Issue 45 Dollar Sites and Proposals

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Contents Page - Issue 45 - Dollar Sites and Proposals

1. Schedule 4

2. Representations

John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024)
Marion Marsden (CLDP025)
PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018a, CLDP018b, CLDP018c)
Keith Duncan (CLDP027, CLDP027a, CLDP027b, CLDP027c,
Stuart Geddes (CLDP049)
Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066)
Dollar Community Council (CLDP077g, CLDP077m, CLDP077ab,
CLDP077ac, CLDP077ad, CLDP077ae, CLDP077af, CLDP077ag,
Alan Farningham for Harviestoun (CLDP084, CLDP150)
Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP151)
The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164)
Brian Hutchison (CLDP169)

3. Supporting Documents

CD001 Scottish Planning Policy (February 2010)
CD012 Planning Advice Note 2/2010: Affordable Housing and Housing
Land Audits (August 2010) (Paragraph 55)
CD022 Designing Places - A Policy Statement for Scotland (2001)
CD023 Designing Streets - A Policy Statement for Scotland (2010)
CD031 Clackmannanshire Local Plan 1st Alteration - Housing Land
(October 2011)
CD032 Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan Main Issues Report
(January 2011)
CD033 Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan Main Issues Report
- Information Pack (January 2011)
CD062 Review of Green Belt in Clackmannanshire (August 2012)
CD071 Decision Notice 07/00460/OUT [attached]
CD074 Decision Notice 10/00251/PPP [attached]
CD090 Dollar Community Masterplan (May 2014)
CD091 Dollar Burnside Environmental Enhancement Project report
(February 2013)
CD094 Data Ducting Infrastructure for New Homes Guidance Note
(2008), DCLG
SD07 PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018a, CLDP018b, CLDP018c) -
Covering Letter [attached]
SD08 PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018a, CLDP018b, CLDP018c) -
Representation [attached]
SD09 PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018a, CLDP018b, CLDP018c) -
Proposed Boundary Change [attached]
SD38 Alan Farningham for Harviestoun (CLDP084) - Further
SD40 Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd.
(CLDP151) - Map [attached]

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Issue 45 Dollar Sites and Proposals
Development Plan
H46 - Dollar Settlement Expansion
(page 155)
H47 - Dollar Golf Club, Dollar (page
S13 - Dollar Settlement Expansion
Community Sports Facility (page
S14 - New Dollar Cemetery (page
B19 - Devon Road (page 157)
T27 - A91 Corridor (page 157)
Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue
(including reference number):

John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024)
Marion Marsden (CLDP025)
PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018a, CLDP018b, CLDP018c)
Keith Duncan (CLDP027, CLDP027a, CLDP027b, CLDP027c, CLDP027d)
Stuart Geddes (CLDP049)
Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066)
Dollar Community Council (CLDP077g, CLDP077m, CLDP077ab,
CLDP077ac, CLDP077ad, CLDP077ae, CLDP077af, CLDP077ag,
Alan Farningham for Harviestoun (CLDP084, CLDP150)
Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP151)
The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164)
Brian Hutchison (CLDP169)

Provision of the development
plan to which the issue relates:
Dollar Sites and Proposals
Planning Authoritys summary of the representation(s):

H46 - Dollar Settlement Expansion

Impact of Development in General/Allocation Process

John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) Ask if Clackmannanshire really needs
more housing, why put it here and are concerned about the potential loss of
both amenity and property value.

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) Has a number of concerns regarding the
proposed development. Will result in urban sprawl in east Clackmannanshire
and deface the beautiful and environmentally diverse countryside. The
proposed development would totally destroy the atmosphere and community
spirit of Dollar, which would become far less attractive for tourism, ceasing to
have an identifiable character and merging with the other faceless
developments in the county. The development is not required. Social housing
and sheltered housing for an ageing population are the kinds of housing most
required and this site is not suitable. There are more suitable sites in towns
and village centres, which do not require greenfield development. By building
multi storey car parks (and charging for parking to reduce unnecessary travel),

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more space could be freed up for housing in town-centres. The centres of
some of the Hillfoots towns are empty and derelict and could be improved to
provide suitable housing.

Stuart Geddes (CLDP049) questions the process for the allocation of the site
in the Proposed LDP. At what point was the site added to the LDP? Neither
the 1st Alteration of the Local Plan (Housing Plan) (CD031) nor the 2011 Main
Issues Report (CD032 & CD033) make any reference to this site, which
represents a substantial potential expansion of Dollar. If the site was included
in neither of these documents, what form of consultation was undertaken with
residents before adding this to the draft LDP? Who decided to make such a
substantial alteration to the previously agreed site boundaries?

Why were residents consulted on a transport proposal that is developer
contribution dependant (cycle path extension to Blairingone), but not informed
of the significant potential change to our surroundings by the expansion of the
area to the south and east of Dollar proposed for housing?

When such substantial changes to a settlement are proposed, why was no
local presentation made? To my knowledge, the Community Council has had
no contact with residents directly affected by these proposals, so any
comments they may have made are unlikely to be representative. I
understand that residents of the Dollarfield Farm development objected quite
strongly to any suggestions that arable land to the south of Dollar be allocated
for housing, yet I can find no mention of these objections in the available

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077g) Accept that there is a need for
provision of a large number of new houses and that housebuilding has the
potential to deliver economic benefits and make a positive contribution to
Dollar and Clackmannanshire. Therefore accept in principle the LDP housing
allocation (H46) in Dollar.
Generally welcome the Development Requirements for Environmental Assets,
to which we would add the following:
High quality development required to reflect the qualities of the adjacent
Dollar Conservation Area.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) The LDP states an overall priority for brownfield
development and a need for affordable and single person housing. It also
describes dominant migration patterns to be towards the west and south of
the Council area. To his reading these priorities do not support the LDP
allocation and Masterplan proposal of large greenfield expansion to the east
of Dollar, principally for inwards migration. The Community Council
Masterplan suggestion of an additional 150 houses above the LDP 350 target
be allowed to accommodate smaller/affordable housing is further misplaced
as even the LDP target must assume an appropriate housing mix.

Dollar Community Masterplan

PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018a) Are broadly supportive of the
proposals in the LDP and the Masterplanning approach.

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PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018b) Suggest changes to the boundary of
the site in the LDP to accord with those of the Community Masterplan.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ab) The Dollar Community Masterplan
(CD090) has not been completed at time of writing and Dollar Community
Council will send a separate letter indicating the level of support for its various
proposals from the Community Council and the community of Dollar.

