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The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch

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The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch (1 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
'The Great White Lodge'
Freemasonry's Tri-Star System...
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court of the Temple. Part of the symbols are
displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. I t is
not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he
understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of
Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike 33
Morals And Dogma, page 819 (2 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
But doesn't every "service club" have a 'Grand High Priest'? (3 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch

Freemasonry is an association . . . an institution . . . so it is said . . . but it is not that at
all. Let us lift up all the veils, risking even to evoke numberless protestations.
FREEMASONRY I S A CHURCH: I t is the Counter-Church, Counter-Catholicism: I t
is the other church -- the church of HERESY, of Freethought.
a.k.a. Brother F. Limousin
Grand Orient of France (4 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
L'ACACI A Masonic Review, Oct. 1902
Brother Gabriel Jogand
Grand Orient of France
Gabriel Jogand was born 23 March 1853 in Marseilles France. Mr. Jogand was a Freemason in a Grand Orient of France Lodge in Paris and a
prolific anti-clerical propagandist who often wrote under the pen name of 'Leo Taxil'. In October 1881 Jogand received the 'Black Ball' in a
Masonic trial after the Vatican complained to the Grand Orient about his latest "work": The Secret Love Affairs of Pope Pius IX. Seeking
revenge against the Grand Orient and the Vatican he then wrote a book and delivered lectures about the Palladium Rite of Freemasonry which
had indeed existed in Charleston South Carolina. Jogand claimed Palladianism had been revived and now included many priests who were
engaged in demon conjuration.
The Secret Love Affairs of Pope Pius IX was a pornographic work of libel against Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church which "described"
in disgusting detail the concocted sexual relations between Pope Piux IX and a young girl. It took the visit to the Grand Orient by Count Masa,
Pope IX's nephew to get the Grand Orient to take any action against their "Brother". Jogand had been a long time anti-clerical pornographer
but his Masonic Lodge didn't seem to mind until the Papal delegation came knocking at their door personally.
But Freemasonry takes good men and makes them better right?
Freemason Taxil's writings were part of an anti-clerical genre of writings which flourished under the Revolution(which was lead and formented
by freemasons) with books such as The Sacred Cannibals, The Priest's Testicles, Letter from the Devil to the Pope concerning the Suppression
of Menstruation in Girl's Communities, Extraordinary Correspondence of the Ecclesiastical F.ckers, The Whores of the Third Estate, and The
Solicitors of the Fourth.
Some of Brother Jogand's other anti-clerical "works" included It's We Who whip those dirty Scamps, Shooting the Crows, The Sacred Blunders,
Critical Review of Superstition, The Scoffer, His Holiness the Police , The Crimes of the Inquisition, Down with the Clergy, and The Amusing
Bible. He also founded the magazine The Anti-Clerical and in 1881 The Anti-Clerical League.
But this Freemason was an Anti-Mason right? (5 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
In Gods Name
"On September 28, 1978, he had been pope for thirty-
three days. In little more than a month he had initiated
various courses of action that, had they been completed,
would have had a direct and dynamic effect on us all. The
majority in this world would have applauded his
decisions, a minority would have been appalled. The man
who had quickly been labeled "the smiling pope" intended
to remove the smiles from a number of faces on the
following day."
"The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Jean Villot...
studied the list of appointments, resignations to be asked
for and transfers the pope had handed him. He had
advised, argued, and remonstrated, but to no avail.
Luciani had been adamant."
"It was by any standards a dramatic reshuffle. It would set the Church in new
directions - directions that Villot, and the others on the list who were about to be
replaced, considered highly dangerous...."
"There was one common denominator, one fact that linked each of the men about
to be replaced. Villot was aware of it. More important, so was the pope. It had
been one of the factors that had caused him to act, to strip these men of real was Freemasonry."
"The evidence the pope had acquired indicated that within the Vatican City State
there were over one hundred Masons, ranging from cardinals to priests."
