto Paper Selection) was selected or APS was set has
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-948 Small Book Action NG RAP
The covers with images, separators, or blank pages were detected after the job had
started with Booklet specified.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-285 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-949, 016-981
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-949 Insert Mix Doc NG RAP
The document with a different size/orientation from the operated page was tried to be
inserted for the job with Attachment specified.
Specify the job to avoid the detection conditions.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
016-981 HDD Access Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A failure in access to HDD
HDD Full was detected because Mailbox Scan, Fax Scan, Secure Print, Delay Print,
Sample Print, or Scheduled Print was specified when the HDD partition/ide0c capacity is
Print Job only prints the jobs stored in the HD, so this Fault does not occur for "Job
Fail 16-748".
1. Split the job into pages in order to prevent FULL state. Reduce the resolution if possible.
2. Delete documents that are no longer needed, such as: Mailbox documents, FAX Send
Wait documents, Secure Print documents and Delayed Print documents. Make sure that
there is space in the HDD before re-scanning and re-printing.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-286 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-982, 016-983
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
016-982 HDD Access Error 2 RAP
HDD Access Error 2. It was determined that the HDD was full during a collation job, destination
storage job, or divided job.
Process or delete the jobs (documents) stored in the same HDD partition, and repeat the
If the above procedures do not resolve the problem, expand the HDD partition size of the
relevant service.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
016-983 Image Log HDD Full RAP
This is prepared for the user to interfere and cancel a copy/scan job when the log image stor-
age area on the disk becomes full with the level of ensuring creation set to [High].
Press the Cancel Job button to cancel the job.
Rerun the job
If the situation is the same despite some re-attempts, delete unnecessary documents
saved in the device or change the level of ensuring creation (to Low). However, if the level
is set to Low, log image creation cannot be ensured.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-287 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-985
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
016-985 Data Size Over Flow (Scan to E-mail) RAP
Data Size Over Flow (Scan to E-mail). It was not possible to send during a scan to e-mail
because the data size exceeded the upper bound.
1. Reduce resolution (image quality for transmission), which is a send parameter, and
2. Reduce reduce/enlarge ratio, which is a send parameter, and resend. (E.g. Reduce A3 to
3. Change Upper limit of data size in the System Setting screen on UI Panel. (Default 2MB
4. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
5. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-288 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 016-985
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-289 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 017-713, 017-714
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
017-713 Start TLS Unsupported Fault
The SMTP Server did not respond to STARTTLS.
Change the SSL Operation Mode setting to other than STARTTLS Mode (TLS Mode),
017-714 SMTP Over SSL Fault
SSL communication Faulture with SMTP Server.
(Reference: SMTPERR_SSL_FaultED)
If this fault occurred in the TLS Mode, it may be due to a wrong Port Number. Check the Port
Number settings of the SMTP Server.
Other than that, it may be due to an internal error that has occurred in the program; reload ESS
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-290 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 017-715, 017-716
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
017-715 SSL Cert Untrusted Fault
An SSL Server Authentication Error has occurred because there is something wrong in the
Server Certificate Data.
The Multifunction Device is unable to trust the SSL Certificate of the SMTP Server. Register
the Root Certificate of the SMTP Server SSL Certificate in the Multifunction Device.
017-716 SSL Cert Date Invalid Fault
The validity period of the Server Certificate has not started yet.
NOTE: Although you can also avoid this problem by turning OFF the Multifunction Device [SSL
Server Verification] setting, take note that this will render it unable to gurantee the authenticy of
the SMTP Server to which it is connecting.
Check that the clock of the SMTP Server and the Multifunction Device are correct. If the clocks
are correct, change the SMTP Server SSL Certificate to one that is valid.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-291 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 017-717, 017-718
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
017-717 SSL Server Cert Expired Fault
The validity period of the Server Certificate has expired.
NOTE: Although you can also avoid this problem by turning OFF the Multifunction Device [SSL
Server Verification] setting, take note that this will render it unable to gurantee the authenticy of
the SMTP Server to which it is connecting.
Check the validity period of the SMTP Server Certificate. Also check whether the clock of the
Multifunction Device is correct.
017-718 SSL Server Cert Invalid Fault
The Server Name does not match the Server Address of the Server Certificate.
NOTE: Although you can also avoid this problem by turning OFF the Multifunction Device [SSL
Server Verification] setting, take note that this will render it unable to gurantee the authenticy of
the SMTP Server to which it is connecting.
Check that the Server Name that are registered in the SMTP Server Certificate and the Server
Address are correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-292 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 017-719, 017-720
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
017-719 SMTP Over SSL Internal Fault
Software internal error has occurred during SMTP Over SSL process.
(Reference: SMTPERR_SSL_AUTH_FaultED)
Repeat the operation.
017-720 Contract Type Fault
The Contract Type value specified by PJL Command is wrong.
Correct the Contract Type value specified by PJL Command and try again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-293 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 017-721, 017-722
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
017-721 Geographic Region Fault
The Geographic Region value specified by PJL Command is wrong.
Correct the Geographic Region value specified by PJL Command and try again.
017-722 Total Impressions Over Fault
A change request for Geographic Region or Contract Type was received when the Total
Impressions of Billing Meter is 9999900 or more.
Perform the operation when the value of Total Impressions is between 0 and 9,999,900.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-294 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 017-721, 017-722
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-295 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-400, 018-401
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-400 IPSEC Error (Configuration Mismatch) RAP
While IPSEC is set to Enable, password is not set in authentication mode = [Pre-shared key] or
IPSEC certificate is not set in authentication mode = [Digital signature].
Make IPSEC setting consistent with Authentication mode and enable IPSEC again. Inconsis-
tency in IPSEC setting: Password is not set with Authentication mode = [Pre-shared Key] or
Authentication mode = IPSEC certificate is not set with [Digital signature].
018-401 Inconsistent SIP Configuration RAP
One of the following has been detected: the "IP Operation Mode setting and the "Method of
Obtaining SIP Server Address setting on the device are inconsistent with each other, or the
"IP Operation Mode setting and the "SIP Server Address setting are inconsistent.
When IP Operation Mode is set to IPv4 and "IP Address Obtainment Mode" is manually
set, set Method of Obtaining SIP Server Address to manual.
In any case except when IP Operation Mode is set to IPv4 and "IP Address Obtainment
Mode" is manually set, set Method of Obtaining SIP Server Address to manual or
When IP Operation Mode is set to IPv6, set "Method of Obtaining SIP Server Address
to manual or DHCPv6.
If Method of Obtaining SIP Server Address is set to manual and the address is set
using FQDN strings, set up the DNS Server in the way that enables DNS to properly solve
an address problem.
When IP Operation Mode is set to IPv4 and IP Address Obtainment Mode is manually
set, set up SIP Server Address using an IPv4 address or FQDN strings.
When IP Operation Mode is set to IPv6, set up SIP Server Address using an IPv6
address or FQDN strings.
It is mandatory to set up Primary SIP Registrar Server Address and Primary SIP Proxy
Server Address.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-296 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-402 , 018-403
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-402 SIP Server Communication Fail RAP
Failed to register system info to the SIP registrar server due to any of the following reasons.
1) Failed to acquire SIP server address via DHCP or DHCP v6.
2) Could not communicate with SIP registrar server (server address set by manual)
3) Could not communicate with SIP registrar server (server address acquired by DHCP or
4) Could not communicate with SIP registrar server.
1) If "SIP server address acquisition method" is DHCP or DHCPv6, check if the system is com-
municating with DHCP server or DHCPv6 server properly. Also check for cables, switches, net-
work hubs.
2) If "SIP server address acquisition method" is DHCP or DHCPv6, check if DHCP server or
DHCPv6 server is on.
3) If "SIP server address acquisition method" is set to Manual, check if the address is set cor-
rectly. If address is set by using FQDN name, check if DNS setting is correct or not.
4) If "SIP server address is DHCP or DHCPv6, check if SIP server address distributed by
DHCP server or DHCPv6 server is correct.
5) Check for cables/switches/network hubs between system and SIP registrar server. Also
check if SIP registrar server is on.
018-403 SIP Registration Fail (Authentication) RAP
Failed to register system info to the SIP registrar server due to authentication error.
When the SIP Registrar Server is set up in the way that requires it to authenticate a machine,
set the correct user name and password for authentication of this machine when registering it
with the SIP Registrar Server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-297 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-404 , 018-500
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-404 SIP Registration Fail (Other) RAP
Failed to register system info to the SIP registrar server due to any reason other than authenti-
cation error.
Check if SIP registrar server is ready to receive system info and retry job.
018-500 CA Message Receiver Boot Error (S_cert lost)
Job cannot be executed with designated combination of parameters (storage file size, paper
size, paper tray, Duplex designation, output tray).
Re-set paper size, paper tray, Duplex designation and output tray etc. and retry job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-298 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-501, 018-502
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-501 CA Server Connection Error RAP
When server certificate and secret key are not available at device start, SSL server necessary
to CA cannot be started.
No server certificate for the device. Set server certificate or disable CA function.
018-502 Login Failure in SMB RAP
Limitation of the workstation to log in the server in SMB Scan is detected at SMB server login.
Verify designated user property information to check if workstation can login to the server is
limited or not.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-299 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-503, 018-504
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-503 CA Message Receiver Timeout RAP
At SMB server login, limitation of workstation that can be logged in with SMB scan is detected.
Verify designated user property information to check if workstation can login to the server is
limited or not.
018-504 CA Session ID Mismatch RAP
When message is received from CA server, no reaction of JRM/UI is made, resulting in time-
Timeout occurs while waiting for a response to CA server due to inside load of the device.
Retry authentication operation.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-300 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-505, 018-506
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-505 SMB-DOS Protocol Error RAP
Unable to authenticate due to an incorrect SMB user name or password.
In SMB Authentication:
The user could not be identified because of his/her wrong user name or password.
The time SMB Server tells differs from the time the machine tells. (This occurs under
Windows Server 2003)
In Scanner to SMB:
When trying to send a scanned image, the user could not log in to the SMB server
because of his/her wrong user name or password.
The time SMB Server tells differs from the time the machine tells. (This occurs under
Windows Server 2003)
[The following applies to DMP6-2 and later products only.]
The specified user name is not registered as a user that can use Share Windows.
(MacOS X v10.4)
Take either of the following actions to resolve the problem.
Contact the network administrator for the correct user name or password.
In the case of Windows Server 2003, synchronize the time SMB Server tells with the
time this machine tells.
There is no way to confirm Password. If the user forgets his/her password, he/she needs to set
up a new password.
This is how to reset Password:
1. On the domain controller for the active directory that has user info, select [Start]
menu>[All Programs]>[Management Tool]>[Active Directory Users and Computers].
2. From the left frame of the [Active Directory Users and Computers] window, select
[Active Directory Users and Computers [Server]]>[Domain]>[Users], and list user
3. Right-click the target user on the right frame of the [Active Directory Users and
Computers] window and select [Reset Password].
[The following applies to DMP6-2 and later products only.]
Confirm users that are allowed to use Share Windows. (MacOS X v10.4)
This is how to confirm users.
1. From [Dock], start the [System Environment Settings] icon.
2. On the [System Environment Settings] window, click the [Share] icon.
3. From the Select Service window, select Share Windows and click the [Account]
018-506 CA Field ID Mismatch RAP
When the fault occurs in SMB authentication:
Unable to authenticate due to wrong user name or password
Time of SMB server and that of M/C are not the same. The fault occurs with Windows
Server 2003
When the fault occurs while scanner transfers scanned data to PC storage to SMB:
Unable to log in to SMB server while in scanned data transfer due to wrong user
name or password
Time of SMB server and that of M/C are not the same. The fault occurs with Win-
dows Server 2003.
NOTE: For only [SC12041: Product of DMP6-2 or later]:
Designated user name is not registered as user allowed to use shared Windows MacOS X
Take any of the following actions:
-Check user name or password with network administrator.
-For Windows Server 2003, to make time of SMB server and that of this M/C identical.
-Password cannot be verified. When you forget password, password needs to be reset accord-
ing to the following procedure:
1) Select [Start] menu> [All programs] >[Management tool] >[Active Directory user and com-
puter] on domain controller of active directory where user information is set.
2) Select [Active Directory user and computer [Server]] >[Domain] >[Users] and list user infor-
mation from the left frame of [Active Directory user and computer] window.
3) Right-click target user from the right frame of [Active Directory user and computer] window
and select [Reset password].
Verify user who can use Windows Share MacOS X v10.4 according to the following procedure:
1) Activate [System setting] icon from [Dock].
2) Click [Share] icon in [System setting] window.
3) Select [Windows Share] on Service selection screen and click [Account] button.
4) Check account you want to make valid and click [Complete] button.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-301 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-507, 018-508
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-507 CA Credential Error RAP
While in communication with CA server for authentication, Field ID of CA server and Field ID of
device are not the same (Communication error, or device internal error, or wrong code).
Error occurs in authentication operation between CA server and the device. Retry authentica-
tion operation.
018-508 CA Server Fatal Error RAP
When CA authentication server requests user information entry, the entered information is
judged to be inconsistent by the server.
User authentication fails. Input user name or password is not correct. Verify and input correct
user name and password.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-302 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-509, 018-510
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-509 Template Parameter Conflict RAP
1. In CUI scanning, start of a job designated with template name that does not exit is
2. Job template attribute conflict.
3. Address of server for image storage is not set in job template.
Check if the content designated with job template is correct or not, for example:
Setting that is not usable in the device is described
Transfer destination repository is not correctly set.
Template name that does not exist is designated.
018-510 Host Name Solution Error in BMLinkS RAP
Host name solution error in BMLinkS.
Check if DNS is available; check the following:
Search and obtain the latest information
Ensure the connection with DNS server is intact
Ensure the server name/host name of transfer destination BMLinkS storage service
server is registered to DNS
Ensure DNS server address is set
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-303 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-511, 018-512
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-511 DNS Server Un-sets Up in BMLinkS RAP
DNS server un-sets up in BMLinkS.
Set DNS server address. Alternatively, specify transfer destination BMLinkS storage service
server using IP address.
018-512 Service Connect Error in BMLinkS RAP
Service Connect error in BMLinkS.
Check if the network communication is enabled between transfer destination BMLinks service
server and device, check the following:
- search and obtain latest information
- network cable is connected
- BMLinkS service of transfer destination is active
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-304 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-513, 018-514
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-513 BMLinkS Service Not Found RAP
BMLinkS Service Not Found.
Check the following:
- Search and obtain latest information
- If the storage service for relevant user is active in transfer destination BMLinkS storage ser-
018-514 BMLinkS Access-Right-Violation RAP
BMLinkS access-right-violation.
Check if the login name (username) and password are correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-305 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-515, 018-516
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-515 BMLinkS Storage-Access-Error RAP
BMLinkS storage-access-error.
Check the following:
- If specified filename is allowed in storage location
- If specified filename is used by any other user
018-516 BMLinkS Unsupported-attribute RAP
BMLinkS unsupported-attribute.
Check the following:
- Whether any characters prohibited in BMLinkS storage service are used in filename; if any
exist, change filename accordingly
- whether any files/folders with the same name as specified filename exist
- configure settings so that upon detection of duplicate filenames, files are overwritten
- make names of storage destination folders / files shorter
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-306 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-517, 018-518
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-517 BMLinkS Storage-Full RAP
BMLinkS unsupported-attribute.
Check if there is space left in the storage location.
018-518 BMLinkS Operation-Not-Available RAP
BMLinkS operation-not-available.
Wait before repeating the same operations.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-307 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-519, 018-520
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-519 BMLinkS Unknown-error RAP
BMLinkS unknown-error.
Check the following:
- Search and obtain latest information
- if the file can be written to BMLinkS server
If situation does not improve, contact our telephone center or dealer.
018-520 Internal Error in BMLinkS Scan RAP
Internal error in BMLinkS Scan.
Repeat the same operations. If situation does not improve, contact our telephone center or
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-308 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-521, 018-522
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-521 Request Send Failure in BMLinkS RAP
Internal error in BMLinkS Scan.
Repeat the same operations. If situation does not improve, contact our telephone center or
018-522 Response Receive Failure in BMLinkS RAP
Response receive failure in BMLinkS.
Repeat the same operations. If situation does not improve, contact our telephone center or
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-309 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-523, 018-524
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-523 Image Send Failure in BMLinkS RAP
Image send failure in BMLinkS.
Repeat the same operations. If situation does not improve, contact our telephone center or
018-524 Invalid Device Network Setting RAP
1. While device DNS is not set, server name is described in job template with FQDN.
2. Transfer protocol port described in job template is not activated on device (SMB, FTP etc.).
Check if network-related setting and port necessary to scan job execution are properly done on
the device side.
-Ensure that the DNS server setting correct.
-Ensure that the port of the designated protocol is activated.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-310 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-525, 018-526
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-525 HDD Full or HDD Access Error RAP
1. While in CUI scan start processing, internal HDD Full occurs (job template partition).
2. While in CUI scan start processing, internal HDD failure is detected.
Check for HDD Full, or replace the HDD where the error had occurred. Retry the operation
after a short interval.
018-526 Rejected to be Refresh RAP
CUI scan start request is received while in job template polling.
Retry the operation after a short interval.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-311 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-527, 018-528
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-527 JT Monitor Internal Error RAP
Job Template Monitor internal error.
Retry the operation.
018-528 Soap Request Error RAP
Incorrect argument request is received from Soap client of Custom Service.
Check if the custom service setting is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-312 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-529, 018-530
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-529 Duplicate Scan Request RAP
While in CUI scan start processing requested from Soap client of Custom Service, another CUI
scan start request is received.
Retry the operation after a short interval.
018-530 Authentication Error RAP
1. Limitation of total DV sheet, limitation of DV color mode, limitation of DV service use.
2. Use of unregistered card.
3. While in authentication information retrieval, job error occurs due to external device connec-
Conduct correct authentication operation or verify limitation by M/C administrator (color mode,
total sheet volume, service).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-313 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-531, 018-532
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-531 Failed to Create a New Job RAP
Error of JRM detection while in CUI scan job start
Retry the operation.
018-532 Too Many Jobs to Create a New Job RAP
Error of JRM detection while in CUI scan job start
Retry the operation.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-314 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-543, 018-547
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-543 Shared Name Error in SMB Server RAP
A shared name on the SMB scan server is wrong.
Check the shared name specified and set the correct name. [DMP6-2 and later products
Check that the user has the right to access the shared name specified. (MacOS X v10.2)
Perform the following:
1. Log in as the specified user.
2. From [Dock], start the [Finder] icon.
3. On the [Finder] window click the [Home] icon.
4. From the [File] menu, select [View info].
5. Select [Proprietary Right and Access Right] and check that "Read/Write is selected
in the [Access] box for the owner.
018-547 Number Restriction Over of SMB Scan Users RAP
The limited number of SMB scan users is exceeded.
1. Check what the limited number of users that can connect to a shared folder is.
2. Check that the number of users that use the server simultaneously is not over max.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-315 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-556, 018-557
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-556 HTTP Server Script Error RAP
Due to some reason, the abnormal detection code "XRXERROR" was received from the HTTP
Perform the following.
1. Check that the drive and directory that are specified in the HTTP server that sends
scanned documents are accessible.
2. Repeat the operation.
018-557 HTTP Invalid Char in Filename RAP
A file name that contains invalid characters was specified.
Make sure that the file name that is specified in the scanned document destination does not
contain any invalid characters.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-316 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-558, 018-559
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-558 HTTP File Not Found RAP
The HTTP directory/file name does not exist.
Perform the following.
1. Check that the directory that is specified in the scanned document destination HTTP
server exists.
2. Check that the file name that is specified in the scanned document destination HTTP
server exists.
018-559 HTTP File Duplication Fail RAP
"Prohibit Overwrite" is selected for scan "File Name Conflict"
When performing scan Jobs, set "File Name Conflict" to other than "Cancel Job".
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-317 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-560, 018-561
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-560 HTTP Server Login Fail RAP
HTTP User Authentication Error. Status 401 was received.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
2. Check the login user name.
3. Check the login password.
4. Check the name of scanned document destination HTTP server.
5. Check the server path name of scanned document destination HTTP server.
018-561 HTTP Server Not Found RAP
HTTP Status 404 was received. Either:
The host name is incorrect, or
The script storage is incorrect.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
2. Check the name of scanned document destination HTTP server.
3. Check the server path name of scanned document destination HTTP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-318 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-562, 018-563
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-562 HTTP Client Error RAP
HTTP Status 4xx (other than 401 or 404) was received.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
2. Check the server settings.
018-563 HTTP Server Error RAP
HTTP Status 5xx was received.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from
the PC.
2. Check the server settings.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-319 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-564, 018-565
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-564 Host Name Solution Error in HTTP RAP
DNS resolution of the specified host name has failed.
Perform the following.
Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server has been registered in
the DNS.
Check whether it is connected to the DNS server.
Check whether the DNS server address is set.
018-565 Proxy Name Solution Error in HTTP RAP
DNS resolution of the proxy server name that is set in the device has failed.
Perform the following.
Check whether the proxy server name that is set in the device has been registered in the
Check whether it is connected to the DNS server.
Check whether the DNS server address is set.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-320 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-566, 018-567
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-566 Server Connect Error in HTTP RAP
Failed to connect to the HTTP server.
Perform the following.
1. Check the network cable of the device.
2. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
018-567 HTTP Server Access Fail RAP
One of the following has occurred:
The communication was cut when reading.
The communication was cut when writing.
The file close process has failed.
Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the PC.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-321 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-568, 018-569
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-568 HTTP Server SSL Access Fail RAP
An error has occurred during SSL/TLS connection
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
2. Check whether the SSL setting of the scanned document destination HTTP server is
3. Check the name of scanned document destination HTTP server.
4. Check the server path name of scanned document destination HTTP server.
018-569 HTTP Server Certificate Fail RAP
There is a problem with SSL certificate of the server.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
2. Check whether the SSL server certificate of the scanned document destination HTTP
server is registered in the device.
3. Check whether the SSL server certificate of the scanned document destination HTTP
server is valid.
For example, check the following:
The certificate has not expired yet.
The time that is set in the device is correct.
It is not in the discard list.
The certificate path of the SSL server certificate and import any necessary CA certif-
4. If the certificate is not registered in the scanned document destination HTTP server, dis-
able the device certificate validation.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-322 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-570, 018-571
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-570 HTTP Certificate Fail RAP
A client certificate authentication error has occurred in the HTML server.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
2. Check whether the SSL client certificate is set correctly in the device.
3. Check whether a valid device certificate is registered in the scanned document destina-
tion HTTP server.
018-571 Internal Error in Scan RAP
Scan Network Sending Software Internal Error
Repeat the operation.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-323 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-572, 018-573
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-572 Invalid Char in Context RAP
A context name that contains invalid characters was specified.
Check whether the specified context name is correct.
018-573 Invalid Char in Server RAP
A connection name that contains invalid characters was specified.
Check whether the specified connection name is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-324 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-574, 018-575
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-574 Invalid Char in Volume RAP
A volume name that contains invalid characters was specified.
Check whether the specified volume name is correct.
018-575 Invalid Char in Login RAP
Invalid Netware Login. A user name or password that contains invalid characters was speci-
Check whether the specified user name/password is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-325 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-576, 018-577
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-576 Invalid Char in Path RAP
A path name that contains invalid characters was specified
Check whether the specified path name is correct.
018-577 Invalid Char in File RAP
Invalid Netware File Name Characters
Check whether the specified file name is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-326 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-578, 018-579
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-578 NW Server Not Found RAP
Netware Error.
A nonexistent server/tree was specified.
Perform the following.
1. Check the network cable of the device.
2. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
3. Check the server name/tree name.
4. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
018-579 NW Server Disk Full RAP
Netware Error - Hard Disk Full
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
2. Check the capacity of the data storage server.
3. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-327 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-580, 018-581
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-580 Netware Invalid Volume RAP
Netware Error - A nonexistent volume name was specified.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
2. Check the volume name.
3. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
018-581 Netware Invalid Path RAP
Netware Error - Path Does Not Exist.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
2. Check the directory path name.
3. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-328 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-582, 018-583
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-582 Access Right Fail RAP
Netware Resources Access Rights Verification. One of the following conditions exist:
The User who is logged in does not have the right to open the file.
The User who is logged in does not have the right to create the file.
The User who is logged in does not have the right to access the directory.
The User who is logged in does not have the right to read the file.
The User who is logged in does not have the right to write to the file.
The User who is logged in does not have the right to delete the directory/file.
Although all the specified directories/files are read-only, a deletion request was issued.
Although some of the specified directories/files are read-only, a deletion request was
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
2. Check the rights of the User - Example:
Check if the user has the right to open the file.
Check if the user has the right to create the file.
Check if the user has the right to access the directory.
Check if the user has the right to read the file.
Check if the user has the right to write to the file.
Check if the user has the right to delete the file/directory.
3. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
018-583 NW Server Disk Error RAP
Netware Error - Disk Access Error
Perform the following.
1. Check the HDD of the Netware server.
2. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
3. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-329 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-584, 018-585
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-584 NW Server Access Fail RAP
Netware Error
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
2. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
018-585 Netware Error in Use RAP
Netware files currently in use by other users
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
2. Check the current usage status of other users.
3. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-330 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-586, 018-587
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-586 Netware Login Fail RAP
The Netware server has refused the login.
Perform the following.
1. Check whether the NetWare server is accessible from the PC.
2. Check the login user name.
3. Check the login password.
4. Check the volume name.
5. Check the server name/tree name.
6. Check the context name.
7. Execute DSREPAIR from the Server Console of the NetWare server.
018-587 File Duplication Fail RAP
File Name Conflict Stop. "Prohibit Overwrite" is selected for scan "File Name Conflict"
Set "File Name Conflict" to other than "Cancel Job".
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-331 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-588, 018-589
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-588 Scan Filing Policy Invalid RAP
Invalid filing policy (when additional items are selected) was detected after connecting with the
When "Add" is selected for "File Name Conflict", check that the file format is not set to Multi-
018-589 NEXTNAME.DAT Error RAP
Failed to access the NEXTNAME.DAT file.
When "Add" is selected for "File Name Conflict", check that the NEXTNAME.DAT file is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-332 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-590, 018-591
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-590 Same Name Exists RAP
Process stopped because a file with the same name already exists
Perform the same operation again without multiple machines accessing the same folder in the
same server.
018-591 File Name Suffix Limit Over RAP
When determining the file/folder name in the server after connecting to the server, the suffix of
the file name/folder name has exceeded the limit.
Change the file name/destination folder on the scan server. Else, move or delete the files in the
destination folder.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-333 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-592, 018-593
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-592 Lock Folder Create Fail RAP
Scan Lock Folder Creation Failed
Check the following:
1. If a lock directory (*.LCK) remained in the transfer destination, delete it manually and retry
the job.
2. Check whether there is a folder that has the same name as the specified name.
018-593 Lock Folder Delete Fail RAP
Scan Lock Folder Deletion Failed
If a lock directory (*.LCK) remained in the transfer destination, delete it manually and retry the
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-334 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-595, 018-596
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-595 LDAP Protocol Error 595 RAP
Attestation Server detected a duplicated user. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
Duplicate ID is detected in ICCG external authentication (LDAP protocol).
Correct the user entered in database on the LDAP server so that it does not have the same IC
card info as any other user.
018-596 LDAP Protocol Error 596 RAP
(1) Error other than 018-595 that occurs with authentication LDAP (Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol) protocol (ProtocolCategory=7)
(2) Protocol type delivered to Coml_Fault_GetNETCeCode(?) is unexpected.
FTP/HTTP is designated or protocol type larger than LDAP_NETAUTH(=7) is desig-
Retry the operation.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-335 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-701, 018-702
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-701 LDAP Protocol Error 01 RAP
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) protocol error in Address Book operation
01(Operation error).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-702 LDAP Protocol Error 02 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error. LDAP protocol error in Address
Book operation 02 (Protocol Error).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-336 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-703, 018-704
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-703 LDAP Protocol Error 03 RAP
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) protocol error in Address Book operation 03
(Search timeout).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-704 LDAP Protocol Error 04 RAP
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) protocol error in Address Book operation 04
(Search target data volume is too large).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-337 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-705, 018-706
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-705 LDAP Protocol Error 05 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Comparison request result is
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-706 LDAP Protocol Error 06 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Comparison request result is
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
The message means that the result has come out as designated and is not error message.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-338 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-707, 018-708
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-707 LDAP Protocol Error 07 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Designated authentication
method is not supported).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-708 LDAP Protocol Error 08 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Stronger authentication is
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to change authentication method. Check with network administrator to reexamine
authentication setting. If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote LDAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-339 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-710, 018-711
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-710 LDAP Protocol Error 09 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (No registration in search
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-711 LDAP Protocol Error 11 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Administration limit exceeded).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-340 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-712, 018-713
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-712 LDAP Protocol Error 12 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Extended function is not
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-713 LDAP Protocol Error 13 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Confidentiality is required).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-341 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-714, 018-716
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-714 LDAP Protocol Error 14 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (SASL bind processing in
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-716 LDAP Protocol Error 16 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Requested attribute does not
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-342 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-717, 018-718
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-717 LDAP Protocol Error 17 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Designated attribute is unde-
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-718 LDAP Protocol Error 18 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Inappropriate combination).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-343 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-719, 018-720
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-719 LDAP Protocol Error 19 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Constraint violation).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-720 LDAP Protocol Error 20 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Designated attribute exists
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-344 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-721, 018-725
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-721 LDAP Protocol Error 21 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Designated attribute value syn-
tax error).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are present. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-725 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error (22) RAP
User's Kerberos password expired.
Ask server's administrator to extend the password expiration date.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-345 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-726 , 018-727
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-726 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error (70) RAP
Upper CA authentication of user's Smart Card is not registered on the device.
Check if upper CA authentication of user's Smart Card is registered on the device. If not, regis-
ter it on the device.
018-727 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error (71) RAP
Authentication in user's Smart Card is invalid (rejected by Kerberos server).
Check if authentication of user's Smart Card is valid. If not valid, renew Smart card. If Kerberos
server is set to not allow use user's Smart Card, ask the server administrator to give permis-
sion to such user.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-346 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-728 , 018-732
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-728 Kerberos Authentication Protocol Error (72) RAP
KDC authentication of Kerberos server is invalid (rote CA authentication is not registered on
the device, or KDC authentication is expired, or KDC authentication address is incorrect).
1) Check if route CA authentication is registered on the device. If not, register it on the device.
2) Check if KDC authentication is expired. If expired, get renewed.
3) Check if the Kerberos server address set on the device matches the address written in the
Kerberos server KDC authentication. If they are different, change the Kerbeors Server address
set on the device, or check the Kerbeors Server KDC certificate. In this case, there is a possi-
bility of a wrong setting or Kerbeors Server impersonation.
018-732 LDAP Protocol Error 32 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (No corresponding object).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-347 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-733, 018-734
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-733 LDAP Protocol Error 33 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error.
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-734 LDAP Protocol Error 34 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Wrong alias).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-348 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-735, 018-736
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-735 LDAP Protocol Error 35 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Object at the end).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-736 LDAP Protocol Error 36 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Alias cannot be referred).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-349 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-748, 018-749
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-748 LDAP Protocol Error 48 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Authentication rejected).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. Check with network administrator to verify
authentication setting of server side, If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the
remote LDAP server.
018-749 LDAP Protocol Error 49 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Designated authentication cer-
tificate is invalid/Login name is invalid).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Ask the customer to re-verify user name and password to be used for authentication to cancel
incorrect search login name. Check with network administrator to verify authentication setting
of server side when the status is not improved.
Verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote
LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-350 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-750, 018-751
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-750 LDAP Protocol Error 50 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (No user access right).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups.
Check with network administrator to verify access rights for server side
If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote LDAP server.
018-751 LDAP Protocol Error 51 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Busy).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-351 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-752, 018-753
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-752 LDAP Protocol Error 52 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Cannot Process).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-753 LDAP Protocol Error 53 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Execution rejected).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-352 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-754, 018-764
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-754 LDAP Protocol Error 54 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Loop detected).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-764 LDAP Protocol Error 64 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (illegal naming). Update-related
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-353 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-765, 018-766
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-765 LDAP Protocol Error RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Wrong object class designa-
tion). Update-related problem
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-766 LDAP Protocol Error 66 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Not executable with entry other
than at the end). Update-related problem
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-354 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-767, 018-768
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-767 LDAP Protocol Error 67 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Not executable with RDN).
Update-related problem.
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-768 LDAP Protocol Error 68 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Designated entry already
exists). Update-related problem
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-355 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-769, 018-770
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-769 LDAP Protocol Error 69 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Object class not changeable).
Update-related problem.
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-770 LDAP Protocol Error 70 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (search target too large).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
Ask the customer to retry search with narrower search target by changing search condition/
search start position in Address Book internal data. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-356 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-771, 018-780
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-771 LDAP Protocol Error 71 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Influence on multiple DSA).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-780 LDAP Protocol Error 80 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Unknown error occurs).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-357 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-781, 018-782
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-781 LDAP Protocol Error 81 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Cannot connect with server).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups.
1. Check if network cable is connected or not.
2. Verify activation status of requested server when the cable is connected.
3. Check if server name is correct or not, and correct it if incorrect, using "Specification set-
ting" - "Network setting"- "External authentication server/Directory service setting"- "LDAP
server/Directory service setting.
If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote LDAP server.
018-782 LDAP Protocol Error 82 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Program error or SASL authen-
tication error).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-358 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-783, 018-784
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-783 LDAP Protocol Error 83 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Sent message encoding error).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-784 LDAP Protocol Error 84 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Received message decoding
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-359 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-785, 018-786
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-785 LDAP Protocol Error 85 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Search timeout).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
Ask the customer to retry search with narrower search target by changing search condition/
search start position in Address Book internal data. Ask the customer to verify the machine
LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote LDAP server.
018-786 LDAP Protocol Error 86 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Unknown authentication
method is designated).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-360 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-787, 018-788
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-787 LDAP Protocol Error 87 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Error in search filter descrip-
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-788 LDAP Protocol Error 88 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Operation command can-
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-361 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-789, 018-790
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-789 LDAP Protocol Error 89 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (illegal parameter delivered).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-790 LDAP Protocol Error 90 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Memory shortage).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-362 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-791, 018-792
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-791 LDAP Protocol Error 91 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (cannot connect with server).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-792 LDAP Protocol Error 92 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Function not supported).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-363 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-793, 018-794
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-793 LDAP Protocol Error 93 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Result not sent back).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-794 LDAP Protocol Error 94 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (No more result).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-364 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-795, 018-796
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
018-795 LDAP Protocol Error 95 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Still more result).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
018-796 LDAP Protocol Error 96 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Client loop detected).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-365 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-797
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
018-797 LDAP Protocol Error 97 RAP
There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Max. number of reference hop
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a Configuration Report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the Config Report indicates valid net-
work settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. Ask
the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-366 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 018-797
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-367 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 021-215, 021-360
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
021-215 Invalid Accessory Type RAP
The setting for accessory type, NVM location 850-007, does not mkatch the type of accessory
installed must be set to 0.
NOTE: IF FDI is removed from the IOT, NVM 850-007 must be set to 0.
Change the value in NVM location 850-007 to the appropriate one for the connected acces-
sory, then power OFF then ON. Or replace the connected accessory with the appropriate one
for the setting, then power OFF then ON.
021-360 Accessory Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
An error occurred in the connection to the foreign accessory. The accessory that should be
installed is not found.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
1. Check the connection to the accessory, pull out and insert the FDI and replace the cable.
2. If the problem persists, replace the FDI.
3. If the trouble persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
4. Check that the Controller software is the latest version.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-368 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 021-515, 021-516
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
021-515 Wrong M/C Type Code RAP
Illegal product code is detected on server side. SOAP Fault indicating that product code
included in the message from the device is illegal is reported. Code=Client, Subcode=Invalid-
Operation, Subcode3=InvalidProductCode.
Power OFF/ON. If the problem persists, perform the procedures:
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
021-516 Wrong Serial Number RAP
Illegal serial number is detected on server side. SOAP Fault indicating that serial number
included in the message from the device is illegal is reported. Code=Client, Subcode=Invalid-
Operation, Subcode3=InvalidSerialNumber.
Power OFF/ON. If the problem persists, perform the procedures:
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-369 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 021-523, 021-524
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
021-523 Internal Error RAP
Software failure where operation can be continued is detected. Or, memory access error where
operation can be continued is detected. Or, "CURLE_SEND_ERROR"is sent back from lib-
cURL. Or, "CURLE_RECV_ERROR"is sent back from libcURL.
Power OFF/ON. If the problem persists, perform the procedures:
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
021-524 Inconsistency of Installation Status RAP
Installation is requested but installed status is detected internally. When starting installation
processing, System Data "Installation status" indicates "already installed".
Power OFF/ON. If the problem persists, perform the procedures:
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-370 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 021-525, 021-528
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
021-525 Inconsistency of Withdrawal Status RAP
Withdrawal is requested but withdrawn status is detected internally. When starting withdrawal
processing, System Data "Installation status" indicates "Not installed".
Power OFF/ON. If the problem persists, perform the procedures:
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
021-528 Communication Setting Error RAP
At the start of communication, communication-disabling setting is detected. At the start of com-
munication, System Data "Installation status" indicates "Not installed".
Power OFF/ON. If the problem persists, perform the procedures:
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-371 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 021-733, 021-941
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
021-733 Accessory Error RAP
Job Fail. Color is inhibited or card limit value is reached while Accessory is mounted.
Power OFF/ON. If the problem persists, perform the procedures:
Operate color limitation KeySW to enable color, or to replace the card by a card of which
upper limit value for color is not reached.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
021-941 Scan Service Paused By Disable RAP
With a Foreign Device accessory installed, the card was missing, insufficient fee paid or a
shortage of card value.
Insert a Xerox card, copy card or cash into the accessory, and ensure that there are sufficient
fees or card value.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-372 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 021-942, 021-943
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
021-942 Scan Service Paused By Color Mode RAP
With a Foreign Device accessory installed, there was Color Mode Restriction or the upper limit
was reached.
Operate the Color Restriction Key SW to allow Color. Or, replace the card with another card
that does not reach its upper limit in Color mode.
021-943 Print Service Paused By Disable RAP
With a Foreign Device accessory installed, the card was missing, insufficient fee paid or a
shortage of card value.
Insert a Xerox card, copy card or cash into the accessory, and ensure that there are sufficient
fees or card value.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-373 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 021-944, 021-945
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
021-944 Print Service Paused By Color Mode RAP
One of the following has occurred:
1. "Color Print Prohibited" is set in the machine.
When color is prohibited, this error will appear when "Black" is not specified for print-
ing from the PC even if the printed document contains only B/W pages.
2. The number of color print sheets of the Accessory (= DocuLyzer) that is installed to
the machine has reached the upper limit.
1. Operate the color limit keys in the machine to allow color print.
Or, use the Printer Driver in the PC to instruct printing in "Black" mode (instructing "Auto"
or "Color" will not improve the situation.)
In DocuLyzer, reset the "Color Current Count Value for Each Output Color" of the target
Or, insert a card with count that has not reached the upper limit of the color count.
021-945 Service Paused By Disable RAP
With a Foreign Device accessory installed, the card was missing, insufficient fee paid or a
shortage of card value.
Insert a Xerox card, copy card or cash into the accessory, and ensure that there are sufficient
fees or card value.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-374 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 021-946
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
021-946 Service Paused By Color Mode RAP
With a Foreign Device accessory installed, there was Color Mode Restriction or the upper limit
was reached.
Operate the Color Restriction Key SW to allow Color. Or, replace the card with another card
that does not reach its upper limit in Color mode.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-375 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 023-600, 023-601
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
023-600 Held Down Key Error (UI-Panel)
NOTE: This is a hidden Fault.
A hard key on the panel has been found to be held down for one or more consecutive minutes.
This is a Fault to convey a message. No action is required.
023-601 Held Down Softkey Error (UI-Panel)
NOTE: This is a hidden Fault.
The Touch Panel has been found to be held down for one or more consecutive minutes.
This is a Fault to convey a message. No action is required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-376 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 023-600, 023-601
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-377 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-340, 024-341
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-340 IOT-ESS Communication 1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) are
securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all
PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-341 IOT-ESS Communication 2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) are
securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all
PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-378 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-342, 024-343
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-342 IOT-ESS Communication 3 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-343 IOT-ESS Communication 4 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-379 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-345, 024-346
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-345 IOT-ESS Communication 5 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-346 IOT-ESS Communication 6 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-380 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-347, 024-348
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-347 IOT-ESS Communication 7 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ESS PWB detected a communication error between the IOT and the ESS.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-348 IOT-ESS Communication 8 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The ESS PWB detected a communication error between the IOT and the ESS.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-381 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-349, 024-350
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-349 IOT-ESS Communication 9 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-350 IOT-ESS Communication 10 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-382 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-351, 024-352
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-351 IOT-ESS Communication 11 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-352 IOT-ESS Communication 12 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
IOT-ESS Communication Failure 12. ESS PWB detected a communication failure between
IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-383 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-353, 024-354
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-353 IOT-ESS Communication 13 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
IOT-ESS Communication Failure 13. ESS PWB detected a communication failure between
IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-354 IOT-ESS Communication 14 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-384 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-355, 024-356
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-355 IOT-ESS Communication 15 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
IOT-ESS Communication Failure 15. ESS PWB detected a communication failure between
IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-356 IOT-ESS Communication 16 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
ESS PWB detected a communication failure between IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-385 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-357, 024-358
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-357 IOT-ESS Communication 17 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
IOT-ESS Communication Failure 17. ESS PWB detected a communication failure between
IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-358 IOT-ESS Communication 18 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
IOT-ESS Communication Failure 18. ESS PWB detected a communication failure between
IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-386 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-359, 024-360
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-359 IOT-ESS Communication 19 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
IOT-ESS Communication Failure 19. ESS PWB detected a communication failure between
IOT and ESS.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-360 IOT-ESS Initialization RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The IOT and ESS failed to initialize
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-387 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-361, 024-362
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-361 Invalid IOT Paper Size RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Invalid IOT Paper Size Group Information.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-362 Page Sync Start RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
During IOT output, before the output data was written to FIFO Full (first in first out), Page Sync
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-388 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-363, 024-364
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-363 Page Sync Stop RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
During IOT output, before output in the specified size, Page Sync was disabled.
Initial Actions
Move away machines that are noisy.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check that connectors on the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL
35.2) are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS,
MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw. If the problem continues, reload Software (GP
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
024-364 DMA Transfer RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Reduction/enlargement failed to access the data in Direct Memory Access.
NOTE: There is a high probability that the cause is faulty firmware or data corruption (RAM or
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Uninstall and reinstall the Page Memory (PL 35.2).
If the problem persists, replace the Page Memory (PL 35.2).
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-389 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-365, 024-366
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-365 Overflow Loop Back Write RAP
Overflow on the Loop Back Write.
Switch the power Off then On.
024-366 JBIG Library Other Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
JBIG Library Other Failure.
Switch the power Off then On. If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). Check
the sw version of the controller sw - update if required--
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-390 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-367, 024-368
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-367 Decompression Synchronization RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Incorrect line synchronization was detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Uninstall and reinstall the Page Memory (PL 35.2)
If the problem persists, replace the Page Memory (PL 35.2).
Check that connectors on the HDD, MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected
to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
024-368 PCI RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
PCI access error occurred due to a faulty PCI bus.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Uninstall and reinstall the Page Memory (PL 35.2)
If the problem persists, replace the Page Memory (PL 35.2).
Check that connectors on the HDD, MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
are securely connected. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected
to them (RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-391 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-370, 024-371
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-370 Marker Code Detection RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
During Enlarge, when the file was enlarged only by the specified size, the end code (FF02)
cannot be found in the compressed data.
The problem occurs only for specific documents.
Perform following as required:
1. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine
utilizing the UI.
2. Check that connectors on the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
are securely connected.
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
4. Uninstall and reinstall the Page Memory and System Memory (PL 35.2).
5. If the problem persists, replace the Page Memory and System Memory (PL 35.2).
6. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
7. If the problem persists, replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
8. Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed
a. Job Log Clear Mode
b. HDD Initialize Mode
9. If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
10. Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Perform following as required:
1. Reload Software (GP 16).
2. Change the Print mode (Normal/High Quality/High Resolution).
3. Change the port settings or the Receive Buffer size.)
024-371 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 21 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Sub System Fail. The communication between the ESS and IOT has not been established,
which is detected by the Controller. When the Controller and IOT are turned ON (including
recovery from Power Saver mode), a response from the IOT to a request to establish commu-
nications from the Controller was not detected within the specified time.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-392 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-372, 024-373
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-372 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 22 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Sub System Fail. Sending error detected by Controller (Incorrect parameter instruction). An
illegal instruction for IOT Port No., Timeout Time, Pointer, or Transfer Size was detected.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
024-373 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 23 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Sub System Fail. DLL communication failure recovery error detected by Controller. When a
message packet is sent from the Controller, the ACK packet from the IOT cannot be received
within the specified time after the specified number of retries.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-393 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-374, 024-375
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-374 Registration Con PLL Parameter Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Sub System Fail. RegiCon adjustment value setting error detected by Controller (Incorrect
parameter instruction). Incorrect color registration adjustment value is sent from the IOT.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
024-375 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 24 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Sub System Fail. DLL receiving error detected by Controller (Incorrect parameter instruction).
An illegal instruction for IOT Port No., Timeout Time, or Pointer was detected.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-394 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-376, 024-600
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-376 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 25 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Sub System Fail. (IOT): MCU image signal truncation detected by the Controller. Occurs when
a break in connection is detected at the loopback terminal of the image signal line.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
024-600 Billing Master Counter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
There is a billing master counter error.
Perform GP 10.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-395 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-601, 024-602
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-601 Billing Backup Counter 1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
There is a billing backup counter error.
Perform GP 10.
024-602 Billing Backup Counter 2 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
There is a billing backup counter error.
Perform GP 10.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-396 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-603, 024-604
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-603 Software Key Master Counter RAP
There is a software key master counter error.
024-604 Software Key Backup Counter 1 RAP
There is a software key backup counter 1 error.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-397 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-605, 024-606
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-605 Software Key Backup Counter 2 RAP
There is a software key backup counter 2 error.
024-606 Billing Meter Type Master Counter RAP
Record. Billing Meter Type is automatically repaired. (ESS SEEP repaired).
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Billing Meter Type (kept in ESS SEEP) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-398 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-607, 024-608
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-607 Billing Meter Type Backup Counter 1 RAP
Record. Billing Meter Type is automatically repaired. (ESS NVM repaired)
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Billing Meter Type (kept in ESS NVM) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
024-608 Billing Meter Type Backup Counter 2 RAP
Record. Billing Meter Type is automatically repaired. (IOT NVM repaired).
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Billing Meter Type (kept in IOT NVM) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-399 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-609, 024-610
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-609 Billing Count Type Master Counter RAP
Record. Billing Count Type is automatically repaired. (ESS SEEP repaired).
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Billing Count Type (kept in ESS SEEP) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
024-610 Billing Count Type Backup Counter 1 RAP
Record. Billing Count Type is automatically repaired. (ESS NVM repaired).
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Billing Count Type (kept in ESS NVM) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-400 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-611, 024-612
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-611 Billing Count Type Backup Counter 2 RAP
Record. Billing Count Type is automatically repaired. (IOT NVM repaired).
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Billing Count Type (kept in IOT NVM) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
024-612 Modal Break Point Master Counter RAP
Record. Modal Break Point is automatically repaired. (ESS SEEP repaired)
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Modal Break Point (kept in ESS SEEP) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-401 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-613, 024-614
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-613 Modal Break Point Backup Counter 1 RAP
Record. Modal Break Point is automatically repaired. (ESS NVM repaired)
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Modal Break Point (kept in ESS NVM) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
024-614 Modal Break Point Backup Counter 2 RAP
Record. Modal Break Point is automatically repaired. (IOT NVM repaired).
[This is a hidden Fail.]
Modal Break Point (kept in IOT NVM) has been automatically repaired.
NOTE: A Shutdown History report is logged.
This is a Fail to convey a message. No action is required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-402 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-700, 024-701
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-700 Memory Shortage or HDD Not Mounted RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Job is unprintable due to [System memory capacity shortage] or [HDD unmounted] signal is
1. Mount the HDD (PL 35.2).
2. Uninstall and Reinstall Page Memory (PL 35.2).
3. Replace Page Memory (PL 35.2).
4. Power OFF/ON.
5. If 016-210 or 016-211 faults are present repair as necessary.
024-701 Invalid Instruction of Face Inversion RAP
Job. Job cancellation due to the invalid Invert instruction.
IOTsc has detected that the device has been instructed to print paper that is not invertible.
Coil punch x Tab paper x Invert instruction
Paper size/type not invertible x Invert instruction
Instruct the device in the way that enables it to invert paper for reoutput.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-403 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-702, 024-742
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-702 Paper Jam RAP
Job cancellation due to paper jam. When paper jam occurs as printing is in progress for a Print
Service Job (when Jam Recovery is set to "OFF").
Resolve the paper jam and print again.
024-742 Print Booklet Sheets Counts Over RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Job Fail. A printer job whose paper quantity exceeds Booklet Paper Quantity is canceled.
The number of sheets per set exceeds a specific allowable number for Booklet.
* This fault is detected at the start of print.
If the number of sheets is larger by one, automatically only saddle stitching is dese-
lected and the sheets become folded in half for output.
If folding is only selected, an allowable number of sheets per set are automatically
folded for output.
Choose creation of every Booklet using a maximum number of sheets, or deselect Book-
When every Booklet is created using a maximum number of sheets, a specific signature is
laid out on top of each booklet consisting of the max number of sheets.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-404 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-746, 024-747
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-746 Print Request Failure-Paper RAP
Job Fail. There are parameters that are incompatible with the specified paper type. The paper
type specified by the job is incompatible with options such as Paper Tray, Output Tray, Auto-
matic 2 Sided Print/Staple (E.g. Auto 2-Sided Print is specified for Transparencies).
Do not specify parameters that are incompatible with the specified paper type.
024-747 Print Instruction Fail RAP
Job Fail. Operation cannot be continued due to combination of unprintable parameters (stored
file size, paper size, paper tray, duplex command, output tray). The specified combination of
parameters (stored file size, paper size, paper tray, duplex command, output tray) cannot be
executed or continued. When a job cannot continue due to component failure when [Start] but-
ton is pressed after a temporary interruption due to a component failure during a print opera-
tion, this error is also displayed.
Change the print parameter and print again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-405 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-748, 024-775
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-748 Bates Numbering Digit Over RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Job Fail. The number of Bates Numbering digits is exceeded. In the process of printing Bates
Numbering, a maximum number of 9 or the user-specified number of digits is exceeded.
Reduce the number of documents to less than the user-specified number or reduce the
number of numbering digits in order to copy them again.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
024-775 Print Booklet Sheets Counts Over (Not Field
Attachment) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Job Fail. A printer job whose paper quantity exceeds Booklet Paper Quantity is canceled. (This
occurs with a job without simplex/duplex setting.)
This fault is detected at the start of print.
The number of sheets per set for printer print exceeds a specific allowable number for
If the number of sheets is larger by one, automatically only saddle stitching is dese-
lected and the sheets become folded in three for output.
If folding is only selected, an allowable number of sheets per set are automatically
folded for output.
Because the Print Service operation of setting simplex/duplex is done by Driver, only the
operation without simplex/duplex setting is done by the machine.
As a detection of this Fail causes a job to be canceled, a message is only displayed indi-
cating the job is canceled.
Choose creation of every Booklet using a maximum number of sheets, or deselect Book-
When every Booklet is created using a maximum number of sheets, a specific signature is
laid out on top of each booklet consisting of the max number of sheets.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-406 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-900, 024-910
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-900 Upper Tray Out Of Place
A tray above the paper tray selected was "out of place" so it was decided that paper feed was
impossible. This fault occurs depending on the configuration of the paper transport in the
engine.(This occurs only with Front C Path Engine.)
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI. Load the correct paper in the tray. Ensure that all Trays are closed.
024-910 Tray 1 Size Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.1 - Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Operation Error. Size Mismatch Tray 1: Measured Length Mismatch. When the paper slow
scan direction length is measured on the paper path, the length is different from the slow scan
length for the size detected by the tray.
Load the correct paper in the tray.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
The Tray 1 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [071-200];Component Control
[071-104] (PL 9.1)
The connection between the Tray 1 Paper Size Sensor P/J122 and the MCU PWB P/
J414 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-407 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-911, 024-912
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-911 Tray 2 Size Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.2 - Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Operation Error. Size Mismatch Tray 2: Measured Length Mismatch. When the paper slow
scan direction length is measured on the paper path, the length is different from the slow scan
length for the size detected by the tray.
Load the correct paper in the tray.
If the problem persists, check the sensor using the Generic Sensor Failure RAP.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
The Tray 2 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [072-200];Component Control
[072-104] (PL 9.1)
The connection between the Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor P/J123 and the MCU PWB P/
J414 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
024-912 Tray 3 Size Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.3 - Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Operation Error. Size Mismatch Tray 3: Measured Length Mismatch. When the paper slow
scan direction length is measured on the paper path, the length is different from the slow scan
length for the size detected by the tray.
Load the correct paper in the tray.
If the problem persists, check the sensor using the Generic Sensor Failure RAP.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
The Tray 3 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [073-200];Component Control
[073-104] (PL 11.12)
The connection between the Tray 3 Paper Size Sensor P/J102 and the Tray Module
PWB P/J548 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-408 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-913, 024-916
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-913 Tray 4 Size Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.4 - Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Operation Error. Size Mismatch Tray 4: Measured Length Mismatch. When the paper slow
scan direction length is measured on the paper path, the length is different from the slow scan
length for the size detected by the tray.
Load the correct paper in the tray.
If the problem persists, check the sensor using the Generic Sensor Failure RAP.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
The Tray 4 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [074-200];Component Control
[074-104] (PL 11.12)
The connection between the Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor P/J103 and the Tray Module
PWB P/J548 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
024-916 Mix Full Stack RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 12.8 - Integrated Finisher Stacker Tray Control
BSD-ON: BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
Any of the following conditions could cause this fault:
The output paper stacked on the Finisher Stacker Tray reaches capacity (for the same
paper size only).
The paper size in either the process or cross-process direction of the current job is larger
than the top sheet size of the previous job
The top sheet size (width) of previous job is less than 279.4mm and Staple Mode is
The top sheet size of the previous job is unknown
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Go to the 012-212 Stacker Tray Upper Limit Failure RAP (LX) (Office Finisher LX), 012-
211 (Integrated Finisher) Stacker Tray Fail.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, Control Panel, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them
(RAM, Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS & MCU)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-409 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-917, 024-926
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-917 Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS - MCU Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 12.8 - Integrated Finisher Stacker Tray Control
BSD-ON: BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
The number of stapled copies exceeded the capacity of the Stacker Tray.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Empty the tray
Check the connection of each Finisher PWB connector. The connectors are securely con-
Connect the connectors.
Turn on the power again. [024-917] reoccurs.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the Stacker Tray No Paper Sensor operation and circuit (BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX
Stacker Tray Control. If the sensor fails, replace it, PL 23.7 Finisher LX)
024-926 Puncher Waste Bin Not Set RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
The Puncher Waste Bin is not installed correctly or there is a failure in the Punch Box Set Sen-
sor or related circuitry.
Initial Actions
Remove and reinstall the Puncher Waste Bin to its correct location.
Check for any debris or obstructions in the path of the Punch Waste Bin or the Punch Box
Set Sensor.
Enter Component Control [012-275]. and remove and reinstall the Punch Waste Bin. The dis-
play changes.
Check the circuit of the Punch Box Set Sensor on BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX
Punch. Check the wires and connectors for an intermittent open or short circuit. If the
problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16) If OK, Replace the Fin-
isher PWB (PL 23.16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-410 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-928 (Integrated Office Finisher), 024-928 (Finish-
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-928 (Integrated Office Finisher) Scratch Sheet Compile
Paper was detected that was either out of spec, in poor condition (wrinkled, curled) and was
ejected to the compiler.
NOTE: This code is an operation message. If this code is frequently declared, perform the pro-
cedure below.
Initial Actions
Check that the Top Cover can be opened and closed.
Power Off/On.
Check the specifications of paper. The paper is in spec.
Replace the paper with new paper that is in spec.
Check the condition of the paper. The paper is in normal condition without any problem
that causes the paper to be bent (dog eared) or jam.
Resolve any problem that causes the paper to be bent or caught.
Check for a Fault Code. Another Fault Code is displayed.
If the problem continues, replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Go to the appropriate Fault Code.
024-928 (Finisher LX) Scratch Sheet Compile RAP
A sheet, which is identified as an abnormal sheet (scratch sheet) by Sheet Exit command from
IOT, is ejected to the Compiler Tray.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the Eject cover is closed.
Check all connectors on the Finisher PWB. The connectors are connected correctly.
Connect the connectors.
Switch the power Off then On. Open and close the Eject Cover. If the fault is still present,
replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-411 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-934, 024-936
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-934 Paper Type Mismatch RAP
Operation Error. Paper Type Mismatch. This error occurs when the paper fed is different from
that specified in the Controller (Plain paper and Heavyweight cannot be recognized).
Load the specified media.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-936 Tray 2 Paper Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.2 - Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
Operation Error. Tray 2 Paper Type Mismatch.
1. Transparencies are loaded in Tray 2, when Tray 5 should have been used.
2. Other paper is loaded when a Transparencies job is performed
3. Transparencies with borders was detected.
Jam occurs when borders were detected by checking transparencies for borders (by the
OHP Sensor) after feeding started.
Check UI Settings and ensure that Tray 5 is selected with the correct media.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-412 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-937, 024-938
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-937 Tray 3 Paper Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.3 - Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
Operation Error. Tray 3 Paper Type Mismatch.
1. Transparencies are loaded in Tray 3, when Tray 5 should have been used.
2. Other paper is loaded when a Transparencies job is performed
3. Transparencies with borders was detected.
Jam occurs when borders were detected by checking transparencies for borders (by the
OHP Sensor) after feeding started.
Check UI Settings and ensure that Tray 5 is selected with the correct media.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-938 OHP Kind Mismatch at Tray 4 (Not white frame
BSD-ON: BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking
Operation Error. BUTTON: Paper Type Mismatch. Transparencies With Borders Detected Tray
1. Transparencies are loaded in Tray 4, when Tray 5 should have been used.
2. Other paper is loaded when a Transparencies job is performed
3. Transparencies with borders was detected.
Jam occurs when borders were detected by checking transparencies for borders (by the
OHP Sensor) after feeding started.
Check UI Settings and ensure that Tray 5 is selected with the correct media.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-413 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-939, 024-942
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-939 OHP Kind Mismatch (Not white frame OHP) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking
Operation Error. Paper Type Mismatch. The system is shut down (stop) if Transparencies with
borders are detected regardless of the paper type setting in the Controller.
Transparencies are loaded when a non-transparencies job is performed.
Other paper is loaded when a Transparencies job is performed
Transparencies with borders was detected.
Jam occurs when borders were detected by checking transparencies for borders (by the
OHP Sensor) after feeding started.
Check UI Settings and ensure that Tray 5 is selected with the correct media.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-942 Booklet Sheet Over Count RAP
Booklet Sheets Over Count. The number of sheets in a booklet is over the limit.
Initial Actions
Check the maximum number of sheets for Booklet.
Program job in compliance with the maximum number of sheets for Booklet. Switch the power
OFF then ON.Cancel Booklet. The same error recurs.
Bind sheets by the maximum number of sheets for Booklet.
Replace the Booklet PWB (PL 23.21) followed by the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7) or (PL 23.16)
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-414 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-943, 024-946
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-943 Booklet Low Staple RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.26 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (1 of 2 - Front)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.27 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (2 of 2 - Rear)
Booklet Low Staple. There are few remaining staples for booklets. (This fault can also occur if
the cartridge is removed.)
Replace the Staple Cartridge. If the problem persists, go to the 012-249 LX or 012-268 LX
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
024-946 Tray 1 Position RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.1 - Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
The Tray 1 Paper Size Switch detected no tray.
Initial Actions
Switch the power off, then on.
Pull out and re-insert Tray 1.
Check the following:
Broken link and breakage at the bottom of the tray
The Actuator at the rear of the Tray for operation failure
The Tray 1 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [071-200];Component Control
[071-104] (PL 9.1)
The connection between the Tray 1 Paper Size Sensor P/J122 and the MCU PWB P/
J414 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-415 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-947, 024-948
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-947 Tray 2 Position RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.2 - Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
The Tray 2 Paper Size Switch detected no tray.
Initial Actions
Switch the power off, then on.
Pull out and re-insert Tray 2.
Check the following:
Broken link and breakage at the bottom of the tray
The Actuator at the rear of the Tray for operation failure
The Tray 2 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [072-200];Component Control
[072-104] (PL 9.1)
The connection between the Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor P/J123 and the MCU PWB P/
J414 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
024-948 Tray 3 Position RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.3 - Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
The Tray 3 Paper Size Switch detected no tray.
Initial Actions
Switch the power off, then on.
Pull out and re-insert Tray3.
Check the following:
Broken link and breakage at the bottom of the tray
The Actuator at the rear of the Tray for operation failure
The Tray 3 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [073-200];Component Control
[073-104] (PL 11.12)
The connection between the Tray 3 Paper Size Sensor P/J102 and the Tray Module
PWB P/J548 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the Tray Module PWB
(PL 11.13).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-416 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-949, 024-950
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-949 Tray 4 Position RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.4 - Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
The Tray 4 Paper Size Switch detected no tray.
Initial Actions
Switch the power off, then on.
Pull out and re-insert Tray4.
Check the following:
Broken link and breakage at the bottom of the tray
The Actuator at the rear of the Tray for operation failure
The Tray 4 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [074-200];Component Control
[074-104] (PL 11.12)
The connection between the Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor P/J103 and the Tray Module
PWB P/J548 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the Tray Module PWB
(PL 11.13).
024-950 Tray 1 No Paper RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking
Tray 1 is out of paper.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the installation of the Tray 1 No Paper Sensor (PL 9.4) and the operation of the actua-
tor. The Sensor is installed correctly and the actuator works.
Reinstall the Sensor.
Execute Component Control [071-101 Tray 1 No Paper Sensor]. Manually activate the Tray 1
No Paper Sensor (PL 9.5). The display changes.
Go to BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking, Troubleshoot the circuit of the Tray 1 No Paper
Sensor. Refer to the OF 99-2, Transmissive Sensor RAP.
Go to the 071-210 RAP to check the Tray 1 Feed LIft Motor.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-417 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-951, 024-952
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-951 Tray 2 No Paper RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.6 - Tray 2 Paper Stacking
Tray 2 is out of paper.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the installation of the Tray 2 No Paper Sensor (PL 9.4) and the operation of the actua-
tor. The Sensor is installed correctly and the actuator works.
Reinstall the Sensor.
Execute Component Control [072-101], Tray 2 No Paper Sensor. Manually activate the Tray 2
No Paper Sensor. The display changes.
Go to BSD 7.6 - Tray 2 Paper Stacking. Troubleshoot the circuit of the Tray 2 No Paper
Sensor (PL 9.5). Refer to the OF 99-2, Transmissive Sensor RAP.
Go to the 072-210 RAP to check the Tray 2 Feed LIft Motor.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-952 Tray 3 No Paper RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.7 - Tray 3 Paper Stacking (TTM)
Tray 3 is out of paper.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the installation of the Tray 3 No Paper Sensor (PL 10.4) and the operation of the actua-
tor. The Sensor is installed correctly and the actuator works.
Reinstall the Sensor.
Execute Component Control [073-101], Tray 3 No Paper Sensor. Manually activate the Tray 3
No Paper Sensor (PL 11.8). The display changes.
Go to BSD 7.7 - Tray 3 Paper Stacking (TTM) Troubleshoot the circuit of the Tray 3 Tray
Empty Sensor. Refer to the OF 99-2, Transmissive Sensor RAP.
Go to the 073-210 RAP to check the Tray 3 Feed LIft Motor.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-418 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-953, 024-954
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-953 Tray 4 No Paper RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.8 - Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
There is no paper in Tray 4.
Initial Actions
Check the tray for paper.
Switch the power OFF then ON.
Check the operation of the actuator.
Execute Component Control [074-101 Tray 4 No Paper Sensor]. Activate the actuator of the
Tray 4 No Paper Sensor (PL 10.4). The display changes.
Go to BSD 7.8 - Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM) and troubleshoot the Tray 4 No Paper
Sensor circuit.
Go to the 074-210 RAP to check the Tray 4 Feed LIft Motor.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-954 Tray 5 No Paper RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.9 - Tray 5 (MSI) Paper Stacking
Tray 5 is out of paper.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Execute Component Control [075-100 Tray 5 No Paper Sensor]. Activate the actuator of the
Tray 5 No Paper Sensor (PL 13.2). The display changes.
Go to BSD 7.9 - Tray 5 (MSI) Paper Stacking and troubleshoot the Tray 5 No Paper
Sensor circuit.
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-419 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-959, 024-960
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-959 Tray 1 Size Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.1 - Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
The paper size in Tray 1 and the paper size specified for printing are different.
Initial Actions
Load the correct size paper in Tray 1.
If problem persists go to the 071-212 RAP.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-960 Tray 2 Size Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.2 - Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
The paper size in Tray 2 and the paper size specified for printing are different.
Initial Actions
Load the correct size paper in Tray 2.
If problem persists go to the 072-212 RAP.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-420 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-961, 024-962
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-961 Tray 3 Size Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.3 - Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
The paper size in Tray 3 and the paper size specified for printing are different.
Initial Actions
Load the correct size paper in Tray 3.
Go to the 073-212 RAP.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-962 Tray 4 Paper Size Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.4 - Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
.Go to the 074-212 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor RAP.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-421 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-963, 024-965
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-963 Finisher Punch DustBox Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
Operation Error. Finisher Punch DustBox FULL. The number of chads has become equal to or
over the number that makes the Punch Dust Box full.
Remove the chads.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-965 ATS/APS Paper (IOT Detect) RAP
No paper loaded of the designated paper for the job.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Reload the relevant tray.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-422 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-966, 024-967
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-966 ATS/APS Destination RAP
APS/ATS is unable to detect the paper size.
Initial Actions
Change the Paper that is selected or change the tray.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-967 Mixed Width Paper (Stapler Job) RAP
Paper Width Mix was detected during stapling.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Cancel stapling for that job.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-423 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-968, 024-969
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-968 Stapler/Punch Concurrence RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
Staple position and Punch position are the same.
Initial Actions
Check if there is the specified paper in the tray.
Switch the power OFF then ON.
Cancel Staple mode and Punch mode. The same problem recurs.
Correct the settings.
Check the connection of each connector of the Finisher PWB. The connectors are properly
Connect the connectors properly.
Check the connection of the cable between the machine and the Finisher. The cable is prop-
erly connected.
Connect the cable properly.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
024-969 Different Width Mix Punch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
Different Width Mix Punch. Paper of different widths was detected while printing in punch
Initial Actions
Check if there is the specified paper in the tray.
Switch the power OFF then ON.
Copy: Cancel Punch mode (user intervention) Printer: Cancel Punch mode (auto cancella-
tion) The same problem recurs.
Correct the settings.
Check the connection of each connector of the Finisher PWB. The connectors are properly
Connect the connectors properly.
Check the connection of the cable between the machine and the Finisher. The cable is prop-
erly connected.
Connect the cable properly.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16), if the problem continues, replace the MCU PWB
(PL 18.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-424 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-976, 024-977
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-976 Staple Status Failed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control
After the Stapler Motor turned On (Forward rotation), the system did not detect that the
Staple Head Home Sensor switched from Off to On within the specified time.
After the Stapler Motor turned On (Reverse rotation), the Staple Head Home Sensor did
not turn On within the specified time.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Go to the 012-291 Stapler Failure RAP
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-977 Stapler Feed Ready RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control
Go to 012-291 (Office Finisher LX).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-425 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-979, 024-979
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-979 Low Staples RAP (Integrated Finisher)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.5 - Integrated Finisher Staple Control
Staples Near Empty or Staple-feed failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Execute Component Control [012-242 Low Staple Sensor]. Install and remove the Staple Car-
tridge. The display changes.
Check the Staple Cartridge for failure or foreign substances. There are no foreign sub-
stances and nothing has failed.
Repair the failure and remove the foreign substances.
Check the wires between P/J8731 and P/J8701 for a loose connection, or an open or a
short circuit. The wires are OK.
Repair as required.
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB P/J8701 -5 (+) and GND (-). The volt-
age is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB P/J8701-7 (+) and GND (-). Install and
remove the Staple Cartridge. The voltage changes.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Staple Assembly (PL 22.4) If the problem persists, replace the Finisher PWB
(PL 22.7).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required. Replace the Finisher PWB (PL
22.7) If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
024-979 Low Staples RAP (Finisher LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control
Staples Near Empty or Staple-feed failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Execute Component Control [012-242 Low Staple Sensor]. Install and remove the Staple Car-
tridge. The display changes.
Check the Staple Cartridge for failure or foreign substances. There are no foreign sub-
stances and nothing has failed.
Repair the failure and remove the foreign substances.
Check the wires between J8886 and P/J8981 for a loose connection, or an open or a
short circuit. The wires are OK.
Repair as required.
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB J8886-5 (+) and GND (-). The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB J8886-7 (+) and GND (-). Install and
remove the Staple Cartridge. The voltage changes.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Staple Assembly (PL 23.4) If the problem persists, replace the Finisher PWB
(PL 23.16).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required. Replace the Finisher PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-426 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-980, 024-982
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-980 Stacker Tray Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
The output paper stacked on the Finisher Stacker Tray reaches capacity (for mixed paper size).
There are a number of different conditions that can cause this fault and those conditions differ
for the different finishers.
Initial Actions
Remove the paper from the Stacker Tray
Power Off/On
Go to the 012-211 (Integrated Finisher) RAP.
Remove the paper from the Stacker Tray
Check the Stack Height Sensor 1 Component Control [012-264] and block and unblock
the sensor, and Stack Height Sensor 2 Component Control [012-265].
Check the wiring for an open or short circuit repair as required.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace the defective Sensor (PL 23.11).
If the fault is still occurring replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
024-982 Finisher Stacker Tray Lower Safety RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
Stacker tray moved down past the lower limit position.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Go to 012-213 Stacker Tray Lower Limit Failure RAP (LX), 012-211 (Integrated Finisher)
Stack Tray Fail.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-427 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-984, 024-989
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
024-984 Booklet Low Staple Front RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control
The Booklet Low Staple Software detects low staple condition just before Booklet Staple Front
starts operating.
Go to 012-291 (Office Finisher LX).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
024-989 Booklet Low Staple R RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.27 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (2 of 2 - Rear)
1. Booklet Stapler Low Staple R signal ON was detected just before Stapling operation.
2. Booklet Stapler Low Staple R signal was detected at Power ON, at initialization, or when
the interlock was closed.
Check for Staple needles and reload them correctly.
If the problem persists, refer to the BSD 12.27 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (2
of 2 - Rear) and check the Rear Low Staple Switch circuit for an open or short.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-428 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 024-990
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
024-990 Punch Dust Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
Operation Error. Punch Dust Box Full is detected.
Clear the Punch Dust scrap.
If the problem persists, check the 024-926.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-429 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 025-596, 025-597
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
025-596 Diagnostic HDD Maintenance RAP
A error is declared when the HDD Fail Forecast occurred.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem persists replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
025-597 Diagnostic HDD Initialize RAP
An error is declared when the HDD Initialization Diagnostic was executed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections.
If the problem persists perform Initialize Hard Disk UI Diagnostics.
If the problem persists replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-430 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 025-596, 025-597
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-431 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-400, 026-700
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
026-400 Exceed the Number of Connection of USB Host
Fail RAP
Info. Failure because the USB Host Port maximum connection has been exceeded. The num-
ber of machines that are connected to the USB Host Port of this machine has exceeded the
maximum permissible number of connections.
Disconnect some of the machines that are connected to this USB Host Port and ensure
that the number of connected machines are below the maximum permissible number of
If the USB Host connected machine is still not operating correctly after the above error
has been resolved, turn the power OFF then ON.
026-700 LDAP Protocol MAX Error RAP
Unspecified LDAP protocol is detected in Address Book operation. LDAP Server is using pro-
tocol unsupported with this machine. his fault is usually caused by server setting or customer's
The server uses an undefined LDAP protocol that is not supported by the machine.
Perform the following in sequence.
1. Get the procedures for reproducing an error according to the operation that was
performed when the error occurred.
2. Check whether the Controller ROM is the latest version. If not, upgrade it to the
This is caused by mistakes in server settings or client operation. Contact the Support
Department and do not replace the ESS-PWB.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-432 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-701, 026-702
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
026-701 Address Book Request Overflow RAP
A large number of Address Book inquiries are made at a time for the machines internal soft-
ware from the control panel and multiple input devices of Web-UI. JRM directory service pro-
cessing ability is exceeded.
Initial Actions
Check if Controller ROM is the latest version. (GP 6)
1. If check reveals that the latest software version is not installed. Reload software (GP 16)
with the latest available version.
2. Power Off/On, retry request.
026-702 Address Book Directory Service Overflow RAP
JRM directory service that is the machines internal software receives multiple requests of the
same work.
Reload software (GP 16) and run the same job again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-433 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-703, 026-704
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
026-703 Abort with Logout RAP
Job. At installation of additional document, authentication is already cancelled.
When in Fax or Scan services, authentication is cancelled at additional document loading,
the job will be aborted.
"At additional document loading mentioned here means:
1. When a request to add documents is made (at the end of scanning: Platen: every
sheet; DADF: every time a document or documents are installed)
2. When the job is continued with the next document existing.
Make it impossible for authentication to be cancelled at additional document loading.
026-704 DocuWorks Error RAP
Syntax error, use of undefined command, parameter error, DocuWorks file damage, or Docu-
Works decomposer internal error occurred during DocuWorks decomposing.
Use printer driver (ART-EX, PCL, etc.) of DocuWorks Viewer to print a job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-434 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-705 , 026-706
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
026-705 DocuWorks Short of Memory RAP
Shortage of memory was detected during DocuWorks decomposing.
If "High Image Quality" is selected for printing, change it to "Standard" or "High Speed". If the
problem persists though the memory has added up to the maximum, print from DocuWorks
Viewer by use of Printer Driver (ART-EX, PCL, etc.). If problem persists, additional memory is
026-706 DocuWorks Print Prohibited RAP
DocuWorks is processing a DocuWorks document which is prohibited to print.
Because the document is prohibited to print, enter "Full Access Password" from the Docu-
Works Viewer to cancel the restriction, and print the document using printer driver (ART-EX,
PCL, etc.).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-435 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-707 , 026-708
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
026-707 DocuWorks Unlock Failed RAP
This error occurs when a password entered from the UI does not match the password set in the
Content Bridge Utility while printing a "security protected" DocuWorks file.
1) Check if the password is correct.
2) Enter "Full Access Password" from the DocuWorks Viewer to cancel the restriction, and print
the document using printer driver (ART-EX, PCL, etc.).
026-708 URL Data Size Over RAP
Scan to URL stored data size too large.
In Scan to URL, scan data size of 1 job exceeded the upper limit.
1) Lower the scan resolution.
2) Change the scan size (e.g. from A3 to A4).
3) If the max scan data size is set to a smaller number, change the number to a larger number.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-436 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-709 , 026-710
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
026-709 URL HDD Full RAP
Scan to URL hard disk is full.
In Scan to URL, the HDD partition becomes full, and job failed.
Try a job again when there is enough space in HDD.
026-710 S/MIME Unsupported Cipher Fail RAP
E-mail was received using an unsupported encryption method.
1) Ask the E-mail sender to use 3DES encryption method.
2) Turn off FIPS140 authentication mode.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-437 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-711 , 026-712
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
026-711 Multi-Page File Size Over Limit RAP
The size of a multi-page file generated by scan service exceeded the upper limit.
Initial Actions
The upper limit for each format is defined as follows.
TIFF: 2GB-1byte
XPS: 2GB-1byte
PDF: 2GB-1byte
(1GB= 1024x1024x1024 = 2^30 byte)
1) Lower the scan resolution.
2) Reduce the number of pages for scan.
026-712 HTTP Out Job Overlap Error RAP
Failed to retrieve a file in the box because retrieval of file overlaps with another CWIS job.+
While high compression or OCR processing requested by a print job through network is still in
progress, high compression or OCR processing was also requested by a job retrieval via
Try job retrieval again after high compression or OCR processing requested by a print job
through network is completed.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-438 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-713, 026-714
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
026-713 Could Not Detect Proxy Server Automatically
Job. Auto detection of the proxyhas failed.
The proxy server could not be detected automatically.
When the proxy server is not manually set up, an automatic attempt is made to obtain the
proxy server setting from the DHCP server. However, the attempt has failed.
For the details, see below:
The contents of the obtained PAC file have a problem. (An error occurred during the
running of JavaScript.)
The PAC file could not be obtained. (Timeout/Connection error)
The PAC file could not be obtained. (No PAC file/Too large file)
PAC File URL info could not be obtained. (Timeout)
PAC File URL info could not be obtained. (No URL is included in the response to the
Check the following:
the default Gateway setting
the subnet mask setting
the DNS Server address setting
If despite the confirmation of the above settings, the situation has not improved, contact
the network administrator for advice because there is a possibility of a network failure,
DHCP Server failure, or an improper DHCP Server setting. (For example, if the DHCP
Server is not set up in the way that allows it to give back the proxy server address, an erro
of this code will occur.)
The Network Environment check items are as follows:
The HTTP server that provides the PAC file (CFILE) is operating normally, or the
server can be reached on the network.
The contents of the PAC file have no mistakes in syntax or selected server address,
or the file size is 64KB or less.
The DHCP server that has an entry of CURL info is operating normally, or the server
can be reached on the network.
When after the implementation of the corrective actions, the machine has established nor-
mal communication with the Xerox Communication Server, the fault will be cleared.
If the network is normal but the situation has not improved, collect the pfshowinfo9 log
and network log immediately after the occurrence of the problem and contact the support
division for directions.
026-714 Could Not Connect to Xerox Server or Proxy RAP
Job. Network error. The machine could not connect to the Xerox Communication Server or the
proxy server. (A network path problem, an open wire, etc.)
Check the following:
the connection of the LAN Cable
the IP Address setting
the default Gateway setting
the subnet mask setting
the DNS Server address setting
the proxy server address setting
If despite the confirmation of the above settings, the situation has not improved, contact
the network administrator for advice because there is a possibility of a network failure.
When after the implementation of the corrective actions, the machine has established nor-
mal communication with the Xerox Communication Server, the fault will be cleared.
If the network is normal but the situation has not improved, collect the pfshowinfo9 log
and network log immediately after the occurrence of the problem and contact the support
division for directions.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-439 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-715, 026-716
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
026-715 Connection to Xerox Server has Timed Out RAP
Job. There is no response from the Xerox Communication Server for a certain period of time,
resulting in a timeout.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
When after the implementation of the corrective action, the machine has established nor-
mal communication with the Xerox Communication Server, the fault will be cleared.
If the situation has not improved, collect the pfshowinfo9 log and network log immediately
after the occurrence of the problem and contact the support division for directions.
026-716 An Invalid State Message Received from Server
Job. A server error is detected. The Xerox Communication Server has responded with a mes-
sage indicating an abnormal condition.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
When after the implementation of the corrective action, the machine has established nor-
mal communication with the Xerox Communication Server, the fault will be cleared.
If the situation has not improved, collect the pfshowinfo9 log and network log immediately
after the occurrence of the problem and contact the support division for directions.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-440 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-717, 026-718
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
026-717 Invalid Network Settings Were Found RAP
Job. Setting error. An invalid or improper network setting has prevented the machine from com-
Check the following:
the IP Address setting
the default Gateway setting
the subnet mask setting
the DNS Server address setting
the proxy server address setting
the Xerox Communication Server URL setting
Set Verify the remote server certificate to OFF.
If despite the confirmation of the above settings, the situation has not improved, contact
the customer network administrator because there is a possibility of a network failure.
When after the implementation of the corrective actions, the machine has established nor-
mal communication with the Xerox Communication Server, the fault will be cleared.
If the network is normal but the situation has not improved, collect the pfshowinfo9 log
and network log immediately after the occurrence of the problem and contact the support
division for directions.
026-718 PS Print Instruction Fail RAP
Error caused because PostScript job was requested in combination with a feature which is not
available for PS.
Job cannot be executed because of invalid combination of print parameters (finishing job,
paper size, paper tray, duplex/simplex, output destination).
Set parameters (finishing job, paper size, paper tray, duplex/simplex, output destination,
etc.) correctly and print the job again.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-441 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-719, 026-720
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
026-719 Internal Error in Scan RAP
Job. An error internal to software (during job).
Retry the same operation.
026-720 Media Full RAP
Job. Media Space Full error (during job). The media does not have enough space available.
Check the media where scanned documents will be sent for available space.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-442 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-721, 026-722
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
026-721 Media Access Fail RAP
Job. Media Access Error (during job). An attempt to access media has failed for some reason.
Perform the following in order:
1. Check that the media exists where scanned documents will be sent.
2. Check that the PC can access the media where scanned documents will be sent.
3. Check that a file can be created in a specified storage.
026-722 Media Format Fail RAP
Job. Media Not Formatted error. The Media is not formatted.
NOTE: Unsupported Formats are included (during job).
Check that the media where scanned documents will be sent is formatted.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-443 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-723, 026-726
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
026-723 Media Access Fail RAP
Job. Media Access Error. (Occurs when no job is in progress.) An attempt to access media has
failed for some reason.
NOTE: On DMP2009-2 or later, this is used as an error during media browsing.
Perform the following in order:
1. Check that the media is neither removed nor reinserted while being referred to or
that during that time, another media is not inserted.
2. Check that the PC can access any file in the media.
026-726 Options Inconsistent RAP
Job. XPJL detects a mismatch in device configuration information. The device configuration
info included in XPJL does not match the actual configuration.
Set up the device configuration info on the printer driver screen so that it can match the
actual configuration.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-444 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-727, 026-728
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
026-727 Media Filepath Fail RAP
Job. Media filepath fail. The storage path with the specified character string length (including
the filename) cannot be created in the media.
Shorten the specified storage location or the filename.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair the problem.
If the problem still persists, obtain the pfshowinfo9 log immediately after the problem has
occurred and contact the support department for instructions.
026-728 WSD Scan Network Access Fail RAP
Job. WSD Scan Network Access Fail. An error occurred during communication with WSD
Scan Client. WSD Scan Client cancelled its job.
Check the following:
1. Check if the destination WSD Scan Client is ready to communicate with this machine via
network. For example, check the following:
Network Cable connection
If the problem persists, collect PfShowInfo 8 log at its occurrence and contact the support
department for directions
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-445 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-729, 026-730
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
026-729 WSD Scan Data Transfer Fail RAP
Job. WSD Scan Data Transfer Fail. An error occurred during communication with WSD Scan
Client. WSD Scan Client cancelled its job.
Check the following:
1. Check if the destination WSD Scan Client is ready to communicate with this machine via
network. For example, check the following:
The WSD Scan Client has sufficient space available.
Network Cable connection
If the problem persists, collect PfShowInfo 8 log at its occurrence and contact the support
department for directions.
2.5.1 Description of Log Collection & Extraction Tool Function
026-730 Can't Detect Paper Size Of Specified Tray RAP
Info. The paper size of the paper tray selected is unknown.
Before running the print job, check the position of the guides to the paper tray selected.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-446 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 026-729, 026-730
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-447 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-400, 027-442
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-400 Net Off Line RAP
Net Off Line.
If any other messages are displayed, clear the relevant error.
If panel operations are being carried out, finish these operations.
If remote access is being carried out, wait until the relevant access is finished. If the problem
persists, turn the power OFF then ON.
027-442 Duplicate IP Address RAP
Device with the same IP address as IPv6 Stateless Auto Setting Address1 of M/C exists on
the network. When 027-442 to 027-447 occur at one time, the faults are displayed in ascending
order of Link number.
1. Check for no print output.
2. Check for network related failures.
3. Change the IP address of the machine IPv6 Stateless Auto Set Address1. or the IP
address of the device on the network.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-448 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-443, 027-444
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-443 DNS Renewal Failure of Dynamic RAP
IPv6 - Stateless automatic setting IP address2 duplicated. When 027-442 to 027-447 occur at
one time, the faults are displayed in ascending order of Link number.
1. Check for no print output.
2. Check for network related failures.
3. Change the IP address of the machine IPv6 Stateless Auto Set Address1. or the IP
address of the device on the network.
027-444 Duplicate IP Address RAP
IPv6 - Stateless automatic setting IP address3 duplicated on the network in another device.
When 027-442 to 027-447 occur at one time, the faults are displayed in ascending order of
Link number.
1. Check for no print output.
2. Check for network related failures.
3. Change the IP address of the machine IPv6 Stateless Auto Set Address1. or the IP
address of the device on the network.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-449 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-445, 027-446
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-445 Illegal IP Address RAP
IPv6 Manual setting address set to M/C is not correct. When 027-442 to 027-447 occur at one
time, the faults are displayed in ascending order of Link number.
Check if incorrect address is used for IPv6 address automatically is set as the manual
address or not.
027-446 Duplicate IP Address RAP
Device with the same IP address as IPv6 Manual setting address of M/C exists on the net-
work. When 027-442 to 027-447 occur at one time, the faults are displayed in ascending order
of Link number.
1. Check for no print output.
2. Check for network related failures.
3. Change the IP address of the machine IPv6 Stateless Auto Set Address1. or the IP
address of the device on the network.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-450 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-447, 027-452
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-447 Duplicate IP Address RAP
Device with the same IP address as IPv6 Link local address of M/C exists on the network.
When 027-442 to 027-447 occur at one time, the faults are displayed in ascending order of
Link number.
1. Check for no print output.
2. Check for network related failures.
3. Change the IP address of the machine IPv6 Stateless Auto Set Address1. or the IP
address of the device on the network.
027-452 Duplicate IP Address RAP
A device with the same IP address exists on the network.
Change one of the IP addresses.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-451 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-500, 027-501
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-500 SMTP Server Mail I/O RAP
The Mail I/O cannot resolve the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Server address.
1. Specify the correct SMTP Server name or specify the IP address.
2. Check with a customer System Administrator that the Mail Server has been launched and
the environment is already used for other purposes (such as for PC).
3. Check that a correct SMTP server address is reflected in the device setting list.
2-1. When the SMTP Server address is specified using IP address, set a correct IP
2-2. When the SMTP Server address is specified using FQDN (name: aaa.co.jp), check
that the FQDN name is correct. Also check that a correct DNS server address is set for
the device, and set a correct IP address.
027-501 POP Server RAP
The Mail I/O cannot resolve the POP (Post Office Protocol) Server address.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Specify the correct POP (Post Office Protocol) Server name or specify the IP address.
2. Check with a customer System Administrator that the Mail Server has been launched and
the environment is already used for other purposes (such as for PC).
3. Check that a correct POP server address is reflected in the device setting list.
2-1. When the POP Server address is specified using IP address, set a correct IP
2-2. When the POP Server address is specified using FQDN (name: aaa.co.jp), check
that FQDN name is correct. Also check that a correct DNS server address is set for the
device, and set a correct IP address.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-452 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-502, 027-503
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-502 POP Authentication RAP
The Mail I/O cannot pass POP (Post Office Protocol) authentication.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check that the login name and password for the POP (Post Office Protocol) Server are correct.
027-503 POP Server Communication Timeout RAP
POP server communication timeout.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Wait a while before repeating the operations. If the situation does not improve, consult network
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-453 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-504, 027-513
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-504 Invalid Response Reception from SMTP Server
An internal error. Or an unexpected response was received from the server.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Repeat the same operations.
027-513 SMB Scan Client RAP
A SMB scan client does not have the right to access. (Win9x series)
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check if the specified user is allowed to read/write a file in storage place on the SMB server. If
not, make the setting that allows the user to access.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-454 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-514 , 027-515
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-514 Host Name Resolution with SMB Scan Fails RAP
Resolution of SMB server host name or server name fails at DNS access in SMB transfer of
scanner (Storage in PC).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Perform the job again.
027-515 DNS Server is Not Set with SMB Scan RAP
DNS server is not set at DNS access in SMB transfer of scanner (Storage in PC).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Perform the job again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-455 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-516, 027-518
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-516 Server Connection Error in SMB RAP
In SBM scan, there is a problem with the connection to the server.
Check that the destination SMB server and this machine are set up so that they can communi-
cate with each other on the network. For example, check the following:
Network Cable for connection
TCP/IP Setup
Communication through Port 137 (UDP), Port 138 (UDP) and Port 139 (TCP)
If any communication is conducted beyond subnet, check WINS Server settings and
check that any problem with server name address can be resolved properly
Check the following network settings to see if the computer operates as an SMB server.
Check that the file sharing service for Microsoft network is enabled.
Check that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled in the TCP/IP settings.
Check the file sharing service (communications through port 137 (UDP), port 138
(UDP), and port 139 (TCP)) is allowed in the firewall settings.
For communication that goes beyond the subnet, check the WINS server settings and
check whether the server name address can be resolved correctly.
Check whether the NetBIOS interface device at the transfer destination SMB server has
started (happens in Windows NT4.0 Server/Workstation).
1. Select the [Start] menu -> [Settings] to open [Control Panel].
2. Open [Services] and select the [Messenger] service.
3. Select the [Start Up], [Auto], [OK], and then [Close].
4. Open [Devices] in [Control Panel] and select the [NetBIOS Interface] device.
5. Select the [Start Up], [Auto] or [Manual], [OK], and then [Close].
6. Reboot the computer.
027-518 Login/Password Error RAP
A login name or password error in SMB scan.
The user could not be identified because the user name or password was wrong.
(MacOSX v10.2)
The user name specified has not been registered as a user that is allowed to use Share
Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)
Check the login name (user name) and password are correct.
Check the password set for the shared folder.
Contact the network administrator for the user name or password. (MacOS X v10.2)
Check for users that are allowed to use Share Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)
This is how to check for users:
1. From [Dock], start the [System Environment Settings] icon.
2. On the [System Environment Settings] window, click the [Account] icon.
3. Click the [To change, click the key] icon and log in.
4. Select the user and click the [Edit users] button.
5. Enter the password. After that, put a checkmark on [Permit the user to log in from Win-
dows] and then click the [OK] button.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-456 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-519, 027-520
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-519 Scanning Picture Preservation Place Error in
Job Fail. Scan image storage destination or file name specification error during scanner (Save
to PC) SMB transfer.
There is a problem with the storage destination or file name of the specified scan image
during scanner (Save to PC) SMB transfer.
The specified storage destination does not exist on the server.
A prohibited character was detected in the specified storage destination or file name.
The specified storage destination is linked to a different shared folder due to the dis-
tributed file system (DFS).
Take any one of the following actions:
Check if the storage destination is correct.
Check that the specified file name can be created on the SMB server.
Check for the settings of the distributed file system (DFS) with the system adminis-
The checking procedure is as follows:
1. On the SMB server, select the [Start] menu > [All Programs] > [Administrative Tools]
> [Distributed File System].
2. Select the specified storage destination from the left pane of the [Distributed File
System] and check the [Target] information displayed in the right pane of the window.
3. Based on the information, specify the SMB server, shared name, and storage desti-
nation directly.
027-520 File Name Acquisition Failure RAP
A failure in acquiring a file name/folder on the SMB scan server.
Check the access rights to the SMB scan server. Turn the power OFF then ON.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-457 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-521, 027-522
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-521 File Name Suffix Limit Over in SMB RAP
The file name/folder name suffix that can be specified for SMB Scan has exceeded the limit
1. Change the file name/destination folder on the SMB scan server. Else, move or delete the
files in the destination folder.
027-522 File Creation Failure RAP
A failure in creating a SMB scan file.
Check the following:
That the specified name is a file name that can be created in the storage place.
That the specified file name is not used by another user.
That there is no file or folder with the same name as the specified file name.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-458 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-523 , 027-524
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-523 SMB Scan Lock Folder Creation Failure RAP
Lock folder creation in SMB server fails in SMB transfer of scanner (Storage in PC). Desig-
nated lock folder already exists.
Initial Actions
Check if lock folder with the same name as designated one exists or not.
If check is true, Manually delete the duplicate lock folder and retry job when existing lock direc-
tory (*.LCK) remains in transfer destination.
027-524 Folder Creation Failure RAP
A failure in creating a SMB scan folder
Check the following:
That the specified name is a folder name that can be created in the storage place.
That there is no folder with the same name as the specified one.
That the storage place has some space available.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-459 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-525, 027-526
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-525 File Delete Failure RAP
Failed to delete an SMB scan file on the SMB scan server:
The file does not exist.
The file is open.
The specified file name already exists as a directory.
Check whether the file in the specified storage destination is being used by another user.
027-526 Lock Folder Delete Failure in SMB RAP
Job Fail. Failed to delete an SMB scan lock folder.
Failed to delete a lock folder on the SMB scan server.
The file does not exist.
The directory is not empty.
The specified directory name is not a directory.
1. When a lock directory (*.LCK) remained in the transfer destination, delete it manually and
retry the job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-460 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-527, 027-528
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-527 Folder Delete Failure RAP
Failed to delete a folder on the SMB scan server.
The file does not exist.
The directory is not empty.
The specified directory name is not a directory.
Check that another user does not handle the file in the specified storage place.
027-528 Data Write-in Failure RAP
No space available in the specified storage place on the SMB scan data server.
Check that the storage place has some space available.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-461 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-529, 027-530
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-529 Data Read Failure RAP
An error internal to SMB Library occurred.
Log in to the SMB server from another PC using the same user name and check whether you
can write a file into the same storage destination on that SMB server.
027-530 File Name Conflict RAP
Unable to save a file during scanner (Save to PC) SMB transfer because "File Name Conflict"
is set to "Cancel Job"
Initial Actions
Set "File Name Conflict" to other than "Cancel Job"
Perform the job again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-462 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-531 , 027-532
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-531 Incorrect SMB Scan Filing RAP
Incorrect SMB scan filing policy (when additional items are selected)
Initial Actions
When "Add" is selected for "File Name Conflict", check that the file format is not set to Multi-
Perform the job again.
027-532 NEXTNAME.DAT File Access Error in SMB RAP
An error has occurred when accessing the NEXTNAME.DAT file during scanner (Save to PC)
SMB transfer.
Initial Actions
When "Add" is selected for "File Name Conflict", check that the NEXTNAME.DAT file is correct
Perform the job again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-463 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-533 , 027-543
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-533 Internal Error in SMB Scan RAP
An internal error has occurred during SMB scan
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Perform the job again.
027-543 Server Name Specification Error RAP
The SMB server (NetBIOS) name specification is incorrect.
Check that the SMB server name is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-464 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-547, 027-548
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-547 SMB Protocol Error 4-007 RAP
SMB protocol error. An invalid character was detected in the specified domain name.
1. On the Active Directory domain controller, select the [Start] menu [All Programs]
[Administrative Tools] [Active Directory Domains and Trusts].
2. In the left pane of the "Active Directory Domains and Trusts" window, select [Active Direc-
tory Domains and Trusts] [Domain], then right-click and select [Properties].
3. After selecting the [General] tab in the [Domain Properties] window, check the domain
name for [Domain Name (Windows 2000 or earlier)].
< When this error occurred during SMB Scanner >
1. The system administrator is to check the domain name and set it correctly.
027-548 SMB Protocol Error 4-008 RAP
SMB protocol error. An invalid character was detected in the specified domain name.
Check with the network administrator for the domain name.
How to check the user name:
1. Common Operation 1. On the Active Directory domain controller in which the User Infor-
mation was set, select the [Start] menu [All Programs] [Administrative Tools]
[Active Directory Users and Computers].
2. Common Operation 2. In the left pane of the Active Directory Users and Computers win-
dow, select [Active Directory Users and Computers [Server]] [Domain] [Users] to
list the user information.
3. Common Operation 3. In the right pane of the Active Directory Users and Computers win-
dow, right-click target user and select [Properties].
4. After selecting the [Account] tab in the [User Properties] window, check the user name for
[User Logon Name (Windows 2000 or earlier)].
< When this error occurred during SMB Scanner >
1. The system administrator is to set the user name correctly.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-465 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-549, 027-564
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-549 SMB Protocol Error 4-009 RAP
SMB protocol error. The specification of Password is incorrect.
Switch the power off, then on. Perform the same operation again.
027-564 SMB Protocol Error 4-024 RAP
Job Fail. SMB protocol error (4-024). The host is missing.
1. Check that the authentication server and the device can communicate through the net-
work. (Check the network group, TCP/IP Settings, check the communication at Port No.
137 (UDP)/Port No. 138 (UDP)/Port No. 139 (TCP))
2. Check that the SMB (TCP/IP) at the device side has started up.
a. Specify the network address of the device through a Web browser, and display the
remote UI screen of the CenterWare Internet Services.
b. Select the "Properties" tab and select "Start Port" from the left frame of the proper-
ties list.
c. Put a check on the "Start" of "SMB", and check that "TCP/IP" is already checked for
"Transport Protocol".
3. If the authentication server and the device are connected to different subnets, check that
the device has settings that can resolve the address of the authentication server.
a. In the Admin Mode screen of the device, check the "System Settings" "System
Settings" "Network Settings" "External Authentication Server/Directory Service
Settings" "SMB Server Settings" "SMB Server Specification Method".
In case the "Domain Name and Server Name Specification" is already set and the
server is already specified by NetBIOS Name
Check if the authentication server and the device can resolve the addresses from
the WINS server.
In case the "Domain Name and Server Name Specification" is already set and the
server is already specified by FQDN Name
Check if the authentication server and the device can resolve the addresses from
the DNS server.
4. Check if the "NetBIOS over TCP/IP" has become enabled at the authentication server
a. Right click the "My Network" icon and select "Properties".
b. Right click the "Local Area Connection" icon and select "Properties".
c. Select the "General" tab in the "Local Area Connection Properties" window, select
"Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and press the [Properties] button.
d. Click the [Advanced] button in the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties" window.
e. Select the "WINS" tab in the "Advanced TCP/IP Settings" window to check the "Net-
BIOS Settings".
5. Check at the Internet connection firewall if the communication through Ports 137, 138 and
139 are not blocked. (If the authentication server is WinXP)
a. Right click the "My Network" icon and select "Properties".
b. Right click the "Local Area Connection" icon and select "Properties".
c. Select the "Advanced" tab in the "Local Area Connection Properties" window and
click the [Settings...] button.
d. Select the "Service" tab in the "Advanced" window to check that communication
through 137 (UDP), 138 (UDP) and 139 (TCP) are permitted.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-466 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-565, 027-566
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-565 SMB Protocol Error 4-025 RAP
SMB protocol error. Cannot connect.
Check that the authentication server and the device can communicate through the network.
(Check the network group, TCP/IP Settings, check the communication at Port No. 137 (UDP)/
Port No. 138 (UDP)/Port No. 139 (TCP))
Switch the power off, then on. Perform the same operation again.
027-566 SMB Protocol Error 4-026 RAP
SMB protocol error. SMB (TCP/IP) is not active. The library cannot be initialized.
Check on CentreWare Internet Services that SMB (TCP/IP) is active on the [Port Status]
screen of the [Properties] tab.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-467 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-569, 027-572
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-569 SMB (TCP/IP) is not Started RAP
SMB (TCP/IP) has not been started.
Check on CentreWare Internet Services that SMB (TCP/IP) is active on the [Port Status]
screen of the [Properties] tab.
027-572 SMB Protocol Error 4-032 RAP
SMB protocol error. Incorrect parameter.
Switch the power off, then on. Perform the same operation again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-468 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-573, 027-574
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-573 SMB Protocol Error 4-033 RAP
SMB protocol error. Incorrect character code.
Switch the power off, then on. Perform the same operation again.
027-574 SMB Protocol Error 4-034 RAP
SMB protocol error. Incorrect data size.
Switch the power off, then on. Perform the same operation again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-469 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-576, 027-578
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-576 SMB Protocol Error 4-036 RAP
SMB protocol error. Incorrect domain data size.
Switch the power off, then on. Perform the same operation again.
027-578 SMB Protocol Error 4-038 RAP
SMB protocol error. Communication timeout has occurred.
Switch the power off, then on. Check that the authentication server and the device can commu-
nicate through the network. (Check the network group, TCP/IP Settings, check the communi-
cation at Port No. 137 (UDP)/Port No. 138 (UDP)/Port No. 139 (TCP)).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-470 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-584, 027-585
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-584 SMB Protocol Error 4-044 RAP
SMB protocol error. The SMB server is in shared security mode.
The SMB server may be on Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me OS. Set the SMB
server on an OS other than Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me OS.
027-585 SMB Protocol Error 4-045 RAP
SMB protocol error. Login disabled period.
Check with the system administrator for the login-permitted period.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-471 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-586, 027-587
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-586 SMB Protocol Error 4-046 RAP
SMB protocol error. The password has expired.
Obtain a valid password from the system administrator.
027-587 SMB Protocol Error 4-047 RAP
SMB protocol error. The password must be changed.
Log in to Windows, and change the password. Ask the system administrator to change the set-
ting so that you do not need to change the login password next time. After selecting the
[Account] tab in the [User Properties] window, uncheck [User must change password at next
logon] under [Account Options].
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-472 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-588, 027-589
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-588 SMB Protocol Error 4-048 RAP
SMB protocol error. The user is invalid.
Ask the system administrator to validate the user.
Perform the following.
After selecting the [Account] tab in the [User Properties] window, uncheck [Account Disabled]
under [Account Options].
027-589 SMB Protocol Error 4-049 RAP
SMB protocol error. The user was locked out.
Ask the system administrator to cancel the lockout status.
Perform the following.
After selecting the [Account] tab in the [User Properties] window, uncheck [Account locked out].
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-473 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-590, 027-591
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-590 SMB Protocol Error 4-050 RAP
SMB protocol error. The user was locked out.
Obtain a valid user account from the system administrator. Or, ask the system administrator to
extend the account expiration date.
Perform the following.
After selecting the [Account] tab in the [User Properties] window, select [End of:] from [Account
expires] and extend the validity.
Request the system administrator to disable the account expiry.
Perform the following.
After selecting the [Account] tab in the [User Properties] window, select [Never] from [Account
027-591 SMB Protocol Error 4-051 RAP
SMB protocol error. Users are restricted. A blank password is invalid.
Set the password for the user.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-474 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-599, 027-600
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-599 SMB Protocol Error 4-Other RAP
Job Fail. SMB/LDAP Protocol Error (code for others).
1. An error internal to SMB Library excluding 027-547 through 027-578 occurred.
2. The protocol category with which to fill in Coml_Fault_GetNETCeCode( ) was an unex-
pected one.
* FTP/HTTP/an undefined category was specified. (DMP6-1)
Operate again.
027-600 ExtPrint Check Mode Error RAP
In H/W Check Mode, the controller detected an error with the external CDI.
If the problem persists, perform the following:
Check the command between DFE and M/C, and disconnect then connect the Video
Cable between DFE and M/C.
Power Off/On
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-475 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-700, 027-701
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-700 Mail Address Domain Error RAP
Job Fail. Sending to the domain of the destination mail address is prohibited. (before connect-
ing to the server). The domain of the destination mail address is designated as a prohibited
Check that the domain of the destination mail address is not designated as a prohibited
027-701 Network Cable Disconnected RAP
A network cable disconnection was detected.
Connect the Network Cable.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-476 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-702, 027-703
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-702 Certificate for Addresses was not Found RAP
Job Fail. No certificate for the destination exists. (before connection to the server) when send-
1. Store a certificate for the destination in this machine.
027-703 Certificate for Addresses was Expired RAP
Job Fail. The certificate for the destination expired. (before connection to the server) when
1. Store the correct certificate for the destination in this machine. Check the following:
the term for which the certificate is valid
The time the device tells is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-477 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-704, 027-705
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-704 Certificate for Recipients Untrusted RAP
When sending SMIME mail (SMLNG_KEY_UNTRUST), Certificate for addresses was
Check certificate path of certificate for recipient, and import the required CA certificate.
027-705 Certificate for Recipients was Revoked RAP
The certificate for the destination is on a list of revoked certificates.
Store certificate for recipient that is not included in the CRL to the device.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-478 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-706, 027-707
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-706 Device Certificate not Found RAP
Job Fail. No device certificate exists. (before connection to the server). When SMIME mail was
sent, No Certificate was detected.
1. Store the device certificate in this machine.
027-707 Device Certificate Expired RAP
Job Fail. The device certificate expired. (before connection to the server). When SMIME mail
was sent, an invalid (expired) certificate was detected.
Store the correct device certificate in this machine. Check the following:
the term for which the certificate is valid
The time the device tells is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-479 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-708, 027-709
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-708 Certificate Valid RAP
The authentication certificate is not credible.
1. Check that the mail address written on the device certificate is the same as that set up on
the device.
2. Check for the certification path for the device certificate and import the necessary CA cer-
027-709 Certificate Revoked RAP
The authentication certificate is revoked.
Store in this machine a destination certificate that is not on the list of revoked certificates.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-480 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-710, 027-711
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-710 Invalid S/MIME Mail RAP
The Mail I/O received S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) mail even
though S/MIME was set to Off.
Enable S/MIME as required.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-711 S/MIME Mail Certificate RAP
The Mail I/O received the S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) signature
mail but could not obtain the sender certificate.
Request for the mail to be resent. Check the setting of the S/MIME device as required.
To validate the signature, a valid sender certificate is required. Register the sender certifi-
cate in M/C or change your mailer options so that the S/MIME signature mails from the
sender will be sent with the certificate.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-481 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-712, 027-713
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-712 S/MIME Mail Certificate RAP
The Mail I/O received the S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) signature
mail with valid sender certificate but a signature verification error is detected.
Request that mail to be resent with a valid sender certificate.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-713 S/MIME Mail Altered RAP
The Mail I/O received the S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) signature
mail but corrupted mail is detected.
Check the sender as required.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-482 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-714, 027-715
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-714 S/MIME Mail Invalid RAP
The Mail I/O received the S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) signature
mail with different sender mail address and signature mail address.
Check the sender as required.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-715 S/MIME Mail Certificate Registration RAP
The certificate supported by S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
encrypted mail is not registered in the device.
Check that the certificate of the destination is registered in the certificate store of the
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-483 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-716, 027-720
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-716 E-mail Signature RAP
The system detected that prohibited E-mails without a signature were received.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-720 Extension Server Host RAP
Either the specified Server for the application interface cannot be found or the DNS could not
be resolved.
Check the connection to the destination Server for the application interface. Set the desti-
nation Server address for the application interface using IP address as required.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-484 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-721 , 027-722
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-721 Extension Server RAP
The system attempted to connect to the application interface but the host replied that the appli-
cation cannot be found.
Either the specified server for the application interface cannot be found or the DNS could
not be resolved during Web service interface.
An error occurred during DNS resolution for FQDN (HTTP/HTTPS) because no DNS
Server is set up, and so on.
Check that the DNS server address is set properly. Check that the PC running the appli-
cation interface (CWFS) is registered in DNS.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-722 Extension Server Time-out RAP
The system attempted to connect to the application interface but failed due to a time-out.
1. If a number of documents is specified for scanning, scan one document and store it.
2. When scanning and storing are successful, change the application interface timeout
value. If scanning and storing are not successful, perform step (3).
3. Check that the scan document can be uploaded from the PC browser. When uploading is
successful, change the application interface timeout value.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-485 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-723, 027-724
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-723 Extension Server Authentication RAP
The system attempted to connect to the application interface but authentication failed.
Check the User Name and password to be entered for creating a job flow. (Currently, this
failure does not occur because CWFS does not support authentication.)
If the problem persists, obtain instructions from DocuShare and then perform the following
procedure to repair it.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-724 Extension Server Access RAP
The application interface failed (for all causes other than service could not be found, time-out
or authentication failure).
Check the host and then repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-486 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-725, 027-726
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-725 Extension Server Operation RAP
Job operation of the application interface failed.
Check the destination host of the application interface and then repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-726 Extension Server State RAP
The status of the destination of the application interface is unknown.
Check the destination host of the application interface and then repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-487 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-727 , 027-728
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-727 Extension Server Parameters RAP
The parameter used for the application interface is incorrect.
Check the destination host of the application interface and then repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-728 Extension Server File RAP
The number of files requested to be sent exceeded the maximum number of files that can be
sent during Web service interface (this occurs when a single-page document is being stored).
Set the job so that the maximum number of files that can be sent will not be exceeded and
then repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-488 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-730, 027-731
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-730 SMTP Mail Division Error RAP
SMTP mail division error.
1. The number of original pages scanned exceeds the preset pagination value.
Increase the preset pagination value, or reduce the number of original pages scanned.
027-731 Server Limit Error RAP
Job Template Server Connection Limit Count Error. The CWSS NetWare Job and NetWare
polling were started up simultaneously.
Finish the currently active NetWare Job, and then retry the operation.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-489 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-732, 027-733
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-732 Server Access Error RAP
Job Template Server Access Error. Either the Job Template server has insufficient capacity or
a failure has occurred in the server disk.
Check that the server disk is normal and has free space, and then retry the operation.
027-733 Server SSL Error RAP
The SSL setting for the Job Template server not enabled.
Check that the SSL setting for the Job Template server is enabled.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-490 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-734, 027-735
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-734 Server Certificate Error RAP
The Job Template Server certificate is invalid.
Perform the following.
