SECTION 23 21 11 Boiler Plant Piping Systems
SECTION 23 21 11 Boiler Plant Piping Systems
SECTION 23 21 11 Boiler Plant Piping Systems
SECTION 23 21 11
1. Delete between //----// if not
applicable to po!ect. "l#o $elete an%
ot&e ite' o paa(ap& not applicable
to t&e po!ect an$ en)'be t&e
*. Refeence# to pe##)e in t&i# #ection
ae (a(e pe##)e )nle## ot&ewi#e
"ll boile plant pipin( #%#te'#+ e,cept pl)'bin( an$ #anita%+ incl)$in(
pipin( #)ppot#. Pipin( locate$ o)t#i$e of t&e boile plant b)il$in( i#
not incl)$e$ e,cept fo (a# e()lato an$ 'ete #tation#.
//". Section 1- 0. /1+ SEIS0IC RESTR"INT RE12IRE0ENTS 3OR NON-STR2CT2R"4
5. Section *- 0. 10+ CO00ON WOR6 RES24TS 3OR 5oile Plant an$ STE"0
C. Section *- 0. .1+ NOISE an$ 8I5R"TION CONTRO4 3OR 5OI4ER P4"NT.
D. Section *- 09 11+ :8"C an$ 5OI4ER P4"NT INS24"TION.
E. Section ** 0. *-+ 7ENER"4-D2T; 8"48ES 3OR P4205IN7 PIPIN7.
3. Section ** -1 11+ W"TER SO3TENERS.
7. Section ** <9 *1+ W"TER DE"46"4I=IN7 S;STE0.
:. 3)el oil tan># an$ pipin(: Section *- 10 00+ 3"CI4IT; 32E4 S;STE0SS.
I. Contol ?al?e#: Section *- .* -9+ 3IRE-T25E 5OI4ERS.
@. Contol ?al?e#: Section *- .* --+ W"TER-T25E 5OI4ERS.
6. Contol ?al?e#: Section *- .0 11+ 5OI4ER P4"NT 0EC:"NIC"4 E12IP0ENT.
4. 3low 0ete#: Section *- 09 11+ INSTR20ENT"TION an$ CONTRO4 3OR 5OI4ER
0. Section *- 0A 11+ DE0ONSTR"TIONS an$ TESTS 3OR 5OI4ER P4"NT.
N. Section *- 0A 00+ CO00ISSIONIN7 O3 :8"C S;STE0S. ReB)ie'ent# fo
co''i##ionin(+ #%#te'# ea$ine## c&ec>li#t#+ an$ tainin(
". Entie in#tallation #&all co'pl% wit& "S0E Powe Pipin( Co$e+ "S0E 5-1.1
an$ appen$ice#.
*- *1 11 - 1
5. 5oile E,tenal Pipin(+ a# $efine$ in t&e "S0E 5oile an$ Pe##)e
8e##el Co$e+ Section I+ i# eB)ie$ to be con#t)cte$ an$ in#pecte$ in
confo'ance wit& t&e "S0E Co$e.
C. 0ec&anic# #&all be #>ille$ in t&ei wo> o ta$e. Wel$e# on pe##)e
?e##el# o pipin( #&all #&ow e?i$ence of B)alification in acco$ance
wit& t&e "S0E Powe Pipin( Co$e an$ t&e "S0E 5oile an$ Pe##)e 8e##el
Co$e. Cetif% t&at eac& wel$e &a# pa##e$ "'eican Wel$in( Societ% C"WSD
B)alification te#t# fo t&e wel$in( poce##e# in?ol?e$+ an$ t&at
cetification i# c)ent. Eac& wel$e #&all )tiliEe a #ta'p to i$entif%
all wo> pefo'e$ b% t&e wel$e. T&e 7o?en'ent e#e?e# t&e i(&t to
e!ect an% pe#onnel fo)n$ )nB)alifie$ in t&e pefo'ance of wo> fo
w&ic& t&e% ae e'plo%e$.
". S)b'it in acco$ance wit& Section 01 -- *-+ S:OP DR"WIN7S+ PROD2CT D"T"+
an$ S"0P4ES.
5. Pipin(:
1. "ST0 'ateial #pecification n)'be.
*. 7a$e+ cla## o t%pe+ #c&e$)le n)'be.
-. 0an)fact)e.
C. Pipe 3ittin(#+ 2nion#+ 3lan(e#:
1. "ST0 'ateial #pecification n)'be.
*. "S0E #tan$a$# n)'be.
-. Catalo( c)t#.
/. Pe##)e an$ te'peat)e atin(#.
D. 8al?e# - 7ate+ 7lobe+ C&ec>+ Pl)(+ 5)ttefl%+ 5all:
1. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction.
*. Pe##)e an$ te'peat)e atin(#.
-. 0ateial# of con#t)ction.
/. "cce##oie#.
E. Si(&t flow in$icato#:
1. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction.
*. Pe##)e an$ te'peat)e atin(#.
-. 0ateial# of con#t)ction.
3. 1)ic>-Co)ple :o#e Connecto# an$ Stea' :o#e:
1. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction.
*. Pe##)e an$ te'peat)e atin(#.
-. 0ateial# of con#t)ction.
/. T%pe of #eal between co)plin(#.
*- *1 11 - *
.. 3le,ibilit% of #tea' &o#e.
7. Pe##)e Re$)cin( an$ Re()latin( 8al?e#+ 5ac> Pe##)e Relief 8al?e#+
Safet% 8al?e#+ Relief 8al?e#:
1. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction.
*. Se?ice li'itation# Ct%pe of fl)i$+ 'a,i')' pe##)e an$
-. 0ateial# of con#t)ction.
/. 3low capacit% at eB)ie$ #et pe##)e.
.. Pe$icte$ #o)n$ le?el#+ at opeatin( con$ition+ fo #tea' pe##)e
e$)cin( ?al?e#.
:. Staine#:
1. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction.
*. Pe##)e an$ te'peat)e atin(#.
-. 0ateial# of con#t)ction.
/. Staine ba#>et o line 'e#&.
.. Pe##)e lo## an$ flow ate $ata.
I. E'e(enc% 7a# Safet% S&)toff 8al?e#+ ")to'atic Eat&B)a>e 7a# 8al?e#:
1. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction.
*. 0a,i')' pe##)e atin(.
-. 0ateial of con#t)ction.
/. Pe##)e lo## an$ flow ate $ata.
@. Stea' Tap#:
1. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction.
*. Se?ice li'itation# C'a,i')' pe##)e# an$ te'peat)e#D.
-. 0ateial# of con#t)ction.
/. 3low ate# at $iffeential pe##)e# #&own on $awin(#.
.. Oifice #iEe fo eac& tap.
6. 3le,ible Connecto#:
1. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction.
*. Pe##)e an$ te'peat)e atin(#.
-. 0ateial# of con#t)ction.
/. 0a,i')' allowable lateal an$ a,ial 'o?e'ent#.
.. De#ciption of t%pe of 'o?e'ent pe'itte$+ inte'ittent off#et o
contin)o)# ?ibation.
4. Pipe S)ppot S%#te'#:
1. Ce$ential# of tec&nical pe#onnel w&o will $e#i(n t&e #)ppot
*. 8ali$ation of co'p)te po(a' fo pipe #)ppot #election.
*- *1 11 - -
-. Inp)t an$ o)tp)t $ata fo pipe #)ppot #election po(a' fo all
pipin( #%#te'# wit& pipe #iEe# <0 '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e.
/. 5oile an$ fee$wate $eaeato #tea' noEEle Cpipe connectionD
allowable an$ act)al foce# an$ 'o'ent# i'po#e$ b% connectin( pipin(.
.. :an(e loa$ calc)lation 'et&o$# an$ e#)lt# fo pipin( #%#te'# wit&
pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ below.
<. Pipin( la%o)t# #&owin( location an$ t%pe of eac& &an(e an$ #)ppot.
9. Catalo( c)t# #&owin( $e#i(n an$ con#t)ction of eac& &an(e an$
#)ppot an$ confo'ance of &an(e# an$ #)ppot# to 0SS #tan$a$#.
A. Dawin(# #&owin( aan(e'ent an$ #iEe# of all co'ponent# co'pi#in(
eac& #pin(-t%pe &an(e an$ #)ppot a##e'bl%.
9. 4oa$ atin( an$ 'o?e'ent table# fo all #pin( &an(e#+ an$ #ei#'ic
#&oc> ab#obin( $e?ice#.
"ll pipin( #&all be #toe$ an$ >ept fee of foei(n 'ateial an$ #&all
be intenall% an$ e,tenall% cleane$ of all oil+ $it+ )#t an$ foei(n
'ateial. Deli?e an$ #toe ?al?e# an$ pipe &an(e# in #eale$ #&ippin(
containe# wit& labelin( in place. Stoa(e ')#t be in $%+ potecte$
SPEC WRITER NOTE: 3ill blan> #pace# wit&in
t&i# paa(ap&. Specification i# ba#e$ on
&i(& pe##)e #at)ate$ #tea'+ 110 to 10*.
>Pa C1< - 1.0 p#iD+ 'ain &ea$e pe##)e
in t&e boile plant. T&e entie
#pecification ')#t be e?i#e$ if &ea$e
pe##)e# ae #i(nificantl% lowe o
". Stea' #e?ice pe##)e# ae #electe$ to po?i$e opti')' pe##)e to t&e
facilitie# #e?e$ b% t&e boile plant. 0ain #tea' &ea$e pe##)e #&all
be contolle$ at FFFF>Pa CFFFFp#iD. 0a,i')' pe##)e capabilit% of #tea'
#%#te'# between boile# an$ t&o)(& fi#t pe##)e e$)cin( ?al?e
potecte$ b% a #afet% ?al?e #&all be (o?ene$ b% t&e
pe##)e/te'peat)e elation#&ip of t&e &i(&e#t #afet% ?al?e #ettin(
#&own fo t&e boile#.
5. Stea' $i#tib)tion #%#te'# potecte$ b% #afet% ?al?e# followin( pe##)e
e$)cin( #tation# o potecte$ b% #afet% ?al?e# on t&e boile# #&all be
(o?ene$ b% t&e pe##)e/te'peat)e elation#&ip $e?elope$ b% t&e
'a,i')' #ettin( of t&e #afet% ?al?e on t&at #%#te'.
*- *1 11 - /
C. 5oile fee$wate #%#te'# between boile fee$ p)'p#+ econo'iEe# Cif
po?i$e$D+ an$ boile# ae $e#i(ne$ fo a no'al 'a,i')' te'peat)e of
1-A C C*A0 3D+ an$ e'e(enc% te'peat)e of *1- C C/1. 3D Cif
econo'iEe# ae po?i$e$ an$ econo'iEe #afet% elief ?al?e #ettin( i#
1A9< >Pa C*9. p#iDD. De#i(n pe##)e i# t&e (eate of: boile fee$ p)'p
#&)t off &ea$G o 1A9< >Pa C*9. p#iD #et pe##)e+ pl)# acc)')lation+ of
econo'iEe Cif po?i$e$D elief ?al?e.
D. Con$en#ate collection an$ tan#fe #%#te'# to #)ction of boile fee$
p)'p# ae $e#i(ne$ fo 'a,i')' te'peat)e# to 100 C C*1* 3D+ an$
pe##)e# *9< >Pa C/0 p#iD. 8ac))' et)n #%#te'# #&all opeate between
0 an$ *9 >Pa C0 an$ A inc& :(D ?ac))' an$ eB)i?alent #tea' #at)ation
SPEC WRITER NOTE: "$$ pe##)e info'ation
on popane/ai #%#te' if #%#te' i#
E. Nat)al (a# f)el #%#te'# ae $e#i(ne$ an$ 'ateial# an$ eB)ip'ent ae
applie$ to pe?ent fail)e )n$e (a# pe##)e of FFFF>Pa CFFFF p#iD
entein( 7o?en'ent popet%. 4P (a# #%#te'# fo i(nite# Cpilot#D ae
$e#i(ne$ fo 'a,i')' 4P tan> pe##)e of 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#i(D.
3. 3)el oil #%#te' pe##)e# ae $ete'ine$ b% t&e eB)ie'ent# of t&e
b)ne# an$ f)el tain#. No. * oil #%#te'# ae $e#i(ne$ fo 'a,i')'
te'peat)e# of .. C C1-0 3D+ an$ pe##)e# of 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD. No.
. o < oil #%#te'# ae $e#i(ne$ fo 1*0 C C*.0 3D+ an$ 10*. >Pa C1.0
7. Wate #e?ice pe##)e# ae FFFF >Pa CFFFFp#iD 'a,i')'. S%#te'# ae
$e#i(ne$ to opeate )n$e con$ition# of 'a,i')' a?ailable pe##)e.
:. Dip#+ $ain#+ blow$own+ wate #a'plin(+ an$ c&e'ical teat'ent ae
$e#i(ne$+ an$ 'ateial# an$ eB)ip'ent ae applie$ in acco$ance wit& t&e
'a,i')' pe##)e an$ te'peat)e of t&e #%#te' wit& w&ic& t&e% ae
I. 4ow pe##)e #tea'+ con$en#ate+ ?ac))' an$ ?ent# ae $e#i(ne$ fo
#e?ice pe##)e# an$ te'peat)e# eB)i?alent to 10- >Pa C1. p#iD
#at)ate$ #tea'.
@. Co'pe##e$ ai #%#te'# ae $e#i(ne$ to acco''o$ate a 'a,i')' pe##)e of
A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD.
6. In#t)'entation an$ contol pipin( #&all be po?i$e$ fo t&e #e?ice an$
pe##)e c&aactei#tic# of t&e #%#te'# to w&ic& t&e% ae connecte$.
*- *1 11 - .
". T&e p)blication# li#te$ below fo' a pat of t&i# #pecification to t&e
e,tent efeence$. T&e p)blication# ae efeence$ in t&e te,t b% t&e
ba#ic $e#i(nation onl%.
