Clu3m 2014 Charter Scenarios and Questions
Clu3m 2014 Charter Scenarios and Questions
Clu3m 2014 Charter Scenarios and Questions
Interpretation Exercise
Using the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, for each of the following scenarios, indicate
the section (legal rights) of the Charter being dealt with and the violation (section
7 Right to life). There may be more than one violation or none at allohh
1. Grace Apps, a law abiding Canadian citizen, decides to go on a trip to Erope.
!hen she arri"es at the airport, she is told that he is not allowed to lea"e Canada.
#o reason is gi"en b$ the athorities.
%. Cor$ &lais decides that he wants to be 'rime (inister for life and refses to call an
). 'olice *+cer Cassid$ Car,ner wal,s into $or home and starts searching for drgs.
-. .he 'remier of *ntario (s. &rittan$ Catton decides that it will no longer allow
Canadians from other pro"inces to wor, and li"e in *ntario.
/. .he 'rime (inister (eaghan Chappell decides that all chrches are to be closed
down permanentl$.
0. #eil 1e,o,er, who spea,s "er$ little English is "er$ confsed at his criminal trial
becase he does not nderstand what is being said.
2. Emil$ Forbes, head of the RC(' decides to not treat all grops of Canadians the
same. .he RC(' are allowed to discriminate against teenagers, the clerg$, and
certain ethnic grops.
3. 4dge Fornier orders that a person recei"e %/ lashes as a pnishment ($i,es56.
7. 8annah Gardner is arrested and thrown in 9ail. :he is not told the charges for two
wee,s. !ith no reason gi"en, she is denied bail for a shop lifting o;ence. Finall$,
after one $ear in prison, she gets her da$ in cort. Unfortnatel$, she is defending
herself becase she is nable to a;ord a law$er.
1<. :hia 8a$ward is not allowed b$ the go"ernment to 9oin an en"ironmental grop
that protests the ctting down of trees.
11. =a$len 4ohnston testi>es at a trial abot a brea, and enter. ?ater, the police arrest
her becase of her testimon$.
1%. Canada has one o+cial langage @ French. 4ennie (ae 4ones spea,s English and is
in need of help from the go"ernment.
1). An Canada, Al$sha has more rights than 4esse.
1-. .he 'rime (inister (ichelle =ir,wood does not li,e comments written in a ma9or
newspaper b$ El$se becase the$ are critical of the go"ernmentBs actions. As a
reslt, the newspaper is not allowed to be pblished an$more.
1/. ?aren and Aaron ha"e been >red from their 9ob becase of the color of their hair.
.he$ tr$ to get help bt no cort is willing to hear their case.
10. =harthi, and Cander ha"e both decided to go and wor, in the Alberta oil >elds.
8owe"er a da$ before the$ lea"e the compan$ tells them that the go"ernment has
denied them the right to wor, in that pro"ince.
12. Ashle$ has been arrested b$ the *.'.'. :he was thrown in 9ail and has been
detained for 20 hors.
13. .he (inister of 4stice (s. Christina Rideot has created a bill that wold reinstate
Corporal 'nishment (pblic whipping6.
17. 1e to the go"ernmentBs inabilit$ to combat en"ironmental problems =ell$, ?c,
1anielle, Gage and #ichole ha"e starting protesting at the 'arliament bildings and
ha"e started sleeping there o"ernight. 8owe"er a few da$s later the RC('
ph$sicall$ remo"es them from the propert$ and instrcts the police to arrest them.