This document provides an overview and summary of Leonard Laskow's book "Healing With Love". It discusses:
1) Laskow's background as a doctor who discovered nature does the healing, not doctors. He experienced shoulder pain that led him to change careers to healing with love.
2) Laskow conducted experiments showing he could inhibit bacteria growth with intention, proving energy healing is real.
3) Laskow describes the human energy fields and how love is key to healing. His model involves examining symptoms, causes and sources of issues to access them energetically.
4) An exercise is described where partners send and receive love energy to each other through focused intention to practice healing
This document provides an overview and summary of Leonard Laskow's book "Healing With Love". It discusses:
1) Laskow's background as a doctor who discovered nature does the healing, not doctors. He experienced shoulder pain that led him to change careers to healing with love.
2) Laskow conducted experiments showing he could inhibit bacteria growth with intention, proving energy healing is real.
3) Laskow describes the human energy fields and how love is key to healing. His model involves examining symptoms, causes and sources of issues to access them energetically.
4) An exercise is described where partners send and receive love energy to each other through focused intention to practice healing
This document provides an overview and summary of Leonard Laskow's book "Healing With Love". It discusses:
1) Laskow's background as a doctor who discovered nature does the healing, not doctors. He experienced shoulder pain that led him to change careers to healing with love.
2) Laskow conducted experiments showing he could inhibit bacteria growth with intention, proving energy healing is real.
3) Laskow describes the human energy fields and how love is key to healing. His model involves examining symptoms, causes and sources of issues to access them energetically.
4) An exercise is described where partners send and receive love energy to each other through focused intention to practice healing
This document provides an overview and summary of Leonard Laskow's book "Healing With Love". It discusses:
1) Laskow's background as a doctor who discovered nature does the healing, not doctors. He experienced shoulder pain that led him to change careers to healing with love.
2) Laskow conducted experiments showing he could inhibit bacteria growth with intention, proving energy healing is real.
3) Laskow describes the human energy fields and how love is key to healing. His model involves examining symptoms, causes and sources of issues to access them energetically.
4) An exercise is described where partners send and receive love energy to each other through focused intention to practice healing
by Leonard Laskow, M.D. Who is Leonard Laskow? He is a medial doctor who, in 25 years of practice, discovered that it was the doctor who treats, but it was nature who actually did the healing. He was a successful obster- trician/gynecologist with a busy practice on the Monterey Peninsula in California, and was chief of obstetrics and gynecology at the Community Hospital. He experienced pain in his right shoulder while playing tennis, and X-rays showed a bone lesion. Thinking it might be bone cancer, he reevaluated his life (because the only therapy for bone cancer was ampu- tation). The problem turned out to be only a simple bone cyst he had had since childhood, but he realized that the pain was a call to change his life. After intense evaluation and examination of his life, he discovered that it went back to a feeling of guilt and the belief that he had been unloving toward his mother. That belief manifested itself in the disease. During a deep meditation he heard the words, Your work is to heal with love. His rst response to that voice was to think, Oh, so I am worthy! The voice then replied, You are no more or less worthy than anyone else. Your work is to heal with love. After that experience, he began to experience episodes in which he facilitated heal- ing using methods which are known to all of us: methods similar to healing touch, or vi- sualization of energy. Although he had success in this, he was not content... He wanted to know with certainty that it was not some other phenomenon which was responsible for the healing. So he began some experiments at the University of California utilizing bacteria cultures. He discovered that he could, thought intension, send energy which would inhibit the growth of bacteria cultures in test tubes by 50%. He knew there was no placebo ef- fect with the bacteria, so the phenomenon of using the energy was real. The Human Being Dr. Laskow then goes on to describe how we, as human beings, are truly elds of en- ergy (since Mass and energy are interchangeable as Einstein showed us) and that what we call matter is really only dense energy. He describes the various subtle energy elds which go together to make up the human being (see Figure #1) including the chakras, auras, and beyond. Love What Dr. Laskow adds to our knowledge is a deep understanding of how Love factors into the equation of healing. The new healing model he presents is based on love, expanded awareness, and the empowerment that comes from a conscious choice for change. He offers both directions and tools for consciously evoking loving energy and intentionally transferring that energy to another person, or to a particular area of our own bodies, with tangible effects that can be sensed as well as measured in the laboratory. (p. 55) He calls it holoenergetic healing and it involves examining the symptoms, intermediate causes and deeper sources of distress and disease which are located in and around the body-mind construct. That information is accessed energetically, then experienced and acknowledged as a perceived separation. Once we accept responsibility for this perceived separation, we then reform the perception which led to the separation, and unite and unify all aspects of situation, thus bringing healing. To illustrate: With the common cold, symptoms may include snifes, coughing, and fever. Western medicine deals with the symptoms: take a decongestant, cough medicine, or homeopathic remedy. But we are not accessing the cause or source of the cold. The cold is caused by a virus. But we harbor those viruses all the time. Thus, in and of themselves, the viruses cannot be viewed as the sole cause of colds. If the immune systems functioning is compromised, the viruses that are always present seem to emerge and attack. So the real cause of a cold must be the state of the immune system.. However, stress compromises the immune system. So stress is the real cause? But stress is fear of losing control. So, fear of losing control is the real cause? -- But why do we fear losing control?.... And so on until we reach the holoenergetic healing denition of the SOURCE of the illness. Homoenergetic