Strongly in favour of applying agreed masterplan, design-led principles and
framework to the housing allocations in Dollar and anticipates that the
community masterplan will demonstrate more sustainable densities within a
structure based on the objectives of Designing Places (CD022) and
Designing Streets (CD023).

Generally welcome the Development Requirements for Creating Sustainable
Communities, but suggest an addition to the wording.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun (CLDP084) Supports the extension of the
settlement boundary at Dollar proposed in the 'Community Masterplan' which
includes an area larger than that in the Proposed LDP. Support is also given
to the Proposed Plans suggested masterplan/development brief approach to
the entire proposed urban expansion area. This should ultimately provide for
an approved Supplementary Planning Guidance framework document
specifying land uses, a design code, infrastructure provision, phasing and
developer contributions against which future planning applications will be

The Dollar Community masterplan (CD090) which this land forms an integral
part of, has not yet been finalised and is to be the subject of a public
consultation exercise between Monday 27 January and Friday 14 February,
2014 inclusively. In this regard, although wholly supportive in principle,
Harviestoun would wish to reserve its position on the detail of the masterplan
until the public consultation exercise has been completed and full account
taken of the responses received/recorded.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP151)
Supports the allocation of land for development to the east of Kellyburn, which
forms part of Proposal H46, the extended settlement boundaries identified
through the Dollar Community Masterplan (CD090), which are in excess of
those in the Proposed LDP, and the Proposed LDPs suggested
masterplan/development brief approach to the proposed settlement
expansion. Suggests that the masterplan should provide for an approved
Supplementary Guidance framework document specifying land uses, a design
code, infrastructure provision, phasing and developer contributions, against
which future planning applications will require to be determined.
In order to facilitate a softer landscape edge to Dollar on approach from the
east, there is a need for an extended landscape structure along the top north-
eastern section of the towns settlement boundary fronting the proposed
business use south of the new gateway roundabout on the Muckhart Road.

The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) Support the proposed
expansion of Dollar identified by the Council's Proposed LDP, H46. It is noted,

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however, that the boundary of H46 on the land east of Devon Road dissects
the area [open field] on which the full extent of a Sports Academy
development is proposed and therefore it is suggested that the settlement
boundary to this area be adjusted to follow the south boundary of the field,
along which there exists a line of mature trees. This is also important to
establish a defensible inner boundary to the proposed Green Belt for Dollar.
Support a Masterplan approach, given the scale of proposed expansion of the
town over the next 20 years, to protect and enhance the distinctive character
of the town.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) Supports the principle of a planning framework
to control development and welcome the new community/sports facilities
proposed within the Draft Dollar Masterplan (CD090), but has serious
concerns about the scale, extent and location of the proposed core housing
developments within it which flow from the LDP.

The draft Dollar Masterplan (CD090) takes as given that 354 new houses are
to be built in Dollar, within and by extending current boundaries, over the
period of the Clackmannanshire LDP. Indeed it suggests a further 150 houses
above that target. I do not agree with this basic assumption.

The Masterplan (CD090) describes proposed developments in three main
phases, with major community enhancements of sports and school facilities
shown in the later phases after the construction of around 300 new houses in
Phases 1 and 2. It also describes design codes and infrastructure provision
intended to ensure an overall high standard of integrated development. The
sports/community proposals would undoubtedly benefit the community.
Concern about these actually being delivered.


John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) The town has a need for new housing, but
for very specific needs, small, single-storey, easy-maintenance housing with
safe, level access to the town, not properties in the 500,000 to 1m+ price
range way out of town.

Theres plenty of housing to attract families and young people available
already, family properties simply arent selling in the town at present. There
are more than 20 properties for sale between 100,000 and 400,000 as at 30
December 2013. Developers just want to build more high value houses aimed
at the parents of children at Dollar Academy.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun (CLDP150) This formal representation is
submitted on behalf of Harviestoun in support of an allocation of land for
residential purposes at Kellybank on the north side of the Muckhart Road,
Dollar which forms part of a much larger housing led, mixed-use proposal to
expand Dollar as articulated by Proposal H46 Dollar Settlement Expansion
on Page 155 of the Proposed Plan. The subject land at Kellybank which is
physically and visually well contained, does not constitute prime agricultural
land and, is not affected by any specific landscape or ecological designations,
compares favourably when assessed against the effectiveness criteria set
out in Paragraph 55, Page 17 of Scottish Governments Planning Advice Note

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2/2010 Affordable Housing and Housing Land Audits (CD012). In common
with all other proposed development land within Dollar, the site is currently the
subject of education, water and drainage constraints. However, it is
anticipated that the required infrastructure can be provided at reasonable cost
to allow development to proceed.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) While the 354 number is stated in the Council
LDP, it is not supported by any specific argument. It is proportionately much
higher than expansion proposed for other settlements in Clackmannanshire,
and would I believe detract from longer standing Council priorities of
promoting other developments, arguably in areas of greater social and
environmental need. The Council has, correctly in my view, made much of its
success in promoting the new Forestmill settlement, the realisation of which
must be jeopardised by offering developers the option of substantial
development sites in an expanded Dollar.

Community Facilities

Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066) This latest plan again proposes gross over-
development of additional housing stock without corresponding provision of
ancillary supporting infrastructure. This has been said previously in relation to
earlier broad-scale development plans and it is concerning to note that this
latest plan does not address such issues and similarly lacks appropriate
provision of infrastructure.

The Strathdevon primary school itself would become increasingly overloaded
but the development plan fails to provide adequate provision for extension or
duplication. Similarly, the plan makes inadequate provision for expansion of
the existing medical services.

Accordingly, the introduction of further new housing around Dollar would be
not only harmful for the village but also, the new residents would not find the
facilities in the village adequate for their needs and requirements.
Furthermore, the quantity of proposed new housing at Dollar is grossly
disproportionate to the size of the existing village, compared with that
proposed for the other Hillfoots villages.

John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) The LDP mentions a potential extension to
the primary school but what about the health centre? All services, but
particularly sewerage, are already overstretched; Any developers proposal for
any part of the land surrounding Dollar which does not include fully funded
solutions to all these problems should be rejected.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ac) Generally welcome the
Development Requirements for Creating Sustainable Communities, to which
we would add the following:
Provision of community orchard sites in accordance with Green Network
principles, potentially linked to the primary school.
Generally welcome the Developer Contributions, to which we would add the
Contributions required to address educational issues for primary school and
community centre (secondary school contribution should be appropriate to

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the predicted additional number of pupils generated by additional housing
as the feeder school is not in Dollar).
Contribution required to public art e.g. interpretation for the Burnside, as
identified on the Burnside Feasibility Plan.
Potential to contribute to projects to support the aims and objectives of the
Contribution required towards the construction of the new Dollar Golf Club
clubhouse (Proposal S12).

