This document provides instructions for installing and using the Massive Forex Profit trading indicator. It begins with legal disclaimers about risks of trading. It then explains how to download and install the indicator into the MetaTrader platform. Key features of the indicator like the informer box and different signal types (strong vs. average) are described. Rules for using the signals are outlined, emphasizing trading with the trend and ignoring signals against the trend. Overall, the document aims to equip users with the Massive Forex Profit indicator to potentially achieve high profits from forex trading.
This document provides instructions for installing and using the Massive Forex Profit trading indicator. It begins with legal disclaimers about risks of trading. It then explains how to download and install the indicator into the MetaTrader platform. Key features of the indicator like the informer box and different signal types (strong vs. average) are described. Rules for using the signals are outlined, emphasizing trading with the trend and ignoring signals against the trend. Overall, the document aims to equip users with the Massive Forex Profit indicator to potentially achieve high profits from forex trading.
This document provides instructions for installing and using the Massive Forex Profit trading indicator. It begins with legal disclaimers about risks of trading. It then explains how to download and install the indicator into the MetaTrader platform. Key features of the indicator like the informer box and different signal types (strong vs. average) are described. Rules for using the signals are outlined, emphasizing trading with the trend and ignoring signals against the trend. Overall, the document aims to equip users with the Massive Forex Profit indicator to potentially achieve high profits from forex trading.
This document provides instructions for installing and using the Massive Forex Profit trading indicator. It begins with legal disclaimers about risks of trading. It then explains how to download and install the indicator into the MetaTrader platform. Key features of the indicator like the informer box and different signal types (strong vs. average) are described. Rules for using the signals are outlined, emphasizing trading with the trend and ignoring signals against the trend. Overall, the document aims to equip users with the Massive Forex Profit indicator to potentially achieve high profits from forex trading.
1 DISC!I"#$ %&ease 'e aware of the &oss( ris)( persona& or otherwise conse*uences of the use an+ app&ication of this 'oo),s content. -he author an+ the pu'&isher are not responsi'&e for any actions that you un+erta)e an+ wi&& not 'e he&+ accounta'&e for any &oss or in.uries. /.S. 0overnment $e*uire+ Disc&aimer 1 Commo+ity 2utures -ra+in3 Commission 2utures an+ 4ptions tra+in3 has &ar3e potentia& rewar+s( 'ut a&so &ar3e potentia& ris)s. 5ou must 'e aware of the ris)s an+ 'e wi&&in3 to accept them in or+er to invest in the futures an+ options mar)ets. Don6t tra+e with money you can6t affor+ to &ose. -his is neither a so&icitation nor an offer to 7uy/Se&& futures or options. 8o representation is 'ein3 ma+e that any account wi&& or is &i)e&y to achieve profits or &osses simi&ar to those +iscusse+ on this we' site. -he past performance of any tra+in3 software or metho+o&o3y is not necessari&y in+icative of future resu&ts. C2-C $/# 4.41 1 95%4-9#-IC! 4$ SI"/!-#D %#$24$"!8C# $#S/-S 9!:# C#$-!I8 I"I-!