1. Using the HTTPS protocol, check whether the Job Template server is accessible from the
2. Check whether the SSL server certificate of the Job Template server is registered in the
3. Check whether the SSL server certificate of the Job Template server is valid.
For example, check the following:
The certificate has not expired yet.
The time that is set in the device is correct.
It is not in the discard list.
The certificate path of the SSL server certificate and import any necessary CA certif-
4. If the certificate is not registered in the Job Template server, disable the device certificate
027-735 Device SSL Config Error RAP
Device SSL Error
Perform the following.
1. Enable the SSL settings of the M/C.
2. Or, specify HTTP as the transfer protocol.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-491 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-736, 027-737
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-736 Device Certificate Error RAP
Device SSL Certificate validation Error
Perform the following.
1. Enable the server certificate validation settings of the M/C.
2. Or, disable the server certificate validation setting during transfer.
027-737 Template Server Read RAP
An error was received from the server for one of the following FTP commands: TYPE A,
LIST and RETR when reading from the Job Template Pool Server.
Check that Read Authorization is established for the storage destination server directory
set as a resource.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-492 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-739, 027-740
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-739 Invalid Template Server Path RAP
An error was received from the Server for the FTP command CWD and the specified path of
the Job Template Pool Server cannot be found.
Set the resource of the storage destination path from the client PC using CentreWare.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-740 Template Server Login RAP
Login to the FTP Server failed.
Set the login name and password in the Job Template file storage destination.
From another PC connected to the network, check that login to the above account is pos-
From a client PC, set a login name and password as a resource using Centreware.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-493 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-741 , 027-742
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-741 Template Server Connect RAP
The system failed in obtaining data connection or list data while connecting to the Job Tem-
plate Pool Server using the FTP command LIST.
Connect the network cable from the machine correctly.
From the destination server, use ping to check that the machine can be seen.
Perform the ping test on the destination server from the PSW.
From a client PC, check that FTP connection to the destination server is possible.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-742 HDD File System RAP
The HDD is full when writing to a local HDD Job Template or when writing temporary work files.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Delete the files in the HDD. Or, initialize the HD.
Scanned images may cause the HDD to be full. Wait for a while and try again.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.3)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-494 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-743, 027-744
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-743 Template Server Install RAP
The address format of the Job Template Pool Server is incorrect.
Set the parameters related to the Job Template Pool Server.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-744 Template Address RAP
An error occurred while recalling the DNS Resolution Library.
Check the connection to the DNS (Domain Name System). Check that the Job Template
Pool Server domain name is registered in the DNS.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-495 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-745, 027-746
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-745 Template Address Server RAP
The DNS Server address is not set during address resolution.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Set the DNS address. Check the Job Template Pool Server address using IP address.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-746 Job Template Pool Server RAP
The port of the protocol specified in Job Template Pool Server settings is not running.
Start up the port of the protocol (FTP client or SMB) specified in Job Template Pool Server
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-496 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-750, 027-751
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-750 Fax Document Inhibited RAP
iFAX Document E-mail and iFAX Transfer instructions were received when iFAX Document E-
mail and iFAX Transfer is prohibited.
Change the transfer setting to receive iFAX.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-751 Job Template Analysis RAP
An error is detected when analyzing the given instruction.
Verify the job set up selections.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-497 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-752, 027-753
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-752 Required User Entry Not Entered RAP
The instruction to start the job is issued but the required user entry not entered.
Do not link the entry box to instructions that require user entry.
Set preset values for the items in the instruction requiring user entry.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-753 Job Flow Service Disabled RAP
The system attempted to create a job to recall an external service while the Job Flow Service is
Ask customer to enable the Job Flow Service.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-498 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-754, 027-760
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-754 Job Flow Service File Signature Mismatch RAP
Job flow service File signature setting mismatch.
Check the system data setting of the XDW/PDF signature and the signature setting that is
specified in the instruction. If the system data setting is different from the setting in the
instruction, either change the instruction or change the system data
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-760 XJT Command Fail RAP
Job Fail. XJT Command Error (Parameter setting out of specifications). Incorrect Command
from XDOD Client.
Check the following:
Check 1: Check if the parameter setting specified in XDOD client is out of system specifi-
Check 2: Check the XDOD client and Controller versions, and then save the XDOD job
ticket and contact Support G for checking.
(It would be the best if PRN file can be obtained, but it is not possible from the XDOD cli-
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-499 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-761, 027-762
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-761 Web Print Time Out RAP
Job Fail. Although a Web Print job was received, the machine did not start printing within the
[On-Demand Print Duration] time ([On-Demand Print Duration] is a KO system data). Although
On-demand Print due to print request from this machine restarted and instructed the machine
to print, the time "since the print was requested until the printing actually started" has exceeded
the system data [= On-Demand Print Duration]. One of the causes for this error is that on-
demand print was instructed for multiple documents.
Take any one of the following actions:
1. If on-demand print for multiple documents was instructed using the external access
function, reduce the number of documents before retrying it.
2. If the problem persists, enter the System Administrator mode and select [System
Settings] > [System Settings] > [Machine Clock/Timers] > [On-Demand Print Dura-
tion] > to either extend the time or set it to 0.
[# Supplement #] When using the external access function to instruct printing of multiple
documents by on-demand print, the machine does not take the print processing time into
consideration until the last document is received. Therefore, for cases of large volume
documents or complicated documents that require long data processing time, the
machine may issue timeout even before receiving the last document. Set the validity time
according to the document format to be printed.
027-762 Illegal Web Print Job Ticket RAP
Job Fail. Although a Web Print job was received, the attached job execution ticket is incorrect.
Although on-demand job was instructed to this machine using the external access func-
tion, the specified job ticket has the following inaccuracies:
The job ticket is abnormally overwritten due to a software error in this machine.
The job ticket is abnormally overwritten due to a bug in the external server from
which the job was sent.
The job ticket is abnormally overwritten due to network problems.
The job ticket was intentionally tampered with.
Instruct to print again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-500 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-763 , 027-770
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-763 Auditron - Unable to Verify User RAP
Auditron - Unable to verify user account because it is unable to communicate with external
account server.
Initial Actions
Check if external account server is working properly.
Connect the network cable from the machine correctly.
From the destination server, use ping to check that the machine can be seen.
Perform the ping test on the destination server from the PSW.
From a client PC, check that network connection to the destination server is possible.
027-770 PDL Error RAP
Job Fail. Cont Detection DFE PDL Error. The DFE detected a failure in PDL during job pro-
Change the job conditions and try again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-501 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-772, 027-773
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-772 SMTP Server Error (HELO) RAP
SMTP server error (HELO Command refusal).
If the device hostname is described in non-ASCII characters, set the device hostname using
ASCII characters.
If situation does not improve, consult network administrator and check the SMTP server sup-
ports HELO command.
027-773 SMTP Server Communication Timeout RAP
SMTP server communication timeout.
Timeout in communication with SMTP server
Wait a while before repeating the operations.
If the situation does not improve, consult network administrator.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-502 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-774, 027-775
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-774 Address Inaccurate Character RAP
SMTP address inaccurate character.
Use only ASCII characters for the destination email address.
027-775 Too Many SMTP Address RAP
Too many SMTP address.
Reduce the number of destination email addresses.
If the situation does not improve, consult network administrator.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-503 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-776, 027-777
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-776 SMTP Server Error (EHLO) RAP
SMTP server error (EHLO Command refusal).
If the device hostname is described in non-ASCII characters, set the device hostname using
ASCII characters.
If situation does not improve, consult network administrator and check the SMTP server sup-
ports EHLO command.
027-777 SMTP Server Un-Supports SMTP-AUTH RAP
SMTP server un-supports SMTP-AUTH.
Send email without SMTP-AUTH.
If the SMTP-AUTH feature is required, consult system administrator
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-504 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-778, 027-779
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
027-778 No Mode Specified by SMTP-AUTH RAP
There is no mode specified by SMTP-AUTH.
Consult the network administrator; check the server SMTP authentication method.
The Device supports the following methods: plain authentication, login (base 64) authentica-
tion, and CRAM-MD5 (challenge-response).
027-779 Authentication Failure by SMTP-AUTH RAP
SMTP authentication failure.
Check if the authentication information (username/password) has been set properly
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-505 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-796, 027-797
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
027-796 E-mail Not Printed RAP
E-mails without attachments were received when the settings were set to [Do not print header
and content].
Ask customer to change the settings and repeat the operation.
Ask customer to check the remote machine.
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
027-797 Invalid Output Destination RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
E-mail was received with E-mail to Box and E-mail to Fax not selected.
Change the settings and repeat the operation.
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (GP 6, GP 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-506 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 027-796, 027-797
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-507 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-310, 033-311
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-310 Fax Charge Function Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Sub-System. The Fax send billing function was turned ON although multiple lines are installed.
Turn OFF the FAX send billing function or change to a single-line installation.
033-311 Invalid Address Book Data RAP
Data in Address Book is invalid.
Initialize NVM (Sys-USER). Perform Initialize NVM.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-508 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-312, 033-313
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-312 Fax PWB Time Out RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Host is unable to enter Sleep mode within a specified period of time after receiving "enter
Sleep mode" request.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
033-313 Fax USB Fault RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Controller cannot communicate with Fax PWB after Fax is initialized
Switch the power off, then on.
Check that the Fax USB cable and FAX Module are connected
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-509 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-314, 033-315
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-314 Fax/ESS Software Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Controller SW version does support Fax PWB SW version
Switch the power off, then on.
Reload software
033-315 USB Fatal Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fatal error was declared from USB Fax Class Driver (problem with USB driver, USB hardware,
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-510 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-316, 033-317
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-316 FAX Device Cont Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fatal error occurred in FaxDevCont or PrintFormat.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
033-317 FAX Device Cont Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fatal error occurred in FaxDevCont or PrintFormat.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-511 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-318, 033-319
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-318 Image Processing Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fatal error occurred in Fax Imaging Processing
Repeat the operation.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
033-319 Fax Cont2 SW Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Failure occurred during Fax Cont2 software processing, and cannot continue processing.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-512 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-320, 033-321
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-320 Controller No Response on Booting RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Controller does not respond to Fax within a specified time at booting
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
033-321 Fax PWB No Response on Booting RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax does not respond to Controller within a specified time at booting
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-513 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-322, 033-323
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-322 FAX I/F Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax2 in Fax Cont did not respond to an incoming message within a specified period of time.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
033-323 Fax PWB I/F Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Failure detected in Faxc2 (timeout of response from Fax PWB interface)
Switch the power off, then on.
If the problem persists, check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
If the problem persists, check the electrical connections on the FAX PWB.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, perform GP 13 Fax Checkout.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-514 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-324, 033-325
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-324 USB State Change Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
USB entered into an unexpected state.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
033-325 Fax PWB Fatal Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Bit error found during debugging of Fax PWB
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-515 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-326, 033-327
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-326 Fax Manager Fatal Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fatal error detected in Fax PWB.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
If the problem persists, check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
If the problem persists, check the electrical connections on the FAX PWB.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, perform GP 13 Fax Checkout.
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-327 FCM No Response to Stop Request RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When the Fax PWB did not respond during fax communication, the controller sent communica-
tion disconnection request to Fax PWB, but Fax PWB did not respond.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
If the problem persists, check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
If the problem persists, check the electrical connections on the FAX PWB.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, perform GP 13 Fax Checkout.
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-516 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-328, 033-329
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-328 Failed to Initialize Fax Log RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Failed to initialize communication log.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
If the problem persists, Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem continues, Initialize NVM.
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
033-329 Fax Process Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Failure detected in Fax Cont.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, Initialize Hard Disk.
If the problem continues, Initialize NVM.
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-517 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-330, 033-331
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-330 FoIP Unrecoverable Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fatal software error found in FoIP (FAX Over Internet Protocol) (including T38, SIP)
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-331 FoIP Controller Init Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Failed to initialize FoIP (FAX Over Internet Protocol) Controller
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-518 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-332, 033-333
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-332 FoIP Controller Boot Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
FoIP (FAX Over Internet Protocol) Cont did not respond within a specified period of time at
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-333 FoIP Controller Wake-up Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
FoIP (FAX Over Internet Protocol) did not respond within a specified period of time when the
system is in Sleep mode.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-519 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-334, 033-335
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-334 FoIP Controller Message Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Message Send function of FoIP (FAX Over Internet Protocol) returned NG.
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-335 Illegal Fault Code Notice RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A notice of Fault with an invalid Fault Code has been received from FaxCardMini or FoIP (FAX
Over Internet Protocol)
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-520 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-336, 033-337
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-336 Access to a Non-Mounted Channel RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A message to a channel that is not installed is received from FoIP (FAX Over Internet Proto-
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-337 FaxCard Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
At start-up, it has been detected that FaxBox for another model is connected
The correct FaxBox is not connected.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-521 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-338, 033-363
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-338 Illegal Type of FaxBox RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
"Fax Kit has been connected to the model to which Fax Kit 2 should be connected
Remove the Fax Kit and connect the "Fax Kit 2 (Faxmini).
033-363 Fax Control RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There was an ESS reset when the FAX PWB did not respond.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the electrical connections on the FAX PWB.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-522 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-500, 033-501
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-500 No CS after RS Req RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
CS of the modem did not turn on in response to RS request.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-501 No PIX Data RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Image length of received fax document was "0"
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-523 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-502, 033-503
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-502 Post Message Resend Exceeded RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Sent post message command three times, but no response.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-503 T1 Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A T1 timeout has occurred.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-524 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-504, 033-505
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-504 T2 Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
T2 Timeout has occurred.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-505 T5 Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
T5 Timeout has occurred.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-525 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-506, 033-507
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-506 DCN Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Received DCN (disconnect message)
User on machine sending the fax cancelled fax sending job, or a problem exists with the
machine sending the fax.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-507 Destination Has No Receiving Ability RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax receiving machine unable to receive fax
Check if fax receiving machine memory is full or not ready to receive fax.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-526 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-508, 033-509
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-508 Destination Polling Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax message is not ready to be sent in response to polling request
Fax message should be ready to be sent on the fax machine.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-509 DCS/NSS Re-transmission Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
DCS/NSS resend trials reached the maximum number
Try again. If the problem is not resolved, check the status of fax receiving machine on the
other end.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-527 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-510, 033-511
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-510 Fallback Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Received FTT at 2400 bps
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
033-511 DTC/NSC Resend Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No response after third DTC/NSC send.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-528 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-512, 033-513
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-512 Remote Has No Relay RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax machine on the other end does not support relay broadcasting
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-513 Remote Has No Mailbox RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax machine on the other end does not Mailbox capability
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-529 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-514, 033-516
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-514 Carrier Down Detected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Phone line carrier down
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-516 EOR Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Received EOR-Q
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-530 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-517, 033-518
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-517 ECM Phase C Flag Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
ECM Phase C Flag Timeout
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-518 Remote Cannot Receive SUB RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Receiving machine does not support SUB
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-531 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-519, 033-520
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-519 PTS Has No SEP Capability RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Receiving machine does not support SEP
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-520 Remote Cannot Receive Password RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Receiving machine does not support PWB/SID
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-532 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-521, 033-522
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-521 Transmission Canceled via DTMF RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The device has sent an order refusal signal and stopped the communication
The receiving Fax machine has a condition, such as out of paper, not ready, etc.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-522 DTMF I/F Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Correct operation is not conducted within a specified time.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-533 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-523, 033-524
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-523 Line 1 Not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-524 Line 2 Not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-534 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-525, 033-526
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-525 Line 3 Not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-526 ECM Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Channel 2 is not connected
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-535 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-527, 033-528
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-527 EOR-Q Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-528 RTN Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-536 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-529, 033-530
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-529 RTN Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-530 DTMF Illegal Procedure Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Communication cancelled due to DTMF illegal procedure error
Switch the power off, then on.
Ensure that correct DTMF procedure is followed
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-537 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-531, 033-532
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-531 DTMF Procedure Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Communication cancelled due to DTMF Procedure Error
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-532 Illegal Command Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-538 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-533, 033-534
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-533 T.30 Protocol Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-534 Unsupported Function at Remote RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Machine on the other end does not support Remote Sorting.
Switch the power off, then on.
Check the remote terminal
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-539 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-535, 033-536
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-535 DCN Receive at Phase B Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Received DCN (disconnect message) in response to Phase B command (DCS/NSS/NSC/
Switch the power off, then on.
Check destination is correct, check mailbox info, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-536 Ring Stop before Fax Device Release RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A collision of incoming call and outgoing call.
Switch the power off, then on.
Retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Check destination is correct, check mailbox info, and retry fax job.
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-540 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-537, 033-538
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-537 In/Out Conflict RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax send was canceled due to incoming call/outgoing call conflict
Switch the power off, then on.
Check destination is correct, check mailbox info, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-538 Fax Sending Image Process Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Retry fax job.
Switch the power off, then on.
Check destination is correct, check mailbox info, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-541 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-539, 033-540
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-539 Fax Receive Image Process Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Retry fax job.
Switch the power off, then on.
Check destination is correct, check mailbox info, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-540 Fax Printing Image Process Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Retry fax job.
Switch the power off, then on.
Check destination is correct, check mailbox info, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-542 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-541, 033-542
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-541 No Destination Specified RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Unable to initiate call because no auto dial specified
Reprogram auto dial info, and retry fax job.
Retry fax job.
Switch the power off, then on.
Check destination is correct, check mailbox info, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-542 Illegal Channel Request RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax service was requested for a channel which is not present on Fax PWB.
Check which line is specified and resend. Retry fax job.
Switch the power off, then on.
Check destination is correct, check mailbox info, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Check the status of the machine sending the fax, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-543 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-543, 033-544
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-543 Illegal Dial Data RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Auto dial contains invalid data
Reprogram auto dial info, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-544 Busy Tone Detected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Phone line on the other machine is busy. Try again later.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-544 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-545, 033-546
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-545 T0 Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Initial Actions
(3-Line Fax option only) If this fault occurs only when attempting a broadcast fax and when
attempting a broadcast fax the first fax job will complete but the next number is never dialed,
check if there is a phone line connected to all three ports. If not then configure the empty ports
to receive only.
Machine on the other end may not be a fax machine. Check number.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-546 No Dial Tone RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Check the status of the machine on the other end, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-545 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-547, 033-548
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-547 Abort During Transmission RAP
The fax job was intentionally aborted
No Action
033-548 Cannot Perform Manual Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No line available for manual fax send
Establish communication over phone line and resend,
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-546 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-549, 033-550
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-549 Fax Service Disabled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax service was disabled because of shortage of memory, too many jobs in queue, or system
Retry fax job later.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-550 Cannot Disable Fax Service RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The machine attempted to enter Diagnostic mode but could not because fax transmission is in
Wait until Fax job is finished.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-547 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-551, 033-552
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-551 Fax I/F Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Some operation interrupted the fax job before the fax transmission was completed
Retry fax job later.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-552 G3 Receive Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
While G3 fax is receiving image data, the number of detected Phase-C errors exceeded the
specified number.
Check the status of fax machine on the other end.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-548 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-553, 033-554
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-553 No Mailbox/Relay RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
F code sent from the machine on the other end requests a function which this fax machine
does not have.
Ask sender to check if wrong F code was entered.
Retry fax job later.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-554 Wrong Password/Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Received Fax message without password or password not matched. Communication discon-
nected because of Direct Mail prevention function.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-549 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-555, 033-556
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-555 Incorrect Machine Password RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The password entered from this machine did not match password received from other
Check if password was entered correctly.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-556 Wrong Password/Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The machine on the other end did not send remote ID, or mismatch of fax send password and
remote ID
Check if password was entered correctly.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-550 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-557, 033-558
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-557 Destinations or Services Overflow RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The number of requested services or the number of requested destinations exceeded the
upper limit.
Try the job later when the queue is shorter.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-558 Remote ID Rejection RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Remote ID received from fax sending machine is on reception rejection list
The fax machine is set to not accept fax message if fax sending machine does not send
remote ID and no ID was sent.
Change the fax machine setting to be able to receive fax message even if destination
does not send remote ID.
Ask sender to set remote ID on their fax machine.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-551 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-563, 033-564
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-563 Wrong Paper Size RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The available paper does not match the size of the faxed document
Load the correct paper and retry fax job.
Check that the paper tray is properly installed.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-564 Fax Power Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Power discontinuity error occurred during communication. The machine is powered off, or sys-
tem is reset.
Check the status of the machine on the other end, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-552 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-565, 033-566
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-565 Destination Overflow RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The number of requested destinations exceeded the upper limit.
Try the job later when the queue is shorter.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-566 Unable to Initiate Call RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Unable to call because no auto dial programmed
Specify the proper address by using Speed Dial where correct Fax address numbers are
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-553 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-567, 033-568
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-567 Illegal Dial Data RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Auto Dial data contains invalid data
Program auto dial correctly and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-568 FCM Watchdog Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No response from FCM within a specified time during Fax transmission
Send a command to the remote terminal to resend it. Retry fax job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-554 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-569, 033-570
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-569 Image Direction Conflict RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Orientation of image data does not match orientation of paper from paper source.
Feed paper as directed on the panel. If the problem persists, remove the Finisher, and
then load an APS-selected tray with the paper whose direction is the same as the direc-
tion of the image, in order to change the state of the paper feed trays. After that, turn the
power OFF then ON.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-570 Retry Overflow RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The number of retries exceeded the specified number
Switch the power off, then on, and retry fax job.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-555 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-571, 033-572
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-571 Manual Send Job Canceled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When the machine is about to execute a fax job, the machine detected Fax Report Log Full
Check the status of the machine on the other end, and retry fax job.
Check phone line connection, grounding, electrical noise
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-572 Fax Report Print Job Delayed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When the machine is about to initiate a job, the machine detected "job full" state. The machine
generated Fax report, but did not print.
No Action. The report will print when the queue is empty
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-556 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-573, 033-574
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-573 Domain Regulation Check Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Unauthorized domain was selected when selecting destination.
Check destination is correct. Check setting of domain restriction.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-574 Access to a Non-Mounted Channel RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A message to a channel that is not installed is received. (invalid DI)
Check for an installed channel.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-557 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-575, 033-576
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-575 Modem Polarity Inversion Detected RAP
Polarity Inversion has been detected.
Retry the same operation.
033-576 Inaccurate Dial Data RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Dial data is invalid.
Check the dial data.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-558 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-577, 033-578
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-577 Modem Image Under Run RAP
An underrun has occurred in a modem.
Retry the same operation.
033-578 Modem Frame Size Over RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The frame size of the received command has exceeded a specified value.
Retry the same operation.
Check the remote machine and retry the same operation.
Check the line status.
Check the Fax Card.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-559 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-580, 033-581
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-580 Missing VoIP Gateway RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
VoIP gateway, which corresponds to the entered phone number, does not exist.
Set correctly the address of VoIP gateway.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-581 Access Authentication Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
SIP call connection was rejected because it failed to get authentication.
Check authenticated user name, password on proxy server. Check settings on SIP server.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-560 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-582, 033-583
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-582 Mismatched Ability RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
SIP connection was rejected due to inconsistency in capability information.
Check setting on SIP server acting between two machines.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-583 Temporarily Unavailable RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Destination of SIP communication is temporarily short of resources and rejected connection.
Retry fax job later.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-561 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-584, 033-585
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-584 SIP Request Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
SIP communication ended by timeout.
Check that the address or telephone number for entry is correct.
Check that the network is connected.
Check that the SIP server is active.
Check that the network cables between this machine and the SIP server and between this
machine and the remote terminal are properly connected.
Check that the SIP server and the remote terminal are ready to communicate.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine
utilizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-585 SIP Request Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Other error occurred during SIP communication.
Switch the power Off, then On.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-562 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-586, 033-587
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-586 T38 Protocol Not Ready RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
IP address is not determined,
or, the machine failed to get an IP address through DHCP,
or when using SIP server, registration on the registrar server is not completed,
Wait for a while, and try again.
Get an IP address.
Register with registrar server
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-587 T38 Session Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Unable to establish T38 session (including RTP session).
Check network cable is connected firmly. Check if the machine on the other end is active.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-563 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-588, 033-589
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-588 T38 Packet Lost RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Detected a unrecoverable loss of T38 packet data.
If there is any other job in process, wait until the job is completed, and then try again.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-589 T38 Malformed Packet Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Received T38 data contains invalid content (ASN.1 decode error, etc.).
Check if the machine on the other end has any problem.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-564 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-590, 033-591
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-590 T38 Send Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Error occurred when sending packet data (TCP, UDP, RTP) at T38 protocol.
Check network cable is connected firmly. Check if the machine on the other end is active.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-591 FoIP Max Sessions Overflow RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There was a request to initiate a session FOIP (FAX Over Internet Protocol) when the max
number of sessions are simultaneously in process.
Wait until the ongoing IP Fax receiving or sending operation is complete. Try the job later
when the queue is shorter.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-565 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-592, 033-593
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-592 FoIP Internal Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Timeout caused by a factor which does not require to send Timeout Notification. Either receiv-
ing image data ended as timeout; or FoIP (FAX Over Internet Protocol) internal processing
ended as timeout.
Check that the network cable is connected firmly. Check if the machine on the other end is
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-593 Canceled by Remote Peer RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Received a request from the machine on the other end to cancel SIP session.
Ask the sender to resend the fax message.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-566 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-710, 033-711
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-710 No Document RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The specified document does not exist.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-711 Page Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Specified page does not exist; or specified page has data error.
Switch the power Off then On. Re-try the Fax job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-567 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-712, 033-713
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-712 Fax Control RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Memory is at maximum limit.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-713 Fax Control RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Chain-Link does not exist.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-568 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-716, 033-717
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-716 No Specified Mailbox RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The specified mailbox does not exist.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-717 Incorrect Password RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Verification of the specified password failed.
1. Verify machine is connected to dedicated analog line (not ISDN).
2. Verify that no password is set:
a. Enter Admin mode (GP 9).
b. Select System Settings.
c. Select System Settings again.
d. Select FAX Mode Settings.
e. Select Local Terminal Settings.
f. Check that Machine Password is (not set).
If it is (not set), select close/exit as required. If a password is set, continue.
g. Select Machine Password and select Change Settings.
h. Select Backspace as required to delete the password.
i. Select Save.
j. Select Close/Exit as required.
k. Select Close again.
l. Select Close again.
m. Power machine off and on to verify setting change.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the
machine utilizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-569 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-718, 033-719
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-718 No Document in Mailbox RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The document does not exist in the Polling Send box or the specified mailbox.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-719 Fax Job Canceled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The document does not exist in the Polling Send box or the specified mailbox.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
If the problem persists, check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-570 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-721, 033-724
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-721 Fax Page Creation Failed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The specified page cannot be created.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-724 Fax Receive Memory Overflow RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The total data amount of received image data exceeded the upper limit of the image data
amount that can be received for one system data communication.
Install the HDD or install additional RAM.
If the problem persists refer customer to User Guide to find information on lowering mem-
ory usage.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-571 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-725, 033-726
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-725 Insufficient HDD Space RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The HDD was full during Fax Receive, Format or report creation. 2-Sided Printing Not Avail-
able When Receiving Fax.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to delete un-necessary data in HDD.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-726 Fax Duplex Print Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
'Duplex printing of received fax document is disabled (Mix size)
Pages of multiple sizes are included in a received document and duplex printing is dis-
abled. The received document is, therefore, printed in simplex. No action required.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-572 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-727, 033-728
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-727 Cannot Rotate Image RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Rotation is not available when receiving Fax (insufficient memory).
Initial Actions
Power off/on
Printing with automatic image rotation of received page is disabled due to received data
volume. Therefore, job is canceled and printing is re-conducted without image rotation.
No action required.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-728 Auto Print Canceled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Formatting for Fax Auto Printing was aborted because a command for Fax Manual Printing
was given during the operation.
After manual printing job completion, M/C will automatically recover printing job. No action
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-573 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-731, 033-732
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-731 Inconsistent Instructions RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When the system was waiting to receive a Fax job, a simultaneous request from the user to
stop the job was received.
No action necessary. Ask customer to request a re-resend.
033-732 Print Job Canceled RAP
Stored jobs are deleted in Forced Polling. As there was a print job during Forced Polling, the
job was canceled.
This is an error during maintenance system operation. No action is required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-574 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-733, 033-734
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-733 Fax Document Number RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The job document number related to the job could not be obtained.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-734 Fax Print Suspension RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax Print and Fax Auto Report were started at the same time.
When report job is requested during fax receive printing preparation, fax receive printing
is temporarily suspended but M/C automatically conducts recovery. No action required.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-575 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-735, 033-736
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-735 Fax Memory Allocate Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error occurred in reserving fax receive memory.
Ask customer to request a re-resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-736 Internet FAX Off Ramp Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax was not transferred as the data capacity exceeded the threshold value while the Fax
Transfer Prohibition Function was activated, based on the data capacity of the Internet Fax Off
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend. No action is required because this is limitation
specification violation by user setting.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-576 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-737, 033-738
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-737 Fax Card Job Canceled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax Controller detected a failure and could not continue processing the job.
Initial Actions
Power off/on
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-738 JBIG Information Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax Controller detected an error in JBIG data during coding/decoding of the JBIG data.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-577 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-740 , 033-741
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-740 Fax Immediate Receive Print Canceled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The user canceled immediate printing upon receiving.
Job cancel by user request. No action required. Ask customer to request a re-resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-741 Fax Page Read Open Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When transferring image data to the FAX PWB, the conditions for sending the response to the
FAX PWB did not match.
Ask customer to request a re-resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-578 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-742, 033-743
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-742 Fax Page Read Close Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When transferring image data to the Fax Card, the conditions for sending the response to
the Fax Card did not match.
This often occurs when the HD free area is equal to or less than the HD capacity immedi-
ate threshold (820-053) during immediate send operation.
When the remaining memory is low at approximately 10%, delete the images stored in the
HD to secure the HD capacity and perform the same operation again.
Set the HD capacity immediate threshold (820-053) to a larger value if this occurred dur-
ing immediate send operation.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-743 Fax Page Write Open Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When transferring image data to the FAX PWB, the conditions for sending the response to the
FAX PWB did not match.
Ask customer to request a re-resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-579 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-744, 033-745
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-744 Fax Page Write Close Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When transferring image data to the FAX PWB, the conditions for sending the response to the
FAX PWB did not match.
Ask customer to request a re-resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-745 Fax Data Write Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When transferring image data to the FAX PWB, the conditions for sending the response to the
FAX PWB did not match.
Ask customer to request a re-resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-580 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-746, 033-747
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-746 Fax Data Read Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When transferring image data to the FAX PWB, the conditions for sending the response to the
FAX PWB did not match.
Ask customer to request a re-resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
033-747 Fax Service Start RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When requesting to start the service from the FAX PWB, the job could not be created due to
causes such as job number overflow.
Ask customer to request a re-resend.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-581 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-749, 033-750
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-749 Fax Card Memory Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
During Fax formatting, the extended image data is larger than the memory reserved.
Initial Actions
Power off/on
No action necessary since the job failed due to insufficient extended memory and it can be
recovered using the encoding method that can be stored in the extended memory. Ask cus-
tomer to cancel the job and resend.
033-750 Fax Format Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
During formatting, when image data was retrieved from the Fax Card, even though the image
data was determined to be free from error, extension failed.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-582 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-751, 033-755
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-751 Activity Report Suspended RAP
When a communication management report occurred at a print prohibited time period, the
machine just goes into sleep mode and the report output is postponed.
No action is necessary as it will automatically restart after exiting the print prohibited time
033-755 Fax Printing is Canceled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax document printing is canceled as fax service is inoperative.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
(1) Check Fax cable connection
(2) Verify Fax item error code (133-xxx, 134-xxx) occurred with the machine Control Panel dis-
play and Fault History report, and follow recovery procedure for the relevant Fault Code.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-583 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-790, 033-791
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
033-790 Fax Control RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The FAX PWB Re-dial Wait Status was set without calculating the number of re-dial attempts.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
033-791 Fax Control RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The number of re-dial attempts was calculated and FAX PWB Re-dial Wait Status was set.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-584 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 033-792
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
033-792 Fax Control RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The RCC Service was immediately terminated.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-585 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-211 , 034-212
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-211 Slot1 Board Failure RAP
Failure was detected on the Fax Option Slot 1 PWB.
Check the installation of the PWB in Slot 1 on the FAX PWB.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, perform GP 13 Fax Checkout.
If the problem persists, replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-212 Slot2 Board Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Failure was detected on the Fax Option Slot 2 PWB.
Check the installation of the PWB in Slot 2 on the FAX PWB.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, perform GP 13 Fax Checkout.
If the problem persists, replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-586 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-500 , 034-501
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-500 Dial Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is incorrect information in the dial data (Recipient telephone number).
Ask customer to verify the Fax number and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-501 Selected Channel Dial Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The specified channel is not installed.
Ask customer to verify that the specified channel is installed.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-587 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-505, 034-506
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-505 Fax Work Memory Exceeded RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Transmission exceeded memory capacity.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-506 Unsupported Function at Remote RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A send error is detected in the Recipients Print Sets function when the receiving Fax does not
support remote collating and copying.
Ask customer to reconfigure the job and resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-588 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-507, 034-508
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-507 Password Check Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The password is incorrect.
An error in the mailbox number is detected.
No documents for polling are found.
Ask customer to check if the password, mailbox number or document for valid polling.
Ask customer to cancel the job and then resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-508 Transmission Canceled via DTMF RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller sent a reject command signal and stopped the transmission.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ask customer to allow a 5 minute recovery time and then resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-589 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-509, 034-510
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-509 DTMF Illegal Procedure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller stopped the transmission after receiving the invalid procedure signal from
the receiving Fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ask customer to cancel the job and then resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-510 DTMF Procedure Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller stopped the transmission after receiving the reject command signal from the
receiving Fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ask customer to allow a 5 minute recovery time and then resend.
Ask customer to cancel the job and then resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-590 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-511 , 034-512
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-511 Unable to Send File at Remote RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The remote machine does not support the file transfer function.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and then
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-512 Detect Endless Loop RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An infinite loop was detected at the receiving Fax relay broadcast.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and then
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-591 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-513, 034-514
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-513 Receive Command Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller received an illegal command from the receiving Fax during remote mainte-
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ask customer to cancel the job and then resend.
034-514 Requested Function Unsupported RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller received a remote maintenance request from the receiving Fax but the Fax
controller does not support this function.
Check Fax setup.
Ask customer to cancel the job and then resend.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-592 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-515, 034-519
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-515 Illegal Command Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller received a DIS signal from the receiving Fax.
A DCS signal is received when this function is not supported.
An illegal command was received.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-519 No. of Destinations Exceeded RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The number of recipients exceeded the limit.
Ask customer to reduce the number of recipients and then resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-593 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-520, 034-521
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-520 No. of Services Exceeded RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The number of services exceeded the limit.
Ask customer to reduce the number of selections and then resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-521 Internal I/F Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Service designated with SI does not exist (This error may not be sent back due to cross
sequence fix).
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Verify software version, if required, upgrade to the latest version.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-594 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-522, 034-523
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-522 No Manual Send Line RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is no phone line available for manual transmission when manual transmission is dis-
Ask customer to allow a 5 minute recovery time and then resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-523 Fax Service Disabled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The system cannot accept the service because Fax operation was prohibited due to EP-
TRESS or Diag Services.
Ask customer to allow a 5 minute recovery time and then resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-595 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-527, 034-528
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-527 Dial Control Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Dial Control Error
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Verify software version, if required, upgrade to the latest version.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-528 Cannot Perform Manual Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A manual transmission was requested during dialing.
Ask customer to resend.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-596 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-529, 034-530
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-529 Document Paper Size RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When confirming and receiving print jobs, the jobs cannot be printed when the document size
does not match the paper size.
Ask customer to check if the paper tray guides are set correctly.
Ask customer to check the size of the paper loaded in the tray.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-530 DTMF I/F Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
DTMF I/F Time-out is detected when an operation did not occur within the specified time.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-597 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-550, 034-700
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-550 Write to Fax Card-ROM Error Detection RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error has occurred during the process of writing data to the Fax Card-ROM. During Down-
Retry job. If retry failed, replace the Fax Card-ROM and perform download again.download
034-700 GCPLock-G3DicepBusy-CodecHang RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
-GCP lock Date task noRTC ACK). Hardware failure, software I/F error.
-G3 Dicep not changed to idle status, causing timeout.
-CODEC hang-up.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Verify software version, if required, upgrade to the latest version.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-598 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-701, 034-702
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-701 Software Reset RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Software Reset.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Verify software version, if required, upgrade to the latest version.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-702 No Destination Specified RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Unable the to initiate the call without the address specified, no destination specified.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-599 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-703, 034-704
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-703 D Channel Link RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The D Channel was deleted from the network.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-704 ISDN D Channel Data Link Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a ISDN D Channel error.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-600 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-705, 034-706
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-705 ISDN Layer 1 Stopped-Power On RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Layer 1 is deactivated with the power on.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-706 ISDN Layer 1 Stopped-Power Off RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Layer 1 is deactivated with the power off.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-601 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-707, 034-708
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-707 FRMR Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-708 Illegal Frame Received N(R) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-602 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-709, 034-710
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-709 Illegal Frame Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-710 DL Link Establishment Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-603 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-711, 034-712
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-711 Waiting for Link Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax controller is waiting for a data link time-out.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-712 Internal Error (Interrupt) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal processing error.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-604 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-713, 034-714
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-713 Timeout-Transmission Canceled RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a transmission time-out.
Check the self-terminal status and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-714 Line Disconnected-Timeout T305 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a wait release time-out.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-605 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-715, 034-716
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-715 Line Disconnected-Timeout 3082 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a wait release complete time-out.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-716 Connection Timeout (T313) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a connection time-out.
Check the self-terminal status and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-606 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-717, 034-718
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-717 Resume Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-718 Normal Disconnection RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-607 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-719, 034-720
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-719 No Available Lines RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-720 Timeout (60s,T330,309,301,310) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
60sec Card Timer Timeout
T.330 Timeout (Response Message Timeout)
T.309 Timeout (Link Resetting Error)
T.301 Timeout (Response Message Timeout)
T.310 Timeout (Call, Response Message Timeout)
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-608 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-721, 034-722
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-721 Format, Contents Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Upper layer primitive format error, Content error.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Verify software version, if required, upgrade to the latest version.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-722 Suspension Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-609 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-723, 034-724
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-723 No Timer Assigned RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No assigned time.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Verify software version, if required, upgrade to the latest version.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-724 Illegal Sequence RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the self-terminal status and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-610 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-725, 034-726
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-725 L3 Task Internal Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal fax communication error during preparation to transmit the fax.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-726 HD81501 I/F Buffer Busy RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The I/F buffer is busy.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-611 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-727, 034-728
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-727 No Reply for 3 sec. for 1300Hz RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No response over 3 sec. at 1300Hz incoming call.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-728 Invalid Destination RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Calling is disabled due to wrong dial data.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-612 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-729, 034-730
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-729 Line Disconnect, In-Channel PB Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The line was disconnected when sending In-Channel PB.
Ask customer to reconnect line and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-730 In and Out Call Conflict RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a conflict between incoming and outgoing calls
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-613 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-731, 034-732
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-731 Fax Network Disconnected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The network disconnected the Fax setup.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-732 Fax Network Timeout Disconnect RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The network disconnected the Fax setup after a time-out.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-614 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-733, 034-734
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-733 Call Status Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a sequence error or message incompatibility.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-734 HI Task Internal Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
HI Task internal error.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Verify software version, if required, upgrade to the latest version.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-615 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-735, 034-736
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-735 ISDN D Channel RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The connection is limited to D channel.
Connect only to D Channel and receive.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-736 Wrong Notice from FAX Network RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax network sent the wrong notice.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-616 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-737, 034-738
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-737 Incoming Call Response Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The control failed during call response.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-738 Layer 1 Start Up Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a Layer 1 start up or activation error.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-617 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-739, 034-740
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-739 Layer 1 Not Synchronized RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Layer 1 synchronization is lost.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-740 Transmission of Frame Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a frame transmission error.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-618 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-741, 034-742
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-741 Unable to Send Frame RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a frame send error.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-742 Frame Send Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A frame send error is detected.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-619 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-743, 034-744
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-743 Abnormal Frame-Sending DMA RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When sending frames, the DMA (Dynamic Memory Access) was abnormally terminated.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-744 Unacceptable Channel RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An incorrect channel was terminated.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-620 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-745, 034-746
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-745 Outgoing Call to Channel Set RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A call is initiated to the configured channel.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-746 No Usable Lines RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There are no usable lines.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-621 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-747, 034-748
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-747 Switching Equipment Congestion RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The network switching equipment is busy.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-748 Specified Line Cannot be Used RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The specified line can not be used.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-622 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-749, 034-750
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-749 Network Congestion Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a network busy error.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-750 Network Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an error on the network.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-623 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-751, 034-752
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-751 Temporary Network Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a temporary error on the network.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-752 Destination Terminal Busy RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The receiving Fax is busy.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-624 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-753, 034-754
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-753 Destination Not Responding RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The receiving Fax is not responding.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-754 No Response from Destination RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The receiving Fax is not responding.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-625 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-755, 034-756
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-755 Destination Rejecting Call RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The receiving Fax refused the call.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-756 Destination Faulty RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fault at the receiving Fax.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-626 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-757, 034-758
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-757 Others (Normal, Semi-normal) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fault at the receiving Fax.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-758 Incorrect Destination Fax Dial No. RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The destination Fax number is invalid or incorrect.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-627 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-759, 034-760
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-759 No Relay Network Route RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a network error.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-760 No Line To Destination RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is no line or route to the destination.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-628 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-761, 034-762
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-761 Incorrect Format Destination Fax No. RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax number format is invalid.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-762 Facility Rejected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a problem with the destination.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-629 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-763, 034-764
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-763 Communication Capability Disallowed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax communication with the receiving Fax is not authorized.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-764 Communication Capability Not Configured RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Communication capability is not configured.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-630 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-765, 034-766
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-765 Feature Limit Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a feature limit error.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-766 Selected Communication Not Implemented RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The selected communication is not implemented.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-631 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-767, 034-768
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-767 Selected Mode Not Implemented RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The selected mode is not implemented.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-768 Restricted Digital Information Only RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Restricted digital information is insufficient for Fax operation.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-632 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-769, 034-770
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-769 Error by Service, Feature RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a feature error.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-770 Reply to Status Query RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a reply and response to status query.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-633 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-771, 034-772
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-771 Access Information Discarded RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Access information was discarded.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-772 Fax Connection Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an internal connection error.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-634 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-773, 034-774
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-773 Invalid Dial Number Specified RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An invalid Fax number was dialed.
Ask customer to verify the Fax number and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-774 Invalid Line Specified RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An invalid line or channel was specified.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-635 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-775, 034-776
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-775 Others (Invalid Message Class) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An unspecified invalid message was received.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-776 Insufficient Required Information RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A required information element is missing.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-636 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-777, 034-778
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-777 Undefined Message Type RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An undefined type of message was received.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-778 Incorrect Message or Type RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An incorrect message was received.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-637 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-779, 034-780
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-779 No information or Not Defined RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No information was received, or the information is not defined.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-780 Invalid Information RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Invalid information was received.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-638 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-781, 034-782
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-781 Call Status, Message Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A received message is not compatible with the call status.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-782 Error Cleared due to Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error cleared due to time-out.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-639 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-783, 034-784
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-783 Other Errors (Operation, etc.) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An unspecified protocol error occurred.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-784 Destination Number Changed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The destination Fax number changed.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-640 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-785, 034-786
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-785 Incompatible Destination RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An incompatible destination error was received.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-786 Call Identity not in Use RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The call identity is not in use.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-641 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-787, 034-788
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-787 Call Identity in Use RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The call identity is in use.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-788 Show Other Causes RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The cause for a Fax failure is not identified.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-642 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-789, 034-790
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-789 G4 Presentation Illegal Event RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a presentation of an illegal event.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-790 Line 0 (Ext) not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Channel 0 outside line is not connected.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-643 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-791, 034-792
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-791 Line 1 not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Channel 1 outside line is not connected.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-792 Line 2 not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Channel 2 outside line is not connected.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-644 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-793, 034-794
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-793 Line 3 not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Channel 3 outside line is not connected.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-794 Line 4 not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Channel 4 outside line is not connected.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-645 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-795, 034-796
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-795 Line 5 not Connected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Channel 5 outside line is not connected.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-796 Dial Error (Incorrect Fax No. 2) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Incorrect information in the dial data (Recipient Telephone Number).
Ask customer to verify the Fax number and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-646 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-797, 034-798
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
034-797 Communication Parameter Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Job error communication option parameter has error.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
034-798 Data Parameter Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Job error communication data parameter has error.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-647 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-799
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
034-799 Auto Dial Without Dial Data RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Auto Dial is activated but no dial data is found.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-648 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 034-799
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-649 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-550, 035-700
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-550 Write to Fax G3-ROM error detection RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error has occurred during the process of writing data to the FaxG3-ROM. (During down-
Retry job.
035-700 Modem Faulty RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
CS is not turned OFF at modem control.
HDLC frame sending error.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-650 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-701, 035-702
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-701 T1 Transmission Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Sending T1 T.O.
T1 timed out in sending operation. (FX)
At sending, DIS was not sent after the conversation request from the remote machine has
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-702 Destination Receive Rejected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
For the NSS/DTC (Non-Standard Setup/Digital Transmit Command) signal sent from the Fax
controller, the DCN (Disconnect) signal was received from the receiving Fax, or transmission
was rejected by the Select Receive function on the receiving Fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-651 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-703 , 035-704
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-703 DCN Receive at Phase B Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
DCN (Distributed Computer Network) signal was received from the receiving Fax when send-
ing in Phase-B (pre-message processing).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-704 Destination Polling Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Polling could not be done because the receiving Fax does not support Polling Send function, or
the stored document/original was not set.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-652 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-705, 035-706
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-705 DCS/NSS Resend Exceeded RAP
The NSS (Non-Standard Facilities Set-up) signal was sent out three times but there was no
response from the receiving Fax, or the DCN (Disconnect) signal was received.
Resending of DCS/NSS (Digital Command Signal/Non-Standard Facilities Set-up) signal
exceeded the limit.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-706 Fallback Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When sending the NSS (Non-Standard Facilities Set-up) signal, fall back could not be done or
a fall back error occurred (In User/Auto Resend Standby).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-653 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-707, 035-708
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-707 Wrong Password/Receive Banned RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The password does not exist or it was inconsistent.
Transmission was received from another party other than the selected party for transmission.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-708 Post-message Resend Exceeded RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The post command was sent out three times but there was no response from the receiving
Fax, or a DCN (Disconnect) signal was received.
No response after post command is sent out three times, or DCN received as a response
of the post command.
Poor line quality.
Receiving terminal failure.
Post message resending exceeded the limit.
DCN received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-654 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-709 , 035-710
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-709 RTN Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller received a RTN (Retrain Negative) signal from the receiving Fax.
RTN received. Poor line quality. Receiving terminal failure.
RTN was received at G3 sending.
If the problem persists reduce the send speed and then repeat the operation.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-710 PIN Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller received a PIN (Procedure Interrupt Negative) signal from the receiving
PIN received. Poor line quality.
Operator was called from the recipient machine.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-655 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-711, 035-712
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-711 DCN Receive at Phase D RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
DCN (Disconnect) signal or an invalid command was received from the receiving Fax when
sending in Phase-D.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-712 No Response after 3 NSC RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The password was incorrect.
Stored documents/originals for polling was not set on the receiving Fax.
Document jam on the receiving Fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-656 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-713, 035-714
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-713 T2 Timeout after Sending FTT RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No response signal was returned from the receiving Fax after the FTT (Failure To Train) signal
was sent.
Fax phone line may also carry a DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) internet signal, but this is
not supported by the hardware.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-714 DCN Received after NSC/DTC RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Incorrect password
No originals for polling
Paper jam on the receiving Fax
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-657 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-715 , 035-716
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-715 Wrong Password-Polling Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A password mismatch interrupted polling.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-716 No Post Message-T2 Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No post messages. Sending machine failure. Poor line quality.
T2 timed out. Command timer timeout on the terminal receiving T.30.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-658 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-717, 035-718
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-717 RTN Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
RTN sent. Poor line quality.
RTN was sent when G3 was received.
If the problem persists reduce the send speed and then repeat the operation.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-718 Receive T1 Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
When no data was sent from the receiving Fax, or after receiving more than 1 page manually,
the receiving Fax changed the resolution or the document size and the Fax controller returned
to Phase-B (pre-message processing), but no data was sent from the receiving Fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-659 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-719, 035-720
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-719 Busy Tone Detected at Phase-B RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A busy tone was detected in receive Phase-B (pre-message processing).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-720 Unable to Receive by Remote RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A compatibility problem
Can not receive the DIS/NSF/NSC/DTC (DIgital Identification/Non-Standard Facilities/
Non-Standard Facilities Command/Digital Transmit Command) signals
Memory is full
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-660 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-721, 035-722
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-721 DCN Received at Phase B RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
DCN (Disconnect) signal was received from the receiving Fax when receiving in Phase-B (pre-
message processing).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-722 Wrong Frame Length of 300bps RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The frame length exceeded 3.45 sec. in 300bps command/response.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-661 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-723, 035-724
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-723 No CD after Receiving Flag RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller could not receive the CD (Collision Detection) signal within 3mins after
receiving the signal from the receiving Fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-724 DCN Receive after Sending FTT RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
DCN was received after FTT had been sent. Sending machine failure. Poor line quality.
DCN was received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-662 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-725, 035-726
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-725 Remote has no Mailbox/Relay RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
For the Secure or Relay communication, the remote machine did not support the function.
Remote machine failure (no sending capability).
The remote machine did not support Relay Broadcast.
No mailbox function in the remote machine. (Mailbox type by FX)
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-726 PhaseC Cannot Receive-10 secs RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
At PHASE-C, training cannot be received within 10sec. Poor line quality.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-663 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-727, 035-728
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-727 50% Error During G3 Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
PHASE-C error exceeded the limit. Poor line quality.
While receiving G3 image information, 50% or more decode error occurred when 148mm
was received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-728 C EOL Cannot Receive in 10 sec RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller did not detect a normal line within 1 minute after it had begun to
receive G3 image information.
The Fax controller did not detect the EOL (End of Line) signal within 13sec (default) when
The Fax controller could not receive the EOL (End of Line) signal within 10sec in Phase-C
(message transmission).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-664 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-729, 035-730
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-729 Carrier Down Detected RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Carrier broken. While receiving the image information, T2 timeout occurred after the carrier
was broken. Dropout occurred.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-730 No CS with Phase-C High Speed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
At PHASE-C, CS has not come from a high-speed modem.
The CS of the modem did not turn ON as a response to the RS request at command
sending operation.
The CS of the modem did not turn ON as a response to the RS request during training at
high speed.
HDLC frame sending error
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-665 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-731, 035-732
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-731 Fax V.8 Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error was detected during V.8 internal Fax attributes selections.
V.8 Parameter N.G
V.8 error.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-732 Fax V.34 PCH CD Off RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The V.34 CD (Collision Detection) is off.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-666 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-733, 035-734
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-733 Fax V.34 C/PCH CS None RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an error in V.34 mode (33.6 KBPS rate).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-734 Polling Error at Remote Step V8 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There was no document for polling at the remote machine at Step V.8. Polling send operation
error in the remote machine.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-667 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-735, 035-736
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-735 No Document in Polling Box Step V8 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Polling was requested when there was no document for polling in V.8 procedure. Remote
machine operation error, self terminal polling send setting error.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-736 No Reply DCN after Sending CTC RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No response to the CTC sent, or DCS was received. Poor line quality.
DCN was received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-668 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-737, 035-738
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-737 No Reply DCN after Sending EOR RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller received the DCN (Disconnect) signal, or no response was returned from
the receiving Fax to the EOR (End Of Retransmission) signal sent by the Fax controller.
Resending of CTC/EOR (Continue To Correct/End Of Retransmission) signal exceeded the
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-738 No Reply DCN after Sending RR RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax controller received the DCN (Disconnect) signal from the receiving Fax, or no
response was returned from the receiving Fax to the RR (Receive Ready) signal sent by the
Fax controller.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-669 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-739, 035-740
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-739 Fax T5 Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a time-out after initial 2 way transmissions are established. Remote machine failure.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-740 Sending Stopped after EOR Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Sending was aborted after EOR was sent. Poor line quality. SC (modem) Board. NCU
Board failure.
EOR-Q was sent at ECM sending.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-670 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-741, 035-742
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-741 ECM Phase C Flag Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a time-out during Phase-C (message transmission).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-742 EOR Send or Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
After the EOR (End of Re-transmission) signal was sent, the ERR (Response For End Of
Transmission) signal was returned, or the EOR-Q (End Of Re-transmission-Quit) signal was
received by the Fax controller.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-671 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-743, 035-744
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-743 Remote Cannot Receive SUB Function RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The receiving Fax can not receive a SUB (Sub-Address).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-744 Remote Cannot Receive Password RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The receiving Fax can not receive a password.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-672 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-745, 035-746
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-745 PTX has No SEP Capability RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The receiving Fax does not support the SEP (Separator) function.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-746 Busy-Cannot Detect Dial Tone RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The system could not detect dial tone before dialing. DT1 was not detected.
Busy tone was detected before dialing. BT1 was detected.
Busy tone was detected before dialing. BT2 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected before dialing. Switch Board was busy. CT1 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected before dialing. CT2 was detected.
The system could not detect dial tone during dialing (=). DT1 was not detected.
This could happen when an external line was used with 0 signal sent from the PBX.
Busy tone was detected during dialing (=). BT1 was detected.
Busy tone was detected during dialing (=). BT2 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected during dialing (=). CT1 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected during dialing (=). CT2 was detected.
The system could not detect 2nd dial tone during dialing (==). DT2 was not detected.
Busy tone was detected during dialing (==). BT1 was detected.
Busy tone was detected during dialing (==). BT2 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected during dialing (==). CT1 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected during dialing (==). CT2 was detected.
The system could not detect 3rd dial tone during dialing (====). DT3 was not detected.
Busy tone was detected during dialing (===). BT1 was detected.
Busy tone was detected during dialing (===). BT2 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected during dialing (===). CT1 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected during dialing (===). CT2 was detected.
Busy tone was detected after dialing. BT1 was detected.
Busy tone was detected after dialing. BT2 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected after dialing. CT1 was detected.
Congestion tone was detected after dialing. CT2 was detected.
The system could not detect dial tone before dialing. (PBX) DT was not detected.
Busy tone was detected before dialing. (PBX) BT was not detected.
Congestion tone was detected before dialing. (PBX) CT was detected.
Busy tone was detected after dialing. (PBX) BT was not detected.
Congestion tone was detected after dialing. (PBX) CT was detected.
If the connections are good then there is a problem with the customers PBX (Private
Branch Exchange) line or the receiving fax.
Check the Switch Board.
Check the circuit condition.
Check the call conditions of the external line ("0" call).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-673 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-746 , 035-747
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-747 Abort While Dialing RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The operation was stopped during dialing by using the Stop button.
The customer terminated the transmission. Ask customer to resend the job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-674 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-748, 035-749
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-748 Abort During Transmission RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The operation was stopped during transmission by using the Stop button.
The customer terminated the transmission. Ask customer to resend the job.
035-749 No Reply from Remote Station RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Busy with no response (Redial exceeded limit)
The remote machine did not respond after dialing. CED and DIS were not detected.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-675 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-750 , 035-751
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-750 Power Off during Transmission RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error due to Power OFF during transmission. The power has turned OFF. System reset has
Check the self-terminal status and line status, then perform the operation again.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-751 Document Send Operation Canceled RAP
The operation was stopped during document sending by using the Stop button.
Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-676 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-752 , 035-753
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-752 Number of Job Restriction Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The number of jobs exceeded the limit.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-753 Fax Memory Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
This fault occurs in Fax receive of 999 sheets or more. Image information memory full, (File
full, append record error)
Turn the power OFF then ON.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-677 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-754, 035-755
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-754 File Management Memory Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
File management area full
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-755 File Add Page Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
File append record error.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-678 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-756, 035-757
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-756 Cannot Add Page RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No additional data of file.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-757 No Receive Page RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No received page.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-679 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-758, 035-759
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-758 No Specified File or Page RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No designated file or page.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-759 No Specified Job RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
No relevant job at communication, reservation cancel.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-680 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-760, 035-761
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
035-760 File Common Processing Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Invalid File
File error - Timeout occurred during COMM file access.
Or, the File Handler did not send an error code when an error has occurred.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
035-761 File Processing Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Timeout occurs in file error COMM file access or file handler does not send back error code at
error occurrence.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-681 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-762
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
035-762 Line Disconnected during ISDN RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There was a break in the ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) transmission.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-682 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 035-762
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-683 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-500, 036-501
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-500 Illegal PDRP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-501 Illegal RDPBP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-684 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-502, 036-503
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-502 Illegal RDPBN Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-503 Illegal RDCLP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-685 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-504, 036-505
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-504 Illegal RDGR Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-505 Undefined Response RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-686 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-506, 036-507
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-506 Negotiation Not Allowed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-507 RDPBP Receive at Full Capacity RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
RDPBP Receive (receive at full capacity), remote terminal runs out of paper etc.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-687 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-508, 036-509
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-508 RDPBN Receive Terminal Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-509 RDPBN Receive Other RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-688 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-510, 036-511
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-510 RDGR Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-511 Illegal Procedure 1551 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-689 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-512, 036-513
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-512 Illegal CDS Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-513 Illegal CDC Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-690 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-514, 036-515
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-514 Illegal CDE Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-515 Illegal CDD Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-691 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-516, 036-517
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-516 Illegal CDR Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-517 Illegal CDPB Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-692 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-518, 036-519
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-518 Illegal CDCL Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-519 Undefined Command RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-693 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-520, 036-521
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-520 Not Negotiable CDS Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-521 Not Negotiable CDC Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-694 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-522, 036-523
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-522 CDD Receive Terminal Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-523 Other Than Above CDD Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-695 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-524, 036-525
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-524 CDR Receive Terminal Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-525 Other Than Above CDR Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-696 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-526, 036-527
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-526 Illegal CDUI (Normal Document) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-527 Illegal CDUI (Operator Document) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-697 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-528, 036-529
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-528 Illegal CDUI (Control Document) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-529 Illegal CDUI (Monitor Document) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-698 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-530, 036-531
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-530 CDS Receive-Illegal Document RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
CDS (control document) Receive occurred when the receiver and sender of an abnormal doc-
ument do not match.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-531 DMA Channel 1 Terminated RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
DMA Channel 1 was abnormally terminated.
(G4) Presentation received an illegal event.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-699 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-532, 036-533
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-532 DMA Channel 2 Terminated RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
DMA Channel 2 was abnormally terminated.
(G4) Presentation received an illegal event.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-533 Cannot Convert Resources RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Resources for converting data cannot be obtained.
(G4) Presentation received an illegal event.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-700 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-534, 036-535
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-534 Decode Error in Data Convert RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Decoding error occurred in data conversion.
(G4) Presentation received an illegal event.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-535 White Line Transfer Error (Compress) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
White line transfer to encoded DICEP error occurred in data conversion.
(G4) Presentation received an illegal event.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-701 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-536, 036-537
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-536 White Line Transfer Error (Decomp) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
White line transfer to decoded DICEP error occurred in data conversion.
(G4) Presentation received an illegal event.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-537 No RTC during Data Convert RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
RTC was not detected in data conversion.
(G4) Presentation received an illegal event.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-702 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-538, 036-539
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-538 Document Descriptor Analysis Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-539 Page Descriptor Analysis Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-703 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-540, 036-541
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-540 Text Unit Analysis Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-541 Page Boundary Without TU RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-704 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-542, 036-550
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-542 Relay Broadcast Error in G4 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-550 Write to FaxG4-ROM Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error was detected when writing data to the FaxG4-ROM
Not able to carry out normal operation because ROM content is missing.
Retry job. If retry failed, replace the FaxG4-ROM and perform the download again. Perform
GP 13 Fax Checkout.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-705 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-700, 036-701
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-700 G4 Communication Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-701 Receive Variable N(R) Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-706 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-702, 036-703
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-702 Info Frame Size Exceeded (NI) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Information frame size exceeded the limit (NI over).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-703 Monitor/Unnumbered Frame Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-707 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-704, 036-705
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-704 Undefined Command/Response 1104 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-705 N2 Timeout of Receive Timer RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-708 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-706, 036-707
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-706 SABM Wait Timeout in G4 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
SABM Wait Timeout
(G4) Data link cannot be connected.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-707 UA Wait Timeout in G4 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
UA Wait Timeout
(G4) Data link cannot be connected.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-709 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-708, 036-709
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-708 Cannot Establish Link in G4 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Cannot Establish Link
(G4) Data link cannot be established.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-709 DISC Receive Before Link Close RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Link was force-closed (when DISC was received before the session).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-710 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-710, 036-711
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-710 FRMR Receive (Z=1) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-711 FRMR Receive (Y=1) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-711 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-712, 036-713
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-712 FRMR Received (Z=1) W=1 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-713 FRMR Receive (W=1) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-712 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-714, 036-715
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-714 Global Address Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-715 Line Open Timeout in G4 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Line Open Timeout (Including No HDLC Flag)
(G4) Flag cannot be received for 4sec or more.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-713 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-716, 036-717
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-716 Wrong LSI Send (Busy Timeout) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-717 Abnormal LSI Operation RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-714 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-718, 036-719
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-718 Disconnection Notice Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Disconnection Notice Timeout (10sec).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-719 C Line On - Line 1 Off RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Though Line C was turned ON, Line I was not turned ON.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-715 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-720, 036-721
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-720 C Line Off - Line 1 On RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Though Line C was turned OFF, Line I was not turned OFF.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-721 Line 1 Off During Transmission RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Line I was turned OFF during transmission.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-716 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-722, 036-723
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-722 Call Disconnected During Flag Detect RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-723 Call Disconnected While Awaiting UA RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
After SABM was sent, call was disconnected when waiting for UA.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-717 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-724, 036-725
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-724 Call Disconnected While Awaiting SABM RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-725 Disc Received Before Session RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-718 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-726, 036-727
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-726 Illegal Header Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Illegal Header Receive (Line Switching), Illegal Procedure (Packet Switching)
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-727 Illegal Parameter of CC Packet RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
CC Packet Parameter Error
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-719 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-728, 036-729
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-728 Illegal Parameter of CN Packet RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
CN Packet Parameter Error
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-729 Illegal Parameter of DT Packet RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
DT Packet Parameter Error
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-720 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-730, 036-731
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-730 Illegal Parameter of RI Packet RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
RI Packet Parameter Error
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-731 Illegal Parameter of IT Packet RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
IT Packet Parameter Error
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-721 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-732, 036-733
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-732 Illegal Parameter of CI Packet RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
CI Packet Parameter Error
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-733 Illegal Parameter of CF Packet RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
CF Packet Parameter Error
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-722 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-734, 036-735
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-734 Undefined Packet Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
Undefined Packet Receive
(G4) Other network errors.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-735 CC Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-723 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-736, 036-737
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-736 CF Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-737 CI Received Before G4 Session RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
CI Receive (Before the session ended)
(G4) A cut off request packet was received from the remote machine.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-724 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-738, 036-739
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-738 DT Packet P(S ), P(R ) Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. DT Packet P (S) and P
(R) errors occurred.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-739 RR, RNR Packet P(S) Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. RR and RNR packet P (S)
errors occurred.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-725 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-740, 036-741
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-740 Busy Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-741 SI Received in Transmission RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
SI Receive (In transmission)
(G4) An unexpected restart packet was received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-726 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-742, 036-743
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-742 SF Received in Transmission RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
SF Receive (In transmission)
(G4) An unexpected restart packet was received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-743 DT Packet D Bit Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-727 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-744, 036-745
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-744 G4 Wait for Reply Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
Reply Timeout
(G4) Network timer timed out.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-745 G4 CN Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
CN Wait Timeout
(G4) Network timer timed out.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-728 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-746, 036-747
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-746 G4 Data Link Disconnect Notice Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
Disconnection Notice Timeout (10sec)
(G4) Data Link Failure
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-747 Fast Select Response Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Fast Select that limits
responses received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-729 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-748, 036-749
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-748 Receive Remote Charge Request RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-749 Abnormal LCGN RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-730 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-750, 036-751
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-750 Illegal Procedure 1301 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-751 Illegal TCA Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Parameter error occurred
in TCA.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-731 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-752, 036-753
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-752 Illegal TCR Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-753 Illegal TCC Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-732 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-754, 036-755
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-754 Illegal TBR Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-755 Illegal TDT Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-733 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-756, 036-757
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-756 Undefined Ttransport Block Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-757 TCA Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-734 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-758, 036-759
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-758 TCR Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-759 TCC Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-735 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-760, 036-761
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-760 TBR Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-761 TDT Block Size Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-736 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-762, 036-763
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-762 G4 NetWork Disconnect Notice Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
Disconnection Notice Timeout (10sec)
(G4) Network Failure
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-763 Illegal Procedure 1401 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-737 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-764, 036-765
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-764 Illegal CSS Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-765 Illegal CSE Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-738 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-766, 036-767
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-766 Illegal CSA Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-767 Illegal CSUI Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-739 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-768, 036-769
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-768 Illegal CSCC Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-769 Illegal RSSP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-740 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-770, 036-771
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-770 Illegal RSSN Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-771 Illegal RSEP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-741 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-772, 036-773
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-772 Illegal RSAP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-773 Illegal RSUI Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-742 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-774, 036-775
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-774 Illegal RSCCP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-775 Undefined Command/Response 1413 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-743 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-776, 036-777
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-776 RSSN Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
RSSN Receive
(G4) Connection error was received from the session. (RSSN)
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-777 G4 Line Disconnect Notice Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Disconnection Notice
Timeout (10sec).
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-744 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-778, 036-779
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-778 CSA Received (Wrong Terminal) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
CSA Receive (Error at terminal)
(G4) Session abortion was received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-779 CSA Receive (Others) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
CSA Receive (Others)
(G4) Session abortion was received.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-745 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-780, 036-781
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-780 CSS Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Poor line quality.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-781 RSSP Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Poor line quality.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-746 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-782, 036-783
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-782 RSAP Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Poor line quality.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-783 RSEP Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Poor line quality.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-747 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-784, 036-785
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-784 RSCCP Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-785 CSUI/RSUI Wait Timeout RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-748 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-786, 036-787
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-786 Incorrect Password (RSSN) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. "Incorrect Password"
(RSSN) was returned from the remote machine.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-787 Wrong Password-Polling Error for Remote RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. "Incorrect Polling Pass-
word" (RSSP) was returned from the remote machine.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-749 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-788, 036-789
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-788 Poll Send Error at Remote RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. "No Poll Send Original"
(RSSP) was returned from the remote machine.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-789 No Password for RSSP Receive RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. No password for RSSP
was received for the CSS PA password entered.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-750 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-790, 036-791
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-790 Polling Rejected by Remote RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. RSSP without send rights
was received in Poll Receive.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-791 Set Password-RSSP Received RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. RSSN was sent when
setting password.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-751 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-792, 036-793
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-792 CSE Received after RSSP Send RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-793 Select Communication Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-752 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-794, 036-795
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-794 Line Disconnected During ISDN Mode RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
Calling cut off during ISDN communication
The ISDN session received an illegal event.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-795 Canceled by Remote Station RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Disconnected because
the remote machine does not support multi-copying.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-753 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-796, 036-797
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
036-796 Sent Without Multiple Sets RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax. Normal sending was per-
formed because the remote machine does not support multi-copying.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-797 Illegal Procedure 1501 RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-754 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 036-798, 036-799
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
036-798 Illegal RDEP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
036-799 Illegal RDDP Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a fax error with either the Fax controller or the receiving fax.
There is a problem with the receiving Fax. Ask customer to cancel the job and resend.
Check the remote machine settings and line status, then perform the operation again.
Check the Fax line connection (telephone line).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the FAX PWB (PL 18.5).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-755 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 041-310, 041-324
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
041-310 IM Logic Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
The IM (Image Management) software control error was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Install the correct version of the IOT firmware.
3. Initialize the IOT NVM (Initialize NVM). If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL
041-324 MCU PWB F1 Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 6.9 - ROS Laser Control (2 of 2)
Fuse 1 on the MCU PWB has blown.
NOTE: Remove the cause of Fuse meltdown before replacing the MCU PWB.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Go to +3.3Volt IOT wirenets for +3.3 VDC and BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of
2) for INTLK +24 VDC. Check the ROS Assembly (PL 2.1) circuit for overcurrent and
overvoltage, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
2. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-756 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 041-325, 041-326
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
041-325 MCU PWB F2 Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
BSD-ON: BSD 9.3 - Development and Toner Dispense Control
Fuse 2 on the MCU PWB has blown.
NOTE: Remove the cause of Fuse meltdown before replacing the MCU PWB.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Dispense Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [093-002] (PL 8.2)
2. Check the Toner Dispense Motor +24 Volt IOT wirenets circuits for overcurrent and over-
voltage, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
3. Check the CRU Fan +24 Volt IOT wirenets circuits for overcurrent and overvoltage, and
then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
4. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
041-326 MCU PWB F3 Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 9.2 - Charging and Exposure
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
Fuse 3 on the MCU PWB has blown.
NOTE: Remove the cause of Fuse meltdown before replacing the MCU PWB.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Check the HVPS (PL 18.1) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and overvoltage,
and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
2. Check the Registration Clutch (PL 15.1) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and
overvoltage, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
3. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-757 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 041-327, 041-328
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
041-327 MCU PWB F4 Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 - Fusing
BSD-ON: BSD 10.4 - Exit 2 Drive
Fuse 4 on the MCU PWB has blown.
NOTE: Remove the cause of Fuse meltdown before replacing the MCU PWB.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Check the Fuser Fan (PL 4.1) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and overvolt-
age, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
2. Check the Exit Gate Solenoid (PL 17.4) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and
overvoltage, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
3. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
041-328 MCU PWB F5 Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 8.1 - Trays 1~5 Paper Feeding
BSD-ON: BSD 10.6 Exit 1 Drive/OCT Control
Fuse 5 on the MCU PWB has blown.
NOTE: Remove the cause of Fuse meltdown before replacing the MCU PWB.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Check the MSI Feed Solenoid (PL 13.2) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and
overvoltage, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
2. Check the Offset Motor (PL 17.1) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and over-
voltage, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
3. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-758 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 041-329, 041-330
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
041-329 MCU PWB F6 Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options)
Fuse 6 on the MCU PWB has blown.
NOTE: Remove the cause of Fuse meltdown before replacing the MCU PWB.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Check the Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and
overvoltage, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
2. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
041-330 MCU PWB F7 Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options),
BSD-ON: BSD 12.1 - Integrated Finisher DC Power and Interlock Switching,
Fuse 7 on the MCU PWB has blown.
NOTE: Remove the cause of Fuse meltdown before replacing the MCU PWB.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Check the Finisher PWB (INT) (PL 22.7) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and
overvoltage, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
2. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-759 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 041-331, 041-340
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
041-331 MCU PWB F8 Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options),
Fuse 8 on the MCU PWB has blown.
NOTE: Remove the cause of Fuse meltdown before replacing the MCU PWB.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Check the HCF PWB (PL 10.8) circuit +24 Volt IOT wirenets for overcurrent and overvolt-
age, and then replace the faulty parts or repair the circuits.
2. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
041-340 MCU NVM (EEPROM) Data Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
The specific values of the NVM (EEPROM) data are not in their specified addresses.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Install the correct version of the IOT firmware.
3. Initialize the IOT NVM. If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-760 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 041-341, 041-342
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
041-341 MCU NVM (EEPROM) Access Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
NVM (EEPROM) access error (The read values are different from those that were written, or
there is I2C communication error).
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check whether there is poor connection between the EEPROM
and the MCU PWB.
If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
041-342 MCU NVM (EEPROM) Buffer Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
NVM (EEPROM) buffer fail (The write buffer has overflowed).
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check whether there is poor connection between the EEPROM
and the MCU PWB.
If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-761 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 041-347 , 041-500
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
041-347 Serial I/O Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
The Serial I/O control clock is not input from the MCU PWB FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate
Array) to the CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device).
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Chip fuses on the MCU PWB seldom fail because of an internal MCU problem. The cause is
almost always a short circuit in the wiring or components fed by the fuse. You MUST determine
the source of the short before replacing the MCU PWB.
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check whether there is any foreign substances or improper sol-
dering at the FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) and CPLD (Complex Programma-
ble Logic Device) pins on the MCU PWB.
If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
041-500 Write to IOT-ROM Error Detection (During
Download) RAP
Job Fail. An error has occurred during the process of writing data to the IOT-ROM. (During
Download. Not able to carry out normal operation because ROM content is missing.
Retry job. If retry failed, replace the IOT-ROM and perform download again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-762 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 041-501
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
041-501 Write to IOT-NVM-ROM Error Detection (during
download) RAP
Job Fail. Write to IOT-NVM-ROM error detection Download. Not able to carry out normal oper-
ation because ROM content is missing.
Retry job. If retry failed, replace the MCU PWB and perform download again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-763 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 042-310, 042-323
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
042-310 Main Motor Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
The Main Motor is not rotating at the specified speed.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Reload the Xero/Developer Cartridge (PL 8.1) and the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Close the LH Cover and the Front Cover.
Execute Component Control [042-003 Main Motor ON]. The Main Motor can be heard.
Go to BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control and the wires between the MCU PWB ( P/J407 and
P/J408) and the Main Motor ( P205 and P204) for an open or short circuit. If OK replace
the Main Motor (PL 3.2)
Check the installation of the Main Drive Assembly (PL 3.1 and PL 3.2). The Main Drive
Assembly is installed correctly.
Install the Main Drive Assembly correctly.
Check the wire between P/J407-9 and P205-8 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 4.1 -
Main Drive Control). The wires are conducting without an open circuit or a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Manually rotate the Main Motor rotor. It rotates smoothly.
Check for foreign substances that are interfering with operation or installation failure.
Foreign substances or installation failure are found.
Replace the Main Drive Assembly (PL 3.1).
Remove the foreign substances that are interfering with operation and correct the installa-
tion failure.
Replace the Main Drive Assembly (PL 3.1) If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL
042-323 Drum Motor Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.5 Drum Drive Control
The Main Motor is not rotating at the specified speed.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Reload the Xero/Developer Cartridge (PL 8.1) and the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Close the LH Cover and the Front Cover.
Execute Component Control [042-001 Drum Motor ON]. The Drum Motor can be heard.
Go to BSD 9.5 Drum Drive Control and the wires between the MCU PWB ( P/J407 and P/
J408) and the Main Motor ( P/J202 and P/J207) for an open or short circuit. If OK replace
the Drum Motor (PL 3.2)
Check the installation of the Main Drive Assembly (PL 3.1 and PL 3.2). The Main Drive
Assembly is installed correctly.
Install the Main Drive Assembly correctly.
Check the wire between P/J407-1 and P/J207-8 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 9.5
Drum Drive Control). The wires are conducting without an open circuit or a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Manually rotate the Drum Motor rotor. It rotates smoothly.
Check for foreign substances that are interfering with operation or installation failure.
Foreign substances or installation failure are found.
Replace the Main Drive Assembly (PL 3.1).
Remove the foreign substances that are interfering with operation and correct the installa-
tion failure.
Replace the Main Drive Assembly (PL 3.1) If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-764 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 042-400, 042-401
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
042-400 Odor Filter End Of Life
Odor Filter at end of life.
Replace the Odor Filter and reset the HFSI Value (HFSI Counter) [954-860].
042-401 VOC Filter End Of Life
VOC Filter at end of life.
Replace the VOC Filter and reset the HFSI Value (HFSI Counter) [954-861].
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-765 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 045-310, 045-311
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
045-310 Image Ready NG RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
A Controller image preparation failure was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check whether there is poor connection or foreign substances at
the following connectors.
Between the ESS PWB P/J320 and the MCU PWB P/J402
Between the ESS PWB P/J1323 and the MCU PWB P/J403
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
045-311 Controller Communication Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
Communication error between ESS PWB and MCU PWB was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check whether there is poor connection or foreign substances at
the following connectors.
Between the ESS PWB P/J320 and the MCU PWB P/J402
Between the ESS PWB P/J1323 and the MCU PWB P/J403
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-766 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 045-310, 045-311
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-767 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 047-211, 047-213
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
047-211 Exit 1 OCT Home Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.6 - Exit 1 Drive/OCT Control
After the Exit 1 OCT Motor has run for the specified operation time, the Exit 1 OCT Home Posi-
tion Sensor does not turn ON.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the Exit 1 OCT Home Position Sensor for improper installation, contamination, and
Check the Shielding Board, which blocks the detection section of the Exit 1 OCT Home
Position Sensor, for damage and check the OCT Chute for improper installation.
Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode.
Turn ON Component Control [077-102] (Exit 1 OCT Home Position Sensor). Move the OCT
Chute manually to block/clear the light path to the Exit 1 OCT Home Position Sensor. Does
the display change between High/Low?
Go to BSD 10.6 - Exit 1 Drive/OCT Control to check the Exit 1 OCT Home Position Sen-
sor (PL 17.1) for an open or short circuit.
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [077-010] and Component Control [077-
011] alternately. Does the OCT 1 Chute move forward and backward?
Remove the Rear Lower Cover. Is the voltage between the MCU PWB P/J417-11/12
(+) and the GND (-) +24VDC?
Go to +24VDC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF and check the Exit 1 OCT Motor Gear for blockage and the OCT
Chute for damage. Also, check the connection between the MCU PWB P/J417 and the
Exit 1 OCT Motor P/J217 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Exit 1 OCT Motor (PL 17.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Press the Stop button. Turn the power OFF and replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
047-213 Finisher Type Mismatch
BSD-ON: BSD 3.6 - IOT-Finisher Communication
Finisher type connected is incorrect.
Ensure that the finisher connected is the proper Finisher.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-768 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 047-216, 047-217
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
047-216 Finisher Communication Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.6 - IOT-Finisher Communication
Communication failure between the Finisher and the IOT was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check the connection between the MCU PWB P/J422 and the
Finisher PWB P/J8704 (Integrated) or J8889 (External) for open circuit, short circuit, and
poor contact. Also, check the power supply at the Finisher.
If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
047-217 HCF Communication Fault
BSD-ON: BSD 3.10 - MCU-HCF Communications
Communication failure between the HCF and the IOT was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check the connection between the MCU PWB P/J419 and the
HCF PWB J 800A and J 800B for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. Also, check
the power supply at the HCF.
If no problems are found, replace the HCF PWB (PL 10.8) before replacing the MCU
PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-769 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 047-218, 047-320
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
047-218 Tray Module Communication Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.2 - -MCU-Tray Module Communication
Communication error between Tray Module PWB and MCU PWB was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF. Go to the BSD 3.2 - -MCU-Tray Module Communication. Check the
connection between the MCU PWB P423 and the Tray Module PWB P/J541 for open cir-
cuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
047-320 ALL Destination Tray Broken RAP
All Trays connected to the IOT have become unusable.
Enter Shutdown History. Go to the RAP of the affected Output Tray.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-770 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 047-218, 047-320
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-771 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 059-314, 059-315
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
059-314 Control (Center) Thermistor Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.1 - Fusing Heat Control
The Control (Center) Thermistor has an open circuit.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the installation of the Fuser Unit. The Fuser Unit is securely installed.
Install the Fuser Unit securely.
Check the resistance of the Center Thermistor between J621-5 and J621-1 (BSD 10.1). The
resistance is 3k ohms or higher.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the Center Thermistor wiring between P/J411 and J621 for an open circuit or a short
circuit (BSD 10.1). The wire between P/J410 and J621 is conducting without an open cir-
cuit or a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
059-315 Control (Center) Thermistor Over Temperature
Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.1 - Fusing Heat Control
The Control (Center) Thermistor detected a temperature higher than the specified value.
NOTE: When this fault occurs, NVM location 744-005 is set to 1, 2, or 3, depending on the
fault. You must reset this location to 0 in order to clear the fault.
Check the resistance of the Center Thermistor between J621-5 and J621-1 (BSD 10.1). The
resistance is 3k ohms or higher.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the Center Thermistor wiring between P/J411 and J621 for an open circuit or a short
circuit ( BSD 10.1). The wire between P/J410 and J621 is conducting without an open
circuit or a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). If the problem persists, replace the AC Drive PWB (PL 18.2)
before replacing the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-772 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 059-316, 059-317
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
059-316 Rear Thermistor Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.1 - Fusing Heat Control
The Rear Thermistor has an open circuit.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the installation of the Fuser Unit. The Fuser Unit is securely installed.
Install the Fuser Unit securely.
Check the resistance of the Rear Thermistor between J621-7 and J621-3 ( BSD 10.1). The
resistance is 3k ohms or higher.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the Rear Thermistor wiring between P/J411 and J621 for an open circuit or a short cir-
cuit ( BSD 10.1). The wire between P/J410 and J621 is conducting without an open cir-
cuit or a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
059-317 Rear Thermistor Over Temperature Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.1 - Fusing Heat Control
The Rear Thermistor detected a temperature higher than the specified value.
NOTE: When this fault occurs, NVM location 744-005 is set to 1, 2, or 3, depending on the
fault. You must reset this location to 0 in order to clear the fault.
Check the resistance of the Rear Thermistor between J621-7 and J621-3 (BSD 10.1). The
resistance is 3k ohms or higher.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
Check the Rear Thermistor wiring between P/J411 and J621 for an open circuit or a short cir-
cuit ( BSD 10.1). The wire between P/J410 and J621 is conducting without an open cir-
cuit or a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). If the problem persists, replace the AC Drive PWB (PL 18.2)
before replacing the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-773 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 061-320, 061-325
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
061-320 ROS Motor Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.9 - ROS Laser Control
ROS ready is not detected within the specified time (10s).
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Turn the power OFF and check the following connections for open circuit, short circuit, and
poor connection. After the check is complete, turn the power OFF and ON.
ROS Motor for ROS Motor Ready Signal: Component Control [061-001]
Between the MCU PWB P/J406 and the LDD PWB P/J 620
If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
If the problem persists, replace the following parts in sequence:
ROS (PL 3.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
061-325 SOS Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.8 - Laser Control and Scanning
SOS interval is found to be longer than the specified value (102% of the specified SOS inter-
val) 5 consecutive times when checked by ROS software.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check between the MCU PWB P/J404 and the LDD PWB P/
J140 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor connection.
3. If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
ROS (PL 3.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-774 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 061-320, 061-325
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-775 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-277, 062-300
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
062-277 ESS-DADF Communication Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
Communication cannot be established between the ESS PWB and the DADF PWB.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check the following:
The connectors of the ESS PWB P/J390 and the IIT PWB P/J7192 for damage, for-
eign substances, bent connector pins, burns, and improper soldering on the PWB
The connection between the IIT PWB P/J7501 and the DADF PWB P/J751 as well
as between the IIT PWB P/J7502 and the DADF PWB P/J752 for open circuit, short
circuit, and poor contact
The connectors of the IIT PWB P/J7501, P/J7502 and the DADF PWB P/J751, P/
J752 for damage, foreign substances, bent connector pins, burns, and improper sol-
dering on the PWB
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
DADF PWB (PL 51.2)
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
062-300 Platen Interlock Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.7 - Platen Document Sensing
The Platen Interlock is open.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The DADF for improper closing.
The Platen Close Sensor for failure: Component Control [062-300] (PL 1.3).
The connection between the Platen Close Sensor P/J7251 and the IIT PWB P/J722 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The connection between the IIT PWB P/J7192-30 and the ESS PWB P/J390-11 for open
circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-776 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-311
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
062-311 IIT Software Logic Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
A software error was detected at the ESS PWB.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Change the value for NVM location [715-
030] to "1" and then execute NVM Write.
2. A 3 or 4-digit number is displayed in the current value column.
3. Check the upper 1 or 2 digits, or the lower 2 digits using the following table and replace
the appropriate parts.
Sample Display
110 (3-digit display):
LED Lamp PWB failure and LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor
(The first digit "1" in "110" is the upper digit, which indicates the LED Lamp PWB ("0"
in "01" is not displayed). The lower 2 digits "10" indicates the LED Lamp Flexible Flat
1000 (4-digit display):
The LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor contact.
(The first 2 digits "10" in "1000" are the upper digits, which indicates the LED Lamp
Flexible Flat Cable. The lower 2 digits "00" indicates that nothing is applicable (no
NOTE: Execute the IIT diagnosis and then call NVM location [715-030] again (press the
Change Settings button) to check the value (diagnosis result).
4. After replacing the appropriate parts, again change the value for NVM location [715-030]
to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
5. Check that the current value column becomes "000".
6. If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
7. If the problem persists after performing the above procedure, replace the ESS PWB (PL
Table 1 LED
Current value Component Name PL No.
00 Not applicable (No errors) -
01 LED Lamp PWB PL 1.4
02 CCD Lens Assembly PL 1.2
03 CCD Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.2
10 LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.4
12 IIT-ESS Video Cable PL 18.4
14 IIT-ESS I/O Cable PL 18.4
17 LVPS-IIT/Fax Power Cable (DC Harness) PL 18.4
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-777 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-345, 062-360
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
062-345 IIT EEPROM Fail (IIT) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
Write failure to EEPROM or communication failure with EEPROM has occurred.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Turn the power OFF and ON.
If the problem persists, turn the power OFF and replace the IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM)
(PL 1.6) (Write the values from the IIT Shipment Inspection NVM List).
062-360 Carriage Position Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.1 - Document Illumination
The Carriage position error was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Remove the Platen Glass and move the Full Rate Carriage to right and left manually.
Does the Carriage moves smoothly, with no interference?
Check the Carriage operation for mechanical load, the Carriage Cable for winding failure,
the Rail for contamination/foreign substances, and the Full Rate/Half Rate Carriage for
improper position (ADJ 6.2), etc.
Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON Component Control [062-005] (Scan) or
[062-006] (Return). Does the Carriage move?
Turn the power OFF and check the following:
The connection between the Carriage Motor P/J7258 and the IIT PWB P/J721 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the ESS PWB P/J336 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The connection between the IIT PWB P/J7192 and the ESS PWB P/J390 for open
circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
Carriage Motor (PL 1.6)
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [062-212] (IIT Registration Sensor). Man-
ually move the Carriage and turn the IIT Registration Sensor ON then OFF. Does the display
change between High/Low?
Use OF 99-2 RAP to check the IIT Registration Sensor.
It can be considered that there were no errors. Again, check the Carriage operation, check for
any noise source around the machine and check for any abnormal electrical discharge, etc.
If the problem occurs frequently, replace the following parts in sequence:
If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-778 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-362, 062-371
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
062-362 X Hard Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
Hard modification of authentication device was detected (at usual detection/power ON).
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Turn the power OFF and ON.
If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
If the problem persists, turn the power OFF and replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
062-371 Lamp Illumination Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.1 - Document Illumination
BSD-ON: BSD 6.6 - Image Input
Insufficient light from Lamp detected in CCD. (During white gradation correction/AGC before
Scan starts)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the light path for any obstacle, and the lamp, the lens, the mirror and the White Correct-
ing Plate for deterioration or contamination.
1. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Change the value for NVM location [715-
030] to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
2. A 3 or 4-digit number is displayed in the current value column.
3. Check the upper 1 or 2 digits, or the lower 2 digits using the following table and replace
the appropriate parts.
Sample Display
110 (3-digit display):
LED Lamp PWB failure and LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor
(The first digit "1" in "110" is the upper digit, which indicates the LED Lamp PWB ("0"
in "01" is not displayed). The lower 2 digits "10" indicates the LED Lamp Flexible Flat
1000 (4-digit display):
The LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor contact.
(The first 2 digits "10" in "1000" are the upper digits, which indicates the LED Lamp
Flexible Flat Cable. The lower 2 digits "00" indicates that nothing is applicable (no
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-779 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-371, 062-380
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
NOTE: Execute the IIT diagnosis and then call NVM location [715-030] again (press the
Change Settings button) to check the value (diagnosis result).
4. After replacing the appropriate parts, again change the value for NVM location [715-030]
to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
5. Check that the current value column becomes "000".
6. If the problem persists after performing the above procedure, continue and check the fol-
LED Lamp broken: Component Control [062-002] (PL 1.2)
Check the Flat Cable between the LED Lamp PWB P/J7001 and the IIT PWB P/
J723 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts (especially, check whether
the Flat Cable was inserted in a skewed manner).
Check the Flat Cable between the CCD Lens Assembly P/J700 and the IIT PWB P/
J710 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts (especially, check whether
the Flat Cable was inserted in a skewed manner).
The coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the ESS PWB P/J336 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
062-380 Platen AGC Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.1 - Document Illumination
BSD-ON: BSD 6.6 - Image Input
Insufficient lamp brightness was detected when performing AGC.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the light path for any obstacle, and the lamp, the lens, the mirror and the White Correct-
ing Plate for deterioration or contamination.
1. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Change the value for NVM location [715-
030] to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
2. A 3 or 4-digit number is displayed in the current value column.
3. Check the upper 1 or 2 digits, or the lower 2 digits using the following table and replace
the appropriate parts.
Sample Display
110 (3-digit display):
LED Lamp PWB failure and LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor
(The first digit "1" in "110" is the upper digit, which indicates the LED Lamp PWB ("0"
in "01" is not displayed). The lower 2 digits "10" indicates the LED Lamp Flexible Flat
1000 (4-digit display):
The LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor contact.
(The first 2 digits "10" in "1000" are the upper digits, which indicates the LED Lamp
Flexible Flat Cable. The lower 2 digits "00" indicates that nothing is applicable (no
Table 1 LED
Current value Component Name PL No.
00 Not applicable (No errors) -
01 LED Lamp PWB PL 1.4
02 CCD Lens Assembly PL 1.2
03 CCD Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.2
10 LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.4
12 IIT-ESS Video Cable PL 18.4
14 IIT-ESS I/O Cable PL 18.4
17 LVPS-IIT/Fax Power Cable (DC Harness) PL 18.4
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-780 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-380, 062-386
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
NOTE: Execute the IIT diagnosis and then call NVM location [715-030] again (press the
Change Settings button) to check the value (diagnosis result).
4. After replacing the appropriate parts, again change the value for NVM location [715-030]
to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
5. Check that the current value column becomes "000".
6. If the problem persists after performing the above procedure, continue and check the fol-
LED Lamp broken: Component Control [062-002] (PL 1.2)
Check the Flat Cable between the LED Lamp PWB P/J7001 and the IIT PWB P/
J723 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts (especially, check whether
the Flat Cable was inserted in a skewed manner).
Check the Flat Cable between the CCD Lens Assembly P/J700 and the IIT PWB P/
J710 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts (especially, check whether
the Flat Cable was inserted in a skewed manner).
The coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the ESS PWB P/J336 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
062-386 Platen AOC Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.6 - Image Input
A CCD output error was detected when performing AOC.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the light path for any obstacle, and the lamp, the lens, the mirror and the White Correct-
ing Plate for deterioration or contamination.
1. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Change the value for NVM location [715-
030] to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
2. A 3 or 4-digit number is displayed in the current value column.
3. Check the upper 1 or 2 digits, or the lower 2 digits using the following table and replace
the appropriate parts.
Sample Display
110 (3-digit display):
LED Lamp PWB failure and LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor
(The first digit "1" in "110" is the upper digit, which indicates the LED Lamp PWB ("0"
in "01" is not displayed). The lower 2 digits "10" indicates the LED Lamp Flexible Flat
1000 (4-digit display):
The LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor contact.
(The first 2 digits "10" in "1000" are the upper digits, which indicates the LED Lamp
Flexible Flat Cable. The lower 2 digits "00" indicates that nothing is applicable (no
Table 1 LED
Current value Component Name PL No.
00 Not applicable (No errors) -
01 LED Lamp PWB PL 1.4
02 CCD Lens Assembly PL 1.2
03 CCD Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.2
10 LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.4
12 IIT-ESS Video Cable PL 18.3
14 IIT-ESS I/O Cable PL 18.3
17 LVPS-IIT/Fax Power Cable (DC Harness) PL 18.3
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-781 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-386, 062-389
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
NOTE: Execute the IIT diagnosis and then call NVM location [715-030] again (press the
Change Settings button) to check the value (diagnosis result).
4. After replacing the appropriate parts, again change the value for NVM location [715-030]
to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
5. Check that the current value column becomes "000".
6. If the problem persists after performing the above procedure, check the following:
Check the Flat Cable between the CCD Lens Assembly P/J700 and the IIT PWB P/
J710 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts (especially, check whether
the Flat Cable was inserted in a skewed manner).
The coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the ESS PWB P/J336 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
CCD Lens Assembly (PL 1.2)
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
062-389 Carriage Over Run Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.1 - Document Illumination
The Carriage has overrun at the Scan End.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Remove the Platen Glass and move the Full Rate Carriage to right and left manually.
Does the Carriage moves smoothly, with no interference?
Check the Carriage operation for mechanical load, the Carriage Cable for winding failure,
the Rail for contamination/foreign substances, and the Full Rate/Half Rate Carriage for
improper position (ADJ 6.2), etc.
Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON Component Control [062-005] (Scan) or
[062-006] (Return). Does the Carriage move?
Turn the power OFF and check the following:
The connection between the Carriage Motor P/J7258 and the IIT PWB P/J721 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the ESS PWB P/J336 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The connection between the IIT PWB P/J7192 and the ESS PWB P/J390 for open
circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
Carriage Motor (PL 1.6)
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [062-212] (IIT Registration Sensor). Man-
ually move the Carriage and turn the IIT Registration Sensor ON then OFF. Does the display
change between High/Low?
Use OF 99-2 RAP to check the IIT Registration Sensor.
It can be considered that there were no errors. Again, check the Carriage operation, check for
any noise source around the machine and check for any abnormal electrical discharge, etc.
If the problem occurs frequently, replace the following parts in sequence:
If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
Table 1 LED
Current value Component Name PL No.
00 Not applicable (No errors) -
01 LED Lamp PWB PL 1.4
02 CCD Lens Assembly PL 1.2
03 CCD Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.2
10 LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.4
12 IIT-ESS Video Cable PL 18.3
14 IIT-ESS I/O Cable PL 18.3
17 LVPS-IIT/Fax Power Cable (DC Harness) PL 18.3
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-782 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-393
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
062-393 CCD PWB Sync Signal Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 6.6 - Image Input
Write failure to the Shading Memory has occurred.
Averaging processing error has occurred in the ASIC.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Change the value for NVM location [715-
030] to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
2. A 3 or 4-digit number is displayed in the current value column.
3. Check the upper 1 or 2 digits, or the lower 2 digits using the following table and replace
the appropriate parts.
Sample Display
110 (3-digit display):
LED Lamp PWB failure and LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor
(The first digit "1" in "110" is the upper digit, which indicates the LED Lamp PWB ("0"
in "01" is not displayed). The lower 2 digits "10" indicates the LED Lamp Flexible Flat
1000 (4-digit display):
The LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable is damaged or has poor contact.
(The first 2 digits "10" in "1000" are the upper digits, which indicates the LED Lamp
Flexible Flat Cable. The lower 2 digits "00" indicates that nothing is applicable (no
NOTE: Execute the IIT diagnosis and then call NVM location[715-030] again (press the
Change Settings button) to check the value (diagnosis result).
4. After replacing the appropriate parts, again change the value for NVM location [715-030]
to "1" and then execute "NVM Write".
5. Check that the current value column becomes "000".
6. If the problem persists after performing the above procedure, check the following:
Check the Flat Cable between the CCD Lens Assembly P/J700 and the IIT PWB P/
J710 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts (especially, check whether
the Flat Cable was inserted in a skewed manner).
The coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the ESS PWB P/J336 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
Table 1 LED
Current value Component Name PL No.
00 Not applicable (No errors) -
01 LED Lamp PWB PL 1.4
02 CCD Lens Assembly PL 1.2
03 CCD Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.2
10 LED Lamp Flexible Flat Cable PL 1.4
12 IIT-ESS Video Cable PL 18.3
14 IIT-ESS I/O Cable PL 18.3
17 LVPS-IIT/Fax Power Cable (DC Harness) PL 18.3
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-783 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-394, 062-395
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
062-394 Cont PWBA Memory Fail RAP
Sub Cont PWBA Memory Fail. It was detected that Read/Write were not available to the ESS
PWB (PL 35.2) RAM (Gap Memory).
Perform the following.
1. Turn the power OFF then ON.
2. If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
3. Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
062-395 IIT PWB Power Cable Connection Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 1.5 - DC Power Generation (2 of 2)
The IIT PWB power source error was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Turn the power OFF and remove the IIT Rear Cover.
Turn the power ON. Is the voltage between the Main LVPS P/J502-1 (+) and the GND (-)
Go to +24VDC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF and go to IIT/DADF Wirenets and check the connection between the Main
LVPS P/J502 and the IIT PWB P/J720 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
If the problem persists, reload the machine software (GP 16).
the problem persists, replace the IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-784 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-396, 062-397
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
062-396 CCD Cable Connection Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
A CCD Flat Cable connection error was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check the following:
Check the Flat Cable between the CCD Lens Assembly P/J700 and the IIT PWB P/
J710 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts (especially, check whether
the Flat Cable was inserted in a skewed manner).
The coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the ESS PWB P/J336 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
062-397 IIT-Cont Video Cable Connection Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
An ESS Video Cable connection error was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check the coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the
ESS PWB P/J336 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-785 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-398, 062-500
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
062-398 IIT-Cont I/O Cable Connection Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
An ESS I/O Cable connection error was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check the coaxial cable between the IIT PWB P/J7191 and the
ESS PWB P/J336 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
IIT PWB (Switch the EEPROM) (PL 1.6)
062-500 Write to Error During Download RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
Job Fail. An error has occurred during the process of writing data to the IISS-ROM. An error
was detected when writing data to the IISS-ROM. Not able to carry out normal operation
because ROM content is missing.
Retry job. If retry failed, replace the IIT PWB (PL 1.6) and retry the download operation. If the
problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-786 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 062-790
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
062-790 PreIPS X- Recognition Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
The document being scanned is a legal tender, securities, etc., and therefore is prohibited by
Refer to "Legal Notices" in the User Guide to check the document types available for copying.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-787 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 071-100, 071-105
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
071-100Tray 1 Pre Misfeed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking
BSD-ON: BSD 8.1 - Trays 1~5 Paper Feeding
Tray1 Pre Feed Sensor is not turned ON by the paper in specified time from Tray1 Feed Start.
Initial Actions
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Tray 1 Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolu-
tion failure (when the jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 1)
Use of paper out of spec
The Tray 1 Pre Feed Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator opera-
tion failure
Check the following:
The Tray 1 Pre Feed Sensor for failure: Component Control [071-105] (PL 9.5)
The Tray 1 Feed/Lift Motor failure: Component Control [071-003] CW (PL 9.6)
The connection between the Tray 1 Pre Feed Sensor P/J107 and the MCU PWB P/J410
for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
071-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 1) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
The Registration Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Registration
Clutch On after the Feed from Tray 1 has started.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Tray 1 Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolu-
tion failure (when the jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 1)
Use of paper out of spec
The Registration Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
Check the following:
The Registration Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-104] (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Registration Sensor P/J121 and the MCU PWB P/J415 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-003] CW (PL 3.2)
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-788 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 071-210, 071-212
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
071-210 Tray 1 Lift Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking
Tray 1 Lift NG has occurred 3 times in a row.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Remove Tray 1. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON Component Control
[071-002] CCW [071-003] CW] (Tray 1 Feed/Lift Motor). Does the Tray 1 Feed/Lift Motor
Check the connection between the MCU PWB P/J417 and the Tray 1 Feed/Lift Motor P/
J213 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. Measure the resistance between the
MCU PWB P/J417-5/6/7/8 and the Frame. Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Replace the Tray 1 Feed/Lift Motor (PL 9.6).
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [071-102] (Tray 1 Level Sensor). Use a
sheet of paper, etc. to block/clear the light path to the Tray 1 Level Sensor. Does the display
change between High/Low?
Use OF 99-2 RAP to check the Tray 1 Level Sensor (PL 9.5).
Press the Stop button and turn the power OFF.
Reload the machine software (GP 16). Check the Tray Lift Gear for damage or the Tray Lift
mechanism for mechanical load. If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
071-212 Tray 1 Paper Size Switch Broken RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.1 - Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
Abnormal output AD value from Tray 1 Size Sensor was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Broken link and breakage at the bottom of the tray
The Actuator at the rear of the Tray for operation failure
The Tray 1 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [071-200];Component Control
[071-104] (PL 9.1)
The connection between the Tray 1 Paper Size Sensor P/J122 and the MCU PWB P/
J414 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-789 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 072-100, 072-101
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
072-100Tray 2 Pre Misfeed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.6 - Tray 2 Paper Stacking
BSD-ON: BSD 8.2 - IOT Paper Transportation
Tray2 Pre Feed Sensor is not turned ON by the paper in specified time from Tray 2 Feed Start.
Initial Actions
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Tray 2 Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolu-
tion failure (when the jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 2)
Use of paper out of spec
The Tray 2 Pre Feed Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator opera-
tion failure
Check the following:
The Tray 2 Pre Feed Sensor for failure: Component Control [072-105] (PL 9.5)
The Tray 2 Feed/Lift Motor failure: Component Control [072-003] CW (PL 9.6)
The connection between the Tray 2 Pre Feed Sensor P/J107 and the MCU PWB P/J410
for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
072-101Tray 2 Misfeed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.6 - Tray 2 Paper Stacking
BSD-ON: BSD 8.2 - IOT Paper Transportation
The Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Feed from
Tray 2 has started.
Initial Actions
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Feed Out Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation fail-
The Tray 2 Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolu-
tion failure (when the jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 2)
The Takeaway Roll 2 and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Takeaway Roll 2 Drive Gear for wear and damage
The Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll Drive Gears for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
Check the following:
The Feed Out Sensor for failure: Component Control [072-100] (PL 9.5)
Takeaway Motor failure: Component Control [077-050] CW (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Feed Out Sensor P/J110 and the MCU PWB P/J410 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-790 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 072-105, 072-210
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
072-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 2) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
The Registration Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Registration
Clutch On after the Feed from Tray 2 has started.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Tray 2 Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolu-
tion failure (when the jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 2)
The Takeaway Roll 2 and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Takeaway Roll 2 Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
The Registration Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
Check the following:
The Registration Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-104] (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Registration Sensor P/J121 and the MCU PWB P/J 415 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-003] CW (PL 3.2)
The Registration Transport Assy (PL 15.1) for installation failure
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
072-210 Tray 2 Lift Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.6 - Tray 2 Paper Stacking
Tray 2 Lift NG has occurred 3 times in a row.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Remove Tray 2. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON Component Control
[072-002] CCW [072-003] CW] (Tray 1 Feed/Lift Motor). Does the Tray 2 Feed/Lift Motor
Check the connection between the MCU PWB P/J410 and the Tray 1 Feed/Lift Motor P/
J216 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. Measure the resistance between the
MCU PWB P/J416-A1/A2/A3/A4 and the Frame. Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Replace the Tray 2 Feed/Lift Motor (PL 9.5).
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [072-102] (Tray 2 Level Sensor). Use a
sheet of paper, etc. to block/clear the light path to the Tray 1 Level Sensor. Does the display
change between High/Low?
Use OF 99-2 RAP to check the Tray 2 Level Sensor (PL 9.6).
Press the Stop button and turn the power OFF.
Reload the machine software (GP 16). Check the Tray Lift Gear for damage or the Tray Lift
mechanism for mechanical load. If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-791 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 072-212, 072-900
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
072-212 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor Broken RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.2 - Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
Abnormal output AD value from Tray 2 Size Sensor was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Broken link and breakage at the bottom of the tray
The Actuator at the rear of the Tray for operation failure
The Tray 2 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [072-200];Component Control
[072-104] (PL 9.1)
The connection between the Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor P/J123 and the MCU PWB P/
J414 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
072-900 Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.2 - IOT Paper Transportation
When the power was turned ON, the M/C was stopped (Cycle Down/ Shut Down), or when the
interlocks were closed (all interlocks including options), the Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor detected
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Feed Out Sensor (PL 15.1) for remaining paper, contamination, Actuator return fail-
ure, or improper installation
The Feed Out Sensor for failure: Component Control [072-100] (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Feed Out Sensor P/J110-1 and the MCU PWB P/J410-B3
for short circuit
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-792 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 072-212, 072-900
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-793 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 073-101
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
073-101 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.7 - Tray 3 Paper Stacking (TTM)
BSD-ON: BSD 8.3 - Paper Transportation (Tandem Tray Module)
BSD-ON: BSD 8.4 - Tandem Tray Module Takeaway Drive
The Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Feed from
Tray 3 has started.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check F4 on the Tray Module PWB for an open.
Go to the +24VDC-2 IOT wirenets. Check the connection between the MCU PWB P423-
2 and the Tray Module PWB P/J541-8 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
Remove Tray 3. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON Component Control
[073-001] (Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor). Does the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor rotate?
Go to the +24VDC-2 IOT wirenets. Is the voltage between the Tray Module PWB P/J
541-8 (+) and the GND (-) +24VDC?
Go to +24VDC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF, then measure the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor wire wound resistance.
Check the resistance of the following.
Between the Tray Module PWB P/J555 -1 and P/J555-2
Between the Tray Module PWB P/J555-3 and P/J555-4
Is the resistance approx. 4Ohm for each? (When the temperature is 25 C)
Check the connection between the Tray Module PWB P/J555 and the Tray 3 Feed/
Lift Motor P/J222 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If there are no
problems, replace the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor (PL 11.9).
Measure the resistance between the Tray Module PWB P/J555-1/2/3/4 and the Frame.
Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [077-033] (TM Takeaway Motor).
Does the TM Takeaway Motor rotate?
Is the voltage between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2/5 (+) and the GND (-)
Go to +24VDC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF, disconnect the TM Takeaway Motor connector P/J224.
Measure the TM Takeaway Motor wire wound resistance.
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2 and P/J224-1
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2 and P/J224-3
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-5 and P/J224-4
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-5 and P/J224-6
Is the resistance approx. 0.85Ohm for each? (When the temperature is 25 C)
Replace the TM Takeaway Motor (PL 11.5)
Measure the resistance between the disconnected TM Takeaway Motor connectors P/
J224-1/3/4/6 and the Frame. Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Check the connection between the Tray Module PWB P/J554 and the TM Takeaway
Motor P/J224 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If no problems are found,
replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Press the Stop button and open the L/H Cover. Turn ON Component Control [073-103] (Tray 3
Feed Out Sensor). Move the Actuator manually to block/clear the light path to the Tray 3 Feed
Out Sensor.
Does the display change between High/Low?
Use to check the Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor (PL 11.7).
Press the Stop button and turn the power OFF. Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution fail-
The Takeaway Roll 3 and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll Drive Gears for wear and damage
The Takeaway Roll 3 Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-794 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 073-105, 073-210
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
073-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 3) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 8.4 - Tandem Tray Module Takeaway Drive
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
The Registration Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Registration
Clutch On after the Feed from Tray 3 has started.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Tray 3 Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolu-
tion failure (when the jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 3)
The Registration Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
The TM Takeaway Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The TM Takeaway Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
The Take Away Roll 2 or 3 and the Pinch Roll for contamination, wear and a revolution
The Drive Gear of the Take Away Roll 2 or 3 for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
Check the following:
The Registration Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-104] (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Registration Sensor P/J121 and the MCU PWB P/J415 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-003] CW (PL 3.2)
The TM Takeaway Motor for failure: Component Control [077-033] (PL 11.15) (when the
jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 3)
The Registration Transport Assy (PL 15.1) for installation failure
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
073-210 Tray 3 Lift Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.7 - Tray 3 Paper Stacking (TTM)
Tray 3 Lift NG has occurred 3 times in a row.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Remove Tray 3. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON Component Control
[073-001] (Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor). Does the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor rotate?
Turn the power OFF, then measure the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor wire wound resistance.
Check the resistance of the following.
Between the Tray Module PWB P/J555 -1 and P/J555-2
Between the Tray Module PWB P/J555-3 and P/J555-4
Is the resistance approx. 4Ohm for each? (When the temperature is 25 C)
Check the connection between the Tray Module PWB P/J555 and the Tray 3 Feed/
Lift Motor P/J222 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If there are no
problems, replace the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor (PL 11.9).
Measure the resistance between the Tray Module PWB P/J555-1/2/3/4 and the Frame.
Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [073-102] (Tray 3 Level Sensor). Use a
sheet of paper, etc. to block/clear the light path to the Tray 3 Level Sensor.
Does the display change between High/Low?
Use to check the Tray 3 Level Sensor (PL 11.8).
Press the Stop button and turn the power OFF.
Check the Tray Lift Gear for damage or the Tray Lift mechanism for mechanical load. If no
problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-795 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 073-212, 073-900
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
073-212 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensor Broken RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.3 - Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
Abnormal output AD value from Tray 3 Size Sensor was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Broken link and breakage at the bottom of the tray
The Actuator at the rear of the Tray for operation failure
The Tray 3 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [073-200];Component Control
[073-104] (PL 11.12)
The connection between the Tray 3 Paper Size Sensor P/J102 and the Tray Module
PWB P/J548 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the Tray Module PWB
(PL 11.13).
073-900 Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.3 - Paper Transportation (Tandem Tray Module)
When the power was turned ON, the M/C was stopped (Cycle Down/ Shut Down), or when the
interlocks were closed (all interlocks including options), the Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor detected
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Feed Out Sensor (PL 11.7) for remaining paper, contamination, Actuator return fail-
ure, or improper installation
The Feed Out Sensor for failure: Component Control [073-100] (PL 11.7)
The connection between the Feed Out Sensor P/J108-2 and the Tray Module PWB P/J
548-B3 for short circuit
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-796 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 073-212, 073-900
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-797 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 074-101
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
074-101 Tray 4 Misfeed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.8 - Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
BSD-ON: BSD 8.3 - Paper Transportation (Tandem Tray Module)
BSD-ON: BSD 8.4 - Tandem Tray Module Takeaway Drive
The Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Feed from
Tray 4 has started.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check F4 on the Tray Module PWB for an open.