Sources The rst level of sources is perception and interpretation. Lets say you are in a crowd of people and suddenly a hand reaches out from behind you and grabs you by the shoulder. You experience a rush of adrenaline and turn to see who it is. If it is a friend, you will experience relief or joy. If it is someone you dont know, you will experience anger or fear. The situation is identical in both cases, even to the chemicals released within your body. The difference is your perception, which only you have control over. The second level of sources involves love, worthiness, and a sense of value. If you feel that you are not good enough to love or to be loved, this causes shame or guilt, which leads to the belief Im unforgiveable and this in turn leads you to the choice to refuse love either received by you or given by you. You become lled with self-pity, self punishment and a feeling of being separate from the rest of the world. The third level of sources is when we realize that we have a choice. We realize that we are individual, and we have power and freedom to choose. We could also feel a sense of separation and alienation when we dont express our choice. The fourth level of sources of illnesses is the choice either to be separated from or at one with Spirit and God. This is the basic choice to oppose Spirit and become ill, or to go with the ow of Spirit and nd Healing. When we align with Love, we resonate with the energy of Love and become one with that energy. When we oppose that energy of Love, we are not in harmony and the dissonances produce dis- eases in all levels of the energetic body (see Figure #1 again) The Process of Healing with Love To heal with love, you have to begin with the premise that you have the power to choose and that change is possible. Then you progress through the following four steps: 1) Recognition: You must recognize that you want to change something, and you must have information about what it is you want to change. This may mean that you have to go through the different levels of Sources to arrive at what it is you wish you change. 2) Next, you have to come into Resonance with what you want to change. This means becoming one with the object of change. We can do this though (a) focusing on the affected area of the body-mind or on the issue to be changed; (b) re-experiencing selected physical and emotional events associated with the issues involved; and (c) addressing the cause and source by assuming responsibility and accepting our self and the truth. -- By the way, accepting responsibility does not mean associating blame with the condition. Blame brings along the baggage of judgement, guilt and punishment, which are not a part of accepting responsibility. To accept responsibility simply means to be in the awareness that you have the power to change the conditions) which brought you to the state of dis-ease. You can come into resonance with something by accepting its truth: You can come into resonance with yourself by accepting yourself as you are, without judgement. 3) Release is the third step of this process. This is the step of unforming the form or structure which your perceptions have given to the source. It is not always easy to let go of something because we either fear the unknown (What if I dont have anything to take its place?), we have many secondary benets from the illness (e.g., disability benets, attention from others, excuses not to grow or change, etc.), or we are inhibited by shame, guilt, self-doubt or self-pity. Yet, for healing to occur, release must be one of the steps. 4) The nal step is the re-forming, or Reformation of the issue to be in unity with Love. In reformation you align your healthy new image with your positive intention, your purpose, your visions, your dreams and your higher self. Exercises Dr. Laskows book not only gives the theory and reasoning and scientic evidence for what he presents, he also gives exercises for anyone to practice which will help in healing with Love. The rst exercises deal with becoming aware of the energy of Love and being able to send and receive it. Other exercises engulf the realm of perceiving the energetic bodies and being able to measure both the baseline and any improvement in the person. Lets try out one of these exercises: Exercise #1: Transpersonal Alignment. Chose a partner with whom you feel comfortable and secure. Make sure that you give each other permission to work together. In addition, ask your partner if he or she is willing to receive love. To begin choose who will be the giver and who will be the receiver of love. The receiver only has to sit comfortable with eyes closed and receive the love. The instructions which follow are for the sender. 1) Sit facing your partner, close, but not touching., Both of you in comfortable, relaxed positions, with your eyes closed. 2) Recall a time when you felt most loved or loving. Bring this moment vividly to mind, recalling details that enhance your felt sense of love. 3) Focus your attention for a moment on the center of your chest. Let yourself experience feelings of love in your heart center. 4) Shift your attention to your throat. Allow feelings of love to ll this center. 5) Shift your attention to the center of your forehead and then to the top of your head (collectively the head center). Allow feelings of love to ll this center. 6) Now imagine a radiant sphere of light, six to eight inches above the top of your head. This is the transpersonal space, the interface between your spiritual being, or higher Self, and your personality and physical form. 7) Now Imagine a ray of light moving down from the transpersonal space, through your head center, then down through your throat center to your heart center. In this part of the exercise you are aligning the energy centers, or chakras, above your diaphragm with your transpersonal space. 8) After aligning your energy centers in this way, focus your attention on your partner, mentally aligning his or her energy centers in the same way. To do this, focus on your partners heart center, then throat and head centers, and nally the transpersonal space. Now imagine a ray of brilliant light from your partners transpersonal space passing down through the energy centers to his or her heart center. 9) Link each of your own aligned centers with your partners centers by sending a steady beam of light to each -- heart to heart, throat to throat, head to head, transpersonal space to transpersonal space. 10) Visualize intensifying the beams of light you are sending. As you do, think loving thoughts about your partner. In you mind, repeat three time, I love you, using your partners name. Try using your breath to enhance this process, breathing out each time as if you were breathing energy from your heart center to your partners heart center 11) Allow yourself to feel love from your heart to your partners; reinforce your love by recalling, once again, how you felt when you were most loved and loving. 