Kennedy Cassandra 1052257 Edu317 Task2

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Cassandra Kennedy EDU 317 1052257

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Sequential Lesson Planning Framework (five lessons)
Date: Sequence Title: Lob
and bounce pass
Subjects: HPE

Year level(s): 5 Duration of lesson:
60 mins
Identify classroom context
Rationale and Purpose Catering for diversity

This is a ten week unit in term 3 focusing on Netball. Students
complete one 60 minute lesson per week.
This is the first of ten lessons.
This lesson will be looking at three different passes, chest pass
(which students should be familiar with from previous years),
lob pass and bounce pass.

This lesson will be modified to ensure that all students are able to
E.g. if dealing with a visually impaired student a larger dark
coloured ball may be used to ensure the highest possible visibility
for the student.
In order to ensure all students are included fairly in every activity
various methods may be employed. This could be a change in
teaching style, the rules of the game, the equipment used or the
environment in which the game is being played. All is dependent
on the students within the class.
Curriculum Outcomes (write here QLD Essential Learnings and
Australian Curriculum descriptors)
Cross- Curriculum Priorities
Essential Learnings:
Knowledge and Understanding
Physical Activity
Application of appropriate techniques for fundamental and simple
specialised movement skills can enhance physical performance and
participation in physical activities.

Ways of Working
Apply fundamental and simple specialised movement skills when
participating in physical activities.

These come from the Australian Curriculum:
Identify the priority, the organising idea and the content description
eg. Sustainability
All life forms, including human life, are connected through ecosystems on
which they depend for their wellbeing and survival.
Sustainable patterns of living rely on the interdependence of healthy
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Learning Sequence
General capabilities
Recognise personal qualities and achievements
Make a realistic assessment of their abilities and achievements, and
prioritise areas for improvement
Make decisions
assess individual and group decision-making processes in challenging
Transfer knowledge into new contexts
justify reasons for decisions when transferring information to similar
and different contexts
social, economic and ecological systems.
Lesson Focus Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives Assessment

During this lesson, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate
their ability to:
1. Perform a basic chest pass
2. Perform a Lob pass
3. Perform a Bounce pass
4. Make a realistic assessment of their passing skills and
prioritise areas for improvement.

During this lesson students will be given the opportunity to peer assess.
Students will be encouraged to constructively give their pair feedback
when working in the skill development stage.
This is a form of formative assessment as students are receiving
Along with peer assessment the teacher will be giving students feedback
throughout the lesson in an informal way. If students appear to be
struggling they will be given more feedback than those who do not
appear to struggle.
Students are given ample opportunity to succeed throughout this lesson.

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Engaging Learners Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
Students are to be grouped in mixed ability and gender groups
A whistle is to be used to gain the attention of students to stop
Music will be used to encourage students whilst performing skills
and students do not need to be listening.
Music will also be used at the end of the lesson to calm down
students as they cool down.
Once attention has been called, if a student has a ball they are
instructed to place the ball between their feet to ensure they are not
Standing in front of students when speaking will also help to
minimise distractions
Activities are well organised and timed to ensure students are
getting the most out of this session.
Positive feedback will be given constantly to encourage all students
Constructive feedback will be given to individual students in a one
on one manner while all other students are engaged in the activity.
This ensures the entire class does not need to stop for corrections.
Throughout the lesson as students are completing activities the
teacher will assist students in their technique. The correct technique
will be reiterated throughout the lesson to ensure students are not
picking up any bad habits.
Students will be given positive and constructive feedback to help
them achieve well within this unit.
To establish routine throughout this unit the introduction and cool
down throughout each lesson will be basically the same with
different questioning.
Out of a couple decks of cards take 5 Aces, 5 Queens, 5 Kings, 5
Jacks and 5 tens. As students walk in hand them each a card.
Students must be wearing appropriate footwear and a hat in
order to participate.
Water bottles will be encouraged and drinks breaks will be
given to ensure hydration.
Ensure all students are aware when the whistle is blown they
must stop what they are doing and listen.
Prior to beginning first activity ensure the area is safe from
any hazards ie, debris, puddles etc.
Be aware of all activities occurring near netball courts.
In case of weather issues the session will be taken in the
gym rather than netball courts.

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Students will be divided up into two groups (red and black), groups
of 5 (face card), groups of 3 (students are to find 2 other people with
different face cards), groups of 4 (suits).

