Introduction To Storm Shelter Design Criteria

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Storm Shelters:

Selecting Design Criteria

See these 2007 Tornado Recovery
Purpose and Intended Audience Advisories for information about
The intended audience for this Tornado Recovery Advisory sheltering from tornadoes:
(RA) is anyone involved in the planning, policy-making, design, " Tornado Risks and Hazards in the
construction, or approval of tornado shelters, including Midwest United States (Tornado
designers, emergency managers, public officials, policy or RA1)
decision makers, building code officials, and home or building
owners. Homeowners and renters should also refer to the " Residential Sheltering: In-
Tornado RA titled Residential Sheltering: In-Residence and Residence and Stand-Alone
Stand-Alone Shelters. The purpose of this advisory is to present Shelters (Tornado RA 3)
information on different types of shelter design guidelines, code
requirements, and other criteria that pertain to the design and
construction of tornado shelters. There are various storm shelter
criteria, each of which offers different levels of protection to its
shelter occupants.
This Recovery Advisory Addresses:
" How shelter construction is different from typical building construction:
" Structural systems

" Windborne debris resistance

" Design criteria for different types of shelters

" Useful links and shelter resources

How Shelter Construction is Different from Typical Building Construction

A tornado shelter is typically an interior room, space within a building, or an entirely separate building,
designed and constructed to protect its occupants from tornado wind forces and windborne debris. The level
of occupant protection provided by a space specifically designed as a shelter is intended to be much greater
than the protection provided by buildings that comply with the minimum requirements of building codes. The
model building codes do not provide design and construction criteria for life safety for sheltering, nor do they
provide design criteria for withstanding the forces of tornadoes.
Shelters typically fall into two categories: residential shelters and community (non-residential) shelters.
" Residential tornado shelters are constructed as in-residence or easily accessible external shelters. An in-
residence shelter, also called a “safe room,” is a small, specially designed (“hardened”) room, such as a
bathroom or closet that is intended to provide a place of refuge
for the people who live in the house. An external residential
shelter is similar in function and design, but it is a separate
structure installed outside of the house, either above or below The term “hardened” refers to
ground. Refer also to the Tornado RA titled Residential Sheltering: specialized design and construction
In-Residence and Stand-Alone Shelters. applied to a room or building to
allow it to resist wind pressures
" A community shelter is intended to protect a large number and windborne debris impacts
of people, anywhere from 12 to as many as several hundred during a high-wind event and serve
individuals. These shelters include not only public shelters, but as a shelter.
also private shelters for businesses and other organizations.

Storm Shelters: Selecting Design Criteria HSFEHQ-07-J-0020 / August 2007 Page 1 of 5

Structural Systems
The primary difference in a building’s structural
system when designed for use as a shelter, versus
conventional use, is the magnitude of the wind
forces it is designed to withstand.
Buildings are designed to withstand a certain wind
speed (termed “design [basic] wind speed”) based
on historic wind speeds documented for different
areas of the country. The design wind speed used
in conventional construction in the Midwest is a 90
mph, 3-second gust. By contrast, the design wind Community storm shelter being constructed to FEMA 361
speed recommended by FEMA1 for shelters in this criteria in Wichita, Kansas.
same area is a 250 mph, 3-second gust to provide
“near-absolute protection.”2
Wind pressures are calculated as a function of the square of the design wind speed. As a result, the
structural systems of a shelter are designed for forces several times higher than those used for typical
building construction. Consequently, the structural systems used in shelters (and the connections between
them) are very robust.
Windborne Debris Resistance
Windborne debris, commonly referred to as missiles, causes many of the injuries and much of the damage
from tornadoes. Windows and the glazing in exterior doors of conventional buildings are not required to resist
windborne debris, except for those in windborne debris regions (which are limited to hurricane-prone regions).3
Debris protection includes impact-resistant glazing, which can either be laminated glass or polycarbonate,
and coverings such as shutters. The ASCE 7 missile criteria were developed to minimize property damage
and improve building performance; they were not developed to protect
occupants. To provide occupant protection, the criteria used in designing
If glazing is present in a
shelters include substantially greater windborne debris loads.
tornado shelter, it should
be protected by an interior- The roof deck, walls, and doors of conventional construction are also not
mounted shutter that can required by the building code to resist windborne debris. However, the roof
be rapidly deployed by the deck and walls around a shelter space, and the doors leading into it, must
shelter occupants. resist windborne debris. Additional information regarding the different
levels of windborne debris loads is provided below.