"Luciani was further preoccupied with an illegal Masonic lodge that had penetrated
far beyond Italy in its search for wealth and power. It called itself P2. The fact that
it had penetrated the Vatican walls and formed links with priests, bishops, and
even cardinals made P2 anathema to Albino Luciani."
"That evening, September 28, 1978, thirty-three days after his election, Pope John
Paul 1, "the smiling pope", was declared dead. No official death certificate has ever
been issued. No autopsy ever performed. His body was hastily embalmed. Cause of
death: Unknown. And Vatican business continues..." (6 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
"The facts are here in meticulous detail, documenting widespread
corruption within the Vatican and presenting a compelling case that
six powerful men, to protect their vast financial and political
operations, decided on a shocking course of action -- Pope John
Paul I must die."
[Luciani had been given the list of freemasons by a journalist; who
was later found dead in the street, shot through the mouth.]
Homunculising an Egregor, 'Traveling Men' style... (7 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Generation (8 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Obtuse Masonic Occult Sex-Magic Humor
Note the THIRD sale item, number C: Two
Ball and Cane surrounded by Two Ball
and Chain. The Secret Password of a
Master Mason, the THIRD Degree is
Tubal Cain...
And when Cain had travelled over many countries, he, with his wife, built a city, named
Nod, which is a place so called, and there he settled his abode; where also he had
children. However, he did not accept of his punishment in order to ammendment, but to
increase his wickedness; for he only aimed to procure everything that was for his own
bodily pleasure, though it obliged him to be injurious to his neighbours. He augmented
his household substance with much wealth, by rapine and violence; he excited his (9 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
acquaintance to procure pleasures and spoils of robbery, and became a great leader of
men into wicked courses.
But Tubal, one of his children by the other wife, exceeded all men in strength, and was
very expert and famous in martial performances. He procured what tended to the
pleasures of the body by that method; and first of all invented the art of making brass.
Nay, even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became
exceedingly wicked, every one successively dying one after the other, more wicked than
the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any one
were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behaviour, in acting
unjustly, and doing injury for gain.
J osephus
Antiquities of the J ews, A.D. 93
Such is the individual Tubal Cain that Freemasonry puts on a pedestal for all
Masons to emulate. (10 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Some serious Baaling...
The Federal Government informs us that the visible height of the Washington Monument is five hundred and fifty-five feet, and the foundation
depth is an additional planned twenty percent of the visible height.
Thus accurate figures for the foundation depth in feet, the overall total height in feet, and also the visible height in inches, can be arrived at.
When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of
the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething
energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he
must prove his ability to properly apply energy.
Illustrious Manly P. Hall 33
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, page 48
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc.
Richmond, Virginia, 1976 (11 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The Operative WebMasons Guild Logo
Occultism has a strange effect on the mind... (12 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
'Behold how good and how pleasant it is for the Brethren to dwell together in unity'...
The Grand Orient of Italy's 'Caput Mortuum', the Alchemist's Deaths Head...
An insidious, fraudulent and perverse organization injurious both to religion and to
Pope Pius IX (13 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
A Sirius 'Tracing Board'...
The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius
glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.
Illustrious Albert Pike 33
Morals and Dogma, page 486 (14 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch

The 'Catechism's' of the 'Made Men'...
'The Three Pillars Tracing Board'...
Incredibly, the symbol used for Satan in Islam is three pillars.
During the Hajj, a pilgramage which all Muslims are required to make at least once in their lifetime, they must particpate in the 'Stoning of the
Devil' ceremony, who is represented by three giant pillars.
The pillars symbolizing the Devil are at the center of giant ramps built to accomodate the huge crowds of pilgrams who must complete the (15 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
ritual by dusk. Muslim tradition says it was here that the Devil tried to tempt the Prophet Abraham to disobey God when he appeared before
him and Isaac suddenly.
Yet, one of the most widely used devices inside Freemasonry to instruct new Masons on the 'Craft' is none other than the 'Three Pillars Tracing
Board'... (16 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The 'Three Pillars' of Kabbalah...
