The document is the monthly Bulletin of Statistics published by the Federal Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan. It provides statistical data on key economic, social, and financial indicators at both the aggregate and sectoral levels. The Bulletin contains monthly data on topics such as population, trade, prices, finance, manufacturing, energy, health, and other social and economic indicators. It aims to produce comprehensive and useful information for policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders. Suggestions to further improve the Bulletin are welcome.
The document is the monthly Bulletin of Statistics published by the Federal Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan. It provides statistical data on key economic, social, and financial indicators at both the aggregate and sectoral levels. The Bulletin contains monthly data on topics such as population, trade, prices, finance, manufacturing, energy, health, and other social and economic indicators. It aims to produce comprehensive and useful information for policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders. Suggestions to further improve the Bulletin are welcome.
The document is the monthly Bulletin of Statistics published by the Federal Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan. It provides statistical data on key economic, social, and financial indicators at both the aggregate and sectoral levels. The Bulletin contains monthly data on topics such as population, trade, prices, finance, manufacturing, energy, health, and other social and economic indicators. It aims to produce comprehensive and useful information for policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders. Suggestions to further improve the Bulletin are welcome.
The document is the monthly Bulletin of Statistics published by the Federal Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan. It provides statistical data on key economic, social, and financial indicators at both the aggregate and sectoral levels. The Bulletin contains monthly data on topics such as population, trade, prices, finance, manufacturing, energy, health, and other social and economic indicators. It aims to produce comprehensive and useful information for policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders. Suggestions to further improve the Bulletin are welcome.
The document discusses the structure and contents of the Federal Bureau of Statistics' Bulletin of Statistics, which provides economic and social data for Pakistan.
The Bulletin contains data relating to various sectors like population, agriculture, manufacturing, prices, finance, education, energy, trade, labor, and more. It provides indices, charts, graphs and tables to present this data comprehensibly.
The annual data series are on a fiscal year basis from July to June, while monthly data series for trade and industry are published around 45 days after collection for compilation and processing.
The Bulletin of Statistics, Monthly Publication of the Federal Bureau of Statistics
provide statistics of importance in respect of social, economic and financial sectors of
the economy at aggregate as well as sectoral levels. The Bulletin contains data relating to Population, National Accounts, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Prices, Balance of Payments, Public Finance, Education, Energy & Mining, Foreign Economic Assistance, Foreign Trade, Health, Insurance, Labour, Transport & Communication, Social & Culture ect. It also provides different types of indices on agriculture, manufacturing, prices, trade and labour productivity. Charts and graphs have also been provided to selected tables to make the data readily intelligible.
2. The Bulletin contains data on monthly and in some instances on annual basis. The annual data series are on fiscal year basis i.e. from July to June unless otherwise specified. Monthly data series of trade and industry are published with a time lag of 45 days required for data collection, compilation, cleaning, processing, tabulating and printing. Figures may not add up to the totals owing to rounding. Statistics that are compiled in the Federal Bureau of Statistics are presented without citation whereas those compiled by other agencies carry a source note below the tables.
3. Efforts have been made to produce this Bulletin as a comprehensive, informative and useful document for decision makers, researchers, planners, economists and other groups of beneficiaries. It is hoped that the users will find this Bulletin useful.
Suggestions for further improvement will be highly appreciated and welcomed.
1. BALANCE OF PAYMENT 1.1 Country wise Workers Remittances 01 1.2 Month wise Workers Remittances 01 1.3 Exchange Rates Pak. Rupees in Terms of 02
2. CLIMATE 2.1 Temperature at Selected Stations 03 2.2 Rainfall at Selected Stations 05
3. ENERGY & MINING 3.1 Production of Crude Oil 07 3.2 Production of Natural Gas 09 3.3 Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Electricity 11 3.4 Mineral Production 11
4. HEALTH 4.1(a) Monthly Immunization Coverage Number of Doses Administered (0-11 month) Children 13 4.1(b) Monthly Immunization Coverage Number of Doses Administered (12-23 months) Children 13 4.1(c) Monthly Immunization Coverage Number of T.T Doses Administered to Women 14 4.2(a) Aids Death Cases by Age and Sex 14 4..2(b) Aids Cases by Age and Sex 15 4.2(c) Aids Cases by Modes of Transmission 15 4.2(d) HIV Cases by Age and Sex 16 4.2(e) HIV Cases by Modes of Transmission 16 4.3(a) Registered Veterinary Medical Practitioner with PVMC 17 4.3(b) Registered Animal Husbandry Graduate with PVMC 17 4.4 Malaria Report (FMI) 18 4.5 Tuberculosis Report (FTI) 18
5. MANUFACTURING 5.1 Quantum Index Numbers of Large-scale Manufacturing Industries (1999-2000=100) 19 5.2 Production of Manufacturing Items 20
6. MONEY & CREDIT 6.1 Reserve Money 27
7. PRICE 7.1 Price Indices (General) with Percentage Change 29 7.2 Combined Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) by Income Groups 30 7.3 Combined Consumer Price Index Numbers by Commodity Groups 30 7.4 Consumer Price Index Numbers by Major Groups and Selected Commodities 31 7.5 Combined Consumer Price Index Numbers by Income Groups and Commodity Groups (2000-01=100) 34
II 7.6 Consumer Price Index Numbers by Income Group and Combined Selected Cities (2000-01=100) 35 7.7 Combined Consumer Price Index Numbers by Income Group/City and Commodity Group for all Centres Covered in CPI (2000-01=100) 38 7.8 Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices by Commodity Groups (2000-01=100) 39 7.9 Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices by Commodities 40 7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities 45 7.11 Intercity Consumer Prices 88 7.12 Intercity Prices of Construction Input Items and Labour Wages 120
8. PUBLIC FINANCE 8.1 Customs Revenue Receipts 121
9. SOCIAL 9.1 Data on Traffic Accidents 125 9.2 Data on Telecommunication 128 9.3 Visitors at Archaeological Museums in Pakistan 129 9.4 Visitors at Heritage Sites in Pakistan 130
10. TRADE 10.1 Value of Foreign Trade 131 10.2 Exports by Commodity/Group 132 10.3 Imports by Commodity/Group 134 10.4 Exports of Selected Commodities in Dollars 135 10.5 Exports of Selected Commodities in Rupees 138 10.6 Imports of Selected Commodities in Dollars 141 10.7 Imports of Selected Commodities in Rupees 143 10.8 Exports by Economic Categories (Summary) 145 10.9 Exports by Economic Categories (Details) 146 10.10 Imports by Economic Categories (Summary) 147 10.11 Imports by Economic Categories (Details) 148 10.12 Exports by Areas and Countries/Territories 236 10.13 Re-exports by Areas and Countries/Territories 241 10.14 Imports by Areas and Countries/Territories 244 10.15 Re-imports by Areas and Countries/Territories 249 10.16 Annual and Quarterly Terms of Trade and Unit Value Indices of Exports and Imports (1990-91=100) 250 10.17 Index Numbers of Unit Value of Exports by Groups (1990-91=100) 251 10.18 Index numbers of unit value of imports by groups (1990-91=100) 252 10.19 Index Numbers of Quantum of Exports by Groups (1990-91=100) 253 10.20 Index Numbers of Quantum of Imports by Groups (1990-91=100) 254 10.21 Trade in Services (Summary) 255 10.22 Export of Services by Sector (Detail) Monthly 256 10.23 Export of Services by Sector (Detail) Cumulative 258 10.24 Import of Services by Sector (Detail) Monthly 260 10.25 Export of Services by Sector (Detail) Cumulative 262
Regional and Field Offices of Federal Bureau of Statistics
Symbols, Abbreviations and Conversions
1.1 Foreign exchange received from different countries remittances by the workers who are working abroad including Hajj and War compensation Table 1.1 shows country-wise remittance and Table 1.2 shows month-wise remittance.
1.2 Data on Balance of Payment are collected from State Bank of Pakistan. The table 1.3 shows the managed floating exchange rate system based on trade weighted currency, which was introduced in 1982 following the de-linking of Pakistan from U.S. Dollars. The table also contains Pak. Rupees value in terms of one unit of foreign currency.
2.1 Temperature and rainfall data are collected from Pakistan Meteorological Department. Table 2.1 and 2.2 provides monthly data on temperature and rainfall for selected stations respectively. Mean maximum and mean minimum temperatures are the arithmetic means of daily maximum and minimum temperatures recorded during the month.
2.2 Climatically, Pakistan enjoys a considerable measure of variety. North and northwestern high mountain ranges are extremely cold in winter while the summer months from April to September are very pleasant. The vast plains of the Indus Valley are extremely hot in summer and have cold weather in winter. The coastal strip in the south has a temperate climate. There is general deficiency in the rainfall. In the plains, the annual average ranges from 13 cm. In the northern parts of the lower Indus plains to 89 cm. in the Himalayan region. Rains are moonsoonal in the origin and fall late in summer. Average rainfall is 762 millimeters per annum.
3.1 Source: Monthly mining production data are collected from (a) Provincial Directorates of Mineral Development Departments (b) Directorate General of Petroleum Concessions, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Islamabad (Crude oil & Natural gas only). Monthly electricity generation data is collected from WAPDA, KESC, Pakistan Steel and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad (Nuclear Power) and 16 IPPs (Independent Power Plants), including HUBCO, KAPCO
3.2 Scope and coverage: Mining and quarrying cover only production relating to all minerals whether solid, liquid or gas. It includes breaking, milling, washing, cleaning, grading, dehydration and purification done to minerals extracted or quarried.
3.3 Production data: Mineral data in respect of 32 selected minerals and electricity are published in table 3.3 & 3.4 of Monthly Bulletin of Statistics. Electricity generation data is given with break-up Hydel, Thermal and Nuclear are published in table 3.3 of Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.
3.4 Limitations:- Monthly returns are received from Government Departments/Agencies with a time lag of about 2 to 3 months. In some cases time-lag is even larger. Due to non-receipt of data from source agencies, some data is being estimated by this Bureau. On receipt of final data, revised figures are incorporated in the Bulletin in due course. Efforts are, however, being made to further improve the quality, coverage and reduce time-lag of mining statistics series compiled and released by Federal Bureau of Statistics.
4.1 Contains data on infants under one year in table 4.1(a) and for one to two years in table 4.1(b) for immunization coverage i.e. Bacillus of Calmette & Guerin (BCG). Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV 1-3), Pentavalent (1-3) Measles (1) 4.1(c) Contains data on immunization coverage for pregnant women, Childbearing age women in administrated Tetanus Toxiod.
4.2(a) Contain data on Aids Death Cases by Age and Sex during the quarter and cumulative total.
4.2(b) Contain data on Newly Aids Cases by Age and Sex during the quarter and cumulative total.
4.2(c) Contain data on Aids Cases by Modes of Transmission during the quarter i.e. Heterosexual, Homosexual/Bisexual, Blood Products, Injecting drug user, Mother and Child, Unknown.
4.2(d) Contain data on HIV Cases by Age and Sex during the quarter and cumulative total.
4.2(e) Contain data on HIV Cases by Modes of Transmission during the quarter i.e. Heterosexual, Homosexual/ Bisexual, Blood Products, Injecting drug user, Mother and Child, Unknown.
4.3(a) Contain data on Registered Veterinary Medical Practitioners with Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council.
4.3(b) Contain data on Registered Animal Husbandry graduates with Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council.
4.4 Contain quarterly data on %Reporting Rate, No. of Slides taken, total slides positive, %slides positive and Falciparum of total positive by province (Malaria Report) provided by Directorate of Malaria control (DoMC).
4.5. Contain quarterly data on Tuberculosis Report, No. of New Cases, CDRSS+, Total T. B. Cases, CRD All type T.B. Cases % Treatment success data (TSR) provided by National T.B. Control Program.
5.1 Currently Quantum Indices are being computed with 1999-2000 as base. The index series covers 100 items contributing 75.075% of value added on the basis of 1999-2000 Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI) results.
5.2 A brief description about the scope, sources of data, weighting system, formula used for computation of the index series is given below:-
(a) Scope: The index is designed to measure changes in physical out-put for the Large Scale Manufacturing Industries.
(b) Sources of Data: The production data used for the computation of indices are received from Ministry of Industries & Production, Provincial Bureaus of Statistics. OCAC and Associations etc.
(c) Weights: The weights have been derived on the basis of 1999-00 CMI value added at factor cost (gross value of production less industrial cost less indirect taxes plus subsidies) including the results of the non-response CMI survey. In deriving the weights the total value added for Pakistan has been taken to be 100 and the weights at industry level have been taken as percentage of this total whereas weights at items level have been derived on the basis of their relative value of production in the industries to which these items belong. However, in case where only one item has been selected the whole weight of that industry has been assigned to that selected item only.
(d) Formula used: Laspeyre's formula has been used for computation of index numbers which is given below:-
Where In = quantum index number for the current period, q0 & p0 represent the quantity and prices respectively of the items in the base period, qn is the quantity in the current period, W is the weight of an item and W=100.
5.3 Contains production data of selected manufacturing items. Production data in most of the cases are collected through voluntary co-operation of various government and non-government agencies. Production data of some items are also collected by Federal Bureau of Statistics directly from the factories. Since most data are collected from other sources, which need considerable time for reconciliation of the data, therefore, upto-date figures in respect of many items cannot be published although Federal Bureau of Statistics makes all possible efforts for timely publication. Further, the data received from other sources are sometimes revised by the sources concerned without the knowledge of Federal Bureau of Statistics. There is, therefore, possibility that in some cases, the data published by Federal Bureau of Statistics may vary from those published by original sources.
6.1 It is an indicator used to measure liquidity in the economy and includes currency in circulation, other deposits with State Bank of Pakistan, currency in tills of scheduled Banks and bank deposits with State Bank of Pakistan.
(a) Wholesale prices and price indices.
7.1 Federal Bureau of Statistics collects wholesale prices of most of the items included in the index through their own field staff regularly. Prices are also collected from government departments and private agencies on voluntary basis. Besides, some of the quotations are also picked up from trade journals and newspapers. These prices are of different frequencies ranging from weekly to monthly. Most of the quotations relating to agricultural and livestock products are received weekly, some are received on monthly basis while others are received at less frequent intervals. The Price quotations suffer from certain limitations of which lack of gradation or specification replacement method and non-uniformity of definitions deserve attention.
7.2 The series computed with 2000-01 as base year cover 106 individual commodities (Food-43; Raw Materials-09; Fuel, Lighting & Lubricants-11; manufactures-32 and Building materials-11). For most of the commodities, as in old series, more than one specification and more than one market have been used to average the price movement. As a result total number of price series i.e. quotations entering in the index numbers are far greater than the number of commodities. The total number of price quotations included in the index are 1550 (Food-693; Raw Materials-104, Fuel, Lighting & Lubricants-36; Manufactures-564 and Building Materials-153).
7.3 Table 7.10 provides Intercity wholesale prices of selected commodities table 7.1 gives consumer and wholesale price indices (General) with percentage change and table 7.8 give index numbers of Wholesale Prices by commodity groups and Table 7.9 gives index number of selected commodities with base 2000-01.
(b)Consumer prices and price indices
7.4 The price of each commodity has been expressed in terms of a specific unit in which its retail transaction usually takes place, However, in some cases such as ready-made and second-hand garments, furniture and furnishing etc., it is difficult to express the prices in standard units in terms of quality which can give rise to wide fluctuations in price quotations. Depending upon the size of each city, 1 to 13 markets have been selected from where the prices are obtained by price collectors employed by the Bureau. From each shopping area, 4 quotations are obtained from different shops for each item on the price schedule. The prices published in this Bulletin are the simple averages of the quotations obtained from different selected markets of each city. The Prices of different goods and services are quoted through schedules of different periodicities. Prices for mainly basic items of consumption are collected monthly. Turnip, Radish, Cabbage, Brinjal, Pumpkin, Bottle-Gourd, Spinach, Tinda, Arvi, Cauliflower, Lady Finger, peas, Turai, Karaila, Carrot, Malta, Malta, Kinnu, Musk-Melon, Water-Melon, Sweet-Melon, Aloocha, Grapes, Mango, Pomegranate and Guava have been considered as seasonal items and their prices have not been quoted for the period of their non availability. VI
7.5 The series of consumer price index covers 374 items of consumer goods and services. The expenditure weights for the series were derived on the basis of Family Budget Survey conducted for the period 2000-2001 in 52 Urban cities out of which 35 urban cities were covered in CPI namely Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, Gujranwala, Islamabad, Sargodha, Sialkot, Bahwalpur, Jhang, Okara, D.G. Khan, Jhelum, Bahawalnagar, Vehari, Mianwali, Attock, Samundari, Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana, Mirkpurkhas, Nawabshah, Shahdadpur, Kunri, Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, D.I. Khan, Bannu, Quetta, Khuzdar, Turbat and Loralai & Cantt. The survey covered with income groups upto Rs. 3000/=, Rs.3001/= to 5000/=, Rs.5001/= to 12000/= and above Rs.12000/=. The series have ten major expenditure groups viz. (Food & beverages; Apparel, Textile & footwear; House rent; Fuel & Lighting; Household, furniture and Equipment etc.; Transport & communication; Recreation & entertainment; Education; cleaning, laundry & personal appearance and Medicare).
7.6 For house rent an index based on prices of inputs of construction items has been specially compiled and is being published with 2000-2001 as the base.
7.7 Some of the limitations of consumer prices are given below :-
i) Prices are mainly collected from shops located in selected markets and generally exclude small retailers in residential areas. Accordingly, price differentials, if any, are not accounted for.
ii) Prices collected are those which are quoted by the shop-keepers and do not take into account the elements of discounts.
iii) Prices are not weighted by either quantum of sales by the number of stores in all the markets covered in a particular city.
iv) Since all food items are not graded, it is almost impossible to maintain a standard list.
v) Due to frequent changes in the specification of some commodities like cloth, it occasionally becomes difficult to maintain continuity of quotations which results in data gaps.
7.8 (i) Table 7.1 provides price indices (General) with percentage change (2000-01=100).
(ii) Table 7.2 provides combined sensitive price indicator (SPI) by income groups (2000-01=100).
(iii) Table 7.3 provides combined consumer price index number by commodity groups (all urban), (2000-01=100).
(iv) Table 7.4 provides consumer price index numbers by major groups and selected commodities (2000- 01=100).
(v) Table 7.5 provides consumer price index numbers by income groups and commodity groups (2000- 01=100).
(vi) Table 7.6 provides consumer price index numbers by income groups and combined for selected cities (2000-01=100).
(vii) Table 7.7 provides combined consumer price index numbers by income groups/city and commodity groups for all centres covered in CPI.
(viii) Table 7.8 provides index number of wholesale prices by commodity groups (2000-01=100).
(ix) Table 7.9 provides index number of wholesale prices by commodities (2000-01=100).
(x) Table 7.10 provides intercity wholesale prices of selected commodities.
(xii) Table 7.12 provides inter-city prices of construction input items and labour wages.
8.1 The table shoes revenue receipts from customs duties on imports according to budgetary minor and sub-heads and from exports. Net Customs receipts are inclusive of share of the provinces. Drawback means an amount paid back from a charge previously made; especially a certain amount of excise or import duty remitted when the commodities on which it has been paid are exported.
9.1 Table 9.1 Contains :data on Road Accidents registered with the Police authorities. Road accidents classified under the heading, Fatal and Non-Fatal. Railway accidents, Air crashes, Electrocutions etc. are not included. Fatal accidents refer to those where the death occurred on the spot or where the victim succumbed to injuries later on. Non-fatal accidents refer to those in which no person was killed but in which one or more persons were seriously or slightly injured or property damaged.
9.2 Contains data on Telecommunication i.e. distribution of Cellular mobile subscribers.
9.3 Table 9.3 and 9.4 Contain data on visitors i.e. National & Foreigner who visited the Museums/Archaeological Sites during the month.
10.1 Foreign Trade Statistics (Table Nos.10.1 to 10.25) refer to the movement of goods & services into and out of the customs area of Pakistan and includes imports, re-imports, exports and re-exports carried through sea, land and air routes. Bill of entry in case of imports and shipping bill in case of exports, which have been modified/revised as name of Goods Declaration (GD) is the basic document used in the compilation of Foreign Trade of Statistics. The Importers/Exporters or their agents have to submit to the customs authorities Goods Declaration (GD) for each consignment of imports or exports made by them alongwith copies of invoices for necessary clearance. One copy of each of these documents were being collected by the staff of FBS from each & every Sea, air and land custom stations/points in the country but after the atomization of the trade data by the PRAL and CARE System, FBS is getting the Soft copy of the data through, PRAL System who has provided electronic connectivity of their system to FBS. Now FBS., is downloading the imports/exports data from their system on monthly basis and preparing the tables accordingly. As for as the Trade in Services is concerned, the FBS is getting the Trade in Services data from the State Bank of Pakistan since October, 2006 and preparing the tables on monthly basis.
10.2 Export statistics represent movement of goods out of Pakistan to foreign countries. Re-export statistics represent imported goods subsequently exported to foreign countries without further processing. In export statistics bunker fuels supplied to ships are included according to their colours. Exports by parcel posts are also included. Imported goods subsequently re-exported to foreign countries without further processing were included in export data upto July, 1967 but from August, 1967 onwards re-exports have been excluded from exports and are presented separately. Exports do not include articles of baggage and personal effects of passengers, currency notes and trade-intransit through Pakistan.
10.3 Imports statistics represent the arrival of goods from foreign countries released by customs authority either directly or from bonded ware-houses and intended for home consumption or for re-exportation. Imports by foreign diplomatic missions are included in imports. The goods salvaged or disposed off in mid-stream are included as imports from the country according to colour of the ship. Imports by parcel posts have been included since March, 1966. Exports subsequently re-imported from foreign countries without any processing were included in import data upto June, 1969 but from July, 1969 onwards re-imports have been excluded there from and shown separately. Imports figures are exclusive of imports into bond, defence stores, coins, foreign currency notes, articles of baggage and personal effects of passengers and trade-intransit through Pakistan.
10.4 Upto June, 1981 the exports and imports statistics were compiled and published on the basis of Pakistan Standard Trade Classification Revised (PSTC-R) based on Standard International Trade Classification Revised (SITC-R) VIII
of the United Nations. The PSTC-R was at 6 digit level and was comparable with the nomenclature of SITC-R upto 4 digit level. The United Nations further revised SITC-R due to changes in the pattern and direction of international trade and called it as SITC-R 2. Hence to maintain international comparability and better recording of trade statistics, this Bureau also revised its PSTC-R on the basis of SITC-R2 and called it PSTC-R2 which remained into force upto June, 1989. The nomenclatures upto 5 digit level of PSTC-R2 were the same as that of SITC-R2. The sixth and seventh digits were representing details to meet the requirement of the country.
10.5 There were however, a number of users who found the sub-division of CCCN and SITC Revised-2 (and thus PSTC-R2) insufficient for their need. Customs Cooperation Council undertook the responsibility of development and completion of Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS). The work resulted into revision of CCCN and expansion of its four digit categories into six-digit heading of Harmonized System (HS). In January, 1981 the Statistical Commission had taken note of the fact that third revision of SITC would have to be made available maintaining the general character and structure of SITC-R2 and taking into account the need for its harmonization with the revised CCCN, ISIC and Central Product Classification. Employing headings of HS as building blocks, the United Nations Statistical Office produced third revision of SITC and got it approved by the Statistical Commission at its twenty third session in February, 1985 with the recommendation that member countries should report international data on external trade according to Standard International Trade Classification Revision-3. Pakistan Standard Trade Classification has accordingly been revised and introduced from July, 1989. The revised classification (PSTC-R3) has correlation with SITC-R3, HS and PCT. It consists of about 6560 items at 7 digit level. The seven digit commodities have been assembled into 3119 5-digit basic items of SITC-R3 which are further summaried into 1033 sub-groups, 261 groups, 67 division and 10 sections
10.6. In pursuance of recommendation of UN Statistics Division for adoption of Harmonized Commodity Description of Coding System (HS) for compilation and dissemination of external trade statistics by member countries and to cater to the need of users, Federal Bureau of Statistics in co-operation with Federal Board of Revenue, Pakistan Custom, Ministry of Commerce and Trade Development Authority of Pakistan has prepared Alpha Register of 6050 HS Codes at 8 digit level which in compatible with PCT 2002-2003 and incorporates HS 2002 but Now HS-2002 has been amended by the WCO (World Custom Organization) during the year 2007. FBR also revised the PCT 2007-08, which contains 6913(HS) PCT Codes at eight digit level. In 2009-2010 PCT contain eight digits PCT Codes.