12) While still aligned and linked, imagine the radiant sphere above your head descending like the sun through the top of your head to the center of your chest. Allow yourself just to be love. You may wish to enhance this process by visualizing or imagining transparent, shimmering wings of light emanating from your shoulders, gently enfolding your partner 13) Take a few minutes to complete this process, then withdraw the beams of light back to your centers You may allow the light link with the transpersonal space to remain. By disconnecting in this way, you can avoid picking up thoughts and feelings that you do not want to experience. 14) Silently thank your partner for receiving this love. Open your eyes and gently touch your partners hand, letting him or her know you are nished. 15) Now reverse roles, with the sender becoming the receiver and the receiver the sender. 16) When you are both nished, discuss with each other your experiences in this exercise. Importance of Breathing Before going on to the next exercise, Dr. Laskow has one whole chapter dealing with the importance of breathing. As you might have guessed, breathing is good!. This chapter, called The Breath of Healing, explains the function of breath in healing, and describes several different methods of breathing in a holistic manner. Rather than describe them, I thought we would practice a few of them. Diaphragmatic Breathing 1) Sit on the forward edge of a comfortable chair and lean back so you are slightly reclining. 2) Place one hand, palm down, a few inches above your navel. Place the other palm in the center of your chest. 3) Start by exhaling completely, as though you were breathing a sigh of relief, releasing as much of the air in your lungs as possible. This allows you to breathe more deeply and fully on your next inhalation. 4) Draw in your next breath while imagining that your lower chest and abdomen are expanding like a balloon, being lled with air, and notice that your abdomen is expanding more than your chest. 5) As you breathe out, imagine this balloon deating and attening. 6) After three or four diaphragmatic breaths, become aware of how you feel. a) Is your body more relaxed? b) Are you feeling more peaceful? c) Is your mind more calm? Frequently, people experience all three of these feelings when they practice diaphragmatic Breathing. Breathing for Increased Awareness Body Awareness 1) Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Take a few moments to become more aware of your breathing, an activity that only a moment ago, you were engaged in without thinking about. 2) While you are still aware of your breathing, focus your attention on your breath itself as it passes in and out through your nostrils. Notice if the air seems to move more easily through one nostril than the other. Notice how the nostrils move slightly as you breathe. Notice the coolness of the air as it enters, and the warmth as it is released. Emotional Awareness 1) To become aware of how your thoughts and feelings inuence your breath, take several diaphragmatic breaths. 2) Next, think of a situation or person you associate with stress or anxiety in your life. Vividly imagine that situation or individual and allow yourself to feel related emotions Observe any change in your breathing -- its rate, depth, location. 3) Then resume diaphragmatic breathing. What do you notice? Did the feelings associated with the anxiety dissipate? With practice, people nd they can shift their emotions at will through breathing. Awareness of Change You are probably aware that your breathing pattern changes with physical activity. To sense the effect that even a small change posture has on breath, try the following exercise: 1) Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes to enhance awareness. 2) Place your hands on your knees, palms up. 3) Notice what part of your body moves as you are breathing. Is it the upper, middle, or lower chest of abdomen that moves most? 4) Now, turn your hands palms down on your knees and notice any change in location of breath movement. You may notice that with your hands turned palms upward your breath seems to move lower in your chest and may even include abdominal movement. The palm-down position is often associated with mid-chest movements. Some people nd just the opposite to be true, with deepest breathing occurring when the palms are down. Simply note the differences in the patterns of your breathing when you make even these subtle changes in posture. Focusing Attention With Breath 1) Sit in a relaxed position with your eyes closed. Focus your attention on your left hand. Become aware of what happens. 2) Imagine breathing into and out of your left hand, with your breath coming in through all ve ngers. Imagine that you are drawing the breath up your wrist, then release it again out your ngers. Repeat this and notice any effects. 3) Draw your breath in through you left hand. Immediately shift your attention to your right hand and imagine that you are breathing out through your right hand. What did you notice? Many people report that when they focus on their left hand they feel warmth or tingling in that hand. When breath and attention shifts to the other hand, they also experience a sense of the energy shifting to that hand. Experiment with this exercise Use your imagination to add form to the energy created by your attention and breath. You could, for example, add the image of warmth by picturing your hand igniting into ame from your breath, just as the burning embers of a re burst into ame with a gust of wind. Or you might imagine your palms cooling as you bring your breath through them. The use of imagery can thus add form to the energy created by your attention and breath. Some biofeedback trainers have found that headache symptoms are often reduced when people master the technique of warming the hands, particularly the palms. Other breathing exercises included in the book are an energizing breath, a relaxing or releasing breath, breathing to come into resonance, one to aid in balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain, (allowing you to rapidly expand and elevate consciousness), and even how to hold your breath to aid in healing. (This is an attention-getting technique to get the attention of the subconscious) There is also an exercise in altering the structure of water or wine simply though your intentional love (along with balanced breathing) directed toward the wine (or water if you wish to abstain from alcohol.) So far, all that I have talked about, and much more, is presented in Part One of his book, Healing with Love. Parts Two and Three explain, in great detail through the use of examples and exercises, how to go about the healing process with yourself and with others. Dr. Laskow has ample practical experiments which any person can learn, practice and become procient at using. These techniques are for you to explore by purchasing the book and following, or to wait until a later time when we can gather again and explore this in more depth together. Figure #1 Subtle Fields Report on Healing With Love - Part 2 by Leonard Laskow, M.D. Summary When we left off a couple of weeks ago, we had learned a little about the underlying principles of Dr. Laskows practice of holoenergetic healing: 1) All is energy 2) The human body consists of various energy elds, (see gure #1) 3) Any physical symptoms of disease or pain or discomfort may have sources reaching into the various elds. 4) Love, as an energy, is the foundation of all other energies. 