The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) Within the proposed
expansion there is the opportunity to re-establish residential school
accommodation to serve increased interest from boarding pupils.


John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) The town has very poor transport links
with the outside world. There are few jobs in the town, the potential of the new
business park sites is unlikely to be realised, and there is no public transport
timed to allow work anywhere beyond its boundaries. The towns current
parking problems are already quite dreadful: hundreds more people and cars
will make it even worse.

Many of the areas around the town earmarked for development provide
considerable amenity to the residents, e.g. routes to the fields to the east of
the town. There should be a requirement on developers to retain as many
existing walking routes as possible.

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) The Council also expresses its interest in
advocating healthy activity, yet the proposed development would seriously
diminish the attractiveness of the old railway line to the walkers, runners,
cyclists and horse riders who currently use it.

The "improvement" of roads will simply lead to more, faster traffic. Traffic
calming and speed cameras would be a more appropriate solution to traffic

Keith Duncan (CLDP027a) At present there is no proper car parking provided
in Dollar. With an extra 350 homes this will make the problem more acute.

Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066) In particular, the occupiers of any new
houses on the periphery of Dollar, especially those with young families, will
necessarily use their cars to access the facilities of the village and will hope to
find convenient parking space. Parking space is already deficient in the centre
of Dollar and also at the school-run stopping points and is insufficient for an
influx of new residents. It is already an established trend that, householders
on peripheral developments around Dollar who have to use their cars for
shopping, prefer to drive on to other areas where convenient parking is

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ac) Generally welcome the Developer
Contributions, to which we would add the following:
Contributions towards a new town centre car park, enhancement of town

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centre/Bridge Street, regeneration of the Burnside.
Contribution to new roundabout proposed on A91.
Contribution to the re-alignment and safety improvements on A91 between
Dollar and Tillicoultry.


John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) Much of the employment potential
mentioned for the area seems to revolve round the completion of the
development itself. In the absence of employment lots of new houses simply
means lots more cars setting off for Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, Stirling and
Perth every morning, and lots more children having to commute long
distances for secondary schooling.

Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066) The plan provides no opportunity for
employment in Dollar and hence the occupiers of any new houses would be
mainly commuters. Most would commute by car to distant workplaces causing
nuisance, congestion and pollution with no gain for Dollar as a community.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP084) The
need for sites to be allocated within the masterplan for proposed business
uses at Devon Road and Muckhart Road in order to help provide a catalyst for
job creating opportunities is fully supported as an important part of a housing-
led, mixed-use masterplanned approach to Dollars future expansion. The
realisation of these elements of the plan are however very speculative in
nature and will be wholly reliant on market conditions and interest.

Green Belt

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) The Council expresses elsewhere in the PDLP
its commitment to preserving greenbelt, yet a greenbelt around Dollar has
never been agreed by the Council, in spite of repeated requests from local
residents to demarcate the eastern and southern boundaries of the settlement
by the Kelly Burn and old railway line respectively.
Stuart Geddes (CLDP049) How exactly does this proposal enhance the
green belt as suggested? This statement must be justified.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP151)
Consider the proposed extended settlement boundaries to be consistent with
the Scottish Governments Green Belt policy objectives to form robust, long
term defensible boundaries aimed at accommodating planned settlement

The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) We note the importance of
applying Green Belt policy guidance in relation to the proposed settlement
boundary to the east of the town, where the Proposed LDP establishes an
arbitrary inner green belt boundary across the middle of fields rather than
along recognisable defensible landscape features. In this location there is a
small stream and tree belt which might form the inner green belt boundary.

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Pollution, Loss of Habitat and Prime Agricultural Land

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) Building on the proposed site would increase
car use and air pollution, and noise and light pollution. Some of the proposed
areas are rich in bio-diversity, including home to bird species on the red and
amber endangered lists, and this would be reduced by the building. Other
targeted areas are prime agricultural land, which should be preserved.
Converting what is currently green field into urban park is likely to reduce its
environmental value, as the use of chemicals, cutting back trees, interference
and disturbance will almost certainly decrease bio-diversity.

Some mature trees and all the hedges have already been felled in the current
development at Lovers Loan, destroying nesting sites and feeding grounds for
song birds. The new development and accompanying road, industrial and
sports facilities would entail destroying more mature trees, a loss of habitat
which cannot simply be replaced by planting new trees.

Keith Duncan (CLDP027b) I believe the field between Lower Mains and
Dollar is prime agricultural land (in accordance with the relevant MacCaulay
maps) and would therefore be classed as a 'Medium Constraint Area' under
the LDP. I have not been able to fully confirm these but would appreciate if the
Council could review this.


Marion Marsden (CLDP025) The area is subject to flooding and further
building is likely to exacerbate flood problems. Even if measures are taken to
control flooding in the immediate vicinity of any new building, the excess water
will just appear elsewhere, flooding fields or other housing in its place.

Keith Duncan (CLDP027) Page 90 and Policy EA9 states that "Applications
for development on land which the Council considers to be at risk of flooding,
or which the Council considers are likely to increase the risk of flooding
elsewhere must be accompanied by a Flood Risk Assessment carried out in
accordance with the principles outlined in the Water SG".
Further it is stated that:
"Permission will not normally be given for development on greenfield sites and
undeveloped/sparsely development localities which are at risk of flooding, or
which would increase the risk of flooding to either existing development or to
LDP sites".

Taken into account the above and also the high amount of rainfall in recent
months and recent years, I don't believe a Flood Risk Assessment has been
prepared? If one has then could you please forward a copy?

Other Infrastructure

Keith Duncan (CLDP027d) If this development does go ahead, will the
Council commit to arranging mains gas and ideally cable telecommunications
for the Lower Mains area?

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077m) As the main settlement in this area

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the large increase in households in East Ochils would increase demand for
and pressure for services in Dollar which would likely require inward
investment from Clackmannanshire Council, in addition to developer
contributions. The Community Masterplan in support of the existing
Community Plan will define the level and form of additional facilities and
infrastructure required.