'Satan is not the adversary of God, Satan is doing God's will.'
So sayeth the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, Canada. Obviously this is another
clever forgery by that Arch-Demon Freemason, er, 'Anti' Leo Taxil. But how did he
get the password for their I.S.P.? Egregor 'Anti's' are evidently all powerful... (17 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
'A unique form of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols'
T.G.A.O.T.U., St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist
The Third Degree, The Second Degree, and The First Degree
The Blazing Star, the Crescent Moon, and the Scimitar
Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden
The Keystone, the Priestly Pillar, and the Kingly Pillar
The Third Step, the Second Step, and the First Step
King Soloman, King Hiram of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff
The Grim Reaper, the Goddess, the Resurrected
Lodge Square, Jachin Pillar and Boaz Pillar
The Steps, the Due Guards, and the Signs
Master, Fellowcraft, and Apprentice
Death, Birth, and Resurrection
Old Age, Manhood, and Youth (18 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Compass, G, and Square
King, Queen, and Prince
Saturn, Moon, and Sun
Horus, Isis, and Osiris
That so many men, at so many separate points, should have acted in perfect concert in
such business as they were engaged in, would scarcely be believed, without compelling
the inference of some distinct understanding existing between them. That they should
have carried into effect the most difficult part of their undertaking, a scheme of the
most daring and criminal nature, in the midst of a large, intelligent and active
population, without thereby incurring the risk of a full conviction of their guilt and the
consequent punishment, would be equally incredible, but for the light furnished by the
phraseology of the Masonic oath.
Upon the first hasty and superficial glance, a feeling might arise of surprise that the
frivolity of its unmeaning ceremonial, and ridiculous substitution of its fictions for the
sacred history, should not long ago discredited the thing in the minds of good and
sensible men everywhere. Yet upon closer and more attentive examination, this first
feeling vanishes, and makes way for astonishment at the ingenious contrivance
displayed in the construction of the whole machine. A more perfect agent for the
devising and execution of conspiracies against the church or state could scarcely have
been conceived.
President J ohn Quincy Adams
Letters on the Masonic I nstitution, 1847. (19 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Separation of church and state Masonic style
When will you Cowans ever learn?
Do as we say, not as we do... (20 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The Occult Conspiracy
This symbol did not come from Torah
This symbol was never the 'Star of David'
Six sides within six points within six triangles (21 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The Six Pointed Star
By, Dr. O.J. Graham
The Six-Pointed Star is going into its fourth edition. There have been thousands of
letters over the years and comments are available upon request. The questions
which are asked of this author are:
What made you even remotely curious that the six-pointed star might
not be "Jewish"? After all, it is called the "Star of David" and has it not
become the international insignia of Jewishness and the State of
The controversy and the challenge are answered in the book. The quest began at
York University, Ontario, Canada, when an Orthodox Jewish friend of mine was
investigating Messianic Judaism. Our intellectual conversation covered many topics
which included the so-called Star of David, which he said he did not use as the
symbol G-d really gave the children of Israel was the seven-branched Menorah.
Being a journalist, he challenged me to explore the six-pointed star. And I accepted
the challenge, with the plan that I would prove its Jewishness. After all, I wore one
and felt I had to defend it, even to him.
That was the summer of 1979 and the research took me four years to complete. I
found a few Jews who knew it was not Jewish, and these are mentioned in the
book. Others did not think about it, and most did not care whether it was orignially
occult or not - they did not think it mattered. I checked Jewish sources and all their
encyclopaedias attested that it was not originally Jewish and was not used as the
symbol for any of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jewish sources said it wasn't originally
Jewish. So, what was it? That took four years of research. From archive to archive,
library to library...history book to history book.
