Kamm Jennifer Position

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Heather Casey
Associate Professor
Department of Teacher Education
609-895-566 ! hcasey"rider.edu
#une $%& '0$
Dear Co((ea)ue*
+ am ,ritin) to enthusiastica((y support -s. #ennifer .amm ,ho is app(yin) for a
position at your institution. -s. .amm represents the /est of our profession. +n the
c(assroom& she supports her students (earnin) ,ith e0pertise& care and compassion. +n the
fie(d& she is a (eader ta1in) on many (eadership ro(es and opportunities& as e2idenced /y
the (eadership ro(es she ta1es on in many capacities as ,e(( as her current doctora(
-s. .amm has ,or1ed ,ith us at 3ider as one of the fie(d site cooperatin) teachers for
our 3ider pre-ser2ice teachers. +n that capacity& -s. .amm has emer)ed as a (eader as
,e((. Each semester the students fortunate enou)h to ha2e the opportunity to ,or1 ,ith
-s. .amm (ea2e ,ith a ,ea(th of resources& ideas and research /ased strate)ies to
support instruction. -s. .amm 2a(ues these re(ationships and ta1es her ,or1 supportin)
these pre-ser2ice teachers 2ery serious(y& and maintains connections ,ith many of them
(on) after the course and the re4uired hours ha2e ended. -s. .amm often in2ites the pre-
ser2ice teachers /ac1 to her c(assroom and to ,or1shops.
+n addition to her ,or1 ,ith the assi)ned interns& -s. .amm introduced a (unchtime
series to our interns that focused on areas of professiona( interest ,ith a particu(ar focus
on techno(o)y. + ha2e e0cerpted a portion of an ear(ier (etter /e(o,*
I am writing to thank you for the outstanding professional development opportunities that
you offered the Rider interns during the spring of 2014. The weekly lunchtime technology
sessions that you offered the students were informative and practical. We all left the
sessions more informed and etter prepared to integrate 21
century literacy tools into
our teaching. !rom the start" you modeled how to integrate technology into teaching with
the sharing of topics on an interactive flyer #a $smore%&. This introduced students to
something that will e of value in their own work with parents and children.
The topics included'
2(2+ ,igital literacy defined
)(- .est literacy practices
)(1) /reating interactive flyers
)(2+ Integrating i0ads
4() /ollaorating with 1oogle ,ocs and creating word clouds
4(24 /reating avatars
4(22 !arewell lunch
These sessions were always informative and modeled the types of professional
collaoration that is so critical to our work as teachers. When the interns were asked
aout the e3perience several commented*
It was so good to get together and talk aout these topics. We learn aout them in class"
ut then we really get to see them come to life.
4s. 5amm is an inspirational teacher. I was introduced to so many good ideas and
-s. .amm ran these sessions as a mini-course. +t ,as c(ear from these sessions that -s.
.amm reco)ni5ed the needs of the adu(t (earners& pairin) important information ,ith
en)a)in) app(ication that e0cited the participants.
-s. .amm ,ou(d /e an asset to your pre-ser2ice teachers. -s. .amm /rin)s ,ith her the
uni4ue /(end of )rounded practica( e0perience and a de2e(opin) academic dossier as she
comp(etes her doctora( course,or1 and /e)ins preparin) for the dissertation. +n addition&
she has a 2ery stron) understandin) of techno(o)ica( too(s and their appropriate infusion
into student (earnin). + enthusiastica((y support her candidacy.
P(ease fee( free to contact me if + can offer additiona( information.
Heather Casey& Ph.D.
Associate Professor
7iteracy Education
Department of Teacher Education
3ider 8ni2ersity

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