H47 - Dollar Golf Club

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ad) Developer contribution from the
conversion of the Dollar Golf Club clubhouse (H47) should be used for the
introduction of interpretation on the Burnside as part of the Burnside Project.

S13 - Dollar Settlement Expansion Community Sports Facility

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ae) The Community Sports Facility is
of great interest and the community masterplan will be the most appropriate
mechanism to articulate how it could sit with housing proposals, Green Belt
and other interests, including access to the town centre. It will be essential for
this facility to be open to the community, and desirable to prescribe an
appropriate level of community access in advance.

The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) Dollar Academy has
particular interest in the opportunity to include high quality outdoor and indoor
sports facilities on land to the east of Devon Road and identified in the
Proposed LDP, S13 - Dollar Settlement Expansion Community Sports Facility.

S14 - New Dollar Cemetery

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077af) S14, New Dollar Cemetery and
Sports Pitch has sited the sport pitch in a low-lying waterlogged position.
Dollar Community Council supports a more suitable position be found for it
through the community masterplan.

B19 - Devon Road

PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018c) It is suggested that Proposal B19
identified in the Local Development Plan should be subsumed into the wider
masterplan for the area. This will allow such uses to be formally confirmed
through the Local Development Plan led process.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ah) Dollar Community Council will
comment further on Proposal B19, Devon Road when the community
masterplan has been completed, which will have a framework for further
business opportunities.

T27 - A91 Corridor

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ag) T27, A91 Corridor improvements
are welcomed, although the proposed new roundabout on the A91 should be
subject to the community masterplan and as a developer contribution as
development proceeds in the area.

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Keith Duncan (CLDP027c) It is unclear from the Dollar maps what transport
improvements T27, T33, T35 & T37 are.

Modifications sought by those submitting representations:

H46 - Dollar Settlement Expansion

Impact of Development in General/Allocation Process

John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) Are seeking a reduction in the number of
additional houses proposed for the town and the protection of existing access
to formal and informal paths.

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) Believes these plans should be abandoned.
Suggests building multi-storey car parks in towns to free up brownfield sites.
Suggests development be directed to the other Hillfoot towns.

Stuart Geddes (CLDP049) Seeks alterations to site H46 to represent what
has previously been discussed on and agreed.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077g) Accept the need for provision of a
large number of new houses and the principle of the LDP housing allocation
(H46) in Dollar.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077) Request an addition to the
Development Requirements for Environmental Assets:
High quality development required to reflect the qualities of the adjacent
Dollar Conservation Area.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) Does not request any modifications, but raises
concerns over the allocation of greenfield land over brownfield, the shift in
emphasis from providing housing in the west and south of the Council area
and the ability of the development to deliver the types of homes required, i.e.
affordable and single person housing. Concerned over the Community
Council/Masterplan suggestion of an additional 150 houses above the LDP
350 target to accommodate smaller/affordable housing as the LDP target
must assume an appropriate housing mix. The Council Main Issues Report
(paragraph 3.22) (CD032 & CD033) also stated that sites which would result
in ribbon development along the A91 to the east of Dollar were not favoured.
The current allocation/development proposals would be such a marked
reversal of this sustained commitment over many years to preserve the
settlement footprint from lateral creep and to resist persistent pressure from
landowners/developers that they should be resisted and challenged by the
Community Steering group rather than actively promoted.

Dollar Community Masterplan

PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018b) Are broadly supportive of the
proposals in the LDP and the Masterplanning approach, but with limited
changes requested. It is considered that the current Proposal T35 (Dollar to
Vicars Bridge Cycle Route) is arbitrary in respect of its route as it sets the

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southern boundary of the development/masterplan allocation. It is suggested
that the proposed southern and eastern boundaries of the allocation are
adjusted to follow relevant field boundaries or other identifiable features on the
ground. This may slightly increase the size of the allocation but will also
provide a defensible boundary on the ground that makes logical sense in land
use planning terms. It will also add a degree of flexibility to development
layout and housing numbers. The proposed cycle route may still follow the
same alignment as shown in the Local Development Plan Proposed Plan but
would be incorporated within the development rather than creating an edge to

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ab) The Community Council trust the
Council will find the Community Masterplan (CD090) relevant to the LDP and
that it can be embedded into planning policies and supplementary guidance
so as to shape a strong vision for Dollars future. This growth should be
guided by the Dollar Community Masterplan (CD090) and Community Council
response. Also request that the LDP boundary between the settlement
expansion boundary and the Green Belt be realigned consistent with the
community masterplan.

Generally welcome the Development Requirements for Creating Sustainable
Communities, but would request the wording below is added. Dollar
Community Council would also like to help identify and prioritise community
Phasing plan tied to developer contributions required.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun (CLDP084) Supports the extension of the
settlement boundary at Dollar proposed in the 'Community Masterplan'
(CD090) which includes an area larger than that in the Proposed LDP and
suggests that the Proposed Plans masterplan/development brief approach to
the entire proposed urban expansion area should ultimately provide for an
approved Supplementary Planning Guidance framework document specifying
land uses, a design code, infrastructure provision, phasing and developer
contributions against which future planning applications will be determined.

Although wholly supportive in principle to the Dollar Community Masterplan,
Harviestoun would wish to reserve its position on the detail of the masterplan
until the public consultation exercise has been completed and full account
taken of the responses received/recorded.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP151)
Supports the allocation of land for development to the east of Kellyburn, which
forms part of Proposal H46, the extended settlement boundaries identified
through the Dollar Community Masterplan (CD090), which are in excess of
those in the Proposed LDP, and the Proposed LDPs suggested
masterplan/development brief approach to the proposed settlement
expansion. Suggests that the masterplan should provide for an approved
Supplementary Guidance framework document specifying land uses, a design
code, infrastructure provision, phasing and developer contributions, against
which future planning applications will require to be determined.

In order to facilitate a softer landscape edge to Dollar on approach from the

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east, there is a need for an extended landscape structure along the top north-
eastern section of the towns settlement boundary fronting the proposed
business use south of the new gateway roundabout on the Muckhart Road.