10.7 New series of Quantum and Unit Value indices of exports and imports and the terms of trade with base year 1990-91 on quarterly and annual basis have been introduced in the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics from the month of January, 1998 in table Nos.10.16 to 10.20. The data of imports and exports used in the series cover trade by sea, land and air whether on Government, Semi-Government or private account. The series have nine groups for import and eight groups for export indices. In export 734 items covering 96.48% of the total exports and in import 1198 items covering 85.73% of the total imports have been selected. The Formula used in computation of these indices is Laspeyers in its original form. For computation of annual indices simple arithmetic average of the quarterly indices is made. 1 General Index Number of Share Price (Base 2000-2001) 455.34 2 Aggregate Market Capitalisation Rs.3744124.7 million 1 Resident Foreign Currency Deposits Rs.263430 million 1 Reserve Money Rs.1679286 million 2 Quantum Index Number (LSMI with Base 1999-2000) 205.89 3 Large Scale Manufacturing Sector (LSMI) Growth 4.79% 4 Inflation 11.73% 5 Consumer Price Index (CPI with Base 2000-2001) 214.41 6 Currency in Circulation Rs.1295385 million 7 Balance of Trade (-) $ 15.420 billion 8 Value of Exports $ 19.290 billion 9 Value of Imports $ 34.710 billion 10 *Foreign Exchange Reserves $ 13112 million 11 Overall Balance of Payment Surplus $ -3946 million 1 Agricultural Sector Growth 1.20% 2 Industrial Sector Growth -0.1% 3 Services Sector Growth 4.1% 4 GDP Growth Rate at Factor Cost (Economic Growth Rate) 2.4% 5 GNP Growth Rate (At Constant Factor Cost) 2.9% 6 Per Capita Income $ 1256 7 Imports Duty Rs.179722.75 million 8 Exports Duty Rs.420.53 million 9 Total Workers Remittances $ 11200.97 million 1 Population (Estimated as on 01-07-2011) 175.31 million Male 90.67 million Female 84.63 million 2 Natural Growth Rate (PDS- 2007) 1.88% 3 Population Growth Rate - Estimated 2010 1.63% 4 Dependency Ratio - 2007 81.5 5 Mean Size of Household - 2007 6.6 * From 2006-07, this excludes CRR, and unsettled claims on Indian and Contd. Includes sinking funds & Cash Foreign Currencies holding. (2008- 2009) (2009- 2010) IX K E Y I N D I C A T O R S SOCI AL I NDI CATORS YEARLY ECONOMI C I NDI CATORS (2007- 2008) (2010- 2011) 1 Turnover of Share (KSE) A. Ready / T+3 1817.562 (No. in million) B. Future Contract 85.566 (No. in million) 1 Value of Exports $ 2296.491 million 2 Value of Imports $ 4288.160 million 3 Balance of Trade (-)$ 1991.669 million 4 Quantum Index of Manufacturing (LSMI with Base 1999-00) 213.58 5 Growth in Quantum Index Manufacturing (LSMI) 1.28% 6 Reserve Money Rs.1949502 million 7 Currency in Circulation Rs.1526779 million 1 Imports Duty Rs.23385.62 million 2 Exchage Rate of Pak Rupees in terms of one unit US Dollar 1 $ =Rs.85.7859 3 $ 1104.56 million 4 Consumer Price Index (CPI with Base 2000-01) 254.57 5 Wholesale Price Index (WPI with Base 2000-01) 300.50 6 Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI with Base 2000-01) 303.07 7 Growth Rate A. CPI 0.55% B. WPI 0.22% C. SPI 1.20% Source: i) Federal Bureau of Stati sti cs. i i) State Bank of Pakistan. ii i) Economic Survey of Pakistan. ECONOMI C I NDI CATORS X MONTHLY Total Workers Remittances (Including Hajj & War compensation) J une, 2011 Apr i l , 2011 May, 2011 1. BALANCE OF PAYMENT Cash 826.57 845.28 1052.88 1030.42 1049.79 1104.56 1 USA 148.03 152.55 192.79 186.83 187.15 204.64 2 UK 92.53 101.21 108.62 111.39 102.55 106.20 3 Saudi Arabia 209.58 209.60 259.00 263.80 292.72 291.55 4 UAE 181.40 190.04 232.19 232.05 236.37 270.04 Dubai 77.86 92.95 110.10 113.46 115.30 124.57 Abu Dhabi 99.38 93.45 115.54 112.93 115.01 139.84 Sharjah 3.94 3.50 5.55 5.29 5.57 5.31 Other 0.22 0.14 1.00 0.37 0.49 0.32 5 Other GCC Countries 95.18 98.55 128.10 115.37 121.34 121.35 Bahrain 11.80 13.64 18.61 16.15 15.10 14.45 Kawait 34.89 35.46 45.07 45.32 48.06 47.90 Qatar 22.03 23.76 28.01 24.29 27.25 27.71 Oman 26.46 25.69 36.41 29.61 30.93 31.29 6 EU Countries 23.56 24.58 35.49 35.04 30.16 33.83 Germany 6.80 6.97 12.11 10.71 7.75 8.61 France 2.31 2.64 4.13 3.66 3.68 4.25 Netherland 0.45 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.50 0.46 Spain 3.65 3.83 4.72 5.92 4.66 5.40 Italy 3.50 3.43 4.72 4.42 4.18 4.45 Greece 0.84 0.81 0.95 1.03 0.79 0.89 Sweden 0.83 0.83 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.87 Denmark 1.69 1.90 1.93 2.42 2.29 2.54 Ireland 3.17 3.67 5.12 5.28 5.40 6.13 Belgium 0.32 0.19 0.38 0.27 0.11 0.23 7 Norway 3.01 2.96 3.20 3.13 2.80 3.02 8 Switzerland 2.08 2.41 3.37 2.22 3.17 2.40 9 Australia 6.20 6.40 7.71 8.70 7.19 7.83 10 Canada 13.31 11.97 14.16 15.30 13.52 14.01 11 Japan 0.32 0.33 2.41 0.32 0.39 2.04 12 Other Countries 51.31 44.68 65.84 56.27 53.43 47.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ( I + II ) 826.57 845.28 1052.88 1030.42 1049.79 1104.56 Note: Item has been revised / extended by the State Bank of Pakistan. Source: State Bank of Pakistan. Jun., 2011 1.1 Country Wise Workers Remittances (Including Hajj and War Compensation) May, 2011 Jan., 2011 Feb., 2011 Mar., 2011 1 II ITEM Encashment and Profit in Pak. Rs. Of Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificates(FEBCs) and Foreign Currency Bearer Certificate(FCBCs) Apr., 2011 (Provisional) (Million US Dollars) (Million $) 2009-10 2008-09 July - 2009 744.85 627.21 18.76 26.53 August 480.53 592.30 -18.87 21.00 September 806.12 660.35 22.07 27.96 October 758.29 466.13 62.68 -19.67 November 742.79 620.52 19.70 22.73 December 697.65 673.50 3.59 40.53 January, 2010 667.90 637.30 4.80 14.40 February 589.03 641.32 -8.15 27.56 March 763.72 739.43 3.28 22.79 April 755.78 697.52 8.35 18.08 May 757.86 720.68 5.16 23.25 June 841.44 735.17 14.46 34.30 July-June 8064.51 7076.26 13.97 19.86 Monthly average for period July-June 733.14 643.30 13.97 19.86 2010-11 2009-10 July, 2010 791.18 744.85 6.22 18.76 August 933.06 780.53 19.54 31.78 September 922.06 806.12 14.38 22.07 October 855.11 758.29 12.77 62.68 November 926.89 742.79 24.78 19.7 December 863.11 697.65 23.72 3.59 January, 2011 826.57 667.90 23.76 4.80 February 845.28 589.03 43.50 -8.15 March 1052.88 763.72 37.86 3.28 April 1030.42 755.77 36.34 8.35 May 1049.79 757.86 38.52 5.16 June 1104.56 841.44 31.27 14.46 Monthly average for period July-June 11200.97 8905.9 22.37 15.78 1.2 Month Wise Workers Remittances Monthly Cash Inflow (Including Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificates & Foreign Currency Bearer Certificates) 2009-2010 2008-2009 % Change Source: State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi. Monthly Cash Inflow (Including Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificates & Foreign Currency Bearer Certificates) 2010-2011 2009-2010 % Change S. Country/ Jun., July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., No. Organi zati on 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1 Australi a Doll ar 72.7507 74.8874 77.0941 80.3318 84.2974 84.6022 85.0504 85.2741 86.1218 86.2427 89.6003 91.0047 90.9153 2 Bahrain Dinar 226.3222 226.8383 227.2179 227.6742 228.0961 227.0114 227.4983 227.3748 226.3633 226.4041 224.5378 226.0729 227.6217 3 Canada Doll ar 82.1683 81.9643 82.4674 82.8618 84.4176 84.6707 85.0270 86.2271 86.3206 87.3698 88.3883 88.1491 87.7900 4 China Yuan 12.5130 12.6291 12.6238 12.7319 12.8942 12.8607 12.9031 12.9919 12.9804 12.9973 12.9670 13.1160 13.2483 5 Denmark Krone 14.0172 14.6755 14.8430 15.0765 16.0149 15.6894 15.2079 15.3593 15.6453 16.0183 16.4031 16.3733 16.5468 6 E.M.U. Euro 104.1499 109.2401 110.4534 112.1277 119.2898 116.8332 113.2608 114.3674 116.5515 119.3735 122.2881 122.0468 123.3451 7 Hong Kong Doll ar 10.9582 11.0017 11.0249 11.0505 11.0818 11.0356 11.0298 11.0175 10.9579 10.9551 10.8871 10.9616 11.0192 8 I.M.F. SDR 125.3454 128.7386 130.0789 131.0758 135.0333 133.6524 131.7570 132.6382 133.4307 134.9005 135.3550 9 India Rupee 1.8334 1.8274 1.8395 1.8662 1.9364 1.9043 1.8990 1.3263 1.3343 10 Japan Yen 0.9388 0.9762 1.0020 1.0157 1.0502 1.0383 1.0296 1.0366 1.0331 1.0432 1.0180 1.0511 1.0667 11 Kuwait Dinar 293.2236 296.1320 298.4051 299.3630 304.5580 304.6396 304.0123 305.2273 305.2774 307.2674 306.2266 309.5388 312.3434 12 Malaysi a Ringgit 26.1138 26.6828 27.1758 27.6213 27.7415 24.4837 27.3963 27.9978 28.0114 28.0881 28.1026 28.2876 28.3234 13 Newzel and Doll ar 58.9652 60.9487 61.2482 62.3169 64.5231 65.8514 64.4824 65.6286 65.0536 63.2641 66.8004 67.9379 69.8555 14 Norway Krone 13.1780 13.6187 13.9483 14.1749 14.7353 14.3710 14.3045 14.6159 14.8808 15.2021 15.6713 15.5579 15.7463 15 Oman Riyal 221.6112 222.1178 222.4952 222.9513 223.3489 222.2637 222.7147 222.5856 221.6096 221.6618 219.8395 221.3607 222.8842 16 Qatar Riyal 23.4459 23.5058 23.5379 23.5790 23.6225 23.5094 23.5569 23.5467 23.4437 23.4449 23.2492 23.3948 23.5600 17 Singapore Doll ar 61.0064 62.1187 63.1788 64.2189 65.8996 65.8666 65.5926 66.5601 66.8214 67.2145 67.8208 68.8186 69.4541 18 Sweden Krona 10.9087 11.5347 11.7494 12.1776 12.8953 12.5798 12.5234 12.8496 13.2788 13.4565 13.6711 13.6391 13.5710 19 Switzerl and Franc 75.5940 81.1492 82.3214 85.6569 88.7317 86.9187 88.3213 89.5964 89.9504 92.7567 94.2745 97.5008 101.9778 20 Saudi Arabi aRiyal 22.7430 22.7987 22.8348 22.8788 22.9533 22.8164 22.8561 22.8523 22.7553 22.7586 22.5673 22.7134 22.8707 21 U.A.E. Dirham 23.2357 23.2878 23.3080 23.3603 23.4108 23.3088 23.3471 23.3386 23.2391 23.2454 23.0518 23.2040 23.3578 22 U.K. Sterl i ng (Pound) 125.7015 130.5937 134.0077 133.5313 136.1208 136.3860 133.7806 135.0590 137.5478 137.7832 138.4542 139.2046 139.0996 23 U.S.A. Doll ar 85.2843 85.5031 85.6070 85.7618 85.9416 85.5440 85.7072 85.6778 85.3141 85.3380 84.6278 85.2122 85.7859 Note: Euro, a common currency of the 11 member countri es of European Economi c and Source: State Bank of Paki stan, Karachi. Monetary Uni on (EMU) was i ntroduced wi th effect from 1st January, 1999. Currency 1.3 Exchange Rates Pak. Rupees i n Terms of One Uni t of Forei gn Currency 2 2. CLIMATE Murree Rawalpindi/Islamabad Jhelum Lahore Sargodha 2167 507 232 213 187 above sea level Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Month Dec 2009 11.7 2.6 21.1 3.3 22.1 5.5 22.2 9.1 23.0 7.6 Jan 2010 12.4 1.8 21.5 2.9 19.1 4.6 17.3 7.8 17.3 5.8 Feb 2010 8.7 1.2 20.1 7.0 22.9 8.9 22.8 11.9 23.6 10.0 Mar 2010 18.1 9.4 29.0 12.6 31.1 15.7 30.9 19.2 32.0 17.5 Apr 2010 21.7 12.4 33.9 16.9 37.6 20.5 38.0 24.3 39.4 22.9 May 2010 22.9 13.2 36.4 20.5 39.2 23.9 39.8 26.8 41.0 25.5 Dec 2010 12.7 2.0 20.9 1.7 22.4 4.2 21.2 7.9 22.1 5.8 Jan 2011 8.2 -1.7 17.7 1.5 18.0 4.2 16.6 6.9 18.1 5.1 Feb 2011 7.8 0.7 18.6 5.8 20.7 8.6 21.2 11.1 21.5 9.3 Mar 2011 14.9 6.5 26.1 10.6 28.4 13.3 28.0 16.3 28.7 14.8 Apr 2011 17.4 8.3 29.1 14.1 32.1 17.5 32.9 20.2 33.4 19.0 May 2011 25.5 16.1 37.7 21.1 40.4 24.6 39.8 27.5 41.4 26.5 Faisalabad Multan Bahawalpur Hyderabad Nawabshah above sea level Max. Max. Max. Max. Month Dec 2009 22.6 5.0 23.6 7.1 24.7 8.0 25.8 13.7 26.2 8.9 Jan 2010 16.6 4.7 18.6 6.6 19.4 6.4 26.3 10.6 25.2 5.5 Feb 2010 22.5 8.3 24.4 9.1 24.6 8.9 29.4 13.9 28.8 6.6 Mar 2010 30.9 15.5 32.7 17.6 33.1 16.3 37.6 21.1 39.2 15.3 Apr 2010 38.8 21.0 39.0 23.5 40.2 22.2 40.9 23.7 44.1 21.7 May 2010 40.7 25.0 42.2 26.5 42.5 25.4 41.7 26.1 46.8 25.6 Dec 2010 22.7 4.5 22.1 5.8 23.8 6.1 25.4 10.8 25.8 6.3 Jan 2011 16.9 3.8 18.0 4.6 8.8 4.3 24.0 10.3 23.7 5.5 Feb 2011 21.4 8.7 22.4 9.7 23.4 9.6 27.1 14.3 27.5 10.5 Mar 2011 27.9 13.3 29.4 15.2 30.0 14.1 34.3 18.8 32.2 15.1 Apr 2011 33.1 18.3 34.4 19.7 35.1 18.8 38.2 22.1 39.7 18.8 May 2011 40.9 25.6 42.2 28.0 42.0 27.5 40.9 25.7 45.1 25.2 2.1 Temperature at Selected Stations 3 (In Centigrade) Contd. Stations Height in metres Stations Height in metres 183 122 116 40 37 Min. Min. Min. Min. Max. Min. Station Jacobabad Karachi (Airport) Peshawar D.I.Khan Saidu Sharif Gilgit Height in metres 55 21 359 173 961 1459 above sea level Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Month Dec 2009 24.5 9.3 28.6 13.9 N.R. N.R. 22.8 6.6 17.6 3.6 12.5 0.0 Jan 2010 23.1 7.9 27.4 13.3 17.4 5.4 19.1 1.9 13.9 -1.9 Feb 2010 25.9 10.3 29.2 14.7 N.R. N.R. 22.6 9.1 14.6 4.0 22.5 1.9 Mar 2010 35.7 18.1 34.0 21.3 N.R. N.R. 30.7 16.6 25.4 10.2 22.1 7.3 Apr 2010 41.9 23.8 35.7 25.2 33.2 19.6 38.1 21.5 29.4 14.3 24.4 10.3 May 2010 45.4 27.9 36.9 28.0 36.6 22.9 40.3 24.8 31.8 17.5 26.5 12.4 Dec 2010 23.5 8.3 27.9 11.1 19.7 3.9 21.7 4.1 16.0 0.7 14.6 -5.9 Jan 2011 20.2 7.1 26.9 11.0 17.6 4.3 13.1 3.5 14.7 1.2 11.9 -4.3 Feb 2011 23.7 12.2 28.5 14.5 18.2 7.8 21.0 8.5 13.4 4.3 11.6 1.0 Mar 2011 31.7 17.1 33.3 19.7 26.0 12.8 27.7 13.6 21.7 9.4 20.0 5.8 Apr 2011 36.3 20.8 34.8 23.1 30.0 16.9 32.5 18.2 25.2 12.2 25.6 8.5 May 2011 44.5 28.0 35.3 27.1 39.1 24.7 41.3 25.5 34.3 18.9 33.2 12.8 Zhob(Fortsandeman) Khuzdar 1600 1405 1231 980 848 Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Month Dec 2009 14.6 -0.4 16.1 1.0 18.8 5.2 21.5 7.8 21.1 6.1 Jan 2010 15.5 -1.3 17.4 0.8 19.8 4.1 20.1 5.8 22.1 3.0 Feb 2010 13.8 1.2 17.1 2.6 21.1 5.9 21.5 7.2 23.5 5.3 Mar 2010 24.5 5.9 26.4 11.1 29.0 12.5 30.7 16.0 32.6 12.3 Apr 2010 28.8 10.9 31.0 7.0 33.3 18.4 35.2 18.7 37.0 18.3 May 2010 31.8 14.4 33.6 19.6 36.1 23.4 38.6 22.6 40.5 22.7 Dec 2010 14.7 -6.4 17.3 0.4 20.1 2.5 19.0 2.0 N.R. N.R. Jan 2011 12.7 -3.8 13.4 0.2 17.3 3.6 N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. Feb 2011 12.1 1.9 14.0 2.0 44.1 18.8 21.5 6.8 21.3 6.4 Mar 2011 N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 23.0 15.2 27.6 11.9 27.9 11.1 Apr 2011 22.5 9.6 N.R. N.R. 28.3 15.9 32.4 17.4 34.3 17.3 May 2011 32.3 14.9 N.R. N.R. 36.7 22.9 38.5 23.4 41.5 24.4 Station Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department, Karachi. Quetta(Samungli) 4 2.1 Temperature at Selected Stations Dalbadin Panjgoor (In Centigrade) Height in metres above sea level Rawalpi ndi / Islamabad Hei ght i n metres above sea l evel Year/month 2006 1692.4 1621.4 1232.9 728.4 577.5 444.4 178.5 157.7 524.9 273.4 94.2 2007 1520.2 1621.9 823.1 654.5 720.4 366.9 325.4 150.9 241.9 243.4 183.0 2008 1498.4 1384.2 826.1 608.6 592.1 656.8 247.5 220.5 156.6 112.1 184.3 2009 1270.6 401.0 542.0 372.0 187.0 377.0 119.0 147.0 209.0 107.0 43.0 2010 1681.6 849.0 771.0 541.0 602.0 545.0 285.0 226.0 214.0 343.0 152.0 Dec 2009 8.8 1.0 Trace Trace 0.0 0.0 0.0 Trace 0.3 0.2 1.0 Jan 2010 28.6 17.5 2.0 0.3 2.6 1.4 Trace 7.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 Feb 2010 263.9 105.6 75.0 9.4 23.9 8.7 Trace Trace 0.4 Trace 1.0 Mar 2010 82.6 43.8 18.0 54.0 14.7 8.0 42.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 Trace Apr 2010 105.2 22.4 13.2 2.6 3.3 3.5 1.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 9.2 May 2010 111.8 35.6 51.0 7.2 2.6 7.8 8.6 12.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 Dec 2010 20.5 26.2 14.6 15.0 2.9 1.5 Trace 0.5 0.0 0.0 6.0 Jan 2011 18.7 7.0 Trace Trace 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 Feb 2011 195.6 118.1 94.6 28.1 30.8 34.4 15.8 13.6 Trace 13.0 34.0 Mar 2011 108.3 51.2 15.6 7.0 10.7 8.1 4.7 3.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 Apr 2011 231.5 76.4 31.5 16.0 27.0 16.8 16.4 10.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 May 2011 32.0 16.2 16.8 6.0 8.9 10.3 6.3 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Cont d. Jacobabad 55 Jhel um Hyderabad Nawabshah 122 116 40 37 Mul tan Stati on Murree 2167 507 232 213 187 183 5 2.2 Rainfall at Selected Stations (In Mi l l i metres) Bahawalpur Lahore Sargodha Faisalabad Karachi Quetta Zhob (Fort- (Ai rport) (Samungl i ) sandeman Hei ght i n metres above sea l evel Year/month 2006 301.1 497.7 204.2 1076.3 240.1 148.7 318.5 268.6 130.4 72.3 2007 451.0 685.0 449.4 1031.9 191.4 227.9 271.8 248.4 162.9 178.4 2008 121.6 817.0 432.9 1206.2 170.7 130.0 224.6 303.6 75.5 128.8 2009 280.0 533.0 285.0 958.1 141.1 200.0 270.0 234.0 60.0 125.0 2010 373.0 839.0 756.0 1465.1 214.6 102.0 279.0 159.0 54.0 20.0 Dec 2009 1.5 N.R. 0.0 3.1 8.6 48.0 7.6 41.0 9.0 24.0 Jan 2010 Trace 12.0 42.4 Trace 26.0 11.2 4.8 8.0 4.0 Feb 2010 0.5 N.R. 1.0 238.0 13.3 27.0 3.0 8.8 43.5 9.0 Mar 2010 0.0 N.R. 38.8 61.1 20.7 4.0 22.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Apr 2010 0.0 32.0 Trace 133.8 24.6 16.0 7.0 7.7 0.0 Trace May 2010 0.0 21.0 1.5 71.7 60.7 9.0 15.0 19.5 2.0 4.0 Dec 2010 0.0 10.0 Trace 3.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N.R. # Jan 2011 8.5 8.0 Trace 22.3 4.7 16.5 2.0 7.9 N.R. N.R. # Feb 2011 1.6 112.0 47.2 239.4 35.5 106.0 35.5 4.9 36.0 46.8 # Mar 2011 0.0 34.0 16.0 77.2 10.6 N.R. N.R. 86.7 43.0 5.1 # Apr 2011 0.0 49.0 19.7 108.0 5.8 44.0 N.R. 19.2 32.0 2.0 # May 2011 0.0 52.0 1.0 12.6 16.6 2.0 N.R. 19.2 3.0 2.0 # Source: Pakistan Meteorol ogi cal Department, Karachi. 359 21 1459 961 173 1405 1600 848 980 1231 Stati on Peshawar D.I. Khan Sai du Shari f Gi l gi t Khuzdar Panjgoor (In Mi l l i metres) Dal badi n 6 2.2 Rainfall at Selected Stations 3. ENERGY & MINING (Barrels) S.No. Field May, 2011 Cummulative Total from July 2010 PUNJAB 1 Bhal Syedan 0 0 2 Chak Naurang 11575 124052 3 Dakhni 49050 521645 4 Dhodak 4426 51160 5 Fimkasser 6155 73402 6 Kal 13625 142315 7 Missakiswal 30754 60943 8 Rajian 41000 475525 9 Sadkal 2432 26094 10 Toot 6347 26775 11 Bhangali 0 0 12 Dhurnal 6463 53144 13 Ratana 14939 170423 14 Balkassar 13021 142961 15 Bela 4430 42013 16 Dhulian 3865 45214 17 Joyamir 716 7683 18 Khaur 177 1908 19 Meyal 11758 135885 20 Minwal 1800 20410 21 Pariwali 24355 306076 22 Pindori 30284 388999 23 Turk Wal 2169 25138 24 Adhi 177893 1702693 25 Rodho Salsabil 5647 69815 Total 462881 4614273 SINDH 1 Zam Zama 61656 734453 2 Ali Zaur 24 1232 3 Ali 924 12306 4 Bhati/Nakurji 1476 24325 5 Baqar Deep 366 6123 6 Bilal 1 0 0 7 Bilal North 0 19 8 Bukhari 0 0 9 Bukhari Deep 437 5355 10 Buzdar Unit 0 29967 11 Dhabi (South) 0 0 12 Dhabi (North) 0 0 13 Duphri 4270 63128 14 Fateh Shah 0 1 15 Fateh Shah Deep 0 0 16 Fateh Shah North 0 1 17 Ghungro 7400 89543 18 Golarchi 346 3198 19 Holipota 3707 41969 20 Jobo 0 20218 21 Jobo (North) 18616 167401 22 Jagir 8430 76136 23 Jalal 692 7309 24 Jhaberi South 148 2605 25 Jogwani 141 3529 26 Kamal North 1 38530 356854 27 Kato 85 754 28 Khaskheli 4613 51029 29 Khaskheli Down Thrown 771 8139 30 Khorewah 3670 40482 31 Khorewah Deep 294 7285 32 Keyhole G 0 0 33 Laghari 3611 41481 34 Liari Deep 28 28 35 Liari 215 4856 36 Makdumpur 3 318 37 Matli 0 40 38 Mazari 2453 35175 39 Meyun Ismail 0 1799 40 Meyun Ismail Deep 1399 6979 41 Muban 2189 19214 Contd. 7 3.1 Production of Crude Oil (Barrels) S.No. Field May, 2011 Cummulative Total from July 2010 42 Missri 15149 215156 43 Naimat Basal 423 8343 44 North Akri 3100 36333 45 Paniro 2661 32149 46 Rajo 0 0 47 Rind 1554 18709 48 Sakhi 2872 87908 49 Sakhi Deep 29 337 50 Sakhi South Deep 284 3390 51 Shah Dino 0 0 52 Sonro 19388 323349 53 South Bozdar 0 0 54 South Bozdar Deep 7706 61837 55 South Mazari 18016 181613 56 South Mazari Deep 23475 251843 57 Tajedi 3286 35561 58 Tando Ghulam Ali 1890 23028 59 Tangri 5348 61621 60 Tangri Deep 4661 48606 61 Turk Deep 668 7300 62 Turk 541 7100 63 Umer 1470 21701 64 Zaur 16427 258020 65 Zaur Deep 188 2500 66 Zaur South 55 4504 67 Baloch 0 149730 68 Bobi 54850 554805 69 Kunnar 167213 1993296 70 Lashari Centre 30005 332164 71 Gopang 0 116 72 Missan 6465 69320 73 Mollan N 3660 44730 74 Noorai Jagir 44 638 75 Pasaki 98435 1080417 76 Pasaki North East 15795 167945 77 Pasaki N 20205 213885 78 Pakhro 0 0 79 Qadir Pur 26655 287331 80 Sono 54815 586110 81 Tando Alam 21005 328775 82 Thora 34630 351197 83 Kandh Kot 770 22702 84 Adam 24252 341259 85 Mazarani 1340 15140 86 Miano 790 17242 87 Mari 1786 4570 88 Bhit 8097 101679 89 Kadanwari 435 10538 90 Saqib 2698 19519 91 Rehmat 0 17372 Total 869630 10264639 KHYBER PAKHTOON KHWA 1 Chanda 137285 1394957 2 Shekhan 29 5952 3 Mela 129945 1503449 4 Naspha 184187 1775804 5 Manzalai 195068 1921970 6 Makori East 3525 8386 7 Makori 47319 552049 Total 697358 7162567 BALOCHISTAN 1 Uch 726 7608 2 Sui 467 13251 Total 1193 20859 Grand Total 2031062 22074084 Note: 0 means there is no production in these months. 