-I48S. /8I;# !8 !C-/! %#$24$"!8C# $#C4$D( SI"/!-#D $#S/-S D4 84- $#%$#S#8- !C-/! -$!DI80. !S4( SI8C# -9# -$!D#S 9!:# 84- 7##8 #<#C/-#D( -9# $#S/-S "!5 9!:# /8D#$14$14:#$ C4"%#8S!-#D 24$ -9# I"%!C-( I2 !85( 42 C#$-!I8 "!$;#- 2!C-4$S( S/C9 !S !C; 42 I=/IDI-5. SI"/!-#D -$!DI80 %$40$!"S I8 0#8#$! !$# !S4 S/7J#C- -4 -9# 2!C- -9!- -9#5 !$# D#SI08#D >I-9 -9# 7#8#2I- 42 9I8DSI09-. 84 $#%$#S#8-!-I48 IS 7#I80 "!D# -9!- !85 !CC4/8- >I 4$ IS I;#5 -4 !C9I#:# %$42I- 4$ 4SS#S SI"I!$ -4 -94S# S94>8. 8o representation is 'ein3 ma+e that any account wi&& or is &i)e&y to achieve profits or &osses simi&ar to those shown. In fact( there are fre*uent&y sharp +ifferences 'etween hypothetica& performance resu&ts an+ the actua& resu&ts su'se*uent&y achieve+ 'y any particu&ar tra+in3 pro3ram. 9ypothetica& tra+in3 +oes not invo&ve financia& ris)( an+ no hypothetica& tra+in3 recor+ can comp&ete&y account for the impact of financia& ris) in actua& tra+in3. !&& information on this we'site or any e1'oo) purchase+ from this we'site is for e+ucationa& purposes on&y an+ is not inten+e+ to provi+e financia& a+vice. !ny statements a'out profits or income( expresse+ or imp&ie+( +o not represent a 3uarantee. 5our actua& tra+in3 may resu&t in &osses as no tra+in3 software is 3uarantee+. 5ou accept fu&& responsi'i&ities for your actions( tra+es( profit or &oss( an+ a3ree to ho&+ "assive 2orex %rofit an+ any authori?e+ +istri'utors of this information harm&ess in any an+ a&& ways. -he use of this software constitutes acceptance of my user a3reement. 2 C4%5$I09- -his 'oo) an+ software cannot 'e re1written( re1pu'&ishe+( S-4$#D 4$ I8;#D !- !85 2I# S9!$I80 SI-#S or 24$/"S or use+ for any other 'oo)s without proper referencin3 without permission. -he use of the 'oo) an+ software is &imite+ to your persona& use on&y. Sprea+in3 out the copies without payin3 for them is i&&e3a& an+ protecte+ 'y internationa& copyri3ht &aw. Copyri3ht @ 2014 Introduction -han) you for your purchase of A"assive 2orex %rofitB -his 'ran+ new in+icator wor)s on a comp&ete&y +ifferent tra+in3 princip&e that any other in+icator ever +eve&ope+ 'efore. It 3enerates &aser accurate tra+in3 si3na&s that a&most a&ways 3enerate hi3h profit. !&& you have to +o to a&most a&ways win is fo&&ow a few simp&e ru&es whi&e usin3 this in+icator. !&& of them are exp&aine+ in this 3ui+e. -his is an examp&e of some tra+in3 si3na&s 3enerate+ 'y C"assive 2orex %rofitC "assive 2orex %rofit has 'een re&ease+ on January 1Dth 2014 -his is the first in+icator which ena'&es you to see how powerfu& the tra+e may'e 'e 'efore you see the actua& tra+e. "assive 2orex %rofit uses a very precise a&3orithm which ma)es it the 'est most profita'&e tra+in3 too& in 2014E 3 It 3enerates sma&& arrows to inform you of an avera3e tra+in3 si3na& an+ it a&so 3enerates &ar3e si?e+ arrows which in+icate stron3er( more profita'&e tra+es. -he amount of si3na&s +epen+s on which timeframe you are usin3. ower timeframes such as "F or "1F wi&& 3ive you more si3na&s( 'ut if you use hi3her timeframes 91 or a'ove( you can expect &ess si3na&s 'ut with much hi3her profit. It a&& +epen+s on what tra+in3 sty&e suits you the most. !&so( the chan3e of a tren+ a&most a&ways means that there wi&& 'e a new tra+in3 si3na&. If the price is 3oin3 in a specific +irection the si3na& wi&& on&y 'e 3enerate+ when it6s 3oin3 to reverse. -his &ets us ma)e maximum profit from each tra+e. "assive 2orex %rofit software pac)a3e inc&u+es: 1 7ran+ 8ew 2014 2< tra+in3 a&3orithm( which shows the power of each tra+e in a+vance with &aser accuracy. 