Design Criteria for Different Types of Shelters

Shelters provide different levels of protection depending on the design criteria used. The level of protection
provided by a shelter is a function of the design wind speed (and resulting wind pressure) used in designing
the shelter, and of the windborne debris load criteria.
Design wind speed and wind pressure criteria: The required design strength of the shelter is dictated by wind
pressure criteria given by different guides, codes, and standards. The design wind pressure is a function of
the design wind speed. In FEMA’s shelter publications (see Useful Links on page 3), recommended design
wind speeds range from 160 to 250 mph. However, the 2006 International Residential Code and the 2006
International Building Code, which establish the minimum requirements for residential and other building
construction, include a design wind speed of 90 mph in the Midwest. The table on page 4 compares shelter
design criteria options. The table on page 5 presents comparative data for two locations using the design
criteria presented on page 4.

1. FEMA 361, Design and Construction Guidance for Community Shelters (July 2000), available online at
2. “Near-absolute protection means that, based on our knowledge of tornadoes and hurricanes, a shelter built according to this guidance will protect
its occupants from injury or death.” FEMA 361, page 1-2, Design and Construction Guidance for Community Shelters (2000).
3. ASCE 7, American Society of Civil Engineers Standard 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (2005).

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Windborne debris load criteria: The table below presents windborne debris criteria given in current FEMA
guidance and a proposed International Code Council standard. The table shows different test missiles and
their corresponding momentum. The first entry in this table is the FEMA missile guidance for residential and
community shelters. These parameters provide near-absolute protection.

Tornado and Hurricane Windborne Debris Criteria

Guidance, Code, or Standard Debris Test Speed
Criteria for the Design Missile (mph) Large Missile Specimen Momentum at Impact (lbf-s)
Tornado Missile Testing Requirements
FEMA 320 / FEMA 361 100 15# 2x4 68
International Code Council (ICC) Proposed 100 (maximum) 15# 2x4 68
Shelter Standard 80 (minimum) 15# 2x4 55
lbf-s – Pounds (force) seconds

Useful Links and Shelter Resources:

Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room Inside Your House (FEMA 320), FEMA, Washington, DC,
Second Edition, March 2004.
Design and Construction Guidance for Community Shelters (FEMA 361), FEMA, Washington, DC, July 2000.
Tornado Protection: Selecting Refuge Areas in Buildings (FEMA 431), FEMA, Washington, DC, November
Standard on the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters, International Code Council and the National
Storm Shelter Association (ICC-500), (Anticipated Release) Early 2008.
Windstorm Mitigation Manual for Light Frame Construction by David Wickersheimer, State Farm Fire and
Casualty Company, FEMA Region V, Illinois.

FEMA 361

A 32

FEMA 431

Storm Shelters: Selecting Design Criteria HSFEHQ-07-J-0020 / August 2007 Page 3 of 5

