Literature Review

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Due to the complexity and an irregularities of the structures, analysis becomes more and
more difficult and tedious which leads the designer towards the development of the software that
are capable of analyze the structure. Thats why analysis and design softwares becomes more
popular and most widely used in the design firms.

There are many softwares developed during the last 2 decades. Analysis and design
softwares like STAAD Pro V8i, SAP 2000, ETABS, STRUD, NISA, STRAP, MIDAS are
available in the market. These different softwares are used for different types of the structures.
For an instant, Staad has a very general usage and midas is very well known for its specialization
in bridges. Mainly softwares like Staad Pro and Sap 2000 are accepted by almost all design
practitioners and des\ign firms.

STAAD.Pro is the structural engineering professionals choice for steel, concrete, timber,
aluminum, and cold-formed steel design of virtually any structure including culverts,
petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles, and much more through its flexible modeling
environment, advanced features, and fluent data collaboration. STAAD.Pro V8i involved in
analysis and design of structures like Plants, Towers, Bridges, Buildings. STAAD.Pro V8i was
developed for practicing engineers.For static, pushover, dynamic-delta, buckling or cable
analysis,STAAD.Pro V8i is the industry standard.
SAP2000 is general-purpose civil-engineering software ideal for the analysis and design of any
type of structural system. Basic and advanced systems, ranging from 2D to 3D, of simple
geometry to complex, may be modeled, analyzed, designed, and optimized using a practical and
intuitive object-based modeling environment that simplifies and streamlines the engineering
process. The Advanced Analytical Techniques allow for Step-by-Step Large Deformation
Analysis, Multiple P-Delta, Eigen and Ritz Analyses, Cable Analysis, Tension or Compression
Only Analysis, Buckling Analysis, Blast Analysis, Fast Nonlinear Analysis for Dampers, Base
Isolators and Support Plasticity, Energy Methods for Drift Control and Segmental Construction
Analysis. Bridge Designers can use SAP2000 Bridge Templates for generating Bridge Models,
Automated Bridge Live Load Analysis and Design, Bridge Base Isolation, Bridge Construction
Sequence Analysis, Large Deformation Cable Supported Bridge Analysis and Pushover
Analysis. Advanced analysis - Options for nonlinear base isolators, dampers, gaps, large
deflection, and plastic hinges for pushover analysis. Modal, response spectrum, linear or
nonlinear time history dynamic analysis. No limit on use of springs, dampers, and other elements
in dynamic analysis.
Evaluation information can be a powerful tool for a variety of engineers. Program
managers can use the information make changes in to their programs that will enhance their
effectiveness. Decision makers can ensure that they are funding effective programs.
Programs that participate in evaluations will obtain objective information about their
performance and how it can be improved. Evaluation can provide objective evidence that a
program is effective, demonstrating positive outcomes to funding sources and the community. It
can help improve program effectiveness and can create opportunities for programs to share
information with other similar programs and agencies.

So, this thesis work mainly deals with the evaluation of design in the Staad pro v8i and
sap 2000. Mainly R.C.C structures are designed as per the provisions of the IS 456 and a ductile
detailing of R.C.C structure as per 13920 and IS 800 used for steel design. The design softwares
are evaluated on the basis of their design parameters that are followed by the Indian standard


Author Date
Title/publication conclusion
1 AssistantProfessor,Departme
nt of Civil Engineering,
SHIATS (Formerly AAI-
DU), Allahabad- 211007,
2012 Comparison of design
results of a Structure
designed using STAAD
and ETABS Software
It is found out from
previous studies on
comparison of STAAD
results with manual
calculations that
STAADPro gives
conservative design
results which is again
proved in this study by
comparing the results
and Manual
M.TECH Student,
Department of Civil
Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering and Technology,
Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India.
Acomparative study and
analysis of earthquake
resistant g+5 apartment
building with shearwall
using and etabs
Modeling of the
structure in ETABS is
found to be easier than
2) Assigning of
various load cases and
load combinations is
faster in ETABS than
3) Modification of the
structure and changes
in any load cases
ETABS is easier than

