Massive FX Profit Manual

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User Guide

January 2014

%&ease 'e aware of the &oss( ris)( persona& or otherwise conse*uences of the
use an+ app&ication of this 'oo),s content. -he author an+ the pu'&isher are
not responsi'&e for any actions that you un+erta)e an+ wi&& not 'e he&+
accounta'&e for any &oss or in.uries.
/.S. 0overnment $e*uire+ Disc&aimer 1 Commo+ity 2utures -ra+in3
Commission 2utures an+ 4ptions tra+in3 has &ar3e potentia& rewar+s( 'ut a&so
&ar3e potentia& ris)s. 5ou must 'e aware of the ris)s an+ 'e wi&&in3 to accept
them in or+er to invest in the futures an+ options mar)ets. Don6t tra+e with
money you can6t affor+ to &ose. -his is neither a so&icitation nor an offer to
7uy/Se&& futures or options. 8o representation is 'ein3 ma+e that any account
wi&& or is &i)e&y to achieve profits or &osses simi&ar to those +iscusse+ on this we'
site. -he past performance of any tra+in3 software or metho+o&o3y is not
necessari&y in+icative of future resu&ts.
C2-C $/# 4.41 1 95%4-9#-IC! 4$ SI"/!-#D %#$24$"!8C#
$#S/-S 9!:# C#$-!I8 I"I-!-I48S. /8I;# !8 !C-/!
%#$24$"!8C# $#C4$D( SI"/!-#D $#S/-S D4 84- $#%$#S#8-
!C-/! -$!DI80. !S4( SI8C# -9# -$!D#S 9!:# 84- 7##8
#<#C/-#D( -9# $#S/-S "!5 9!:# /8D#$14$14:#$
C4"%#8S!-#D 24$ -9# I"%!C-( I2 !85( 42 C#$-!I8 "!$;#-
2!C-4$S( S/C9 !S !C; 42 I=/IDI-5. SI"/!-#D -$!DI80
%$40$!"S I8 0#8#$! !$# !S4 S/7J#C- -4 -9# 2!C- -9!-
-9#5 !$# D#SI08#D >I-9 -9# 7#8#2I- 42 9I8DSI09-. 84
$#%$#S#8-!-I48 IS 7#I80 "!D# -9!- !85 !CC4/8- >I 4$ IS
I;#5 -4 !C9I#:# %$42I- 4$ 4SS#S SI"I!$ -4 -94S# S94>8.
8o representation is 'ein3 ma+e that any account wi&& or is &i)e&y to achieve
profits or &osses simi&ar to those shown. In fact( there are fre*uent&y sharp
+ifferences 'etween hypothetica& performance resu&ts an+ the actua& resu&ts
su'se*uent&y achieve+ 'y any particu&ar tra+in3 pro3ram. 9ypothetica&
tra+in3 +oes not invo&ve financia& ris)( an+ no hypothetica& tra+in3 recor+ can
comp&ete&y account for the impact of financia& ris) in actua& tra+in3.
!&& information on this we'site or any e1'oo) purchase+ from this we'site is
for e+ucationa& purposes on&y an+ is not inten+e+ to provi+e financia& a+vice.
!ny statements a'out profits or income( expresse+ or imp&ie+( +o not
represent a 3uarantee. 5our actua& tra+in3 may resu&t in &osses as no tra+in3
software is 3uarantee+. 5ou accept fu&& responsi'i&ities for your actions(
tra+es( profit or &oss( an+ a3ree to ho&+ "assive 2orex %rofit an+ any
authori?e+ +istri'utors of this information harm&ess in any an+ a&& ways.
-he use of this software constitutes acceptance of my user a3reement.