Introductory phase
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
5 min
Mark Roll
Ensure students are
wearing appropriate
footwear and clothing.
(covered shoes)
Ensure students have
drink bottles and hats.
Explain to students that todays
lesson will focus on netball
skills passing accuracy.
Students sitting on the ground
in the shade whilst listening to
Does anyone have any
injuries or illnesses that I
do not yet know about?

Does anyone have any
questions about todays
10 min
Warm up

Instructions on the rules of the
game. This is a game about
team work. At this stage no
Netball tag
Students are divided into two
teams (as per engaging
learners lesson one) and one
team is given a ball.
Were you using any
strategies to help you
catch the other team?

What do you think would
One netball
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instruction is given in regards
to the correct way to pass a
ball. Instructions should take
approximately 3 minutes.
The teacher will observe
students abilities and will
adjust the lesson if necessary

The team with the ball is
tagged and must attempt to
tag the players on the other
team by touching them with
the netball. Once a player
catches the ball they are not
allowed to move. This
ensures students are working
as a team and everyone is
involved. The game finishes
when all of the players from
the other team have been
tagged and the last player
remaining is declared the
winner. The teams then swap.
make this game easier?

Did everyone in your
team have a fair go?
How could we make it so
each team member had a
Body of lesson
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
10 min
Activity/Modified Game
Activity/Modified Game
Instruction and demonstration
of a chest pass. This should be
a refresher as chest passes
have been done in previous
years; however, this will
depend on the class.
Asking questions to students
Piggy in the middle.
Students are in groups of 3
(as per engaging learners
lesson one) with one ball
between them. Using only a
chest pass students will pass
the ball between the two
outside players, while the
third player in the middle
What was difficult about
this game?

What could you do
differently to ensure the
middle person doesnt
get the ball?
10 netballs
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on how to pass a ball aim
questions at students who
appeared to have good
technique in warm up game.

Chest pass
1. Step forward with one
2. Elbows in.
3. Use fingers to pass the

Describe Piggy in the middle
and demonstrate. Explain to
students they are only to use a
chest pass.
In this game students are able
to choose their own groups of
attempts to intercept the ball.
15 min
Skill Development
Passing the ball

Explain to the students the
next activity. Partner Passing.
Ask the students what they
need to remember when doing
a chest pass?
Partner passing
Students stand opposite each
other about 2 m apart. They
begin by chest passing the
ball to each other as many
times as they can until the
music stops (30 seconds).
Once the music stops
students on one side rotate
Was there a particular
pass you had more
difficulty with?

How do you think you
could improve your

When do you think you
Cd player
20 netballs
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Allow students to choose their
own partners as they will be

After the first 30 seconds call
students to face you while you
explain the second type of
pass. Ask everyone with a ball
to put it between their feet
while you talk.

Bounce pass
1. Step forward with one
2. Release the ball at about
waist height.
3. Aim for just over half way
between yourself and the

Lob Pass
1. Step forward with one
2. Throwing arm(s) move
up and forward.
3. Ball is released over the

partners and everyone is to
look to the teacher.
The teacher will then explain
and demonstrate the bounce
pass. Students are to listen,
watch demonstration and ask
questions if needed.
The teacher will play the
music again and in their pairs
students are to practice the
bounce pass. This will then be
repeated with the Lob pass.
Students will complete this
process again until they have
practiced each type of pass
atleast twice.
During this activity students
will be asked to give their
partner constructive feedback
in relation to their technique.
would use a lob pass?

When do you think you
would use a chest pass?

When do you think you
would use a bounce
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After students have practiced
each pass twice call students
back to a group and ask

Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
10 min
Activity/Modified Game

Describe 3 vs 2
Divide students into groups of
five. (as per engaging learners
lesson one)

After 10 minutes call students
back into group and ask

3 vs 2
In groups of five (as per
engaging learners lesson
one) students will play a
game of 3 vs 2. In this game
students are aiming to pass
the ball between themselves
and their 2 team mates as
many times as possible in 1
minute. They are able to use
any form of pass they know,
but they are not allowed to
run with the ball. The other
two players must try and
intercept the ball. After one
minute the teams swap, but
one person will continue on in
the same team to ensure the
game is fair.
When trying to keep the
ball away from the people
in your group what
passes did you find were
the most useful? Why?
5 netballs
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10 min
Cool Down
The teacher will ask the class
to form a large circle to
complete some cool down
stretches. Teacher will turn on
some relaxing music to help
calm down students.
The teacher will go through
some arm, wrist and leg
stretches that students are to

While this is occurring the
teacher will ask students
Students are to form a large
circle, listening to instructions.
Students are to copy
stretches and participate in
discussion, answering
questions about the lesson.