5. "ST0 Intenational C"ST0D:
"/9/"/90-99C*009D Stan$a$ Specification fo 3eitic 0alleable
Ion Ca#tin(#
"/A/"/A0-0-C*00AD Stan$a$ Specification fo 7a% Ion Ca#tin(#
".-/".-0-10 Stan$a$ Specification fo Pipe+ Steel+ 5lac>
an$ :ot-Dippe$+ =inc-Coate$+ Wel$e$ an$ Sea'le##
"10./"10.0-10 Stan$a$ Specification fo Cabon Steel 3o(in(#
fo Pipin( "pplication#
"10</"10<0-10 Stan$a$ Specification fo Sea'le## Cabon Steel
Pipe 3o :i(& Te'peat)e Se?ice
"1*<-0/C*009D Stan$a$ Specification fo 7a% Ion Ca#tin(#
fo 8al?e#+ 3lan(e# an$ Pipe 3ittin(#
"19-/"19-0-10 Stan$a$ Specification fo "llo%-Steel an$
Stainle## Steel 5oltin( 0ateial# fo :i(&
Te'peat)e Se?ice
"19//"19/0-10 Stan$a$ Specification fo Cabon an$ "llo%
Steel N)t# fo 5olt# fo :i(&-Pe##)e o :i(&-
Te'peat)e Se?ice+ o 5ot&
"199/"1990-00C*00<D Stan$a$ Specification fo C)pola 0alleable Ion
"*1</"*1<0-0A Stan$a$ Specification fo Steel Ca#tin(#+
Cabon+ S)itable fo 3)#ion Wel$in(+ 3o :i(&
Te'peat)e Se?ice
"*-//"*-/0-10 Stan$a$ Specification fo Pipin( 3ittin(# of
Wo)(&t Cabon Steel an$ "llo% Steel fo
0o$eate an$ :i(& Te'peat)e Se?ice
"*<9-10 Stan$a$ Specification fo Sea'le## an$ Wel$e$
")#tenitic Stainle## Steel T)bin( fo 7eneal
"-9./"-9.0-99C*009D Stan$a$ Specification fo 3eitic D)ctile Ion
Pe##)e-Retainin( Ca#tin(# fo )#e at Ele?ate$
".-<-A/C*009D Stan$a$ Specification fo D)ctile Ion Ca#tin(#
5<1-0A Stan$a$ Specification fo Stea' o 8al?e 5onEe
*- *1 11 - <
5<*-09 Stan$a$ Specification fo Co'po#ition 5onEe o
O)nce 'etal Ca#tin(#
5AA/5AA0-09 Stan$a$ Specification fo Sea'le## Coppe Wate
C. "'eican Societ% of 0ec&anical En(inee# C"S0ED:
5oile an$ Pe##)e 8e##el Co$e: *009*010 E$ition wit& c)ent "$$en$a
Section I Powe 5oile#
Section IH Wel$in( an$ 5aEin( 1)alification#
51<.--*00< 0alleable Ion T&ea$e$ 3ittin(#
51<./-*00< 7a% Ion T&ea$e$ 3ittin(#
51<..-*009 Pipe 3lan(e# an$ 3lan(e$ 3ittin(#: NPS I T&o)(&
51<.9-*009 3acto% 0a$e Wo)(&t 5)ttwel$in( 3ittin(#
51<.11-*009 3o(e$ 3ittin(#+ Soc>et-Wel$in( an$ T&ea$e$
51<.**-*001 Wo)(&t Coppe an$ Coppe "llo% Sol$e @oint
Pe##)e 3ittin(#
5-1.1-*010 Powe Pipin(
D. 0an)fact)e# Stan$a$iEation Societ% of t&e 8al?e an$ 3ittin(# In$)#t%
SP-/.-0-C*00AD 5%pa## an$ Dain Connection#
SP-.A-*009 Pipe :an(e# an$ S)ppot#-0ateial#+ De#i(n+
0an)fact)e+ Selection+ "pplication+ an$
SP-<9-*00- Pipe :an(e# an$ S)ppot#-Selection an$
SP-A0-*00A 5onEe+ 7ate+ 7lobe+ "n(le an$ C&ec> 8al?e#
SP-A9-*00- Pipe :an(e# an$ S)ppot#-3abication an$
In#tallation Pactice#
SP-90-*000 7)i$eline# on Te'inolo(% fo Pipe :an(e# an$
SP-99-*00< Inte(all% Reinfoce$ 3o(e$ 5anc& O)tlet
3ittin(# J Soc>et Wel$in(+ T&ea$e$ an$
5)ttwel$in( En$#
SP-1*9-*001 5acin( fo Pipin( S%#te'# Sei#'ic J Win$ J
D%na'ic De#i(n+ Selection+ "pplication
E. National 3ie Potection "##ociation CN3P"D:
-0-*00A 3la''able an$ Co'b)#tible 4iB)i$# Co$e
*- *1 11 - 9
-1-*011 Stan$a$ fo t&e In#tallation of Oil 5)nin(
3. "'eican Wel$in( Societ% C"WSD:
5*.1-*009 Specification fo Wel$in( Poce$)e an$
Pefo'ance 1)alification
7. Pipe 3abication In#tit)te CP3ID:
P3I ES-*/-0A Pipe 5en$in( 0et&o$#+ Toleance#+ Poce## an$
0ateial ReB)ie'ent#
SPEC WRITER NOTE: 0a>e 'ateial
eB)ie'ent# a(ee wit& applicable
eB)ie'ent# #pecifie$ in t&e efeence$
"pplicable P)blication#. 2p$ate an$
#pecif% onl% t&at w&ic& applie# to t&e
". Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 ".- 7a$e 5 o "ST0 "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le## o
electic e#i#tance wel$e$ CERWD. Sc&e$)le /0 fo pipin( //)p to A<* >Pa
C1*. p#i(D// wit& wel$e$ en$#+ Sc&e$)le A0 fo pipin( wit& t&ea$e$ en$#
//an$ pipin( o?e A<* >Pa C1*. p#i(D wit& wel$e$ en$#.//Stan$a$ wei(&t
pe'itte$ fo pipe #iEe# -00 '' C1* inc&e#D an$ abo?e.//
5. @oint#:
1. Pipe #iEe# <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: 5)tt-wel$e$
*. Pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ below: T&ea$e$+ b)tt-wel$e$+ o
C. 3ittin(#:
1. Wel$e$ !oint#: Steel+ "ST0 "*-/+ 7a$e 5+ "S0E 51<.9+ #a'e #c&e$)le
a# a$!oinin( pipe+ all elbow# lon( a$i)#.
*. T&ea$e$ !oint#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i
cla##G o 'alleable ion+ "ST0 "/9 o "199+ "S0E 51<.-+ *0.0 >Pa C-00
p#iD cla##.
-. Soc>et-wel$e$ !oint#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.11+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000
p#iD cla##.
D. 2nion# on T&ea$e$ Pipin(: 3o(e$ #teel+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000 p#iD cla## o
*0+<A0 >Pa C-000 p#iD cla##G o 'alleable ion+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD on
pipin( .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e.
E. 3lan(e# an$ 5olt#: 3o(e$ #teel wel$ nec>+ "S0E 51<..+ "ST0 "10.+ 10*.
>Pa C1.0 p#iD pe##)e cla##+ e,cept *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD cla## eB)ie$
a$!acent to 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD an$ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD cla## ?al?e#.
*- *1 11 - A
5olt# #&all be &i(& #ten(t& #teel "ST0 "19-+ Cla## *+ 7a$e 5A. N)t#
#&all be "ST0 "19/.
". Incl)$e# all (a?it%+ $ip et)n+ p)'pe$ an$ ?ac))' #%#te'#. Doe# not
incl)$e pipin( #%#te' between boile fee$ p)'p# an$ boile#.
5. Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 ".- 7a$e 5 o "ST0 "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le## o
ERW+ Sc&e$)le A0.
C. @oint#:
1. Pipe #iEe# <. '' C*-l/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: 5)tt-wel$e$.
*. Pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ below: T&ea$e$+ b)tt-wel$e$ o
D. 3ittin(#:
1. Wel$e$ !oint#: Steel+ "ST0 "*-/+ 7a$e 5+ "S0E 51<.9+ #a'e #c&e$)le
a# a$!oinin( pipe.
*. T&ea$e$ !oint#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i
cla##G o 'alleable ion+ "ST0 "/9 o "199+ "S0E 51<.-+ *0.0 >Pa C-00
p#iD cla##.
-. Soc>et-wel$e$ !oint#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.11+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000
p#iD cla##.
E. 2nion# on T&ea$e$ Pipin(: 3o(e$ #teel+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000 p#iD cla## o
*0+<A0 >Pa C-000 p#iD cla##G o 'alleable ion+ *0.0 >Pa C-0 p#iD. On
pipin( .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e.
3. 3lan(e#: 3o(e$ #teel wel$ nec>+ "ST0 "10.+ "S0E 51<..+ 10*. >Pa C1.0
". Nat)al (a#+ 4P (a# CpopaneD+ f)el oil CNo. *+ o No#. . o < &eate$D
fo 'ain b)ne an$ i(nite CpilotD f)el#+ (a# ?ent pipin(. Co'pl% wit&
"S0E 5-l.l.
5. Pipin(: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 ".- 7a$e 5 o "ST0 "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le## o
ERW+ Sc&e$)le /0. 3)el oil pipin( #&all be #ea'le## $own#tea' of b)ne
a)to'atic #&)toff ?al?e#.
C. @oint#:
1. Pipe #iEe# <. '' C*-l/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: 5)tt-wel$e$.
*. Pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ below: Soc>et-wel$e$ o b)tt-wel$e$.
D. 3ittin(#:
1. 5)tt-wel$e$ !oint#: Steel+ "ST0 "*-/+ 7a$e 5+ "S0E 51<.9+ #a'e
#c&e$)le a# a$!oinin( pipe.
*- *1 11 - 9
*. Soc>et-wel$e$ !oint#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i
E. 2nion# on pipin( .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: 3o(e$ #teel+ 1-+A00 >Pa
C*000 p#iD cla## o *0+<A0 >Pa C-000 p#iD cla##.
3. 3lan(e#: 3o(e$ #teel wel$ nec>+ "S0E 51<..+ "ST0 "10.+ 10*. >Pa C1.0
7. Co'panion flan(e#: 3lan(e# an$ boltin( #&all confo' to "S0E 51<...
:. 5)ne Pipin(: 3)ni#&e$ a# pat of t&e facto%-a##e'ble$ b)ne# 'a% be
'an)fact)eK# #tan$a$ 'ateial# an$ a##e'bl%. Co'pl% wit& "S0E 5-l.l+
fo t&e act)al opeatin( con$ition#.
I. I(nite CPilotD Pipin(: 3)ni#&e$ a# pat of t&e facto% a##e'ble$
b)ne# 'a% &a?e *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD "ST0 "/9+ "S0E 51<.- 'alleable ion
t&ea$e$ fittin(# in lie) of wel$e$ #teel. If t&ea$e$ fittin(# ae
po?i$e$+ pipin( #&all be Sc&e$)le A0.
". Pipin( fo' boile fee$wate p)'p $i#c&a(e to inlet of boile#.
5. Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 ".- 7a$e 5 o "ST0 "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le## o
ERW. Pipin( wit& t&ea$e$ !oint# #&all be Sc&e$)le A0G wel$e$ !oint#
Sc&e$)le /0.
C. @oint#:
1. Pipe #iEe# <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: 5)tt-wel$e$.
*. Pipe #iEe# .0 '' Ctwo inc&e#D an$ below: T&ea$e$+ b)tt-wel$e$+ o
D. 3ittin(#:
1. 5)tt-wel$e$ @oint#: Steel+ "ST0 "*-/+ 7a$e 5+ "S0E 51<.9+ #a'e
#c&e$)le a# a$!oinin( pipe.
*. T&ea$e$ @oint#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i
cla##G o 'alleable ion+ "ST0 "/9+ "S0E 51<.-+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD
-. Soc>et-wel$e$ !oint#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.11+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000
p#iD cla##.
E. 2nion#: 3o(e$ #teel+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000 p#iD cla## o *0+<A0 >Pa C-000
p#iD cla##G o 'alleable o $)ctile ion+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD cla##.
3. 3lan(e# an$ 5olt#: 3o(e$ #teel wel$ nec>+ "S0E 51<..+ "ST0 "10.+ *0.0
>Pa C-00 p#iD pe##)e cla##. 5olt# #&all be :i(& #ten(t& "ST0 "19-+
Cla## *+ 7a$e 5A. N)t# #&all be "ST0 "19/.
*- *1 11 - 10
". 3o' boile botto' blowoff connection to blowoff tan>. Connection#
between boile acce##oie# $ain ?al?e# an$ blowoff line#.
5. Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 "10<+ 7a$e 5+ #ea'le##+ Sc&e$)le A0.
C. @oint#: 5)tt-wel$e$.
D. 3ittin(#: Steel+ "ST0 "*-/+ 7a$e 5+ "S0E 51<.9+ #a'e #c&e$)le a#
a$!oinin( pipe+ all elbow# lon( a$i)#+ no tee# o co##e# pe'itte$.
E. 3lan(e#: 3o(e$ #teel wel$ nec>+ "S0E 51<..+ "ST0 "10.+ *0.0 >Pa C-00
". Dain pipin( fo' wate col)'n+ low wate c)toff#+ (a(e (la##+ wate
le?el #en#o+ e'ote wate le?el $e?ice# Cw&ee applie$D.
5. Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 "10<+ #ea'le##+ Sc&e$)le /0.
C. @oint#: T&ea$e$.
D. 3ittin(#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i cla##DG o
'alleable ion+ "ST0 "/9 o "199+ "S0E 51<.-+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD cla##.
E. 2nion#: 3o(e$ #teel+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000 p#iD cla## o *0+<A0 >Pa C-000
p#iD cla##G o 'alleable ion+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD cla##.
". Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 ".- 7a$e 5 o "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le## o ERW+
Sc&e$)le /0.
5. @oint#:
1. Pipe #iEe# <. '' C*-l/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: 5)tt-wel$e$.
*. Pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ below: T&ea$e$ o b)tt-wel$e$.
C. 3ittin(#:
1. Wel$e$ @oint#: Steel+ "ST0 "*-/ 7a$e 5+ "S0E 51<.9+ #a'e #c&e$)le a#
a$!oinin( pipe.
*. T&ea$e$ @oint#: Ca#t ion+ "S0E 51<./+ A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD.
D. 2nion#: 3o(e$ #teel+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000 p#iD cla## o *0+<A0 >Pa C-000
p#iD cla##G o 'alleable ion+ 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD cla##.
E. 3lan(e#: 3o(e$ #teel wel$ nec>+ "S0E 51<..+ "ST0 "10.+ 10*. >Pa C1.0
". Soft Wate: See Section ** -1 11+ W"TER SO3TENERS.
5. Cit% Wate: See Section ** 11 00+ 3"CI4IT; W"TER DISTRI52TION.
". Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 ".- 7a$e 5 o "ST0 "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le## o
ERW Sc&e$)le /0.
*- *1 11 - 11
5. @oint#: T&ea$e$.
C. 3ittin(#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i cla##DG o
'alleable ion "ST0 "/9 o "199+ "S0E 5l<.-+ 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD cla##.
D. 2nion#: 3o(e$ #teel+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000 p#iD cla## o *0+<A0 >Pa C-000
p#iD cla##G o 'alleable ion+ 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD cla##.
SPEC WRITER NOTE: If No. . o No. < f)el
oil will be b)ne$+ #pecif% #teel $aft
(a(e pipin( wit& co##e# at all $iection
". "i $ie to )tiliEation pointG $aft (a(e #en#in( line#.
5. Coppe t)bin(+ &a$ $awn+ "ST0 5AA+ T%pe 4.
C. 3ittin(#: Wo)(&t coppe+ "S0E 51<.**+ #ol$ee$.
D. Daft 7a(e Pipin(: < '' C1// inc&D pipe #iEe 'ini')'.//
". Pipe: Steel+ "ST0 "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le##+ Sc&e$)le A0.
5. @oint#: T&ea$e$.
C. 3ittin(#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i cla##DG o
'alleable ion+ "ST0 "/9 o "199+ "S0E 51<.-+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD cla##.
3ittin(# between boile an$ fi#t #top ?al?e ')#t be fo(e$ #teel+ "S0E
51<.11+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#iD o *0+900 >Pa C-000 p#iD cla##.
D. 2nion#: 0alleable ion+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD cla##.
". Pipe: Stainle## #teel t)bin(+ "ST0 "*<9+ T%pe -1<.
5. 3ittin(#: Stainle## #teel T%pe -1< wel$in( fittin(#.
". In#t)'ent an$ Contol Pipin( CSen#in( Point to Tan#'itte+ Contolle+
o Ot&e In#t)'entD: Con#t)ction #&all be #a'e a# #pecifie$ fo 'ain
5. Dain Pipin( C"ll Dain Pipin( Di#c&a(in( to 3loo Dain-3o' Dain
8al?e to 3loo DainD:
1. Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 ".- 7a$e 5 o "ST0 "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le##
o ERW+ Sc&e$)le /0.
*. 3ittin(# an$ 2nion#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i
cla##DG o 'alleable ion+ 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD+ t&ea$e$.
*- *1 11 - 1*
C. P)'p Recic)lation:
1. Pipe: Cabon #teel+ "ST0 ".- 7a$e 5 o "ST0 "10< 7a$e 5+ #ea'le##
o ERW+ $o)ble e,ta #ton(. Sc&e$)le /0 pe'itte$ on all line# 1.00
'' C. feetD o 'oe fo' t&e ecic)lation oifice.