3.1 Production of Crude Oil 8 (MCFT) S.No. Field May, 2011 Cummulative Total from July 2010 PUNJAB 1 Dakhni 1468.00 15362.00 2 Dhodak 63.00 695.00 3 Bahu 428.00 1787.00 4 Nandpur/Panjpir 998.00 10777.00 5 Sadkal 55.00 636.00 6 Bhangali 0.00 0.00 7 Dhurnal 32.63 293.32 8 Ratana 373.65 4053.60 9 Balkassar 1.85 20.25 10 Bela 55.15 458.60 11 Dhulian 68.67 777.29 12 Meyal 86.07 986.12 13 Parwali 297.42 3659.55 14 Pindori 86.45 1138.53 15 Turkwal 1.55 16.75 16 Adhi 1225.59 12965.16 17 Rodho (Salsabil) 810.06 9591.62 18 Domial 0.00 0.00 Total 6051.00 63217.70 SINDH 1 Zamzama 11507.00 132472.65 2 Ali Zaur 1.83 23.57 3 Ali 119.86 1311.04 4 Ahmed 0.00 21.11 5 Bhatti/Nakurji 80.17 1078.78 6 Bilal North 0.00 0.92 7 Bilal 124.20 128.53 8 Baqar Deep 0.00 2264.46 9 Bukhari 4.30 34.53 10 Bukhari Deep 141.86 2263.08 11 Buzdar South 0.00 0.95 12 Bouzdar South Deep 130.08 687.82 13 Bouzdar Unit 0.00 8514.74 14 Dabhi North 0.00 8.35 15 Dabhi South 13.31 112.40 16 Duphri 129.38 1238.95 17 Fateh Shah 0.00 32.60 18 Fateh Shah North 26.79 326.38 19 Ghungro 5.11 60.76 20 Golarchi 140.76 1557.40 21 Holipota 6.63 92.35 22 Haider Deep 0.00 153.56 23 Jabo North 0.00 16.40 24 Jabo 21.06 298.26 25 Jagir 3.31 31.29 26 Jalal 71.84 781.86 27 Jhaberi South 36.36 618.71 28 Jogwani 624.21 7132.17 29 Kamal North 1 101.98 1090.76 30 Kato 3.38 60.78 31 Kausar 200.26 2655.62 32 Khaskheli 5.41 62.66 33 Khaskheli Down Th 0.53 8.03 34 Khorewah 354.06 3656.86 35 Khorewah Deep 15.54 268.73 36 Keyhole G 0.00 0.00 37 Laghari 5.44 58.84 38 Liari 2.28 41.03 39 Liari Deep 21.09 269.60 40 Makhdum pur 42.02 562.33 41 Makhdum pur Deep 90.06 870.27 42 Matli 0.00 73.31 43 Mazri 6.72 134.20 44 Meyun Ismail 0.00 716.16 45 Meyun Ismail Deep 306.80 1636.66 46 Missri 63.01 966.78 47 Muban 0.97 28.22 48 Naimat Basal 188.87 2243.33 Contd. 9 3.2 Production of Natural Gas (MCFT) S.No. Field May, 2011 Cummulative Total from July 2010 48 North Akri 1.06 13.52 49 Panrio 0.82 10.70 50 Pir 7.24 93.47 51 Rajo 0.24 0.24 52 Rind 0.10 7.72 53 Sakhi 8.33 277.94 54 Sakhi Deep 22.83 285.09 55 Sakhi South Deep 116.58 1365.54 56 Shah Dino 0.01 0.01 57 Sonoro 128.57 1552.60 58 South Mazari 7.49 109.10 59 South Mazari Deep 25.60 315.27 60 Tajedi 0.25 2.20 61 Tando Ghulam Ali 100.70 1048.86 62 Tangri 3.49 40.97 63 Tangri Deep 231.36 3615.67 64 Turk 115.31 1255.16 65 Turk Deep 168.99 2130.57 66 Umer 45.10 467.37 67 Usman 280.75 3514.39 68 Zaur 29.05 409.76 69 Zaur Deep 12.83 124.24 70 Zaur South 7.98 85.93 71 Zaur West 0.00 2.14 72 Bhit & Badhra 11646.00 127279.00 73 Kadanwari 3078.00 32641.00 74 Mari 16903.58 169625.35 75 Bobi 414.00 4506.00 76 Noorai Jagir 22.00 71.00 77 Qadir Pur 15251.00 162397.00 78 Gopang 0.00 112.00 79 Pakhro 52.00 868.00 80 Sari Hundi 17.00 615.00 81 Miano 2510.00 24872.99 82 Latif 1891.00 13151.65 83 Sawan 8367.00 103311.89 84 Tajjal 602.00 7602.62 85 Chachar 206.00 2153.57 86 Adam 409.00 4448.11 87 Kandh Kot 5004.00 50892.10 88 Mazrani 324.00 3687.64 89 Badar 446.13 4743.76 90 Block-22 274.19 4259.39 91 Sara/Suri 0.00 137.36 92 Saqib 386.76 2369.93 93 Rehmat 0.00 2099.12 Total 83714.82 913141.61 KHYBER PAKHTOON KHWA 1 Chanda 259.00 2369.00 2 Mela 400.00 4392.00 3 Nashpa 649.00 5862.00 4 Shekhan 26.00 871.00 5 Makori 712.00 7904.44 6 Makori East 19.00 19.00 7 Manzali 9138.00 93667.19 Total 11203.44 115085.07 BALOCHISTAN 1 Loti 922.00 10288.00 2 Pirkoh 345.00 2867.00 3 Uch 6265.00 63639.00 4 Sui 16017.00 180901.69 Total 23549.00 257695.69 Grand Total 124518.26 1349140.07 Note: 0 means there is no production in these months. 3.2 Production of Natural Gas 10 Crude Oil Natural Gas (000 Barrels) (MCFT) Total Hydel Thermal Nuclear
2005-06 23935 1400026 94030 30853 60693 2484 2006-07 24615 1413582 98395 31953 63972 2288 2007-08 25603 1454194 97962 28558 66326 3078 2008-09 24033 1460678 92431 27636 63177 1618 2009-10 23706 1482846 94222 27927 63504 2791 2010 Jul 2005 128823 9118 3566 5518 34 Aug 1966 124629 8993 4311 4609 73 Sep 1939 116783 8290 3706 4310 274 Oct 2017 122570 7471 2794 4528 282 Nov 2015 119992 6158 2819 3070 269 Dec 2117 130447 6127 1970 3921 236 2011 Jan 2107 129234 5827 1038 4548 241 Feb 1857 113154 5543 1789 3604 191 Mar 2060 124297 6475 1775 3128 240 Apr 1960 116792 6384 p 1607 3760 224 May 2031 124518 8182 p 3124 4824 234 p = Provisional r = Revised 11 ii) Electricity Generating Establishments. Source: i) Directorate General of Petroleum concessions, Electricity (Mn.kwh.) 3.3 Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Electricity M/o. Petroleum & Natural Resources,Islamabad. Year / month Lime Rock Stone Salt 2005-06 1836 2078 411 601 18428 7480 1859 3880 5196 -- 2006-07 1980 2331 402 624 25512 6031 1873 3702 2536 -- 2007-08 1537 4505 403 660 31789 6350 1849 4066 310 36583 2008-09 1145 4356 370 800 33186 6605 1917 3679 155 17799 2009-10 1065 4304 411 854 37137 6715 1944 3536 -- 18121 2010 Jul 82 407 27 44 2689 750 145 263 -- 2543 Aug 50 387 19 39 2377 745 136 139 -- 2583 Sep 32 347 24 42 2212 695 139 166 -- 2430 Oct 67 405 24 71 2888 600 167 293 -- 2377 Nov 41 424 26 53 2918 545 141 236 -- 170 Dec 57 316 29 62 2219 500 178 251 -- -- 2011 Jan 127 361 31 111 2591 100 187 289 -- -- Feb 69 389 25 83 2658 95 287 366 -- -- Mar 165 280 31 86 2243 650 185 370 -- 705 Apr 123 383 19 91 2952 605 p 162 243 -- -- May 144 p 366 25 98 3087 p 62 p 179 300 p -- -- p = Provisional r = Revised * = Copper Blister for the months of July, 08 to onwards. Contd. Stone(MT) Copper Blister (MT) Copper Year/month Gypsum Coal 3.4 Mineral Production Marble Ordinary Arg. Clay Silica Sand (Thousand Tonnes)
Year/month Iron Ore Bauxite Barytes Bentonite Celestite Chinaclay Chalk Chromite Dolomite Laterite 2005-06 131259 7831 52133 20088 3160 53051 3968 64572 183952 52539 2006-07 125879 18082 46759 33177 1530 30979 1465 104141 342463 132724 2007-08 286255 35635 49933 31247 1310 31512 1778 114884 359994 138588 2008-09 320214 13618 62997 32032 470 17169 8218 89739 249918 123867 2009-10 437003 9031 57166 34596 160 22769 2939 257148 130408 181046 2010 Jul 23922 669 2548 2345 -- 1100 437 9506 11625 27799 Aug 23198 201 3055 1320 -- 1280 -- 7043 7663 27132 Sep 14282 400 2502 1477 -- 850 -- 6424 2632 19589 Oct 30333 686 3817 2997 -- 1145 r 96 r 13876 14346 25339 Nov 24520 1139 -- 2894 -- 1915 88 6160 4961 28027 Dec 19139 1168 -- 2272 -- 1260 99 8375 1145 45530 2011 Jan 31638 775 3015 2628 -- 1097 380 8917 r 22811 12060 Feb 22337 645 2790 r 2797 -- 1008 -- 8076 r 37221 8221 Mar 24100 560 150 2177 -- 1110 380 6934 24176 5997 Apr 22120 1100 5053 2417 -- 1220 -- 13469 44261 17317 May 20198 p 515 2752 p 2504 p -- 1990 p -- 10201 34315 p 35200 p (Tonnes) 3.4 Mineral Production 12 Ordinary Year/month Feldspar Fire Flourite Fuller's Magnesite Manganese Ochres Sand/ Soap Sulphur Clay Bajri Sand Stone 2005-06 8978 332528 1966 16209 2446 3719 34320 -- 21065 24730 2006-07 26120 346689 1505 11378 3445 2904 61665 -- 44886 27710 2007-08 18737 330072 2612 10998 3940 1229 46215 -- 37999 29485 2008-09 37881 389493 1261 10213 2639 1254 56617 -- 13923 25784 2009-10 54198 329055 290 11219 5159 1655 55352 -- 53991 26641 2010 Jul -- 17599 379 292 30 332 3095 -- 1007 2435 Aug -- 12038 141 201 45 38 876 -- 756 2408 Sep -- 15596 54 290 -- -- 2065 -- 839 1678 Oct -- 24221 58 142 -- -- 2019 -- 561 1609 Nov -- 25835 177 170 -- 43 1838 -- 34 2374 Dec -- 23183 225 150 115 -- 1825 -- 587 2439 2011 Jan 13103 31342 521 448 100 59 2419 -- 454 2484 Feb 1805 17359 358 652 125 -- 5038 -- 186 2289 Mar -- 26133 400 840 440 223 5250 -- 9353 2581 Apr -- 29410 130 325 650 40 3263 -- 11762 2501 May -- 21240 265 p 250 793 50 2982 -- 11544 p 2545 P = Provisional Source: Provincial Directorates of Industries and Mineral Development. r = Revised earth (Tonnes) 4. HEALTH Month(s) BCG OPV-O OPV-1 OPV-2 OPV-3 Pentavalent-1 Pentavalent-2 Pentavalent-3 Measles-1 January 465,217 325,206 523,396 471,887 461,854 535,513 482,227 471,968 434,771 February 405,016 298,688 475,309 452,213 429,910 473,963 451,428 431,030 412,915 March 523,374 322,847 477,128 454,633 448,944 475,106 454,634 449,857 418,281 April 403,180 243,557 386,005 363,699 353,716 386,726 363,634 352,924 345,054 May June July August September October November December Total 1,796,787 1,190,298 1,861,838 1,742,432 1,694,424 1,871,308 1,751,923 1,705,779 1,611,021 Source: National Institute of Health, Islamabad. 4.1(a) Monthly Immunization Coverage Number of doses administered to (0-11 months) children during 2011 13 Month(s) BCG OPV-1 OPV-2 OPV-3 Pentavalent-1 Pentavalent-2 Pentavalent-3 Measles January 8,017 5,554 3,797 3,245 6,232 3,839 3,287 251,085 February 5,480 4,229 3,539 3,199 4,222 3,618 3,199 246,791 March 3,970 4,683 3,472 2,809 4,715 3,477 2,814 256,912 April 5,779 2,830 2,002 1,703 2,732 2,014 1,700 223,616 May June July August September October November December January Total 23,246 17,296 12,810 10,956 17,901 12,948 11,000 978,404 BCG = Bacillus of Caimette and Guerin Source: National Institue of Health, Islamabad. OPV = Oral Polio Vaccine 4.1(b) Monthly Immunization Coverage Number of doses administered to (12-23 months) children during 2011 TT1 TT2 TT3 TT4 TT5 TT1 TT2 TT3 TT4 TT5 January 362,684 284,808 50,542 15,034 8,178 74,585 55,461 27,650 6,511 3,257 February 340,109 281,169 44,338 13,140 5,566 56,851 47,388 21,426 5,088 2,835 March 351,948 284,335 42,971 13,078 8,051 54,759 41,704 23,257 5,481 2,936 April 331,578 254,410 38,258 10,231 6,182 49,960 35,393 18,571 4,885 1,967 May June July August September October November December January Total 1,386,319 1,104,722 176,109 51,483 27,977 236,155 179,946 90,904 21,965 10,995 TT = Tetanus Toxiod Source: National Institute of Health, Islamabad. 14 4.1(c) Monthly Immunization Coverage Number of TT Doses Administered to Women during 2011 Pregnant Women Month Childbearing age Women Male Female Unknown Total Male Female Unknown Total 00-04 - - - - - 3 - 3 05-09 - - - - 2 1 - 3 10-14 - - - - - - - - 15-19 1 - - 1 4 - - 4 20-24 2 - - 2 10 4 - 14 25-29 1 - - 1 10 8 - 18 30-34 4 - - 4 35 10 - 45 35-39 - - - - 39 19 1 59 40-44 2 - - 2 41 8 - 49 45-49 3 - - 3 36 6 1 43 50+ - - - - 20 4 - 24 Unknown - - - - 4 3 1 8 Total 13 - - 13 201 66 3 270 Note:This report reflects data from Sindh and Gilgit Baltistan. Source: National AIDs Programme, NIH, Islamabad. 4.2(a) Aids Death Cases by Age and Sex during Age Groups During this period Cumulative total (July - Sept, 2010) Male Female Unknown Total Male Female Unknown Total 00-04 - - - 0 2 4 - 6 05-09 - - - 0 2 - - 2 10-14 - - - 0 - - - - 15-19 - - - 0 4 1 - 5 20-24 - - - 0 22 2 - 24 25-29 - - - 0 93 7 - 100 30-34 - - - 0 70 22 - 92 35-39 - - - 0 77 16 - 93 40-44 - - - 0 76 4 - 80 45-49 - - - 0 49 4 - 53 50+ - - - 0 46 5 - 51 Unknown - - - 0 21 6 3 30 Total 0 0 - 0 462 71 3 536 Note:This report reflects data from Sindh and Gilgit Baltistan. Source: National AIDs Programme, NIH, Islamabad. 15 4.2(b) Aids Cases by Age and Sex during Age Groups During this period Cumulative total (July - Sept, 2010) Male Female Unknown Total Male Female Unknown Total Hetrosexual - - - 0 - - - 313 Hetrosexual/Bisexual - - - - - - - 18 Blood/Blood Products - - - 0 - - - 30 Injecting drug user - - - 0 - - - 75 Mother to child - - - - - - - 8 Unknown - - - 0 - - - 92 Total 0 0 - 0 462 71 3 536 Note:This report reflects data from Sindh and Gilgit Baltistan. Source: National AIDs Programme, NIH, Islamabad. 4.2(c) Aids Cases by Modes of Transmission during Modes of transmission During this period Cumulative total (July - Sept, 2010) Male Female Unknown Total Male Female Unknown Total 00-04 - 1 - 1 - - - - 05-09 1 - - 1 - - - - 10-14 - - - 0 - - - - 15-19 8 - - 8 - - - - 20-24 42 - - 42 - - - - 25-29 35 1 - 36 - - - - 30-34 20 1 - 21 - - - - 35-39 11 3 - 14 - - - - 40-44 13 - - 13 - - - - 45-49 6 - - 6 - - - - 50+ 6 - - 6 - - - - Unknown - - - - - - - - Total 142 6 0 148 5930 590 853 7373 Note:This report reflects data from Sindh and Gilgit Baltistan. Source: National AIDs Programme, NIH, Islamabad. 16 4.2(d) HIV Cases by Age and Sex during Age Groups During this period Cumulative total (July - Sept, 2010) Male Female Unknown Total Male Female Unknown Total Hetrosexual 32 4 - 36 - - - 1553 Homosexual/Bisexual - - - 0 - - - 148 Blood/Blood Products 10 - - 10 - - - 408 Injecting drug user 51 - - 51 - - - 3022 Mother to child - 1 - 1 - - - 60 Unknown 49 1 - 50 - - - 2182 Other/Blood Doner - - - 0 - - - - Total 142 6 0 148 5930 590 853 7373 Note:This report reflects data from Sindh and Gilgit Baltistan. Source: National AIDs Programme, NIH, Islamabad. Modes of transmission During this period Cumulative total 4.2(e) HIV Cases by Modes of Transmission during (July - Sept, 2010) 1 January 15 1 16 Nil Nil Nil 16 2 February 88 4 92 Nil Nil Nil 92 3 March 46 2 48 Nil Nil Nil 48 4 April 29 7 35 1 Nil Nil 36 5 May 3 1 4 Nil Nil Nil 4 6 June 8 Nil 8 Nil Nil Nil 8 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 189 15 203 1 Nil Nil 204 Total RVMP Registered since 1st January 2011 to 30th June, 2011 = 204 Source:- Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council, Islamabad. Total RVMP Registered since 30th May, 2000 to 30th June, 2011 - 5696 1 January Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 February 3 1 4 Nil 4 3 March Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 4 April 2 Nil 2 Nil 2 5 May Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 6 June 2 1 2 1 3 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 7 2 8 1 Nil 9 Total RAHG Registered since 1st January, 2011 to 30th June, 2011 = 09 Source:- Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council, Islamabad. Total RAHG Registered since 30th May, 2000 to 30th June, 2011 = 438 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Total M.Phil Ph.d Total 4.3(b) Registered Animal Husbandry Graduate with PVMC-2011 B.Sc.(A.H) S.No. RVMP Registration for the Year of 2011 Male Female 17 M.Sc. Ph.d. 4.3(a) Registered Veterinary Medical Practitioner with PVMC-2011 S.No. Male Female D.V.M. M.Sc. RVMP Registration for the Year of 2011 Province/Region % Reporting Rate No. of Slides Taken Total Slides Positive % Slides Positive %Falciparum of Total Positive Punjab 100 477514 16904 354 28.31 Sindh 100 333414 26277 7.88 50.78 K.P. 87 246872 27543 11.16 46.36 Balochistan 91 82853 21186 25.60 50.00 F.A.T.A. 90 36825 8862 24.07 41.13 AJK 100 35874 62 0.17 6.45 Grand Total 94.7 1213352 100834 8.31 44.76 Source: Directorate of Malaria Control (DoMC), Ministry of Health. Province/Region No. of New Cases CDR SS+ Total T.B. Cases CDR All Type TB Cases % Treatment Success Rate* (TSR) Punjab 13378 71% 35241 82% N.A. Sindh 4708 60% 11095 62% N.A. K.P. 3199 70% 7628 74% N.A. Balochistan 789 46% 1748 46% N.A. F.A.T.A. 236 29% 796 44% N.A. FANA 42 18% 532 102% N.A. AJK 228 28% 862 47% N.A. T.B. Hospital 22 11% 117 38% N.A. Grand Total 22602 64% 58079 73% N.A. CDR : Case Deduction Rate Source: National TB Control Programme, SS+ Sputum Smean Positive Ministry of Health. * One year time lag. (October - December, 2010) 18 4.4 Malaria Report (FMI) (October - December, 2010) 4.5 Tuberculosis Report (FTI) 5. MANUFACTURING Selected Items Cotton Cotton Jute Paper & Yarn Cloth Board 2005-06 188.88 164.97 115.70 136.53 152.49 206.73 122.25 109.67 2006-07 205.40 169.02 111.24 140.45 170.38 223.65 138.11 106.93 2007-08 213.71 162.88 125.67 143.58 174.54 232.48 150.94 103.14 2008-09 196.48 152.13 119.55 160.95 174.46 232.61 160.75 103.45 2009-10 205.89 153.99 116.41 138.99 166.91 230.90 124.29 104.06 2010 May 210.15 169.82 115.66 139.55 152.12 226.45 130.70 109.07 Jun 216.36 168.96 97.30 106.85 146.80 225.07 125.99 110.71 Jul 213.67 149.20 98.56 123.23 176.62 232.76 98.44 113.97 Aug 204.95 156.77 96.90 116.03 176.19 232.90 91.11 109.41 Sep 184.11 141.16 99.79 111.40 175.11 233.17 81.15 95.40 Oct 200.58 170.28 109.78 144.51 175.62 232.21 110.48 116.50 Nov 187.26 152.05 114.96 135.03 175.80 232.98 97.82 112.55 Dec 214.35 158.71 125.13 143.87 176.26 233.58 107.32 110.05 2011 Jan 226.32 157.70 147.20 155.13 176.37 233.86 105.09 102.61 Feb 221.36 155.78 155.82 125.40 173.89 233.03 109.18 92.47 Mar 240.14 153.25 160.45 157.71 175.33 233.86 135.57 107.71 Apr 221.75 153.10 118.01 163.72 175.47 233.58 127.28 97.23 May 213.58 160.21 99.39 161.83 177.63 233.99 129.84 107.09 * = Provisional Year/month Nit Fertilizer Phos Fertilizer Total 2005-06 ## ### #### 248.90 ### 2006-07 ## ### #### 223.86 ### 2007-08 ## ### #### 212.02 ### 2008-09 ## ### #### 272.12 ### 2009-10 ## ### #### 304.56 ### 2010 May ## ### #### 344.47 ### Jun ## ### #### 332.89 ### Jul ## ### #### 330.82 ### Aug ## ### #### 346.06 ### Sep ## ### #### 327.24 ### Oct ## ### #### 380.74 ### Nov ## ### #### 296.52 ### Dec ## ### #### 385.61 ### 2011 Jan ## ### #### 143.30 ### Feb ## ### #### 294.51 ### Mar ## ### #### 271.80 ### Apr ## ### #### 264.72 ### May ## ### #### 404.11 ### Year/month Cigarettes Vegetable Ghee Manuf- Goods Cement Auto Mobile Fertilizers 19 Tea Blended Selected Items 5.1 Quantum Index Numbers of Large-Scale Manufacturing Industries (1999-2000=100) acturing (Over all)
Tea Blended (ii) Year/month No. of reporting 2005-06 87 1151633 76 2959782 5 63600 2006-07 87 1179864 76 3526943 5 61147 2007-08 87 1137049 76 4733037 5 69080 2008-09 87 1061974 76 3189508 5 65719 2009-10 87 1074960 76 3143439 5 63989 2010 May 87 98788 78 2873 5 5298 Jun 87 98289 78 46802 5 4457 Jul 87 86792 78 0 5 4515 Aug 87 91195 78 0 5 4439 Sep 87 82118 78 0 5 4571 Oct 87 99057 78 0 5 5029 Nov 87 88453 78 35236 5 5266 Dec 87 92325 78 688192 5 5732 2011 Jan 87 91736 78 1061898 5 6743 Feb 87 90624 78 1081334 5 7138 Mar 87 89151 78 1025481 5 7350 Apr 87 89060 78 197480 5 5406 May 87 93201 78 42288 5 4553 No. of reporting Production No.of reporting Production factories (000 bottles) factories (Million Nos.) 2005-06 4619625 14 64137 2006-07 6205320 14 65980 2007-08 7351269 14 67446 2008-09 7568961 14 75609 2009-10 6179546 14 65292 2010 May 682983 14 5463 Jun 694951 14 4183 Jul 581921 14 4824 Aug 478378 14 4542 Sep 604247 14 4361 Oct 472927 14 5657 Nov 378704 14 5286 Dec 231725 14 5632 2011 Jan 259063 14 6073 Feb 305252 14 4909 Mar 602545 14 6174 Apr 672672 14 6409 May 827451 14 6335 * Adjusted for Imported raw sugar from Nov, 2000 Source: (i) Ministry of Industries & Production ** Off season (ii) Provincial Bureaus of Statistics. *** Not available (iii) Central Board of Revenue. Vegetable Ghee (i) Sugar (i) Production (Tonnes) Year/month No. of reporting factories Production (Tonnes) factories 20 5.2 Production of Manufacturing Items Cigarettes (ii) Beverages (iii) Contd. Production (Tonnes) No. of reporting factories
7.6 Consumer Price Index Numbers by Income Groups and Combined for Selected Cities June , 2011
7.6 Consumer Price Index Numbers by Income Groups and Combined for Selected Cities June , 2011
7.6 Consumer Price Index Numbers by Income Groups and Combined for Selected Cities June , 2011
WHEAT FLOUR SUP. QLTY. MNG 80 KG. 2200.00 2320.00 2160.00 -5.17 +1.85 WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. KAR EACH 277.00 262.50 285.00 +5.52 -2.81 WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. LHR EACH 266.00 285.00 270.00 -6.67 -1.48 WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. RWP EACH 276.00 275.00 265.50 +0.36 +3.95
WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. GUJ EACH 270.00 270.00 260.00 .. +3.85 WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. MUL EACH 270.00 267.00 250.00 +1.12 +8.00 WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. HYD EACH 290.00 290.00 280.00 .. +3.57 WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. SLK EACH 250.00 265.00 252.50 -5.66 -0.99
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. QTA EACH 280.00 280.00 245.00 .. +14.29 WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. SUK EACH 277.50 280.00 264.00 -0.89 +5.11 WHEAT FLOUR/BAG OF 10 KG. MPK EACH 270.00 270.00 260.00 .. +3.85
MAIDA ----- MAIDA AVG. QLTY. KAR 80 KG. 2730.00 2720.00 2547.50 +0.37 +7.16 MAIDA AVG. QLTY. LHR 80 KG. 2535.00 2570.00 2625.00 -1.36 -3.43 MAIDA AVG. QLTY. RWP 80 KG. 2812.50 2887.50 2787.50 -2.60 +0.90 MAIDA AVG. QLTY. MUL 80 KG. 2325.00 2425.00 2125.00 -4.12 +9.41
MAIDA AVG. QLTY. HYD 80 KG. 2600.00 2500.00 2500.00 +4.00 +4.00 MAIDA AVG. QLTY. PES 80 KG. 2470.50 2470.50 2305.00 .. +7.18 MAIDA AVG. QLTY. QTA 80 KG. 2760.00 2760.00 2680.00 .. +2.99 MAIDA AVG. QLTY. MPK 80 KG. 2500.00 2450.00 2450.00 +2.04 +2.04
CABBAGE AVG. QLTY. FSL 100 KG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. .. CABBAGE AVG. QLTY. PES 100 KG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. .. CABBAGE AVG. QLTY. SLK 100 KG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. .. CABBAGE AVG. QLTY. SRG 100 KG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. ..