Go to the +24VDC-2 IOT wirenets. Check the connection between the MCU PWB P423-
2 and the Tray Module PWB P/J541-8 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
Remove Tray 4. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON Component Control
[074-001] (Tray 4 Feed/Lift Motor). Does the Tray 4 Feed/Lift Motor rotate?
Go to the +24VDC-2 IOT wirenets. Is the voltage between the Tray Module PWB P/J
541-8 (+) and the GND (-) +24VDC?
Go to +24VDC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF, then measure the Tray 4 Feed/Lift Motor wire wound resistance.
Check the resistance of the following.
Between the Tray Module PWB P/J555 -5 and P/J555-6
Between the Tray Module PWB P/J555-7 and P/J555-8
Is the resistance approx. 4Ohm for each? (When the temperature is 25 C)
Check the connection between the Tray Module PWB P/J555 and the Tray 4 Feed/
Lift Motor P/J223 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If there are no
problems, replace the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor (PL 11.9).
Measure the resistance between the Tray Module PWB P/J555-5/6/7/8 and the Frame.
Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [077-033] (TM Takeaway Motor).
Does the TM Takeaway Motor rotate?
Is the voltage between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2/5 (+) and the GND (-)
Go to +24VDC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF, disconnect the TM Takeaway Motor connector P/J224.
Measure the TM Takeaway Motor wire wound resistance.
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2 and P/J224-1
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2 and P/J224-3
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-5 and P/J224-4
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-5 and P/J224-6
Is the resistance approx. 0.85Ohm for each? (When the temperature is 25 C)
Replace the TM Takeaway Motor (PL 11.5)
Measure the resistance between the disconnected TM Takeaway Motor connectors P/
J224-1/3/4/6 and the Frame. Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Check the connection between the Tray Module P/J554 and the TM Takeaway Motor P/
J224 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If no problems are found, replace the
following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Press the Stop button and open the L/H Cover. Turn ON Component Control [074-103] (Tray 4
Feed Out Sensor). Move the Actuator manually to block/clear the light path to the Tray 4 Feed
Out Sensor.
Does the display change between High/Low?
Use to check the Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor (PL 11.7).
Press the Stop button and turn the power OFF. Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution fail-
The Takeaway Roll 4 and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll Drive Gears for wear and damage
The Takeaway Roll 4 Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-798 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 074-102, 074-103
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
074-102 Feed Out Sensor 2 On Jam (Tray3/4)
BSD-ON: BSD 8.2 - IOT Paper Transportation
BSD-ON: BSD 8.3 - Paper Transportation (Tandem Tray Module)
Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor is not turned ON by the paper in specified time from Tray 3/4 Feed
Clear the paper jam. Operate the printer from Tray 2. A 072-101 misfeed occurs.
Operate the printer from Tray 3. A 073-101 misfeed occurs.
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
between the Tray 3/4 Module and the Tray 2 Feedout Sensor
The Feed Out Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator
operation failure
Use of paper out of spec
Go to 073-101 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP.
Go to 072-101 Tray 2 Misfeed RAP.
074-103 Feed Out Sensor 3 On Jam (Tray4)
BSD-ON: BSD 8.3 - Paper Transportation (Tandem Tray Module)
Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor is not turned ON by the paper in specified time from Tray 4 Feed Start.
Clear the paper jam. Operate the printer from Tray 3. A 073-101 misfeed occurs.
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
between Tray 3 and Tray 4 Feedout Sensor
The Feed Out Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator opera-
tion failure
Use of paper out of spec
Go to 073-101 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-799 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 074-105, 074-210
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
074-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 4) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 8.4 - Tandem Tray Module Takeaway Drive
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
The Registration Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Registration
Clutch On after the Feed from Tray 4 has started.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Tray 4 Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolu-
tion failure (when the jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 4)
The Registration Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
The TM Takeaway Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The TM Takeaway Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
The Take Away Roll 2, 3 or 4 and the Pinch Roll for contamination, wear and a revolution
The Drive Gear of the Take Away Roll 2, 3 or 4 for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
Check the following:
The Registration Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-104] (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Registration Sensor P/J121 and the MCU PWB P/J415 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-003] CW (PL 3.2)
The TM Takeaway Motor for failure: Component Control [077-033] (PL 11.15) (when the
jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 3)
The Registration Transport Assy (PL 15.1 ) for installation failure
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
074-210 Tray 3 Lift Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.8 - Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
Tray 4 Lift NG has occurred 3 times in a row.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Remove Tray 4. Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON Component Control
[074-001] (Tray 4 Feed/Lift Motor). Does the Tray 4 Feed/Lift Motor rotate?
Turn the power OFF, then measure the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor wire wound resistance.
Check the resistance of the following.
Between the Tray Module PWB P/J555 -5 and P/J555-6
Between the Tray Module PWB P/J555-7 and P/J555-8
Is the resistance approx. 4Ohm for each? (When the temperature is 25 C)
Check the connection between the Tray Module PWB P/J555 and the Tray 4 Feed/
Lift Motor P/J223 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If there are no
problems, replace the Tray 3 Feed/Lift Motor (PL 11.9).
Measure the resistance between the Tray Module PWB P/J555-5/6/7/8 and the Frame.
Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [074-102] (Tray 4 Level Sensor). Use a
sheet of paper, etc. to block/clear the light path to the Tray 4 Level Sensor.
Does the display change between High/Low?
Use to check the Tray 4 Level Sensor (PL 11.8).
Press the Stop button and turn the power OFF.
Check the Tray Lift Gear for damage or the Tray Lift mechanism for mechanical load. If no
problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-800 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 074-212, 074-900
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
074-212 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor Broken RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.4 - Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
Abnormal output AD value from Tray 4 Size Sensor was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
Broken link and breakage at the bottom of the tray
The Actuator at the rear of the Tray for operation failure
The Tray 4 Paper Size Switch for failure: Analog Monitor [074-200];Component Control
[074-104] (PL 11.12)
The connection between the Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor P/J103 and the Tray Module
PWB P/J548 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the Tray Module PWB
(PL 11.13).
074-900 Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.3 - Paper Transportation (Tandem Tray Module)
When the power was turned ON, the M/C was stopped (Cycle Down/ Shut Down), or when the
interlocks were closed (all interlocks including options), the Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor detected
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor (PL 11.7) for remaining paper, contamination, Actuator
return failure, or improper installation
The Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor for failure: Component Control [073-100] (PL 11.7)
The connection between the Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor P/J116-2 and the Tray Module
PWB P/J548-A2 for short circuit
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the Tray Module PWB
(PL 11.13).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-801 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 075-135
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
075-135 Registration Sensor On Jam (Tray 4) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 7.9 - Tray 5 (MSI) Paper Stacking
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
The Registration Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Registration
Clutch On after the Feed from the MSI has started.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Registration Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
The Takeaway Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Takeaway Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
Check the following:
The Registration Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-104] (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Registration Sensor P/J121 and the MCU PWB P/J415 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-003] CW (PL 3.2)
The Registration Transport Assy (PL 15.1 ) for installation failure
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-802 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 075-135
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-803 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-101, 077-103
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
077-101 Registration Sensor Off Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 7.9 - Tray 5 (MSI) Paper Stacking
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
BSD-ON: BSD 9.5 Drum Drive Control
The Registration Sensor does not turn OFF within the specified time after the Registration
Clutch On.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
Each Takeaway Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Registration Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
Each Exit Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
Each Takeaway Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
The Registration Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
The BTR for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Fuser Drive Gear for wear and damage
Each Exit Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
The Registration Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
Check the following:
The Registration Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-104] (PL 15.1)
The Registration Clutch for failure: Component Control [077-002] (PL 15.1)
The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-003] CW (PL 3.2)
The Takeaway Clutch for failure: Component Control [077-001] (PL 15.1)
The Registration Transport Assy (PL 15.1) for installation failure
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-103 Exit Sensor 1 Off Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 - Fusing
BSD-ON: BSD 10.4 - Exit 2 Drive
After the Fuser Exit Sensor turned ON, the Fuser Exit Sensor did not turn OFF within the spec-
ified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Fuser for wound up, stuck paper
The Fuser Exit Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
Each Exit Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
Each Exit Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
The Exit 1 Gate for operation failure
Use of paper out of spec
Check the following:
The Fuser Exit Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-101] (PL 7.1)
The Exit 2 Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [077-015] (PL 17.5)
The Exit Gate Solenoid for failure: Component Control [077-004] (PL 17.5)
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-804 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-106, 077-109
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
077-106 Exit Sensor 1 On Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 - Fusing
The Fuser Exit Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Registration Clutch
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Fuser Exit Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-101] (PL 7.1)
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Fuser Exit Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
Each Takeaway Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Registration Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The BTR for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Fuser for wound up, stuck paper
The Fuser Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-109 Exit Sensor 2 On Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.3 - Exit Transportation
BSD-ON: BSD 10.4 - Exit 2 Drive
After the Fuser Exit Sensor turned ON, the Exit 2 Sensor did not turn ON within the specified
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
Each Exit Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Fuser for wound up, stuck paper
Each Exit Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
The Exit 1 Gate for operation failure
Use of paper out of spec
The Exit 2 Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation failure
Check the following:
The Exit 2 Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-100] (PL 17.4)
The connection between the Exit 2 Sensor P/J115 and the MCU PWB P/J411 for open
circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Exit 2 Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [077-015] (PL 17.5)
The Exit Gate Solenoid for failure: Component Control [077-004] (PL 17.4)
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-805 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-113, 077-129
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
077-113 Exit Sensor 2 Off Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.3 - Exit Transportation
After the Exit 2 Sensor turned ON, the Exit 2 Sensor did not turn OFF within the specified time.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
Each Exit Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
The Fuser for wound up, stuck paper
Each Exit Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
The Exit 1 Gate for operation failure
Use of paper out of spec
The Exit 2 Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation failure
The Exit 2 Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-100] (PL 17.4)
The connection between the Exit 2 Sensor P/J115 and the MCU PWB P/J411 for open
circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Exit 2 Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [077-015] (PL 17.5)
The Exit Gate Solenoid for failure: Component Control [077-004] (PL 17.4)
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-129 Registration Sensor On Jam (Duplex Wait) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
BSD-ON: BSD 10. 5 - Duplex
The Registration Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Registration
Clutch On after the Feed has started in Duplex Direct mode.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
Each Duplex Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
Each Duplex Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
The Registration Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
Check the following:
The Registration Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-104] (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Registration Sensor P/J121 and the MCU PWB P/J415 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Registration Clutch for failure: Component Control [077-002] (PL 15.1)
The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-003] CW (PL 3.2)
The Takeaway Clutch for failure: Component Control [077-001] (PL 15.1)
The Registration Transport Assy (PL 15.1) for installation failure
The Duplex Motor for failure: Component Control [077-070] (PL 14.4)
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-806 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-130, 077-131
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
077-130 Registration Sensor On Jam (Duplex Direct) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
BSD-ON: BSD 10. 5 - Duplex
The Registration Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Registration
Clutch On after the Feed has started in Duplex Direct mode.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
Each Duplex Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
Each Duplex Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
The Registration Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-131 Duplex Sensor On Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
BSD-ON: BSD 10. 5 - Duplex
The Duplex Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the Exit 2 Motor has started
rotating in the Duplex intake direction.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Initial Actions
Check the following:
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
Each Duplex Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
Each Exit Roll and Pinch Roll for contamination, wear, and revolution failure
Each Duplex Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
Each Exit Roll Drive Gear for wear and damage
Use of paper out of spec
The Duplex Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator operation failure
Check the following:
The Duplex Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-105] (PL 14.4)
The connection between the Duplex Sensor P/J109 and the MCU PWB P/J409 for open
circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Duplex Motor for failure: Component Control [077-070] (PL 14.4)
The Exit 2 Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [077-015] (PL 17.5)
The Exit Gate Solenoid for failure: Component Control [077-004] (PL 17.4)
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-807 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-211, 077-212
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
077-211 Tray Module Type Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.2 - -MCU-Tray Module Communication
A different type of Tray Module is connected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check the following:
The DIP Switch settings on the Tray Module PWB
Go to the IOT wirenets. The connection between the MCU PWB P423 and the Tray
Module PWB P/J541 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
077-212 Tray Module Reset Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.2 - -MCU-Tray Module Communication
The Tray Module reset was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Go to the IOT wirenets. Check whether the voltage between the Tray Module PWB P/
J541-5 (+) and the GND (-) is +5VDC and whether the voltage between the Tray Module
PWB P/J541-8 (+) and the GND (-) is +24VDC.
3. Turn the power OFF and go to the IOT wirenets and check the connection between the
MCU PWB P423 and the Tray Module PWB P/J541 for open circuit, short circuit, and
poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-808 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-214, 077-300
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
077-214 Tray Module Logic Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.2 - -MCU-Tray Module Communication
I/F mismatch between the IOT and the Tray Module was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF. Go to the IOT wirenets. Check the connection between the MCU
PWB P423 and the Tray Module PWB P/J541 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
077-300 Front Cover Interlock Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 - Power Interlock Switching (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
The Front Cover is open.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Front Cover for damage or mismatch.
The connection between the Front Cover Interlock Switch and the MCU PWB for open cir-
cuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The connection between the L/H Cover Interlock Switch and the MCU PWB for open cir-
cuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-809 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-301, 077-305
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
077-301 L/H Cover Interlock Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 - Power Interlock Switching (1 of 2)
The L/H Cover is open.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The L/H Cover Unit for damage or mismatch
The L/H Cover Interlock Switch for failure: Component Control [077-300] (PL 18.2)
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-305 Tray Module L/H Cover Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 - Power Interlock Switching (1 of 2)
The Tray Module L/H Cover is open.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Check the following:
The Tray Module L/H Cover for damage or mismatch
The Tray Module L/H Cover Switch for failure: Component Control [077-306] (PL
The connection between the Tray Module L/H Cover Switch P/J104 and the Tray
Module PWB P/J548 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-810 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-307, 077-308
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
077-307 Duplex Cover Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 - Power Interlock Switching (1 of 2)
The Duplex Cover is open.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Duplex Cover for damage or mismatch.
The Duplex Cover Switch for failure: Component Control [077-305] (PL 14.4)
The connection between the Duplex Cover Switch P/J108 and the MCU PWB P/J409 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-308 L/H Upper Cover Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 - Power Interlock Switching (1 of 2)
The L/H High Cover is open.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The L/H High Cover Assembly for damage or mismatch
The L/H High Cover Switch for failure: Component Control [077-302] (PL 17.4)
Turn the power OFF. Check the connection between the L/H High Cover Switch P/J116
and the MCU PWB P/J409 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-811 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-309, 077-314
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
077-309 L/H Lower Cover Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 - Power Interlock Switching (1 of 2)
The L/H Low Cover is open.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The L/H Lower Cover Assembly for damage or mismatch
The L/H Lower Cover Switch for failure: Component Control [077-301] (PL 15.2)
The connection between the L/H Lower Cover Switch P/J111 and the MCU PWB P/J410
for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-314 P/H Module Logic Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.2 - -MCU-Tray Module Communication
A fatal error was detected in the Tray Module.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and check the connection between the MCU PWB P423 and the
Tray Module PWB P/J541 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Reload the machine software (GP 16).
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-812 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-900, 077-901
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
077-900 Registration Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
When the power was turned ON, the M/C was stopped (Cycle Down/ Shut Down), or when the
interlocks were closed (all interlocks including options), the Registration Sensor detected
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Registration Sensor for remaining paper, contamination, Actuator return failure, or
improper installation
The Registration Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-104] (PL 15.1)
The connection between the Registration Sensor P/J121 and the MCU PWB P/J415 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-901 Exit Sensor 1 Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 - Fusing
When the power was turned ON, the M/C was stopped (Cycle Down/ Shut Down), or when the
interlocks were closed (all interlocks including options), the Fuser Exit Sensor detected paper.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Fuser Exit Sensor for remaining paper, contamination, Actuator return failure, or
improper installation
The Fuser Exit Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-101] (PL 7.1)
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-813 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-902, 077-907
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
077-902 Exit Sensor 2 Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10.3 - Exit Transportation
When the power was turned ON, the M/C was stopped (Cycle Down/ Shut Down), or when the
interlocks were closed (all interlocks including options), the Exit 2 Sensor detected paper.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Exit 2 Sensor for remaining paper, contamination, Actuator return failure, or improper
The Exit 2 Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-100] (PL 17.4)
The connection between the Exit 2 Sensor P/J115 and the MCU PWB P/J411 for open
circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The L/H Upper Cover Assembly for damage or mismatch
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
077-907 Duplex Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 10. 5 - Duplex
When the power was turned ON, the M/C was stopped (Cycle Down/ Shut Down), or when the
interlocks were closed (all interlocks including options), the Duplex Sensor detected paper.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Duplex Sensor for remaining paper, contamination, Actuator return failure, or
improper installation
The Duplex Sensor for failure: Component Control [077-105] (PL 14.4)
The connection between the Duplex Sensor P/J109 and the MCU PWB P/J409 for open
circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-814 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 077-902, 077-907
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-815 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 078-100
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
078-100Tray 6 (HCF) Pre Misfeed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.10 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Stacking
BSD-ON: BSD 8.6 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Feeding
Tray2 Pre Feed Sensor is not turned ON by the paper in specified time from Tray 2 Feed Start.
Initial Actions
A paper transportation failure due to a foreign substance/burr on the paper path
The Tray 6 Feed Roll, Retard Roll, and Nudger Roll for contamination, wear, and revolu-
tion failure (when the jam has occurred during Feed from Tray 6)
Use of paper out of spec
The Tray 6 Pre Feed Sensor for contamination, improper installation, and Actuator opera-
tion failure
Execute Component Control [078-100], Tray 6 Pre Feed. Sensor. Block and unblock the Sen-
sor. The display changes.
The connection between the Tray 6 Pre Feed. Sensor PF/JF61 and the HCF PWB PF/
JF02 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If OK, replace the Tray 6 Pre Feed.
Sensor (PL 10.5)
Open and close Tray 6. The Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor operates
Check the circuit between PF/JF58 on the Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor and PF/JF06 on the
HCF PWB for an open or a short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires
are OK.
Repair as required.
Check that the resistance through Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor is approx. 0.8 ohms at the mea-
surement points below.
PF/JF58-3 to pins 1/2
PF/JF58-4 to pins 5/6
The resistances are OK+
Replace the Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor (PL 10.4).
There is +24VDC from PF/JF06 pins 3 and 4, to GND.
Go to IOT wirenets and troubleshoot the +24VDC circuit.
Replace the Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor (PL 10.4). If the problem persists, replace the HCF
PWB (PL 10.8).
Check the following:
The Tray 6 Pre Feed Sensor for failure: Component Control [078-100] (PL 10.5)
The Tray 6 Feed/Lift Motor failure: Component Control [078-003] CW (PL 10.4)
The Tray 6 In Sensor failure: Component Control [078-204] CW (PL 10.1)
The connection between the Tray 2 Pre Feed Sensor PF61 and the HCF PWB PF02 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the MCU PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-816 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 078-101
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
078-101 HCF to Feed Out Sensor Fault RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.2 - IOT Paper Transportation
BSD-ON: BSD 8.4 - Tandem Tray Module Takeaway Drive
The Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor did not come on within the specified time after the start of feed
from Tray 6 (HCF).
Initial Actions
Clear any paper jam and switch the power off then on.
Check for out-of-spec paper.
Check paper path for a foreign object/burr/piece of paper
Clear the paper jam. Operate the printer from Tray 2. A 072-101 misfeed occurs.
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [077-033] (TM Takeaway Motor).
Does the TM Takeaway Motor rotate?
Is the voltage between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-4/6 (+) and the GND (-)
Go to +24VDC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF, disconnect the TM Takeaway Motor connector P/J224.
Measure the TM Takeaway Motor wire wound resistance.
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2 and P/J224-1
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2 and P/J224-3
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-5 and P/J224-4
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-5 and P/J224-6
Is the resistance approx. 0.85Ohm for each? (When the temperature is 25 C)
Replace the TM Takeaway Motor (PL 11.5)
Measure the resistance between the disconnected TM Takeaway Motor connectors
P/J224-1/3/4/6 and the Frame. Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings
and short circuits due to pinching.
Check the connection between the Tray Module PWB P/J554 and the TM Takeaway
Motor P/J224 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If no problems are
found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Check the following:
Takeaway Rolls 1 and 2 and 3 for dirt/paper particles/wear/a poor rotation
HCF and IOT for a poor docking
HCF Transport Belt for poor tension
HCF Transport Roll for dirt/paper particles/wear/a poor rotation
HCF Takeaway Rolls 1-3 for dirt/ paper particles/wear/a poor rotation
HCF Exit Roll for dirt/ paper particles/wear/a poor rotation
Drive gears for wear/breakage
If the results of the above checks are OK, replace Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13).
Go to 072-101 Tray 2 Misfeed RAP.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-817 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 078-102
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
078-102 HCF to Registration Sensor Fault RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.4 - Tandem Tray Module Takeaway Drive
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 - Registration
The paper transported from HCF did not turn on the Registration Sensor within the specified
Initial Actions
Clear any jam and switch the power off then on.
Check for out-of-spec paper.
Paper Path for a foreign object/burr/piece of paper
Execute Component Control [077-104], Reg. Sensor. Block and unblock the Reg. Sensor. The
display changes.
The connection between the Registration Sensor P/J121 and the MCU PWB P/J 415 for
open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If OK, replace the Registration Sensor (PL
Press the Stop button. Turn ON Component Control [077-033] (TM Takeaway Motor).
Does the TM Takeaway Motor rotate?
Is the voltage between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2/5 (+) and the GND (-)
Go to +24VDC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF, disconnect the TM Takeaway Motor connector P/J224.
Measure the TM Takeaway Motor wire wound resistance.
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2 and P/J224-1
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-2 and P/J224-3
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-5 and P/J224-4
Between the TM Takeaway Motor P/J224-5 and P/J224-6
Is the resistance approx. 0.85Ohm for each? (When the temperature is 25 C)
Replace the TM Takeaway Motor (PL 11.5)
Measure the resistance between the disconnected TM Takeaway Motor connectors P/
J224-1/3/4/6 and the Frame. Is the resistance infinite for all?
Check the wires of the pins with non-infinite resistance for peeled-off coatings and
short circuits due to pinching.
Check the connection between the Tray Module PWB P/J554 and the TM Takeaway
Motor P/J224 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If no problems are found,
replace the following parts in sequence:
Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Check the following:
Takeaway Rolls 1 and 2 and 3 for dirt/paper particles/wear/a poor rotation
HCF and IOT for a poor docking
HCF Transport Belt for poor tension
HCF Transport Roll for dirt/paper particles/wear/a poor rotation
HCF Takeaway Rolls 1-3 for dirt/ paper particles/wear/a poor rotation
HCF Exit Roll for dirt/ paper particles/wear/a poor rotation
Drive gears for wear/breakage
If the results of the above checks are OK, replace Tray Module PWB (PL 11.13).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-818 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 078-104 , 078-216
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
078-104 HCF Feed Out Sensor Fault RAP
BSD-ON: 8.7 HCF (Tray 6) Paper Transportation
The paper transported from HCF did not turn on the Tray 6 Feed Out Sensor within the speci-
fied time.
Initial Actions
Clear any jam and switch the power off then on.
Check for out-of-spec paper.
Paper Path for a foreign object/burr/piece of paper
Execute Component Control [078-101], Tray 6 Feed out Sensor. Block and unblock the Feed
Out Sensor. The display changes.
Go to BSD and check the following for an open wire, short or poor contact:
Feed Out Sensor PF/JF67-1 to HCF PWB PF/JF01-3
Feed Out Sensor PF/JF67-3 to HCF PWB PF/JF01-1
Feed Out Sensor PF/JF67-2 to HCF PWB PF/JF01-2
If OK, replace the Feed Out Sensor (PL 10.8) before replacing the HCF PWB (PL 10.8).
Execute Component Control [078-093], Tray 6 Takeaway Motor. There is operation noise
from the Takeaway Motor.
Check the circuit between PF/JF57 on the Tray 6 Takeaway Motor and PF/JF06 on the
HCF PWB for an open or a short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires
are OK.
Repair as required.
Check that the resistance through Tray 6 Takeaway Motor is approx. 0.8 ohms (at 25
degrees C / 77 degrees F) at the measurement points below.
PF/JF57-3 to pins 1/2
PF/JF57-4 to pins 5/6
The resistances are OK
Replace the Tray 6 Takeaway Motor (PL 10.8).
There is +24VDC from PF/JF06 pins 9 and 10, to GND.
Go to IOT wirenets and troubleshoot the +24VDC circuit.
Replace the Tray 6 Takeaway Motor (PL 10.8). If the problem persists, replace the HCF
PWB (PL 10.8).
Check the HCF Take Away components and repair as required (PL 10.4).
078-216 Logic Failure RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.10 - MCU-HCF Communications
Cannot read from and/or write to the NVM in HCF Module. HCF Module fatal error is detected.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check wires and connectors between the HCF and the IOT.
Reload Software. If the problem continues, replace the HCF PWB (PL 10.8).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-819 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 078-250
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
078-250 HCF Lift Fault RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 7.10 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Stacking
HCF Tray Lift failure. The Tray 6 Level Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after
the trays were inserted.
Initial Actions
Clear any jam and switch the power off then on.
Check the size of the paper in the tray.
Remove any debris or foreign substances in the tray.
Open and close Tray 6. The Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor operates
Check the circuit between PF/JF58 on the Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor and PF/JF 06 on the
HCF PWB for an open or a short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires
are OK.
Repair as required.
Check that the resistance through Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor is approx. 0.8 ohms at the mea-
surement points below.
PF/JF58-3 to pins 1/2
PF/JF58-4 to pins 5/6
The resistances are OK+
Replace the Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor (PL 10.4).
There is +24VDC from PF/JF pins 3 and 4, to GND.
Go to IOT wirenets and troubleshoot the +24VDC circuit.
Replace the Tray 6 Lift/Feed Motor (PL 10.4). If the problem persists, replace the HCF
PWB (PL 10.8).
Check the installation of the Tray 6 Stack Height Sensor (PL 10.5) and the operation of the
actuator. The Stack Height Sensor is installed correctly and the actuator works.
Reinstall the Tray 6 Stack Height Sensor.
Execute Component Control [078-201], Tray 6 Stack Height Sensor. Manually activate the Tray
6 Stack Height Sensor. The display changes.
Check the wires between PF/JF62 on the Tray 6 Stack Height Sensor and PF/JF 102 on
the HCF PWB for an open or shorted circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The
wires are OK.
Repair as required.
There is approx. +5VDC from PF/JF 02 pin 3 to GND.
Replace the HCF PWB (PL 10.8).
Monitor the voltage between PF/JF62-2 (+) and GND (-) while you activate the actuator
of the Tray 6 Stack Height Sensor. The voltage changes.
Replace the Tray 6 Stack Height Sensor (PL 10.5).
Replace the following the HCF PWB (PL 10.8)
Check the mechanical components (PL 10.4) of the lift mechanism for dirty or damaged gears,
broken or out-of-place cables. If OK, replace the HCF PWB (PL 10.8).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-820 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 078-300, 078-301
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
078-300 HCF Top Cover Interlock Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.11 - HCF Power Distribution
The HCF Top Cover Interlock is open.
Execute Component Control [078-300 HCF Top Cover Interlock]. Open and close the Top
Cover. The display changes.
+24VDC is measured between PF/JF05-2 on the HCF PWB and GND.
+24VDC is measured between PF/JF05-1 on the HCF PWB and GND.
+24VDC is measured from PF/JF04 pins 1 and 2 on the HCF PWB to GND.
Use BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options) and the IOT wirenets to
troubleshoot the 24 VDC circuit.
Replace the HCF PWB (PL 10.8).
Check the wires between PF/JF05-1 on the HCF PWB and FS001 on the HCF Top
Cover Interlock Switch, and between FS002 on the HCF Top Cover Interlock Switch
and PF/JF05-2 on the HCF PWB for an open wire or poor contact. If the wires are
good, replace the HCF Top Cover Interlock Switch (PL 10.7).
Replace the HCF PWB (PL 10.8).
The problem could be misalignment between the HCF Top Cover and the HCF Top Cover
Interlock Switch. Check if the Switch/Cover is improperly installed and if the actuator is broken
or bent.
If the check is good, replace the following in sequence:
HCF PWB (PL 10.8)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
078-301 HCF Docking interlock Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.11 - HCF Power Distribution
HCF Docking Interlock Open. The HCF and the IOT were undocked.
Initial Actions
Check that the HCF and the IOT are docked properly.
Switch the power OFF then ON.
Execute Component Control [078-301], HCF Docking Interlock. Dock and Undock the HCF.
The display changes.
Undock the HCF. Press the HCF Docking Interlock several times. The display changes.
The voltage between PF/JF08-2 on the HCF PWB and GND drops to less that 1
VDC when the Docking Interlock is pressed.
Check the wires between PF/JF08-1 on the HCF PWB and FS003 on the HCF
Docking Interlock, and between FS004 on the HCF Docking Interlock and PF/
JF08-2 on the HCF PWB for an open wire or poor contact. If the wires are good,
replace the HCF Docking Interlock Switch (PL 10.8).
Replace the HCF PWB (PL 10.8).
The problem could be misalignment between the HCF Docking Base and the IOT. Refer
to PL 19.3.
The problem may be intermittent. Check the circuit (BSD 1.11 - HCF Power Distribution) for
loose or damaged wiring.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-821 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 078-900
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
078-900 Tray 6 (HCF) Feed Out Sensor Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON: 8.7 HCF (Tray 6) Paper Transportation
When the power was turned ON, the M/C was stopped (Cycle Down/ Shut Down), or when the
interlocks were closed (all interlocks including options), the Tray 6 Feed Out Sensor detected
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Tray 6 Feed Out Sensor (PL 10.7) for remaining paper, contamination, Actuator
return failure, or improper installation
The Tray 6 Feed Out Sensor for failure: Component Control [078-101] (PL 10.7)
The connection between the Tray 6 Feed Out Sensor PF/JF67-2 and the HCF PWB PF/
JF01-2 for short circuit
Reload the machine software (GP 16). If no problems are found, replace the HCF PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-822 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 078-900
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-823 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 091-313, 091-314
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
091-313 CRUM ASIC Communication Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
Communication error between CPU of the MCU PWB and ASIC was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Turn the power OFF and replace the Xero Cartridge, then the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
091-314 Fuser Fan Fault RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
Fan (for air exhaust around the Fuser) rotation failure.
Execute Component Control for the CRU Fan [042-203]. The CRU Fan rotates.
Check the wires between P/J200 on the CRU Fan and P/J414 on the MCU PWB for an
open or shorted circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wires are OK.
Repair as required.
Replace the CRU Fan (PL 4.1) before replacing the MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Check the wire between P/J200-3 on the CRU Fan and P/J414-A4 on the MCU PWB for an
open circuit. If OK, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-824 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 091-401, 091-402
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
091-401 Drum Cartridge Near Life RAP
It was detected that the replacement timing for Drum is closer than Pre Near.
The Drum needs to be replaced soon. Replace the Drum (PL 8.1) as required.
091-402 Drum Cartridge Life Over RAP
Drum has reached the end of its life span.
Replace the Drum (PL 8.1).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-825 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 091-406, 091-600
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
091-406 Drum Cartridge Pre Near Life RAP
It was detected that the replacement timing for Drum is closer than Near.
The Drum needs to be replaced soon. Replace the Drum (PL 8.1) as required.
091-600 Temperature Sensor Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.4 - Transfer
Environment Temp Sensor failure.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Temperature Sensor for failure: Component Control [092-200] (PL 8.2).
The connection between the Hum and Temp Sensor P/J150 and the MCU PWB P/J415
for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, reload the machine software (GP 16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-826 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 091-600, 091-912
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
091-600 Humidity Sensor Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.4 - Transfer
Environment Humidity Sensor failure.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The Humidity Sensor for failure: Component Control [092-201] (PL 8.2).
The connection between the Hum and Temp Sensor P/J150 and the MCU PWB P/J415
for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
If no problems are found, reload the machine software (GP 16).
091-912 Drum Cartridge Life End RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
Drum Not In Position.
Reinstall or replace the Drum (PL 8.1) as necessary.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-827 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 091-913, 091-914
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
091-913 Drum Cartridge Life End RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
Drum has reached the end of its life span.
Replace the Drum (PL 8.1).
091-914 Drum CRUM Communication Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
Communication failure with Drum was detected.
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Drum CRUM PWB P/J999
for an open circuit and poor contact.
The connection terminals between the Drum CRUM PWB and the Drum CRUM
PWB for damage and foreign substances
The Drum CRUM PWB for contamination or disengagement
The Drum for improper installation
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Drum (PL 8.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-828 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 091-915, 091-916
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
091-915 Drum CRUM Data Broken RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
The system detected that the data written to the Drum and the data read from the Drum (K) do
not match.
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Drum CRUM PWB P/J999
for an open circuit and poor contact.
The connection terminals between the Drum CRUM PWB and the Drum CRUM
PWB for damage and foreign substances
The Drum CRUM PWB for contamination or disengagement
The Drum for improper installation
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Drum (PL 8.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
091-916 Drum CRUM Data Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
Incorrect authentication area data was detected in Drum.
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Drum CRUM PWB P/J999
for an open circuit and poor contact.
The connection terminals between the Drum CRUM PWB and the Drum CRUM
PWB for damage and foreign substances
The Drum CRUM PWB for contamination or disengagement
The Drum for improper installation
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Drum (PL 8.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-829 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 091-921
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
091-921 Drum CRUM Not In Position RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
The Drum is not in the proper position (loose CRUM).
1. Remove and reinstall the Drum.
2. Polish the connection terminals between the Drum CRUM PWB and the Drum CRUM
PWB with dry cloth. (When cleaning, do not use Drum cleaner, etc.)
3. Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Drum CRUM PWB P/J999
for an open circuit and poor contact.
The connection terminals between the Drum CRUM PWB and the Drum CRUM
PWB for damage and foreign substances
The Drum CRUM PWB for contamination or disengagement
The Drum for improper installation
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Drum (PL 8.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-830 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 091-921
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-831 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 092-315, 092-323
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
092-315 ATC Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.3 - Development and Toner Dispense Control
The frequency at which the ATC Average Fail or the ATC Amplitude Fail has been occurring
has exceeded the threshold value.
Although this Fault can be cleared by turning the power OFF and ON and it will be possi-
ble to output a few sheets of printouts, when this Fault has occurred a certain number of
times, it will no longer be clearable by turning the power OFF and ON. To clear it, clear the
value of NVM location [752-022] (ATC Average Fail) or NVM location [752-023] (ATC
Amplitude Fail) to "0" (NVM Read/Write). If the machine is not repaired back to normal
status, this Fault will occur again during the operation.
When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Xero/Developer Cartridge P/
J615 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [093-002] (PL 8.2)
The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
092-323 Dispense Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.3 - Development and Toner Dispense Control
Toner Cartridge becomes Empty despite less use of Toner amount.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Xero/Developer Cartridge P/
J615 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [093-002] (PL 8.2)
The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-832 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 092-656, 092-660
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
092-656 ATC Average Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.3 - Development and Toner Dispense Control
The average measured value of ATC Sensor is out of the range of appropriate values. (This is
a hidden failure. Data is only recorded in history.)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Xero/Developer Cartridge P/
J615 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [093-002] (PL 8.2)
The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
092-660 ATC Amplitude Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.3 - Development and Toner Dispense Control
The difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC Sensor measurement
set is lower than the threshold value. (This is a hidden failure. Data is only recorded in history.)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Xero/Developer Cartridge P/
J615 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [093-002] (PL 8.2)
The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-833 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 093-400, 093-406
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
093-400 Toner Cartridge Near Empty RAP
It was detected that the replacement timing for Toner Cartridge is closer than Pre Near.
The Toner Cartridge needs to be replaced soon. Replace the Toner Cartridge as required.
093-406 Toner Cartridge Pre Near Empty RAP
It was detected that the Toner Cartridge needs to be replaced soon.
The Toner Cartridge needs to be replaced soon. Replace the Toner Cartridge as required.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-834 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 093-912, 093-916
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
093-912 Toner Cartridge Empty
The Toner Cartridge Empty state was detected.
Replace the Toner Cartridge.
093-916 Toner CRUM Not In Position RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
The Toner CRUM is not in the proper position.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
NOTE: The WC 5325/5330/5335 is shipped with Worldwide Neutral Toner Cartridge. When
the cartridges shipped with the machine are installed, the machine is set to Worldwide Neutral
When the first toner cartridge is replaced in the WC 5325/5330/5335, the Geographic Differen-
tiation Code and Toner Cartridge Type in NVM are automatically changed to the same settings
as the replacement cartridge. Once these NVM are set, the WC 5325/5330/5335 toner config-
uration can only be changed with a CRUM conversion.
One or more Toner Cartridges are of the wrong type (i.e., a Sold cartridge installed in a
metered configured machine.
1. Remove and reinstall the Toner Cartridge.
2. Polish the connection terminals between the Toner Cartridge CRUM PWB and the Toner
CRUM PWB with a dry cloth. (When cleaning, do not use Drum cleaner, etc.)
3. Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J404 and the Toner CRUM PWB P/J102
for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
The connection terminals between the Toner Cartridge CRUM PWB and the Toner
CRUM PWB for damage and foreign substances
The Toner Cartridge for improper installation
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Toner Cartridge (PL 8.1)
Toner CRUM PWB (PL 8.2)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Go to the 093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-835 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 093-924, 093-925
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
093-924 Toner K CRUM Communication Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
Communication failure with Toner CRUM was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power
NOTE: The WC 5325/5330/5335 is shipped with Worldwide Neutral Toner Cartridges. When
the cartridges shipped with the machine are installed, the machine is set to Worldwide Neutral
When the first toner cartridge is replaced in the WC 5325/5330/5335, the Geographic Differen-
tiation Code and Toner Cartridge Type in NVM are automatically changed to the same settings
as the replacement cartridge. Once these NVM are set, the WC 5325/5330/5335 toner config-
uration can only be changed with a CRUM conversion.
One or more Toner Cartridges are of the wrong type (i.e., a Sold cartridge installed in a
metered configured machine.
1. Turn the power OFF and ON.
2. Check the connection between the MCU PWB P/J404 and the Toner CRUM PWB P/
J102 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. Also, remove and reinstall the Toner
Cartridge and check for improper installation.
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Toner Cartridge (PL 8.1)
Toner CRUM PWB (PL 8.2)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Go to the 093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP.
093-925 Toner CRUM Data Broken RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
The system detected that the data written to the Toner CRUM and the data read from the Toner
CRUM do not match.
NOTE: The WC 5325/5330/5335 is shipped with Worldwide Neutral Toner Cartridges. When
the cartridges shipped with the machine are installed, the machine is set to Worldwide Neutral
When the first toner cartridge is replaced in the WC 5325/5330/5335, the Geographic Differen-
tiation Code and Toner Cartridge Type in NVM are automatically changed to the same settings
as the replacement cartridge. Once these NVM are set, the WC 5325/5330/5335 toner config-
uration can only be changed with a CRUM conversion.
One or more Toner Cartridges are of the wrong type (i.e., a Sold cartridge installed in a
metered configured machine.
Initial Actions
Remove and reinstall the Toner Cartridge.
An Error Message appears on the UI - Reinsert an improperly seated consumable or
replace any consumables with Error. Press Machine Status button and select Supplies
tab for details. Remove and reinstall the Toner Cartridge and check for improper installation.
The problem continues
Check the NVM locations in Table 1.
The NVM values match the expected customer configuration.
Determine correct Contract Type from customer. Contact Technical Support Center or
your NTS for the CRUM conversion procedure.
1. Polish the connection terminals between the Toner Cartridge CRUM PWB and the Toner
CRUM PWB with a dry cloth. (When cleaning, do not use Drum cleaner, etc.)
2. Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J404 and the Toner CRUM PWB P/J102
for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Table 1 CRUM Data NVM
NVM Location Name Values (read-only)
767-094 Geographic Setting 3 = North America/Europe
12 = DMO
15 = Worldwide
767-104 Contract Type 2 = Sold
3 = Metered
31 = Neutral
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-836 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 093-925, 093-926
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
The connection terminals between the Toner Cartridge CRUM PWB and the Toner
CRUM PWB for damage and foreign substances
The Toner Cartridge for improper installation
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Toner Cartridge (K) (PL 8.1)
Toner CRUM PWB (PL 8.2)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
Incorrect authentication area data was detected in the Toner CRUM. This fault is displayed if
the wrong type of Toner cartridge is installed.
NOTE: The WC 5325/5330/5335 is shipped with Worldwide Neutral Toner Cartridges. When
the cartridges shipped with the machine are installed, the machine is set to Worldwide Neutral
When the first toner cartridge is replaced in the WC 5325/5330/5335, the Geographic Differen-
tiation Code and Toner Cartridge Type in NVM are automatically changed to the same settings
as the replacement cartridge. Once these NVM are set, the WC 5325/5330/5335 toner config-
uration can only be changed with a CRUM conversion.
One or more Toner Cartridges are of the wrong type (i.e., a Sold cartridge installed in a
metered configured machine.
Initial Actions
Remove and reinstall the Toner Cartridge.
An Error Message appears on the UI - Reinsert an improperly seated consumable or
replace any consumable with an Error. Press Machine Status button and select Supplies
tab for details. Remove and reinstall the Toner Cartridge and check for improper installation.
The problem continues
Check the NVM locations in Table 1.
The NVM values match the expected customer configuration.
Determine correct Contract Type from customer. Contact Technical Support Center or
your NTS for the CRUM conversion procedure.
1. Polish the connection terminals between the Toner Cartridge CRUM PWB and the Toner
CRUM PWB with a dry cloth. (When cleaning, do not use Drum cleaner, etc.)
2. Check the following:
The connection between the MCU PWB P/J404 and the Toner CRUM PWB P/J102
for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
Table 1 CRUM Data NVM
NVM Location Name Values (read-only)
767-094 Geographic Setting 3 = North America/Europe
12 = DMO
15 = Worldwide
767-104 Contract Type 2 = Sold
3 = Metered
31 = Neutral
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-837 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 093-926, 093-956
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
The connection terminals between the Toner Cartridge CRUM PWB and the Toner
CRUM PWB for damage and foreign substances
The Toner Cartridge for improper installation
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
Toner Cartridge (PL 8.1)
Toner CRUM PWB (PL 8.2)
MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
093-956 Dev Install Mode Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
In the Install Developer mode after the installation of the Xerographic Cartridge, no picture is
painted on the patch. (The seal is left unremoved.)
Peel off the developer seal from the Xerographic Cartridge.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-838 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 093-959
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
093-959 Dev Install Times Over Fail RAP
The number of Developer installation mode executions has exceeded the upper limit.
Replace the Xerographic Cartridge
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-839 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 094-315
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
094-315 BTR Illegal output
BSD-ON: BSD 9.4 - Transfer
BTR output is implemented while Drum Motor is stopped
Initial Actions
Switch the power off then on
If the problem is still present, reload system software (GP 16) If the problem persists, replace
the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) .
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-840 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 094-315
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-841 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 102-311, 102-312
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
102-311 USB Dongle Access Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
102-312 USB Dongle Illegal MAC Address Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-842 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 102-313, 102-314
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
102-313 USB Dongle Illegal IOT Speed Key Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
102-314 USB Dongle IOT Speed Setting Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-843 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 102-315, 102-316
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
102-315 USB Dongle SW Key Setting Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
102-316 USB Dongle Country Code Setting Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-844 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 102-317, 102-318
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
102-317 USB Dongle PagePack Setting Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
102-318 USB Dongle Country Code Setting Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-845 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 102-319, 102-356
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
102-319 Dongle NVM List Setting Fault
Initial Actions
Switch the Power Off then On.
Connect the Dongle to the Front panel USB port and retry
Verify that the correct Dongle is present
Order new (correct) Dongle. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the ESS PWB (PL
102-356 EWS Soft Fail RAP
Fatal error related to the EWS. A problem occurred during software processing, and process-
ing could no longer continue.
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete)
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reinstall the latest version of the ESS software (GP 16).
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
Perform GP 14 - - only the first three parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
Replace HDD (PL 35.3)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-846 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 102-319, 102-356
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-847 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-210, 116-211
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-210 Media Reader Fatal Error RAP
When this error is detected in OSDD.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Power Off
2. Check/Replace the following:
a. Media Reader (PL 35.2). Check: Media Reader communication P/J343.
b. Check +5VDC to ESS (+5VDC Power RAP).
3. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
4. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
5. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
6. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
7. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-211 MediaReader Cable Disconnected RAP
Service Fail. [Media Reader] Connection Cable Disconnected. This error was detected in the
1. Check the USB Cable connection with the power OFF. If the problem persists, refer to the
following to repair it.
2. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
3. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
4. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
5. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
6. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-848 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-212, 116-220
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-212 MediaLib SW Logic Fail RAP
Service Fail. [Media Reader] MediaLib SW Logic Fail. MediaLib internal logic error has
1. Turn the power OFF then ON.
2. Check if this is an existing failure (to TSC).
3. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
4. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
5. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
6. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
7. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-220 Transition to Download Mode Download RAP
Initialization Failure
Service Fail. Download failed to initialize when transitioning to Download Mode. (During Nor-
mal Mode or Forced Download Mode). The Downloader software that processes downloads
within the ESS failed to initialize during transition into Download Mode.
Check the system memory connection of the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-849 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-312 , 116-313
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-312 HDD Encrypt Key RAP
An error in the HDD encryption key is detected during boot.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
If the test is OK, perform GP 14 (HDD Initialization Special Boot).
If the problem persists replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-313 HDD Encrypt Setup RAP
The encryption key is set up but the HDD is not encrypted.
Change NVM location 700-448 to 0 to enable encryption. Exit diagnostics to reboot the
If the customer does not want encryption, the SA must enter Tools and disable encryp-
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first 3 parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cautions
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned
documents, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
3. HDD Format Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-850 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-314, 116-315
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-314 Ethernet Address RAP
An Ethernet address error is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the EEPROM on the ESS.
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-315 System Memory DIMM R/W Check RAP
An error is detected during the Read/Write operation of the System Memory DIMM.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Pull out and insert the System Memory DIMM.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, replace the System Memory DIMM (PL 35.2).
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-851 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-316, 116-317
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-316 ESS RAM DIMM R/W Check RAP
An error is detected during the Read/Write operation of the ESS RAM DIMM.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Turn OFF then ON the power. If the problem persists, perform the following:
1. Remove and insert ESS RAM DIMM.
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
3. Replace ESS RAM DIMM.
4. Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
116-317 Standard ROM DIMM Check Fail RAP
An error is detected when the ESS ROM ESS ROM DIMM was checked.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Turn OFF then ON the power. If the problem persists, perform the following:
1. Remove and insert ESS ROM DIMM.
2. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
3. Replace ESS ROM DIMM.
4. Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-852 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-318 , 116-319
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-318 ESS ROM DIMM Check RAP
An error is detected when the option ROM DIMM was checked.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure.
Pull out and insert the Prt-Kit or the ROM DIMM.
If the problem persists, replace the Prt-Kit or the ROM-DIMM.
116-319 Controller UI Configuration RAP
There is a configuration mismatch between the Controller ROM and the UI.
If the Controller or UI was just serviced, check the electrical connections.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem occurred during customer usage, replace the Controller ROM.
If the problem persists, replace the UI PWB (PL 1.7).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-853 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-321 , 116-322
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-321 System Software RAP
An internal controller error shut down the processor.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the installation of the DDR DIMM.
Reload Software (GP 16).
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMM (PL 35.2).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
116-322 WebDAV S/W Fail RAP
Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes cannot be performed.
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-854 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-323, 116-324
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-323 ESS NVRAM R/W Check RAP
An error is detected during the ESS PWB NVM Read/Write Check.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMM (PL 35.2).
2. Disconnect and reconnect the NV-RAM Board and turn ON the power.
3. If problem 116-323 still persists, replace the NV-RAM Board.
4. After the replacement of the NV-RAM Board, 116-334 will occur. Take the corrective
actions for 116-334 in order.
5. If problem 116-323 still persists, go to the following procedure to resolve it.
6. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
7. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
8. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
9. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
10. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-324 System Controller RAP
An exceptional Controller error shut down the processor. A fatal software exception error has
occurred in the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). The cause is most likely the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) software
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Turn OFF the power, then turn it ON while pressing both the [Start] and the [Stop] but-
tons. By maintaining that state for 6 seconds, the machine will automatically delete the
print data that had caused the error and then restart itself.
If the problem persists, carry out the following procedure:
Pull out and insert or replace the RAM DIMM.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
If the problem persists, go to 116-334.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-855 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-325, 116-328
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-325 ESS Fan RAP
The ESS fan failed.
Turn the power OFF then ON. Replace the ESS fan (PL 35.2).
116-328 L2 Cache Fail RAP
A failure was detected in the Level 2 Cache built in the CPU.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-856 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-329, 116-330
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-329 Serial Software RAP
A system call error related to the Serial I/F was detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-330 HDD File System RAP
The HDD Check detected an error during power on or the HDD is not formatted.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first 3 parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cautions
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned
documents, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
3. HDD Format Mode
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-857 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-331, 116-332
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-331 Invalid Log Information RAP
A log error is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-332 ESS Standard ROM RAP
An error is detected in the ESS Built-In Standard ROM.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Reinstall or replace the ESS Built-In Standard ROM (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-858 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-333, 116-334
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-333 LocalTalk Software RAP
Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes cannot be performed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - Reload Software (GP 16)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-334 ESS NVM Data Compare Fail RAP
System Cont detects ESS-NVM with factory settings is installed] or [Illegal ESS-NVM data
is occurring].
As powering OFF then ON after a detection of 116-334 will presumably cause other errors
124-3xx that indicate various data mismatches between the three locations, resolve
one(s) following the corrective actions for the relevant Fault Code(s).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-859 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-336, 116-337
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-336 Redirector HD Fail RAP
A failure is detected during HDD access
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-337 SNTP Software RAP
An error in SNTP (Simple Network Transfer Processing) caused an internal shutdown.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-860 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-338, 116-339
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-338 JBA RAP
A JBA (Job Based Accounting) processing error caused an internal shutdown.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-339 JBA No HD RAP
When the JBA is started up, the HDD is not installed.
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-861 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-340, 116-341
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-340 Memory Not Enough RAP
Insufficient memory was detected during initialization. A PS option requiring an additional
memory was installed but memory was not added.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove the PostScript Option and perform the operation. For permanent recovery, add the
Controller memory.
116-341 ROM Version RAP
[ROM DIMM Version Mismatch]
Versions of the multiple ROM DIMMs installed are incorrect.
An invalid combination of ROM DIMMs are installed.
When installing multiple ROM DIMMs, it is necessary to match both the major versions
and the minor versions.
NOTE: When installing multiple ROM DIMMs, it is necessary to match both the major versions
and the minor versions.
Check the versions of the multiple ROM DIMMs installed and replace them with an appropriate
combination of DIMMs (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-862 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-342, 116-343
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-342 SESAMi Manager Fail RAP
An internal shutdown occurred due to an error in processing SNMP (Simple Network Manage-
ment Protocol).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Reload Software (GP 16).
116-343 Main PWB IC RAP
An error is detected in the IC in the ESS PWB.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-863 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-346, 116-348
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-346 Formatter RAP
Errors are detected by the Formatter.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-348 Redirector RAP
A system function recall error is detected by the Redirector.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-864 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-349, 116-350
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-349 SIF Fail to Call Pflite RAP
An error occurred calling the Pflite function using the SIF.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-350 AppleTalk Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after an AppleTalk processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-865 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-351, 116-352
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-351 Ether Talk Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after an Ether Talk processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-352 NetWare Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a NetWare processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-866 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-353, 116-354
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-353 HDD Mechanical RAP
The HDD was not booted due to a mechanical HDD failure detected on booting.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first 3 parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cautions
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned
documents, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
3. HDD Format Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-354 HDD Product RAP
The HDD was not started up due to a Product Code error detected in the HDD on booting. It is
possible that the HDD had been formatted by the M/C of a different product.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first 3 parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cautions
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned
documents, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
3. HDD Format Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-867 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-355, 116-356
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-355 Agent Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after an SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) pro-
cessing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-356 HDD Format RAP
The M/C was not started up due to an insufficient HDD capacity error detected during HDD for-
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first 3 parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cautions
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned
documents, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
3. HDD Format Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-868 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-357, 116-358
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-357 PostScript RAP
Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes cannot be performed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-358 Salutation Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a Salutation processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-869 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-359 , 116-360
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-359 PLW Fatal Error RAP
PLW software fail.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On, and check for reproducibility.
Refer to the Error History Report. If the same failure occurs frequently, perform the Long-
boot Diagnostic Tests (GP 20).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Check the installation status of the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) connector cables to install them
securely, then perform the same operation where the error occurred.
Download the latest version of the software Software Download (GP 16).
Turn the power OFF, remove and insert the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs
(PL 35.2), then turn the power ON again to perform the same operation where the error
Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) and perform the same operation where the error
116-360 SMB Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a SMB (Server Message Block) processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-870 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-361, 116-362
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-361 Spool HDD RAP
The controller spool detected an error during HDD access.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-362 SSDP Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after an SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) processing
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-871 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-363, 116-364
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-363 BMLinkS/Print Service Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after an SNMP processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-364 Timer RAP
A timer failure is detected in the ESS PWB.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the connection of each ESS PWB connector. The connectors are correctly con-
Connect the connectors.
Turn on the power again. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required. Replace the ESS PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-872 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-365, 116-366
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-365 Spool RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after an SPL processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-366 Software Report RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a reporting error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-873 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-367, 116-368
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-367 Parallel IF Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-368 Dump Print RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-874 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-370 , 116-371
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-370 XJCL RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a XJCL (X Job Control Language) processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-371 PCL Decomposer Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a PCL (Printer Command Language) processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-875 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-372, 116-373
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-372 Formatter RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-373 Dynamic DNS Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) processing
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-876 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-374, 116-375
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-374 Auto Switch RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-375 Formatter RAP
A response such as system function recall error is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-877 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-376, 116-377
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-376 Port 9100 Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after a processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-377 Video DMA RAP
A Video DMA (Direct Memory Access) failure is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Reinstall or replace the DIMM (PL 35.2).
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-878 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-378, 116-379
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-378 MCR Software RAP
Fatal error of MCR (Mail Contents Requester).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-379 MCC Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after an MCC processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-879 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-380, 116-381
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-380 ESS Font ROM DIMM RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error is detected when the Font ROM DIMM was checked.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Pull out and insert the ESS Prt-Kit, the Fax Board or the ROM DIMM (PL 35.2) Switch on the
power. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the connection of each ESS PWB connector. The connectors are correctly con-
Connect the connectors.
Turn on the power again. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required. Replace the ESS PWB (PL
If the problem persists, replace the Printer PWB (PL 13.2).
If the problem persists, replace the PS DIMM (PL 35.2).
116-381 ABL Initialize RAP
Corrupted data is detected in the ABL (Address Book Library).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the connection of each ESS PWB connector. The connectors are correctly con-
Connect the connectors.
Turn on the power again. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Clear the ESS NVM. (Perform this only after explaining to the user the purpose of clearing
recipient information.) Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required.
If the problem persists replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-880 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-382, 116-383
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-382 ABL Initialize RAP
HDD access by the ABL (Address Book Library) failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Set ChainLink 790-664 to 0.
If the problem persists, replace the NVM component on the NVM Controller.
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-383 PIT Lib Failure RAP
PIT Lib Failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. It was detected that the Image Extension Kit (Ama + toto board) was not installed on the
ESS PWB (PL 35.2) during job execution.
2. An Ama + toto board failure was detected during job execution.
3. An HDD access error was detected during job execution.
NOTE: Although 016-231 is detected during power ON, this fail is a "job execution detec-
tion" and has a different timing.
(1) (2) After turning the power OFF then ON, check the panel top right display to see
whether 016-231 has occurred, without this error (= 116-383) occurring.
If 016-231 has occurred, perform the corrective actions for 016-231.
If the error does not occur, proceed to (3) for the HDD access error.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it.
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-881 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-384 , 116-385
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-384 DCS Fatal Error RAP
DCS-related fatal error.
Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes cannot be performed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Reinstall or replace the DIMM (PL 35.2).
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-385 IDC Software RAP
An internal shutdown occurred after an IDC (scripting language) processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Reinstall or replace the DIMM (PL 35.2).
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-882 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-386 , 116-388
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-386 FAX Cable Insertion Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Incorrect USB port used for FAX.
1. Turn off machine power.
2. Connect the Fax USB cable to the correct USB port.
3. Turn on machine power.
116-388 HD Not Installed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
1. The system detected that the HDD was not installed, even though the system configura-
tion (with Fax and Finisher) requires a HDD.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first 3 parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cautions
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned
documents, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
3. HDD Format Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-883 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-389, 116-390
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-389 RAM Install RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The control logic detected that the required RAM capacity is not installed or available.
1. The system detected that additional RAM was not installed, even though the system con-
figuration (with HDD etc.) requires the installation of additional RAM.
2. Insufficient System Memory was detected when SW optional function was enabled.
[Option name to be detected]
Printer Kit
Scanner Kit
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Reinstall or replace the DIMM (PL 35.2).
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-390 ROM NVM Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Incompatible versions of the standard ROM and NVM are detected.
1. Initialize the NVM by following the instructions on the LCD display.
2. If the NVM is not to be initialized, use a compatible version of the Controller ROM (Stan-
dard ROM).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-884 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-391, 116-392
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-391 Country Code RAP
An illegal country code is set.
When the machine is turned on and started (or also rebooted), nation info, territory code
and paper size group kept in SEEP-ROM are checked. As a result, an undefined code is
detected regarding one(s) of those pieces of information.
However, when it is turned on and started (or also rebooted) in the following way, the
machine starts successfully without checking for an error.
Special Boot (Power Saver+Clear All+Power ON)
Perform GP 15 Country Code Setting.
Turn OFF then ON the power. If the problem persists, perform the following:
1. Enter the correct nation code, territory code and paper size group in SEEP-ROM.
* CL No.
700-165=nation code
700-338=territory code
700-402=paper size group
For correct data, see System Data List.
2. After entering the correct values in SEEP-ROM, be sure to initialize NVMs (Sys-Sys-
If NVMs (Sys-System) are not initialized, NVN values generated based on wrong
data in SEEP-ROM will not be updated to be the correct values.
116-392 ROM DIMM Machine Code Check Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
ROM DIMM machine code check fail
The machine code that is stored in the EEPROM of the ESS ROM, which is inserted in SLOT1
or SLOT2, does not match the machine code that is stored in the EEPROM on the ESS PWB
(PL 35.2).
Initial Actions
Check the machine codes for both SLOT1 and SLOT2. If even one of them does not match,
this Fault will occur.
NOTE: Although the correct way is to insert ESS ROM for Netware into SLOT1 and the ESS
ROM for Printer Kit into SLOT2, the machine will not display this Fault Code even if they are
inserted wrongly as long as the machine codes are matched.
Insert the Printer Kit or the PS Kit and Emulation Kit that is specified for this machine into
their specified slots on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
The correct way is to insert the ESS ROM for Netware into SLOT1 and the ESS ROM for
Printer Kit into SLOT2.
However, if the problem persists even when the Printer Kit or the PS Kit and Emulation Kit
that is specified for this machine has been inserted into their specified slots, either replace
the Kits or the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-885 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-393 , 116-394
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-393 AAA Manager Fatal Error RAP
AAA software failure.
Upgrade to the latest version. (GP 16).
116-394 AAA Manager Settings Failure RAP
Abnormal authentication mode and accounting mode settings detected during AAA Manager
boot sequence.
Upgrade to the latest version. (GP 16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-886 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-395, 116-396
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-395 USB Software RAP
There is an internal shutdown due to a USB (Universal Serial Bus) related error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Change the system data 700-530 to "0" and disable the automatic startup boot operation
at SystemFail (make sure to reset to 1 when complete
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Specially check for faulty ports or Net connection. Check which of the following ports is
Salutation IO
Port 9100
FTP Serv
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-396 FIPS140 Self-Test Fail
Failure detected during FIPS140 module self-test at booting
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Turn the power OFF then ON.
2. Reload Software (GP 16).
3. Replace or upload again the ROM (FW).
4. If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-887 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-397 , 116-399
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-397 AAAmgr illegal setting area coverage threshold
The Plain Total Color Judge Threshold setting is wrong.
When the condition below is met in setting system data values in boot sequence:
720-061(threshold B) <= 720-060(threshold A)
*If Chain-Link 720-060 Value is not below 720-061 Value, FAULT will be detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
1. Turn the power OFF then ON.
2. Set up system data values that meet the relation between them as below:
Chain-Link NVM Read/Write 720-061(threshold B) > Chain-Link 720-060(threshold
*Chain-Link NVM Read/Write 720-060 Value must be below 720-061 Value.
116-399 Initialization RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Initialization exceeded 10 minutes.
When 10 minutes had passed after the Pflite has started up, "the machine remains in ini-
tializing state" was detected. => 10 minutes had passed in a situation where neither Ack
nor Nack was returned from any task.
This failure is detected only in startup modes such as "Normal Cold Boot" and "Reboot
Mode (during Diag exit, etc.)". In other modes such as "Recovery from Power Save" and
"Special Boot Mode", the failure is not detected because the timeout time of 10 minutes is
difficult to guarantee.
Reboot the machine once if it remains in initializing state even when the 10-minute
timeout time has passed after power ON.
Obtain the "PfShowInfo8" log and save it in the HDD before rebooting.
"Ready to Copy" is displayed and the error code is not displayed at normal start up
after rebooting.
If 116-399 occurs again after rebooting, the System Fail screen is displayed.
For cases where 116-399 is displayed, the pfshowinfo8 log is obtained twice succes-
Although the log is saved in the HDD even if 116-399 is not displayed because the
machine cannot shift to the SysFail state, the latest histories might not get logged.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Reload Software (GP 16).
If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-888 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-700 , 116-701
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-700 Image Expansion Kit Insufficient Memory RAP
Image Expansion Kit has insufficient memory.
NOTE: When the system data (Log or Image Creation Guarantee Level) is set to Low, the
Image Extension Kit has insufficient memory.
Ask the customer to set the image quality to Normal.
116-701 Memory Duplex RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
One-page data was printed on multiple pages during 2-Sided Print (The title with two or more
lines was printed on 2 pages).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Expand the memory.
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
If the problem persists replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-889 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-702, 116-703
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-702 Substitute Font RAP
The print function is using a substitute font.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Install an appropriate Font ROM.
116-703 PostScript Language RAP
There is an error in PostScript grammar interpretation or language interpretation.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Reinstall or replace the DIMM (PL 35.2).
Remove and re-install or replace the System Memory and Page Memory DIMMs (PL
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-890 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-704 , 116-705
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-704 Media Reader: No Media RAP
Media is not inserted or is inserted incorrectly.
Inform the customer that no media is inserted.
116-705 Media Reader: Format Error RAP
Media Reader format error detected while no job is present.
The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access to media.
Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check the file format/directory and selected
mode (Digital Camera Print/Document Print). Inform the customer the media may be defective.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-891 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-706 , 116-707
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-706 Media Reader: File Attribute Read Error RAP
Media Reader format error detected while no job is present.
The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access to media.
Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check whether the printed file attribute informa-
tion is displayed in the PC. Inform the customer the media may be defective.
116-707 Media Reader: Image File Read Error RAP
Media Reader image file read error detected while no job is present.
The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access to Media.
Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check whether the print file images are dis-
played in the PC. Inform the customer the media may be defective.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-892 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-708 , 116-709
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-708 Media Reader: File Attribute Read Error RAP
File Attribute Retrieval Error
The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access to Media.
Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check whether the printed file attribute informa-
tion is displayed in the PC. Inform the customer the media may be defective.
116-709 Media Reader: File Attribute Read Error RAP
Image File Retrieval Error
The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access to Media.
Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check whether the print file images are dis-
played in the PC. Inform the customer the media may be defective.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-893 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-710 , 116-711
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-710 HP-GL/2 Memory Overflow RAP
HP-GL/2 Memory Overflow
Increase HP-GL spool size or mount HDD.
116-711 PLW Form Merge Error RAP
Form Overlay is impossible because the size and orientation of the PLW form's drawing is dif-
ferent from that of the paper.
Ask customer to check setups so that the paper is the same size and orientation as the overlay.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-894 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-712 , 116-713
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-712 PLW Form Memory Shortage RAP
PLW form/logo data cannot be registered due to capacity shortage of RAM or hard disk free
Ask customer to check the registered forms/logos using the Operation Panel utility, delete the
unnecessary forms/logos. Or, increase the allocated capacity of the RAM disk.
Refer customer to User Guide heading Data Encryption to check RAM usage.
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
If the problem persists replace the HDD (PL 35.2).
116-713 HDD Job Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The job output was split into batches when HDD capacity was reached.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first 3 parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cautions
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned
documents, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
3. HDD Format Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-895 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-714, 116-715
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-714 HP-GL/2 Command RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a command error in the HP-GL/2 (Hewlett Packard printer control language)
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-715 PLW Form Registration Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
PLW form cannot be registered due to limitation of the number of forms that can be registered.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to check the registered forms/logos using the Operation Panel utility, delete
the forms/logos that are unnecessary.
Refer customer to User Guide heading Data Encryption to check RAM usage.
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-896 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-716 , 116-717
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-716 Media Reader: Corrupt or Missing Media File RAP
The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access to Media.
Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check the file format/directory and selected
mode (Digital Camera Print/Document Print).
116-717 Media Reader: Media File Read Error RAP
New execution request Cannot Be Received.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the contents in the Media from the PC. Check the file format/directory and selected
mode (Digital Camera Print/Document Print).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-897 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-718 , 116-719
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-718 PLW Form Overlay Error RAP
Designated form is not registered.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Use a registered form or register the required form.
116-719 XPIF Parameter Cancelled RAP
The device was instructed to execute a function it did not support.
The device was instructed to execute a function or a combination of functions that it was not
ready to execute.
Some of the parameters are disabled by XPIF so the device cannot execute them; cancel
the disabled parameter(s).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-898 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-720, 116-725
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-720 PCL Memory RAP
The PCL Printer Control Language) Memory capacity is insufficient.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Do not start up the ports that are unnecessary. Adjust the various Buffer Memory sizes. Add
additional memory.
116-725 Image Log Data Insufficient Disk Space RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Disk full occurs in Image Log area.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first 3 parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cautions
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned
documents, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
3. HDD Format Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-899 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-737 , 116-738
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-737 ART User Defined Area Shortage RAP
User-defined data (external character, pattern) cannot be registered with ART due to RAM
capacity shortage.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask the customer to run the job again.
Ask customer to check the registered forms/logos using the Operation Panel utility, delete
the forms/logos that are unnecessary.
Refer customer to User Guide heading Data Encryption to check RAM usage.
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-738 Overlay Size Orientation RAP
The drawing size/orientation of the form is different from the size/orientation of the paper.
Ask customer to check setups so that the paper is the same size and orientation as the overlay.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-900 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-739, 116-740
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-739 Form/Logo Capacity RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 16.1 - ESS
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Form/logo registration was not possible because of insufficient RAM disk or HDD capacity.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask the customer to run the job again.
Ask customer to check the registered forms/logos using the Operation Panel utility, delete
the forms/logos that are unnecessary.
Refer customer to User Guide heading Data Encryption to check RAM usage.
Check the HDD electrical connections (PL 35.2).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
If the problem persists perform Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)
116-740 Arithmetic RAP
The number calculated in the interpreter exceeded the limit value.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Upgrade the driver. Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-901 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-741, 116-742
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-741 Maximum Forms Data Register RAP
The large quantity of forms put a limit on form data registration.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to check the registered forms using the UI utility and delete the forms that are
If the problem persists Ask customer to delete forms that are not required by the print com-
116-742 Max Logo Registered RAP
The number of logo data registrations is exceeded.
Ask customer to check the registered logos using the UI utility and delete any unused logos.
If the problem persists delete logos that are not required by the print job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-902 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-743, 116-745
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-743 Form/Logo Size Overflow RAP
The received data (form/logo) exceeds the registered buffer size.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to increase the size of the Form Registration Area using the UI.
If the problem persists install the HDD (PL 35.2).
116-745 ART Command Error RAP
Decomposer checks grammar error and excess of various limit values during decomposing.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Upgrade the driver. If the problem persists reload Software (GP 16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-903 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-746, 116-747
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-746 Selected Form RAP
The selected form is not registered.
Ask customer to use a registered form or register the required form.
116-747 Invalid Page Margin RAP
Subtracting the paper margin from the valid coordinate area results in a negative value.
Ask customer to reset the margins setup.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-904 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-748, 116-749
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-748 Page Image Data RAP
Drawing data does not exist in the page data.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
116-749 PostScript Font RAP
The specified font is not found in the ROM or the HDD.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Add fonts. Or, specify a substitute using UI.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-905 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-750, 116-752
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-750 Banner Sheet Cancelled RAP
Banner Sheet cancelled.
Set the Banner Sheet Feed Tray to normal status (see Detected when), or change Banner
sheet feed tray.
116-752 Print Job Ticket Description Warning RAP
PDF Print Job Ticket description warning.
When a user instructs to print from an application that directly sends PDF, such as
"ContentsBridge2005", the machine received the print job ticket sent together with the
PDF but the job ticket data includes "printing instructions that are not supported by the
In particular, the job ticket also contains printing instructions that are only supported by
other machines that was developed after this machine was released. Those instructions
that are unrelated to the functions provided in this machine are cancelled before process-
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Although some functions that are not supported by this machine were specified in the
print job ticket, those instructions will be cancelled because they are unrelated to the func-
tions provided in this machine and the printing will continue. You can check for the can-
celled functions by outputting the Job History Report.
To use the cancelled printing instructions, print to a machine that supports those func-
Obtain the Printer Setting List, Job History Report, and the print job ticket that was sent
when the problem reoccurred, then contact the Support Department.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-906 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-771, 116-772
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-771 Invalid JBIG Parameter DL Fixed RAP
An incorrect JBIG parameter DL was automatically corrected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
116-772 Invalid JBIG Parameter D Fixed RAP
An incorrect JBIG parameter D was automatically corrected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-907 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-773 , 116-774
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-773 Invalid JBIG Parameter P Fixed RAP
An incorrect JBIG parameter P was automatically corrected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
116-774 Invalid JBIG Parameter YD Fixed RAP
An incorrect JBIG parameter YD was automatically corrected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-908 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-775 , 116-776
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-775 Invalid JBIG Parameter L0 Fixed RAP
An incorrect JBIG parameter LO was automatically corrected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
116-776 Invalid JBIG Parameter MX Fixed RAP
An incorrect JBIG parameter MX was automatically corrected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-909 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-777 , 116-778
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-777 Invalid JBIG Parameter MY Fixed RAP
An incorrect JBIG parameter MY was automatically corrected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
116-778 Invalid JBIG Par VLength Fixed RAP
An incorrect JBIG parameter VLENGTH was automatically corrected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-910 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-780, 116-790
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
116-780 Attached Document RAP
There was an error in the document attached to the E-mail to XXX.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
No action necessary.
116-790 Stapling Canceled RAP (Integrated Finisher)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.5 - Integrated Finisher Staple Control
When Staple was specified, there were no staples.
1. If the operator stops a FAX/Internet FAX Mailbox received documents print, cancel one of
the lead Stapler and print.
2. If 1. is not possible, cancel Stapler for all copy and print
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Execute Component Control [012-242 Low Staple Sensor]. Install and remove the Staple Car-
tridge. The display changes.
Check the Staple Cartridge for failure or foreign substances. There are no foreign sub-
stances and nothing has failed.
Repair the failure and remove the foreign substances.
Check the wires between P/J8731 and P/J8701 for a loose connection, or an open or a
short circuit. The wires are OK.
Repair as required.
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB P/J8701 -5 (+) and GND (-). The volt-
age is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB P/J8701-7 (+) and GND (-). Install and
remove the Staple Cartridge. The voltage changes.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Replace the Staple Assembly (PL 22.4) If the problem persists, replace the Finisher PWB
(PL 22.7).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required. Replace the Finisher PWB (PL
22.7) If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-911 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-790
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
116-790 Stapling Canceled RAP (Finisher LX)
BSD-ON: BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control
When Staple was specified, there were no staples.
1. If the operator stops a FAX/Internet FAX Mailbox received documents print, cancel one of
the lead Stapler and print.
2. If 1. is not possible, cancel Stapler for all copy and print
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Execute Component Control [012-242 Low Staple Sensor]. Install and remove the Staple Car-
tridge. The display changes.
Check the Staple Cartridge for failure or foreign substances. There are no foreign sub-
stances and nothing has failed.
Repair the failure and remove the foreign substances.
Check the wires between J8886 and P/J8981 for a loose connection, or an open or a
short circuit. The wires are OK.
Repair as required.
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB J8886-5 (+) and GND (-). The voltage
is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 22.7).
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB J8886-7 (+) and GND (-). Install and
remove the Staple Cartridge. The voltage changes.
Replace the Finisher PWB (PL 23.16).
Replace the Staple Assembly (PL 23.4) If the problem persists, replace the Finisher PWB
(PL 23.16).
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required. Replace the Finisher PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-912 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 116-790
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-913 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 117-310, 117-316
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
117-310 WSD Scan S/W Fail
A problem occurred in the processing of WSD Scan Service Software, causing the processing
to discontinue after that.
Power OFF then ON.
117-316 Contract Manager Software Fail
When the Contract Manager is running, it can no longer perform task control due to software
Turn the power OFF, make sure that the Control Panel has turned OFF, and then turn the
power ON again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-914 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 117-317, 117-318
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
117-317 Contract Manager PPP_contract Finishing Fail
The Contract Manager detected that the PagePackPIN contract has ended.
Wait for reboot.
117-318 Contract Manager PPP DC Command Fail
The Contract Manager detected that the DC command write that was performed at the end of a
PPP contract has failed.
Wait for reboot.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-915 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 117-325, 117-326
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
117-325 Contract Manager RTC Hardware Fail
Failed to obtain RTC timer value due to hardware problem in the contract function
Turn the power OFF, make sure that the Control Panel has turned OFF, and then turn the
power ON again.
117-326 ESS NVRAM SW Access Fail
When acessing the NVRAM data during start up or operation, a software malfunction where
the software parameters detected by the OSDD is mismatched, etc. occurs.
Turn the power OFF, make sure that the Control Panel has turned OFF, and then turn the
power ON again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-916 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 117-330
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
117-330 XBDS Soft Fail
XBDS-related Fatal Error. A problem has occurred in the software processing and it is unable
to continue with the subsequent processes.
Turn the power OFF and ON, perform the same operation and check whether the problem is
Check whether HTTP and HTTPS have started up normally and are operable.
NOTE: As data is obtained via SNMP for the Alert section, it depends on whether the SNMP
Agent has started up normally.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-917 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 118-310
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
118-310 IPSEC Internal Fail RAP
An internal error was detected during initialization of the IPSEC.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-918 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 118-310
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-919 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 121-316, 121-318
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
121-316 FDI / Secure Access Conflict RAP
SysR. Prohibited Combination of FDI Accessory Connection and Secure Access Authentica-
tion. The Accessory is connected and the authentication method is set to Secure Access.
Because Secure Access itself is an alternate method for IC Card authentication of EPA con-
nection, there is no meaning to install both. Therefore, combination of the Accessory connec-
tion and the Secure Access authentication is prohibited.
NOTE: FDI and Auditron or FDI and Secure Access cannot be enabled at the same time.
1. Remove the FDI Accessory connection.
2. Remove the FDI Accessory connection temporarily, set the authentication method to an
option other than Secure Access (either of: Authentication OFF, LOCAL Authentication or
REMOTE Authentication), and then connect the Accessory again.
121-318 Auth/Account Settings Is Not Supported RAP
SysR. Auth/Account Settings Is Not Supported.
When (1) or (2) in the following is met:
1. When "Accessory Type" = ICCG only
The machine operates normally only when the following system data is set (AND).
Authentication=Remote, Accounting=OFF (Keep Log), Feature Service Path-
way=Locked, Job Status Pathway=Locked, Machine Status Pathway=Locked, Pass-
word for ICCG External Authentication Link=OFF, and Authentication
In addition, when Authentication != Remote, it becomes system failure.
Therefore, cases other than the above forms the detection condition.
2. When "Accessory Type" = There are connections other than ICCG
The following cases are the detection conditions:
Authentication=OFF, Accounting=XSA or OFF (Keep Log)
Authentication=Local, Accounting=OFF or XSA or OFF (Keep Log)
(When Authentication=Remote or CA, it becomes system failure)
PO PO the machine. (None applicable because it is automatic reboot)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-920 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 121-333, 121-334
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
121-333 FDI-ESS Communication Fail
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
Transmission between the FDI and the machine failed.
Initial Actions
This fault typically appears if the Foreign Device Interface (FDI) has been installed then subse-
quently removed.
Ensure that NVM location 850-001 is set to 0 (= FDI Not Present)
If the fault appears when the FDI is connected, perform the Procedure.
Check the connectors and harness between the Foreign Device Interface and the ESS PWB
for damage. The connectors and harness are OK.
Repair or replace as required.
Check the Foreign Interface for damage. The device is OK.
Replace the Foreign Interface.
Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
121-334 FDI Login Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
System Fail. Verification of the login information in WAKE UP ANSWER resulted in an error.
1. Check connection of the cable between the FDI and the ESS.
2. If they are connected correctly, turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, per-
form the following procedure to repair it.
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
4. Reinstall or replace the FDI
5. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
6. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
7. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
8. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-921 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 121-335, 121-336
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
121-335 FDI Wake Up Answer Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
System Fail. The WAKE UP ANSWER cannot be received.
1. Check connection of the cable between the FDI and the ESS.
2. If they are connected correctly, turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, per-
form the following procedure to repair it.
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
4. Replace the FDI
5. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
6. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
7. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
8. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
121-336 Unknown Accessory RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
System Fail. Accessories type unknown. The accessory type was unknown in WAKE UP
1. Check connection of the cable between the FDI and the ESS.
2. If they are connected correctly, turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, per-
form the following procedure to repair it.
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
4. Replace the FDI.
5. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
6. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
7. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
8. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-922 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 121-337, 121-338
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
121-337 Accessory Self Diag Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
System Fail. Accessories self-diagnostic result error. Self-diagnostic of the accessories in
WAKE UP ANSWER resulted in an error.
1. Check connection of the cable between the FDI and the ESS.
2. If they are connected correctly, turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, per-
form the following procedure to repair it.
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
4. Replace the FDI.
5. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
6. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
7. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
8. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
121-338 FDI Answer Time Out RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
System Fail. FDI - Answer Timeout. Answers other than WAKE UP ANSWER from the FDI
cannot be received.
1. Check connection of the cable between the FDI and the ESS.
2. If they are connected correctly, turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, per-
form the following procedure to repair it.
3. Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
4. Replace the FDI.
5. Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
6. Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
7. Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
8. Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-923 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 121-339, 121-340
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
121-339 Price Table Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
System Fail. Unit price table error. Detection Condition (1): When the M/C is running, a notifica-
tion is issued from the Coin Kit indicating that the price data in the Coin Kit has been changed.
Detection Condition (2): When the M/C is booting or returning from Power Save, a notification
is issued from the Coin Kit indicating a unit price error. (The unit price table in the Coin Kit con-
tains unset unit price(s)).
Detection Condition (1): Turn the power OFF then ON.
Detection Condition (2): Correct the unit price settings in the Coin Kit, and then turn the
power OFF then ON.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
121-340 EP Accessory Miss Match RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
System Fail. FDI - Accessories Form Mismatch. The combination of accessories that are
installed does not match the specifications.
Checks whether they are installed correctly against the specifications.
If they are installed correctly, turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, per-
form the following procedure to repair it.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Reinstall or replace the FDI.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-924 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 121-350, 121-370
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
121-350 FDI Logic Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
System Fail. FDI - Unexpected Error. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent pro-
cesses cannot be performed.
Checks whether they are installed correctly against the specifications.
If they are installed correctly, turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, per-
form the following procedure to repair it.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Reinstall or replace the FDI.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
121-370 FDI Unexpected Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
System Fail. Unexpected Error.
Pflite Function Error
Library Function Error
Undefined Message/Undefined Parameter Received, etc.
Checks whether they are installed correctly against the specifications.
If they are installed correctly, turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, per-
form the following procedure to repair it.
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Reinstall or replace the FDI.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-925 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-207, 123-209
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-207 Communication Manager Target RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
A mailbox operations value is incorrect.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-209 Controller UI Communication RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
An incorrect check value is received during Controller UI Communications.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-926 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-310, 123-311
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-310 Send Queue RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The upper limit of the processing capability for sending data from the UI to the Controller was
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-311 Receive Queue RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The data received from the Controller exceeded the upper limit of the processing capability in
the UI.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-927 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-312, 123-317
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-312 Diag Mode Change Fail (Punch Unit Type Set)
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
System Fail. SB-Fin Punch Unit Initial Installation NG After Diag Mode. The data received from
the Controller has exceeded the upper limit of the processing capability in the Panel.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-317 Receive Message Queue RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The data received from the Controller exceeded the upper limit of the processing capability in
the UI.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
If the problem persists replace the UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-928 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-318, 123-320
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-318 Receive Finish Queue RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The data received from the Controller exceeded the upper limit of the processing capability in
the UI.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-320 NVM Initialized for FCW Composition RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
Automatic recovery with detection of incorrect value in system data area that is not compatible
between different UI panels (FCW/HB).
When the M/C was started or booted, it was detected that a value, which is out of the
guaranteed range for the currently installed panel, is set in the system data area that has
no compatibility among the different type of UI panels (HB/FCW/MCW).
This error does not occur during the usual physical UI panel type replacement.
If for some reason the incorrect data got stored, the machine performs reboot and auto-
matic recovery using the same system as when the panel is physically replaced.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Even when this error code is displayed, the machine can still be used normally after
pressing [Close].
However, set necessary settings before using it because the Controller NVM has been ini-
tialized into the FCW/MCW panel configuration.
Disconnect and reconnect the electrical connections on the UI PWB and the ESS PWB.
If the problem persists reload software (GP 16).
If the problem persists replace the Control Panel Assembly (PL 1.7).
If the problem persists replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-929 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-322 , 123-323
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-322 UI Target RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
Serial transmission failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-323 UI Address RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
Serial transmission failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-930 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-325, 123-326
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-325 Object Creation RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The specified object could not be created due to UI software failure and a setting or specifica-
tion error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-326 Memory Overflow RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed and memory capacity is exceeded.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-931 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-327, 123-328
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-327 Button Overflow RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed and memory requirements exceeded the upper limit.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-328 UI Internal Range RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
UI software failure and a coordinate value outside the range of the display screen is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-932 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-329, 123-332
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-329 UI Coordinates RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
UI software failure and a coordinate value that cannot be displayed is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-332 I/F Fail (Invalid Parameter CP) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
ESS PWB Internal UI-SW failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-933 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-333 , 123-337
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-333 Interface Communication RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The system detected that transmission with the Control Panel could not be established.
The H/W connection in the UI is faulty and the internal connection isnt detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-337 Frame Data RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed and an incorrect data type value is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-934 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-341, 123-342
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-341 Event Queue RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed with a full event queue.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-342 Event Queue RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed with an empty queue.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-935 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-343, 123-344
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-343 Invalid Class RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-344 Invalid Type RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-936 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-345, 123-346
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-345 Timer Queue Full RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed an event timer.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-346 Invalid Timer Number RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed a timer routine.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-937 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-352, 123-353
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-352 Sys EEPROM Read Error (UI-Panel) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
SysR. Sys EEPROM Read Error (UI-Panel). An error internal to the con-panel (an abnormal
value in EEPROM for Sys) has been detected.
Turn the power OFF then ON, and then replace the One-Touch Key Module of the MCW-
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-353 UI Cable Connect Error (UI-Panel) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
SysR. UI Cable Connection Error (UI-Panel). The Control Panel has detected that the UI Cable
is disconnected.
Turn the power OFF then ON, and then replace the One-Touch Key Module of the MCW-
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-938 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-354, 123-355
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-354 Decrease in 24V Error (UI-Panel) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
24V Power Drop Detected error (UI-Panel). The Control Panel has detected a drop in 24V
power voltage.
Turn the power OFF then ON, and then replace the One-Touch Key Module of the MCW-
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-355 Decrease in 5V Error (UI-Panel) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
. 5V Power Drop Detected error (UI-Panel). The Control Panel has detected a drop in 5V
power voltage.
Turn the power OFF then ON, and then replace the One-Touch Key Module of the MCW-
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-939 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-357, 123-358
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-357 Sys EEPROM Write Error (UI-Panel) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
SysR. Sys EEPROM Write Error (UI-Panel). The Control Panel has detected that writing in the
EEPROM there failed.
Turn the power OFF then ON, and then replace the One-Touch Key Module of the MCW-
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-358 Log EEPROM Write Error (UI-Panel) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
SysR. Log EEPROM Write Error (UI-Panel). The Control Panel has detected that writing in the
EEPROM there for logging failed.
Turn the power OFF then ON, and then replace the One-Touch Key Module of the MCW-
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-940 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-362, 123-368
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-362 No Object (UI-Panel) RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
System Fail. No Object. UI SW failure in the ESS PWB.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-368 UI Memory RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is insufficient memory or the connection failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-941 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-369, 123-370
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-369 Interface Value RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed with an invalid interface value.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-370 Interface Length RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is an error in the parameter sent from the Controller.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-942 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-371 , 123-372
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-371 Interface Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is an error in the parameter sent from the Controller.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-372 Interface Sequence RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The initialization command from the Controller was not sent within the specified time.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-943 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-373, 123-374
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-373 Channel RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is an error in the channel sent from the Controller.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-374 User Job ID RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is an error in the Job ID parameter sent from the Controller.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-944 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-375, 123-376
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-375 Internal Resource RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-376 Internal Memory RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-945 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-377 , 123-378
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-377 UI Timer RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-378 Interface Format RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is an error in the data format sent from the Controller.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-946 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-379, 123-380
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-379 Dispatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-380 Copy Interface RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-947 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-381, 123-382
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-381 Fax Interface RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-382 Scanner Interface RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-948 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-383, 123-384
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-383 Report Interface RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-384 Server Access RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-949 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-385, 123-386
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-385 Service Object RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is an invalid service object overflow failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-386 Service Object RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is an invalid service object attribute failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-950 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-387, 123-388
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-387 Service Object RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is an invalid service object attribute failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-388 Attribute RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed attribute control.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-951 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-389, 123-390
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-389 UI Comparator RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed comparator management.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-390 Job Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed job parameter control.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-952 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-391, 123-392
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-391 Job Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed job parameter control.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-392 Auditron RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed auditron control.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-953 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-393, 123-394
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-393 UI Compiling RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed a compiler function.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-394 File Access RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed a file access routine.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-954 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-395, 123-396
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-395 UI NVM RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed an NVM access routine.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-396 UI Software RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-955 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-397, 123-398
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
123-397 UI Manager RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-398 Release Queue RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed a full queue release.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-956 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 123-399, 123-400
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
123-399 UI Internal RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
The UI software failed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
123-400 Internal Interface RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
BSD-ON: BSD 3.4 - ESS - UI Communication
There is insufficient memory capacity or an internal error or invalid interface sequencing or a
corrupt parameter was entered.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace UI I/F PWB (PL 1.7)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-957 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-310, 124-311
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-310 Product Designation RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is an error in the product designation nomenclature.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Reload software GP 16
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
124-311 Product Serial Number RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is an error in the product serial number.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Reload software GP 16
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-958 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-312, 124-313
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-312 Machine Codes Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
The machine codes do not match.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair
Execute Machine ID/Billing Data. Compare the 3 product No. All 3 numbers are different.
Execute Machine ID/Billing Data. Make the 3 values match. Replace the PWB that
doesnt match.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
124-313 Serial Number RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
The serial numbers did not match.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair
Execute Machine ID/Billing Data. Compare the 3 product No. All 3 numbers are different.
Execute Machine ID/Billing Data. Make the 3 values match. Replace the PWB that
doesnt match.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-959 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-314, 124-315
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-314 IOT Speed RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
The IOT is not running at the correct speed.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
124-315 IOT Speed Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is an IOT speed mismatch.
Execute NVM Read/Write. Compare the values in the following NVM locations:
The 3 values match.
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-960 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-316, 124-317
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-316 Product Mode RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is an error in product mode of operation.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
124-317 All Product Mode RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is an error in all modes of product operation.
Turn the power OFF then ON. Execute NVM Read/Write. Compare the values in the following
NVM locations:
The 3 values match.
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-961 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-318, 124-319
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-318 Product Type Software Key RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is a mismatch between the software key and the type of product.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
124-319 All Product Types Software Key RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is a mismatch between the software key and any type of product.
Turn the power OFF then ON. Execute NVM Read/Write. Compare the values in the following
NVM locations:
The 3 values match.
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-962 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-320 , 124-321
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-320 EEPROM RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
A write error occurred in the ESS PWB EEPROM.
Reload software GP 16. Pull out and insert EEPROM, or replace the ESS PWB.
If the system is not restored after the ESS PWB has been replaced, re-install the original ESS
124-321 Backup SRAM RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
Write error occurred in the NVM on the ESS Board.
1. If the Fax Card is installed, reinstall it.
2. Reload software GP 16. Replace the ESS PWB.
If the system is not restored after the ESS PWB has been replaced, re-install the original
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-963 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-322, 124-323
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-322 Software Key RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is a software key mismatch.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
124-323 Software Key Registration RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
There is a software key registration failure.
Turn the power OFF then ON. Execute NVM Read/Write. Compare the values in the following
NVM locations:
The 3 values match.
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-964 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-324, 124-325
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-324 All Billings Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
All Billings Mismatch
Switch the power off, then on. If the problem still exists, go to Machine ID/Billing Data.
Reload software GP 16. If problem still persists replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) before
replacing the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
124-325 Billing Restoration RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
Billing counter auto repair failed.
Go to Machine ID/Billing Data. Compare the 3 serial numbers The 3 serial numbers match.
Perform Machine ID/Billing Data. Replace the PWB that doesnt match.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If problem still persists replace the
ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-965 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-326, 124-327
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-326 IOT Speed Not Registered RAP
The IOT Speed Change Software Key has not been entered.
Enter Software Options GP 5. Add the Software Key supplied for the Speed Change.
124-327 IOT Speed Change SW Fail RAP
Fatal error occurs during the speed change software enablement process.
The fault could be caused by any of the following:
The machine could not enter the Diagnostic Mode
Software Options application error
EEPROM Read / Write error
Reboot Error
Turn OFF then ON the power. If the problem persists, perform the following:
1. Replace IOT.
2. Reload software GP 16. Replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-966 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-328, 124-331
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-328 Punch Unit User Initial Set Up RAP
System Fail. Punch Unit User Initial Installation Screen Displayed. The notification from the
Finisher indicates that the Punch Unit was detected but the punch hole configuration is
Select the Punch Unit according to the instruction on the screen.
124-331 ESS ROM DIMM Not Found RAP
System Fail. Forgotten to install the ESS ROM DIMM (Standard ROM) (deleted because
unable to display). The system detected that the ESS ROM DIMM was not installed (deleted
because unable to display).
Turn the power OFF and ON.
If the problem persists, perform the following:
Pull out and insert the Prt-Kit or the ROM DIMM (Standard ROM). Or, replace it.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-967 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-332, 124-333
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-332 Contract Data Mismatch RAP
System Fail. Contract data mismatch. Case where the contract data on IOT side and Controller
side mismatches.
Match the contract data on IOT and Controller.
124-333 ASIC RAP
A decompression error occurred in an ESS ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install the System Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-968 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-334, 124-335
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-334 ESS ROM 1 RAP
An error was detected in ESS ROM 1.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Remove and re-install the System Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
124-335 Font ROM RAP
The Font ROM could not be detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Pull out and insert or replace the Font ROM.
Remove and re-install the System Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-969 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-337, 124-338
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-337 ESS RAM RAP
An error was detected in the ESS RAM.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Reinstall or replace all the RAM DIMM.
Remove and re-install the System Memory (PL 35.2).
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
124-338 Duplicate Font ROMs RAP
The system detected that a duplicate Font ROM is installed.
Initial Actions
Check that the correct ROM DIMM are installed.
1. Pull out and insert the Prt-Kit or the ROM DIMM. Replace it.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-970 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-339 , 124-340
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-339 ROM DIMM Mismatch RAP
The system detected that an incorrect ROM DIMM is installed.
Initial Actions
Check that the correct ROM DIMMs are installed, in their correct locations.
Remove and re-install or replace the ROM DIMMs (PL 35.2).
124-340 CRUM Market Fail All RAP
System Fail. All three CRUM destinations are not set (0 or different values are set). The CRUM
destinations stored in three positions match but their values are not set (0).
Replace the machine, or replace the MCU Board (PL 18.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-971 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-341, 124-342
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-341 CRUM Market Fail MCU RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (IOT). One of the CRUM
destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the MCU Board does not
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS1 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
124-342 CRUM Market Fail SYS 1 RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1). One of the CRUM
destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master the MCU to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont PWB.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Extract the EEPROM from and reinsert it into the ESS PWB (PL 35.2). If the problem still
persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-972 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-343, 124-344
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-343 CRUM Market Fail SYS 2 RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2). One of the CRUM
destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS2 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont NVM and the Cont PWB in order.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload software GP 16. If the problem still reoccurs, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
124-344 All Billings Meter Types Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
System Fail. Billing Meter Type Fail (All the three are different from each other.) All the billing
meter types kept at multiple locations are different.
Power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-973 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-345, 124-346
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-345 Billing Meter Type Restoration Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
System Fail. Billing Meter Type Fail (One mismatches the others but cannot be automatically
repaired.) When one billing meter type did not match, this machine tried to automatically cor-
rect it but failed.
Power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
In NVM Read/Write compare the values in the following NVMs: 720-002 and 720-062. If
the values in both are the same, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Reload software GP 16. If they are different, replace the ESS PWB.
124-346 All Billing Count Types Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
System Fail. Billing Count Type Fail (All the three are different from each other.) All the billing
count types kept at multiple locations are different.
Power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-974 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-347, 124-348
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-347 Billing Count Type Restoration Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
System Fail. Billing Count Type Fail (One mismatches the others but cannot be automatically
repaired.) When one billing count type did not match, this machine tried to automatically cor-
rect it but failed.
Power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
In NVM Read/Write compare the values in the following NVMs:
If the values in both 720-052 and 720-063 are the same, replace the MCU PWB (PL
If they are different, replace the ESS PWB. Reload software GP 16.
124-348 All Modal Break Points Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
System Fail. Modal Break Point Fail (All the three are different from each other.) All the Modal
Break Points kept at multiple locations are different.
Power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-975 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-349, 124-350
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-349 Modal Break Point Restoration Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
System Fail. Modal Break Point Fail (One mismatches the others but cannot be automatically
repaired.) When one Modal Break Point did not match, this machine tried to automatically cor-
rect it but failed.
Power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following:
In NVM Read/Write compare the values in the following NVMs:
If the values in both 720-057 and 720-064 are the same, replace the MCU PWB (PL
Reload software GP 16. If they are different, replace the ESS PWB.
124-350 CRUM OEM Fail All RAP
System Fail. All three CRUM OEM destinations are not set (0 or different values are set). The
CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions match but their values are not set (0).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
Reload software GP 16. Replace the machine, or replace the MCU Board (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-976 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-351, 124-352
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-351 CRUM OEM Fail MCU RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (IOT). One of the
CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the MCU
Board does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS1 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
124-352 CRUM OEM Fail SYS 1 RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1). One of the
CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the ESS
PWB (PL 35.2) does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master the MCU to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont PWB.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload software GP 16. Remove the EEPROM from and reinstall it into the ESS PWB
(PL 35.2). If the problem still persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-977 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-353, 124-360
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-353 CRUM OEM Fail SYS 2 RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2). One of the
CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the ESS
PWB (PL 35.2) does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Meter SYS2 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont NVM and the Cont PWB in order.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload software GP 16. If the problem still persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
124-360 CRUM Validation Fail All RAP
System Fail. All three CRUM Enable/Disable settings are not set (0 or different values are set).
The CRUM Enable/Disable settings stored in three positions match but their values are not set
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
Reload software GP 16. Replace the machine, or replace the MCU Board (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-978 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-361, 124-362
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-361 CRUM Validation Fail MCU RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM Enable/Disable settings is different from the others (IOT). One of
the CRUM Enable/Disable settings stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the
MCU Board does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS1 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload software GP 16. Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
124-362 CRUM Validation Fail SYS 1 RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM Enable/Disable settings is different from the others (SYS 1). One of
the CRUM Enable/Disable settings stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the
ESS PWB (PL 35.2) does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master the MCU to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont PWB.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload software GP 16. Remove the EEPROM from and reinstall it into the ESS PWB
(PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-979 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-363, 124-372
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-363 CRUM Validation Fail SYS 2 RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM Enable/Disable settings is different from the others (SYS 2). One of
the CRUM Enable/Disable settings stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the
ESS PWB (PL 35.2) does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS2 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont NVM and the Cont PWB in order.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload software GP 16, If the problem still persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
124-372 IOT Controller Software RAP
Due to an error in the software of the IOT Controller, subsequent processes cannot be per-
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB & MCU
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-980 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-373, 124-374
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-373 IOT Manager SW Fail RAP
System Fail. IOT Manager Software Failure. An error in the IOT Manager software was
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB & MCU
124-374 IOT Controller Software RAP
Due to an error in the software of the IOT Controller, subsequent processes cannot be per-
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the IIT, UI I/F, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Reload Firmware (GP 16).
Replace MCU PWB (PL 18.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB & MCU
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-981 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-380, 124-381
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-380 CRUM Market Fail All (2) RAP
System Fail. All three CRUM destinations are not set (0 or different values are set) #Case-(2).
The CRUM destinations stored in three positions match but their values are not set (0).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
Reload Firmware (GP 16)Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2) and the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
124-381 CRUM Market Fail MCU (2) RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (IOT). #Case-(2). One of
the CRUM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the MCU
Board does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS1 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload Firmware (GP 16)Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-982 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-382, 124-383
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-382 CRUM Market Fail SYS 1 (2) RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1). #Case-(2). One of
the CRUM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the ESS PWB
(PL 35.2) does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master the MCU to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont PWB.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload Firmware (GP 16)Extract the EEPROM from and reinsert it into the ESS PWB (PL
35.2). If the problem still persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
124-383 CRUM Market Fail SYS 2 (2) RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2). #Case-(2). One of
the CRUM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in the ESS PWB
(PL 35.2) does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS2 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont NVM and the Cont PWB in order.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload Firmware (GP 16). If the problem still reoccurs, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-983 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-390, 124-391
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-390 CRUM OEM Fail All (2) RAP
System Fail. All three CRUM OEM destinations are not set (0 or different values are set).
#Case-(2). The CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions match but their values are
not set (0).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
Replace the machine, or replace the MCU Board (PL 18.2). Reload Firmware (GP 16)
124-391 CRUM OEM Fail MCU (2) RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (IOT). #Case-(2).
One of the CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in
the MCU Board does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS1 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload Firmware (GP 16). Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-984 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-392, 124-393
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-392 CRUM OEM Fail SYS 1 (2) RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1). #Case-(2).
One of the CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in
the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master the MCU to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont PWB.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload Firmware (GP 16). Extract the EEPROM from and reinsert it into the ESS PWB
(PL 35.2). If the problem still persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
124-393 CRUM OEM Fail SYS 2 (2) RAP
System Fail. One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2). #Case-(2).
One of the CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions does not match (Data stored in
the ESS PWB (PL 35.2) does not match).
(Software available for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Enter Machine ID/Billing Data. Master SYS2 to resolve the problem. If the problem per-
sists, replace the Cont NVM and the Cont PWB in order.
(Software unavailable for Machine ID/Billing Data)
Reload Firmware (GP 16). If the problem still reoccurs, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Go to the Fault Code for the color that displays an error:
093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Fail RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-985 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-701, 124-702
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-701 Side Tray to Center Tray RAP
The output destination was changed by the customer from the Side Tray to the Center Tray.
Replace the paper with paper that can be output to Side Tray and rerun the job.
124-702 Finisher Tray to Center Tray RAP
The output destination was changed by the customer from the Finisher Tray to the Center Tray.
Replace the paper with paper that can be output to Stacker and rerun the job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-986 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-705, 124-706
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-705 Punching Cancelled RAP
Punching Cancelled. A punch specification was deleted.
Repair the Punch using the proper RAP.
124-706 Folding Cancelled RAP
Folding Cancelled. A folding specification was deleted.
Repair the Folder Tray using the proper RAP.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-987 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-708, 124-709
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
124-708 Output Tray Changed Failure RAP
The output tray has been changed to the Sub Tray because a failure was detected in the spec-
ified output tray.
The paper was output from the center tray instead of from the selected tray
1. A different paper size other than the selected size was output for double-sided set-
2. Puncher of Finisher C malfunctioned
[(1) Sub Tray output when there is a size mismatch during double-sided setting]
When there is a size mismatch, Simplex setting outputs to the selected tray and
Duplex setting outputs to the Sub tray.
The aim in changing the output to the Sub Tray based on the Sheet Delivered
receive timing from the IOT is displayed in the Control Panel which displays "Copy-
ing" message when the [Start] button is pressed, until the IOT stops.
There is no special display in the driver.
[(2) Sub Tray output when the Finisher malfunctioned]
Decolor and Puncher failures are not SubSystemFail, they are LocalFail.
When Decolor fails, output goes to the selected Finisher.
When Puncher fails, output goes to the Sub Tray.
However, when booklet is selected, output goes to the Booklet.
The aim in changing the output to the Sub Tray based on the SheetDelivered receive
timing from the IOT is displayed in the Control Panel which displays "Copying" mes-
sage when the [Start] button is pressed, until the IOT stops.
For case (1), please check that the same selected paper size has been set on the paper
For case (2), check that the error codes: 012-231, 012-232, 012-233 or 012-234 has been
displayed, and repair the specified Output Tray using the proper RAP.
124-709 Stapler Sheets Counts RAP
The No. of Stapler Sheets exceeded was detected but printing was continued.
Ask customer to check the job setup.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-988 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 124-710
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
124-710 Output Tray Changed from MailBoxSorter RAP
The machine changed output tray from Sorter to another and continued printing. Paper that
cannot be output to Mailbox Sorter was detected. (paper size and paper type).
Replace the paper with paper that can be output to Mailbox Sorter and rerun the job.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-989 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
PSWcont Unexpected Fail RAP
PSWcont Unexpected Error. PSW Cont Software Failure. Due to an error in software process-
ing, subsequent processes cannot be performed.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.3)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-990 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-991 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 127-310, 127-314
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
127-310 ESR Task Fatal Error RAP
A fatal error occurred in ESR Task.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
127-314 WSD Print S/W Fail RAP
WSD Print S/W Fail. ESS detected a Video Link error.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-992 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 127-315 , 127-320
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
127-315 ThinPrint S/W Fail RAP
Thin Print-related fatal error
Primary Causes
Problem occurred during software processing, and processing cannot be continued further.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
127-320 DFE Critical Fail RAP
An error occurred in the connection to the DFE. Or, the DFE needs to treat the device as Sys-
Take the corrective actions based on the Fault Code displayed in the DFE monitor, then
reboot the system.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedures.
1. Check the connection to the DFE.
2. Check the device settings.
3. Check the DFE HW.
4. Check the device HW.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-993 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 127-337, 127-342
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
127-337 Job Template HDD Write RAP
There was a file access failure during internal polling or an error occurred when writing to the
HDD Job Template sector.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
If the problem persists perform NVM Read/Write.
Perform GP 14 - only the first two parts - make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-
1. Job Log Clear Mode
2. HDD Initialize Mode
Replace HDD (PL 35.2)
127-342 Job Template Monitor RAP
A system function recall error is detected.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-994 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 127-353 , 127-354
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
127-353 LPD Software RAP
Due to a fatal error that occurred in processing related to the LPD, subsequent processes can-
not be performed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
127-354 FTP Server Software RAP
There is a FTP Server software failure.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
If the problem persists reload software (GP 16).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-995 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 127-396, 127-398
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
127-396 Mail I/O Software RAP
There is an error in Mail I/O processing.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
127-398 IPP Software RAP
There is an IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-996 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 127-399, 127-700
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
127-399 JME Software RAP
Due to a fatal error that occurred in processing related to the JME, subsequent processes can-
not be performed.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ask customer to cancel and rerun the job.
Turn the power OFF then ON. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to
repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the HDD, ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM,
Firmware module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
127-700 SIP Registration Fail RAP
Warning. A failure in registering with the SIP Registration Server. An error has occurred in reg-
istering device info with the SIP Registration Server.
Check what the SIP Registration Server is set to on the device.
Check that the SIP Registration Server is available.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-997 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-210 , 133-211
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
133-210 Illegal Fax Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The parameter value is incorrect due to reasons such as excessive length.
The required parameter is not sent.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
133-211 Fax Parameter Value Invalid RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A parameter value exceeds the range or the required parameter is not sent.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-998 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-212, 133-213
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
133-212 Fax Read Error- No Data RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The specified data does not exist (incorrect number or channel).
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
133-213 Fax Read Error- Invalid Data RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Corrupted data interrupted a read on the specified data.
The specified data cannot be read due to reasons such as the specified data is broken.
The host may treat this failure as a System Fail.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-999 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-214, 133-215
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
133-214 Fax USB Initializing RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Fax failed initialization.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
133-215 Fax USB Device RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is an error in the Fax USB interface.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1000 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-216, 133-217
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
133-216 Fax USB Host Fatal RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a Fax/USB processing error.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
133-217 Fax Manager Short of Memory RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a Fax/USB processing error. Insufficient Fax Manager Memory.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1001 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-218 , 133-219
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
133-218 Fax Card Message Library Short of Memory RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
There is a Fax/USB processing error. Insufficient Fax Card Message Library Memory
Turn the power Off/On.
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
133-219 Fax Work Memory RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Memory capacity reached during Fax processing. Due to insufficient memory, the system was
unable to reserve the memory required for the processing.
Turn the power Off/On.
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1002 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-220, 133-221
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
133-220 Fax Control Task RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An error during Fax Controller software processing caused a Fax shutdown.
Turn the power Off/On.
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
133-221 Fax Card Boot RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The FAX PWB did not respond within the specified time to boot.
Turn the power Off/On.
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1003 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-222 , 133-223
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
133-222 Fax Card does not respond RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The FAX PWB did not respond within the specified time.
Turn the power Off/On.
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
133-223 Fax Card Reset RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The controller reset when the FAX PWB did not respond.
Turn the power Off/On.
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1004 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-224, 133-226
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
133-224 Controller ROM Fax Card ROM RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Controller detected a version mismatch.
Check the electrical connections on the FAX PWB (PL 18.5). Upgrade both the Controller and
Fax Card ROM to the latest version.
If the problem persists reload software (GP 16).
133-226 Country Code RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Controller detects an invalid country code. The code that does not provide FAX Service is
set in the System Data Country Code.
Check Country Code setting (GP 15).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1005 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-280, 133-281
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
133-280 Fax Option Slot 1 Board RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
Failure was detected on the Fax Option Slot 1 board. Due to either a Fax Card failure or Fax
Cont SW failure, subsequent processes could not be performed
Pull out and insert the FAX PWB (PL 18.5). Switch on the power. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the connection of each FAX PWB (PL 18.5) connector. The connectors are securely
Connect the connectors.
Turn on the power again. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required. Replace the FAX PWB (PL
133-281 Received unknown message RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A message not specified in I/F settings was received from the Fax Card.
Pull out and insert the FAX PWB (PL 18.5). Switch on the power. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the connection of each FAX PWB (PL 18.5) connector. The connectors are securely
Connect the connectors.
Turn on the power again. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required. Replace the FAX PWB (PL
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1006 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-282 , 133-283
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
133-282 Fax Card Download RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
An FAX PWB download could not be completed when either a FAX PWB or Fax Controller soft-
ware failure occurred.
Turn the power Off/On.
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
133-283 Fax Report Mailbox RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The Fax Report mailbox did not open.
Turn the power Off/On.
Check the USB connection. If OK then replace the USB cable (PL 18.5).
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1007 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-700 , 133-710
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
133-700 Staple/Punch Cancelled RAP
The Controller cancelled the Staple/Punch operation due to staple relationship with the print
paper, or during data format processing for fax receive document printing in the Controller.
Staple/Punch request is canceled to continue printing.
Change Staple/Punch position designation or select paper according to Staple/Punch position.
133-710 Tray Select Fail RAP
When printing Fax-received documents, it was performed via the Bypass tray since the
selected tray cannot be used for Fax.
The "Receiving Paper Size Tray Mode Function" is provided to determine "Which tray to
print the Fax-received data from". This error can occur when this function is "enabled."
Even if this function is "disabled," this error can also occur when printing Fax reports and
documents for polling.
* When set to automatically print Fax/Internet FAX received documents, this machine
automatically selects a paper tray. During that selection, any of the following occurs.
Since the selected tray is set as "Unavailable for Fax document print", the machine
selects the Bypass tray to continue printing.
Since the paper size in the selected tray is set as a size that cannot be used for Fax,
the machine selects the Bypass tray to continue printing.
Since the paper type (= paper quality) in the selected tray is set as a quality that
cannot be used for Fax, the machine selects the Bypass tray to continue printing.
If none of the above applies, the selected tray might be malfunctioning.
* This error also occurs when any of the four conditions above is detected when "the
customer selects the Bypass tray and tries to print from a mailbox".
Load the paper size that can be used for Fax printing.