Wind Shelter Design and Construction Codes, Standards, Guidance Comparison Table1
Code, Reg, Wind Design
Title or Name Standard, or Wind Coefficient Debris Impact
of Document Statute? Hazard Wind Map2 Considerations3,4 Criteria5 Remarks
FEMA Shelter FEMA guidance Tornado FEMA 320: FEMA 320: N/A Test all shelters FEMA 320: Intent is to
Publications: document, and Hazard map, – prescriptive design with the provide “near-absolute
FEMA 320 Taking not a code Hurricane but wind guidance for maximum representative protection.” No certification is
Shelter From the or standard. speeds not hazard missile: a 15-lb provided.
Storm: Building “Best Practice” used for design FEMA 361: Use FEMA 2x4 at 100 FEMA 361: Intent is to
a Safe Room for high-wind FEMA 361: 361 wind speed mph (horizontal) provide “near-absolute
Inside Your House shelters Map with four map with four zones. and 67 mph protection.” Shelter
(2004) wind speed Calculate pressures (vertical) operations guidance is
FEMA 361 zones for using ASCE 7 methods provided. Occupancy
Design and design (wind and use I=1.0, Kd=1.0, issues addressed. Wall
Construction mri is 10,000– Exposure C, no section details provided. No
Guidance for 100,000 years). topographic effects, certification is provided.
Community This map is GCpi=+/-0.55 (this will
Shelters often referred account for atmospheric
to as the “FEMA pressure change [APC])
361 map.”
International Consensus Tornado Tornado: Uses Tornado: Use FEMA Test Intent is to provide a
Code Council/ standard and FEMA 361 map. 361 wind speed map. shelters with standard for the design
National for shelter Hurricane Calculate pressures representative and construction of high-
Storm Shelter design and using ASCE 7 methods missile wind shelters. Will not
Association construction, and use I=1.0, Kd=1.0, (missile speed use term “near-absolute
(ICC/NSSA) High available Exposure as appropriate, dependent on protection.” Occupancy,
Wind Shelter for adoption no topographic effects, site design ventilation, and use issues
Standard (ICC- in January GCpi=+/-0.55 or +/- wind speed): are also addressed. Shelter
500) – currently 2008. To be 0.18+APC Tornado: 15-lb operations guidance is
in development, incorporated by 2x4 at 85–100 provided in the commentary
tentatively reference into mph (horizontal) only (commentary is a
available for the 2009 IBC and 2/3 of this separate document—not a
adoption in and IRC. speed (vertical). consensus document).
January 2008.
International Building code All but ASCE has its Method is basis of None The code requires increased
Building and design tornado own wind speed most wind pressure wind design parameters only
Code (IBC)/ standards map based on calculation methods. All for buildings designated as
International for regular historical and items in design process critical or essential facilities.
Residential Code (non-shelter) probabilistic are site-specific. Use
(IRC) 2000 and buildings. Some data; mri is 50 I=1.15 for critical and
later/ASCE 7-98 additional years in non- essential facilities.
and later. guidance is hurricane-prone
provided in regions.
Pre-2000 Building code All but Each of the Typically these older None These codes specified
Building Codes and design tornado older codes codes provided a limited hazard-resistant
standards used their own hurricane regional factor requirements.
for regular published wind for design wind speeds,
(non-shelter) contour maps. but little attention was
buildings paid to components and
Areas of Refuge/ Guidance Tornado None None None Best available refuge areas
Last Resort from FEMA and should be identified in all
and others for Hurricane buildings without shelters.
selecting best- FEMA 431, Tornado
available refuge Protection: Selecting Refuge
areas Areas in Buildings, provides
guidance to help identify the
best available refuge areas in
existing buildings. Because
best available refuge areas
are not specifically designed
as shelters, their occupants
may be injured or killed during
a tornado or hurricane.

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1. The wind shelter guidance and requirements shown here are presented from highest to least amount of protection provided.
2. Mean recurrence intervals (mri) for wind speeds maps are identified by the code or standard that developed the map. Typically, the mri for non-
shelter construction in non-hurricane-prone areas is 50 years and in hurricane-prone regions, approximately 100 years.
3. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-05 Building Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (2005) is the load determination standard
referenced by the model building codes. The wind design procedures used for any shelter type in this table use one of the wind design methods as
specified in ASCE 7-05, but with changes to certain design coefficients that are identified by the different codes, standards, or guidance summarized
in this table.
4. From ASCE 7 method: I = importance factor; Kd = wind directionality factor; GCpi = internal pressure cofficient
5. Roof deck, walls, doors, openings, and opening protection systems must all be tested to show resistance to the design missile for the FEMA, ICC,
and FL EHPA criteria.