What did you enjoy about
this lesson?

What did you learn?

Give students scenarios
and ask what kind of
pass they might use?
There is a big defender in
front of you with their legs
wide open. Which pass
do you think would work
the best? Why?
CD player
Finish / summing up / link to the next lesson:
Next week we will be looking at accuracy. We will be learning how to make sure our passes are going exactly where we
want them to go.

Homework / practice:
Grab a ball out at home and practice some of your passes. Get your mum, dad, brother or sister to go outside with you for a
while and have a go at completing some of these passes. If you cant find anyone, practice your throws against a wall.

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Learning Sequence
Engaging Learners Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
Refer to lesson one Engaging Learners.
Depending on Lesson one it may be beneficial to group students in the
same teams. This will depend on how well teams worked together, ability
levels and fairness.
Refer to lesson one safe and supportive learning environment.
Specific rules will be set in place when completing activity
Human Target.
Introductory phase
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
10 min
Introduction: as per lesson
Explain to students that todays
lesson will be continuing on
As per lesson one.
Does anyone have any
injuries or illnesses that I
do not yet know about?

Lesson Focus Lesson 2
Lesson Objectives Assessment

During this lesson, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate
their ability to:
1. Accurately pass a netball.
2. Make a realistic assessment of their abilities and achievements, and
prioritise areas for improvement
Refer to lesson one Assessment

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from last week and we will be
looking at netball skills
passing accuracy.

Does anyone have any
questions about todays

What were some of the
key points we looked at
last week?
15 min
Warm up
Instructions on the rules of the
game Human Target. At this
stage no formal instruction has
been given in regards to
Instruction should take
approximately 3 minutes (a
demonstration may be
The teacher will observe
students abilities and adjust
the lesson accordingly.
Teacher will give students
instructions on where they are
to throw the ball. Students will
not throw the ball at another
student in an inappropriate
way. This means no throwing
at another students head and
the ball is not to be thrown
Human Target
Students are divided into
groups of 5 (as per engaging
learners lesson one). Each
group has one hoop and one
netball. All students begin in
the hoop. One student throws
the netball as far as they can.
The student who is up must
then run and get the netball.
Everyone else has to run away
from the hoop. As soon as
they student who is up gets
the ball they yell stop and
everyone has to freeze where
they are. The student then
returns to the hoop and using
one of the passes they know
they have to try and hit one of
the others students with the
ball. Everyone then returns to
the hoop and the person who
What was the most
difficult part about this

Did you use any
strategies when you were

Was there anything
unfair about this game?

5 hoops, 5 netballs,
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was hit with the ball is now up.
Each group will be given a
square area in which they can
not go out of. This is done to
ensure students are focusing
on their accuracy, and do not
need to worry about making
the ball go really far.
Body of lesson
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
10 min
Activity/Modified Game
Describe the game Captain
ball. This is a game that
students have generally played
before and as such should not
take long to provide
instructions. However, teacher
is to make a judgement on the
students understanding of the
game and may need to

Captain ball
Students remain in their 5
groups of 5. Students are set
up as so:

Player one will pass the ball to
player 5 who will pass it back,
then player 4 who will pass it
back etc. Once passed to
player 2 they will move out
What was difficult about
this game?

What might you need to
do to improve at this

If the leader continued to
miss their target why do
you think this might be?

5 netballs, markers

2 3 4 5
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and take the leader position
and player 1 will join the
others in the line. This will
continue until each of the
players have had a go being
the leader. This is a race
between each of the teams
and the first team to return
back to the start and sit down
is declared the winner.
10 min
Skill Development

Explain to students the next
activity Target Shooting.
As this is an individual skill
based activity students are
able to choose their own
Ask students how they aim?
Direct questions towards
students who have
demonstrated good accuracy
and technique in previous
Explain and demonstrate to
students how to aim.