A3SEF, A4LEF, B4SEF, B5LEF, A4SEF, A5SEF, B5SEF, Letter SEF, Legal (14inch), Legal
(13inch), Ledger, Letter LEF, and Half Letter SEF can be used.
Load the paper type (= paper quality) that can be used for Fax printing.
Plain Paper, Bond Paper, Recycled Paper, Backing Paper, and Custom Paper can be
When the machine is set to "Enable Receiving Paper Size Tray Mode Function", perform
any one of the following:
1. Select [Settings List] [Fax Control] [Tray Mode] to add the tray number that the
customer wants to specify for printing.
2. Select a tray number for the customer's printing use from the one of the trays that
are set in [Settings List] [Fax Control] [Tray Mode].
Instead of selecting [Settings List] [Fax Control] [Tray Mode], the same settings can be
performed through [System Data: 820-002] [Tray selection in tray mode].
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it. Check the sw version of the
controller sw - update if required
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1008 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 133-700 , 133-710
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1009 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 134-210, 134-211
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
134-210 Fax Controller Parameter RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
The parameter value is incorrect or the required parameter is not sent.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Pull out and insert the Fax PWB (PL 18.5). The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Check the electrical connections on the Fax PWB (PL 18.5). The connectors are securely
Connect the connectors.
Switch on the power. The problem persists.
Return to Service Call Procedures.
Reload software GP 16. Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5).
134-211 FAX PWB RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 34.1 - FAX
A failure is detected on the Fax PWB.
Initial Actions
Power Off/On
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the PWBs in the FAX Module)
Check the sw version of the fax & controller sw - update if required
Perform FAX Diagnostic GP 13
Replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1010 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 134-210, 134-211
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1011 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 202-399
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
202-399 Internal Timer RAP
An internal error was detected in the machine timer.
The setting value of SystemData=700-124 (Auto Clear Timer (Auto Resume Timer,
Auditron Off Timer, Tools Off Timer) is detected to be 1~29 in MF machines.
Turn the power OFF then ON.
Check the value of SystemData=700-124 (Auto Clear Timer (Auto Resume Timer, Audi-
toron Off Timer, Tools Off Timer).
If the value of 1~29 is set in an MF machine, a Fail will occur.
If this Fail occurs when timer related System Data Settings Value for other than 700-124
is changed, check the normal values for the related System Data.
If the problem persists, perform the following procedure to repair it.
Ensure that the customer is programming a job within the parameters of the machine uti-
lizing the UI.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required
Replace RAM DIMM on ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Replace ESS PWB (PL 35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB and RAM
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1012 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 202-399
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1013 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 500-030, 500-033
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
500-030 DC612 Print NG By IOT Wait State
The following occurs (However, this includes the cases that may not occur when DC612
Fusing Unit: Shifted to Warming Up and Sagging occurred.
Fusing Unit Relay State: Shifted to Not Ready.
Drum Cycle State: Shifted to Cleaning Request.
Drum Crum State: Unknown.
Return from the Wait state and try again.
500-033 Diag Document Not Detected/Enough
-When a Diag job requiring a document is performed and the document cannot be detected.
-When a Diag job requiring multiple documents is performed and the number of loaded sheets
is not sufficient to meet the specification.
Load the required number of documents and perform the job again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1014 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation 500-035, 500-990
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
500-035 Diag Document Invalid Size
-The size of the detected document is different from the specified document size.
Use a document of the specified size and perform the job again.
500-990 DC612 Print NG By Any Reason
Printing could not start due to unknown reason in Diag DC612 Test Pattern Print, or it was
aborted. (Only end response). This occurs during Diag execution only, and Fault Code is dis-
played on the PC-Diag and Panel.
Perform the same operation again.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1015 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation AC Power RAP
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
AC Power RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.1 - Main Power on (1of2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)
Initial Actions
Ensure that Power is available at the customers receptacle.
If the GFI Breaker is tripped, reset the breaker. If it trips again check the AC circuit for a
short circuit.
Plug in the Power Cord, then turn the Main Power Switch ON. AC line Voltage is measured
at the GFI Breaker between P/J10 pin 1 and pin 2 (BSD 1.1 - Main Power on (1of2)).
Disconnect the power cord. AC line voltage is measured at the outlet.
Inform the customer that there is no power to the outlet, check the customers
Check the Power Cord for open circuit and poor contact. If no problems are found,
replace the GFI Breaker (PL 18.3).
AC line voltage is measured between P/J1 pin 1 and pin 3 at the Main LVPS (BSD 1.2 -
Main Power on (2 of 2).
AC line voltage is measured at the Main Power Switch between P/J14 and P/J15
((BSD 1.1 - Main Power on (1of2)).
AC line voltage is measured at the Main Power Switch between P/J12 and P/
Unplug the Power Cord and disconnect J1 on the Main LVPS. Check for open
circuits or poor contacts between:
GFI Breaker P/J10 pin 1 and Main Power Switch P/J12.
GFI Breaker P/J10 pin 2 and Main Power Switch P/J13.
Make sure that the Main Power Switch (PL 18.1) is operating correctly.
Replace the Main Power Switch (PL 18.1).
Unplug the Power Cord and disconnect P/J1 on the Main LVPS. Refer to (BSD 1.2 - Main
Power on (2 of 2)) and check for an open circuit or poor contacts between:
Main Power Switch P/J14 and Main LVPS P/J1 pin 3.
Main Power Switch P/J15 and Main LVPS P/J1 pin 1.
AC line voltage is measured at the Finisher Outlet between P/J16 and P/J17 (BSD 1.2 -
Main Power on (2 of 2)).
Turn the power off and unplug the Power Cord.
Check Fuse F001 (20A/250V) on the Main LVPS is not open.
If the fuse is OK, check for open circuits or poor contacts between:
Main LVPS P/J3 pin 5 and Finisher Outlet P/J16.
Main LVPS P/J3 pin 2 and Finisher Outlet P/J17.
Turn the power off and unplug the Power Cord. Check that Fuse F002 (8A/250V) on the Main
LVPS is not open.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1016 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation STBY +5VDC Power RAP, +5VDC Power RAP
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BSD-ON: BSD 1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.4 - DC Power Generation (1 of 2)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF; first, turn OFF the Power Switch, then the Main Power
Turn the Main Power Switch ON, then turn the Power Switch ON. +5VDC is measured at the
Main LVPS between P/J501 pins 7, 8, 9, and 10 (+); and GND (-) (BSD 1.4 - DC Power
Generation (1 of 2)).
AC line voltage is measured at the Main LVPS between P/J1 pin 1 and pin 3 (BSD
1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)).
Go to AC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF and disconnect P/J501 on the Main LVPS. Turn ON machine power,
wait 15seconds. +5VDC is measured at the Main LVPS between P/J501 pins 7, 8, 9,
and 10 (+); and GND (-).
Replace the Main LVPS (PL 18.2).
Check the +5VDC circuit for a short circuit to frame by referring to Chapter 7 Wiring Data.
Check the wire to the applicable component for an open circuit or poor contact by referring to
Chapter 7 Wiring Data.
+5VDC Power RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.3 - LVPS Control
BSD-ON: BSD 1.4 - DC Power Generation (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF; first, turn OFF the Power Switch, then the Main Power
When measuring the voltage (+5VDC), turn ON the power then measure it before the machine
goes into the Power Save mode.
Turn the power ON; turn ON the Main Power Switch, then turn ON the Power Switch.
+5VDC is measured at the Main LVPS between P/J501 pin 3 and pin 5 (+), and GND (-)
(BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options).
AC line voltage is measured at the Main LVPS between P/J1 pin 1 and pin 3 (BSD
1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)).
Go to AC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF and disconnect the Main LVPS connectors P/J502, P/J503, and P/
J506. Turn ON machine power, wait 15 seconds. +5VDC is measured at the Main LVPS
between P/J502 pin 3 and pin 5 (+), and GND (-) (BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution
The STBY +5VDC LED, Green, on the ESS PWB is lit (Figure 1).
Ensure that P/J501 on the Main LVPS and P/J300 on the ESS PWB are
properly seated and that the Wire Harness is not damaged (BSD 1.4 - DC
Power Generation (1 of 2)).
If the checks are OK, go to STBY +5VDC Power RAP.
The +24VDC LED, Orange, on the ESS PWB is lit (Figure 1).
Check in the following order:
Ensure that P/J501 on the Main LVPS and P/J300 on the ESS PWB are
properly seated, and that the Wire Harness is not damaged (BSD 1.4 - DC
Power Generation (1 of 2)).
Refer to (BSD 1.3 - LVPS Control) and check the 5V C-F On Signal to the
Main LVPS.
Replace the Main LVPS (PL 18.2).
Replace the Main LVPS (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1017 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation +5VDC Power RAP, +24VDC Power RAP
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Check the +5VDC circuit for a short circuit to frame by referring to Chapter 7 Wiring Data.
Measure for +5VDC on the Main LVPS at the following locations:
Between P/J503 pin 7 (+) and GND (-) (BSD 1.4 - DC Power Generation (1 of 2)).
Between P/J506 pin 1 (+) and GND (-) (BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)).
+5VDC is measured at both locations.
Replace the Main LVPS (PL 18.2).
Check the wire to the applicable component for an open circuit or poor contact by referring to
Chapter 7 Wiring Data.
Figure 1 ESS PWB LED Locations
+24VDC Power RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.3 - LVPS Control
BSD-ON: BSD 1.4 - DC Power Generation (1 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.5 - DC Power Generation (2 of 2)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options)
BSD-ON: BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
NOTE: When turning the power OFF; first, turn OFF the Power Switch, then the Main Power
Turn the power ON; turn ON the Main Power Switch, then turn ON the Power Switch.
+24VDC is measured at the Main LVPS between P/J501 pin 6 (+), and GND (-) (BSD 1.5 -
DC Power Generation (2 of 2)).
AC line voltage is measured at the Main LVPS between P/J1 pin 1 and pin 3 (BSD
1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)).
Go to AC Power RAP.
Turn the power OFF and disconnect the Main LVPS connectors P/J501, P/J502, and P/
J503. Turn ON machine power, wait 15 seconds. +24VDC is measured at the Main
LVPS between P/J501 pin 6 (+), and GND (-) (BSD 1.5 - DC Power Generation (2 of
+5VDC is measured at the Main LVPS between P/J502 pins 3 and pin 5 (+), and
GND (-) (BSD 1.5 - DC Power Generation (2 of 2)).
+5VDC is measured at the Main LVPS between P/J501 pins 7, 8, 9, and 10
(+), and GND (-) (BSD 1.4 - DC Power Generation (1 of 2)).
Go to STBY +5VDC Power RAP.
Refer to BSD 1.3 - LVPS Control and check the 5V C-F On Signal to the Main
If the problem continues, replace the Main LVPS (PL 18.2).
Replace the Main LVPS (PL 18.2).
Check the +24VDC circuit for a short circuit to frame by referring to Chapter 7 Wiring
+24 VDC LED,
LED, Green
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1018 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation +24VDC Power RAP, Machine Not Ready RAP
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Measure for +24VDC on the Main LVPS at the following locations:
Between P/J502 pins 1 and 7 (+), and GND (-) (BSD 1.5 - DC Power Generation (2 of 2))
(BSD 1.4 - DC Power Generation (1 of 2)).
Between P/J503 pins 5, 6, and 8 (+), and GND (-) (BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching
(2 of 2)) (BSD 1.5 - DC Power Generation (2 of 2).
+24VDC is measured at all locations.
Replace the Main LVPS (PL 18.2).
Check the wire to the applicable component for an open circuit or poor contact by referring to
Chapter 7 Wiring Data.
Machine Not Ready RAP
Machine not ready is defined as any condition where the machine is not capable of perform-
ing its basic tasks (Copy or Print). This does not include failure of ancillary devices (Finishers,
IIT, Fax, Paper Trays). Not ready ranges from a machine that is totally inert, without any indi-
cation of power, to a machine that appears ready but does not respond to either Control Panel
commands or Network input.
The first step is to categorize the problem. Decide which of the following condition best
describes the problem:
Dead Machine
Does not complete Boot-up
Boots up; does not respond to Control Panel
Boots up; does not print (or other Network problems).
Dead Machine
If the machine shows no sign of power (fans or motors running, backlight on UI display, LEDs
on Control panel), check for AC line voltage at the Finisher Outlet.
1. If AC Voltage is not present, go to the AC Power RAP.
2. If AC Voltage is present, open the ESS Cover PL 35.1.
If STBY +5VDC LED, Green CR231 (Figure 1), is not lit, go to STBY +5VDC Power
If +24VDC LED, Orange CR201 (Figure 1), is not lit, go to the +24VDC Power RAP.
If there is some indication of power from the machine, perform GP 20, Long Boot Diagnostic
If the UI remains blank during the test, the problem is likely in the Control Panel Assembly, the
ESS, or in the connection between them:
1. Refer to BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI) and BSD 3.4 - ESS-UI Communication.
2. Check the UI Cable between P/J352 on the ESS PWB and P/J1 on the UI I/F PWB for
damage or loose connections.
3. Check the connections on the wire harness and PWBs within the Control Panel Assem-
4. If the check is good, replace the Control Panel Assembly (PL 1.7). If the problem contin-
ues, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2)
Does not complete Boot-up
Failure to complete the boot routine can be caused by corrupt software or mismatched soft-
ware versions. GP 6 details how to check s/w versions; GP 16 explains how to reload s/w.
Boot failures can also be caused by hardware failures in the ESS, or communication failures
between the ESS and the rest of the machine. The ESS PWB has a group of diagnostic LEDs
that change state as the boot-up progresses. See GP 19, Boot Sequence, for details
Some boot-up failures may be caused by structural flaws in a command sent to the machine. In
these cases, it is sometimes possible to bypass or delete the offending code during the startup
process. Refer to GP 14, Special Boot Modes. Take note of the Cautions in the procedure.
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2-1019 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Machine Not Ready RAP, OF 13-1
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Boots up; does not respond to Control Panel
Check the following:
1. Refer to BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI) and BSD 3.4 - ESS-UI Communication.
2. Check the UI Cable betweenPJ352 on the ESS PWB andPJ1 on the UI I/F PWB for dam-
age or loose connections.
3. Check the connections on the wire harness and PWBs within the Control Panel Assem-
4. If the check is good, replace the Control Panel Assembly (PL 1.7). If the problem contin-
ues, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Boots up; does not print (or other Network problems).
Go to the OF 16-1 RAP.
Figure 1 ESS PWB LED Locations
OF 13-1 Secure Access RAP
Xerox Secure Access uses an external device, such as a card reader or biometric device, to
authorize access to the machine. This reader then passes the information to the controller,
which handles the authentication process including, which GUI screens are displayed, accept-
ing GUI responses, that defines their content and order. The controller can pass user identities
and passwords directly to the machine after gathering the data from an external server. All
communication is via a secure network link, Figure 1 Network Diagram.
Xerox Secure Access shall be controlled via the CentreWare Internet Services GUI. The active
status is displayed in tools within Access Control. If communication cannot be established with
the Xerox Secure Access Server the service may be temporarily disabled by touching the now
enabled Off button within the Xerox Secure Access tools window. Once communication is rees-
tablished the stored Xerox Secure Access setting shall be restored.
Figure 1 Network Diagram
Initial Action
Before working on the Xerox Secure Access, check out the machine in the service mode to
insure no faults are displayed and that the machine is functioning properly. If it is not, repair any
problems before proceeding with diagnosing the Secure Access Accessory. Diagnostics can
be entered to test copier functionality when Secure Access is installed.
Perform the following steps
Check the connection between the Card Reader and the Secure Access Authentication
Check for the LEDs are on or blinking on the Secure Access Authentication Device. If the
LEDs on the Secure Access Authentication Device are not operating, go to Secure
Access Authentication Device Failure.
+24 VDC LED,
LED, Green
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2-1020 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 13-1
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Check for the LEDs are on or blinking on the Card Reader. If the LEDs on the Card
Reader are not operating, go to Card Reader Failure.
If customers have problems of install / setting up, or any other problems related to their
Secure Access Administrator, they should refer to the Secure Access System Administra-
tors Guide or contact Xerox Technical Support.
Secure Access Authentication Device Failure
The primary failure modes are power problems or failed hardware components. The symptom
of these failures can be detected by observing the Leds on the Secure Access Authentication
Device, Figure 2.
Figure 2 Authentication Device
Check the power to the Secure Access Authentication Device.
Check the power supply at the wall socket. If there is no power at the wall socket, have
the customer restore power and continue when confirmed.
Disconnect the power cord from the wall socket and the power supply. Check the power
cord for continuity and damage. If necessary install a new power cord. Disconnect the
power cord from the power supply and plug the power cord into the wall outlet. Using a
multimeter, check for line voltage at the end of the power cord disconnected from the
power supply. If there is power at the wall but not at the end of the power cord. Install a
new power cord.
Disconnect the small power cord from the Secure Access Authentication Device. Check
there is +5V at the connector that plugs into the Secure Access Authentication Device. If
there is no +5V, install a new power supply.
There is a Keyed switch on the end of the Secure Access Authentication Device. Obtain
the key from the customer. Insert the key into the keyed switch and cycle the switch 1
quarter turn clockwise and then back to its start position. Observe the LEDs and listen for
an audible tone.
If the LEDs on the Secure Access Authentication Device Uplink and Downlink Ethernet
ports do not cycle on and off as the controller goes through its boot-up process, or if the
audible tone is not heard. Install a new Secure Access Authentication Device.
NOTE: A new device will require the Secure Access Administrator to reconfigure the
server with the new MAC address for the new part. Be sure to inform the Secure Access
Administrator of the MAC address of the device being removed and the MAC address of
the new device.
Card Reader Failure
The primary failure modes are power problems or failed hardware components. The symptom
of these failures can be detected by observing the LED on the Card Reader. Refer to Table 1.
The Green LED on the Card Reader is On
The Green LED on the Card Reader Flashes Rapidly
The Red LED on the Card Reader is On
The Red LED on Card Reader Flashes Slowly
The Red LED on Card Reader Flashes Rapidly
The Card Reader LEDs are not On or Blinking
The Green LED on the Card Reader is On
This indicates an active Secure Access Session and the Card Read correctly corre-
sponds to a valid Secure Access Account.
If the UI on the machine is locked, check with the customer for a second PIN number for
additional security. This PIN number will need to be entered via the soft keys on the UI.
Ensure that the card corresponds to a valid Secure Access Account.
The Green LED on the Card Reader Flashes Rapidly
This indicates a valid card swipe and in the process of authentication on the server.
If the UI on the machine is locked, check with the customer for a second PIN number for
additional security. This PIN number will need to be entered via the soft keys on the UI.
Table 1 LED Symptom Descriptions
When the LED on
the card Reader
is Description
Red The authentication device is in idle mode; there is no active
Green The authentication device is in ready mode; a session is
Slow Flashing Red The authentication device has no connection to the server.
Slow Flashing
The authentication device is communicating to the server.
Fast flashing red Invalid card / password; access denied.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1021 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 13-1
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
If the UI on the machine is locked and no secondary PIN is required. Check that the Xerox
Secure Access is installed correctly, and ask customer to check the configuration at the
The Red LED on the Card Reader is On
This indicates the Card Reader is in an idle state. If the red LED remains on, and the UI
remains locked after a card is swiped, re-orient the card and re-swipe.
Try a known good card in the reader. If the other card is working on the problem Card
Reader. Ask customer to make sure the card corresponds to a valid Secure Access
Try the card in a known good reader. If the card is working on a known good Card Reader,
it may be a problem with the Secure Access Authentication Device. Check to see is the
LEDs on the Secure Access Authentication Device are on.
The Red LED on Card Reader Flashes Slowly
This indicates the reader is connected to the controller but the controller is not connected
to the server. Check the Ethernet green LED on the Authentication Device.
If the Ethernet green LED on the Authentication Device is off, make sure the connectors
of the LAN connections are working properly. If the connections are working, this indi-
cates the network may not work properly. Ask customer to check with Network Adminis-
If the Ethernet green LED on the Authentication Device is either on or flashing, contact
the Secure Access Administrator
The Red LED on Card Reader Flashes Rapidly
This indicates a valid card but does not correspond to a valid Secure Access Account at
the server, test with a known valid users card.
If all cards react the same way, this indicates the Server Configuration may not be correct.
Ask customer to check the Server Configuration.
If all the card react this way, this indicates the cards are not valid. Ask customer to check
the Server Configuration
The Card Reader LEDs are not On or Blinking
Check to see is the Secure Access is correctly installed.
If there is still no LED on the Card Reader, install a new the Card Reader.
NOTE: If there is another working card reader available, the readers can be switched to
confirm failure. If the Card Reader is not functioning, the web page of the machine has a
setting that will enable UI keypad access. If the users know their card access number,
they can use the machine by manually entering their number. The process is as follows:
1. Go to the machine web page under properties and then security and check the box that
says Allow local user interface initiation.
2. Enable the keypad and test with valid credentials. This will validate the rest of the secure
access function.
3. Leave it in this mode until the new card reader can be installed.
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2-1022 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 16-1
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
OF 16-1 Network Checkout
Check for SMB Failure
The following describes the possible causes, check procedures, and corrective actions when a
failure occurs when SMB is used.
1. Check at [Printer Not Found]
2. Check at [Print Not Available]
3. Check at [Documents Cannot Be Deleted from [Printer] Window]
4. Check [Machine Settings] a. IP addresses are managed in a whole system. Consult with the Network Administra-
tor thoroughly before perform setting.
Table 1 Printer Not Found
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
The operation protocols of the computer
and main processor are different.
Though the printer can be found when search is performed using
[Search Other Computer] ([Start] > [Search] > [Other Comput-
ers], it cannot be found in [Network Computers].
Match the SMB transport protocols (NetBEUI, TCP/IP) of the main pro-
cessor and each computer.
Networks (subnets) are different. Though the printer can be found when search is performed using
[Search Other Computer] ([Start] > [Search] > [Other Comput-
ers], it cannot be found in [Network Computers].
When the main processor and the computer are in different networks,
check with the System Administrator.
The host name set in the main processor
already exists.
Print the "System Settings List". Check that "Host name dupli-
cated" is described in the SMB status information.
Use CentreWare Internet Services to change the host name to an undu-
plicated name or return the main processor settings to default.
Table 2 Print Not Available
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
The main processor is processing a print
request from another computer.
(When [Do not spool] is set for [Receiving
Check that the main processor is processing a print. (A write error
dialog appears indicating that there are no areas to stored the
files in queue.)
After print process has been completed in the main processor, issue a
print request or switch the main processor setting to the spool mode.
The number of connections in the main pro-
cessor exceeds the maximum value.
The port connection is also being held when the printer is paused
due to no paper because it is held since a job request has been
issued to Net until printing is complete.
Check the maximum number of sessions of SMB from the EWS
"Protocol" menu to check that the jobs more than "maximum
number of sessions" were requested at the same time at site.
Wait for a while and issue the same print request again.
Or, check the number of users that can use the machine at the same time
and set the maximum number of sessions to an appropriate value from
the EWS "Protocol" menu.
Table 3 Documents Cannot Be Deleted
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
Try to delete all the print data displayed in
[Printers] window. (This can only be done by
the administrator of this machine.)
From the "Printers" menu, check if the print data is tried to be
deleted. ([Clear Print Jobs] menu)
Select the print data to be deleted and delete the print data from [Docu-
ments] menu in the [Printers] window. ([Cancel Job] menu)
There are different print data owners. Check that the name displayed [Owner] of the selected print
data matches the login name who has logged in to Windows.
Log in to Windows using the name displayed in [Owner] of the print data
to delete the data.
Service Pack 4.0 or later is not installed. (For
Windows NT 4.0)
Check the version of Service Pack, which is displayed at start up
of Windows NT 4.0.
Install Service Pack version 4.0 or later.
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2-1023 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 16-1
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
b. Depending on the network environment, set the subnet mask and gateway settings
only if necessary. Consult with the Network Administrator to set necessary settings.
c. If a memory becomes insufficient when [Enabled] is set for the port status, the port
status may be automatically reset to [Disabled]. BIn this case, [Disabled] an unused
port or change the memory allocated capacity.
d. Depending on the usage environment, set the receiving buffer capacity [SMB
(Spool)] size. When the receiving buffer capacity [SMB (Spool)] size is smaller than
the sent data, the data may not be able to be received.
5. Check [Computer Settings]
a. IP addresses are managed in a whole system. Consult with the Network Administra-
tor thoroughly before perform setting.
b. To perform network settings (such as IP address), etc. on the host used under NIS
(Network Information Service) management, consult with the NIS Administrator.
6. Check at [Power OFF]
Before turning the machine OFF, take note of the following:
a. When [Memory] is set for [SMB (Spool)]
All the print data including the data being printed that have been spooled in the
machine memory will be deleted.
When turning the power ON again, no print data remains. However, if the power is
turned OFF immediately after print instruction, the print data may be stored on the
In this case, even if a new print instruction is issued after the power is turned ON, the
stored print data will be printed first.
b. When [Hard Disk] is set for [SMB (Spool)]
All the print data including the data being printed that have been spooled in the
machine hard disk will be saved.
When the power is turned ON again and a new print instruction is issued, the stored
print data will be printed first.
c. When [Do not spool] is set for [SMB (Spool)]
All the print data including the data being printed that have been spooled in the
machine receiving buffer will be deleted. When the power is turned ON again, no
print data remains.
However, if the power is turned OFF immediately after print instruction, the print data
may be stored on the computer.
In this case, even if a new print instruction is issued, the stored print data will be
printed first.
7. Check [At Printing]
a. When [Hard Disk] or [Memory] is set for [SMB (Spool)]
When the machine starts receiving print data and the print data size is larger than
the hard disk or memory remaining capacity, the print data will not be received.
NOTE: If the print data exceeds the receiving capacity, some computers will resend
data immediately. In this case, the computer looks like stopped. As a corrective
action for this, abort sending the print data on the computer.
b. When [Do not spool] is set for [SMB (Spool)]
When a print request is received from a computer, the print requests from other com-
puters cannot be received.
c. When a computer IP address or name has been changed
When a computer IP address or name has been changed, the inquiry and cancella-
tion of processes from the main processor cannot be performed properly. Turn the
machine OFF then ON when no print data is stored in the machine receiving buffer.
NOTE: The print cancel/forced output processes of the print data stored in the
machine receiving buffer can be operated from the machine Operation Panel. Refer
to "11 Job Check" in "User Guide" for more information on how to operate.
d. When the machine is in the offline state
When the machine is in offline state and a print instruction is issued from a computer,
the data will not be received in the machine, and an error dialog box appears on the
computer indicating that write error has occurred. However, for SMB, the print data
can be received from the computer even when the machine is offline.
e. Deleting Jobs
For Windows NT 4.0, jobs can be deleted when Service Pack 4.0 or later is installed.
When a job is deleted while data is being received, write error appears. In this case,
the [Retry] button on the error dialog box is not available.
Check for NetWare Failure
The following describes the possible causes, check procedures, and corrective actions when a
failure occurs when NetWare is used.
1. Check at [Printing Not Performed]
Table 4 Printing Not Performed
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
The network configuration devices (HUB
etc.) do not match the automatic settings of
the frame type.
Check that the data link lamp of the network configuration device
port that is connected to the machine is lit on.
Check that the same frame types are used in the file servers that
exist on a network.
Set the frame type that has been set for the file server to be connected
from the machine.
A failure has occurred on the network from
a workstation to a printer.
Use NWADMIN from the workstation to check that the target
printer objects can be viewed.
Replace the non-communicating network cable that exists between the
workstation and the printer.
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2-1024 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 16-1
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
The user name of a job sender or the group
name to which the job sender belongs is not
registered in the [Users] for Print queue.
Use NWADMIN from the workstation to view the target queue
objects and check that the user name of the job sender or the
group name to which the job sender belongs is registered in the
[Users] information.
1. Resend print data to the print queue in which the user name of the job
sender or the group name to which the job sender belongs has been
registered in [Users] of [Print Queue Information].
2. Use NWADMIN from the workstation to register the user name of the
job sender or the group name to which the job sender belongs in the
[Users] of [Print Queue Information].
Sending jobs to the print queue is prohib-
Use PCONSOLE to check that [Yes] is set for [User can register
data to queue] in the [Current Queue Status] of [Print Queue Infor-
Set it to [Yes] using PCONSOLE.
Same as above Use NWADMIN from the workstation to check that the operator
flag is checked in [Identification] for the target print queue.
Use NWADMIN from the workstation to check that the each item for the
operator flag is checked in [Identification] for the target print queue.
The user name of a job sender or the group
name to which the job sender belongs is not
defined for the print server users of a print
Use NWADMIN from the workstation to check that the user name
of the job sender or the group name to which the job sender
belongs is registered in [Users] of the target print server.
1. Resend print data to the print queue in which the user name of the job
sender or the group name to which the job sender belongs has been
registered in [Users] of [Print Server Information].
2. Use NWADMIN from the workstation to register the user name of the
job sender or the group name to which the job sender belongs in the
[Users] information of the target print server.
The print queue that has sent print data is
not allocated to the printer.
Use NWADMIN from the workstation to check that the target
printer is allocated in the list of the printers in service in [Allocation]
of the target print queue.
1. Resend print data to the print queue that has been allocated to the
2. Use NWADMIN from the workstation to add a target queue using
[Allocation] of the target printer.
The data type of the print data does not
match the print environment settings of the
- When the workstation uses Windows, make settings so that it does not
output Ctrl-D.
The number of print queues that exceeds
the maximum number of supported queues
has been set.
Use NWADMIN from the workstation to check that the desired
print queue is allocated in the list of the printers in [Allocation] of
the target printer.
Resend print data to the print queue that has been allocated to the
No slave file servers have been set (bindery
service mode).
Use PCONSOLE from the workstation to check that a slave file
server is registered in [Service NetWare Server] of the appropriate
print server in [Print Server Information].
Use PCONSOLE from the workstation to register a slave file server and
then reflect the setting parameters.
Printer types are different. Use PCONSOLE from the workstation to check that Port: LPT1
and Position: Auto Mode (Local) are set in [Print Server Informa-
tion] > [Printers] > [Environment Settings for Printer xxx].
Use PCONSOLE from the workstation to set Port: LPT1 and Position:
Auto Mode (Local), and reflect the setting parameters.
The slave file server settings are different
(bindery service mode).
Use PCONSOLE from the workstation to check that [Defined by
Other Settings] is displayed for the printer type in [Print Server
Information] > [Printers] > [Environment Settings for Printer xxx].
If it is not set to [Defined by Other Settings], change it to [Defined by
Other Settings] and then reflect the setting parameters.
The sheet number of the print data is differ-
ent from the sheet number that has been
set in the printer.
Use NWADMIN from the workstation to select a target printer and
then check that the start sheet number in the environment settings
is the same as the number of the print data.
Use NWADMIN from the workstation to match the number for [Start
Sheet] with the number of the print data in the environment settings for
the target printer.
IPX check sum level settings are different. Use the set command in the file server console screen to check
the IPX check sum is not set to Level 2.
Enter the following command in the file sever console screen to set the
IPX check sum to Level 0 or Level 1. Set Enable IPX Checksum=x (x: 0
or 1)
NCP packet signature level settings are dif-
Use the set command in the file server console screen to check
the NCP packet signature is not set to Level 3.
Enter the following command in the file sever console screen to set the
NCP packet signature to Level 0, 1, or 2 and then restart the file server.
Set NCP Packet Signature Option=x (x: 0, 1, or 2)
Table 4 Printing Not Performed
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
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2-1025 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 16-1
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
2. Check at [Printing not performed as desired]
3. Check at [Printer failure not notified]
4. Check at [Job completion not notified]
The default device name setting is wrong. Print "System Settings List" to check the lower 6 digits (3 bytes) of
the Ethernet address.
1. Use a correct Ethernet address to set the device name.
2. Set the device name to other than the default value.
No directory tree name is set. Print the "System Settings List" to check if a tree name is set. Set a tree name.
Context is not set in place. Print the "System Settings List" to check if a context is set. Set the Context.
Another printer object has been connected. Use NWADMIN from the workstation to check that a correct object
has been allocated in the Layout Information of the desired print
1. Use the CentreWare Utilities CD-ROM from the workstation to set the
file server name/tree/context/operation mode correctly.
2. Use the CentreWare Internet Services from the workstation to set the
file server name/tree/context/operation mode correctly.
The NetWare port is not enabled. Print the "System Settings List" to check if the NetWare port is
Enable the NetWare port.
The file server is down. Search for a target file server from [Network Computers].
A printer with the same device name exists
on a network.
Turn OFF the machine and use NWADMIN from the workstation to
check that the appropriate printer object status is set to job
Use the CentreWare Utilities CD-ROM from the workstation to set a dif-
ferent device name.
The NetWare port is not enabled. Print the "System Settings List" to check if the network number
remains [0000000] (NetWare server down) when the IPX/SPX is
being used.
Also check if the IP address remains [] (Fixed IP address
not set, or address providing server (DHCP) is down) when TCP/
IP is used.
For IPX/SPX, activate the NetWare server.
For TCP/IP, set a fixed IP address or activate the address providing
server (DHCP).
Table 4 Printing Not Performed
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
Table 5 Printing not performed as desired
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
Different printer languages are set in the
print data and the main processor.
Check the printer language in the main processor. Match the printer languages set in the print data and the main proces-
Table 6 Printer failure not notified
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
The notifier is not registered in the notifier
list of the print server.
Use PCONSOLE from the workstation to check that the user
name of a job sender or the group name to which the job sender
belongs is registered in [Print Server Information] > [Printers] >
[Environment Settings for Printer xxx] > [Notification].
Register the user name of a job sender or the group name to which the
job sender belongs in [Notification].
Table 7 Job completion not notified
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
The NOTIFY option was not set for sending
print data from a workstation.
Check that the NOTIFY option is set for sending print data. Set the NOTIFY option for sending print data from a workstation.
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2-1026 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 16-1
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Check for TCP/IP (LPD) Failure
The following describes the possible causes and actions when a failure occurs when TCP/IP
(LPD) is used.
1. For Windows95, Windows98 and Windows Me
2. For Windows NT 4.0, Windows2000, Windows Xp, and Windows Server 2003
When no printing is available or desired printing is not performed, follow the check proce-
dures described below to take the corrective actions.
NetWare CASTOFF was executed on the
user workstation.
- Execute NetWare CASTON on the user workstation.
Table 7 Job completion not notified
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
Table 8 Windows95, Windows98 and Windows Me
Cause Status Display Check Method Corrective Action
The machine is connected to a network that
is different from the computer.
Printing Not Avail-
able status (Network
Check with the Network System Administra-
tor that a router or gateway exists between
the network in which the computer is con-
nected and the network in which the machine
is connected.
Connect the machine directly to the network in which the computer is
Connection cannot be established due to
the failure on the network from a computer
to the printer.
Printing Not Avail-
able status (Network
None. Request the Network System Administrator to check for any network fail-
The machine was turned OFF after print
instruction had been issued from a com-
puter. Or, a print instruction was issued
from a computer when the machine is
turned OFF.
Printing Not Avail-
able status (Network
Check that the machine is turned ON. Turn ON the machine.
Print instructions are issued from multiple
computers to the machine at the same
Printing Not Avail-
able status (Network
None. None (printing will be automatically resumed).
Print files cannot be spooled due to insuffi-
cient computer disk capacity.
Printing Not Avail-
able status (Spool
Open [My Computer] and right-click the disk
in which the system is installed (e.g. Drive
C). Select [Properties] from the displayed
menu to check the free disk space.
Delete unnecessary files to secure the disk free space.
Then, select [Pause] from the [Documents] menu of the [Printers] win-
dow to clear the pause status (resumes printing).
Table 9 Windows NT 4.0, Windows2000, Windows Xp, and Windows Server 2003
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
Incorrect IP address is set. Ask the Network Administrator to check if the IP address set in this
machine is correct.
Set a correct IP address in the machine.
When the LPD spool is set for a memory
spool, the print data size in a single print
instruction sent from a computer exceeds
the upper limit of receivable capacity.
Check the LPD spool memory capacity and compare it with the
print data capacity that is tried to send in a single print instruction.
1. If the print data capacity exceeds the memory capacity upper limit,
split the file into smaller sizes than the memory capacity upper limit and
then send the print instruction.
2. If multiple print data capacities exceed the memory capacity upper
limit, reduce the number of files to be sent for printing at the same time.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1027 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 16-1
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Precautions and Limitations
The following describes the precautions and limitations for TCP/IP (LPD).
Machine Settings
IP addresses are managed in a whole system. Consult with the Network Administrator
thoroughly before perform setting.
Depending on the network environment, perform the subnet mask and gateway settings if
necessary. Consult with the Network Administrator to set necessary settings.
If a memory becomes insufficient when [Enabled] is set for the port status, the port status
may be automatically reset to [Disabled]. In this case, [Disabled] an unused port or
change the memory allocated capacity.
Depending on the usage environment, set the receiving buffer capacity [lpd (Spool)] size.
When the receiving buffer capacity [lpd (Spool)] size is smaller than the sent data, the
data may not be able to be received.
Computer Settings
IP addresses are managed in a whole system. Consult with the Network Administrator
thoroughly before perform setting.
To perform network settings (such as IP address), etc. on the host used under NIS (Net-
work Information Service) management, consult with the NIS Administrator.
At Power OFF
Before turning the machine OFF, take note of the following:
When [Memory] is set for [lpd (Spool)]
All the print data including the data being printed that have been spooled in the machine
memory will be deleted. When the power is turned ON again, no print data remains.
However, if the power is turned OFF immediately after print instruction, the print data may
be stored on the computer. In this case, even if a new print instruction is issued after the
power is turned ON, the stored print data will be printed first.
When [Hard Disk] is set for [lpd (Spool)]
All the print data including the data being printed that have been spooled in the machine
hard disk will be saved. When the power is turned ON again and a new print instruction is
issued, the stored print data will be printed first.
When [Do not spool] is set for [lpd (Spool)]
All the print data including the data being printed that have been spooled in the machine
receiving buffer will be deleted. When the power is turned ON again, no print data
However, if the power is turned OFF immediately after print instruction, the print data may
be stored on the computer. In this case, even if a new print instruction is issued after the
power is turned ON, the stored print data will be printed first.
At Printing
When [Hard Disk] or [Memory] is set for [lpd (Spool)]
When the machine starts receiving print data and the print data size is larger than the
HDD spool area or memory remaining capacity, the print data will not be received.
NOTE: If the print data exceeds the receiving capacity, some computers will resend data
immediately. In this case, the computer looks like stopped. As a corrective action for this,
abort sending the print data on the computer.
When [Do not spool] is set for [lpd (Spool)]
When a print request is received from a computer, the print requests from other comput-
ers cannot be received.
When a computer IP address or name has been changed
When a computer IP address or name has been changed, the inquiry and cancellation of
processes from the main processor cannot be performed properly. Turn the machine OFF
then ON when no print data is stored in the machine receiving buffer.
NOTE: The print cancellation/forced output processes of the print data stored in the
machine receiving buffer can be operated from the machine Operation Panel. Refer to "11
Job Check" in "User Guide" for more information on how to operate.
A failure that cannot be repaired has
occurred during printing.
Check if an error is displayed on the Operation Panel display. Turn the power OFF then ON.
Wait for the display to light off and turn ON the power again.
The transport protocol that matches the
computer is not selected.
Check the selected transport protocol. Select the transport protocol that matches the computer.
The data type of the print data the machine
tries to process is different from the data
type of the print data sent from a computer.
- Make settings so that Ctrl-D will not be output.
The specified printer language is different
from the printer language of the print data.
Check the specified printer language and the printer language of
the print data.
Specify the printer language that matches the printer language in the
print data.
The printer driver attached to the machine
is not used (a printer driver from other man-
ufacturers is used).
Check if the printer driver that was provided with this machine has
been selected.
Select the printer driver that was provided with this machine.
If it is not found in the selection items, install and select the printer driver
that was provided with this machine.
Table 9 Windows NT 4.0, Windows2000, Windows Xp, and Windows Server 2003
Cause Check Method Corrective Action
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1028 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 16-1
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Check for Centreware Internet Services Failure
The following describes the situations and corrective actions when a failure occurs when "Cen-
treWare Internet Services" is used.
Check for Scanning Failure
1. When a document is retrieved from a Mailbox
If [Save] is set for [Delete Document After Retrieval], multiple clients can access to
the same document.
If [Delete] is set for [Delete Document After Retrieval], only 1 client can access to the
same document. The document stored or read by a client cannot be viewed from the
other clients.
In both cases, documents can be added to the accessed Mailbox.
The documents that have been retrieved using CentreWare Internet Services will not
be deleted regardless of the setting in [Delete Document After Retrieval].
2. Screen Display
When the document with a lot of colors is scanned, they cannot be displayed properly in
the display mode that displays using fewer colors than the scanned colors. Use the dis-
play mode that allows displaying using more colors than the colors used in the image.
3. A network scanner driver and Mailbox Viewer 2 are used at the same time.
When a computer uses a network scanner driver and Mailbox Viewer 2 at the same time,
the computer cannot connect to the printer.
When multiple computers use the network scanner drivers or Mailbox Viewer 2 to retrieve
documents from the same machine at the same time, up to 3 computers can be con-
4. When the documents stored in Mailbox is printed
When stored documents are to be printed (the documents are to be retrieved) by select-
ing [Mailbox] from the machine touch panel display, scanned documents cannot be
5. When a TIFF file is used
The TIFF files that have been created using CentreWare Scan Services or Mailbox
Viewer 2 are compressed using the MMR, MH, JBIG, or JPEG compression method. To
open a TIFF file, use the application software applicable for those compression methods.
NOTE: JBIG compressed TIFF files cannot be created in Mailbox Viewer 2.
6. Restrictions on Scan Capacity and No. of Sheets
The maximum read capacity for a page is 297x432mm. A3 or 11x17" for the standard
The Mailbox method allows up to 999 sheets to be read in a single scan operation.
Check for Mail Failure
Corrective Action
Table 10 CWIS
Symptoms Corrective Action
Cannot be connected to "Cen-
treWare Internet Services".
Check that the machine is operating properly. Check that the
machine is turned ON.
Same as above Check that "Internet Services" is activated. Print the "System
Settings List" for checking.
Same as above Check that the Internet address has been entered properly.
Check the Internet address again. If connection is not suc-
cessful, enter the IP address and try connection.
Same as above Check if a proxy server is used. Some proxy servers disable
connection. When proxy server is not used, set the Web
browser to "Do not use proxy server" or set the used address
to "Do not use proxy server".
[Wait for a while] appears and
Wait for a while without any action. If the situation has not
been changed, select the [Refresh] button. If the situation
does not change after selecting the [Refresh] button, check if
the machine is operating properly.
The [Refresh] button is not
functioning. Or, even if a
menu in the left frame is
selected, the right frame can-
not be refreshed.
Check that the specified Web browser is used. Refer to "Com-
munication (Port/Protocol) Setting Items in CentreWare Inter-
net Services" in User Guide to check the used Web browser is
The screen display collapses. Change the Web browser window size.
The latest information is not
Select the [Refresh] button.
Selecting the [Apply new set-
tings] button does not reflect
Check that the entered values are correct. If invalid values
have been entered, they are automatically changed to values
within the limit range.
Same as above Check that the machine is operating or has completed opera-
tion using the machine Operation Panel. If Auto Reset func-
tion is set, the settings in CentreWare Internet Services will
not be applied until the specified time has passed. Wait for a
Selecting [Apply new set-
tings] button displays a mes-
sage such as [Invalid or
unrecognizable response was
returned from the server] or
[No data found] on the Web
1. Check if the password is correct. The password confirma-
tion entry does not match. Enter a correct password. 2.
Restart the machine.
Jobs cannot be deleted. Wait for a while and then select the [Refresh] button.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1029 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 16-1, OF 99-1
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
The following describes the corrective actions for troubles when Mail Notice Service, Print E-
mail, or Scanner (Send E-mail) is used.
OF 99-1 Reflective Sensor RAP
Sensors consist of a light-emitting diode and a photo transistor. When energized, the light from
the LED causes the photo transistor to conduct, drawing current through a pull-up resistor. The
voltage drop across the resistor causes the input signal to the control logic to change from a
high to a low.
Reflective sensors operate by light from the LED being reflected off the paper to the photo tran-
sistor, causing the output of the sensor to go to the low (L) state.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the sensor is not actuated.
NOTE: To view the Circuit Diagram for this procedure refer to (Figure 1).
Enter the component control code indicated in the Procedure and/or Circuit Diagram of the
RAP that sent you here. Actuate the sensor using a sheet of paper. The display changes
with each actuation.
Clean the sensor and then block and unblock it. The display changes with each actua-
Access to some sensors in this machine is difficult. Follow the Y leg if you can
access the sensor connector. Follow the N leg if access is not possible. The sen-
sor connector is accessible.
Check the voltage at the output of the PWB or power supply (refer to the Circuit
Diagram). In Figure 1 for this generic procedure, voltage is provided from J533
on the I/F (MDD) PWB. Check for pull-up voltage for the output signal. This volt-
age will be either +5 VDC or +3.3 VDC depending on the circuit (refer to the
sensors BDSD or Circuit Diagram for the correct voltage). The voltage corre-
sponds with the voltage shown in the Circuit Diagram.
Check for short circuit(s) that may be loading down the line. Check the
power input to the PWB(s). If this does not resolve the problem, replace
the PWB.
Refer to the Circuit Diagram. Check the wires from the PWB to the sensor for
opens, shorts, or loose contacts. If the wires are OK, replace the sensor. If this
does not resolve the problem, replace the PWB
The display indicates a constant L.
Check for +5VDC to the sensor (typically pins 1 and 3 on a 3 pin connec-
tor). +5 VDC is present.
Use the circuit diagram and/or the wirenets in Section 7 to trace the prob-
Table 11 Mail Failure
Symptoms Corrective Action
Cannot receive mails
(Print E-mail)
1. Check that the machine mail address has been set.
2. Check that [Receive E-mail] is set to [Enabled].
3. Check that the SMTP server IP address and the POP3 server IP
address (when POP3 is selected for receiving protocol), etc. are
set properly.
4. Check that the POP user name and password are set properly.
5. Check that [Domain List] has been set. Check that the user's
domain is included in the receive-allowed domains using Centre-
Ware Internet Services.
6. Check that the SMTP and POP servers are operating properly.
Check with the Network Administrator.
Mails cannot be sent
(Mail Notice, Scanner
(Send E-mail))
1. Check that the machine mail address has been set.
2. Check that [Mail Notice Service] is set to [Enabled]. (For mail
3. Check that [Send E-mail] is set to [Enabled].
4. Check that the SMTP server IP address etc. is set properly.
5. Check that the notification items to be sent have been set cor-
rectly. (For Mail Notice) Check settings from the CentreWare Inter-
net Services Properties screen.
6. Check that the send destination mail address has been entered
7. Check that the SMTP server is operating properly. Check with
the Network Administrator.
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1030 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 99-1, OF 99-2
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
Disconnect the sensor. Use a jumper wire to connect the output wire from the
sensor (typically pin 2 on a 3 pin connector) to DC COM or GND. The display
changes from H to L.
There is either an open circuit or a failed PWB. Use the Circuit Diagram to
trace the output wire to the PWB. If the wire is OK, replace the PWB.
Replace the sensor.
Disconnect the sensor. The display indicates H.
When sensors are unplugged, the input at the PWB should always be high if
there is no harness short or PWB failure. Check the output wire from the sensor
(typically pin 2 on a 3 pin connector) to the PWB for a short circuit. If the wire is
good, replace the PWB. Figure 1 represents a typical sensor for this machine.
The sensor is shorted. Replace the sensor.
Look for unusual sources of contamination.
The sensor and the circuit appear to operate normally. Check the adjustment of the sensor.
Clean the sensor. Check for intermittent connections, shorted, or open wires. If the problem
continues, replace the sensor.
Figure 1 Typical Reflective Sensor Circuit Diagram
OF 99-2 Transmissive Sensor
Sensors consist of a light-emitting diode and a photo transistor. When energized, the light from
the LED causes the photo transistor to conduct, drawing current through a pull-up resistor. The
voltage drop across the resistor causes the input signal to the control logic to change from a
high to a low.
Transmissive sensors have a flag or actuator that is pushed into the space between the LED
and transistor, blocking the light beam and causing the output of the sensor to go to the high
(H) state. This actuation may be caused by a sheet of paper striking a pivoting flag, or a rotat-
ing actuator on a shaft or roll.
Some sensors have built-in inverters and the outputs will go to the low (L) state when the sen-
sors are blocked. In other situations, the processing of the signal in control logic may cause the
logic level displayed on the UI or the PWS to be the opposite of the actual voltage output by the
sensor. The specific RAP and/or Circuit Diagram will indicate if this is the case. Figure 1 is an
example of a typical sensor circuit for this machine
NOTE: To view the Circuit Diagram for this procedure refer to (Figure 1).
Enter the component control code indicated in the specific RAP and/or Circuit Diagram. Block
and unblock the sensor. The display changes with each actuation.
Clean the sensor and then block and unblock it. The display changes with each actua-
Access to some sensors in this machine is difficult. Follow the Y leg if you can
access the sensor connector. Follow the N leg if access is not possible. The sen-
sor connector is accessible.
Check for +5VDC at the output of the PWB or power supply. Refer to (Figure 1)
as an example in this generic procedure, voltage is provided from J533 on the I/
F (MDD) PWB. Check for pull-up voltage for the output signal. This voltage will
be either +5 VDC or +3.3 VDC, depending on the circuit. Refer to the sensors
BSD or circuit diagram for the correct voltage.
Check for short circuit(s) that may be loading down the line. Check the
power input to the PWB(s). If this does not resolve the problem, replace
the PWB.
Refer to the sensors Circuit Diagram. Check the wires from the PWB to the
sensor for opens, shorts, or loose contacts. If the wires are OK, replace the
sensor. If this does not resolve the problem, replace the PWB
The display indicates a constant L
Check for +5VDC to the sensor (typically pins 1 and 3 on a 3 pin connec-
tor). +5 VDC is present.
Use the circuit diagram and /or the wirenets in Section 7 to trace the prob-
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1031 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 99-2, OF 99-3
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
Disconnect the sensor. Use a jumper wire to connect the output wire from the
sensor (typically pin 2 on a 3 pin connector) to DC COM or GND. The display
changes from H to L.
There is either an open circuit or a failed PWB. Use the Circuit Diagram to
trace the output wire to the PWB. If the wire is OK, replace the PWB.
Replace the sensor.
Disconnect the sensor. The display indicates H.
When sensors are unplugged, the input at the PWB should always be high if
there is no harness short or PWB failure. Check the output wire from the sensor
(typically pin 2 on a 3 pin connector) to the PWB for a short circuit. If the wire is
good, replace the PWB. Figure 1 represents a typical sensor for this machine
The sensor is shorted. Replace the sensor.
Look for unusual sources of contamination.
The sensor and the circuit appear to operate normally. Check the adjustment of the sensor.
Clean the sensor. Check the sensor actuator/flag for proper operation. Check for intermittent
connections, shorted, or open wires. If the problem continues, replace the sensor.
Figure 1 Typical Transmissive Sensor Circuit Diagram
OF 99-3 Switch
NOTE: To view the Circuit Diagram for this procedure refer to (Figure 1).
Enter Component Control [XXX-XXX]. Actuate the switch. The display changed.
There is +3.5 / 5VDC measured between Pin 2(+) of the Switch and GND(-).
Check the wire between the switch Pin 2 and the PWB Pin 3 for an open circuit and
poor contact. If the check is OK, replace the PWB.
There is +3.5 / 5VDC measured between Pin 1(+) of the Switch and GND(-).
Replace the switch.
Check the wire between the PWB Pin 4 and the switch Pin 1 for an open circuit and poor
contact. If the check is OK, replace the PWB.
De-actuate the switch. The display changed.
Disconnect the connector on the switch. The display changed.
Check for a short between the switch Pin 2 and the PWB Pin 3. If the check is OK,
replace the PWB.
Replace the switch.
Replace the switch.
Figure 1 2003
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1032 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 99-4
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
OF 99-4 Generic Solenoid/Clutch RAP
Solenoids and electric clutches are essentially electromagnets. Typically, a positive voltage is
applied to one end of a coil, and a current driver is connected to the other end. Control Logic
switches this driver to GND potential, actuating the magnet. Bi-directional solenoids have a
bipolar driver connected to each end. One leg is switched to 24 VDC and the other to GND.
Figure 1 is a circuit diagram of a typical solenoid.
Initial Actions
Ensure that there is no damage or binding in the solenoid or in any mechanical linkage. If there
is an Adjustment for the clutch or solenoid, make sure that the procedure was performed cor-
The clutch/solenoid is always energized.
Enter the component control code (Component Control) given in the RAP or the Circuit
Diagram. Press the Start button The Clutch or solenoid energizes.
Press the Stop button There is +24 VDC between the switched leg (J407 pin A6
in the example, Figure 1) of the control PWB and GND.
There is +24 VDC between the powered leg (J407 pin A7 in the example,
Figure 1) of the control PWB and GND.
Disconnect the connector (J407 in the example, Figure 1). There is +24
VDC between the powered leg of the control PWB and GND.
Refer to the 24 VDC wirenets. check the input power to the control
PWB. +24 VDC is present.
Use the 24 VDC wirenets to troubleshoot the problem.
Replace the control PWB.
Check the wire in the powered leg of the circuit, (J407 pin A7 in the exam-
ple, Figure 1) for a short circuit to GND. If the wire is OK, replace the
clutch or solenoid.
Disconnect the connector (J407 in the example, Figure 1). Check continuity
through the two wires and the clutch or solenoid. There is less than 100
ohms between the two legs of the circuit.
Disconnect the clutch or solenoid. Check continuity through the two wires
and the clutch or solenoid. There is less than 100 ohms across the
clutch or solenoid.
Replace the clutch or solenoid.
One of the two wires between the control PWB and the clutch or solenoid
is open. Repair or replace the wiring as required.
Replace the control PWB.
Press the Start button. There is less than 1 VDC between the switched leg of the
control PWB and GND.
Replace the PWB.
Replace the clutch or solenoid.
The clutch or solenoid appears to be functioning correctly. Refer to the Circuit Diagram for
the RAP that sent you here. Check the wires for loose connections or damage that may
cause intermittent operation. Perform any required adjustments.
There is a short circuit on the switched leg (J407 pin A6 in the example) from the solenoid or
clutch. Check the wire for a short circuit to GND. If the wire is OK, replace the solenoid. If the
problem persists, replace the controlling PWB.
Figure 1 Typical Solenoid/Clutch Circuit Diagram
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1033 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 99-6, OF 99-7
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
OF 99-6 2 Wire Motor Open
NOTE: Before performing this RAP, ensure that the motor is free to rotate.
NOTE: To view the Circuit Diagram for this procedure refer to (Figure 1).
Enter the Component Control [XXX-XXX].
There is +24VDC measured between Pin 3(+) of the PWB and GND(-).
There is +24VDC measured between the Motor Pin 2(+) of the Motor and GND(-).
There is +24VDC measured between the Motor Pin 1(+) of the Motor and GND(-).
There is +24VDC measured between the PWB Pin 4(+) of the PWB and GND(-
Replace the PWB.
Check the wire between the PWB Pin 4 and the Motor Pin 1 for an open circuit
or poor contact.
Replace the motor.
Check the wire between the PWB Pin 3 and the Motor Pin 2 for an open circuit or poor
Replace the PWB.
Figure 1 Motor CD
OF 99-7 2 Wire Motor On
NOTE: To view the Circuit Diagram for this procedure refer to (Figure 1).
Turn off the power. Remove the PWB connector. There is 10 Ohms or less measured
between the connector Pin 3 and the frame.
Replace the PWB.
Check the wire between the connector Pin 3 and the motor Pin 2 for a short circuit.
If the check is OK, replace the motor.
Figure 1 Motor CD
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1034 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 99-8
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
OF 99-8 Set Gate Solenoid Open
NOTE: To view the Circuit Diagram for this procedure refer to (Figure 1).
There is +24VDC measured between the Nip/Release Solenoid Pin 1 (+) and GND (-).
There is +24VDC measured between the PWB Pin 5 (+) and GND(-).
Check +24VDC inputs on the PWB. If the check is OK, replace the PWB.
Check the wire between the PWB Pin 5 and the Nip/Release Solenoid Pin 1 for an open
circuit or poor contact.
Enter Component Control [XXX-XXX]. There is +24VDC measured between the PWB Pin 4
(+) and GND(-).
There is +24VDC measured between the Nip/Release Solenoid Pin 3 (+) and GND (-
Replace the Nip/Release Solenoid.
Check the wire between the PWB Pin 4 and the Nip/Release Solenoid Pin 3 for an open
circuit and poor contact.
Follow the following when the release caused a problem.
Go to the Component Control [XXX-XXX]. There is +24VDC measured between the PWB
Pin 6 (+) and GND(-).
There is +24VDC measured between the Nip/Release Solenoid Pin 2 (+) and GND (-)
Replace the Nip/Release Solenoid.
Check the wire between the PWB Pin 6 and the Nip/Release Solenoid Pin 2 for an open
circuit or poor contact.
Replace the PWB.
Figure 1 Nip Solenoid CD
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1035 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 99-9
Status Indicator RAPs Initial Issue
OF 99-9 Multiple Wire Motor
For use on DC motors that:
have 1 or 2 DC power inputs
are controlled by 2 or more drivers
have no DC COM connections for return power
have no specific feedback circuits
NOTE: To view the Circuit Diagram for this procedure refer to (Figure 1).
Connect black meter lead to ground. Measure voltage at each pin of J2 (example only, refer to
the actual Circuit Diagram for the correct voltage and connector designation). +24 VDC is
measured at each pin.
Disconnect J2. Measure voltage at P2-1 and P2-6. +24 VDC is measured.
Switch machine off then on. Measure voltage at P2-1 and P2-6. +24 VDC is mea-
If an interlock circuit is present, check the interlock circuit. Repair as required. If
the interlock circuit is good, replace the PWB.
Check the motor wires for a short circuit. If the wires are good, replace the Motor.
Check the motor wires for obvious damage. If the wires are good, replace the Motor.
Replace the PWB.
Figure 1 Motor CD
BUS Updated 12/2011
2-1036 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation OF 99-9
Initial Issue Status Indicator RAPs
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-1 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
3 Image Quality
Image Quality RAPs
IQ1 IOT Image Quality Entry RAP .................................................................................. 3-3
IQ2 IIT Image Quality Entry RAP .................................................................................... 3-3
IQ3 Low Image Density RAP .......................................................................................... 3-4
IQ4 Wrinkled Image RAP................................................................................................ 3-4
IQ5 Residual Image (Ghosting) RAP .............................................................................. 3-5
IQ6 Background RAP...................................................................................................... 3-5
IQ7 Deletion RAP............................................................................................................ 3-6
IQ8 Skew/Misregistration RAP........................................................................................ 3-6
IQ9 Process Direction Bands, Streaks and Smears RAP............................................... 3-7
IQ10 Unfused Copy/Toner Offset RAP ........................................................................... 3-8
IQ11 Repeating Bands, Streaks, Spots and Smears RAP.............................................. 3-8
IQ12 Mottle RAP ............................................................................................................. 3-9
IQ13 Spots RAP.............................................................................................................. 3-9
IQ14 Black Prints RAP.................................................................................................... 3-10
IQ15 Blank Image RAP................................................................................................... 3-10
Copy Quality Specifications
Copy Quality Specifications ............................................................................................ 3-13
IQS1 Solid Area Density Specification............................................................................ 3-16
IQS2 Uniformity Specification ......................................................................................... 3-17
IQS3 Exposure Level Specification................................................................................. 3-18
IQS4 Lead Edge Registration Specification.................................................................... 3-19
IQS5 Side Edge Registration Specification..................................................................... 3-20
IQS6 Skew Specification................................................................................................. 3-21
IQS7 Lead Edge Deletion Specification.......................................................................... 3-22
IQS8 Trail Edge Deletion Specification........................................................................... 3-23
IQS9 Side Edge Deletion Specification........................................................................... 3-24
IQS10 Resolution Specification....................................................................................... 3-25
IQS11 Skips And Smears Specification.......................................................................... 3-26
IQS12 Magnification Specification .................................................................................. 3-27
IQS13 Background Specification .................................................................................... 3-28
Defect Samples
Image Defect Samples.................................................................................................... 3-29
Auger Mark...................................................................................................................... 3-29
Strobing (28mm or 14mm Pitch Density) ........................................................................ 3-30
White Streaks (Process Direction) .................................................................................. 3-30
Black Bands .................................................................................................................... 3-31
Toner Contamination....................................................................................................... 3-31
Toner Splattering............................................................................................................. 3-32
White Spots (Irregular) .................................................................................................... 3-32
Transparency Offset (80mm Pitch Ghosts) ..................................................................... 3-33
Regular Blanks In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.) ................................. 3-33
Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.) .......... 3-34
Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Side 2) .......................................... 3-35
Transparency Blocking.................................................................................................... 3-35
Moire Due To Interference With Copy Original ............................................................... 3-36
Light Background Due To Auto Exposure In Copies Of Originals With Frames ............. 3-36
Fluctuation In Auto Exposure Values For Copies Of Originals Of Medium Density........ 3-37
Gradation Jump In Text & Photo Mode For 100 lpi Photo Originals ............................... 3-38
CVT (Constant Velocity Transport) Scan Streaks........................................................... 3-39
Defects Related To Scan Print ........................................................................................ 3-39
Moire In Text Mode (Fine) B/W Scan/Fax For 133 lpi Originals...................................... 3-40
Black Discoloration Around White Texts In Medium Density Background ...................... 3-40
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-2 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-3 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ1, IQ2
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQ1 IOT Image Quality Entry RAP
Initial Actions
Determine whether the problem occurs in Copy Mode or Printer Mode. If the problem occurs in
Copy Mode, go to IQ2 IIT Image Quality Entry RAP.
Determine the problem and go to the relevant RAP.
IQ2 IIT Image Quality Entry RAP
Initial Actions
Clean the Platen Glass.
Clean the mirrors and lens with lint-free cloth.
Determine the problem and go to the relevant RAP.
Table 1 Print Quality
Problem Symptoms RAP
Low Image Density Overall low density of images. IQ3 RAP
Wrinkled Image The printed paper is wrinkled, folded or torn. IQ4 RAP
Residual Image
Ghost images appear on the paper. Parts of the previous
page or current page appear as ghost images on the
Background Toner smudges appear on the whole or part of the page.
The smudges appear as extremely bright gray stains.
Deletion Part of the image is missing. IQ7 RAP
Skew/Misregistration Printed images are not parallel to the edges of the paper. IQ8 RAP
Process Direction
Bands, Streaks and
Vertical black lines or white streaks running in the direc-
tion of the paper orientation.
Unfused Copy/Toner
Printed images are not properly fused onto the paper.
The images come off easily when rubbed.
Repeating Bands,
Streaks, Spots and
Horizontal black lines or white streaks running in the
direction of the paper orientation.
Mottle Uneven printed image density. IQ12 RAP
Spots Toner spots are spread irregularly over the whole page. IQ13 RAP
Black Prints Paper is printed completely black. IQ14 RAP
Blank Image Paper is printed completely white. IQ15 RAP
Table 1 Image Quality
Problem Symptoms RAP
Low Image Density Overall low density of images. IQ3 RAP
Background Toner smudges appear on the whole or part of the page.
The smudges appear as extremely bright gray stains.
Process Direction
Bands, Streaks and
Vertical black lines or white streaks running in the direc-
tion of the paper orientation.
Repeating Bands,
Streaks, Spots and
Horizontal black lines or white streaks running in the
direction of the paper orientation.
Spots Toner spots are spread irregularly over the whole page. IQ13 RAP
Black Prints Paper is printed completely black. IQ14 RAP
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-4 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ3, IQ4
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQ3 Low Image Density RAP
Overall low density of images.
Check for dirt on the Platen Glass. The Platen Glass is clean.
Clean the Platen Glass. If there is a stubborn stain, replace the Platen Glass.
Check the drum ground contact point for dirt and distortion. The drum ground contact point
is clean and there is no distortion.
Clean the drum ground contact point and correct the distortion.
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Set to print a black copy. During the print cycle, turn off the power after the feeding sound is
heard (i.e. terminate processing midway through copying). Check the surface of the drum.
There is a considerable amount of toner left on the surface of the drum.
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL
Replace the BTR. If the problem persists, replace the HVPS and the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
IQ4 Wrinkled Image RAP
The printed paper is wrinkled, folded or torn.
Check the paper type. Paper used is within specifications.
Use paper within specifications.
Use paper from a freshly opened packet. The problem reoccurs.
Remove the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Check for foreign substances and distortions in the paper delivery path. There are no foreign
substances or distortions in the paper delivery path.
Remove the foreign substances and correct the distortion.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-5 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ5, IQ6
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQ5 Residual Image (Ghosting) RAP
Ghost images appear on the paper. Parts of the previous page or current page appear as ghost
images on the paper.
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Remove the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). Check for dirt on the surface of the Heat Roll. The surface
of the Heat Roll is clean.
Clean the Heat Roll. If there is difficulty in removing the dirt, replace the Fuser Unit (PL
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.1). If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
IQ6 Background RAP
Toner smudges appear on the whole or part of the page. The smudges appear as extremely
bright gray stains.
Check for dirt on the Platen Glass. The Platen Glass is clean.
Clean the Platen Glass. If there is a stubborn stain, replace the Platen Glass (PL 1.2).
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Check the surface of the BTR for dirt and distortion. The surface of the BTR is clean and
there is no distortion.
Clean the BTR. If there is distortion, replace the BTR (PL 6.1).
Remove the HVPS and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem reoccurs.
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.1). If the problem persists, replace the HVPS and the ESS
PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-6 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ7, IQ8
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQ7 Deletion RAP
Part of the image is missing.
Check the paper type. Paper used is within specifications.
Use paper within specifications.
Use paper from a freshly opened packet. The problem reoccurs.
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print. The prob-
lem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Check the surface of the BTR for distortion. There is no distortion on the surface of the
Replace the BTR (PL 6.1).
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
IQ8 Skew/Misregistration RAP
Printed images are not parallel to the edges of the paper.
Check the location where the machine is installed. The machine is installed on a stable hor-
izontal surface.
Install the machine on a stable horizontal surface.
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Check the installation of the Paper Cassette. The Paper Cassette is correctly installed.
Install the Paper Cassette correctly.
Check for distortion in the paper delivery path. There is no distortion in the paper delivery
Correct the distortion or replace the distorted part.
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-7 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ9
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQ9 Process Direction Bands, Streaks and Smears RAP
Vertical black lines or white streaks running in the direction of the paper orientation.
Check the IIT Carriage Mirrors for scratches and dirt. There are no scratches or dirt on the
Clean the mirrors. If there is a scratch or stubborn stain, replace the Number1/Number2/
Number3 Mirror (PL 1.4 & PL 1.5).
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Check the surface of the BTR for dirt and distortion. The surface of the BTR is clean and
there is no distortion.
Clean the BTR. If there is distortion, replace the BTR (PL 6.1).
Check for dirt in the paper delivery path. The paper delivery path is clean.
Clean the paper delivery path.
Check the IIT Carriage Mirror. The mirror is clean and there is no distortion.
Clean the mirror. If there is distortion, replace the mirror.
Remove the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). Check for dirt on the surface of the Heat Roll. The surface
of the Heat Roll is clean.
Clean the Heat Roll. If there is difficulty in removing the dirt, replace the Fuser Unit (PL
Check the surface of the BTR for dirt and distortion. The surface of the BTR is clean and
there is no distortion.
Clean the BTR. If there is distortion, replace the BTR (PL 6.1).
Check the IIT Carriage Mirror. The mirror is clean and there is no distortion.
Clean the mirror. If there is distortion, replace the mirror.
Check the ROS Window for scratches and distortion. The ROS Window is clean and there
are no scratches.
Clean the ROS Window. If there is a scratch, replace the ROS Window.
Replace the ROS Unit (PL 2.1). If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If the
problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-8 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ10, IQ11
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQ10 Unfused Copy/Toner Offset RAP
Printed images are not properly fused onto the paper. The images come off easily when
Check the paper type. Paper used is within specifications.
Use paper within specifications.
Use paper stored under room conditions. The problem reoccurs.
Check the power supply voltage. The voltage is within the specified range.
Connect a power supply with voltage within the specified range.
Remove the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1) and reinstall. The problem reoccurs.
Check the fusing temperature using the Diagnostics. A normal fusing temperature is set.
Set a normal fusing temperature.
Replace the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
IQ11 Repeating Bands, Streaks, Spots and Smears RAP
Horizontal black lines or white streaks running in the direction of the paper orientation.
Check the moving parts of the IIT Carriage for foreign substances and distortion. There are
no foreign substances or distortion of the parts.
Remove the foreign substances. If there is distortion in the Capstan Pulley, Capstan Shaft
or Carriage Cable (PL 1.3), replace the parts accordingly.
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Check the surface of the BTR for dirt and distortion. The surface of the BTR is clean and
there is no distortion.
Clean the BTR. If there is distortion, replace the BTR (PL 6.1).
Check the pitch of the black streaks or blanks. The pitch of the black streaks or blanks are
approx.78mm (the circumference of the Heat Roll).
Clean the Heat Roll. If there is difficulty in removing the dirt, replace the Fuser Unit (PL
Replace the ROS Unit (PL 2.1). If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If the
problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-9 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ12, IQ13
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQ12 Mottle RAP
Uneven printed image density.
Check the paper type. Paper used is within specifications.
Use paper within specifications.
Use paper from a freshly opened packet. The problem reoccurs.
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Check the surface of the BTR for dirt and distortion. The surface of the BTR is clean and
there is no distortion.
Clean the BTR. If there is distortion, replace the BTR (PL 6.1).
Remove the HVPS and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem reoccurs.
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
IQ13 Spots RAP
Toner spots are spread irregularly over the whole page.
Check for dirt on the Platen Glass. The Platen Glass is clean.
Clean the Platen Glass. If there is a stubborn stain, replace the Platen Glass (PL 1.2).
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Check the surface of the BTR for dirt and distortion. The surface of the BTR is clean and
there is no distortion.
Clean the BTR. If there is distortion, replace the BTR (PL 6.1).
Check for dirt in the paper delivery path. The paper delivery path is clean.
Clean the paper delivery path.
Remove the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1). Check for dirt on the surface of the Heat Roll. The surface
of the Heat Roll is clean.
Clean the Heat Roll. If there is difficulty in removing the dirt, replace the Fuser Unit (PL
Check the paper type. Paper used is within specifications.
Use paper within specifications.
Use paper from a freshly opened packet. The problem reoccurs.
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-10 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ14, IQ15
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQ14 Black Prints RAP
Paper is printed completely black.
BSD-Reference: BSD 6.8 - ROS Laser Control (1 of 2)
Check the moving parts of the IIT Carriage for foreign substances and distortion. There are
no foreign substances or distortion of the parts.
Remove the foreign substances. If there is distortion in the Capstan Pulley, Capstan Shaft
or Carriage Cable (PL 1.3), replace the parts accordingly.
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Remove the HVPS and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem reoccurs.
Check the connections of P500 at the HVPS and P/J403 on the MCU PWB. The connec-
tors are connected correctly.
Connect the connectors.
Check the wires between P500 at the HVPS and P/J403 on the MCU PWB for an open circuit
or a short circuit. The wires are conducting without an open circuit or a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Check the wires between P/J160 and P/J170 on the ROS, and P/J405 on the MCU PWB;
and between P/J401 on the MCU PWB and P/J328 on the ESS PWB for an open circuit or a
short circuit. The wires are conducting without an open circuit or a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the HVPS (PL 18.1). If the problem reoccurs, replace the ROS (PL 2.1). If the problem
reoccurs, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2). If the problem reoccurs, replace the ESS PWB (PL
IQ15 Blank Image RAP
Paper is printed completely white.
BSD-Reference: BSD 6.8 - ROS Laser Control (1 of 2)
Check the installation of the ROS (REP 6.2). The ROS is installed correctly.
Install the ROS correctly (REP 6.2).
Check the drum ground contact point for dirt and distortion. The drum ground contact point
is clean and there is no distortion.
Clean the drum ground contact point and correct the distortion.
Remove the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) and reinstall. Turn the power Off/On and print.
The problem reoccurs.
Install a new Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1). Turn the power Off/On and print. The problem
Set to print a black copy. During the print cycle, turn off the power after the feeding sound is
heard (i.e. terminate processing midway through copying). Check the surface of the drum.
There is a considerable amount of toner left on the surface of the drum.
Check the connections of P/J140 at the ROS and P/J404 on the MCU PWB. The con-
nectors are connected correctly.
Connect the connectors.
Check the installation of the ROS (REP 6.2). The ROS is installed correctly.
Install the ROS correctly (REP 6.2).
Measure the voltage at P/J404 Pin 2 on the MCU PWB. The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
Check the wires between P/J140 at the ROS and P/J404 on the MCU PWB for an open
circuit or a short circuit. The wire are conducting without an open circuit or a short
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the ROS Unit (PL 2.1). If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-11 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ15
Image Quality Initial Issue
Replace the BTR (PL 6.1). If the problem persists, replace the HVPS (PL 18.1) and the MCU
PWB (PL 18.2).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-12 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IQ15
Initial Issue Image Quality
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-13 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
Copy Quality Specifications
Test Patterns
Test Patterns
1. The following test patterns are used with those products.
Standard Test Pattern: USCO/XCL, 82P524; XL, 82P521.
Output Reference Guide: USCO/XL, SIR 542.00.
Visual Scale: USCO/XL, 82P448
Standard Test Pattern, 82P524/82P521
This test pattern is the standard multinational test pattern used for the evaluation of copy qual-
ity for those products.
Side A (Figure 1) is used to evaluate solid area density, uniformity, exposure level, registration,
skew, and lead edge deletion.
Figure 1 Standard Test Pattern (Side A)
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-14 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
Side B (Figure 2) is used to evaluate skips and smears, resolution, and magnification.
Figure 2 Standard Test Pattern (Side B)
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-15 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
Output Reference Guide, SIR542.00
This test document serves as a reference guide for measuring the solid area density of the
Side A copies of the test pattern, 82P524 and 82P521 (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Output Reference Guide, SIR542.00
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-16 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQS1 Solid Area Density Specification
Using Side A of the Standard Test Pattern (Figure 1), evaluate the solid area density per the
following table.
Figure 1 Standard Test Pattern (Side A)
Table 1 Solid Area Density Specification
Mode Specification
1 Normal The 1.0 solid area density nearest the center of the
copy should be the 1.0 solid area density block on
the Output Reference Guide.
1.0 1.0
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-17 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQS2 Uniformity Specification
Make a copy of Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
The density of all the 1.0 blocks are same (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Standard Test Pattern 1.0 Blocks
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-18 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQS3 Exposure Level Specification
Use Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
In the Standard Copy mode, and with the copy darkness control set at the middle of the scale,
the 0.20G(Or0.20B) line pair must be copied completely.
In the Standard Copy mode, and with the copy darkness control set two level lighter from at the
middle of the scale, the 0.10 line pair should not copy at all (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Exposure Level
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-19 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQS4 Lead Edge Registration Specification
Use Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
The center 10 mm reference line on the copy must be 10 mm (plus or minus the ranges listed
in the following charts) from the lead edge of a 100% copy (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Lead Edge Registration
Table 1 Specification of Lead Edge Registration
Configuration Range
Platen (Simplex) +/-1.6mm
Platen (Duplex) +/-2.0mm
Platen (MPT) +/-2.2mm
DADF (Simplex) +/-2.2mm
DADF (Duplex) +/-3.0mm
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-20 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQS5 Side Edge Registration Specification
Use Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
For a copy that is folded in half, the crease in the copy should be within the following ranges
from the center line of a 100% copy (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Side Edge Registration
Table 1 Specification of Side Edge Registration
Configuration Range
Platen (Simplex) +/-2.1mm
Platen (Duplex) +/-2.5mm
Platen (MPT) +/-3.0mm
DADF (Simplex) +/-2.9mm
DADF (Duplex) +/-3.2mm
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-21 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQS6 Skew Specification
Use Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
Skew must be within the following ranges (with respect to each other) at the two 10 mm refer-
ence lines shown (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Skew
Table 1 Specification of Skew
Configuration Range
Platen (Simplex) +/-1.42
Platen (Duplex) +/-1.87
Platen (MPT) +/-1.78
DADF (Simplex) +/-2.04
DADF (Duplex) +/-2.40
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-22 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQS7 Lead Edge Deletion Specification
Use Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
The image deleted intentionally along the lead edge must be 2.0 mm from the lead edge of the
copy (Figure 1).(maximum is 4mm)
Figure 1 Lead Edge Deletion
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-23 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQS8 Trail Edge Deletion Specification
Use Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
The image deleted intentionally along the trail edge must be 2mm from the trail edge of the
copy (Figure 1). (maximum is 4mm)
Figure 1 Trail Edge Deletion
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-24 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQS9 Side Edge Deletion Specification
Use Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
The image deleted intentionally along both of side edge must be 2mm from the side edge of
the copy (Figure 1). (maximum is 4mm)
Figure 1 Side Edge Deletion
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-25 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQS10 Resolution Specification
Use Side B of the Standard Test Pattern.
The complete resolution of designated LP/mm lines for specific magnification percentages is
listed in Table below.
It is also required that the designated LP/mm lines be resolved in the top-to-bottom direction
and the side-to-side direction over the entire copy (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Resolution
Table 1 Resolution Specifications
Magnification(%) Resolution LP/mm
70 2.5
100 4.3
141 3.5
200 3.5
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-26 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQS11 Skips And Smears Specification
Use Side B of the Standard Test Pattern.
Except for the first 2 mm from the lead edge of the copy, 1.8 ladder chart must be completely
[100% /Enlargement]
Except for the first 2 mm from the lead edge of the copy, 2.5 ladder chart must be completely
resolved (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Skips and Smears
Table 1 Skips and Smears Specifications
Magnification(%) Ladder LP/mm
70 1.8
100 2.5
141 2.5
200 2.5
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3-27 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Image Quality Initial Issue
IQS12 Magnification Specification
Use Side B of the Standard Test Pattern.
The tolerance for each magnification setting in the lead edge to trail edge direction and the
front to rear direction are listed in Table below.
Refer to Figure 1 for the areas to be measured. For 65% and 101%, use areas A and B for the
magnification in the lead edge to trail edge direction; and areas C and D for magnification in
the front to rear direction. For 154% use areas A and E for magnification in the lead edge to
trail edge direction; and areas C and F for magnification in the front to rear direction.
Figure 1 Areas of Side B to be Measured
Table 1 Magnification Specifications
Magnification(%) Measurement
65 130+/-2mm
101 202+/-2mm
154 154+/-2mm
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3-28 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Image Quality
IQS13 Background Specification
Use Side A of the Standard Test Pattern.
Compare images of the test pattern, (Figure 1) made from the document glass, with the visual
The background of the images must not be darker than the reference area C (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Test Pattern
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-29 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Auger Mark
Image Quality Initial Issue
Image Defect Samples
The following figures contain examples of defects and their possible causes.
Auger Mark
Strobing (28mm or 14mm Pitch Density)
White Streaks (Process Direction)
Black Bands
Toner Contamination
Toner Splattering
White Spots (Irregular)
Transparency Offset (80mm Pitch Ghosts)
Regular Blanks In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.)
Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.)
Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Side 2)
Transparency Blocking
The following figures contain examples of defects and their possible causes.
Moire Due To Interference With Copy Original
Light Background Due To Auto Exposure In Copies Of Originals With Frames
Fluctuation In Auto Exposure Values For Copies Of Originals Of Medium Density
Gradation Jump In Text & Photo Mode For 100 lpi Photo Originals
CVT (Constant Velocity Transport) Scan Streaks
Defects Related To Scan Print
Moire In Text Mode (Fine) B/W Scan/Fax For 133 lpi Originals
Black Discoloration Around White Texts In Medium Density Background
Auger Mark
Figure 1 Auger Mark Defect Sample
1. The Developer Magnetic Roll magnetic field failed.
2. There was a drop in the level of developer material.
Corrective Action
1. Replace the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1).
NOTE: This may occur immediately after a new CRU is installed. -> Correct by feeding a
few sheets of paper.
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-30 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Strobing (28mm or 14mm Pitch Density), White
Initial Issue Image Quality
Strobing (28mm or 14mm Pitch Density)
Figure 1 Strobing (28mm or 14mm Pitch Density) Defect Sample
1. Developer Magnetic Roll bias.
Corrective Action
1. Replace the Xerographic Cartridge(PL 8.1).
White Streaks (Process Direction)
Figure 1 White Streaks (Process Direction) Defect Sample
1. Foreign substances are blocking the ROS Laser.
2. Developer material clogging on the Developer Magnetic Roll due to foreign substances.
Corrective Action
1. Clean the light path between the ROS and the Xerographic Cartridge and the seal glass.
2. Replace the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-31 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Black Bands, Toner Contamination
Image Quality Initial Issue
Black Bands
Figure 1 Black Bands Defect Sample
1. The developer material is not well mixed.
Corrective Action
1. Mix the developer material by processing blank paper.
Toner Contamination
Figure 1 Toner Contamination Defect Sample
1. Cloud toner dropped from the Xerographic Cartridge.
Corrective Action
1. Mix the developer material by processing blank paper.
2. Replace the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-32 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Toner Splattering, White Spots (Irregular)
Initial Issue Image Quality
Toner Splattering
Figure 1 Toner Splattering Defect Sample)
1. Paper size mismatch occurred (tray settings and paper size are different).
2. The resistance of the paper increased under dry conditions.
Corrective Action
1. Check the tray settings.
2. Use paper from a freshly opened packet.
White Spots (Irregular)
Figure 1 White Spots (Irregular) Defect Sample)
1. The resistance of the paper increased under dry conditions.
Corrective Action
1. Use paper from a freshly opened packet.
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-33 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Transparency Offset (80mm Pitch Ghosts), Regular
Image Quality Initial Issue
Transparency Offset (80mm Pitch Ghosts)
Figure 1 Transparency Offset (80mm Pitch Ghosts) Defect Sample
1. Transparencies were processed in Plain Paper mode.
Corrective Action
1. Select Transparency mode.
Regular Blanks In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks,
Bands etc.)
Figure 1 Regular Blanks In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.) Defect Sam-
1. 94mm pitch -> Drum: Scratches or foreign substances
2. 28mm pitch -> Developer Roll: Developer material fixed on the Developer Roll
3. 44mm pitch -> Charger: Scratches or foreign substances
4. 80mm pitch -> Fuser H/R: Scratches or foreign substances
Corrective Action
1. 1, 4: Clean or replace the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) or the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
2. 2, 3: Replace the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-34 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction
Initial Issue Image Quality
Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Spots,
Streaks, Bands etc.)
Figure 1 Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.)
Defect Sample
1. 94mm pitch -> Drum: Scratches or foreign substances
2. 28mm pitch -> Magnetic Roll: Developer material fixed on the Magnetic Roll
3. 44mm pitch -> BCR: Scratches or foreign substances
4. 80mm pitch -> Heat Roll: Scratches or foreign substances
5. 19mm pitch -> Fuser Roll-Exit: Dirt
6. 44mm pitch -> Registration: Dirt
Corrective Action
1. 1, 4, 5, 6: Clean or replace the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1) or the Fuser Unit (PL 7.1).
2. 2, 3: Replace the Xerographic Cartridge (PL 8.1).
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-35 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction
Image Quality Initial Issue
Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Side 2)
Figure 1 Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Side 2) Defect Sample
1. 94mm pitch -> Fuser Pressure Roll: Scratches or foreign substances
2. 59mm pitch -> BRT Roll: Dirt, scratches or paper size mismatch
3. 44mm pitch -> Pinch Roll: Dirt
Corrective Action
1. 1, 2, 3: Clean or replace the relevant parts.
2. 2: Change the tray settings.
Transparency Blocking
Figure 1 Transparency Blocking Sample Image
1. Transparencies were continuously printed in Plain Paper mode.
Corrective Action
1. Select Transparency mode.
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-36 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Moire Due To Interference With Copy Original, Light
Initial Issue Image Quality
Moire Due To Interference With Copy Original
When copying, interference with the original may cause moire. Combinations of certain angles
of screen ruling near 150lpi and Reduce/Enlarge ratio may cause moire. Precautions should
be taken during enlargement.
Corrective Action
Reduce sharpness.
Secondary defect: Text is blurred.
Make copies at a different Reduce/Enlarge ratio.
Change the orientation of the original.
Light Background Due To Auto Exposure In Copies Of
Originals With Frames
When Auto Exposure is turned [On] for originals with dark frames along the Lead Registration
Edge, the suppression value is set so large such that areas of medium density appear
extremely light.
Figure 1 Light Background (in circled area for example) Due To Auto Exposure In Cop-
ies Of Originals With Frames Defect Sample
Auto Exposure performs background detection of images at a distance of up to 10mm from the
Lead Registration Edge. As there were dark frames along the Lead Registration Edge, Auto
Exposure could not detect the original background density. Therefore, Auto Exposure was per-
formed based on the density of the frames.
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-37 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Light Background Due To Auto Exposure In Copies
Image Quality Initial Issue
Corrective Action
Disable Auto Exposure.
Fluctuation In Auto Exposure Values For Copies Of
Originals Of Medium Density
When Auto Exposure is turned [On] for originals with background of medium density (0.5G),
the effectiveness of Auto Exposure fluctuates for each job.
As medium density (0.5G) is near the upper limit value for background detection, the Auto
Exposure value fluctuates according to the result of background detection that varies accord-
ing to the variations in the density of the original and how the original is placed.
Corrective Action
Disable Auto Exposure.
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-38 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Gradation Jump In Text & Photo Mode For 100 lpi
Initial Issue Image Quality
Gradation Jump In Text & Photo Mode For 100 lpi Photo
In Text mode, making copies of images of 100 lpi (halftone dot) gradation may result in a tone
Figure 1 Gradation Jump In Text & Photo Mode For 100 lpi Photo Originals Defect Sam-
As Text & Photo mode gives priority to 175 lpi halftone dots and text quality, Sharpen Edge is
performed for lower lpi.
Corrective Action
Make copies in Photo mode.
Secondary defect: Text is blurred.
Change the setting from [More Text] to [Text], and then to [Photo] and [More Photo].
Secondary defect: Image quality of photographs deteriorate in [More Text] and [Text] set-
tings. Text becomes blurred in [More Photo] and [Photo] settings.
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-39 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation CVT (Constant Velocity Transport) Scan Streaks,
Image Quality Initial Issue
CVT (Constant Velocity Transport) Scan Streaks
Streaks may occur in the CVT, even if they do not occur in the Platen.
Even though CVT streak detection is performed for both color and B/W scans, there may be
cases where foreign substances on the CVT Glass could not be detected and removed.
Corrective Action
Clean the CVT Glass.
Defects Related To Scan Print
Moire may occur when scanned images are printed.
Interference with the printer screen and printer driver resolution conversion processing by the
original causes moire.
Corrective Action
Reduce sharpness.
Secondary defect: Text is blurred.
BUS Updated 12/2011
3-40 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Moire In Text Mode (Fine) B/W Scan/Fax For 133 lpi
Initial Issue Image Quality
Moire In Text Mode (Fine) B/W Scan/Fax For 133 lpi
During Fax Scan and B/W Scan mode, moire occurs in Text mode halftone dot images. Or,
moire is especially obvious in Text mode (Fine) 133 lpi halftone dot images.
In Text mode, text is given priority, causing halftone dot moires.
Corrective Action
Change from Text mode to Text & Photo mode or Photo mode.
However, as the amount of data increases in Text & Photo mode, the machine takes a
longer time for transmission.
Black Discoloration Around White Texts In Medium
Density Background
Black discoloration occurs around white texts with a certain background density, causing diffi-
culties in reading the text.
Discoloration occurs during resolution conversion in Fax Send.
Due to separation error in text graphic separation, parts determined as text are darkened and
are output as graphics that look like dark smears.
Occurrences and severity of the occurrences vary according to the combinations of Send/
Receive type, Send route and Receive settings.
Corrective Action
Perform sending and document storage according to the capabilities of the receiver.
It is possible to suppress resolution conversion during Send/Receive by preventing a mis-
match in Send image quality (resolution).
Change the setting for resolution conversion processing to [More Photo].
Secondary defect: As this reduces the sensitivity for separation between text and photo-
graphs, edges appear less smooth.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-1 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
4 Repairs & Adjustments
REP 3.1 HDD.................................................................................................................. 4-3
REP 3.2 ESS Chassis Assembly .................................................................................... 4-4
REP 3.3 ESS PWB ......................................................................................................... 4-5
REP 3.4 AC Driver PWB................................................................................................. 4-7
REP 3.5 MCU PWB ........................................................................................................ 4-8
REP 3.6 Main LVPS........................................................................................................ 4-10
4. Main Drive
REP 4.1 Main Drive......................................................................................................... 4-11
REP 5.1 DADF................................................................................................................ 4-13
REP 5.2 DADF Platen Cushion....................................................................................... 4-14
REP 5.3 DADF Front Cover ............................................................................................ 4-15
REP 5.4 DADF Rear Cover............................................................................................. 4-15
REP 5.5 DADF Feeder Assembly ................................................................................... 4-16
REP 5.6 DADF PWB....................................................................................................... 4-18
REP 5.7 Left Counter Balance........................................................................................ 4-19
REP 5.8 Right Counter Balance...................................................................................... 4-20
REP 5.9 DADF Document Tray ...................................................................................... 4-21
REP 5.10 Top Cover ....................................................................................................... 4-23
REP 5.11 Harness Guide and Wire Harness .................................................................. 4-23
REP 5.12 DADF Registration Motor................................................................................ 4-25
REP 5.13 DADF Feed Motor........................................................................................... 4-26
REP 5.14 Registration Chute.......................................................................................... 4-27
REP 5.15 Retard Chute .................................................................................................. 4-28
REP 5.16 Takeaway Roll ................................................................................................ 4-28
REP 5.17 Sensor Bracket ............................................................................................... 4-31
REP 5.18 Nudger Roll, Feed Roll ................................................................................... 4-31
REP 5.19 Retard Roll ...................................................................................................... 4-33
6. IIT/Scanner
REP 6.1 Platen Cushion ................................................................................................. 4-35
REP 6.2 ROS Assembly ................................................................................................. 4-36
REP 6.3 Platen Glass ..................................................................................................... 4-39
REP 6.4 CCD Lens Assembly......................................................................................... 4-39
REP 6.5 Front/Rear Carriage Cable ............................................................................... 4-40
REP 6.6 LED Lamp PWB................................................................................................ 4-44
REP 6.7 Lamp Wire Harness .......................................................................................... 4-45
REP 6.8 Light Guide ....................................................................................................... 4-47
REP 6.9 Carriage Motor.................................................................................................. 4-48
REP 6.10 IIT PWB .......................................................................................................... 4-49
REP 6.11 Control Panel Assembly ................................................................................. 4-51
7. Paper Trays
REP 7.1 Paper Trays 1, 2, 3, and 4 Assembly................................................................ 4-53
REP 7.2 MSI Assembly................................................................................................... 4-54
REP 7.3 Tray 3 Cable ..................................................................................................... 4-55
REP 7.4 Tray 4 Cable ..................................................................................................... 4-58
8. Paper Feeders
REP 8.1 Tray 1 Feeder Assembly................................................................................... 4-61
REP 8.2 Tray 2 Feeder Assembly................................................................................... 4-63
REP 8.3 Tray 3 Feeder Assembly................................................................................... 4-64
REP 8.4 Tray 4 Feeder Assembly................................................................................... 4-65
REP 8.5 Feed, Nudger, Retard Roll ................................................................................ 4-66
REP 8.6 MSI Feed Roll ................................................................................................... 4-67
REP 8.7 Takeaway Motor Assembly............................................................................... 4-68
9. Xerographics
REP 9.1 Xerographic Cartridge Guide Assembly............................................................ 4-69
REP 9.2 Xerographic Interlock Switch ............................................................................ 4-74
REP 9.3 Humidity / Temperature Sensor ........................................................................ 4-74
REP 9.4 HVPS................................................................................................................ 4-75
REP 9.5 Toner Cartridge Guide ...................................................................................... 4-77
REP 9.6 Toner Dispense Motor ...................................................................................... 4-77
10 Duplex
REP 10.1 Duplex Motor................................................................................................... 4-81
REP 10.2 Duplex Sensor ................................................................................................ 4-82
REP 10.3 Fuser............................................................................................................... 4-84
REP 10.4 Fuser Exit Sensor ........................................................................................... 4-84
REP 10.5 Exit 2 Transport Assembly.............................................................................. 4-85
REP 10.6 Exit 2 Guide Assembly / Exit Gate.................................................................. 4-88
REP 10.7 Exit 2 Sensor / Exit Gate Solenoid.................................................................. 4-88
REP 10.8 Left Hand Chute Interlock Switch.................................................................... 4-89
REP 10.9 Exit 2 Motor..................................................................................................... 4-90
REP 10.10 Offset Motor .................................................................................................. 4-91
REP 10.11 OTC Home Position Sensor.......................................................................... 4-92
REP 10.12 Registration Transport .................................................................................. 4-92
12. Integrated Finisher
REP 12.1 Integrated Office Finisher................................................................................ 4-95
REP 12.2 Paddle Belt...................................................................................................... 4-96
REP 12.3 Sub Paddle Solenoid ...................................................................................... 4-99
REP 12.5 Staple Assembly ............................................................................................. 4-100
REP 12.6 Set Clamp Home Sensor ................................................................................ 4-101
REP 12.7 Exit Roll Assembly .......................................................................................... 4-102
REP 12.8 Pinch Roll........................................................................................................ 4-104
REP 12.9 Finisher Entrance Sensor ............................................................................... 4-105
REP 12.10 Compiler Exit Sensor .................................................................................... 4-106
REP 12.11 Main Paddle Shaft Assembly........................................................................ 4-108
REP 12.12 Lower Chute Assembly................................................................................. 4-110
REP 12.13 Entrance Roll Assembly................................................................................ 4-112
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-2 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.14 Upper Chute Assembly................................................................................. 4-114
REP 12.15 Finisher PWB................................................................................................ 4-115
REP 12.16 Stacker Tray Assembly................................................................................. 4-116
REP 12.17 Stacker Shaft Assembly................................................................................ 4-117
REP 12.18 Stacker Motor ............................................................................................... 4-120
REP 12.19 Stacker Sensor ............................................................................................. 4-121
REP 12.20 Compiler Assembly....................................................................................... 4-122
REP 12.21 Set Clamp Shaft............................................................................................ 4-124
REP 12.22 Eject Belt....................................................................................................... 4-126
REP 12.23 Eject/Set Clamp Motor Assembly ................................................................. 4-127
REP 12.24 Rear Tamper Home Sensor.......................................................................... 4-129
REP 12.25 Eject Shaft Assembly.................................................................................... 4-130
REP 12.26 Front /Rear Tamper Motor Assembly ........................................................... 4-132
REP 12.27 Front Tamper Home Sensor ......................................................................... 4-134
REP 12.28 Eject Clamp Home Sensor ........................................................................... 4-135
REP 12.29 Stack Height Sensor ..................................................................................... 4-136
13. Office Finisher LX
REP 13.1 H-Transport Assembly (Office Finisher LX) .................................................... 4-139
REP 13.2 Hole Punch Assembly (Office Finisher LX)..................................................... 4-139
REP 13.3 H-Transport Belt (Office Finisher LX) ............................................................. 4-140
REP 13.4 H-Transport Motor (Office Finisher LX) .......................................................... 4-140
REP 13.5 Finisher LX Undocking.................................................................................... 4-141
REP 13.6 Front Cover Assembly (Office Finisher LX) .................................................... 4-142
REP 13.7 Rear Upper Cover (Office Finisher LX)........................................................... 4-142
REP 13.8 Rear Lower Cover (Office Finisher LX)........................................................... 4-143
REP 13.9 Eject Cover (Office Finisher LX) ..................................................................... 4-143
REP 13.10 Foot Cover (Office Finisher LX) .................................................................... 4-145
REP 13.11 Stacker Lower Cover (Office Finisher LX) .................................................... 4-146
REP 13.12 Stacker Upper Cover (Office Finisher LX) .................................................... 4-146
REP 13.13 Stack Height Sensors 1 and 2 (Office Finisher LX) ...................................... 4-147
REP 13.14 Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly (Office Finisher LX).................................... 4-147
REP 13.15 Stapler Motor (Office Finisher LX) ................................................................ 4-148
REP 13.16 Finisher Stapler Assembly (Office Finisher LX) ............................................ 4-149
REP 13.17 Compiler Tray Assembly (Office Finisher LX)............................................... 4-150
REP 13.18 Crease Assembly (Office Finisher LX).......................................................... 4-160
REP 13.19 Stacker Elevator Motor (Office Finisher LX) ................................................. 4-161
REP 13.20 Stacker Tray (Office Finisher LX) ................................................................. 4-162
REP 13.21 Eject Belt (Office Finisher LX)....................................................................... 4-162
REP 13.22 Eject Motor Assembly (Office Finisher LX) ................................................... 4-163
REP 13.23 Finisher PWB (Office Finisher LX) ................................................................ 4-163
REP 13.24 Finisher LVPS (Office Finisher LX)............................................................... 4-164
REP 13.25 Eject Motor (Office Finisher LX).................................................................... 4-164
REP 13.26 Front/Rear Tamper Motor (Office Finisher LX) ............................................. 4-165
REP 13.27 Front/Rear Tamper Home Sensors (Office Finisher LX) .............................. 4-165
REP 13.28 Compiler No Paper Sensor (Office Finisher LX) ........................................... 4-166
REP 13.29 Front/Rear Carriage Assembly (Office Finisher LX) ..................................... 4-167
REP 13.30 Booklet PWB (Office Finisher LX)................................................................. 4-167
REP 13.31 Booklet Maker Assembly (Office Finisher LX) .............................................. 4-168
REP 13.32 Booklet Front Cover (Office Finisher LX) ...................................................... 4-170
REP 13.33 Booklet Rear Cover (Office Finisher LX) ...................................................... 4-171
REP 13.34 Booklet Top Cover (Office Finisher LX) ........................................................ 4-172
REP 13.35 Booklet PWB Cover (Office Finisher LX) ...................................................... 4-172
REP 13.36 Booklet Left Cover (Office Finisher LX) ........................................................ 4-173
REP 13.37 Booklet Front/Rear Stapler (Office Finisher LX) ........................................... 4-173
REP 13.38 Booklet Stapler Move Motor (Office Finisher LX).......................................... 4-175
19. High Capacity Feeder
REP 19.1 HCF Tray 6 ..................................................................................................... 4-177
REP 19.2 HCF Feeder .................................................................................................... 4-177
REP 19.3 HCF Undocking............................................................................................... 4-178
REP 19.4 HCF Tray Cables ............................................................................................ 4-179
REP 19.5 HCF Feed, Nudger, Retard Rolls.................................................................... 4-183
REP 19.6 HCF Feed Shaft .............................................................................................. 4-184
REP 19.7 HCF Retard Lever Spring ............................................................................... 4-184
REP 19.8 HCF Nudger Bracket/Nudger Lever/Torsion Spring ....................................... 4-185
REP 19.9 HCF Casters ................................................................................................... 4-186
REP 19.10 HCF Takeaway Roll ...................................................................................... 4-186
REP 19.11 HCF PWB ..................................................................................................... 4-187
REP 19.12 HCF Feed Motor ........................................................................................... 4-187
ADJ 5.1 DADF Lead-Skew Adjustment........................................................................... 4-189
ADJ 5.2 DADF Side Registration .................................................................................... 4-191
ADJ 5.3 DADF Original Detection Correction (Size Detection Auto-Correction)............. 4-193
ADJ 5.4 DADF Lead Edge Registration .......................................................................... 4-194
ADJ 6.1 Optical Axis Correction...................................................................................... 4-197
ADJ 6.2 Full/Half Rate Carriage Position Adjustment ..................................................... 4-198
ADJ 6.3 IIT Lead Edge Registration................................................................................ 4-201
ADJ 6.4 IIT Side Registration.......................................................................................... 4-202
ADJ 6.5 IIT Vertical/Horizontal Reduce/Enlarge ............................................................. 4-203
ADJ 6.6 IIT Calibration .................................................................................................... 4-204
ADJ 6.7 DADF Original Detection Correction (Size Detection Auto-Correction)............. 4-206
ADJ 6.9 UI Touch Panel Alignment................................................................................. 4-207
9. Xerographic Electrical ADJs
ADJ 9.1 Max Setup ......................................................................................................... 4-209
ADJ 9.4 Adjust Toner Density ......................................................................................... 4-209
ADJ 9.10 IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration .......................................................... 4-210
ADJ 9.11 Edge Erase Value Adjustment......................................................................... 4-211
12. Finisher ADJs
ADJ 12.1 Finisher LX Hole Punch Position..................................................................... 4-213
ADJ 12.2 Finisher LX Booklet Crease/Staple Position.................................................... 4-213
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-3 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 3.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Parts List on PL 35.3
ESD procedures must be used when removing or replacing PWBs. Damage to electrical com-
ponents is likely if static discharge reaches components.
Always wear a wrist strap to protect electrical parts from static damage. If a wrist strap is not
available, touch some metallic parts to discharge the static electricity before servicing.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following covers (Figure 1).
a. Pull off the ESS Cap Cover.
b. ESS Cover (2 Screws).
c. Left Rear Middle Cover (2 Screws).
d. Rear Lower Cover (3 Screws).
Figure 1 Removing Covers
3. Remove the HDD (Figure 2).
a. Disconnect the connectors (2).
b. Release the Locking Tab and remove the HDD.
Figure 2 Removing HDD
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-4 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 3.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 3.2 ESS Chassis Assembly
Parts List on PL 35.1
ESD procedures must be used when removing or replacing PWBs. Damage to electrical com-
ponents is likely if static discharge reaches components.
Always wear a wrist strap to protect electrical parts from static damage. If a wrist strap is not
available, touch some metallic parts to discharge the static electricity before servicing.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following covers (Figure 1).
a. Pull off the ESS Cap Cover.
b. ESS Cover (2 Screws).
c. Left Rear Middle Cover (2 Screws).
d. Rear Lower Cover (3 Screws).
Figure 1 Removing Covers
3. Perform the following (Figure 2).
a. Disconnect the MCU PWB connectors (3), and release the wires from the clamps on
the ESS PWB panel.
b. Disconnect the ESS PWB connectors (5) and wire clamp (1). Then route the con-
nectors and wire harness through the PWB panel openings.
Figure 2 PWB PJs
4. Remove the ESS Chassis Assembly Screws (4), then lift up and remove (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing Screws
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-5 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 3.3
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Parts List on PL 35.2
ESD procedures must be used when removing or replacing PWBs. Damage to electrical com-
ponents is likely if static discharge reaches components.
Always wear a wrist strap to protect electrical parts from static damage. If a wrist strap is not
available, touch some metallic parts to discharge the static electricity before servicing.
A loss of serialization and billing data will occur, and disable the machine, if both the ESS PWB
with EPROM and the MCU PWB with EPROM are replaced at the same time.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following covers (Figure 1).
a. Pull off the ESS Cap Cover.
b. ESS Cover (2 Screws).
c. Left Rear Middle Cover (2 Screws).
d. Rear Lower Cover (3 Screws).
Figure 1 Removing Covers
3. Remove the HDD (Figure 2).
a. Disconnect the connectors (2).
b. Release the Locking Tab and remove the HDD.
Figure 2 HDD
4. Remove the HDD Bracket (3 Screws) (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Bracket Screws
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-6 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 3.3
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
5. Disconnect the ESS PWB connectors (9) (Figure 4).
Figure 4 ESS PWB PJs
6. Perform the following (Figure 5).
a. Remove the Screws (3) on the left side of the PWB.
b. Loosen the center and right side Screws (6).
Figure 5 Removing Screws
7. Remove the left side of the PWB panel (Figure 6).
a. Remove the PWB connector Screws (5).
b. Remove the panel left side Screws (5).
Figure 6 Removing Screws
8. Remove the ESS PWB (6 Screws) (Figure 7).
Figure 7 Removing Screws
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-7 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 3.3, REP 3.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Pin breakage occurs if the EPROM is carelessly removed.
9. When replacing the ESS PWB, remove the EPROM, the Memory PWB, and the Post-
script PWB (if present, optional) (Figure 8).
Figure 8 ESS PWB
A fatal error occurs to machine software if the ESS PWB is replaced before the EPROM is
installed on the ESS PWB, and powered on.
1. When replacing the ESS PWB, install the EPROM, the Memory PWB, and the Postscript
PWB (if present, optional) from the old ESS PWB onto the new PWB.
2. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
3. For easier reinstallation of the ESS PWB perform the following.
a. Reinstall the PWB with the right screws (3) and center screws (3) but do not tighten
b. Reinstall the panel left side and tighten the screws (5).
c. Reinstall the PWB connector screws (5) and tighten them.
d. Reinstall the PWB left side screws (3), and tighten all the PWB screws (9).
e. Continue the reinstallation.
REP 3.4 AC Driver PWB
Parts List on PL 18.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the ESS Chassis REP 3.2.
3. Disconnect the AC Driver PWB connectors (3) (Figure 1).
Figure 1 PJs
4. Remove the AC Driver PWB and panel (3 Screws) (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Screws
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-8 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 3.4, REP 3.5
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
NOTE: The AC Driver PWB screws (8) have a different thread than the other screws,
keep them with the PWB for re-installation.
5. Remove the screws (3) from the bottom of the panel (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing Screws
6. Remove the AC Driver PWB screws (5) from the front of the panel (Figure 4).
Figure 4 Removing Screws
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
Parts List on PL 18.2
ESD procedures must be used when removing or replacing PWBs. Damage to electrical com-
ponents is likely if static discharge reaches components.
Always wear a wrist strap to protect electrical parts from static damage. If a wrist strap is not
available, touch some metallic parts to discharge the static electricity before servicing.
A loss of serialization and billing data will occur, and disable the machine, if both the ESS PWB
with EPROM and the MCU PWB with EPROM are replaced at the same time.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following covers (Figure 1).
a. Pull off the ESS Cap Cover.
b. ESS Cover (2 Screws).
c. Left Rear Middle Cover (2 Screws).
d. Rear Lower Cover (3 Screws).
Figure 1 Removing Covers
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-9 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 3.5
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
3. Disconnect all the PJs from the MCU PWB (Figure 2).
Figure 2 PJs
4. Remove the Screws (6) and the MCU PWB (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing Screws
Pin breakage occurs if the EEPROM is carelessly removed.
5. When replacing the MCU PWB, remove the EEPROM from the old MCU PWB and install
it onto the new MCU PWB (Figure 4).
Figure 4 EEPROM
A fatal error occurs to machine software if the MCU PWB is replaced before the EPROM is
installed on MCU PWB, and powered on.
1. When replacing the MCU PWB, install the EEPROM from the old MCU PWB onto the new
2. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
3. Switch on the machine power.
4. Verify that the serial numbers and billing data are the same.
a. Refer to Machine ID/Billing Data.
Check that the Serial Number and Billing Data for IOT, Sys1, and Sys2 are the same.
b. If they are the same, return to Service Call Procedures in Section 1.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-10 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 3.6
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 3.6 Main LVPS
Parts List on PL 18.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Right Cover 2 (2 Screws) (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing Screws
3. Disconnect the Main LVPS connector (8) (Figure 2).
Figure 2 PJs
4. Remove the Main LVPS and Chassis (4 Screws) (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing Screws
5. Remove the Main LVPS (12 Screws) (Figure 4).
Figure 4 Removing Screws
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-11 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 4.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 4.1 Main Drive
Parts List on PL 3.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following covers (Figure 1).
a. Pull off the ESS Cap Cover.
b. ESS Cover (2 Screws).
c. Left Rear Middle Cover (2 Screws).
d. Fax Cover, and Rear Upper Cover (2 Screws).
e. Rear Lower Cover (3 Screws).
Figure 1 Removing Covers
3. Remove the Fuser Exhaust Fan Assembly (Figure 2).
a. Disconnect the connector.
b. Remove the Screw (1) and the fan assembly.
Figure 2 Fuser Exhaust Fan
4. Disconnect the following connectors (Figure 3).
a. Takeaway Motor connector.
b. MCU PWB top and right side connectors, and release the wires from the clamps.
Figure 3 PJs
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-12 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 4.1
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
5. Perform the following (Figure 4).
a. Remove the MCU PWB chassis Screws (7).
b. Move the MCU PWB chassis to the left.
Figure 4 Removing Screws
Be careful not to damage any components on the motor PWBs when removing or replacing
the Main Drive.
6. Remove the Main Drive (Figure 5).
a. Remove the Screws (4).
b. Lift the unit up to remove the drive belt from the pulley, then remove the Main Drive.
Figure 5 Removing Screws
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-13 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Parts List on PL 51.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Loosen the screws (x2) and disconnect the connector. (Figure 1)
(1) Disconnect the connector.
Figure 1 Connector
3. Remove the DADF. (Figure 2)
(1) Tilt the Counter Balance in the direction of the arrow and remove it from the
installation holes.
Figure 2 Tilt Counter Balance
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Install the DADF. (Figure 3)
(1) Insert the tabs of the Counter Balance into the grooves of the installation holes.