-his 'oo) an+ software cannot 'e re1written( re1pu'&ishe+( S-4$#D 4$
I8;#D !- !85 2I# S9!$I80 SI-#S or 24$/"S or use+ for any other
'oo)s without proper referencin3 without permission. -he use of the 'oo) an+
software is &imite+ to your persona& use on&y. Sprea+in3 out the copies without
payin3 for them is i&&e3a& an+ protecte+ 'y internationa& copyri3ht &aw.
Copyri3ht @ 2014
-han) you for your purchase of A"assive 2orex %rofitB
-his 'ran+ new in+icator wor)s on a comp&ete&y +ifferent tra+in3 princip&e that
any other in+icator ever +eve&ope+ 'efore. It 3enerates &aser accurate tra+in3
si3na&s that a&most a&ways 3enerate hi3h profit. !&& you have to +o to a&most
a&ways win is fo&&ow a few simp&e ru&es whi&e usin3 this in+icator. !&& of them are
exp&aine+ in this 3ui+e.
-his is an examp&e of some tra+in3 si3na&s 3enerate+ 'y C"assive 2orex %rofitC
"assive 2orex %rofit has 'een re&ease+ on January 1Dth 2014 -his is the first
in+icator which ena'&es you to see how powerfu& the tra+e may'e 'e 'efore you
see the actua& tra+e. "assive 2orex %rofit uses a very precise a&3orithm which
ma)es it the 'est most profita'&e tra+in3 too& in 2014E
It 3enerates sma&& arrows to inform you of an avera3e tra+in3 si3na& an+ it a&so
3enerates &ar3e si?e+ arrows which in+icate stron3er( more profita'&e tra+es.
-he amount of si3na&s +epen+s on which timeframe you are usin3. ower
timeframes such as "F or "1F wi&& 3ive you more si3na&s( 'ut if you use hi3her
timeframes 91 or a'ove( you can expect &ess si3na&s 'ut with much hi3her
profit. It a&& +epen+s on what tra+in3 sty&e suits you the most.
!&so( the chan3e of a tren+ a&most a&ways means that there wi&& 'e a new tra+in3
si3na&. If the price is 3oin3 in a specific +irection the si3na& wi&& on&y 'e
3enerate+ when it6s 3oin3 to reverse. -his &ets us ma)e maximum profit from
each tra+e.
"assive 2orex %rofit software pac)a3e inc&u+es:
1 7ran+ 8ew 2014 2< tra+in3 a&3orithm( which shows the power of each tra+e in
a+vance with &aser accuracy.
1 9e&pfu& info1'ox +isp&ayin3 important information on your charts.
1 Step1'y1step user6s 3ui+e with tra+e examp&es an+ exp&anation on how to use
the "assive 2orex %rofit in+icator.
1 I wi&& he&p you promise from the +eve&oper. #mai& me with any *uestions( I am
a&ways here to he&p you with anythin3. 5our success is very important for us.
Congratulations! You are the lucky owner of
a complete Massive Forex rofit software package!
If you use this in+icator correct&y( there resu&ts you cou&+ 3et mi3ht 'e
ri+icu&ous&y hi3h. "assive 2orex %rofit has everythin3 you nee+ to start ma)in3
a 3reat profit every+ay tra+in3 2orex. Just fo&&ow the simp&e ru&es an+ you wi&&
'e ama?e+E
It!s extremely important for you to fully understand how Massive
Forex rofit works" #ead this guide carefully$ it has a lot of
important information that could greatly improve your trading"
%&ease try usin3 the in+icator on a +emo account first. 4n&y move to tra+in3
with it on a &ive account( once you are comp&ete&y fami&iar with "assive 2orex
%rofit an+ )now the simp&e ru&es on how to use it correct&y for maximum 3ains.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any *uestionsE
>e wish you a 3reat tra+in3 successE
;ar& Dittmann,s -ra+in3 -eam
Installing the Indicator
I"%4$-!8-: If you +on6t have "eta-ra+er G insta&&e+(
p&ease +own&oa+ it from this &in):
2o&&ow the instructions an+ open a +emo or rea& account. >e recommen+
tra+in3 the in+icators on +emo account 'efore procee+in3 to rea& accounts.