CABBAGE AVG. QLTY. SUK 100 KG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. .. CUCUMBER (KHEERA) AVG. QLTY. FSL 100 KG. 1120.00 800.00 1500.00 +40.00 -25.33 CUCUMBER (KHEERA) AVG. QLTY. PES 100 KG. 1150.00 1150.00 1100.00 .. +4.55 CUCUMBER (KHEERA) AVG. QLTY. SLK 100 KG. 1750.00 2250.00 1450.00 -22.22 +20.69
CUCUMBER (KHEERA) AVG. QLTY. SRG 100 KG. 1400.00 1500.00 800.00 -6.67 +75.00 CUCUMBER (KHEERA) AVG. QLTY. SUK 100 KG. 1300.00 1300.00 1710.00 .. -23.98 GINGER GREEN KAR 40 KG. 3050.00 3300.00 3900.00 -7.58 -21.79 GINGER GREEN LHR 40 KG. 3225.00 3150.00 3325.00 +2.38 -3.01
GINGER GREEN FSL 40 KG. 3050.00 3200.00 5000.00 -4.69 -39.00 GINGER GREEN RWP 40 KG. 3175.00 3175.00 4450.00 .. -28.65 GINGER GREEN HYD 40 KG. 3400.00 3400.00 5200.00 .. -34.62 GINGER GREEN PES 40 KG. 3700.00 3300.00 4775.00 +12.12 -22.51
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. GARLIC KAR 40 KG. 4900.00 5600.00 3450.00 -12.50 +42.03 GARLIC LHR 40 KG. 3900.00 3725.00 4100.00 +4.70 -4.88 GARLIC FSL 40 KG. 4600.00 3600.00 5600.00 +27.78 -17.86 GARLIC RWP 40 KG. 5875.00 5775.00 5350.00 +1.73 +9.81
GARLIC HYD 40 KG. 5000.00 5700.00 5500.00 -12.28 -9.09 GARLIC PES 40 KG. 3000.00 3300.00 3100.00 -9.09 -3.23 FRESH FRUITS ------------ APPLE AVG. QLTY. KAR 40 KG. 2450.00 2240.00 1620.00 +9.38 +51.23 APPLE AVG. QLTY. LHR 40 KG. 3150.00 3050.00 2550.00 +3.28 +23.53 APPLE AVG. QLTY. RWP 40 KG. 1725.00 1725.00 1125.00 .. +53.33 APPLE AVG. QLTY. PES 40 KG. 2200.00 2150.00 1900.00 +2.33 +15.79
APPLE AVG. QLTY. QTA 40 KG. 2600.00 2350.00 1800.00 +10.64 +44.44 APPLE AVG. QLTY. MNG 40 KG. 3900.00 3900.00 1962.50 .. +98.73 APPLE SUP. QLTY. KAR 40 KG. 2750.00 2600.00 1780.00 +5.77 +54.49 APPLE SUP. QLTY. LHR 40 KG. 5100.00 5100.00 3750.00 .. +36.00
APPLE SUP. QLTY. RWP 40 KG. 3175.00 3175.00 2825.00 .. +12.39 APPLE SUP. QLTY. PES 40 KG. 3250.00 3200.00 2575.00 +1.56 +26.21 APPLE SUP. QLTY. QTA 40 KG. 2900.00 2750.00 2350.00 +5.45 +23.40 APPLE SUP. QLTY. MNG 40 KG. 4200.00 4200.00 2560.00 .. +64.06
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. POWDERED MILK ------------- POWDERED MILK(SKIMMED)/BAG 25 KG. KAR EACH 9500.00 9300.00 7800.00 +2.15 +21.79 POWDERED MILK(SKIMMED)/BAG 25 KG. LHR EACH 8200.00 7630.00 5775.00 +7.47 +41.99 POWDERED MILK(SKIMMED)/BAG 25 KG. FSL EACH 6425.00 6800.00 5237.00 -5.51 +22.68 POWDERED MILK(SKIMMED)/BAG 25 KG. RWP EACH 8450.00 8450.00 7275.00 .. +16.15
POWDERED MILK(SKIMMED)/BAG 25 KG. PES EACH 8950.00 8950.00 6025.00 .. +48.55 POWDERED MILK(SKIMMED)/BAG 25 KG. QTA EACH 7500.00 7500.00 7000.00 .. +7.14 POWDERED MILK NIDO (TIN 1.8 KG) KAR EACH 1340.00 1340.00 1237.00 .. +8.33 POWDERED MILK NIDO (TIN 1.8 KG) LHR EACH 1530.00 1450.00 1450.00 +5.52 +5.52
POWDERED MILK NIDO (TIN 1.8 KG) RWP EACH 1200.00 1200.00 1100.00 .. +9.09 POWDERED MILK NIDO (TIN 1.8 KG) PES EACH 1200.00 1200.00 1080.00 .. +11.11 MILK FOOD --------- MILO(200 GM. PACK) NESTLE KAR EACH 106.00 106.00 86.00 .. +23.26 MILO(200 GM. PACK) NESTLE LHR EACH 112.00 112.00 112.00 .. .. MILO(200 GM. PACK) NESTLE FSL EACH 112.00 106.00 85.00 +5.66 +31.76 MILO(200 GM. PACK) NESTLE RWP EACH 121.00 121.00 81.00 .. +49.38
MILO(200 GM. PACK) NESTLE PES EACH 115.00 110.00 82.00 +4.55 +40.24 MILO(200 GM. PACK) NESTLE MPK EACH 130.00 120.00 83.00 +8.33 +56.63 MILO(200 GM. PACK) NESTLE MNG EACH 115.00 110.00 80.13 +4.55 +43.52 LACTOGEN(SOFT PACK 400 GM) KAR EACH 266.00 266.00 253.50 .. +4.93
LACTOGEN(SOFT PACK 400 GM) LHR EACH 268.00 268.00 248.00 .. +8.06 LACTOGEN(SOFT PACK 400 GM) FSL EACH 262.00 250.00 265.00 +4.80 -1.13 LACTOGEN(SOFT PACK 400 GM) RWP EACH 270.00 270.00 250.00 .. +8.00 LACTOGEN(SOFT PACK 400 GM) PES EACH 263.87 263.77 235.00 +0.04 +12.29
LACTOGEN(SOFT PACK 400 GM) QTA EACH 265.00 265.00 246.00 .. +7.72 LACTOGEN(SOFT PACK 400 GM) MPK EACH 255.00 255.00 248.00 .. +2.82 LACTOGEN(SOFT PACK 400 GM) MNG EACH 263.88 260.00 230.00 +1.49 +14.73 CERELAC WHEAT(400 GM.) KAR EACH 193.00 193.00 146.00 .. +32.19
CERELAC WHEAT(400 GM.) LHR EACH 173.00 173.00 158.00 .. +9.49 CERELAC WHEAT(400 GM.) FSL EACH 170.00 170.00 160.00 .. +6.25 CERELAC WHEAT(400 GM.) RWP EACH 170.00 170.00 155.00 .. +9.68 CERELAC WHEAT(400 GM.) PES EACH 192.00 192.00 145.67 .. +31.80
CERELAC WHEAT(400 GM.) QTA EACH 170.00 170.00 148.00 .. +14.86 CERELAC WHEAT(400 GM.) MPK EACH 170.00 165.00 159.70 +3.03 +6.45 CERELAC WHEAT(400 GM.) MNG EACH 185.00 185.00 171.43 .. +7.92 POWD.MILK EVERYDAY(NESTLE)1KG. KAR EACH 410.00 410.00 360.00 .. +13.89
POWD.MILK EVERYDAY(NESTLE)1KG. LHR EACH 435.00 435.00 325.00 .. +33.85 POWD.MILK EVERYDAY(NESTLE)1KG. RWP EACH 436.00 436.00 324.50 .. +34.36 POWD.MILK EVERYDAY(NESTLE)1KG. MUL EACH 435.17 435.17 324.08 .. +34.28 POWD.MILK EVERYDAY(NESTLE)1KG. HYD EACH 430.00 430.00 325.00 .. +32.31
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. POWD.MILK EVERYDAY(NESTLE)1KG. PES EACH 460.00 460.00 324.00 .. +41.98 VEGETABLE GHEE -------------- VEGETABLE GHEE(16 KG TIN) KAR EACH 2530.00 2562.00 1805.00 -1.25 +40.17 VEGETABLE GHEE(16 KG TIN) LHR EACH 2600.00 2520.00 1805.00 +3.17 +44.04 VEGETABLE GHEE(16 KG TIN) RWP EACH 2600.00 2555.00 1835.00 +1.76 +41.69 VEGETABLE GHEE(16 KG TIN) PES EACH 2580.00 2540.00 1830.00 +1.57 +40.98
VEGETABLE GHEE(16 KG TIN) QTA EACH 2690.00 2690.00 1815.00 .. +48.21 VEGETABLE GHEE(16 KG TIN) MPK EACH 2480.00 2480.00 1760.00 .. +40.91 VEGETABLE GHEE(16 KG TIN) MNG EACH 2595.00 2595.00 1880.00 .. +38.03 MUSTARD & RAPESEED OIL ---------------------- MUSTARD & RAPE SEED OIL. KAR 40 KG. 5680.00 5680.00 4440.00 .. +27.93 MUSTARD & RAPE SEED OIL. LHR 40 KG. 5950.00 5950.00 4000.00 .. +48.75 MUSTARD & RAPE SEED OIL. RWP 40 KG. 5325.00 5150.00 4125.00 +3.40 +29.09 MUSTARD & RAPE SEED OIL. MUL 40 KG. 5725.00 5550.00 3975.00 +3.15 +44.03
MUSTARD & RAPE SEED OIL. HYD 40 KG. 5750.00 5775.00 4100.00 -0.43 +40.24 MUSTARD & RAPE SEED OIL. PES 40 KG. 5999.00 5999.00 4562.50 .. +31.48 MUSTARD & RAPE SEED OIL. MPK 40 KG. 5700.00 5500.00 3920.00 +3.64 +45.41 MUSTARD & RAPE SEED OIL. MNG 40 KG. 6700.00 6700.00 5200.00 .. +28.85
COTTON SEED OIL --------------- COTTON SEED OIL KAR 40 KG. 5850.00 5300.00 3900.00 +10.38 +50.00 COTTON SEED OIL LHR 40 KG. 6125.00 6125.00 4325.00 .. +41.62 COTTON SEED OIL HYD 40 KG. 5300.00 5525.00 3800.00 -4.07 +39.47 COTTON SEED OIL PES 40 KG. 5000.00 5000.00 3950.00 .. +26.58
COTTON SEED OIL SRG 40 KG. 6500.00 5900.00 4000.00 +10.17 +62.50 COTTON SEED OIL MPK 40 KG. 5220.00 5050.00 3750.00 +3.37 +39.20 COTTON SEED OIL NBS 40 KG. 5600.00 5450.00 4575.00 +2.75 +22.40 COOKING OIL ----------- SOYABEAN COOKING OIL TIN KAR 5 LTR. 900.00 900.00 640.00 .. +40.63 SOYABEAN COOKING OIL TIN LHR 5 LTR. 925.00 925.00 685.00 .. +35.04 SOYABEAN COOKING OIL TIN RWP 5 LTR. 875.00 875.00 615.00 .. +42.28 SOYABEAN COOKING OIL TIN HYD 5 LTR. 933.46 933.46 661.82 .. +41.04
SOYABEAN COOKING OIL TIN PES 5 LTR. 810.00 850.00 630.00 -4.71 +28.57 SOYABEAN COOKING OIL TIN QTA 5 LTR. 915.00 915.00 645.00 .. +41.86 SOYABEAN COOKING OIL TIN MPK 5 LTR. 905.00 905.00 650.90 .. +39.04 SUN FLOWER COOKING OIL KAR 5 LTR. 900.00 900.00 640.00 .. +40.63
SUN FLOWER COOKING OIL LHR 5 LTR. 925.00 925.00 560.00 .. +65.18 SUN FLOWER COOKING OIL RWP 5 LTR. 875.00 905.00 615.00 -3.31 +42.28 SUN FLOWER COOKING OIL HYD 5 LTR. 880.00 870.00 635.00 +1.15 +38.58 SUN FLOWER COOKING OIL PES 5 LTR. 810.00 800.00 635.00 +1.25 +27.56
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
COTTON SEED OIL CAKES PES 40 KG. 1250.00 1180.00 1075.00 +5.93 +16.28 COTTON SEED OIL CAKES QTA 40 KG. 925.00 930.00 900.00 -0.54 +2.78 COTTON SEED OIL CAKES SUK 40 KG. 1160.00 1136.84 870.00 +2.04 +33.33 COTTON SEED OIL CAKES MPK 40 KG. 1060.00 1125.00 815.00 -5.78 +30.06
MUSTARD & RAPSEED OIL CAKES LHR 40 KG. 1025.00 1025.00 875.00 .. +17.14 MUSTARD & RAPSEED OIL CAKES FSL 40 KG. 1000.00 1050.00 850.00 -4.76 +17.65 MUSTARD & RAPSEED OIL CAKES MUL 40 KG. 920.00 940.00 790.00 -2.13 +16.46 MUSTARD & RAPSEED OIL CAKES HYD 40 KG. 900.00 950.00 800.00 -5.26 +12.50
MUSTARD & RAPSEED OIL CAKES PES 40 KG. 875.00 875.00 675.00 .. +29.63 MUSTARD & RAPSEED OIL CAKES SUK 40 KG. 970.00 960.00 733.33 +1.04 +32.27 MUSTARD & RAPSEED OIL CAKES MPK 40 KG. 900.00 800.00 700.00 +12.50 +28.57 GUR --- GUR AVG. QLTY. KAR 40 KG. 2350.00 2250.00 2300.00 +4.44 +2.17 GUR AVG. QLTY. LHR 40 KG. 2625.00 2570.00 2350.00 +2.14 +11.70 GUR AVG. QLTY. FSL 40 KG. 2400.00 2200.00 2400.00 +9.09 .. GUR AVG. QLTY. PES 40 KG. 3240.00 3240.00 2855.00 .. +13.49
GUR AVG. QLTY. SLK 40 KG. 2900.00 2900.00 2650.00 .. +9.43 GUR AVG. QLTY. MPK 40 KG. 2400.00 2300.00 2100.00 +4.35 +14.29 GUR AVG. QLTY. MNG 40 KG. 3100.00 3100.00 2940.00 .. +5.44 SUGAR REFINED ------------- SUGAR REFINED(BAG) KAR 50 KG. 3250.00 3175.00 3075.00 +2.36 +5.69 SUGAR REFINED(BAG) LHR 50 KG. 3300.00 3170.00 3120.00 +4.10 +5.77 SUGAR REFINED(BAG) RWP 50 KG. 3270.00 3150.00 3112.50 +3.81 +5.06 SUGAR REFINED(BAG) PES 50 KG. 3280.00 3150.00 3150.00 +4.13 +4.13
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. SUGAR REFINED(BAG) QTA 50 KG. 3440.00 3200.00 3100.00 +7.50 +10.97 SUGAR REFINED(BAG) MPK 50 KG. 3270.00 3090.00 2950.00 +5.83 +10.85 SUGAR REFINED(BAG) MNG 50 KG. 3450.00 3150.00 3100.00 +9.52 +11.29 CHICKEN ------- CHICKEN FARM(LIVE) KAR 1 KG. 140.00 138.00 138.00 +1.45 +1.45 CHICKEN FARM(LIVE) LHR 1 KG. 97.50 98.50 101.50 -1.02 -3.94 CHICKEN FARM(LIVE) RWP 1 KG. 111.00 106.50 112.00 +4.23 -0.89 CHICKEN FARM(LIVE) HYD 1 KG. 130.00 122.00 120.00 +6.56 +8.33
CHICKEN FARM(LIVE) PES 1 KG. 136.00 121.00 126.50 +12.40 +7.51 CHICKEN FARM(LIVE) QTA 1 KG. 151.50 146.50 148.00 +3.41 +2.36 CHICKEN FARM(LIVE) MPK 1 KG. 115.00 115.00 116.00 .. -0.86 CHICKEN FARM(LIVE) MNG 1 KG. 160.00 160.00 165.00 .. -3.03
EGGS ---- EGGS FARM CRATE OF 30 DOZ. KAR EACH 2000.00 1830.00 1610.00 +9.29 +24.22 EGGS FARM CRATE OF 30 DOZ. LHR EACH 1850.00 1625.00 1735.00 +13.85 +6.63 EGGS FARM CRATE OF 30 DOZ. RWP EACH 1930.00 1610.00 1710.00 +19.88 +12.87 EGGS FARM CRATE OF 30 DOZ. HYD EACH 1970.00 1825.00 1680.00 +7.95 +17.26
EGGS FARM CRATE OF 30 DOZ. PES EACH 1900.00 1705.00 1720.00 +11.44 +10.47 EGGS FARM CRATE OF 30 DOZ. QTA EACH 1980.00 1980.00 1680.00 .. +17.86 EGGS FARM CRATE OF 30 DOZ. MPK EACH 1750.00 1620.00 1620.00 +8.02 +8.02 EGGS FARM CRATE OF 30 DOZ. MNG EACH 1810.00 1620.00 1605.00 +11.73 +12.77
FISH ---- FISH RAHU RIVER LHR 40 KG. 6450.00 6450.00 5050.00 .. +27.72 FISH RAHU RIVER MUL 40 KG. 6100.00 6100.00 6200.00 .. -1.61 FISH RAHU RIVER HYD 40 KG. 5395.00 5395.00 4850.00 .. +11.24 FISH RAHU RIVER SUK 40 KG. 6000.00 7000.00 5500.00 -14.29 +9.09
FISH RAHU RIVER BWP 40 KG. 7700.00 7500.00 6200.00 +2.67 +24.19 FISH RAHU SEA KAR 40 KG. 2900.00 2750.00 3220.00 +5.45 -9.94 MEAT ---- BEEF KAR 40 KG. 7300.00 7300.00 7100.00 .. +2.82 BEEF LHR 40 KG. 8250.00 8100.00 6925.00 +1.85 +19.13 BEEF RWP 40 KG. 7275.00 7050.00 5725.00 +3.19 +27.07 BEEF MUL 40 KG. 7450.00 7450.00 6000.00 .. +24.17 BEEF HYD 40 KG. 7150.00 7150.00 6350.00 .. +12.60 BEEF PES 40 KG. 7550.00 7200.00 6875.00 +4.86 +9.82 BEEF QTA 40 KG. 9400.00 9400.00 7200.00 .. +30.56 BEEF MNG 40 KG. 7350.00 7200.00 6400.00 +2.08 +14.84 MUTTON KAR 40 KG. 15600.00 14900.00 12000.00 +4.70 +30.00 MUTTON LHR 40 KG. 18900.00 18600.00 15550.00 +1.61 +21.54 MUTTON FSL 40 KG. 16000.00 13600.00 10000.00 +17.65 +60.00 MUTTON RWP 40 KG. 18400.00 18400.00 14625.00 .. +25.81
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. MUTTON MUL 40 KG. 15600.00 15600.00 12200.00 .. +27.87 MUTTON HYD 40 KG. 15850.00 15850.00 12550.00 .. +26.29 MUTTON PES 40 KG. 14600.00 13500.00 11500.00 +8.15 +26.96 MUTTON QTA 40 KG. 18200.00 18000.00 14600.00 +1.11 +24.66
MUTTON MNG 40 KG. 11200.00 11200.00 8800.00 .. +27.27 SPICES ------ RED CHILLIES DRY(WHOLE) KAR 40 KG. 8000.00 8000.00 4940.00 .. +61.94 RED CHILLIES DRY(WHOLE) LHR 40 KG. 7650.00 7950.00 6000.00 -3.77 +27.50 RED CHILLIES DRY(WHOLE) FSL 40 KG. 6800.00 7500.00 5600.00 -9.33 +21.43 RED CHILLIES DRY(WHOLE) RWP 40 KG. 8425.00 9250.00 4850.00 -8.92 +73.71
RED CHILLIES DRY(WHOLE) HYD 40 KG. 8000.00 8500.00 6000.00 -5.88 +33.33 RED CHILLIES DRY(WHOLE) PES 40 KG. 7625.00 7700.00 3900.00 -0.97 +95.51 RED CHILLIES DRY(WHOLE) QTA 40 KG. 7900.00 7900.00 4000.00 .. +97.50 RED CHILLIES DRY(WHOLE) MPK 40 KG. 6650.00 7700.00 5800.00 -13.64 +14.66
RED CHILLIES(200 G PKT.NATIONAL) KAR EACH 109.20 109.20 72.00 .. +51.67 RED CHILLIES(200 G PKT.NATIONAL) LHR EACH 112.00 112.00 65.00 .. +72.31 RED CHILLIES(200 G PKT.NATIONAL) FSL EACH 112.44 112.44 63.96 .. +75.80 RED CHILLIES(200 G PKT.NATIONAL) RWP EACH 117.00 117.00 67.00 .. +74.63
RED CHILLIES(200 G PKT.NATIONAL) HYD EACH 120.00 120.00 70.00 .. +71.43 RED CHILLIES(200 G PKT.NATIONAL) PES EACH 110.84 110.84 63.80 .. +73.73 RED CHILLIES(200 G PKT.NATIONAL) MPK EACH 109.00 109.00 60.00 .. +81.67 RED CHILLIES(200 G PKT.NATIONAL) MNG EACH 110.00 110.00 68.00 .. +61.76
TURMERIC POWDER(50 G.PKT.NATIONAL)KAR EACH 31.69 31.69 25.00 .. +26.76 TURMERIC POWDER(50 G.PKT.NATIONAL)LHR EACH 32.00 32.00 24.00 .. +33.33 TURMERIC POWDER(50 G.PKT.NATIONAL)FSL EACH 33.02 33.02 25.00 .. +32.08 TURMERIC POWDER(50 G.PKT.NATIONAL)RWP EACH 32.00 32.00 24.00 .. +33.33
TURMERIC POWDER(50 G.PKT.NATIONAL)HYD EACH 35.00 35.00 27.00 .. +29.63 TURMERIC POWDER(50 G.PKT.NATIONAL)PES EACH 35.00 35.00 24.00 .. +45.83 TURMERIC POWDER(50 G.PKT.NATIONAL)QTA EACH 32.00 32.00 27.00 .. +18.52 CONDIMENTS ---------- BLACK PEPPER 50 G.PKT.(NATIONAL) KAR EACH 45.25 45.25 39.00 .. +16.03 BLACK PEPPER 50 G.PKT.(NATIONAL) LHR EACH 45.00 45.00 37.00 .. +21.62 BLACK PEPPER 50 G.PKT.(NATIONAL) RWP EACH 46.00 45.00 36.00 +2.22 +27.78 BLACK PEPPER 50 G.PKT.(NATIONAL) HYD EACH 52.00 50.00 40.00 +4.00 +30.00
BLACK PEPPER 50 G.PKT.(NATIONAL) PES EACH 45.00 45.00 36.00 .. +25.00 BLACK PEPPER 50 G.PKT.(NATIONAL) MPK EACH 46.08 46.08 36.90 .. +24.88 BLACK PEPPER 50 G.PKT.(NATIONAL) MNG EACH 45.00 45.00 40.00 .. +12.50 CUMINSEED WHITE 50 G.PKT.NAT. KAR EACH 41.42 41.12 42.00 +0.73 -1.38
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. CUMINSEED WHITE 50 G.PKT.NAT. LHR EACH 41.00 41.00 37.00 .. +10.81 CUMINSEED WHITE 50 G.PKT.NAT. MUL EACH 41.92 41.92 36.66 .. +14.35 CUMINSEED WHITE 50 G.PKT.NAT. HYD EACH 41.00 41.00 40.00 .. +2.50 CUMINSEED WHITE 50 G.PKT.NAT. PES EACH 41.00 40.00 36.60 +2.50 +12.02
CUMINSEED WHITE 50 G.PKT.NAT. QTA EACH 40.50 40.00 40.00 +1.25 +1.25 CUMINSEED WHITE 50 G.PKT.NAT. MPK EACH 40.00 40.00 36.00 .. +11.11 CARDAMOM LARGE KAR 40 KG. 88000.00 88000.00 37000.00 .. +137.84 CARDAMOM LARGE LHR 40 KG. 85000.00 85000.00 39500.00 .. +115.19
CARDAMOM LARGE RWP 40 KG. 71250.00 73250.00 34250.00 -2.73 +108.03 CARDAMOM LARGE HYD 40 KG. 88500.00 89000.00 41000.00 -0.56 +115.85 CARDAMOM LARGE PES 40 KG. 96000.00 96000.00 40000.00 .. +140.00 CARDAMOM LARGE MPK 40 KG. 88000.00 88000.00 42000.00 .. +109.52
CARDAMOM SMALL KAR KG. 2200.00 2200.00 1800.00 .. +22.22 CARDAMOM SMALL LHR KG. 2125.00 2125.00 2850.00 .. -25.44 CARDAMOM SMALL RWP KG. 2625.00 2625.00 2550.00 .. +2.94 CARDAMOM SMALL HYD KG. 2300.00 2350.00 2150.00 -2.13 +6.98
CARDAMOM SMALL PES KG. 3400.00 3400.00 2350.00 .. +44.68 CARDAMOM SMALL MPK KG. 2000.00 1900.00 2000.00 +5.26 .. CINNAMON KAR 40 KG. 7400.00 7400.00 5250.00 .. +40.95 CORRIANDER PWD.200 G. PKT.NAT. KAR EACH 68.57 68.57 75.00 .. -8.57
CORRIANDER PWD.200 G. PKT.NAT. LHR EACH 65.00 65.00 65.00 .. .. CORRIANDER PWD.200 G. PKT.NAT. RWP EACH 65.50 65.50 65.00 .. +0.77 CORRIANDER PWD.200 G. PKT.NAT. HYD EACH 70.00 70.00 70.00 .. .. CORRIANDER PWD.200 G. PKT.NAT. PES EACH 64.54 64.54 64.00 .. +0.84
CORRIANDER PWD.200 G. PKT.NAT. MPK EACH 65.71 65.71 63.00 .. +4.30 CORRIANDER PWD.200 G. PKT.NAT. MNG EACH 65.50 65.50 70.00 .. -6.43 CLOVES KAR 40 KG. 30000.00 27000.00 19250.00 +11.11 +55.84 CLOVES LHR 40 KG. 28250.00 28250.00 20250.00 .. +39.51
CLOVES RWP 40 KG. 21250.00 21250.00 19750.00 .. +7.59 CLOVES HYD 40 KG. 26250.00 25350.00 21500.00 +3.55 +22.09 CLOVES PES 40 KG. 25500.00 25500.00 20000.00 .. +27.50 CLOVES MPK 40 KG. 30400.00 28200.00 19200.00 +7.80 +58.33
SALT ---- SALT ROCKED CRUSHED KAR 40 KG. 220.00 220.00 160.00 .. +37.50 SALT ROCKED CRUSHED LHR 40 KG. 147.50 147.50 132.50 .. +11.32 SALT ROCKED CRUSHED RWP 40 KG. 210.00 210.00 162.00 .. +29.63 SALT ROCKED CRUSHED HYD 40 KG. 120.00 120.00 120.00 .. ..