The first mention of the star was in Amos 5:26 regarding the
trek from Egypt to Canaan. Then in 922 B.C., when Solomon
married the daughter of Pharoah and went into magic and
witchcraft and built an altar to Ashtoroth and Moloch. The
book traces the six pointed star from Egypt to Solomon, to
Arab Magic and Witchcraft, to Druid use(references are
documented). The book traces the star through Freemasonry
usage to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who, in the 17th century,
changed his name to depict the red six-pointed star (or shield) which he had hung
on his door in Germany, and thus began the family of "Red Shield" or Rothschild. (22 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The research carried on through this family, to their court of arms, to Cabala, to
Astrology, to Hitler and his putting a yellow six-pointed star on all Jews during the
holocaust, to the Zionist symbol, and finally to the flag of the State of Israel and
Because this symbol is comprised of a six within a six within a six (6 points, 6
triangles, 6 sides of the hexagon in the middle) the research also included a look at
the 666 prophecies in the Book of Daniel etc., regarding the "wilful King" (anti-
Christ) and the "mark of the beast". The Scriptural significance of the number
seven and a Biblical description of the real Messiah and the seven-branched
Candlestick (Menorah) which God gave to the children of Israel as an everlasting
covenant (which is also mentioned in the New Testament) is covered. All the
sources are written at the bottom of each page making it easy for readers to see
and check for themselves.
I started out to defend this symbol, but ended up shocked and quite devasted with
the evidence gleaned from the academic research. It is the only book on the origin
and history of the six-pointed star or hexagram. Have a good read, check the
references yourself, and I would be happy to hear your comments. All the best to
August 16, 1999
Dr. O.J. Graham (23 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Seal of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Temple of the Supreme Council 33 A.A.S.R., Washington D.C. (24 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Temple Room of the Supreme Council 33 A.A.S.R. (25 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Throne of the 33 Sovereign Grand Commander A.A.S.R.
Mark of the 33 Sovereign Grand Commander A.A.S.R.
Crown of the 33 Sovereign Grand Commander A.A.S.R. (26 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
6 + 6 + 6
A Symbol of Kabbalah... (27 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The Mark of Cain
The Cross of Kabbalah
The 33 paths of Kabbalah
'For we be Brethren of the Rosie Cross,
We've the Mason's Word and Second Sight'...
All the truely dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah and return to it:
everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the I lluminati, J acob
Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from Kabbalah, all the
Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols. (28 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike 33
Morals and Dogma, page 744
It is noteworthy that every 32 Mason receives three items on the awarding of that
"sublime" degree; the Certificate, the Scottish Rite Ring, and a copy of Morals and
The Serpents Tree
A Kabbalist's Sanctum Sanctorium is called a 'Klaus'... (29 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The Root Word of Kabbalah is Kabba.
In Aramaic Kabba means I llicit Sexual Activity.
In Hebrew Kabba means The Act of Murder.
The Gnostic Scriptures
Bentley Layton
Anchor Bible Library
Doubleday, New York (30 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The Serpents Fruit
Some Leading Lights...
The Kabbalah is not Kosher, it is a infiltration of Babylonian religion, Astrology, Myth,
Magic, Persian Zoroastrianism, Dualism, Gnosticism, and Neoplatonism that has
brought ruination, confusion, and countless evils down upon J udaism and
Christendom. (31 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
In Gematria the word Messiah means Serpent
and the word Serpent means Messiah... (32 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch

'The Crowning'
The Transmutation into a 'Christ'
Sweet Dreams Jean-Marie...
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals
its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false
explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to
be misled, to conceal the truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away
from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would
pervert it.
Brother Albert Pike
Morals and Dogma, page 104 (33 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The 33 Jewel of the St. John "Christians"
The index finger pour Saint-Jean de Baptiste
The middle finger pour Sainte-Jeanne de Evangeliste
The sword for the blade wielding Great Architect of the Universe
The three "lights" of Friarmasonry, the three "lights" of the Royal Family
Lucifer's quest for the Holy Grail... (34 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
'For whom
does the Grail toll?'