Un%ip the %ip file that you have downloaded &
'he indicator file name is& MassiveForexrofit"ex(
-he user,s manua& fi&e is: "assive2orex%rofit.p+f
Step 1: Copy the in+icator fi&e #<4 into your /experts/in+icators/ fo&+er.
-his fo&+er is a fo&+er of the "eta-ra+er tra+in3 p&atform.
If you are usin3 the !&pari "eta-ra+er 'ro)er( the fo&+er wi&& 'e at
C:I%ro3ram 2i&esI"eta-ra+er 1 !&pariIexpertsIin+icators
If you are usin3 the Inter'an) 2< -ra+er 'ro)er( the fo&+er wi&& 'e at
C:I%ro3ram 2i&esIInter'an) 2< -ra+er 4IexpertsIin+icatorsI
If you are usin3 the 2<DD 'ro)er( the fo&+er wi&& 'e at
C:I%ro3ram 2i&esI2<DD J "eta-ra+er 4IexpertsIin+icatorsI
If you can6t fin+ your /experts/in+icators/ fo&+er(
p&ease contact our technica& support.
Step 2: 4pen the "eta-ra+erG p&atform( an+ c&ic) on :iew 1K 8avi3ator.
5ou can a&so press C-$L8.
Click on 'Navigator'
Step 3: ! win+ow tit&e+ 68avi3ator6 shou&+
appear. C&ic) on Custom In+icators.

The Navigator
Step 4: 5ou shou&+ see the MassiveForexProfit in the Custom
In+icators fo&+er. Dou'&e c&ic) on the "assive 2orex %rofit an+ c&ic) 4; to
&oa+ it onto your chart. If you nee+ any assistance( p&ease contact our technica&
support team.
2or you convenience "assive 2orex %rofit has +eve&ope+ a simp&e( yet very
he&pfu& informer that wi&& he&p you throu3hout your tra+in3. It6s &ocate+ in the
upper &eft corner of you charts. 9ere is how it &oo)s.
4n top of the informer is the most
important too& 1 tren+ stren3th ana&y?er. It
shows you if the tren+ is wea)( me+ium or
stron3. -he power of the tren+ is a&so
+isp&aye+ in percenta3e.
8ext is the -ren+ Direction( shows if the
tren+ is up or +own.
ast Si3na& 1 shows the current si3na&
M&atest si3na& 3enerate+ 'y the in+icatorN
!&so( it shows the current pair( timeframe(
+ate an+ time.
)trong and *verage 'rades
-he "assive 2orex %rofit @ is a'&e to show you the power of each upcomin3
tra+e. -his &ets you +eci+e if you wish to enter the current tra+e or wait for a
stron3er one. %&ease rea+ 'e&ow for more +etai&s.
)trong 'rades

Stron3 'uy si3na&s are in+icate+ 'y a
&ar3e 3reen arrow an+ stron3 se&&
si3na&s are in+icate+ 'y a &ar3e re+
9ere are two examp&es of stron3
'uy an+ se&& tra+es:

*verage 'rades
!vera3e 'uy si3na&s are in+icate+ 'y a sma&&
'&ue arrow an+ avera3e se&& si3na&s are in+icate+
'y a sma&& oran3e arrow.
9ere are two examp&es of avera3e 'uy an+ se&& tra+es:
IM+#'*,' #U-.) / 0ow to use the signals
I"%4$-!8- $/# 24$ -$#8D -$!DI80:
Do not use the in+icator on a f&at mar)etE /se the in+icator 485 at
active mar)et hours J for examp&e on+on session( /S session.
-ren+ wi&& not 'e noticea'&e on a wea) mar)et Mni3ht time( Christmas perio+(
other ho&i+ays etcON )eep rea+in3 an+ I wi&& exp&ain everythin3 ...
