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Website URL http://amandarusselltec542.weebly.com

Classroom Data
Classroom Information
Classroom Learners

24 Students
10 Male students / 14- Female students
The students are 10 12 years old
No physical disabilities in the class. 2 students are showing signs of ADHD and are on medication. 2
students show signs of comprehension issues. 1 student is bilingual. The class also has three
gifted students. The class is culturally diverse consisting of Caucasian, Navajo, and Hispanic
The students in the class are well versed when it comes to the use of computers. The class has a basic
to advanced knowledge of how most computer programs operate. This lesson is a review lesson
for the Solar System and the students should have all the knowledge to complete the activities
and assessments.
Learning Styles
o Visual 75%
o Auditory 60%
o Kinesthetic 90%
The World Around Us
The unit will consist of information on the sun, moon, outer planets, and the inner planets. The
activities within the unit will be used as the formative assessments for the unit. The game of Jeopardy
will be used as the summative assessment for the unit. The students can search for information on the
Internet to answer the questions as needed. The students will need to ensure the information from the
Internet is the same information from their science book.
Differentiated Instruction: The bilingual student will be allowed to take the assignment to his
bilingual instructor if needed. Gifted students will be required to find pictures on the Internet that
correspond to the planets in the questions. Each page of the website can be printed for the students to
complete if needed.
NM- New Mexico Standards
Subject : Science

Strand : Content of Science

Content Standard : Understand the structure of Earth, the solar system, and the
universe, the interconnections among them, ...

Grade Range/Benchmark : K-4 Benchmark I: Know the structure of the solar
system and the objects in the universe.

Grade : 3

Performance Standard 1: Describe the objects in the solar system (e.g., sun,
Earth and other planets, moon) and their features ..

NM- New Mexico Standards
Subject: Career Readiness
Content Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the technological knowledge and
skills required for future careers.
Grade : K-4
Benchmark: Demonstrate basic computer operation skills in a variety of
applications to access and organize information.

Learning Objectives
Students will use correct vocabulary with 70% accuracy
Students will identify different planets with 70% accuracy
Students will access the correct website with 70% accuracy
Students will recall information about the sun with 70% accuracy
Students will recall information about the moon with 70% accuracy
Students will recall information about different planets with 70% accuracy
Standard school Apple laptop computer.
The students will need to access a standard Internet website.
Prerequisite Skills
Students will already have an understanding of how to access the Internet following school policies.
The students understand how the school laptops work.
What is the recommended duration of this activity?
The unit will take on school week for completion.
This interactive activity will take 2 class hours to complete.
What is the recommended grouping for this activity?
Anticipatory Set: The students will access the Internet to work on the activities in the website. The
students understand the school policies for using the computers. The students will access the website
from the URL provided by the teacher. The students will complete each activity within the website.
The students can use their science books or a search engine from the Internet to help answer the

Teaching Procedures: 1. The students should access the Internet from the URL provided by the
teacher. 2. The students can use a search engine or their books to help look for the answers. 3. When
the students reach the final Jeopardy game the students are not allowed to use books or the Internet.
4. The website is divided into 5 pages. The first 4 pages are review activities to help the students
prepare for the final assessment on the last page. 5. The students need to complete the four activities
first before they attempt the final assessment on the last page of the website.
Closure: Begin a discussion with the students on what they found to be most interesting about the
Solar System. Ask open ended questions about how they think the Solar System effects the Earth.
This discussion should be at the end of the first day when the students are done with the review
portions of the activity. The second day is to finish the review if necessary and the final assessment.
State how each objective will be evaluated.
Crossword Puzzle - Formative
Hidden Word Search - Formative
Matching - Formative
Jeopardy - Summative
The students will need to find the correct answer to questions in each activity. The questions will
cause the students to review the information they learned from the unit. The students will have to
answer the questions correctly or their answers will not fit within the puzzles.
Extension Items
The students could make models of the planets using art supplies. The students could also make
collages of the different areas of the Solar System by printing pictures off of the Internet.
Areas of Concern
It could take the students longer to complete the review activities than anticipated. This could cause
this activity to run longer than 2 days. If need be, extend the time to three days, and make
adjustments to the lesson plan.

Web Authoring Tools
URL www.chami.com www.kompozer.net www.activestate.com
Cost Standard Tools $59.00
Multiple licenses start
at $129.00 for 5
Free 30 day trial
Standard Tools $89.00
$595.00 per license for
a one year subscription
of a bundle with full
Animation Program includes
Favicon to provide
animation. The
program also includes
an image picker.
Favicon allows the
program to turn any
picture into animation.
The program includes
JavaScript libraries.
Script.aculo.us is also
included for more
advanced graphics.
The program includes
JavaScript libraries. The
program also uses GIF
image maker.
Audio and Video The program includes
access to Stratix IV GX
Edition to provide
audio and video
components to the
The program includes
WYSIFA. The program
also includes different
file types for music
uploads into the
The program provides
XT sound technology
Compatibility Can be used with
PCs/Macs, Smart
Phones and Tablets.
Program can be used
with IOS or Android
operating systems.
Desktop Linux,
Microsoft, and MAC,
Windows, Mac OSX,
Ease of Use The program includes
tutorials for each
feature. The program
can be accessed from
any type of electronic
The program provides
forms, templates, and
tables to asset in the
creation of the
website. Provides
tutorials for each
The program allows the
user to use their own
plug-ins. The program
also includes a
Integration into
Learning Management
The program allows for
editing of material
within the website.
However, there is not a
way to integrate a
learning management
system to track data or
report student
learning. The
information within the
program can
The program allows for
editing of material
within the website.
However, there is not a
way to integrate a
learning management
system to track data or
report student
learning. The
information within the
program can
The program allows for
editing of material
within the website.
However, there is not a
way to integrate a
learning management
system to track data or
report student
learning. The
information within the
program can