Target Shooting
In pairs students are given a
netball and a large cone.
Taking it in turns the students
will try and hit the target using
their chest pass. Once they hit
the target they take a step
back. Once they reach a
certain point students may
then advance onto a smaller
target: e.g. a smaller marker.
During this activity students
will be asked to give their
partner constructive feedback
in relation to their technique.
What was difficult about
this game?

What could you do to
improve your aim?

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1. Look at your target
2. Follow through

Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
15 min
Activity/Modified Game
Explain the game hit the ball to
the students. (how will the
groups be decided). After the
ball has crossed a line blow
the whistle and reset the
game. Continue this for
approximately 10 minutes,
then call students back in to
ask questions.

Hit the ball
A large square is set out and
in the centre is placed a
basketball. Students are
divided into 4 teams (as per
engaging learners lesson
one). Each team lines up on
one side of the square. Each
team receives 2 netballs each.
Once the whistle is blown
students are to try and hit the
What was hard about this

Was this game fair?
Why? Why not?
Did everyone get a fair

Did you find it difficult to
aim at the ball?

What techniques were
you using to aim?
Basketball, 8 netballs,
Team one

Team basketball Team
Two three

Team four
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ball so it rolls over another
teams side of the square. The
team who hits the ball over the
line receive one point. If the
students have already had a
go throwing the ball, the next
time they get a ball they must
pass it to a team member to
have a go.
10 min
Cool Down
Refer to lesson one cool down.
Refer to lesson one cool
What did you enjoy about
this lesson?

What did you learn?

Go over aiming tips.
What a some important
things to think about
when you are aiming for
a target?
CD Player
Finish / summing up / link to the next lesson:
Next week we will be looking at speed passing. We will be learning how to make sure our passes are quick when

Homework / practice:
Find a spot on the wall to aim for. Practice performing a pass trying to hit that spot. As you get better make the spot smaller
and move further away. See how good you can get.

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Learning Sequence
Engaging Learners Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
Refer to lesson one Engaging Learners.
Depending on previous lesson it may be beneficial to group
students in the same teams. This will depend on how well teams
worked together, ability levels and fairness.
Refer to lesson one safe and supportive learning environment.
Introductory phase
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
Lesson Focus Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives Assessment

During this lesson, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate
their ability to:
1. Accurately pass a ball with speed.
2. Assess individual and group decision-making processes in
challenging situations
3. Make a realistic assessment of their abilities and achievements,
and prioritise areas for improvement

During this lesson students will be given the opportunity to self-assess.
This assessment is formative.
Students will be given multiple opportunities to achieve the learning
objectives throughout the lesson and as such all students are given
ample opportunity for success.
Students will be provided with feedback throughout the lesson; however,
this will be done in an informal way.
At the end of the lesson students will be asked to reflect on their abilities
and achievements and prioritise areas for improvements. Students will be
asked to reflect on their decision making skills throughout the lesson.
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10 min
Introduction: as per lesson
Explain to students that todays
lesson will focus on netball
skills speed of passes
As per lesson one
Does anyone have any
injuries or illnesses that I
do not yet know about?

Does anyone have any
questions about todays

What were some of the
key points we looked at
last week?
10 min
Warm up

Students will be completing a
game that has been done in a
previous lesson: Netball tag
At this stage no formal
instruction will be given on how
to perform a quick pass.
Instructions should not take
longer than 2 minutes.
Teacher will observe students
abilities and adjust lesson
Netball tag: see lesson one
warm up.

What strategies were you
using to catch the other

What would make it
easier to catch the other

Do you think you always
made the right decisions
as to who to pass the ball
One netball
Body of lesson
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
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the learning:
15 min
Activity/Modified Game
Instructions on the game
Captain ball. As this is a game
that was completed during the
last lesson instructions should
not take longer than 2 minutes.

Captain ball: see lesson 2
modified game/ activity

What was the most
difficult part of this game?

What strategies were you

What do you think you
might need to do in order
to win?
5 netballs
10 min
Skill Development

Passing speed
Ask questions to students on
how they might improve the
speed of their pass?
Reiterate some techniques
previously taught: step forward
with one foot, keep your eyes
on your target, follow through.