*. @oint#: T&ea$e$.
-. 3ittin(#: 3o(e$ #teel+ "S0E 51<.ll+ 1-+990 >Pa C*000 p#i cla##DG o
'alleable ion+ "ST0 "/9 o "199+ "S0E 51<.-+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD
cla##+ e,cept 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD cla## pe'itte$ on all line# 1.00 ''
C. feetD o 'oe fo' t&e ecic)lation oifice.
/. 2nion#: 3o(e$ #teel+ 1-+A00 >Pa C*000 p#iD cla## o *0+<A0 >Pa C-000
p#iD cla##G o 'alleable ion+ "ST0 "/9 o "199+ #a'e pe##)e cla##
a# neae#t fittin(#.
Po?i$e t&ea$e$ $ielectic )nion# fo pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$
)n$e. 3o <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e+ po?i$e coppe an$ #teel
flan(e# electicall% i#olate$ at (a#>et an$ b% #lee?e# at bolt#.
3ittin(# on col$ wate an$ #oft wate line# #&all be ate$ fo <90 >Pa
C100 p#iD+ *9 C CA0 3D. 3ittin(# on #tea' con$en#ate line# #&all be
ate$ at .10 >Pa C9. p#iD+ 1*0 C C*.0 3D. 3ittin(# on ot&e #e?ice#
#&all be ate$ fo t&e 'a,i')' pe##)e an$ te'peat)e con$ition# of
t&e #e?ice.
". 8al?e# fo patic)la #e?ice# ae (eneall% #pecifie$ a# T%pe N)'be#.
T&e T%pe N)'be# ae $efine$ below. "ll ?al?e# of t&e #a'e t%pe #&all be
t&e po$)ct# of a #in(le 'an)fact)e. Co'pl% wit& 0SS SP-/.+ 0SS SP-A0+
an$ "S0E 5-l.l. De#i(n ?al?e# fo t&e #e?ice fl)i$# an$ con$ition#.
Pe##)e-te'peat)e atin(# li#te$ ae 'ini')' eB)ie'ent#. Pac>in(
an$ (a#>et# #&all not contain a#be#to#.
5. 8al?e T%pe De#i(nation#:
1. 7ate 8al?e#:
a. T%pe 101: Ca#t #teel bo$% "ST0 "*l< WC5+ ate$ fo 10*. >Pa at *<0
C C1.0 p#i at .00 3D+ ll-l/* to l- pecent c&o'i)' #tainle##
#teel fle,ible we$(e an$ &a$ face$ C#telliteD o nic>el coppe
allo% #eat#+ 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+ OSL;+ i#in(
#te'+ bolte$ bonnet.
*- *1 11 - 1-
1D Po?i$e facto% in#talle$ (lobe-?al?e$ wa'-)p b%pa## w&en 'ain
?al?e i# 9. '' C- inc&D pipe #iEe o (eate an$ #e?e# #tea'
'ain lon(e t&an < ' C*0 feetD. Confo' to 0SS SP-/..
*D Dill an$ tap bo##e# fo connection of $ain#. Confo' to 0SS
b. T%pe l0*: Ca#t ion bo$% "ST0 "l*< Cla## 5+ ate$ fo 19*. >Pa
C*.0 p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ -//0 >Pa C.00 p#iD WO7+ bonEe we$(e
an$ #eat#+ 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+ OSL;+ i#in(
#te'+ bolte$ bonnet+ enewable #eat in(#.
1D Po?i$e facto% in#talle$ (lobe-?al?e$ b%pa## w&en 'ain ?al?e
i# 9. '' C- inc&D pipe #iEe o (eate an$ #e?e# #tea' 'ain
lon(e t&an < ' C*0 feetD. Confo' to 0SS SP-/..
*D Dill an$ tap bo##e# fo connection of $ain# if ?al?e i# in
#tea' #e?ice. Confo' to 0SS SP-/..
c. T%pe 10-: Ca#t ion bo$% "ST0 "l*< Cla## 5+ ate$ fo A.0 >Pa C1*.
p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ 1-9. >Pa C*00 p#iD WO7+ bonEe o bonEe
face$ we$(e an$ #eat#+ A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+ OSL;+
i#in( #te'+ bolte$ bonnet+ enewable #eat in(#.
1D Po?i$e facto% in#talle$ (lobe-?al?e$ b%pa## w&en 'ain ?al?e
i# 9. '' C- inc&D pipe #iEe o (eate an$ #e?e# #tea' 'ain
lon(e t&an < ' C*0 feetD. Confo' to 0SS SP-/..
*D Dill an$ tap bo##e# fo connection of $ain# if ?al?e i# in
#tea' #e?ice. Confo' to 0SS SP-/..
$. T%pe 10/: 5onEe bo$% "ST0 5<l+ ate$ fo 1-9. >Pa C*00 p#iD
#at)ate$ #tea'+ *9.0 >Pa C/00 p#iD WO7+ bonEe we$(e# an$ 0onel
o #tainle## #teel #eat#+ t&ea$e$ en$#+ i#in( #te'+ )nion
e. T%pe l0.: 3o(e$ #teel bo$% "ST0 "10.+ ate$ fo *0.0 >Pa at *1<
C C-00 p#i at /*0 3D 'ini')'+ Cla## /1-0 >Pa C<00 p#iD o Cla##
..00 >Pa CA00 p#iD+ &a$ene$ #tainle## #teel o #tellite we$(e an$
#eat#+ t&ea$e$ en$#+ OSL;+ i#in( #te'+ bolte$ bonnet.
*. 7lobe 8al?e#:
a. T%pe *01: Ca#t #teel bo$% "ST0 "*1< WC5+ ate$ fo 10*. >Pa at *<0
C C1.0 p#i at .00 3D+ 11-1/* to 1- pecent c&o'i)' #tainle##
#teel o #tellite $i#c an$ #eat+ 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$
en$#+ OSL;+ i#in( #te'+ bolte$ bonnet+ enewable #eat in(#.
Dill an$ tap bo##e# fo connection of $ain# w&ee #&own. Confo'
to 0SS SP-/..
*- *1 11 - 1/
b. T%pe *0*: Ca#t ion bo$% "ST0 "1*< Cla## 5+ ate$ fo 19*. >Pa
C*.0 p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ -//0 >Pa C.00 p#iD WO7+ bonEe o
bonEe face$ $i#c an$ #eat+ 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+
OSL;+ i#in( #te'+ bolte$ bonnet+ enewable #eat in(#. Dill an$
tap bo##e# fo connection of $ain# w&ee #&own. Confo' to 0SS
c. T%pe *0-: Ca#t ion bo$% "ST0 "1*< Cla## 5+ ate$ fo A.0 >Pa C1*.
p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ 1-9. >Pa C*00 p#iD WO7+ bonEe o
bonEe-face$ $i#c CTeflon o co'po#ition facin( pe'itte$D an$
#eat+ A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+ OSL;+ i#in( #te'+
bolte$ bonnet+ enewable #eat in(#.
$. T%pe *0/: 5onEe bo$% "ST0 5<l+ ate$ fo 1-9. >Pa C*00 p#iD
#at)ate$ #tea'+ *9.0 >Pa C/00 p#iD WO7+ &a$ene$ #tainle## #teel
$i#c an$ #eat+ t&ea$e$ en$#+ i#in( #te'+ )nion bonnet+ enewable
#eat in(#.
e. T%pe *0.: 3o(e$ #teel bo$% "ST0 "10.+ ate$ fo *0.0 >Pa at *1<
MC C-00 p#i at /*0 M3D 'ini')'+ Cla## /1-0 >Pa C<00 p#iD o Cla##
..00 >Pa CA00 p#iD+ #tainle## #teel $i#c+ #tellite #eat+ t&ea$e$
en$#+ OSL;+ i#in( #te'+ bolte$ bonnet.
-. Pl)( 8al?e#: Ca#t ion bo$% "ST0 "l*< Cla## 5+ ate$ fo 1*00 >Pa
Cl9. p#iD WO7+ one-fo)t& t)n to open. A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD "S0E
flan(e$ en$# fo pipe #iEe# abo?e .0 '' C* inc&e#D+ t&ea$e$ en$# fo
pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e. "ll co'ponent# $e#i(ne$ fo
#e?ice to w&ic& applie$: nat)al (a#+ 4P (a# CpopaneD+ o f)el oil.
3)ni#& le?e &an$le fo eac& ?al?e.
a. T%pe -01: Two-wa% ?al?e# )p t&o)(& 100 '' C/ inc&e#D pipe #iEe.
Eccentic action+ non-l)bicate$ pl)( wit& e#ilient #eal 'ol$e$
into (oo?e on pl)( face po?i$in( b)bble-ti(&t #&)t off. O-in(
#te' #eal+ coo#ion-e#i#tant beain(#+ coo#ion-e#i#tant #eat
coatin(+ #eal 'ateial# a# eco''en$e$ b% ?al?e 'an)fact)e fo
t&e #e?ice. 8al?e# on nat)al (a# #e?ice "7" appo?e$.
b. T%pe -0*: Two-wa% ?al?e# 1*. '' C. inc&e#D pipe #iEe an$ abo?e+
all #iEe# of t&ee wa% ?al?e#. 4)bicate$ f)ll-pot pl)( t%pe wit&
l)bicant fo inten$e$ #e?ice. Reinfoce$ Teflon #te' #eal+ ?al?e
pl)( floate$ on Teflon #)face#+ l)bicant in!ection #%#te' t&at
&a# #)fficient pe##)e to f)ll% l)bicate all #ealin( #)face#.
Po?i$e la'inate$ pla#tic label attac&e$ to eac& ?al?e #tatin(+
N4)bicate wit& CIn#et appopiate $e#ciptionD once a %eaO.
*- *1 11 - 1.
/. C&ec> 8al?e#:
a. T%pe /01: Not )#e$.
b. T%pe /0*: Swin(-t%pe+ ca#t ion bo$% "ST0 "1*< Cla## 5+ ate$ fo
19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ -//0 >Pa C.00 p#iD WO7+ bonEe
o bonEe-face$ $i#c an$ #eat+ 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$
en$#+ bolte$ co?e+ enewable $i#c an$ #eat.
c. T%pe /0-: Swin(-t%pe+ ca#t ion bo$% "ST0 "l*< Cla## 5+ ate$ fo
A.0 >Pa Cl*. p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ 1-9. >Pa C*00 p#iD WO7+ bonEe
o bonEe-face$ $i#c an$ #eat+ A.0 >Pa Cl*. p#iD "S0E flan(e$
en$#+ bolte$ co?e+ enewable $i#c an$ #eat.
$. T%pe /0/: Swin(-t%pe+ bonEe bo$% "ST0 5<1+ ate$ fo 1-9. >Pa
C*00 p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ *9.0 >Pa C/00 p#iD WO7+ bonEe $i#c+
t&ea$e$ en$#+ e(in$in( $i#c.
e. T%pe /0.: 4ift-t%pe+ fo(e$ #teel bo$% "ST0 "10.+ ate$ fo *0.0
>Pa at *1< C C-00 p#i at /*0 3D 'ini')' CCla## /1-0 >Pa C<00
p#iD o ..00 >Pa CA00 p#iDD+ &a$ene$ #tainle## #teel $i#c+ &a$
face$ #eat+ bolte$ co?e+ t&ea$e$ en$#.
f. T%pe /0<: Swin(-t%pe+ T%pe -1< #tainle## #teel bo$%+ $i#c an$
&an(e+ ate$ fo 19*. >Pa at 1A* C C*.0 p#i at -<0 3D 'ini')'.
(. T%pe /09: Silent #pin(-loa$e$ wafe t%pe+ ca#t ion bo$% "ST0 "/A
o "1*< Cla## 5+ ate$ fo A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD wate+ 1*1 C C*.0
&. T%pe /0A: Silent #pin(-loa$e$ wafe t%pe+ ca#t #teel "ST0 "*1<
WC5 o ca#t ion "ST0 "/A o "1*< bo$%+ ate$ fo *0.0 >Pa C-00
p#iD wate+ 1*1 C C*.0 3D+ #tainle## #teel ti'.
.. 5all 8al?e#: Re$)ce$ pot pe'itte$ fo b%pa## Ct&ottlin(D #e?iceG
f)ll pot eB)ie$ fo all ot&e #e?ice#+ one-fo)t& t)n to open.
a. T%pe .01: T%pe -1< #tainle## #teel bo$%+ ball an$ #te'+ ate$ fo
10*. >Pa at 1A. C C1.0 p#i at -<. 3D+ /1-0 >Pa at 9- C C<00 p#i
at *00 3DG einfoce$ T3E #eat+ #te' #eal an$ t&)#t wa#&eG en$
ent%+ t&ea$e$ en$#.
b. T%pe .0*: 5onEe bo$%+ ate$ fo 10*. >Pa at 1A. C C1.0 p#i at
-<. 3D+ 19*. >Pa at 1*1 C C*.0 p#i at *.0 3D+ einfoce$ T3E
#eat+ #te' #eal an$ t&)#t wa#&eG en$ ent%+ t&ea$e$ en$#+ 24-
li#te$ fo nat)al o 4P (a# #&)t off #e?ice w&en )#e$ on t&o#e
*- *1 11 - 1<
c. T%pe .0-: Cabon #teel o "ST0 5<1 bonEe bo$%+ #tea' #e?ice+
ate$ fo 1-A0 >Pa at *00 C C*00 p#i at -90 3D+ #tainle## #teel
ball an$ #te'+ Pol%fil #eat+ li?e-loa$e$ o a$!)#table #te' #eal+
t&ea$e$ en$#.
$. T%pe .0/: Cabon #teel o "ST0 ".-< $)ctile ion bo$%+ #at)ate$
#tea' #e?ice+ ate$ fo 10-0 >Pa C1.0 p#iD+ #tainle## #teel ball
an$ #te'+ Pol%fil #eat+ li?e-loa$e$ #te' #eal+ "S0E flan(e$ en$#.
<. 5)ttefl% 8al?e#:
a. T%pe <01: D)ctile ion bo$% "ST0 "-9. o ".-<+ wafe #t%le+ ate$
fo A.0 >Pa at 1*0 C C1*. p#i at *.0 3D+ bonEe $i#c+ #tainle##
#teel #te'+ EPD0 line+ EPD0 #te' #eal an$ bo$% #eal+ nec>
e,ten$in( be%on$ pipe in#)lation+ le?e opeato.
b. T%pe <0*: Cabon #teel bo$%+ tiple-off#et $e#i(n+ l)( o flan(e$
t%pe+ ate$ fo #tea' #e?ice at 10*. >Pa at *<0 C C1.0 p#i at
.00 3D+ #tainle## #teel niti$e$ $i#c+ #tainle## #teel #eat+
#tainle## #teel #&aft+ #tainle## #teel/(ap&ite la'inate$ #eal
in(+ nec> e,ten$in( be%on$ pipe in#)lation+ (eae$ &an$w&eel
opeato fo ?al?e# 100 '' C/ inc&D pipe #iEe an$ o?e+ le?e
opeato fo ?al?e# 9. '' C- inc&D pipe #iEe an$ )n$e.
9. 7a# 8ent Coc>#:
a. T%pe 901: 5onEe bo$%+ tee &an$le+ ate$ fo *0. >Pa at -A C C-0
p#i at 100 3D+ (o)n$ pl)(+ ate$ fo ti(&t #&)t-off on f)el (a#
C. 5oile 8al?e#:
1. Stea' Non-Ret)n Stop C&ec> 8al?e#:
a. T%pe: Stai(&t-wa% ;-patten+ wit& $a#&-pot an$ pi#ton an$ tappe$
$ain openin(#+ OSL;+ bolte$ bonnet+ i#in( #te'. Po?i$e an(le
patten onl% if #&own on t&e contact $awin(#.