Based on the research above I have decided to use HTML-KIT for my project. The HTML-KIT is
user friendly and comes with different editing abilities. I can design my website my way using templates
provided by HTML-KIT. I can upload my own images or use the HTML-KIT library. I also like the fact I can
make a video out of any image. This will help me complete my audio and video portion of my project.

Color and theme

Multiple Intelligences
accomplish this goal
but, the program itself
can only host the
accomplish this goal
but, the program itself
can only host the
accomplish this goal
but, the program itself
can only host the
Limitations This is a website
hosting and editing site
only. The program does
not allow for specific
features or functions
within the program.
This is a website
hosting and editing site
only. The program does
not allow for specific
features or functions
within the program.
This is a website
hosting and editing site
only. The program does
not allow for specific
features or functions
within the program.
Learning Style Technology
Interpersonal The Interpersonal students can use the
classroom social network site;
Facebook page. The classroom
Facebook page is setup for the
classroom students only. The privacy
setting do not allow anyone other than
the students in the class to post ideas
or comment on already posted ideas.
These students can upload Internet
pictures and add comments about the
Solar System. The students can
communicate freely.
Intrapersonal The Intrapersonal students need to
post scientific websites like
kidsastronomy.com about the Solar
System on the Facebook page. The
scientific websites should be
accompanied by questions for the
students to think about and answer.
Once the students have answered the
questions. The Intrapersonal students
need make sure the answers are
correct by researching what the other
students have answered. Having the
Intrapersonal students research for
the answers and questions provide the
self-paced learning the students need.
Kinesthetic The Kinesthetic students can use
Anime Studio Debut 8 to manipulate
and animate the pictures on the
Facebook back. The Anime Studio
Debut allows the students to physically
manipulate pre-existing pictures or
create their own pictures using the
paint and draw feature. The students
can post or repost their pictures to the
Facebook page.
Linguistic The Linguistic students can use the
classroom social network site;
Facebook. The classroom Facebook
page is setup for the classroom
students only. The privacy setting do
not allow anyone other than the
students in the class to post ideas or
comment on already posted ideas.
These students can upload Internet
pictures and add comments about the
Solar System. The students can
communicate freely. These students
can write a poem about the Solar
System and post it on the Facebook
page. The other students can read and
post comments about the poems.
Logical The Logical students can create a map
to put the planets in the correct order,
according to the Solar System. The
students will include the asteroid belt
and the Earths sun and moon. The
students can use a science website
like planetsforkids.org as a reference
for the project. Once the project is
completed the students can scan and
upload the map to the classroom
Facebook page.
Musical The Musical students can create a
Podcast about the Solar System. The
students can create a song about the
planets and use Podcast software to
record it. Once the students have
finished their song the students can
upload the Podcast to the classroom
Facebook page. This way the other
students can provide comments about
the song. The song should include all
of the planets, the sun, and the moon.
Naturalistic The Naturalistic students can use the
constellation star ball to find a specific
constellation to draw. The Naturalistic
student needs hands-on learning and
the star ball provides this. The
students will create a picture of the
constellation they chose than scan and
upload the picture to the Facebook

Interactive lesson plan
Interactive Lesson
The lesson I will create is a review lesson on the Solar System. I teach 5th grade and we
complete a unit on the Solar System. I teach 2 lessons of science. One lesson to my class and one
lesson to the class next door. The other teacher is responsible for teaching Social Studies to both
classes. Making a lesson from this unit interactive will allow the students to understand the
vocabulary and specific facts better. The unit is the review parts of the Solar System and I hope
by adding an interactive part to the lesson, the students will recall the information to pass the
The unit is broken down into four areas; the sun, the moon, the inner planets, and the
outer planets. Each area is a lesson and I will include technology in each lesson. For this project I
will use the review day as my interactive lesson. This lesson will include one review page for
each of the two lessons and the final assessment will be a game of Jeopardy.
I will include activities for each lesson review including a cross word puzzle and a word
search. Each of these activities will provide me with a formative assessment and Jeopardy will
provide me with my summative assessment. The students will work individually during the
Visual The Visual students can a digital
camera to take pictures of the sun,
moon, and stars for the class. The
students can take original pictures and
upload them to the classroom
Facebook page. The students can also
look for videos about the solar system
to share with the class on the
Facebook page.
review process and then take the Jeopardy quiz at the end. The students will have two back-to-
back class periods to complete the interactive assignment.
The website is located at the link below. The lesson includes a tutorial and assessments in
accordance with the required assignment. The lesson plan, standards, and objectives are also
included as per the assignment directions.
URL - http://amandarusselltec542.weebly.com

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