There are various sects, which although differing in name, rite, form, and origin, are
nevertheless so united by community of purposes and by similarity of their main
principles as to be really one with the Masonic sect, which is a kind of centre, whence
they all proceed and whither they all return. Their ultimate purpose is the overthrow of
the whole religious, political, and social order based on Christian institutions and the
establishment of a new state of things according to their own ideas and based in its
principles and laws on pure Naturalism.
Pope Leo XIII (35 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch

33 Scottish Rite Freemason
Aleister Crowley
33 Scottish Rite Freemason
Albert Pike
In 1866 at the age of 57, as Supreme Council 33 Sovereign Grand Commander, Pike caused a furor by initiating his 19 year old girlfriend
Vinnie Ream into Freemasonry.
In his defense Pike told his scandalized Brothers that he had only initiated Miss Ream into the French Rite. (36 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
No doubt...
33 Scottish Rite Freemason
J. Edgar Hoover
Freemasonry served as one of Hoover's main political power bases.
The F.B.I. Director set-up a Masonic Lodge inside F.B.I. Headquarters. It was said that the chance of career advancement within the Bureau
were next to nil for non-masons during 'Illustrious' John Edgar Hoover's reign.
Mary had a little lamb... (37 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
H.P. Blavatsky 32
Grand Orient of France
Ancient and Primitive Rite
Her writings were the most influential body of work that shaped the views of the White Russian, Austrian, and German Occultists who founded
the German Orderen, Thule Society, and Nazi Party in Munich.
Hitler was said to keep her books on his bedside table and take them with him whenever he travelled.
To know the writings of Blavatsky is to know the secret hidden doctrine of the Nazi's and Freemasonry's Occult New World Order.
We, the Thrice-I llustrious Sovereign Grand Master General, and we, the Sovereign
Grand Conservators, thirty-third and Last degree of the Sovereign Sanctuary of
England, Wales, etc., decorated the Grand Star of Sirius, etc., Grand Commanders of
the Three Legions of the Knights of Masonry, by virtue of the high authority with which
we are invested, have declared and proclaimed and by these presents do declare and
proclaim our illus- trious and enlightened Brother, H. P. Blavatsky, to be an
Apprentice, Companion, Perfect Mistress, Sublime Elect Scotch Lady, Grand Elect,
Chevaliere de Rose Croix, Adoniramite Mistress, Perfect Venerable Mistress, and a
crowned Princess of Rite of Adoption. (38 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Given under our hands and the seals of the Sovereign Sanctuary for England and
Wales, sitting in the Valley of London, this 24th day of November, 1877, year of true
light 000,000,000.
J ohn Yarker, 33 Sovereign Grand Master
M. Caspari, 33 Grand Secretary
A. D. Loewenstark, 33 Grand Secretary
Madame Blavatsky's Mystic Brooch (39 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The Frederick the Great Association
One of the more twisted myths being propagated by
'Regular' Anglo-American Freemasonry of late is that the
Nazi's persecuted 'regular' Freemasonry in Germany
during it's reign.
'Regular' Freemasonry plays the recognition game if it
wants to deny that a particular infamous individual was a
Freemason. Usually this is carried out in regard to Grand
Orient Freemasons, which it does not recognize as being
legitimate Masons because it has it's own operation called
'Grand Lodges' set up in their countries, France being the
largest instance.
Thus it is with a particular sense of accomplishment that we have uncovered one of
'regular' American and British Grand Lodge Freemasonry's most noxious official
lies; it's record and actions in Nazi Germany. A lie that their favorite recognition
game dodge won't work on.
In Germany at the time the Nazi's came to power(with the aid of numerous
Freemason High Financiers like Henry Ford) there existed nine Grand Lodges and
Three Grand Lodges were were known as 'Old Prussian Grand Lodges', which were
large, well organized, and contained the bulk of all Freemasons in Germany. Six
were called 'Modern Grand Lodges', which were small, isolated, with only a few
thousand members each.