SPEC WRITER NOTE: Ca#t ion ?e#ion# of
t&e#e ?al?e# ae a?ailable. Repot# fo'
boile in#pecto# ae t&at t&e ca#t ion
?al?e# ae #)b!ect to fail)e# $)e to t&e
&i(& foce# an$ 'o'ent# in t&e pipin(
b. Con#t)ction: Ca#t #teel bo$% "ST0 "*1< WC5+ ate$ fo *0.0 >Pa
C-00 p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ #tellite face$ #teel $i#c+ allo% #teel
#eat+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#.
*- *1 11 - 19
c. Opeation: 8al?e# #&all a)to'aticall% clo#e ti(&tl% w&en boile
#tea' pe##)e beco'e# le## t&an t&at of t&e #tea' &ea$e. 8al?e#
#&all opeate wit&o)t #tic>in( o c&attein(.
*. Stop 8al?e# fo Soot 5lowe+ Stea' 8ent# on 5oile D)'# an$ Stea'
4ea$+ Stea' Pe##)e 7a(e:
a. In#tallation of #tea' pe##)e (a(e #&)t-off ?al?e# #&all confo'
to "S0E 5oile an$ Pe##)e 8e##el Co$e+ Section I.
b. Soot blowe an(le #top ?al?e# Cwate t)be boile#D+ OSL;+ c&ain
opeate$+ ca#t o fo(e$ #teel+ 1-9. >Pa C*00 p#iD #tea' atin(+
enewable #eat an$ $i#c.
c. 7ate ?al?e#+ two inc&e# an$ )n$e: T%pe 10..
-. 8al?e# in Dain 4ine# fo' Stea' Stop-C&ec> 8al?e+ Wate Col)'n+ 7a(e
7la##+ 4ow Wate C)t-off#+ Soot 5lowe:
a. 7ate ?al?e#+ two inc&e# an$ )n$e: T%pe 10..
b. C&ec> ?al?e#+ two inc&e# an$ )n$e: T%pe /0..
/. 5otto' 5lowoff 8al?e#:
SPEC WRITER NOTE: 3iel$ epot# on
$)abilit% of t&e ?al?e# #pecifie$ i#
)nifo'l% e,cellent. Ot&e 'a>e# an$
t%pe# of ?al?e# &a?e a 'i,e$ #e?ice
a. T%pe: Seatle##+ #li$in( pl)n(e+ 0SL;+ $e#i(ne$ fo blowoff
#e?ice. Sli$in( $i#c-t%pe o (lobe-t%pe ?al?e# ae not pe'itte$.
b. Con#t)ction: "ST0 "*1< WC5 ca#t #teel bo$%+ ate$ fo *0.0 >Pa
C-00 p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD "NSI flan(e$ en$#.
8al?e# #&all &a?e &an$w&eel wit& otatin( &an$le.
c. Confo' to "S0E 5-1.1.
D. Stea' abo?e 100 >Pa C1. p#iD+ all ?al?e# in #tea' pe##)e e$)cin(
1. 7ate ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe 10..
SPEC WRITER NOTE: 3iel$ info i# t&at in
#tea' #e?ice t&e ca#t #teel ?al?e# CT%pe
101D #pecifie$ below &a?e ')c& (eate
#e?ice life t&an ca#t ion.
*. 7ate ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe 101.
-. 7lobe ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe *0..
/. 7lobe ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe *01.
.. 5)ttefl% ?al?e#+ 9. '' C- inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe <0*.
<. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0-.
9. 5all ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe .0/.
*- *1 11 - 1A
E. Stea' 100 >Pa C1. p#iD an$ )n$e:
1. 7ate 8al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe 10/.
*. 7ate ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe 10-.
-. 7lobe ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe *0/.
/. 7lobe ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe *0-.
.. 5)ttefl% ?al?e#+ 9. '' C- inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe <0*.
<. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0-.
9. 5all ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe .0/.
3. 5oile 3ee$wate fo' P)'p# to 5oile#+ Recic)lation:
1. 7ate ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe 10..
*. 7ate ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe 10*.
-. 7lobe ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe *0/ o *0..
/. 7lobe ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-l/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe *0*.
.. C&ec> ?al?e#+ at boile fee$ p)'p $i#c&a(e: T%pe /0A.
<. C&ec> ?al?e#+ at boile+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe /0..
9. C&ec> ?al?e#+ at boile+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe /0*.
7. Con$en#ate+ Con$en#ate Tan#fe+ 5oile 3ee$wate fo' 3ee$wate
Deaeato to 5oile 3ee$ P)'p S)ction+ O?eflow+ Contol an$ In#t)'ent
Pipin( fo Con$en#ate Stoa(e Tan> an$ fo 3ee$wate Deaeato:
1. 7ate ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe 10/.
*. 7ate ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe 10-.
-. 7lobe ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe *0/.
/. 7lobe ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe *0-.
.. 5)ttefl% ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e T%pe <01.
<. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0*.
9. 5all ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe .0/.
A. C&ec> ?al?e# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe /0/.
9. C&ec> ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/*D inc&e# an$ abo?e: T%pe /0-.
10. C&ec> ?al?e# on p)'p $i#c&a(e+ all #iEe#: T%pe /09.
:. 5oile Wate Sa'plin(+ Contin)o)# 5low$own:
1. 7ate 8al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe 10/.
*. 7lobe ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe *0/.
-. C&ec> ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe /0/.
/. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0*.
SPEC WRITER NOTE: If a)to'atic contin)o)#
blow$own contol #%#te'# ae #pecifie$
CSection *- .0 11+ 5OI4ER P4"NT 0EC:"NIC"4
E12IP0ENTD t&e followin( ?al?e can be
$elete$ fo' t&i# #pecification C*- *1 11D
beca)#e it i# incl)$e$ in t&e a)to'atic
*- *1 11 - 19
blow$own contol #%#te' in Section *- .0
11+ 5OI4ER P4"NT 0EC:"NIC"4 E12IP0ENT.
.. Contin)o)# 5low$own 3low Contol 8al?e: 5onEe o fo(e$ #teel
an(le-t%pe bo$%+ ate$ fo *0.0 >Pa at *AA C C-00 p#i at ..0 3D+
&a$ene$ #tainle## #teel $i#c an$ #eat+ t&ea$e$ en$#+ i#in( #te'+
)nion bonnet+ (a$)ate$ 'ico'ete-t%pe $ial an$ pointe #&owin(
a'o)nt of ?al?e openin(. 3)ni#& ?al?e blow$own c&at #&owin( flow
ate ?e#)# ?al?e openin( ba#e$ on A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD boile $)'
I. 3ee$wate Sa'plin(:
1. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .01.
*. C&ec> ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe /0<.
@. C&e'ical 3ee$ S%#te' Cincl)$in( inlet an$ $ain ?al?e# on #&ot t%pe
c&e'ical fee$e#D:
1. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .01.
*. C&ec> ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe /0<.
6. 3)el Oil: Di#c&a(e #i$e of p)'p#. Confo' to N3P" Co$e No#. -0 an$ -l.
1. 7ate ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe l0/.
*. 7ate 8al?e#+ <. '' C*-l/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe l0l o 10*.
-. 7lobe ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe *0/.
/. Pl)( ?al?e#+ 100 '' C/ inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe -01. CTan> i#olatin(
?al?e on et)n line.D
.. C&ec> ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe /0/ o /0A.
<. C&ec> ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-l/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe /0* o /0A.
9. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0*.
4. 3)el Oil: S)ction #i$e of p)'p# an$ tan> fill line# w&ee tan> i# below
fill point. Confo' to N3P" Co$e No#. -0 an$ -l.
1. 7ate ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe l0/.
*. 7ate ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-l/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe l0-.
-. Pl)( ?al?e#+ 100 '' C/ inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe -01.
/. C&ec> ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe /0/.
.. C&ec> ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-l/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe /0-.
<. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0*.
0. 3)el Oil: Tan> fill line# w&ee tan> i# abo?e fill point.
1. 7ate ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe 10/.
*. 7ate ?al?e#+ <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe 10-.
-. C&ec> ?al?e#+ all #iEe#: T%pe /09.
*- *1 11 - *0
N. 3)el 7a#: 0ain f)el an$ i(nite CpilotD #%#te'#.
1. Pl)( ?al?e#+ 100 '' C/ inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe -01.
*. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0*. 0a% be applie$
w&ee pl)( ?al?e# ae #&own.
-. Pl)( ?al?e#+ 1*. '' C. inc&e#D an$ abo?e: T%pe -0*.
/. Pl)( ?al?e#+ t&ee-wa%+ all #iEe#: T%pe -0*.
.. C&ec> ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe /0/.
<. 8ent coc>#+ 1. '' C1/* inc&D an$ )n$e: T%pe 901.
O. Co'pe##e$ "i:
1. 7ate ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe l0/.
*. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0*.
P. Cit% CCol$D Wate: See Section ** 11 00+ 3"CI4IT; W"TER DISTRI52TION.
1. Soft Wate: See Section ** -1 11+ W"TER SO3TENERS.
R. In#t)'entation an$ Contol Pipin(:
5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0*.
S. Non-5oile 5low$own#+ Dain#+ 3low Sen#in( 4ine#:
1. 7ate ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe 10/.
*. 5all ?al?e#+ .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e: T%pe .0-
". Po?i$e+ w&ee #&own+ to allow ob#e?ation of flow in pipin( #%#te'#.
5. T%pe: In line+ $)al pot&ole# on oppo#ite #i$e#+ wit& #afet% #&iel$+
wit& o wit&o)t oto a# #&own on t&e $awin(#. W&ee po?i$e$+ oto
#&all &a?e 'ini')' of t&ee ?ane#.
C. Con#t)ction: Ca#t ion o bonEe bo$%+ te'pee$ boo#ilicate win$ow+
PT3E #eal# Ce,cept 5)na-N on oil #e?iceD+ t&ea$e$ en$# on pipe #iEe#
)n$e <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D+ flan(e$ en$# on #iEe# <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D
an$ abo?e. Pe##)e an$ te'peat)e atin(# #&all be eB)i?alent to
eB)ie'ent# fo ?al?e# on t&e #a'e pipeline#.
D. Safet% S&iel$: Tan#paent wap-ao)n$ o?elap co?ein( entie #i(&tflow
in$icato+ $e#i(ne$ to potect pe#onnel fo' fail)e of in$icato.
S&iel$ #&all fit t&e in$icato ti(&tl% an$ be #)itable fo 10-0 >Pa+ 1.0
MC C1.0 p#i+ -00 M3D.
". Po?i$e on all ;-#taine $ain# an$ w&ee #&own to allow B)ic>
connection of len(t& of &o#e to pipin( $ain o blowoff #o t&at
$i#c&a(e fl)i$ Cwate o #tea'D can be con?e%e$ to a $aina(e #%#te'.
*- *1 11 - *1
5. T%pe: Stai(&t t&o)(&+ pl)( an$ #oc>et+ #cew t%pe o ca' loc>in(
connection#+ all )nit# *0 '' C-//-inc&D pipe #iEe. Inte(al #&)t-off
$e?ice# not eB)ie$.
C. Se?ice: De#i(n fo wate an$ #tea' at 100 >Pa C1. p#iD+ 1./ C C-10
D. Spae Pat#: 3)ni#& one #oc>et an$ one pl)(.
E. "cce##oie#: 3)ni#& two &o#e# < ' C*0 feetD lon(+ *0 '' C-//-inc&D
in#i$e $ia'ete+ ate$ fo #tea' #e?ice at <90 >Pa+ 1/9 C C100 p#i+
-00 3D. :o#e ')#t be #)fficientl% fle,ible to be place$ in 1*00 '' C/
footD $ia'ete coil. Po?i$e connecto on one en$ of eac& &o#e to 'ate
wit& connecto# on $ain#. Po?i$e &o#e ac> fo &ol$in( bot& &o#e#.
Sec)el% 'o)nt ac> in location #electe$ b% Re#i$ent En(inee.
". Po?i$e ?al?e# an$ acce##oie# to potect pipin( #%#te'# an$ pe##)e
?e##el# fo' o?e-pe##)e. "ll ?al?e# #&all co'pl% wit& "S0E 5oile an$
Pe##)e 8e##el Co$e CSection I an$ 8IIID. 3low capacitie# #&all be
cetifie$ b% National 5oa$ of 5oile an$ Pe##)e 8e##el In#pecto#
5. 5oile an$ Econo'iEe Se?ice: Refe to Section *- .* -9+ 3IRE-T25E
5OI4ERS+ Section *- .* --+ W"TER-T25E 5OI4ERS.
SPEC WRITER NOTE: 3low capacitie# of
#afet% ?al?e# locate$ at t&e o)tlet of
pe##)e e$)cin( #tation# #&all be
#)fficient fo t&e 'a,i')' capacit% of t&e
la(e#t pe##)e e$)cin( ?al?e+ o t&e
wi$e open b%pa## ?al?e+ w&ic&e?e i#
(eate. Refe to National 5oa$
In#pection Co$e+ N5-*-+ "ppen$i, 7+
NSafet% 8al?e# on t&e 4ow Pe##)e Si$e of
Stea' Pe##)e Re$)cin( 8al?e#O.
C. Stea' Se?ice CPe##)e 8e##el# an$ Pipin( S%#te'#D: Refe to #c&e$)le#
on $awin(# fo #et pe##)e# an$ capacitie#. Po?i$e liftin( le?e#+
#tainle## #teel ti'+ lappe$ #eat# on ca#t ion ?al?e#+ EPD0 o-in(# on
bonEe ?al?e#.
D. 3)el Oil Se?ice: Refe to Section *- .0 11+ 5OI4ER P4"NT 0EC:"NIC"4
E. Co'pe##e$ "i Se?ice: Refe to Section *- .0 11+ 5OI4ER P4"NT
3. Dip Pan Ell#: Ca#t ion facto%-b)ilt #afet% ?al?e $i#c&a(e fittin(
wit& pipe-wit&in-pipe #lip-t%pe connection to ?etical ?ent pipe+ ba#in
*- *1 11 - **
fo collectin( con$en#ate fo' ?ent pipe+ $ain connection# on ba#in an$
at ba#e of ell.
". T%pe: Sin(le-#eate$+ $iap&a(' opeate$+ #pin(-loa$e$+ #tea'
pilot-contolle$+ no'all% clo#e$+ pac>le##+ a$!)#table #et pe##)e.
Pilot #&all #en#e contolle$ pe##)e $own#tea' of 'ain ?al?e.
5. Se?ice: Po?i$e contolle$ e$)ce$ pe##)e to #tea' pipin( #%#te'#.
De#i(n fo #at)ate$ #tea' at pe##)e# #&own on $awin(# o eB)ip'ent
C. Pefo'ance: Pe##)e contol #&all be #'oot&+ contin)o)#. 0a,i')' 10
pecent $e?iation fo' #et pe##)e o?e an 1A/1 t)n$own. Refe to
#c&e$)le# on $awin(# fo flow an$ pe##)e eB)ie'ent#. 0a,i')' flow
capabilit% of eac& ?al?e #&all not e,cee$ capacit% of $own#tea' #afet%
D. Con#t)ction:
1. 0ain 8al?e: Ca#t ion bo$% ate$ fo 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD+ t&ea$e$
en$#+ fo pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e. Ca#t #teel bo$%
ate$ fo 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+ o ca#t ion bo$%
19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+ fo pipe #iEe# abo?e .0 '' C*
inc&e#D. 8al?e pl)( an$ #eat #&all be eplaceable+ T%pe -1< #tainle##
#teel o 0onel. Stainle## #teel #te'.
*. Pilot 8al?e: 8al?e pl)( an$ #eat #&all be eplaceable+ #tainle##
#teel o 0onel.