After students have completed
one rotation gain their attention
using the whistle and ask
students some more questions:
what was difficult about that?
In an attempt to be quick some
Speed passing
In their pairs students are to
stand across from each other
approximately 2 m apart.
There will be a cd playing with
beeps at regular intervals. As
it progresses the beeps will
get closer and closer
together. Students are to pass
the ball to each other in time
with the beeps. As the beeps
get closer students are
required to pass the ball
faster and faster. Once the
ball has been dropped
students are to sit down. The
final pair standing are
declared the winners.
What was difficult about

In order to do this activity
well what do we need
besides speed?

How could you get better
at this activity?
10 netballs, CD player
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students may be putting too
much power behind the ball
causing their partner to drop it.
How can we resolve this?

Once this happens will rotate
partners and the person with
the ball will put it between
their feet while students listen
to the teacher.
The process will then restart.
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
15 min
Activity/Modified Game

Describe 3 vs 2
This should take no longer
than 2 minutes as this game
has been done in a previous
Divide students into groups of

After 10 minutes call students
back into group and ask

3 vs 2: See lesson one

Think back to last time
you played this game,
were you more
successful this time?
Why? Why not?

Do you think you always
made the right passing

5 netballs
10 min Cool Down Refer to lesson one cool Students will be asked to CD Player
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Refer to lesson one cool down. down. close their eyes and self
Honestly how well do you
think you did today?
When completing the
activities did you ensure
you were using the
correct technique?
When participating in
group activities do you
think you made
appropriate decisions
when passing the ball?
Do you think your team
mates made appropriate
Are there any areas you
think you could improve
Finish / summing up / link to the next lesson:
Next week we will be looking at distance. We will be learning how to make sure our passes are able to travel over a
Homework / practice:
Grab a ball out at home and practice some of your quick passes. Get your mum, dad, brother or sister to go outside with
you for a while and time how many passes you can make in one minute. If you cant find anyone, practice against a wall.

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Learning Sequence
Engaging Learners Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
Refer to lesson one Engaging Learners.
Depending on previous lesson it may be beneficial to group
students in the same teams. This will depend on how well teams
worked together, ability levels and fairness.
Refer to lesson one safe and supportive learning environment.
Specific rules will be set in place when completing activity Human
To avoid collisions when completing group game students will be
instructed to be constantly aware of those around them. They will
also all be going in the same direction and the teacher will ensure
they are given adequate space with which to run.
Introductory phase
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
10 min
Introduction: as per lesson
Explain to students that todays
As per lesson one.
Does anyone have any
injuries or illnesses that I
do not yet know about?
Lesson Focus Lesson 4
Lesson Objectives Assessment

During this lesson, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate
their ability to:
1. Pass over a distance
2. Make a realistic assessment of their abilities and achievements,
and prioritise areas for improvement
3. Recognise personal qualities and achievements

Refer to lesson three assessment

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lesson will focus on netball
skills passing over a

Does anyone have any
questions about todays

What were some of the
key points we looked at
last week?
10 min
Warm up

Explain Group game to

Group game
Students make their way clockwise
around a set of 4 cones, the
teacher will yell out random
instructions e.g. skipping, running,
walking backwards, change
direction etc. Students must
continue to do this until the whistle
is blown. Once the whistle is blown
the teacher will yell out a number
and students must form a group of
that number. This game will
continue on until the teacher feels
students are sufficiently warmed
up. During the final time the
teacher will yell 5 and these will be
the groups for the first activity.

What did you find most
difficult about this

Was this activity easy for

What would have made it

Body of lesson
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
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15 min
Activity/Modified Game
Explain the activity: Leader
Ball. Divide students into
groups of 5 (refer to warm up).

Leader Ball
Students are separated into 5
groups of 5. Students are set
up as so:
The teacher will place
markers to ensure all 5
players are very spread far
apart, this will ensure
students are trying to pass the
ball over a large distance.
Player one will pass the ball
to player 2 who will pass it
back, and then duck down.
They will then pass it to player
3 who will pass it back and
duck down etc. Once passed
to player 5 and the ball is
returned number 1 will run to
the back of the line behind
player 5 and the process will
repeat with number 2
throwing the ball. This will
continue until each of the
players have had a go being
the leader. This is a race
What did you find difficult
about this activity?

How could you have
made it easier?