SALT ROCKED CRUSHED PES 40 KG. 122.50 122.50 122.50 .. .. SALT ROCKED CRUSHED MPK 40 KG. 110.00 95.00 95.00 +15.79 +15.79 SALT ROCKED CRUSHED MNG 40 KG. 112.00 80.00 80.00 +40.00 +40.00
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
TEA SUPREME 200 G. PKT. RWP 06 PKT. 716.84 716.84 571.00 .. +25.54 TEA SUPREME 200 G. PKT. HYD 06 PKT. 710.00 710.00 584.00 .. +21.58 TEA SUPREME 200 G. PKT. PES 06 PKT. 715.00 715.00 593.00 .. +20.57 TEA SUPREME 200 G. PKT. QTA 06 PKT. 720.00 720.00 582.00 .. +23.71
TEA LOOSE KAR KG. 417.50 417.50 400.00 .. +4.38 TEA LOOSE LHR KG. 445.00 445.00 385.00 .. +15.58 TEA LOOSE RWP KG. 417.50 417.50 392.50 .. +6.37 TEA LOOSE HYD KG. 420.00 420.00 345.00 .. +21.74
TEA LOOSE PES KG. 455.00 455.00 390.00 .. +16.67 TEA LOOSE QTA KG. 390.00 390.00 350.00 .. +11.43 TEA LOOSE MPK KG. 335.00 335.00 310.00 .. +8.06 TEA LOOSE MNG KG. 440.00 440.00 357.50 .. +23.08
BEVERAGES --------- COCA COLA(CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) KAR EACH 325.00 325.00 288.00 .. +12.85 COCA COLA(CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) LHR EACH 312.00 312.00 280.00 .. +11.43 COCA COLA(CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) RWP EACH 312.00 312.00 258.00 .. +20.93 COCA COLA(CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) PES EACH 325.00 325.00 280.00 .. +16.07
COCA COLA(CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) QTA EACH 360.00 325.00 282.00 +10.77 +27.66 COCA COLA(CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) MPK EACH 330.00 324.00 260.00 +1.85 +26.92 COCA COLA(CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) MNG EACH 322.00 322.00 280.00 .. +15.00 SEVEN UP (CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) KAR EACH 325.00 325.00 288.00 .. +12.85 SEVEN UP (CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) LHR EACH 312.00 312.00 280.00 .. +11.43 SEVEN UP (CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) RWP EACH 312.00 312.00 258.00 .. +20.93 SEVEN UP (CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) PES EACH 325.00 325.00 280.00 .. +16.07 SEVEN UP (CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) QTA EACH 360.00 325.00 280.00 +10.77 +28.57 SEVEN UP (CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) MPK EACH 330.00 324.00 260.00 +1.85 +26.92 SEVEN UP (CRATE OF 24 BOTTLES) MNG EACH 322.00 322.00 280.00 .. +15.00 ROOHAFZA(SHARBAT) KAR DOZ. 1500.00 1500.00 1320.00 .. +13.64 ROOHAFZA(SHARBAT) LHR DOZ. 1540.00 1450.00 1260.00 +6.21 +22.22 ROOHAFZA(SHARBAT) RWP DOZ. 1490.00 1490.00 1195.00 .. +24.69 ROOHAFZA(SHARBAT) PES DOZ. 1550.00 1550.00 1267.50 .. +22.29 ROOHAFZA(SHARBAT) QTA DOZ. 1596.00 1450.00 1250.00 +10.07 +27.68 ROOHAFZA(SHARBAT) MPK DOZ. 1446.00 1446.00 1290.00 .. +12.09
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. ROOHAFZA(SHARBAT) MNG DOZ. 1560.00 1450.00 1260.00 +7.59 +23.81 FRUIT JUICE TETRA PACK KAR DOZ. 120.00 120.00 115.00 .. +4.35 FRUIT JUICE TETRA PACK LHR DOZ. 112.00 112.00 112.00 .. .. FRUIT JUICE TETRA PACK RWP DOZ. 116.50 116.50 100.00 .. +16.50
FRUIT JUICE TETRA PACK PES DOZ. 113.00 113.00 100.00 .. +13.00 FRUIT JUICE TETRA PACK QTA DOZ. 100.00 100.00 95.00 .. +5.26 FRUIT JUICE TETRA PACK MPK DOZ. 132.00 132.00 96.66 .. +36.56 FRUIT JUICE TETRA PACK MNG DOZ. 100.00 100.00 100.00 .. ..
MINERAL WATER ------------- MINERAL WATER NESTLE(1.5 LTR) KAR DOZ. 390.00 350.00 312.00 +11.43 +25.00 MINERAL WATER NESTLE(1.5 LTR) LHR DOZ. 395.00 360.00 300.00 +9.72 +31.67 MINERAL WATER NESTLE(1.5 LTR) RWP DOZ. 360.00 360.00 300.00 .. +20.00 MINERAL WATER NESTLE(1.5 LTR) PES DOZ. 355.00 355.00 291.00 .. +21.99
MINERAL WATER NESTLE(1.5 LTR) QTA DOZ. 390.00 365.00 270.00 +6.85 +44.44 MINERAL WATER NESTLE(1.5 LTR) MPK DOZ. 395.00 380.00 290.00 +3.95 +36.21 MINERAL WATER NESTLE(1.5 LTR) MNG DOZ. 395.00 375.00 312.00 +5.33 +26.60 FRUIT PREPARED/PRESERVED ------------------------ APL/MNG/ORG/MIX. FRUIT JAM 450 G. KAR DOZ. 1184.00 1184.00 960.00 .. +23.33 APL/MNG/ORG/MIX. FRUIT JAM 450 G. LHR DOZ. 1190.00 1190.00 1080.00 .. +10.19 APL/MNG/ORG/MIX. FRUIT JAM 450 G. RWP DOZ. 1187.50 1187.50 1082.50 .. +9.70 APL/MNG/ORG/MIX. FRUIT JAM 450 G. PES DOZ. 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00 .. ..
APL/MNG/ORG/MIX. FRUIT JAM 450 G. QTA DOZ. 1158.00 1158.00 795.00 .. +45.66 APL/MNG/ORG/MIX. FRUIT JAM 450 G. MPK DOZ. 1139.00 1139.00 1085.00 .. +4.98 APL/MNG/ORG/MIX. FRUIT JAM 450 G. MNG DOZ. 1130.00 1130.00 1074.00 .. +5.21 APL/MNG/ORG/LEM/SQUASHES 730 ML. KAR DOZ. 1320.00 1320.00 1020.00 .. +29.41
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. COTTON SEEDS ------------ COTTON SEEDS KAR 40 KG. 1800.00 1800.00 1060.00 .. +69.81 COTTON SEEDS FSL 40 KG. 1000.00 1000.00 1050.00 .. -4.76 COTTON SEEDS MUL 40 KG. 1195.00 1030.00 870.00 +16.02 +37.36 COTTON SEEDS HYD 40 KG. 1190.00 1140.00 900.00 +4.39 +32.22
COTTON SEEDS SWL 40 KG. 1025.00 1025.00 870.00 .. +17.82 COTTON SEEDS MPK 40 KG. 1220.00 1190.00 795.00 +2.52 +53.46 MUSTARD/RAPESEEDS ----------------- MUSTARD SEEDS KAR 40 KG. 2200.00 2200.00 1800.00 .. +22.22 MUSTARD SEEDS FSL 40 KG. 2400.00 2100.00 1700.00 +14.29 +41.18 MUSTARD SEEDS MUL 40 KG. 2150.00 2100.00 1575.00 +2.38 +36.51 MUSTARD SEEDS HYD 40 KG. 2150.00 2150.00 1525.00 .. +40.98
MUSTARD SEEDS PES 40 KG. 2040.00 2040.00 1775.00 .. +14.93 MUSTARD SEEDS SWL 40 KG. 1950.00 1950.00 1575.00 .. +23.81 TOBACCO ------- TOBACCO SIND KARO HYD 40 KG. 1750.00 1750.00 1700.00 .. +2.94 TOBACCO SIND KARO SUK 40 KG. 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 .. .. TOBACCO SIND KARO LRK 40 KG. 1900.00 1900.00 2000.00 .. -5.00 TOBACCO DESI(MITHA) KAR 40 KG. 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 .. ..
TOBACCO DESI(MITHA) HYD 40 KG. 3900.00 3900.00 4225.00 .. -7.69 TOBACCO DESI(MITHA) SRG 40 KG. 5500.00 5500.00 4500.00 .. +22.22 TOBACCO SUFAID PATHA LHR 40 KG. 4400.00 4300.00 4300.00 +2.33 +2.33 TOBACCO SUFAID PATHA MUL 40 KG. 5300.00 5300.00 4700.00 .. +12.77
TOBACCO SUFAID PATHA HYD 40 KG. 3250.00 3250.00 3500.00 .. -7.14 TOBACCO SUFAID PATHA PES 40 KG. 7500.00 7500.00 7500.00 .. .. TOBACCO SUFAID PATHA SRG 40 KG. 3100.00 3100.00 4200.00 .. -26.19 TOBACCO SUFAID PATHA LRK 40 KG. 2800.00 2800.00 3000.00 .. -6.67
TOBACCO HUKKA TWISTED LHR 40 KG. 3625.00 3575.00 3350.00 +1.40 +8.21 TOBACCO HUKKA TWISTED MUL 40 KG. 3500.00 3500.00 3300.00 .. +6.06 TOBACCO HUKKA TWISTED HYD 40 KG. 3800.00 3800.00 4050.00 .. -6.17 TOBACCO HUKKA TWISTED QTA 40 KG. 2970.00 2970.00 2760.00 .. +7.61
TOBACCO HUKKA TWISTED SUK 40 KG. 2800.00 2800.00 2400.00 .. +16.67 TOBACCO HUKKA PREPARED LHR 40 KG. 2875.00 2775.00 2350.00 +3.60 +22.34 TOBACCO HUKKA PREPARED MUL 40 KG. 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 .. .. TOBACCO HUKKA PREPARED HYD 40 KG. 1325.00 1325.00 1125.00 .. +17.78
TOBACCO HUKKA PREPARED QTA 40 KG. 1530.00 1530.00 1350.00 .. +13.33 TOBACCO HUKKA PREPARED LRK 40 KG. 1500.00 1500.00 1050.00 .. +42.86
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. SUGAR CANE ---------- SUGARCANE FSL 40 KG. 180.00 180.00 209.00 .. -13.88 SUGARCANE HYD 40 KG. 225.00 218.00 180.00 +3.21 +25.00 SUGARCANE PES 40 KG. 240.00 240.00 140.00 .. +71.43 WOOL ---- WOOL PAK. SUPERIOR WHITE KAR 40 KG. 2550.00 2550.00 2520.00 .. +1.19 WOOL PAK. SUPERIOR WHITE LHR 40 KG. 775.00 775.00 775.00 .. .. WOOL PAK. SUPERIOR WHITE MUL 40 KG. 2100.00 1850.00 1175.00 +13.51 +78.72 WOOL PAK. SUPERIOR YELLOW KAR 40 KG. 2500.00 2500.00 2480.00 .. +0.81
WOOL PAK. SUPERIOR YELLOW LHR 40 KG. 862.50 862.50 862.50 .. .. WOOL PAK. SUPERIOR YELLOW MUL 40 KG. 1900.00 1700.00 1050.00 +11.76 +80.95 WOOL PAK MEDIUM WHITE KAR 40 KG. 2100.00 2100.00 2050.00 .. +2.44 WOOL PAK MEDIUM WHITE LHR 40 KG. 740.00 740.00 740.00 .. ..
WOOL PAK MEDIUM WHITE MUL 40 KG. 1900.00 1700.00 1050.00 +11.76 +80.95 WOOL PAK.MEDIUM YELLOW KAR 40 KG. 2020.00 2020.00 1980.00 .. +2.02 WOOL PAK.MEDIUM YELLOW LHR 40 KG. 640.00 640.00 640.00 .. .. WOOL PAK.MEDIUM YELLOW MUL 40 KG. 1500.00 1350.00 750.00 +11.11 +100.00
WOOL COLOURED LIGHT KAR 40 KG. 1490.00 1490.00 1380.00 .. +7.97 WOOL COLOURED LIGHT LHR 40 KG. 825.00 825.00 825.00 .. .. WOOL COLOURED LIGHT MUL 40 KG. 1300.00 1300.00 825.00 .. +57.58 WOOL COLOURED DARK KAR 40 KG. 1490.00 1490.00 1380.00 .. +7.97
WOOL COLOURED DARK LHR 40 KG. 800.00 800.00 800.00 .. .. WOOL COLOURED DARK MUL 40 KG. 1100.00 1100.00 850.00 .. +29.41 HIDES ----- HIDES WET SALTED COW MEDIUM KAR EACH 2475.00 2390.00 2200.00 +3.56 +12.50 HIDES WET SALTED COW MEDIUM LHR EACH 1850.00 1850.00 1850.00 .. .. HIDES WET SALTED COW MEDIUM MUL EACH 2350.00 2350.00 1750.00 .. +34.29 HIDES WET SALTED COW MEDIUM HYD EACH 1850.00 1850.00 1450.00 .. +27.59
HIDES WET SALTED COW MEDIUM PES EACH 850.00 700.00 550.00 +21.43 +54.55 HIDES WET SALTED COW MEDIUM QTA EACH 1650.00 1650.00 1600.00 .. +3.13 HIDES WET SALTED BUFFALO MEDIUM KAR EACH 1450.00 1450.00 1340.00 .. +8.21 HIDES WET SALTED BUFFALO MEDIUM LHR EACH 1550.00 1550.00 1550.00 .. ..
HIDES WET SALTED BUFFALO MEDIUM MUL EACH 2450.00 2250.00 1850.00 +8.89 +32.43 HIDES WET SALTED BUFFALO MEDIUM HYD EACH 1650.00 1650.00 1300.00 .. +26.92 HIDES WET SALTED BUFFALO MEDIUM PES EACH 950.00 850.00 800.00 +11.76 +18.75 HIDES WET SALTED BUFFALO MEDIUM QTA EACH 1600.00 1600.00 1550.00 .. +3.23
HIDES WET SALTED CALF MEDIUM KAR EACH 990.00 990.00 950.00 .. +4.21 HIDES WET SALTED CALF MEDIUM LHR EACH 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00 .. .. HIDES WET SALTED CALF MEDIUM MUL EACH 1300.00 1350.00 1200.00 -3.70 +8.33 HIDES WET SALTED CALF MEDIUM HYD EACH 2050.00 2050.00 1675.00 .. +22.39
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. HIDES WET SALTED CALF MEDIUM PES EACH 450.00 295.00 150.00 +52.54 +200.00 HIDES WET SALTED CALF MEDIUM QTA EACH 1450.00 1450.00 1400.00 .. +3.57 SKINS ----- SHEEP SKIN MEDIUM KAR 100 47500.00 45500.00 35750.00 +4.40 +32.87 SHEEP SKIN MEDIUM MUL 100 39000.00 39000.00 31000.00 .. +25.81 SHEEP SKIN MEDIUM HYD 100 20500.00 20500.00 16250.00 .. +26.15 SHEEP SKIN MEDIUM PES 100 22750.00 21000.00 7500.00 +8.33 +203.33
SHEEP SKIN MEDIUM QTA 100 22500.00 14250.00 13250.00 +57.89 +69.81 SHEEP SKIN LARGE KAR 100 47500.00 47500.00 41000.00 .. +15.85 SHEEP SKIN LARGE LHR 100 36250.00 36250.00 36250.00 .. .. SHEEP SKIN LARGE MUL 100 59000.00 59000.00 48000.00 .. +22.92
SHEEP SKIN LARGE HYD 100 31500.00 31500.00 30000.00 .. +5.00 SHEEP SKIN LARGE PES 100 36250.00 31000.00 11500.00 +16.94 +215.22 SHEEP SKIN LARGE QTA 100 29650.00 19650.00 18750.00 +50.89 +58.13 GOAT SKIN LARGE KAR 100 40000.00 40000.00 37750.00 .. +5.96
GOAT SKIN LARGE LHR 100 28000.00 28000.00 28000.00 .. .. GOAT SKIN LARGE HYD 100 33500.00 33500.00 29000.00 .. +15.52 GOAT SKIN LARGE PES 100 22250.00 20000.00 8000.00 +11.25 +178.13 GOAT SKIN EXTRA LARGE KAR 100 45500.00 45500.00 36000.00 .. +26.39
GOAT SKIN EXTRA LARGE LHR 100 33500.00 33500.00 33500.00 .. .. GOAT SKIN EXTRA LARGE HYD 100 36500.00 36500.00 32000.00 .. +14.06 GOAT SKIN EXTRA LARGE PES 100 15000.00 14000.00 10000.00 +7.14 +50.00 GOAT SKIN EXTRA LARGE QTA 100 30250.00 20250.00 18750.00 +49.38 +61.33
GOAT SKIN MEDIUM KAR 100 34000.00 34000.00 30000.00 .. +13.33 GOAT SKIN MEDIUM LHR 100 25000.00 25000.00 25000.00 .. .. GOAT SKIN MEDIUM HYD 100 19500.00 19500.00 15000.00 .. +30.00 GOAT SKIN MEDIUM PES 100 19000.00 16500.00 7500.00 +15.15 +153.33
GOAT SKIN MEDIUM QTA 100 22250.00 15250.00 14250.00 +45.90 +56.14 GOAT SKIN SMALL KAR 100 25875.00 25875.00 22125.00 .. +16.95 GOAT SKIN SMALL LHR 100 19000.00 19000.00 19000.00 .. .. GOAT SKIN SMALL PES 100 12000.00 11500.00 5000.00 +4.35 +140.00
GOAT SKIN SMALL QTA 100 16500.00 13250.00 12250.00 +24.53 +34.69 PIG IRON -------- PIG IRON KAR MT. 40000.00 40000.00 40000.00 .. ..
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. FUEL, LIGHTING AND LUBRICANT ****************************
COAL ----
COAL LHR MT. 8000.00 8000.00 7125.00 .. +12.28
COKE ---- COKE KAR MT. 57000.00 57000.00 48000.00 .. +18.75
DIESEL OIL ---------- DIESEL OIL HIGH SPEED(BULK) KAR LTR. 94.05 97.25 71.52 -3.29 +31.50 DIESEL OIL LIGHT SPEED (BULK) KAR LTR. 88.23 88.23 61.59 .. +43.25
MOTOR SPRIT ----------- MOTOR SPRIT 87 RON KAR LTR. 86.64 88.34 67.88 -1.92 +27.64
MOBIL OIL --------- HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL CNG ENGN. KAR 4 LTR. 1500.00 1500.00 1254.00 .. +19.62 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL CNG ENGN. FSL 4 LTR. 1536.00 1548.00 1254.00 -0.78 +22.49 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL CNG ENGN. RWP 4 LTR. 1475.00 1475.00 1162.50 .. +26.88 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL CNG ENGN. MUL 4 LTR. 1530.00 1530.00 1298.00 .. +17.87
HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL CNG ENGN. PES 4 LTR. 1325.00 1325.00 1220.00 .. +8.61 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL CNG ENGN. QTA 4 LTR. 1685.00 1456.00 1240.00 +15.73 +35.89 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL CNG ENGN. MNG 4 LTR. 1536.00 1536.00 1260.00 .. +21.90 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL PETROL ENGN. KAR 4 LTR. 1540.00 1540.00 1542.00 .. -0.13
HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL PETROL ENGN. FSL 4 LTR. 1916.00 1916.00 1550.00 .. +23.61 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL PETROL ENGN. RWP 4 LTR. 1487.50 1487.50 1175.00 .. +26.60 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL PETROL ENGN. MUL 4 LTR. 1570.00 1570.00 1322.00 .. +18.76 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL PETROL ENGN. PES 4 LTR. 1306.17 1306.17 1140.00 .. +14.58
HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL PETROL ENGN. QTA 4 LTR. 1670.00 1460.00 1250.00 +14.38 +33.60 HAVOLINE MOBIL OIL PETROL ENGN. MNG 4 LTR. 1536.00 1536.00 1260.00 .. +21.90
FURNACE OIL ------------ HIGH SULPHER FURNACE OIL(HSFO) KAR MT. 68931.72 66986.01 43930.36 +2.90 +56.91
SHORT KAR DOZ. 1005.00 1005.00 915.00 .. +9.84 SHORT LHR DOZ. 810.00 810.00 810.00 .. .. SHORT MUL DOZ. 1440.00 1440.00 1140.00 .. +26.32 SHORT HYD DOZ. 840.00 840.00 840.00 .. ..
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. WOOLEN TEXTILES --------------- LIGHT WEIGHT WORSTED (L.PUR) KAR MTR. 600.00 600.00 550.00 .. +9.09 HEAVY WEIGHT SUITING (L.PUR) KAR MTR. 1200.00 1200.00 900.00 .. +33.33 HEAVY WEIGHT SUITING (L.PUR) LHR MTR. 665.00 665.00 665.00 .. .. TWEED (LAWRENCEPUR) KAR MTR. 950.00 950.00 660.00 .. +43.94
TWEED (LAWRENCEPUR) LHR MTR. 575.00 575.00 575.00 .. .. WORSTED (LAWRENCEPUR) KAR MTR. 900.00 900.00 620.00 .. +45.16 WORSTED (LAWRENCEPUR) LHR MTR. 595.00 595.00 595.00 .. .. BLANKET MOONLITE SINGLE KAR EACH 1290.00 1290.00 1240.00 .. +4.03
BLANKET MOONLITE SINGLE LHR EACH 1412.50 1412.50 875.00 .. +61.43 BLANKET MOONLITE DOUBLE KAR EACH 1550.00 1550.00 1500.00 .. +3.33 BLANKET MOONLITE DOUBLE LHR EACH 1725.00 1725.00 1275.00 .. +35.29 WOOLEN CARPET KAR SQ.FT. 45.00 45.00 45.00 .. ..
SYNTHETIC CARPET KAR SQ.FT. 41.00 41.00 41.00 .. .. SYNTHETIC CARPET LHR SQ.FT. 42.50 42.50 42.00 .. +1.19 SYNTHETIC CARPET QTA SQ.FT. 52.50 52.50 50.00 .. +5.00 JUTE MANUFACTURES ----------------- JUTE BAGS LOCAL KAR 100 4700.00 4700.00 4100.00 .. +14.63 JUTE BAGS LOCAL LHR 100 9200.00 8500.00 5300.00 +8.24 +73.58 JUTE BAGS LOCAL FSL 100 9000.00 8400.00 5400.00 +7.14 +66.67 JUTE BAGS LOCAL PES 100 6500.00 6500.00 4600.00 .. +41.30
MATTRESSES ---------- READY MADE QUILT KAR EACH 600.00 600.00 550.00 .. +9.09 READY MADE QUILT LHR EACH 687.50 687.50 425.00 .. +61.76 READY MADE QUILT RWP EACH 537.50 537.50 475.00 .. +13.16 READY MADE QUILT GUJ EACH 612.50 612.50 510.00 .. +20.10
READY MADE QUILT HYD EACH 440.00 440.00 400.00 .. +10.00 READY MADE QUILT QTA EACH 600.00 600.00 600.00 .. .. READY MADE QUILT MNG EACH 575.00 575.00 500.00 .. +15.00 BED FOAM KAR EACH 2100.00 2100.00 2100.00 .. ..