One of the groupings had always banned Jews from joining and was fiercely
nationalistic and reactionary in it's politics. One of the groupings had always
allowed Jews to join and was international and liberal in it's politics.
Guess which Grand Lodge group American and British Freemasonry recognized as
being 'regular' Freemasonry and which group it branded as 'irregular' and
'clandestine' Freemasonry?
You guessed right. It was the 'Old Prussian Grand Lodges', which contained the
High Command Officers, Industrialists, and Royal Houses who had always banned
Jews from joining and which was fiercely nationalistic and reactionary in it's politics
that the American and British Grand Lodges recognized as being 'regular'. The
'Moderns', the ones that allowed Jews to join? 'Regular' Freemasonry said they
were 'irregular' and 'clandestine'. In other words they did not recognize the Grand
Lodges that allowed Jews to join as being Freemasons or Freemasonry what so
ever. 'Regular' Freemasonry is trying to hoodwink their recognition of the anti-
semitic National Grand Lodges and their non recognition of the non anti-semitic (40 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
International Grand Lodges.
The Nazi's shut down the 'Modern' Grand Lodges whose membership was heavily
jewish, liberal, and 'international', but allowed the 'national' Old Prussian Grand
Lodges to carry on after their Grand Master's sent formal written oaths of
alliegence to 'Mein Furher', changed their name to 'The Frederick the Great
Association'(Frederick the Great being German 'regular' Freemasonry's founder and
principal patron.), and removed any obvious Hebraic wording from it's rituals.
When the war was over 'regular' Freemasonry operating under the guise of 'The
Frederick the Great Association' changed their name back to what it was before
Crystal Nacht. You won't see any of this mentioned on any of those 'Is it true what
they say about Freemasonry?' or 'Difficult Questions about Freemasonry' web sites
that 'regular' Freemasonry has mirrored all over the net.
The Scottish Rite had its beginning in France, when in 1754, the
Chevalier de Bonneville established in Paris, a chapter of twenty-five
so-called High Degrees which, including the three symbolic Degrees,
these High Degrees were called the Rite of Perfection. In 1758 these
Degrees were taken to Berlin and placed under a body called the
Council of Emperors of the East and West, and in 1762 Frederick the
Great of Prussia became the head of the Rite and promulgated what is
known as the Constitution of 1762. In 1786 a reorganization took
place in which eight Degrees were added to the twenty-five, and the
name changed to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry. By this Constitution, Frederick resigned his authority as
Grand Commander and provided that the government of the new
system of Degrees should rest with a Council of each Nation, to be
composed of nine Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-
Third and last Degree of Freemasonry. Source: AASR, Orient of Texas.
There was absolutely no persecution of 'regular' Freemasonry in Germany. How
could there have been? The Old Prussian 'regular' National Grand Lodges were
filled with Officers of the High Command, Captains of Industry, Commerce,
Finance, Leading Citizens, and Royalty, most of whom were loyal Nazi Party
members themselves. The very men who brought Hitler to power. All with the
knowledge of American and British 'regular' Grand Lodge Freemasonry and it's
hereditary pro-nazi Grand Master the Duke of Kent.
There are lies and then there are damnable lies. (41 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Potsdam Day, 1933
The Memorial Stamp Set issued to mark the opening of the first Nazi Reichstag, or
German Parliament. It depicts Hitler's personal hero, Prussian King Frederick The
All the supposed abominations, the skeletons and death's head, the coffins and the
mysteries, are mere bogeys for children. But there is one dangerous element and that is
the element I have copied from them. They form a sort of priestly nobility. They have
developed and esoteric doctrine more merely formulated, but imparted through the
symbols and mysteries in degrees of initiation. The hierarchical organization and the
initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain by working
on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this has a dangerous
element, and the element I have taken over. Don't you see that our party must be of this
character...? An Order, the hierarchial Order of a secular priesthood."
-Adolf Hitler praising Freemasonry (42 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch (43 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch

Harness those seething energies brethren...