Was it more or less
difficult than playing
captain ball? (see lesson
two: Activity/Modified
Game) Why?
5 Netballs
25 markers (set out
prior to
1 2 3 4 5
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between each of the teams
and the first team to return
back to the start and sit down
is declared the winner.
10 min
Skill Development

Explain to students the rules of
the game. Progressive partner
Allow students to choose their
own pairs as they will be
rotating partners.

Distance passing
1. Using one hand (with the
other to steady the ball if
2. Step forward with the
opposite foot to throwing
3. Follow through the ball.
Progressive partner pass

Students stand opposite each
other about 2m apart. They
begin by passing the ball to
each other, once both
students have caught the ball
once they take a step back.
Teacher will play music to
engage students, they will be
given 1 minute for each
rotation. Once the music
stops students on one side
rotate partners and everyone
is to look to the teacher.
Those with a ball are to put it
between their feet. After the
first rotation the teacher will
explain and demonstrate the
technique for a distance pass.
Students are to listen, watch
demonstration and ask
questions if needed.
What do you think you
could do to make the ball
go further?

How do you think you
could improve your

Did you find through
using this technique you
were able to gain a
greater distance?
10 netballs, cd player
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Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
15 min
Activity/Modified Game

Instructions on the game
Human Target this should not
take longer than 2 minutes as
students have played this
game previously.

Students will play the game
Human Target (refer to lesson
2) However, the space in
which students play this game
will be severely increased as
this lesson is focusing on
distance passing.
Was this game easier
than last time? Why?
Why not?

Were you using some of
the aiming techniques
that we looked at

Have you personally
5 netballs, hoop,
10 min
Cool Down
Refer to lesson one cool down.
Refer to lesson one cool
Do you think you have

What are some things
you could do to enhance
your skills even more?
CD player
Finish / summing up / link to the next lesson:
Next week we will be looking at receiving the ball without stepping. We will be learning how to make sure we do not travel
with the ball.
Homework / practice:
Grab a friend and a ball, try to see how far you can get from each other while still being able to pass the ball. Make sure
youre using correct technique.

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Learning Sequence
Engaging Learners Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
Refer to lesson one Engaging Learners.
Depending on previous lesson it may be beneficial to group students in the
same teams. This will depend on how well teams worked together, ability
levels and fairness.
Refer to lesson one safe and supportive learning environment.
Introductory phase
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
Lesson Focus Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives Assessment

During this lesson, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate
their ability to:
1. Receive a ball without stepping
2. Make a realistic assessment of their abilities and achievements,
and prioritise areas for improvement
3. justify reasons for decisions when transferring information to
similar and different contexts

Through the use of video throughout this lesson students will be
assessed in this lesson on their application of fundamental skills,
decision making and technique.
This is a summative assessment.
Students will be videoed through Modified Netball tag, passing while
moving and 3 vs 2.
As students will be assessed during more than one activity they are given
multiple opportunities for success in this. Additionally they will be given
extra time in the final game play activity so they have more time to show
their abilities.
If students appear to be having an off day this will also be taken into
This will be an individual assessment.
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the learning:
10 min
Introduction: as per lesson
Explain to students that todays
lesson will focus on netball
skills receiving a ball without
As per lesson one. Roll
10 min
Warm up
The teacher will explain the
activity Ship to shore. The
teacher will blow the whistle to
end the activity when they feel
students are ready to begin
next activity.

Ship to Shore
There will be a large
rectangular area set up using
markers. Students will start at
one end between a set of
markers. One end will be
designated as ship the other
end shore. The teacher will
randomly yell out ship or
shore and students must run
to that area. (Teacher does
not have to wait until students
make it to the area before
calling out a new instruction).
Occasionally the teacher will
yell out wave coming. At this
point students are to pretend
to be riding a surf board. (This
is to get students in the
mindset of bending their
knees). This activity makes
What did you find difficult
about that activity?

Was it hard to change
direction quickly?
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students stop, start and
change direction as they will
need to in netball.
Body of lesson
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
10 min
Activity/Modified Game
Teacher will give students brief
instructions on the game
Netball tag. As students have
played this game before
instruction should not take
more than 3 minutes. During
instruction reiterate the
importance of not stepping
once you have caught the ball.
Modified Netball tag
Refer to lesson one warm up.

During this version of netball
tag, if students step with the
ball they are out.

Was this harder than last
time you played?

Why do you think this?