E. Diect Di(ital Contol 8al?e#: 0a% be f)ni#&e$ in lie) of #tea'
opeation. "ll #pecification eB)ie'ent# fo #tea' opeate$ ?al?e#
#&all appl%. 8al?e# #&all be no'all% clo#e$.
//3. Pne)'aticall%-Contolle$ 8al?e#: 0a% be f)ni#&e$ in lie) of #tea'
opeation. "ll #pecification eB)ie'ent# fo #tea'-opeate$ ?al?e#
appl%. 8al?e# #&all clo#e on fail)e of ai #)ppl%.//
7. So)n$ 4e?el#: Refe to eB)ie'ent# in Section *- 0. .1+ NOISE an$
". Po?i$e on con$en#ate line# w&ee #&own. Refe to Section *- .0 11+
5OI4ER P4"NT 0EC:"NIC"4 E12IP0ENT+ fo $)ple, ba#>et #taine# at oil
5. T%pe: Si'ple, c%lin$ical ba#>et t%pe+ cla'p co?e+ clo#e$-botto'+
e'o?able ba#>et+ $ain at botto' wit& t&ea$e$ pl)(.
C. Se?ice: Wate at 100 C C*1* 3D+ 100 >Pa C1. p#iD 'a,i')' pe##)e.
*- *1 11 - *-
D. Con#t)ction:
1. 5o$%: Ca#t ion ate$ fo A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+ flow
aow# ca#t on #i$e.
*. 5a#>et: Stainle## #teel+ - '' C0.1*.-inc&D pefoation#. Ratio of
#ceen open aea to co## #ection of pipeG fo) to one 'ini')'.
". Po?i$e a# #&own on #tea'+ wate an$ co'pe##e$ ai pipin( #%#te'#.
5. T%pe: Open-en$ e'o?able c%lin$ical #ceen. T&ea$e$ blow-off
C. Con#t)ction:
1. Stea' Se?ice /*0 to 10*. >Pa C<1 to 1.0 p#iD: Ca#t #teel ate$ fo
10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD #at)ate$ #tea' wit& 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD "S0E
flan(e$ en$#+ o ca#t ion wit& 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+
fo pipe #iEe# abo?e .0 '' C* inc&e#D. Ca#t ion o bonEe+ ate$ fo
#at)ate$ #tea' at 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD t&ea$e$ en$#+ fo pipe #iEe#
.0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e.
*. Stea' Se?ice /1. >Pa C<0 p#iD an$ )n$e+ wate Ce,cept boile fee$
between fee$wate p)'p# an$ boile#D+ co'pe##e$ ai: Ca#t ion ate$
fo A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ 1*00 >Pa C19. p#iD WO7+ wit&
A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$# fo pipe #iEe# abo?e .0 '' C*
inc&e#D. Ca#t ion o bonEe+ t&ea$e$ en$#+ ate$ fo A.0 >Pa C1*.
p#iD #at)ate$ #tea'+ 1*00 >Pa C19. p#iD WO7+ fo pipe #iEe# .0 '' C*
inc&e#D an$ )n$e.
-. 5oile 3ee$ between 3ee$wate P)'p# an$ 5oile#: Ca#t #teel ate$ fo
19*. >Pa at *-* C C*.0 p#i at /.0 3D wit& *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD "S0E
flan(e$ en$#+ o ca#t ion wit& 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$#+
fo pipe #iEe# abo?e .0 '' C* inc&e#D. Ca#t ion o bonEe+ t&ea$e$
en$#+ ate$ fo 19*. >Pa at *-* M3 C*.0 p#i at /.0 M3D fo pipe #iEe#
.0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e.
D. Sceen: 0onel o #tainle## #teel+ fee aea not le## t&an *-1/* ti'e#
flow aea of pipe. 3o #taine# A0 '' C- inc&D pipe #iEe an$ #'alle+
$ia'ete of openin(# #&all be 0.A '' C0.0-- inc&D o le## on #tea'
#e?ice+ 1.- '' C0.0. inc&D o le## on wate #e?ice+ 0.- '' C0.01-inc&D
o le## on co'pe##e$ ai #e?ice. 3o #taine# 100 '' C/ inc&D pipe
#iEe an$ (eate+ $ia'ete of openin(# #&all be 1.- '' C0.0. inc&D on
#tea' #e?ice+ - '' C0.1*. inc&D on wate #e?ice. Po?i$e A0 'e#&
#tainle## #teel #ceen line on all #taine# in#talle$ )p#tea' of
wate 'ete# o contol ?al?e#.
*- *1 11 - */
E. "cce##oie#: 7ate o ball ?al?e an$ B)ic>-co)ple &o#e connection on all
blowoff connection#. T&e#e ite'# ae #pecifie$ el#ew&ee in t&i#
". T%pe: Sin(le #ta(e o two-#ta(e $e#i(ne$ to e$)ce tan> pe##)e to 4P7
&ea$e pe##)e C-. >PaDC. p#iD. O)tlet pe##)e #&all be a$!)#table.
De#i(n fo 4P7 CpopaneD #e?ice. 8al?e #&all be weat&epoof fo
o)t#i$e in#tallation. 8al?e bo$% #&all be $e#i(ne$ fo 19*. >Pa C*.0
p#iD. Po?i$e intenal elief ?al?e #et at <9 >Pa C10 p#iD.
5. Pefo'ance: 8al?e #&all po?i$e #tea$% o)tlet pe##)e of -. >Pa C.
p#iD wit& flow ate eB)ie$ b% i(nite# Cpilot#D f)ni#&e$+ wit& tan>
pe##)e ?aiation fo' 19*. to 1/0 >Pa C*.0 to *0 p#iD.
SPEC WRITER NOTE: Eat&B)a>e #en#o 'a% be
po?i$e$ on E7SSO ?al?e in lie) of
po?i$in( #epaate eat&B)a>e ?al?e.
Eat&B)a>e ?al?e# o E7SSO ?al?e# wit&
eat&B)a>e #en#o# ae eB)ie$ w&ee
#ei#'icit% i# N0o$eate-:i(&O o (eate
CRefe to 8" :an$boo> :-1A-AD.
". Pe'it# e'ote #&)t-off of f)el (a# flow to boile plant.
5. T%pe: 0an)all% opene$+ electicall% &el$ open+ a)to'atic clo#in( )pon
powe inte)ption. Pne)'atic opeato i# not pe'itte$.
C. Pefo'ance: S&all #&)t b)bble ti(&t wit&in one #econ$ afte powe
inte)ption. Refe to t&e $awin(# fo pe##)e+ flow+ an$ ?al?e #iEe
D. Se?ice: Nat)al (a# an$ 4P (a#.
E. Con#t)ction: 24 li#te$+ 30 appo?e$+ ate$ fo A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD "S0E
flan(e$ en$# fo pipe #iEe# abo?e .0 '' C* inc&e#D+ t&ea$e$ en$# fo
pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ )n$e. Ca#t ion+ ca#t #teel o bonEe
bo$%+ open an$ #&)t in$icato. 8al?e# fo 4P (a# #e?ice #&all be ate$
at 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD.
3. Contol Switc&: 0o)nte$ //on 5oile Plant In#t)'entation Panel // in
Contol Roo' // at e,teio $oowa%# C')ltiple #witc&e#D//. Switc& #&all
al#o c)t t&e powe to t&e f)el oil p)'p #et. Refe to Section *- 09 11+
INSTR20ENT"TION an$ CONTRO4 3OR 5OI4ER P4"NT. Po?i$e a),ilia% #witc&
to //opeate ann)nciato on 5oile Plant In#t)'entation Panel //
po?i$e #i(nal to Co'p)te Wo> Station//.
//7. Eat&B)a>e Sen#o: 0ec&anical $e?ice w&ic& a)to'aticall% bea># 1*0
?olt electical cic)it to #afet% #&)t off ?al?e w&en eat&B)a>e occ)#
*- *1 11 - *.
allowin( ?al?e to a)to'aticall% clo#e. 24 li#te$ an$ #&all co'pl% wit&
State of Califonia Stan$a$ Co$e# CPat 1* Title */ C"CD. 8al?e #&all
clo#e wit&in . #econ$# afte #en#o i# #)b!ecte$ to &oiEontal
#in)#oi$al o#cillation &a?in( a pea> acceleation of *.9/ '/#ec
an$ a peio$ of 0./ #econ$#. T&e ?al?e #&all not #&)t off w&en t&e
#en#o i# #)b!ecte$ fo . #econ$# to &oiEontal+ #in)#oi$al
o#cillation# &a?in(: a pea> acceleation of -.9* '/#ec* C0./(D wit& a
peio$ of 0.1 #econ$G a pea> acceleation of 0.9A '/#ec* C0.0A(D wit& a
peio$ of 0./ #econ$G pea> acceleation of 0.9A '/#ec* C0.0A(D wit& a
peio$ of 1.0 #econ$. Sen#o #&all be coo#ion-e#i#tant fo o)t#i$e
location. 0an)fact)e: 1)a>e-Defen#e o eB)al. //
". ")to'aticall% #top# (a# flow to boile plant w&en act)ate$ b% eat&
5. T%pe: Sin(le #eate$+ 'an)al e#et.
C. Pefo'ance: S&all a)to'aticall% #&)t b)bble ti(&t wit&in fi?e #econ$#
w&en #)b!ecte$ to a &oiEontal #in)#oi$al o#cillation &a?in( a pea>
acceleation of *.9/ '/#ec
C0.-7D an$ a peio$ of 0./ #econ$#. T&e
?al?e #&all not #&)t-off w&en #)b!ecte$ fo fi?e #econ$# to &oiEontal+
#in)#oi$al o#cillation# &a?in(: " pea> acceleation of -.9* '/#ec
C0./7D wit& a peio$ of 0.1 #econ$G a pea> acceleation of 0.9A '/#ec
C0.0A7D wit& a peio$ of 0./ #econ$ o 1.0 #econ$. Refe to $awin(# fo
pe##)e+ flow an$ ?al?e #iEe eB)ie'ent#.
D. Se?ice: Nat)al (a# o 4P (a#.
E. Con#t)ction: 1-. >Pa C*0 p#iD 'ini')' atin(. Ca#t ion o al)'in)'
bo$%+ ate$ fo A.0 >Pa C1*. p#iD "S0E flan(e$ en$# fo pipe #iEe# abo?e
.0 '' C* inc&e#D. T&ea$e$ en$# fo pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$
)n$e. 8al?e# fo 4P (a# #e?ice #&all be ate$ at 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#iD.
3. "ppo?al#: 24 li#te$+ State of Califonia Stan$a$# fo Eat&B)a>e
"ct)ate$ ")to'atic 7a# S&)t-off S%#te'#. Co'plie# wit& "SCE *.
7. Nitile )bbe+ e#et #te' o-in( #eal.
:. 8al?e po#ition in$ication+ open o clo#e$ in$icato#.
". "pplication: Stea' line $ip point# an$ &eat e,c&an(e#. Eac& t%pe
f)ni#&e$ b% a #in(le 'an)fact)e.
5. T%pe: In?ete$ b)c>et t%pe wit& t&e'o#tatic ?ent in b)c>et e,cept
clo#e$ float-t&e'o#tatic on $i#c&a(e #i$e of pe##)e e$)cin(
#tation# an$ on all &eat e,c&an(e#. Refe to t&e $awin(# fo tap
*- *1 11 - *<
location#+ capacit% an$ #iEe+ $iffeential opeatin( pe##)e#+ an$
$e#i(n pe##)e.
C. 5o$ie#: Ca#t ion o #tainle## #teel. Con#t)ction #&all pe'it ea#e of
e'o?al an$ #e?icin( wo>in( pat# wit&o)t $i#t)bin( connecte$ pipin(.
D. 3loat#: Stainle## #teel.
E. 8al?e#: :a$ene$ c&o'e-#teel.
3. 0ec&ani#' an$ T&e'o#tatic Ele'ent#: Stainle## #teel 'ec&ani#'#.
5i'etallic #tip ai ?ent on in?ete$ b)c>et tap#.
1. Select Pa. 7 o :.
*. In#et $etail# of e,i#tin( tap
'onitoin( #%#te' in Pa. :.
7. Tap Pefo'ance 0onitoin( S%#te'#: "ll tap# #&all be po?i$e$ wit&
electonic 'onitoin( $e?ice#. T&e#e $e?ice# #&all be co'patible wit&
t&e e,i#tin( 'onitoin( #%#te' #o t&at tap 'alf)nction# will be
a)to'aticall% tan#'itte$ to an$ popel% intepete$ b% t&e e,i#tin(
'onitoin( #%#te'. Po?i$e all nece##a% powe #o)ce#+ tan#'ittin(
an$ etan#'ittin( $e?ice# an$ batteie# to ac&ie?e a popel% opeatin(
#%#te'. T&e e,i#tin( 'onitoin( #%#te' i# FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
:. Po?i#ion fo 3)t)e Tap 0onitoin( S%#te': "ll tap# #&all incl)$e
pot# fo f)t)e in#tallation of 'onitoin( $e?ice#. Pot# #&all be
pl)((e$. To facilitate f)t)e e'o?al of t&e pl)(#+ in#tall t&e' wit&
Teflon tape on t&e t&ea$#.
I. I$entification: 4abel eac& tap at t&e facto% wit& an i$entification
n)'be >e%e$ to n)'be t&at i# #&own on t&e $awin(#. 4abel #&all be a
'etal ta( pe'anentl% affi,e$ to t&e tap.
@. 3acto%-Pac>a(e$ Tap Station: "# an option fo $ip point# eB)iin(
i#olatin( ?al?e#+ #taine+ tap+ tap 'onitoin( $e?ice o pot# fo
f)t)e 'onitoin( $e?ice+ an$ ?al?e$ te#t pot#+ po?i$e facto%-
pac>a(e$ tap #tation incl)$in( t&e#e feat)e#
". Po?i$e fle,ible connecto# a# #&own to allow $iffeential 'o?e'ent# of
p)'p# an$ pipin( #%#te'# #)b!ect to t&e'al e,pan#ion+ to #e?e a#
?ibation i#olato# between ai co'pe##o# an$ pipin( #%#te'#+ an$ to
allow connection of #tea' o co'pe##e$ ai ato'iEin( 'e$ia fo oil
b)ne# on wate t)be boile#.
5. 2nit# fo Wate Se?ice
1. Se?ice: Refe to #c&e'atic $ia(a'# fo pe##)e+ te'peat)e an$
'o?e'ent eB)ie'ent#. If eB)ie'ent# ae not #&own on t&e $awin(#+
*- *1 11 - *9
)nit# #&all be $e#i(ne$ fo 'a,i')' #%#te' pe##)e+ te'peat)e+
a,ial 'o?e'ent an$ lateal 'o?e'ent.
*. Con#t)ction
a. Teflon 5ellow# T%pe: 0ol$e$ Teflon bellow# wit& 'etal einfocin(
in(#+ flan(e$ en$#+ bolte$ li'it o$#.
b. Stainle## Steel 5ellow# T%pe: 0)lti-pl% #tainle## #teel wit&
flan(e$ en$#+ bolte$ li'it o$#.
c. 3le,ible 0etal :o#e T%pe: Co)(ate$ #tainle## #teel o bonEe
&o#e wappe$ wit& wie bai$ #&eat&. En$# #&all be t&ea$e$+ wit&
)nion connecto#+ fo pipe #iEe# .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ below+
flan(e$ fo pipe #iEe# <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ (eate.
C. 2nit# fo Co'pe##e$ "i Se?ice Onl%:
1. Se?ice: De#i(ne$ fo 9- C C*00 3D+ 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD+ 1- ''
C1/*-inc&D inte'ittent off#et.