BED FOAM LHR EACH 2800.00 2800.00 2500.00 .. +12.00 BED FOAM RWP EACH 2650.00 3125.00 2050.00 -15.20 +29.27 BED FOAM GUJ EACH 2825.00 2825.00 2625.00 .. +7.62 BED FOAM HYD EACH 3850.00 3850.00 3040.00 .. +26.64
PRESSURE COOKER 4 LTR. GUJ EACH 990.00 990.00 950.00 .. +4.21 PRESSURE COOKER 4 LTR. SLK EACH 850.00 850.00 710.00 .. +19.72 PLASTIC PRODUCTS ---------------- WATER COOLER 9 LTR. KAR EACH 340.00 340.00 320.00 .. +6.25 WATER COOLER 9 LTR. LHR EACH 300.00 300.00 300.00 .. .. WATER COOLER 9 LTR. QTA EACH 365.00 400.00 400.00 -8.75 -8.75 BUCKET MED. SIZE KAR EACH 155.00 155.00 145.00 .. +6.90
DINNER SET PLASTIC 52 PIECES KAR EACH 1300.00 1300.00 925.00 .. +40.54 DINNER SET PLASTIC 52 PIECES LHR EACH 1375.00 1375.00 975.00 .. +41.03 DINNER SET PLASTIC 52 PIECES GUJ EACH 1550.00 1550.00 1300.00 .. +19.23 DINNER SET PLASTIC 52 PIECES SLK EACH 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00 .. ..
DINNER SET PLASTIC 52 PIECES QTA EACH 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 .. .. HOT POT PLASTIC 3 PIECES KAR EACH 530.00 530.00 490.00 .. +8.16 HOT POT PLASTIC 3 PIECES LHR EACH 725.00 725.00 675.00 .. +7.41 HOT POT PLASTIC 3 PIECES SLK EACH 660.00 660.00 535.00 .. +23.36
HOT POT PLASTIC 3 PIECES QTA EACH 575.00 500.00 500.00 +15.00 +15.00 THERMOS STARVAC 1 LTR. KAR EACH 205.00 205.00 195.00 .. +5.13 THERMOS STARVAC 1 LTR. LHR EACH 220.00 220.00 190.00 .. +15.79 THERMOS STARVAC 1 LTR. GUJ EACH 400.00 400.00 300.00 .. +33.33
THERMOS STARVAC 1 LTR. SLK EACH 250.00 180.00 180.00 +38.89 +38.89 THERMOS STARVAC 1 LTR. QTA EACH 300.00 300.00 235.00 .. +27.66 WATER SET PLASTIC KAR EACH 270.00 270.00 160.00 .. +68.75 WATER SET PLASTIC GUJ EACH 255.00 255.00 160.00 .. +59.38
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. WATER SET PLASTIC SLK EACH 250.00 137.50 137.50 +81.82 +81.82 GLASS PRODUCTS -------------- TUMBLER 200 ML. FANCY (OMROC) KAR DOZ. 465.00 465.00 440.00 .. +5.68 JUG DIAMOND 1.2 LTR. FANCY (OMROC)KAR DOZ. 1140.00 1140.00 760.00 .. +50.00 JAR 4 LTR. LOCAL/FANCY/SILKY KAR DOZ. 670.00 670.00 485.00 .. +38.14 TEA CUP SAUCER WHITE KAR DOZ. 400.00 400.00 385.00 .. +3.90
CHEMICALS --------- SODA ASH LIGHT 80 KG. BAG KAR BAG 1800.00 2250.00 1425.00 -20.00 +26.32 SODA ASH LIGHT 80 KG. BAG LHR BAG 2650.00 2250.00 2400.00 +17.78 +10.42 SODA ASH LIGHT 80 KG. BAG PES BAG 2816.00 2400.00 2300.00 +17.33 +22.43 CAUSTIC SODA KAR 50 KG. 2825.00 2775.00 1955.00 +1.80 +44.50
CAUSTIC SODA LHR 50 KG. 2750.00 2250.00 1675.00 +22.22 +64.18 CAUSTIC SODA PES 50 KG. 2900.00 2700.00 2200.00 +7.41 +31.82 SODIUM BI- CARBONATE. KAR 50 KG. 1800.00 1775.00 1500.00 +1.41 +20.00 SODIUM BI- CARBONATE. LHR 50 KG. 1825.00 1725.00 1575.00 +5.80 +15.87
SODIUM BI- CARBONATE. PES 50 KG. 1910.00 1870.00 1450.00 +2.14 +31.72 ZINC OXIDE KAR 50 KG. 6800.00 6800.00 6040.00 .. +12.58 ZINC OXIDE LHR 50 KG. 17000.00 17000.00 13000.00 .. +30.77 STEARIC ACID KAR LB. 110.00 105.00 58.00 +4.76 +89.66
TARTARIC POWDER KAR 50 KG. 8600.00 8600.00 7500.00 .. +14.67 TARTARIC POWDER LHR 50 KG. 9650.00 8950.00 7600.00 +7.82 +26.97 CITRIC ACID KAR 50 KG. 5900.00 5900.00 4300.00 .. +37.21 SULPHURIC ACID KAR 100 KG. 1590.00 1590.00 1020.00 .. +55.88
SULPHURIC ACID LHR 100 KG. 2375.00 2375.00 1675.00 .. +41.79 SULPHURIC ACID PES 100 KG. 2000.00 2000.00 1700.00 .. +17.65 CHINA CLAY KAR M.T. 34500.00 34500.00 32000.00 .. +7.81 SALT EPSUM KAR 100 KG. 1230.00 1230.00 960.00 .. +28.13
SALT EPSUM LHR 100 KG. 1200.00 1200.00 1125.00 .. +6.67 SALT EPSUM PES 100 KG. 900.00 900.00 1100.00 .. -18.18 POLYSTRENE GP. KAR 55 LB. 3691.00 3691.00 3691.00 .. .. L-D POLYTHYLENE KAR LB. 90.50 93.12 81.87 -2.81 +10.54
BLEACHING POWDER KAR 50 KG. 1500.00 1600.00 1400.00 -6.25 +7.14 BLEACHING POWDER LHR 50 KG. 1400.00 1400.00 1325.00 .. +5.66 BLEACHING POWDER PES 50 KG. 1760.00 1760.00 1380.00 .. +27.54 MERCURY KAR KG. 6000.00 5200.00 2100.00 +15.38 +185.71
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. MERCURY LHR KG. 4450.00 4050.00 2325.00 +9.88 +91.40 MERCURY PES KG. 3000.00 3000.00 2500.00 .. +20.00 GLUCOSE POWDER KAR 50 KG. 3900.00 3750.00 2800.00 +4.00 +39.29 GLUCOSE POWDER LHR 50 KG. 4200.00 4200.00 2900.00 .. +44.83
GLUCOSE POWDER PES 50 KG. 4400.00 4400.00 2700.00 .. +62.96 DYING MATERIALS --------------- DYES RED B-BASE KAR LB. 270.00 270.00 255.00 .. +5.88 DYES ORITEX JAPAN RED H2-R. KAR LB. 225.00 225.00 225.00 .. .. DYED REACTIVE VIOLET K -3R KAR LB. 130.00 130.00 130.00 .. .. SOAPS ----- SUPER ACTIVE SURF (160 GM.) KAR DOZ. 233.00 233.00 224.00 .. +4.02 SUPER ACTIVE SURF (160 GM.) LHR DOZ. 220.00 224.00 216.00 -1.79 +1.85 SUPER ACTIVE SURF (160 GM.) PES DOZ. 227.00 227.00 220.00 .. +3.18 SUPER ACTIVE SURF (160 GM.) MPK DOZ. 229.20 229.20 229.20 .. ..
SUPER ACTIVE SURF (160 GM.) MNG DOZ. 227.30 227.30 227.30 .. .. VIM DETERGENT POLY BAG (1000 G.) KAR DOZ. 480.00 479.00 410.00 +0.21 +17.07 VIM DETERGENT POLY BAG (1000 G.) LHR DOZ. 450.00 450.00 450.00 .. .. VIM DETERGENT POLY BAG (1000 G.) PES DOZ. 511.00 511.00 475.00 .. +7.58
VIM DETERGENT POLY BAG (1000 G.) MPK DOZ. 473.73 473.73 451.00 .. +5.04 VIM DETERGENT POLY BAG (1000 G.) MNG DOZ. 417.23 417.27 417.27 -0.01 -0.01 SUP.ACTIVE BRITE POLY BAG 400 G. KAR DOZ. 984.00 984.00 800.00 .. +23.00 SUP.ACTIVE BRITE POLY BAG 400 G. LHR DOZ. 936.00 936.00 636.00 .. +47.17
SUP.ACTIVE BRITE POLY BAG 400 G. MPK DOZ. 1134.00 1030.00 800.00 +10.10 +41.75 SUP.ACTIVE BRITE POLY BAG 400 G. MNG DOZ. 915.00 915.00 750.00 .. +22.00 SUN LIGHT (DETERGENT 1000 GM.) KAR DOZ. 1080.00 2060.00 1920.00 -47.57 -43.75 LIFE BOUY SOAP (140 GM.) KAR DOZ. 348.00 324.00 236.00 +7.41 +47.46
MACHINERY --------- TRACTOR MF-240 LHR EACH 630000.00 630000.00 469000.00 .. +34.33 TRACTOR MF-385 LHR EACH 1050000.00 1050000.00 837000.00 .. +25.45 CULTIVATOR (ORDINARY) 9 TIMES GUJ EACH 36000.00 36000.00 36000.00 .. .. CULTIVATOR (SPECIAL) 11 TIMES GUJ EACH 47000.00 47000.00 40000.00 .. +17.50 CHUFF CUTTER FSL EACH 6150.00 6150.00 5700.00 .. +7.89 MULTISTAGE C.PUMPS(PCM 80-3 15 H) LHR EACH 77500.00 77500.00 74500.00 .. +4.03 MULTISTAGE C.PUMPS PCM 80-5 25 H) LHR EACH 109000.00 109000.00 106000.00 .. +2.83 HOLLOW S.MOTOR 326 UP-4.40 HP 46 LHR EACH 144500.00 144500.00 139500.00 .. +3.58 CONC.MIXER 7 NTR. 12HP. STAR.ENG LHR EACH 140000.00 140000.00 135000.00 .. +3.70 CONC.MIXER 17 NTR. 24HP. STAR.ENG LHR EACH 210000.00 210000.00 205000.00 .. +2.44 LATHE MACHINE 3' (PAK MADINA) LHR EACH 49000.00 49000.00 46000.00 .. +6.52 LATHE MACHINE 4.5' (PAK MADINA) LHR EACH 69000.00 69000.00 66000.00 .. +4.55 LATHE MACHINE 6.5' (PAK MADINA) LHR EACH 89000.00 89000.00 86500.00 .. +2.89 LATHE MACHINE 10' (PAK MADINA) LHR EACH 182500.00 182500.00 177500.00 .. +2.82 SEWING MACHINE SINGER B.B. H.O KAR EACH 5375.00 5375.00 4450.00 .. +20.79 SEWING MACHINE SINGER B.B. H.O LHR EACH 4155.00 4155.00 3580.00 .. +16.06
SINGER ZIG ZAG MACHINE KAR EACH 9350.00 9350.00 9000.00 .. +3.89 SINGER ZIG ZAG MACHINE LHR EACH 9500.00 9500.00 9350.00 .. +1.60 SEWING MACHINE SALIKA KAR EACH 4300.00 3800.00 2300.00 +13.16 +86.96 SEWING MACHINE SALIKA LHR EACH 3950.00 3950.00 3200.00 .. +23.44
TRANSPORTS ---------- ISUZU TRUCK CHASIS FTR 12 K KAR EACH 3850000.00 3850000.00 3400000.00 .. +13.24 ISUZU BUS CHASIS MT 112 K KAR EACH 3325000.00 3325000.00 2800000.00 .. +18.75 CAR SUZUKI MEHRAN 800 CC KAR EACH 481000.00 481000.00 429000.00 .. +12.12 SUZUKI CULTUS SF410 VxRM Pet-1000cKAR EACH 896000.00 896000.00 810000.00 .. +10.62
SUZUKI RAVI 800 CC PICKUP (STD.) KAR EACH 508000.00 508000.00 449000.00 .. +13.14 MOTOR CYCLE YB-100 YAMAHA KAR EACH 69600.00 69600.00 63001.00 .. +10.47 MOTOR CYCLE CD-70 HONDA KAR EACH 62100.00 62100.00 59750.00 .. +3.93 BICYCLE PECO FOR GENTS POPULAR LHR EACH 5300.00 4600.00 2250.00 +15.22 +135.56
BICYCLE PECO FOR BMX SHAHEEN LHR EACH 3100.00 3100.00 2430.00 .. +27.57 BICYCLE SOHRAB SUPER LHR EACH 5250.00 5250.00 4750.00 .. +10.53 BICYCLE SOHRAB VIP STUDENT LHR EACH 5200.00 5200.00 3350.00 .. +55.22 TYRES ----- CYCLE TYRE SERVIS ( 28x1/2") LHR EACH 230.00 230.00 177.50 .. +29.58 CYCLE TYRE DIAMOND ( 28x1/2") KAR EACH 170.00 170.00 162.50 .. +4.62 CYCLE TYRE DIAMOND ( 28x1/2") LHR EACH 280.00 280.00 227.50 .. +23.08 CYCLE TYRE DIAMOND ( 28x1/2") RWP EACH 195.00 190.00 190.00 +2.63 +2.63
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. MOTOR CYCLE TYRE YAMAHA-100 KAR EACH 910.00 910.00 800.00 .. +13.75 MOTOR CYCLE TYRE YAMAHA-100 LHR EACH 1130.00 1030.00 880.00 +9.71 +28.41 MOTOR CYCLE TYRE HONDA CD-70 KAR EACH 895.00 895.00 800.00 .. +11.88 MOTOR CYCLE TYRE HONDA CD-70 LHR EACH 860.00 860.00 812.50 .. +5.85
MOTOR CYCLE TYRE HONDA CD-70 RWP EACH 837.50 837.50 812.50 .. +3.08 AUTO TYRE GEN/SUZ/ALTO/MEHRAN KAR EACH 1625.00 1625.00 1392.50 .. +16.70 AUTO TYRE GEN/SUZ/ALTO/MEHRAN LHR EACH 2500.00 2225.00 1900.00 +12.36 +31.58 AUTO TYRE GEN/SUZ/ALTO/MEHRAN RWP EACH 2225.00 2225.00 1962.50 .. +13.38
TUBES ----- CYCLE TUBES SERVIS ( 28x1/2) LHR EACH 107.50 107.50 85.00 .. +26.47 CYCLE TUBES DIAMOND ( 28x1/2) KAR EACH 95.00 95.00 85.00 .. +11.76 CYCLE TUBES DIAMOND ( 28x1/2) LHR EACH 117.50 117.50 95.00 .. +23.68 CYCLE TUBES DIAMOND ( 28x1/2) RWP EACH 82.50 82.50 75.00 .. +10.00
MOTOR CYCLE TUBE YAMAHA-100 KAR EACH 210.00 210.00 190.00 .. +10.53 MOTOR CYCLE TUBE YAMAHA-100 LHR EACH 185.00 185.00 160.00 .. +15.63 MOTOR CYCLE TUBE HONDA CD-70 KAR EACH 200.00 200.00 192.50 .. +3.90 MOTOR CYCLE TUBE HONDA CD-70 LHR EACH 160.00 160.00 150.00 .. +6.67
MOTOR CYCLE TUBE HONDA CD-70 RWP EACH 157.50 157.50 152.50 .. +3.28 AUTO TUBE GEN/SUZ/ALTO/MEHRAN KAR EACH 270.00 270.00 250.00 .. +8.00 AUTO TUBE GEN/SUZ/ALTO/MEHRAN LHR EACH 270.00 270.00 200.00 .. +35.00 AUTO TUBE GEN/SUZ/ALTO/MEHRAN RWP EACH 265.00 265.00 255.00 .. +3.92
AUDIO-VISUAL INSTRUMENTS ------------------------ RADIO 3-5 BAND (CHINA BRAND) KAR EACH 325.00 325.00 300.00 .. +8.33 RADIO 3-5 BAND (CHINA BRAND) LHR EACH 190.00 200.00 180.00 -5.00 +5.56 RADIO 3-5 BAND (CHINA BRAND) RWP EACH 282.50 287.50 262.50 -1.74 +7.62 PHILIPS COLOUR TV. 14" KAR EACH 8400.00 8400.00 8400.00 .. ..
PHILIPS COLOUR TV. 14" LHR EACH 8100.00 8100.00 8100.00 .. .. PHILIPS COLOUR TV. 14" RWP EACH 8250.00 8250.00 8250.00 .. .. L.G.COLOUR TV. 14" KAR EACH 8150.00 8150.00 8150.00 .. .. L.G.COLOUR TV. 14" LHR EACH 8100.00 8100.00 8100.00 .. ..
L.G.COLOUR TV. 14" RWP EACH 7900.00 7900.00 7900.00 .. .. PHILIPS COLOUR TV. 20" KAR EACH 12750.00 12750.00 12750.00 .. .. PHILIPS COLOUR TV. 20" LHR EACH 11000.00 11000.00 11000.00 .. .. PHILIPS COLOUR TV. 20" RWP EACH 13900.00 13900.00 13900.00 .. ..
L.G.COLOUR TV. 20" KAR EACH 13600.00 13000.00 13000.00 +4.62 +4.62 L.G.COLOUR TV. 20" LHR EACH 13400.00 13400.00 13400.00 .. .. L.G.COLOUR TV. 20" RWP EACH 12250.00 12250.00 12250.00 .. .. L.G. COLOUR TV. 21" KAR EACH 16100.00 16100.00 15500.00 .. +3.87
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. OTHER ELECTRICAL GOODS ---------------------- PEL AIR CONDITONER 1.5 TON KAR EACH 36000.00 36000.00 31000.00 .. +16.13 PEL AIR CONDITONER 1.5 TON LHR EACH 25500.00 25500.00 22500.00 .. +13.33 PEL AIR CONDITONER 1.5 TON RWP EACH 36250.00 36250.00 31000.00 .. +16.94 DAWLANCE 10 CFT. DOUBLE DOOR KAR EACH 22800.00 22800.00 22600.00 .. +0.88
DAWLANCE 10 CFT. DOUBLE DOOR LHR EACH 23500.00 23500.00 21700.00 .. +8.29 DAWLANCE 10 CFT. DOUBLE DOOR RWP EACH 19700.00 19700.00 19000.00 .. +3.68 WASHING MACHINE NAT. PAK S.F. KAR EACH 4500.00 4500.00 4000.00 .. +12.50 WASHING MACHINE NAT. PAK S.F. GUJ EACH 4600.00 4600.00 4500.00 .. +2.22
WASHING MACHINE NAT. PAK S.F. QTA EACH 5000.00 5000.00 4000.00 .. +25.00 WASHING MACHINE SINGER S.F. KAR EACH 7600.00 7600.00 7400.00 .. +2.70 WASHING MACHINE SINGER S.F. GUJ EACH 13900.00 13900.00 13200.00 .. +5.30 IRON NATIONAL PAK AUTOMATIC KAR EACH 450.00 450.00 400.00 .. +12.50
IRON NATIONAL PAK AUTOMATIC GUJ EACH 600.00 600.00 600.00 .. .. IRON PHILIPS HD 1120/R KAR EACH 800.00 800.00 720.00 .. +11.11 IRON PHILIPS HD 1120/R GUJ EACH 1500.00 1500.00 1000.00 .. +50.00 CEILING FAN MILLAT 48" KAR EACH 2200.00 2000.00 1675.00 +10.00 +31.34
CEILING FAN PAK 48" GUJ EACH 2000.00 2000.00 1600.00 .. +25.00 PADESTAL FAN MILLAT 20" KAR EACH 2800.00 2550.00 2050.00 +9.80 +36.59 PADESTAL FAN PAK 20" KAR EACH 3000.00 3000.00 2050.00 .. +46.34 EXHAUST FAN CLIMAX 12" GUJ EACH 1500.00 1800.00 1600.00 -16.67 -6.25
EXHAUST FAN MILLAT 12" KAR EACH 1400.00 1400.00 1240.00 .. +12.90 PHILIPS TL. LAMP 40 W. KAR EACH 60.00 60.00 50.00 .. +20.00 PHILIPS TL. LAMP 40 W. GUJ EACH 83.00 81.66 65.00 +1.64 +27.69 PHILIPS TL. LAMP 40 W. PES EACH 70.00 70.00 60.00 .. +16.67 PHILIPS TL. LAMP 40 W. QTA EACH 70.00 70.00 60.00 .. +16.67 PHILIPS ELECTRIC BULB 100 W (GLS) KAR EACH 1800.00 1800.00 1200.00 .. +50.00 PHILIPS ELECTRIC BULB 100 W (GLS) LHR EACH 1750.00 1750.00 1200.00 .. +45.83 PHILIPS ELECTRIC BULB 100 W (GLS) PES EACH 1850.00 1850.00 1200.00 .. +54.17
CIGARETTES ---------- CIGARETTES K-2 10'S (FILTER) KAR 1000 1420.00 1300.00 1200.00 +9.23 +18.33 CIGARETTES MELBOURNE KAR 1000 1100.00 1200.00 1200.00 -8.33 -8.33 CIGARETTES CAPSTAN LSFT 10 SS KAR 1000 2520.00 2520.00 2100.00 .. +20.00 CIGARETTES GOLD LEAF (KSFT) 20 KAR 1000 3130.00 3130.00 3150.00 .. -0.63
PAPER ----- OFFSET PAPER FLYING FINISH LOCAL KAR KG. 62.00 62.00 56.00 .. +10.71 PRINTING PAPER FLYING FINISH KAR KG. 55.00 55.00 55.00 .. .. KRAFT LINES BOARD (SWEDEN) KAR KG. 65.00 65.00 46.00 .. +41.30 ART PAPER "LEYKAM" KAR KG. 89.00 89.00 86.00 .. +3.49 POSTER PAPER (ROYAL CENTURY) KAR KG. 47.50 47.50 47.50 .. ..
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. TILES PLAIN WHITE 6x6" LHR DOZ. 120.00 120.00 120.00 .. .. TILES PLAIN WHITE 6x6" RWP DOZ. 105.00 105.00 92.50 .. +13.51 TILES PLAIN WHITE 6x6" MUL DOZ. 90.00 90.00 90.00 .. .. TILES PLAIN COLOURED 6X6" KAR DOZ. 117.50 117.50 117.50 .. ..
TILES PLAIN COLOURED 6X6" LHR DOZ. 127.50 127.50 127.50 .. .. TILES PLAIN COLOURED 6X6" RWP DOZ. 120.00 115.50 105.00 +3.90 +14.29 TILES PLAIN COLOURED 6X6" MUL DOZ. 110.00 110.00 110.00 .. .. IRON BARS & SHEETS ------------------ M.S. ROUND BAR 1/4" KAR MT. 66500.00 65500.00 58800.00 +1.53 +13.10 M.S. ROUND BAR 1/4" LHR MT. 63250.00 63250.00 56500.00 .. +11.95 M.S. ROUND BAR 1/4" RWP MT. 69250.00 68250.00 64250.00 +1.47 +7.78 M.S. ROUND BAR 1/4" HYD MT. 68500.00 66800.00 61550.00 +2.54 +11.29
M.S. ROUND BAR 1/4" QTA MT. 64000.00 64000.00 54000.00 .. +18.52 M.S. ROUND BAR 3/8" KAR MT. 68500.00 65500.00 58800.00 +4.58 +16.50 M.S. ROUND BAR 3/8" LHR MT. 62000.00 62000.00 57000.00 .. +8.77 M.S. ROUND BAR 3/8" RWP MT. 68750.00 67750.00 63250.00 +1.48 +8.70
M.S. ROUND BAR 3/8" HYD MT. 68500.00 66800.00 61550.00 +2.54 +11.29 M.S. ROUND BAR 3/8" QTA MT. 72000.00 70500.00 65500.00 +2.13 +9.92 M.S.ROUND BAR 1/2" KAR MT. 68500.00 65500.00 58800.00 +4.58 +16.50 M.S.ROUND BAR 1/2" LHR MT. 62500.00 62500.00 57000.00 .. +9.65
M.S.ROUND BAR 1/2" RWP MT. 67750.00 66750.00 61500.00 +1.50 +10.16 M.S.ROUND BAR 1/2" HYD MT. 68500.00 65800.00 61550.00 +4.10 +11.29 M.S.ROUND BAR 1/2" QTA MT. 69500.00 69500.00 65000.00 .. +6.92 M.S. ROUND BAR 1" KAR MT. 72000.00 69500.00 58800.00 +3.60 +22.45
M.S. ROUND BAR 1" LHR MT. 62500.00 62500.00 57500.00 .. +8.70 M.S. ROUND BAR 1" RWP MT. 67750.00 66750.00 62250.00 +1.50 +8.84 M.S. ROUND BAR 1" QTA MT. 54000.00 55000.00 50000.00 -1.82 +8.00 M.S.RIBBED BAR 1/2" TO 1" KAR MT. 72500.00 71000.00 70000.00 +2.11 +3.57
M.S.RIBBED BAR 1/2" TO 1" LHR MT. 63000.00 63000.00 57500.00 .. +9.57 M.S.RIBBED BAR 1/2" TO 1" RWP MT. 70500.00 69500.00 65250.00 +1.44 +8.05 M.S.RIBBED BAR 1/2" TO 1" QTA MT. 70000.00 69500.00 65000.00 +0.72 +7.69 M.S.RIBBED BAR 3/8" KAR MT. 73500.00 73000.00 70000.00 +0.68 +5.00
M.S.RIBBED BAR 3/8" LHR MT. 62750.00 62750.00 61000.00 .. +2.87 M.S.RIBBED BAR 3/8" RWP MT. 67750.00 66750.00 62250.00 +1.50 +8.84 M.S.RIBBED BAR 3/8" QTA MT. 72000.00 70500.00 65500.00 +2.13 +9.92 G.P.SHEET CUTTING JAPAN 24-30 BG KAR MT. 90000.00 90000.00 64200.00 .. +40.19
TIMBER DEODAR PES CMT. 60810.62 60810.00 52965.00 .. +14.81 TIMBER TEAK WOOD KAR CMT. 100000.00 100000.00 101965.00 .. -1.93 TIMBER TEAK WOOD LHR CMT. 97997.50 97997.50 92700.00 .. +5.71 GLASS SHEETS ------------ PL. GLASS SHET 3 MM ABOVE 1 SQ.M KAR SQ.MTR. 410.00 400.00 365.00 +2.50 +12.33 PL. GLASS SHET 3 MM ABOVE 1 SQ.M LHR SQ.MTR. 335.00 335.00 335.00 .. .. PL. GLASS SHET 3 MM ABOVE 1 SQ.M PES SQ.MTR. 324.00 320.00 294.00 +1.25 +10.20 FIG.GLASS SHEET ABOVE 1 SQ.M KAR SQ.MTR. 445.00 430.00 377.50 +3.49 +17.88
FIG.GLASS SHEET ABOVE 1 SQ.M LHR SQ.MTR. 247.50 247.50 247.50 .. .. FIG.GLASS SHEET ABOVE 1 SQ.M PES SQ.MTR. 410.00 375.00 350.00 +9.33 +17.14 PAINTS & VARNISHES ------------------ SYN CLEAR VARNISH (BUXLYS) KAR 3 LTR. 720.00 720.00 460.00 .. +56.52 SYN CLEAR VARNISH (BERGER) KAR 3 LTR. 1050.00 940.00 490.00 +11.70 +114.29 SYN ENAMEL VIP (BERGER) KAR 3.6 LTR 1100.00 1000.00 890.00 +10.00 +23.60 SYN ENAMEL 413 (BUXLYS) KAR 3.6 LTR 1000.00 1130.00 870.00 -11.50 +14.94
BUXTONE PLASTIC EMULSION(BUXLYS) KAR 4 LTR. 1130.00 1080.00 650.00 +4.63 +73.85 VIP PLASTIC EMULSION (BERGER) KAR 4 LTR. 750.00 750.00 715.00 .. +4.90 PLASTIC BOUND DISTEMPER(BUXLYS) KAR 6 KG. 680.00 680.00 360.00 .. +88.89 SANITARY WARES -------------- EUROPEAN W/C (02/03) STD WHITE KAR EACH 750.00 750.00 750.00 .. .. EUROPEAN W.C (02/03) STD WHITE LHR EACH 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 .. .. EUROPEAN W.C (02/03) STD WHITE PES EACH 1700.00 1600.00 1600.00 +6.25 +6.25 EUROPEAN W.C. (02/03)STD COLOUR KAR EACH 750.00 750.00 750.00 .. ..