The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) Support the proposed
expansion of Dollar identified by the Council's Proposed LDP, H46. It is noted,
however, that the boundary of H46 on the land east of Devon Road dissects
the area [open field] on which the full extent of a Sports Academy
development is proposed and therefore it is suggested that the settlement
boundary to this area be adjusted to follow the south boundary of the field,
along which there exists a line of mature trees. This is also important to
establish a defensible inner boundary to the proposed Green Belt for Dollar.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) Supports the principle of a planning framework
to control development and welcome the new community/sports facilities
proposed within the Draft Dollar Masterplan (CD090), but has serious
concerns about the scale, extent and location of the proposed core housing
developments within it which flow from the LDP. The draft Dollar Masterplan
(CD090) takes as given that 354 new houses are to be built in Dollar, within
and by extending current boundaries, over the period of the
Clackmannanshire LDP. Indeed it suggests a further 150 houses above that
target. I do not agree with this basic assumption.

Concerned that there is a real danger that the commitment of developers to
the community/infrastructure would wane after completing a large proportion
of their commercial programme. Also that the measures available to the
Council/planning authorities to ensure that the whole Masterplan would be
completed to the standards envisaged may be insufficient in range and
strength of enforcement to deliver the vision being promoted, which in itself
would compromise the unique character of Dollar.


John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) Suggest the type of new housing the town
needs is for very specific needs, small, single-storey, easy-maintenance
housing with safe, level access to the town, not properties in the 500,000 to
1m+ price range way out of town.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) The 354 number stated in the Council LDP is
not supported by any specific argument. It is proportionately much higher than
expansion proposed for other settlements in Clackmannanshire, and would I
believe detract from longer standing Council priorities of promoting other
developments, arguably in areas of greater social and environmental need.
The new Forestmill settlement must be jeopardised by offering developers the
option of substantial development sites in an expanded Dollar. Raises
concerns over the ability of the development to deliver the types of homes
required, i.e. affordable and single person housing.

Community Facilities

Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066) This latest plan again proposes gross over-
development of additional housing stock without corresponding provision of

Page 14 of 25
ancillary supporting infrastructure. This latest plan does not address such
issues and similarly lacks appropriate provision of infrastructure. The
Development Plan fails to provide adequate provision for extension or
duplication of the primary school. Similarly, the plan makes inadequate
provision for expansion of the existing medical services. Furthermore, the
quantity of proposed new housing at Dollar is grossly disproportionate to the
size of the existing village, compared with that proposed for the other Hillfoots

John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) The LDP mentions a potential extension to
the primary school but what about the health centre? All services, but
particularly sewerage, are already overstretched; Any developers proposal for
any part of the land surrounding Dollar which does not include fully funded
solutions to all these problems should be rejected.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ac) Generally welcome the
Development Requirements for Creating Sustainable Communities, to which
we would add the following:
Provision of community orchard sites in accordance with Green Network
principles, potentially linked to the primary school.
Generally welcome the Developer Contributions, to which we would add the
Contributions required to address educational issues for primary school and
community centre (secondary school contribution should be appropriate to
the predicted additional number of pupils generated by additional housing
as the feeder school is not in Dollar).
Contribution required to public art e.g. interpretation for the Burnside, as
identified on the Burnside Feasibility Plan.
Potential to contribute to projects to support the aims and objectives of the
Contribution required towards the construction of the new Dollar Golf Club
clubhouse (Proposal S12).

The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) Within the proposed
expansion there is the opportunity to re-establish residential school
accommodation to serve increased interest from boarding pupils.


John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) There should be a requirement on
developers to retain as many existing walking routes as possible.

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) The "improvement" of roads will simply lead to
more, faster traffic. Traffic calming and speed cameras would be a more
appropriate solution to traffic problems.

Keith Duncan (CLDP027a) Can the Council include provision for car parking
in an amended LDP, please?

Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066) If new volume-housing is to be built around
Dollar, it would be desirable that local shops and businesses should benefit
from increased trade. However, they cannot attract additional custom without

Page 15 of 25
adequate parking space.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ac) Generally welcome the Developer
Contributions, to which we would add the following:
Contributions towards a new town centre car park, enhancement of town
centre/Bridge Street, regeneration of the Burnside.
Contribution to new roundabout proposed on A91.
Contribution to the re-alignment and safety improvements on A91 between
Dollar and Tillicoultry.


John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) In the absence of employment lots of new
houses simply means lots more commuting and more children having to
commute long distances for secondary schooling.

Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066) The plan provides no opportunity for
employment in Dollar and hence the occupiers of any new houses would be
mainly commuters. Most would commute by car to distant workplaces causing
nuisance, congestion and pollution with no gain for Dollar as a community.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP084)
Despite the latitude afforded under Policy EP4 Non-Employment Generating
Uses on Existing or Allocated Business Sites within the emerging Proposed
LDP, there requires to be a flexibility written into the Dollar Masterplan and/or
future accompanying Development Brief which specifically allows any
identified business sites to accommodate alternative land uses in the event
that a future employment generating use is proven to be neither commercially
or economically viable.

Green Belt

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) The Council expresses elsewhere in the PDLP
its commitment to preserving greenbelt, yet a greenbelt around Dollar has
never been agreed by the Council, in spite of repeated requests from local
residents to demarcate the eastern and southern boundaries of the settlement
by the Kelly Burn and old railway line respectively.

Stuart Geddes (CLDP049) How exactly does this proposal enhance the
green belt as suggested? This statement must be justified.

The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) We note the importance of
applying Green Belt policy guidance in relation to the proposed settlement
boundary to the east of the town, where the Proposed LDP establishes an
arbitrary inner green belt boundary across the middle of fields rather than
along recognisable defensible landscape features. In this location there is a
small stream and tree belt which might form the inner green belt boundary.

Pollution, Loss of Habitat and Prime Agricultural Land

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) Building on the proposed site would increase
car use and air pollution, and noise and light pollution and reduce bio-

Page 16 of 25
diversity. Other targeted areas are prime agricultural land, which should be
preserved. The new development and accompanying road, industrial and
sports facilities would also entail destroying more mature trees, a loss of
habitat which cannot simply be replaced by planting new trees.

Keith Duncan (CLDP027b) I believe the field between Lower Mains and
Dollar is prime agricultural land (in accordance with the relevant MacCaulay
maps) and would therefore be classed as a 'Medium Constraint Area' under
the LDP. I have not been able to fully confirm these but would appreciate if the
Council could review this.


Marion Marsden (CLDP025) Even if measures are taken to control flooding
in the immediate vicinity of any new building, the excess water will just appear
elsewhere, flooding fields or other housing in its place.

Keith Duncan (CLDP027) Taking into account the high amount of rainfall in
recent months and recent years, I don't believe a Flood Risk Assessment has
been prepared? If one has then could you please forward a copy?