1 9e&pfu& info1'ox +isp&ayin3 important information on your charts. 1 Step1'y1step user6s 3ui+e with tra+e examp&es an+ exp&anation on how to use the "assive 2orex %rofit in+icator. 1 I wi&& he&p you promise from the +eve&oper. #mai& me with any *uestions( I am a&ways here to he&p you with anythin3. 5our success is very important for us. Congratulations! You are the lucky owner of a complete Massive Forex rofit software package! If you use this in+icator correct&y( there resu&ts you cou&+ 3et mi3ht 'e ri+icu&ous&y hi3h. "assive 2orex %rofit has everythin3 you nee+ to start ma)in3 a 3reat profit every+ay tra+in3 2orex. Just fo&&ow the simp&e ru&es an+ you wi&& 'e ama?e+E It!s extremely important for you to fully understand how Massive Forex rofit works" #ead this guide carefully$ it has a lot of important information that could greatly improve your trading" %&ease try usin3 the in+icator on a +emo account first. 4n&y move to tra+in3 with it on a &ive account( once you are comp&ete&y fami&iar with "assive 2orex %rofit an+ )now the simp&e ru&es on how to use it correct&y for maximum 3ains. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any *uestionsE 4 >e wish you a 3reat tra+in3 successE ;ar& Dittmann,s -ra+in3 -eam Installing the Indicator I"%4$-!8-: If you +on6t have "eta-ra+er G insta&&e+( p&ease +own&oa+ it from this &in): http://www.a&"-4HsetHup.exe 2o&&ow the instructions an+ open a +emo or rea& account. >e recommen+ tra+in3 the in+icators on +emo account 'efore procee+in3 to rea& accounts. Un%ip the %ip file that you have downloaded & 'he indicator file name is& MassiveForexrofit"ex( -he user,s manua& fi&e is: "assive2orex%rofit.p+f Step 1: Copy the in+icator fi&e #<4 into your /experts/in+icators/ fo&+er. -his fo&+er is a fo&+er of the "eta-ra+er tra+in3 p&atform. #xamp&es: If you are usin3 the !&pari "eta-ra+er 'ro)er( the fo&+er wi&& 'e at C:I%ro3ram 2i&esI"eta-ra+er 1 !&pariIexpertsIin+icators If you are usin3 the Inter'an) 2< -ra+er 'ro)er( the fo&+er wi&& 'e at C:I%ro3ram 2i&esIInter'an) 2< -ra+er 4IexpertsIin+icatorsI If you are usin3 the 2<DD 'ro)er( the fo&+er wi&& 'e at C:I%ro3ram 2i&esI2<DD J "eta-ra+er 4IexpertsIin+icatorsI If you can6t fin+ your /experts/in+icators/ fo&+er( p&ease contact our technica& support. Step 2: 4pen the "eta-ra+erG p&atform( an+ c&ic) on :iew 1K 8avi3ator. 5 5ou can a&so press C-$L8. Click on 'Navigator' Step 3: ! win+ow tit&e+ 68avi3ator6 shou&+ appear. C&ic) on Custom In+icators.
The Navigator Step 4: 5ou shou&+ see the MassiveForexProfit in the Custom In+icators fo&+er. Dou'&e c&ic) on the "assive 2orex %rofit an+ c&ic) 4; to 6 &oa+ it onto your chart. If you nee+ any assistance( p&ease contact our technica& support team. Informer 2or you convenience "assive 2orex %rofit has +eve&ope+ a simp&e( yet very he&pfu& informer that wi&& he&p you throu3hout your tra+in3. It6s &ocate+ in the upper &eft corner of you charts. 9ere is how it &oo)s. 4n top of the informer is the most important too& 1 tren+ stren3th ana&y?er. It shows you if the tren+ is wea)( me+ium or stron3. -he power of the tren+ is a&so +isp&aye+ in percenta3e. 8ext is the -ren+ Direction( shows if the tren+ is up or +own. ast Si3na& 1 shows the current si3na& M&atest si3na& 3enerate+ 'y the in+icatorN !&so( it shows the current pair( timeframe( +ate an+ time. )trong and *verage 'rades -he "assive 2orex %rofit @ is a'&e to show you the power of each upcomin3 tra+e. -his &ets you +eci+e if you wish to enter the current tra+e or wait for a stron3er one. %&ease rea+ 'e&ow for more +etai&s. )trong 'rades