The table below shows comparative data for a location in Kansas for the design criteria presented in the
previous table. Where no guidance is provided for sheltering or basic construction, “N/A” (not applicable) is
stated. Where there is no requirement, “Not required” is noted.
Design Criteria Comparison
Shelter Design Standard, Example Location:
Code, or Document Data1 Wichita, KS
FEMA 320/361 Design wind speed 250 mph
Pressure on windward wall 2
167 psf3
Pressure on roof section4 401 psf (suction)
Test missile momentum at impact 68 lbf –s5
ICC-500 (pending 1/08) Design wind speed 250 mph
Pressure on windward wall 167 psf
Pressure on roof section 401 psf (suction)
Test missile momentum at impact 68 lbf–s (tornado)
ASCE 7-05/IBC 2006 Design wind speed 90 mph
(ASTM E 1996)
Pressure on windward wall 15 psf
Pressure on roof section 36 psf (suction)
Test missile momentum at impact Not required
Pre-2000 Building Codes Design wind speed 80 mph fastest-mile (100 mph 3-sec peak gust)
Pressure on windward wall 16 psf
Pressure on roof section 26 psf (suction)
Test missile momentum at impact Not required
1. Wind pressures were calculated based on a 40-foot x 40-foot square building, with a 10-foot eave height and a 10-degree roof pitch.
2. The wall pressures are Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) corner load.
3. psf – Pounds per square foot;
4. The given roof pressures are the wind loads for components and cladding at the corner of the roof (where pressures are highest) with an effective
wind area of 40 square feet (sf).
5. lbf-s – Pounds (force) seconds

Storm Shelters: Selecting Design Criteria HSFEHQ-07-J-0020 / August 2007 Page 5 of 5

National Performance
Criteria for Tornado Shelters

Tornado shelters under construction in the Country Club Courts subdivision by The Core Inc., Wichita, Kansas

Federal Emergency Management

Mitigation Directorate
Washington, D.C.
First Edition
May 28, 1999

National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters

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National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Mitigation Directorate
Washington, D.C.

Comments and Questions

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, in cooperation with the Wind Engineering Research
Center at Texas Tech University, has developed these performance criteria for tornado shelters.
Comments on these criteria should be directed to:

Program Policy and Assessment Branch

Mitigation Directorate
Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20472

Technical questions on these performance criteria should be directed to:

Wind Engineering Research Center

Texas Tech University
Box 41023
Lubbock, TX, 79409-1023
(888) 946-3287 ext. 336

Limit of Liability

These performance criteria are based on extensive research of the causes and effects of windstorm
damage to buildings. Shelters designed and built to these performance criteria should provide a high
degree of occupant protection during severe windstorms. Any variation from these design or
construction performance criteria, or deterioration of the structure, may decrease the level of
occupant protection during a severe wind event.

Because it is not possible to predict or test for all potential conditions that may occur during severe
wind storms or control the quality of the design and construction, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Texas Tech University and others involved in the development of this
performance criteria do not warrant these performance criteria.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, Texas Tech University and others involved in the
development of these performance criteria neither manufacture nor sell shelters based on these
performance criteria. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, Texas Tech University and
others involved in the development of these performance criteria do not make any representation,
warranty, or covenant, expressed or implied, with respect to these performance criteria, or the
condition, quality, durability, operation, fitness for use, or suitability of the shelter in any respect
what so ever. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, Texas Tech University and others
involved in the development of these performance criteria shall not be obligated or liable for actual,
incidental, consequential, or other damages of or to users of shelters or any other person or entity
arising out of or in connection with the use, condition, and other performance of shelters built from
these performance criteria or from the maintenance thereof.