Figure 3 Inserting Tabs
3. Perform ADJ 5.3 DADF Original Detection Correction.
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4-14 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 5.2 DADF Platen Cushion
Parts List on PL 51.1
NOTE: The DADF Platen Cushion is pasted on with double sided adhesive tapes.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Peel off the DADF Platen Cushion. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the DADF Platen Cushion.
Figure 1 DADF Platen Cushion
1. Paste on the DADF Platen Cushion. (Figure 2)
(1) Place the DADF Platen Cushion on the Platen Glass.
(2) Set the gap between the Registration Guide and Platen Guide.
(3) Slowly lower the DADF and press it onto the DADF Platen Cushion.
Figure 2 Paste DADF Platen Cushion
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4-15 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.3, REP 5.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 5.3 DADF Front Cover
Parts List on PL 51.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Top Cover.
3. Open the DADF.
4. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the self-self-tapping screws (x4).
(2) Remove the DADF Front Cover.
Figure 1 DADF Front Cover Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 5.4 DADF Rear Cover
Parts List on PL 51.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Turn the DADF Document Tray upside down. (Figure 1)
(1) Open the Top Cover.
(2) Turn the DADF Document Tray upside down.
Figure 1 DADF Upside Down
3. Remove the screws that secure the DADF Rear Cover. (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the screws (x2).
Figure 2 DADF Rear Cover
4. Open the DADF.
5. Release the hooks of the DADF Rear Cover. (Figure 3)
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4-16 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.4, REP 5.5
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
(1) Release the hooks (x2).
Figure 3 Releasing Hooks
6. Close the DADF gently.
7. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (Figure 4)
(1) Remove the DADF Rear Cover in the direction of the arrow.
(A) Hook
Figure 4 Removing DADF Rear Cover
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 5.5 DADF Feeder Assembly
Parts List on PL 51.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Disconnect the DADF PWB connectors. (Figure 1)
(1) Disconnect the connectors (x4).
(2) Remove the self-tapping screw and the Ground Wire.
Figure 1 DADF Connectors
7. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screw.
(2) Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly in the direction of the arrow.
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4-17 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.5
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 DADF Feeder Assembly Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Align the positioning pin of the Base Frame and the hole of the DADF Feeder Assembly.
(Figure 3)
Figure 3 Align the Positioning Pin
3. When installing the Feeder Assembly to the Base Frame, check the following (Figure 4)
(A) At the front: The Frame of the DADF Feeder Assembly is attached to the positioning
pin of the Base Frame as shown in the figure.
(B) The Bracket of the DADF Feeder Assembly is attached to the support of the Base
Frame as shown in the figure.
Figure 4 Installing the Feeder Assembly to the Base Frame
4. Go to HFSI Counter and reset Counter 955-806.
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4-18 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.6
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Parts List on PL 51.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
3. Disconnect the DADF PWB connectors. (Figure 1)
(1) Disconnect the connectors (x6).
Figure 1 DADF PWB Connectors
4. Remove the DADF PWB. (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (x2) and the Ground Wires (x2).
(2) Remove the self-tapping screws (x2).
(3) Remove the DADF PWB.
Figure 2 DADF PWB Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Switch the ROM on the new PWB with the EEPROM from the old PWB. (Figure 3)
This is because it stores the alignment value of the DADF.
Figure 3 ROM
3. Check the software version. Update the version if an old software is installed in the new
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-19 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.7
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 5.7 Left Counter Balance
Parts List on PL 51.3
Left/Right Counter Balance is identified by its spring pressure.
Left Counter Balance: strong spring pressure
Right Counter Balance: weak spring pressure
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (REP 5.5)
7. Remove the screws that secure the Tie Plate. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screw.
(2) Remove the Ground Plate.
(3) Remove the self-tapping screws (x2).
Figure 1 Tie Plate Screws
8. Remove the Left Counter Balance. (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (Large: x2).
(2) Remove the Left Counter Balance.
Figure 2 Left Counter Balance
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. When installing the Left Counter Balance, align the hole of the Left Counter Balance to
the positioning boss of the Frame. (Figure 3)
Figure 3 Left Counter Balance Hole Alignment
3. Align the Ground Plate to the positioning boss. (Figure 4)
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4-20 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.7, REP 5.8
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 4 Ground Plate Alignment
REP 5.8 Right Counter Balance
Parts List on PL 51.3
Left/Right Counter Balance is identified by its spring pressure.
Left Counter Balance: strong spring pressure
Right Counter Balance: weak spring pressure
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
3. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
4. Take note of the graduation of the scale. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Graduation Scale Marks
5. Remove the Right Counter Balance. (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (Large: x3).
(2) Remove the screw (Small: x1) and remove the Ground Wire.
(3) Remove the right Counter Balance.
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4-21 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.8, REP 5.9
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Right Counter Balance Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. If it was replaced, perform checking for DADF Lead-Skew Adjustment. (ADJ 5.1)
REP 5.9 DADF Document Tray
Parts List on PL 51.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Disconnect the connector of the DADF Document Set LED. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screw.
(2) Remove the LED Bracket.
(3) Remove the wire harness from the hook.
(4) Disconnect the connector.
Figure 1 DADF Set LED Connector
5. Disconnect the connector. (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the clamp.
(2) Disconnect the connector of the P/J756.
(3) Remove the P/J756 wire harness from the Harness Guide.
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4-22 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.9
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 DADF Set LED Connector Removal
6. At the front side of the DADF Document Tray, remove the boss of the DADF Document
Tray from the installation hole of the Frame. (Figure 3)
(1) Position the DADF Document Tray vertically.
(2) Press the boss of the DADF Document Tray in the direction of the arrow and
remove it from the installation hole.
(3) Remove the wire harness of the DADF Document Set LED from the groove of the
Figure 3 Boss Removal
7. Pull out and remove the wire harness at the rear side of the DADF Document Tray from
the hole of the Frame. (Figure 4)
(1) Pull out and remove the wire harness through the hole on the Frame.
Figure 4 Wire Harness Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-23 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.10, REP 5.11
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 5.10 Top Cover
Parts List on PL 51.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (REP 5.5)
7. Remove the Registration Chute. (REP 5.14)
8. Open the Top Cover.
9. Remove the Top Cover. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screw.
(2) Remove the Stud Bracket.
(3) Remove the Top Cover.
Figure 1 Top Cover Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 5.11 Harness Guide and Wire Harness
Parts List on PL 51.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (REP 5.5)
7. Remove the Registration Chute. (REP 5.14)
8. Remove the Top Cover. (REP 5.10)
9. Remove the wire harness from the Harness Guide. (Figure 1)
(1) Disconnect the connectors (x2).
(2) Remove the wire harness from the Harness Guide.
Figure 1 Wire Harness Removal
10. Remove the wire harness from the Harness Guide. (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the J753 wire harness from the Harness Guide.
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4-24 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.11
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 J753 Location
11. Remove the wire harness of the solenoid from the Harness Guide. (Figure 3)
(1) Disconnect the connector (Blue).
(2) Disconnect the connector (White).
(3) Remove the wire harness from the Harness Guide.
Figure 3 Solenoid Harness Removal
12. Disconnect the connector. (Figure 4)
(1) Disconnect the connectors (x4).
Figure 4 Harness Connectors
13. Remove the Harness Guide and the wire harness. (Figure 5)
(1) Remove the screw.
(2) Remove the screw and the Ground Wire.
(3) Remove the Harness Guide and the wire harness.
Figure 5 Harness Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Hang the J753 wire harness to the hook (A). (Figure 6)
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4-25 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.11, REP 5.12
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 6 J753 Harness Hook
REP 5.12 DADF Registration Motor
Parts List on PL 51.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (REP 5.5)
7. Remove the Registration Chute. (REP 5.14)
8. Remove the Top Cover. (REP 5.10)
9. Remove the Harness Guide and the wire harness. (REP 5.11)
10. Remove the DADF Registration Motor. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the spring.
(2) Remove the screws (x2).
(3) Remove the DADF Registration Motor.
Figure 1 DADF Reg Motor
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Install the Belt (A) to the Pulley of the DADF Registration Motor. (Figure 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-26 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.12, REP 5.13
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Belt Installation
REP 5.13 DADF Feed Motor
Parts List on PL 51.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (REP 5.5)
7. Remove the Registration Chute. (REP 5.14)
8. Remove the Top Cover. (REP 5.10)
9. Remove the Harness Guide and the wire harness. (REP 5.11)
10. Turn the DADF Feeder Assembly upside down.
11. Remove the DADF Feed Motor. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the spring.
(2) Remove the screws (x2).
(3) Remove the DADF Feed Motor.
Figure 1 DADF Feed Motor Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Install the Belt to the Pulley of the DADF Feed Motor. (Figure 2)
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4-27 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.13, REP 5.14
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 DADF Feed Motor Pulley Install
REP 5.14 Registration Chute
Parts List on PL 51.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (REP 5.5)
7. Turn the DADF Feeder Assembly upside down.
8. Remove the Registration Chute. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (x2).
(2) Remove the Registration Chute.
Figure 1 Registration Chute Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-28 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.15, REP 5.16
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 5.15 Retard Chute
Parts List on PL 51.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
5. Open the Retard Chute.
6. Remove the Retard Chute. (Figure 1)
a. Remove the Retard Chute in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 1 Retard Chute
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 5.16 Takeaway Roll
Parts List on PL 51.9
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (REP 5.5)
7. Remove the Registration Chute. (REP 5.14)
8. Remove the Top Cover. (REP 5.10)
9. Remove the Harness Guide and the wire harness. (REP 5.11)
10. Loosen the Belt tension of the DADF Registration Motor. (Figure 1)
(1) Loosen the screws (x2).
Figure 1 DADF Reg Motor Belt Tension
11. Remove the DADF Registration Motor and the Bracket. (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the spring.
(2) Remove the screws (x2).
(3) Remove the DADF Registration Motor and the Bracket.
(4) Remove the Belt.
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4-29 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.16
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 DADF Reg Motor Bracket Removal
12. Remove the Invert Chute. (Figure 3)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (x2).
(2) Remove the Invert Chute.
Figure 3 Invert Chute Removal
13. Remove the gear at the rear. (Figure 4)
(1) Remove the E-Clip.
(2) Remove the gear.
Figure 4 Rear Gear Removal
14. Remove the bearing at the rear. (Figure 5)
(1) Remove the E-Clip.
(2) Remove the bearing.
Figure 5 Bearing Removal
15. Remove the Ground Plate at the front. (Figure 6)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (x3).
(2) Remove the Ground Plate.
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4-30 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.16
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 6 Ground Plate Removal
16. Remove the bearing at the front. (Figure 7)
(1) Remove the E-Clip.
(2) Remove the bearing.
Figure 7 Front Bearing Removal
17. Remove the Takeaway Roll. (Figure 8)
(1) Remove the Takeaway Roll.
Figure 8 Takeaway Roll Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Install the Belt (A) to the Pulley of the DADF Registration Motor. (Figure 9)
Figure 9 Belt Installation
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-31 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.17, REP 5.18
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 5.17 Sensor Bracket
Parts List on PL 51.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF Front Cover. (REP 5.3)
3. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (REP 5.4)
4. Remove the DADF. (REP 5.1)
5. Remove the DADF Document Tray. (REP 5.9)
6. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (REP 5.5)
7. Remove the Registration Chute. (REP 5.14)
8. Remove the Top Cover. (REP 5.10)
9. Remove the Harness Guide and the wire harness. (REP 5.11)
10. Remove the Takeaway Roll. (REP 5.16)
11. Remove the Sensor Bracket. (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (x4).
(2) Disconnect the connector.
(3) Remove the Sensor Bracket.
(4) Pull out and remove the wire harnesses (x2) through the hole on the Frame.
Figure 1 Sensor Bracket Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 5.18 Nudger Roll, Feed Roll
Parts List on PL 51.12
NOTE: Nudger, Feed,(REP 5.18) and Retard Rolls (REP 5.19) should be replaced at the same
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Top Cover.
3. Open the Feed Upper Chute. (Figure 1)
(1) Release the hook and open the Feed Upper Chute.
Figure 1 Feed Upper Chute
4. Shift the housing. (Figure 2)
Release the hook and shift the housing in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 2 Housing Shift
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4-32 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.18
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
5. Remove the housing. (Figure 3)
(1) Remove the housing in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 3 Housing Removal
6. Remove the Nudger Roll and the Feed Roll. (Figure 4)
(1) Remove the Nudger Roll.
(2) Remove the Feed Roll.
Figure 4 Nudger/Feed Roll Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Install the Nudger/Feed Roll while aligning them as shown in the figure. (Figure 5)
Figure 5 Nudger/Feed Roll Alignment
3. Go to HFSI Counter and reset Counter 955-806.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-33 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 5.19
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 5.19 Retard Roll
Parts List on PL 51.14
NOTE: Nudger, Feed,(REP 5.18) and Retard Rolls (REP 5.19) should be replaced at the same
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Top Cover.
3. Open the Retard Roll Cover. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Retard Roll Cover
(1) Release the hook and open the Retard Roll Cover in the direction of the arrow.
4. Remove the Retard Roll. (Figure 2)
Remove the Retard Roll.
Figure 2 Retard Roll Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Go to HFSI Counter and reset Counter 955-806.
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Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-35 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 6.1 Platen Cushion
Parts List on PL 1.1
1. Peel the Platen Cushion from the Platen Cover (held in place by double-sided tape on the
inboard and outboard edges).
2. Remove any tape or cushion residue from the Platen Cover. Be careful not to damage the
mounting surfaces.
1. Place the Platen Cushion on the Platen Glass, at the proper position (Figure 1).
(1) Peel off the seals (x2).
(2) Leave a gap of 0.5 0.3mm between the Reg. Guide and the Platen Guide.
(3) Close the Platen Cover gently and press it onto the Platen Cushion.
Figure 1 Positioning the Cushion
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-36 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 6.2 ROS Assembly
Parts List on PL 2.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Open the Front Cover and the Left Hand Cover.
b. Remove the Xerographic Cartridge and the Toner Cartridge.
Figure 1 Removals
3. Remove the Exit 2 Tray, release the Rear Locking Tab and remove the tray (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Tray Removal
4. Remove the Front Left Cover and Exit Front Cover (Figure 3).
a. Remove Screw (1).
b. Pull out the bottom of the Front Left Cover and remove the covers.
Figure 3 Cover Removal
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Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
5. Remove the Top Cover (Figure 4).
a. Remove the Screws (4).
b. Lift the cover up and remove it.
Figure 4 Removing Screws
6. Remove the Front Cover (Figure 5).
a. Remove the Screws (3).
b. Pull the top of the cover out and lift it off.
Figure 5 Removing Screws
7. Remove the Toner Cartridge Connector (Figure 6).
a. Disconnect the PJ (1).
b. Remove Connector (1 Screw).
c. Release the wire harness from the front clamps and left side of the Cartridge Guide.
Figure 6 Wires
8. Remove the Toner Cartridge Guide (Figure 7).
a. On the left rear of the guide, remove the Dispenser Tube Screw (1).
b. Loosen the front Screws (2).
c. Lift the front of the guide up and remove it.
Figure 7 Removing Screws
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4-38 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
9. Remove the ROS Cover (Figure 8).
a. Remove the Screws (2) on the left side of the cover.
b. Remove the top Screw (1).
c. Move the cover to the left and remove it.
Figure 8 Removing Screws
10. Disconnect the ROS PJs (4) and release the wire harness from the clamps (Figure 9).
Figure 9 PJs
Do not touch the ROS window when holding it.
NOTE: The ROS screws are longer then the other screws, keep them with the ROS for rein-
11. Remove the ROS (Figure 10).
a. Remove the Screws (5).
b. Remove the ROS.
Figure 10 Removing Screws
NOTE: When reinstalling the ROS be sure to seat the ROS into the two locating holes in the
machine frame.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-39 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.3, REP 6.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 6.3 Platen Glass
Parts List on PL 1.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Platen Cover or DADF.
3. Remove the Platen Glass (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the screws (x2).
(2) Remove the Right Side Plate.
(3) Remove the Platen Glass.
Figure 1 Platen Glass Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order taking note of the following:
NOTE: Push the Platen Glass in the direction of arrow A and the Right Side Plate in the direc-
tion of arrow B (Figure 2)
Figure 2 Platen Glass Positioning
REP 6.4 CCD Lens Assembly
Parts List on PL 1.2
NOTE: Light axis correction using UI Diagnostics is required after replacing the parts. After
replacement, always check the light axis and perform the light axis correction adjustment
where necessary (The correction steps are described in this procedure.)
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following parts:
Platen Glass (REP 6.3)
Lens Cover (PL 1.2)
3. Move the APS Sensor (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the screw.
(2) Release the harness from the clamps (x3).
(3) Move the APS Sensor.
Figure 1 APS Sensor
4. Disconnect the CCD Flexible Print Cable (Figure 2)
(1) Release the hook and disconnect the connector.
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4-40 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.4, REP 6.5
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 CCD Flexible Print Cable
5. Replace the CCD Lens Assembly (Figure 3)
NOTE: When removing the CCD Lens Assembly, never remove the screws (Red: x2) of
the jig pin.
(1) Remove the screws (x4).
(2) Replace the CCD Lens Assembly.
(3) Secure the CCD Lens Assembly by using the screws (x4).
Figure 3 CCD Lens Assembly
6. Connect the CCD Flexible Print Cable.
7. Install the APS Sensor and Lens Cover.
8. Install the Platen Glass.
9. Perform ADJ 6.1.
10. Reinstall all removed parts.
REP 6.5 Front/Rear Carriage Cable
Parts List on PL 1.3
The burr at the edge of the IIT Frame might cause injury. Be very careful when disconnect the
NOTE: The front and rear coatings of the Carriage Cable are different.
Front: Silver
Rear: Black
NOTE: Only the replacement procedure for the Rear Carriage Cable is described here. The
replacement procedures for the Front Carriage Cable is the same as for the Rear Carriage
NOTE: The Carriage Cables must be replaced one at a time. Never remove both front and rear
cables at the same time.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the DADF or the Platen Cover.
3. Remove the following parts:
Platen Glass (REP 6.3)
Control Panel Assembly (REP 6.11)
IIT Left Cover (PL 1.1)
4. Take note of the installation position of the Front Support (Figure 1)
Mark position
Figure 1 Front Support Installation Position
5. Remove the DADF Platen Glass (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the screw.
(2) Remove the Front Support.
(3) Remove the DADF Platen Glass.
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4-41 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.5
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
When installing, place it such that the Mark is at the rear.
Figure 2 DADF Platen Glass Mark
6. Unfasten the Full Rate Carriage from the Carriage Cable (Figure 3)
(1) Move the Full Rate Carriage to the notch on the frame.
(2) Remove the screw.
Figure 3 Full Carriage Cable
7. Remove the Carriage Cable (Figure 4)
(1) Remove the spring from the Frame.
(2) Detach the cable from the spring.
Figure 4 Carriage Cable Removal
8. Remove the Carriage Cable (Figure 5)
(1) Pull out the ball from the notch of the Frame and remove the Carriage Cable.
Figure 5 Carriage Cable Ball
1. Insert the ball of the Carriage Cable into the groove of the pulley (Figure 6)
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Figure 6 Carriage Cable
2. Wind the Carriage Cable at the spring end around the pulley for 2.5 rounds (Figure 7)
(1) Wind the cable 2.5 rounds.
(2) Fix the cable at the spring end on the Frame with tape.
Figure 7 Winding Carriage Cable
3. Wind the Carriage Cable at the ball end around the pulley for 3 rounds (Figure 8)
(1) Wind the cable 3 rounds.
(2) Fix the cable wound on the pulley with tape to prevent it from getting loose.
Figure 8 Taping Carriage Cable
The figure below shows the number of rounds made by Carriage Cable at the front and
rear (Figure 9)
Figure 9 Front and Rear Carriage Cable
4. Install the ball end of the Carriage Cable (Figure 10)
(1) Hang the cable on the pulley at the front of the Half Rate Carriage.
(2) Hang the ball on the notch of the Frame.
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Figure 10 Installing Ball End
5. Install the spring end of the Carriage Cable (Figure 11)
(1) Peel off the tape that secures the cable.
(2) Hang the cable on the pulley.
(3) Hang it on the pulley at the rear of Half Rate Carriage.
(4) Hang the spring on the Cable and attach it to the Frame.
Figure 11 Carriage Cable Spring End
6. Affix the cable to the Full Rate Carriage (Figure 12)
(1) Peel off the tape.
(2) Move the Full Rate Carriage to the notch on the frame.
(3) Affix the cable to the Full Rate Carriage.
Figure 12 Full Rate Carriage
7. Adjust the position of Full Rate/Half Rate Carriages (ADJ 6.2).
8. Restore the machine to its original state.
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4-44 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.6
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 6.6 LED Lamp PWB
Parts List on PL 1.4
NOTE: Do not touch the chip on the LED Lamp PWB.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Platen Cover or DADF.
3. Remove the Platen Glass (REP 6.3)
4. Move the Full Rate Carriage to the notch on the Frame.
5. Disconnect the Lamp Wire Harness (Figure 1)
(1) Move the Block of the Connector Housing in the direction of the arrow.
(2) Disconnect the Lamp Wire Harness.
Figure 1 Disconnecting Lamp Wire Harness
6. Remove the LED Bracket (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the screws (x3).
(2) Remove the LED Bracket.
Figure 2 LED Bracket
7. Remove the LED Lamp PWB (Figure 3)
(1) Remove the screws (x2).
(2) Remove the LED Lamp PWB.
Figure 3 LED Lamp PWB Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. When installing the LED Lamp PWB, tighten the screw in the order of 1 then 2 (Figure 4)
3. When installing the LED Bracket, tighten the screw in the order of 3 to 5 (Figure 4)
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4-45 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.6, REP 6.7
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 4 LED Lamp PWB Tightening Sequence
REP 6.7 Lamp Wire Harness
Parts List on PL 1.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following parts:
Platen Cover or DADF Assembly (REP 5.1)
IIT Rear Cover (PL 1.1)
3. Disconnect the Lamp Wire Harness (Figure 1)
(1) Move the Block of the Connector Housing in the direction of the arrow.
(2) Disconnect the Lamp Wire Harness.
Figure 1 Lamp Wire Harness
4. Remove the Full Rate Carriage (Figure 2)
(1) Move the Full Rate Carriage to the notch on the frame.
(2) Remove the screws (x2).
(3) Remove the Full Rate Carriage.
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Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Full Rate Carriage Removal
5. Turn the Full Rate Carriage upside down.
6. Remove the Lamp Wire Harness from the Full Rate Carriage (Figure 3)
(1) Remove the Screw & Plate.
(2) Remove the Lamp Wire Harness.
Figure 3 Full Rate Carriage Upside Down
7. Remove the Lamp Wire Harness from the Harness Guide of the Half Rate Carriage (Fig-
ure 4)
(1) Remove the Lamp Wire Harness from the guide.
Figure 4 Lamp Wire Harness Removal
8. Remove the Lamp Wire Harness from the guide (Figure 5)
(1) Remove the Lamp Wire Harness from the guide.
Figure 5 Lamp Wire Harness Guide
9. Disconnect the Lamp Wire Harness from the IIT PWB (Figure 6)
(1) Move the Block of the Connector Housing in the direction of the arrow.
(2) Disconnect the Lamp Wire Harness.
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4-47 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.7, REP 6.8
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 6 IIT PWB
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Adjust the position of Full Rate/Half Rate Carriages (ADJ 6.2)
REP 6.8 Light Guide
Parts List on PL 1.4
NOTE: Do not touch the Light Guide using bare hands.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the DADF (REP 5.1)
3. Remove the Platen Glass (REP 6.3)
4. Move the Full Rate Carriage to the notch on the Frame.
5. Remove the LED Bracket (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the screws (x3).
(2) Remove the LED Bracket.
Figure 1 LED Bracket Removal
6. Remove the Light Guide (Figure 2)
(1) Remove the screw.
(2) Remove the Spring Guide.
(3) Remove the screw.
(4) Remove the Spring Guide.
(5) Remove the Light Guide.
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4-48 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.8, REP 6.9
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Light Guide Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. When installing the Light Guide, insert the boss of the Light guide into the positioning hole
of the Full Rate Carriage.
REP 6.9 Carriage Motor
Parts List on PL 1.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following parts:
DADF (REP 5.1)
Filter Cover (PL 19.2)
Rear Upper Cover (PL 19.2)
IIT Right Cover (PL 1.1)
IIT Rear Cover (PL 1.1)
IIT Top Cover (PL 1.1)
3. Remove the Carriage Motor (Figure 1)
(1) Disconnect the connector.
(2) Remove the spring.
(3) Remove the screws (x3).
(4) Remove the Carriage Motor.
Figure 1 Carriage Motor Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Install the Belt to the Pulley of the Carriage Motor (Figure 2)
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4-49 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.9, REP 6.10
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Belt Installation
3. Take note of the following points when installing the Carriage Motor.
(1) Attach the spring.
(2) Loosely affix the Carriage Motor that comes attached with a belt.
(3) Move the carriage to fit the belt.
(4) Secure the Carriage Motor to the Main Unit.
4. After installing the Carriage Motor, move the Full Rate Carriage back and forth and check
that it is moving smoothly.
Parts List on PL 1.6
NOTE: Backup the data before replacing the PWB (GP 3) When restoring the data, first down-
load the backup and then perform the firmware upgrade (GP 3 and (GP 16) Downloading Soft-
Static electricity may damage electrical parts. Always wear a wrist band during servicing. If a
wrist band is not available, touch some metallic parts before servicing to discharge the static
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the IIT Rear Cover (Figure 1)
(1) Remove the cover.
(2) Disconnect the connectors (x2).
(3) Remove the screws (x2).
(4) Remove the IIT Rear Cover.
Figure 1 IIT Rear Cover Removal
3. Disconnect the connectors that are connected at the rear side to the IIT PWB (Figure 2)
(1) Unlock to disconnect the Connector (P7191).
(Do not pull out the Harness directly.)
(2) Move the block of the Connector Housing in the direction of the arrow and dis-
connect the Flat Cable.
(3) Release the hook and disconnect the connector.
(4) Disconnect the connectors (x5).
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Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 IIT PWB Connectors
4. Remove the IIT PWB (Figure 3)
(1) Remove the screws (x6).
(2) Remove the IIT PWB.
Figure 3 IIT PWB Removal
1. To install, carry out the removed steps in reverse order.
2. When the PWB is replaced, remove the EEPROM from the old PWB and install it onto the
new one (Figure 4), refer to Downloading Software GP 16.
Figure 4 EEPROM
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4-51 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 6.11
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 6.11 Control Panel Assembly
Parts List on PL 1.7
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Platen Cover or DADF.
3. Remove the screws that secure the Control Panel (Figure 1).
(1) Remove the screws (x2).
Figure 1 Control Panel Screws
4. Remove the screws that secure the Control Panel (Figure 2).
(1) Remove the screws (x2).
Figure 2 Control Panel Screws
5. Remove the Control Panel (Figure 3).
(1) Hold the Control Panel and slide it slowly to the front.
(2) Release the UI Cable from the hooks.
(3) Release the hook at the bottom of the Connector Housing and disconnect the
(4) Disconnect the connector of the USB Cable.
Figure 3 Control Panel Removal
6. Turn the Control Panel upside down.
7. Remove the Overlay Cover (Figure 4).
(1) Release the hooks (x3) of the Overlay Cover.
(2) Remove the Overlay Cover in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 4 Overlay Cover Removal
1. Remove the screws (x2)
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8. Turn the Control Panel so that the screen is face up.
9. Remove the self-tapping screw that secures the UI Lower Cover (Figure 5).
Figure 5 UI Lower Cover Removal
10. Turn the Control Panel upside down.
11. Remove the UI Lower Cover (Figure 6).
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (x9).
(2) Remove the UI Lower Cover.
Figure 6 UI Lower Cover Removal
12. Remove the Base Frame (Figure 7).
(1) Remove the self-tapping screws (x7).
(2) Remove the Base Frame.
Figure 7 Base Frame Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
1. Remove the screw
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4-53 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 7.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 7.1 Paper Trays 1, 2, 3, and 4 Assembly
Parts List on PL 9.1, PL 11.2
Paper Trays 1 and 2
1. Remove the paper from the tray.
2. Pull the tray open.
3. Lift up the front of the tray so the rollers clear the stops and remove the tray.
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
Paper Tray 3
1. Remove the paper from the tray.
2. Pull the tray open.
3. Remove Paper Tray 3.
a. Loosen the screw holding the stop bracket and move the stop bracket away from the
tray (Figure 1).
b. Remove the tray.
Figure 1 Removing Screw
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
Paper Tray 4
When removing Tray 4 be sure to support the Tray 4 Transport Assembly to prevent damaging
the tray or transport assembly.
1. Remove the paper from the tray.
2. Pull the tray open.
3. Remove Paper Tray 4.
a. Remove the screw and stop bracket (Figure 2).
b. Remove the tray.
Figure 2 Removing Screw
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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4-54 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 7.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 7.2 MSI Assembly
Parts List on PL 13.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following covers (Figure 1).
a. Pull off the ESS Cap Cover.
b. ESS Cover (2 Screws).
c. Left Rear Middle Cover (2 Screws).
d. Rear Lower Cover (3 Screws).
Figure 1 Removing Covers
3. Perform the following steps (Figure 2).
a. Remove the Left Rear Covers (1 Screw).
b. Remove the Left Rear Lower Cover (1 Screw).
c. Disconnect P/J406 from the MCU PWB and release the wire harness to the MSI
from the clamps.
Figure 2 Removing Screws a
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4-55 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 7.2, REP 7.3
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Support the MSI when removing the screws to prevent damaging the MSI.
4. Remove the screws (2) and slide out the MSI (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing Screws
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 7.3 Tray 3 Cable
Parts List on PL 11.3
NOTE: This procedure shows the removal of the Front Cables, the steps to remove and
replace the Rear Cables are the same.
NOTE: The Screws used in the Tray are of different Length and Threads, keep the screws with
the parts for correct replacement.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove Paper Tray 3 REP 7.1.
3. Remove the Tray 3 Cover (Figure 1):
a. Remove the Screws (2).
b. Remove the Cover.
Figure 1 Cover Removal
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4. Remove the Screws (2) and the Brake (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Brake Removal
5. Remove the Screw (1) and Bracket (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Bracket Removal
6. Release the Cables from the Shaft (Figure 4):
a. Remove the E-Ring and Gear.
b. Slide the Pulley.
c. Release the Cables from the Shaft detente.
Figure 4 Cable Release
7. Remove the Guide (Figure 5):
a. Remove the Screws (4).
b. Remove the Guide.
Figure 5 Guide Removal
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8. Remove the Guide (Figure 6):
a. Remove the Screw (1).
b. Remove the Guide.
Figure 6 Guide Removal
9. Remove the Cables (Figure 7):
a. Remove the Pulleys (2).
b. Raise the Plate and remove the Cables through the plate holes.
Figure 7 Cable Removal
NOTE: Be careful not to twist or cross over the cables when installing them.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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4-58 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 7.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 7.4 Tray 4 Cable
Parts List on PL 11.5
NOTE: This procedure shows the removal of the Front Cables, the steps to remove and
replace the Rear Cables are the same.
NOTE: The Screws used in the Tray are of different Length and Threads, keep the screws with
the parts for correct replacement.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove Paper Tray 4 REP 7.1.
3. Remove the Cover (Figure 1):
a. Remove the Screws (2).
b. Remove the Cover.
Figure 1 Cover Removal
4. Remove the Screws (2) and the Brake (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Brake Removal
5. Remove the Screw (1) and Spring (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Spring Removal
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6. Remove the E-Ring (Figure 4).
Figure 4 E-Ring Removal
7. Release the Cables from the Shaft (Figure 5):
a. Slide the Pulley.
b. Release the Cables from the Shaft detente.
Figure 5 Cable Release
8. Remove the Guide (Figure 6):
a. Remove the Screw (1).
b. Remove the Guide.
Figure 6 Guide Removal
9. Remove the Cables (Figure 7):
a. Remove the Pulleys (2).
b. Raise the Plate and remove the Cables through the plate holes.
Figure 7 Cable Removal
NOTE: Be careful not to twist or cross over the cables when installing them.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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BUS Updated 12/2011
4-61 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 8.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 8.1 Tray 1 Feeder Assembly
Parts List on PL 9.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove Paper Trays 1 and 2.
a. Remove the paper from the trays.
b. Pull the tray open.
c. Lift up the front of the tray so the rollers clear the stops, and remove the tray.
3. Remove the MSI REP 7.2.
4. Perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Open the Left Hand Cover.
b. Disconnect P/J409 on the MCU PWB, and release the wire harness from the
Figure 1 P/Js
NOTE: Support the Left Hand Cover Assembly when releasing the supports to prevent damag-
ing the cover.
5. Remove the Left Hand Cover Assembly (Figure 2).
a. Twist the Front Support and remove it from the slot.
b. Remove the K-Clip, and remove the Rear Support from the pin.
c. Move the cover down to a horizontal position, then lift it off the pivots.
Figure 2 Left Hand Cover
NOTE: The harness cover screw has a different thread than the other screws, keep it with
the harness cover for re-installation.
6. Remove the harness cover (1 Screw) (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing Screw
P/J 409
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7. Remove Feeder 1 Chute (Figure 4).
Figure 4 Chute
8. Remove the Takeaway Chute (Figure 5).
NOTE: Make note of how the Sensor Wires are routed through the retainers on the chute
to avoid pinching the wires when reinstalling the chute.
a. Remove the Screws (2).
b. Release the Tab, and remove the chute.
Figure 5 Removing Screws
9. Perform the following (Figure 6).
a. Disconnect Feeder 1 P/Js (2).
b. Loosen the harness bracket, remove the Screws (3).
Figure 6 Removing Screws & P/Js
10. Remove Feeder 1 (Figure 7).
a. Remove the Screws (2).
b. First, slide out the front of the feeder; then remove it.
Figure 7 Removing Screws
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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4-63 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 8.2
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 8.2 Tray 2 Feeder Assembly
Parts List on PL 9.4
1. Switch off the Power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove Paper Tray 2:
a. Remove the paper from the tray.
b. Pull the tray open.
c. Lift up the front of the tray so the rollers clear the stops and remove the tray.
3. Remove the MSI REP 7.2.
4. Remove the Lower Left Hand Cover (Figure 1).
a. Pull out the cap on the Locking Hinge Pin and remove the pin.
b. Raise the cover, then move the rear of the cover out and remove the cover from the
front pivot.
Figure 1 Removing Cover
NOTE: The harness cover screw has a different thread than the other screws, keep it with the
harness cover for re-installation.
5. Remove the harness cover (1 Screw) (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Screw
6. Perform the following (Figure 3).
a. Disconnect Feeder 2 P/Js (2) and release the harness from the clamp.
b. Remove the Pivot Bracket (1 Screw).
Figure 3 Removing Screws & P/Js
7. Remove Feeder 2 (Figure 4).
a. Remove the screws (2).
b. First, slide out the front of the feeder, then remove it.
Figure 4 Removal
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
Pull out Cap
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4-64 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 8.3
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 8.3 Tray 3 Feeder Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.7
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove Paper Trays 2, 3, and 4 REP 7.1.
3. Perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Remove the Left Lower Cover (2 Screws).
b. Open the Left Cover Assembly.
Figure 1 Covers
4. Remove the Harness Cover (1 Screw) (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Screw
5. Disconnect Feeder 3 P/Js (2), and release the harness from the clamp (Figure 3).
Figure 3 P/Js
6. Perform the following (Figure 4).
a. Removing the Feed Out Chute.
b. Remove Tray 3 Feeder left side mounting screws (2).
Figure 4 Removal
Feed Out Chute
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4-65 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 8.3, REP 8.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
7. Remove Feeder 3 (Figure 5).
a. Remove the inside rear mounting screw (1)
b. Raise the right rear of Feeder 3 to clear the drive gear, then move the front of Feeder
3 to the left and slide it out.
Figure 5 Removal
NOTE: Setting the right rear of the feeder on to the drive gear is technique sensitive and may
require you to gently rotate and wiggle the feeder to set it in place.
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 8.4 Tray 4 Feeder Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.7
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove Paper Trays 1, 2, 3, and 4 REP 7.1.
Be sure to support Feeder 4 when removing the screws and bracket to prevent damaging the
3. Remove Feeder 4 (Figure 1).
a. Release the wire harness on Feeder 4 from the clamps.
b. Remove the rear mounting screws (2).
c. Remove the front mounting screw and bracket.
d. Rotate Feeder 4 counter-clockwise to access the 3 P/Js and disconnect them, then
remove Feeder 4.
Figure 1 Removing Screws & P/Js
NOTE: Reinstall the 3 mounting screws but do not tighten them, then tighten the 2 rear screws
before tightening the front screw.
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
Screw and bracket
Wire Harness
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4-66 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 8.5
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 8.5 Feed, Nudger, Retard Roll
Parts List on PL 11.10
NOTE: The replacement procedure shows Feeder 1 Feed, Nudger, and Retard Rolls; the pro-
cedure for Feeders 2, 3, and 4 are the same.
NOTE: The Feed, Nudger, and Retard Rolls (3) must be replaced at the same time.
NOTE: After replacing the Feed, Nudger, and Retard Rolls reset the HFSI Counter for that
1. Remove the Paper Tray REP 7.1.
2. Slide the guide to the front (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Guide
3. Remove the Feed, Nudger, and Retard Rolls (3) (Figure 2).
a. Release the locking tab and slide the roll off the shaft.
Figure 2 Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
Locking tab
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4-67 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 8.6
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 8.6 MSI Feed Roll
Parts List on PL 13.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Left Hand Cover. and perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Remove the Duplex Lower Chute.
b. Remove the screws (2) and the MSI Top Cover.
Figure 1 Removing Screws
3. Release the Core Roll locking tab from the shaft and slide it to the front (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Roll
4. Slide the Feed Roll to the front, to clear the locating pin, and remove it (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Go to HFSI Counter and reset counter 954-804
Locking tab
Locking pin
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4-68 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 8.7
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 8.7 Takeaway Motor Assembly
Parts List on PL 15.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the MSI Assembly REP 7.2.
3. Disconnect the following connectors (Figure 1).
a. Takeaway Motor connector.
b. MCU PWB top and right side connectors, and release the wires from the clamps.
Figure 1 P/Js
4. Perform the following (Figure 2)
a. Remove the MCU PWB chassis Screws (7).
b. Move the MCU PWB chassis to the left.
Figure 2 Removing Screws
5. Remove the Screws (3) and the Takeaway Motor (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing Screws
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
T/A Motor
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-69 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 9.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 9.1 Xerographic Cartridge Guide Assembly
Parts List on PL 8.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the MSI Assembly REP 7.2.
3. Perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Open the Left Hand Cover.
b. Disconnect PJ409 on the MCU PWB, and release the wire harness from the clamps
Figure 1 PJ
NOTE: Support the Left Hand Cover Assembly when releasing the supports to prevent damag-
ing the cover.
4. Remove the Left Hand Cover Assembly (Figure 2).
a. Twist the Front Support and remove it from the slot.
b. Remove the K-Clip, and remove the Rear Support from the pin.
c. Move the cover down to a horizontal position, then lift it off the pivots.
Figure 2 Left Hand Cover
5. Disconnect the connectors on the Top and Right side of the MCU PWB, and release the
wire harnesses from the clamps (Figure 3).
Figure 3 PJs
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Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
6. Perform the following (Figure 4).
a. Remove the MCU PWB Bracket Screws (7)
b. Pivot the MCU PWB Bracket to the left.
Figure 4 Removing Screws
7. Perform the following (Figure 5).
a. Disconnect PJ609.
b. Remove harness clamp from the rear frame.
c. Release the wire harness from the clamps.
Figure 5 Wire Harness
NOTE: Support the Registration Transport when removing it to avoid damaging the wire har-
ness connectors.
8. Remove the Registration Transport (Figure 6).
a. Remove the Screws (2)
b. Move the Front of the transport out of the slot and remove the transport.
Figure 6 Removing Screws
9. Perform the following (Figure 7).
a. Release the wires from the clamps.
b. Disconnect the Registration Transport PJs (2).
Figure 7 PJs
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10. Open the Front Cover, remove the Xerographic Cartridge and the Toner Cartridge (Figure
Figure 8 Removals
11. Remove the Exit 2 Tray, release the Rear Locking Tab and remove the tray (Figure 9).
Figure 9 Removing Tray
12. Remove the Front Left Cover and Exit Front Cover (Figure 10).
a. Remove Screw (1)
b. Pull out the bottom of the Front Left Cover and remove the covers.
Figure 10 Removing Cover
13. Remove the Top Cover (Figure 11).
a. Remove the Screws (4).
b. Lift the cover up and remove it.
Figure 11 Removing Screws
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14. Remove the Front Cover (Figure 12).
a. Remove the Screws (3).
b. Pull the top of the cover out and lift it off.
Figure 12 Removing Screws
15. Remove the Toner Cartridge Connector (Figure 13).
a. Disconnect the PJ (1).
b. Remove Connector (1 Screw).
c. Release the wire harness from the front clamps and left side of the Cartridge Guide.
Figure 13 Wires & PJ
16. Remove the Toner Cartridge Guide (Figure 14).
a. On the left rear, remove the Dispenser Tube Screw (1).
b. Loosen the front Screws (2).
c. Lift the front of the guide up and remove the guide.
Figure 14 Removing Screws
17. Remove the ROS Cover (Figure 15).
a. Remove the Screws (2) on the left side of the cover.
b. Remove the top Screw (1).
c. Move the cover to the left and remove it.
Figure 15 Removing The Cover
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4-73 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 9.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
18. Remove the HVPS (Figure 16).
a. Release the wire harness from the clamp, and disconnect the connector.
b. Remove the Screws (2).
c. Pull the HVPS out.
Figure 16 Removing Screws
19. Perform the following (Figure 17).
a. Release the Xerographic Module Connector from the frame.
b. Remove the Cartridge Guide top Screws (2).
Figure 17 Removing Screws
20. Release the BTR Contact Cover from the frame (2 locking tabs) (Figure 18).
Figure 18 Removal
21. Remove the Xerographic Cartridge Guide Assembly (Figure 19).
a. Remove the left side Screws (2).
b. Remove the guide, routing the front and rear wire harnesses through the frame
Figure 19 Removing Screws
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-74 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 9.2, REP 9.3
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 9.2 Xerographic Interlock Switch
Parts List on PL 8.2
NOTE: The Xerographic Interlock Switch is part of the wire harness, the switch and wire har-
ness are replaced as a unit.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Cartridge Guide REP 9.1.
3. Remove the Xerographic Interlock Switch (Figure 1).
a. Remove the Screw (1)
b. Remove the switch and wire harness.
Figure 1 Removing Screw
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 9.3 Humidity / Temperature Sensor
Parts List on PL 8.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
NOTE: Do Not perform Steps 5, 6, and 7 of REP 9.1 Xerographic CRU Guide.
To access the Humidity / Temperature Sensor you do not need to fully remove the Xerographic
Cartridge Guide or disconnect the MCU PWB connectors and wire harness on the rear.
2. Remove the Xerographic Cartridge Guide REP 9.1.
3. Remove the Humidity / Temperature Sensor (Figure 1).
a. Disconnect the connector.
b. Remove the Screw (1).
Figure 1 Removal
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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4-75 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 9.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Parts List on PL 18.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Open the Front Cover and the Left Hand Cover.
b. Remove the Xerographic Cartridge and the Toner Cartridge.
Figure 1 Removals
3. Remove the Exit 2 Tray, release the Rear Locking Tab and remove the tray (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Tray
4. Remove the Front Left Cover and Exit Front Cover (Figure 3).
a. Remove the Screw (1).
b. Pull out the bottom of the Front Left Cover and remove the covers.
Figure 3 Removing Covers
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4-76 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 9.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
5. Remove the Top Cover (Figure 4).
a. Remove the Screws (4).
b. Lift the cover up and remove it.
Figure 4 Removing Screws
6. Remove the Front Cover (Figure 5).
a. Remove the Screws (3).
b. Pull the top of the cover out and lift it off.
Figure 5 Removing Screws
7. Remove the HVPS (Figure 6).
a. Release the wire harness from the clamp and disconnect the connector.
b. Remove the Screws (2) and pull the HVPS out.
Figure 6 Removing The HVPS
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-77 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 9.5, REP 9.6
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 9.5 Toner Cartridge Guide
Parts List on PL 8.2
1. To remove the Toner Cartridge Guide go to REP 6.2 ROS Assembly Steps 1 through 8.
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 9.6 Toner Dispense Motor
Parts List on PL 8.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Open the Front Cover and the Left Hand Cover.
b. Remove the Xerographic Cartridge and the Toner Cartridge.
Figure 1 Removals
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4-78 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 9.6
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
3. Remove the Exit 2 Tray, release the Rear Locking Tab and remove the tray (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Tray
4. Remove the Front Left Cover and Exit Front Cover (Figure 3).
a. Remove Screw (1).
b. Pull out the bottom of the Front Left Cover and remove the covers.
Figure 3 Removing Covers
5. Remove the Top Cover (Figure 4).
a. Remove the Screws (4).
b. Lift the cover up and remove it.
Figure 4 Removing Screws
6. Remove the Front Cover (Figure 5).
a. Remove the Screws (3).
b. Pull the top of the cover out and lift it off.
Figure 5 Removing Screws
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4-79 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 9.6
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
7. Remove the Toner Cartridge Connector (Figure 6).
a. Disconnect the PJ (1).
b. Remove Connector (1 Screw).
c. Release the wire harness from the front clamps and left side of the Cartridge Guide.
Figure 6 Wires & PJ
8. Remove the Toner Cartridge Guide (Figure 7).
a. On the left rear of the guide, remove the Dispenser Tube Screw (1).
b. Loosen the front Screws (2).
c. Lift the front of the guide up and remove it.
Figure 7 Removing The Screws
9. Remove the Toner Dispense Motor (Figure 8).
NOTE: The 4 motor screws are longer then the other screws, keep them with the motor
for reinstallation.
a. Disconnect the PJ (1).
b. Remove the Screws (4), and the Motor.
Figure 8 Removing The Motor
1. To reinstall, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-81 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 10.1 Duplex Motor
Parts List on PL 14.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Left Hand Cover (Figure 1).
a. Release the front and rear locking tabs and remove the BTR Assembly.
Figure 1 Removal
3. Remove the Left Hand Chute Cover (4 Screws) (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Screws
4. Remove the Left Hand Cover (7 Screws) (Figure 3).
NOTE: The Left Hand Cover Screws have a different thread than the other screws, keep
them with the cover for re-installation.
Figure 3 Removing Screws
5. Perform the following (Figure 4).
a. Disconnect the PJ from the Duplex Motor.
b. Remove the Harness Guide; loosen the top screw, remove the bottom screw.
Figure 4 Removing Screws
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4-82 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.1, REP 10.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
6. Remove the Duplex Assembly from the Left Hand Cover (4 Screws) (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Removing Screws
7. Remove the Duplex Motor (2 Screws) (Figure 6).
Figure 6 Removing Screws
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 10.2 Duplex Sensor
Parts List on PL 14.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Left Hand Cover (Figure 1).
a. Release the front and rear locking tabs and remove the BTR Assembly.
Figure 1 Removal
3. Remove the Left Hand Chute Cover (4 Screws) (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Screws
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4-83 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.2
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
4. Remove the Left Hand Cover (7 Screws) (Figure 3).
NOTE: The Left Hand Cover Screws have a different thread than the other screws, keep
them with the cover for re-installation.
Figure 3 Removing Screws
5. Remove the Harness Guide (Figure 4).
a. Loosen the top screw, remove the bottom screw.
Figure 4 Removing Screws
6. Remove the Duplex Assembly from the Left Hand Cover (4 Screws) (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Removing Screws
7. Remove the Duplex Sensor (Figure 6).
NOTE: Be careful not to damage or lose the Sensor Actuator Spring.
Figure 6 Duplex Sensor
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-84 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.3, REP 10.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 10.3 Fuser
Parts List on PL 7.1
The Fuser is Hot, do not start servicing the Fuser until has cooled down.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Left Hand Cover and remove the Fuser (Figure 1).
a. Loosen the knobs (2).
b. Hold the Fuser by the handles and remove it.
Figure 1 Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 10.4 Fuser Exit Sensor
Parts List on PL 7.1
The Fuser is Hot, do not start servicing the Fuser until has cooled down.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Left Hand Cover and remove the Fuser (Figure 1).
a. Loosen the knobs (2).
b. Hold the Fuser by the handles and remove it.
Figure 1 Removal
3. Remove the Plate (1 Screw) (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Screw
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4-85 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.4, REP 10.5
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
4. Remove the Exit Sensor Plate Assembly (Figure 3).
a. Remove the Screw (1).
b. Disconnect the connector.
Figure 3 Removing Screw
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 10.5 Exit 2 Transport Assembly
Parts List on PL 17.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following covers (Figure 1).
a. Fax Cover.
b. Rear Upper Cover (2 Screws).
Figure 1 Removing Covers
3. Perform the following (Figure 2).
a. Open the Front Cover and the Left Hand Cover.
b. Remove the Xerographic Cartridge and the Toner Cartridge.
Figure 2 Removals
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Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
4. Remove the Exit 2 Tray, release the Rear Locking Tab and remove the tray (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing Tray
5. Remove the Front Left Cover and Exit Front Cover (Figure 4).
a. Remove Screw (1)
b. Pull out the bottom of the Front Left Cover and remove the covers.
Figure 4 Removing Covers
6. Remove the Top Cover Screws (4) (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Removing Screws
7. Remove the Front Cover (Figure 6).
a. Remove the Screws (3).
b. Raise the Top Cover, and pull the top of the Front Cover out and lift it off.
Figure 6 Removing Screws
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4-87 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.5
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
8. Remove the Left Upper Cover (Figure 7).
a. Open the Left Hand High Chute.
b. Remove the Screws (2) and Cover.
Figure 7 Removing Screws
9. Remove the Left Hand High Chute (Figure 8).
a. Rotate the Front and Rear Stoppers 1/4 turn to release them from the brackets.
b. Lift the rear of the Chute and slide the front out of the pivot.
Figure 8 Removal
10. Remove the Exit 2 Assembly (Figure 9).
a. Disconnect the PJs (2).
b. Remove the screws (4), and remove the assembly.
Figure 9 Removing Screws
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-88 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.6, REP 10.7
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 10.6 Exit 2 Guide Assembly / Exit Gate
Parts List on PL 17.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Exit 2 Assembly REP 10.5.
3. Remove the screws (6) and the Exit 2 Guide Assembly (Figure 1).
NOTE: The Exit 2 Guide Assembly Screws have a different thread than the other screws,
keep them with the guide for re-installation.
Figure 1 Removing Screws
4. Exit 2 Guide Assembly (Figure 2).
a. Exit Gate.
Figure 2 Exit Gate
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 10.7 Exit 2 Sensor / Exit Gate Solenoid
Parts List on PL 17.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Exit 2 Assembly REP 10.5.
3. Remove the screws (6) and the Exit 2 Guide Assembly (Figure 1).
NOTE: The Exit 2 Guide Assembly Screws have a different thread than the other screws,
keep them with the guide for re-installation.
Figure 1 Removing Screws
4. Exit 2 Sensor removal, disconnect the PJ (1) and release the sensor from the assembly.
(Figure 2).
Figure 2 Exit 2 Sensor
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4-89 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.7, REP 10.8
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
5. Exit Gate Solenoid removal (Figure 3).
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove the Screws (2), and the solenoid.
Figure 3 Removing Screws
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 10.8 Left Hand Chute Interlock Switch
Parts List on PL 17.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Exit 2 Assembly REP 10.5.
3. Remove the screws (6) and the Exit 2 Guide Assembly (Figure 1).
NOTE: The Exit 2 Guide Assembly Screws have a different thread than the other screws,
keep them with the guide for re-installation.
Figure 1 Removing Screws
4. Left Hand Chute Interlock Switch removal; disconnect the connector, and release the sen-
sor from the assembly (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removal
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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4-90 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.9
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 10.9 Exit 2 Motor
Parts List on PL 17.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Exit 2 Assembly REP 10.5.
3. Perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Disconnect the motor PJ.
b. Remove the Rear Cover (1 Screw).
Figure 1 Removing Screw & PJ
4. Remove the Screws (2) and the Exit 2 Motor (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Removing Screws
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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4-91 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.10
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 10.10 Offset Motor
Parts List on PL 17.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Exit 2 Assembly REP 10.5.
NOTE: The Motor Cover Screw and the Offset Motor Screws are different than the other
screws, keep it with the cover and motor for re-installation.
3. Remove the Motor Cover (1 Screw) (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing Screw
4. Perform the following (Figure 2).
a. Disconnect the Offset Motor PJ.
b. Remove the Screws (2) and the Offset Motor.
Figure 2 Removing Screws & PJ
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
NOTE: Make sure the Ground Spring for the Offset Motor is captured by the mounting
screw when replacing the motor (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Ground Spring
b a
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4-92 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.11, REP 10.12
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 10.11 OTC Home Position Sensor
Parts List on PL 17.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Exit 2 Assembly REP 10.5.
3. Remove the Motor Cover (1 Screw) (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing Screw
4. Disconnect the PJ from the sensor, and release the sensor from the cover (Figure 2).
Figure 2 PJ
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 10.12 Registration Transport
Parts List on PL 15.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the MSI Assembly REP 7.2.
3. Perform the following (Figure 1).
a. Open the Left Hand Cover.
b. Disconnect PJ409 on the MCU PWB, and release the wire harness from the clamps
Figure 1 Removal
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4-93 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 10.12
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
NOTE: Support the Left Hand Cover Assembly when releasing the supports to prevent damag-
ing the cover.
4. Remove the Left Hand Cover Assembly (Figure 2).
a. Twist the Front Support and remove it from the slot.
b. Remove the K-Clip, and remove the Rear Support from the pin.
c. Move the cover down to a horizontal position, then lift it off the pivots.
Figure 2 Left Hand Cover Removal
NOTE: Support the Registration Transport when removing it to avoid damaging the wire har-
ness connectors.
5. Perform the following (Figure 3).
a. Remove the transport Screws (2).
b. Move the Front of the transport out of the slot and move the transport out.
Figure 3 Removing Screws
6. Remove the Registration Transport (Figure 4).
a. Release the wires from the clamps.
b. Disconnect the Registration Transport PJs (2), and remove the transport.
Figure 4 PJs
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
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Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-95 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 12.1 Integrated Office Finisher
Parts List on PL 22.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Disconnect the Integrated Office Finisher Wire Harness:
(1)Remove the Cover.(Figure 1)
Figure 1 Remove Cover
(2)Remove Clamp. (Figure 2)
(3)Disconnect Connectors (2). (Figure 2)
Figure 2 Disconnect Connectors
3. Loosen the Thumb Screws (2) (Figure 3):
Remove Cover
Remove Clamp
Disconnect Connectors (2)
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4-96 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.1, REP 12.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 3 Loosen the Thumb Screws
4. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher.
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 12.2 Paddle Belt
Parts List on PL 22.3
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Compiler Assembly (REP 12.20)
4. Remove the front Pulley (Figure 1):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Remove Flange.
(3)Remove Belt from Pulley.
(4)Remove Pulley.
Figure 1 Removing the Pulley
5. Remove the Front Bearing (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Bearing.
Thumb Screws (2)
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4-97 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.2
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Removing the Front Bearing
6. Remove the Rear Gear (Figure 3)
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Remove Gear.
Figure 3 Removing the Gear
7. Remove the Rear Bearing (Figure 4):
(1)Remove Bearing.
Figure 4 Removing the Bearing
8. Remove the Paddle Link Assembly (Figure 5):
(1)Remove Paddle Link Assembly.
Figure 5 Removing the Paddle Link Assembly
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4-98 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
9. Remove the Bearing (Figure 6):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Remove Bearing.
Figure 6 Removing Bearing
10. Remove the Shaft Assembly (Figure 7):
(1)Remove Paddle Belt from Pulley.
(2)Remove Shaft Assembly in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 7 Removing Shaft Assembly
11. Remove the Paddle Belt (Figure 8):
(1)Remove E-Clips (2).
(2)Move Bearings (2) in the direction of the arrow.
(3)Remove Sub Paddle Shaft Assembly.
(4)Remove Paddle Belt.
Figure 8 Removing the Paddle Belt
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Install the Paddle Link Assembly as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9 Installing the Paddle Link Assembly
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4-99 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.3
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 12.3 Sub Paddle Solenoid
Parts List on PL 22.3
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
5. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
6. Disconnect the Connector (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connector.
Figure 1 Disconnecting the Connector
7. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
8. Remove the Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly (Figure 2):
(1)Disconnect Connector.
(2)Release Wire from Hook.
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly.
Figure 2 Removing the Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly
9. Remove the Support (Figure 3):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Support.
Figure 3 Removing the Support
10. Remove the Sub Paddle Solenoid (Figure 4):
(1)Remove Screws (2).
(2)Remove the Sub Paddle Solenoid.
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4-100 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.3, REP 12.5
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 4 Removing the Sub Paddle Solenoid
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Install the Sub Paddle Assembly as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Installing the Sub Paddle Assembly
REP 12.5 Staple Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Staple Assembly (Figure 1):
(1)Remove Clamps (2).
(2)Disconnect Connectors (2).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Staple Assembly.
Figure 1 Removing the Staple Assembly
5. Remove the Bracket from the Staple Assembly (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Screws (2).
(2)Remove Bracket.
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4-101 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.5, REP 12.6
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Removing the Bracket
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 12.6 Set Clamp Home Sensor
Parts List on PL 22.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Disconnect the Connector (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamp and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connector.
Figure 1 Disconnecting Connector
5. Remove the Set Clamp Home Sensor Assembly (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Set Clamp Home Sensor Assembly.
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4-102 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.6, REP 12.7
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Removing the Set Clamp Home Sensor Assembly
6. Remove the Set Clamp Home Sensor (Figure 3):
(1)Remove Set Clamp Home Sensor from Bracket.
(2)Disconnect Connector.
Figure 3 Removing the Set Clamp Home Sensor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 12.7 Exit Roll Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.4
NOTE: The Integrated Office Finisher is available for use in several different machines. The
color of the Covers may be different from product to product, however, the repair procedures
are the same.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Remove the Left Cover (PL 22.2)
6. Remove the Upper Frame Section (Figure 1):
(1)Remove Screw and Bracket.
(2)Remove Screws (2).
(3)Remove Screw and Bracket.
(4)Remove Screws (2).
(5)Remove the Upper Frame Section
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4-103 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.7
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 1 Removing the Upper Frame Section
NOTE: The screws do not thread into the Upper Chute. They are used like pins to secure
the Upper Chute in place.
7. Remove the Upper Chute Assembly (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Screws (2).
(2)Remove Screw.
(3)Carefully Remove the Upper Chute Assembly.
Figure 2 Removing the Upper Chute Assembly
8. Remove the Exit Roll Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Remove E-ring and Bearing.
(2)Remove E-ring and Bearing.
(3)Remove the Exit Roll Assembly.
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4-104 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.7, REP 12.8
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 3 Removing the Exit Roll Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
NOTE: Ensure that the Paper Guides on the Upper Chute (PL 22.6) are not folded back
on top of the Exit Roll Assembly.
REP 12.8 Pinch Roll
Parts List on PL 22.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Compiler Assembly (REP 12.20)
4. Remove the Pinch Roll (Figure 1):
(1)Raise Springs (4) in the direction of the arrow.
(2)Remove Pinch Rolls (4).
Figure 1 Removing the Pinch Rolls
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-105 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.9
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 12.9 Finisher Entrance Sensor
Parts List on PL 22.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
4. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
5. Remove the Connector Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (5).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Connector Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Connector Bracket
6. Remove the Bottom Plate (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (8).
(3)Remove Wire from Hook.
(4)Remove Screws (4).
(5)Remove Bottom Plate.
Figure 2 Removing the Bottom Plate
7. Remove the Finisher Entrance Sensor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Disconnect Connector.
(2)Remove Self-tapping Screw.
(3)Remove Finisher Entrance Sensor Assembly.
Figure 3 Removing the Finisher Entrance Sensor Assembly
8. Remove the Finisher Entrance Sensor (Figure 4):
(1)Remove Finisher Entrance Sensor from Bracket.
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4-106 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.9, REP 12.10
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 4 Removing the Finisher Entrance Sensor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 12.10 Compiler Exit Sensor
Parts List on PL 22.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
4. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
5. Remove the Connector Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (5).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Connector Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Connector Bracket
6. Remove the Bottom Plate (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (8).
(3)Release Wire from Hook.
(4)Remove Screws (4).
(5)Remove Bottom Plate.
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4-107 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.10
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Removing the Bottom Plate
7. Remove the Compiler Exit Sensor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Compiler Exit Sensor Assembly.
Figure 3 Removing the Compiler Exit Sensor Assembly
8. Remove the Compiler Exit Sensor (Figure 4):
(1)Release Clamps (2) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connector.
(3)Remove Compiler Exit Sensor.
Figure 4 Removing the Compiler Exit Sensor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-108 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.11
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.11 Main Paddle Shaft Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Compiler Assembly (REP 12.20)
4. Remove the Gear (Figure 1):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Remove Gear.
(3)Remove KL-Clip.
(4)Remove Gear.
Figure 1 Removing the Gear
5. Remove the Gear Pulley (Figure 2):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Remove Gear.
(3)Remove Flange.
Figure 2 Removing the Gear Pulley
6. Remove the Bearing (Figure 3):
(1)Remove Bearing.
Figure 3 Removing the Bearing
7. Remove the Support Bearing from the Entrance Lower Chute Assembly (Figure 4):
(1)Remove Self-tapping Screw.
(2)Remove Support Bearing.
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4-109 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.11
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 4 Removing the Support Bearing
8. Remove the Main Paddle Shaft Assembly (Figure 5):
(1)Remove Main Paddle Shaft Assembly.
Figure 5 Removing the Main Paddle Shaft Assembly
9. Remove the Support Bearing from the Main Paddle Shaft Assembly (Figure 6):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Remove Support Bearing.
Figure 6 Removing the Support Bearing
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
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4-110 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.12
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.12 Lower Chute Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Compiler Assembly (REP 12.20)
4. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher (Transport).
5. Remove the Stapler Assembly (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (2) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (2).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Stapler Assembly.
Figure 1 Removing the Stapler Assembly
6. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
7. Remove the Transport Motor (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Screws (2).
(2)Remove Belt from Pulley.
(3)Remove Transport Motor.
Figure 2 Removing the Transport Motor
8. Remove the Gear (Figure 3):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Remove Gear.
(3)Remove KL-Clip.
(4)Remove Gear.
Figure 3 Removing the Gear
9. Remove the Gear Pulley (Figure 4):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
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4-111 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.12
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
(2)Remove Gear.
(3)Remove Pulley from Belt.
(4)Remove Flange.
Figure 4 Removing the Gear Pulley
10. Remove the Bearing (Figure 5):
(1)Remove the Bearing.
Figure 5 Removing the Bearing
11. Remove the Entrance Lower Chute Assembly (Figure 6):
(1)Remove Screws (2).
(2)Loosen Screws (2).
(3)Remove Entrance Lower Chute Assembly.
Figure 6 Removing the Entrance Lower Chute Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-112 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.13
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.13 Entrance Roll Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.6
NOTE: The Integrated Office Finisher is available for use in several different machines. The
color of the Covers may be different from product to product, however, the repair procedures
are the same.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Remove the Left Cover (PL 22.2)
6. Remove the Upper Frame Section (Figure 1):
(1)Remove Screw and Bracket.
(2)Remove Screws (2).
(3)Remove Screw and Bracket.
(4)Remove Screws (2).
(5)Remove the Upper Frame Section
Figure 1 Removing the Upper Frame Section
NOTE: The screws do not thread into the Upper Chute. They are used like pins to secure
the Upper Chute in place.
7. Remove the Upper Chute Assembly (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Screws (2).
(2)Remove Screw.
(3)Carefully Remove the Upper Chute Assembly.
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4-113 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.13
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Removing the Upper Chute Assembly
8. Remove the Entrance Roll Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Disconnect Spring.
(2)Remove E-Rings (2).
NOTE: Capture the Bearing
(3)Remove Arm.
(4)Slide Shaft out of the Bearing in the Arm.
Figure 3 Removing the Gear
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
NOTE: Ensure that the Paper Guides on the Upper Chute (PL 22.6) are not folded back
on top of the Exit Roll Assembly.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-114 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.14
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.14 Upper Chute Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.6
NOTE: The Integrated Office Finisher is available for use in several different machines. The
color of the Covers may be different from product to product, however, the repair procedures
are the same.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Remove the Left Cover (PL 22.2)
6. Remove the Upper Frame Section (Figure 1):
(1)Remove Screw and Bracket.
(2)Remove Screws (2).
(3)Remove Screw and Bracket.
(4)Remove Screws (2).
(5)Remove the Upper Frame Section
Figure 1 Removing the Upper Frame Section
NOTE: The screws do not thread into the Upper Chute. They are used like pins to secure
the Upper Chute in place.
7. Remove the Upper Chute Assembly (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Screws (2).
(2)Remove Screw.
(3)Carefully Remove the Upper Chute Assembly.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-115 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.14, REP 12.15
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Removing the Upper Chute Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
NOTE: Ensure that the Paper Guides (PL 22.6) are not folded back on top of the Exit Roll
REP 12.15 Finisher PWB
Parts List on PL 22.7
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Turn over the Finisher.
4. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
5. Remove the Finisher PWB (Figure 1):
(1)Disconnect Connectors (12).
(2)Remove Screws (4).
(3)Remove Finisher PWB.
Figure 1 Removing the Finisher PWB
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-116 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.16
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.16 Stacker Tray Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
6. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
7. Remove the Tray Cover (PL 22.2)
8. Disconnect Connector (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamp.
(2)Remove Clamp.
(3)Release and remove Wire from Hook.
(4)Release Clamp.
(5)Disconnect Connector.
(6)Release and remove Wire from Hook.
Figure 1 Disconnecting the Connector
9. Release the Clamps and the Hook to remove the wire (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5).
(2)Remove Wire from Hook.
Figure 2 Disconnecting the Wire
10. Remove the Stacker Sensor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Stacker Sensor Assembly.
(3)Release Clamps (4).
(4)Disconnect Connectors (2).
Figure 3 Removing the Stacker Sensor Assembly
11. Remove the Stacker Tray Assembly (Figure 4):
(1)Remove Screws (5).
(2)Remove Stacker Tray Assembly.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-117 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.16, REP 12.17
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 4 Removing the Stacker Tray Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Install the Stacker Tray Assembly and Integrated Office Finisher as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Installing the Stacker Tray Assembly
REP 12.17 Stacker Shaft Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
5. Remove the Tray Cover (PL 22.2)
6. Remove the rear Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Rear Bracket
7. Remove the front Bracket (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Bracket.
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4-118 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.17
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Removing the Front Bracket
8. Remove the Top Tray (Figure 3):
(1)Raise Integrated Office Finisher slightly in the direction of the arrow.
(2)Remove Top Tray.
Figure 3 Removing the Top Tray
9. Disconnect Connector (Figure 4):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Release Wire from Hook.
(3)Disconnect Connector.
Figure 4 Disconnecting the Connector
10. Remove the Stacker Sensor Assembly (Figure 5):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Stacker Sensor Assembly.
(3)Remove Wire from Clamps (5)
Figure 5 Removing the Stacker Sensor Assembly
11. Remove the Stacker Assembly (Figure 6):
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4-119 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.17
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
(1)Remove Self-tapping Screws (5).
(2)Remove Screw.
(3)Remove Stacker Assembly.
Figure 6 Removing the Stacker Assembly
12. Remove the Actuator (Figure 7):
(2)Remove Actuator.
Figure 7 Removing the Actuator
13. Move the Bearing (Figure 8):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Move Bearing in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 8 Moving the Bearing
14. Remove the Stacker Shaft Assembly (Figure 9):
(1)Remove Stacker Shaft Assembly in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 9 Removing the Stacker Shaft Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-120 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.18
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.18 Stacker Motor
Parts List on PL 22.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
5. Remove the Tray Cover (PL 22.2)
6. Disconnect the Connector (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Release Wire from Hook.
(3)Disconnect Connector.
Figure 1 Disconnecting the Connector
7. Remove the Bracket (Figure 2):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Bracket.
Figure 2 Removing the Bracket
8. Remove the Stacker Motor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Remove Screws (2).
(2)Remove Stacker Motor Assembly.
Figure 3 Removing the Stacker Motor Assembly
9. Remove the Stacker Motor (Figure 4):
(1)Remove Screws (3).
(2)Remove Belt from Pulley.
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4-121 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.18, REP 12.19
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
(3)Remove Stacker Motor.
Figure 4 Removing the Stacker Motor)
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Install the Stacker Motor as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Installing the Stacker Motor
REP 12.19 Stacker Sensor
Parts List on PL 22.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
5. Remove the Tray Cover (PL 22.2)
6. Remove the Stacker Sensor Assembly (Figure 1):
(1)Release the wire from the Clamp.
(2)Remove Screw.
(3)Remove Stacker Sensor Assembly.
(4)Disconnect the Sensor Connector and remove Sensor from Bracket (5)
Figure 1 Removing the Stacker Stack Sensor Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-122 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.20
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.20 Compiler Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.9
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
6. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
7. Remove the Tray Cover (PL 22.2)
8. Remove the Connector Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (5).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Connector Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Connector Bracket
9. Remove the Bottom Plate (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (8).
(3)Remove Wire from Hook.
(4)Remove Screws (4).
(5)Remove Bottom Plate.
Figure 2 Removing the Bottom Plate
10. Release the Clamp from the wire (Figure 3):
(1)Release Clamp and remove the wire.
Figure 3 Releasing the Clamp
11. Remove the Stacker Tray (Figure 4):
(1)Release wires from Clamps (5)
(2)Disconnect the Connector
(3)Remove Screws (7)
(4)Remove the Stacker Tray
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4-123 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.20
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 4 Removing the Stacker Tray
12. Remove the front Self-tapping Screw (Figure 5):
(1)Remove Self-tapping Screw.
Figure 5 Removing the Self-tapping Screw
13. Remove the rear Screw (Figure 6):
(1)Remove Screw.
Figure 6 Removing the Screw
14. Remove the Compiler Assembly (Figure 7):
(1)Remove Compiler Assembly.
Figure 7 Removing the Compiler Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-124 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.21
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.21 Set Clamp Shaft
Parts List on PL 22.9
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (PL 22.1).
3. Remove the Compiler Assembly (REP 12.20)
4. Remove the Bracket Assembly (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (2) and remove the wire.
(2)Remove Screws (2).
(3)Remove Bracket Assembly.
Figure 1 Removing the Bracket Assembly
5. Remove the KL-Clips from the Eject Shaft (Figure 2):
(1)Remove KL-Clips (2).
Figure 2 Removing the KL-Clips
6. Remove the Eject Shaft from the Front/Rear Tamper Motor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Move Bearings (2) in the direction of the arrow.
(2)Remove Eject Shaft in the direction of the arrow.
(3)Remove Belt from Pulley.
Figure 3 Removing the Eject Shaft
7. Remove the Actuator and the Bearing (Figure 4):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
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4-125 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.21
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
(2)Remove Actuator.
(3)Remove E-Clip.
(4)Remove Bearing.
Figure 4 Removing the Actuator and Bearing
8. Remove the Bearing (Figure 5):
(1)Remove E-Clip.
(2)Remove Bearing.
Figure 5 Removing the Bearing
9. Remove the Set Clamp Shaft (Figure 6):
(1)Move Set Clamp Shaft in the direction of the arrow.
(2)Remove Belts (3) from Pulleys (3).
(3)Remove Set Clamp Shaft in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 6 Removing the Set Clamp Shaft
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Install and align the Eject Belt with marks on the Pulleys (Figure 7):
Figure 7 Installing the Eject Belt
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-126 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.22
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.22 Eject Belt
Parts List on PL 22.9
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (PL 22.1).
3. Remove the Compiler Assembly (REP 12.20)
4. Remove the Front/Rear Tamper Motor Assembly (REP 12.26)
5. Move the Eject Home Sensor Assembly (Figure 1):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Move Eject Home Sensor Assembly.
Figure 1 Moving the Eject Home Sensor Assembly (j0fa42279)
6. Remove the Eject Belt (Figure 2):
(1)Move the blades of Set Clamp Shaft in the direction of the arrow.
(2)Remove Eject Belt in the direction of the arrow.
Figure 2 Removing the Eject Belt
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Install and align the Eject Belt with marks on the Pulleys (Figure 3), (Figure 4)
Figure 3 Eject Belt Alignment
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-127 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.22, REP 12.23
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 4 Eject Belt Alignment
REP 12.23 Eject/Set Clamp Motor Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.9
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
6. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
7. Remove the Connector Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (5).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Connector Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Connector Bracket
8. Remove the Bottom Plate (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (8).
(3)Remove Wire from Hook.
(4)Remove Screws (4).
(5)Remove Bottom Plate.
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4-128 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.23
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Removing the Bottom Plate
9. Remove the Stacker Tray (Figure 3):
(1)Release wires from Clamps (5)
(2)Disconnect the Connector
(3)Remove Screws (7)
(4)Remove the Stacker Tray
Figure 3 Removing the Stacker Tray
10. Remove the screws securing the Eject/Set Clamp Motor Assembly (Figure 4):
(1)Release Clamps (2) and remove the wire.
(2)Remove Screws (2).
(3)Remove Self-tapping Screws (2).
Figure 4 Removing Screws
11. Remove the Eject/Set Clamp Motor Assembly (Figure 5):
(1)Remove Belts (2) from Pulley.
(2)Remove Eject/Set Clamp Motor Assembly.
Figure 5 Removing the Eject/Set Clamp Motor Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-129 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.24
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 12.24 Rear Tamper Home Sensor
Parts List on PL 22.9
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
6. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
7. Remove the Connector Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (5).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Connector Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Connector Bracket
8. Remove the Bottom Plate (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (8).
(3)Remove Wire form Hook.
(4)Remove Screw (4).
(5)Remove Bottom Plate.
Figure 2 Moving the Bottom Plate
9. Remove the Rear Tamper Home Sensor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Release Clamps (2) and remove the wire.
(2)Remove Self-tapping Screw.
(3)Move Rear Tamper Home Sensor Assembly in order to disconnect the connector.
Figure 3 Removing the Rear Tamper Home Sensor Assembly
10. Remove the Rear Tamper Home Sensor (Figure 4):
(1)Remove Rear Tamper Home Sensor from the bracket.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-130 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.24, REP 12.25
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 4 Removing the Rear Tamper Home Sensor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 12.25 Eject Shaft Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.9
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (PL 22.1).
3. Remove the Compiler Assembly (REP 12.20)
4. Remove the Bracket Assembly (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (2) and remove the wire.
(2)Remove Screws (2).
(3)Remove Bracket Assembly.
Figure 1 Removing the Bracket Assembly
5. Remove the KL-Clips from the Eject Shaft (Figure 2):
(1)Remove KL-Clips (2).
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4-131 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.25
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Removing the KL-Clips
6. Remove the Eject Shaft from the Front/Rear Tamper Motor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Move Bearings (2) in the direction of the arrow.
(2)Remove Eject Shaft in the direction of the arrow.
(3)Remove Belt from Pulley.
Figure 3 Removing the Eject Shaft
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Install and align the Eject Belt with marks on the Pulleys (Figure 4) (Figure 5):
Figure 4 Align Eject Belt
Figure 5 Align Eject Belt
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-132 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.26
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.26 Front /Rear Tamper Motor Assembly
Parts List on PL 22.10
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (PL 22.1).
3. Remove the Compiler Assembly (REP 12.20)
4. Remove the Bracket Assembly (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (2) and remove the wire.
(2)Remove Screws (2).
(3)Remove Bracket Assembly.
Figure 1 Removing the Bracket Assembly
5. Remove the KL-Clips from the Eject Shaft (Figure 2):
(1)Remove KL-Clips (2).
Figure 2 Removing the KL-Clips
6. Remove the Eject Shaft from the Front/Rear Tamper Motor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Move Bearings (2) in the direction of the arrow.
(2)Remove Eject Shaft in the direction of the arrow.
(3)Remove Belt from Pulley.
Figure 3 Removing the Eject Shaft
7. Remove the Front/Rear Tamper Motor Assembly (Figure 4):
(1)Remove Self-tapping Screws (2).
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4-133 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.26
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
(2)Remove Screw.
(3)Remove Front/Rear Tamper Motor Assembly.
Figure 4 Removing the Front/Rear Tamper Motor Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Install and align the Eject Belt with marks on the Pulleys (Figure 5) (Figure 6):
Figure 5 Align Eject Belt
Figure 6 Align Eject Belt
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-134 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.27
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 12.27 Front Tamper Home Sensor
Parts List on PL 22.10
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
6. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
7. Remove the Connector Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (5).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Connector Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Connector Bracket
8. Remove the Bottom Plate (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (8).
(3)Remove Wire from Hook.
(4)Remove Screws (4).
(5)Remove Bottom Plate.
Figure 2 Removing the Bottom Plate
9. Remove the Front Tamper Home Sensor Assembly (Figure 3):
(1)Remove Screw.
(2)Remove Front Tamper Home Sensor Assembly.
Figure 3 Removing the Front Tamper Home Sensor Assembly
10. Remove the Front Tamper Home Sensor Assembly (Figure 4):
(1)Disconnect Connector.
(2)Remove Front Tamper Home Sensor Assembly.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-135 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.27, REP 12.28
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 4 Removing the Front Tamper Home Sensor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 12.28 Eject Clamp Home Sensor
Parts List on PL 22.10
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
4. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
5. Remove the Connector Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (5).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Connector Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Connector Bracket
6. Remove the Bottom Plate (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (8).
(3)Remove Wire from Hook.
(4)Remove Screws (4).
(5)Remove Bottom Plate.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-136 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.28, REP 12.29
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Removing the Bottom Plate
7. Remove the Eject Home Sensor (Figure 3):
(1)Release Clamp and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connector.
(3)Remove Eject Home Sensor from the bracket.
Figure 3 Removing the Eject Home Sensor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 12.29 Stack Height Sensor
Parts List on PL 22.10
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Integrated Office Finisher from the machine (REP 12.1).
3. Remove the Inner Front Cover (PL 22.1)
4. Remove the Rear Cover (PL 22.1)
5. Turn over the Integrated Office Finisher.
6. Remove the Bottom Cover (PL 22.2)
7. Remove the Connector Bracket (Figure 1):
(1)Release Clamps (3) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (5).
(3)Remove Screws (2).
(4)Remove Connector Bracket.
Figure 1 Removing the Connector Bracket
8. Remove the Bottom Plate (Figure 2):
(1)Release Clamps (5) and remove the wire.
(2)Disconnect Connectors (8).
(3)Remove Wire from Hook.
(4)Remove Screws (4).
(5)Remove Bottom Plate.
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4-137 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.29
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Removing the Bottom Plate
9. Remove the Stacker Tray (Figure 3):
(1)Release wires from Clamps (5)
(2)Disconnect the Connector
(3)Remove Screws (7)
(4)Remove the Stacker Tray
Figure 3 Removing the Stacker Tray
10. Remove the Bracket Assembly (Figure 4):
(1)Release Clamps (2) and remove the wire.
(2)Remove Screws (2).
(3)Remove Bracket Assembly.
Figure 4 Removing the Bracket Assembly
11. Remove the Stack Height Sensor (Figure 5):
(1)Remove Clamp.
(2)Release Clamps (4) and remove the wire.
(3)Disconnect Connector.
(4)Remove Stack Height Sensor from the bracket.
Figure 5 Removing the Stack Height Sensor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
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4-138 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 12.29
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-139 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.1, REP 13.2
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.1 H-Transport Assembly (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Undock the Finisher Assembly (REP 13.5).
3. Move the H-Transport Assembly (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing the Docking Bracket
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 13.2 Hole Punch Assembly (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.2
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the H-Transport Top Cover and hold it open.
3. Open the H-Transport Front Cover.
4. Remove the Hole Punch Assembly (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing the Hole Punch Assembly
1. Insert the Hole Punch Assembly rear locating pin into the H-Transport frame.
2. Install the Hole Punch Assembly in reverse order of removal.
3. Perform ADJ 12.1 Finisher LX Hole Punch Position
Disconnect Har-
Remove Screws (2)
Remove Docking
Remove the H-
Remove the Connector Cover and
disconnect the connector
Disconnect the cable
the Hole
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-140 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.3, REP 13.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.3 H-Transport Belt (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the H-Transport Assembly (REP 13.1).
3. Remove the screws (2) on the H-Transport Rear Cover and remove the Cover.
4. Loosen the screws (2) on the Tension Bracket (Figure 1).
5. Remove the Belt.
Figure 1 Removing the H-Transport Belt
Install the H-Transport Belt in reverse order of removal.
REP 13.4 H-Transport Motor (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the H-Transport Assembly (REP 13.1).
3. Remove the H-Transport Rear Cover.
4. Place the H-Transport top down on a work surface.
5. Remove the H-Transport motor (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing the H-Transport Drive Motor
Replace in reverse order of removal.
Loosen the screws (2)
Remove the Belt
Remove the
Screw and
remove the
Loosen the Screws (2)
to remove Belt Tension.
Remove the Screws
(2) and remove the
Disconnect the
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-141 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.5
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.5 Finisher LX Undocking
Parts List on PL 23.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the Printer power cord.
2. Disconnect the Finisher Power Cord, the H-Transport Connector and the Finisher Con-
nector from the IOT.
The Finisher is unstable when not docked with the Printer. Use care when handling an
undocked Finisher so that it does not fall over.
3. Rotate the Feet (2) to free the Finisher. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Finisher Feet
4. Open the Front Door of the Finisher.
5. Release the Screw that secures the Docking Plate and detach the Finisher.
(1) Remove the Screw.
(2) Pull the Docking Plate Lever towards you and detach the Finisher.(Figure 2).
Figure 2 Finisher Lever
1. Align the Printer Docking Bracket with the cut outs in the Finisher Docking Bracket.
2. Mate the Printer and the Finisher until it latches.
3. Check that the Finisher is firmly latched to the Printer.
4. Perform the remainder of the replacement procedure in reverse order of removal.
Rotate the Feet
Docking Plate
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-142 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.6, REP 13.7
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.6 Front Cover Assembly (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Undock the Finisher (REP 13.5).
Do not drop the Booklet Maker Thumb screw into the Finisher.
3. Remove the Booklet Maker and set aside (REP 13.31).
4. Open the Finisher upper Front Door.
5. Remove the screws (5).
6. Remove the Front Cover Assembly.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 13.7 Rear Upper Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Undock the Finisher (REP 13.5).
3. Remove the Booklet Maker (REP 13.31).
4. Remove the Rear Upper Cover.
(1) Remove the screws (4).
(2) Remove the Rear Upper Cover.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-143 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.8, REP 13.9
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.8 Rear Lower Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Undock the Finisher (REP 13.5).
3. Remove the Rear Lower Cover.
(1) Remove the screws (3).
(2) Remove the Cover.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 13.9 Eject Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.10
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Eject Cover (Figure 1).
(1) Unlatch the Eject Cover, and move it to the left.
(2) Remove the Retaining Screw (1).
(3) Push the Latch through the hole in the Cover.
(4) Remove the Cover by moving it to the left.
Figure 1 Removing the Eject Cover
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4-144 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.9
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
1. Align the Eject Cover with the Pins (2) on both sides, and slide it to the right (Figure 2).
NOTE: The left side of the Cover is now captured by the Pins and cannot be lifted up.
Figure 2 Aligning the Eject Cover
2. Position the Eject Cover so that the Latch is inserted in the hole (Figure 3).
NOTE: The Latch must be outside the hole.
Figure 3 Inserting the Latch through the hole in the Cover
3. Place the Latch Spring in the position shown (Figure 4).
Figure 4 Positioning the Latch Spring
Pin (2)
Eject Cover
Eject Cover
Latch Spring
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4-145 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.9, REP 13.10
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
4. Make sure the Latch Hook and Latch Pin are positioned as shown (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Positioning the Latch Hook and Latch Pin
5. Install the Retaining Screw (1) (Figure 6).
Figure 6 Installing the Retaining Screw
REP 13.10 Foot Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Screw (1) (Figure 1).
3. Remove the Foot Cover.
Figure 1 Removing the Foot Cover
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Latch Hook
Latch Pin
Retaining Screw
Foot Cover
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-146 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.11, REP 13.12
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.11 Stacker Lower Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Foot Cover (REP 13.10).
3. Remove the Screws (2) (Figure 1).
4. Remove the Stacker Lower Cover.
Figure 1 Removing the Stacker Lower Cover
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 13.12 Stacker Upper Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.7
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Stacker Tray (REP 13.20).
3. Remove the Stacker Lower Cover (REP 13.11).
4. Remove the Screws (6) (Figure 1).
5. Remove the Stacker Upper Cover.
Figure 1 Removing the Stacker Upper Cover
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Stacker Lower Cover
Screw (2)
Stacker Upper Cover
Screw (6)
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-147 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.13, REP 13.14
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.13 Stack Height Sensors 1 and 2 (Office Finisher
Parts List on PL 23.11
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7).
3. Remove the Stack Height Sensor 1 or 2 (Figure 1).
(1) Disconnect the connector.
(2) Remove the Sensor.
Figure 1 Removing the Stack Height Sensor 1 or 2
REP 13.14 Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly (Office Finisher
Parts List on PL 23.10
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Eject Cover (REP 13.9).
3. Remove the Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly (Figure 1).
(1) Disconnect the connector.
(2) Remove the wires from the wire clamps
(3) Remove the screw (1) from the Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly.
(4) Remove the Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly.
Figure 1 Removing the Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly
nect the
the Sen-
Stack Height Sen-
sor 2
Stack Height Sensor 1
nect the
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-148 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.15
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.15 Stapler Motor (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Finisher Stapler Assembly (REP 13.16).
3. Remove the Screws (2) (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing the Screws
4. Remove the Wire Guide (Figure 2).
(1) Pull out the Cable Clamps (3), and remove the wires from the Wire Guide.
(2) Remove the Screws (2).
(3) Remove the Wire Guide.
Figure 2 Removing the Wire Guide
5. Remove the Stapler Motor (Figure 3).
(1) Remove the wires from the Cable Clamp.
(2) Disconnect the Connector.
(3) Remove the Screws (2).
(4) Remove the Stapler Motor.
Cable Clamps
Wire Guide
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-149 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.15, REP 13.16
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 3 Removing the Stapler Motor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 13.16 Finisher Stapler Assembly (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Creaser Knife Assembly (REP 13.18).
3. Remove the Front Cover Assembly (REP 13.6).
4. Remove the Stapler Cover (Figure 1).
(1) Remove the Screw.
(2) Remove the Stapler Cover.
Figure 1 Removing the Stapler Cover
5. Remove the Finisher Stapler Assembly (Figure 2).
(1) Disconnect the Connectors (2).
(2) Remove the Screws (3).
(3) Remove the Finisher Stapler Assembly.
Cable Clamp
Stapler Motor
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-150 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.16, REP 13.17
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Removing the Finisher Stapler Assembly
Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Perform ADJ 12.2 Finisher LX Booklet Crease/Staple Position
REP 13.17 Compiler Tray Assembly (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.12
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Undock the Finisher (REP 13.5).
3. Remove the Front Cover (REP 13.6).
4. Remove the Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7).
5. Remove the Foot Cover (REP 13.10).
6. Remove the Stacker Lower Cover (REP 13.11).
7. Remove the Stacker Tray (REP 13.20).
8. Remove the Stacker Upper Cover (REP 13.12).
9. Remove the Eject Cover (REP 13.9).
10. Preparing to remove the Eject Roller Shaft (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing the E-ring and brass bearing
11. Remove the Eject Roll Shaft (Figure 2).
(1) Remove the E-ring and brass bearing from the front of the shaft.
(2) Remove the E-ring,
(3) Slide the Eject Roller shaft toward the front.
(4) Remove the Gear, and brass bushing.
(5) Remove the Eject Roll from the Finisher.
Screws (3) Connectors (2) Finisher Stapler Assembly
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4-151 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Removing the Eject Roll Shaft
12. Remove the Compiler Tray screw (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Removing the Compiler Tray screw
NOTE: Notice the position and orientation of the Set Clamp Holders.
13. Disconnect the springs from the Set Clamp Holders (3) (Figure 4).
Remove the E-ring
Slide the shaft
toward front
the Gear
Remove the shaft
NOTE: Notice the position of
the Set Clamp Holders
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4-152 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 4 Disconnecting the Set Clamp Holder Springs
14. Remove the front E-ring and the bushing from the Set Clamp Shaft Assembly (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Removing the front E-ring from the Set Clamp Shaft
NOTE: Notice the position and orientation of the Set Clamp Shaft gear and the cam gear
that it engages. When installing the Set Clamp Shaft these gears must engage in the
same manner (Figure 6).
15. Remove the rear E-ring from the Set Clamp Shaft (Figure 7).
Disconnect spring from the
Holders (3)
the E-
ring and
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4-153 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 6 Set Clamp Shaft gear orientation Figure 7 Preparing to remove the Set Clamp Shaft
16. Slide the Gear, Spring and the Bushing away from the frame (Figure 8).
the orien-
tation of
the gears
on the
Remove the E-ring
Slide the Gear away
from the frame
Disconnect the Spring
from the Gear
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4-154 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 8 Preparing to remove the Set Clamp Shaft
17. Slide the Set Clamp Shaft to the front to clear the rear frame then slide the Shaft to the
rear and remove it from the Finisher (Figure 9).
Figure 9 Removing the Set Clamp Shaft
18. Remove the Compiler Tray Assembly (Figure 10).
Unlock and remove
the Flag
Slide the Gear, Spring and Bushing toward
the end of the Shaft
Slide the
the front
Slide the Shaft toward
the rear and remove
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-155 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 10 Remove the Compiler Tray Assembly
19. Usually this level of Compiler Tray Assembly removal is for the purpose of removing the
Front or Rear Tamper Motors, or the Front or Rear Tamper Home Sensors or the Com-
piler Tray No Paper Sensor.
However if the Compiler Tray Assembly must be completely removed from the Finisher, it
will be necessary to disconnect all of the wire harness connectors to the Tamper Motors,
Tamper Home Sensors and No Paper Sensor and disconnect the wires from all wire har-
ness guides.
1. Route the wire harness through the wire guides and connect the proper connectors to the
No Paper Sensor, the Tamper Home Sensors and the Tamper Motors.
2. Place the Compiler Tray Assembly into position.
3. Install the Set Clamp Shaft front end into the front frame (Figure 11).
4. Slide the Shaft toward the front until the rear end of the Shaft can be inserted into the rear
frame (Figure 11).
Figure 11 Installing the Set Clamp Shaft into position
5. Slide the 3 Set Clamp Holders with Springs into the correct location on the Shaft (Figure
Remove the Compiler
Tray Assembly
the front
end of
the shaft
into the
the rear
end of
the Shaft
into the
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-156 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 12 Preparing to install the Holder Springs
6. Install the Bushing, Spring and Gear onto the rear end of the Set Clamp Shaft (Figure 13).
Figure 13 Installing the Bushing, Spring and Gear
7. Rotate the Set Clamp Shaft until the Stack Height Sensor Flag is in the correct position
then position the 2 gears into the configuration (Figure 14).
Holders and Springs in cor-
rect location on the Shaft
Install the Stack Height Sensor Flag onto
the rear end of the Shaft as shown
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-157 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 14 Aligning the Gears and Stack Height Sensor Flag
8. Attach the Spring to the gear and slide the Gear into position.
9. Ensure that the 2 Gears and Stack Height Sensor Flag is in the position shown (Figure
15) and install the E-ring.
Figure 15 Orientation of 2 Gears and Stack Height Sensor Flag
10. Install the Bushing onto the front end of the Set Clamp Shaft and install the E-ring (Figure
Rotate shaft until Stack
Height Flag is in position
Position the 2 Gears
Pinion Gear
Shaft Gear
position on Pin-
ion Gear
Install the E-
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-158 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 16 Installing the Bushing and E-ring
11. Ensure that the Set Clamp Holder Springs are connected (Figure 17).
Figure 17 Attaching the Set Clamp Holder Springs
12. Install the Eject Roll Shaft.
(1) Place the Eject Roll Shaft into position in the front and rear frame (Figure 18).
ing and
the E-
Spring attaches in 2
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-159 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 18 Preparing to install the Eject Roll Shaft
(2) Install the brass bearing, the Gear and the E-ring onto the rear of the Eject Roll
Shaft (Figure 19).
Figure 19 Installing the Eject Roll Shaft rear parts
(3) Install the brass bearing and E-ring onto the front of the Eject Roll Shaft (Figure
Eject Roll Shaft in position
Install the
Install the E-ring
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-160 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.17, REP 13.18
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 20 Installing the brass bearing and E-ring
13. Install the Compiler Tray screw (1).
14. Install the Eject Cover (REP 13.9).
15. Install the Stacker Upper Cover (REP 13.12).
16. Install the Stacker Tray (REP 13.20).
17. Install the Stacker Lower Cover (REP 13.11).
18. Install the Foot Cover (REP 13.10).
19. Install the Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7).
20. Install the Front Cover (REP 13.6).
21. Dock the Finisher to the IOT (REP 13.5).
REP 13.18 Crease Assembly (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.14
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Crease Assembly (Figure 1).
(1) Open the Finisher Front Door.
(2) Remove the Guard.
NOTE: Pull out the Cable Tie to obtain additional slack in the wires.
(3) Disconnect the Cable.
(4) Remove the Thumbscrew.
(5) Pull the Crease Assembly straight out.
Figure 1 Removing the Crease Assembly
NOTE: Make sure the Locating Pins (2) are properly engaged (Figure 2).
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Cable Tie Cable
Crease Assembly
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-161 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.18, REP 13.19
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 2 Crease Assembly
2. Perform ADJ 12.2 Finisher LX Booklet Crease/Staple Position
REP 13.19 Stacker Elevator Motor (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.7
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Finisher Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7).
3. Disconnect P/J8988 on the Finisher Control PWB.
4. Release the wires from the cable clamps.
5. Remove the wires from the wire guide, remove the screws (2) and move the wire guide to
one side.
6. Remove the screws (2) from the motor mount using a 5.5 mm combination wrench.
7. Remove the Stacker Elevator Motor.
Install in reverse order of removal procedure.
Locating Pins
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-162 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.20, REP 13.21
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.20 Stacker Tray (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.7
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the following:
(1) Booklet Maker Assembly (if installed) (REP 13.31).
(2) Front Cover Assembly (REP 13.6).
(3) Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7).
3. Remove the Stacker Tray (Figure 1).
(1) Remove the Screws (4).
(2) Remove the Stacker Tray.
Figure 1 Removing the Stacker Tray
Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 13.21 Eject Belt (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.13
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Undock the Finisher (REP 13.5).
3. Remove the Booklet Maker (REP 13.31).
4. Remove the Rear upper Cover (REP 13.7).
5. Remove the Eject Motor Assembly (REP 13.22).
6. Remove the Eject Motor (REP 13.25).
7. Remove the Eject Belt.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
Stacker Tray
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-163 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.22, REP 13.23
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.22 Eject Motor Assembly (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.11
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Undock the Finisher (REP 13.5).
3. Remove the Booklet Maker (REP 13.31).
4. Remove the Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7).
5. Preparing to remove the Eject Motor Assembly.
(1) Disconnect the Eject Motor connector
(2) Remove the wire harness from the Harness Guide
(3) Disconnect the wire harness clamps (2)
(4) Remove the screws (2) from the Harness Guide and move the Harness Guide
(5) Disconnect the Spring
(6) Remove the Eject Motor Assembly screws (4)
6. Remove the Eject Motor Assembly.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 13.23 Finisher PWB (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.16
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7).
3. Remove the Finisher PWB (Figure 1).
(1) Disconnect the Connectors (9).
(2) Remove the Screws (5).
(3) Remove the Finisher PWB.
Figure 1 Removing the Finisher PWB
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Finisher PWB
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-164 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.24, REP 13.25
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.24 Finisher LVPS (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.16
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Rear Lower Cover (REP 13.8).
3. Remove the Finisher LVPS (Figure 1).
(1) Disconnect the Connectors (2).
(2) Remove the Screws (4).
(3) Remove the Finisher LVPS.
Figure 1 Removing the Finisher LVPS
Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 13.25 Eject Motor (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.11
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Undock the Finisher (REP 13.5).
3. Remove the Booklet Maker (REP 13.31).
4. Remove the Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7).
5. Remove the Eject Motor Assembly (REP 13.22).
6. Remove the Eject Motor.
(1) Remove the screws (2)
(2) Remove the Eject motor
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
Connector Screw Screw
Connector Screw
Finisher LVPS
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-165 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.26, REP 13.27
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.26 Front/Rear Tamper Motor (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.12
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Compiler Tray (REP 13.17).
3. Turn the Compiler Tray over on a work surface.
4. Remove the Tamper Motor (Figure 1).
(1) Release the wires from the wire guide.
(2) Remove the screw (1) and remove the wire guide.
(3) Disconnect the Tamper Motor connector.
NOTE: The Rear Tamper Motor connector has already been disconnected.
(4) Remove the screws (2).
(5) Remove the Tamper Motor.
Figure 1 Removing the Tamper Motor
Replace in reverse order of removal.
REP 13.27 Front/Rear Tamper Home Sensors (Office
Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.12
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Compiler Tray Assembly (REP 13.17).
3. Turn the Compiler Tray over on a work surface (Figure 1).
4. Disconnect the connector.
5. Remove the Front or Rear Tamper Home Sensor (PL 23.12).
Figure 1 Removing the Front or Rear Tamper Home Sensor
Remove wires from guide
Remove the screw (1)
nect the
nect the
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-166 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.28
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.28 Compiler No Paper Sensor (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.12
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Compiler Tray Assembly (REP 13.17).
3. Turn the Compiler tray over on a work surface.
4. Remove the screw (1) that secures the bracket (PL 23.12) (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing the Bracket
5. Disconnect the connector (Figure 2).
6. Remove the screw (1) that secures the sensor.
7. Remove the Compiler No Paper Sensor.
Figure 2 Removing the Compiler No Paper Sensor
nect the
the screw
the Sen-
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-167 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.29, REP 13.30
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.29 Front/Rear Carriage Assembly (Office Finisher
Parts List on PL 23.7
NOTE: Ensure that the Stacker Tray is in the top position.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Finisher Front Cover (REP 13.6).
3. Remove the Rear Upper and Rear Lower Covers (REP 13.7, REP 13.8).
4. Remove the Stacker Tray (REP 13.20).
5. Removing the Carriage Assembly (Figure 1).
(1) Disconnect and remove the Spring.
NOTE: The Carriage Bearings (2 each Assembly) are not fastened to the shafts. Use care to
catch the Bearings when the Carriage Assembly is removed.
(2) With a 6 inch common screwdriver, move the belt Clamp latch aside and remove
the Stacker Belt and Carriage Assembly.
Figure 1 Removing the Carriage Assembly
NOTE: Ensure that the Front and Rear Carriage Assemblies are installed at the same height.
1. Install the Front or Rear Carriage Assemblies in the reverse order of removal.
REP 13.30 Booklet PWB (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.21
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Booklet PWB Cover (REP 13.35).
3. Remove the Booklet PWB (Figure 1).
(1) Disconnect the Connectors (5).
(2) Remove the Screws (4).
(3) Remove the Booklet PWB.
Figure 1 Removing the Booklet PWB
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
latch and
the Car-
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-168 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.31
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.31 Booklet Maker Assembly (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Unlatch the Eject Cover, and move it all the way to the left (Figure 1).
3. Remove the Thumbscrews (2) (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Eject Cover and Thumbscrew
4. Disconnect the Booklet Maker Assembly from the Finisher.
(1) Remove the Connector Cover (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Connector Cover
(2) Disconnect the Connector (Figure 3).
(3) Pull out the Cable Ties (4).
Eject Cover
Thumbscrew (2)
Connector Cover
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-169 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.31
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 3 Disconnecting the Booklet Maker Assembly
5. Lift the Booklet Maker Assembly off the Locating Pins (4), and remove (Figure 4).
Figure 4 Removing the Booklet Maker Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Cable Tie (4)
Locating Pins
Booklet Maker Assembly
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-170 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.32
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.32 Booklet Front Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.17
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Booklet Maker Assembly from the Finisher (REP 13.31).
3. Remove the Booklet Front Cover.
(1) Remove the Screw (1) (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing the Booklet Front Cover
(2) Remove the Screws (2) (Figure 2).
(3) Remove the Booklet Front Cover.
Figure 2 Removing the Booklet Front Cover
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Front Cover
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-171 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.33
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.33 Booklet Rear Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.17
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Booklet Maker Assembly from the Finisher (REP 13.31).
3. Remove the Booklet PWB Cover (REP 13.35).
4. Remove the Booklet Rear Cover.
(1) Remove the Self-tapping Screws (2) (Figure 1).
(2) Remove the Booklet Side Cover.
Figure 1 Removing the Booklet Side Cover
(3) Remove the Screw (1) (Figure 2).
(4) Remove the Booklet Rear Cover.
Figure 2 Removing the Booklet Rear Cover
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Side Cover
Rear Cover
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-172 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.34, REP 13.35
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 13.34 Booklet Top Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.17
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Booklet Front Cover (REP 13.32).
3. Remove the Booklet Rear Cover (REP 13.33).
4. Remove the Booklet Top Cover (Figure 1).
(1) Remove the Screws (4).
(2) Remove the Booklet Top Cover.
Figure 1 Removing the Booklet Top Cover
Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 13.35 Booklet PWB Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.17
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Booklet PWB Cover (Figure 1).
(1) Remove the Self-tapping Screws (2).
(2) Remove the Screws (2).
(3) Remove the Booklet PWB Cover.
Figure 1 Removing the Booklet PWB Cover
Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Booklet Top Cover
PWB Cover
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-173 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.36, REP 13.37
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 13.36 Booklet Left Cover (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.17
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Booklet Maker from the Finisher (REP 13.31).
3. Remove the Booklet Maker Left Cover.
4. Align the slots at the front and rear of the Booklet Maker Left Cover with the flats on the
Mounting Pins.
5. Move the Booklet Maker Left Cover by allowing the flats on the Mounting Pins to slide
through the slots in the Cover.
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
REP 13.37 Booklet Front/Rear Stapler (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.19, PL 23.20
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Booklet Maker Assembly from the Finisher (REP 13.31).
3. Remove the Stapler Guide (Figure 1).
(1) Remove the Screw (1).
(2) Remove the Stapler Guide.
Figure 1 Removing the Stapler Guide
4. Remove the Stapler Lower Cover (Figure 2).
(1) Remove the Screw (1).
(2) Remove the Stapler Lower Cover.
Stapler Guide
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4-174 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.37
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Removing the Stapler Lower Cover
5. Remove the Chute (Figure 3).
(1) Remove the Screw (1).
(2) Remove the Chute.
6. Remove the Stapler Rear Cover (Figure 3).
(1) Remove the Screws (2).
(2) Remove the Stapler Rear Cover.
Figure 3 Removing the Chute and Stapler Rear Cover
7. Remove the Stapler (Figure 4).
(1) Release the wires from the Clip.
(2) Disconnect the Connector.
(3) Remove the Screws (3).
(4) Remove the Stapler.
Screw Stapler Lower Cover
Rear Cover
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-175 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.37, REP 13.38
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 4 Removing the Stapler
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
2. Perform ADJ 12.2 Finisher LX Booklet Crease/Staple Position
REP 13.38 Booklet Stapler Move Motor (Office Finisher LX)
Parts List on PL 23.18
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the Booklet Maker Assembly from the Finisher (REP 13.31).
3. Remove the Cover for the Booklet Stapler Move Motor (Figure 1).
(1) Remove the Screw (1).
(2) Remove the Cover.
Figure 1 Removing the Cover
4. Remove the Booklet Stapler Move Motor (Figure 2).
(1) Open the Clip and release the wires.
(2) Disconnect the Connector.
(3) Remove the Screws (3).
(4) Remove the Booklet Stapler Move Motor.
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4-176 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 13.38
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Removing the Booklet Stapler Move Motor
1. Reverse the removal procedure for replacement.
Screws Booklet Stapler Move Motor
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-177 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.1, REP 19.2
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 19.1 HCF Tray 6
Parts List on PL 10.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the HCF Tray by pulling the tray toward you.
3. Remove all paper from the tray.
4. Using a small screwdriver, or other small, blunt instrument, release the stopper on each
rail of the tray by inserting the screwdriver into the hole of the stopper and pulling the tray
toward you.
5. Remove the tray by pulling it toward you.
1. Slide the rails (2) into the HCF housing.
2. Line up the rails of the tray with the adjoining rails of the HCF and push the tray into place.
3. Place previously removed paper, or fresh paper, into the tray.
REP 19.2 HCF Feeder
Parts List on PL 10.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the HCF Tray (REP 19.1).
3. Open the Feeder Top Cover.
4. Remove the (2) screws used to secure the HCF Feeder on its rail (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Feeder Securing Screws
5. Slide the HCF Feeder toward you.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-178 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.2, REP 19.3
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
1. Position the HCF Feeders bottom rail-following feet (2) onto the internal HCF rail.
2. Slide the HCF Feeder back into the HCF until it seats.
Do not over tighten the HCF Feeder screws.
3. Reinstall the two securing screws and tighten until snug.
REP 19.3 HCF Undocking
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Unplug the HCF Power Cable connected to the left rear of the copier/printer.
3. Grasping the HCF by its upper corners, pull the HCF away from the copier/printer to
expose the HCF Docking Base (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Exposing the docking base
4. Release the Docking Latch Spring Lever on the right side of the Docking Base.
5. Pull the HCF away from the copier/printer to un-dock it from the copier/printer.
1. Push the HCF toward the two Docking Points on the left side of the printer.
2. Align the holes in the HCF Docking Base with the Docking Points on the printer/copier.
NOTE: Rotate the Caster of the copier/printer so that it does not interfere with docking.
3. Push the HCF into place.
4. Reattach the HCF Power Cable.
Docking Points
HCF Docking Base
Docking Latch Spring Lever
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-179 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 19.4 HCF Tray Cables
Parts List on PL 10.3
Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
Removing the HCF Rear Tray Cables
1. Remove the HCF Tray (REP 19.1)
2. Remove the Gear Bracket Assembly (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Gear Bracket Assembly
3. At the rear of the HCF Tray, begin to free up movement of the Tray Cable Pulley (Figure
Figure 2 Lift Shaft Rear Tray Cable Pulley
NOTE: You will not be able to release the cable ends from underneath the Tray Cable Pulley
until you perform the next step, which puts slack in the cable enabling the Lift Shaft to be disen-
gaged from its bracket, and the Tray Cable Pulley moved farther to the left releasing the cable
4. Prepare to remove the Rear Tray Cable (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Preparing to remove the Rear Tray Cable
Remove the oval
shaped Plate
Remove the screws (3)
Remove the Gear
Bracket Assembly
Remove the gears
Remove the E-ring
Slide the Bushing away
from the frame
Tray Cable Pulley
Remove the E-Rings
(2), Wire Guides (2),
and Pulleys (2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-180 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
5. When both sections of the cable are slack, disengage the Lift Shaft from the frame and
slide the Tray Cable Pulley to the front of the Lift Shaft to release the Rear Lift Cable ends
that are trapped in the pocket underneath the Tray Cable Pulley (Figure 4).
Figure 4 Releasing the Cable ends from the Lift Shaft
6. Remove the Rear Tray Cable (Figure 5, Figure 6).
Figure 5 Removing the Rear Tray Cables
Figure 6 Rear Tray Cable details
Remove the cable
ends from the shaft
Disengage the Lift Shaft
from the frame
Slide the Tray Cable
Pulley to the front
Remove the E-Ring (1), Wire
Guide (1), and Pulley (1)
Remove the Cables
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-181 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Removing the HCF Front Tray Cables
1. Remove the (5) screws securing the HCF Trays Front Cover.
2. At the front of the HCF Tray, begin to free up movement of the front Tray Cable Pulley
(Figure 7).
a. Remove the E-Ring on the Lift Shaft.
b. Slide the bearing to the rear on the Lift Shaft.
c. Front Tray Cable Pulley
Figure 7 Lift Shaft Front Tray Cable Pulley
NOTE: You will not be able to release the cable ends from underneath the Tray Cable Pulley
until you perform the next step, which puts slack in the cable enabling the Lift Shaft to be disen-
gaged from its bracket, and the Tray Cable Pulley moved farther to the right releasing the cable
3. Remove the E-Rings, Wire Guides, and Pulleys from the front of the HCF Tray (Figure 8).
Figure 8 Preparing to remove the Front Tray Cables
4. When both sections of the cable are slack, disengage the Lift Shaft from the frame and
slide the Tray Cable Pulley to the front of the Lift Shaft to release the Rear Lift Cable ends
that are trapped in the pocket underneath the Tray Cable Pulley (Figure 9).
Figure 9 Releasing the Cable ends from the Lift Shaft
Remove E-Rings (2), Wire
Guides (2), and Pulleys (2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-182 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
5. Remove the Front Tray Cables (Figure 10, Figure 11).
Figure 10 Removing the Front Tray Cables
Figure 11 Front Tray Cable details
1. Install the front Tray Cable by carrying out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. Install the rear Tray Cable by carrying out the removal steps in reverse order.
3. Reinstall the HCF Trays Front Cover.
a. Make sure to raise the gear on the Indicator Shaft so that it meshes with the adjoin-
ing Lift Shaft gear.
b. Replace the (5) Installation Screws.
4. Reinstall the HCF Tray by lining up the rails of the tray with the adjoining rails of the HCF
and pushing the tray into place.