3 Dr. eng. Lyubomir A
Zdravkov, eng. Zornitza A
mag. , 4,
2004 Measuring Of The
Building Structures With
Sap 2000
often the entered in
SAP 2000 elements
sections have
characteristics which
are so close but do not
coincide comp-
letely with the
characteristics of the
real existing sections
4 Manish S. Takey 2009 Seismic Response Of
Steel Building With
Bracing System (A
Software Approach)
5 Rahul RANA1, Limin JIN2
and Atila ZEKIOGLU3
2004 Pushover Analysis Of A
19 Story Concrete Shear
Building(Sap 2000)


1) IS 456:2000 Plain And Reinforced Concrete Code Of Practice
2) IS 13920:1993 Ductile Detailing Of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to
Seismic Forces -Code Of Practice
3) IS 800:2007 General Construction in Steel
4) Staad Pro V8i Manual
5) Sap 2000 Manual
6) H.J.Shah (Design of R.C.C Structure)
7) Design Of Structure By Subramanian
8) Reinforced Concrete Design By S.N.Sinha.


This Dissertation work required the below structural tools to be deal with.

Staad Pro V8i

Sap 2000

1. Control of Deflection
1.1 The vertical deflection limits may. Generally be assumed to be satisfied provided that the span to
depth ratios are not greater than the values obtained as below:
a) Basic values of span to effective depth ratios
for spans up to 10m:
Cantilever 7
Simply supported 20
Continuous 26

1.2 Slenderness Limit for Beams to Ensure Lateral Stability
A simply supported or continuous beam shall be so proportioned that the clear distance between the

restraints does not exceed 60 b whichever is less, where d is the effective depth of the beam
and b the breadth of the compression face midway between the lateral restraints. For a cantilever, the
clear distance from the free end of the cantilever to the lateral restraint shall not exceed

or 25 b or
whichever is less.

1.3 Slenderness Limits for Columns
The unsupported length between end restraints shall not exceed 60 times the least lateral dimension of a
If, in any given plane, one end of a column is unrestrained, its unsupported length, it shall not exceed


1.4 Minimum Eccentricity
All columns shall be designed for minimum eccentricity, equal to the unsupported length of column. 500
plus lateral dimensions/30, subject to a minimum of 20 rom. Where bi-axial bending is considered, it is
sufficient to ensure that eccentricity exceeds the minimum about one axis at a time.

1.5 Beams- Tension reinforcement
a) Minimum reinforcement-The minimum area of tension reinforcements shall be not less than that given
by the following:

A = minimum area of tension reinforcement,
b = breadthof beamor the breadthof the web
of ' T-beam.
d = effective depth, and
f, = characteristic strength of reinforcement in

1.6 Maximum reinforcement
The maximum area of tension reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 bD. Compression reinforcement The
maximum area of compression reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 bD. Compressionreinforcement in
beams shall be enclosed by stirrups for effective lateral restraint.

1.7 Side face reinforcement
Where the depth of the web in a beam exceeds750mm,side face reinforcement shall be provided along the
two faces. The total area of such reinforcement shall be not less than 0.1 of the web area and shall be
distributed equally on two faces at a spacing not exceeding 300 111m or web thickness whichever is less.

1.8 Maximum spacing of shear reinforcement:-
The maximum spacing of shear reinforcement measured along the axis of the member shall not exceed
0.75 d for vertical stirrups and d for inclined stirrups at 45' where d is the effective depth of the section
under consideration. 1n no case shall the spacing exceed 300 mm.

1.9 Minimum reinforcement
Minimum shear reinforcement in the form of stirrup shall be provided such that:

- total cross-sectional area of stirrup leg effective in shear.
Sv stirrup spacing along length of member.
Where the maximum shear stress calculated less than half the permissible value and in members of minor
structural importance such as lintels. this provision need not be complied with.

1.10 distribution of torsion reinforcement
a) The transverse reinforcement for torsion shall be rectanplar closed stirrups placed perpendicular to the
axis of the member.the spacing of the stirrups shall not the least of x1,

and 300 mm.where x1 and y1 are respectively the short and long dimension of the stirrup.

1.11 longitudal reinforcement for column
The cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement, shall be not less 0.8 percentage nor more than 6

1.12 The minimum number of longitudinal bar:-
provided in column four in rectangular columns and six in circular columns.