National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters

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Shelters constructed to these performance criteria are expected to withstand the

effects of the high winds and debris generated by tornadoes such that all occupants
of the shelter during a tornado will be protected without injury. These performance
criteria are to be used by design professionals, shelter manufacturers, building
officials, and emergency management officials to ensure that shelters constructed in
accordance with these criteria provide a consistently high level of protection. The
following describes the performance criteria.

Performance Criteria

1. Resistance to Loads from Wind Pressure for Shelters

a) Wind pressures are to be determined using ASCE 7-95 Minimum Design

Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (or revisions to this standard).
Pressures for the Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) are to be
used for the walls, ceiling, structural attachments and foundation system.
Pressures for Components and Cladding are to be used for the door(s) and
other attachments to the exterior of the shelter. For computing wind
pressures to be used as a service load, the wind velocity (V) shall be 250 mph
(3-second peak gust).

b) The shelter walls, ceiling and floor will withstand design pressures such that
no element shall separate from another (such as walls to floor, ceiling to
walls). Such separation shall constitute a failure of the shelter.

c) The entire shelter structure must resist failure from overturning, shear
(sliding), and uplift from design pressures. Note: For the in-residence shelter FEMA EMPLOYEE
Comment: I don’t think we need to get this
designs described in FEMA 320, ceiling spans and wall lengths were less than specific otherwise, otherwise we will have to go
8 feet and the design of the wall and ceiling was governed by the need for into more detail about acceptable deflection. If
we have .25” deflection after the event—we were
missile protection. For larger shelters, the capacity of structural elements to probably near failure of the shelter.
withstand the forces described in above in 1. (a) shall be determined by
engineering analysis. For larger shelters, the plans in FEMA 320 can be
used only for missile (airborne debris) resistance.

d) The Allowable Stress Design (ASD) method shall be used for the shelter
design for any of the construction materials selected (concrete, concrete
masonry, wood, etc.). Unfactored load combinations shall be used in
accordance with ASCE 7-95 for allowable stress design. Because of the
extreme nature of this design wind speed, other environmental loads, such as
flood or earthquake loads, should not be added. An alternative design
method for materials with accepted Load and Resistance Force Design
(LRFD) standards may be used in lieu of ASD.

National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters

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e) No importance factor shall be added to the pressure calculations because the
extreme nature of the design event already accounts for critical nature of the
shelter. Therefore, the importance factor (I) used in the design computations
shall equal one. The internal gust coefficient (GCpi) shall be for buildings
with no openings.

f) In the event that the roof of the shelter is exposed at grade, the roof of the
shelter shall be able to resist wind pressures as determined in sections 1(a)
through (e).

2. Windborne Missile Impact Resistance On Shelter Walls and Ceiling

a) Loads from windborne missile impacts must be considered. For design

purposes, it is assumed that the design wind speed of 250 mph propels a 15-
lb. missile horizontally at 100 mph. The design missile is a nominal 2x4 wood
board, weighing 15 lbs., striking the shelter enclosure on end 900 to the
surface. The vertical missile design speed is 2/3 of the horizontal speed or 67
mph. For Below-Grade Shelters, only the impact from vertical missiles on the
shelter roof must be considered. Note: From testing, it has been shown that
the primary failure of enclosure materials from missile impact has been
shearing of the material due to the high velocity and that missile perforation
resistance is provided by a material (or combination of materials) that
provide energy dissipation of the missile impact.

b) The walls and ceiling of a shelter must resist perforation by the design missile
such that the missile does not perforate the inside most surface of the shelter.
Only shelter wall openings used for access are permitted. Windows,
skylights, or other similar openings shall not be used unless they have been
laboratory tested to meet the missile impact criteria of section 2(a). Note: The
Wind Engineering Research Center at Texas Tech University has tested
numerous materials and material combinations and should be contacted
regarding performance of those materials. For in-residence shelters, the
designs of FEMA Publication No. 320 Taking Shelter From the Storm:
Building a Safe Home in Your Home should be used. For other than in-
residence shelters, it is recommended that materials proven to provide the
required stiffness and missile impact resistance such as reinforced concrete
or reinforced concrete masonry should be used.

