13 Prague
13 Prague
13 Prague
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the confessor of the Queen of Bohemia
and refused to give away any of the
Queens secrets. John angered the King
when he confirmed the appointment of
the new Abbot of Kladruby Monastery
against the Kings will. For this, John
was tortured to death and his dead body
was thrown into the Vltava River. Later, he
was proclaimed saint, and today he is
venerated by many believers.
The Old Town Square is another
significant historical spot. It used to
be the most important market place
in Prague and the scene of many
historical events. Its main monument is
the Old Town Hall with its worldfamous
astronomical clock. There are also
two famous churches on the Old Town
Square: the Gothic Tn Church and the
Baroque St. Nicholas Church.
The Estates Theatre is near the Old
Town Square. The world premiere of
Mozarts opera Don Giovanni took place
there in 1787. Mozart visited Prague a few
times. He stayed mainly at Bertramka in
Smchov as a guest of Czech composer
F. X. Duek and his wife Josefine. The
house has now been converted into
a Mozart museum where it is possible to
see the composers personal belongings,
letters, music manuscripts and old
musical instruments.
The Lesser Quarter
Near Charles bridge lies Kampa Island,
separated from the Lesser Quarter by
Prague history
The city, established in the 9
century, was
the seat of Czech princes and later kings of
Bohemia and became the political heart of
the Czech State. Charles IV (1316 1378),
Bohemian King and Holy Roman Emperor,
chose the city as the capital of his whole
Empire. He founded Charles University,
St. Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge and
the New Town. Many of the most beautiful
things we associate with Prague can be
traced back to Charles IV.
Many important figures have passed
through Prague, and many events have
occurred in the city as well. Prague is
connected with the Czech religious
reformer Jan Hus and the Hussite
movement. Prague was also where the
Thirty Years War began with the uprising
of the Czech Estates in the early
century. The Czech National Revival
in the 19
century restored once again
Pragues prominence and the National
Theatre was built to express this feeling of
national pride for Czechs. The building itself
was financed from money collected by the
Czech people. In 1918, the city became the
capital of the independent Czechoslovakia
and after the peaceful division of
Czechoslovakia in 1993, it became the
capital of the Czech Republic.
A variety of architecture can be seen
all over the city from the Gothic St. Vitus
Cathedral to the Art Noveau Municipal
House and even modern designs like the
Dancing House.
Prague districts
The old centre of Prague consists of five
historical districts. Old Town, New Town
and Josefov (the former Jewish Town) are
situated on the right bank of the Vltava.
The Lesser Quarter and Hradany (the
Castle District) are on the left bank.
The Old Town
Charles Bridge ranks among the greatest
monuments in Prague. Its construction
began on 9
July 1357 at 5.31 a.m.
According to astrologists at the time, it
was the best date and time for laying the
foundation stone. While the bridge was
being built, the builders added eggs to the
mortar to make a strong substance to hold
the bridge together. People from all over
the country gave eggs to help the cause.
Legend has it that one village didnt quite
understand the concept and sent the eggs
to Prague hard-boiled!
Charles Bridge is 516 meters long
and 10 meters wide. It is an openair
gallery of unique Baroque statues. In
about the middle of the bridge stands
the statue of St. John of Nepomuk. He
lived in the 14
century and held the
position of General Vicar. He was also
At the beginning of the 19th century,
Bernardo Bolzano, a famous mathematician
and philosopher, counted 103 towers and
spires in Prague and thats how the city got
its nickname City of a hundred spires.
Prague: city of history
and beauty
Before the St. Vitus Cathedral was built, there
was a rotunda founded by Wenceslas I, Duke of
Bohemia. Charles IV ordered the bulding of the
gothic cathedral, and it took almost 600 years to
complete it was finished only in the 20th century.
17 17
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a small canal called ertovka. In the past
there used to be many mills on Kampa
and two big wooden mill wheels are still
preserved today.
The Church of St. Nicholas, at the
center of the Lesser Quarter, is one of
the most outstanding examples of Czech
Baroque architecture. The 1,500 square
meter fresco on the ceiling is one of the
largest in the world.
Another important part of the Lesser
Quarter is Nerudova Street with its
characteristic house-signs. The three
fiddles sign has been preserved on
one of the houses, signifying the three
generations of violin makers who used to
live and work there. The famous composer
Ludwig van Beethoven is believed to
have once played a violin made in this
workshop. The most important house is
probably No. 233, also known as At The
Two Suns. This is where the wellknown
Czech writer Jan Neruda used to live.
Today the building is a famous pub.