5) To heal, we must come into resonance with the foundation energy of Love The above principles came to Dr.. Laskow after a solid foundation of scientic experimentation and exploration. After learning these fundamentals, we then explored several activities which introduced us to the use of Love in healing. Finally we practiced several method of breathing, which are keys to healing through Love. Today we will go into more detail as to how to heal with Love, learning a step-by-step approach. We will also practice these steps through a series of exercises. So lets get started. Steps of Holoenergetic Healing According to Dr. Laskow, there are four steps to Healing with Love (we learned these last time, but we need to go over them again): 1) Recognition -- gathering information about what you want to heal, both rational and intuitive 2) Resonance -- this involves blending and becoming one with what we want to change or heal. In this process we will discover the deep sources of what we wish to heal. 3) Release -- by letting go of the form of what you wish to change, we can rid ourselves of the energy that is causing the problem. 4) Reformation -- once we have let go, we need to restructure the energy into the desired outcome -- the healing. We are going to look at each of these steps in detail and attempt some activities which will help us in the process of healing with Love. Step One: Recognition - Rational Knowing This rst step is the information gathering step where we identify the energy forms that we are consciously or unconsciously maintaining in our lives. (p. 116) This is an essential rst step, and Dr. Laskow says that it may be helpful to think of the word information as the root words in and formation. -- i.e., ask how the information is in formation in our awareness, or how is it stored. To do this, we take a personal history by asking the ve key questions: (Jot down the answers on a paper or tape recorder.) 1) What do I want to change? Or What circumstances, conditions, symptoms, feelings, thoughts, attitudes or beliefs do you I to change? e.g., I have a pain in my back; It prevents me from putting my attention on whatever it is I need to be doing. It keeps me from working and from enjoying myself. It makes me think I am old and it depresses me. 2) What is prompting me to change now? -- Ask yourself why do want to change NOW? Is the pressure you are feeling to change coming from within you or from external sources? Instead of just saying, I have pain and want to get rid of it, look deeper. Does the desire to get rid of the pain come from within or from external sources? Maybe you feel the need to take care of your family and your pain is preventing you from doing what you think you should be doing. An external motivation like this is less likely to bring about holoenergetic healing. By looking deeper, you may discover that your familys constant demands upon your time and energy point to a desire to be loved for something other than your ability to keep them in the life-style to which they are accustomed. Or maybe you will discover that you are codependent, and constantly defer to others, putting their needs before your own. Or maybe you are scared of success, and so you have a tendency toward self-punishment that you learned in childhood. Look for patterns in your behavior which illustrate what is operating in your life and allow them to come to light. Do not put any blame on them, but simply recognize what seems to be the source of your desire to change. 3) How do I see myself as contributing to the present circumstances? If the sources of your present situation go back to a time when you were a child with limited awareness, you may discover that you have carried over your behavior from that time without examining the situations in light of a more mature vision. There is no blame or guild or fault involved in this step. Rather your goal here is to identify what choice you did make, either consciously or unconsciously, so that you can choose once again. Remember, this is simply the information gathering stage. Life exists; how we respond to it is our choice, and our choice creates our experience of it. Healing begins when we compassionately recognize our participation in our present condition and are aware that we can make different choices. 4) What does having this illness or situation keep me from doing, being or having? What does it allow me to do, be or have? Ask yourself, What am I currently doing, being, and having that I would not have if I were healed? What might I be gaining from this situation? This involves recognizing the secondary benets from illness or situations. For example, one person may lose their source of income from disability if they got well and be expected to earn their own income from work. Others may nd that by being ill, they receive comfort and attention and are relieved of responsibility. (In an aside, as I was growing up, we had a cat that got hit by a car as we were calling it to supper. It could not move its back legs, and we placed it on a large pillow and carried it around the house for several days, even placing the pillow in the cats favorite places. The cat lay on the pillow and could not move. One evening during supper we placed the cat in the kitchen with us in one of his favorite places: the base of the refrigerator where the warm air came out and kept him warm. As the cat lay there on the pillow, we happened to open the freezer above the refrigerator door and were getting some ice to put in the glasses. One of the ice curbs fell from our grasp and fell right toward the cat lying on the pillow. The cat saw it coming, and like a ash, he sprang away, running to get out of the way of the falling ice cube. Right then we knew he was faking his injury because he enjoyed the attention and caring he received. No wonder he made no attempt to get up off the pillow!) These secondary gains create resistance to healing. So ask yourself what resistances you might have healing.; What might you be gaining by not releasing what you want to change? Whats blocking you from changing? What needs are being met by your illness that you did not know how to satisfy in other ways? These secondary gains usually fall into three categories: nancial, physical or emotional. Ask yourself Has the comfort, care