Background On The Study of Work Ethics

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• A being distinct and separate from the rest of God’s creations

• Created by the OWN IMAGE (character, John 1:1) of God

feeling thinking willing “Let us make man in our image, according to our
likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over
all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps
 FEELING - (Gen. 3:6) on the earth.” Genesis 1:26
 THINKING – (Gen 2:19-20; 3:8)
 WILLING – (Gen. 3:6-7)

• Made up of body, soul and spirit

 The body constitutes man’s physical, tangible self through which he is able to see, hear,
touch, taste and smell
 The soul is considered a distinct entity; it is separate from the body
 The spiritual aspect is different and separate from his physical form and is unseen-
comprises his mind and will

• Man is born with the natural inclination to do what is good and to avoid evil. He has the
capacity to make distinction between right and wrong (Esteban, 1990). By his intellect, he is
able to know the universal truth; and by his will, he can make decisions which intrinsically aim
always for the highest good to please God, his Creator.

• Values are essential to an individual’s existence for these define what is desirable and
meaningful to him as a rational and social being ---man is the replica of God on earth; he is
expected to emulate God’s goodness.

• Values reflect man’s aspirations for himself, the society he lives in, and the environment he
constantly interacts with (Zulueta, et al. , 2000)

• “models or goals of personal behavior in social interaction; considered conducive or essential

to the welfare of a group or groups of people

• Man’s value system is a configuration of culture, the overriding motivations and basic
principles of his behavior; the cultural ethics that unites people together; their concept of what
is important; the desired reactions and responses to conditions and situations in life.

• Derived from the Greek word “ethos” which means “characteristic way of acting”. Latin
equivalent is “mos” or “mores” meaning “tradition” or “custom” prevailing in a group or
groups of people, and of the society as a whole.

• Both the study of human conduct and a practical science of the morality of human rational
behavior actions performed by man, knowledgely and freely
1. Ethics is indispensable knowledge – without moral
perception, man is only an animal PURPOSES OF
2. Moral integrity is the only true measure of what man ETHICS
ought to be the most successful, professional is It serves as an aid in
nothing unless he is morally upright effective decision-
3. Morality is the foundation of every human society making
RUSSELL: Without civic morality, It aids to improve
communities perish; social life by enabling
Without personal morality, their people to live together
survival has no value. in harmony
It aids in reinforcing
desirable ethical moral
HUMAN ACTS systems and modifies
• Acts that man performs knowing, freely and voluntarily those that are
• Acts of man are those actions which dysfunctional
happen in man. It is instinctive and not within the It guides individuals to
control of the will. develop genuine values
in life
To be considered a human act:
1. It must be performed by a conscious agent who is aware of what he is doing and of its
2. It must be performed by an agent who is acting freely, by his own violation and powers
3. It must be performed by an agent who decides willfully to perform the act

Human acts may either be considered rational or irrational based on man’s conformity or
nonconformity to the dictates of reason.

1. Moral Action – conform to the norms of morality

2. Immoral Action – not in conformity with the norms of morality
3. Amoral – stands neutral in relation to the norms of morality; neither good or bad

WORK – an activity
where man earns a living
for himself and for others OCCUPATION- collection of
through the use of his jobs that is suitably alike with PROFESSION – implies a
knowledge, talents and regard to their main task line of work or career acquired
skills. grouped together under a from extensive education and
common title (Rules and training as well as from
Regulations Implementing the specific experiences in the
Labor Code, 1974 ) application of professional
WORKPLACE – refers to a place of work skills of an individual.
where work is done.
Ariculo and Florendo (2003) define it as the
place where remunerative work is performed. WORK ETHICS – Webster (1996) “ a
It does not only refer to physical work belief that productive physical or mental
environment but it also includes the policies labor is a prime virtue”
and situations that provide a distinct - employee’s attitude of perceiving
condition of work. work as a central life interest and a
desirable goal in life.
Purpose: Help us determine what cultural and
ethical values and standards are needed to
become effective, efficient and productive
Prepared by: Frishela Claudio Camid-eng

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