7.10 Intercity Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities
Contd. EUROPEAN W.C. (02/03)STD COLOUR LHR EACH 1400.00 1400.00 1400.00 .. .. EUROPEAN W.C. (02/03)STD COLOUR RWP EACH 925.00 925.00 925.00 .. .. ASIAN W.C. WHITE 18/22" KAR EACH 325.00 325.00 325.00 .. .. ASIAN W.C. WHITE 18/22" LHR EACH 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00 .. .. ASIAN W.C. WHITE 18/22" RWP EACH 925.00 925.00 925.00 .. .. ASIAN W.C. WHITE 15/22" KAR EACH 312.50 312.50 312.50 .. .. ASIAN W.C. WHITE 15/22" LHR EACH 825.00 825.00 825.00 .. .. ASIAN W.C. WHITE 15/22" RWP EACH 775.00 800.00 800.00 -3.13 -3.13 ASIAN W.C. COLOURED 18/22" KAR EACH 370.00 370.00 370.00 .. .. ASIAN W.C. COLOURED 18/22" LHR EACH 987.50 987.50 987.50 .. .. ASIAN W.C. COLOURED 18/22" RWP EACH 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00 .. .. ASIAN W.C. COLOURED 15/22" KAR EACH 337.50 337.50 337.50 .. .. ASIAN W.C. COLOURED 15/22" LHR EACH 825.00 825.00 825.00 .. .. ASIAN W.C. COLOURED 15/22" RWP EACH 875.00 875.00 875.00 .. .. WASH BASIN 50 CM WHITE STD. KAR EACH 600.00 600.00 600.00 .. .. WASH BASIN 50 CM WHITE STD. LHR EACH 862.50 862.50 825.00 .. +4.55 WASH BASIN 50 CM WHITE STD. RWP EACH 875.00 875.00 875.00 .. .. WASH BASIN 50 CM LIGHT COLOUR KAR EACH 600.00 600.00 600.00 .. .. WASH BASIN 50 CM LIGHT COLOUR LHR EACH 962.50 962.50 962.50 .. .. WASH BASIN 50 CM LIGHT COLOUR RWP EACH 925.00 925.00 825.00 .. +12.12
PVC WIRE SINGLE CORE KAR 90 MTR. 780.00 780.00 730.00 .. +6.85 PVC WIRE SINGLE CORE MUL 90 MTR. 1050.00 950.00 720.00 +10.53 +45.83 PVC WIRE SINGLE CORE PES 90 MTR. 700.00 700.00 700.00 .. .. PWC WIRE SINGLE CORE QTA 90 MTR. 600.00 600.00 650.00 .. -7.69
Contd. BUCKET(BALTI) PLASTIC MED.SIZ EACH 241.07 243.75 199.58 237.50 260.00 233.75 250.00 205.00 287.50 220.00 SUITCASE REXIN (24"x16"x6") EACH 625.00 637.50 1125.00 520.00 675.00 1175.00 700.00 662.50 775.00 600.00 PRESURE COOKER 4 LTR. EACH 1050.00 1200.00 1158.33 1125.00 1250.00 1206.25 965.00 912.50 1250.00 1150.00 ELECTRIC JUICER FOR APPLE EACH 6800.00 4650.00 6750.00 6800.00 6140.00 6768.75 4250.00 6000.00 3300.00 6500.00 WATER COOLER 9/10 LTR.PLASTIC EACH 350.00 487.50 422.08 406.25 475.00 491.25 450.00 345.00 475.00 475.00 THERMOS STARVAC 1 LTR EACH 250.00 400.00 337.50 312.50 375.00 412.50 350.00 325.00 337.50 CHAIR SHESHAM WOOD WITH ARMS EACH 838.21 1050.00 1966.67 900.00 1550.00 2087.50 1300.00 1675.00 1500.00 1250.00 TABLE SHESHAM WOOD (4X2X5") EACH 4100.00 4250.00 3483.33 3100.00 4500.00 3550.00 2650.00 3250.00 4650.00 2450.00 SOFASET WOODEN WITH FOAM SEAT SET 9339.29 14500.00 13958.33 10750.00 15500.00 16000.00 13500.00 12550.00 16000.00 13500.00 COT IRON (WITH NIWAR)AV.QLTY. EACH 1257.14 1350.00 1170.83 1500.00 1425.00 1193.75 1600.00 1250.00 1500.00 1600.00 ALMIRAH (STEEL) 6'X3' 20 GUAGEEACH 5000.00 8750.00 5450.00 5500.00 8500.00 5550.00 9000.00 6900.00 8900.00 6500.00 DINNING TABLE 6 CHAIRS A.QLTY SET 8535.71 15375.00 14666.67 12250.50 14500.00 17625.00 11500.00 13100.00 15000.00 15000.00 SINGLE BED WITHOUT FOAM MED. EACH 3957.14 3800.00 3183.33 3750.00 5500.00 3325.00 3250.00 5350.00 5250.00 5500.00 MATRESS SINGLE(4"THICK) EACH 3555.00 3812.50 3470.83 4350.00 3000.00 3468.75 3900.00 3250.00 4000.00 4200.00 MARRIAGE HALL WITH FURNITURE P/HEAD 108.57 95.00 97.50 61.67 82.50 97.50 70.00 75.00 75.00 95.00 HOUSEHOLD SERVANT FEMALE P/T P/MNTH 1164.29 1200.00 1104.17 1300.00 1125.00 1150.00 850.00 1050.00 1250.00 1100.00 QUILT (LIHAF) 3 KG. COTTON EACH 839.29 750.00 662.50 800.00 710.00 725.00 800.00 725.00 825.00 750.00 BLANKET (90" x 54") EACH 1950.00 2500.00 2616.67 1800.00 2050.00 2656.25 2250.00 2300.00 2450.00 2050.00 BEDSHEET SINGLE BED SUP.QLTY EACH 287.50 425.00 312.50 462.50 340.00 315.63 425.00 360.00 450.00 425.00 DARI COTTON (6'x2 1/2') AV.QL EACH 344.64 375.00 537.50 373.50 327.50 537.50 425.00 387.50 550.00 400.00 FARSHI DARI 12'X9' AV.QLTY EACH 1239.29 1125.00 1245.83 1150.00 825.00 1259.38 725.00 925.00 1250.00 1250.00 CARPET PLAIN AV. QLTY SQFT. 21.00 72.50 21.00 50.00 37.50 21.00 37.50 35.00 27.50 21.50 TOWEL(3'x2') AV. QALTY EACH 124.64 116.25 190.00 180.00 115.00 200.00 150.00 105.00 150.00 150.00 GAS BURNER DOUBLE SPFY.BRAND EACH 1075.00 1237.50 1500.00 1462.50 970.00 1581.25 1350.00 968.75 1050.00 1450.00 ELECT. IRON PHILIPS MDL.1120 EACH 1100.00 950.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 890.00 950.00 CELING FAN 48" SUPER QLTY EACH 2350.00 2650.00 2625.00 2680.00 2200.00 2625.00 2200.00 2075.00 2450.00 2675.00 PEDESTAL FAN 22" SUPER QLTY EACH 3600.00 3375.00 3275.00 3600.00 3500.00 3275.00 3400.00 3050.00 3600.00 3650.00 WASHING MACHINE SINGER EACH 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 SEWING MACHINE(SINGER) EACH 4675.00 4675.00 4975.00 4975.00 4575.00 4975.00 4975.00 4875.00 4675.00 4875.00 WALL CLOCK QUARTZ AV.QLTY EACH 328.57 375.00 475.00 408.33 490.00 487.50 300.00 310.00 475.00 400.00 HAND STITCHING NEEDLE M.SIZE PACKET 3.50 5.00 8.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 SEWING THREAD/REEL(ASLI PARI) EACH 5.00 4.50 6.00 7.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 4.50 6.50 REFG. DAWLENCE 10 CFT. D.DOOR EACH 28000.00 24950.00 24800.00 24900.67 23100.00 24800.00 25200.00 24000.00 25500.00 23600.00 D-FREEZER WAVES 8 CFT. EACH 23500.00 24800.00 24500.00 24400.00 22000.00 24500.00 24000.00 21000.00 24900.00 24200.00 AIRCONDITIONER 1.5 TON PEL EACH 36000.00 41350.00 41000.00 40000.00 40000.00 41000.00 31300.00 27300.00 41600.00 38000.00 AIRCOOLER SUPER ASIA EACH 11000.00 9600.00 8500.00 8933.33 9700.00 8500.00 9500.00 8450.00 11200.00 9200.00 TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION. PETROL SUPER LITRE 87.06 87.05 86.93 87.15 87.15 86.93 87.94 87.90 89.30 87.70 HIGH SPEED DIESEL HSD LITRE 94.46 94.40 94.33 94.55 94.56 94.33 95.44 95.20 96.20 95.00 CNG K.G. 56.80 57.03 59.57 56.80 56.80 59.57 56.80 MOTOR CYCLE SERVICE CHARGES EACH 178.57 150.00 225.00 144.00 200.00 230.00 165.00 150.00 190.00 200.00 CAR SERVICE CHARGES EACH 200.00 287.50 245.00 200.00 222.50 255.00 200.00 300.00 200.00 250.00 MOTORCYCLE HONDA CD-70. EACH 65500.00 65900.00 65900.00 65900.00 65500.00 65900.00 65500.00 65900.00 65900.00 65900.00 MOTORCYCLE YAMAHA 100CC. EACH 72900.00 73900.00 72500.00 73900.00 72000.00 72500.00 72900.00 73900.00 72900.00 73900.00 CAR SUZUKI 800 CC (W/O. A/C) EACH 510000.00 476000.00 500000.00 533000.00 500000.00 517000.00 494000.00 493000.00 BICYCLE WITH TYRES & TUBES EACH 6028.57 6100.00 6600.00 6000.00 5600.00 6600.00 6500.00 6000.00 6300.00 6500.00 TYRE CAR WITH TUBE GENERAL EACH 2800.00 2400.00 2425.00 2300.00 2500.00 2425.00 2400.00 2225.00 2800.00 2600.00 TYRE MOTOR CYCLE WITHOUT TUBE EACH 950.00 1000.00 912.50 850.00 900.00 912.50 745.00 750.00 945.00 950.00 TYRE CYCLE SPECIFY BRAND NAME EACH 310.00 330.00 245.00 355.00 300.00 255.00 300.00 282.50 330.00 330.00
Contd. AUTO RICKSHAW FARES KM/MIN 46.43 60.00 32.50 30.00 60.00 35.00 60.00 60.00 30.00 FULL TONGA CHARGES KM/MIN 56.07 60.00 27.50 39.17 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 TAXI 4 SEATER FARE KM/MIN 77.50 60.00 50.00 65.00 55.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 45.00 BUS FARE MIN (WITHIN CITY) TICKET 13.00 13.00 12.00 13.00 12.00 10.00 BUS FARE MAX (WITHIN CIT TICKET 27.00 27.00 25.00 27.00 25.00 12.00 BUS FARE OUTSIDE CITY P/KM. .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 A/C BUS FARE OUTSIDE CITY P/KM. 1.55 1.20 1.45 1.10 1.00 1.45 1.40 1.11 1.50 1.38 MINIBUS FARE MIN.WITH IN CITY TICKET 13.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 12.00 MINIBUS FARE MAX.WITH IN CITY TICKET 27.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 25.00 SUZUKI FARE MIN.WITH IN CITY TICKET 13.00 13.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 SUZUKI FARE MAXIMUM W.IN CITY TICKET 27.00 25.00 23.00 27.00 20.00 23.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 14.00 TRAIN FARE ECO. 1-100 KM. P/KM. .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 TRAIN FARE ECO. 101-500 KM. P/KM. .86 .86 .86 .86 .86 .86 .86 .86 .86 .86 TRAIN FARE ECO. > 500 KM. P/KM. .74 .74 .74 .74 .74 .74 .74 .74 .74 .74 TRAIN FARE IST SLP. 1-100KM P/KM. 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 TRAIN FARE IST SLP.101-500 KM P/KM. 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 TRAIN FARE IST SLP. > 500 KM P/KM. 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 TRAIN FARE A/C SLP. 1-100KM. P/KM 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 TRAIN FARE A/C SLP.101-500KM P/KM. 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 TRAIN FARE A/C SLP > 500KM. P/KM 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 PLATEFORM TICKET EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 AIR FARE ECONOMY CLASS. P/KM. 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 POSTAL ENVELOPE DOMESTIC EACH 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 POSTAL REGISTRATION CHARGES EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 AEROGRAM FOR SAUDI ARABIA EACH 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 U.M.S. REG CHARGES MIN. EACH 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 T.C.S. CH. MIN.WITH IN ZONE EACH 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 TELEPHONE CHARGES LOCAL CALL P/CALL 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 CAR TAX FOR 800CC TO 1300CC YEARLY 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 432.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 TEL CHARGES OUT SIDE CITY P/CALL 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 INTERNET CHARGES P/HOUR 15.00 15.00 27.50 15.00 20.00 27.50 25.00 15.00 12.00 20.00 RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT. DAILY "DAWN" P/COPY 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 DAILY "JANG" P/COPY 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 DAILY "NAWA-E-WAQT" P/COPY 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 WEEKLY "AKHBAR-E-JAHAN" P/COPY 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 WEEKLY "MAG" P/COPY 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 MONTHLY "NAUNEHAL DIGEST" P/COPY 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 RADIO WITH C.PLAYER NATIONAL EACH 1825.00 2175.00 2150.00 3500.00 2250.00 2150.00 4500.00 2250.00 1750.00 1012.50 DRY CELL 1.5 VOLT(LOCAL) EACH 20.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 T.V. 20" COLORED WEGA H-A21. EACH 20500.00 22700.00 18083.33 23500.00 18500.00 18200.00 22500.00 20000.00 23800.00 20502.00 VIDEO GAME SEGA 16 BYTE EACH 950.00 1500.00 1150.00 1300.00 1050.00 1150.00 1200.00 1275.00 1650.00 1100.00 V.C.P. PANASONIC/LG/NAT EACH 4200.00 5750.00 5900.00 5000.00 4500.00 5900.00 6500.00 5450.00 5800.00 5200.00 VID. CASSETTE BLK. TDK/SONY EACH 122.50 110.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 160.00 100.00 150.00 136.00 TAPE RECORDER CASSETTE BLANK EACH 40.00 57.50 37.50 40.00 35.00 42.50 50.00 30.00 55.00 50.00 CINEMA A/C. HIGH CLASS TICKET 77.50 70.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 100.00 50.00 40.00 35.00 40.00 CINEMA NON-A/C HIGH CLASS TICKET 52.50 50.00 50.00 50.00 42.50 50.00 30.00 40.00 35.00 40.00 TV.LICENCE FEE DOMESTIC YEARLY 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 EDUCATION. SCHOOL FEE PRIMARY ENG.MED. MONTH 891.07 1400.00 1616.67 2407.89 1450.00 1668.75 800.00 650.00 2025.00 1066.67 94
Contd. SCHOOL FEE 2ND-RY ENG.MED. MONTH 1100.00 1600.00 1841.67 2998.56 1550.00 1975.00 950.00 750.00 2381.25 1766.67 GOVT. COLLEGE FEE IST. YEAR MONTH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 15.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 GOVT. COLLEGE FEE 4TH. YEAR MONTH 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 20.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 GOVT. UNIVERSITY FEE MSC. MONTH 93.50 70.00 77.50 217.00 77.50 46.00 70.00 110.00 115.00 GOVT. MED. COLLEGE FEE MBBS MONTH 873.00 368.00 873.00 873.00 873.00 873.00 GOVT. ENGG. COLL. FEE I YEAR MONTH 500.00 3200.00 600.00 217.00 600.00 PAPER FOOLSCAPE (27"x17") QUIRE 21.50 35.00 45.00 34.00 20.00 45.00 40.00 18.00 22.50 35.00 EXERCISE.BOOK LINED 80/100 PGSEACH 25.50 35.00 42.50 26.67 32.50 47.50 48.75 40.00 50.00 40.00 PENCILGOLDFISH/DEER EACH 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 FOUNTIN PEN YOUTH CHINA EACH 30.00 32.50 40.00 35.00 30.00 40.00 35.00 32.50 30.00 30.00 PEN INK DOLLOR 57 ML BOTTLE EACH 15.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 BALL PEN (local) EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 ENGLISH BOOK CLASS V1 EACH 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 ENGLISH BOOK CLASS IX OR X EACH 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 ENG. BOOK IST.YR COMPLETE SET EACH 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 URDU BOOK CLASS V (T.B.BORD) EACH 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 URDU BOOK CLASS IX/X(T.B.B) EACH 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 URDU BOOK IST.YEAR/INTER EACH 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 MATHS BOOK CALSS V (T.B.B) EACH 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 MATHS BOOK CLASS IX OR X EACH 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 MATHS BOOK IST.YEAR (T.B.B) EACH 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 COMP. WITH PRINTER & SPEAKER EACH 32000.00 36500.00 92250.00 35000.00 31000.00 92250.00 20000.00 27900.00 35500.00 36000.00 COM. C.D. (TDK/IMATION) EACH 37.14 60.00 56.67 60.00 35.00 58.75 25.00 42.50 30.00 27.50 CLEANING LAUNDRY & PER.APPEARANCE. WASHING SOAP CAKE 22.00 17.00 17.00 22.00 15.00 17.00 23.00 14.00 14.00 13.00 SURF (MEDIUM) 100 GRM EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 WASHING POWDER 1000 GRM EACH 135.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 135.00 135.00 145.00 135.00 CLEANSER POWDER VIM 1000 GM PKT. 47.00 42.00 52.00 47.00 45.00 52.00 45.00 47.00 52.00 45.00 FINIS 500 ML BOTTLE 95.00 105.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 100.00 100.00 ROBIN BLUE (35 GRAMS) PKT. 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 TOILET SOAP LUX 95 GRAMS EACH 30.00 28.00 28.00 30.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 TOILET SOAP LIFEBOUY 140 GRM EACH 30.00 28.00 30.00 30.00 28.00 30.00 28.00 28.00 30.00 28.00 TOOTHPASTE MACKLINES 70 GRM EACH 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 TOOTHBRUSH SHEILD A/PLAUQUE EACH 30.00 35.00 22.00 30.00 35.00 22.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 35.00 TOOTHPOWDER DENTONIC 90 GRM EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 BLADE TREET ORDINARY 10'S PKT. 30.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 BLADE 7-O-CLOCK STAIN. 5'S PKT. 32.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 DISPOSABLE RAZOR GILLET-II EACH 32.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 32.00 35.00 32.00 35.00 30.00 35.00 SHAVING CREAM TOUCH-ME/ADM. EACH 55.00 50.00 55.00 50.00 50.00 55.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 NAIL POLISH S.MISS/MEDORA EACH 45.00 45.00 85.00 75.00 45.00 85.00 45.00 42.50 75.00 50.00 LIPSTICK S.MISS/MEDORA EACH 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 PERFUME MED.SIZE MEDORA/BROACHEACH 90.00 90.00 90.00 85.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 SHAMPOO PLAIN MEDORA 200 ML. BOTTLE 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 FACECREAM PONDS (MEDIUM) EACH 90.00 80.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 90.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 80.00 TALC POWDER VICE ROAY,B.CAT EACH 105.00 105.00 120.00 105.00 105.00 120.00 105.00 105.00 110.00 105.00 HAIR-OIL AMLA/CHAMBELI BOTTLE 70.00 80.00 70.00 70.00 80.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 BRYLCREEM 210 ML. EACH 115.00 140.00 125.00 150.00 125.00 125.00 130.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 HAIRCUT CHARGES FOR MEN P/CUT 57.86 40.00 66.25 45.00 40.00 80.00 45.00 45.00 65.00 42.50
Contd. BOTTLEGOURD KG 20.00 33.00 30.00 30.00 32.00 23.95 -12.65 LADY FINGER KG 22.50 35.50 45.00 27.50 45.00 33.27 -16.74 PEAS KG +0.00 SPINACH KG +0.00 TINDA KG 32.00 35.00 50.00 60.00 40.00 38.86 +7.17 TURAI KG 20.00 40.75 42.50 60.00 60.00 32.01 -22.53 KARAILA KG 30.00 33.75 50.00 45.00 50.00 35.31 -1.06 ARVI KG 45.00 70.00 65.00 60.00 52.50 63.69 +0.00 CHILLIES GREEN KG 60.00 51.25 50.00 60.00 72.50 46.97 +10.65 CARROT KG +0.00 GINGER KG 170.00 180.00 180.00 200.00 270.00 141.14 +0.01 GARLIC KG 220.00 180.00 200.00 215.00 245.00 165.82 -3.26 COCUMBER (KHEERA) KG 20.00 35.00 25.00 60.00 60.00 30.42 +28.08 MALTA/MOSAMBI DOZ +0.00 KINNU DOZ +0.00 APPLE KG 175.00 110.00 80.00 135.00 65.00 127.23 +15.40 ALOO BUKHARA KG 85.00 90.00 90.00 1200.00 1000.00 173.38 -9.83 POMEGRANATE (ANNAR) KG +0.00 GRAPES KG +0.00 BANANAS DOZ 60.00 55.00 60.00 55.00 62.50 56.18 +2.35 MANGO KALMI KG 67.50 55.00 50.00 80.00 75.00 61.41 -22.02 GUAVA KG +0.00 WATERMELON (TURBOOZ) KG 15.00 22.50 30.00 22.50 30.00 18.39 -18.88 MUSKMELON (KHARBOOZA) KG 15.00 35.00 20.00 22.50 40.00 25.98 -22.31 SWEETMELON (SARDA) KG +0.00 SWEETMELON (GARMA) KG +0.00 APPAREL, TEXTILE & FOOTWEAR. LONG CLOTH AV.QLTY. METER 65.00 85.00 90.00 70.00 85.00 85.33 +0.33 SHIRTING AV.QLTY. METER 70.00 100.00 100.00 110.00 110.00 96.72 +0.26 PANT CLOTH W & WEAR AV.QLTY METER 280.00 300.00 160.00 160.00 300.00 274.40 +0.52 LAWN AV.QLTY. METER 98.00 85.00 70.00 60.00 82.50 94.14 +0.78 VOIL AV.QLTY. METER 50.00 57.50 60.00 70.00 60.00 67.84 +1.01 GEORGETTE AV.QLTY METER 80.00 77.50 80.00 80.00 95.00 87.40 +0.39 LINEN AV.QLTY METER 95.00 62.50 90.00 90.00 105.00 91.64 +0.70 HEAVY WT. SUITING LAW.PUR METER 755.00 850.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 922.21 +0.44 TROPICAL SUITING LAW.PUR METER 715.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.88 -0.60 TAILORING SHIRT EACH 200.00 171.25 200.00 150.00 185.00 216.34 +0.63 TAILORING COAT-PANT SUIT SUIT 1950.00 3060.00 3100.00 3100.00 3100.00 2901.24 +0.48 TAILORING AWAMI-SUIT (MALE) SUIT 255.00 325.00 312.50 300.00 245.00 317.32 +0.77 TAILORING SUIT FEMALE SUIT 200.00 325.00 210.00 300.00 215.00 263.07 +0.19 BRASSIER AV.QLTY. EACH 100.00 69.38 100.00 90.00 67.50 86.92 +0.27 DOPATTA GEORGETTE AV.QLTY. EACH 147.50 144.38 140.00 240.00 113.75 184.98 +0.60 CHADDAR (W/WEAR) (2x2.5 MTR) EACH 250.00 271.88 300.00 270.00 225.00 269.70 +0.47 PANT BOY 24"/26" LENGTH. EACH 395.00 335.00 325.00 250.00 300.00 313.92 +1.49 SHIRT BOY 24"/26" LENGTH EACH 188.75 223.75 300.00 250.00 230.00 247.55 +0.70 SCHOOL UNI. PANT,SHIRT BOYS SUIT 350.00 400.00 350.00 600.00 350.00 433.83 +0.31 SCHOOL UNI. KAMEEZ,SHAL.BOYS SUIT 382.50 407.50 390.00 600.00 400.00 417.98 +0.00 SCHOOL UNI. KAMEEZ,SHAL.GIRL SUIT 382.50 415.00 360.00 600.00 390.00 408.41 +0.00 FROCK W/WEAR GIRLS EACH 450.00 400.00 400.00 250.00 450.00 549.77 +2.66
7.11 Inter-City Consumer Prices for June, 2011
(Value in Rupees)
