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Linds Aided Humanity

The Lind family has made
many contributions to the
betterment of the human race in
the field of the arts and
education. Some outstanding
examples are Dr. James Lind. a
British naval surgeon, found a
treatment for the dreaded
disease, scurvy; Jenny Lind, the
Swedish Nightingale (wlx) in
sisted that the family should
spell its name "Lind.") and
many others who gave their
lives to medicine, law, teaching
and preaching.
Our first Lind in Warren
County was George Lind. He
was bom in Yorkshire, England
and came to America when be
was 16years old. He clerked in a
store in New York City until the
American Revolution claimed
his attention. He signed one of
the petitions to the delegates at
Williamsburg, then enlisted as a
private in Alexander Rose's 6th
Virginia Regiment, serving
from Jan. 1,1777 to Jan. 1,1781.
After the war he married and
was listed in the 1790 census
ShenandoahCcunty, Va.; "Head
of household with 4 white souls, 1
dwelling and 1 other buUding."
He came to Ohio aboiA 1800^
purchased land on the little
Miami River next to Nathan
HarreU (who had alto fought tn
the American Revolution), just
across the River from what b
the HUl^ovt Store. Included in
one Uatwere "1 iet of knivea and
forks 3J7W, ^ lb. yoiaig Hyaea
Tea 1.50, 4 lbs. coffee 2.00, and
one shawl .80.
In 1819 be paid for material for
ahouse. Gec^e lind's daughter
Elixabeth married John HarreU
a aon of'Nathan. They had six
children Mary and George
(twins), Matilda, James M.,
Elixa, ami John H.
George Lind lived and died
one of the most respected end
esteemed early settlers in
Warren Coaaty. He was a'
large, weU-huOt man with dark
brown hair and eyes. Was vtry
active end conaidered good-
looking. He died A19. 1824. His
estate paid Or. Jdin Oottle (cr
medical attention from April 36,
1834 to August 20, 1824, which
would indicate that dds grand
old tnan suffered a rather
lengthly illneas. Frederick
Snider was paid $3.50 fa- making
his coffin. George Lind was
buried in Morrow Cemetery. At.
bb sole, many books were
Usted. A copy of the "(Alo
Justice" was add to bb son
Isaac fa 11.
Geoge lind's son Thonaa
was bom tn Virginia Jan. 14,
1790. married Levina Coie
Anderson, Oct. Si, 1824. Levina
Cole had married Aiexanda
now the village of Morrow. / Andwsoo and bad one son John
He was very active in cortf-^
munity affairs and was
secretary of the Little Miami
Bridge Co. from 1818, organized
the ferry, and Is believed to have ,
married Thomas
nine children. as
Andason (stepson),
buiJt the first bridge across the/ bom Oct. 27, 1822.
Little Miami River. J Nancy J, boro June 23, 1825;
He purchased materials frem Hiram J.. bom Jurje 5, 1837;
George W. turn Itech 9,
1829; Hnnih, ban M. H
1831; Dadd C., bon Btech 8,
1833; Rhoda p., ban Jidy 10,
1834; Thomas j., bon Sept 21,
1838; Levina Ann, ban Aqg. 11,
1840; and P&tkooe Kate, bon
Jan. 1. 1846.
Hiomaa was teaeblag in
Qearoeek School DMrlst in
1831. Kb fsmUy as Hsted tben.
woe: John AndSFsbo,
age nine years, Noney agsd Mx
years, and IBrua, aged four
In earliayears Thomas was e
tuta in the home of BnlOBibi
Karrbon and be bsearae a
dedicated Sabbatb sehod
teacha. He dbd Sept. 18, 1888.
Levina Oole Lind, wMkn of
Tbomaa. (Bad AprO 8, 1878.
Hiram was sppoint^ d-
minbtrata of ba estate Aug.
13,1879. Ha bein were: Rfaods
Brandenborg, daoghtor, of
South Lebcmea; Htraa J. Ltod,
son. of Stone FWt, IQ; Ann
Phillips, daughter of Ed-
wardsviUe; Patkaet Wbftaero,
daughta of Menvw; James.
Hamnoo) (fia-lo-lsw), lltorow
(wife dead); Edmip^Hasamoa,
grandson; Hiram^ Bammoo,
grandson: SRea Amky,
granddau^itp: and John B.
Hammoo, UJS. Army.
Hiram Lind married Rachd
BanU to 1848.
Rhoda lind man^ Ski
Brandenburg. ,who was Bvtng
and worldog OB tte km of
Tbomaa Lind at the ttoa. They
were married July 14, 1848 and
had nine cbildrca.
These are my ancesten and
moe aboid them wiU eooia
S'- 0-^^

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