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Changes in Matter Lesson 2 205 Edited

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S3.C.1.1.3 Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics
Classify a substance as a solid liquid or gas.
S4.C.1.1.1 Earth and Space Sciences
Use physical properties [e.g. mass, shape, size, volume, color, texture, magnetism,
state (i.e. solid, liquid, gas), conductivity (i.e. electrical and heat)] to describe

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
A. The third grade students will investigate the changes that occur in matter by
actively participating in the ice cube meltdown activity and recording their
findings on the KWL chart.

II. Instructional Materials
A. Ice Cubes
B. Tray for Each Station
C. KWL Chart
D. Ice cube meltdown inquiry sheet
E. Science Notebook
F. Cups
G. Salt
H. Hair Dryer
I. Rags

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
1. A general understanding of the different states of matter and their

Teacher Candidate: Katherine Flick and Karissa Bright Date: Oct. 6
, 2014

Cooperating Teacher: N/A Coop. Initials

Group Size: 25 Allotted Time 60 minutes Grade Level 3rd

Subject or Topic: Changes that Occur Lesson 2 Section 205
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Matter- anything that takes up space and adds weight.
2. States of Matter- the forms of matter- solid, liquid, gas
3. Solid- Matter that keeps its shape and size.
4. Liquid- Matter that keeps its size but takes the shape of its container.
5. Gas- Matter that can freely change shape and size; often it cant be
6. Particle- The least portion of matter. (Fleck, Speck, Spot, Bit, Piece)
7. Evaporation- The process of a liquid changing into a gas.
8. Method- A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or
approaching something.
C. Big Idea
1. The students will learn about the changes that occur in matter.
D. Additional content
1. Shape- How something looks around the outside.
2. Size- How big or small something is.
3. Substance- A particular kind of material.
4. Freeze- To change states from a liquid to a solid, mainly due to the.
temperature getting colder.
5. Vapor- Matter suspended/floating in the air.

IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Teacher will gather the students around the circle rug and encourage
a student lead discussion about the different states of matter and the
characteristics that help categorize them.
2. Show How to Make Mystery Matter Video
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn8vkZqVzsE
B. Development
1. Teacher will introduce key vocabulary to students by allowing a
student to come up and write each definition to then read to their
classmates. The vocabulary words are as follows:
a. Matter- anything that takes up space and adds weight.
b. States of Matter- the forms of matter- solid, liquid, gas
c. Solid- Matter that keeps its shape and size.
d. Liquid- Matter that keeps its size but takes the shape of its
e. Gas- Matter that can freely change shape and size; often it
cant be seen.
f. Particle- The least portion of matter. (Fleck, Speck, Spot, Bit,
g. Evaporation- The process of a liquid changing into a gas.
h. Method- A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or
approaching something.

2. Teacher will divide the student into 5 groups and present each group
with a bag of ice.
3. Inform the students that they will be exploring different melting
stations to identify which way will change the state of matter the
4. The teacher will introduce the materials at each station and how to
handle them safely and appropriately.
5. The students will walk around and at each station develop a method
of how they are going to use the materials provided to change the
state of the ice cube.
6. The teacher will ask each group to make a prediction as to which
station will change the matter state the fastest.
7. The teacher will walk around and guide the students as they develop
a written procedure in their science notebooks before working at
each station.
8. The teacher will encourage the students to write down the length of
time passed for the change to occur, observations, and problems they
may have encountered at each station on their inquiry sheets.
9. When all the students have worked at each station the teacher will
ask the groups to meet at their table and write up their conclusions
and findings on the inquiry sheet.
10. After completing the inquiry sheet, the teacher will ask all the
students to pull together their knowledge of matter thus far and
create a particle dance party.
11. The students will develop a dance to show the different states of
matter using their classmates and the classroom space.
a. Solid- Students may make a shape linking arms together and
dance in place while maintaining a shape
b. Liquid- Students may place their hands on each other shoulders
and walk slowly around the room. As they dance they should
observe that they have more space to move.
c. Gas- The students may dance around the room without
touching each other. They should observe they have much
more room and are able to spread out freely.
12. The teacher will hand out a KWL worksheet to each student and
allow them time to reflect on todays activities.
C. Closure
1. Today the 3
graders have discussed the changes that occur among
the different states of matter and how to cause some of these
changes. Tomorrow the students will work with physical changes.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. For KB who has a visual impairment we would braille the KWL
worksheet and provide her with a brailler and braille paper to record
her findings. The teacher will offer KB the use of an ipad to audio
record her findings as an alternative to the brailler. The teacher will
also label all of the materials in braille and large print.

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
a. The Know, Want to Know, Learned Chart will be collected by the
teacher and used to monitor their understanding of the changes in the
occur in matter.
b. The ice cube meltdown inquiry sheet will be collected by the teacher
and used to monitor the students discoveries and inquiry process used
throughout the experiment.
2. Summative
a. There is no summative for this lesson

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective
answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)
1. Was my closure effective? 2.

2. Was I able to pace my lesson to fit the time?

3. How could this lesson be improved

VI. Resources (in APA format)
A. Changing States of Matter Activities for Kids. (2014, January 1). Retrieved
October 8, 2014, from

KWL Chart
What I already know
What I want to know
What I have learned

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