This newsletter provides information about upcoming curling events and zone meetings to discuss issues facing curling clubs. It encourages members to renew their memberships and volunteer. It also provides details about coaching workshops and requirements, preparations for the upcoming curling season, and the appointment of a bylaw review committee.
This newsletter provides information about upcoming curling events and zone meetings to discuss issues facing curling clubs. It encourages members to renew their memberships and volunteer. It also provides details about coaching workshops and requirements, preparations for the upcoming curling season, and the appointment of a bylaw review committee.
This newsletter provides information about upcoming curling events and zone meetings to discuss issues facing curling clubs. It encourages members to renew their memberships and volunteer. It also provides details about coaching workshops and requirements, preparations for the upcoming curling season, and the appointment of a bylaw review committee.
This newsletter provides information about upcoming curling events and zone meetings to discuss issues facing curling clubs. It encourages members to renew their memberships and volunteer. It also provides details about coaching workshops and requirements, preparations for the upcoming curling season, and the appointment of a bylaw review committee.
Have you renewed your club membership yet? Ensure you reap the fullest rewards of being a supportive, active club member by volunteering too!
STAFF STUFF by Stephen Chenier
Well the first newsletter of the 2014-2015 season. Curling has started do you know where your gear is? Have you washed it, checked your gripper, replaced that worn out sweeping pad and started your pre- season stretching routine. Thats ok neither have I..... Happy Curling.
Fall Zone Meetings are underway with a fully packed agenda come on out to hear and to be heard.
Our major project for 2014-2015 will be to help our clubs in solving some of the major issues facing clubs today. We will focus our efforts on one or two areas and are reviewing these at each Zone meeting. Stay tuned for a full report of what we will be the focus project.
Follow me on twitter @ED4OCA for up to date news and happenings.
The 2014/15 curling season is just a stones throw away from online registration becoming available. The first competition is the Travelers Curling Club Championships for both men & women. If you are the team that will represent your club at this event please make sure that you meet eligibility requirements at The PAN AM/PARAPAN AM Games is looking for volunteers. If you are interested please go to to register. Check out the link to the Team Ontario Winter Games post. Go Team HALL. team-ontario-post-august-2014
Grab a friend and introduce them to the greatest sport on ice.
September, 2014
Vol. 1 Issue 3
Fall 2014 Coach Training Workshops
Fall workshops for Competition Coach and Club Coach (Instructor) are now posted at
If you are unsure of which workshop to attend see the guide to NCCP training at performance-programs-and-services/national-coaching-certification- program/coach-training/
If you need more details on the difference between the Recreational Coaching stream and Competitive Coaching stream please see further details at %20Streams%20rev2.pdf
Police Checks for Coaches
A reminder that Police checks for Coaches entering OCA competitions are valid for three years from the date of issue. For further details on renewing/obtaining a Police Check see details at
ICE INSIGHTS By: Darrin Sinclair
Most of us are preparing for our ice installations. The summer has been inconsistent and hopefully September brings in some cool, dry weather for our install. At this time, it is important to make sure your machinery is in good working order. This includes any motors or pump rebuilding, headers painted or oiled and clamps tightened on the brine lines. This is also a good time to do any painting and floor maintenance before the plant goes on. Anyone who has a water cooled condenser should make sure the scale has been removed from the coils as well as the water tank.
Hopefully most of you have sent your scraper, nipper and hand blades in to be sharpened and have ordered any other items such as pebble heads, mops, sandpaper, as well as all your paint and water needs. This includes changing filters, RO membranes or ordering your DE-I needs.
This is the time of year I like to tune the clubs stones. I find that because they are warm and dry, the sandpaper gets a better bite and the scratch tends to last longer.
Hope everyones install goes well.
The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Brian Cowan (Chair), Fran Todd, Simon Ouellet, George Cooke along with Dale Curtis and John Shea to the Bylaw Review Committee. This group has been tasked with creating the new Bylaws that will govern the OCA into the future. The Committee will consult with members, member clubs and stakeholders during this process in an effort to bring forth the new bylaws for approval at the June 28 th , 2015 AGM.
The 2015 OCA Annual General Meeting and workshop will be held in Kingston on June 27-28. More details to come as things get firmed up.
The Canadian Curling Association recently held their first ever Curling Summit in Niagara Falls followed by the National Curling Congress and AGM. The summit had many sessions including: future trends & demographics, legal issues, energy conservation, curling teaching professional, GAP analysis, roundtables why arent we cool? & where have all the athletes gone?, long term athlete development model, curling ice & stones, sport tourism economic assessment model (STEAM), curling in schools, exploring social media, selling the sport of curling to Canadians, building capacity in our communities and developing strategies for the future. The NCC and AGM were held at the end of the week with many motions being reviewed and voted on. To see our report of these motions please click here. SucceSS iSnt Something that juSt happens success is learned, success is practiced and then it is shared.