Remove the E-Ring (1), Wire
guide (1), and Pulley (1)
Remove the Cables
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-183 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.5
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
REP 19.5 HCF Feed, Nudger, Retard Rolls
Parts List on PL 10.5, PL 10.6
NOTE: Remove and replace the Retard/Feed/Nudger Rolls at the same time.
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the Feeder Top Cover.
3. Release the green Lever to open the Upper Feeder Assembly to reveal the (3) rolls.
NOTE: For reference purposes, the single roll in the Upper Feeder Assembly is the
Nudger roll. The double roll in the Upper Feeder Assembly is the Feed Roll. The larger
double roll in the Lower Feeder component is the Retard Roll.
4. Remove each roll by squeezing the rolls shaft at both ends and lifting the roll up and out
of the HCF (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing rolls
1. Install each new roll by squeezing its shaft at both ends and sliding the roll into place.
2. check that the rolls turn freely.
3. Flip down the Upper Feeder Assembly.
4. Close the Feeder Top Cover of the HCF.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-184 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.6, REP 19.7
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 19.6 HCF Feed Shaft
Parts List on PL 10.5
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the HCF Feeder (REP 19.2)
3. Place the Feeder on a flat surface.
4. Open the Upper Feeder Assembly by releasing the green lever.
5. Remove the Nudger Roll by squeezing the rolls shaft at both ends (with the thumb and
forefinger of one hand) and lifting the roll up and out of the HCF.
6. Remove the E-Ring and bearing on the Feed Shaft (at the Nudger Roll end of the shaft).
7. Move the bearing at the opposite end of the shaft to the right, and slide the Feed Shaft to
the right to remove.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 19.7 HCF Retard Lever Spring
Parts List on PL 10.6
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the HCF Feeder (REP 19.2)
3. Place the Feeder on a flat surface and release the green Lever to open the Upper Feeder
4. Remove the Lower Chute (2 screws).
5. Remove the plastic Cover by removing (4) screws.
6. Remove the Retard Roll.
7. Remove the E-Rings on the Lever and Spring.
8. Remove the Lever.
9. Remove the Spring (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Removing the Retard Lever Spring
Spring. Note how exten-
sion fits into Lever.
Lower Chute
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-185 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.7, REP 19.8
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
NOTE: Make sure the plastic pads on the Lower Chute fit in the track before pushing it in.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 19.8 HCF Nudger Bracket/Nudger Lever/Torsion
Parts List on PL 10.4
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the HCF Feed Shaft (REP 19.6)
3. Disassemble the Feed Shaft by removing (4) E-Rings and unscrewing the Nudger Sup-
port that retains the Torsion Spring.
1. Install replacement parts.
2. Carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-186 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.9, REP 19.10
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
REP 19.9 HCF Casters
Parts List on PL 10.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Un-dock the HCF (REP 19.3).
3. Remove all paper from the HCF Tray.
4. Roll the HCF away from the copier/printer.
5. Turn the HCF over onto its left side to expose the casters on the underside of the HCF.
6. Remove (3) installation screws per caster.
1. Install a new caster or casters, by tightening the (3) installation screws per caster.
2. Turn the HCF back up to an upright position.
3. Roll the HCF back toward the copier/printer.
4. Place previously removed paper, or fresh paper, into the HCF Tray.
5. Dock the HCF.
REP 19.10 HCF Takeaway Roll
Parts List on PL 10.7
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the HCF Feed Motor (REP 19.12).
3. Remove the Lower Chute (Figure 1).
Remove the (2) securing screws.
Figure 1 Removing the Lower Chute
4. Slide the Takeaway Roll to the right until the left side is released, then lower the roll to
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
2. After replacing, reset HFSI Counter 954-805.
Takeaway Roll (includes Shaft)
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-187 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.11, REP 19.12
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Parts List on PL 10.8
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Un-dock the HCF (REP 19.3).
3. Remove the plastic Rear Cover.
Remove the (4) securing screws.
4. Disconnect all of the connectors connected to the HCF PWB.
5. Remove the (4) screws securing the HCF PWB.
6. Remove the HCF PWB.
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
REP 19.12 HCF Feed Motor
Parts List on PL 10.1
1. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.
2. Un-dock the HCF (REP 19.3).
3. Remove the plastic Rear Cover.
Remove the (4) securing screws.
NOTE: Be careful when removing the motor as it is meshed to a hidden gear.
4. Supporting the motor with one hand, remove the HCF Feed Motor (Figure 1).
Disconnect the electrical Connector (1).
Remove the (2) securing screws.
Figure 1 Removing the HCF Feed Motor
1. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
HCF Feed Motor
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-188 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation REP 19.11, REP 19.12
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-189 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 5.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 5.1 DADF Lead-Skew Adjustment
Parts List on PL 51.1
To correct the feeding of the original by adjusting the position of the DADF. (DADF Lead-Skew,
NOTE: The following adjustments must be made before carrying out checking and adjustment.
IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration (ADJ 9.10)
IIT Side Registration (ADJ 6.4)
1. Place the Test Chart 82E8220 on the Platen Glass.
2. Place 11x17 paper in Tray 1.
3. Make a copy using the following settings in Copy mode.
a. On the UI Ready to Copy Screen, select the Copy tab.
b. Under Output Color select Black.
c. Under the Paper Supply select 11x17 paper size.
d. Under 2 Sided Copying select 1 Sided.
e. Reduce / Enlarge should be set to 100%.
f. On the UI Ready to Copy Screen, select the Layout Adjustment tab, Image Shift
should be Side 1 No Shift. Select Save if necessary.
NOTE: The copy made from the Platen Glass will be used as the original in the DADF.
4. Place the copy made from the Platen Glass into the DADF and make 3 copies.
5. Check that the difference in the distance between the side and the Edges at the 100mm
mark and the 300mm mark in the 3 copies is within 00.5mm. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Checking the Skew
6. If the value is not within the specified range, perform the Adjustment:
Check from the paper
edge to the parallel line at
the 100mm mark and the
300mm mark
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-190 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 5.1
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
1. Remove the DADF Rear Cover. (Figure 2)
2. Adjust the position of the DADF by moving the DADF in direction A or B. (Figure 2)
(1) Loosen the screws (x3).
(2) Move the DADF in direction A or B.
(3) Tighten the screws (x3).
Figure 2 DADF Rear Cover.
The DADF moved in direction A. (Figure 3)
Figure 3 Direction A
The DADF moved in direction B. (Figure 4)
Figure 4 Direction B
3. Reinstall the DADF Rear Cover.
4. After adjustment, perform DADF Side Registration (ADJ 5.2) and DADF Lead Edge Reg-
istration. (ADJ 5.4).
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-191 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 5.2
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 5.2 DADF Side Registration
Parts List on PL 51.1
To adjust the original to the proper position (drum shaft direction) on the Platen.
NOTE: The following adjustments must be made before carrying out checking and adjustment.
IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration (ADJ 9.10)
IIT Side Registration (ADJ 6.4)
DADF Lead-Skew Adjustment (ADJ 5.1)
NOTE: DADF Side Registration is adjusted using the NVM for every paper width.
Create a test pattern
1. To create a Cross Line Test Pattern, use a plain white sheet of 8.5x11/A4 paper and fold
the sheet precisely in half lengthwise and width wise. Then with a straight edge draw a
straight line in the lengthwise crease and a straight line in the width wise crease.
Label the top for orientation purposes. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Creating a Test Pattern Original
DADF Side Edge Registration Check - Side 1
1. Load Tray 1 with 8.5x11/A4 paper.
2. Place the new Cross Line Test Pattern on the DADF with the word TOP Face Up and
towards the rear of the DADF.
3. Select the following:
Tray 1
1-1 Sided.
1 copy
4. Make one copy to the center tray.
5. Remove the copy from the center tray and Flip the copy left to right.
6. Fold the copy in half parallel to the short edge (A to B in Figure 1).
7. Check that the fold line is within 2.0mm from the reference line. If the value is not within
the specified range, perform the Side 1 Adjustment. If the Check is OK, perform the
DADF Side Edge Registration Check - Side 2.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-192 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 5.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
DADF Side Edge Registration Check - Side 2
1. Place the Cross Line Test Pattern on the DADF with the word TOP Face Down and
towards the rear of the DADF.
2. Select the following:
Tray 1
2-2 Sided.
1 copy
3. Make one copy to the center tray.
4. Remove the copy from the center tray but DO NOT FLIP the copy this time.
5. Fold the copy in half parallel to the short edge (A to B in Figure 1).
6. Check that the fold line is within 2.0mm from the reference line. If the value is not within
the specified range, perform the Side 2 Adjustment.
Side 1 Adjustment
NOTE: In order for the following NVM changes to take effect, you must exit diagnostics and
switch the power off, then on.
1. Enter NVM Read/Write. Change the value in location 711-272 to perform correction for all
sizes. Change the value in the locations listed in Table 1 to perform correction for a spe-
cific size.
2. Increase the value to move the image toward TOP. Each bit represents 0.1% change.
3. Repeat Check and Adjustment until the measurement is within the specified range.
Side 2 Adjustment
1. Enter NVM Read/Write. Change the value in location 711-274 to perform correction for all
sizes. Change the value in the locations listed in Table 2 to perform correction for a spe-
cific size.
2. Repeat the Check and Adjustment until the measurement is within the specified range.
NOTE: The Values of NVM 711-272 and 711-274 are written to NVMs 715-110, 715-111, 715-
112, and 715-113, when the machine power is switched on.
711-272 written to 715-110
711-274 written to 715-111, 715-112, 715-113
Table 1 Side 1
NVM Document Width Document Size
1 711-272 For all sizes For all sizes
2 715-056 139.7~148.0mm A5 SEF, 5.5x8.5 SEF
3 715-058 182.0~194.0mm B5 SEF, 16K SEF
4 715-060 203.2mm 8x10" SEF, 8x10.5" SEF
5 715-062 210mm A4 SEF, A5 LEF
6 715-064 214.9~215.9mm Letter SEF, Legal SEF, 5.5x8.5" LEF, 8.46x12.4" SEF,
8.5x13" SEF
7 715-066 254.0~257.0mm B4 SEF, B5 LEF, 8x10" LEF
8 715-068 266.7~267.0mm 16K LEF, 8K LEF, 8x10.5" LEF
9 715-070 279.4mm Letter LEF, 11x15" SEF, 11x17" SEF
10 715-072 297mm A4 LEF, A3 SEF
Table 2 Side 2 of 2 Sided mode
NVM Document Width Document Size
1 771-274 For all sizes For all sizes
2 715-057 139.7~148.0mm A5 SEF, 5.5x8.5" SEF
3 715-059 182.0~194.0mm B5 SEF, 16K SEF
4 715-061 203.2mm 8x10" SEF, 8x10.5" SEF
5 715-063 210mm A4 SEF, A5 LEF
6 715-065 214.9~215.9mm Letter SEF, Legal SEF, 5.5x8.5" LEF, 8.46x12.4" SEF,
8.5x13" SEF
7 715-067 254.0~257.0mm B4 SEF, B5 LEF, 8x10" LEF
8 715-069 266.7~267.0mm 16K LEF, 8K LEF, 8x10.5" LEF
9 715-071 279.4mm Letter LEF, 11x15" SEF, 11x17" SEF
10 715-073 297mm A4 LEF, A3 SEF
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-193 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 5.3
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 5.3 DADF Original Detection Correction (Size
Detection Auto-Correction)
Parts List on PL 51.1
To automatically adjust the original size during DADF scan to the desired original size.
Proceed with this adjustment only after the following operations/events.
The DADF Assembly is replaced.
An abnormality is detected after replacing the Reg. Roll, Feed Roll and Retard Roll.
A size detection error occurs.
Using the DADF, continuously scan 3 originals. The NVM Data is automatically corrected
based on the comparison between the Slow Scan Length and the reference value detected by
the DADF. The NVM Data that is corrected is "Size Correction Value for Slow Scan Originals in
Non CVT Mode" (Chain Link No. 710-552). (Table 1)
Scanned originals differ according to the market as follows:
FX, XE/AP: A4 LEF (Slow scan length accuracy (210.0mm +/- 0.7mm))
XC: 8.5"x11" LEF (Slow scan length accuracy (215.9mm +/- 0.7mm))
1. Enter UI Diagnostics "ADF Independent Operation (Size Detection Auto Adjust)".
2. Set 3 documents to be transported in the DADF.
* The size of the fed original differs according to the market.
FX, XE/AP: A4 LEF (Slow scan length accuracy (210.0mm +/- 0.7mm))
XC: 8.5"x11" LEF (Slow scan length accuracy (215.9mm +/- 0.7mm))
3. When the [Start] button is pressed, the DADF starts pulling in the document and the cor-
rection value is calculated. At this point, the message "In progress" appears.
4. The applicable NVM Data will then be updated. After the operation, the UI screen will be
However, if this operation results in an NG, the NVM will not be updated and a message
indicating that an NG has occurred will be displayed.
5. The operation ends when the [Stop] button is pressed.
Status Confirmation Specifications
You may check the following status by using NVM Read after operations.
<Image Quality Restrictions>
This operation cannot be terminated (or aborted) halfway through the process and has to
be completed from start to finish regardless of any abnormalities that occur.
In cases where more than 4 originals are loaded in the DADF, this operation will not feed
the originals that are fed after the fourth sheet.
NOTE: If the problem still exists after the adjustment, repeat the procedure.
Table 1 DADF Size Detection
Link Display Data Name Reference
711-164 Size Correction Value for
Slow Scan Originals in Non
CVT Mode
Setting Range=144 to 256
(equivalent to +/-56 increments [+/-10mm] <
Initial Value: 200 (However, there is an adjusted
value set against the initial value when shipped.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-194 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 5.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
ADJ 5.4 DADF Lead Edge Registration
Parts List on PL 1.4
To adjust the original to the proper position (original feed direction) on the Platen.
NOTE: The following adjustments must be made before carrying out checking and adjustment.
IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration (ADJ 9.10)
IIT Lead Edge Registration (ADJ 6.3)
IIT Side Edge Registration (ADJ 6.4)
DADF Lead-Skew Adjustment (ADJ 5.1)
1. Place the 82E8220 Test Pattern on the Document glass with the trade mark and part
number as the lead edge.
2. Set up the machine to make two sided copies of the test pattern as follows:
a. On the UI Ready to Copy Screen, select the Copy tab.
b. Under Output Color select Black.
c. Under the Paper Supply select 11x17 paper size.
d. Under 2 Sided Copying select 1 to 2 Sided.
e. Reduce / Enlarge should be set to 100%.
f. On the UI Ready to Copy Screen, select the Layout Adjustment tab, Image Shift
should be Side 1 and Side 2 No Shift. Select Save.
3. Select a Quantity of 5.
4. Press the Start button to make a copy of side 1.
5. After side 1 is made, place a small piece of paper with the words side 2 written on it, onto
the Document Glass and under the 82E8220 Test Pattern.
NOTE: Side 2 can now be identified by the word side 2 copied from the small piece of
paper placed on the Document Glass under the test pattern from previous step.
6. Press the Start button to make a copy of side 2.
NOTE: The 2 sided copies will be used to run duplex sets for measurement through the
7. Place the 2 sided copies into the DADF and make one set of 2 sided copies.
8. On side 1 and side 2, measure on the scale from the 10 MM. line to the edge of the paper.
The measurement should as follows. (Table 1)
If the value is not within the specified range, perform the Adjustment:
Figure 1 Identifying side 2
9. If the value is not within the specified range, perform the Adjustment:
Table 1 Specification
Item Simplex Duplex
Lead Edge 10 0.5mm 10 0.5mm
Piece of paper to
identify side 2
The 10 MM. line is located
on this scale
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-195 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 5.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
1. Enter the Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics.).
2. Select NVM Read/Write.
3. Adjust the Lead Edge using the NVM locations specified in Table 2 until the measured
value falls within specifications.
each bit equals approximately 0.06 MM.
increasing the value moves the image toward the Lead Edge
4. Repeat Check and Adjustment until the Lead Edge measurement is within the specified
Table 2 NVM List
Chain Link Name Min. Initial Max
711-140 DADF Lead Reg. Adjustment (Side 1)
Replace All
80 129 230
711-141 DADF Lead Reg. Adjustment (Side 2)
Replace All
80 129 230
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4-196 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 5.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-197 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.1
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 6.1 Optical Axis Correction
Parts List on PL 1.1
The purpose of this adjustment is to align the CCD with the lens.
This procedure should only be performed if the Lens Kit is replaced, or if the documentation
specifically directs.
1. Install the Platen Glass.
Stray light will adversely affect the check. If there is significant ambient light around the
machine (especially fluorescent light), open the platen cover as little as required to start the
scan, and/or shroud the machine with a drop cloth, in order to keep as much stray light as pos-
sible away from the Lens and CCD.
2. Ensure the document cover or DADF is fully raised and that there is nothing on the platen
3. Enter UI Diagnostics (Accessing UI Diagnostics). Raise the platen cover. Select Max
Setup, IIT Cal., select the Optical Axis Correction and press Start.
4. Check the results in the Optical Axis Set Results box. If OK is displayed in the Result
box, the check is good. Adjust the IIT Calibration (ADJ 6.6).
5. If the tool displays NG, perform the Adjustment.
1. Remove the Platen Glass and the Optics cover.
2. Place an index mark on the barrel of a 5.5mm nut driver. The following figure shows the
tool and the adjusting nuts. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Tool and Front Optics Adjusting Nut
3. Check the results in the Front Nut Correction Angle and the Rear Nut Correction
Angle box. The values displayed indicate the amount and direction of the correction
+ means rotate clockwise
- means rotate counterclockwise
The amount of correction is displayed in degrees. Each division around the nut rep-
resents 15 degrees (divide the displayed value by 15 to get the number of divisions).
If a value higher than 990 is displayed, this may indicate that insufficient light is
entering the CCD. Make sure that the Lens and Platen Glass are clean.
4. Make the indicated correction for both the front and rear screws,
5. Reinstall the Platen Glass and the Optics cover, then select on Start on the screen.
6. Repeat the Check and Adjust until OK is displayed.
7. Reinstall the Optics Cover and reinstall the Platen Glass.
8. Check/Adjust the IIT Calibration (ADJ 6.6).
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-198 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
ADJ 6.2 Full/Half Rate Carriage Position Adjustment
Parts List on PL 1.3
Adjust the position of the Full/Half Rate Carriage.
1. Press the Job Status button to check that there are no jobs in progress.
2. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord
3. Open DADF or the Platen Cover.
4. Remove the Platen Glass (REP 6.2)
5. Remove the Lens Cover Assembly (PL 18.4)
6. Remove the alignment pins from the Lens Assembly (Figure 1):
NOTE: When removing the alignment pins, never remove the screws (x4) that secure the
Lens Base.
(1) - Remove the screws (x2).
(2) - Remove the alignment pins (x2).
Figure 1 Remove the Alignment Pins
7. Align the alignment pin holes in the Half Rate Carriage with the holes in the rail (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Aligning the Half Rate Carriage 1/3
8. Install the alignment pin to the Half Rate Carriage. (Figure 3)
NOTE: Install the alignment pins near the edges (the front tool to the front and the rear
tool to the rear). The illustrations show only the rear.
(1) - Position the alignment pins. (Front/Rear)
(2) - Secure with a screw.
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4-199 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.2
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Figure 3 Installing Alignment Pins on Half Rate Carriage
NOTE: The position of the pulley can be changed if the alignment pin holes in the Half Rate
Carriage and the rail do not align and the tool cannot be inserted correctly. Perform step 9 if the
holes do not align; otherwise proceed to step 10.
9. Adjust the pulleys (Figure 4).
(1) - Loosen the set screws (x2).
(2) - Turn the Pulley until the tool holes align.
(3) - Align the shaft concave with the Pulley end face and tighten the screws (x2).
Figure 4 Position Adjustment of Half Rate Carriage
10. Align the Full Rate Carriage (rear) (Figure 5).
(1) - Loosen the securing screw of the Carriage Cable.
(2) - Move the Full Rate Carriage until the pin holes align.
(3) - Tighten the screw.
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4-200 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 5 Aligning the Full Rate Carriage
11. Remove the alignment pin from the front of the Half Rate Carriage and install at the rear
of the Full Rate Carriage. (Figure 6). The rear tool for Half Rate Carriage remains
(1) - Install the alignment pin.
(2) - Secure with a screw.
Figure 6 Position Adjustment of Full Rate Carriage
12. Align the front of the Full rate Carriage:
Loosen the securing screw of the Carriage Cable if necessary in order to align the
Remove the alignment pin from the rear of the Half Rate Carriage and install at the
front of the Full Rate Carriage.
Tighten the securing screw of the Carriage Cable
13. Slide the Full Rate Carriage to ensure that it moves smoothly.
14. Reinstall the Alignment Pins to their original positions.
15. Reinstall the Lens Cover Assembly to its original state.
16. Manually move the Full Rate Carriage to ensure that it moves smoothly.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-201 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.3
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 6.3 IIT Lead Edge Registration
Parts List on PL 1.1
To adjust the IIT scan timing in the Slow Scan direction and to correct the copy position.
Perform this adjustment only if absolutely required; the IIT Lead Edge Registration affects the
precision of the document size detection.
NOTE: Before performing this procedure, make sure that the IOT Lead Edge Registration is
correct. Refer to ADJ 9.10, IOT Side/Lead Edge Registration.
1. Place the Geometric Test Pattern (82E8220) on the Platen Glass correctly and make cop-
ies with the following settings:
Copy Mode: Black
Paper Size: 11 x 17 in or A3
Magnification: 100%
No. of Copies: 2
2. On the 2nd copy, check that the distance from the lead edge to the top of Step 3 on the
LE2 scale is 10.0mm +/- 2.1mm (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Checking IIT Lead Registration
3. If the value is not within the specified range, Perform the Adjustment:
1. Enter the Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select NVM Read/Write location [715-050].
3. Change the value.
1 increment: 0.029mm
Increment of the value: The image moves to the Tail Edge.
Decrement of the value: The image moves to the Lead Edge.
4. Repeat Check and Adjustment until the Lead Edge measurement is within the specified
Lead Edge
+/- 2.1mm
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-202 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.4
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
ADJ 6.4 IIT Side Registration
Parts List on PL 1.1
To adjust the IIT scan timing in the Fast Scan direction and to correct the copy position.
Perform this adjustment only if absolutely required; the IIT Side Edge Registration affects the
precision of the document size detection.
NOTE: Before performing this procedure, make sure that the IOT Side Edge Registration is
correct. (Refer to ADJ 9.10, IOT Side/Lead Edge Registration.)
1. Load 11 x 17 in. or A3 paper into Tray 2.
2. Place the Geometric Test Pattern (82E8220) on the Platen Glass correctly and make cop-
ies with the following settings:
Copy Mode: Black
Paper Tray: Tray 2
Magnification: 100%
No. of Copies: 2
3. On the 2nd copy, check that the distance from the lead edge to the top of Step 3 on the
SE2 and SE3 scales is 10.0mm +/- 1.6mm (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Checking IIT Side Edge Registration
4. If the value is not within the specified range, perform the Adjustment:
1. Enter the Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Enter NVM Read/Write location [715-053].
Change the value.
1 increment = 0.075mm
increasing the value = The image moves IN.
decreasing the value = The image moves OUT.
3. Repeat Check and Adjustment until the Side Edge measurement is within the specified
+/- 2.1mm
Lead Edge
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-203 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.5
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 6.5 IIT Vertical/Horizontal Reduce/Enlarge
Parts List on PL 1.1
To correct the horizontal (fast scan)/vertical (slow scan) magnification ratio for a 100% copy.
Perform this procedure only if absolutely required; changing IIT magnification may adversely
affect resolution due to ASIC shift, and may cause a color shift.
1. Place the Geometric Test Pattern (82E8220) on the Platen Glass and make a copy using
the following copy mode settings:
Copy Mode: Black
Document Type: Text/Photo
Paper: 11 x17 in. or A3
Magnification: 100%
No. of Copies: 2
2. Check the 2nd copy for the following:
3. Check horizontal magnification (Figure 1):
Measure the 200mm line running from near LE1 to near LE3. Check that the dimension is
200mm 1mm.
Figure 1 Checking Horizontal Magnification
4. Check vertical magnification (Figure 2):
Measure the 300mm line running from near LE1 to the trail edge of the 1.8lp ladder.
Check that the dimension is 300mm 1mm.
Lead Edge
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-204 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.5, ADJ 6.6
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
Figure 2 Checking Vertical Magnification
5. If either measurement is not with in specification, perform the Adjustment.
1. Horizontal Magnification Adjustment
Enter the correction value for NVM Read/Write location [715-702].
Each bit represents 0.1% change:
Increase the value to increase magnification
Decrease the value to decrease magnification
2. Vertical Magnification Adjustment
Enter the correction value for NVM Read/Write location [715-051].
Each bit represents 0.1% change:
Increase the value to increase magnification
Decrease the value to decrease magnification
3. Repeat Check and Adjustment until the Horizontal/Vertical magnification measurements
are within specification.
ADJ 6.6 IIT Calibration
Parts List on PL 1.1
The IIT Calibration is accomplished in two stages; White Reference Adjustment and CCD Cali-
The White Reference Adjustment calculates the White Reference Correction using white
paper placed on the platen glass (reflectance difference from true white), and machine
NVM value for True White.
CCD Calibration uses the standard test pattern, 82E13120 to calibrate the sensitivity of
the CCD. It looks at the 5 squares in the upper center of the test pattern as a reference to
do the calibration.
White Reference Adjustment
If the Lens Kit was replaced, the Optical Axis Alignment (ADJ 6.1) must be performed first.
1. For the White Reference Check, use Xerox Digital Color Xpressions+ or Colotech +
paper. Result values for RGB should be approximately 130 to 145.
Digital Color Xpressions+ 24 lb. paper = 98 Brightness rating (90 gsm).
Colortech + paper = (90 gsm).
2. Place 10 sheets of A3 or 11 x 17 (short edge lead) clean white paper on the Document
3. Access UI Diagnostics (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
4. Select MAX Setup on the Maintenance/Diagnostics screen.
5. Select IIT Calibration, then White Reference Adjustment.
6. Press the Start on the screen.
7. Result values for RGB should be in the range of 130 to 145. (Table 1)
8. If the values are within range proceed to the CCD Calibration Adjustment below.
1. If the Lens Kit was replaced, go to ADJ 6.1.
2. Make sure you have placed 10 sheets of 11 x 17 digital color Xpressions+ paper against
the registration edge of the platen glass (98 Brightness).
3. Clean the Optics:
a. Switch off the power and allow the Exposure Lamp to cool off.
NOTE: The white reference strip is located under the registration guide on the underside of the
platen glass.
b. Using the optical Cleaning Cloth, clean the front and rear of the Document Glass, the
White Reference Strip, Reflector, and Mirrors.
Lead Edge
Table 1 White Reference
R 135
G 136
B 138
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-205 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.6
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
c. Clean the Exposure Lamp with a clean cloth and Film Remover.
d. Clean the Lens with Lens and Mirror Cleaner and lint free cloth.
4. If necessary, troubleshoot the Exposure Lamp, Lamp Ballast PWB, or IIT PWB.
CCD Calibration
1. Enter the Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Max Setup, IIT Calibration, then CCD Calibration.
3. Place the Standard Test Pattern 82E13120 on the Document Glass with the lead edge to
the left.
NOTE: If the Standard Test Pattern 82E13120 is not used, the Result for Pcon and Scan
will be NG.
4. Reflection values for YMCK vs. RGB should be as follows:
a. Values for X in Table 2 should be between 200 and 250.
b. The higher the number, the less reflectance. K is always higher than C, M or Y.
5. The b* Measurement should be within 10 bits (+/-) of the b* Target.
6. If values for X in Table 2 are less than 200, or if b* target Results Table 3 is NG, per-
form the following checks or troubleshoot.
Make sure test pattern 82E13120 is being used and that the test pattern is clean and
free of defects.
Make sure the test pattern is position with the L.E. toward the left of the Platen Glass
and registered.
Clean both sides of the Document Glass, Document Cover, White Reference Strip,
Reflector, and Mirrors.
Clean the Lens with Lens and Mirror Cleaner and lint free cloth.
Clean the Exposure Lamp with a clean cloth and Film Remover.
Troubleshoot the Exposure Lamp, Lamp Ballast PWB and IIT PWB.
Replace the Lens Kit if necessary.
NOTE: Do not select Optical Axis Calibration unless the Lens Kit is replaced.
Table 2 Values for X 200 to 250
Reflection Ratio
Result OK
Table 3 b* Calibration Coefficient Check
b* coefficient 3 3
b* Patch Value
226 214
b* Normal Value
225 223
Result OK OK
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-206 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.7
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
ADJ 6.7 DADF Original Detection Correction (Size
Detection Auto-Correction)
Parts List on PL 1.1
To automatically adjust the original size during DADF scan to the desired original size.
Proceed with this adjustment only after the following operations/events.
The DADF Assembly. is replaced.
An abnormality is detected after replacing the Reg. Roll, Feed Roll and Retard Roll.
A size detection error occurs.
Using the DADF, continuously scan 3 originals. The NVM Data is automatically corrected
based on the comparison between the Slow Scan Length and the reference value detected by
the DADF. The NVM Data that is corrected is "Size Correction Value for Slow Scan Originals in
Non CVT Mode" (Chain Link No. 710-552).
This operation cannot be terminated (or aborted) halfway through the process and has to be
completed from start to finish regardless of any abnormalities that occur
1. Enter the UI Diagnostic Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Sub System on the Maintenance / Diagnostics screen.
3. Select ADF Independent Operation on the Sub System screen.
4. The ADF Independent Operation screen is displayed.
5. Set 3 A4/LTR- size documents in the DADF.
6. When the Start button is pressed, the DADF starts pulling in the document and the cor-
rection value is calculated. At this point, the message "In progress" appears.
7. The applicable NVM Data will then be updated. After the operation, the UI screen will be
However, if this operation results in an NG, the NVM will not be updated and a message
indicating that an NG has occurred will be displayed.
8. The operation ends when the Stop button is pressed.
Status Confirmation Specifications
You may check the following status by using NVM Read after operations.
NOTE: If it is still NG after the adjustment, repeat the procedure.
Table 1 NVM Data
Chain-Link Display Data Name Reference
711-164 Size Correction Value for
Slow Scan Originals in
Non CVT Mode
Setting Range=144 to 256
(equivalent to 56 increments 10mm] 0.18mm/
Initial Value: 200 (However, there is an adjusted
value set against the initial value when shipped.)
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-207 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.9
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 6.9 UI Touch Panel Alignment
Parts List on PL 1.7
To align the position of the buttons on the display and the Touch Panel so that the user can
select the contents on the display using the Touch Panel.
NOTE: Any substitute used as a Touch Pen for this adjustment should have a pointed tip (such
as a ball point pen) Be careful not to damage the surface of the UI.
1. Turn ON the power while holding down the [0], [1], [3] buttons.
The following appears on the display (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Touch Screen Display
2. Using the Touch Pen, touch the intersections of the vertical and horizontal lines, P1 to P9
in sequence. (Keep the Touch Pen on each point for approx. 1 sec., then proceed to the
next point)
After pressing all the buttons, the machine automatically calculates the difference
between the coordinates and the correction values. This calculation takes approx. 0.1
3. After a few seconds, turn the power OFF then ON. The UI may be used after reboot as
the data has been corrected.
NOTE: Complete the whole procedure before turning the machine OFF. If power is turned
OFF during the adjustment, the before data will be restored.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-208 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 6.9
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-209 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 9.1, ADJ 9.4
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 9.1 Max Setup
Max Set Up measures performance of the automatic process control. Process Control adjusts
Bias voltage, Laser Diode output, toner concentration (TC) and BCR voltage automatically to
maintain density. It uses the ATC Sensor and Pixel count to determine the dispense time
needed to attain the target TC.
Max Setup consists of several separate adjustments that may be performed sequentially or
individually depending on the situation being resolved. There are inter-dependencies between
adjustments; hence, they should only be performed as directed in the documentation.
IOT Situational
The following procedure is performed to address specific customer complaints or require-
ments, or when directed following component replacement.
1. ADJ 9.4, Adjust Toner Density. This procedure does not change any parameters; it per-
forms a one-time change to TC. It is important that the problem that caused the low or
high TC condition is resolved before performing this adjustment.
IIT Situational
The following procedures are performed to address specific customer complaints or require-
ments, or when directed following component replacement.
1. ADJ 6.6, IIT Calibration
ADJ 9.4 Adjust Toner Density
This procedure manually increases or decreases toner concentration (TC). It is used when a
xerographic problem or out-of-toner condition has prevented process control from maintaining
the TC target value.
This procedure does not change any parameters; it performs a one-time change to TC. It is
important that the problem that caused the low or high TC condition is resolved before perform-
ing this adjustment.
1. Enter the Diagnostic Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. From the Maintenance/Diagnostics screen, select Max Setup.
3. Select Adjust Toner Density.
4. Measure Sensor State is selected, press Start to run the test.
5. Check, the TC Value is within +/-30 of the TC Target.
If the TC Value is not within specification go to Adjustment.
1. Select Adjust Toner Density.
If TC Value is too high, the amount of toner used to create the patch is too low. Use a
positive Number in Select Quantity to increase the amount of toner in the Devel-
oper Housing.
If TC is too low, use a negative number in Select Quantity. Negative numbers will
print solid area coverage in order to tone down the developer.
Adjust in increments of 2 or 3.
2. Press the Start button to begin Toner Density Adjustment.
3. After the adjustment ends:
Select, Measure Sensor State, then press Start.
Check, the TC Value is within +/-30 of the TC Target.
4. Repeat the adjustment until TC Value is within +/-30 of the TC Target.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-210 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 9.10
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
ADJ 9.10 IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration
The purpose is to adjust the position of the printed image on the page by controlling where the
ROS writes the image. This is done by changing the value of the Lead Edge Registration and
Side Edge Registration in UI Diagnostics. This adjustment must be completed prior to the IIT
Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration, and the DADF Lead Edge Registration.
Each tray must be adjusted separately for:
Lead Edge registration for side 1
Lead Edge registration for side 2
Side Edge registration for side 1
Side Edge registration for side 2
The specifications for Lead Edge and Side Edge are shown in the table below.
Checking Side 1 Lead Edge Registration
1. Load Trays 1 and 2, and the Tray 5 / Bypass, with 11 x 17 / A3 Bond/Plain paper. Load
Trays 3, 4, and 6 with 8 1/2 x 11 / A4 Bond/Plain paper.
2. The routine automatically selects the appropriate NVM location to set, based on the
Paper Type setting for the trays.
3. Enter UI diagnostics (Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode).
4. Press the Machine Status button on the control panel.
5. Select the Tools tab on the UI screen.
6. System Settings and Common Service Settings will be highlighted.
7. In the Features column, scroll to and select Maintenance / Diagnostics.
8. Scroll to and select Registration, then select System Registration Adjustment.
9. Make the following selections:
a. Select Side 1, if not already selected.
b. Select Tray 1, if not already selected.
c. Select 5 for Print Count.
10. Select Print on the UI.
11. Remove the prints one at a time from the center output tray and Flip each one Right to
Left, to position it as shown in Figure 1 (lead edge to the left).
12. Label each printed sheet with the number of the print (1 through 5), the words Tray 1,
and Side 1, and the location of the Lead Edge of each sheet.
13. Take the third print and measure from the lead edge to point A (as shown on Figure 1).
Point A is at the intersection of the 7th line from the side edge and the first line from the
lead edge.
14. If the measured value is not 10 +/- 1.5mm, perform the Adjustment. If the Check is OK,
repeat steps 5 through 8 for Trays 2 - 5.
15. After all trays are set, proceed to Checking Side 2 Lead Edge Registration.
Figure 1 Test Pattern Measurement Points
Checking Side 2 Lead Edge Registration
NOTE: The grid pattern for side 1 does not align with the side 2 grid pattern; do not attempt to
set registration by aligning the grids.
1. Make the following selections:
a. Select Tray 1, if not already selected.
b. Select Side 2.
c. Select 5 for Print Count, if not already selected.
2. Click Print.
NOTE: Side 2 will be delivered face-down in the tray, with the Lead edge to the right. Flip
each one Right to Left to position it as shown in Figure 1 (lead edge to the left).
3. Label each printed sheet with the number of the print (1 through 5), the words Tray 1
and Side 2, and the location of the Lead Edge of each sheet.
4. Take the third print and measure from the lead edge to point A (as shown on Figure 1).
Point A is at the intersection of the 7th line from the side edge and the first line from the
lead edge.
5. If the measured value is not 10 +/- 1.5mm, perform the Adjustment. If the Check is OK,
repeat steps 2 through 4 for Trays 2 - 5.
6. After all trays are set, proceed to Checking Side 1 Side Edge Registration.
Table 1 Specification
Item Simplex Duplex Tray 5 / Bypass
Lead Edge 10 +/- 1.5mm 10+/- 1.5mm 10+/- 1.5mm
Side Edge 8.5+/- 1.7mm 8.5 +/-1.7mm 8.5+/- 2.9mm
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-211 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 9.10, ADJ 9.11
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
Checking Side 1 Side Edge Registration
1. Make the following selections:
a. Select Tray 1, if not already selected.
b. Select Side 1.
c. Select 5 for Print Count, if not already selected.
2. Click Print.
3. Label each printed sheet with the number of the print (1 through 5), the words Tray 1
and Side 1, and the location of the Lead Edge of each sheet.
4. Take the third print and measure from the top edge to point B1 (as shown on Figure 1).
Point B1 is at the intersection of the first line from the side edge and the line from the lead
5. If the measured value is not 8.5 +/- 1.7mm, perform the Adjustment. If the Check is OK,
repeat steps 2 through 4 for Trays 2 - 5 (specification for Tray 5 is 8.5+/- 2.9mm).
6. After all trays are set, proceed to Checking Side 2 Side Edge Registration.
Checking Side 2 Side Edge Registration
NOTE: The grid pattern for side 1 does not align with the side 2 grid pattern; do not attempt to
set registration by aligning the grids.
1. Make the following selections:
a. Select Tray 1, if not already selected.
b. Select Side 2.
c. Select 5 for Print Count, if not already selected.
2. Click Print.
NOTE: Side 2 will be delivered face-down in the tray, with the Lead edge to the right and the
side edge to be checked towards you.
3. Label each printed sheet with the number of the print (1 through 5), the words Tray 1
and Side 2, and the location of the Lead Edge of each sheet.
4. Take the third print and measure from the lead edge to point B1 (as shown on Figure 1).
Point B1 is at the intersection of the first line from the side edge and the line from the lead
5. If the measured value is not 8.5 +/- 1.7mm, perform the Adjustment. If the Check is OK,
repeat steps 2 through 4 for Trays 2 - 5 (specification for Tray 5 is 8.5+/- 2.9mm).
1. Determine the distance and direction the line needs to move:
Lead Reg. Adjustment Step: 0.100 mm/step
Side Reg. Adjustment Step: 0.106 mm/step
With the print in the orientation shown in Figure 1:
The Up arrow moves the grid to the left; the Down arrow moves the grid to the right.
The Right arrow moves the grid up; the Left arrow moves the grid down.
2. Enter the correction and press Adjust one time.
3. Click Print.
4. Repeat the Check and Adjustment until registration is within specification.
ADJ 9.11 Edge Erase Value Adjustment
To correct both sides and Lead Edge (Rear/Front) erase values of the image.
NOTE: Before doing this adjustment, the IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration must be
adjusted to specification.
1. Specify a Tray loaded with paper. Make a black copy without using any originals and leav-
ing the Platen Cover open.
2. Check that the white area at the lead edge is 4mm wide and those at the both side edges
and the trail edge are 2mm wide.
1. Enter the diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics) and execute NVM Read/Write.
2. Adjust the NVM value until the measured erase values are 4mm at the lead edge and
2mm at the sides and the end.
Increasing the set value leads to a larger erase amount.
3. Repeat the Check and Adjustment until the Edge Erase is within specification
Table 1 NVM List
NVM location Name Min. Initial Max Step
767-057 Lead Image Loss Amount 0 20 40 0.1mm
767-058 Side Image Loss Amount 0 20 40 0.1mm
767-059 End Image Loss Amount 0 20 40 0.1mm
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-212 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 9.10, ADJ 9.11
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-213 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 12.1, ADJ 12.2
Repairs & Adjustments Initial Issue
ADJ 12.1 Finisher LX Hole Punch Position
This procedure sets the distance from the trail edge of the punched sheet to the center of the
punched holes.
NOTE: This adjustment is normally performed by the customer, via Admin mode.
1. Enter the Service Rep. Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics) and select Finisher Adjust-
ment (on second page).
2. Select Adjust Punch Position/Booklet Fold Position.
3. Select choice #1 or #2, depending on the paper size, then select Change Settings.
4. Select Sample Printout.
5. Select the paper tray to be adjusted, then press Start. The selection must match the
choice made above.
6. Measure the distance between the trail edge of the sheet and the center of the bottom
hole. If the distance is not 10 +/- 3 mm, perform the Adjustment
1. Use the buttons on the UI to move the holes left or right. When the computed correction is
made, select Adjust.
2. Repeat the Check and Adjustment until the measurement is correct
ADJ 12.2 Finisher LX Booklet Crease/Staple Position
This procedure centers the crease and staple positions in the booklet.
NOTE: This adjustment is normally performed by the customer, via Admin mode.
1. Enter the Service Rep. Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics) and select Finisher Adjust-
ment (on second page).
2. Select Adjust Punch Position/Booklet Fold Position.
3. Select choice #3 or #4, depending on the paper size, then select Change Settings.
4. Select Sample Printout.
5. Select a paper tray with the appropriate paper, then press Start. The selection must
match the choice made above.
6. Measure the distance between the crease and the edges of the sheet (A and B on Fig-
ure 1). The measurements should be equal, +/- 3.5 mm for A4/Letter size paper; 4 mm for
all other sizes.
Figure 1 Measurements
7. Measure the distance between the crease and the staples (X1 on Figure 1). The mea-
surements should be less than 2.5 mm.
8. If either measurement is not within spec, perform the Adjustment.
1. Examine the printed sample and determine which of 4 choices best describes the mis-
alignment; select the button for that description.
NOTE: The graphic in the following step is not displayed until a misalignment choice is made.
2. Measure A and B per the graphic displayed on the UI. Enter the correction and select
3. Repeat the Check and Adjustment until the measurement is correct.
BUS Updated 12/2011
4-214 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADJ 12.1, ADJ 12.2
Initial Issue Repairs & Adjustments
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-1 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Parts List Initial Issue
5 Parts Lists
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5-3
Subsystem Information ................................................................................................... 5-4
Symbology ...................................................................................................................... 5-5
Parts Lists
1. IIT
PL 1.1 IIT Covers ............................................................................................................ 5-7
PL 1.2 CCD Lens Assembly/Platen Glass ...................................................................... 5-8
PL 1.3 Full/Half Rate Carriage ........................................................................................ 5-9
PL 1.4 Full Rate Carriage................................................................................................ 5-10
PL 1.5 CCD Lens Base Plate.......................................................................................... 5-11
PL 1.6 Motor/Transport PWB.......................................................................................... 5-12
PL 1.7 Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 5-13
PL 1.9 Convenience Stapler ........................................................................................... 5-14
2. ROS
PL 2.1 ROS..................................................................................................................... 5-15
PL 3.1 Main Drive (1 of 2) ............................................................................................... 5-16
PL 3.2 Main Drive (2 of 2) ............................................................................................... 5-17
PL 4.1 NOHAD................................................................................................................ 5-18
6. Transfer
PL 6.1 Transfer ............................................................................................................... 5-19
7. Fusing
PL 7.1 Fusing.................................................................................................................. 5-20
8. Xerographic/Development
PL 8.1 CRU, Toner Cartridge.......................................................................................... 5-21
PL 8.2 Toner System ...................................................................................................... 5-22
9. Feeder/Tray 1/2
PL 9.1 Tray 1/2 Assembly ............................................................................................... 5-23
PL 9.2 Tray 1/2 (1 of 2) ................................................................................................... 5-24
PL 9.3 Tray 1/2 (2 of 2) ................................................................................................... 5-25
PL 9.4 Tray Feeder 1/2 Assembly................................................................................... 5-26
PL 9.5 Feeder 1/2 Assembly (1 of 2) .............................................................................. 5-27
PL 9.6 Feeder 1/2 Assembly (2 of 2) .............................................................................. 5-28
PL 9.7 Tray 1/2 Feed Roll, Nudger Roll, Retard Roll ...................................................... 5-29
9. Envelope Tray
PL 9.8 Envelope Tray Assembly ..................................................................................... 5-30
10. HCF
PL 10.1 HCF Unit ............................................................................................................ 5-31
PL 10.2 HCF Tray 6 (1 of 2) ............................................................................................ 5-32
PL 10.3 HCF Tray 6 (2 of 2) ............................................................................................ 5-33
PL 10.4 HCF Feeder (1 of 3)........................................................................................... 5-34
PL 10.5 HCF Feeder (2 of 3)........................................................................................... 5-35
PL 10.6 HCF Feeder (3 of 3)........................................................................................... 5-36
PL 10.7 HCF Top Cover Unit .......................................................................................... 5-37
PL 10.8 HCF Electrical and Rail...................................................................................... 5-38
11. Tray Module (TTM)
PL 11.1 Tray Module (TTM) (Option) .............................................................................. 5-39
PL 11.2 Tray 3/4 Assembly ............................................................................................. 5-40
PL 11.3 Tray 3 Assembly (1 of 2).................................................................................... 5-41
PL 11.4 Tray 3 Assembly (2 of 2).................................................................................... 5-42
PL 11.5 Tray 4 Assembly (1 of 2).................................................................................... 5-43
PL 11.6 Tray 4 Assembly (2 of 2).................................................................................... 5-44
PL 11.7 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly, T/A Roll Assembly ................................................. 5-45
PL 11.8 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (1/2) ........................................................................ 5-46
PL 11.9 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (2/2) ........................................................................ 5-47
PL 11.10 Tray 3/4 Feed/Nudger/Retard Roll................................................................... 5-48
PL 11.11 Tray 3/4 Transport Assembly........................................................................... 5-49
PL 11.12 Tray 3/4 Switch Assembly................................................................................ 5-50
PL 11.13 Wire Harness ................................................................................................... 5-51
PL 11.14 TM Drive .......................................................................................................... 5-52
PL 11.15 Takeaway Motor Assembly.............................................................................. 5-53
PL 11.16 Cover ............................................................................................................... 5-54
PL 11.17 L/H Cover Assembly ........................................................................................ 5-55
13. MSI
PL 13.1 MSI Assembly.................................................................................................... 5-56
PL 13.2 Lower Frame Assembly ..................................................................................... 5-57
PL 13.3 MSI Tray Assembly............................................................................................ 5-58
14. Duplex/BTR
PL 14.1 L/H Cover Assembly, Duplex Unit...................................................................... 5-59
PL 14.2 L/H Chute Assembly .......................................................................................... 5-60
PL 14.3 L/H Frame Assembly ......................................................................................... 5-61
PL 14.4 Duplex Assembly ............................................................................................... 5-62
15. Registration
PL 15.1 Registration (1of2) ............................................................................................. 5-63
PL 15.2 Registration (2of2) ............................................................................................. 5-64
17. Exit
PL 17.1 Exit 1.................................................................................................................. 5-65
PL 17.2 Exit 2.................................................................................................................. 5-66
PL 17.3 Exit 2 Chute Assembly....................................................................................... 5-67
PL 17.4 Exit 2 Transport Assembly (1of2)....................................................................... 5-68
PL 17.5 Exit 2 Bracket Rear Assembly ........................................................................... 5-69
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-2 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 17.6 Exit 2 Guide Assembly (2of2) ............................................................................ 5-70
18. Electrical
PL 18.1 Electrical (1of2).................................................................................................. 5-71
PL 18.2 Electrical (2of2).................................................................................................. 5-72
PL 18.3 AC Chassis Assembly ....................................................................................... 5-73
PL 18.4 IOT Wire Harness .............................................................................................. 5-74
PL 18.5 FAX Unit ............................................................................................................ 5-75
19. Cover
PL 19.1 Cover-Front, Left................................................................................................ 5-76
PL 19.2 Cover-Rear, Right .............................................................................................. 5-77
22. Integrated Office Finisher
PL 22.1 Finisher Assembly (Part 1 of 2) ......................................................................... 5-78
PL 22.2 Finisher Assembly (Part 2 of 2) ......................................................................... 5-79
PL 22.3 Stacker Base Assembly (Part 1 of 5)................................................................. 5-80
PL 22.4 Stacker Base Assembly (Part 2 of 5)................................................................. 5-81
PL 22.5 Stacker Base Assembly (Part 3 of 5)................................................................. 5-82
PL 22.6 Stacker Base Assembly (Part 4 of 5)................................................................. 5-83
PL 22.7 Stacker Base Assembly (Part 5 of 5)................................................................. 5-84
PL 22.8 Stacker Tray Assembly...................................................................................... 5-85
PL 22.9 Compile Assembly (Part 1 of 2) ......................................................................... 5-86
PL 22.10 Compile Assembly (Part 2 of 2) ....................................................................... 5-87
23. Office Finisher LX
PL 23.1 H - Transport Assembly (1 of 5)......................................................................... 5-88
PL 23.2 H - Transport Assembly (2 of 5)......................................................................... 5-89
PL 23.3 H - Transport Assembly (3 of 5)......................................................................... 5-90
PL 23.4 H - Transport Assembly (4 of 5)......................................................................... 5-91
PL 23.5 H - Transport Assembly (5 of 5)......................................................................... 5-92
PL 23.6 Finisher Covers.................................................................................................. 5-93
PL 23.7 Finisher Stacker................................................................................................. 5-94
PL 23.8 Finisher Stapler.................................................................................................. 5-95
PL 23.9 Finisher Eject (1 of 5)......................................................................................... 5-96
PL 23.10 Finisher Eject (2 of 5)....................................................................................... 5-97
PL 23.11 Finisher Eject (3 of 5)....................................................................................... 5-98
PL 23.12 Finisher Eject (4 of 5)....................................................................................... 5-99
PL 23.13 Finisher Eject (5 of 5)....................................................................................... 5-100
PL 23.14 Finisher Exit/Folder Assembly ......................................................................... 5-101
PL 23.15 Folder Assembly .............................................................................................. 5-102
PL 23.16 Finisher Electrical ............................................................................................ 5-103
PL 23.17 Booklet Cover .................................................................................................. 5-104
PL 23.18 Booklet Stapler Assembly................................................................................ 5-105
PL 23.19 Booklet Front Stapler Assembly ...................................................................... 5-106
PL 23.20 Booklet Rear Stapler Assembly ....................................................................... 5-107
PL 23.21 Booklet Electrical ............................................................................................. 5-108
35. ESS
PL 35.1 ESS (1/3) ........................................................................................................... 5-109
PL 35.2 ESS (2/3) ........................................................................................................... 5-110
PL 35.3 ESS (3/3) ........................................................................................................... 5-111
51. DADF
PL 51.1 DADF Accessory................................................................................................ 5-112
PL 51.2 Covers, PWB ..................................................................................................... 5-113
PL 51.3 Base Frame ....................................................................................................... 5-114
PL 51.4 Document Tray .................................................................................................. 5-115
PL 51.5 DADF Drives (1 of 2).......................................................................................... 5-116
PL 51.6 DADF Drives (2 of 2).......................................................................................... 5-117
PL 51.7 Front Belt ........................................................................................................... 5-118
PL 51.8 Registration, Retard, Invert, Output Chutes....................................................... 5-119
PL 51.9 Roll, Sensor Bracket .......................................................................................... 5-120
PL 51.10 Document Tray ................................................................................................ 5-121
PL 51.11 Top Cover ........................................................................................................ 5-122
PL 51.12 Upper Feeder................................................................................................... 5-123
PL 51.13 Registration Chute ........................................................................................... 5-124
PL 51.14 Retard Chute.................................................................................................... 5-125
PL 51.15 Invert Chute ..................................................................................................... 5-126
PL 51.16 Output Chute.................................................................................................... 5-127
PL 51.17 Sensor Bracket ................................................................................................ 5-128
Common Hardware
Common Hardware ......................................................................................................... 5-129
Part Number Index .......................................................................................................... 5-141
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-3 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Introduction
Parts List Initial Issue
The Parts List section identifies all part numbers and the corresponding location of all spared
subsystem components.
Parts Lists
Each item number in the part number listing corresponds to an item number in the related
illustration. All the parts in a given subsystem of the machine will be located in the same
illustration or in a series of associated illustrations.
Electrical Connectors and Fasteners
This section contains the illustrations and descriptions of the plugs, jacks, and fasteners used
in the machine. A part number listing of the connectors is included.
Common Hardware
The common hardware is listed in alphabetical order by the letter or letters used to identify
each item in the part number listing and in the illustrations. Dimensions are in millimeters
unless otherwise identified.
Part Number Index
This index lists all the spared parts in the machine in numerical order. Each number is followed
by a reference to the parts list on which the part may be found.
Other Information
Abbreviations are used in the parts lists and the exploded view illustrations to provide
information in a limited amount of space. The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
Symbology used in the Parts List section is identified in the Symbology section.
Service Procedure Referencing
If a part or assembly has an associated repair or adjustment procedure, the procedure number
will be listed at the end of the part description in the parts lists e.g. (REP 5.1, ADJ 5.3)
Table 1
Abbreviation Meaning
A3 297 x 594 Millimeters
A4 210 x 297 Millimeters
A5 148 x 210 Millimeters
AD Auto Duplex
AWG American Wire Gauge
EMI Electro Magnetic Induction
GB Giga Byte
KB Kilo Byte
MB Mega Byte
MM Millimeters
MOD Magneto Optical Drive
NOHAD Noise Ozone Heat Air Dirt
PL Parts List
P/O Part of
R/E Reduction/Enlargement
REF: Refer to
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
W/ With
W/O Without
Table 2
Operating Companies
Abbreviation Meaning
AO Americas Operations
NASG - US North American Solutions Group - US
North American Solutions Group -
XE Xerox Europe
Table 1
Abbreviation Meaning
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-4 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Subsystem Information
Initial Issue Parts List
Subsystem Information
Use of the Term Assembly
The term assembly will be used for items in the part number listing that include other itemized
parts in the part number listing. When the word assembly is found in the part number listing,
there will be a corresponding item number on the illustrations followed by a bracket and a
listing of the contents of the assembly.
A bracket is used when an assembly or kit is spared, but is not shown in the illustration. The
item number of the assembly or kit precedes the bracket; the item numbers of the piece parts
follow the bracket.
The notation W/Tag in the parts description indicates that the part configuration has been
updated. Check the change Tag index in the General Information section of the Service Data
for the name and purpose of the modification.
In some cases, a part or assembly may be spared in two versions: with the Tag and without the
Tag. In those cases, use whichever part is appropriate for the configuration of the machine on
which the part is to be installed. If the machine does not have a particular Tag and the only
replacement part available is listed as W/Tag, install the Tag kit or all of the piece parts. The
Change Tag Index tells you which kit or piece parts you need.
Whenever you install a Tag kit or all the piece parts that make up a Tag, mark the appropriate
number on the Tag matrix.
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-5 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Symbology
Parts List Initial Issue
A Tag number within a circle pointing to an item number shows that the part has been changed
by the tag number within the circle (Figure 1). Information on the modification is in the Change
Tag Index.
Figure 1 With Tag Symbol
A Tag number within a circle having a shaded bar and pointing to an item number shows that
the configuration of the part shown is the configuration before the part was changed by the Tag
number within the circle (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Without Tag Symbol
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-6 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Symbology
Initial Issue Parts List
A tag number within a circle with no apex shows that the entire drawing has been changed by
the tag number within the circle (Figure 3). Information on the modification is in the Change Tag
Figure 3 Entire Drawing With Tag Symbol
A tag number within a circle with no apex and having a shaded bar shows that the entire
drawing was the configuration before being changed by the tag number within the circle
(Figure 4).
Figure 4 Entire Drawing Without Tag Symbol
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-7 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 1.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 1.1 IIT Covers
Item Part Description
1 Right Outer Cover
2 Left Cover
3 Right Cover
4 Top Cover
5 Rear Cover
6 848E49150 DADF Connector Cover
7 Transport Bracket Assembly
8 Screw
9 Caution Label
10 Label
11 062K21136 IIT Assembly
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-8 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 1.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 1.2 CCD Lens Assembly/Platen
Item Part Description
1 IIT Assembly
2 CCD Lens Base Plate Assembly
(P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
3 Pin Assembly (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
4 Right Seal
5 Left Seal
6 Wire Harness Assembly (Includes
Items 20, 21) (REP 6.7)
7 CCD Lens Assembly (P/O PL 1.2
Item 22) (REP 6.4)
8 090K93320 CVT Platen Glass (REP 6.3)
9 090K93330 Platen Glass (REP 6.3)
10 Conductor (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
11 130K64150 APS Sensor
12 815E58941 Right Plate
13 Lens Cover Assembly
14 Lens Bracket (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
15 849E15760 Rear Glass Support
16 849E22651 Front Glass Support
17 849E17910 Glass Support
18 Data Plate
19 PWB Assembly (P/O PL 1.2 Item
20 Cable Band (P/O PL 1.2 Item 6)
21 Wire Harness Assembly (P/O PL
1.2 Item 6)
22 604K57500 Lens/CCD Kit (Includes Items 2, 3,
7, 10, 14, 19) (REP 6.4)
23 117E31780 CCD Flexible Flat Cable
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-9 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 1.3
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 1.3 Full/Half Rate Carriage
Item Part Description
1 041K96191 Full Rate Carriage Assembly (ADJ
2 041K96223 Half Rate Carriage Assembly (ADJ
3 006K88780 Capstan Shaft
4 020E47040 Capstan Pulley
5 012K96780 Front Carriage Cable (REP 6.5)
6 012K96790 Rear Carriage Cable (REP 6.5)
7 Cord Holder (P/O PL 1.1 Item 11)
8 020E37030 Pulley
9 117E31780 Cable
10 120K92581 Actuator Assembly
11 930W00123 Platen Sensor, Angle Sensor
12 920W01235 Clamp
13 013E23640 Bearing
14 809E91540 Spring
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-10 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 1.4
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 1.4 Full Rate Carriage
Item Part Description
1 Full Rate Carriage (P/O PL 1.3 Item
2 Harness Guide (P/O PL 1.3 Item 1)
3 Slide Harness Guide (P/O PL 1.3
Item 1)
4 No 1 Mirror (P/O PL 1.3 Item 1)
5 LED Bracket (P/O PL 1.3 Item 1)
6 Guide Spring (P/O PL 1.3 Item 1)
7 Guide Spring (P/O PL 1.3 Item 1)
8 Light Guide (P/O PL 1.3 Item 1)
(REP 6.8)
9 960K51290 LED Lamp PWB (REP 6.6)
10 Slide Cord (P/O PL 1.3 Item 1)
11 Clip (P/O PL 1.3 Item 1)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-11 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 1.5
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 1.5 CCD Lens Base Plate
Item Part Description
1 Base Plate (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
2 Stage Plate (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
3 CCD Plate (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
4 Spring (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
5 Spring (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
6 Conductor (P/O PL 1.2 Item 22)
7 PWB Conductor (P/O PL 1.2 Item
8 920W01235 Clamp
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-12 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 1.6
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 1.6 Motor/Transport PWB
Item Part Description
1 023E27590 Belt
2 962K83770 Motor Wire Harness
3 120E18070 Clamp
4 868E47600 Hinge Support
5 868E47610 Hinge Support
6 127K61330 Carriage Motor (REP 6.9)
7 130K76820 IIT Registration Sensor Assembly
(Includes Items 8, 9)
8 Sensor Bracket (P/O PL 1.6 Item 7)
9 930W00123 IIT Registration Sensor
10 Bracket (Not Spared)
11 809E92410 Spring
12 920W01235 Clamp
13 960K49301 IIT PWB (REP 6.10)
14 Bracket (Not Spared)
15 962K83750 Sensor Wire Harness
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-13 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 1.7
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 1.7 Control Panel
Item Part Description
1 848K57411 Control Panel Assembly (XE)
(Includes Items 2, 6-9)
848K57401 Control Panel Assembly (XC)
(Includes Items 2, 6-9) (REP 6.11)
2 Control Panel (P/O PL 1.7 Item 1)
3 Stylus (Not Spared)
4 UI Cable (Not Spared)
5 604K70430 Name Label
6 Clip Cover (P/O PL 1.7 Item 1)
7 USB Cover (P/O PL 1.7 Item 1)
8 USB Cap Cover
9 868E43540 Bracket
10 962K93370 UI USB Cable
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-14 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 1.9
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 1.9 Convenience Stapler
Item Part Description
1 604K35710 Convenience Stapler (110V)
604K35700 Convenience Stapler (220V)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-15 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 2.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 2.1 ROS
Item Part Description
1 604K68250 ROS Assembly (REP 6.2)
2 Screw (M3X38) (Not Spared)
3 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-16 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 3.1
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 3.1 Main Drive (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 007K17830 Main Drive Assembly (REF: PL 3.2)
(REP 4.1)
2 Flange (Not Spared)
3 Belt (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-17 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 3.2
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 3.2 Main Drive (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 127K64040 Drum Motor
2 127K63770 Main Motor
3 Bracket (Not Spared)
4 Bracket (Not Spared)
5 Bracket (Not Spared)
6 Bracket (Not Spared)
7 Drum Shaft Assembly (with Item
31) (Not Spared)
8 Gear (Not Spared)
9 Gear (80T/28T) (Not Spared)
10 Gear (Not Spared)
11 Gear (Not Spared)
12 Gear (Not Spared)
13 Gear (27T) (Not Spared)
14 Gear (Not Spared)
15 Gear (64T/41T) (Not Spared)
16 Gear (28T) (Not Spared)
17 Gear (Not Spared)
18 Gear (Not Spared)
19 Link (Not Spared)
20 Pulley (25T) (Not Spared)
21 Exit Shaft (Not Spared)
22 Spring (Not Spared)
23 Spring (Not Spared)
24 Spring (Not Spared)
25 Coupling (Not Spared)
26 Pin Dowel (Not Spared)
27 Stud (Not Spared)
28 Label (Not Spared)
29 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
30 413W11660 Bearing
31 Spring (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-18 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 4.1
Initial Issue Parts List
Item Part Description
1 054K45710 Fuser Duct Assembly (Includes
Items 2-4)
2 Fuser Duct (P/O PL 4.1 Item 1)
3 Fuser Fan (P/O PL 4.1 Item 1)
4 Connector (P/O PL 4.1 Item 1)
5 ROS Housing Duct (Not Spared)
6 ROS Housing Cover (Not Spared)
7 054K45720 ROS Duct Assembly (Includes
Items 8-10)
8 ROS Duct (P/O PL 4.1 Item 7)
9 Fan (Not Spared)
10 CRU Connector (P/O PL 4.1 Item
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-19 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 6.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 6.1 Transfer
Item Part Description
1 BTR Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 2-6)
2 BTR Housing (Not Spared)
3 BiasTransfer Roll (BTR) (Not
4 Bearing (Not Spared)
5 Spring (Not Spared)
6 Spring (Not Spared)
7 Rear Lever (Not Spared)
8 Front Lever (Not Spared)
9 Label (P/O PL 6.1 Item 15)
10 012K94341 Shutter Link Assembly (Includes
Items 11-13)
11 Shutter Rod (P/O PL 6.1 Item 10)
12 Housing (P/O PL 6.1 Item 10)
13 Spring (P/O PL 6.1 Item 10)
14 054K47100 Chute
15 802K81270 BTR Housing Assembly (Includes
Items 1-9)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-20 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 7.1
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 7.1 Fusing
Item Part Description
1 126K29392 Fuser (120V) (REP 10.3)
126K29403 Fuser (220V) (REP 10.3)
2 815K02550 Exit Sensor Plate Assembly
(Includes Items 3-11) (REP 10.4)
3 Exit Sensor Bracket (P/O PL 7.1
Item 2)
4 Actuator (P/O PL 7.1 Item 2)
5 Shaft (P/O PL 7.1 Item 2)
6 Spring (P/O PL 7.1 Item 2)
7 Fuser Exit Sensor (P/O PL 7.1 Item
8 Bearing (P/O PL 7.1 Item 2)
9 Actuator Stopper (P/O PL 7.1 Item
10 Stopper Tape (P/O PL 7.1 Item 2)
11 Screw (P/O PL 7.1 Item 2)
12 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
13 Plate (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-21 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 8.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 8.1 CRU, Toner Cartridge
Item Part Description
1 013R00591 Xerographic (Drum) Cartridge
2 006R01158 Toner Cartridge(WW - Metered)
006R01159 Toner Cartridge (NA/ESG - Sold)
006R01160 Toner Cartridge (DMO - Sold)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-22 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 8.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 8.2 Toner System
Item Part Description
1 CRU Stopper (Not Spared)
2 Xero Cartridge Guide Assembly
(Not Spared) (REP 9.1)
3 Screw (Not Spared)
4 Plate (Not Spared)
5 930W00803 Hum And Temp Sensor (REP 9.3)
6 962K90031 Xerographic Wire Harness
(Includes the Interlock Switch)
(REP 9.2)
7 Contact Cover Assembly (Not
Spared) (Includes Items 8-11)
8 Contact Cover (P/O PL 8.2 Item 7)
9 Contact Spring (P/O PL 8.2 Item 7)
10 Contact Spring (P/O PL 8.2 Item 7)
11 Harness (Not Spared)
12 032K96941 Cartridge Guide Assembly
(Includes Items 13-18)
13 Drive Shaft (Not Spared)
14 Gear 13T (Not Spared)
15 Dispenser (Not Spared)
16 Cartridge Stopper (Not Spared)
17 Toner Cartridge Guide (Not Spared)
(REP 9.5)
18 Dispenser Support (Not Spared)
19 127K38040 Dispense Motor (REP 9.6)
20 PWB Bracket (Not Spared)
21 604K68220 CRUM PWB
22 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-23 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 9.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 9.1 Tray 1/2 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 050K65076 Tray 1 Assembly (REF: PL 9.2)
(REP 7.1)
2 Tray 2 Assembly (REF: PL 9.2)
(Same PN as Item 1) (REP 7.1)
3 No.1 Label (P/O PL 9.1 Item 16)
4 No.2 Label (P/O PL 9.1 Item 16)
5 Instruction Label (P/O PL 9.1 Item
6 Side Size Label (P/O PL 9.1 Item
7 End Size Label (P/O PL 9.1 Item
8 003E75431 Stopper
9 059E03500 Roller
10 059E03510 Roller
11 110K12100 Tray 1 Size Switch
12 Tray 2 Size Switch (Same PN as
Item 11)
13 Switch Bracket (Not Spared)
14 014E45291 Slide Lock Block
15 848E21141 Rail Cover
16 604K68210 Label Kit (Includes Item 3-7)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-24 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 9.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 9.2 Tray 1/2 (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 Tray 1/2 Assembly (REF: PL 9.3)
2 848K40411 Tray 1/2 Front Cover Assembly
(Includes Items 3, 4)
3 Tray 1/2 Front Cover (Not Spared)
4 Handle Lever (Not Spared)
5 003E75440 Latch
6 809E75730 Spring
7 Max Label (P/O PL 9.1 Item 16)
8 019E71680 Pad
9 End Spacer (Not Spared)
10 Side Spacer (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-25 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 9.3
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 9.3 Tray 1/2 (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 Housing Cassette (Not Spared)
2 Tray Stopper (Not Spared)
3 Gear (13T) (P/O PL 9.3 Item 28)
4 Gear (13T/60T) (P/O PL 9.3 Item
5 Gear (60T) (P/O PL 9.3 Item 28)
6 807E13521 Pinion
7 End Guide Link (Not Spared)
8 Rear Plate (Not Spared)
9 019K09580 Bottom Pad
10 Gasket (Not Spared)
11 038E26533 End Guide
12 038K89450 Front Guide Assembly (Includes
Items 13-18)
13 Front Guide (P/O PL 9.3 Item 12)
14 Knob (P/O PL 9.3 Item 12)
15 Pin (P/O PL 9.3 Item 12)
16 Spring (P/O PL 9.3 Item 12)
17 Spring (P/O PL 9.3 Item 12)
18 010E93341 Lock Slide
19 038E39090 Side Guide
20 End Guide Actuator (Not Spared)
21 Side Actuator (Not Spared)
22 Spring (Not Spared)
23 Bottom Plate (Not Spared)
24 Lift Shaft (Not Spared)
25 Spring (Not Spared)
26 Side Actuator (Not Spared)
27 059E03522 Rear Roller
28 604K20541 Gear Kit (Includes Items 3-5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-26 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 9.4
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 9.4 Tray Feeder 1/2 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 054E33802 Feed Out Chute
2 Harness Holder (Not Spared)
3 Harness Cover (Not Spared)
4 Bracket (Not Spared)
5 054K45941 Feeder Chute
6 Sensor Cover (Not Spared)
7 059K71251 Tray 1 Feeder Assembly (REF: PL
9.5, PL 9.6) (REP 8.1)
8 Tray 2 Feeder Assembly (Same PN
as Item 7) (REP 8.2)
9 BP Label (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-27 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 9.5
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 9.5 Feeder 1/2 Assembly (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 Upper Frame (Not Spared)
2 Lower Frame (Not Spared)
3 Rail (Not Spared)
4 Chute (Not Spared)
5 930W00113 Tray 1/2 No Paper Sensor
6 Tray 1/2 Level Sensor (Same PN
as Item 5)
7 120E22481 Actuator
8 Holder (Not Spared)
9 Lever (Not Spared)
10 Holder Harness (Not Spared)
11 413W11660 Bearing
12 Gear (30T) (Not Spared)
13 Bearing (Not Spared)
14 Spring (Not Spared)
15 Feed Roll/Nudger Roll Assembly
(REF: PL 9.7)
16 Spring (Not Spared)
17 Traceability Label (Not Spared)
18 930W00211 Tray 1/2 Prefeed Sensor
19 Retard Roll Assembly (REF: PL
20 Rear Harness Holder (Not Spared)
21 Center Harness Holder (Not
22 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-28 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 9.6
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 9.6 Feeder 1/2 Assembly (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 Drive Bracket Assembly (Not
2 127K52790 Tray 1/2 Lift/Feed Motor
3 Gear (31T) (Not Spared)
4 Spacer (Not Spared)
5 Shaft Bearing (Not Spared)
6 Drive Shaft Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Item 7)
7 Drive Shaft (P/O PL 9.6 Item 6)
8 Gear (13T) (Not Spared)
9 005K07130 Oneway Clutch
10 007K97870 Oneway Gear
11 Gear (25T) (Not Spared)
12 Gear (29T/19T) (Not Spared)
13 Washer (Not Spared)
14 Spring (Not Spared)
15 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-29 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 9.7
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 9.7 Tray 1/2 Feed Roll, Nudger
Roll, Retard Roll
Item Part Description
1 Feed Roll (P/O PL 9.7 Item 19)
(REP 8.5)
2 Nudger Roll (P/O PL 9.7 Item 19)
(REP 8.5)
3 Feed Shaft (Not Spared)
4 Bearing (Not Spared)
5 Nudger Support (Not Spared)
6 007E79380 Gear (33T)
7 005K06760 Clutch Assembly (22T)
8 005K05890 Oneway Clutch
9 Nudger Shaft (Not Spared)
10 Gear (25T) (Not Spared)
11 Retard Support (Not Spared)
12 005K09290 Friction Clutch
13 Spacer (Not Spared)
14 Retard Shaft (Not Spared)
15 Bearing (Not Spared)
16 Spring (Not Spared)
17 Retard Roll (P/O PL 9.7 Item 19)
(REP 8.5)
18 Feed In Chute (Not Spared)
19 604K56080 FeedRoll/Nudger Roll/Retard Roll
Kit (Includes Items 1, 2, 17) (REP
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-30 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 9.8
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 9.8 Envelope Tray Assembly
Item Part Description
1 604K70020 Envelope Tray Assembly
2 Front Cover (P/O PL 9.8 Item 1)
3 Lever (P/O PL 9.8 Item 1)
4 003E75440 Latch
5 809E75730 Spring
6 038E26533 End Guide
7 Envelope Tray Frame (P/O PL 9.8
Item 1)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-31 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 10.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 10.1 HCF Unit
Item Part Description
1 Joint Plate (Not Spared)
2 003K91881 Knob
3 130K55590 HCF Tray Set Sensor
4 801K15700 Tray Rail
5 HCF Tray 6 (REP 19.1)
6 Left Top Cover (Not Spared)
7 Right Cover (Not Spared)
8 Front Right Cover (Not Spared)
9 Left Cover (Not Spared)
10 Rear Cover (Not Spared)
11 HCF Feeder (Not Spared) (REP
12 Label (Top) (Not Spared)
13 Label (Tray Number) (Not Spared)
14 Label (Size) (Not Spared)
15 Label (End) (Not Spared)
16 Frame Assembly (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-32 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 10.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 10.2 HCF Tray 6 (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 Tray Latch Assembly (Not Spared)
2 003K13592 Tray Latch
3 Spring (P/O PL 10.2 Item 1)
4 Latch Lever (P/O PL 10.2 Item 1)
5 Magnet (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
6 Wave Washer (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
7 Front Cover (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
8 Gear Bracket (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
9 Label (Gauge) (P/O PL 10.1 Item
10 Frame (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
11 Plate (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
12 Bracket (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
13 Pin (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
14 Spring (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
15 Top Plate (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-33 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 10.3
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 10.3 HCF Tray 6 (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 Lift Shaft (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
2 Bearing (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
3 Bearing (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
4 020E37620 Tray Cable Pulley
5 Gear (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
6 Gear (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
7 Bottom Plate (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
8 019E58620 Pad
9 Front Side Guide (P/O PL 10.1 Item
10 Rear Side Guide (P/O PL 10.1 Item
11 604K19981 Cable And Pulley Kit (REP 19.4)
12 032E22410 Wire Guide (L)
13 Pulley (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
14 Wire Guide (S) (P/O PL 10.1 Item
15 Pulley (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
16 Screw (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
17 015K65532 Gear Bracket Assembly
18 Gear Bracket (P/O PL 10.3 Item 17)
19 Contact Gear (P/O PL 10.3 Item
20 Gear (P/O PL 10.3 Item 17)
21 Gear (P/O PL 10.3 Item 17)
22 Brake (P/O PL 10.3 Item 17)
23 Spring (P/O PL 10.3 Item 17)
24 807E04500 Lift Gear
25 Plate (P/O PL 10.1 Item 5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-34 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 10.4
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 10.4 HCF Feeder (1 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 Shaft (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
2 007E78760 Gear (19T)
3 Gear (25T) (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
4 007E78780 Gear (25T)
5 007E78790 Gear (40T)
6 013E25530 Bearing
7 Block (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
8 Spacer (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
9 019E56470 Holder
10 Upper Feeder Assembly (P/O PL
10.1 Item 11)
11 Lower Feeder Assembly (P/O PL
10.1 Item 11)
12 Ball Bearing (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
13 Front Frame (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
14 Pin (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
15 Down Bracket (P/O PL 10.1 Item
16 Link Bracket (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
17 Rear Frame (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
18 Tension Spring (P/O PL 10.1 Item
19 Lift/Motor Frame (P/O PL 10.1 Item
20 Bracket (P/O PL 10.4 Item 19)
21 007K88520 Gear (23T/27T)
22 007K88530 Gear (31T/36T)
23 127K37901 Lift/Feed Motor (REP 19.12)
24 Plate (P/O PL 10.4 Item 19)
25 Spring (P/O PL 10.1 Item 11)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-35 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 10.5
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 10.5 HCF Feeder (2 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 Upper Feeder Assembly (P/O PL
10.1 Item 11)
2 003E59570 Latch
3 Shaft Latch (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
4 006K23124 Feed Shaft Assembly
5 Feed Shaft (P/O PL 10.5 Item 4)
6 Ball Bearing (P/O PL 10.5 Item 4)
7 Gear (20T) (P/O PL 10.5 Item 4)
8 007E78180 Feed Gear (25T)
9 Lever (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
10 Bearing (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
11 Spacer (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
12 Pin Drive (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
13 Guide (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
14 Rear Upper Chute (P/O PL 10.5
Item 1)
15 Upper Chute (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
16 120E21900 Actuator
17 Upper Frame (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
18 Spring (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
19 HCF Stack Height Sensor, HCF
Paper Sensor (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
20 HCF Pre Feed Sensor (P/O PL
10.5 Item 1)
21 Wire Harness (P/O PL 10.5 Item 1)
22 059K26691 Feed Roll (REP 19.5)
23 059K26702 Nudger Roll (REP 19.5)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-36 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 10.6
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 10.6 HCF Feeder (3 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 059K26591 Lower Feed Assembly
2 Retard Roll Assembly (P/O PL 10.6
Item 1) (REP 19.5)
3 Retard Shaft Assembly (P/O PL
10.6 Item 1)
4 Collar (P/O PL 10.6 Item 3)
5 005K06701 Friction Clutch
6 Shaft (P/O PL 10.6 Item 3)
7 007E78170 Gear (15T)
8 007E89760 Gear (22T)
9 013E23600 Bearing
10 013E23610 Bearing
11 Retard Bracket (P/O PL 10.6 Item
12 Slide (P/O PL 10.6 Item 1)
13 Lever (P/O PL 10.6 Item 1)
14 Lower Chute (P/O PL 10.6 Item 1)
15 Lower Frame (P/O PL 10.6 Item 1)
16 Spring (P/O PL 10.6 Item 1)
17 Spring (P/O PL 10.6 Item 1)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-37 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 10.7
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 10.7 HCF Top Cover Unit
Item Part Description
1 013E17100 Bearing
2 Bracket (Not Spared)
3 Pivot Bracket (Not Spared)
4 Top Cover Assembly (Not Spared)
5 Bearing (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
6 Upper Chute (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
7 Top Cover (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
8 Knob (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
9 Latch (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
10 Latch (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
11 Spring (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
12 059E01430 Pinch Roller
13 Shaft (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
14 Shaft (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
15 Spring (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
16 Spring (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
17 Gasket (P/O PL 10.7 Item 4)
18 059K36260 Takeaway Roll (REP 19.10)
19 Spring (Left) (P/O PL 10.1 Item 16)
20 Spring (Right) (P/O PL 10.1 Item
21 Pivot Shaft (P/O PL 10.1 Item 16)
22 Bracket (P/O PL 10.1 Item 16)
23 Bracket (P/O PL 10.1 Item 16)
24 Lower Chute (P/O PL 10.1 Item 16)
25 130K88150 Takeaway Sensor
26 110E94770 Top Cover Interlock Switch
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-38 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 10.8
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 10.8 HCF Electrical and Rail
Item Part Description
1 Plate (Not Spared)
2 017E92820 Rack Caster (REP 19.9)
3 Foot (Not Spared)
4 Latch Lever (Not Spared)
5 Spring (Not Spared)
6 801K15690 Rail
7 127K47150 Takeaway Motor
8 Docking Interlock Switch (Not
9 960K31492 HCF PWB (REP 19.11)
10 Wire Harness (P/O PL 10.1 Item
11 130K55590 HCF Size Sensor R and L
12 Bracket (P/O PL 10.1 Item 16)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-39 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.1 Tray Module (TTM) (Option)
Item Part Description
1 826E48400 Docking Screw
2 849E13150 Docking Bracket
3 Tray Module (TTM) (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 4-17)
4 Label (Tray No.3) (P/O PL 11.1
Item 19)
5 Label (Tray No.4) (P/O PL 11.1
Item 19)
6 Label (TTM) (P/O PL 11.1 Item 19)
7 Label (Instruction TTM) (P/O PL
11.1 Item 19)
8 803E09040 Stopper (Tray 3)
9 803E09030 Stopper (Tray 4)
10 050K66262 Tray 3 Assembly (REF: PL 11.2)
11 059K71810 Transport Assembly (REF: PL
12 050K66242 Tray 4 Assembly (REF: PL 11.2)
13 017K94590 Adjuster Foot Assembly
14 848E52692 Foot Cover
15 868E51271 Foot Bracket
16 Screw Tap (Not Spared)
17 826E28400 Screw Tap
18 032E37871 Guide Transport
19 604K68210 Label Kit (Includes Items 4-7)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-40 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 11.2 Tray 3/4 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Tray 3 Assembly (REF: PL 11.3, PL
11.4) (REP 7.1)
2 848K49481 Tray 3 Front Cover Assembly
(Includes Items 3-9)
3 Tray 3 Front Cover (Not Spared)
4 Lever (Not Spared)
5 Link (Not Spared)
6 Link (Not Spared)
7 Spring (Not Spared)
8 Latch (Not Spared)
9 Cover (P/O PL 11.2 Item 2)
10 Tray 4 Assembly (REF: PL 11.5, PL
11.6) (REP 7.1)
11 848K49471 Tray 4 Front Cover Assembly
(Includes Items 12-19)
12 Tray 4 Front Cover (Not Spared)
13 Lever (Not Spared)
14 Link (Not Spared)
15 Link (Not Spared)
16 Spring (Not Spared)
17 Latch (Not Spared)
18 Cover (P/O PL 11.2 Item 11)
19 Transport Bracket (P/O PL 11.2
Item 11)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-41 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.3
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.3 Tray 3 Assembly (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 Pinion (P/O PL 11.3 Item 25)
2 Rack Gear (P/O PL 11.3 Item 25)
3 Cable LT (P/O PL 11.3 Item 22)
(REP 7.3)
4 019E71680 Pad
5 Pulley (S) (P/O PL 11.3 Item 22)
6 Pulley (L) (P/O PL 11.3 Item 22)
7 Guide (Not Spared)
8 Guide (Not Spared)
9 038K20970 Side Guide Assembly (Includes
Items 10-13)
10 Side Guide (P/O PL 11.3 Item 9)
11 Knob (P/O PL 11.3 Item 9)
12 Knob Assembly (P/O PL 11.3 Item
13 Spring (P/O PL 11.3 Item 9)
14 Guide Assembly (Not Spared)
15 Size Actuator (Not Spared)
16 Shaft (P/O PL 11.3 Item 22)
17 Bottom Plate Assembly (Not
Spared) (Includes Items 18, 19)
18 Plate (P/O PL 11.3 Item 17)
19 019K09580 Pad
20 Side Bracket (Not Spared)
21 Label (Max) (P/O PL 11.3 Item 24)
22 604K68170 Pulley Cable Kit (Includes Items 3,
5, 6, 16)
23 604K68180 Pad Kit
24 604K68210 Label Kit (Includes Items 21)
25 604K68260 Rack and Pinion Kit (Includes Items
1, 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-42 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.4
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 11.4 Tray 3 Assembly (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 006K89421 Lift Shaft Assembly (Includes Items
2 Lift Shaft (P/O PL 11.4 Item 1)
3 413W11860 Bearing
4 Pulley (P/O PL 11.4 Item 19)
5 Spring (P/O PL 11.4 Item 1)
6 Joint (P/O PL 11.4 Item 1)
7 019K93921 Brake Assembly
8 Pulley C (Not Spared)
9 Upper Roll (P/O PL 11.4 Item 20)
10 059E05060 Upper Roll
11 Gear (18T) (P/O PL 11.4 Item 19)
12 Spring (Not Spared)
13 Bracket (Not Spared)
14 Sleeve Bearing (Not Spared)
15 Cassette Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 16-18)
16 Cassette (P/O PL 11.4 Item 15)
17 Rail (P/O PL 11.4 Item 15)
18 Cover (P/O PL 11.4 Item 15)
19 604K68150 Pully Lift Kit (Includes Items 3, 4,
20 604K68160 Roller Kit
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-43 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.5
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.5 Tray 4 Assembly (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 Pinion (P/O PL 11.5 Item 21)
2 Rack Gear (P/O PL 11.5 Item 21)
3 Cable RT (P/O PL 11.5 Item 20)
(REP 7.4)
4 019E71680 Pad
5 Pulley (P/O PL 11.5 Item 20)
6 Guide (Not Spared)
7 038K20950 Side Guide Assembly (Includes
Items 8-11)
8 Side Guide (P/O PL 11.5 Item 7)
9 Knob (P/O PL 11.5 Item 7)
10 Knob Assembly (P/O PL 11.5 Item
11 Spring (P/O PL 11.5 Item 7)
12 Guide Assembly (Not Spared)
13 Size Actuator (Not Spared)
14 Shaft (P/O PL 11.5 Item 20)
15 Bottom Plate Assembly (Not
Spared) (Includes Items 16, 17)
16 Plate (Not Spared)
17 019K09580 Pad
18 Side Bracket (Not Spared)
19 Label (Max) (P/O PL 9.1 Item 16)
20 604K68190 Pulley Cable Kit (Includes Items 3,
5, 14)
21 604K68260 Rack and Pinion Kit (Includes Items
1, 2)
22 604K68180 Pad Kit (Includes Items 4, 17)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-44 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.6
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 11.6 Tray 4 Assembly (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 006K89421 Lift Shaft Assembly (Includes Items
2 Lift Shaft (P/O PL 11.6 Item 1)
3 413W11860 Bearing
4 Pulley (P/O PL 11.6 Item 1)
5 Spring (P/O PL 11.6 Item 1)
6 Joint (P/O PL 11.6 Item 1)
7 019K93921 Brake Assembly
8 Pulley (Not Spared)
9 Upper Roll (Not Spared)
10 059E05060 Upper Roll
11 Gear (18T) (Not Spared)
12 Spring (Not Spared)
13 Sleeve Bearing (Not Spared)
14 Bracket (Not Spared)
15 Cassette Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 16-18)
16 Cassette (P/O PL 11.6 Item 15)
17 Rail (P/O PL 11.6 Item 15)
18 Cover (P/O PL 11.6 Item 15)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-45 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.7
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.7 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly, T/A
Roll Assembly
Item Part Description
1 054K46240 Chute Assembly (Includes Items
2 Chute (Not Spared)
3 130K76530 Feed Out Sensor 3
4 Harness Assembly (Feed/Out 3)
(Not Spared)
5 054E46500 Chute Feed Transport
6 059K71510 T/A Roll Assembly (Includes Item
7 T/A Roll (Not Spared)
8 Gear (16T) (Not Spared)
9 Bearing (Not Spared)
10 110E12220 TM L/H Cover Interlock Switch
11 Bearing (Not Spared)
12 Harness Cover (Not Spared)
13 054E33802 Feed Out Chute
14 059K74280 Tray 3 Feeder Assembly (PL 11.8)
(REP 8.3)
15 Cover (Not Spared)
16 Tray 4 Feeder Assembly (PN Same
as Item 14) (REP 8.4)
17 Bracket (Not Spared)
18 Bracket (Not Spared)
19 Low Chute (Not Spared)
20 054K46340 Chute Assembly (Includes Items
21 Chute (P/O PL 11.7 Item 20)
22 930W00212 Feed Out Sensor 4
23 Harness Assembly (Feed/Out 4)
(P/O PL 11.7 Item 20)
24 Cover (Not Spared)
25 Pivot Bracket (Not Spared)
26 032E37871 Transport Guide
27 815E50081 Earth Plate
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-46 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.8
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 11.8 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Upper Frame (Not Spared)
2 Lower Frame (Not Spared)
3 Rail (Not Spared)
4 Chute (Not Spared)
5 930W00123 Tray 3/4 Level Sensor
6 930W00113 Tray 3/4 No Paper Sensor
7 120E22481 Actuator
8 Holder (Not Spared)
9 Lever (Not Spared)
10 Harness Holder (Not Spared)
11 413W11660 Bearing
12 Gear 30T (Not Spared)
13 Bearing (Not Spared)
14 Spring (Not Spared)
15 Feed/Nudger Roll Assembly (REF:
PL 11.10)
16 Spring (Not Spared)
17 Traceability Label (Not Spared)
18 Retard Roll Assembly (REF: PL
19 Rear Harness Holder (Not Spared)
20 Center Harness Holder (Not
21 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-47 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.9
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.9 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Drive Bracket Assembly (Not
2 127K52790 Tray 3/4 Lift/Feed Motor
3 Gear (31T) (Not Spared)
4 Spacer (Not Spared)
5 Shaft Bearing (Not Spared)
6 Drive Shaft Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Item 7)
7 Drive Shaft (Not Spared)
8 Gear (13T) (Not Spared)
9 005K07130 Oneway Clutch
10 007K97870 Oneway Gear
11 Gear (25T) (Not Spared)
12 Gear (29T/19T) (Not Spared)
13 Washer (Not Spared)
14 Spring (Not Spared)
15 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-48 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.10
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 11.10 Tray 3/4 Feed/Nudger/Retard
Item Part Description
1 Feed Roll (Not Spared) (REP 8.5)
2 Nudger Roll (Not Spared) (REP
3 Feed Shaft (Not Spared)
4 Bearing (Not Spared)
5 Nudger Support (Not Spared)
6 007E79380 Gear (33T) (Tray 3)
7 005K06760 Oneway Gear (22T) (Tray 3)
8 005K05890 Oneway Clutch
9 Nudger Shaft (Not Spared)
10 Gear (25T) (Not Spared)
11 Retard Support (Not Spared)
12 005K09290 Friction Clutch
13 Spacer (Not Spared)
14 Retard Shaft (Not Spared)
15 Bearing (Not Spared)
16 Spring (Not Spared)
17 Retard Roll (P/O PL 11.10 Item 19)
18 Feed In Chute (Not Spared)
19 604K56080 Feed/Nudger/Retard Roll Kit (REP
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-49 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.11
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.11 Tray 3/4 Transport Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Chute Ay Low (Not Spared)
2 Rail Transport Lh (Not Spared)
3 059K26350 T/A Roll Assembly (Includes Items
4 T/A Roll (P/O PL 11.11 Item 3)
5 Joint (P/O PL 11.11 Item 3)
6 Spring (P/O PL 11.11 Item 3)
7 Bearing (P/O PL 11.11 Item 3)
8 Chute Uo Trs (Not Spared)
9 Label Transport (Not Spared)
10 059E98860 Roll Pinch Transport
11 Bearing 2 (Not Spared)
12 Bearing 1 (Not Spared)
13 413W77559 Bearing
14 Spring (Not Spared)
15 Cover Pinch (Not Spared)
16 Spacer Rail (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-50 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.12
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 11.12 Tray 3/4 Switch Assembly
Item Part Description
1 110K15040 Tray 3 Size Switch
2 049K08250 Bracket Assembly (Includes Items
3 Roll (P/O PL 11.12 Item 2)
4 Shaft (P/O PL 11.12 Item 2)
5 Bracket (P/O PL 11.12 Item 2)
6 059E05060 Roller Upper
7 Stopper Location Fr (Not Spared)
8 803E09020 Stopper
9 059E05131 Roller TR
10 Bracket Cv (Not Spared)
11 Harness Assembly Switch 4 (Not
12 Gasket (Not Spared)
13 Switch Bracket (Not Spared)
14 Bracket (Not Spared)
15 TTM Frame (P/O PL 11.12 Item 16)
16 TTM Frame Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 13-15)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-51 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.13
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.13 Wire Harness
Item Part Description
1 960K55022 Tray Module PWB
2 Wire Harness (IF) (Not Spared)
3 Wire Harness (Sensor) (Not
4 Wire Harness (Motor 1) (Not
5 Wire Harness (Motor 2) (Not
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-52 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.14
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 11.14 TM Drive
Item Part Description
1 049K07530 Gear Assembly (REF: PL 11.15)
2 049K07520 Bracket Assembly (REF: PL 11.15)
3 Collar 2 (P/O PL 11.14 Item 12)
4 Pulley (P/O PL 11.14 Item 12)
5 Roll (P/O PL 11.14 Item 12)
6 Spring (P/O PL 11.14 Item 12)
7 Gear Assembly (P/O PL 11.14 Item
12) (Includes Items 8, 9)
8 Gear (P/O PL 11.14 Item 7)
9 Bracket (P/O PL 11.14 Item 7)
10 049K07400 TM Takeaway Motor Assembly
(REF: PL 11.15)
11 Belt (P/O PL 11.14 Item 12)
12 604K68200 Take Away Gear Kit (Includes Item
3-7, 11)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-53 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.15
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.15 Takeaway Motor Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Bracket Assembly (Not Spared)
2 Gear (18T) (Not Spared)
3 Lift Gear (Not Spared)
4 Lift Gear (Not Spared)
5 Lift Gear (57) (Not Spared)
6 Bracket Assembly, TM Take Away
Motor (Not Spared)
7 Gear (18T) (Not Spared)
8 Lift Gear (Not Spared)
9 Lift Gear (Not Spared)
10 Lift Gear (51) (Not Spared)
11 Bracket Assembly (Not Spared)
12 TM Take Away Motor (Not Spared)
13 Gear (70T) (Not Spared)
14 Gear (81T) (Not Spared)
15 Collar (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-54 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.16
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 11.16 Cover
Item Part Description
1 Rear Cover (Not Spared)
2 Left Cover (Not Spared)
3 Right Cover (Not Spared)
4 Top Cover (Not Spared)
5 Latch Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 6, 7)
6 Latch (P/O PL 11.16 Item 5)
7 Shaft (P/O PL 11.16 Item 5)
8 848K49451 L/H Cover Assembly (REF: PL
9 Pivot Bracket (Not Spared)
10 417W41349 Locking Caster
11 417W41449 Caster
12 Screw (Not Spared)
13 Support Block (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-55 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 11.17
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 11.17 L/H Cover Assembly
Item Part Description
1 L/H Cover (Not Spared)
2 Handle (Not Spared)
3 L/H Chute (Not Spared)
4 Latch (Not Spared)
5 Hook (Not Spared)
6 059E99241 Pinch Roll
7 Pinch Shaft (Not Spared)
8 Latch Spring (Not Spared)
9 Pinch Spring (Not Spared)
10 Gasket (Not Spared)
11 Label (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-56 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 13.1
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 13.1 MSI Assembly
Item Part Description
1 059K71260 MSI Assembly (Includes Items
2-15) (REP 7.2)
2 MSI Top Cover (P/O PL 13.1 Item
3 054K45960 Pinch Chute Assembly (Includes
Items 4-9)
4 Pinch Chute (P/O PL 13.1 Item 3)
5 Pinch Guide (P/O PL 13.1 Item 3)
6 Pinch Spring Spacer (P/O PL 13.1
Item 3)
7 Pinch Shaft (P/O PL 13.1 Item 3)
8 Pinch Spring (P/O PL 13.1 Item 3)
9 Pinch Roll (P/O PL 13.1 Item 3)
10 MSI Front Handle (P/O PL 13.1
Item 1)
11 MSI Lower Assembly (P/O PL 13.1
Item 1)
12 120E32540 Actuator
13 050K67000 MSI Front Handle (REF: PL 13.3)
14 INST Label (P/O PL 13.1 Item 19)
15 Max Label (P/O PL 13.1 Item 19)
16 MSI Front Cover (Not Spared)
17 Number Label (Not Spared)
18 MSI Rear Cover (Not Spared)
19 604K68210 Label Kit (Includes Items 14, 15)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-57 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 13.2
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 13.2 Lower Frame Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Feed Roll Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 2-6)
2 059K40654 Feed Roll (REP 8.6)
3 Feed Shaft Assembly (P/O PL 13.2
Item 1)
4 Core Roll (P/O PL 13.2 Item 1)
5 Rear Lift Up Cam (P/O PL 13.2
Item 1)
6 Front Lift Up Cam (P/O PL 13.2
Item 1)
7 MSI Lower Frame (Not Spared)
8 019K09420 MSI Retard Pad
9 Retard Shaft (Not Spared)
10 Pad Spring (Not Spared)
11 815K04480 Bottom Plate
12 Spring (Not Spared)
13 049K07430 Drive Bracket Assembly (Includes
Items 14-16)
14 Bracket (P/O PL 13.2 Item 13)
15 Idle Gear 18T (P/O PL 13.2 Item
16 Gear 20T (P/O PL 13.2 Item 13)
17 121E92780 MSI Feed Solenoid
18 Gear Cam (Not Spared)
19 Pick Up Gear (Not Spared)
20 Stopper (Not Spared)
21 011E25210 Drive Lever
22 Spring (Not Spared)
23 Spring (Not Spared)
24 MSI Paper Guide (Not Spared)
25 Earth Plate (Not Spared)
26 930W00123 MSI No Paper Sensor
27 Bearing Sleeve (Not Spared)
28 Spring Gear Cam (Not Spared)
29 962K91070 Harness
30 Lower Chute (Not Spared)
31 059K71272 Takeaway Roll
32 Collar (Not Spared)
33 Gear 18T (Not Spared)
34 T/A Guide (Not Spared)
35 413W11660 Sleeve Bearing
36 Paper Guide (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-58 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 13.3
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 13.3 MSI Tray Assembly
Item Part Description
1 MSI Tray (Not Spared)
2 Front Rack (Not Spared)
3 Rear Rack (Not Spared)
4 MSI Paper Size Sensor Assembly
(Not Spared)
5 Pinion Gear (Not Spared)
6 Front Side Guide (Not Spared)
7 Rear Side Guide (Not Spared)
8 Tray Cover (Not Spared)
9 Extension Tray (Not Spared)
10 Spring (Not Spared)
11 Sensor Link (Not Spared)
12 Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-59 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 14.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 14.1 L/H Cover Assembly, Duplex
Item Part Description
1 848K47760 Cover Kit (Includes Items 2, 3, 4)
2 803E06340 Tray Lock
3 809E91630 Spring
4 848K47770 L/H Cover
5 054K46020 L/H Chute Assembly (REF: PL
6 110K16600 L/H Cover Interlock Assembly
(Includes Items 7-9)
7 Bracket (P/O PL 14.1 Item 6)
8 Switch Plate (P/O PL 14.1 Item 6)
9 Interlock Switch (P/O PL 14.1 Item
10 849E95630 Rear L/H Support
11 868E48840 Front L/H Support
12 Door Label (P/O PL 14.1 Item 15)
13 059K71300 Duplex Assembly (REF: PL 14.4)
14 054E46391 L/H Chute Cover
15 801K47070 L/H Frame (REF: PL 14.3)
16 L/H Label (FX) (Not Spared)
17 Label (Not Spared)
18 Shaft (Not Spared)
19 L/H Cover Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 1-5, 10-15)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-60 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 14.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 14.2 L/H Chute Assembly
Item Part Description
1 BTR Chute Assembly (Not Spared)
(Includes Items 2-5)
2 BTR Chute (P/O PL 14.2 Item 1)
3 Detack Saw (P/O PL 14.2 Item 1)
4 DTS Contact Spring (P/O PL 14.2
Item 1)
5 Spring (P/O PL 14.2 Item 1)
6 Bearing (Not Spared)
7 Tie Plate (Not Spared)
8 Registration Roll Assembly (Not
9 Spring (Not Spared)
10 Guide (Not Spared)
11 Pinch Spring (Not Spared)
12 Earth Plate (Not Spared)
13 Chute Guide (Not Spared)
14 Rear Holder (Not Spared)
15 Front Holder (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-61 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 14.3
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 14.3 L/H Frame Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Harness Guide (Not Spared)
2 L/H Frame (Not Spared)
3 011E25180 Front Latch Lever
4 011E24180 Rear Latch Lever
5 Latch Plate (Not Spared)
6 120E33110 Actuator
7 Spring (Not Spared)
8 Harness (Not Spared)
9 Front BTR Chute Lock (Not Spared)
10 Rear BTR Chute Lock (Not Spared)
11 Duplex Lower Chute (Not Spared)
12 024E04380 CRU Shutter Rod
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-62 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 14.4
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 14.4 Duplex Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Duplex Cover (P/O PL 14.4 Item
2 Lever Cover (P/O PL 14.4 Item 26)
3 Duplex Lever (P/O PL 14.4 Item 26)
4 Spring (P/O PL 14.4 Item 26)
5 Duplex Chute Assembly (Not
6 Duplex Roller 1 (Not Spared)
7 Duplex Roller 2 (Not Spared)
8 Duplex Roller 3 (Not Spared)
9 Duplex Pinch Roller (Not Spared)
10 Dup Belt 1 (Not Spared)
11 Dup Belt 2 (Not Spared)
12 Pulley (26T) (Not Spared)
13 930W00123 Duplex Sensor (REP 10.2)
14 Sensor Actuator (Not Spared)
15 110E11580 Duplex Cover Interlock Switch
16 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
17 Duplex Conductor (Not Spared)
18 Bearing (Not Spared)
19 127K58390 Duplex Motor (REP 10.1)
20 Bracket Assembly (Not Spared)
21 Idle Gear (13T/46T) (Not Spared)
22 Gear (Not Spared)
23 Spring (Not Spared)
24 Spring (Not Spared)
25 Spring (Not Spared)
26 848K47760 Cover Assembly (Includes Items
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-63 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 15.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 15.1 Registration (1of2)
Item Part Description
1 127K63910 Takeaway Motor Assembly
(Includes Items 2-13) (REP 8.7)
2 Takeaway Motor (P/O PL 15.1 Item
3 Gear/Pulley (19T/29T) (P/O PL
15.1 Item 1)
4 Gear/Pulley (20T/20T) (P/O PL
15.1 Item 1)
5 Gear (20T) (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
6 Gear (23T) (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
7 Belt (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
8 Belt (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
9 Bracket (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
10 Gear Bracket (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
11 Collar (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
12 Gear (19T) (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
13 Motor Damper (P/O PL 15.1 Item 1)
14 059K71651 Registration Transport Assembly
(Includes Items 15-24) (REP
15 Registration Chute (P/O PL 15.1
Item 14)
16 Registration Roll Assembly (P/O PL
15.1 Item 14)
17 Idler Roller (P/O PL 15.1 Item 14)
18 121K37450 Registration Clutch Assembly
19 Bearing (P/O PL 15.1 Item 14)
20 Earth Plate (P/O PL 15.1 Item 14)
21 130K64270 Registration Sensor
22 Paper Guide (P/O PL 15.1 Item 14)
23 Seal (P/O PL 15.1 Item 14)
24 Clamp (P/O PL 15.1 Item 14)
25 054K46431 Takeaway Chute Assembly
(Includes Items 26-31)
26 Takeaway Chute (P/O PL 15.1 Item
27 930W00113 Feed Out Sensor and Bracket
(Includes Items 14, 15)
28 Actuator (P/O PL 15.1 Item 25)
29 059E98780 Actuator Roller
30 Spring (P/O PL 15.1 Item 25)
31 Wire Harness (P/O PL 15.1 Item
32 059K71200 Takeaway Roller 2
33 807E35950 Gear (18T)
34 013E39690 Bearing
35 Bearing (Not Spared)
36 054E46260 Lower Chute
37 Block (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-64 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 15.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 15.2 Registration (2of2)
Item Part Description
1 848K47660 Left Lower Chute CoverAssembly
(Includes Items 2-16)
2 Left Lower Chute Cover (P/O PL
15.2 Item 1)
3 L/H Bracket Assembly (P/O PL 15.2
Item 1) (Includes Items 4-9)
4 L/H Lower Chute (P/O PL 15.2 Item
5 Pinch Roller (P/O PL 15.2 Item 3)
6 Bearing (P/O PL 15.2 Item 3)
7 Bearing (P/O PL 15.2 Item 3)
8 Spring (P/O PL 15.2 Item 3)
9 Spring (P/O PL 15.2 Item 3)
10 L/H Lower Handle Assembly (P/O
PL 15.2 Item 1) (Includes Items
11 L/H Lower Handle (P/O PL 15.2
Item 10)
12 Shaft (P/O PL 15.2 Item 10)
13 Front Hook (P/O PL 15.2 Item 10)
14 Earth Plate (P/O PL 15.2 Item 1)
15 Spring (P/O PL 15.2 Item 1)
16 L/H Lower Inner Chute (P/O PL
15.2 Item 1)
17 Bracket (Not Spared)
18 Rivet (Not Spared)
19 Bracket (Not Spared)
20 110E11580 L/H Lower Cover Interlock Switch
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-65 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 17.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 17.1 Exit 1
Item Part Description
1 801K47080 Exit 1 Base Assembly (Includes
Items 2-7)
2 Exit 1 Base (P/O PL 17.1 Item 1)
3 Exit 1 Gear (P/O PL 17.1 Item 1)
4 127K52280 Offset Motor (REP 10.10)
5 Offset Gear (P/O PL 17.1 Item 1)
6 Earth Spring (P/O PL 17.1 Item 1)
7 Bearing (P/O PL 17.1 Item 1)
8 807E35890 Gear (21T)
9 Motor Cover (Not Spared)
10 930W00113 OCT Home Position Sensor (REP
11 013E33410 Bearing
12 054K46000 OCT Chute Assembly (Includes
Items 13-18)
13 OCT Chute (P/O PL 17.1 Item 12)
14 OCT Roller (P/O PL 17.1 Item 12)
15 Pinch Spring (P/O PL 17.1 Item 12)
16 413W11660 Bearing
17 Exit Roller (P/O PL 17.1 Item 12)
18 055E57522 Exit Guard
19 055E58970 Paper Weight Guard
20 036K92030 Paper Weight
21 Lower OCT Chute (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-66 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 17.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 17.2 Exit 2
Item Part Description
1 059K71290 Left Upper Cover
2 Exit 2 Chute Assembly (REF: PL
3 Exit 2 Transport and Bracket
Assemblies (REF: PL 17.4, PL
4 038K20750 Exit 2 Guide Assembly (REF: PL
17.6) (REP 10.5)
5 036K92050 Paper Weight
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-67 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 17.3
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 17.3 Exit 2 Chute Assembly
Item Part Description
1 003E75360 Exit 2 Rear Stopper
2 003E76760 Exit 2 Front Stopper
3 Bearing (Not Spared)
4 Exit 2 Chute (Not Spared)
5 L/H High Chute (Not Spared)
6 059K53741 Inverter Roller
