Business Communication & Soft Skills: Sample Questions

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Business Communication & Soft Skills

Sample Questions
1. Communication is made up of a chain of events that can be broken down
into fve phases:
a. Sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback
b. Seeker, message, channel, receiver, feedback
c. Sender, letter, channel, receiver, feedback
d. Sender, message, network, receiver, feedback
e. Receiver, message, channel, feedback, sender
2. estures that control communication e!change are termed
a. "mblems
b. #llustrators
c. $daptors
d. "ncouragers
e. Regulators
%. &o improve one's listening skills one must (((((((. too )uickl* as
this will binder one's abilit* to be ob+ective.
a. $void forming an opinion
b. $void looking at the speaker
c. $void pa*ing attention
d. $void being receptive
e. $void understanding
,. -our friend alwa*s wants *ou to pa* whenever *ou go out. #n spite of the
discomfort, *ou alwa*s agree. -ou are tr*ing to
a. $void con.ict
b. $ccommodate
c. Compromise
d. Collaborate
e. Cooperate
/. $ planned and structured interview is better when
a. &here are a large number of candidates
b. $ll the candidates are to be tested for the same specifc parameters or
factual information
c. 0oth a 1 b
d. 2one of the above
e. Candidates come from di3erent backgrounds
1. 4a5 Sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback
&he phases in the communication process are sender, message, channel,
receiver, feedback.
2. 4e5 Regulators
estures that control communication are called regulators. 6or e!ample, a
nod encourages the speaker to continue speaking. 4$ nod is an e!ample of a
%. 4a5 $void forming an opinion
6orming an opinion too )uickl* prevents us from listening to the speaker in
an ob+ective manner. #nstead of listening with an open mind, we will make
+udgments about the speaker's ideas.
,. 4a5 $void con.ict
-ou alwa*s grudgingl* pa* the bill but never come out in the open that it is
not possible for *ou to pa* all the time. &his is because *ou are afraid that it
ma* lead to a situation of con.ict. 0* being silent and continuing to pa* *ou
are +ust tr*ing to avoid a con.ict.
/. 4c 5 0oth a 1 b
$ planned and structured interview helps *ou to plan *our time and conduct
the interview accordingl*. &herefore, it helps when there are a large number
of candidates. $part from that, if the same information has to be gathered
from all the candidates, the )uestions can be framed and the interview
planned in advance to determine the course of the interview.

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