The Swastika Sun symbol is a powerful magical device
still used in Occult Masonic teachings today. It is the
Ancient 'Furthore' Runic Script for the letter 'G'.
It was to replace the Cross in the Nazi's new
post Christian Pagan Religion, for their
Occult New World Order.
It still may... (44 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
'A Pretty Little Pin'
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alistair Rae"
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: unusual symbol
> Don
> The backing symbol is derived from Hindu mythology. It was used by the Nazi
> Party inverted which denotes an evil connotation, which was borne out by
> later events. In its normal configuration it has some good/ light meanings.
> I would assume from the emblem atop it, that it is used in that degree
> Scottish Rite.
> In UK the base symbol is used in some of the esoteric orders, but not in
> white.
> Hope this gives some guidance. Pretty little pin tho.
> Alistair
> SW Union of Malta, No 407
> 1AS William Kingston RA Chapter
> MM Mother Kilwinning No 0
> Fr Elias Ashmole College SRIA
> "Donald C. Sargent" wrote in message
> >
> >
> > Today I received an e-mail from a friend in New Hampsire. He has a
> > lapel pin and a tie bar that have a symbol that neither of us have
> > seen. It is a white swastika (with the bent arms turning counter
> > clockwise) that has a black triangle with a 32 in it. If you would like
> > to see a picture, you can find it at
> >
> >
> > Has anyone seen anything like this before or know what organization uses
> > it? Any help that anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Sincerely and fraternally,
> >
> > Don Sargent
> >
> > (45 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
The New World Order 1942
OKW West Headquarters Paris, France

The New World Order 2000
NATO Headquarters Brussels, Belgium (46 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Good Cop
33 Segments surrounded by 'Sprigs of Acacia'
'Welcome to the United Nations. It's your World'... (47 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Bad Cop
'Bringing Peace to the Balkans'
The NATO symbol looks like a WHAT? Next question...
The World is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those
who are not behind the scenes. (48 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Benjamin Disraeli
Washington's Masonic Apron
The removal of the name of J esus and references to him in Bible verses used in the
ritual are slight but necessary modifications.
Albert Mackey 33
Masonic Ritualist, page 272 (49 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Whatever bigotry is in evidence in the United States is exhibited solely by the Roman
Catholic hierarchy; that the Canon Law of the Roman Church and the directives of the
Pope validate the fears of the people that the dual allegiance of American Catholics is a
present danger to our free institutions, and lastly that the people in passing upon the
qualifications of a Catholic candidate for the Presidency will be guided by their
knowledge of history and their great store of plain old-fashioned common horse sense,
and their innate caution not to gamble when their Liberties and National Security are
at state.
Among American citizens there should be no question or suspicion of allegiance to any
foreign power, but in the case of the Roman Catholic citizen, his church is the guardian
of his conscience and asserts that he must obey its laws and decrees even if they are in
conflict with the Constitution and laws of the United States.
Illustrious Luther A. Smith 33
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council 33
New Age Magazine, the official organ of the Scottish Rite
February 1960 (50 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
'Johnson will not be on the ticket'
The last words President Kennedy dictated
to his secretary before departing for Dallas
Masonic Justice: Freemason Earl Warren
presents Freemason Lyndon Johnson the
Warren Commission "Final" Report (51 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
KGB: It was Johnson
33 Scottish Rite Freemason and
Warren Commission member, Senator
Arlen 'Magic Bullet Theory' Spector
having a chuckle... (52 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Central Intelligence... (53 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
One of Skull and Bones Illuminist George 'New World Order' Bush's 'Thousand Points of Light'...
Skull and Bones is a Masonic Order regardless of whether 21st century U.S. Masonry officially recognizes it as such. It's 'charter' came from
the 'Brotherhood of Death' at Inglostadt Germany, an offshoot of Contintental Freemason Baron Von Hund's 'Strict Observance' Rite, who was
also instrumental in the founding of the Illuminati of Bavaria. (54 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Question. What do David Rockefeller, Dick Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan,
George Bush, Alan Greenspan, Dick Cheney, and George Dubya have in common?