$u&e P1
1 I+entify a current tren+. M$emem'erQ -ren+ is your frien+QN
1 I3nore a&& si3na&s a3ainst a current 047! tren+E
1 -ry usin3 the informer to fin+ out how stron3 the current tren+ is.
-ren+ is up J 'ut you 3et a Ase&&B si3na&
MI3nore it an+ wait for a A'uyB si3na& to enterN
-his is the most important ru&e( if you fo&&ow it
you wi&& have a&most no &osin3 tra+es at a&&.
$u&e P2
-he next hi3h&y important ru&e: Do not tra+e an+ +o not use the
in+icator on a si+eways tren+. -his is a A"/S- fo&&owB ru&e.
If you D48,- fo&&ow or i3nore the ru&es a'ove J 3oo+ resu&ts are 84-
)top -oss
%&ace your stop &oss accor+in3 to the popup a&ert S.
In most tra+es stop &oss is ca&cu&ate+ with this formu&a:
%revious 'ar hi3h or &ow L extra num'er of pips.
5ou can a+.ust the S extra num'er of pips in the in+icator I8%/-S.
IMPORTANT: Set stop &oss for ! your tra+es an+ D4 84- +eviate from it.
4nce the tra+e has touche+ your stop &oss( 'e +iscip&ine+ an+ c&ose the tra+e.
-his wi&& protect you from ma.or capita& &osses.
.ntering 'rades
#nterin3 tra+es with "assive 2orex %rofit is easy. 5ou choose a si3na& arrow
Mavera3e or stron3N an+ enter as soon as the arrow of your choice is 3enerate+
on your chart.
.xiting 'rades
+ption 1
#xit tra+es when the "assive 2orex %rofit issues the opposite tra+in3
si3na&. -his ensures that you tra+e with maximum profits an+ ri3ht 'efore the
mar)et reverses.
If you enter on a stron3 or avera3e 'uy si3na& 1 exit as soon as a stron3 or an
avera3e se&& si3na& is 3enerate+. M>hichever comes firstN
If you enter on a stron3 or avera3e se&& si3na& 1 exit as soon as a stron3 or an
avera3e si3na& is 3enerate+. M>hichever comes firstN
Important ,ote& 5ou shou&+ 84- wait for an opposite si3na& of the same
stren3th as the one you entere+ on. It can 'e a stron3 or an avera3e si3na&. It
+oesn6t matter. Just ma)e sure to exit as soon as you see an opposite arrow.
+ption 2
#xit tra+es accor+in3 to the popup a&ert -% num'er.
$emar)s: 5ou can a+.ust -% an+ S &eve&s +epen+in3 on your tra+in3 sty&e.
-his can 'e +one at the in+icator inputs.
+ption 3
!nother exit mechanism which is hi3h&y effective is to exit near stron3 support
or resistance &eve&s. It is a metho+ that 3enerates exits ear&ier( so you ta)e
profits ear&y.
'ime Frames and airs
1 Fmin( 1F min( D0 min( 1 hour( 4 hours
1 !&& ma.or pairs
M-ry it on 07%/J%5 an+ /SD/J%5 1 hour or 1F min timeframesN
)ignal opup *lert 4indow&
7uy/Se&& si3na& price 1 current entry price
-a)e%rofit J ta)e profit &eve&
Stoposs J stop &oss &eve&
< minutes chart 1 timeframe
Input arameters&
!&& the Inputs are rea+y to use/tra+e 'y +efau&t. 5ou +on,t have to chan3e
If you wish you may chan3e S/-% accor+in3 your tra+in3 sty&e an+ you can a&so
chan3e the soun+ M/se!&ertsN an+ emai& M#mai&!&ertsN a&erts to true/fa&se.
-he most important in+icator input is !rrowH %erio+. I hi3h&y recommen+
84- to chan3e it6s settin3s( as it wor)s 'ase+ on a very comp&icate+ specia&&y
a+.uste+ tra+in3 strate3y.