Stron3 'uy si3na&s are in+icate+ 'y a &ar3e 3reen arrow an+ stron3 se&& si3na&s are in+icate+ 'y a &ar3e re+ arrow. 9ere are two examp&es of stron3 'uy an+ se&& tra+es:
7 *verage 'rades !vera3e 'uy si3na&s are in+icate+ 'y a sma&& '&ue arrow an+ avera3e se&& si3na&s are in+icate+ 'y a sma&& oran3e arrow. 9ere are two examp&es of avera3e 'uy an+ se&& tra+es: IM+#'*,' #U-.) / 0ow to use the signals I"%4$-!8- $/# 24$ -$#8D -$!DI80: Do not use the in+icator on a f&at mar)etE /se the in+icator 485 at active mar)et hours J for examp&e on+on session( /S session. -ren+ wi&& not 'e noticea'&e on a wea) mar)et Mni3ht time( Christmas perio+( other ho&i+ays etcON )eep rea+in3 an+ I wi&& exp&ain everythin3 ... $u&e P1 1 I+entify a current tren+. M$emem'erQ -ren+ is your frien+QN 1 I3nore a&& si3na&s a3ainst a current 047! tren+E 1 -ry usin3 the informer to fin+ out how stron3 the current tren+ is. #xamp&e: -ren+ is up J 'ut you 3et a Ase&&B si3na& 8 MI3nore it an+ wait for a A'uyB si3na& to enterN -his is the most important ru&e( if you fo&&ow it you wi&& have a&most no &osin3 tra+es at a&&. $u&e P2 -he next hi3h&y important ru&e: Do not tra+e an+ +o not use the in+icator on a si+eways tren+. -his is a A"/S- fo&&owB ru&e. If you D48,- fo&&ow or i3nore the ru&es a'ove J 3oo+ resu&ts are 84- 3uarantee+E )top -oss %&ace your stop &oss accor+in3 to the popup a&ert S. In most tra+es stop &oss is ca&cu&ate+ with this formu&a: %revious 'ar hi3h or &ow L extra num'er of pips. 5ou can a+.ust the S extra num'er of pips in the in+icator I8%/-S. IMPORTANT: Set stop &oss for ! your tra+es an+ D4 84- +eviate from it. 4nce the tra+e has touche+ your stop &oss( 'e +iscip&ine+ an+ c&ose the tra+e. -his wi&& protect you from ma.or capita& &osses. .ntering 'rades #nterin3 tra+es with "assive 2orex %rofit is easy. 5ou choose a si3na& arrow Mavera3e or stron3N an+ enter as soon as the arrow of your choice is 3enerate+ on your chart. .xiting 'rades +ption 1 #xit tra+es when the "assive 2orex %rofit issues the opposite tra+in3 si3na&. -his ensures that you tra+e with maximum profits an+ ri3ht 'efore the mar)et reverses. If you enter on a stron3 or avera3e 'uy si3na& 1 exit as soon as a stron3 or an avera3e se&& si3na& is 3enerate+. M>hichever comes firstN If you enter on a stron3 or avera3e se&& si3na& 1 exit as soon as a stron3 or an avera3e si3na& is 3enerate+. M>hichever comes firstN 9 Important ,ote& 5ou shou&+ 84- wait for an opposite si3na& of the same stren3th as the one you entere+ on. It can 'e a stron3 or an avera3e si3na&. It +oesn6t matter. Just ma)e sure to exit as soon as you see an opposite arrow. +ption 2 #xit tra+es accor+in3 to the popup a&ert -% num'er. $emar)s: 5ou can a+.ust -% an+ S &eve&s +epen+in3 on your tra+in3 sty&e. -his can 'e +one at the in+icator inputs. +ption 3 !nother exit mechanism which is hi3h&y effective is to exit near stron3 support or resistance &eve&s. It is a metho+ that 3enerates exits ear&ier( so you ta)e profits ear&y. 'ime Frames and airs 1 Fmin( 1F min( D0 min( 1 hour( 4 hours 1 !&& ma.or pairs M-ry it on 07%/J%5 an+ /SD/J%5 1 hour or 1F min timeframesN )ignal opup *lert 4indow& 7uy/Se&& si3na& price 1 current entry price -a)e%rofit J ta)e profit &eve& Stoposs J stop &oss &eve& < minutes chart 1 timeframe 10 Input arameters& !