Historic Places: Caves & Museums
Historic Places: Caves & Museums
Historic Places: Caves & Museums
There are so many nice places on the earth. They are scattered across
the world. Every place has its own distinct features. Some places have scenic
beauty in a abundance. While many are famous for their architectural wonders.
To preserving old historic buildings means representing the previous generation.
The old historic buildings from which we can know specifically something about
the previous period of history. India is among one of the rare and unique countries
in the world which stands for its ancient cultures and traditions. Which range
through a span of countries?
Caves are the landscapes diverse fascinating and rich in resources, A
total of 175 different minerals occur in limestone caves, a few of which have only
been found in caves. Caves preserve fragile archaeological and paleontological
materials for millennia. Throughout history people have used caves for many
purposes. The potential of caves as natural laboratories may be their most
significant future use
Museums have importance for people who enjoy history as who are
very interested one particular subject. There are art museums, dollhouse
museum, and museums devoted to history or the history of a certain area for
people who love paintings by very popular artists, but are too poor to buy a
painting, Art museums are probably the only chance they will have to see an
original picture. Museums are a popular tourist activity when you go to a new
state or a new country, seeing some of the history pictured or described at
museums is interesting and ever fun.
Historic Places, Caves & Museums
Historic Places
The study of history and archeology the historic thread of our
environment is vital to our understanding of how our society and our landscape
have developed overtime. The historic places are fundamental to our sense of
place help link us to our roots and underpins our sense of cultural identity. It is
of value for what its tell us about past society, modern culture and human
interaction with the environment, and it help give us a long term view of social
and environmental change.
The historic environment represents considerable past investment of
physical, nature and intellectual resources, where historic features already exist
it makes good sense to make the most of the resource they provide rather than
destroy them or allow them to decay with consequent cultural, environmental,
social and economic cost.
The historic environment provides a focus and resource for lifelong
learning about the human past and how people have inhabited the landscape
and used natural resources through time. This aides teaching about our modern
culture and our present environment.
Historic places are popular for recreation, attracting local people and
visitors alike. The investigation of the historic environment contribute
significantly to one understanding of environmental change and the impact of
human activity on natural resources through time. Such knowledge of the post is
vital foe informing management decisions today.
India is a country which is known for its culture and historical importance.
The major historic places of India are Tajmahal, Hampi Khajuraho Temples,
Ajantha and Ellora caves Fatehpur sicri etc.
A cave or caves is a hollow place in the grand, especially natural
underground space large enough for a human to enter caves from naturally by
the weathering and rock and often extent deep underground. The word cave
can also refer to much smaller openings such as sea, rock shelter and grottos.
The formation and development of caves is known as speleogenesis caves
are formed by various geologic processes and can be variable sizes. These may
involve a combination of chemical processes, erosion from water, tectonic
forces, micro organism pressure and atmospheric influences.
It is estimated that the maximum depth of the cave cannot more than
3000 meters. (9,800 ft) due to the pressure of overlying rocks. Most caves are
formed in limestone by dissolution. The various types of caves are solution
caves, primary cave, sea cave or littoral cave, correctional cave or erosion cave,
glacier cave, fracture cave etc.
The major caves in India are Ajanta and Ellora caves in Maharastra badami
Karnadaka, Udayagiri and Khandagiri caves Orrissa, trichi Rock foot Temple and
Pallava caves Taminaduetc.
The Ajanta and Ellora caves are the most famous caves of India. They are
carved in to the hill side rocks and are located on the north of Maharashtra.
There are in all 34 caves at the Ellora. This date back to the 6
and 11
AD. The caves at the Ajanta are all Buddhist caves.
A museum is an institution on that cares for a collection of artifacts and
other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural or historical import ants and make
them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or
temporary. Most large museums are located in major cities throughout the
world and more local ones exist in smaller cities, towns and even the
countryside. Museums have varying aims, ranging from serving researchers and
specialists to serving the general public. The city with the largest number of
museums is Mexico city with over 128 museums. According to the World
Museum Community, there are more than 55,000 museums in 202 countries.
The purpose of Modern Museums is to collect, preserve, interpret and
display items of cultural, artistic or scientific significance for the education of the
public. The purpose can also depend on ones own point of view. To a family
looking for the entertainment, on a Sunday afternoon, a trip to a local history
museum or large city at museum could be a fun, and enlighten way to spend the
day. In 1829 James Smithsons bequest, that would fund the world famous
Smithsonian Institution, stated he wanted to establish an institution for the
increase and diffusion of knowledge.
Early museums began as the private collections of wealthy individuals,
families or institutions of art and rare or curious natural objects and artifacts.
Types of museums vary from large institutions, covering many of categories
below, to very small institutions focusing on a specific subjects location, or a
notable person, categories include: Fine arts; Applied arts, crafts, archaeology,
Anthropology and history, Science, Technology, Childrens Museums, Natural
history, Botanical and Zoological gardens. Within these categories many
Museums specialize further e.g: Museums of Modern art, folk art, local history,
Military history, Aviation history, Philately, Agriculture or Geology. Another type
of Museum is an encyclopedic museum. Commonly referred to as a universal
museum. A Museum normally houses a core collection of important selected
objects in the field.
Historic places, caves, and Museums are very important for
preserving are very important for preserving our customs and traditions. They
have a vital role to keep our cultural heritage. Some historical places are famous
for its architectural wonders; some are famous for its cultural importance.
However the public did not acknowledge the impacts of demolishing our precious
historical buildings and the importance of conserving them. But now days the
number of museums increased day by day. The Art museums, doll museums, etc
are the various types of museums, in our locality
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