Other Infrastructure

Keith Duncan (CLDP027d) If this development does go ahead, will the
Council commit to arranging mains gas and ideally cable telecommunications
for the Lower Mains area?

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077m) An increase in households would
increase demand for and pressure for services in Dollar which would likely
require inward investment from Clackmannanshire Council, in addition to
developer contributions.

H47 - Dollar Golf Club

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ad) would like to see a developer
contribution from Proposal H47, Dollar Golf Clubhouse conversion to
interpretation on the Burnside as Part of the Burnside Project.

S13 - Dollar Settlement Expansion Community Sports Facility

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ae) support the delivery of the
Community Sports Facility through the Masterplan and agreeing the levels of
community access in advance of its planning and construction.

The Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) identify their interest in the
Community Sports Facility, but do not request any modifications to the LDP
other than boundary changes as discussed above.

S14 - New Dollar Cemetery

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077af) S14 has sited the sport pitch in a
low-lying waterlogged position. Dollar Community Council supports a more

Page 17 of 25
suitable position be found for it through the community masterplan.

B19 - Devon Road

PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018c) It is suggested that Proposal B19
identified in the Local Development Plan should be subsumed into the wider
masterplan for the area. This will allow such uses to be formally confirmed
through the Local Development Plan led process.

T27 - A91 Corridor

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ag) The proposed new roundabout on
the A91 should be subject to the community masterplan and as a developer
contribution as development proceeds in the area.

Keith Duncan (CLDP027c) It is unclear from the Dollar maps what transport
improvements T27, T33, T35 & T37 are.

Summary of responses (including reasons) by Planning Authority:

H46 - Dollar Settlement Expansion

Impact of Development in General/Allocation Process

Representations varied from those who accepted the scale of development
proposed, and indeed sought an increase in the size of the site and house
numbers [Dollar Community Council (CLDP077g)], through those who
agreed with the principle, but felt the size of the site and house numbers
should be reduced [John and Alison Mayes (CLDP024), Stuart Geddes
(CLDP049) and Brian Hutchison (CLDP169)] to those who simply did not
want to see any development at all [Marion Marsden (CLDP025)]. Scottish
Planning policy requires the planning system to identify a generous supply of
land for the provision of a range of housing in the right places, including
addressing the need for affordable housing. While other areas in
Clackmannanshire have seen significant growth over the last 20 years, there
has been comparatively little growth in Dollar and the East Ochils area. This
has resulted in a shortage of affordable and smaller homes in these areas.
The Spatial Strategy of the Proposed LDP therefore seeks to address this by
allocating sites in these areas which have traditionally experienced very low
levels of new housebuilding. Dollar Community Council have recognised and
embraced these proposals as being beneficial to the long term planned
development of the town. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Building multi-storey car parks in towns to free up brownfield sites [Marion
Marsden (CLDP025)] would be out of character with the small, traditional
town centres and is likely to be prohibitively expensive, requiring the finance
to be recovered through charging for parking, thus driving people out of the
town centres. The idea of directing development to other Hillfoots towns is
accepted and there are a number of sites identified in the other towns and
villages, particularly where there has been limited building in the past and
where the infrastructure to support development is either in place or can be
provided. The Council is still required to find more land to try to meet the

Page 18 of 25
housing supply figures and therefore land has been allocated in Dollar for the
reasons identified in the Proposed LDP. No changes are therefore sought
to the LDP.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077) request an addition to the
Development Requirements for Environmental Assets to require a "High
quality development required to reflect the qualities of the adjacent Dollar
Conservation Area.". The expansion area is not actually adjacent to the
Conservation Area, and is of a scale that it will be important to consider the
landscape setting of the town itself, from all views and directions and not just
in relation to the Conservation Area. No changes are therefore sought to
the LDP.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) raises concerns over the allocation of greenfield
land over brownfield and the shift in emphasis from providing housing in the
west and south of the Council area. Despite the Councils industrial heritage, a
number of the brownfield sites have been re-developed, and others are
identified through the LDP. It is therefore necessary to allocate some
greenfield sites in order to try to meet the housing supply figures. No changes
are therefore sought to the LDP.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) also quotes the Council's Main Issues Report
(paragraph 3.22) (CD032 & CD033) as stating that sites which would result in
ribbon development along the A91 to the east of Dollar were not favoured and
that the current allocation/development proposals would be a marked reversal
of this commitment. At the time the Main Issues Report was prepared, a much
smaller allocation of housing was proposed in Dollar. Following the publication
of the MIR and the subsequent support for a larger expansion, at least from
the Community Council, the context of these sites has changed and they have
now become part of a larger, phased and planned development, rather than
smaller, individual, piecemeal proposals. No changes are therefore sought
to the LDP.

Dollar Community Masterplan

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) Support for the principle of a planning
framework to control development and welcoming the new community/sports
facilities proposed within the Draft Dollar Masterplan is noted. Concerns about
the scale, extent and location of the proposed core housing developments
within it which flow from the LDP are addressed elsewhere. Concern over the
commitment of developers to deliver the community/infrastructure and
ensuring that the whole Masterplan would be completed to the standards
envisaged would be addressed by legal agreements and conditions as far as
possible. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun (CLDP084) Having reserved its position
on the detail of the masterplan until the public consultation exercise has been
completed and full account taken of the responses received/recorded,
subsequent representations were received and these have been incorporated
into this Schedule 4. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Page 19 of 25
Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ab), Alan Farningham for
Harviestoun (CLDP084) and Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG
Property Ltd. (CLDP151) wish the Community Masterplan (CD090) to be
embedded into planning policies and supplementary guidance so as to shape
a strong vision for Dollars future and guide growth, ultimately specifying land
uses, a design code, infrastructure provision, phasing and developer
contributions against which future planning applications will be determined.
While the Community Masterplan is a commendable piece of work into which
a lot of effort has clearly gone, it is not considered appropriate to adopt it as
part of the LDP, or as Supplementary Guidance. As a starting point, the
Masterplan will be a very valuable tool, however there are a number of issues
including ground conditions and environmental assessments which it is not
considered have been covered in enough detail to allow the Council to
formally adopt the Masterplan. It is also very detailed in certain areas, e.g. the
Design Code, and lacking information in other areas, e.g. business and
employment opportunities. It is therefore considered that there are too many
uncertainties to allow the Masterplan to be adopted and that some flexibility
and scope for review over time is required. It is clear that the community will
have strong inputs into the planning process for the expansion of Dollar and
this is to be commended. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018b), Dollar Community Council
(CLDP077), Alan Farningham for Harviestoun (CLDP084), Alan
Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP151), The
Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) request that the boundaries of
the Dollar Settlement Expansion in the LDP are amended to reflect those of
the Community Masterplan (CD090) through extensions of the site to the east
and south. It is not considered necessary to amend the southern boundary as
sports pitches could be an acceptable use outwith, but adjacent to the
settlement boundary. SPP (CD001) states that outwith the city regions, the
Local Development Plan should establish the need for a green belt, identify
specific boundaries and set out the policy for future development within it
including the identification of appropriate uses. Policy EA8 of the Proposed
LDP states that recreational uses may be permitted in green belt areas. An
example of this can be seen in the Clackmannanshire LDP where a site to the
west of Tillicoultry which lies within the green belt is proposed for an extension
to existing playing fields within the settlement boundary (Proposal S09). We
support the provision of sports facilities/playing fields as part of the
Community Masterplan (CD090). However, to amend the settlement boundary
to the south could lead to pressure for residential development. Therefore, it is
considered that instead of amending the boundary, that a specific allocation
for open space and related facilities could be allocated outwith the settlement
boundary should the Reporter be minded. The proposed extension of the site
to the east does seem more logical and follows more identifiable boundaries
on the ground than those in the Proposed LDP. Should the Reporter be
minded to accept the proposal for the eastern part of the site boundary, this
could be amended accordingly.

