Catering For Diversity Using The Australian Curriculum - Eald

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Inclusive strategies: Planning sheet

Catering for diversity using the Australian Curriculum

Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
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Planning for combinations of adjustments
to learning experiences or assessment
EAL/D Class: 5 English
Inclusive strategy Aspect Adjustments for [insert student name]
Timing Additional time Both students will, in pairs, have additional time (2 hours) given
when writing the draft and final copy of the Informative text with
the Literacy Support Assistant.
Both students will have additional time (1 hour) when learning how
to research with the Literacy Support Assistant.
Frequent breaks Both students will have a five minute break every 45 minutes to
have a drink and stretch.
Scheduling Number of sessions Students will participate in the same amount of classes as other
students, however, an extra 2 sessions have been delegated for
Literacy support.
Order of sessions Students will sit the same lessons as the remainder of the class with
the inclusion of 2 extra sessions which will be implemented during
and after each lesson.
Setting Location: Furniture,
resources, supervision
.No location adjustments needed.
Seating: Placement Students will sit in the desk cluster closest to the whiteboard and
teacher desk for increased supervision and the opportunity to
request help with minimal class attention.
Presentation Cues and prompts Pictorial instructions will be displayed during tasks.
Directions Students will be given slower, personal directions after the class is
directed to ensure a clear understanding of the task.
Specialised equipment
and resources
No specialised equipment needed
Response Verbal Students will have differentiated rubrics for verbal presentations
Written Students will have access to Literacy Assistance for written tasks
Non-verbal Students will have pictorial guides displayed throughout the room
Specialised equipment
and resources
Students will have access to a translation dictionary
Students will have access to a Literacy Support Assistant for three
hours per week.

Inclusive strategies: Planning sheet
Catering for diversity using the Australian Curriculum

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