c) Alternative materials and material combinations for both shelter walls and
ceilings shall be permitted after testing has proven the alternative materials
will meet the missile impact criteria contained herein. Note: Existing missile
impact standards in the Standard Building Code, the South Florida Building
Code, the Texas Department of Insurance Code, and ASCE 7 do not include
missiles of the size, weight or speed of those discussed in these performance
criteria. Therefore, those standards may not be used to determine
applicability of alternative materials and material combinations for tornado-
generated missiles.
National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters
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National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters
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3. Other Loads

• The designer should assess whether an adjacent structure is a liability to the

shelter, that is, if it poses a threat to the shelter from collapse. If the adjacent
structure is deemed a liability, the loads imposed upon the shelter due to the
collapse of this adjacent structure shall be considered as an additional impact
load on the shelter.

4. Shelter Access Doors and Door Frames

a) Shelter entry doors and their frames shall resist the design wind
pressures for components and cladding in section 1 of this criteria and the
missile impact loads of section 2 of this criteria. Only doors and their
frames that can resist calculated design wind pressures and laboratory
tested missile impacts are acceptable. All doors shall have sufficient
points of connection to their frame to resist design wind pressure and
impact loads. Unless specifically designed for, each door shall be attached
to their frame with a minimum six points of connection. Note: See the
design specifications and details for shelter doors in FEMA publication
320 for additional guidance. Door designs and materials of construction
included in FEMA publication 320 were developed through calculations
and laboratory testing at Texas Tech University.

b) A protective missile resistant barrier is permitted to protect the door

opening. The door should then be designed to resist wind pressures.

c) The size and number of shelter doors shall be determined in accordance

with applicable fire safety and building codes. In the event the community FEMA EMPLOYEE
Comment: We would expect a greater rebound
where the shelter is to be located has not adopted current fire safety and of the missile from a very heavy massive wall.
building codes, the requirements of the most recent editions of a model The rebound missile could have considerable
energy. However more importantly, the missile
fire safety and a building code shall be used. Note: The design impact was determined by test not analysis – we
specifications and details for shelter doors in FEMA publication 320 are don’t want to introduce another missile test.
for single swinging doors not exceeding 3 feet in width. No laboratory
missile impact testing has been performed on double swinging doors or
other door configurations other than 3 feet wide single swinging doors.

5. Shelter Ventilation

a) Ventilation for shelters shall be provided through either the floor or the
ceiling of the enclosure. A protective shroud or cowling, meeting the
missile impact requirements of section 2 of these criteria, must protect
any ventilation openings in the shelter ceiling. The ventilation system
must be capable of providing the minimum number of air changes for the
shelter’s occupancy rating. In the event the community where the shelter
is to be located has not adopted a current building and/or mechanical
code, the requirements of the most recent edition of a model building code

National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters

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shall be used. Note: Ventilation may be provided with ducts to an outside
air supply.

b) If ventilation to the shelter is provided by other than passive means, then

all mechanical, electrical and other equipment providing this ventilation
must be protected to the same standard as the shelter. In addition,
appropriate design, maintenance and operational plans must ensure
operation of this equipment following a tornado.

6. Emergency Lighting

• Emergency lighting shall be provided to all shelters serving over 15


7. Shelter Sizing

• The following are minimum floor areas for calculating the size of

• Adults 5 square feet per person standing

• Adults 6 square feet per person seated
• children (under the age of 10) 5 square feet per person
• Wheelchair bound persons 10 square feet per person
• Bed-ridden persons 30 square feet per person

8. Shelter Accessibility

a) The needs of persons with disabilities requiring shelter space must be

considered, and the appropriate access for such persons must be provided
in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

b) In designing shelter(s), the designer shall consider the time required for
all occupants of a building and facility to reach refuge in the shelter(s).
Note: While the National Weather Service has made great strides in
providing warnings, to provide greater protection, it is recommended
that in locating shelters or multiple shelters, all occupants of a building or
facility should be able to reach a shelter within 5 minutes, and that all
occupants should be in a shelter with doors secured within 10 minutes.