or security I receive become more important than getting well? These secondary gains may be honorable because it is our bodys way of telling us that our physical or emotional needs are not being met, and the needs that are fullled through our illnesses are important ones. 5) Where do I want to go from here? What result or inner experience do I really want to create? -- If, as a consequence of this work, you were to be spontaneously and instantaneously healed and lled with vital energy and sense of aliveness, what would you do next? This is more than asking yourself what could or should you do. You want to discover your true desire. If you knew you could not fail at whatever you tried, what would you do? What would you have? How would you be? By asking these ve questions, you come to recognize that you are truly seeking change and that consciously or unconsciously, you have a picture of how you would like things to be. And you also become aware that you do have choice. Dr.. Laskow notes ve patterns of illness that often keep people from changing. These are (without going into detail about each one): 1) Difculty with receiving Love (a belief that Love is conditional) 2) Difculty receiving pleasure (a belief that there is always a price to pay for pleasure) 3) Difculty in expressing or releasing anger (a belief that anger is only destructive, and is equated with a loss of control. 4) Difculty in forgiving (a belief that by not forgiving, the other can be punished or that you can be protected from further harm -- often accompanied by self-pity.) 5) Difculty in Trusting (a belief that you need to test anothers love, delity, reliability or degree of responsibility) Step 1: Recognition - Intuitive Knowing The recognition step of holoenergetic healing also involves the intuitive side of our natures because much of the energy with which we will be working involves the subtle elds of Figure #1. But how can we access this information? One way to quantiably measure the intensity of the subtle elds is through the method of dowsing. Hal Puthoff, a physicist at a research institute in California discovered that the successful results from dowsing are valid by a factor of over a million to one. (Reported at the conference of the American Society of Dowsers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, July 1987.) To practice dowsing the subtle elds of each other, we will use coat-hanger L-rods. These are simply coat-hangers which have been cut and bent into the shape of the letter L. By holding the short end loosely in your hands, with the long end extending forward, you become the biomechanical amplier of the subtle energy. So lets begin our exercise. Exercise: ESTABLISHING A BASELINE -- Dowsing for subtle energy 1) Find a partner who is willing to let you explore their subtle elds of energy. You will exchange positions later. (If you do this alone, stand in front of a mirror so you can see yourself) Have your partner (or the dowsee) stand at one end of the room about 8-10 feet away. They can relax as the remainder of the instructions will be directed toward the dowser 2) Hold the L-rods in your hands level with the oor so that they can move freely. They should be pointed straight ahead of you. Always keep them level with the oor so they do not have to overcome gravity. They are most sensitive when level. 3) Take a deep breath (or several) from the abdomen, calming yourself. Any emotional attachment to the process will skew the results. 4) Program yourself for establishing a baseline of your partners subtle energy eld: Ask a clear and accurate question which brings you into resonance with the subject of your inquiry. (Such as What is the extend of this persons (or my) baseline etheric energy eld right now? -- Be sure to dene the time and the space --e.g., this persons baseline etheric energy eld and right NOW -- of the information desired. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly and gently, releasing the question into the space between the tips of the rods. 5) Start walking slowly across the room in the direction of the person or object you wish to evaluate. As you move into the eld, the rods will either cross or move apart. In the case of an imbalance of the energy eld, one rod will move more than the other. 6) While the dowsee holds his or her thoughts calm and neutral, attempt to discover a baseline for the extent of the etheric energy eld. (i.e., the distance from the person at which the rods move 45 degrees from the starting point.) 7) Stand at this interface position, and have your partner think negatively about someone or something. While your partner focuses on these transient thoughts, use the L-rods to determine any change in his or her energy eld. Reprogram the open rods by holding your breath and silently asking, What is the present extent of my partners etheric eld, as inuenced by his or her transient thoughts and feelings? You may discover that the energy eld has contracted. -- Whenever there are negative thoughts and feelings, they rst affect the energy eld of the person who thought and felt them. (The same holds true for positive thoughts.) 8) Have your partner clear the transient thought by drawing their breath in and holding it. Then sharply exhale through your nose while forcefully contracting your abdominal muscles (This is the Ex-Pulse breath and it helps to release emotions and feelings. Clear yourself from unwanted charges, negative thoughts, feelings, discomfort or pain. It can also be used to rid yourself of anothers energy when you feel it affecting you adversely) 9) Now have your partner think of a very positive experience, or something which produces the feelings of love, joy and happiness. Back far away from your partner and re-evaluate your partners energy eld. It should begin further from his or her body. This same method may be used to evaluate individual chakras simply by reprogramming the L-rods to your question (e.g., What is the present extent of (your partners name) heart chakras baseline right now.) Remember, you can do this on yourself by using a full-length mirror to view yourself. Just follow the same procedure. Exercise: Exploring Energy Transference 1) Biomechanically test the energy eld of an orange using the L-rods. Stand four to ve feet away from an orange and set your intention: Show me the energy eld of this orange. 2) Breathe in and hold your breath while silently repeating your intended program. As you breathe out, release the program and slowly walk toward the orange, allowing the rods to swing out at the interface of the energy eld of the orange. An unenergized orange may have a barely perceptible eld. 3) Energize the orange by rst rubbing your hands together to build a charge. As you do so, take several deep breaths at the same time as you are imagining energy coming up through your feet from the Earth. Imagine this energy igniting your hands as it ows into them. 4) Then cup your hands around the orange without touching it or the surface upon which it is resting. Focus your attention on the orange and allow yourself to come into resonance with it. Clarify your intention to energize the orange. 