A table key is a column in an internal table or database table that identifies rows. For internal tables, there are primary and secondary table keys that differentiate between rows. Table keys allow identification of specific rows.
A table key is a column in an internal table or database table that identifies rows. For internal tables, there are primary and secondary table keys that differentiate between rows. Table keys allow identification of specific rows.
A table key is a column in an internal table or database table that identifies rows. For internal tables, there are primary and secondary table keys that differentiate between rows. Table keys allow identification of specific rows.
A table key is a column in an internal table or database table that identifies rows. For internal tables, there are primary and secondary table keys that differentiate between rows. Table keys allow identification of specific rows.
SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Rel ease 702, Copyri ght 2010 SAP AG. Al l ri ghts reserved.
ABAP Keyword Documentation ABAP Glossary
Table Key Columns of an internal table or of a database table whose content identifies table rows. Primary and secondary table keys are differentiated between for internal tables.