Although highlighting the need for an extended landscape structure along the
top north-eastern section of the towns settlement boundary fronting the
proposed business use south of the new gateway roundabout on the
Muckhart Road, no modifications are proposed to the LDP. The LDP requires

Page 20 of 25
the production of a strategic landscape framework which would address this. If
it is being suggested that the site should be increased in size to accommodate
such structural planting, this is not accepted. The proposed site is of sufficient
size to allow structural planting to be created, or the existing planting
strengthened, indeed there is a requirement for "existing mature trees and
landscape planting to be retained and incorporated into the development.".

Plan submitted by Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP151)

Dollar Community Masterplan (May 2014)

Page 21 of 25
Dollar Community Council (CLDP077) The request for an additional bullet
point to the Development Requirements for Creating Sustainable
Communities is noted, however a bullet point with exactly the same wording "
Phasing plan tied to developer contributions required" is already included in
the text at this section. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.


John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) and Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) suggest
that the type of housing which will be provided will not provide for the type of
people who most need it. Strategic Objective 4 of the Proposed LDP includes
reference to "allocating a range of appropriate sites and dwelling types..." and
the Development Requirements for the site require the submission of "details
of house numbers and sizes". This information will be discussed with the
Council's Housing staff to ensure an appropriate range of housing in terms of
not only type and size, but also tenure are made available through the
development. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Brian Hutchison (CLDP169) queries the total house numbers. While the LDP
considers the demand for housing in the future, based on projections, it does
not allocate these proportionately through the existing settlements. Issues
such as previous levels of development, infrastructure capacity, landscape
capacity, etc. all have a bearing on the best locations to direct new housing to.
Identification of sites at Forestmill, Dollar and Muckhart demonstrate a slight
change in emphasis from concentrating growth in the south and west of
Clackmannanshire to looking to the east, taking advantage of infrastructure
capacity and improved transport links and directing development away from
areas affected by infrastructure, landscape and greenbelt constraints. No
changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Community Facilities

Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066), John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024), Dollar
Community Council (CLDP077ac) and The Governors of Dollar Academy
(CLDP164). There are clearly a number of community facilities and
infrastructure issues to be considered when proposing a settlement expansion
of this scale and these are being looked at through ongoing discussion around
the Masterplan. The developer contributions require contributions to address
educational issues and the Council's Education Services and Facilities
Management are involved in more detailed discussions about the proposals.
NHS Forth Valley have also contacted the Council with regard to developer
contributions to health facility improvements. These would fall under
"Community Facilities" in the Development Requirements for the site.
Contributions are also required to public art and, while these are still to be
determined, it may be that some monies could be directed to the interpretation
of the Burnside as suggested. Although the development requirements for
Creating Sustainable Communities mentions provision of allotment sites, it
does not mention community orchard sites as such. If the Reporter is so
minded to recommend that such a reference is included the LDP could be
amended. The provision of boarding school facilities would be a matter for the
Academy, however future iterations of the Masterplan could consider the
scale and location of such facilities.

Page 22 of 25

John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024), Marion Marsden (CLDP025), Keith
Duncan (CLDP027a) and Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066) A Transport
Assessment is required which will address a number of the transport concerns
and identify solutions to be implemented either as part of the settlement
expansion or enabled by it. Improvements to specific junctions have been
identified in the LDP on the advice of the Council's Roads and Transportation
Section. Reference is also made in the LDP to the requirement for paths,
enhancements to active travel networks and the provision of safe routes to
school, all of which will evolve along with the proposals. No changes are
therefore sought to the LDP.

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ac) Suggest the development could
contribute towards a new town centre car park, however, there are very
limited opportunities to create a new car parking are of any size in the existing
town centre. It may be that parking within the development area, but close to
and linked well with, the existing town centre might provide the best option.
The Transport Assessment could also contribute to informing this. No
changes are therefore sought to the LDP.


John & Alison Mayes (CLDP024) and Mr & Mrs Jenkinson (CLDP066) As
part of the mixed use development, the LDP requires the provision of
employment opportunities. It is hoped that these proposals will be progressed
further in the next iteration of the Masterplan. No changes are therefore
sought to the LDP.

Alan Farningham for Harviestoun and AWG Property Ltd. (CLDP084) It is
considered that the inclusion of a requirement for employment land is
important to provide opportunities for those living in Dollar to work close to
home and improve the sustainability of the development. The precise type,
size, location and delivery of the employment uses is still to be determined
and, if thoroughly researched and targeted, should ensure that it is taken up.
As stated, Policy EP4 'Non-Employment Generating Uses on Existing or
Allocated Business Sites' may allow sites identified through the
masterplanning process to be developed for alternative uses in future, but
only if they have been properly assessed through the planning system. It
would be premature at this stage to suggest that employment sites could not
be delivered as part of the settlement expansion. No changes are therefore
sought to the LDP.