5) Still focusing on the orange, breathe in. This enhances your resonant coupling and activated the orange. While holding your breath, set you intention or program which is to send the orange vitalizing energy. Also imagine the orange becoming a radiant sphere of light. 6) Now forcible release your breath through your nostrils, as an ex-pulse, to infuse the orange with your energy. At the same time, imagine energy from your hands infusing the orange. Repeat this three times to augment the transfer of energy. 7) Next, evaluate the energized orange with the L-rods. If this exercise is successful, you should notice that the eld of the energized orange has expanded to at least double or triple its original eld. This procedure of infusing energy of joy, love or peace into the food we eat can enhance that food with energy and thus supply ourselves with needed energy and a blessing. This concludes Dr. Laskows discussion of the rst step in holoenergetic healing: Recognition. Step Two: Resonance When we enter into resonance , we enter into a state of at-one-ness or unity. Resonance is important in holoenergetic healing because in the resonant state, resistance to change is minimal. This maximizes our ability to successfully move toward the healthy state we want. Resonance between two people is the energetic chemistry between people: charisma, passion, and compassion between two or more people are expressions of the enhanced response of Resonance. When two people are in resonance, they exist in the Now moment -- there is no limit of time to what they want to change. Exercise: Coming into Resonance 1) Perform the balancing breath in the following manner: A) In a relaxed, comfortable position, gently close your eyes. B) Exhale, allowing your lungs to empty and relax. C) As you breathe in, imagine your breath coming in through your left nostril, then up to the center of your forehead. D) As you exhale, imagine your breath coming out your right nostril. E) Next, inhale through your right nostril, up to the center of your forehead. Exhale through your left nostril -- This completes one cycle. F) Breathe in this manner for seven cycles. G) On your eighth cycle, breathe in through both nostrils simultaneously. Hold that breath for a moment and focus your attention on the center of your forehead. H) Release your breath as if you were exhaling it through your forehead. This opens up your sixth chakra, the center of the intuitive functions of your mind. 2) Ask yourself, Am I really willing to allow healing to occur now? Be honest. If your answer is No then gently ask, Why not? and explore why not. If your answer continues to be no then honor that answer, knowing that there will come another time when you will be ready for the healing. If the answer is Yes then continue. 3) Focus your attention on your thymus gland and heart center. Create a loving eld by recalling a time when you were most loved or loving. Then, take your dominant hand (your energizing hand) and position it three to six inches from the center of you chest with the palm facing inward. With intention, imagine that your hand is ignited, radiating energy. Slowly move this hand back and forth over the thymus/heart area, creating an energy ux. You may feel a tingling, warmth, coolness, pulsation or pressure. 4) Now position your other (sensing) hand eight to 10 inches from your body, palm toward your heart center. By moving your sensing hand up and down between your shoulder area and your waist, you can nd the point of maximum resonance where sensation will be the strongest. Hold you hand in that position to reinforce the eld and attune you sensing abilities to any energy shifts that occur there. 5) Breathe in deeply as if through your thymus/heart center and hold your breath. As you slowly release your breath, allow to come to your mind the areas of concern that you want to change. If a physical symptom, go with your mind to that area of your body. (If the body-mind directs you elsewhere, go there instead.) 6) Describe in words whatever comes up. What sensations do you feel? What images come to mind? What size, shape, and color are they? Do you hear anything? 7) Continue to breathe deeply through this area. When you hold your breath, also hold the sensation, symptom, or image clearly in mind. As you release your breath back into the same area, go with your mind into the mental or holoenergetic representation of the illness or problem. Describe any emotions you feel when immersed in this energy. Notice the thoughts which arise, because these thoughts are associated with those emotions. 8) When you are deep within the holoenergetic form, recall the earliest time you felt similar emotions. Relive the experience; use a tape recorder or pencil and paper or talk with a close friend to describe what happened as best you can. You may not yet be aware of it, but a choice was made at that early time with your limited knowledge which formed a belief and led eventually to your problem or present situation. Discover that belief or, at the very least, imagine what belief you might have about yourself that could cause this circumstance to occur or recur. 9) Now, take a deep breath in, and step out of (withdraw your mind from) the form/image with which you had merged. See, with you minds eye or sense the form. Ask it what it considers its function to be. Feel your appreciation for the service it has tried to render. Ask it what it really wants. What is its positive intention? 10) If it is an emotional issue and it creates physical pressure, tightness or a knot in the stomach area, return to using your energizing hand and sensing hand to energize the area of your body where you are now focusing your attention. Repeat the steps in this exercise to reexperience the event or situation which precipitated the trauma, resonating with it, and then discovering its positive intention behind the issue or difculty. (i.e., what was it attempting to do to help you?) Step 3: Release Releasing is letting go of the energy patterns that are maintaining disharmonious states in our body-minds. Often we are reluctant to do so: If I give this up, what will my life be like? How will I have to change? There can be both Payoffs as well as Blockages which can keep us from releasing: Payoffs for having illness 1) Being a victim -- manipulating out of apparent weakness 2) Being a martyr -- suffering in silence to punish another through guilt 3) Attention-getting -- feeling important because of the attention 4) Avoidance -- avoiding responsibility for growth; avoiding boredom Blockages 1) Fear -- associated with separation, alienation, and loss of love. 2) Anger -- frequently associated with perceived loss of power or control 3) Guilt -- associated with anger we feel we have no right to have because we acted contrary to an accepted value 4) Self-Pity -- associated with a desire to blame, punish self and others. 