*. Con#t)ction. 3le,ible co)(ate$ #tainle## #teel o bonEe &o#e
wappe$ wit& wie bai$ #&eat&. Po?i$e t&ea$e$ en$# wit& )nion
D. 2nit# fo "to'iEin( 0e$ia Se?iceCStea'+ Co'pe##e$ "iD an$ Stea'
Safet% 8al?e Dip Pan Ell Dain#:
1. Se?ice: De#i(ne$ fo #at)ate$ #tea' at #et pe##)e of boile
#afet% ?al?e# o fo #et pe##)e of co'pe##o elief ?al?e+
w&ic&e?e i# (eate. :o#e #&all be $e#i(ne$ fo ben$ a$ii to #)it
location of connection point# to b)ne pipin( #%#te'. :o#e #&all
al#o be $e#i(ne$ fo inte'ittent fle,in(.
*. Con#t)ction: 3le,ible co)(ate$ #tainle## #teel o bonEe &o#e
wappe$ wit& wie bai$ #&eat&. Po?i$e t&ea$e$ en$# wit& )nion
SPEC WRITER NOTE: Delete #ei#'ic
eB)ie'ent# fo' followin( paa(ap& if
not applicable to t&i# po!ect. Sei#'ic
eB)ie'ent# appl% if #ei#'icit% i#
N0o$eate-:i(&O o (eate C#ee 8"
:an$boo> :-1A-A fo #ei#'icit%D.
". Po?i$e an en(ineee$ pipin( #)ppot #%#te' wit& all &an(e#+ #)ppot#
an$ anc&o# $e#i(ne$ an$ locate$ b% e,peience$ tec&nical pipe #)ppot
#peciali#t#+ )tiliEin( pipin( #%#te' $e#i(n an$ anal%#i# #oftwae. T&e
#%#te' $e#i(n ')#t be co'pletel% $oc)'ente$ an$ #)b'itte$ fo e?iew.
*- *1 11 - *A
5. "ll pipe &an(e# an$ #)ppot#+ an$ #election an$ in#tallation #&all
co'pl% wit& 0SS SP-.A+ SP-<9+ SP-A9+ SP-90+ SP-1*9.
C. "ll pipe &an(e an$ #)ppot $e?ice# ')#t be in co'pliance wit& #pecifie$
0SS SP-.A t%pe n)'be#+ &a?e p)bli#&e$ loa$ atin(#+ an$ be po$)ct# of
en(ineee$ pipe #)ppot 'an)fact)e#.
D. "ll pipe #te##e# an$ foce# an$ 'o'ent# on connectin( eB)ip'ent an$
#t)ct)e# #&all be wit&in t&e allowance# of t&e "S0E 5-1.1 co$e+
applicable b)il$in( co$e#+ an$ eB)ip'ent 'an)fact)eP# $e#i(n li'it#.
E. Pipin( t&at e,pan$# an$ contact# &oiEontall% incl)$in( #tea'+ #tea'
con$en#ate+ boile fee$+ con$en#ate tan#fe+ #&all be #)ppote$ b%
olle o #li$in( t%pe &an(e# an$ #)ppot# e,cept w&en lon( ?etical
&an(e o$# pe'it #)fficient &oiEontal 'o?e'ent wit& t&e ?etical
an(le# of t&e o$# le## t&an / $e(ee#.
3. Pipin( t&at e,pan$# an$ contact# ?eticall% incl)$in( #tea'+ #tea'
con$en#ate+ boile fee$+ con$en#ate tan#fe+ #&all be #)ppote$ b%
en(ineee$ ?aiable #pin( an$ #pin( c)#&ion &an(e#. 2tiliEe 0SS SP-<9
#election eB)ie'ent# an$ ()i$eline#. 8ibation i#olato &an(e t%pe#
ae not pe'itte$.
7. //Sei#'ic bace# an$ #&oc> ab#obe# #&all be po?i$e$. Co'pl% wit& 0SS
SP-1*9 $e#i(n eB)ie'ent# an$ ()i$eline#. Pipin( #&all e'ain f)ll%
connecte$ an$ #)ppote$ )n$e t&e $e#i(n #ei#'ic e?ent#. Pipin( an$
connecte$ eB)ip'ent #&all not be o?e#te##e$ be%on$ co$e li'it# $)in(
#ei#'ic e?ent#. //
:. Pipin( #%#te' anc&o# #&all be en(ineee$ an$ locate$ to contol
'o?e'ent of pipin( t&at i# #)b!ect to t&e'al e,pan#ion.
I. Pio to con#t)ction+ #)b'it co'plete en(ineein( calc)lation 'et&o$#
an$ e#)lt#+ $e#ciption# of all $e?ice# wit& 0SS n)'be#+ #iEe#+ loa$
capabilitie# an$ location#. S)b'it calc)lation# on all 'o'ent# an$
foce# at anc&o# an$ ()i$e#+ all &an(e loa$#+ all pipe #te##e# t&at
ae wit&in *0Q of t&e co$e allowable o e,cee$ t&e "S0E 5-1.1 co$e
allowable+ all pipe 'o?e'ent# at #)ppot#.
@. Detaile$ De#i(n ReB)ie'ent#:
1. Pipin( #%#te' $e#i(n an$ anal%#i# #oftwae #&all be c)ent #tate of
t&e at t&at pefo'# 5-1.1 Co$e anal%#e#+ an$ #&all be )tiliEe$ to
anal%Ee pipe 'o?e'ent an$ $eflection+ pipe #te##e#+ pipe #)ppot
foce# an$ 'o'ent#+ an$ fo #election of pipe #)ppot t%pe# an$
#iEe#. //Sei#'ic e#taint calc)lation# #&all )tiliEe t&e applicable
*- *1 11 - *9
#&oc> #pecta fo t&e t%pe of b)il$in( #t)ct)e+ t%pe of #)ppote$
#%#te'+ an$ t&e localit%. Co'pl% wit& 0SS SP-1*9.//
*. Eac& #)ppot fo pipin( <0 '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ abo?e #&all be
co'pletel% en(ineee$ to incl)$e location+ t%pe an$ #iEe+ &ot an$
col$ loa$# an$ 'o?e'ent. S)b'it la%o)t $awin(# #&owin( peci#e
#)ppot location# an$ #)b'it in$i?i$)al $awin(# fo eac& #)ppot
a##e'bl% #&owin( all co'ponent#+ #iEe#+ loa$in(#.
-. S)ppot# fo pipin( .0 '' C* inc&e#D an$ below #&all be en(ineee$ in
(eneal te'# wit& appo,i'ate location#+ t%pical #)ppot t%pe# an$
#iEe#+ appo,i'ate 'o?e'ent#. S)b'it la%o)t $awin(# #&owin( (eneal
location# an$ #)ppot t%pe# an$ #iEe#.
/. Obtain pe'i##ible loa$in(# Cfoce# an$ 'o'ent#D fo eB)ip'ent
noEEle# Cpipe connection#D fo' t&e 'an)fact)e of t&e boile#+ t&e
fee$wate $eaeato an$ an% ot&e eB)ip'ent a# nece##a%.
Pofe##ional #t)ct)al en(inee #&all ?eif% capabilit% of b)il$in(
#t)ct)e to &an$le pipin( loa$#.
.. T&e po!ect $awin(# 'a% #&ow location# an$ t%pe# of e#ilient
#)ppot# incl)$in( olle# an$ #pin(#+ an$ 'a% al#o #&ow #pecial
#)ppot# incl)$in( anc&o#+ ()i$e# an$ bace#. Co'pl% wit& t&e
$awin( eB)ie'ent# )nle## it i# $ete'ine$ t&at pipin( 'a% be
o?e#te##e$ o #)ppot# o?eloa$e$. Refe conflict# to t&e RE/COTR.
<. 8aiable #pin( &an(e# confo'in( t&e 0SS SP-.A+ T%pe .1+ #&all
#)ppot all pipin( t&at e,pan$# ?eticall% fo' t&e'al effect# w&ic&
'a% incl)$e connecte$ eB)ip'ent+ #)c& a# boile#. Spin( ate# ')#t
be #electe$ to a?oi$ e,ce##i?e loa$ tan#fe to t&e connecte$
eB)ip'ent a# t&e pipin( e,pan$# ?eticall%. 8ibation-t%pe #pin(
i#olato# ae not acceptable. 4i(&t $)t% #pin( &an(e#+ 0SS SP-.A+
T%pe /A+ 'a% be )tiliEe$ on loa$# of 90 >( C*00 lbD o le##+ an$
?etical 'o?e'ent of - '' C0.1*. inc&e#D o le##. Spin( c)#&ion
&an(e#+ 0SS SP-.A+ T%pe /9+ 'a% be )tiliEe$ fo ?etical 'o?e'ent of
- '' C0.1*. inc&e#D o le##.
9. 4ocate #)ppot# to pe'it e'o?al of ?al?e# an$ #taine# fo'
pipeline# wit&o)t $i#t)bin( #)ppot#.
A. If eB)ip'ent an$ pipin( aan(e'ent $iffe# fo' t&at #&own on t&e
$awin(#+ #)ppot location# an$ t%pe# #&all be e?i#e$ at no co#t to
t&e 7o?en'ent.
6. :an(e# an$ S)ppot# - Po$)ct#:
*- *1 11 - -0
1. 3acto%-b)ilt po$)ct# of a 'an)fact)e #pecialiEin( in en(ineee$
pipe #)ppot#. "ll co'ponent# ')#t &a?e p)bli#&e$ loa$ atin(#. "ll
#pin( t%pe #)ppot# #&all &a?e p)bli#&e$ #pin( ate# an$ 'o?e'ent
li'it#. "ll #)ppot a##e'blie# #&all incl)$e t&ea$e$ connection#
t&at pe'it ?etical po#ition a$!)#t'ent. S)ppot# #&all co'pl% wit&
0SS SP-.A T%pe N)'be# a# li#te$ below.
*. 2ppe "ttac&'ent# to 5)il$in( St)ct)e: T%pe# 1A+ *0+ *1+ **+ *-+
*9+ an$ -0.
-. Rolle S)ppot#: T%pe# /1+ /-+ an$ /<. Po?i$e ?etical a$!)#t'ent
fo T%pe /1 wit& t&ea$e$ #t)$# an$ n)t# a$!acent to t&e olle.
/. 8aiable Spin( :an(e "##e'bl%:
a. T%pe .1 ?aiable #pin(+ wit& T%pe - pipe cla'p o T%pe 1 cle?i#.
T%pe .- ?aiable #pin( tapeEe 'a% al#o be )#e$. 4ocate T%pe .1
?aiable #pin( wit&in -00 '' C1 footD abo?e pipe attac&'ent.
"ttac& o$ to top of ?aiable #pin( wit& T%pe 1/ cle?i#.
b. T%pical feat)e# of ?aiable #pin( &an(e# incl)$e #pin( ate#
)n$e 1.0 lb/in+ enclo#e$ #pin(+ loa$ an$ ta?el in$icato+ #iEe#
a?ailable wit& loa$ capabilitie# an(in( fo' .0 lb to ')ltiple#
of 10+000 lb.
.. Spin( C)#&ion :an(e "##e'bl%: Do)ble Ro$: T%pe /1 an$ /9.
<. 4i(&t D)t% Spin( :an(e "##e'bl%: T%pe /A li(&t $)t% #pin(+ wit&
T%pe - pipe cla'p o T%pe 1 cle?i#. 4ocate T%pe /A li(&t $)t% #pin(
wit&in -00 '' C1 footD abo?e pipe attac&'ent.
9. Cle?i# :an(e#: T%pe 1.
A. Wall 5ac>et#: T%pe -1+ -*+ an$ --.
9. Pipe Stan$#: T%pe -A.
10. Ri#e Cla'p#: T%pe /*.
11. Rolle 7)i$e#: T%pe //. Con#t)ct ()i$e# to e#tain 'o?e'ent
pepen$ic)la to t&e lon( a,i# of t&e pipin(. "ll 'e'be# #&all be
wel$e$ #teel.
1*. TapeEe S)ppot#: 0a% be )#e$ w&ee pipe# ae clo#e to(et&e an$
paallel. Con#t)ct wit& #t)ct)al #teel c&annel# o an(le#. 5olt
olle #)ppot# to #teel to #)ppot pipin( #)b!ect to &oiEontal
t&e'al e,pan#ion. "ttac& ot&e pipin( wit& 2-bolt#.
1-. Pipe Co?ein( Potection Sa$$le#: T%pe -9. Po?i$e at all #)ppot
point# on in#)late$ pipe e,cept w&ee T%pe - pipe cla'p i# po?i$e$.
In#)lation #&iel$# ae not pe'itte$. Refe to Section *- 09 11+
:8"C an$ 5OI4ER P4"NT INS24"TION.
*- *1 11 - -1
1/. Sli$in( S)ppot#: T%pe -.. Wel$e$ #teel attac&'ent# to pipe an$
b)il$in( #t)ct)e wit& Teflon o (ap&ite #li$in( #)face# bon$e$ to
t&e attac&'ent#. Po?i$e #teel ()i$e#+ e,cept at e,pan#ion ben$#+ to
pe?ent lateal 'o?e'ent of t&e pipe.
1.. Pipin( "nc&o#: Po?i$e en(ineee$ $e#i(n# to acco''o$ate t&e
calc)late$ loa$#.
//1<. Sei#'ic Re#taint#:
a. Co'pl% wit& 0SS SP-1*9.
b. 5acin(: Po?i$e a# $ete'ine$ b% en(ineein( calc)lation#.
c. S&oc> "b#obe#: T%pe .0. 0ec&anical o &%$a)lic t%pe ate$ fo
#&oc> loa$#. Pipe attac&'ent# #&all be T%pe -.//
Non-a#be#to#+ $e#i(ne$ fo t&e #e?ice con$ition#. On #tea' #e?ice
)tiliEe - '' C1/A inc&D t&ic> Cla## -00 #pial-wo)n$ wit& T%pe -0/
#tainle## #teel an$ 'ica/(ap&ite fille an$ cabon #teel (a)(e in(.
"# eco''en$e$ b% t&e #ealant 'an)fact)e fo t&e #e?ice.
". Se?ice: 3o pipe# pa##in( t&o)(& floo#+ wall#+ patition#.
5. Con#t)ction: Steel pipe+ #c&e$)le 10 'ini')'.
C. Slee?e Dia'ete: Not le## t&an *. '' C1 inc&D la(e t&an t&e $ia'ete
of t&e enclo#e$ pipe an$ t&e'al in#)lation+ ?apo baie+ an$
potecti?e co?ein( fo in#)late$ pipeG #lee?e# fo )n-in#)late$ pipe
#&all be not le## t&an *. '' C1 inc&D la(e t&an t&e $ia'ete of t&e
enclo#e$ pipe.
". T&e pipin( aan(e'ent #&own i# a $e#i(n ba#e$ on c)entl% a?ailable
eB)ip'ent. T&e plan# #&ow t%pical eB)ip'ent to #cale an$ #&ow pactical
aan(e'ent. 0o$ification will be nece##a% $)in( con#t)ction+ at no
a$$itional co#t to t&e 7o?en'ent+ to a$apt t&e eB)ip'ent la%o)t an$
pipin( plan# to t&e peci#e eB)ip'ent p)c&a#e$ b% t&e Contacto.
"cce##ibilit% fo opeation an$ 'aintenance ')#t be 'aintaine$.
5. "ll pipin( #&all be in#talle$ paallel to wall# an$ col)'n centeline#
C)nle## #&own ot&ewi#eD. 3)ll% coo$inate wo> of eac& ta$e to po?i$e
t&e $e#i(ne$ #%#te'# wit&o)t intefeence between #%#te'#. "ll pipin(
#&all be acc)atel% c)t+ t)e+ an$ be?ele$ fo wel$in(. T&ea$e$ pipin(
#&all be acc)atel% c)t+ ea'e$ an$ t&ea$e$ wit& #&ap $ie#. Coppe
*- *1 11 - -*
pipin( wo> #&all be pefo'e$ in acco$ance wit& be#t pactice#
eB)iin( acc)atel% c)t clean !oint# an$ #ol$ein( in acco$ance wit&
t&e eco''en$e$ pactice# fo t&e 'ateial an$ #ol$e e'plo%e$.