The Castle District
The Cathedral of St. Vitus is the biggest
church in Prague and holds the treasury of
the Czech coronation jewels. There are
many interesting parts to the cathedral:
It has the oldest reticulated vault in
Europe and the southern Golden Gate
has an amazing mosaic decoration. St.
Wenceslas Chapel was built to protect
the relics of the most important Czech
saint and national patron St. Wenceslas.
Its walls are decorated with frescoes and
Czech semi-precious stones.
Another wellknown place in the Castle
District is the Loreta. The most fascinating
part is its Treasure Chamber with
a diamond monstrance decorated with
6,222 diamonds.
Other places of interest
Vyehrad Castle is situated on a rock
overlooking the Vltava River. Legend
has it that Czech Princess Libue
prophesied the glory of Prague from
here. Vyehrad has an important place
in Czech history and the Czech national
cemetery was founded here. Writer Karel
apek, sculptor J. V. Myslbek, composers
A. Dvok and B. Smetana, poet J. Neruda
and artist M. Ale are all buried here.
Petn Hill
Pragues skyline is defined by Petn
Hill. There is a 60meter tall viewing tower
on the hill, which was built in 1891. It was
modelled on the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Apart
from the tower, theres a mirror labyrinth
and the Prague Municipal Observatory.
Cultural life
Pragues cultural events offer something
for everyone. The National Gallery houses
a collection of modern art, various dance
performances can be seen at the National
Theatre and classical concerts by Mozart,
Dvok, Smetana and other famous
composers can be heard at the Rudolfinum
and the Municipal House. Modern
dramatic productions include many theatre
plays as well as the special black light
performances in The Laterna Magica.
Both Czechs and visitors alike cannot fail
to be charmed by the beauty and magic
of this oldnew city on the Vltava.
Hana Gavranov (CR),
Jacy Meyer (USA)
1 She was ofie Bavorsk, the wife of
Wenceslas IV.
The house At the Black Madonna in Celetn
Street in Prague 1, built in 1912 and designed by
the architect Josef Gor, represents a unique
example of cubist architecture in Prague.
Y Vocabulary
jaunt [dZO:nt] -prochzka
prince [prIns] -kne
can be traced back to [treIst] -sedaj
religious reformer [rI"lIdZ@s rI"fO:m@]
with the uprising of the Czech Estates
[Vp"raIzIN I"steIts] -povstnm
National Revival ["n&S(@)n(@)l
rI"vaIv(@)l] -nrodnobrozen
division [dI"vIZ(@)n] -rozdlen
Art Nouveau [A:t nu:"v@U] -secese,
Municipal House [mjU"nIsIp(@)l]
bank [b&Nk] -beh
ranks among [r&Nks @"mVN] -patmezi
for laying the foundation stone ["leIIN
faUn"deIS(@)n] -propoloen
mortar ["mO:t@] -malta
hard-boiled -uvaennatvrdo
General Vicar ["dZEn(@)r(@)l "vIk@]
confessor [k@n"fEs@] -zpovdnk
to give away -prozradit,vyzradit
appointment [@"pOIntm(@)nt]
abbot ["&b@t] -opat
monastery ["mQn@st(@)ri] -klter
against the Kings will -protikrlovvli
was tortured to death ["tO:tS@d]
to proclaim saint [pr@"kleIm seInt]
to venerate ["vEn@reIt] -uctvat
Estates Theatre -Stavovskdivadlo
composer [k@m"p@Uz@] -skladatel
belongings [bI"lQNINz] -vci
manuscript ["m&nuskript] -rukopis
mill -mln
mill wheel -mlnskkolo
fresco ["frEsk@U] -freska
house-sign -domovnznamen
fiddle, violin ["fId(@)l vaI@"lIn] -housle
workshop ["w@:kSQp] -dlna
coronation jewels [kQr@"neIS(@)n
"dZu:@lz] -korunovanklenoty
reticulated vault [rI"tIkjUleItId vO:lt]
mosaic [m@U"zeIIk] -mozaika,
chapel ["tS&p(@)l] -kaple
relics ["reliks] -ostatky
semi-precious stones [sEmi"prES@s]
monstrance ["mQnstr(@)ns] -monstrance
to overlook ["@Uv@lUk] -shletna
to prophesy ["prQfIsaI] -pedpovdt
sculptor ["skVlpt@] -socha
Pragues skyline is defined by ["skaIlaIn
dI"faInd] -propraskpanoramaje
mirror labyrinth ["mIr@ "l&b(@)rInT]
observatory [@b"z@:v@t(@)ri]
black-light performances -erndivadlo
cannot fail to be charmed [tSA:md]
Legend has it that if you touch the statue of
St. John of Nepomuk on Charles Bridge and make
a wish, it will come true.