5) Shame -- once internalized, promotes a sense of worthlessness. Release involves letting go of the disharmonious energy patterns so that we can enjoy the freedom from such behavior as listed above. Such release of our own behavior also involves forgiveness of ourselves. When we realize, through resonance, the positive intent of the original response, we can forgive ourselves for our initial response and behavior, and choose another, more appropriate response to the situation. Exercise: Release 1) Ask yourself, Am I willing to release this pattern, belief, or image today and replace it with what I really want? All beliefs are illusions, and if it is no longer serving you, why not choose another belief which will be of benet to you? 2) Once you have chosen to release this pattern, belief, or image, draw in your breath through the affected area, the selected chakra, or your thymus area. Hold that breath while bringing to mind all that you have honestly chosen to release. 3) Repeat the breathing in through the affected area, and holding the breath as you energize the thymus/heart area, the chakra of concern, or the area of your body that you have targeted during the resonance phase, using your hands, your thoughts and your feelings. 4) Forcefully ex-pulse your breath through the area you have energized (ex-pulse: sharply exhale through your nose while forcefully contracting your abdominal muscles) with the intention of releasing the disharmonious pattern, image or illness. Repeat this several times, with the intention of unforming the old thought form. While you are ex-pulsing your breath through this area, further affect the energy eld by suddenly withdrawing your hand or hands from the eld, with the intention of extracting the released energy. Imagine literally pulling out the energy and releasing it, to be transformed. 5) Rest for a moment, allowing yourself to experience the sense of being released from the disharmonious energy form. 6) Go back to the area again and energize it with your hands and your focused attention. What do you feel now? What changes have occurred in your inner experience? 7) With your next breath, draw energy up through the bottoms of your feet from the center of the Earth. Hold the breath for a moment, then release it forcefully, imagining that it is going out through the newly cleared area, freeing it completely from any remnants of the old pattern. Repeat this clearing breath one more time. You now have a choice about how to transform the energetic area that youve released; you can ll it or allow it to be lled with spiritual energy or with a form, image, belief, or positive intention of your own choosing that is more harmonious and supportive of the way you want your life to be. Forgiveness: The Final Release Once the holoenergetic Release is completed, a nal level of release becomes accessible: forgiveness. This process is optional, but it is a powerful healing tool in itself. This is an inner process rather than the act of going up to a person with whom youve had a disagreement and telling him or her all is forgiven. Forgiveness, in the holoenergetic sense, is the letting go of an energy form you were holding in your mind. As soon as we let go of that energy form (i.e, forgive), we release ourselves; energy we were using to hold on to the anger, disappointment, or hurt becomes available to us for actions that are more positive and healthful for ourselves and others. In this way, forgiving is for-giving love to ourselves. Exercise: Forgiving 1) Relax in a comfortable position, preferably in a place where you will not be disturbed for ten or fteen minutes. 2) Decide who it is you are choosing to forgive. It can be more than one person. Ask yourself if you are honestly willing to release and forgive this person, or these people. 3) Close your eyes and take deep, abdominal breaths, relaxing more with each breath. 4) Focus your attention on your solar plexus. 5) Place one hand three to six inches from your body over the solar plexus and use the other hand to sense the buildup of the eld. Energize this area, just as you did when resonating and releasing the energy eld associated with your illness. 6) Draw in a deep breath, as if drawing it through your solar plexus. Hold the breath for a moment, and as you release your breath, back through the solar plexus, bring into your minds eye the images of those you want to forgive, surrounding each image with a circle or oval of violet light.. By creating a circle, your conscious mind gives your subconscious mind the message to limit the energy to that circle. 7) Silently communicate to the images of these beings, whatever it is that they did or did not do that caused your discomfort. It is important to express to their image what you have been holding back, including your feelings of hurt, anger, grief, sadness and whatever else you are blaming them for. The more you can experience and express those patterns and feelings without acting them out in real life, and then transform them into their positive intent, the more complete the forgiveness and healing will be. 8) Realize that, in a sense, you have kept the people you have not forgiven imprisoned within you. You have been standing guard, reminding them and you of the disharmony that exists between you. As the jailer you have bound yourself together with them through your own thoughts and feelings of blame and punishment. Forgiveness is a choice to release, to let go, freeing the energy that binds you. 9) Look at your willingness to forgive these people now. See your self standing outside the jail door, about to release them into the light. Forgiveness is an act of self-love. To forgive is not necessarily to forget, or to love those youve chosen to forgive, but simply to release them. This will free up your energy for your own growth and evolution. Insert the key of forgiveness into the jail door, swing it wide open, and prepare to release these beings into the light. 10) Focus your attention on your solar plexus area and take a deep breath while holding in your minds eye the images of those you have chosen to forgive. 11) Ex-pulse your breath suddenly and forcefully through the solar plexus area and completely release and unform the images, swirling the energy around the room and releasing it into the light, returning it to its highest potential. Using your hands, unform the etheric eld by withdrawing the unwanted energy from the area at the same time. Repeat this transformative breath two more times. 12) Then, using your hands, imagine covering your solar plexus with golden light. 13) Shift your attention to the center of your chest and move your hands over your heart center. From now on, when you communicate with those you have forgiven, whether verbally or nonverbally, stop for a moment, focus on the center of your chest, and communicate with them from your heart. 