1.13 The bars shall not be less than 12 mm in diameter

1.14 A reinforced concrete column having helical reinforcement shall have at list six bin of longitudinal
reinforcement within the helical reinforcement.

1 15 Spacing of longitudinal bars measured along the periphery of the column shall not exceed 300mm.

1.16 In case of pedestals in which the longitudinal reinforcement is not taked in account in strength
calculations, nominal longitudinal reinforcement Not less than 0.15 percent of the cross-sectional
Area shall be provided.

1.17 Pitch and diameter of lateral ties
J) Pitch-The pitch of transverse reinforcement shall be not more than the least of the following distances:
i) The least lateral dimension of the compression members;
ii) Sixteen times the smallest diameterof the longitudinal reinforcement bar tobe tied
iii) 300mm.
2) Diameter-The diameter of the polygonal links or lateral this shall be not less than one fourth of the
diameter of the largest longitudinal bar. and in no case less than 16mm.

1.18 beam minimum reinforcement

Minimum reinforcement of beam is provided 0.2% .

1.19 beam maximum reinforcement

Maximum reinforcement in beam are provided 4%.

B) Is 13920 ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structure subjected to seismic force code of

Provisions of this code shall be adopted in all reinforced concrete structures which satisfy one of the
following four conditions. Portions along the edges of a shear wall that are strengthened by longitudinal
and transverse reinforcement. They tiay have the same thickness as that of the wall web.

1) The structure is located in seismic zone IV or V;
2) The structure is located in seismic zone III and has the importance factor ( I ) greater than 1.0;
3) The structure is located in seismic zone III and is an industrial structure
4) The structure is located in seismic zone III and is more than 5 storey high.
Provisions of this code shall be adopted in all reinforced concrete structures which are located in seismic
zone III, IV or V.

1.2 flexure member
6.1.1 The factored axial stress on the member I under earthquake loading shall not exceed 0.1 fck.

1.3 The member shall preferably have a width-to-depth ratio of more than 0.3.

1.4 The width of the member shall not be less than 200 mm.

1.5 The depth D of the member shall be not more than l/4 of the clear span.

1.6 Longitudinal Reinforcement
a) The top as well as bottom reinforcement shall consist of at least two bars throughout the member
b) The tension steel ratio on any face, at any section, sha-ll- not be less than
Pmin = 0.24/fy where fck and fy in MPa.

1.7 The maximum steel ratio on any face at any section, shall not exceed Pmax = 0.025

1.8 The positive steel at a joint face must be at least equal to half the negative steel at that face.

1.9 The steel provided at each of the top and bottom face of the member at anv section along its length
shall be at least equal to one-fourth of the maximum negative moment steel provided at the face of either
joint. It may be clarified that redistribution of moments permitted in IS 456 :I978 ( clause 36.1 ) will be
used only for vertical load moments and not for lateral load moments.

1.10 In an external joint, both the top and the bottom bars of the beam shall be provided with anchorage
length, beyond the inner face of the column, equal to the development length in tension plus 10 times the
bar diameter minus6.2.7 Use of welded splices and mechanical the allowance for 90 degree bend
connections may also be made, In an internal joint, both face bars of IS 456 : 1978. However, not more
than half of the beam shall be taken continuously through the reinforcement shall be spliced at a section
the column.

1. 11 Web Reinforcement
6.3.1 Web reinforcement shall consist of vertical hoops. A vertical hoop is a closed stirrup having a 13.5
hook with a 10 diameter extension ( but not < 75 mm ) at each end that is embedded in the confined core (
see Fig. 3a ). In compelling circumstances, it may also be made up of two pieces of reinforcement; a U-
stirrup with a 135 hook and a 10 diameter extension (but not 75 mm ) at each end, embedded in the
confined core and a crosstie ( see Fig. 3b ). A crosstie is a bar having a 135 hook with a 10 diameter
extension (but not < 75 mm ) at each end. The hooks shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.

1.12 The minimum diameter of the bar forming a hoop shall be 6 mm. However, in beams with clear span
exceeding 5 m, the minimum bar diameter shall be 8 mm.