Green Belt

Marion Marsden (CLDP025), Stuart Geddes (CLDP049) and The
Governors of Dollar Academy (CLDP164) Following a review of Green Belts
in Clackmannanshire (CD062), the green belt at Dollar was actually extended
around the southern and eastern edges, directing long term development, as
promoted in the SPP (CD001), to the Dollar settlement expansion area. This
extension, and long term direction shows the Council's commitment to green
belt and green belt extensions where necessary. Where the green belt has

Page 23 of 25
been designated around Dollar the LDP expects enhancements including
improvements for recreational access and biodiversity. The suggested green
belt boundary alteration to the south of the allocated site is not accepted for
the reasons given in the 'Dollar Community Masterplan' section of this
Schedule 4. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Pollution, Loss of Habitat and Prime Agricultural Land

Marion Marsden (CLDP025) and Keith Duncan (CLDP027b) The Council
must allocate land to meet housing demand within its geographical
boundaries. The location of these housing sites is influenced by a number of
factors including infrastructure, constraints and landscape capacity. Air, noise
and light pollution would be affected in whatever area was designated for new
development. Biodiversity can be protected to a certain extent by building on
brownfield sites, however the majority of those in Clackmannanshire have
either been developed or are allocated for development, therefore we must
look to some greenfield release to meet the housing land requirements. The
compact nature of Clackmannanshire means that Dollar is only 7.5 miles from
the main town of Alloa and it is hoped that increased levels of development in
the east of Clackmannanshire will lead to improved public transport services
as demand rises. Poor public transport has frequently been raised as an issue
in the eastern areas of the Council during consultations. As can be seen on
the Proposed LDP Designated Sites map, none of the proposed development
site is prime agricultural land. Detailed design proposals will identify what
existing trees and features can be retained and incorporated into the
development and what ones may need to be removed. Generally the Council
favours the retention of mature trees where possible when considering
planning applications, indeed there is a requirement for the site that "existing
mature trees and landscape planting to be retained and incorporated into the
development.". The development requirements for Environmental Assets
identify a number of biodiversity issues and enhancements which will need to
be incorporated into the development which should compensate for the loss of
any existing biodiversity. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.


Marion Marsden (CLDP025) and Keith Duncan (CLDP027) Policy EA9
Managing Flood Risk and the relevant sections of SPP (CD001) detail the
Council's approach to development proposals and flood risk management and
the details that required to be taken into account to ensure that development
proposal are free from flood risk and do not increase the probability of flooding
elsewhere. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

The development requirements clearly define that development proposals will
require to be accompanied by Flood Risk and Drainage Assessments. These
have not yet been prepared, however SEPA did not raise any concerns which
would suggest that this area could not be developed because of flooding. No
changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Page 24 of 25
Other Infrastructure

Keith Duncan (CLDP027d) and Dollar Community Council (CLDP077m)
The provision and extent of mains gas would be at the discretion of the
developer and is not something which the planning system could influence.
Policy EP8 'Telecommunications Development - Additional Information' does
ask developers to "...consider the guidelines published by the Department for
Communities and Local Government (2008), Data Ducting Infrastructure for
New Homes: Guidance Note and demonstrate how these have been
integrated into their proposals. If the Council feels that the proposals would
not contribute to the Governments vision for greater deployment of next
generation broadband, the developer may be asked to revise their
proposals.". It is recognised that developer contributions would be
contributions and that the Council would also need to invest in providing
infrastructure and facilities in the area. No changes are therefore sought to
the LDP.

H47 - Dollar Golf Club

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ad) There is a current planning
permission for this conversion which does not contain any requirement for
developer contributions. Dollar Community Council were consulted on the
application and made no request for developer contributions. The Proposed
LDP does include a requirement for developer contributions from the
Settlement Expansion to the new Dollar Golf Club clubhouse, educational
issues and public art. Contributions to interpretation on the Burnside as Part of
the Burnside Project could therefore be considered as part of any public art
contribution should any future planning applications be made. No changes
are therefore sought to the LDP.

S13 - Dollar Settlement Expansion Community Sports Facility

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ae) Details of the proposed
Community Sports Facility should be pursued through the continued evolution
of the Community Masterplan, along with any agreements regarding its use.
No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

S14 - New Dollar Cemetery

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077af) S14 is the proposed Dollar
Cemetery and S11 relates to a new playing field at Lover's Loan. Both of
these proposals were part of planning permission 07/00460/OUT (CD071).
When the Dollar Community Masterplan commenced and it was considered
that there may be scope for a larger settlement expansion and that
opportunities to relocate these facilities may arise as part of this. While it has
been established that it will be unrealistic to change the location of the
proposed cemetery, it may be possible that a more suitable position could be
found for the playing field through the community masterplan process. No
changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Page 25 of 25
B19 - Devon Road

PPCA for Mrs K Stewart (CLDP018c) Site B19 was the only employment
site identified in Dollar in the adopted Local Plan and had planning permission
in principle for 4 live work units granted in 2010 (10/00251/PPP) (CD074). The
site was therefore carried through into the Proposed LDP. Planning
permission in principle lapsed in November 2013, just after the Proposed LDP
was published. Proposal H46, the Dollar Settlement Expansion, identifies the
need for employment opportunities and this was reflected on the plan by the
late addition of a circle, B23, identifying that employment opportunities would
need to be included in the expansion area, but not identifying exact locations
or sites. These were to be determined through the progression of the Dollar
Masterplan (CD090). If the Reporter is so minded they may wish to remove
this allocation and allow the employment provision to be incorporated into the
Dollar Masterplan process.

T27 - A91 Corridor

Dollar Community Council (CLDP077ag) and Keith Duncan (CLDP027c)
Junction improvements will be informed by the Transport Assessment,
reflected in the masterplan and funded by the site developers. The precise
nature of the proposals under T27 will be informed by the Transport
Assessment. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Proposal T33 to upgrade the Devon Way to "commuter standard" is an
aspiration of our Transport Planning Department and would entail the laying of
a sealed surface along the Devon Way, with associated drainage
improvements and potentially widening at some points to avoid the potential
for collision if there are two parties travelling in opposite directions. The route
would be for walkers and cyclists. No changes are therefore sought to the

Proposals T35 and T37 are also aspirational and have been flagged up
initially through the Local Development Plan process for comment. The
proposals may involve the improvement and promotion of existing roads,
paths, core paths and former railway lines. No details such as path type,
width, lighting, etc. have been looked into in detail yet. No changes are
therefore sought to the LDP.

Reporters conclusions:

Reporters recommendations:

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