14) Now bring into your minds eye an image of yourself as either a child, an adolescent, an adult, or perhaps all three. Silently communicate to yourself what you are choosing to forgive yourself for. Take in a deep breath, imagining that you are drawing your breath in through your heart chakra. Put your arms out in front of you, embracing your self-image. As you slowly release your breath from the center of your chest, feel the forgiveness you have for yourself. Hold yourself close. Silently tell yourself all is forgiven, and welcome yourself home. Once the holoenergetic Release is completed, you are ready for the next step, the process of Reformation. Step Four: Reformation Once we have released the disharmonious energy patterns, we may feel lost: Where do we go from here? You have created a void by the release of the energy pattern you want to change, and you may wish to ll that void with the image of health, wellness, wholeness, with a new belief, positive intention, or a new sense of purpose or a dream.. Whatever you choose, you will allow your etheric eld to return to its natural state of harmony and balance. Exercise: Reformation 1) Bring your hands back into the eld around the area you are focusing on. 2) In your mind, bring into the area your new, healthy image, or the image of your life force intention, you new belief, or purpose. A) If you are attempting to bring in the image of physical health, you can look at a picture of a healthy organ, tissue, or cell and visualize that image lling the area (See Richard Kessel and Randy Kardons Tissues & Organs and Lennert Nilssons The Body Victorious for pictures of healthy structures.) If you do not have an image of a healthy physical organ, tissue or cell, you can use a symbol that represents the healthy image, or a positive intent which evokes the natural frequency of the healthy organ. B) When an emotional issue is involved, ll the area with a new belief, positive intention, or light and love. Loving energy of a higher frequency can prevent the old, released pattern from reconguring. C) When you wish to ll the void with a sense of purpose, imagine the purpose, a positive intention, a vision or dream which captures the highest you know. You can align with your spiritual essence and allow that essence to ll the void. 3) Breathe in deeply from your transpersonal space through the top of your head, energizing the new image or belief. 4) Release your breath slowly into the area, lling it with the vibrant form or loving light. 5) To complete the Holoenergetic Healing Process, begin by, for the moment, becoming your own best friend. Take yourself to most blissful, peaceful place or space that you know of Allow your self to begin to feel in the center of your chest a sense of complete unconditional love for yourself -- a love for every cell, every atom, every organ in your body and every part of your being. This is a love without comparison, without judgment, beyond all time and space, even beyond understanding. 6) Inhale gently and fully, allowing your chest to expand, lling yourself with loving light. 7) Allow this light to move up into your shoulders and down your arms, to your ngertips. 8) Allow this light in your chest to move up into your neck and ll your head. Imagine this loving light lling your entire head so that it begins to ow out the top of your head like a fountain of love, cascading down over your body, loving caressing it. 9) Now, while focusing your attention on the top of your head, your crown center, allow yourself to feel the exquisite love that your higher Self has for you. This is a love that is always there, so you need not learn or earn it. Just allow yourself to receive it. 10) Sense a radiant ball of light six to eight inches above your head. Allow it to slowly descend through the top of your head, down to the center of your chest. Feel yourself radiating and glowing with the love your higher Self has for you. Allow its loving light to suffuse your entire body and being. Allow it in. 11) Now ask your higher Self to: Heal what needs to be healed. Do what needs to be done Bring me into wholeness So that we become one. 12) Focus again on the center of your chest, feeling that sense of complete unconditional love that you have for yourself and that your higher Self has for you. 13) Take a deep breath, hold it a moment, and then release it, sending a burst of light from the center of your chest to every atom in you body, every part of your being, so that they scintillate and sparkle like stars in the night sky. You are healed. NOTES ON HEALING OTHERS This summary of Dr. Leonard Laskows book, Healing With Love, has been presented in the manner of healing yourself. When you are working with others, the same procedures are followed, however a few areas need to be claried: 1) As the healer, you ground, align and center yourself as described. Usually, as you work with another, you will both stand, although, in some circumstances, you can sit and your partner can sit or lie down. 2) Explain the process, particularly the breathing techniques and the use of biomechanical testing, before proceeding with the healing. 3) When in the Recognition stage, allow the person the option of describing his or her own thoughts, feelings and emotions silently or aloud. 4) A Biomechanical evaluation of anothers chakras is helpful when it is not clear to you or your partner what area to begin to focus attention on in the holoenergetic process. This step may not be necessary if it is clear where to focus. 5) Your loving presence enhances the resonance between you. Open yourself to the heart center and transpersonal levels of the other person. Talking to them or by making physical contact by placing your hand on his or her shoulder can deepen this resonant link. 6) When using the hands to energize or locate the area of concern, or when in the step of Resonance, place your energizing hand in front of the person and your sensing hand behind the person while you stand at their side. 7) When you and your partner are ready to release the energy pattern being focused upon, take a breath at the same time that you partner does and hold it as your partner is holding his or her breath. When you partner ex-pulses, simultaneously take in a sharp breath, or in-pulse, quickly withdraw your hands with the intention of extracting the unformed energy in your partners eld 8) As a healer, you facilitate the healing process for your partner, but the partner ultimately knows what is best for his or her healing. Allow your partner to explore and choose the direction he or she feels will most effectively facilitate healing.
Comparison of Effectiveness of Diaphragmatic Breathing and Pursedlip Expiration Exercises in Improving The Forced Expiratory Flow Rate and Chest Expansion in Patients With Bronchial Asthma