1.13 The spacing of hoops over a length of 2d at either end of a beam shall not exceed ( a ) d/4, and (b) 8
times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar; however, it need not be less than 100 mm ( see Fig. 5
). The first hoop shall
be at a distance not exceeding 50 mm from the joint face. Vertical hoops at the same spacing as above,
shall also be provided over a length equal to 2d on either side of a section where flexural yielding may
occur under the effect of earthquake forces. Elsewhere, the beam shall have vertical hoops at a spacing
not exceeding d/2.

1.14 Longitudinal Reinforcement
1.14.1 Lap splices shall be provided only in the central half of the member length. It should be
proportioned as a tension splice. Hoops shall be provided over the entire splice length at spacing not
exceeding 150 mm centre to centre. Not more than 50 percent of the bars shall be spliced at one section.
1.14.2Any area of a column that extends more than 100 mm beyond the confined core due to architectural
requirements, shall be detailed in the following manner. In case the contribution of this area to strength
has been considered, then it will have the minimum longitudinal and transverse reinforcement as per this
code, Rowever, if this area has been treated as nonstructural, the minimum reinforcement requirements
shall be governed by IS 456 : 1978 provisions minimum longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, as per
IS 456 : 1978 ( see Fig. 6 ).

1.15 Transverse Reinforcement
1.15.1 Transverse reinforcement for circular columns shall consist of spiral or circular hoops. In
rectangular columns, rectangular hoops may be used. A rectangular hoop is a closed stirrup, having a
135 hook _with a 10 diamee;; extension
( but not < 75 mm ) at each that IS embedded in the confined core .

1.15.2 The parallel legs of rectangular hoops shall be spaced not more than 300 mm centre to centre. If
the length of any side of the hoop exceeds 300 mm, a crosstie shall be provided ( Fig. 7B ). Alternatively,
a pair of overlapping hoops may be provided within the columm ( see Fig. 7C ). The hooks shall engage
peripheral longitudinal bars.
1.15.3 The spacing of hoops shall not exceed half the least lateral dimension of the column, except where
special confining reinforcement is provided, as per 7.4.
1.15.4 The design shear force for columns shall be the maximum of:
a) calculated factored shear force as per analysis, and

b) a factored shear force given by where

are moment of resistance, of opposite sign, of beams framing into the column from opposite faces and
h,t is the storey height. The beam moment capacity is to be calculated as per IS 456 : 1978.

1.16 Special confining reinforcement shall be provided over a length I, from each joint face, towards
midspan, and on either side of any section, where flexural yielding may occur under the effect of
earthquake forces . The length (lo* shall not be less than
( a ) larger lateral dimension of the member at the section where yielding occurs, ( b ) l/6 of clear span of
the member, and ( c ) 450 mm.

The spacing of hoops used as special that confining reinforcement shall not exceed l/4 of minimum
member dimension but need not be than 75 mm nor more than 100 mm.


Example 1

Loading self weight +15 kn/m udl +100 kN point load
b=350 mm
d=830 mm

a) By manual calculation


b) Staad pro v8i result

0 1.250 m 2.5m 3.750m 5m
2-16dia 2-16dia 3-16dia 2-16dia 2-16dia

Find a Ast from stadd pro v8i result:-
Ast=402.12 mm


Example 2

Allowable deflection as per is 456:-

= 7* M.F

By from chart M.F=0.82






8.33<5.74 (not o.k)
But stadd give a result for this beam.
Section 0 0.625m 1.2m 1.875m 2.5m
Top reinf. 8-12dia 5-12dia 3-12dia 2-12dia 2-12dia
Bottom reinf. 2-10dia 2-10dia 2-10dia 2-10dia 2-10dia

Example 3
Beam deflection
The final deflection due to all load like temperature,creep,shrinkage and as cast level support of floor and
other ,roof and all other horizontal member not exceed l/250.

l/350 =5000/350=25.71mm or 20 mm
whichever is less=20 mm
allowable deflection as per is 456 code is 20 mm
but stadd pro v8i result =105 mm deflection
stadd pro v8i have does not any criteria for deflection .
example 4

length should not be exceed,

Here distance between lateral restrain are 15 which is greter than 13.8.bue also staad should not consire
this criteria.

Example 5

Design column as a axially loded
Ast from stadd pro v8i.
Ast=8-12 dia

*100 =0.75%

Minimum 0.8% steel provided from column.
There is no any provision for minimum reinforcement in staad pro.

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