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and
other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their
promises of discretion for almost forty years. I t would have been impossible for us to
develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity
during these years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march
towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and
world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past (55 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Brother David Rockefeller
C.F.R. and Trilateral Commission Founder (56 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Everyone's Uncle...
The power of the Masonic bond was evidenced in the impeachment trial of President
Clinton. I n high school Clinton had been president of the Masonic youth group De
Molay and in 1988 was inducted into the I nternational De Molay Hall-of-Fame. Three
Senators, all 33rd degree Masons, were instrumental in his acquittal: Majority Leader
Trent Lott limited the time and the number of witnesses available to the House
prosecutors; Republican Arlen Specter led the 10 Republican Senators who voted to
acquit; Democrat Robert C. Byrd, although publicly acknowledging Clinton's guilt,
actually voted for acquittal, and set the example for all other Democrats...
Edwin King
The Mafia of the Mediocure
Phoenix Press, 2001

D.L. (57 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
We have always had bishops and priests in our lodges. I f to place man upon the altar in
place of God is the sin of Lucifer, then all humanists since the Renaissance have
committed this sin.
Illustrious J acques Mitterand
Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France
Brother of the future President of France
Radio I nterview, 1969
Be Raised to the Third Degree of Freemasonry Watch
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The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
Dear Freemasons, Witches, Ascended Masters, and other New Age "adepts",
Thinking of "straightening us out" about G-d, Messiah, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Hiram Abiff, Jahbulon, the coming New Age of
"Light", and how stupid and mislead us Bible and Torah believers are?
----Original Message------
From: Freemasonry Watch
To: Withheld
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001
Subject: Re: masonry
Wrong Karnak.
YOU were the one to say that "Satan is good", therefore that makes YOU the Satanist.
Get it? Probably not.
All occultists like Satanists, Witches, Goddess Worshippers, Maitreya Channelers, Theosophists, and Freemasons say the same
thing about Satan and Lucifer: "Satan doesn't exist", "Lucifer is not Satan", "Even if Satan did exist he is good", "Satan is
doing God's will", "Satan does not oppose God", and "Lucifer is the Holy Spirit".
Do you think you are the first New Age World Order occult wacko to e-mail me the above "revelations"?
You all start off with playing silly cut and paste and deletion games, then deny your organization has any teachings contrary
to Christianity or God(Jehova, the one you say is the bringer of darkness who is opposing Lucifer-Samael, the bringer of light.)
in it, then switch to providing bizarre re-interpretatons of biblical verse.
Well here are some other snippets from the Bible which you might want to consider as they completely contradict your
"ascended masters".
The seventy-two men came back in great joy, "Lord," the said, "even the demons obeyed us when
we commanded them in your name!"
Jesus answered them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Listen! I have given you
authority, so that you can walk on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the Enemy, and
nothing will hurt you. But don't be glad because the evil spirits obey you; rather be glad because
your names are written in heaven."
Luke 10:17-18
Here's another link for you from a Jewish Perspecitive that will explain what you are involved in:
The Rainbow Swastika, A Report to the Jewish People about New Age Anti-Semitism
Quite simply you only think you understand what you are involved in. You are being mislead by non-human forces. (59 of 61) [9/11/2004 11:12:20 PM]
The Second Degree of Freemasonry Watch
God(The one who isn't the serpent of "wisdom" Lucifer-Samael) Bless,
Freemasonry Watch
P.S. Hiram Abiff wasn't the Messiah, and Jesus Christ wasn't a Freemason.
Our MasonStoppers Line
Send us in confidence details of cases where you think
Organized Freemasonry has personally hurt yourself,
family, friends, aquaintances, or community. We would
also appreciate any additional background information,
links, and references on Freemasonry and the Occult.
Help us take a bite out of Freemasonry.

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