What would have made it
2 netballs
10 min
Skill Development

Passing while moving
Students are to complete this
activity in pairs. There will be
two rows of markers set out.
One pair will begin opposite
each other at the first set of
markers. Player one will pass
the ball to player two. They
will then run to the second
marker and player two will
pass them the ball (this is to
Was it difficult to stop
moving once you
received the ball?

Or was this activity easy?

Did you learn anything
from this activity?

Now that you have
One netball
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be done as they are running
so player one is to try and
catch the ball as they are
trying to stop (the aim is to do
this without stepping). Player
two will then run to the
second marker and they will
receive the ball while running
(trying not to step). This will
continue until they reach the
end set of markers.
completed this do you
think you would do a
better job of the modified
netball tag?
Teacher direction / activity /
Student activity / what
students are doing?
Check for understanding
/ key questions / manage
the learning:
20 min
Activity/Modified Game
The teacher will explain to
students the game 3 vs 2 as
this has been done previously
this should not take long.
The teacher will explain that
during this game they will be
3 vs 2
Refer to lesson one

Was this harder or easier
than last time? Why do
you think that is?

Were you using any
techniques that we have
looked at? If so what

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2
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being assessed on their
application of fundamental
skills, decision making and

were they?
10 min
Cool Down
Refer to lesson one cool down.
Refer to lesson one cool
Did you enjoy this
lesson? If yes what did
you enjoy? If no why not?

Do you think you have

What are some things
you could do to enhance
your skills even more?
CD player
Finish / summing up / link to the next lesson:
Next lesson will be utilised to go over any areas in which students require extra assistance. If students are struggling in
particular areas this lesson will help clarify any misunderstandings or poor technique before moving on.

Homework / practice:
At lunch time challenge some of your friends to some netball, keep practicing all your skills and make sure you are using the
correct techniques.

Considerations for future lessons
Future lessons may include: revision, extra gameplay, decision making (when passing), shooting, defending.
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Parents and the wider school community may be integrated through holding either a teacher vs student or parent vs student netball game.
The next steps in teaching strategies will include revisiting lessons and identifying areas in which students were struggling as well as areas
students excelled and adjusting future lessons accordingly.

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At the beginning and end of each lesson the students will form a circle and begin some stretching
exercises. By ensuring students are completing the same activity at the beginning and end of each
lesson I am able to establish routine and allow a time in which we are able to discuss the lesson,
both before and after. This is an important tool to help with behaviour management (Siedentop,
Hastie, & Van Der Mars, 2010).
Throughout lessons, where possible, students have been used to demonstrate activities and
techniques. This enables students to engage in peer learning experiences. Additionally within
specific lessons students were asked to give each other direct feedback regarding their technique in
certain areas. Johnson and Ward (2001) found that peer feedback assisted students in the
development of motor skills (Krause, Bochner, Duchesne, & McMaugh, 2010). However, it is also
important to ensure students are not receiving feedback solely from peers. It is important for
students to receive teacher feedback also, to correct errors as well as receive positive responses
(Marsh, 2010). This has been displayed throughout each lesson.
In order to ensure all students are incorporated fairly in every activity various methods may be
employed. This could be a change in teaching style, the rules of the game, the equipment used or
the environment in which the game is being played. All is dependent on the students within the
class. This has been clearly set out within catering for diversity. Students dont want to feel like an
outcast; therefore, it is essential students are able to participate in regular classroom activities with
their peers as much as possible (Hyde, Carpenter, & Conway, 2010).
Modifications of various repeated activities have been included as the weeks progress and
students gain more skills. Activities have been made slightly too challenging for students in the
latter weeks. When teaching physical education, it is important to allow students to build up their
skills through progressively more challenging activities; however, it is also important to find a
balance. If students find something too difficult they may disengage, just as if students find
something too easy they may also disengage (Kirk, Macdonald, & O'Sullivan, 2006).
Student engagement should be one of the most important aspects of teaching in a HPE setting. As
such this series of lessons has been set out with the intent in mind to engage students as much as
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possible. Through the use of fun activities, as well as relevant and well-structured lessons students
are able to engage thoroughly. Additionally through ensuring the structure and activities within the
lesson is well thought out the teacher is able to ensure that students are receiving as much time on
task as possible, thus enabling greater chance for success.

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