C. "ll pipin( #&all be pitc&e$ fo $aina(e at a con#tant #lope of *. '' in
1* ' C1 inc& in /0 feetD. Stea'+ con$en#ate+ tap $i#c&a(e+ $ip+
$ain+ ai+ (a# an$ blow$own pipin( #&all pitc& $own in $iection of
flow. Se?ice wate+ p)'pe$ con$en#ate+ p)'pe$ boile fee$wate+ oil+
#&all pitc& )p in $iection of flow. Po?i$e ?al?e$ ai ?ent# at top of
i#e an$ ?al?e$ $ain# at low point#. 7a# pipin( 'a% be )n le?el a# it
i# pe#)'e$ to be $%+ b)t $it poc>et# #&all be po?i$e$ at ba#e of
D. 8al?e# #&all be locate$ an$ #te'# oiente$ to pe'it pope an$ ea#%
opeation an$ acce## to ?al?e bonnet fo 'aintenance of pac>in(+ #eat
an$ $i#c. 8al?e #te'# #&all not be below centeline of pipe. Refe to
plan# fo #te' oientation. W&ee ?al?e# ae 'oe t&an *100 '' C9 feetD
abo?e t&e floo o platfo'+ #te'# #&all be &oiEontal )nle## #&own
ot&ewi#e. 7ate an$ (lobe ?al?e# 'oe t&an - ' C10 feetD abo?e floo o
platfo'+ #&all &a?e c&ain w&eel an$ c&ain fo opeation fo' floo o
platfo'. Po?i$e &a''e-blow w&eel on an% ?al?e t&at cannot be opene$
o ti(&tl% clo#e$ b% one pe#on. Stea' line (ate an$ b)ttefl% t%pe
i#olation ?al?e# 9.0 '' C- inc&D pipe #iEe an$ abo?e #&all &a?e facto%
o fiel$-fabicate$ *0 '' o *. '' C-// o one inc&D (lobe-?al?e$ wa'-
)p b%pa##e# if t&e #tea' line len(t& i# < ' C*0 feetD o lon(e.
E. Po?i$e )nion a$!acent to all t&ea$e$ en$ ?al?e#.
3. 5olt wafe-t%pe b)ttefl% ?al?e# between pipe flan(e#.
7. Po?i$e ?al?e# a# nece##a% to pe'it 'aintenance of a $e?ice o
#)b-#%#te' wit&o)t $i#contin)in( #e?ice to ot&e ele'ent# of t&at
#e?ice o #%#te'.
:. Do not in#tall an% pipin( wit&in <00 '' C* feetD of wate t)be boile
#i$e o top ca#in(#.
". T&e contacto i# entiel% e#pon#ible fo t&e B)alit% of t&e wel$in(
an$ #&all:
1. Con$)ct te#t# of t&e wel$in( poce$)e# )#e$ b% &i# o(aniEation+
$ete'ine t&e #)itabilit% of t&e poce$)e# )#e$+ $ete'ine t&at t&e
wel$# 'a$e will 'eet t&e eB)ie$ te#t#+ an$ al#o $ete'ine t&at t&e
wel$in( opeato# &a?e t&e abilit% to 'a>e #o)n$ wel$# )n$e #tan$a$
*- *1 11 - --
*. Co'pl% wit& "S0E 5-1.1 an$ "WS 5*.1.
-. Pefo' all wel$in( opeation# eB)ie$ fo con#t)ction an$
in#tallation of t&e pipin( #%#te'#.
5. 1)alification of Wel$e#: R)le# of poce$)e fo B)alification of all
wel$e# an$ (eneal eB)ie'ent# fo f)#ion wel$in( #&all confo' wit&
t&e applicable potion# of "S0E 5-1.1+ an$ "WS 5*.1+ an$ al#o a#
o)tline$ below.
C. E,a'inin( Wel$e: E,a'ine eac& wel$e at !ob #ite+ in t&e pe#ence of
t&e Re#i$ent En(inee CRED+ to $ete'ine t&e abilit% of t&e wel$e to
'eet t&e B)alification# eB)ie$. Te#t wel$e# fo pipin( fo all
po#ition#+ incl)$in( wel$# wit& t&e a,i# &oiEontal Cnot olle$D an$
wit& t&e a,i# ?etical. Eac& wel$e #&all be allowe$ to wel$ onl% in t&e
po#ition in w&ic& &e &a# B)alifie$ an$ #&all be eB)ie$ to i$entif% &i#
wel$# wit& &i# #pecific co$e 'a>in( #i(nif%in( &i# na'e an$ n)'be
D. E,a'ination Re#)lt#: Po?i$e t&e RE wit& a li#t of na'e# an$
coe#pon$in( co$e 'a>in(#. Rete#t wel$e# w&o fail to 'eet t&e
pe#cibe$ wel$in( B)alification#. Di#B)alif% wel$e#+ w&o fail t&e
#econ$ te#t+ fo wo> on t&e po!ect.
E. 5e?elin(: 3iel$ be?el# an$ #&op be?el# #&all be $one b% 'ec&anical 'ean#
o b% fla'e c)ttin(. W&ee be?elin( i# $one b% fla'e c)ttin(+ #)face#
#&all be t&oo)(&l% cleane$ of #cale an$ o,i$ation !)#t pio to
wel$in(. Confo' to #pecifie$ #tan$a$#.
3. "li(n'ent: 2tiliEe #plit wel$in( in(# o appo?e$ altenate 'et&o$ fo
!oint# on all pipe# abo?e .0 '' Ctwo-inc&e#D to a##)e pope ali(n'ent+
co'plete wel$ penetation+ an$ pe?ention of wel$ #patte eac&in( t&e
inteio of t&e pipe.
7. Eection: Pipin( #&all not be #plit+ bent+ flattene$+ o ot&ewi#e
$a'a(e$ befoe+ $)in(+ o afte in#tallation. If t&e pipe te'peat)e
fall# to 0 $e(ee# C C-* $e(ee# 3D o lowe+ t&e pipe #&all be &eate$
to appo,i'atel% -A $e(ee# C C100 $e(ee# 3D fo a $i#tance of -00 ''
Cone footD on eac& #i$e of t&e wel$ befoe wel$in(+ an$ t&e wel$ #&all
be fini#&e$ befoe t&e pipe cool# to 0 $e(ee# C C-* $e(ee# 3D.
:. Non-De#t)cti?e E,a'ination of Pipin( Wel$#:
1. T&e RE 'a% eB)ie )p to ten pecent of t&e wel$e$ pipin( !oint# to
be e,a'ine$ )#in( a$io(ap&ic te#tin(. If $efecti?e wel$# ae
$i#co?ee$ t&e RE 'a% eB)ie e,a'ination of all pipe !oint wel$#.
*- *1 11 - -/
*. "n appo?e$ in$epen$ent te#tin( fi' e()lal% en(a(e$ in
a$io(ap&ic te#tin( #&all pefo' t&e a$io(ap&ic e,a'ination of
pipe !oint wel$#. "ll a$io(ap&# #&all be e?iewe$ an$ intepete$
b% an "SNT Cetifie$ 4e?el III a$io(ap&e+ e'plo%e$ b% t&e te#tin(
fi'+ w&o #&all #i(n t&e ea$in( epot.
-. Co'pl% wit& "S0E 5-1.1. 3)ni#& a #et of fil'# #&owin( eac& wel$
in#pecte$+ a ea$in( epot e?al)atin( t&e B)alit% of eac& wel$+ an$
a location plan #&owin( t&e p&%#ical location w&ee eac& wel$ i# to
be fo)n$ in t&e co'plete$ po!ect. T&e RE/COTR e#e?e# t&e i(&t to
e?iew all in#pection eco$#.
I. Defecti?e Wel$#: Replace an$ ein#pect $efecti?e wel$#. Repaiin(
$efecti?e wel$# b% a$$in( wel$ 'ateial o?e t&e $efect o b% peenin(
will not be pe'itte$. Wel$e# e#pon#ible fo $efecti?e wel$# ')#t be
@. Electo$e#: Electo$e# #&all be #toe$ in a $% &eate$ aea+ an$ be >ept
fee of 'oi#t)e an$ $a'pne## $)in( t&e fabication opeation#. Di#ca$
electo$e# t&at &a?e lo#t pat of t&ei coatin(.
". "ll b)tt-wel$e$ pipin( #&all be wel$e$ at cic)'feential !oint#+
flan(e# #&all be wel$ nec> t%peG #lip-on flan(e#+ #cewe$ flan(e# 'a% be
applie$ onl% wit& witten appo?al of t&e RE.
5. Co'panion flan(e# at eB)ip'ent o ?al?e# #&all 'atc& flan(e con#t)ction
of eB)ip'ent o ?al?e. Rai#e$ face #&all be e'o?e$ at all co'panion
flan(e# w&en attac&e$ to flan(e# eB)ippe$ fo flat face con#t)ction.
C. 7a#>et# an$ boltin( #&all be applie$ in acco$ance wit& t&e
eco''en$ation# of t&e (a#>et 'an)fact)e an$ boltin( #tan$a$# of "S0E
5-1.1. Stain# #&all be e?enl% applie$ wit&o)t o?e#te## of bolt#.
7a#>et# #&all co?e entie aea of 'atin( face# of flan(e#.
D. Scew t&ea$# #&all be 'a$e )p wit& Teflon tape e,cept (a# an$ oil
pipin( !oint# #&all )tiliEe #pecifie$ !oint co'po)n$.
E. Sol$e !oint# #&all be 'a$e )p in acco$ance wit& eco''en$e$ pactice#
of t&e 'ateial# applie$. "ppl% 9./. tin an$ anti'on% on all coppe
". 3acto%-b)ilt einfoce$ tee# an$ lateal# ae eB)ie$.
5. 3acto%-b)ilt inte(all%-einfoce$ fo(e$ #teel banc& o)tlet fittin(#
'a% be )#e$ on e$)ce$ #iEe connection# )pon appo?al of RE. T&e% ')#t
co'pl% wit& 0SS-SP-99.
*- *1 11 - -.
T&e $e#i(n incl)$e# po?i#ion fo pipin( e,pan#ion $)e to pe##)e+
t&e'al+ wei(&t an$ #ei#'ic Cw&ee applicableD effect#. It i# t&e
ContactoK# e#pon#ibilit% to a?oi$ e$)ction in fle,ibilit% an$
incea#e in #te## in pipin( #%#te'#. 0a!o $e?iation will be #&own b%
#)b'ittal fo e?iew of #cale wo>in( $awin(# an$ #te## calc)lation#
fo t&e pipin( #%#te'#. Contacto #&all po?i$e an% nece##a%
a$$itional con#t)ction an$ 'ateial# to li'it #te##e# to #afe ?al)e#
a# $iecte$ b% t&e RE an$ at no a$$itional co#t to t&e 7o?en'ent.
Pipe ben$in( #&all be in acco$ance wit& t&e eco''en$e$ pactice# of
P3I ES*/. Onl% "ST0 "10< #ea'le## pipe 'a% be bent. SiEe# below .0 '' C*
inc&e#D 'a% be bent in fiel$G #iEe# <. '' C*-1/* inc&e#D an$ la(e
#&all &a?e facto% fabicate$ ben$#. 0ini')' a$ii an$ tan(ent len(t&#
fo fiel$ bent pipin( ae #&own in t&e followin( table:
SiEe 0ini')' Ra$i)# 0ini')' Tan(ent
1/* inc& *-1/* inc&e# 1-1/* inc&e#
-// inc& *--// inc&e# 1--// inc&e#
1-inc& .-inc&e# *-inc&e#
1-1// inc&e# <-1// inc&e# *-inc&e#
1-1/* inc&e# 9-1/* inc&e# *-1/* inc&e#
Pipin( #iEe c&an(e# #&all be acco'pli#&e$ b% )#e of line e$)ce#+
e$)cin( ell+ e$)cin( tee. "ppl% eccentic e$)ction in all pipin(
eB)iin( contin)o)# $aina(eG #tea'+ con$en#ate+ ?ac))'+ blow$own.
Concentic e$)ction 'a% be applie$ in )n of pipin( in?ol?in( pe##)e
wate #%#te'# e,cept at p)'p inlet#. 2#e concentic incea#e# w&ee
flow i# in $iection of incea#e$ #iEe. Eccentic e$)ction+ top flat+
at all p)'p connection#.
W&ee a$$itional i#e# o $op# in #tea' o (a# line# ae po?i$e$+
po?i$e a$$itional $ip poc>et# wit& #tea' tap a##e'blie# on #tea'
line# an$ a$$itional $it poc>et# on (a# line#.
0ino pipin( a##ociate$ wit& in#t)'entation an$ contol i# (eneall%
not #&own. Inteconnection of #en#o#+ tan#$)ce#+ contol $e?ice#+
*- *1 11 - -<
in#t)'entation panel#+ co'b)#tion contol panel+ b)ne contol panel#
i# t&e e#pon#ibilit% of t&e contacto. S'all pipin( a##ociate$ wit&
wate coolin(+ $ip#+ $ain# an$ ot&e 'ino pipin( 'a% not be #&own to
a?oi$ conf)#ion in t&e plan pe#entation b)t #&all be po?i$e$ a# pat
of contact wo>.
W&ee coppe pipin( i# connecte$ to #teel pipin( po?i$e $ielectic
". 3o' 5oile to Secon$ Stop 8al?e: 3abicate fo' boile noEEle t&o)(&
#econ$ #top ?al?e )n$e t&e )le# fo boile e,tenal pipin( of t&e "S0E
5oile an$ Pe##)e 8e##el Co$e+ Section I. 3)ll co'pliance will be
eB)ie$+ incl)$in( B)alification of wel$e#+ Co$e in#pection+ an$
cetification wit& "S0E 3o' P/". Deli?e oi(inal of 3o' P/" popel%
e,ec)te$ to RE.
5. Con#t)ction #&all incl)$e: non-et)n #top an$ c&ec> ?al?e at t&e
boile+ wel$in( co)plin( fo *0 '' C-//-inc&D ?ent+ #econ$ #top ?al?e+
#tea' flow'ete pi'a% ele'ent+ wel$in( co)plin( fo IPT caloi'ete
connection locate$ to po?i$e clea #pace an$ acce## fo te'poa% te#t
caloi'ete+ an$ &ea$e #top ?al?e. Secon$ #top ?al?e 'a% be $elete$ if
t&e entie #tea' line fo' t&e non-et)n ?al?e to t&e &ea$e ?al?e i#
con#t)cte$ in acco$ance wit& t&e )le# fo boile e,tenal pipin(+
"S0E Section I.
C. Co'panion flan(e at *0.0 >Pa C-00 p#iD ?al?e# #&all be *0.0 >Pa C-00
p#iD wel$ nec>G at 10*. >Pa C1.0 p#iD ?al?e# #&all be 10*. >Pa( C1.0
p#iD wel$ nec>.
D. EB)ip &ea$e #top ?al?e wit& facto% applie$ wa'-)p b%pa## connecte$ to
$ille$ an$ tappe$ bo##e# in ?al?e bo$% locate$ abo?e an$ below ?al?e
we$(e. Connect ?al?e$ $ain to &ea$e ?al?e bo$% bo## locate$ abo?e
?al?e we$(e.
E. EB)ip #tea' pipe wit& *0 '' C-//-inc&D ?ent+ 1-9. >Pa C*00 p#iD bonEe
(ate ?al?e+ a# #pecifie$.