9. Emergency Management Considerations for Shelters

a) Each shelter shall have a tornado emergency refuge plan; this plan is to
be exercised at least twice per year.

National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters

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b) Shelter space shall contain, at a minimum, the following safety
• Fire extinguisher surface mounted on the shelter wall. In no case shall
a fire extinguisher cabinet or enclosure be recessed into interior face
of the exterior wall of the shelter.
• Flashlights with continuously charging batteries
• First aid kit rated for the shelter occupancy
• Potable water in sufficient quantity to meet the drinking needs of the
shelter rated occupancy for 8 hours
• A NOAA weather radio with continuously charging batteries

c) The following placards and identification shall be installed in each

building with a shelter other than shelters within single family residences:
• The location of each shelter shall be clearly and distinctly identified
with permanently mounted wall placards located throughout the
building that direct the building occupants to the shelter.
• The outside of all doors providing access to a shelter shall be clearly
identified as a location to seek refuge during a tornado.
• Placards shall be installed on the inside of each shelter access door or
immediately adjacent that instructs shelter occupants on how to
properly secure the shelter door(s).

10. Additional Requirements for Below Grade Shelters:

• The shelter must be watertight and resist flotation due to buoyancy from
saturated soil.
• The shelter must contain either battery-powered radio transmitters or a
signal-emitting device to signal the location of the shelter to local
emergency personnel should occupants in the shelter become trapped due
to debris blocking the shelter access door.

11. Multihazard Mitigation Issues

a) Flooding
• No below grade shelter shall be constructed in a Special Flood Hazard
Area or other area known as being flood prone.
• In the event that an above ground shelter is located in a Special Flood
Hazard Area (SFHA)of other known flood prone area, the floor of
the shelter shall be elevated to or above the Base Flood Elevation or
other expected level of flooding.
• All shelters constructed in a SFHA and/or other regulatory floodplain
areas shall conform to state and local floodplain management

National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters

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b) Earthquake
• Shelters located in earthquake prone areas shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with seismic safety provisions contained in
local building codes. In the event the community where the shelter is
to be located has not adopted a current building code, the
requirements of the most recent edition of a model building code
and/or the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program
Recommended Provisions shall be used.

12. Construction Plans and Specifications

• Complete detailed plans and specifications shall be provided for each

shelter design. Sufficient information to ensure that the shelter is built in
accordance with both the specific requirements and intent of these
performance criteria shall be provided. Note: The plans and
specifications found in FEMA publication 320 are a good basis for
developing plans (including standardized details) and specifications.

13. Quality Control

• The quality of both construction materials and methods shall be ensured

through the development of a quality control program. This quality
control program shall identify roles and responsibilities of the contractor,
design professional, and local permit official in ensuring that the shelter
is constructed with materials and methods that meet the requirements
stipulated in the plans and specifications developed from these
performance criteria.

14. Obtaining Necessary Permits

• Prior to beginning construction, all necessary state and local building and
other permits shall be obtained and clearly posted on the job site. Note:
Model building codes do not address the design of a tornado shelter.
Therefore the owner and the design professional should ensure that the
shelter is properly designed and constructed.

Sources of Additional Information

FEMA has developed two publications that may be of assistance in developing

tornado shelter designs:

• FEMA TR-83B Tornado Protection: Selecting and Designing Safe Areas in

• FEMA 320 Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room Inside Your

National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters

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A copy of FEMA 320 can be ordered by calling 1-888-565-3896. FEMA TR-83B, and
all other FEMA publications, may be ordered by calling 1-800-480-2520.

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