Mid Year Exam Year 1
Mid Year Exam Year 1
Mid Year Exam Year 1
I am Amir.
I am a malay boy.
I am seven years old.
I live in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
y hobby is playing !ootball.
". #ho is the boy$
a% Aiman b% Amir c% Ahmad
&. Amir is a '''''''''''''''''''''' boy.
a% alay b% (hinese c% Indian
). How old is he$ He is '''''''''''''' years old.
a% !ive b% si* c% seven
+. #here does Amir live$.
b% Johor b% Selangor c% ,-ala .-mp-r
/. His hobby is playing '''''''''''''''.
c% !ootball b% netball c% bas0etball
1"2 ar0s%
3. atch the phrases to pict-res.
1"2 ar0s%
(. .oo0, co-nt and write
Than0 yo-
4ood orning
4ood 5vening
4ood 6ight
" . Pa0 ,arim has '''''''''' ho-se.
&. Pa0 ,arim has ''''''''''''goats.
). Pa0 ,arim has ''''''''''''rabbits.
+. Pa0 ,arim has '''''''''''' ramb-tan trees.
/. The goat have '''''''''''' horns each.
7. The rabbit have ''''''''''' ears each.
1"& ar0s%
8. (olo-r the correct word.
19 ar0s%
E. Rearrange the words. Then, write the correct sentences.
19 ar0s%
:. Read. Then write the correct answer.
grandmother son grand!ather sister
". She is my mother;s da-ghter.
#ho is she$
She is my ''''''''''''''.
&. He is my !ather;s !ather
#ho is he$
He is my '''''''''''''''.
). She is my mother;s mother.
#ho is she$
She is my ''''''''''''''.
+. He is my brother
#ho is he$
He is my my !ather;s '''''''''''''.
19 ar0s%
4. #rite the missing letters.
8ays o! a wee0.
1"+ ar0s%
Prepared by: Checked by: Verified by:
Nurhafiza Ramdzan Jawahir Shahdan _____________
(Englih !anguage "eacher# ($ead %f S&'PPEnglih Panel ( #