7 Sleeve Bearing (Not Spared)
8 Gear (22T) (Not Spared)
9 Earth Plate (Not Spared)
10 Gear (52T) (Not Spared)
11 Gear Cover (Not Spared)
12 Caution Label (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-68 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 17.4
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 17.4 Exit 2 Transport Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Lower 2 Chute (Not Spared) (REP
2 Bracket (Not Spared)
3 013E33410 Bearing
4 059K66230 Exit 2 Roller
5 055E57522 Exit Guard
6 Exit Pinch Roller (P/O PL 17.4 Item
7 Exit Pinch Spring (P/O PL 17.4 Item
8 Exit Chute (P/O PL 17.4 Item 24)
9 Inverter Pinch Roll (Not Spared)
10 Inverter Pinch Shaft (Not Spared)
11 809E75460 Spring
12 120E29430 Actuator
13 059E98780 Actuator Roller
14 809E37332 Spring
15 921W11601 Exit Gate Solenoid (REP 10.7)
16 Exit Gate Link (Not Spared)
17 Solenoid Cover (Not Spared)
18 930W00123 Exit 2 Sensor (REP 10.7)
19 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
20 110E11580 L/H High Chute Interlock Switch
21 Label (Not Spared)
22 Bearing (Not Spared)
23 807E31000 Gear 22T
24 059K73820 Exit Pinch Roll Assembly (Includes
Items 6-8)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-69 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 17.5
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 17.5 Exit 2 Bracket Rear Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Gear Shaft (Not Spared)
2 Shaft Cover (Not Spared)
3 Gear (16T/48T) (Not Spared)
4 Gear (28T) (Not Spared)
5 Rear Bracket (Not Spared)
6 127K58400 Exit 2 Motor (REP 10.9)
7 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
8 Rear Cover (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-70 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 17.6
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 17.6 Exit 2 Guide Assembly (2of2)
Item Part Description
1 038K20750 Exit2 Guide Assembly (Includes
Items 2-4)
2 Tray Guide (P/O PL 17.6 Item 1)
3 Gate Spring (P/O PL 17.6 Item 1)
4 Exit Gate (P/O PL 17.6 Item 1)
5 Earth Plate (Not Spared)
6 Exit Eliminator (Not Spared)
7 Gate Stopper (Not Spared)
8 Exit 2 Earth Plate (Not Spared)
9 Exit Eliminator (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-71 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 18.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 18.1 Electrical (1of2)
Item Part Description
1 110K16590 Main Power Switch Assembly
(Includes Items 2-5)
2 Switch Bracket (P/O PL 18.1 Item
3 Wire Harness (P/O PL 18.1 Item 1)
4 Wire Harness (P/O PL 18.1 Item 1)
5 Switch (P/O PL 18.1 Item 1)
6 110E97990 Front Cover Interlock Switch
7 962K90921 Power Switch Assembly
8 105E19860 HVPS (REP 8.4)
9 IOT Heater Kit (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-72 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 18.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 18.2 Electrical (2of2)
Item Part Description
1 105E19980 Main LVPS (REP 3.6)
2 105E17480 AC Drive PWB (110-240V) (REP
3 HCF Chassis Assembly (Not
Spared) (Includes Items 4-7)
4 Connector Bracket (P/O PL 18.2
Item 3)
5 Blind Plate (P/O PL 18.2 Item 3)
6 920W01210 Clamp
7 Edge Bush (P/O PL 18.2 Item 3)
8 HCF Harness (HCF: Option) (Not
9 T/M Motor Harness (Not Spared)
10 Feeder Harness (Not Spared)
11 Fusing Unit Harness (Not Spared)
12 LVPS Harness (Not Spared)
13 AC Chassis (REF: PL 18.3) (FX,
14 960K54911 MCU PWB (REP 3.5)
15 (Not Spared)
16 (Not Spared)
17 (Not Spared)
18 PWB Support (Not Spared)
19 Relay PWB Harness Assembly
(Not Spared)
20 PWB Support (Not Spared)
21 PWB Support (Not Spared)
22 Harness (Not Spared)
23 Clamp (Not Spared)
24 917W03002 Power Cord (110V/15A)
917W03102 Power Cord (220V)
25 Stopper Bracket (Not Spared)
26 Thumb Screw (Not Spared)
27 Fax Chassis Assembly (REF: PL
28 Clamp (Not Spared)
29 Screw (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-73 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 18.3
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 18.3 AC Chassis Assembly
Item Part Description
1 AC Out Harness Assembly (P/O PL
18.3 Item 11)
2 Outlet (P/O PL 18.3 Item 11)
3 Outlet (P/O PL 18.3 Item 11)
4 Inlet GFI Breaker (P/O PL 18.3 Item
5 GFI Connector Bracket (P/O PL
18.3 Item 11)
6 AC Chassis (P/O PL 18.3 Item 11)
7 Wire Assembly 1 (P/O PL 18.3 Item
8 Screw (P/O PL 18.3 Item 11)
9 Wire Assembly 4 (P/O PL 18.3 Item
10 Wire Assembly 2 (P/O PL 18.3 Item
11 101K62410 AC Chassis Assembly (110-240V)
(Includes Items 1-10)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-74 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 18.4
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 18.4 IOT Wire Harness
Item Part Description
1 AC Fusing Harness (Not Spared)
2 IIT-ESS I/O Cable (Not Spared)
3 L/H Main Harness (Not Spared)
4 Harness (Not Spared)
5 DC Power Harness 1 (Not Spared)
6 DC Power Harness 2 (Not Spared)
7 IIT-ESS Video Cable (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-75 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 18.5
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 18.5 FAX Unit
Item Part Description
1 Fax Box Assembly (Not Spared)
2 Fax Box (P/O PL 18.5 Item 1)
3 Bracket (P/O PL 18.5 Item 1)
4 Cover (P/O PL 18.5 Item 1)
5 130K73070 Speaker
6 960K56901 Fax PWB (XC) (XC)
960K56911 Fax PWB (XE)
960K56921 Fax PWB (Argentina/Brazil/India)
7 Label (P/O PL 18.5 Item 1)
8 960K61730 G3 PWB (XE)
960K61720 G3 PWB (XC)
9 960K39720 Riser PWB
10 117K39110 USB Cable
11 Cover (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-76 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 19.1
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 19.1 Cover-Front, Left
Item Part Description
1 848K46920 Top Cover Assembly (Includes Item
2 Top Cover (P/O PL 19.1 Item 1)
3 Seal (P/O PL 19.1 Item 1)
4 Duct Cover Assembly (P/O PL 19.1
Item 1)
5 Add Tray (P/O PL 19.1 Item 1)
6 Stopper (P/O PL 19.1 Item 1)
7 Torsion Spring (P/O PL 19.1 Item 1)
8 Tapping Screw (Not Spared)
9 604K68230 Strip A & B Kit (Includes Items 12,
10 848K59370 Front Cover Assembly
11 Front Right Foot (Not Spared)
12 Upper Stopper (P/O PL 19.1 Item 9)
13 Top Rear Cover (Not Spared)
14 Exit 2 Upper Cover (Not Spared)
15 Exit Front Cover (Not Spared)
16 Left Upper Cover (Not Spared)
17 121E21331 Catch Magnet
18 Front Left Cover (Not Spared)
19 848E62182 Inner Cover
20 Lower Stopper (P/O PL 19.1 Item 9)
21 Left Rear Cover (Not Spared)
22 Left Rear Lower Cover (Not
23 Left Front Lower Cover (Not
24 Left Lower Cover (Not Spared)
25 026K81200 Thumb Screw
26 CRU INST Label (Not Spared)
27 SW ELabel (Not Spared)
28 Front Left Foot (Not Spared)
29 050E27371 Exit 2 Tray
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-77 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 19.2
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 19.2 Cover-Rear, Right
Item Part Description
1 Right Upper Cover Assembly (Not
Spared) (Includes Item 2, 3)
2 Right Cover 1 (P/O PL 19.2 Item 1)
3 Right Cover 2 (P/O PL 19.2 Item 1)
4 Right Lower Cover (Not Spared)
5 Right Rear Upper Cover (Not
6 Rear Middle Cover (Not Spared)
7 Energy Label (Not Spared)
8 AP Indonesia Label (Not Spared)
9 CCC Label (Not Spared)
10 Data Plate (Not Spared)
11 Rear Upper Cover (Not Spared)
12 Fax Cover (Not Spared)
13 Blind Fax Cover (Not Spared)
14 Connector Fax Label (Not Spared)
15 Rear Lower Cover (Not Spared)
16 EPSV Cover (Not Spared)
17 Connector Cover (Not Spared)
18 Outlet Label (Not Spared)
19 Earth Label (Not Spared)
20 GFI Label (Not Spared)
21 ESS Cap Cover (Not Spared)
22 ESS Right Cover (Not Spared)
23 Rear Foot (Not Spared)
24 Fax Label (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-78 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.1
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 22.1 Finisher Assembly (Part 1 of
Item Part Description
1 848K36702 Front Cover Assembly
2 Front Cover (P/O PL 22.1 Item 1)
3 Bracket (P/O PL 22.1 Item 1)
4 Magnet (P/O PL 22.1 Item 1)
5 Label (P/O PL 22.1 Item 1)
6 848E50760 Front Inner Cover
7 068K29871 Hinge
8 068K29880 Hinge
9 848K38631 Top Cover Assembly
10 Top Cover (P/O PL 22.1 Item 9)
11 Bracket (P/O PL 22.1 Item 9)
12 Stopper (P/O PL 22.1 Item 9)
13 Magnet (P/O PL 22.1 Item 9)
14 848E50790 Rear Cover
15 Hinge (Not Spared)
16 815E60280 IIT Cover
17 042E92330 Static Eliminator
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-79 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.2
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 22.2 Finisher Assembly (Part 2 of
Item Part Description
1 Bottom Cover (Not Spared)
2 Spacer (Not Spared)
3 Tray Cover (Not Spared)
4 848E50770 Left Cover
5 068K69530 Tray Support
6 Rear Bracket (Not Spared)
7 962K42291 Wire Harness
8 050K64830 Stacker Tray Assembly (REP
9 Stacker Base Assembly (Not
10 Extended Tray Assembly
11 826E24180 Thumb Screw
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-80 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.3
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 22.3 Stacker Base Assembly (Part
1 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 003E65500 Pulley Knob
2 005E89470 Collar
3 423W10454 Paddle Belt (REP 12.2)
4 012K96370 Link Shaft Assembly
5 Link Shaft (P/O PL 22.3 Item 4)
6 012E16150 Support
7 Sub Paddle Shaft Assembly (P/O
PL 22.3 Item 4)
8 Bearing (P/O PL 22.3 Item 4)
9 423W06054 Paddle Belt (REP 12.2)
10 413W11860 Bearing
11 020K13900 Pulley
12 005E89490 Collar
13 807E13260 Gear (21T)
14 120E27240 Actuator
15 802K85560 Knob Cover Assembly
16 Knob Cover (P/O PL 22.3 Item 15)
17 Spring (P/O PL 22.3 Item 15)
18 012K94990 Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly
19 Bracket (Not Spared)
20 130K70160 Finisher Top Cover Interlock
21 110K12980 Finisher Top Cover Interlock (+24V)
22 Support (P/O PL 22.3 Item 18)
23 Cushion (P/O PL 22.3 Item 18)
24 Link (P/O PL 22.3 Item 18)
25 Arm (P/O PL 22.3 Item 18)
26 Bracket (P/O PL 22.3 Item 18)
27 121K34620 Sub Paddle Solenoid (REP 12.3)
28 Spring (P/O PL 22.3 Item 18)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-81 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.4
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 22.4 Stacker Base Assembly (Part
2 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 050K65200 Compile Assembly (REP 12.20)
2 029K92350 Staple Assembly (REP 12.5)
3 Cartridge (P/O PL 22.4 Item 2)
4 Stapler (P/O PL 22.4 Item 2)
5 Bracket (Not Spared)
6 Support (Not Spared)
7 930W00111 Set Clamp Home Sensor (REP
8 962K44980 Wire Harness
9 022K72790 Exit Roll Assembly (REP 12.7)
10 Exit Roll (P/O PL 22.4 Item 9)
11 004E15340 Damper
12 004E15330 Center Damper
13 Bearing (Not Spared)
14 007K94220 One Way Gear
15 005E89470 Collar
16 807E13230 Gear Pulley (16T/18T)
17 127K49800 Finisher Transport Motor
18 423W06954 Belt
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-82 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.5
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 22.5 Stacker Base Assembly (Part
3 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 807E13250 Gear Pulley (37T/45T)
2 005E89480 Collar
3 413W75959 Bearing
4 006K25001 Main Paddle Shaft Assembly (REP
5 423W09854 Belt
6 Shaft (Not Spared)
7 413W77559 Bearing
8 020E43500 Pulley (19T)
9 054K30361 Lower Chute Assembly (REP
10 Lower Chute (P/O PL 22.5 Item 9)
11 022K73190 Pinch Roll (REP 12.8)
12 809E65931 Spring
13 Support (Not Spared)
14 Bracket (Not Spared)
15 Bracket (Not Spared)
16 130K93251 Compile Exit Sensor (REP 12.10)
17 807E13240 Gear (27T)
18 Bracket (Not Spared)
19 130K88190 Finisher Entrance Sensor (REP
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-83 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.6
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 22.6 Stacker Base Assembly (Part
4 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 068K29931 Bracket
2 068K29941 Bracket
3 054K42690 Upper Chute Assembly (REP
4 Upper Chute (P/O PL 22.6 Item 3)
5 042E92241 Eliminator
6 022K72782 Entrance Roll Assembly (REP
7 031E97041 Rear Arm
8 031E97020 Front Arm
9 413W66250 Ball Bearing
10 Spring (Not Spared)
11 042E92330 Eliminator
12 Guide Paper (P/O PL 22.6 Item 3)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-84 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.7
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 22.7 Stacker Base Assembly (Part
5 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 960K50453 Finisher PWB (REP 12.15)
2 055K30850 Connector Bracket
3 Harness Guide (Not Spared)
4 PWB Bracket (Not Spared)
5 Wire Harness (Drive) (Not Spared)
6 Wire Harness (Stapler) (Not
7 Wire Harness (Interlock) (Not
8 Wire Harness (Front Sensor) (Not
9 Wire Harness (Compile) (Not
10 Wire Harness (Stacker) (Not
11 Bracket (Not Spared)
12 110E97990 Finisher Front Interlock Switch
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-85 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.8
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 22.8 Stacker Tray Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Bearing (Not Spared)
2 Top Tray (Not Spared) (REP 12.16)
3 Bracket (Not Spared)
4 Plate (Not Spared)
5 Bracket (Not Spared)
6 Base Tray (Not Spared)
7 Base Bracket (Not Spared)
8 006K25032 Stacker Shaft Assembly (REP
9 127K49420 Stacker Motor (REP 12.18)
10 Pulley (60T) (Not Spared)
11 Worm Gear (Not Spared)
12 Gear (16T/32T) (Not Spared)
13 Stud (Not Spared)
14 Bracket (Not Spared)
15 Bearing (Not Spared)
16 423W07354 Belt
17 Bracket (Not Spared)
18 930W00111 Stacker Sensor 1 (Q1), Sensor 2
(Q2) (REP 12.19)
19 Actuator (Not Spared)
20 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-86 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.9
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 22.9 Compile Assembly (Part 1 of
Item Part Description
1 006K25011 Set Clamp Shaft (REP 12.21)
2 120E27220 Actuator
3 413W11860 Bearing
4 006K25020 Eject Shaft Assembly (REP 12.25)
5 Eject Shaft (P/O PL 22.9 Item 4)
6 Spacer (P/O PL 22.9 Item 4)
7 Pulley (P/O PL 22.9 Item 4)
8 068K29830 Eject/Set Clamp Motor Assembly
(REP 12.23)
9 930W00111 Rear Tamper Home Sensor (REP
10 Support (Not Spared)
11 423W26754 Belt
12 423W29454 Belt
13 023K91530 Eject Belt (REP 12.22)
14 Spring (P/O PL 22.9 Item 8)
15 Eject Motor, Set Clamp Motor (P/O
PL 22.9 Item 8)
16 Bracket (P/O PL 22.9 Item 8)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-87 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 22.10
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 22.10 Compile Assembly (Part 2 of
Item Part Description
1 068K30510 Bracket Assembly
2 Bracket (P/O PL 22.10 Item 1)
3 Wire Harness (P/O PL 22.10 Item
4 050E25900 Compile Tray
5 Support (Not Spared)
6 930W00111 Front Tamper Home Sensor (REP
7 038E34860 Paper Guide
8 Bracket (Not Spared)
9 930W00212 Eject Clamp Home Sensor, Stack
Height Sensor (REP 12.28, REP
10 962K42270 Wire Harness
11 Bracket (Not Spared)
12 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
13 038K88990 Tamper Guide, Rear
14 068K30740 Front/Rear Tamper Motor Assembly
(REP 12.26)
15 Front/Rear Tamper Motor (P/O PL
22.10 Item 14)
16 Bracket (P/O PL 22.10 Item 14)
17 001E70981 Rail
18 038K89260 Tamper Guide, Front
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-88 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.1
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.1 H - Transport Assembly (1 of
Item Part Description
1 059K65560 H-Transport Assembly (REP 13.1)
2 068K59494 Docking Plate Assembly
3 Docking Plate (P/O PL 23.1 Item 2)
4 Side Guide (P/O PL 23.1 Item 2)
5 Center Guide (P/O PL 23.1 Item 2)
6 826E07210 Thumb Screw
7 Bracket (P/O PL 23.1 Item 11)
8 Finisher Plate
9 Finisher LX Assembly (Not Spared)
10 HTU Spacer (Not Spared)
11 604K70010 Gap Kit (Includes Items 6, 7 and PL
23.6 Items 18, 19)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-89 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.2
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.2 H - Transport Assembly (2 of
Item Part Description
1 848K34181 Left Cover Assembly
2 848E43670 Left Cover
3 Paper Guide (P/O PL 23.2 Item 1)
4 848K34170 Top Cover Assembly
5 Lower Chute Assembly (P/O PL
23.1 Item 1)
6 Lower Chute Assembly (P/O PL
23.2 Item 5)
7 054K35264 Chute Assembly
8 026K81200 Thumb Screw
9 Rear Cover (Not Spared)
10 180K00391 Punch Assembly (2/3 Hole) (REP
180K00401 Punch Assembly (2/4 Hole) (REP
11 Punch Box (Not Spared)
12 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
13 848E28010 Connector Cover
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-90 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.3
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.3 H - Transport Assembly (3 of
Item Part Description
1 Bracket (P/O PL 23.2 Item 4)
2 054K35238 Left Chute Assembly
3 Left Chute (P/O PL 23.3 Item 2)
4 Pinch Spring (P/O PL 23.3 Item 2)
5 Pinch Roller (P/O PL 23.3 Item 2)
6 054K35244 Right Chute Assembly
7 Right Chute (P/O PL 23.3 Item 6)
8 022E27660 Pinch Roller
9 809E76211 Pinch Spring
10 848E43662 Top Cover
11 003K15984 H - Transport Counter Balance
12 H - Transport Counter Balance
(Right) (P/O PL 23.2 Item 4)
13 809E76240 Spring
14 809E78940 Spring
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-91 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.4
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.4 H - Transport Assembly (4 of
Item Part Description
1 Lower Chute (P/O PL 23.2 Item 6)
2 Magnet (P/O PL 23.2 Item 6)
3 130E81600 H - Transport Open Sensor
4 868E15540 Sensor Bracket
5 809E81720 Actuator
6 930W00211 H - Transport Entrance Sensor
7 848K34192 H - Transport Front Cover
8 848E43641 H - Transport Front Cover
9 921W41162 Gasket
10 Hinge
11 Bracket (P/O PL 23.2 Item 6)
12 Rear Frame Assembly (P/O PL
23.2 Item 6)
13 127K57622 H - Transport Motor (REP 13.4)
14 020E45330 Tension Pulley
15 020K15720 Pulley (43T)
16 020E45210 Pulley (43T)
17 Tension Bracket (P/O PL 23.2 Item
18 809E78950 Spring Tension
19 059K54480 Drive Roll
20 059K55070 Drive Roll
21 013E33140 Bearing
22 423W01154 H - Transport Belt (REP 13.3)
23 413W14660 Sleeve Bearing
24 962K60422 Wire Harness
25 127E85570 Fan Blade
26 016E97311 Pinch Bushing
27 Lower Hinge (P/O PL 23.4 Item 7)
28 848E43630 Front Cover
29 848E43651 Switch Cover
30 Cover (Not Spared)
31 Bracket (Not Spared)
32 004E18112 Pinch Cushion
33 921W41142 Gasket
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-92 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.5
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.5 H - Transport Assembly (5 of
Item Part Description
1 Punch Motor (P/O PL 23.2 Item 10)
2 Punch Lower Cover (P/O PL 23.2
Item 10)
3 Punch Motor Cover (P/O PL 23.2
Item 10)
4 Sensor Bracket (P/O PL 23.2 Item
5 930W00111 Punch Encoder Sensor, Punch
Home Sensor, Punch Box Set
6 Punch Frame Assembly (P/O PL
23.2 Item 10)
7 Encoder/Gear Assembly (P/O PL
23.2 Item 10)
8 Gear (P/O PL 23.2 Item 10)
9 Motor Bracket (P/O PL 23.2 Item
10 Punch Top Cover (P/O PL 23.2
Item 10)
11 Bracket (P/O PL 23.2 Item 10)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-93 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.6
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.6 Finisher Covers
Item Part Description
1 Plate (Not Spared)
2 Lower Plate (Not Spared)
3 Docking Lever (Not Spared)
4 Front Cover (REP 13.6)
5 Front Door (Not Spared)
6 Bracket (Not Spared)
7 068K59531 Hinge
8 848E15210 Rear Lower Cover (REP 13.8)
9 848E15221 Rear Upper Cover (REP 13.7)
10 848E15231 Connector Cover
11 848E15241 Stacker Lower Cover (REP 13.11)
12 848E48790 LH Cover
13 Cover (Not Spared)
14 Spring (Not Spared)
15 848E22450 Foot Cover (REP 13.10)
16 801K30701 Booklet Assembly (REP 13.31)
17 Thumb Screw (P/O PL 23.1 Item
18 Upper Adjust Cover (P/O PL 23.1
Item 11)
19 Lower Adjust Cover (Not Spared)
20 Base Frame Assembly (Not
21 921W41162 Gasket
22 Extension Spring (Not Spared)
23 Paper Guide
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-94 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.7
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.7 Finisher Stacker
Item Part Description
1 041K95980 Front Carriage Assembly (REP
2 Bearing (P/O PL 23.7 Item 1)
3 809E56850 Spring
4 Front Stacker Belt (P/O PL 23.7
Item 1)
5 Clamp (P/O PL 23.7 Item 1)
6 Front Carriage Assembly (P/O PL
23.7 Item 1)
7 041K95990 Rear Carriage Assembly (REP
8 Bearing (P/O PL 23.7 Item 7)
9 Clamp (P/O PL 23.7 Item 7)
10 017K94890 Knob Caster Assembly
11 Rear Stacker Belt (P/O PL 23.7
Item 7)
12 Rear Carriage (P/O PL 23.7 Item 7)
13 Actuator (P/O PL 23.7 Item 7)
14 Carriage Tray (Not Spared)
15 050K61105 Stacker Tray (REP 13.20)
16 Shaft (Not Spared)
17 807E08990 Gear
18 020E37710 Pulley
19 146E90650 Encoder
20 809E56860 Spring
21 020E37720 Pulley (18T)
22 068K58304 Stacker Elevator Motor Assembly
(REP 13.19)
068K58303 Stacker Elevator Motor Assembly
(REP 13.19)
23 Bearing (P/O PL 23.7 Item 22)
24 020E44181 Pulley (60T)
25 Gear (15T/37T) (P/O PL 23.7 Item
26 Motor Bracket (P/O PL 23.7 Item
27 Worm Shaft (P/O PL 23.7 Item 22)
28 423W27654 Belt
29 Stacker Elevator Motor (P/O PL
23.7 Item 22)
30 Stacker Encoder Sensor Assembly
(Not Spared)
31 Bracket (P/O PL 23.7 Item 30)
32 930W00111 Stacker Encoder Sensor, Stacker
No Paper Sensor
33 Stacker Upper Cover (Not Spared)
(REP 13.12)
34 413W79359 Bearing
35 017K94880 Caster Assembly
36 251W31178 Washer
37 017K94900 Adjustable Foot Assembly
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-95 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.8
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.8 Finisher Stapler
Item Part Description
1 Base Frame (P/O PL 23.8 Item 16)
2 Rail (P/O PL 23.8 Item 16)
3 Harness Guide
4 029K92350 Stapler Assembly (REP 13.16)
5 Holder (Not Spared)
6 Stapler Move Position Sensor
Assembly (Not Spared)
7 Bracket (P/O PL 23.8 Item 6)
8 130E94940 Stapler Move Position Sensor
9 Stapler Move Motor Assembly (Not
10 Harness Guide (P/O PL 23.8 Item
11 Harness Support Guide (P/O PL
23.8 Item 16)
12 Harness Guide (P/O PL 23.8 Item
13 Stapler Cover (Not Spared)
14 Clamp (Not Spared)
15 Stapler Cartridge (Not Spared)
16 Stapler Unit (Not Spared)
17 Cable Band (Not Spared)
18 Harness Guide (Not Spared)
19 Stapler Motor Assembly (P/O PL
23.8 Item 9) (REP 13.15)
20 127K57622 Motor Assembly
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-96 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.9
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.9 Finisher Eject (1 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 Eject Cover Assembly (Not Spared)
2 Eject Assembly (Not Spared)
3 031K93790 Clamp Arm Assembly
4 807E21370 Gear (25T)
5 059K55111 Eject Roller
6 807E21380 Gear (72T)
7 807E21391 Gear (18T)
8 120E29772 Actuator
120E29771 Actuator
9 006K86731 Set Clamp Shaft Assembly
10 Spring (P/O PL 23.9 Item 9)
11 019K09391 Set Clamp Holder
12 Shaft (Not Spared)
13 809E79060 Spring
14 809E79080 Spring
15 006K86741 Guide Paper Shaft Assembly
16 Guide Paper Shaft (P/O PL 23.9
Item 15)
17 Gear (20T) (P/O PL 23.9 Item 15)
18 Shaft (Not Spared)
19 807E21420 Gear (19T)
20 807E21400 Gear (31T)
21 038E36490 Guide Paper (Left/Right)
22 005E25820 Clutch
23 807E21970 Gear (23T)
24 Stopper (Not Spared)
25 Bracket (Front) (Not Spared)
26 Bracket (Rear) (Not Spared)
27 Option Switch Assembly (Not
28 Bracket (Not Spared)
29 Option Switch (Not Spared)
30 413W77559 Sleeve Bearing
31 Bearing (Not Spared)
32 Clamp Arm (P/O PL 23.9 Item 3)
33 Roll (P/O PL 23.9 Item 3)
34 Shaft (P/O PL 23.9 Item 3)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-97 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.10
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.10 Finisher Eject (2 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 848E15291 Top Right Hand Cover
2 011E20781 Top Cover Lever
3 003E76111 Top Cover Latch
4 Shaft (Not Spared)
5 809E79031 Spring
6 Eject Cover (REP 13.9)
7 054K35301 Eject Chute
8 121K41632 Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly
(REP 13.14)
9 Bracket (P/O PL 23.10 Item 8)
10 Damper (P/O PL 23.10 Item 8)
11 Sub Paddle Solenoid (P/O PL
23.10 Item 8)
12 Eject Roller Assembly (Not Spared)
13 031K93770 Paddle Arm Assembly
14 Sub Paddle Arm (Not Spared)
15 423W08655 Belt
16 Sub Paddle (P/O PL 23.10 Item 13)
17 Pulley (P/O PL 23.10 Item 13)
18 Pulley (P/O PL 23.10 Item 13)
19 Gear/Pulley (31T/20T) (Not
20 Eject Pinch Roller Assembly (Not
21 Bearing (P/O PL 23.10 Item 20)
22 059K55102 Eject Pinch Roller
23 Bracket (P/O PL 23.10 Item 20)
24 Shaft (P/O PL 23.10 Item 12)
25 Spring (Not Spared)
26 Bracket (P/O PL 23.10 Item 12)
27 809E79050 Spring
28 006K86690 Eject Drive Shaft
29 Bearing (Not Spared)
30 Bearing (Not Spared)
31 Eject Chute Assembly (Not Spared)
32 Eject Eliminator (P/O PL 23.10 Item
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-98 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.11
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.11 Finisher Eject (3 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 807E20931 Gear (82T/77T/51T)
2 807E20940 Gear (38T)
3 Eject Motor Assembly (Not Spared)
(REP 13.22)
4 127K53140 Eject Motor (REP 13.25)
5 Bracket (P/O PL 23.11 Item 3)
6 807E22030 Gear/Pulley (20T/49T)
7 423W31054 Belt
8 807E21330 Gear (28T/22T/38T)
9 807E21340 Gear (25T)
10 807E21350 Gear/Pulley (32T/25T)
11 807E21360 Gear (23T)
12 121K34631 Set Clamp Clutch (34T)
13 120E29591 Set Clamp Cam Actuator
14 130K72170 Stacker Height Sensor 1 Assembly
15 Bracket (P/O PL 23.11 Item 14)
16 930W00111 Stacker Height Sensor 1, Stacker
Height Sensor 2, Eject Clamp
Home Sensor, Set Clamp Home
Sensor (REP 13.13)
17 130K72180 Stacker Height Sensor 2 Assembly
18 Bracket (P/O PL 23.11 Item 17)
19 Eject Cover Switch (P/O PL 23.11
Item 37)
20 Harness Guide (Not Spared)
21 120E29850 Gear Select Actuator
22 Eject Drive Bracket Assembly (Not
23 Bracket (P/O PL 23.11 Item 22)
24 Bracket (P/O PL 23.11 Item 22)
25 Shaft (P/O PL 23.11 Item 22)
26 008E96770 Clamp Set Cam
27 809E79070 Spring
28 Bracket (P/O PL 23.11 Item 22)
29 Shaft (P/O PL 23.11 Item 22)
30 008E96691 Eject Clamp Cam
31 413W11660 Sleeve Bearing
32 Sleeve Bearing (P/O PL 23.11 Item
33 005E25810 Drive Eject Flange
34 130K72190 Eject Clamp Home Sensor
35 Bracket (P/O PL 23.11 Item 34)
36 Bracket (P/O PL 23.11 Item 37)
37 Eject Cover Switch Assembly (Not
38 809E79820 Spring
39 807E22040 Gear (30T)
40 423W25954 Belt
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-99 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.12
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.12 Finisher Eject (4 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 050K61091 Compiler Tray Assembly (REP
2 038E36462 Tamper Guide, Rear
3 Compiler Center Paper Guide (P/O
PL 23.12 Item 1)
4 Compiler Rear Paper Guide (P/O
PL 23.12 Item 1)
5 Bracket (P/O PL 23.12 Item 1)
6 127K58040 Tamper Motor
7 Rack (Front) (P/O PL 23.12 Item 1)
8 930W00111 Front Tamper Home Sensor, Rear
Tamper Home Sensor (REP 13.27)
9 130E81600 Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor
(REP 13.28)
10 Spring (P/O PL 23.12 Item 1)
11 Tamper Front Guide (P/O PL 23.12
Item 1)
12 Tamper Rear Guide (P/O PL 23.12
Item 1)
13 Compiler Tray (P/O PL 23.12 Item
14 Paper Paddle Guide (P/O PL 23.12
Item 1)
15 809E79000 Spring
16 Paper End Guide (P/O PL 23.12
Item 1)
17 Paper Tray Guide (P/O PL 23.12
Item 1)
18 Spring (P/O PL 23.12 Item 1)
19 Spring (P/O PL 23.12 Item 1)
20 Harness Guide (P/O PL 23.12 Item
21 120E29760 Actuator
22 801E04903 Tamper Base
23 038E36452 Tamper Guide, Front
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-100 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.13
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.13 Finisher Eject (5 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 068K58823 Transport Motor
2 068K58832 Tension Roller Assembly
3 809E78980 Spring
4 020E45341 Pulley (30T)
5 020E45571 Pulley (41T)
6 Gear/Pulley (27T/30T) (Not
7 007K98300 Gear
8 059K55080 Entrance Roller
9 059K55090 Exit Roller
10 423W18754 Eject Belt (REP 13.21)
11 006K86813 Paddle Shaft Assembly
12 033E92850 Cyclone Paddle
13 Paddle Shaft (P/O PL 23.13 Item
14 413W75959 Bearing
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-101 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.14
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.14 Finisher Exit/Folder
Item Part Description
1 Lower Chute Assembly (Not
2 Lower Chute (P/O PL 23.14 Item 1)
3 806E22121 Shaft
4 059E03710 Pinch Roll
5 809E78960 Spring
6 054K35540 Exit Upper Chute Assembly
7 Exit Upper Chute (P/O PL 23.14
Item 6)
8 105E18000 Static Eliminator
9 038E36420 Paper Guide
10 130K88311 Compiler Exit Sensor, Finisher
Entrance Sensor
11 054K35559 Exit Lower Chute Assembly
054K35558 Exit Lower Chute Assembly (A)
12 Exit Lower Chute (P/O PL 23.14
Item 11)
13 Pinch Roll Assembly (P/O PL 23.14
Item 11)
14 Spring (P/O PL 23.14 Item 13)
15 059K56321 Pinch Roll
16 Chute Assembly (Not Spared)
17 Lower Chute (P/O PL 23.14 Item
18 Upper Chute (P/O PL 23.14 Item
19 Thumb Screw (P/O PL 23.14 Item
20 Chute Assembly (Not Spared)
21 695K18691 Crease Assembly (Option) (REP
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-102 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.15
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.15 Folder Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Upper Chute (P/O PL 23.14 Item
2 Upper Plate (P/O PL 23.14 Item 21)
3 Knife Assembly (P/O PL 23.14 Item
4 Blade Holder (P/O PL 23.15 Item 3)
5 Lower Holder 1 (P/O PL 23.15 Item
6 Lower Holder 2 (P/O PL 23.15 Item
7 Bracket (P/O PL 23.15 Item 3)
8 Blade (P/O PL 23.15 Item 3)
9 Spring (P/O PL 23.14 Item 2)
10 Frame (P/O PL 23.14 Item 21)
11 Front Cover (P/O PL 23.14 Item 21)
12 Bracket (P/O PL 23.14 Item 21)
13 Folder Knife Motor Assembly (P/O
PL 23.14 Item 21)
14 Motor Bracket (P/O PL 23.15 Item
15 Folder Knife Motor (P/O PL 23.15
Item 13)
16 Folder Home Sensor (P/O PL 23.15
Item 13)
17 Cam Shaft Assembly (P/O PL
23.14 Item 21)
18 Guide (P/O PL 23.14 Item 21)
19 Gear (28T/8T) (P/O PL 23.14 Item
20 Encoder (P/O PL 23.14 Item 21)
21 Bearing (P/O PL 23.14 Item 21)
22 Gear (12T/27T) (P/O PL 23.14
Item 21)
23 Gear (12T/30T) (P/O PL 23.14
Item 21)
24 Gear (12T/51T) (P/O PL 23.14
Item 21)
25 Wire Harness (P/O PL 23.14 Item
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-103 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.16
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.16 Finisher Electrical
Item Part Description
1 LVPS Cover (Not Spared)
2 960K51447 Finisher PWB (REP 13.23)
960K50992 Finisher PWB
3 Harness Guide (Not Spared)
4 Harness Guide (Not Spared)
5 Harness Guide (Not Spared)
6 Magnet (Not Spared)
7 815K04920 Gasket Plate Assembly
8 962K60592 Wire Harness
9 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
10 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
11 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
12 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
13 962K60481 Wire Harness
14 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
15 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
16 962K74540 Power Cable
17 105E17550 Finisher LVPS (REP 13.24)
18 Bracket (Not Spared)
19 110E97990 Finisher Front Door Interlock
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-104 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.17
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.17 Booklet Cover
Item Part Description
1 Frame Assembly (Not Spared)
2 Booklet Stapler Assembly (Not
3 848E15333 Rear Cover (REP 13.33)
4 Front Cover (Not Spared) (REP
5 Top Cover (REP 13.34)
6 848E15350 Side Cover
7 848E15361 PWB Cover (REP 13.35)
8 Left Cover (Not Spared) (REP
9 Harness Guide (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-105 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.18
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.18 Booklet Stapler Assembly
Item Part Description
1 Front Carriage Rail (Not Spared)
2 Frame (P/O PL 23.18 Item 1)
3 Core (P/O PL 23.18 Item 1)
4 127K57051 Booklet Stapler Move Motor
Assembly (REP 13.38)
5 Belt (P/O PL 23.18 Item 4)
6 Bracket (P/O PL 23.18 Item 4)
7 Gear (12T) (P/O PL 23.18 Item 4)
8 Pulley (50T) (P/O PL 23.18 Item 4)
9 127K57622 Booklet Stapler Move Motor
10 Wire Harness (P/O PL 23.18 Item
11 Sensor Bracket Assembly (P/O PL
23.18 Item 1)
12 Sensor Bracket (P/O PL 23.18 Item
13 930W00111 Booklet Stapler Move Home
Sensor, Booklet Stapler Move
Position Sensor
14 Rear Rack Gear (Not Spared)
15 Carriage Assembly (Not Spared)
16 Carriage (P/O PL 23.18 Item 15)
17 Core (P/O PL 23.18 Item 15)
18 Core (Not Spared)
19 Front Rack Gear (Not Spared)
20 848E15400 Motor Cover
21 032K05222 Harness Guide Assembly
22 Harness Strap (P/O PL 23.18 Item
23 920W01210 Locking Clamp
24 Harness Guide (Front) (Not
25 Harness Guide (Rear) (Not
26 Rear Rack Guide (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-106 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.19
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.19 Booklet Front Stapler
Item Part Description
1 Booklet Front Stapler Assembly
2 Bracket (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
3 Rear Cover (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
4 Bracket (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
5 Chute
6 Sub Chute (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
7 Support (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
8 Spring (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
9 Exit Sub Chute (P/O PL 23.19 Item
10 Spring (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
11 Front Cover (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
12 848E15421 Lower Cover
13 Booklet Stapler Assembly (P/O PL
23.19 Item 1) (REP 13.37)
14 Wire Harness (P/O PL 23.19 Item
15 Guide (P/O PL 23.19 Item 1)
16 Booklet Staple Cassette Assembly
(Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-107 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.20
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 23.20 Booklet Rear Stapler
Item Part Description
1 029K92500 Booklet Rear Stapler Assembly
2 Bracket (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
3 Rear Cover (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
4 Bracket (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
5 054K35282 Chute
6 Sub Chute (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
7 Support (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
8 Spring (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
9 Sub Chute (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
10 Spring (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
11 Front Cover (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
12 848E15421 Lower Cover
13 Booklet Stapler Assembly (P/O PL
23.20 Item 1) (REP 13.37)
14 Wire Harness (P/O PL 23.20 Item
15 Guide (P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
16 Booklet Staple Cassette Assembly
(P/O PL 23.20 Item 1)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-108 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 23.21
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 23.21 Booklet Electrical
Item Part Description
1 068K58350 Booklet Stapler Safety Switch
2 110E12970 Booklet Stapler Safety Switch
3 Bracket (P/O PL 23.21 Item 1)
4 960K32543 Booklet PWB (REP 13.30)
5 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
6 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
7 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
8 Booklet Stapler Cover Switch
Assembly (Not Spared)
9 Bracket (P/O PL 23.21 Item 8)
10 Booklet Stapler Cover Switch (P/O
PL 23.21 Item 8)
11 Plate (Not Spared)
12 962K60533 Wire Harness
13 962K60540 Wire Harness
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-109 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 35.1
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 35.1 ESS (1/3)
Item Part Description
1 ESS Cover (Not Spared)
2 ESS Chassis Assembly (REF: PL
35.2, PL 35.3) (REP 3.2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-110 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 35.2
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 35.2 ESS (2/3)
Item Part Description
1 Clamp (Not Spared)
2 604K68240 ESS PWB Assembly (Includes
Items 3-10) (REP 3.3)
3 ESS PWB (P/O PL 35.2 Item 2)
(REP 3.3)
4 EEPROM (P/O PL 35.2 Item 2)
5 ESS Plate (P/O PL 35.2 Item 2)
6 USB Panel (P/O PL 35.2 Item 2)
7 Cable Guard
8 Plate (P/O PL 35.2 Item 2)
9 Seal (P/O PL 35.2 Item 2)
10 Cap (P/O PL 35.2 Item 2)
11 ESS Chassis (Not Spared)
12 Clamp (Not Spared)
13 PWB Support (Not Spared)
14 HDD Bracket (Not Spared)
15 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
16 Video Harness (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-111 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 35.3
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 35.3 ESS (3/3)
Item Part Description
1 101K61780 HDD Chassis Assembly (Includes
Items 1-6)
2 HDD Chassis (P/O PL 35.3 Item 1)
(REP 3.1)
3 HDD (P/O PL 35.3 Item 1)
4 Harness Assembly (P/O PL 35.3
Item 1)
5 Bumper (P/O PL 35.3 Item 1)
6 Flange Screw (P/O PL 35.3 Item 1)
7 540K14860 DIMM Post Script
8 133K26760 DIMM Memory (1GB)
133K26860 DIMM Memory (2GB) (Required to
support Post Script)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-112 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.1
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.1 DADF Accessory
Item Part Description
1 004K02962 DADF Platen Cushion (REP 5.2)
2 059K71382 DADF Assembly (REP 5.1)
3 Label
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-113 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.2
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 51.2 Covers, PWB
Item Part Description
1 Base Frame (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
2 Feeder Assembly (P/O PL 51.1
Item 2) (REP 5.5)
3 Rear Cover (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
(REP 5.4)
4 Front Cover (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
(REP 5.3)
5 962K71100 Transport Harness
6 960K47306 DADF PWB (REP 5.6)
7 Wire Harness (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
8 Data Plate (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
9 003K87990 Stopper
10 P Clamp (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
11 Bracket (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
12 Knob Label (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-114 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.3
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.3 Base Frame
Item Part Description
1 Frame (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
2 036K91873 Left Counter Balance (REP 5.7)
3 036K91921 Right Counter Balance (REP 5.8)
4 Tie Plate (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
5 054K41230 CVT Chute
6 826E45980 Stud Screw
7 Ground Plate (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
8 809E86290 CVT Spring
9 019E73462 Floating Holder
10 809E89310 Floating Spring
11 Bracket (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-115 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.4
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 51.4 Document Tray
Item Part Description
1 050K64252 Document Tray Assembly (REP
2 059K65063 Top Cover (REP 5.10)
3 Stud Bracket (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-116 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.5
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.5 DADF Drives (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 032E32642 Harness Guide (REP 5.11)
2 110K15933 Interlock Switch and Harness
3 Bracket (P/O PL 51.5 Item 2)
4 Interlock Switch (P/O PL 51.5 Item
5 Spring (P/O PL 51.5 Item 2)
6 Switch Wire Harness (P/O PL 51.5
Item 2)
7 127K62910 Feed Motor (REP 5.13)
8 127K62891 Registration Motor (REP 5.12)
9 809E50763 Spring
10 809E91390 Spring
11 Bracket (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
12 Bracket (P/O PL 51.1 Item 2)
13 Feeder Wire Harness (P/O PL 51.1
Item 2)
14 Motor Wire Harness (P/O PL 51.1
Item 2)
15 APS Wire Harness
16 Connector (Not Spared)
17 Connector (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-117 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.6
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 51.6 DADF Drives (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 011E22861 Nip Lever
2 012E17151 Stopper Link
3 012E17161 Release Link
4 019K10320 Brake
5 020E46551 Registration Roll Pulley
6 020E46561 Pulley Gear
7 020E46571 Pulley Gear
8 059E98620 Roll
9 121K46620 Gate Solenoid
10 Gate Solenoid (P/O PL 51.6 Item 9)
11 Cushion (P/O PL 51.6 Item 9)
12 121K43660 Exit Nip Release Solenoid
13 130K73000 Feed Out Sensor Assembly
14 Sensor Bracket (P/O PL 51.6 Item
15 930W00121 Feed Out Sensor, Document Set
16 423W06555 Belt
17 423W31354 Belt
18 807E26971 Gear
19 807E26981 Exit Roll Gear
20 807E26991 Gear
21 807E27011 Take Away Roll Gear
22 809E86320 Spring
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-118 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.7
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.7 Front Belt
Item Part Description
1 020E46540 Out Roll Pulley
2 020E46551 Registration Roll Pulley
3 423W08855 Belt
4 Belt (Not Spared)
5 803E02200 Knob Handle
6 Ground Plate (Not Spared)
7 960K48840 Document LED Set
8 LED Bracket (P/O PL 51.7 Item 7)
9 Document LED (P/O PL 51.7 Item
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-119 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.8
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 51.8 Registration, Retard, Invert,
Output Chutes
Item Part Description
1 054K39700 Registration Chute (REP 5.14)
2 054K44171 Retard Chute (REP 5.15)
3 054K41044 Invert Chute (REP 5.15)
4 054K41050 Output Chute
5 Stamp Solenoid (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-120 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.9
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.9 Roll, Sensor Bracket
Item Part Description
1 Bearing (Not Spared)
2 059K65081 Registration Roll
3 Take Away Roll (Not Spared) (REP
4 Output Roll (Not Spared)
5 Exit Roll (Not Spared)
6 068K69460 Sensor Bracket Assembly (REP
7 Bearing (Not Spared)
8 930W00121 Invert Sensor
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-121 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.10
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 51.10 Document Tray
Item Part Description
1 Sensor Bracket (P/O PL 51.4 Item
2 930W00121 Tray Guide Set Sensor 1, Sensor 2,
Sensor 3
3 Tray Cover (P/O PL 51.4 Item 1)
4 Tray Wire Harness (P/O PL 51.4
Item 1)
5 032K05861 Guide
6 Max Label (Not Spared)
7 Harness Cover (P/O PL 51.4 Item
8 Harness Cover (P/O PL 51.4 Item
9 Front Gear Rack (P/O PL 51.4 Item
10 Rear Gear Rack (P/O PL 51.4 Item
11 930W00241 Size Sensor 1, Size Sensor 2
12 Instruction Label (Not Spared)
13 Rack Spring (P/O PL 51.4 Item 1)
14 Pinion Gear (P/O PL 51.4 Item 1)
15 Side Guide (P/O PL 51.4 Item 1)
16 Side Guide (P/O PL 51.4 Item 1)
17 Upper Tray (P/O PL 51.4 Item 1)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-122 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.11
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.11 Top Cover
Item Part Description
1 Top Cover (P/O PL 51.4 Item 2)
2 Upper Feed Chute (P/O PL 51.4
Item 2)
3 059K65070 Upper Feeder (REP 5.5)
4 011K03520 Lever Latch
5 059K61230 Take Away Pinch Roll
6 120K92500 Document Set Actuator
7 120E32200 Feed Out Actuator
8 Bracket (P/O PL 51.4 Item 2)
9 Ground Plate (P/O PL 51.4 Item 2)
10 897E24010 Size Label
11 897E24000 Jam Label
12 Spring (Not Spared)
13 Spring (Not Spared)
14 Spring (Not Spared)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-123 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.12
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 51.12 Upper Feeder
Item Part Description
1 Housing (P/O PL 51.11 Item 3)
2 Feeder Pulley (P/O PL 51.12 Item
3 Nudger Pulley (P/O PL 51.11 Item
4 Belt (P/O PL 51.11 Item 3)
5 Feed Shaft (P/O PL 51.11 Item 3)
6 Nudger Shaft (P/O PL 51.11 Item 3)
7 Feed Roll, Nudger Roll (P/O PL
51.12 Item 11) (REP 5.18)
8 Bearing (P/O PL 51.11 Item 3)
9 Housing (P/O PL 51.12 Item 11)
10 Gear (P/O PL 51.11 Item 3)
11 604K58410 DADF Feed Roll Kit
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-124 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.13
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.13 Registration Chute
Item Part Description
1 Registration Chute (P/O PL 51.8
Item 1)
2 Pinch Shaft (P/O PL 51.8 Item 1)
3 Registration Wide Pinch Roll (P/O
PL 51.8 Item 1)
4 Registration Short Pinch Roll (P/O
PL 51.8 Item 1)
5 Seal (P/O PL 51.8 Item 1)
6 Seal (P/O PL 51.8 Item 1)
7 Spring (P/O PL 51.8 Item 1)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-125 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.14
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 51.14 Retard Chute
Item Part Description
1 Chute (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
2 Set Gate (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
3 Housing (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
4 Spring (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
5 Retard Roll (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
(REP 5.19)
6 848K43600 Retard Roll Cover
7 Seal (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
8 Seal (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
9 Label (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
10 Shaft (P/O PL 51.12 Item 11)
11 Pad (P/O PL 51.8 Item 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-126 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.15
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.15 Invert Chute
Item Part Description
1 Invert Chute (P/O PL 51.8 Item 3)
2 Pre Registration Actuator (P/O PL
51.8 Item 3)
3 Actuator (Aps 1) (P/O PL 51.8 Item
4 Actuator (Aps 2) (P/O PL 51.8 Item
5 Actuator (Aps 2) (P/O PL 51.8 Item
6 Actuator (Aps 3) (P/O PL 51.8 Item
7 Invert Actuator (P/O PL 51.8 Item
8 Invert Gate (P/O PL 51.8 Item 3)
9 Spring (P/O PL 51.8 Item 3)
10 Spring (P/O PL 51.8 Item 3)
11 Seal (P/O PL 51.8 Item 3)
12 Seal (P/O PL 51.8 Item 3)
13 Pad (P/O PL 51.8 Item 3)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-127 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.16
Parts List Initial Issue
PL 51.16 Output Chute
Item Part Description
1 Chute (P/O PL 51.8 Item 4)
2 Exit Pinch Roll (P/O PL 51.8 Item 4)
3 Pinch Shaft (P/O PL 51.8 Item 4)
4 Wide Registration Pinch Roll (P/O
PL 51.8 Item 4)
5 Short Registration Pinch Roll (P/O
PL 51.8 Item 4)
6 Spring (P/O PL 51.8 Item 4)
7 Spring (P/O PL 51.8 Item 4)
8 Bearing (P/O PL 51.8 Item 4)
9 Pad (P/O PL 51.8 Item 4)
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-128 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation PL 51.17
Initial Issue Parts List
PL 51.17 Sensor Bracket
Item Part Description
1 Sensor Housing (P/O PL 51.4 Item
2 120E31741 Registration Actuator
3 Spring (P/O PL 51.4 Item 1)
4 Sensor Guide (P/O PL 51.4 Item 1)
5 Wire Harness (Not Spared)
6 930W00121 APS Sensor 1, APS Sensor 2, APS
Sensor 3, Registration Sensor, Pre
Registration Sensor
BUS Updated 12/2011
5-129 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Parts List Initial Issue
Common Hardware
Item Part Description
A 112W27677 SEMS SCREW (M3x6) (RED)
B 112W28098 SEMS SCREW (M3x10)
C 113W16088 SCREW (M2x10)
D 113W20677 SCREW (M3x6) (RED)
E 113W20678 SCREW (M3x6)
F 113W20698 ROUND SCREW (M3x6)
G 113W20878 SCREW (M3x8)
H 113W21278 SCREW (M3x12)
J 113W21678 SCREW (M3x16)
K 113W27488 PAN HEAD SCREW (M3x4)
L 113W27688 PAN HEAD SCREW (M3x6)
M 113W35878 SCREW (M4x8)
N 113W35888 PAN HEAD SCREW (M4x8)
P 113W36078 SCREW (M4x10)
Q 114W27678 BIND HEAD SCREW (M3x6)
R 141W35651 SETSCREW (M4x6)
S 153W16088 TAPPING SCREW (M4x8)
T 153W17688 TAPPING SCREW (M3x6)
U 153W17888 TAPPING SCREW (M3x8)
V 153W27878 TAPPING SCREW (M3x8)
W 158W27677 SCREW (M3x6) (RED)
X 158W27678 SCREW (M3x6)
Y 158W27688 ROUND SCREW (M3x7)
Z 158W27878 SCREW (M3x8)
AA 158W27888 ROUND SCREW (M3x9)
AB 220W21278 FLANGE NUT (3)
AC 237W00178 NUT SCREW
AD 251W21278 WASHER (3) (t0.5)
AE 252W29450 NYLON WASHER (8) (t1)
AF 271W10850 DOWEL PIN (1.6x8)
AG 271W16050 DOWEL PIN (2x10)
AH 271W21050 DOWEL PIN (2.5x10)
AJ 271W21250 DOWEL PIN (2.5x12)
AK 285W15851 SPRING PIN (2x8)
AL 285W16251 SPRING PIN (2x12)
AM 285W28651 SPRING PIN (2x16)
AN 285W28751 SPRING PIN (2x18)
AP 354W12278 E-CLIP (1.2)
AQ 354W15278 E-CLIP (2)
AR 354W19278 E-CLIP (2.5)
AS 354W21278 E-CLIP (3)
AT 354W24278 E-CLIP (4)
AU 354W26278 E-CLIP (5)
AV 354W27254 KL-CLIP (8)
AW 354W27278 E-CLIP (6)
AX 354W29278 E-CLIP (8)
BA KNOB SCREW (Not Spared)
BB 153W18288 TAPPING SCREW (M3x12)
BC 354W24254 KL-CLIP (6)
BD 113W20478 SCREW (M3x4)
BE 251W21278 Washer (3) (10.5)
BF 251W24178 Washer (4) (10.8)
BG 251W24278 Washer (4) (10.8)
BQ 252W29450 Nylon Washer (8) (11)
BW 271W16250 Dowel Pin (2x12)
BX 271W21050 Dowel Pin (3x10)
CB 271W28650 Dowel Pin (3x16)
CF 354W15278 E-Ring (2)
CJ 354W21278 E-Ring (3)
CK 354W24254 KL Ring (6)
CL 354W24278 E-Clip (4)
CP 354W27278 E-Ring (6)
CZ 112W27851 Screw (M3x8)
DA 113W15488 Screw (M2x4)
DB 113W20857 Screw (M3x8)
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5-130 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Initial Issue Parts List
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5-131 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Parts List Initial Issue
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5-132 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Initial Issue Parts List
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5-133 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Parts List Initial Issue
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5-134 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Initial Issue Parts List
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Parts List Initial Issue
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5-136 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Initial Issue Parts List
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5-137 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Parts List Initial Issue
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5-138 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Initial Issue Parts List
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5-139 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Parts List Initial Issue
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5-140 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Common Hardware
Initial Issue Parts List
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5-141 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Parts List Initial Issue
Part Number Index
The Part Number Index Table has been deleted from the EDOC.
Use SearchLite to search for Part Numbers and Part Descriptions.
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5-142 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Parts List
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-1 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
6 General Procedures & Information
Tools & Diagnostics
UI Diagnostics
Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode ........................................................................ 6-3
Accessing UI Diagnostics................................................................................................ 6-3
Printing CSE Reports ...................................................................................................... 6-4
Date / Time...................................................................................................................... 6-5
Software Options............................................................................................................. 6-6
NVM Read/Write ............................................................................................................. 6-6
System Registration Adjustment ..................................................................................... 6-7
Tray 5 Guide Adjustment ................................................................................................ 6-7
Initialize Hard Disk .......................................................................................................... 6-8
Print Test Patterns .......................................................................................................... 6-8
MAX Setup...................................................................................................................... 6-12
IIT Calibration.................................................................................................................. 6-12
Delete All Data ................................................................................................................ 6-13
Initialize NVM.................................................................................................................. 6-13
Component Control ......................................................................................................... 6-14
Analog Monitor ................................................................................................................ 6-28
Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test ................................................................................... 6-29
Machine ID/Billing Data................................................................................................... 6-29
HFSI Counters ................................................................................................................ 6-30
Jam Counter.................................................................................................................... 6-30
Failure Counter ............................................................................................................... 6-31
Shutdown History ............................................................................................................ 6-31
ADF Independent Operation .......................................................................................... 6-32
Power On Self Test ......................................................................................................... 6-32
USB Key.......................................................................................................................... 6-33
Delete All Certificates / Initialize Settings........................................................................ 6-33
General Procedures
GP 1 Network Printing Simulation................................................................................... 6-35
GP 2 System Administration Login Reset ....................................................................... 6-35
GP 3 Initialization Kit Installation..................................................................................... 6-36
GP 4 Intermittent Problem RAP ...................................................................................... 6-41
GP 5 Software Options ................................................................................................... 6-42
GP 6 Software Version.................................................................................................... 6-42
GP 9 Entering Admin Mode ............................................................................................ 6-43
GP 10 Replacing Billing PWBs....................................................................................... 6-43
GP 11 Foreign Device Interface Setup ........................................................................... 6-44
GP 13 Fax Diagnostics ................................................................................................... 6-47
GP 14 Special Boot Modes ............................................................................................. 6-49
GP 15 Setting Country Code........................................................................................... 6-50
GP 16 Downloading Software from USB Flash Drive ..................................................... 6-51
GP 17 SMart eSolutions.................................................................................................. 6-52
GP 19 Boot Sequence .................................................................................................... 6-54
GP 20 Long Boot Diagnostic Tests ................................................................................. 6-57
GP 21 Common Access Card Servicing ......................................................................... 6-58
General Information
Space Requirements....................................................................................................... 6-61
Product Specs. ................................................................................................................ 6-61
Common Tools................................................................................................................ 6-63
Product Tools and Test Patterns..................................................................................... 6-64
Cleaning Materials........................................................................................................... 6-64
CRUs and Consumables................................................................................................ 6-65
Glossary of Terms........................................................................................................... 6-65
Change Tags
Change Tags................................................................................................................... 6-69
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-2 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-3 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode, Accessing
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode
Certain diagnostic routines and reports are available locally (on the UI) through Service Rep.
To enter the Service Rep. Mode:
1. Press and hold the 0 key for 5 seconds, then while still holding down the 0 key, press the
Start button.
The CE - Type Passcode screen will appear.
2. Enter 6789 and press Confirm.
3. The top right tab area of the UI display will change to orange and the text will change from
Guest to Service Rep. to indicate that the mode has changed.
NOTE: If a system failure has occurred when the machine is turned ON but it has not
been repaired, the diagnostic procedures described in this section may not operate cor-
Functions enabled in Service Rep. Mode
Functions available in Service Rep. Mode can be divided into two groups; Diagnostics and
UI Diagnostics: Several diagnostic routines are available (see Accessing UI Diagnos-
Printable Reports: Several machine history reports can be printed in Service Rep. Mode,
one for example is the HFSI Report. These reports are in addition to the reports normally
available in System Admin mode (see Printing CSE Reports).
There are two ways to exit from Service Rep. Mode:
Switch the power Off then On (If actions performed in Service Rep. Mode cause the
machine to restart upon exiting, the machine will come back up in normal user mode).
Close any open diagnostic menus and Exit diagnostics. Press the Services button.
Press and hold the 0 key then press the Start button.
Accessing UI Diagnostics
1. Enter the Service Rep. Mode (Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode).
2. Press the Machine Status button on the control panel.
3. Select the Tools tab on the UI screen.
4. System Settings and Common Service Settings will be highlighted.
5. In the Features column, scroll to and select Maintenance / Diagnostics.
Maintenance/Diagnostics Menus
The following selections will appear (on 1st page):
Quick Setup Home
IP Address Settings
Security Settings
E-mail Settings
LPAD Settings
Software Options
NVM Read/Write
Initialize Hard Disk
Print Test Patterns
Delete All Data
Initialize NVM
Output (Finisher)
IISS - Extension
Input Device
Sys - USER
The following selections will appear (on 2nd page):
IO Check - this selection opens the following menu:
Component Control
Analog Monitor
Sub System - this selection opens the following menu:
ADF Independent Operation
Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test
Adjustments / Others - this selection opens the following menu:
Machine ID/Billing Data
HFSI Counter
Finishers - Adjust Hole Punch Position and Booklet Crease/Staple Position (LX Fin-
isher only - see ADJ 12.1 and ADJ 12.2)
Registration - this selection opens the following menu:
Tray 5 Guide Adjustment
System Registration Adjustment
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-4 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Accessing UI Diagnostics, Printing CSE Reports
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Faults - this selection opens the following menu:
Jam Counter
Failure Counter
Shutdown History
Restore NVM Values
MAX Setup - this selection opens the following menu:
Adjust Toner Density (ADJ 9.4)
Measure Sensor State
Adjust Toner Density
IIT Calibration- this selection opens the following menu:
White Reference Adjustment
CCD Calibration
Optical Axis Correction (ADJ 6.1)
The following selections will appear (on 3rd page):
Power On Self Test
Delete All Certificates / Initialize Settings
Printing CSE Reports
Reports Menu
To access the menu of printable reports:
1. Enter the Service Rep. Mode (Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode).
2. Press the Machine Status button on the Control Panel.
3. The Machine Information tab will be selected and displayed.
4. Select Print Reports.
5. Select CE. The following report selections will be displayed:
Debug Log Report
HFSI Report
Jam Report
Shutdown Report
Failure Report
6. Select the required report and press Start. The report will be printed.
Debug Report
This report prints out debug messages with the time when the data was stored. The output for-
mat is as follows: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS (AM/PM), [xxx] Recorded message.
HFSI Report
The HFSI information stored in the IOT will be displayed. Table 1 shows the format.
NOTE: The Spec Life counter is not always related to the number of fed sheets. Some
counters increment according to document length; some are revolutions of a particular roll, etc.
Refer to Detailed Maintenance Activities for details.
Jam Report
The Jam Report displays a pre-programmed list of jam faults, and the number of occurrences
since that last time the counter was cleared.
Table 1 HFSI Report
Value Spec Life
per Month
nt (P1)
Second Last
Third Last
6-digit Dis-
count in
count when
ment due
(see Note)
monthly (30
X/Y Count at
most recent
O= Other
X/Y Count at
2 replace-
ments ago.
Reason code:
O= Other
X/Y Count at
3 replace-
ments ago.
Reason code:
O= Other
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-5 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Printing CSE Reports, Date / Time
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Shutdown Report
The Shutdown Report displays the 50 most recent shutdowns in three categories: system
faults (System Fail History), paper jams (Paper Jam History), and document feeder jams (Doc-
ument Feeder Jam History). The date of occurrence, the Chain-Link, and the copy count when
the fault occurred are listed.
Failure Report
The Failure Report displays a pre-programmed list of non-jam faults, and the number of occur-
rences since that last time the counter was cleared.
This Report displays the machine serial number and software information, and a list of NVM
locations and Values.
Date / Time
Allows easy access to change system Time, system Date, and time display format.
1. Enter Service Rep. Mode (Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode).
2. Press the Machine Status button on the Control Panel.
3. Select the Tools tab on the UI screen.
4. System Settings and Common Service Settings will be highlighted.
5. In the Features column, select Machine Clock / Timers.
a. Date will be highlighted.
b. To make changes, Select Change Settings.
c. The following Date change selections are displayed:
Date Format
Month (1-12)
Day (1-31)
Select Save to keep the changes or Cancel to discard them.
6. Select Time.
a. Time will be highlighted.
b. To make changes, Select Change Settings.
c. The following time selections are displayed:
12 Hour Clock or 24 Hour Clock
AM or PM (12 hour clock only)
Hours (1-12 w/ 12 hour clock, 0-23 w/ 24 hour clock)
Select Save to keep the changes or Cancel to discard them.
7. Select Energy Saver Timers.
a. Energy Saver Timers will be highlighted.
Low Power and Sleep times are displayed.
b. To make changes, Select Change Settings.
From Last Operation to Low Power Mode and From Last Operation to
Sleep Mode selections are displayed.
Change the timer settings.
Select Save to keep the changes or Cancel to discard them.
8. To close Machine Clock / Timers, select Close.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-6 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Software Options, NVM Read/Write
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Software Options
Certain optional features must be enabled in software by entering a password (supplied by
1. Enter UI Diagnostics (Accessing UI Diagnostics)
2. Select Software Options on the Maintenance/Diagnostics screen.
3. Select Keyboard.
4. Enter the password of the software option on the keyboard displayed on the UI.
5. Select Save.
6. Select Reboot.
NVM Read/Write
It is possible to refer to or set/change the NVM data.
NOTE: All the NVM data including the NVM for the Key Operator are accessible. However, Bill-
ing and Auditron Administration Password cannot be rewritten.
1. Enter UI Diagnostics (Accessing UI Diagnostics)
2. Select NVM Read/Write on the Maintenance/Diagnostics screen.
NOTE: The machine does not accept, for example, 700-6 as an abbreviation of 700-006.
When a number starts with 0, the 0 must be entered.
3. Input the Chain-Link number and select Confirm / Change.
4. The Current Value and the New Value columns are displayed.
5. Enter the value that you wish to change to into the New Value column using the keypad
and select Save.
The entered value can be cleared using the C button.
NOTE: If the entered value is invalid, the following message is displayed: Incorrect
value. Please re-enter.
For a complete list of NVM locations and descriptions, refer to NVM Tables, under the
Library tab of the Service Interface
6. The entered number is displayed in the Current Value column.
7. Select Close to return to the Maintenance / Diagnostics screen.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-7 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation System Registration Adjustment, Tray 5 Guide Ad-
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
System Registration Adjustment
NOTE: For details on System Registration see adjustment ADJ 9.10.
Tray 5 Guide Adjustment
This procedure calibrates the paper size detection circuits for Tray 5. It should be performed
when the tray 5 size sensor is replaced or a size detection error occurs
1. Enter UI Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Registration on the Maintenance/Diagnostics screen.
3. Select Tray 5 Guide Adjustment
4. Push the paper guides to their minimum width.
5. Select the Minimum Size Position radio button, then press Start.
6. Push the paper guides to their maximum width.
7. Select the Maximum Size Position radio button, then press Start.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-8 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Initialize Hard Disk, Print Test Patterns
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Initialize Hard Disk
This routine initializes Partition A of the HDD. Partition A contains the following data: added
fonts, forms for ART EX, ART IV (optional), PC-PR201H, ESC/P, and HP-GL/2 (optional), ART
IV User Defined Data, and SMB folder.
Initialization Procedure
1. Enter UI Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Press the Machine Status button on the Control Panel.
3. Select the Tools tab on the UI screen.
4. System Settings and Common Service Settings will be selected and displayed.
1. In the Features column, scroll to and select Maintenance / Diagnostics, then select Ini-
tialize Hard Disk.
2. Select Partition A then select Start.
3. A confirmation message appears. Select Yes.
4. A message stating Partition A has been initialized will appear. Select Confirm.
5. Select Close.
6. Select Exit (Keep Log).
7. Select Yes or No, as appropriate, to the confirmation message.
The machine will reboot into user (Guest) mode.
This completes the initialization of Partition A.
Print Test Patterns
This routine outputs test patterns from the built-in Pattern Generator.
NOTE: An error message is displayed if the print cannot be made with the specified tray. Make
sure that there is sufficient paper in the trays before starting the routine. If a jam or system fault
occurs, the process stops but a recovery message is not displayed. The fault code is displayed
but it is not recorded in History.
1. Enter UI Diagnostics (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Press the Machine Status button on the Control Panel.
3. Select the Tools tab on the UI screen.
4. System Settings and Common Service Settings will be selected and displayed.
NOTE: In order to print some test patterns correctly, you first will have to modify the NVM
setting(s) associated with those test patterns. There are three NVM locations that affect
test pattern printing: 870-207, 870-209, and 870-210. (Refer to Table 1). Always check the
Required NVM Settings column in Table 2 before attempting to print any built-in test pat-
5. In the Features column, scroll to and select Maintenance / Diagnostics.
6. To print a test pattern that first requires NVM changes, perform a and then b below. To
print a test pattern that does NOT require NVM changes, skip a and perform b.
a. If you must change one or more of the NVM settings for the test pattern you wish to
i. Select NVM Read / Write.
ii. Enter the required NVM Chain-Link(s) and the setting(s) shown in Table 2.
iii. Save the new setting(s).
iv. Close the routine to return to the Maintenance / Diagnostics menu.
v. Continue at b.
b. On the Maintenance / Diagnostics menu select Print Test Pattern, enter the Pattern
Number, the Quantity, and select the Paper Supply, then press Start.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-9 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Print Test Patterns
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
NOTE: To switch from a test pattern that requires one set of NVM values to a test
pattern that requires a different set of values (on none), you must exit UI Diagnostic mode and
allow the machine to reboot before entering the new NVM values (Exiting the Service Rep.
Mode and rebooting the machine causes the NVM values to reset to their defaults.)
Table 1 NVM List
Chain-Link Item
Default NVM
Setting Parameter
870-207 Screen Setting 11: 106 line 0: Letter
1: Photograph
2: 2 values ED
3: 24 ED
4: 300 DACS
5: 600
6: 300
7: 200C
8: 200R
9: 150
10: FINE
11: 106 lines
12: Gray-
13: 200L
870-209 Density Setting 0: 0% 0 - 100%
870-210 Resolution Setting 2: 600 x 600 0: 1200 x 1200
1: 1200 x 600
2: 600 x 600
3: 300 x 300
4: Not used
Table 2 Test Patterns
Pattern # Name Qty. Tray
Paper Size if
using Trays 1-4
Paper Size if
using MSI Image size
Simplex /
Duplex Screen Resolution
Required NVM
Settings Purpose
1 90 degree Grid (IOT) 1-99 Trays 1 - 4,
11 x 17
A3 / 11 x 17 A3 x 17 Simplex /
- - 870-207: Default
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
Xerographics: Verifies
ROS operation
51 Total Chart 600 dpi
(Controller) A3
1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A3 A3 Simplex Photograph
106 lines
600 x 600 870-207: Default
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
For adjustment in the
market/determining prob-
52 Total Chart 600 dpi
(Controller) 11 x 17
1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A4 LEF 11 x 17 Simplex Photograph
106 lines
600 x 600 870-207: Default
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
For adjustment in the
market/determining prob-
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-10 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Print Test Patterns
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
53 Total Chart 1200 dpi
(Controller) A3
1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A4 LEF A3 Simplex Letter, 2 values
ED, 24ED
300 DACS,
600, 300
200c, 150,
1200, 200L
1200 x 1200 870-207: 0
870-209: Default
870-210: 0
For adjustment in the
market/determining prob-
54 Total Chart 1200 dpi
(Controller) 11 x 17
1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A4 LEF 11 x 17 Simplex Letter, 2 values
ED, 24ED
300 DACS,
600, 300
200c, 150,
1200, 200L
1200 x 1200 870-207: 0
870-209: Default
870-210: 0
For adjustment in the
market/determining prob-
55 HT-600 (Controller) 1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A4 LEF A3 Simplex Photo, 200R,
106 lines
600 x 600 870-207: Default
870-209: 50
870-210: Default
For adjustment in the
market/determining prob-
56 HT_1200 (Controller) 1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A4 LEF A3 Simplex Letter, 2 values
ED, 24ED
300 DACS,
600, 300
200c, 150,
1200, 200L
1200 x 1200 870-207: 0
870-209: 50
870-210: 0
For adjustment in the
market/determining prob-
57 SDTP123600_A3
1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A4 LEF A3 Simplex /
Photo, 200R,
106 lines
600 x 600 870-207: Default
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
For adjustment in the
market/determining prob-
58 Procon PG_600
1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A3 A4 Simplex Photo, 200R,
106 lines
600 x 600 870-207: Default
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
Gradation characteristics
59 Procon PG_1200
1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A3 A4 Simplex Letter, 2 values
ED, 24ED
300 DACS,
600, 300
200c, 150,
1200, 200L
1200 x 1200 870-207: 0
870-209: Default
870-210: 0
Gradation characteristics
60 Density_Adj (Control-
1-999 Tray 1 - 4,
11 x 17
8.5 x 11 LEF
A3 A3 Simplex Photo, 200R,
106 lines
600 x 600 870-207: Default
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
Table 2 Test Patterns
Pattern # Name Qty. Tray
Paper Size if
using Trays 1-4
Paper Size if
using MSI Image size
Simplex /
Duplex Screen Resolution
Required NVM
Settings Purpose
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-11 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Print Test Patterns
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
71 No Paper Run (Con-
1-99 Tray 1 - - A4 LEF
8.5 X 11
Simplex - - 870-207: Default
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
112 IIT Analog Gradation
- Tray 1 - 4,
- - - Simplex 2 value ED 600 x 600 870-207: 2
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
115 Pre IPS FS Increment
- Tray 1 - 4,
- - - Simplex 2 value ED 600 x 600 870-207: 2
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
119 Pre IPS SS Incre-
ment BW (IISS)
- Tray 1 - 4,
- - - Simplex 2 value ED 600 x 600 870-207: 2
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
120 Uniform Density
- Tray 1 - 4,
- - - Simplex 2 value ED 600 x 600 870-207: 2
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
123 Pre IPS BW (IISS) - Tray 1 - 4,
- - - Simplex 2 value ED 600 x 600 870-207: 2
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
128 Post IPS Lattice
(Grid) BW (IISS)
- Tray 1 - 4,
- - - Simplex 2 value ED 600 x 600 870-207: 2
870-209: Default
870-210: Default
Table 2 Test Patterns
Pattern # Name Qty. Tray
Paper Size if
using Trays 1-4
Paper Size if
using MSI Image size
Simplex /
Duplex Screen Resolution
Required NVM
Settings Purpose
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-12 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation MAX Setup, IIT Calibration
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
MAX Setup
MAX Setup (ADJ 9.1) consists of related Image Quality and Process Control adjustments.
Some routines must be performed in a specific sequence; go to the referenced ADJ for com-
prehensive instructions.
The MAX Setup menu contains the following items:
Adjust Toner Density (ADJ 9.4)
IIT Calibration- this selection opens the following menu:
White Reference Setup (ADJ 6.6)
CCD Calibration (ADJ 6.6)
Optical Axis Correction (ADJ 6.1)
IIT Calibration
Functional details:
Computes and sets the White Reference Correction Coefficient.
Corrects the IIT Sensitivity Dispersion.
NOTE: For details on IIT Calibration, see adjustments ADJ 6.1 and ADJ 6.6.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-13 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Delete All Data, Initialize NVM
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Delete All Data
This procedure deletes user-defined/registered information and information recorded automat-
ically by the system from the hard disk, the Controller (ESS) NVM PWB and Buffer RAM.
This procedure also Initializes Sys System, IOT NVM, and IIT NVM resulting in loss of the fac-
tory setups for System Registration, Image Quality and the Scanner setups.
1. Enter UI Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Delete All Data.
3. Select Start.
4. A confirmation message appears. Select Delete.
5. The Deleting data... message appears.
6. When the message indicating the completion appears, exit UI Diagnostic mode, Switch
off the power, then switch on the power.
Initialize NVM
1. Enter UI Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics). Select Initialize NVM. Selections
for the following subsystems appear:
Output (Finisher)
Input Device
2. Select the subsystem to be initialized and select Start.
All NVM for the selected subsystem will be reset to the default values. Any machine-specific,
region-specific, or customer-specific information will need to be re-entered. Make sure that this
information is available before proceeding.
3. A confirmation message appears. Select Yes.
4. A message indicating completion will appear.
5. Select the Confirm button.
This completes the initialization. Remember to re-enter any machine-specific NVM data.
NOTE: For a complete listing of accessible NVM locations, refer to the NVM Tables in the
Library section
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-14 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Component Control
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Component Control
The purpose of the Component Control is to display the logic state of input signals and to ener-
gize output components.
NOTE: Refer to Table 1 for a list of all IOT, IIT, DADF, Tray Module, and HCF Input Compo-
nents listed by Chain/Link number.
Refer to Table 2 for a list of all IOT, IIT, DADF, Tray Module, and HCF Output Components
listed by Chain/Link number.
Refer to Table 3 for a list of all Integrated Office Finisher Input Components listed by Chain/
Link number.
Refer to Table 4 for a list of all Integrated Office Finisher Output Components listed by Chain/
Link number.
Refer to Table 5 for a list of all Office Finisher LX Input Components listed by Chain/Link num-
Refer to Table 6 for a list of all Office Finisher LX Output Components listed by Chain/Link
1. Enter Diagnostic Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Press the Machine Status button on the Control Panel.
3. Select the Tools tab on the UI screen.
4. System Settings and Common Service Settings will be highlighted.
5. In the Features column, select Maintenance / Diagnostics.
Scroll to and select IO Check.
6. Select Component Control.
7. Input Chain-Link number, then press Start.
In case of INPUT Component:
Indicates current status in Status column.
Count up (+1) when switching. (High to Low, Low to High)
In case of OUTPUT Component:
Activates component
8. Press Stop button after confirming.
Stacking Components
NOTE: Some components cannot be energized at the same time as another component. If you
activate such a combination of components, the first component switched on will be automati-
cally switched off.
1. When performing multiple component checking, input new Chain-Link number after one
(or several) component(s) is (are) in operation.
NOTE: Only latest Chain-Link number is displayed.
2. When confirming the status of another component still in operation, select Enter Number
then input Chain-Link number of applicable component.
3. Select Stop key after confirming. Stop operation of component indicated on screen.
Table 1 Input Component Control List - IOT/IIT/DADF/TM/HCF
Link Component Name Description
005-102 Document Sensor H = No paper detected by Document Sensor
005-110 Registration Sensor (DADF) L = Paper detected by Registration Sensor
005-205 DADF Feed Out Sensor H = Paper detected on Feed Out Sensor
005-206 DADF Pre-Reg. Sensor H = Paper detected on Pre Registration Sensor
005-211 DADF Inverter Sensor H = Paper detected on Inverter Sensor
005-212 DADF Feeder Cover Interlock
H = Feeder Cover Open
005-213 DADF Interlock Switch H = Platen Interlock Open
005-215 DADF APS Tray Sensor #1 L = Light not blocked by Actuator
005-216 DADF APS Tray Sensor #2 L = Light not blocked by Actuator
005-217 DADF APS Tray Sensor #3 L = Light blocked by Actuator
005-218 DADF #1 APS Sensor L = Paper detected on APS No.1 Sensor.
005-219 DADF #2 APS Sensor L = Paper detected on APS No.1 Sensor.
005-220 DADF #3 APS Sensor L = Paper detected on APS No.1 Sensor.
005-221 DADF Tray Size Sensor No.1 L = Paper detected on APS No.1 Sensor.
005-222 DADF Tray Size Sensor No.2 L = Paper detected on APS No.1 Sensor.
005-224 Scan Start H = Scan signal ON
042-200 Drum Motor Detect the rotation of Drum Motor.
042-201 Main Motor Detect the rotation of Main Motor.
042-202 Fan Assy-Fuser Fail Detect the rotation of Fuser Fan.
042-203 Fan Assy-CRU Fail Detect the rotation of CRU Fan.
062-201 Sheet Abort Document Registration
L = ON
062-212 IIT Registration Sensor Deactuation of Registration Sensor
L = ON
062-240 ADF Exist DADF is installed.
H = ON status
062-251 APS Sensor 1 Document detected.
062-253 APS Sensor 3 Document detected.
062-272 Scan Start L = Scan available
062-300 Platen I/L Switch L = Platen is closed
062-301 Angle Sensor L = Platen is closed
071-101 Tray 1 No Paper Sensor Detects the Tray 1 No Paper Sensor ON/OFF.
071-102 Tray 1 Level Sensor Detects the Tray 1 Level Sensor ON/OFF.
071-104 Tray 1 Paper Size Switch Detect Tray 1 Paper Size Sensor Digital On/Off
071-105 Tray 1 Pre Feed Sensor
072-101 Tray 2 No Paper Sensor Detects the Tray 2 No Paper Sensor ON/OFF.
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General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
072-102 Tray 2 Level Sensor Detects the Tray 2 Level Sensor ON/OFF.
072-103 Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor Detects the Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor ON/OFF.
072-104 Tray 2 Paper Size Switch Detect Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor Digital On/Off.
072-105 Tray 2 Pre Feed Sensor
073-101 Tray 3 No Paper Sensor Detects the Tray 3 No Paper Sensor ON/OFF.
073-102 Tray 3Level Sensor Detects the Tray 3 Level Sensor ON/OFF.
073-103 Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor Detects the Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor ON/OFF.
073-104 Tray 3 Paper Size Switch Detect Tray 3 Paper Size Sensor Digital On/Off.
074-101 Tray 4 No Paper Sensor Detects the Tray 4 No Paper Sensor ON/OFF.
074-102 Tray 4 Level Sensor Detects the Tray 4 Level Sensor ON/OFF.
074-103 Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor Detects the Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor ON/OFF.
074-104 Tray 4 Paper Size Switch Detect Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor Digital On/Off.
075-101 MSI No Paper Sensor Detects the MSI No Paper Sensor ON/OFF.
075-102 MSI Nudger Position Sensor Detects MSI Nudger Position Sensor ON/OFF.
075-103 MSI Feed Out Sensor Detects the MSI Feed Out Sensor ON/OFF.
077-100 Exit 2 Sensor Detects the Exit 2 Sensor ON/OFF.
077-101 Exit 1 Sensor Detects the Exit 1Sensor ON/OFF.
077-102 OCT Home Position Sensor Detect OCT Home Position Sensor On/Off
077-104 Registration Sensor Detects the Registration Sensor ON/OFF.
077-105 Duplex Sensor Detect Duplex Path Sensor On/Off.
077-113 Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor Detect #3 Feed Out Sensor On/Off.
077-114 Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor Detect Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor On/Off.
077-120 Status of IOT Feed Ready Detect OFF/ON of Feed Ready signal.
077-121 Status of TM Reg. Stop Detect OFF/ON of Regi Stop signal.
077-123 Status of TM Feed ON Detect OFF/ON of Feed ON signal.
077-300 Left Hand Interlock Switch Detect Left Hand Interlock Switch On/Off.
077-301 Left Hand Low Cover Switch Detect Left Hand Low Cover Switch On/Off.
077-302 Left Hand High Cover Switch Detect Left Hand High Cover Switch On/Off.
077-303 Front Interlock Switch Detect Front Interlock Switch On/Off.
077-305 Duplex Cover Switch Detect Duplex Cover Switch On/Off.
077-306 TM Left Hand Interlock Switch Detect TM Left Hand Interlock Switch On/Off.
078-100 HCF Prefeed Sensor
078-101 HCF Feed Out Sensor
078-200 HCF No Paper Sensor
Table 1 Input Component Control List - IOT/IIT/DADF/TM/HCF
Link Component Name Description
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Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Table 2 Output Component Control List - IOT/IIT/DADF/HCF
Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
005-001 CVT Feed Motor
CW 37.5mm/s
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-002 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-022
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-002 CVT Feed Motor
CW 50.0mm/s.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001
005-003 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-022
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-004 CVT Feed Motor
CW 100.0mm/sec.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001 to 005-003
005-005 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-022
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-005 CVT Feed Motor
CW 150.0mm/s
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001 to 005-004
005-006 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-022
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-008 CVT Feed Motor
CW 400.0mm/s
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001 to 005-007
005-009 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-022
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-010 CVT Feed Motor
CW 133.3mm/sec.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001 to 005-009
005-013 to 005-022
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-020 CVT Pre-Reg. Motor
CW 300.0mm/sec.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-019
005-021 to 005-022
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-021 CVT Pre-Reg. Motor
CW 220.0mm/sec.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-020
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-022 CVT Pre-Reg. Motor
CW 150.0mm/sec.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-021
005-046 to 005-051
005-090, 005-093
005-026 CVT Reg. Motor
CCW 37.5mm/s
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-027 to 005-039
005-041 to 005-042
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General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
005-027 CVT Reg. Motor
CCW 50.0mm/s.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-026 to 005-028
005-030 to 005-039
005-041 to 005-042
005-029 CVT Reg. Motor
CCW 100.0mm/s
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-026 to 005-028
005-030 to 005-039
005-041 to 005-042
005-030 CVT Reg. Motor
CCW 150.0mm/s
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-026 to 005-029
005-031 to 005-039
005-041 to 005-042
005-033 CVT Reg. Motor
CCW 66.7mm/s
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-026 to 005-032
005-034 to 005-039
005-041 to 005-042
005-035 CVT Reg. Motor
CCW 220.0mm/sec.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-026 to 005-034
005-036 to 005-039
005-041 to 005-042
005-038 CVT Platen Motor
CCW 73.3mm/sec.
Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-026 to 005-037
005-041 to 005-042
005-072 CVT Nip Release Sol
3sec ON Y -
005-073 CVT Stamp Sol (PF2) Turns ON for 10msec - Auto OFF Y -
005-083 Doc Ready Turns ON the Doc Ready signal. -
005-084 Doc Set LED Belt = Turns on the DOC SET LED.
CVT = Turns ON for 5sec - Auto OFF
Y -
005-088 Image Area ON Turns ON for 5sec Y -
005-090 Nudger Lift Motor Initial-
Initializes the Nudger Roll. - -
005-093 Nudger Motor CW Turns ON for 50sec - Auto OFF Y 005-001 to 005-010
005-013 to 005-022
005-046 to 005-051
042-001 Drum Motor Rotation drive (145mm/s or 155mm/s) starts with Rotation instruction and stops with Rotation Stop
instruction. Process speed is switchable according to productivity. (Frequency dividing ratio com-
patible with Plain Paper is used.)
- 042-002, 091-005
042-002 Drum Motor Reverse Rotation drive(145mm/s) start with Rotation instruction and rotation stops in 1 sec. Y 042-001, 091-005
042-003 Main Motor Rotation drive (145mm/s or 155mm/s) starts with Rotation instruction and stops with Rotation Stop
instruction. Process speed is switchable according to productivity. (Frequency dividing ratio com-
patible with Plain Paper is used.)
- 042-004
042-004 Main Motor Reverse Rotation drive(145mm/s) start with Rotation instruction and rotation stops with Stop instruction. - 042-003
042-005 Fuser Fan (low speed) - 042-006
042-006 Fuser Fan (high speed) - 042-005
042-007 CRU Fan (low speed) - 042-008
042-008 CRU Fan (high speed) 042-007
Table 2 Output Component Control List - IOT/IIT/DADF/HCF
Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-18 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Component Control
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
061-001 ROS Motor Start ROS Motor Start Signal
062-002 IIT Exposure Lamp Turns the Lamp ON for 180sec - Auto OFF Y -
062-005 IIT Scan Motor (Scan
Moves it 50mm from current position in Scan direction - Auto OFF Y 062-006
062-006 IIT Scan Motor (Return
Moves it 50mm from current position in Return direction - Auto OFF Y 062-005
062-086 IIT Image Area IMG-AREA Signal Output Y -
062-091 Exchange To ADF Turns ON the document exchange command signal to the DADF Y -
071-002 #1 Feed Motor 2-phase
(CCW 2) Lift Direction
Drives the Motor with 2-phase excitation in the Lift direction, and at the Lift speed.
This does not operate if the Level Sensor is ON when drive has started.
When Level Sensor On is detected, the operation will stop.
- 071-003
071-003 #1 Feed Motor 1-2-phase
(CW 1-2) Feed Direction
Drives the Motor with 1-2-phase excitation in the Feed direction, and at the Feed transport speed. - 071-002
072-002 #2 Feed Motor 2-phase
(CCW 2) Lift Direction
Drives the Motor with 2-phase excitation in the Lift direction, and at the Lift speed.
This does not operate if the Level Sensor is ON when drive has started.
When Level Sensor On is detected, the operation will stop.
- 072-003
072-003 #2 Feed Motor 1-2-phase
(CW 1-2) Feed Direction
Drives the Motor with 1-2-phase excitation in the Feed direction, and at the Feed transport speed. - 072-002
073-001 #3 Feed Motor 2-phase
(CW 2) Feed Direction
Drives the Motor with 2-phase excitation in the Feed direction, and at the Feed transport speed. - 073-002
073-002 #3 Feed Motor 2-phase
(CCW 2) Lift Direction
Drives the Motor with 2-phase excitation in the Lift direction, and at the Lift speed.
This does not operate if the Level Sensor is ON when drive has started.
When Level Sensor On is detected, the operation will stop.
- 073-001
073-003 #3 Feed Motor 1-2-phase
(CW 1-2) Feed Direction
Drives the Motor with 1-2-phase excitation in the Feed direction, and at the Feed transport speed. - 073-001
073-004 #3 Feed Motor 1-2-phase
(CCW 1-2) Lift Direction
Drives the Motor with 2-phase excitation in the Lift direction, and at the Lift speed.
This does not operate if the Level Sensor is ON when drive has started.
When Level Sensor On is detected, the operation will stop.
- 073-001
074-001 Tray 4 Feed Motor 2-
phase (CW 2) Feed
Drives the Motor with 2-phase excitation in the Feed direction, and at the Feed transport speed. - 073-002
074-002 Tray 4 Feed Motor 2-
phase (CCW 2) Lift
Drives the Motor with 2-phase excitation in the Lift direction, and at the Lift speed.
This does not operate if the Level Sensor is ON when drive has started.
When Level Sensor On is detected, the operation will stop.
- 074-001
074-003 Tray 4 Feed Motor 1-2-
phase (CW 1-2) Feed
Drives the Motor with 1-2-phase excitation in the Feed direction, and at the Feed transport speed. - 074-001
074-004 Tray 4 Feed Motor 1-2-
phase (CCW 1-2) Lift
Drives the Motor with 2-phase excitation in the Lift direction, and at the Lift speed.
This does not operate if the Level Sensor is ON when drive has started.
When Level Sensor On is detected, the operation will stop.
- 074-001
075-001 MSI Feed Solenoid Drives MSI Feed Solenoid for 2000msec. Y 2 sec. -
Table 2 Output Component Control List - IOT/IIT/DADF/HCF
Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
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6-19 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Component Control
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
077-002 Registration Clutch Turns ON the Registration Clutch.
By combining this with Main Drive Motor[042-041], it is also able to drive the Registration Roll.
- -
077-004 Exit Gate Solenoid Switches the Exit Gate.
Strong current for the first 110msec after the attraction had started, then switching to weak current
When Off: Output to #1 Exit. When On: Output #2 Exit
077-010 #1 OCT Motor
(CW 2-phase excitation
Move #1 Exit Roll toward the shaft direction (Turn on for 1000msec and Time-out)
CW: Move Exit Roll to the O/B side of M/C.
Y -1 sec. 077-011. 012, 013
077-011 #1 OCT Motor
(CCW 2-phase excitation
Move #1 Exit Roll to the shaft direction (Turn on for 1000msec and Time-out)
CCW: Move Exit Roll to the I/B side of M/C.
Y -1 sec. 077-010, 012, 013
077-012 #1 OCT Motor
(CW 1-2-phase excitation
Move #1 Exit Roll to the shaft direction (Turn on for 1000msec and Time-out)
CW: Move Exit Roll to the O/B side of M/C
Y -1 sec. 077-010, 011, 013
077-013 #1 OCT Motor
(CCW 1-2-phase excita-
tion mode)
Move #1 Exit Roll to the shaft direction. (Turn on for 1000msec and Time-out)
CCW: Move Exit Roll to the I/B side of M/C.
Y -1 sec. 077-010, 011, 012
077-014 Exit 2 Drive Motor
(63 speed forward rota-
Drives the Transport Roll of the Exit Unit (Max Speed Normal Rotation)
Exit output direction
- 077-015, 016, 017
077-015 Exit 2 Drive Motor
(126 speed reverse rota-
Drives the Transport Roll of the Exit Unit (Max Speed Normal Rotation)
Exit Output direction
- 077-014, 016, 017
077-016 Exit 2 Drive Motor
(63 speed forward rota-
Drives the Transport Roll of the Exit Unit (Max Speed Reverse Rotation)
Duplex direction
- 077-014, 015, 017
077-017 Exit 2 Drive Motor
(126 speed reverse rota-
Drives the Transport Roll of the Exit Unit (Max Speed Reverse Rotation)
Duplex direction
Y 077-014, 015, 016
077-030 Output of the signal for
TM Feed Ready
Turns on the Feed Ready signal -
077-031 Output of the signal for
IOT Regi Stop
Turn on the Reg.Stop signal. -
077-032 Output of the signal for
Turn on the Feed On signal. -
077-033 TM T/A Motor in full
Drive TM T/A Motor at 155 mm/sec. -
077-034 TM T/A Motor in half
Drive TM T/A Motor at 145 mm/sec. -
077-050 Takeaway Motor Drives Takeaway Motor with 1-2 phase excitation. max. speed. (Output direction)
Drives Takeaway Roll 2, MSI Feed Roll, and MSI Takeaway Roll.
077-051 Takeaway Motor Drives Takeaway Motor with 2 phase excitation. max. speed. (Output direction)
Drives Takeaway Roll 2, MSI Feed Roll, and MSI Takeaway Roll.
077-070 Duplex Drive Motor Drives Duplex Drive Motor with 1-2 phase excitation. max. speed. (Pull-in direction)
Table 2 Output Component Control List - IOT/IIT/DADF/HCF
Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
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Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
077-071 Duplex Drive Motor Drives Duplex Drive Motor with 2 phase excitation. max. speed. (Pull-in direction)
078-003 HCF Feed Motor: Feed Drives the Motor in the Feed direction at a frequency of 2320PPS (307.5mm/s). 078-004
078-004 HCF Feed Motor: Lift Drives the Motor in the Lift direction at a frequency of 3395PPS (450mm/s).
Drives it only when HCF Tray Level Sensor is Off.
Stops driving it if the sensor turns On while it is driving.
Does not drive it when HCF Tray In Sensor is Off.
078-093 HCF T/A Motor Drives HCF T/A Roll at a speed of 330 mm/s.
091-001 BCR AC Bias Enable the output of BCR AC Bias - 091-003,004,005
091-002 BCR DC Bias Enable the output of BCR DC Bias - 091-003,004,005
091-003 BCR AC/DC Bias Simultaneous output of BCR AC Bias, BCR DC Bias - 091-001, 002,004,005
091-004 BCR AC/DC Bias + Dev.
DC Bias
Simultaneous output of BCR AC Bias, BCR DC Bias and Dev. DC Bias - 091-001, 002,003,005; 093-001
091-005 BCR AC/DC Bias + Dev.
DC Bias + Drum Motor
Simultaneous output of BCR AC Bias, BCR DC Bias, Dev. DC Bias, and Drum Motor On - 091-001, 002,003,004; 093-001;
042-001, 002
093-001 Dev. DC Bias Dev DC output Output value: NVM (Deve-DC I/O Check output value) - 091-004, 091-005
093-002 Dispense Motor Output of Dispense Motor -
094-001 BTR (-) Outputs the BTR Bias (-). - 094-002
094-002 BTR (+) Outputs the BTR Bias (+). - 094-001
094-003 DTS Outputs the Detack Bias -
Table 2 Output Component Control List - IOT/IIT/DADF/HCF
Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
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General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Table 3 Input Component Control Codes - Integrated Office Finisher
Link Component Description
012-110 Registration Clutch ON IOT Registration Clutch status
012-111 IOT Exit Sensor IOT Exit Sensor status (Hot Line)
012-140 Ent Sensor Paper Detection by Ent Sensor
012-150 Compile Exit Sensor Paper Detection by Compiler Exit Sensor
012-220 Front Tamper Home Sensor Detection of Front Tamper Position
012-221 Rear Tamper Home Sensor Detection of Rear Tamper Position
012-242 Low Staple Sensor Detection of staples in Stapler and of Staple Car-
012-243 Self Priming Sensor Detection of the status where Stapler Staple is
012-244 Staple Home Sensor Detection of Staple Head Position
012-251 Set Clamp Home Sensor Detection of Set Clamp Position
012-252 Eject Home Sensor Detection of Eject Belt Position
012-267 Stack Height Sensor Detection of paper on Stacker Tray
012-278 Stack Sensor1 Detection of Stacker Tray Position
012-279 Stack Sensor2 Detection of Stacker Tray Position
012-300 Top Cover Interlock Detection of Open/Closed Top Cover
012-302 Finisher Front Door SW Detection of Open/Closed Front Door
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Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Table 4 Output Component Control Codes - Integrated Office Finisher
Chain-Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
012-013 Sub Paddle Solenoid Sub Paddle rotation 660ms 012-014
012-014 Sub Paddle Rotation Sub Paddle makes one rotation.
(Rotates Transport Motor FORWARD at the same time as Sub Paddle Solenoid turns ON.)
Mot: 3162
Sol: 660ms
012-017 Set Clamp Motor Set Clamp Motor rotates forward. 250 pulses 012-061
012-020 Front Tamper Mot Low
Front Tamper moves to Front at low speed. 100 pulses 012-021
012-021 Front Tamper Mot Mid-
dle Front
Front Tamper moves to Front at medium speed. 100 pulses 012-020
012-022 Front Tamper Mot
High Front
Front Tamper moves to Front at high speed. 100 pulses 012-020
012-023 Front Tamper Mot Low
Front Tamper moves to Rear at low speed. 100 pulses 012-020
012-024 Front Tamper Mot Mid-
dle Rear
Front Tamper moves to Rear at medium speed. 100 pulses 012-020
012-025 Front Tamper Mot
High Rear
Front Tamper moves to Rear at high speed. 100 pulses 012-020
012-026 Rear Tamper Mot Low
Rear Tamper moves to Front at low speed. 100 pulses 012-027
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General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
012-027 Rear Tamper Mot Mid-
dle Front
Rear Tamper moves to Front at medium speed. 100 pulses 012-026
012-028 Rear Tamper Mot High
Rear Tamper moves to Front at high speed. 100 pulses 012-026
012-029 Rear Tamper Mot Low
Rear Tamper moves to Rear at low speed. 100 pulses 012-026
012-030 Rear Tamper Mot Mid-
dle Rear
Rear Tamper moves to Rear at medium speed. 100 pulses 012-026
012-031 Rear Tamper Mot High
Rear Tamper moves to Rear at high speed. 100 pulses 012-026
012-046 Staple Motor FOR-
Staple MOT rotates forward. Staple Home
OFF then ON
012-047 Staple Motor
Staple MOT reverses. 180ms 012-046
012-054 Eject Motor Low FOR-
Eject MOT rotates forward at low speed. 2000 pulses 012-055
012-055 Eject Motor High FOR-
Eject MOT rotates forward at high speed. 2000 pulses 012-054
012-056 Eject Motor Low
Eject MOT reverses at low speed. 2000 pulses 012-054
012-057 Eject Motor High
Eject MOT reverses at high speed. 2000 pulses 012-054
012-060 Stacker Motor UP Stacker Tray goes up. 80ms 012-061
012-061 Stacker Motor DOWN Stacker Tray goes down. 80ms 012-060
012-095 Transport Motor Low Transport Mot rotates forward at low speed (equal to full IOT speed). - 012-014
Table 4 Output Component Control Codes - Integrated Office Finisher
Chain-Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
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6-24 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Component Control
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
012-096 Transport Motor Hi Transport Mot rotates forward at high speed (transport speed in Finisher). - 012-014
012-097 Transport Motor Half
Transport Mot rotates forward at half speed (equal to half IOT speed). - 012-014
Table 4 Output Component Control Codes - Integrated Office Finisher
Chain-Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
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General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Table 5 Input Component Control Codes - Office Finisher LX
Link Component Description
012-100 Transport Entrance Sensor
012-110 Reg. Clutch on Detect Monitors state of Reg. Clutch
012-111 IOT Exit Sensor
012-150 Compiler Exit Sensor Paper detected by Compiler Entrance Sensor
012-151 Compiler Tray No Paper Sen-
Paper detected by Compiler Paper Sensor
012-190 H-Transport Entrance Sensor Paper detected by H-Transport Entrance Sensor
012-220 Front Tamper Home Sensor Front Tamper in Home Position
012-221 Rear Tamper Home Sensor Rear Tamper in Home Position
012-241 Stapler Move Position Sensor Stapler at move position
012-242 Low Staple Sensor Detection of Staple Cartridge
012-243 Staple Ready Sensor Stapler ready to fire
012-244 Staple Home Sensor Staple Head in Home Position
012-250 Eject Clamp Home Sensor Eject Clamp in Home Position (raised)
012-251 Set Clamp Home Sensor Set Clamp in Home Position
012-260 Upper Limit Sensor Stacker Tray at upper limit
012-262 Stacker Paper Sensor Paper detected in Stacker Tray
012-263 Stacker Encoder Sensor
012-264 Stack Height Sensor 1 High stack in tray
012-265 Stack Height Sensor 2 High stack in tray
012-271 Punch Home Sensor
012-274 Punch Encoder Sensor
012-275 Punch Box Set Sensor
012-277 Puncher Detect
012-300 Eject Cover Switch
012-302 Fin. Front Door Intlk Switch
012-303 H-Transport Open Sensor
013-101 Folder Home Sensor
013-107 Booklet Front Low Staple
013-108 Booklet Rear Low Staple
013-141 Booklet Front Staple Home
013-142 Booklet Rear Staple Home
013-143 Booklet Stapler Move Position
013-144 Booklet Stapler Move Home
013-160 Folder Detect
013-161 Booklet Detect
013-300 Booklet Cover Open Switch
013-301 Booklet Safety Switch
Table 5 Input Component Control Codes - Office Finisher LX
Link Component Description
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Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Table 6 Output Component Control Codes - Office Finisher LX
Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
012-013 Sub Paddle Solenoid 250 ms
012-018 Transport Motor Reverse Transport Motor reverse rotation 012-036, 012-037, 012-038
012-020 Front Tamper Mot Low Front Front Tamper moves to Front at low speed. 82 pulses 012-022, 012-023, 012-025
012-022 Front Tamper Mot High Front Front Tamper moves to Front at high speed. 82 pulses 012-020, 012-023, 012-025
012-023 Front Tamper Mot Low Rear Front Tamper moves to Rear at low speed. 82 pulses 012-020, 012-022, 012-025
012-025 Front Tamper Mot High Rear Front Tamper moves to Rear at high speed. 82 pulses 012-020, 012-022, 012-023 012-024
012-026 Rear Tamper Motor Low Front Rear Tamper moves to Front at low speed. 82 pulses 012-027, 012-028, 012-029, 012-031
012-028 Rear Tamper Motor High Front Rear Tamper moves to Front at high speed. 82 pulses 012-026, 012-029, 012-031
012-029 Rear Tamper Motor Low Rear Rear Tamper moves to Rear at low speed. 82 pulses 012-026, 012-028, 012-031
012-031 Rear Tamper Motor High Rear Rear Tamper moves to Rear at high speed. 82 pulses 012-026, 012-028, 012-029, 012-031
012-032 H-Transport Motor 1 Xport Motor normal rotation at speed 1 (highest speed) 012-033, 012-034, 012-035, 012-039
012-033 H-Transport Motor 2 Xport Motor normal rotation at speed 2 (high speed) 012-032, 012-034, 012-305, 012-039
012-034 H-Transport Motor 3 Xport Motor normal rotation at speed 3 (medium speed) 012-032, 012-033, 012-035, 012-039
012-035 H-Transport Motor 4 Xport Motor normal rotation at speed 4 (low speed) 012-032, 012-033, 012-034, 012-039
012-036 Transport Motor 1 Transport Motor normal rotation at speed 1 (high speed) 012-018, 012-037, 012-038
012-037 Transport Motor 2 Transport Motor normal rotation at speed 2 (med speed) 012-018, 012-036, 012-038
012-038 Transport Motor 3 Transport Motor normal rotation at speed 3 (low speed) 012-018, 012-036, 012-037
012-039 H-Transport Motor Reverse H-Transport Motor reverse rotation 012-032, 012-033, 012-034, 012-035
012-040 Stapler Move Motor Front Low Stapler Assy moves to Front at low speed 012-042, 012-043, 012-045
012-042 Stapler Move Motor Front High Stapler Assy moves to Front at high speed 012-040, 012-043, 012-045
012-043 Stapler Move Motor Rear Low Stapler Assy moves to Rear at low speed 012-040, 012-042, 012-045
012-045 Stapler Move Motor Rear High Stapler Assy moves to Rear at high speed 012-040, 012-042, 012-043
012-046 Staple Motor Forward Stapling operation is performed. 012-047
012-047 Staple Motor Reverse Staple motor reverses. 200ms 012-046
012-051 Set Clamp Paddle Rotate Set Clamp Paddle one time (both Set Clamp Paddle Clutch and Eject Motor Forward)
turned on at the same time
583 pulses 012-086
012-052 Eject Clamp Up Eject Clamp Roll moving up. Eject Motor reverse rotation at high speed. 702 pulses
after Home
012-053, 012-054, 012-055
012-053 Eject Clamp Down Eject Clamp Roll moving down. Eject Motor reverse rotation at high speed. 46 pulses
after Home
012-052, 012-054, 012-055
012-054 Eject Motor Forward Low Eject Motor rotates forward at low speed 1136 pulses 012-052, 012-053, 012-055
012-055 Eject Motor Forward High Eject Motor rotates forward at High speed 1136 pulses 012-052, 012-053, 012-054
012-060 Stacker Motor Up Stacker Tray goes up. 500ms 012-061
012-061 Stacker Motor Down Stacker Tray goes down. 500ms 012-060
012-074 Punch Motor Move Home Punch motor home positioning when Home
012-077, 012-078, 012-079
012-077 Punch (2 hole) 2-hole punch movement when Home
012-074, 012-078, 012-079
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-27 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Component Control
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
012-078 Punch (3 hole) 3-hole punch movement when Home
012-074, 012-077, 012-079
012-079 Punch (4 hole) 4-hole punch movement when Home
012-074, 012-077, 012-078
013-022 Knife Motor Forward Knife Motor normal rotation 013-023
013-023 Knife Motor Reverse Knife Motor reverse rotation 013-022
013-024 Booklet Front Stapler Motor
Booklet Staple Motor Front normal rotation @ Stapler
013-025 Booklet Front Stapler Motor
Booklet Staple Motor Front reverse rotation @ Stapler
013-026 Booklet Rear Stapler Motor
Booklet Staple Motor Rear normal rotation @ Stapler
013-027 Booklet Front Stapler Motor
Booklet Staple Motor Rear reverse rotation @ Stapler
013-028 Booklet Staple Move Motor In Drive Booklet Staple Move Motor in order to move Booklet Stapler to I/B side. 350 pulses 013-029
013-029 Booklet Staple Move Motor
Drive Booklet Staple Move Motor in order to move Booklet Stapler to O/B side. 350 pulses 013-028
Table 6 Output Component Control Codes - Office Finisher LX
Link Component Description Time-out conflicts
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-28 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Analog Monitor
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Analog Monitor
Monitors the analog values of the A/D converter sensors by driving each component (e.g.;,
C.C). Temporary change of output values is possible. Output component check is also possi-
ble. Table 1 shows the components that can be checked in Analog Monitor.
1. Enter UI Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select I/O Check then Analog Monitor on the Maintenance/Diagnostics screen.
3. The system displays the Analog Monitor Screen. The Analog Monitor screen contains the
following areas
a. Window to input Chain-Link number
b. Enter Number button
c. Show Current Status button
d. Change Output Level button
e. Input/Output display
f. Enabled/Disabled display
g. Level display
4. To run an input check
a. Select the Enter Number button and enter the Chain-Link number using the numeric
Keypad on the Control Panel.
b. Press the Start Button on the Control Panel.
5. To run an output component check:
a. Select the Enter Number button and enter the Chain-Link number using the numeric
Keypad on the Control Panel.
b. Press the Start Button on the Control Panel.
c. The output component in the machine is switched on.
d. The PWS changes the output component status to Enable.
e. You can switch on an input component to monitor the output component in the
NOTE: If the component has a runtime restriction, the component is switched on for
that period and automatically switched off.
NOTE: Some components cannot be energized at the same time as another compo-
nent. If you activate such a combination of components, the first component
switched on will be automatically switched off.
NOTE: If the component cannot be automatically turned off, the following message
appears: Cannot check the component. Stop another output component.
Checking multiple components
1. To check multiple components simultaneously, repeat Step 5a through 6e.
2. To stop the check, select the Stop button on the Control Panel while the component is
Changing output levels
1. You can temporarily change the output level of some output component by using the + or
- to increment/decrement the output level by 1.
2. Select the component whose output level you want to change. Select + to increment or -
to decrement.
3. Increment or decrement the output level by 1. The new output level is input into the sys-
tem and the Analog Monitor shows the new output level in the Level column. If the output
level entered is out of the range, the Information screen shows the following message:!
Invalid value. Enter again. (A value that is out of the range is a value that is higher than
the upper limit or lower than the lower limit defined by the machine.)
Table 1 Analog Monitor Code List
Link Component Name Description
010-200 Heat Roll Center STS Sen-
Value of the Center STS Sensor. Range=1022
(low) ~ 132 (high). Standby = 246
010-201 Heat Roll Rear STS Sen-
Value of the Rear STS Sensor. Range=1022 (low)
~ 132 (high). Standby = 246
071-200 Tray 1 Size Sensor Displays the AD value for Tray 1 paper size.
Range=0 ~ 989
072-200 Tray 2 Size Sensor Displays the AD value for Tray 2 paper size.
Range=0 ~ 989
073-200 Tray 3 Size Sensor Displays the AD value for Tray 3 paper size.
Range=0 ~ 989
074-200 Tray 4 Size Sensor Displays the AD value for Tray 4 paper size.
Range=0 ~ 989
075-200 Tray 5 Size Sensor Displays the AD value for MSI paper size.
Range=90.7 ~ 306.3
092-200 ENV_TEMP_Sensor Temperature Sensor Input Value
092-201 ENV_HUM_Sensor Humidity Sensor Input Value
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-29 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test, Machine ID/Bill-
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test
Perform failure prediction test for Hard Disk (HDD).
1. Enter the UI Diagnostic Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Sub System on the Maintenance / Diagnostics screen.
3. Select Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen and press Start.
5. The result is displayed on the Hard Disk Failure Prediction Test screen.
6. If the result is NG, Fault Code is displayed.
Take action according to the message and press the Confirm button.
7. Select Close to return to the Sub System screen.
Machine ID/Billing Data
The serial no., product no., and billing count are stored at three locations; the EEPROM (IOT)
on the MCU PWB (IOT), the EEPROM (SYS1) on the ESS PWB, and the ESS PWB (SYS2).
This procedure allows the data in all three locations to be synchronized in case of replacement
of one of the PWBs, or due to data corruption associated with one of the following faults:
124-310 (Product No. Failure: Not initialized)
124-311 (Serial No. Failure: Not initialized)
124-312 (Product No. Mismatch)
124-313 (Serial No. Mismatch)
124-315 (IOT Speed Mismatch)
124-317 (IOT not the same)
124-324 (3 Billing Counter Mismatch)
124-325 (1 Billing Counter Mismatch; Unable to recover Billing Counter during recovery)
Go to GP 10.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-30 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation HFSI Counter, Jam Counter
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
HFSI Counters
This routine has two functions; it will reset the counter for a specific High Frequency Service
item to 0, or it can change the end-of-life threshold for that counter.
1. Enter UI Diagnostic mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Adjustment/Others.
3. Select HFSI Counter.
4. Select the HFSI Counter from the list on the UI, and press Details. (see Detailed Mainte-
nance Activities for a listing of HFSI items and counter numbers).
5. To clear the counter after a replacement, select Reset Current Value.
The specified HFSI Counter is reset and the message Job completed is displayed on
the screen.
6. To modify the end-of-life count, select Change Spec Life. Enter the new threshold value.
7. Select Close to return to the Adjustment/Others screen.
Jam Counter
Displays the No. of occurrences of jams from the time of reset on completion of the previous
service call up to now.
1. Enter the UI Diagnostic Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Faults on the Maintenance / Diagnostics screen.
3. The following Items are displayed on the Faults screen.
Current Faults
Jam Counter button
Failure Counter button
Shutdown History button
4. Select Jam Counter.
5. The following Items are displayed on the Jam Counter screen.
NOTE: Displays failures from the last exit from the Service Mode with Exit (Clear Log)
until now.
The Count is reset when exiting from the Service Mode by using Exit (Clear Log).
6. Select Close to return to the Faults screen.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-31 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Failure Counter, Shutdown History
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Failure Counter
Displays the No. of occurrences of failures from the time of reset on completion of the previous
service call up to now.
1. Enter the UI Diagnostic Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Faults on the Maintenance / Diagnostics screen.
3. The following Items are displayed on the Faults screen.
Current Faults
Jam Counter button
Failure Counter button
Shutdown History button
4. Select Failure Counter.
5. The following Items are displayed on the Failure Counter screen.
NOTE: The screen displays the Failure History based on the data obtained from the
Main Processor.
Displays failures from the last exit from the Service Mode with Exit (Clear Log) until
The Count is reset when exiting from the Service Mode by using Exit (Clear Log).
6. Select Close to return to the Faults screen.
Shutdown History
Displays history classified into 4 categories: Paper Jam, Document Feeder Jam, Failure, and
Last 40 Faults.
1. Enter the UI Diagnostic Mode (Accessing UI Diagnostics).
2. Select Faults on the Maintenance / Diagnostics screen.
3. The following Items are displayed on the Faults screen.
Current Faults
Jam Counter button
Failure Counter button
Shutdown History button
4. Select Shutdown History.
5. The following Items are displayed on the Shutdown History screen.
Paper Jam button
Document Feeder Jam button
Failure button
Last 40 Faults button
The Chain-Link, Date & Time, and Total CV of the selected button are displayed on the
NOTE: The screen displays the Failure History based on the data obtained from the
Main Processor.
