Solar - Costing For 100mw
Solar - Costing For 100mw
Solar - Costing For 100mw
Internal Rate of Return:
The discount rate often used in capital budgeting that makes the net present value of all cash flows
from a particular project equal to zero. Generally speaking, the higher a projects Internal Rate of Return, the
more desirable it is undertake the project.
IRR = +
Levelized cost of energy production (LCOE):
The cost of energy production from the solar PV power plant is estimated taking into 25 years of plant
life with 20% degradation for 25 years.
100 KW Solar PV power plant financial analysis:
Total project cost:
With battery: 9603445
Without battery: 8814445
Calculation of NPV, IRR, and LCOE values for Solar PV power systems (with and without battery) at
different capital costs and Interest Rates.
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)
e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925
PP 09-15
International Conference on Innovative Management Strategies 14 | Page
Madanapalle Institute Of Technology & Science, Bangalore, INDIA
Capital cost Interest Rates
0% 10% 13%
Capital cost
NPV With battery 0.16crores 0.01crores 0.06crores
Without battery 0.20crores 0.04crores 0.01crores
IRR With battery 31.81% 14.92% 10.59%
Without battery 37.78% 20.56% 14.98%
10% increase in
capital cost
NPV With battery 0.51crores 0.23crores 0.13crores
Without battery 0.80crores 0.63crores 0.57crores
IRR With battery 41.28% 26.67% 21.60%
Without battery 82.91% 69.13% 64.78%
10% decrease in
capital cost
NPV With battery 0.85crores 0.70crores 0.64crores
Without battery 0.89crores 0.75crores 0.70crores
IRR With battery 96.01% 82.46% 97.28%
Without battery 107.07% 93.66% 88.88%
Capital Cost
Interest Rates
0% 10% 13%
Original capital
With Battery -- 5.3
5.3 Rs.CAD/KWh
Without Battery -- 5.0
5.0 Rs.CAD/KWh
10% increase in
capital cost
With Battery -- -- 5.7 Rs.CAD/KWh
Without Battery -- -- --
10% decrease in
capital cost
With Battery -- -- --
Without Battery -- -- --
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)
e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925
PP 09-15
International Conference on Innovative Management Strategies 15 | Page
Madanapalle Institute Of Technology & Science, Bangalore, INDIA
VII. Conclusions:
Total investment: 96 lakhs for 100kW roof top solar PV power plant with battery backup, 88 lakhs for
without battery backup.
The acceptable NPV cost with and without battery is 0.06 and 0.01 crores respectively with the interest
rate of 13%.
The acceptable IRR with and without battery is 10.59% and 14.98% respectively with the interest rate
of 13%.
The preferable LCOE with and without battery is 5.3 and 5.0 with the interest rate of 13%.
7. Suggestions:
Installing of 100KW solar PV power system with battery (9603445) and without battery (8814445) can
be undertaken at an interest rate of 13%.
With increase/decreases in capital cost at 10%, also the solar PV system can be installed at the interest
rate of 13%.
The authors wish to record their appreciation for the MITS college management for their support.
[1] India Solar Compass-January 2014, journal published on India Solar Market by Bridge to
[2] Development of Financial Model of Bankable Feasibility Analysis of a 1MW Rooftop Solar PV Project in India- a project report
by Abhishek Chaudary-under NPTI (National Power Training Institute)-for LAHMEYER INTERNATIONAL.