Company Ebay

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Ebay Inc- 2014

Company profile
Ebay inc. is one of the largest and most popular online marketplace, which is
launched in 1995. It allows its member to buy and sell anything through online. It has
128 million actie users globally and more than 5!! million products are listed on
online. Ebay "ead#uarter in $% and operating in more than &' countries with &!,!!!
total employees currently. (otal sales )1* billion for the year of 2!1& +,usinesswire,
2!1-., which is 1-/ up than last year and 0ross profit also increased to )9.8* billion.
(hree main core business
Ebay enterprise
Ebay marketplace +the auction shop.
1aypal +1!!/ owned by ebay.
1.0 Executive Summary
Ebay Inc- 2014
In this high tech competition, it is necessary for organi2ation and enterprise to choose
the right strategy with their aailable recourse in order to stay firmly and hold the
leading role in the industry. Ebay is one of the few companies who reach their goal
successfully by creating differentiation strategy and operational strategy from other
rialaries. Ebay is insisting to proide best customer serice along with secure
Ebay reenue come from three businee segment3 +1. marketplace, +2. payment, +&.
communications. Ebay inc. sere customer through, indicate online
marketplace, 1aypal refers to online payments, and %kype technologies point out
In order to enter in new market, re#uire to anylysis of stagic management. (his report
proide macro4enironmental factor and resources, competence and culture. (wo
strategies recommended along with marketing ob5ectie. It also proides marketing
tactics and marketing actiities the company should use to achiee its ob5ectie.
2.0 Introduction
Ebay Inc- 2014
3.0 Macro environmental analysis
6acro enironment indicate a 1E%(7E framework. 1E%(7E stands for 1olitical,
Economical, sociological, (echnological, 7egal and Enironmental factors. (his
factors is #uite important for a company to analy2e as access in different country
hae differnet econmy with different enironment. 8urthermore, it is e9pected that
what is happening outside of the enironment will affect inside of the company at
some point.

1. ;ompany profile3 http3<<<who=we=are<one=company
2. Ebay report3 http3<<<news<home<2!1-!122!!*--'<en<e,ay4:eports4
&. 6arket data3 http3<<<inest<market<E,A?44fundamentals44e,ay4Inc

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