Stop oss an+ -a)e %rofit MS an+ -%N J preset extra num'er wi&& 'e a++e+ to
the previous 'ar hi3h or &ow an+ +isp&aye+ in your popup a&ert. I a&so hi3h&y
recommen+ to use the +efau&t va&ues for S an+ -%( however you can chan3e
them accor+in3 to your persona& preference.
!ttention: this system is a tota&&y +ifferent pro+uct an+ has
no connection of any type with A"assive 2orex %rofitB
.M*I- alert setup&
Setup your metatra+er4 to sen+ emai&:
#mai& a&ert is a&rea+y activate+ in the "assive 2orex %rofit I8%/-S( a&& you
have to +o is setup your own mai& server infoO
.mail setup can 5e done in& 'ools ;< +ptions ;< .mail
If you nee+ more info on how to setup an emai& a&ert( 3o to youtu' an+
search for Bmt4 emai& setupB there are p&enty of free vi+eo samp&es.
-ry to use the in+icator 485 +urin3 !C-I:# mar)et 485E 5ou can use the
informer to fin+ out the stren3th of the current tren+. -his wou&+ 'e very
he&pfu& for +eci+in3 on which tra+es you want to ta)e.
=o not use the indicator on a weak>slow market ? outside
recommended trading hours 6 -ondon or U) sessions 7"
)ignals never work well on a weak market$ this has 5een
proven many times@
-he on+on session is the &ar3est mar)et an+ opens at R.000"- or D!" #S-
an+ c&oses at 1S.00 0"- or 12 %" #S-.
'rading is 5est 5etween A"BBam GM' and 1Bam GM'"
-he 8ew 5or) session opens at 1D.00 0"- or R !" #S- an+ c&oses at
22.000"- or F %" #S-.
'he 5est trades occur in the first 2/3 hours"
I"%4$-!8-: It is extreme&y important to tra+e on&y fo&&owin3 the current
tren+E It wi&& cut ! 'a+ tra+esE 8ever p&ace a tra+e a3ainst a tren+.
If the current tren+ is up an+ the in+icator shows A7/5B si3na& J p&ace a tra+e.
If the current tren+ is up an+ the in+icator shows AS#B si3na& J 84 -$!D#E
>ait for the next A7/5B si3na&O
Stay away from usin3 the si3na&s an+ open tra+es on unc&ear tren+s or
si+eways tren+s J examp&e:
Money Management
"oney mana3ement is a very important concept that has an enormous effect
on +raw +owns an+ mar3in ca&&s. -he car+ina& ru&e of money mana3ement is
the fo&&owin3:
You should only risk 1/3C of your account on any single trade" 5ou
may have hear+ this ru&e a hun+re+ times 'efore( 'ut it is ama?in3 to see how
many 3oo+ tra+ers fai& to comprehen+ this concept J an+ +on6t un+erstan+
why they are wipe+ out a3ain an+ a3ain( +espite 3reat entries an+ timin3 of
!nother important concept that is re&ate+ to your stop loss: In this strate3y
you &earne+ how to p&ace a stop &oss for each setup.
-his stop &oss is ca&cu&ate+ re3ar+&ess of your &eve& of ris) or your e*uity(
an+ is 'ase+ so&e&y on price1action.
!fter a stop &oss is set( ca&cu&ate your tra+e si?e so you achieve the ri3ht percent
of ris) for your tra+es.
2or examp&e: your stop &oss is 10 pips( an+ your e*uity is 10(000T( you wish
to ris) 2U of your e*uity in this tra+e( so you enter a tra+e with 2 &ots J so
your ris) is 200T( or 2U.
More )ample trades
January 2014
%&ease contact me if you have any *uestions: )ar&V)ar&
I wi&& he&p you.
7est of uc)E
;ar& Dittmann

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