3. S)ppot an$ #lope boile #tea' line to $ainG appl% ?aiable #pin(
&an(e# C0SS-SP.A+ T%pe .1 o .-D.
7. Po?i$e #cewe$ fittin( fo caloi'ete Cte'poa% te#t in#t)'entD on
#i$e of pipe a# #&own. "llow <00 '' C* feetD &oiEontal an$ ?etical
cleaance fo caloi'ete.
*- *1 11 - -9
:. :an$w&eel an$ $ain ?al?e on non-et)n #top-c&ec> ?al?e #&all be wit&in
ea#% eac& of boile platfo'.
I. Di#a##e'ble+ clean an$ ea##e'ble entie 'ec&ani#' of non-et)n #top
c&ec> ?al?e afte concl)#ion of boile te#tin(.
". T&e &ea$e #&all be t&e connection point fo #tea' pipin( fo' all
boile# an$ fo #tea' $i#tib)tion pipin(. T&e boile plant #tea'
pe##)e contol tan#'itte #&all be connecte$ to t&e &ea$e.
5. Stea' &ea$e #&all be a##e'bl% of tee#+ pipe #ection#+ an$ wel$ nec>
C. 3acto%-fabicate$ fo(e$ #teel inte(all% einfoce$ banc& o)tlet
wel$in( fittin(#+ #tan$a$ wei(&t+ "ST0 "10. 7a$e *+ 'a% be applie$ in
lie) of tee# fo all banc& o)tlet# le## t&an t&e f)ll #iEe of t&e
&ea$e. Co'pl% wit& fittin( 'an)fact)eK# eco''en$ation# an$
eB)ie'ent# of "S0E 5-1.1 an$ 0SS-SP-99.
D. Po?i$e &ea$e #)ppot# an$ anc&o a# #&ownG appl% in#)lation #a$$le#
fo in#)lation t&ic>ne## a# eB)ie$ in Section *- 09 11+ :8"C an$
E. Wel$ nec> flan(e bolt po#ition #&all confo' to eB)ie$ ?al?e+ #te'+
an$ b%pa## oientation a# #&own.
3. :ea$e con#t)ction a# #pecifie$ incl)$e# t&e entie &ea$e an$ banc&e#
to fi#t ?al?e.
7. "nc&o an$ ()i$e &ea$e to e#i#t t&e'al an$ wei(&t foce# an$ al#o
#ei#'ic foce# w&ee eB)ie$.
:. "ll ?al?e# ')#t be acce##ible wit&o)t t&e )#e of la$$e# o c&ain-
3abicate wit& lon( a$i)# ell#+ ;-fo' lateal#. Tee# an$ co##e# ae
not pe'itte$.
Po?i$e $ain line fo' connection on e,&a)#t &ea$ to oof $ain.
Po?i$e pipe #iEe #a'e a# $ain connection #iEe.
4ocate to pe'it ?iew fo' floo o platfo'.
Po?i$e #)fficient cleaance on all #i$e# of ?al?e to pe'it eplace'ent
of wo>in( pat# wit&o)t e'o?in( ?al?e fo' pipeline.
*- *1 11 - -A
". 4ocate #o t&at ?al?e po#ition in$icato i# ?i#ible fo' neae#t wal>wa%.
5. Po?i$e contol wiin( an$ wiin( to ann)nciato on in#t)'entation
panel an$ to co'p)te wo>#tation Cif po?i$e$D.
In#tall )nit# fo wate an$ co'pe##e$ ai #e?ice in a #tai(&t )n of
pipe. 2nit# fo ato'iEin( 'e$ia #e?ice 'a% be in#talle$ wit& ben$# if
nece##a%. De#i(ne of ato'iEin( 'e$ia pipin( ')#t coo$inate &o#e
connection point# wit& allowable ben$ a$i)# of &o#e.
". Oient ?al?e# #o t&at liftin( le?e# ae acce##ible fo' neae#t wal>wa%
o acce## platfo'. 8al?e# ')#t be e'o?able wit&o)t eB)iin(
$i#a##e'blin( of ?ent#+ e,cept w&ee ot&ewi#e #pecificall% po?i$e$.
5. Po?i$e a $ip pan elbow at $i#c&a(e of eac& #tea' o econo'iEe ?al?e
wit& #lip !oint in ?ent $i#c&a(e line+ aan(e$ to pe?ent ?ent line
fo' i'po#in( an% foce on ?al?e an$ to pe?ent an% 'oi#t)e
acc)')lation in ?al?e. Connecte$ $ip pan ell $ain# to $ain pipin( to
floo $ain. Po?i$e fle,ible connecto on $ain line+ a$!acent to $ip
pan ell.
C. S)ppot ?ent line fo' abo?e. Eac& #tea' ?al?e ')#t &a?e #epaate ?ent
line to at'o#p&ee )nle## #&own ot&ewi#e.
In#tall wit& ba#>et le?el wit& t&e #tea' pipe #o t&at con$en#ate i# not
tappe$ in t&e #taine.
In#tall 'ale pl)(# on eac& pipin( $ain. Connect #oc>et to one en$ of
#tea' &o#e.
". In#tall on all ai line# an$ wate #)ppl% line# to ai co'pe##o#.
5. "l#o in#tall on p)'p connection# a# #&own.
". "cc)atel% locate an$ #ec)el% fa#ten #lee?e# to fo'# befoe concete
i# po)e$G in#tall in wall# o patition# $)in( t&e con#t)ction of t&e
5. Slee?e en$# #&all be fl)#& wit& fini#&e$ face# of wall# an$ patition#.
C. Pipe #lee?e# pa##in( t&o)(& floo# #&all po!ect *. '' C1 inc&D 'ini')'
abo?e t&e fini#&e$ floo #)face an$ t&e botto' of t&e #lee?e #&all be
fl)#& wit& t&e )n$e#i$e of t&e floo #lab.
*- *1 11 - -9
". Coo$inate #)ppot location# wit& b)il$in( #t)ct)e pio to eection
of pipin(. "l#o efe to appo?e$ #&op $awin(# of eB)ip'ent an$
appo?e$ pipin( la%o)t an$ &an(e la%o)t $awin(# w&en locatin( &an(e#.
"an(e'ent of #)ppot# #&all facilitate opeatin(+ #e?icin( an$
e'o?al of ?al?e#+ #taine#+ an$ pipin( #pecialtie#. :an(e pat# ')#t
be 'a>e$ at t&e facto% wit& a n)'bein( #%#te' >e%e$ to &an(e la%o)t
$awin(#. 4a%o)t $awin(# ')#t be a?ailable at t&e #ite.
5. 2ppe attac&'ent# to 5)il$in( St)ct)e:
1. New Reinfoce$ Concete Con#t)ction: Concete in#et#.
*. E,i#tin( Reinfoce$ Concete Con#t)ction: 2ppe attac&'ent wel$e$ o
cla'pe$ to #teel clip an(le# Co ot&e con#t)ction #&own on t&e
$awin(#D w&ic& ae e,pan#ion-bolte$ to t&e concete. E,pan#ion
boltin( #&all be locate$ #o t&at loa$# place bolt# in #&ea.
-. Steel Dec> an$ St)ct)al 3a'in(: 2ppe attac&'ent# wel$e$ o
cla'pe$ to #t)ct)al #teel 'e'be#.
C. E,pan#ion 3a#tene# an$ Powe Set 3a#tene#: In e,i#tin( concete floo+
ceilin( an$ wall con#t)ction+ e,pan#ion fa#tene# 'a% be )#e$ fo
&an(e loa$# )p to one-t&i$ t&e 'an)fact)eK# ate$ #ten(t& of t&e
e,pan#ion fa#tene. Powe #et fa#tene# 'a% be )#e$ fo loa$# )p to
one-fo)t& of ate$ loa$. W&en (eate &an(e loa$# ae enco)ntee$+
a$$itional fa#tene# 'a% be )#e$ an$ inteconnecte$ wit& #teel 'e'be#
co'binin( to #)ppot t&e &an(e.
D. Special S)ppot#:
1. Sec)e &oiEontal pipe# w&ee nece##a% to pe?ent ?ibation o
e,ce## #wa%.
*. W&ee &an(e# cannot be a$eB)atel% #ec)e$ a# #pecifie$+ Cfo
e,a'ple+ #)ppot fo flow 'etein( #en#in( line#+ pne)'atic t)bin(+
contol pipin(D #pecial po?i#ion# #&all be 'a$e fo &an(in( an$
#)ppotin( pipe a# $iecte$ b% t&e RE.
-. Pipe #)ppot#+ &an(e#+ cla'p# o anc&o# #&all not be attac&e$ to
eB)ip'ent )nle## #pecificall% pe'itte$ b% t&e #pecification# fo
t&at eB)ip'ent o )nle## RE (i?e# witten pe'i##ion. No attac&'ent#
to boile ca#in(# pe'itte$.
E. Spin( :an(e#: 4ocate #pin( )nit# wit&in one foot of t&e pipe+
beec&in( o #tac> attac&'ent e,cept in location# w&ee #pin(
a##e'blie# intefee wit& pipe in#)lation. "$!)#t #pin(# to loa$#
calc)late$ b% &an(e 'an)fact)e.
*- *1 11 - /0
3. Sei#'ic 5ace# an$ Re#taint#: Do not in#)late pipin( wit&in one foot of
$e?ice )ntil $e?ice &a# been in#pecte$ b% RE.
3l)#& all pipin( #)fficientl% to e'o?e all $it an$ $ebi#. 3ill pipin(
co'pletel%. 8elocit% #&all be eB)i?alent to t&at e,peience$ $)in(
no'al plant opeation at 'a,i')' loa$#. D)in( fl)#&in(+ all contol
?al?e#+ #tea' tap# an$ p)'p# ')#t be $i#connecte$ fo' t&e #%#te'.
"fte cleanin( i# co'plete+ e'o?e+ clean an$ eplace all #taine
ba#>et# an$ ele'ent#. Reconnect all eB)ip'ent. Po?i$e #afe point# of
$i#c&a(e fo $ebi# blown fo' pipe#.
". Te#tin( of pipin( co'ponent# i# not eB)ie$ pio to in#tallation.
8al?e# an$ fittin(# #&all be capable of wit&#tan$in( &%$o#tatic #&ell
te#t eB)al to twice t&e pi'a% $e#i(n #e?ice pe##)e e,cept a#
'o$ifie$ b% #pecification# on fittin(#+ "S0E 51<... T&i# te#t capabilit%
i# a #tate'ent of B)alit% of 'ateial. Te#t# of in$i?i$)al ite'# of
pipe+ fittin(# o eB)ip'ent will be eB)ie$ onl% on in#t)ction of RE
an$ at 7o?en'ent co#t.
5. "fte eection+ all pipin( #%#te'# #&all be capable of wit&#tan$in( a
&%$o#tatic te#t pe##)e of 1.. ti'e# $e#i(n pe##)e+ a# #tip)late$ in
"S0E 5-1.1. :%$o#tatic te#t# will be eB)ie$ onl% on boile e,tenal
#tea' pipin(+ )tiliEin( wate a# t&e te#t 'e$i)'. :%$o#tatic te#t# will
be eB)ie$ on ot&e pipin( w&en opeatin( te#t# $e#cibe$ ae
)n#ati#facto%+ o w&en in#pection of wel$# #&ow# poo wo>'an#&ip an$
i# #)b!ect to B)e#tion b% t&e RE. W&en &%$o#tatic te#t# #&ow lea>#+ t&e
RE will eB)ie nece##a% wel$in( epai#+ in acco$ance wit& "S0E
5-1.1+ at t&e ContactoK# co#t.
C. Pefo' opeatin( te#t a# follow#:
1. "ll #tea' pipin( pio to in#)lation #&all be #)b!ecte$ to #tea' at
final opeatin( pe##)e. In#pect all !oint# fo lea># an$
wo>'an#&ip. Coection# #&all be 'a$e a# #pecifie$.
*. Te#t 'ain (a# pipin( wit& co'pe##e$ ai at twice t&e #e?ice
pe##)e entein( 8" popet% fo' )tilit% #e?ice. Te#t 4P (a#
pipin( at t&e 'a,i')' tan> pe##)e+ 19*. >Pa C*.0 p#i(D+ wit&
co'pe##e$ ai. Te#t !oint# wit& #oap #ol)tion+ c&ec> t&oo)(&l% fo
*- *1 11 - /1
-. Te#t boile fee$wate+ con$en#ate+ ?ac))' an$ #e?ice wate #%#te'#
)n$e #e?ice con$ition# an$ po?e ti(&t.
/. Te#t oil an$ co'pe##e$ ai #%#te'# )n$e #e?ice con$ition# at
pe##)e eB)al to &i(&e#t #ettin( of #afet% an$ elief ?al?e# in t&e
in$i?i$)al #%#te'#.
.. 0a>e coection# an$ ete#t# to e#tabli#& #%#te'# t&at &a?e no lea>#.
Replace o ec)t an% $efecti?e fittin(# o $efecti?e t&ea$#.
Sol$ee$ 'ateial #&all be t&oo)(&l% cleane$ pio to e#ol$ein(.
5ac> wel$in( of t&ea$# will not be pe'itte$.
D. :%$o#taticall% te#t boile e,tenal #tea' pipin( fo' boile to &ea$e
in appo?e$ 'anne wit& wate of #a'e ti'e boile i# &%$o#taticall%
te#te$ )n$e t&e #)pe?i#ion of RE. Pio to &%$o#tatic te#t+ e'o?e
all ?al?e# not ate$ fo &%$o#tatic te#t pe##)e. Replace ?al?e# afte
te#t# ae #ati#factoil% co'plete$. :%$o#tatic te#t pe##)e #&all be
1.. ti'e# $e#i(n pe##)e an$ pefo'e$ in acco$ance wit& "S0E 5oile
an$ Pe##)e 8e##el Co$e+ Section I.
E. 7eneall%+ in#)lation wo> #&o)l$ not be pefo'e$ pio to te#tin( of
pipin(. Contacto 'a%+ at own option an$ &aEa$+ in#)late pipin( pio
to te#t+ b)t an% $a'a(e$ in#)lation #&all be eplace$ wit& new B)alit%
a# #pecifie$ fo oi(inal in#tallation at ContactoK# co#t an$ ti'e.
3. Safet%+ Safet%-Relief+ Relief 8al?e#: "fte in#tallation+ te#t )n$e
pe##)e in pe#ence of RE. Te#t opeation+ incl)$in( #et pe##)e+
flow+ an$ blow$own in acco$ance wit& "S0E 5oile an$ Pe##)e 8e##el
Co$e. "n% $eficiencie# ')#t be coecte$ an$ ete#t pefo'e$. Refe to
Section *- .* -9+ 3IRE-T25E 5OI4ERS+ Section *- .* --+ W"TER-T25E
5OI4ERS fo boile #afet% ?al?e te#t eB)ie'ent#.
". Po?i$e co''i##ionin( $oc)'entation in acco$ance wit& t&e eB)ie'ent#
of #ection *- 0A 00 J CO00ISSIONIN7 O3 :8"C S;STE0S fo all in#pection+
#tat )p+ an$ contacto te#tin( eB)ie$ abo?e an$ eB)ie$ b% t&e
S%#te' Rea$ine## C&ec>li#t po?i$e$ b% t&e Co''i##ionin( "(ent.
5. Co'ponent# po?i$e$ )n$e t&i# #ection of t&e #pecification will be
te#te$ a# pat of a la(e #%#te'. Refe to #ection *- 0A 00 J
CO00ISSIONIN7 O3 :8"C S;STE0S an$ elate$ #ection# fo contacto
e#pon#ibilitie# fo #%#te' co''i##ionin(.
- - - E N D - - -
*- *1 11 - /*