&& the Inputs are rea+y to use/tra+e 'y +efau&t. 5ou +on,t have to chan3e anythin3. If you wish you may chan3e S/-% accor+in3 your tra+in3 sty&e an+ you can a&so chan3e the soun+ M/se!&ertsN an+ emai& M#mai&!&ertsN a&erts to true/fa&se. -he most important in+icator input is !rrowH %erio+. I hi3h&y recommen+ 84- to chan3e it6s settin3s( as it wor)s 'ase+ on a very comp&icate+ specia&&y a+.uste+ tra+in3 strate3y. Stop oss an+ -a)e %rofit MS an+ -%N J preset extra num'er wi&& 'e a++e+ to the previous 'ar hi3h or &ow an+ +isp&aye+ in your popup a&ert. I a&so hi3h&y recommen+ to use the +efau&t va&ues for S an+ -%( however you can chan3e them accor+in3 to your persona& preference. 11 !ttention: this system is a tota&&y +ifferent pro+uct an+ has no connection of any type with A"assive 2orex %rofitB .M*I- alert setup& Setup your metatra+er4 to sen+ emai&: #mai& a&ert is a&rea+y activate+ in the "assive 2orex %rofit I8%/-S( a&& you have to +o is setup your own mai& server infoO .mail setup can 5e done in& 'ools ;< +ptions ;< .mail If you nee+ more info on how to setup an emai& a&ert( 3o to youtu' an+ search for Bmt4 emai& setupB there are p&enty of free vi+eo samp&es. 12 #ecommendations -ry to use the in+icator 485 +urin3 !C-I:# mar)et 485E 5ou can use the informer to fin+ out the stren3th of the current tren+. -his wou&+ 'e very he&pfu& for +eci+in3 on which tra+es you want to ta)e. =o not use the indicator on a weak>slow market ? outside recommended trading hours 6 -ondon or U) sessions 7" )ignals never work well on a weak market$ this has 5een proven many times@ -he on+on session is the &ar3est mar)et an+ opens at R.000"- or D!" #S- an+ c&oses at 1S.00 0"- or 12 %" #S-. 'rading is 5est 5etween A"BBam GM' and 1Bam GM'" -he 8ew 5or) session opens at 1D.00 0"- or R !" #S- an+ c&oses at 22.000"- or F %" #S-. 'he 5est trades occur in the first 2/3 hours" I"%4$-!8-: It is extreme&y important to tra+e on&y fo&&owin3 the current 13 tren+E It wi&& cut ! 'a+ tra+esE 8ever p&ace a tra+e a3ainst a tren+. #xamp&e: If the current tren+ is up an+ the in+icator shows A7/5B si3na& J p&ace a tra+e. If the current tren+ is up an+ the in+icator shows AS#B si3na& J 84 -$!D#E >ait for the next A7/5B si3na&O Stay away from usin3 the si3na&s an+ open tra+es on unc&ear tren+s or si+eways tren+s J examp&e: Money Management "oney mana3ement is a very important concept that has an enormous effect on +raw +owns an+ mar3in ca&&s. -he car+ina& ru&e of money mana3ement is the fo&&owin3: You should only risk 1/3C of your account on any single trade" 5ou may have hear+ this ru&e a hun+re+ times 'efore( 'ut it is ama?in3 to see how many 3oo+ tra+ers fai& to comprehen+ this concept J an+ +on6t un+erstan+ why they are wipe+ out a3ain an+ a3ain( +espite 3reat entries an+ timin3 of tra+es. !nother important concept that is re&ate+ to your stop loss: In this strate3y you &earne+ how to p&ace a stop &oss for each setup. -his stop &oss is ca&cu&ate+ re3ar+&ess of your &eve& of ris) or your e*uity( an+ is 'ase+ so&e&y on price1action. !fter a stop &oss is set( ca&cu&ate your tra+e si?e so you achieve the ri3ht percent of ris) for your tra+es. 2or examp&e: your stop &oss is 10 pips( an+ your e*uity is 10(000T( you wish to ris) 2U of your e*uity in this tra+e( so you enter a tra+e with 2 &ots J so 14 your ris) is 200T( or 2U. More )ample trades January 2014 %&ease contact me if you have any *uestions: )ar&V)ar& I wi&& he&p you. 15 7est of uc)E ;ar& Dittmann 16