Displays failures from the last exit from the Service Mode with Exit (Clear Log) until
The Count is reset when exiting from the Service Mode by using Exit (Clear Log).
6. Select Close to return to the Faults screen.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-32 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation ADF Independent Operation , Power On Self Test
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
ADF Independent Operation
To automatically adjust the original size during DADF scan to the desired original size.
Refer to ADJ 6.7.
Power On Self Test
Used in conjunction with Long Boot Diagnostics.
Refer to GP 19.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-33 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation USB Key, Delete All Certificates / Initialize Settings
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Use this routine to reload the feature set and machine speed if software corruption occurs. For
a reload use the USB dongle shipped with the machine. For loading a new feature, use the
USB dongle included with the feature kit.
1. Plug the USB dongle into the designated USB port on the ESS PWB interface.
2. Press Start.
3. Follow the instructions on the UI screen.
Delete All Certificates / Initialize Settings
Deletes all security certificates which have been stored in the machine.
1. Select Delete All Certificates / Initialize Settings.
2. Press Start.
3. Select Yes on the confirmation popup. The machine will reboot automatically.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-34 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation USB Key, Delete All Certificates / Initialize Settings
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-35 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 1, GP 2
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
GP 1 Network Printing Simulation
This procedure details a method of troubleshooting network printing problems.
The NextGen PWS Tool release includes an LPR Spooler application [Xerox TCP/IP Port Mon-
itor]. This procedure assumes that this application has been installed. Also required are a
Crossover Cable and a PWS equipped with a Network Interface Card.
Creating a printer on the PWS
1. Click the Windows Start button
2. Select Settings, then Printers
3. Select Add Printer
4. On the Add Printer Wizard screen, click Next
5. When the Add Printer Wizard asks the port you want to use, select LPT1: then click Next
6. Click Have Disk. Print Drivers can be found on the customer Drivers CD, or the latest
driver can also be downloaded from the Xerox website
7. Insert the CD and locate the PCL driver for your PWS operating system. Click OK.
8. On the next screen, enter a name for the printer. Do not set this printer as the default.
9. Select No when asked if you want to print a test page, then click Finish.
Configuring the printer port
1. In the Printers folder, right-click on the new printer and select Properties.
2. Click Add Port
3. In the Add Port screen, click Other, then select Xerox TCP/IP Port and click OK.
4. Enter the name and IP address for the new printer then click Next.
5. Select Custom, then Setup
6. The port will auto configure. Click Next.
7. Click Finish to close the Wizard and return to the Properties screen.
8. Click Apply to save the port configuration.
Configuring the print driver
1. In the Properties screen, select the Printer tab. Select the appropriate configuration
2. Click Apply to save the print driver configuration.
3. A simple test of the printing function can be performed by selecting the General tab then
clicking Print Test Page.
GP 2 System Administration Login Reset
The Login ID was changed and needs to be reset to access the System Administration
screens. This procedure enables the Login ID to be reset.
NOTE: Do not change Login ID without customer consent.
NOTE: There is now a Log In ID and an optional Passcode. The Passcode is not required.
Unless the customer has enabled it, ignore it.
1. Enter Service Rep. Mode:
Hold 0 (zero) for 5 seconds, and press Start.
Enter 6789, then select Confirm.
2. Press the Machine Status button.
3. Select the Tools tab
4. Select Authentication/Security Settings
5. Select System Administrator Settings.
6. Select System Administrators Login ID.
7. Select On.
8. Select Keyboard.
9. Enter the default Log In ID (admin) and press Save.
10. Select Keyboard, re-enter the Log In ID, and select Save.
11. Select Save again to Return to the Features Screen
12. Select System Administrator's Passcode
13. Enter the default passcode (1111) in the blank window below New Passcode and press
14. Enter 1111 in the blank window below Retype Passcode and press Save
15. Select Save again and Yes to accept the changes
16. Select the Service Button on the Control Panel
17. Press 0 and Start to exit Service Rep Mode.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-36 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 3
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
GP 3 Initialization Kit Installation
The machine initialization procedure uses a USB dongle to load system software and make the
machine operational. The carrier performs this procedure during the initial installation. If the ini-
tialization procedure fails, the carrier will call for service. The present procedure consists of the
initialization steps performed by the rigger, plus the following:
instructions for completing the Installation Wizard if the initialization procedure succeeds
instructions to follow if the initialization procedure fails
Do not power on the machine until you are directed to do so.
1. Verify that both the Main Power Switch and the Power Switch are in the OFF positions.
2. Connect the machine to the wall power receptacle.
3. Locate the USB dongle shipped with the machine. It should be stored in the compartment
in Paper Tray 1.
4. Remove the right rear corner cover to expose the ESS PWB interface.
5. Insert the USB dongle in the USB port located beside the plastic guard stop. It fits only
one way.
6. Switch on the Main Power Switch and then the Power Switch. The machine should power
on and begin uploading the contents of the USB dongle. To verify that this is happening,
observe the UI screen:
If 102-311 USB Dongle Access Fault displays, go to the 102-311 RAP and trouble-
shoot that fault.
If the installation proceeds correctly, the Xerox Sphere of Connectivity screen will
display, followed within about one minute by the Energy Star screen, the WorkCentre
53XX splash screen, and the 124-326 Fault/Error screen. No action is required for
any of these screens.
a. If the Download Mode screen displays it indicates that the processor is upload-
ing more recent software from the USB dongle. No action is required.
b. When the Network Cable Not Detected screen displays, press the Confirm but-
ton. This screen will display on all installations because the carrier does not
connect the network cable.
c. Go to Perform Installation Wizard Perform Installation Wizard to complete
the installation.
If the Software Options screen (Figure 1) displays, continue with the next step.
Figure 1 Software Options screen
7. Power the machine OFF (switch OFF the Power Switch and then the Main Power Switch).
8. Remove the USB dongle from the ESS PWB interface.
9. Insert the USB dongle in the USB port on the Control Panel.
10. Power the machine ON.
If the Xerox Sphere of Connectivity and subsequent screens display, indicating a
successful installation, allow the installation to proceed as described in step 6, and
then continue at Perform Installation Wizard Perform Installation Wizard.
If the Software Options screen displays with the USB dongle inserted in the Control
Panel USB port, perform the following:
a. Power the machine OFF.
b. Remove the USB dongle from the Control Panel.
c. Obtain a replacement USB dongle. Return the defective Dongle as directed.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-37 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 3
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Perform Installation Wizard
1. (Figure 2) When the processor is ready and the software download is complete, the
Installation Wizard Welcome screen displays. Press Next.
Figure 2 Installation Wizard Welcome screen
2. (Figure 3) The Tools Access screen will display. Select Locked Restricted Access, then
press Next.
Figure 3 Tools Access screen
3. (Figure 4) The Millimeters / Inches screen appears next. Select the appropriate unit for
the customer, then select Next.
Figure 4 Millimeters / Inches screen
4. (Figure 5) The Time Zone screen displays next. Use the up/down arrows to scroll to the
correct time zone. Then press Next.
Figure 5 Time Zone screen
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-38 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 3
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
5. (Figure 6) The NTP Time Synchronization screen displays next. Press the Off button and
then press Next.
Figure 6 NTP Time Synchronization screen
6. (Figure 7) The Date screen appears. Use the Date Format button to select the desired
Day/Month/Year format. Then use the scroll arrows to select the correct Month, Day, and
Year settings. Select Next.
Figure 7 Date screen
7. (Figure 8) The Time screen displays. Use the buttons to select the 12/24 hour clock and
the AM/PM settings. Then use the scroll arrows to select the correct Hours and Minutes
settings. Select Next.
Figure 8 Time screen
8. (Figure 9) The Quick Setup Home screen displays. Press Next.
Figure 9 Quick Setup Home screen
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-39 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 3
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
9. (Figure 10) The Device Setup Complete screen displays. Select Finished.
Figure 10 Device Setup Complete screen
10. (Figure 11 and Figure 12) The Select a Service screen (main menu) will show either the
Copy function only (if copier-only) or multiple functions (if an MFP). The Select a Service
screen confirms the correct version of the machine configuration (copier or MFP).
Figure 11 Copier Select a Service Screen
Figure 12 MFP Select a Service screen
11. Proceed to Mark and Store the USB Dongle Mark and Store the USB Dongle.
Mark and Store the USB Dongle
1. With the machine still operating, remove the USB dongle from the USB port.
2. Select the Machine Status button on the Control Panel and locate the Machine Serial
Number on the lower, left part of the screen. Record this number on the dongle label (Fig-
ure 13). The space is limited so make certain to record at least the last five digits of the
Serial Number.
Figure 13 Serial Number information
3. Store the dongle in the compartment in Tray 1 or in Tray 2.
4. Proceed to Install Software Option Kits Install Software Option Kits (if present).
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-40 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 3
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Install Software Option Kits (if present)
Software Option Kits vary by installation. A system may be installed with no software option kits
or with as many as five. The carrier normally installs these kits.
1. Locate the Software Option Kits, if present.
NOTE: The Scan Kit can have two PIN codes; all others have one PIN code.
2. Open the envelope for the first Software Option Kit and remove the instruction book.
3. Open the first Software Options Kit instruction book and locate the PIN code for the Soft-
ware Option Kit that is specific to the option.
4. Press the Log In /Out button and login as Admin.
5. Install the first Software Option Kit as indicated in the booklet.
6. Install the remaining Software Option Kits.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-41 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 4
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
GP 4 Intermittent Problem RAP
The purpose of this RAP is to provide guidance for resolving an intermittent problem. This is
not an exact procedure, but a set of recommended actions that use the resources of the ser-
vice manual to help locate the cause of an intermittent problem.
1. Check the service log. Recent service actions may provide information about the prob-
lem. For example, a component that was recently replaced to correct another problem
may be the cause of the new intermittent problem.
2. Run the machine in a mode that vigorously exercises the function that is suspected. The
machine may fail more frequently or may fail completely under these conditions. Look for
signs of failure or abnormal operation.
An intermittent problem can usually be associated with a RAP, since when it does fail, it
results in a fault code, a jam code, or some other observable symptom.
3. Using the RAP that is associated with the symptom of the intermittent problem, examine
all of the components that are referenced in the RAP. Look for:
contamination, such as a feed roller that has a build up of dirt or toner
wear, such as gear teeth that are rounded or have excessive backlash
HFSI, even if they are not near or have not exceeded the SPEC LIFE or COPY
COUNT value
wires chafing against components of the machine, especially against moving com-
misaligned, mis-adjusted, or incorrectly installed components
slow or slipping clutches; slow or binding solenoids
damaged components
excessive heat, or symptoms of excessive heat, such as the discoloration of a com-
loose cables or wires
Packing materials not removed
4. Using the RAP that is associated with the symptom of the intermittent problem, perform
all of the adjustments for the components or functions that are referenced in the RAP.
Check to ensure that the adjustment can be made and that there is an adequate range of
adjustment, and that it can be set to or near the nominal value. Any abnormality that is
observed may be an indication of the cause of the problem. For example, a component
can be adjusted to the nominal value, but it is at the limit of the adjustment range. This is
not normal and may be an indication of the cause of the problem.
5. Operate all of the components in the appropriate RAP that is associated with the symp-
tom of the intermittent problem with Component Control. Observe the components for any
symptoms of abnormal operation, such as a hesitation, or an unusual sound.
6. Check that the AC and DC power are within specification.
7. Get technical advice or assistance when it is appropriate. This will depend upon the situa-
tion and the established local procedures.
8. Examine the components that are not in the RAP, but are associated with the function that
is failing. Refer to the BSD, Look for:
contamination, such as a feed roller that has a build up of dirt or toner
wear, such as gear teeth that are rounded or have excessive backlash
HFSI, even if they are not near or have not exceeded the SPEC LIFE or COPY
COUNT value
wires chafing against components of the machine, especially against moving com-
misaligned, mis-adjusted, or incorrectly installed components
slow or slipping clutches; slow or binding solenoids
damaged components
excessive heat, or symptoms of excessive heat, such as the discoloration of a com-
loose cables or wires
9. Perform the adjustments for the components that are not in the RAP, but are associated
with the function that is failing. Refer to the BSDs. Check to ensure that the adjustment
CAN BE MADE and that there is an adequate range of adjustment, and that it can be set
to or near the nominal value. Any abnormality that is observed may be an indication of the
cause of the problem. For example, a component can be adjusted to the nominal value,
but it is at the limit of the adjustment range. This is not normal and may be an indication of
the cause of the problem
10. Operate all of the components that are not in the RAP, but are associated with the func-
tion that is failing with Component Control. Refer to the BSDs. Observe the components
for any symptoms of abnormal operation, such as a hesitation, or an unusual sound.
11. Replace any components or consumables that are known to be a frequent cause of the
problem. When doing this, consider the cost and time required. If the suspected item is
inexpensive, can be installed quickly, and has a high probability of resolving the problem,
then it is reasonable to replace it.
12. Leave an accurate and detailed record of your actions in the service log. Describe what
you have observed, what actions you took, and the recommended next steps.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-42 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 5, GP 6
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
GP 5 Software Options
This customer purchased an option that needs to be enabled.
The following are the software options that are available:
Scan Kit - Searchable PDF, Scan High Compression and Thumbnail Preview features are
included. This kit consists of two software keys
Searchable PDF Kit
Thumbnail Preview Kit
Server Fax Kit (requires Scan Kit)
Data Security Kit
Job Based Accounting Kit
VOIP Fax Kit
USB Enablement Kit - enables Print from/Scan To USB features. Thumbnail Preview fea-
ture is included. Required for Media Card Reader and CAC feature
NOTE: Immediate Image Overwrite causes the machine to operate at a slightly slower speed
due to the hard drive processor requiring additional time to map and overwrite specific areas of
the hard drive. The speed reduction may not be observable during every print job.
1. Enter the UI Diagnostic Mode. Refer to Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode and
Accessing UI Diagnostics.
2. Select Software Options in the Maintenance / Diagnostics Screen.
3. Enter the Software Key provided.
4. Select Save, then Reboot.
GP 6 Software Version
The purpose of this procedure is to display the version level of the different software modules.
1. Press the Machine Status button on the Control Panel.
2. Select Machine Information on the Machine Status tab. The Machine Configuration
Code, and the Serial Number are displayed. To see the Controller Version, press the Soft-
ware Version button.
3. Select Software Version. All the firmware versions are displayed.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-43 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 9, GP 10
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
GP 9 Entering Admin Mode
This procedure is used to enter the Admin Mode, using customer password, to make changes
within the tools menus.
1. Press the Log In/Out button on the Control Panel
2. If there are Registered User accounts on the machine there will be a Pull Down menu dis-
playing Registered User. Select the pull down menu and select System Administrator.
3. If the customer has enabled the Login ID - default (admin), enter the Login ID. The pass-
word (1111) is the default; the customer may have set a unique password).
4. Press Enter on the touch screen.
NOTE: If this password does not work, the customer has reset the password. Ask cus-
tomer for password. Do not change password (GP 2) without customers consent.
5. Press the Machine Status Button.
6. Select the Tools Tab.
7. Press the Log In/Out button to log out.
8. Press Logout.
GP 10 Replacing Billing PWBs
GP 10 is used to maintain the integrity of the serial number and billing data, when one or more
serialized PWBs must be replaced. To maintain the integrity of the serial number and billing
data, never replace more than one of the three listed PWBs at the same time. If any of the fol-
lowing billing data PWBs needs replacing, only replace them one at a time.
ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
MCU (PL 18.2).
EEPROM on the ESS PWB (PL 35.2).
Failure to comply with the board replacement procedure in GP 10 could result in catastrophic
NVM corruption.
The serial number, product model number, and billing count are stored at three locations; the
MCU EEPROM (IOT), the EEPROM on the ESS PWB (SYS1), and the ESS PWB (SYS2).
This procedure allows the data in all three locations to be synchronized in case of replacement
of one of the PWBs, or due to data corruption associated with one of the following faults:
124-310 (Product No. Failure: Not initialized)
124-311 (Serial No. Failure: Not initialized)
124-312 (Product No. Mismatch)
124-313 (Serial No. Mismatch)
124-315 (IOT Speed Mismatch) Special Procedure required
124-317 (IOT not the same) Special Procedure required
124-324 (3 Billing Counter Mismatch)
124-325 (1 Billing Counter Mismatch; Unable to recover Billing Counter during recovery)
Fault codes 124-315 and 124-317 must be resolved using the Special Procedure. Use the
Standard Procedure for all other fault codes on the list above.
Standard Procedure
Use this procedure to resolve 124-310 / 311 / 312 / 313 / 324 / 325 faults.
1. Enter UI Diagnostic mode (Entering and Exiting Service Rep. Mode).
2. Press the Machine Status button.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. System Settings and Common Service Settings will be displayed and highlighted.
5. In Features, scroll to and select Maintenance/Diagnostics.
6. Select to and select Adjustment/Others.
7. Select Machine ID/Billing Data Settings.
8. Select a PWB with the correct data.
9. Select Start.
10. Enter the correct serial number in the Serial Number screen and then select Confirm.
Enter the correct serial number again and select Confirm again.
11. Select Close and check that all three columns are the same.
12. If two or more serial numbers DO NOT match the machine label serial number, escalate
the service call to Field Engineering or the NTC.
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6-44 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 10, GP 11
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Special Procedure
1. Press and hold the 0 key for 5 seconds, then while still holding down the 0 key, press the
Start button. The CE- Type Passcode screen will appear.
2. Enter 6789 and press Confirm.
3. Press the Log In/Out button on the control panel. The Maintenance/Diagnostics screen
will appear.
4. Scroll to and select Adjustment/Others.
5. Scroll to and select Machine ID/Billing Data Settings.
6. Record the serial number for a correct PWB then select a PWB with the correct data.
7. Select Start.
8. Enter the correct serial number in the Serial Number screen and then select Confirm.
Enter the correct serial number again and select Confirm again.
9. Select Close and check that all three columns are the same.
10. If the serial numbers match select Close and exit Service Rep. mode.
If two or more serial numbers DO NOT match the machine label serial number, escalate
the service call to Field Engineering or the NTC.
GP 11 Foreign Device Interface Setup
This procedure explains the process for installing and configuring the Foreign Device Interface
1. Perform internal dip switch setup for the Bear DCS6061 FDI:
a. Remove the 3 Phillips screws on under side of the FDI.
b. Remove top cover to gain access to the internal DIP switches.
c. Set switches as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 FDI Switches
d. Reassemble the FDI.
2. Connect the FDI:
a. Switch off the power.
b. Connect the cable from P/J351 on the ESS PWB Chassis (Figure 2) to J1 on the
DIP Switches:
3,4, 5, 7 ON
1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10 OFF
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6-45 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 11
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Figure 2 ESS PWB Connection
c. The Foreign Accessory connects to P2 on the FDI.
d. Switch on the power.
3. Go to NVM Read/Write. Set the locations in Table 1 depending on the type of device and
the customers wishes:
Table 1 FDI NVM Settings
NVM loc. Name Function Values
850-001 FDI Connection FDI is present. Automatically recognized only when FDI is connected upon
M/C power on.
Disabling FDI-CRD function, must enter [0], turn off MC and remove the
FDI connection.
0 = disabled (default)
1 = enabled
850-007 Accessory Type Type of Cost Recovery Device connected.
This function is for UI Message.
Disabling FDI-CRD function, must enter [0], turn off MC and remove the
FDI connection.
0 = None or Foot Switch (default)
1 = Additive Mode (UI msg = Use a Valid Card)
2 = Subtractive Mode (UI msg = Use a Valid Card)
3 = Dispenser - Subtractive Mode (UI msg = Use a Valid Card)
4 = Coin-Op Kit - Subtractive Mode (UI msg = Insert Coins)
5 = Multiple connection of CopyLyzer & Dispenser - Subtractive Mode
(UI msg = Use a Valid Card)
6 = Multiple connection of CopyLyzer & Coin-Op Kit - Subtractive
Mode (UI msg = Insert Coins or Use a Valid Card)
7 = Multiple connection of Dispenser & Coin-Op Kit - Subtractive
Mode (UI msg = Insert Coins or Use a Valid Card)
850-009 Print Job Control Disable / Enable controlling charge print jobs by FDI-CRD 0 = disabled (default)
1 = enabled
850-010 Interrupt Function Disable / Enable the function of Interrupt at Subtractive CRD configuration. 0 = disabled (default)
1 = enabled
NOTE: When NVM 850-016 is set to 2, this setting is prohibited to be
set to enable Interrupt.
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6-46 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 11
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
850-013 Scan-Ahead Func-
Enable/Disable Scan-Ahead Feature with FDI-CRD.
This function is not effective if [850-030] = 0.
0 = Disable Scan-Ahead (default)
1:Enable Scan-Ahead
NOTE: Setting of 1 is recommended on any Subtractive Device to
avoid free side-2 copy/print with CRD.
850-014 FDI Connect Wait
Amount of time for MC to wait for FDI-CRD to boot-up after MC is power
ON. If MC did not detect FDI-CRD within time, the system declares a fault
0 = Wait for 10 seconds (default)
1 - 9 = Number of minutes to wait before fault is declared.
850-015 Scan/Fax/Internet
Fax Job Control
Disable / Enable controlling charge on Scan/Fax/Internet Fax jobs at storing
and sending in Fax/Internet Fax jobs.
Valid only when charge type is Xerox Card, JIS II Card or IC Card. (Multiple
connection of CRD devices with the above the charge types)
0 = disabled (default)
1 = enabled
850-016 Operational when
Job-in-Process is
disabled and Sub-
tractive Mode CRD
is connected
NOTE: This function is only available in FX/FX-IBG Market.
Change system behavior based on Subtractive CRD or CRD set to Sub-
tractive Mode, and Job-in-Process is disabled.
0 = All Xerox Europe
1 = Cancel
2 = Pause automatically clear remaining jobs
850-017 Use of card num-
ber upon Print Job
Disable / Enable charging Print Jobs to Card Number when the card were
NOTE: Valid only when Print Job Control [850-009] is enabled.
0 = disabled (default)
1 = enabled
850-018 Paper Transfer in
Duplex Mode
Disable/Enable single-sheet feed mode during Duplex Printing, when Sub-
tractive CRD is connected.
0 = Regular Speed
1 = Single-Sheet Feed Mode (default)
NOTE: Setting of 1 is recommended on any Subtractive Device to
avoid free side-2 copy/print with CRD.
850-030 Copy Job Control Disable / Enable controlling charge copy jobs by FDI-CRD 0 = disabled (default)
1 = enabled
700-125 Job Cancel Timer Amount of time (unit = seconds) until Paused Job is cancelled
Table 1 FDI NVM Settings
NVM loc. Name Function Values
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-47 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 13
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
GP 13 Fax Diagnostics
This procedure describes the process for running fax diagnostic tests found in Accessing UI
To Access Fax Diagnostics:
1. Enter Accessing UI Diagnostics.
2. Press the Log In/Out button on the Control Panel
3. On the display, select System Settings, then Common Settings, then Maintenance/
4. Select Sub System.
5. Select Fax Diagnostics.
There are two tests for Fax Diagnostics, the Signal Sending Test and the Relay On/Off Test
Signal Sending Test
This test checks the ability of the Fax system to generate and transmit a specific signal.
To run this test:
1. From the Fax Diagnostics screen, select Signal Sending Test.
2. Select the line number you wish to test (standard line is 1. Lines 3 and 5 are for optional
additional lines, 0, 2, and 4 are for FX use only).
3. Enter the Signal Number you wish to test and select Send Signals. Refer to Table 1 for
the list of signal numbers.
4. An audio tone or tones corresponding to the selected signal should be heard. This verifies
communication from the UI to the ESS PWB, and demonstrates the ability of the system
to generate the specific signal being tested.
If an error occurs, a Fault Code will be displayed.
5. To stop the test, select Cancel Sending.
Relay On/Off Test
This test turns on/off various relays that are used in the NCU.
To run this test:
1. From the Fax Diagnostics screen, select Relay On/Off Test.
2. Select the Line Number and select Relay On.
If an error occurs, a Fault Code will be displayed. Listen for the Relay to pick up the Line.
3. To stop the test, select Relay Off.
Table 1 Fax Diagnostic signal numbers
Signal No. Output Description
011 Tonal Signal Output 462Hz
012 Tonal Signal Output 1080Hz
013 Tonal Signal Output 1100Hz
014 Tonal Signal Output 1300Hz
015 Tonal Signal Output 1650Hz
016 Tonal Signal Output 1850Hz
017 Tonal Signal Output 2100Hz
019 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 1
020 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 2
021 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 3
022 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 4
023 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 5
024 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 6
025 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 7
026 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 8
027 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 9
028 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone 0
029 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone *
030 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone #
031 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone A
032 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone B
033 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone C
034 DTMF Signal Output Dual Tone D
035 V.21 (H) Signal Output HDLC Flag
036 V.27ter Signal Output 2400 bps (HDLC Flag)
037 V.27ter Signal Output 4800 bps (HDLC Flag)
038 V.29 Signal Output 7200 bps (HDLC Flag)
039 V.29 Signal Output 9600 bps (HDLC Flag)
040 V.17 Signal Output 7200 bps (HDLC Flag)
041 V.17 Signal Output 9600 bps (HDLC Flag)
042 V.17 Signal Output 12000 bps (HDLC Flag)
043 V.17 Signal Output 14400 bps (HDLC Flag)
080 V.8 Signal Output ANSam
081 V.8 Signal Output CM
082 V.8 Signal Output JM
083 V.8 Signal Output INFOc
084 V.8 Signal Output INFOa
085 V.8 Signal Output PPh+ALT
096 V.34 Signal Output 2400/2400 (HDLC Flag)
097 V.34 Signal Output 4800/2400 (HDLC Flag)
098 V.34 Signal Output 7200/2400 (HDLC Flag)
099 V.34 Signal Output 9600/2400 (HDLC Flag)
100 V.34 Signal Output 12000/2400 (HDLC Flag)
101 V.34 Signal Output 14400/2400 (HDLC Flag)
102 V.34 Signal Output 16800/2400 (HDLC Flag)
Table 1 Fax Diagnostic signal numbers
Signal No. Output Description
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6-48 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 13
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
103 V.34 Signal Output 19200/2400 (HDLC Flag)
104 V.34 Signal Output 21600/2400 (HDLC Flag)
106 V.34 Signal Output 4800/2743 (HDLC Flag)
107 V.34 Signal Output 7200/2743 (HDLC Flag)
108 V.34 Signal Output 9600/2743 (HDLC Flag)
109 V.34 Signal Output 12000/2743 (HDLC Flag)
110 V.34 Signal Output 14400/2743 (HDLC Flag)
111 V.34 Signal Output 16800/2743 (HDLC Flag)
112 V.34 Signal Output 19200/2743 (HDLC Flag)
113 V.34 Signal Output 21600/2743 (HDLC Flag)
114 V.34 Signal Output 24000/2743 (HDLC Flag)
117 V.34 Signal Output 4800/3000 (HDLC Flag)
118 V.34 Signal Output 7200/3000 (HDLC Flag)
119 V.34 Signal Output 9600/3000 (HDLC Flag)
120 V.34 Signal Output 12000/3000 (HDLC Flag)
121 V.34 Signal Output 14400/3000 (HDLC Flag)
122 V.34 Signal Output 16800/3000 (HDLC Flag)
123 V.34 Signal Output 19200/3000 (HDLC Flag)
124 V.34 Signal Output 21600/3000 (HDLC Flag)
125 V.34 Signal Output 24000/3000 (HDLC Flag)
126 V.34 Signal Output 26400/3000 (HDLC Flag)
127 V.34 Signal Output 28800/3000 (HDLC Flag)
129 V.34 Signal Output 4800/3200 (HDLC Flag)
130 V.34 Signal Output 7200/3200 (HDLC Flag)
131 V.34 Signal Output 9600/3200 (HDLC Flag)
132 V.34 Signal Output 12000/3200 (HDLC Flag)
133 V.34 Signal Output 14400/3200 (HDLC Flag)
134 V.34 Signal Output 16800/3200 (HDLC Flag)
135 V.34 Signal Output 19200/3200 (HDLC Flag)
136 V.34 Signal Output 21600/3200 (HDLC Flag)
137 V.34 Signal Output 24000/3200 (HDLC Flag)
138 V.34 Signal Output 26400/3200 (HDLC Flag)
139 V.34 Signal Output 28800/3200 (HDLC Flag)
140 V.34 Signal Output 31200/3200 (HDLC Flag)
142 V.34 Signal Output 4800/3429 (HDLC Flag)
143 V.34 Signal Output 7200/3429 (HDLC Flag)
144 V.34 Signal Output 9600/3429 (HDLC Flag)
145 V.34 Signal Output 12000/3429 (HDLC Flag)
146 V.34 Signal Output 14400/3429 (HDLC Flag)
147 V.34 Signal Output 16800/3429 (HDLC Flag)
148 V.34 Signal Output 19200/3429 (HDLC Flag)
Table 1 Fax Diagnostic signal numbers
Signal No. Output Description
149 V.34 Signal Output 21600/3429 (HDLC Flag)
150 V.34 Signal Output 24000/3429 (HDLC Flag)
151 V.34 Signal Output 26400/3429 (HDLC Flag)
152 V.34 Signal Output 28800/3429 (HDLC Flag)
153 V.34 Signal Output 31200/3429 (HDLC Flag)
154 V.34 Signal Output 33600/3429 (HDLC Flag)
160 DTMF Signal Output Signal Tone 697Hz
161 DTMF Signal Output Signal Tone 770Hz
162 DTMF Signal Output Signal Tone 852Hz
163 DTMF Signal Output Signal Tone 941Hz
164 DTMF Signal Output Signal Tone 1209Hz
165 DTMF Signal Output Signal Tone 1336Hz
166 DTMF Signal Output Signal Tone 1477Hz
167 DTMF Signal Output Signal Tone 1633Hz
Table 1 Fax Diagnostic signal numbers
Signal No. Output Description
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6-49 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 14
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
GP 14 Special Boot Modes
This procedure describes methods of recovering from certain unclearable faults.
Some boot-up failures, as well as some un-clearable fault codes, may be caused by software
corruption, or by structural flaws in a command sent to the machine. In these cases, it is some-
times possible to bypass or delete the offending code during the startup process.
There are four special boot modes. Each mode performs a different set of initializations to
bypass a specific set of problems. There is information lost in each procedure, thus, they
should not be used unless specific directions are given. The following list gives these proce-
dures, in the order from least-invasive to most-invasive. If you are instructed to perform a spe-
cific initialization, perform only that procedure. If you are asked to perform the entire series,
perform the steps in the order given, until the problem is resolved.
Job Log Clear Mode
This step will delete any print or copy job that is in process, and then perform a reboot.
To execute: With the machine completely powered off (both the Power Switch and the Main
Power Switch in the OFF positions), simultaneously press and hold the 1, the Stop, and the
Energy Saver buttons on the Control Panel, and then switch on the Main Power Switch and
then the Power Switch. Continue to hold down the 1, Stop, and Energy Saver buttons while
switching on the power. Hold the buttons down until the boot up screen (progress bar) appears.
HDD Initialize Mode
This step will delete all pending print or copy jobs in the IOT job queue, initialize the IOT HDD,
and then perform a reboot.
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned doc-
uments, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
To execute: With the machine completely powered off (both the Power Switch and the Main
Power Switch in the OFF positions), simultaneously press and hold the 6, the Stop, and the
Energy Saver buttons on the Control Panel, and then switch on the Main Power Switch and
then the Power Switch. Continue to hold down the 6, Stop, and Energy Saver buttons until the
boot up screen (progress bar) appears.
HDD Format Mode
This step will delete all pending print or copy jobs in the IOT job queue, format the IOT HDD,
and then perform a reboot.
All customer data on the HDD (customers files/configuration such as mailboxes, scanned doc-
uments, user IDs and account IDs for accounting) will be deleted.
To execute: With the machine completely powered off (both the Power Switch and the Main
Power Switch in the OFF positions), simultaneously press and hold the 4, the Stop, and the
Energy Saver buttons on the Control Panel, and then switch on the Main Power Switch and
then the Power Switch. Continue to hold down the 4, Stop, and Energy Saver buttons until the
boot up screen (progress bar) appears.
NVRAM Init Mode
STOP HERE! This portion of the routine will set all IOT ESS NVM values to default. DO NOT
execute this step unless specifically directed to perform this portion.
Do not attempt this part of the procedure unless there is a known-good Machine Settings
floppy, an accurate Configuration Report and/or other data that will enable you to reload the
correct NVM values for this machine.
This step will initialize the IOT ESS NVM (SYS-System and SYS-User) and then reboot the
machine to the Initialize Wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions when the Initialize Wizard
To execute: With the machine completely powered off (both the Power Switch and the Main
Power Switch in the OFF positions), simultaneously press and hold the 3, the Stop, and the
Energy Saver buttons on the Control Panel, and then switch on the Main Power Switch and
then the Power Switch. Continue to hold down the 3, Stop, and Energy Saver buttons while
switching on the power. Hold the buttons down until the boot up screen (progress bar) appears.
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6-50 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 15
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
GP 15 Setting Country Code
This procedure is used to set the Country Code for correct FAX operation.
1. Enter Tools mode (GP 9).
2. Follow the path, System Settings -> System Settings ->Common Settings -> Other
3. Scroll the Other Settings menu to find Country (on page 2; item 14, 15, or 16 depending
on configuration). To change the value:
Select Change Settings.
Scroll through the list to select the Country.
Select Save.
4. Exit Tools mode.
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6-51 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 16
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
GP 16 Downloading Software from USB Flash Drive
This procedure provides for the installing/upgrading of system software.
Procedure (Flash Drive)
1. Obtain Software
Software is distributed via multiple paths:
The launch version of software is included in the initial PWS Software Download Tool
Any upgrades to the Tool will include the then-current version of software
After launch, software will be available for downloading from www.xerox.com, and
from GSN library XX -TBD.
Major software releases are usually announced in a bulletin.
2. Prepare for the upgrade
a. Press the Machine Status button.
b. Machine Information will be displayed.
Record the current software information.
Select Print Reports and print out the Configuration Report or Select Software Ver-
sion and record the current software information.
3. Prepare a USB Flash Drive
a. Ensure that the USB device to be used has sufficient free space to contain the files
to be downloaded.
b. Create a new folder in the USB Flash Drive and name it DWLD.
c. Copy the software file(s) obtained in Step 1 (unzip the file and extract the .bin file if
required) into the DWLD folder.
4. Start Upgrade
a. Power OFF the machine.
NOTE: if USB Printing is enabled, the USB port on the Control Panel can be used.
b. Insert the USB Flash Drive into the USB connector on the Control Panel (if available)
or the ESS PWB Chassis (Figure 1).
The FAX Cable (if present) should remain plugged in during the SW upgrade. This
enables the FAX software to be upgraded using this procedure.
Figure 1 ESS PWB Connection
5. Start the download
a. Power ON the machine while pressing the Energy Saver button. Hold the button
down until Download Mode appears.
b. After a while, Transferring will be displayed on the UI and the S/W will start to down-
load to the machine (Figure 2). If Transferring is not displayed after 3 minutes, there
is a problem either with the USB Device or with the USB port. Make sure the Flash
Drive is plugged in all the way. Repeat the procedure with a different USB device.
Figure 2 Transferring
6. Finish the Download
a. While the download is in progress, Processing X / Y (where X is the module being
loaded, and Y is the total number of modules) is displayed on the UI to show the
progress of the download (Figure 3).
USB Connector
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6-52 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 16, GP 17
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Figure 3 Processing
b. When the download is complete, the machine will reboot automatically.
7. Check
a. After the automatic reboot, a progress bar will be displayed on the UI and the
machine will return to the ready state.
b. Press the Machine Status button.
c. Select General Information.
d. Select Software Version.
e. Verify that the just-downloaded software version is displayed. If the previous version
is still displayed, there may be a problem with the USB Flash Drive. Repeat the pro-
cedure with a different device.
8. Power OFF
a. Power OFF the machine and remove the USB Flash Drive.
GP 17 SMart eSolutions
This GP will introduce you to the SMart eSolutions Remote Services for this machine. It will
also provide you with procedures that will enable you to recover from a number of fault mes-
sages that can be generated by failure to connect to the DCS Server either at install or at a
later time. It will also provide you with a procedure to disable the Feature if the Customer
wishes to forego this feature, or because of a hardware or setup issue, may need to disable it
SMart eSolutions Remote Service is a suite of features that are enabled within the software of
the WorkCentre. There are three Services at this time:
Meter Assistant
Supplies Assistant
Maintenance Assistant
Meter Assistant (Automatic Meter Reading) and Supplies Assistant (Automatic Supplies
Replenishment); automate the administrative tasks of meter reading and toner replenishment.
The WorkCentre communicates directly to the billing system server through a secure socket
layer (SSL), which is industry-standard encryption technology. All communication is one way,
initiated by the WorkCentre to the Xerox billing server. The WorkCentre will not accept commu-
Maintenance Assistant automatically delivers diagnostic data from the WorkCentre directly to
Xerox, enabling our support organizations to quickly troubleshoot problems. Additional
counters transmit data such as impressions from each tray, mono and color job length, and
area coverage.
SMart eSolutions Remote Services is automatically enabled at the time of machine installation
or software upgrade. No CSE actions are required.
NOTE: There will be times when the Customer wishes to forego this feature, or because of a
hardware or setup issue, may need to disable it temporarily.
SMart eSolutions Remote Services Disablement
1. In the CWIS, Login as Admin.
2. Select the Properties Tab.
3. Select Services, and then select Xerox Services.
4. Select Xerox Communication Server.
5. Uncheck the Server Communication checkbox.
6. Select Apply on the Xerox Communication Server page.
7. Exit from CWIS.
NOTE: To disable the feature on a more permanent basis set NVM location 700-498 to 0.
This will require a service call to re-enable the feature where the CSE will have to reset
the nvm location back to 1.
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6-53 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 17
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Error Messages and Fault Codes
The Fault Codes may or may not be displayed with the message. Use the procedures under
each fault code / Error Message to fix the problem.
016-413 - Communication error with Xerox SMart eSolutions server. Make sure the
machine proxy settings are correct.
Make sure NVM location 700-498 is set to 1.
Validate with the System Administrator that their network supports DNS and they
allow network traffic (HTTPS / SSL) to the outside world, initiated from the device.
A Proxy server may be required for the communication to the outside world depend-
ing on the customer network configuration. If that is the case the Proxy Server set-
tings must be configured.
1. Have the System Administrator validate the DNS settings and Proxy Server
Settings on CWIS. DNS is in the following location [Properties Tab > Connec-
tivity > Protocols > TCP/IP].
2. Proxy Server Settings is in the following location [Properties Tab > Connectiv-
ity > Protocols > Proxy Server].
If either of these are not possible, Smart eSolutions cannot be enabled at this cus-
tomer site and must be disabled using the CWIS, refer to GP 17.
016-414 - Communication error with Xerox SMart eSolutions server. Check your Network
Make sure NVM location 700-498 is set to 1.
1. Have the System Administrator validate the DNS settings and Proxy Server Settings
on CWIS. DNS is in the following location [Properties Tab > Connectivity > Proto-
cols > TCP/IP].
2. Proxy Server Settings is in the following location [Properties Tab > Connectivity >
Protocols > Proxy Server].
016-415 - Communication error with Xerox SMart eSolutions server. Communication has
timed out.
Make sure NVM location 700-498 is set to 1.
1. The server or the network may be down or too busy.
2. Contact the System Administrator to determine if there is a network problem.
3. If issues persist for an extended period - TBD.
016-416 - Communication error with Xerox SMart eSolutions server. An invalid response
has been detected.
Make sure NVM location 700-498 is set to 1.
1. The server or the network may be down or too busy.
2. Contact the System Administrator to determine if there is a network problem.
3. If issues persist for an extended period - TBD.
016-417 - Communication error with Xerox SMart eSolutions server. Check your Network
1. Have the System Administrator validate the DNS settings and Proxy Server Settings
on CWIS. DNS is in the following location: Properties Tab > Connectivity > Proto-
cols > TCP/IP.
2. Proxy Server Settings are in the following location: Properties Tab > Connectivity
> Protocols > Proxy Server.
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-54 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 19
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
GP 19 Boot Sequence
Assessment on the condition of the parts and the condition of the ESS PWB can be done
based on the ON/OFF states of the 8 LEDs on the ESS PWB. To check the condition of an
error where no Error Code is displayed, check the LED display on the ESS PWB.
As the device that can be connected differs depending on the board, it does not always mean
that diagnostic is possible. In the following table, items that are installed as features are
marked with "O".
1. Turn the power switch OFF, make sure that the screen display turns OFF, then turn the
main power switch OFF.
2. Unplug the power cord from the outlet.
3. Remove the ESS Cover.
4. Plug in the power cord, turn ON the main power switch, then turn ON the power switch.
Check the ESS PWB LED ON/OFF states, refer to (Figure 1) and (Table 1) LED Legend.
ESS PWB LEDs 0, 1, 2, 3 are Green; 4, 5, 6, 7 are Yellow.
Figure 1 ESS PWB On/Off LEDs
Table 1 LED legend - OON, x: OFF.
Table 1 LED Legend
Main Unit
Main Unit
State/Condition Related HW Failure Location/Details
Long Boot
Fault Code 7,6,5,4 3,2,1,0
O,O,O,O O,O,O,O Initial state at Power ON ESS Not all are ON: Failure at power source? Failure at
x,x,x,x x,x,x,O Interrupt vector setting com-
x,x,x,x x,x,O,x EBC (ROM Controller) initial-
ization completed
x,x,x,x x,O,x,O D-Cache zero clear ESS ON: ESS Error O O
x,x,x,x x,O,O,O DDR output buffer is enabled
Software wait processing
x,x,x,x O,x,x,x DDR Controller usual initial-
ization start
O,x,x,x O,x,x,x Recovery processing from
CPU OFF start
O,O,O,O x,x,x,x DDR initialization has failed RAM Blinking: RAM Error O O
O,O,x,x x,x,x,x Save data check error RAM Blinking: RAM Error O O
x,x,x,x O,x,x,O DDR initialization has com-
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-55 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 19
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
x,x,x,x O,x,O,x I-Cache/D-Cache is disabled ESS ON: ESS Error O O
x,x,x,x O,x,O,O CPU internal register setting ESS ON: ESS Error O O
O,x,x,O x,x,x,x DDR memory write check RAM ON: RAM Error O O
O,O,O,O x,x,x,x DDR R/W test has failed RAM Blinking: RAM Error O O
x,x,x,x O,O,x,x DDR memory read check &
zero clear has completed
x,x,x,x O,O,x,O Copy to memory for Panbug
program (TEXT portion)
x,x,x,x O,O,O,x Copy to memory for Panbug
program (BASE portion)
x,x,x,x O,O,O,O FPU register test has com-
x,x,x,O x,x,x,x Jump preparation to C-Code
has completed
x,x,O,x x,O,x,x Standard RAM diagnostic
RAM ON: Standard RAM Error O O 116-315
x,x,O,x x,O,O,x Extension RAM diagnostic
RAM ON: Extension RAM Error O 116-316
x,x,O,x O,x,x,x Standard ROM diagnostic
ROM ON: Standard ROM Error O O 116-317
x,x,O,x O,x,O,x NVRAM diagnostic start NVM/ESS ON: NVRAM Error O O 116-323
x,x,O,O x,x,x,x Transition from MiniOS to
CORE (DIAG) start
ROM/RAM ON: ROM/RAM Error O O 116-317
O,O,x,x x,x,O,x UI Cable Disconnect Detec-
UI/ESS ON: UI Cable Connection Error O O 016-326
O,O,x,x x,x,O,O MCU Harness Disconnect
MCU/ESS ON: MCU Harness Connection Error O O 016-328
x,O,x,x x,x,x,x IO ASIC diagnostic start ESS ON: ASIC Error O O
x,O,x,x x,x,O,x Codec ASIC diagnostic start ESS ON: ASIC Error O O
x,O,x,x x,O,x,x Standard FontROM diagnos-
tic start
ROM ON: ASIC Error O O 116-380
x,O,x,x x,O,O,x Extension FontROM diag-
nostic start
ROM ON: ASIC Error O O 016-341
x,O,x,x O,x,x,x SEEP diagnostic start EEPROM ON: EEPROM Error O 016-351
x,O,x,x O,x,O,x Timer diagnostic start ESS ON: Timer Error O O 116-364
x,O,x,x O,O,x,x PageMemory diagnostic start RAM ON: RAM Error O 016-347
x,O,x,x O,O,O,x IITIF diagnostic start IPS/ESS ON: IIT/ESS Error O 016-315
Table 1 LED Legend
Main Unit
Main Unit
State/Condition Related HW Failure Location/Details
Long Boot
Fault Code 7,6,5,4 3,2,1,0
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-56 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 19
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
x,O,x,O x,x,O,x RTC diagnostic start RTC ON: RTC Error O
x,O,x,O O,x,x,x USB 1.0 Host diagnostic start ESS ON: ESS Error O 016-371
x,O,x,O O,x,O,x USB 2.0 Host diagnostic start ESS ON: ESS Error O 016-364
x,O,x,O O,O,x,x USB 2.0 Device diagnostic
ESS ON: ESS Error O 016-365
x,O,x,O O,O,O,x HDD diagnostic start HDD/ESS ON: HDD/ESS Error O 016-366
x,O,O,x x,x,x,x HDD(UFS) diagnostic start HDD ON: HDD/ESS Error O 016-372
x,O,x,O x,O,x,x UI Check start UI/ESS ON: ESS/UI Error O 016-362
O,O,O,O O,O,O,O VxWORKS boot complete
Usual operation, recovery
from Energy Saver state
System In Usual Operating State O O
Table 1 LED Legend
Main Unit
Main Unit
State/Condition Related HW Failure Location/Details
Long Boot
Fault Code 7,6,5,4 3,2,1,0
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-57 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 20
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
GP 20 Long Boot Diagnostic Tests
This procedure steps through the Power On Self Test portion of the machine boot-up sequence
to diagnose problems with the ESS PWB and installed memory, etc.
Turn the power ON while pressing <Energy Saver> + <Start> to diagnose any failures in the
ESS PWB and installed memory, etc. This takes approx. 5 mins to complete.
1. Turning the power ON while pressing <Energy Saver> + <Start> displays "-- BOOT
MODE -- LONGDIAG MODE" at the top left side and starts the Diag.
If an error is detected, the Error Code (Chain-Link) will be displayed on the Control Panel.
(Unlike in the Download Diag, the diagnostic result of each item is not displayed.)
2. When the Diag has completed successfully, "-BOOT MODE-" and then "ALL OK" are
displayed at the top left side. Turn OFF the machine.
Diagnostics Contents
The following shows the Diag Items and the Fail Codes that are displayed for "NG" Diagnostic
Table 1 NG Diagnostic Results
Test Name Test Contents (Overview)
UI Panel
Display (Fault
1 Standard RAM Test Standard RAM read/write verify test 116-315
2 Extension RAM Test Extension RAM read/write verify test 116-316
3 Standard ROM Test Standard ROM checksum test 116-317
4 NVRAM Test NVRAM read/write verify test 116-323
5 UI Cable Disconnect
Disconnect detection of UI Cable 016-326
6 MCU Connection
Detects the connection with the IOT 016-328
7 Font ROM Test Standard Font ROM checksum test 116-380
8 EEPROM Test EEPROM read/write verify test 016-351
EEPROM expected value data test 016-350
9 Timer Test Timer operation check (RTC) test 116-364
10 Page Memory Test Page Memory Device Test
11 IIT Test IIT device test 016-315
12 USB 1.0 Host Test USB 1.1 Host device test 016-371
13 USB 2.0 Host Test USB 2.0 Host device test 016-364
14 USB 2.0 Device Test USB 2.0 Target device test 016-365
15 HDD Test HDD device test 016-366
UFS test 016-367
16 Image Log Test Image EXT PWB test 016-368
17 PDF High Compres-
sion PDF Test
Image COMP PWB test
18 UI Test UI device test 016-362
19 Standard ROM Write
Mode Test
QRY test 016-336
Table 1 NG Diagnostic Results
Test Name Test Contents (Overview)
UI Panel
Display (Fault
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-58 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 21
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
GP 21 Common Access Card Servicing
The Xerox Common Access Card & Personal Identity Verification ID System is an embedded
authentication solution. It supports Common Access Cards (CAC) cards issued to Department
of Defense (DoD) personnel. These types of smart cards store identity information in the form
of Personal Identification Numbers and of digitally encrypted certificates. These are used for id
authentication and authorization in order to gain access to work areas, computers, networks,
and peripheral devices.
The Xerox CAC Enablement software supports a number of card readers and allows users to
authenticate at the device. The card reader is connected to a USB port on the WorkCentre.
Supported Card Types
The CAC solution is compatible with most common CAC card types listed below. Other card
types may function with the CAC/PIV ID system but they have not been validated.
Axalto Pegasus 64K / V2
Axalto Cyberflex 32K / V1
Axalto Cyberflex 64K / V2
Gemplus GemXpresso 64K / V2
Oberthur 72K / V2
Oberthur CosmopoIIC 32K / V1
Oberthur D1 72K / V2 (contact-less and PIV)
Supported Card Readers
The following card readers are compatible with the CAC ID system:
Gemplus GemPC USB SL
Gemplus GemPC Twin
SCM Micro SCR3310
Panasonic ZU 9PS
Other USB CCID compliant readers may function with the CAC ID system, but have not been
USB Enablement Kit (software option).
The customer has the option of either supplying a compatible card reader for each MFP, or pur-
chasing the Card Reader from Xerox.
The customer is responsible for installation of the hardware and the enablement kit software
(unless they have purchased Analyst services).
NOTE: Xerox does not provide any on-site or remote repair or replacement of CAC compatible
Cards or Card readers unless Xerox Service supplies the Card Reader. The card reader is
manufactured by SCM Microsystems, model SCR3310, and can be identified by the Xerox p/n
(960K59280) on the underside of the device.
Only readers with the Xerox part number affixed are to be replaced by Xerox Service.
Service for CAC hardware is limited to verifying correct operation:
CSE should check the following NVM values:
Location 850-009 should be set to 0
Location 700-379 should be set to 0101.
Check out the machine in the service mode to insure no faults are displayed and that the
WorkCentre is functioning correctly in diagnostic mode.
If working properly, return the machine to customer user mode and have a user attempt to
use their card to gain access to the machine features.
If the card functions properly, the CSEs responsibilities have been met.
If the CAC System Fails
Check for any UI displayed messages that might indicate a card failure or card reader failure.
Other messages might indicate authorization issues with the customers card.
Suggest that the user try their card in another device. If the card works in another device, sug-
gest that they alert their on-site supervisor to try another card reader on the failed device or
check for network connectivity to the failed device. For Xerox-supplied Card Readers, the CSE
will replace the faulty Card Reader..
Suggest that another user try their card on the device where the original card failed. If the sec-
ond card works, suggest that the users card has failed.
Servicing non-CAC problems.
Diagnostic Tools
Diagnostics can be accessed as usual when the Common Access Card & Personal Identity
Verification ID System is installed.
Customer Tools
If the Machine Status pathway has been locked, the Tools will only be available to the user who
has either logged in as a System Admin or has logged in and Authenticated to the machine
using their Common Access Card and the correct password for that card.
CAC Feature Principles of Operation
The following steps represent an authentication process.
1. The WorkCentres control panel will prompt the user to insert their card in the attached
2. Once a card is inserted the user will be prompted to enter their PIN.
3. The PIN is validated against the card, and if they match, this will unlock the card so the
Private Certificate Key may be used.
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6-59 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 21
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
4. The users digital Certificate is read from the card.
Steps to validate the Chain of Trust
5. The WorkCentre may be configured to validate the Domain Controller (DC) certificate. If
so it submits the DC Certificate and any associated Trusted Root Certificates, to the
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Responder, to verify that the Domain Controller
certificate is valid and not revoked.
6. The system receives a response from the OCSP responder stating whether the certificate
is valid and has not been revoked.
Authenticating with the Domain Controller
7. The system calls the Domain Controller using the PKINIT protocol to validate the CAC
users Certificate.
8. The Domain Controller (Kerberos) returns an encrypted challenge.
9. The WorkCentre decrypts the challenge using the private key from the Domain Controller
Certificate that was downloaded on the WorkCentre. The Domain Controller then pro-
vides a decrypted session key that the machine uses to decode subsequent communica-
tion with the DC.
10. The CAC Users Identity certificate is passed to the Domain Controller for Authorization.
11. If successful, the Domain Controller returns a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT). Authentication
is complete and Authorization begins.
12. At this point authorization is complete and the authorized services such as (scan to e-
mail, copy & fax) are now available.
13. The E-mail address is retrieved from the Signing Certificate and is available for inclusion
in the From: field whenever the E-mail Service is selected.
14. The session is terminated when the card is removed from the reader, or the administrator
settable timeout expires.
CAC Feature Limitations:
The CAC solution requires the Scan option to be installed.
When CAC authentication is enabled on the device the Copy Feature is locked by default
and can only be accessed once the user has successfully authenticated.
Possible Fault Codes That May Be Observed
021-210:USB Card Reader connection error.
021-211:USB Card Reader broken.
021-212:USB Card Reader couldnt start.
018-725:Users Kerberos password has expired. Please ask system administrator of KDC
to extend password expiration date or change password.
018-726:Not all of Certificate Authority certificate(s) of the CAC Root and Intermediate
certificates are registered in device.
018-727:Check that CAC certificate is valid, or that the CAC user is registered on the con-
figured Domain Controllers.
018-728:Check that the Domain Controller Certificate is invalid.
016-533:Domain Controller server clock-skew error. Enable NTP.
016-534:Could not connect with the configured Domain Controller realm.
016-539:Fatal error on the Domain Controller.
016-231:A fault or an error has occurred with the CAC Card Reader.
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6-60 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation GP 21
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-61 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Space Requirements, Product Specs.
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Space Requirements
Basic Model : Installation Space (W x D): 1216 x 1582mm (47.9 x 63.2 inches) (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Base Model
With Office Finsher LX: Installation Space (W x D): 1695 x 1582mm (70.3 x 62.3 inches) (Fig-
ure 2 )
Figure 2 w/ LX Finisher
Product Specs.
Power Requirements
Single Phase (2 conductors + ground wire)
Table 1 Voltage Requirements
Power Voltage,
Frequency, Hz Power Rating
220-240 VAC
(-10%, +10%)
50 +/- 3% 10 AMP
110-127 VAC
(-10%, +10%)
60 Hz +/- 3% 15 AMP
Table 2 Power Consumption
Condition WC5325 WC5330 WC5335
Running (avg.) 699W (115V)
724W (220V)
721W (115V)
742W (220V)
744W (115V)
783W (220V)
Standby 127W (115V)
122W (220V)
112W (115V)
111W (220V)
115W (115V)
118W (220V)
Low Power mode 89W (115V)
87W (220V)
89W (115V)
87W (220V)
89W (115V)
87W (220V)
Sleep mode 1.3W (115V)
1.8W (220V)
1.3W (115V)
1.8W (220V)
1.3W (115V)
1.8W (220V)
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-62 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Product Specs.
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Product Codes Paper Capacities
Copy Speed
(1 original on platen; plain paper; simplex; fed from Tray 1( WC5325/WC5330/WC5335))
8.5 x 11/A4: 25 ppm/30 ppm/35 ppm
11 x17/A3: 14 ppm/16 ppm/17 ppm
Maximum First Copy Out Time: original on platen; 8.5 x 11 (A4); Tray 1 to Exit 1; 100%
4.2 sec. WC5325/5330
4.0 sec. WC5335
First Print Output Time (does not include ESS process time for prints); PCL6, 8.5 x 11 (A4);
Tray 1 to center tray;
11 sec.
Environmental Data and Requirements
Ambient Temperature and Humidity requirement:
Minimum: 10 C / 50F at 15% humidity
Maximum: 28 C / 82F at 85% humidity
IIT/DADF Specifications
Table 3 Product Codes
Item Product Code
Two 520 sheet trays, 50 sheet Bypass Tray, Automatic Duplex,
Exit 1 w/ OCT, Exit 2 w/o OCT, Exit 2 Inner Tray, US standard
120v Power Cord, In-box Neutral Toner Cartridge, Drum Car-
tridge - installed, Data Security & HDD, IN-BOX Regional Kit
Two 520 sheet trays, 50 sheet Bypass Tray, Automatic Duplex,
Exit 1 w/ OCT, Exit 2 w/o OCT, Exit 2 Inner Tray, US standard
120v Power Cord, In-box Neutral Toner Cartridge, Drum Car-
tridge - installed Data Security & HDD, IN-BOX Regional Kit
Two 520 sheet trays, 50 sheet Bypass Tray, Automatic Duplex,
Exit 1 w/ OCT, Exit 2 w/o OCT, Exit 2 Inner Tray, EU standard
220v Power Cord, In-box Neutral Toner Cartridge, Drum Car-
tridge - installed, Data Security & HDD, IN-BOX Regional Kit )
Two 520 sheet trays, 2000 sheet (Ltr/A4) Tandem Tray Mod-
ule, 50 sheet Bypass Tray, Automatic Duplex, Exit 1 w/ OCT,
Exit 2 w/o OCT, Exit 2 Inner Tray, US standard 120v Power
Cord, In-box Neutral Toner Cartridge, Drum Cartridge -
installed, Data Security & HDD, IN-BOX Regional Kit
Two 520 sheet trays, 2000 sheet (Ltr/A4) Tandem Tray Module,
50 sheet Bypass Tray, Automatic Duplex, Exit 1 w/ OCT, Exit 2
w/o OCT, Exit 2 Inner Tray, US standard 120v Power Cord, In-
box Neutral Toner Cartridge, Drum Cartridge - installed, Data
Security & HDD, IN-BOX Regional Kit
(Two 520 sheet trays, 2000 sheet (Ltr/A4) Tandem Tray Module
50 sheet Bypass Tray, Automatic Duplex, Exit 1 w/ OCT, Exit 2
w/o OCT, Exit 2 Inner Tray, EU standard 220v Power Cord, In-
box Neutral Toner Cartridge, Drum Cartridge - installed, Data
Security & HDD, IN-BOX Regional Kit )
Integrated Office Finisher XDE
Office Finisher LX XLN
Table 4 Paper Capacities
Specification Paper Trays 1 - 4 Tray 5 (MSI)
Paper Sizes Standard Sizes
Min.: 5.5 x 8.5 SEF/A5 SEF
(148 x 210 mm)
Max: A3 SEF/11 x 17 SEF
Custom Sizes
Min.: 139.7 x 182 mm
Max: 297 x 431.8 mm
Min.: 100 x 140 mm (post-
Max: A3 SEF/11 x 17 SEF
Min.: 98 x 148 mm
Max: 162 x 241 mm
Paper Weights Range: 60 - 256 gsm Range: 60-216 gsm
Capacities 20 lb.
(80 gsm)
2080 sheets total:
Trays 1 - 4: 520 sheets
50 sheets
70 sheets
Table 5 DADF Specifications
Document Size: Platen Max size: 334 x 452 mm
Max scannable area: 297 x 432 mm
Document Size: DADF 5.5 x 8.5 to 11 x 17 (A3)
Max: 297 x 432 mm
Min.: 125 x 85 mm simplex; 125 x 110 duplex
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-63 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Product Specs., Common Tools
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Common Tools
Document Weight: DADF Min:16lb (38gsm)
Max: 32lb (128 gsm)
Document Capacity: DADF 110 sheets 80 gsm
R/E Capability: Variable Percentages: 25% to 400% in 1% increments
Presets can be changed in Admin mode
Table 5 DADF Specifications
Table 1 Common Tools
Description Part Number
Screw Driver (-) 3 x 50 600T40205
Screw Driver (+) 6 x 100 600T1989
Screw Driver (+) NO.1 499T356
Stubby Driver (+) (-) 600T40210
Screw Driver (=) 100MM 499T355
Spanner and Wrench 5.5 x 5.5 600T40501
Spanner and Wrench 7x 7 600T40502
Hex Key Set 600T02002
Box Driver 5.5MM 600T1988
Box Driver 1/4 inch
Side Cutting Nipper 600T40903
Round Nose Pliers 600T40901
Digital Multi-meter Set 600T2020
Interlock Cheater 600T91616
Silver Scale 150MM 600T41503
CE Tool Case 600T1901
Magnetic Screw Pick-up Tool 600T41911
Scribe Tool 600T41913
Magnetic pickup 600T41911
Eye Loop 600T42008
Flash Light 600T1824
Brush 600T41901
Tester Lead Wire (red) 600T 9583
Tester Lead Wire (black) 600T2030
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-64 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Product Tools and Test Patterns, Cleaning Materials
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
Product Tools and Test Patterns Cleaning Materials
Table 1 Tools and Test Patterns
Description Part Number
A3 (11" x 17") Test Pattern 082E02000
A3 Standard Test Pattern 082P521
A4 Test Pattern 082E2010
8.5" x 11" Test Pattern 082E2020
8.5" x 14" Test Pattern 082P524
SIR 542.00 Solid Area Density Scale 082E08230
SIR 494.00 Visual Scale 082P00448
HVPS test probe (1/10X) 600T1653
HVPS test probe adapter 600T1996
Copy Paper Carrying Case 600T1999
Copy Paper Zip Lock Bag 600T2000
Xerox Color Xpressions Plus 24# 1117 in, 3R5465
Colortech Plus - 90 gsm - A3 3R94642
Service and Machine NVM Log 700P97436
Serial Cable 600T2058
USB Cable 600T02231
Null Modem Adapter (female/female) 113E40060
PWS power cord adapter 600T2018
Micro Probe Kit 600T02177
Table 1 Cleaning Materials
XE Part
Cleaning fluid
(8oz., Formula A)
43P48 8R90034
Film remover (8 oz.) 43P45 8R90176
Lens/mirror cleaner 43P81 8R90178
Lint-free (white) cleaning cloth 19P3025 19P3025
Lint-free Optics cleaning cloth 499T90417 499T90417
Cleaning towels 35P3191 600S4372
Drop cloth 35P1737 35P1737
Cotton Swab 35P2162 35P2162
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-65 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation CRUs and Consumables, Glossary of Terms
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
CRUs and Consumables Glossary of Terms
Table 1 CRUs and Consumables
Name Part Number Comments
Black Toner Cartridge 006R01158 metered (worldwide)
006R01159 US/XCL/XE sold
006R01160 DMO sold
Black Drum Cartridge 013R00591
Staple Refills - Convenience Stapler 008R12941 3 refills/carton
Staple Refills - Integrated Office Finisher 008R12941 3 refills/carton
Staple Refills - Office Finisher LX 008R12941 3 refills/carton
Staple Cartridge - Convenience Stapler 008R12964 1 cartridge
Staple Cartridge - Office Finisher LX 008R12964 1 cartridge
Staple Cartridge - Office Finisher LX
Booklet Maker
008R12897 8 cartridges/carton
Table 1 Glossary
Term Description
A3 Paper size 297 millimeters (11.69 inches) x 420 millimeters (16.54 inches).
A4 Paper size 210 millimeters (8.27 inches) x 297 millimeters (11.69 inches).
AC Alternating Current is type of current available at power source for machine.
A/D Analog to Digital refers to conversion of signal
ADC Automatic Density Control
ADJ Adjustment Procedure
AGC Automatic Gain Control
A/P Advanced/Professional (Finishers)
connected to external authentication server, Active Directory, does the
authentication of your devices, be it a multifunction or a network printer.
Changes in Active Directory are automatically reflected in Authentication
Agent. Usage restriction can be set on copy, print, scan, fax, color or mono-
chrome by user and by user group.
APS Auto Paper Select - The machine selects a suitable size of copy paper auto-
matically based on the detected original size and the reproduction ratio you
ATC Automatic Toner Concentration
ATS Auto Tray Switch - The machine will automatically select a usable tray that
has paper when the one presently in use becomes empty. This feature only
works when the Auto Tray Switch is selected and the paper size being used
is the same for all usable paper trays.
Remote attestation provides the basis for one platform to
establish trusts on another.
ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit (IC)
customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose
Bit Binary digit, either 1 or 0, representing an electrical state.
BMLinks stands for Business Machine Linkage Service. BMLinkS is a specification
developed with participation of major Office Automation appliance vendors
in Japan. With BMLinkS, it now becomes possible to create multi-vendor
systems where Office Automation appliances are simple and easy to use on
BSD Block Schematic Diagram
BTR Bias Transfer Roll
BUR Back up Roll
CA Certificate Authority or Certification Authority - an entity that issues digital
certificates for use by other parties.
CCD Charge Coupled Device (Photoelectric Converter)
CD 1:Circuit Diagram; 2: Compact Disc
CDUP Use the CDUP subcommand to change the working directory to the parent
directory on the foreign host.
Chip Integrated Circuit (IC)
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-66 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Glossary of Terms
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device - a programmable logic device with
complexity between that of PALs and FPGAs, and architectural features of
both. The building block of a CPLD is the macro cell, which contains logic
implementing disjunctive normal form expressions and more specialized
logic operations.
CRU Customer Replaceable Unit
CRUM Customer Replaceable Unit Memory
CYMK Toner colors for machine; Y=yellow, C=cyan, M=magenta, and K=black
DADF Duplexing Automatic Document Feeder
DC Direct Current is type of power for machine components. Machine converts
AC power from power source to DC power.
DIMM Dual In-line Memory Module - a series of dynamic random access memory
integrated circuits.
DLD Download Direct Method - Down Load Direct (DLD) was developed to
accelerate downloads
DMA Direct memory access (DMA) is a feature of modern computers and micro-
processors that allows certain hardware subsystems within the computer to
access system memory for reading and/or writing independently of the cen-
tral processing unit.
DMM Digital Multimeter is generic name for meter that measures voltage, current,
or electrical resistance.
DNS Domain Name System - a hierarchical naming system for computers, ser-
vices, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It
associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the
participants. Most importantly, it translates domain names meaningful to
humans into the numerical (binary) identifiers associated with networking
equipment for the purpose of locating and addressing these devices world-
DTMF Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency signaling - is used for telecommunication sig-
naling over analog telephone lines in the voice-frequency band between
telephone handsets and other communications devices and the switching
Duplex 2-sided printing or copying
EA Emulsion Aggregation (toner)
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory - a type of non-vol-
atile memory used in computers and other electronic devices to store small
amounts of data that must be saved when power is removed, e.g., calibra-
tion tables or device configuration.
EME Electromagnetic Emissions are emitted from machine during normal opera-
tion and power of these emissions are reduced by machine design features.
ESD Electrostatic Discharge. A transfer of charge between bodies at different
electrostatic potential.
ESG European Solutions Group - also referred to as XE (Xerox Europe)
FE Field Engineer
Table 1 Glossary
Term Description
FIFO First In, First Out - an abstraction in ways of organizing and manipulation of
data relative to time and prioritization. This expression describes the princi-
ple of a queue processing technique or servicing conflicting demands by
ordering process by first-come, first-served (FCFS) behaviour: what comes
in first is handled first, what comes in next waits until the first is finished, etc.
FoIP FAX Over Internet Protocol
FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array - an integrated circuit designed to be con-
figured by the customer or designer after manufacturing
FS Fast Scan (direction) - LE - to - TE
FTP File Transfer Protocol - a standard network protocol used to exchange and
manipulate files over a TCP/IP-based network, such as the Internet.
GND Ground
HCF High Capacity Feeder
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HFSI High Frequency Service Item
HGEA High Grade Emulsion Aggregation (toner)
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
Hz Hertz (Cycles per second)
IBT Intermediate Belt Transfer
I/F Interface
IIO Intermediate Image Overwrite
IIT Image Input Terminal - the Scanner/CCD portion of the machine
IPSEC Internet Protocol Security - a protocol suite for securing Internet Protocol
(IP) communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet of a
data stream. IPsec also includes protocols for establishing mutual authenti-
cation between agents at the beginning of the session and negotiation of
cryptographic keys to be used during the session.
IOT Image Output Terminal - the ROS/Xero/paper handling/ fusing portion of the
IM Image Management Software - Windows and Macintosh software for view-
ing, organizing, cataloging, managing, browsing, storing, sharing, and print-
ing images.
IPS Image Processing Subsystem
IQ Image Quality
JBA Job-based Accounting
JBIG Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group - JBIG was designed for compression of
binary images, particularly for faxes, but can also be used on other images.
KC 1000 copies
Kerberos a computer network authentication protocol, which allows nodes communi-
cating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a
secure manner.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
Table 1 Glossary
Term Description
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6-67 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Glossary of Terms
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - an application protocol for querying
and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP
LE Lead Edge of copy or print paper, with reference to definition of term TE
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEF Long Edge Feed
LTR Letter size paper (8.5 x 11 inches)
LocalTalk a particular implementation of the physical layer of the AppleTalk network-
ing system from Apple Computer. LocalTalk specifies a system of shielded
twisted pair cabling, plugged into self-terminating transceivers, running at a
rate of 230.4 kbit/s.
LUT Look Up Table - array of NVM locations that store process control data
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions - an Internet standard that extends
the format of e-mail to support:
Text in character sets other than ASCII
Non-text attachments
Message bodies with multiple parts
Header information in non-ASCII character sets
MCU Machine Control Unit - a microcontroller (also microcomputer, MCU or C)
is a small computer on a single integrated circuit consisting internally of a
relatively simple CPU, clock, timers, I/O ports, and memory.
MF Multi-Function
MN Multinational
MOB Marks On Belt> MOB Sensor is used to determine Color Registration
MRD Machine Resident Disk
MSI Multi Sheet Inserter
NAK Negative Acknowledgement - negative acknowledgment or not acknowl-
edged. It is a signal used in digital communications to ensure that data is
received with a minimum of errors.
NIC Network Interface Card
NVM Non Volatile Memory
OCT Offsetting Catch Tray
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
OGM On-going Maintenance
PC Personal Computer
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect - a computer bus for attaching hard-
ware devices in a computer. These devices can take either the form of an
integrated circuit fitted onto the motherboard itself, called a planar device in
the PCI specification, or an expansion card that fits into a slot.
PDL Page Description Language - a language that describes the appearance of
a printed page in a higher level than an actual output bitmap.
PIO Programmed Input/Output - a method of transferring data between the CPU
and a peripheral such as a network adapter or an ATA storage device.
Table 1 Glossary
Term Description
PJL Printer Job Language - a method developed by Hewlett-Packard for switch-
ing printer languages at the job level, and for status readback between the
printer and the host computer.
PL Parts List
P/O Part of (Assembly Name)
POP Server Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (POP3) is intended to permit a workstation
to dynamically access a maildrop on a server host in a useful fashion. Usu-
ally, this means that the POP3 protocol is used to allow a workstation to
retrieve mail that the server is holding for it.
PWB Printed Wiring Board
PWS Portable Workstation for Service
PJ Plug Jack (electrical connections)
Proxy Server a server (a computer system or an application program) that acts as an
intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.
RAM Random Access Memory
RAP Repair Analysis Procedure for diagnosis of machine status codes and
abnormal conditions
R/E Reduction/Enlargement refers to features selection or components that
enable reduction or enlargement
Redirector an operating system driver that sends data to and receives data from a
remote device. A network redirector provides mechanisms to locate, open,
read, write, and delete files and submit print jobs.
RegiCon Registration Control
REP Repair Procedure for disassembly and reassembly of component on
RIS Raster Input Scanner
ROM Read Only Memory
SAD Solid Area Density
SCP Service Call Procedure
SEF Short Edge Feed
Self-test An automatic process that is used to check Control Logic circuitry. Any fault
that is detected during self-test is displayed by fault code or by LEDs on
SIMM Single Inline Memory Module used to increase printing capacity
Simplex Single sided copies
SIP Session Initiation Protocol - a signaling protocol, widely used for controlling
multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls over
Internet Protocol (IP).
S/MIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions - a standard for public key
encryption and signing of MIME data.
Software Key a small program that will generate valid CD keys or serial/registration num-
bers for a piece of software.
SSL Secure Socket Layer - cryptographic protocols that provide security for
communications over networks such as the Internet
Table 1 Glossary
Term Description
BUS Updated 12/2011
6-68 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Glossary of Terms
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
SMB Server Message Block - operates as an application-layer network proto-
col[1] mainly used to provide shared access to files, printers, serial ports,
and miscellaneous communications between nodes on a network.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - an Internet standard for electronic mail (e-
mail) transmission across Internet Protocol (IP) networks.
SSL Secure Sockets Layer - are cryptographic protocols that provide security
for communications over networks such as the Internet.
TE Trail Edge of copy or print paper, with reference to definition of term LE
TMA Toner Mass/unit Area detection. The combined function of the MOB/ADC
TRC Tone Reproduction Curve
UM Unscheduled Maintenance
UI User Interface
USB Universal Serial Bus
W/ With - indicates machine condition where specified condition is present
WebDAV Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning - a set of extensions to
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows computer-users to edit
and manage files collaboratively on remote World Wide Web servers. RFC
4918 defines the extensions.
W/O Without - indicates machine condition where specified condition is not
XBRA Xerox Brazil
XE Xerox Europe - also referred to as ESG (European Solutions Group)
XEIP Xerox Extensible Interface Platform (EIP). Xerox EIP is a software platform
upon which developers can use standard web-based tools to create server-
based applications that can be configured for the MFPs touch-screen user
XLA Xerox Latin America
YCMK Toner colors for machine; Y=yellow, C=cyan, M=magenta, and K=black
XMEX Xerox Mexico
Table 1 Glossary
Term Description
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6-69 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
General Procedures & Information Initial Issue
Change Tags
Change Tag Introduction
Important modifications to the copier are identified by a tag number which is recorded on a tag
The tag matrix for the IOT is molded into the inside of the Front Door.
The tag matrix for the Finisher is a label affixed to the inside of the Finisher Front Door
This section describes all of the tags associated with the machine, as well as multinational
applicability, classification codes, and permanent or temporary modification information.
Classification Codes
A tag number may be required to identify differences between parts that cannot be inter-
changed, or differences in diagnostic, repair, installation, or adjustment procedures.
A tag number may also be required to identify the presence of optional hardware, special non-
volatile memory programming, or whether mandatory modifications have been installed. Each
tag number is given a classification code to identify the type of change that the tag has made.
The classification codes and their descriptions are listed in Table 1.
Change Tags
There are no Change Tags currently in effect for this product.
Table 1 Classification Codes
Classification Code Description
M Mandatory tag.
N Tag not installed in the field.
O Optional tag.
R Repair tag.
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6-70 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue General Procedures & Information
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7-1 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Wiring Data Initial Issue
7 Wiring Data
Plug/Jack Locations
Plug/Jack Locations ........................................................................................................ 7-3
IOT Plug/Jack Illustrations .............................................................................................. 7-9
Integrated Office Finisher Plug/Jack Illustrations ............................................................ 7-20
Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Illustrations........................................................................ 7-21
HCF Plug/Jack Illustrations ............................................................................................. 7-28
IOT wirenets.................................................................................................................... 7-29
IIT/DADF Wirenets.......................................................................................................... 7-40
Integrated Finisher Wirenets ........................................................................................... 7-46
LX Finisher Wirenets....................................................................................................... 7-49
Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)................................................................................. 7-53
Chain 1 - Input Power ..................................................................................................... 7-56
Chain 2 - User Interface.................................................................................................. 7-67
Chain 3 - Machine Run Control ....................................................................................... 7-68
Chain 4 - Drives .............................................................................................................. 7-78
Chain 5 - Document Input ............................................................................................... 7-79
Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input............................................................................... 7-88
Chain 7 - Paper Supply................................................................................................... 7-97
Chain 8 - Paper Feed...................................................................................................... 7-108
Chain 9 - Xerographics and Marking............................................................................... 7-116
Chain 10 - Fusing and Post-Fuser Transport .................................................................. 7-121
Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher .............................................................................. 7-127
Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX.......................................................................................... 7-135
Chain 16.......................................................................................................................... 7-153
Chain 34.......................................................................................................................... 7-154
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Initial Issue Wiring Data
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7-3 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Plug/Jack Locations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Plug/Jack Locations
How to use the Plug/Jack Location List
The Plug/Jack Location List below is provided to locate plugs, jacks, or other terminating
devices. Locate the desired termination device in the first column (Connector Number) of the
list. Refer to the second column (Figure Number) to determine the figure number of the electri-
cal termination device. Refer to the (Item Number) column to determine the item number in the
adjacent Figure Number column. The fourth column supplies the title of the Figure or the asso-
ciated component(s).
NOTE: Connectors numbered CN and FS are listed after the P and J connectors.
The following plug/jack locations are divided into 4 separate tables: Table 1, IOT Plug/Jack
location List; Table 2, Integrated Office Finisher Plug/Jack Location list: Table 3, Office Finisher
LX Plug/Jack Location List; and Table 4, HCF Plug/Jack Location list.
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-4 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Plug/Jack Locations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
IOT Plug/Jack location List
Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List
P/J No. Figure No. Item No. Remarks (where to connect)
P620 Figure 19 1 ROS
F1 Figure 2 12 DADF
P1 Figure 15 MCU PWB
P/J1 Figure 1 7 Control Panel PWB
P/J1 Figure 1 11 USB(UI)
P/J1 Figure 16 9 Main Low Voltage Power Supply
F2 Figure 2 13 DADF
P2 Figure 15 MCU PWB
P/J2 Figure 1 9 Control Panel PWB
P/J2 Figure 16 7 Main Low Voltage Power Supply
P/J3 Figure 1 8 Control Panel PWB
P/J3 Figure 16 8 Main Low Voltage Power Supply
P/J5 Figure 1 5 PWB(UI)
P/J6 Figure 1 6 PWB(UI)
P/J7 Figure 1 3 PWB(DSP)
F10 Figure 11 9 Fuser
P/J10 Figure 17 4 GFI Breaker
P/J11 Figure 1 10 UI Function PWB
P/J11 Figure 17 5 GFI Breaker
P/J12 Figure 5 12 Main Power/FrontCover Interlock Switch
P/J13 Figure 5 11 Main Power/FrontCover Interlock Switch
P/J14 Figure 5 9 Main Power/FrontCover Interlock Switch
P/J15 Figure 1 4 UI 10Key PWB
P/J15 Figure 5 10 Main Power Switch
P/J16 Figure 17 2 GFI Chassis
P/J17 Figure 17 3 GFI Chassis
P/J18 Figure 17 7 GFI Chassis
P/J19 Figure 17 9 GFI Chassis
P30 Figure 13 15 AC Driver PWB
P31 Figure 13 14 AC Driver PWB
P/J51 Figure 17 6 GFI Chassis
P/J52 Figure 17 13 GFI Chassis
P/J53 Figure 17 8 GFI Chassis
P/J80 Figure 17 11 GFI Chassis
P/J81 Figure 17 12 GFI Chassis
P/J90 Figure 17 20 GFI Chassis
P/J91 Figure 17 14 GFI Chassis
P/J92 Figure 17 15 GFI Chassis
P/J93 Figure 17 19 GFI Chassis
P/J94 Figure 17 18 GFI Chassis
P/J95 Figure 17 17 GFI Chassis
P/J102 Figure 20 4 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensor
P/J102 Figure 5 5 Toner Crum PWB
P/J108 Figure 6 2 MSI Paper Size Sensor
P/J108 Figure 10 1 Duplex Cover Open Switch
P/J103 Figure 20 11 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor
P/J109 Figure 6 1 MSI No Paper Sensor
P/J109 Figure 10 2 Duplex Path Sensor
P/J104 Figure 20 10 Tray Module L/H Cover Switch
P/J105 Figure 8 3 Tray 1 Nudger Level Sensor
P/J106 Figure 8 2 Tray 1 No Paper Sensor
P/J107 Figure 8 2 Tray 1 Pre Feed Sensor
P/J108 Figure 20 6 Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor
P/J110 Figure 8 5 Feed Out Sensor 2
P/J110 Figure 20 2 Tray 3 No Paper Sensor
P/J111 Figure 8 6 L/H Lower Cover Interlock Switch
P/J111 Figure 20 3 Tray 3 Nudger Level Sensor
P/J112 Figure 8 3 Tray 2 Nudger Level Sensor
P/J113 Figure 8 2 Tray 2 No Paper Sensor
P/J114 Figure 8 4 Tray 2 Pre Feed Sensor
P/J114 Figure 20 2 Tray 4 No Paper Sensor
P/J115 Figure 9 5 Exit Sensor 2
P/J115 Figure 20 3 Tray 4 Nudger Level Sensor
P/J116 Figure 9 4 L/H Upper Cover Interlock Switch
P/J116 Figure 20 5 Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor
P/J117 Figure 9 1 Face up Tray Detect Switch
P/J118 Figure 5 18
P/J119 Figure 9 7 OCT Tray Home Sensor
P/J121 Figure 7 3 Registration Sensor
P/J122 Figure 18 1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensor
P/J123 Figure 18 2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor
P131 Figure 11 Fuser
P132 Figure 11 Fuser
P/J140 Figure 19 ROS Unit
P/J150 Figure 7 2 Hum & Temp Sensor
P/J160 Figure 19 ROS Unit
P/J170 Figure 19 ROS Unit
P/J200 Figure 5 4 CRU Fan
P/J201 Figure 5 1 Drum/IBT Drive Motor
P/J202 Figure 13 4 Drum/IBT Drive Motor
Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List
P/J No. Figure No. Item No. Remarks (where to connect)
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7-5 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Plug/Jack Locations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
P203 Figure 13 Drum/IBT Drive Motor
P/J207 Figure 6 4 MSI Feed Solenoid
P204 Figure 13 Drum/IBT Drive Motor
P205 Figure 13 Main Drive Motor
P/J206 Figure 10 3 Duplex Motor
P/J208 Figure 9 3 Face Up Gate Solenoid
P/J209 Figure 9 6 Exit Gate solenoid
P/J210 Figure 13 5 Fuser Exhaust Fan
P/J211 Figure 7 1 Regi. Clutch
P/J213 Figure 13 7
P/J214 Figure 9 2 Exit Motor 2
P/J215 Figure 8 1 Tray 1 Feed/Lift Motor
P/J216 Figure 8 1 Tray 2 Feed/Lift Motor
P/J217 Figure 9 8 Exit Motor 1(OCT)
P/J222 Figure 20 1 Tray 3/4 Feeder (TTM)
P/J223 Figure 20 1 Tray 3/4 Feeder (TTM)
P/J224 Figure 21 15 TM Take Away Motor(2TM)
P/J300 Figure 14 15 ESS PWB
P/J302 Figure 14 21 ESS PWB
P/J320 Figure 14 12 ESS PWB
P/J328 Figure 14 14 ESS PWB
P/J330 Figure 14 2 ESS PWB
P/J332 Figure 14 16 ESS PWB
P/J336 Figure 14 20 ESS PWB
P/J340 Figure 14 10 ESS PWB
P/J342 Figure 14 5 ESS PWB
P/J343 Figure 14 17 ESS PWB
P/J344 Figure 14 6 ESS PWB
P/J345 Figure 14 7 ESS PWB
P/J346 Figure 14 8 ESS PWB
P/J351 Figure 14 4 ESS PWB
P/J352 Figure 12 4 FAX
P/J352 Figure 14 18 ESS PWB
P/J353 Figure 12 5
P/J355 Figure 12 1
P/J356 Figure 12 6
P/J363 Figure 12 2
P/J364 Figure 12 3
P/J380 Figure 14 9
P/J390 Figure 14 19 ESS PWB
P/J400 Figure 15 1 MCU PWB
Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List
P/J No. Figure No. Item No. Remarks (where to connect)
P/J401 Figure 15 4 MCU PWB
P/J402 Figure 15 5 MCU PWB
P/J403 Figure 15 6 MCU PWB
P/J404 Figure 15 12 MCU PWB
P/J405 Figure 15 13 MCU PWB
P/J406 Figure 15 14 MCU PWB
P/J407 Figure 15 9 MCU PWB
P/J408 Figure 15 11 MCU PWB
P/J409 Figure 15 10 MCU PWB
P/J410 Figure 15 24 MCU PWB
P/J411 Figure 15 23 MCU PWB
P/J412 Figure 15 26 MCU PWB
P/J413 Figure 15 22 MCU PWB
P/J414 Figure 15 25 MCU PWB
P/J415 Figure 15 16 MCU PWB
P/J416 Figure 15 15 MCU PWB
P/J417 Figure 15 8 MCU PWB
P/J419 Figure 15 2 MCU PWB
P/J422 Figure 15 18 MCU PWB
P423 Figure 15 17 MCU PWB
P/J423 Figure 20 12 Relay Connector
P/J426 Figure 15 20 MCU PWB
P500 Figure 5 13 Main Power
P/J501 Figure 16 5
P/J502 Figure 16 3 Main LVPS
P/J503 Figure 16 1
P/J505 Figure 16 4
P/J506 Figure 16 2
P530 Figure 13 16 AC Driver PWB
P/J541 Figure 21 1 Tray Module PWB
P/J548 Figure 21 18 Tray Module PWB
P/J554 Figure 21 16 Tray Module PWB
P/J555 Figure 21 2 Tray Module PWB
P/J602 Figure 10 4 Relay Connector
P/J603 Figure 8 11 Relay Connector
P/J605 Figure 8 8 Relay Connector
P/J606 Figure 8 9 Relay Connector
P/J607 Figure 9 9 Relay Connector
P/J613 Figure 13 Relay Connector
P/J614 Figure 6 14 Relay Connector
P/J614 Figure 11 1 Fuser
Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List
P/J No. Figure No. Item No. Remarks (where to connect)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-6 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Plug/Jack Locations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
P/J608 Figure 6 3 Relay Connector
P/J615 Figure 5 17 Relay Connector
P/J616 Figure 9 10 Relay Connector
P/J617 Figure 8 10 Relay Connector
P/J618 Figure 8 7 Relay Connector
P/J620 Figure 19 ROS Motor
J621 Figure 11 Fuser
P/J662 Figure 20 8 Relay Connector
P/J663 Figure 20 15 Relay Connector
P/J671 Figure 20 7 Relay connector
P/J672 Figure 20 9 Relay Connector
P/J673 Figure 20 14 Relay Connector
P/J674 Figure 20 13 Relay Connector
P/J700 Figure 4 4 IIT (CCD Lens Assembly)
P/J710 Figure 4 18 IIT PWB
P/J720 Figure 4 14 IIT PWB
P/J721 Figure 4 3 IIT PWB
P/J722 Figure 4 13 IIT PWB
P/J723 Figure 4 2 IIT PWB
P/J724 Figure 4 19 IIT PWB
P/J751 Figure 3 12 DADF
P/J752 Figure 3 11 DADF
P/J753 Figure 3 10 DADF
P/J754 Figure 3 4 DADF
P/J755 Figure 3 9 DADF
P/J756 Figure 3 3 DADF
P/J757 Figure 3 1 DADF PWB
P/J758 Figure 3 2 DADF PWB
J759 Figure 3 14
J760 Figure 3 13
P/J761 Figure 2 18 DADF PWB
P/J762 Figure 2 3
P/J763 Figure 2 2
P/J764 Figure 2 1 DADF PWB
P/J765 Figure 2 17
P/J766 Figure 2 10 Relay Connector
P/J767 Figure 2 4
P/J768 Figure 2 5
P/J769 Figure 2 6
P/J770 Figure 2 11 Relay Connector
P/J771 Figure 3 5
Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List
P/J No. Figure No. Item No. Remarks (where to connect)
P/J772 Figure 3 6 DADF PWB
P/J773 Figure 2 7
P/J774 Figure 2 9
P/J775 Figure 2 8
P/J776 Figure 3 8
P/J777 Figure 3 7
P/J778 Figure 2 15
P/J779 Figure 2 14
P/J780 Figure 2 16
P/J791 Figure 2 19
P/J903 Figure 17 1 Relay Connector
P930/J96 Figure 4 1
P/J931 Figure 4 8 Heater
P/J932 Figure 4 9 Heater
P/J999 Figure 5 16 CRUM PWB
P/J1310 Figure 14 1
P/J1323 Figure 14 11 ESS PWB
P/J1324 Figure 14 13
P/J7001 Figure 4 21 LED Lamp
P/J7191 Figure 4 17 IIT
P/J7192 Figure 4 5 IIT
P/J7251 Figure 4 12 IIT
P/J7252 Figure 4 11
P/J7253 Figure 4 10
P/J7254 Figure 4 6
P/J7256 Figure 4 7
P/J7258 Figure 4 20 Carriage Motor
P/J7501 Figure 4 16 IIT
P/J7502 Figure 4 15 IIT
Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List
P/J No. Figure No. Item No. Remarks (where to connect)
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7-7 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Plug/Jack Locations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Integrated Office Finisher Plug/Jack Location List
Table 2 Integrated Office Finisher Plug/Jack Location List
Number Figure Title
P/J8700 2 2 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8701 2 1 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8702 2 11 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8703 2 10 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8704 2 13 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8705 2 12 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8706 2 8 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8707 2 3 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8708 2 17 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8709 2 16 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8710 2 9 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8711 2 4 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8721 3 2 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
P/J8722 3 1 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
P/J8723 3 6 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
P/J8724 1 1 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8725 3 11 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
P/J8726 1 7 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8727 1 9 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8728 1 8 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8729 1 6 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8730 1 2 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8731 1 4 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8732 1 3 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8733 2 14 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8734 2 15 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8735 1 5 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
P/J8736 3 5 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
J8737A 3 9 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
J8737B 3 9 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
J8738A 3 10 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
J8738B 3 10 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
P/J8739 2 7 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8740 2 5 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
P/J8741 2 6 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
J8742A 3 7 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
J8742B 3 8 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
CN3 3 4 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
CN4 3 3 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
Table 2 Integrated Office Finisher Plug/Jack Location List
Number Figure Title
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7-8 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Plug/Jack Locations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Location List
HCF Plug/Jack Location List
Table 3 Office Finisher (LX) Plug/Jack List
Number Figure Title
P/J590 3 15 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J591 3 14 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8860 1 1 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
J8861 1 4 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
P/J8862 1 2 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
J8863 1 7 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
P8863 1 5 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
J8864 1 8 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
J8865 1 10 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
J8866 1 6 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
P/J8867 1 9 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
J8868 4 4 Finisher (LX) Eject
J8869 4 3 Finisher (LX) Eject
J8870 3 24 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8871 3 23 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8872 3 21 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8873 3 2 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8874 3 1 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8875 3 22 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8876 4 5 Finisher (LX) Eject
P/J8877 3 20 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8878 3 7 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8879 3 5 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8880 4 7 Finisher (LX) Eject
J8881 4 11 Finisher (LX) Eject
J8882 4 6 Finisher (LX) Eject
P/J8883 4 8 Finisher (LX) Eject
P/J8884 4 10 Finisher (LX) Eject
J8885 2 7 Finisher (LX) Front
J8886 2 6 Finisher (LX) Front
J8887 2 5 Finisher (LX) Front
P/J8888 4 9 Finisher (LX) Eject
J8889 3 3 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8890 3 4 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8891 4 2 Finisher (LX) Eject
P/J8892 5 1 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
P/J8893 5 2 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
J8894 6 1 Booklet Maker PWB
J8895 6 3 Booklet Maker PWB
P/J8896 5 7 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
J8897 5 4 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
J8898 5 5 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
J8899 5 6 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
J8900 5 8 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
J8901 5 3 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
P/J8903 2 2 Finisher (LX) Front
P8903 4 1 Finisher (LX) Eject
J8904 2 3 Finisher (LX) Front
P/J8905 2 4 Finisher (LX) Front
P/J8906 6 2 Booklet Maker PWB
J8980 3 19 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8981 3 10 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8982 3 18 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8983 3 9 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8984 3 6 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8985 6 4 Booklet Maker PWB
P8985 3 17 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8986 3 8 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8987 1 3 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
P8987 3 16 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8988 3 11 Finisher (LX) Rear
J8989 3 13 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8990 3 12 Finisher (LX) Rear
P/J8991 6 9 Booklet Maker PWB
P/J8992 6 7 Booklet Maker PWB
P/J8993 6 6 Booklet Maker PWB
P/J8994 6 5 Booklet Maker PWB
P/J8995 6 8 Booklet Maker PWB
Table 4 Plug/Jack List
Number Remarks
FS001 Figure 1 4 HCF Top Cover Interlock
FS002 Figure 1 4 HCF Top Cover Interlock
FS003 Figure 1 9 HCF Docking Interlock Switch
Table 3 Office Finisher (LX) Plug/Jack List
Number Figure Title
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-9 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Plug/Jack Locations, IOT Plug/Jack Illustrations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
IOT Plug/Jack Illustrations
Figure 1 UI
FS004 Figure 1 9 HCF Docking Interlock Switch
PF/JF01 Figure 2 4 HCF PWB
PF/JF02 Figure 2 5 HCF PWB
PF/JF03 Figure 2 6 HCF PWB
PF/JF04 Figure 2 7 HCF PWB
PF/JF05 Figure 2 8 HCF PWB
PF/JF06 Figure 2 9 HCF PWB
PF/JF08 Figure 2 3 HCF PWB
PF/JF51 Figure 2 2 HCF (Tray 6 Size Sensor (Letter))
PF/JF52 Figure 2 1 HCF (Tray 6 Size Sensor (A4))
PF/JF53 Figure 2 10 HCF (Tray 6 In Sensor )
PF/JF54 Figure 1 3 HCF
PF/JF56 Figure 1 10 HCF
PF/JF56A Figure 1 10 HCF
PF/JF56B Figure 1 10 HCF
PF/JF57 Figure 2 11 HCF (Tray 6 Takeaway Motor)
PF/JF58 Figure 1 1 HCF (Tray 6 Lift Feed Motor)
PF/JF59 Figure 1 2 HCF
PF/JF60 Figure 1 8 HCF
PF/JF61 Figure 1 6 HCF (Tray 6 Pre Feed Sensor)
PF/JF62 Figure 1 7 HCF (Tray 6 Stack Height Sensor)
PF/JF67 Figure 1 5 HCF (Tray 6 Feed Out Sensor)
Table 4 Plug/Jack List
Number Remarks
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-10 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT Plug/Jack Illustrations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 DADF Rear Location Figure 3 DADF PWB
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Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 4 IIT Figure 5 Main Power/FrontCover Interlock Switch
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Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 6 MSI Figure 7 Registration
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Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 8 Tray1/2 Feeder Figure 9 L/H Side
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Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 10 Duplex Cover
Figure 11 Fuser
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Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 12 Fax Figure 13 AC Driver PWB, Dev, Drive Motor
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Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 14 ESS
Figure 15 MCU PWB
P/J1323 P/J320
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-17 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT Plug/Jack Illustrations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 16 LVPS PWB Figure 17 GFI Chassis
(FX Only)
(FX Only)
(FX Only)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-18 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT Plug/Jack Illustrations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 18 Tray 1 / Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor Figure 19 ROS
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7-19 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT Plug/Jack Illustrations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 20 Tray 3/4 Feeder (TTM) Figure 21 Tray3/4 Feeder, Tray Module PWB, TM Take Away Motor
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-20 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Integrated Office Finisher
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Integrated Office Finisher Plug/Jack Illustrations
Figure 1 Integrated Office Finisher Front Location
Figure 2 Integrated Office Finisher PWB Location
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-21 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Integrated Office Finisher, Office Finisher LX Plug/
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 Integrated Office Finisher Bottom Location
Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Illustrations
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-22 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Illustrations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Plug/Jack Illustrations
Figure 1 Finisher (LX) Horizontal Transport
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7-23 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Illustrations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 2 Finisher (LX) Front
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7-24 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Illustrations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 3 Finisher (LX) Rear
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-25 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Illustrations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 4 Finisher (LX) Eject
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7-26 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Illustrations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 5 Booklet Maker Stapler Assembly
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-27 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Office Finisher LX Plug/Jack Illustrations
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 6 Booklet Maker PWB
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-28 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation HCF Plug/Jack Illustrations
Initial Issue Wiring Data
HCF Plug/Jack Illustrations
Plug/Jack Illustrations
Figure 1 HCF 1/2
Figure 2 HCF 2/2
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-29 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
IOT wirenets
Figure 1 ACH Wirenet
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7-30 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 ACN Wirenet
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7-31 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 +2.5VDC/3.3VDC Wirenets
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7-32 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 4 +5VDC Wirenet (1 of 2)
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7-33 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 5 +5VDC Wirenet (2 of 2)
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7-34 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 6 5V RTN Wirenet (1 of 3)
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7-35 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 7 5V RTN Wirenet (2 of 3)
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7-36 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 8 5V RTN Wirenet (3 of 3)
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7-37 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 9 +24 VDC Wirenet (1 of 2)
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7-38 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 10 +24 VDC Wirenet (2 of 2)
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7-39 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IOT wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 11 24V RTN Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-40 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IIT/DADF Wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
IIT/DADF Wirenets
Figure 1 IIT +3.3/+5/+24 VDC Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-41 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IIT/DADF Wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 2 IIT 3.3/5/24V RTN Wirenet
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7-42 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IIT/DADF Wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 3 DADF +5VDC Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-43 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IIT/DADF Wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 4 DADF 5V RTN Wirenet
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7-44 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IIT/DADF Wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 5 DADF +24VDC Wirenet
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7-45 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation IIT/DADF Wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 6 DADF 24V RTN Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-46 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Integrated Finisher Wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Integrated Finisher Wirenets
Figure 1 Integrated Office Finisher +5VDC Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-47 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Integrated Finisher Wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 2 Integrated Office Finisher +24VDC Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-48 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Integrated Finisher Wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 3 Integrated Office Finisher DC RTN Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-49 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation LX Finisher Wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
LX Finisher Wirenets
Figure 1 Office Finisher LX +5VDC Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-50 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation LX Finisher Wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 Office Finisher LX +24VDC Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-51 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation LX Finisher Wirenets
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 Office Finisher LX DC RTN Wirenet
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-52 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation LX Finisher Wirenets
Initial Issue Wiring Data
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-53 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
Chain 1
BSD 1.1 - Main Power on (1 of 2)
BSD 1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)
BSD 1.3 - LVPS Control
BSD 1.4 - DC Power Generation (1 of 2)
BSD 1.5 - DC Power Generation (2 of 2)
BSD 1.6 - IIT DC Power Distribution
BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options)
BSD 1.8 - Power Interlock Switching (1 of 2)
BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
BSD 1.10 - PWB Location
BSD 1.11 - HCF Power Distribution
Chain 2
BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
Chain 3
BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
BSD 3.2 - -MCU-Tray Module Communication
BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
BSD 3.4 - ESS-UI Communication
BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
BSD 3.6 - IOT-Finisher Communication
BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
BSD 3.9 - Download Interface
BSD 3.10 - MCU-HCF Communications
Chain 4
BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
Chain 5
BSD 5.1 - Document Setting
BSD 5.2 - Document Size Sensing (1 of 2)
BSD 5.3 Document Size Sensing (2 of 2)
BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
BSD 5.7 - Document Exit Transportation
BSD 5.8 - Document Path
BSD 5.9 - Document Transmission
Chain 6
BSD 6.1 - Document Illumination
BSD 6.2 - Copy Image Flow
BSD 6.3 - Scan Image Flow
BSD 6.4 - Print Image Flow
BSD 6.5 - Fax Image Flow
BSD 6.6 - Image Input
BSD 6.7 - Platen Document Sensing
BSD 6.8 - ROS Laser Control (1 of 2)
BSD 6.9 - ROS Laser Control (2 of 2)
Chain 7
BSD 7.1 - Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
BSD 7.2 - Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
BSD 7.3 - Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
BSD 7.4 - Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-54 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
Initial Issue Wiring Data
BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking
BSD 7.6 - Tray 2 Paper Stacking
BSD 7.7 - Tray 3 Paper Stacking (TTM)
BSD 7.8 - Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
BSD 7.9 - Tray 5 (MSI) Paper Stacking
BSD 7.10 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Stacking
BSD 7.11 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Size Sensing
Chain 8
BSD 8.1 - Trays 1~5 Paper Feeding
BSD 8.2 - IOT Paper Transportation
BSD 8.3 - Paper Transportation (Tandem Tray Module)
BSD 8.4 - Tandem Tray Module Takeaway Drive
BSD 8.5 - Registration
BSD 8.6 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Feeding
8.7 HCF (Tray 6) Paper Transportation
Chain 9
BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
BSD 9.2 - Charging and Exposure
BSD 9.3 - Development and Toner Dispense Control
BSD 9.4 - Transfer
BSD 9.5 Drum Drive Control
Chain 10
BSD 10.1 - Fusing Heat Control
BSD 10.2 - Fusing
BSD 10.3 - Exit Transportation
BSD 10.4 - Exit 2 Drive
BSD 10. 5 - Duplex
BSD 10.6 - Exit 1 Drive/OCT Control
Chain 12
BSD 12.1 - Integrated Finisher DC Power and Interlock Switching
BSD 12.2 - IOTIntegrated Finisher Communication
BSD 12.3 - Integrated Finisher Transportation
BSD 12.4 - Integrated Finisher Tamping and Offset
BSD 12.5 - Integrated Finisher Staple Control
BSD 12.6 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (1 of 2)
BSD 12.7 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (2 of 2)
BSD 12.8 - Integrated Finisher Stacker Tray Control
BSD 12.10 - Office Finisher LX DC Power Generation
BSD 12.11 - Office Finisher LX DC Power Distribution
BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
BSD 12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching
BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
BSD 12.16 - Office Finisher LX Transportation
BSD 12.17 - Office Finisher LX Folding
BSD 12.18 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (1 of 2)
BSD 12.19 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2)
BSD 12.20 - Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning
BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control
BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
BSD 12.23 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2)
BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-55 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
Wiring Data Initial Issue
BSD 12.26 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (1 of 2 - Front)
BSD 12.27 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (2 of 2 - Rear)
Chain 16
BSD 16.1 - ESS
Chain 34
BSD 34.1 - FAX
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-56 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Chain 1 - Input Power
Figure 1 BSD 1.1 - Main Power on (1 of 2)
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7-57 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 2 BSD 1.2 - Main Power on (2 of 2)
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7-58 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 3 BSD 1.3 - LVPS Control
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7-59 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 4 BSD 1.4 - DC Power Generation (1 of 2)
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7-60 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 5 BSD 1.5 - DC Power Generation (2 of 2)
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7-61 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 6 BSD 1.6 - IIT DC Power Distribution
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7-62 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 7 BSD 1.7 - DC Power Distribution (options)
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7-63 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 8 BSD 1.8 - Power Interlock Switching (1 of 2)
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7-64 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 9 BSD 1.9 - Power Interlock Switching (2 of 2)
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7-65 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 10 BSD 1.10 - PWB Location
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7-66 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 1 - Input Power
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 11 BSD 1.11 - HCF Power Distribution
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7-67 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 2 - User Interface
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Chain 2 - User Interface
Figure 1 BSD 2.1 - User Interface (UI)
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7-68 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Figure 1 BSD 3.1 - ESS-MCU Communication
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7-69 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 2 BSD 3.2 - -MCU-Tray Module Communication
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7-70 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 3 BSD 3.3 - ESS-IIT Communication
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7-71 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 4 BSD 3.4 - ESS-UI Communication
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7-72 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 5 BSD 3.5 - ESS-DADF Communication
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7-73 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 6 BSD 3.6 - IOT-Finisher Communication
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7-74 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 7 BSD 3.7 - ESS-FDI Communication
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7-75 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 8 BSD 3.8 - Electronic Billing
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7-76 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 9 BSD 3.9 - Download Interface
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7-77 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 3 - Machine Run Control
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 10 BSD 3.10 - MCU-HCF Communications
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7-78 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 4 - Drives
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Chain 4 - Drives
Figure 1 BSD 4.1 - Main Drive Control
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7-79 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Chain 5 - Document Input
Figure 1 BSD 5.1 - Document Setting
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7-80 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 BSD 5.2 - Document Size Sensing (1 of 2)
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7-81 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 BSD 5.3 Document Size Sensing (2 of 2)
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7-82 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 4 BSD 5.4 - Document Feed (1 of 2)
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7-83 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 5 BSD 5.5 - Document Feed (2 of 2)
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7-84 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 6 BSD 5.6 - Document Scan and Invert
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7-85 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 7 BSD 5.7 - Document Exit Transportation
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7-86 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 8 BSD 5.8 - Document Path
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7-87 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 5 - Document Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 9 BSD 5.9 - Document Transmission
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-88 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Figure 1 BSD 6.1 - Document Illumination
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7-89 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 2 BSD 6.2 - Copy Image Flow
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7-90 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 3 BSD 6.3 - Scan Image Flow
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7-91 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 4 BSD 6.4 - Print Image Flow
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7-92 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 5 BSD 6.5 - Fax Image Flow
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7-93 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 6 BSD 6.6 - Image Input
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7-94 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 7 BSD 6.7 - Platen Document Sensing
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7-95 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 8 BSD 6.8 - Laser Control and Scanning
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7-96 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 6 - Scanning and Image Input
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 9 BSD 6.9 - ROS Motor Control
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-97 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Figure 1 BSD 7.1 - Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
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7-98 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 BSD 7.2 - Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
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7-99 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 BSD 7.3 - Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
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7-100 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 4 BSD 7.4 - Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
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7-101 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 5 BSD 7.5 - Tray 1 Paper Stacking
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7-102 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 6 BSD 7.6 - Tray 2 Paper Stacking
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7-103 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 7 BSD 7.7 - Tray 3 Paper Stacking (TTM)
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7-104 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 8 BSD 7.8 - Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
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7-105 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 9 BSD 7.9 - Tray 5 (MSI) Paper Stacking
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7-106 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 10 BSD 7.10 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Stacking
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7-107 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 7 - Paper Supply
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 11 BSD 7.11 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Size Sensing
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7-108 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Chain 8 - Paper Feed
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7-109 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 1 BSD 8.1 - Trays 1~5 Paper Feeding
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7-110 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 BSD 8.2 - IOT Paper Transportation
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7-111 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 BSD 8.3 - Paper Transportation (Tandem Tray Module)
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7-112 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 4 BSD 8.4 - Tandem Tray Module Takeaway Drive
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7-113 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 5 BSD 8.5 - Registration
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7-114 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 6 BSD 8.6 - HCF (Tray 6) Paper Feeding
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7-115 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 7 8.7 HCF (Tray 6) Paper Transportation
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7-116 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Chain 9 - Xerographics and Marking
Figure 1 BSD 9.1 - CRU Life Control
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7-117 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 2 BSD 9.2 - Charging and Exposure
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7-118 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 3 BSD 9.3 - Development and Toner Dispense Control
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7-119 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 4 BSD 9.4 - Transfer
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7-120 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 5 BSD 9.5 Drum Drive Control
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7-121 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 10 - Fusing and Post-Fuser Transport
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Chain 10 - Fusing and Post-Fuser Transport
Figure 1 BSD 10.1 - Fusing Heat Control
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7-122 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 10 - Fusing and Post-Fuser Transport
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 BSD 10.2 - Fusing
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7-123 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 10 - Fusing and Post-Fuser Transport
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 BSD 10.3 - Exit Transportation
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7-124 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 10 - Fusing and Post-Fuser Transport
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 4 BSD 10.4 - Exit 2 Drive
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7-125 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 10 - Fusing and Post-Fuser Transport
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 5 BSD 10. 5 - Duplex
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7-126 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 10 - Fusing and Post-Fuser Transport
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 6 BSD Exit 1 Drive/OCT Control
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7-127 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Figure 1 BSD 12.1 - Integrated Finisher DC Power and Interlock Switching
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7-128 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 BSD 12.2 - IOTIntegrated Finisher Communication
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7-129 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 BSD 12.3 - Integrated Finisher Transportation
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7-130 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 4 BSD 12.4 - Integrated Finisher Tamping and Offset
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7-131 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 5 BSD 12.5 - Integrated Finisher Staple Control
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7-132 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 6 BSD 12.6 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (1 of 2)
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7-133 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 7 BSD 12.7 - Integrated Finisher Set Eject (2 of 2)
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7-134 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Integrated Office Finisher
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 8 BSD 12.8 - Integrated Finisher Stacker Tray Control
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-135 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Figure 1 BSD 12.10 - Office Finisher LX DC Power Generation
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7-136 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 2 BSD 12.11 - Office Finisher LX DC Power Distribution
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-137 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 3 BSD 12.12 - Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-138 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 4 BSD 12.13 - Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching
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7-139 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 5 BSD 12.14 - Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transportation
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7-140 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 6 BSD 12.15 - Office Finisher LX Punch
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-141 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 7 BSD 12.16 - Office Finisher LX Transportation
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7-142 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 8 BSD 12.17 - Office Finisher LX Folding
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-143 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 9 BSD 12.18 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (1 of 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-144 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 10 BSD 12.19 - Office Finisher LX Tamping & Offset (2 of 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-145 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 11 BSD 12.20 - Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-146 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 12 BSD 12.21 - Office Finisher LX Staple Control
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-147 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 13 BSD 12.22 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-148 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 14 BSD 12.23 - Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-149 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 15 BSD 12.24 - Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-150 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 16 BSD 12.25 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Positioning
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-151 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 17 BSD 12.26 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (1 of 2 - Front)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-152 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 12 - Office Finisher LX
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Figure 18 BSD 12.27 - Office Finisher Booklet Staple Control (2 of 2 - Rear)
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-153 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 16
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Chain 16
Figure 1 BSD 16.1 - ESS
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-154 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 34
Initial Issue Wiring Data
Chain 34
BUS Updated 12/2011
7-155 WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation Chain 34
Wiring Data Initial Issue
Figure 1 BSD 34.1 - FAX