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Xovello da S. Lucano, 12;i
Odo of Crovland, 34
Ololzago, G. di, 148
Orcagna, 01
Orcliyearde, W.. 108
Orme, P. del', 168
Ouguet, D., 80
Padua, J. of, N2
Paconias, v
Paine, J., 277
I'alladio, A., 197
Pautre, A. le, 225
Paxton, Sir J., 344
Pennethome, Sir J., 3.j0
Percier, C, 291
Perez, P. 69
Perrault, C, 223
Perronet, J. P., 272
Peruzzi, B., 153
Peter of Colecliurch, 45
Petroni, Dioti de', 37
Phaax, xxix
Philo, xxxii
Philoxenus, xliii
Piccino, , 42
Picconi, A., 152
Piermarini, G., 30
Pierre de Corbie, 51
Pietro Gonsalvo, Sim, 57
Pino, M. di 154
Pintelli, B., 103
Pippi, G., 173
Pisa. A. da, 72
G. da, 66
Piavfair, W. H., 327
Po'.lajuolo, S., 122
Polyclitus, XX
Ponte, G.da, 221
Porden, W., 323
Postumius, xl
Pozzo, G. del, 105
Puget, P., 230
Pugin, A., 305
A. W. N., 821
Pj'thius, X
Rabrius, 4
RafFaello d'Urbino, 141
Raimond du Temple, 78
Ravy, J., 82
Raj-mundo, 46
Rhcecus, ii
Picard dc Montferrand, A, 332
Kiccio, A., 156
Rickman, T., 313
Ripley, T., 254
Rizzio, , 12
Robert, 46, 79
Robert de Luzarches,
Romain, F., 246
Romano, G., 172
Romualdiis, 22
Ruiz, F., 183
Sacchetti, G. 2GI
Sanchez, J., 180
Sanctis, G. de, 68
SanGallo,A., 151, 152
G., 131
San Lorenzo, 58
San Lucano, N. da, 123
San Micheli, M., 167
San Pietro Gonsalvo, 57
Sansavino, A., 145, 186
Sante Lombardo, 170
Sanzio, P., 141
Satyrui, x
Saurus, xxxvi
Scammozzi, V., 207
Schinkel, C. F. von, 314
Seopas, xvii
Sennamar, 14
Sens, W. of. 44
Serlio, S., 193
Servandoni, J. X., 263
Severus, 3
Shute, J., 200
Siloe, D., 165
Simonetti, M. A., 270
Smirke, Sir P., 347
Smithson, R. and H., 203
Soane, Sir J., 290
Sostratus, xxvii
Soufflot, J. G., 273
Spintharus, xi
Steinbach, E. von, 68
Suardi, B., 104
Sugger, 41
Tarchesius, xxiii
Tatti, J., 186
Taylor, Sir P., 276
Teotocopuli, D., 188
Tessiii, X. v., 236
Count X., 237
Texier, C,
Theodoras, ii
Thomas of Cant^ rburv, 77
Thomoud, T., 296
Thorpe, J., 175
Tictland. 25
Tioda, 24
Tite, Sir W., 353
Toledo, J. B. de, 190
Toma so,

, 43
Tresham, Sir T., 202
Trophouius, i
Uria, P. de, 163
Ustamber, P. de, 29
Yaldevira, P. de, 181
Valerius, xxxviii
Vanlruuh, Sir J
Vanvitelli, L., 265
Vertue, W., 131
Vinci, L. da, 136
Vignola, 172
Visconti, L. T. J., 330
Vitoni, v., 120
Vitruvius Cerdo, 2
Vitruvius Pollio, M., 1
Walsingham, A. de, 89
Walter de Weston, 76
AValters, P., 352
Warren, J., 210
Weston, W. de, 76
Wilhelmus, 43
Wilkins, W., 308
William de Wynford, 88
of Sens, 44
of Wykeham, 87
the Englishman, 44
Wood, J., 262
Wren, Sir C, 229
Wyatt, J., 297
Wvatville, Sir J., 307
Wykeham, W. of, 87
Wynford, W. de, 88
Yevele, or Zenelej-, H., 92a
Zanth, L. von, 343,
Zwirner, E. F., 334
Ballu, T., 380
Barry, E. M., 366
Blore, E., 362
Brandon, K., 358
Bryce, D., 357
Burges, W., 371
Burton, D., 372
Cluysenaar, J. P., 307
Donaldson, T. L., 381
Due, J. L., 363
Fabris, E. de, 377
Fergusson, J., 383
Ferrey, B., 369
Ferstel, H. von, 378
Godwin, G., 393
Goldie, G., 388
PAuson, E., 392
Jones, 0., 354
Jone.'s, Sir H., 390
Labrouste, P. F. H., 356
Labrouste, T., 382
Lcsueur, J. B. C, 379
Penson, E. K., 385
Priehar<l, J., 386
Ram^e, D., 391
Ehind, D., 376
Richardson, II. H., 384
Ruprieh-Robert, V. M. C, 389
Salvin, A., 373
Scott, Sir G. G., 361
Semper, G., 364
Smirke, S., 359
Strack, J. H., 368
Street, G, E., 374
Thrimson, A., 355
Vespignani, V., 375
Viollet-le-Duc, E. E., 365
VuUiamy, G., 387
Wyatt, Sir M. i)., 360
Wyatt, T. II.. 370

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