KIITEE Syllabus 3

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Unit 1: Ordinary Differential Equation

Differential equation of first order. Linear
differential equation of second order
(homogeneous and nonhomogeneous case).
Cauchy, Eulers equation, Application of first
order differential equations (mixture
problem, Newtons law of cooling,
orthogonal trajectory). Application to LCR
circuits, Application to free and forced
vibration of Mass spring system.

Unit 2: Series Method

Properties of power series, Radius of
convergence of power series, Legenders
equation and Legenders polynomial, properties
of Legenders polynomial, Gamma function,
ordinary and singular point Frobenious
method, Bessels equation and properties of
Bessels function.

Unit 3: Laplace Transform

Laplace transforms of standard function,
periodic functions, Unit step function,
Transforms of derivatives and integrals.
Differentiation and integration of
transforms, Linearity property, Inverse
Laplace transform, Shifting theorems,
Convolution. Application to solve
differential and integral equations ( initial
value problem).

Unit 4: Fourier Series

Periodic function, Fourier series, Eulers
formula, Even and odd functions, Fourier
series expansions of even and odd function,
half range expansion of functions,
Expansion of functions with finite

Unit 5: Matrix

Types of matrices, algebra of matrices, rank,
solution of non-homogenous system of
equations, consistency of the system of
equations, Linear dependance and
independance, solution of homogeneous
system of equation. Eigen values and eigen
vectors. Norm and inner product.
Orthogonal and projection matrix.

Application of eigen values and vectors to
solve the system of homogeneous linear
differential equation.

Unit 6 : Vectors:

Vector algebra, product of vectors, vector
differentiation, vector differential operator,
gradient, directional derivatives, divergence,
curl, line integral, double integral, greens


Unit 1:- Statics

Conditions of equilibrium, concept of free
body diagram, methods of moments and
solution to engineering problems.

Friction : Static friction, ladder friction,
problems with friction, Belt friction and
screw jack, force analysis of plane trusses (
method of joint, method of sections, plane
frames, methods of members), Parallel
forces in a plane, Centre of parallel forces,
Pappus Guldinus theorems, MI of plane
figures, parallel axis theorem, perpendicular
axis theorem, Polar MI, Principle of virtual
work for a single particle, rigid bodies, ideal
systems and constrained bodies.

Unit 2: Dynamics

Force proportional to displacement, free
vibration, D Alemberts principle,
momentum and impulse. Application to
principle of linear momentum to a single
particle, rigid bodies and ideal systems.
Application to principle of angular
momentum to a single particle and rotating
rigid bodies. Principle of conservation of


Unit 3: Work and Energy

Principle of work and energy for ideal
system, Conservation of energy.


Unit 1: Electrostatics
Coulombs law, Electric charge, Potential,
Field & Capacitance, Potential gradient due
to spherical cylindrical and plane charges,
Electric force, Flux density and permitivity.
Calculation of Capacitance of spherical,
coaxial, cylindrical and parallel plate
condenser. Energy stored in a electric field.

Unit 2: Electromagnetism

Magnetic field due to current in conductor.
Magnetic field intensity and Flux density.
Permeability, B-H curves, Magnetisation,
Concept in hystersis. Magnetomotive force
and Magnetic reluctance.

Electrodynamic force:- Faradays law of
electromagnetic induction, Eddy current,
emf induced in a conductor moving in a
magnetic field. Energy stored in a magnetic

Unit 3: D.C. Circuit

Current distribution in series and parallel
circuit. Power and energy in electric circuit.
Star-Delta conversion. Kirchoff;s law & its

application and solve electric circuit by
branch & loop current method & nodal
method. Superposition theorem.

Unit 4: A.C. Circuit

Production of alternating current
Instantaneous, average & rms value of
current and voltage. Peak factor, Form
factor, Amplitude, Frequency, Phase
difference, Addition and subtraction of
alternating quantity. Phasor diagram,
Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance,
impedance and admittance- power and
power factor-series and parallel circuits. Q
factor-Three phase circuit. Star-Delta
connection-Active and reactive power. Power
measurement with one and two wattmeter
methods-Calculation in RLC circuit, in series

Unit 5: Instrument

Construction and principle of operation-
PMMC, MI and dynamometer type
ammeter, voltmeter and dynamometer type
wattmeter. Power factor meter.

Unit 6: Illumination

Law of illumination- Solid angle, Luminous
flux, Luminous intensity, illumination
brightness and luminous efficiency.

Unit 7: Production Light

Filament lamp, Arc lamp, Electric discharge
lamps, Sodium vapour lamp, Mercury
vapour lamp-Theory of electrical energy
radiation. Comparison between filament
lamp and fluorescent lamp.

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