Contd. AWAMI-SUIT W & W(BOY) 24"/26 SUIT 400.00 512.50 350.00 600.00 475.00 583.83 +1.20 LUNGI/DHOTI(COTTON) AVG. QLTY EACH 195.00 155.00 175.00 160.00 150.00 191.34 +1.31 UNDERWEAR AV.QLTY MEDIUM SIZE EACH 50.00 58.13 72.50 55.00 60.00 81.85 +0.43 VEST FOR MEN AV.QLTY. EACH 52.50 66.25 90.00 80.00 70.00 85.27 +1.48 SOCKS NYLON (PAKISTANI) PAIR 47.50 59.38 45.00 80.00 62.50 63.08 +0.00 AWAMI-SUIT W&W (GENTS)AV.QLTY SUIT 975.00 671.25 700.00 762.50 700.00 774.02 +2.35 PULLOVER GENTS OXFORD/BON. EACH 2000.00 1750.00 1750.00 1700.00 1750.00 1899.17 +0.15 PULLOVER LADIES OXFORD/BON. EACH 2000.00 1850.00 1850.00 1850.00 1850.00 1877.62 -0.08 PULLOVER (GENTS) OTHERS A.QTY EACH 692.50 531.25 675.00 450.00 475.00 599.02 +0.80 SECOND-HAND COAT FOR MEN EACH 145.00 170.00 250.00 170.00 250.00 277.05 +0.69 GENTS SHOES TARGET BATA PAIR 799.00 799.00 799.00 799.00 799.00 799.00 +0.00 GENTS SANDAL BIN BATA PAIR 499.00 499.00 499.00 499.00 499.00 499.00 +0.00 GENTS CHAPPAL SPRING BATA PAIR 139.00 139.00 139.00 139.00 139.00 139.00 +0.00 LADIES SANDAL PISA BATA PAIR 399.00 399.00 399.00 399.00 399.00 399.00 +0.00 LADIES SPOUNG CHAPPAL BATA PAIR 139.00 139.00 139.00 139.00 139.00 139.00 +0.00 CHILD SHOE BIRO BATA PAIR 549.00 549.00 549.00 549.00 549.00 549.00 +0.00 GENTS SHOE, ART 1109 SERVICE PAIR 679.00 679.00 679.00 679.00 679.00 679.00 +0.00 CHEETHA 50 SIZE 3-5 PAIR 1049.00 1049.00 1049.00 1049.00 1049.00 1049.00 +0.00 BOOT POLISH CHERRY/KIWI 50ML EACH 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 +0.00 SHOE REPAIR HALF SOLE PAIR 70.00 81.25 80.00 45.00 42.50 77.74 +2.06 HOUSE RENT. HOUSE RENT INDEX MONTH 229.51 241.93 241.93 241.93 241.93 230.50 +0.97 FUEL AND LIGHTING. KEROSENE OIL LTR 93.03 90.59 93.91 89.76 92.83 95.45 -5.02 FIREWOOD WHOLE 40 KG. 260.00 325.00 380.00 200.00 250.00 338.34 +1.62 MATCH BOX SMALL EACH 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 +0.00 BULB PHILIPS 100-WATTS EACH 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.54 +0.20 TUBE LIGHT PHILIPS 40 WATTS EACH 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.57 +0.00 ELECT.CHARGES UPTO 50 UNITS P/UNIT 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 +0.00 ELECT.CHARGES 01 - 100 UNIT P/UNIT 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 +2.02 ELECT.CHARGES 101 - 300 UNIT P/UNIT 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 +1.93 ELECT.CHARGES 301 - 1000 UNIT P/UNIT 10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65 -0.09 ELECT.CHARGES ABOVE 1000 UNIT P/UNIT 13.29 13.29 13.29 13.29 13.29 13.29 -0.08 GAS CHRG upto 3.3719 MMBTU 110.20 110.20 +0.00 GAS CHRG 3.3719 - 6.7438 MMBTU 220.40 220.40 +0.00 GAS CHRG 6.7438 - 10.1157 MMBTU 928.00 928.00 +0.00 GAS CHRG10.1157 - 13.4876 MMBTU 1167.42 1167.42 +0.00 GAS CYLINDER STAND. SIZE EACH 1100.00 1275.00 1250.00 1050.00 1350.00 1176.14 -8.98 H.HOLD.FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT ETC. S.STEEL DEGHCHI MEDIUM SIZE EACH 492.50 413.75 500.00 450.00 450.00 472.63 +1.14 S.STEEL PLATE A.QLTY.(M.SIZE) EACH 62.50 85.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 61.37 +0.20 TEA-SET S.STEEL 3 PCS. M.SIZE SET 762.50 900.00 400.00 400.00 554.37 +0.53 TABLE SPOON S.STEEL SUP.QLTY. DOZEN 305.00 325.00 300.00 200.00 255.00 260.48 +0.90 WATER-SET S.STEEL SUP.QLTY SET 582.50 701.25 850.00 650.00 600.00 765.84 +0.17 TEA SET PAK. CHINAWARE 21 PCS.SET 725.00 1025.00 1150.00 750.00 850.00 1140.78 +0.47 DINNER SET PLASTIC 35 PCS. SET 1375.00 1031.25 1200.00 900.00 1400.00 1301.87 +0.11 HOTPOT SET PLASTIC 3 PCS. SET 1150.00 687.50 1100.00 800.00 800.00 951.39 +0.00 116
7.11 Inter-City Consumer Prices for June, 2011
(Value in Rupees)
Contd. BUCKET(BALTI) PLASTIC MED.SIZ EACH 255.00 285.00 225.00 325.00 325.00 247.78 +0.00 SUITCASE REXIN (24"x16"x6") EACH 490.00 900.00 950.00 850.00 600.00 685.70 +0.00 PRESURE COOKER 4 LTR. EACH 1125.00 1150.00 900.00 850.00 1150.00 1016.59 +0.00 ELECTRIC JUICER FOR APPLE EACH 3500.00 3500.00 3500.00 3550.00 3500.00 4764.58 +0.00 WATER COOLER 9/10 LTR.PLASTIC EACH 392.50 500.00 500.00 400.00 500.00 437.79 +0.00 THERMOS STARVAC 1 LTR EACH 300.00 270.00 450.00 370.00 380.00 347.17 +0.00 CHAIR SHESHAM WOOD WITH ARMS EACH 750.00 806.25 1000.00 800.00 850.00 1122.04 +0.00 TABLE SHESHAM WOOD (4X2X5") EACH 2500.00 4600.00 4500.00 2750.00 2750.00 3540.84 +0.00 SOFASET WOODEN WITH FOAM SEAT SET 10000.00 9937.50 9000.00 8000.00 8000.00 11559.96 +0.00 COT IRON (WITH NIWAR)AV.QLTY. EACH 1375.00 1000.00 1650.00 1650.00 1150.00 1412.41 +0.05 ALMIRAH (STEEL) 6'X3' 20 GUAGEEACH 5775.00 6700.00 8500.00 6600.00 5750.00 6987.86 +0.20 DINNING TABLE 6 CHAIRS A.QLTY SET 8100.00 13875.00 9500.00 9500.00 10000.00 12596.99 +0.00 SINGLE BED WITHOUT FOAM MED. EACH 2500.00 4625.00 5000.00 3600.00 3000.00 3844.42 +0.00 MATRESS SINGLE(4"THICK) EACH 3350.00 2537.50 3000.00 3702.91 +0.00 MARRIAGE HALL WITH FURNITURE P/HEAD 50.00 80.00 50.00 50.00 76.16 +0.00 HOUSEHOLD SERVANT FEMALE P/T P/MNTH 1225.00 1300.00 1150.00 1200.00 1019.26 +0.00 QUILT (LIHAF) 3 KG. COTTON EACH 725.00 775.00 600.00 475.00 653.91 +0.02 BLANKET (90" x 54") EACH 2100.00 1900.00 2000.00 2200.00 2400.00 2083.35 +0.00 BEDSHEET SINGLE BED SUP.QLTY EACH 320.00 475.00 500.00 375.00 425.00 381.83 +0.00 DARI COTTON (6'x2 1/2') AV.QL EACH 216.00 462.50 700.00 320.00 425.00 385.92 +0.08 FARSHI DARI 12'X9' AV.QLTY EACH 795.00 1100.00 1125.00 500.00 575.00 940.32 +0.00 CARPET PLAIN AV. QLTY SQFT. 36.00 59.38 30.00 25.00 22.00 34.48 +0.00 TOWEL(3'x2') AV. QALTY EACH 170.00 130.00 190.00 200.00 185.00 152.96 +0.00 GAS BURNER DOUBLE SPFY.BRAND EACH 1600.00 1055.00 1200.00 1000.00 1250.00 1277.25 +0.34 ELECT. IRON PHILIPS MDL.1120 EACH 950.00 850.00 1000.00 900.00 1100.00 1001.14 +0.21 CELING FAN 48" SUPER QLTY EACH 2275.00 1975.00 2600.00 2550.00 2200.00 2420.91 +0.00 PEDESTAL FAN 22" SUPER QLTY EACH 2875.00 2850.00 3100.00 3200.00 3000.00 3377.46 +0.00 WASHING MACHINE SINGER EACH 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 13950.00 +0.00 SEWING MACHINE(SINGER) EACH 4775.00 4775.00 4775.00 4775.00 4775.00 4817.14 +0.00 WALL CLOCK QUARTZ AV.QLTY EACH 250.00 456.25 325.00 300.00 425.00 340.15 +0.00 HAND STITCHING NEEDLE M.SIZE PACKET 6.00 4.25 5.50 7.00 7.00 5.04 +0.00 SEWING THREAD/REEL(ASLI PARI) EACH 3.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.94 +0.00 REFG. DAWLENCE 10 CFT. D.DOOR EACH 25000.00 24000.00 26000.00 22500.00 22500.00 24712.40 +0.00 D-FREEZER WAVES 8 CFT. EACH 23000.00 23000.00 26000.00 21000.00 21000.00 23640.00 +0.20 AIRCONDITIONER 1.5 TON PEL EACH 42000.00 38550.00 38000.00 40250.00 35000.00 38675.73 +0.65 AIRCOOLER SUPER ASIA EACH 9000.00 10500.00 10000.00 9000.00 9000.00 9466.67 +0.56 TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION. PETROL SUPER LITRE 90.20 86.95 86.95 86.71 87.45 87.74 -1.85 HIGH SPEED DIESEL HSD LITRE 96.65 94.35 94.70 94.11 94.80 95.05 -3.22 CNG K.G. 59.57 57.74 +0.00 MOTOR CYCLE SERVICE CHARGES EACH 200.00 190.00 200.00 190.00 135.00 191.67 +0.85 CAR SERVICE CHARGES EACH 350.00 350.00 225.00 200.00 252.16 +1.48 MOTORCYCLE HONDA CD-70. EACH 66000.00 66000.00 65500.00 65500.00 65500.00 65672.94 +0.34 MOTORCYCLE YAMAHA 100CC. EACH 72900.00 73900.00 72900.00 72900.00 72900.00 73188.57 +0.45 CAR SUZUKI 800 CC (W/O. A/C) EACH 501282.61 +0.14 BICYCLE WITH TYRES & TUBES EACH 6000.00 6500.00 5750.00 5800.00 5800.00 6194.39 +0.65 TYRE CAR WITH TUBE GENERAL EACH 2750.00 2050.00 2650.00 2800.00 2200.00 2539.46 +0.27 TYRE MOTOR CYCLE WITHOUT TUBE EACH 900.00 925.00 1025.00 975.00 800.00 923.19 +1.58 TYRE CYCLE SPECIFY BRAND NAME EACH 210.00 290.00 300.00 200.00 230.00 290.10 +0.02
7.11 Inter-City Consumer Prices for June, 2011
(Value in Rupees)
Contd. AUTO RICKSHAW FARES KM/MIN 40.00 65.00 65.00 30.00 30.00 45.47 +0.00 FULL TONGA CHARGES KM/MIN 35.00 65.00 55.00 35.00 40.00 47.76 +0.00 TAXI 4 SEATER FARE KM/MIN 47.50 50.00 60.00 40.00 50.00 55.10 +0.00 BUS FARE MIN (WITHIN CITY) TICKET 15.00 11.14 +0.00 BUS FARE MAX (WITHIN CIT TICKET 15.00 19.38 +0.00 BUS FARE OUTSIDE CITY P/KM. .93 .90 .90 .90 .90 .81 +0.00 A/C BUS FARE OUTSIDE CITY P/KM. 1.28 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.40 +0.00 MINIBUS FARE MIN.WITH IN CITY TICKET 15.00 12.44 +0.00 MINIBUS FARE MAX.WITH IN CITY TICKET 15.00 21.78 +0.00 SUZUKI FARE MIN.WITH IN CITY TICKET 9.87 +0.00 SUZUKI FARE MAXIMUM W.IN CITY TICKET 15.00 +0.00 TRAIN FARE ECO. 1-100 KM. P/KM. .68 .68 +0.00 TRAIN FARE ECO. 101-500 KM. P/KM. .86 .86 +0.00 TRAIN FARE ECO. > 500 KM. P/KM. .74 .74 +0.00 TRAIN FARE IST SLP. 1-100KM P/KM. 1.73 1.73 +0.00 TRAIN FARE IST SLP.101-500 KM P/KM. 2.13 2.13 +0.00 TRAIN FARE IST SLP. > 500 KM P/KM. 1.64 1.64 +0.00 TRAIN FARE A/C SLP. 1-100KM. P/KM 6.33 6.33 +0.00 TRAIN FARE A/C SLP.101-500KM P/KM. 6.22 6.22 +0.00 TRAIN FARE A/C SLP > 500KM. P/KM 4.68 4.68 +0.00 PLATEFORM TICKET EACH 5.00 5.00 +0.00 AIR FARE ECONOMY CLASS. P/KM. 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 +15.50 POSTAL ENVELOPE DOMESTIC EACH 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 +0.00 POSTAL REGISTRATION CHARGES EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 +0.00 AEROGRAM FOR SAUDI ARABIA EACH 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 +0.00 U.M.S. REG CHARGES MIN. EACH 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 +0.00 T.C.S. CH. MIN.WITH IN ZONE EACH 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 +0.00 TELEPHONE CHARGES LOCAL CALL P/CALL 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 +0.00 CAR TAX FOR 800CC TO 1300CC YEARLY 937.50 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 926.27 +0.00 TEL CHARGES OUT SIDE CITY P/CALL 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 +0.00 INTERNET CHARGES P/HOUR 12.00 21.25 15.00 30.00 15.00 19.97 +0.00 RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT. DAILY "DAWN" P/COPY 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 +0.00 DAILY "JANG" P/COPY 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 +0.00 DAILY "NAWA-E-WAQT" P/COPY 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 +0.00 WEEKLY "AKHBAR-E-JAHAN" P/COPY 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 +0.00 WEEKLY "MAG" P/COPY 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 +0.00 MONTHLY "NAUNEHAL DIGEST" P/COPY 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 +0.00 RADIO WITH C.PLAYER NATIONAL EACH 1975.00 1962.50 1800.00 1750.00 1250.00 2156.47 +0.57 DRY CELL 1.5 VOLT(LOCAL) EACH 19.00 15.00 19.00 15.00 15.00 17.20 +1.36 T.V. 20" COLORED WEGA H-A21. EACH 19750.00 18000.00 17500.00 17000.00 18000.00 19730.30 +0.00 VIDEO GAME SEGA 16 BYTE EACH 1450.00 1300.00 1000.00 1000.00 1250.00 1291.36 +0.00 V.C.P. PANASONIC/LG/NAT EACH 6000.00 6900.00 5000.00 5000.00 6500.00 5302.05 +0.00 VID. CASSETTE BLK. TDK/SONY EACH 110.00 155.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 128.47 +1.01 TAPE RECORDER CASSETTE BLANK EACH 25.00 36.25 45.00 35.00 35.00 42.57 +0.69 CINEMA A/C. HIGH CLASS TICKET 25.00 31.25 30.00 30.00 30.00 42.31 +0.00 CINEMA NON-A/C HIGH CLASS TICKET 25.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 31.72 +0.00 TV.LICENCE FEE DOMESTIC YEARLY 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 +0.00 EDUCATION. SCHOOL FEE PRIMARY ENG.MED. MONTH 450.00 700.00 300.00 510.00 300.00 868.58 +1.45 118
7.11 Inter-City Consumer Prices for June, 2011
(Value in Rupees)
Contd. SCHOOL FEE 2ND-RY ENG.MED. MONTH 600.00 1000.00 300.00 800.00 450.00 1091.02 +0.30 GOVT. COLLEGE FEE IST. YEAR MONTH 31.25 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 38.04 +0.00 GOVT. COLLEGE FEE 4TH. YEAR MONTH 39.59 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 51.83 +0.00 GOVT. UNIVERSITY FEE MSC. MONTH 539.58 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 256.82 +0.00 GOVT. MED. COLLEGE FEE MBBS MONTH 950.00 1108.76 +71.91 GOVT. ENGG. COLL. FEE I YEAR MONTH 850.00 850.00 953.32 +0.00 PAPER FOOLSCAPE (27"x17") QUIRE 20.00 19.50 30.00 25.00 10.00 29.09 +1.57 EXERCISE.BOOK LINED 80/100 PGSEACH 37.50 36.25 30.00 40.00 32.50 34.21 +0.29 PENCILGOLDFISH/DEER EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.88 +0.83 FOUNTIN PEN YOUTH CHINA EACH 30.00 45.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 32.40 +0.00 PEN INK DOLLOR 57 ML BOTTLE EACH 15.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.86 +0.95 BALL PEN (local) EACH 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.00 5.50 5.04 +0.00 ENGLISH BOOK CLASS V1 EACH 27.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 23.49 +2.85 ENGLISH BOOK CLASS IX OR X EACH 30.50 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 41.77 +1.61 ENG. BOOK IST.YR COMPLETE SET EACH 70.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 69.68 +0.00 URDU BOOK CLASS V (T.B.BORD) EACH 53.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 36.78 +2.42 URDU BOOK CLASS IX/X(T.B.B) EACH 42.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 74.22 +1.26 URDU BOOK IST.YEAR/INTER EACH 65.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 44.36 +1.86 MATHS BOOK CALSS V (T.B.B) EACH 54.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 43.17 +2.74 MATHS BOOK CLASS IX OR X EACH 74.50 87.00 87.00 87.00 87.00 113.17 +0.34 MATHS BOOK IST.YEAR (T.B.B) EACH 180.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 119.22 +0.00 COMP. WITH PRINTER & SPEAKER EACH 35000.00 27455.17 27455.17 27455.17 27455.17 38307.17 +0.06 COM. C.D. (TDK/IMATION) EACH 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 51.33 +0.00 CLEANING LAUNDRY & PER.APPEARANCE. WASHING SOAP CAKE 15.50 21.00 22.00 15.00 18.00 17.14 +0.88 SURF (MEDIUM) 100 GRM EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 +0.00 WASHING POWDER 1000 GRM EACH 145.00 135.00 135.00 145.00 135.00 139.57 +2.30 CLEANSER POWDER VIM 1000 GM PKT. 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.97 +2.93 FINIS 500 ML BOTTLE 90.00 95.00 110.00 90.00 90.00 102.29 +1.85 ROBIN BLUE (35 GRAMS) PKT. 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 +33.33 TOILET SOAP LUX 95 GRAMS EACH 30.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.40 +1.43 TOILET SOAP LIFEBOUY 140 GRM EACH 30.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.97 +3.46 TOOTHPASTE MACKLINES 70 GRM EACH 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 +0.00 TOOTHBRUSH SHEILD A/PLAUQUE EACH 25.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 35.00 30.90 +0.46 TOOTHPOWDER DENTONIC 90 GRM EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 +0.00 BLADE TREET ORDINARY 10'S PKT. 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.89 +0.78 BLADE 7-O-CLOCK STAIN. 5'S PKT. 30.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 29.57 +0.78 DISPOSABLE RAZOR GILLET-II EACH 30.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 32.50 33.33 +0.03 SHAVING CREAM TOUCH-ME/ADM. EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 51.29 +0.00 NAIL POLISH S.MISS/MEDORA EACH 70.00 80.00 70.00 70.00 60.00 62.79 +0.00 LIPSTICK S.MISS/MEDORA EACH 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 +0.00 PERFUME MED.SIZE MEDORA/BROACHEACH 85.00 90.00 90.00 85.00 85.00 89.43 +0.00 SHAMPOO PLAIN MEDORA 200 ML. BOTTLE 90.00 90.00 90.00 85.00 90.00 89.43 +0.00 FACECREAM PONDS (MEDIUM) EACH 80.00 90.00 80.00 80.00 85.00 85.00 +0.34 TALC POWDER VICE ROAY,B.CAT EACH 105.00 105.00 110.00 100.00 130.00 110.10 +2.22 HAIR-OIL AMLA/CHAMBELI BOTTLE 70.00 70.00 80.00 70.00 70.00 76.00 +1.92 BRYLCREEM 210 ML. EACH 120.00 145.00 130.00 120.00 120.00 127.09 +1.60 HAIRCUT CHARGES FOR MEN P/CUT 32.50 60.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 46.28 +1.20
7.11 Inter-City Consumer Prices for June, 2011
(Value in Rupees)
Contd. BEAUTY PORL HAIR STYL CHARGE P/STY. 100.00 237.50 237.50 237.50 237.50 178.56 +0.25 HAIR-COLOUR BEGIN (6 GMS) EACH 80.00 80.00 85.00 80.00 85.00 81.43 +0.00 GOLD TEZABI 24 CT 10 GM. 42000.00 42250.00 42009.00 42400.00 42250.00 42065.27 +3.01 SILVER TEZABI 24 CT 10 GM. 1050.00 1050.00 1071.00 1080.00 1067.15 -3.49 ARTIFICIAL JEWELLARY SET SET 130.00 361.25 400.00 375.00 275.00 394.83 +0.59 TISSU PAPER PERFUMED 100 PCS. PKT 70.00 80.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 76.34 +0.75 TOILET PAPER ROLL (R.PETEL) P/ROLL 25.00 27.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 26.43 +0.00 WASHING CH. SHIRT EACH 25.00 21.25 30.00 15.00 15.00 26.18 +0.58 DRY CLEANING SUIT COAT PANT SUIT 150.00 150.00 120.00 60.00 80.00 208.10 +0.69 WASHING CH. (KAMIZ-SHALWAR) PAIR 45.00 30.00 50.00 20.00 30.00 42.57 +0.35 WRIST WATCH GENTS CITIZEN EACH 2000.00 850.00 1200.00 1250.00 1725.00 1763.27 +0.16 WRIST WATCH LADIES CITIZEN EACH 2100.00 800.00 1200.00 1200.00 1625.00 1739.87 +0.16 MEDICARE. SEPTRAN TABLETS 10TAB. 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 +0.00 BRUFEN TABS 200-MG. 10TAB. 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 +0.00 PANADOL TAB. EXTRA/PLAIN 10TAB. 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 +0.00 DISPRIN TAB. 10TAB. 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 +0.00 FLAGYL TAB. 200 MG. 10TAB. 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 +0.00 VENTOLIN TAB. 2MG. 10TAB. 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.74 +0.00 DAONIL TAB. 5 MG. 10TAB. 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.82 +0.00 ENTOX TAB. 10TAB. 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 +0.00 RENITEC TAB. 5 MG. 10TAB. 50.83 50.83 51.00 51.00 51.00 50.88 +0.00 CAC. 1000 TAB BOTTLE 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 +0.00 AMOXIL CAPSOLE 250 MG.S 10CAP. 31.25 31.00 31.00 31.00 32.00 31.06 +0.00 CALCIUM SYRUP SANDOZ BOTTLE 64.00 64.00 64.00 64.00 64.00 64.00 +0.00 LEDERPLEX SYRUP BOTTLE 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 34.00 34.74 +0.09 SANCOS SYRUP (50 ML.) BOTTLE 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 +0.00 PHENERGAN SYRUP 120 ML. BOTTLE 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 +0.00 CALPOL SYRUP 60 ML. BOTTLE 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 +0.00 HYDRYLLIN SYRUP 120 ML. BOTTLE 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 +0.00 POLYFAX EYE OINTMENT TUBE 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 +0.00 BETNESOL EYE DROPS BOTTLE 29.47 29.47 29.47 29.47 29.47 29.47 +0.00 BETNOVATE-N OINTMENT 5 GMS TUBE 15.06 15.06 15.06 15.06 15.06 15.06 +0.00 BURNOL CREAM 30 GRM TUBE 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 +0.00 GALXOS-D (450 GRMS) PKT. 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 +0.00 GRIPE-WATER WOODWARDS BOTTLE 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 +0.00 O.R.S. (NIMCOL) PKT. 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 +0.00 DETTOL (MEDIUM) BOTTLE 41.76 41.76 41.76 41.76 41.76 41.76 +0.00 COTTON BANDAGE 2" - 4" EACH 5.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.70 +1.21 THERMOMETER CHINA EACH 30.00 30.00 35.00 30.00 27.00 33.53 +1.70 JOUHAR JOSHANDA PKT. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 +0.00 DOCTOR (MBBS) CLINIC FEE P/PAT. 125.00 130.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 102.29 +0.84 Bri cks Bl ocks Baj ri Sand Ti mber log Iron bars Buxl y Carp- Mason Labour Elect- Elect- Name of (New fi rst (6" x 8" (rai ta) (Mi xed) Cement shesham 1/2" round pai nt enter (raj ) (Unski l l ed) Plumber ri ci an ri ci an Ci ti es class) x 12" ) per truck per truck per bag fi rst qlty.) (M.S. bars 3.64 per per per per per per 1000 100 100 CFT of 100 CFT per C.M. per tonne l tr. day day day day day point Lahore 5200.00 - 4800.00 1550.00 390.00 33726.00 65500.00 1175.00 632.00 639.00 400.00 627.00 629.00 100.00 Fai sal abad 4200.00 - 3760.00 1800.00 380.00 42372.00 67000.00 1385.00 550.00 650.00 300.00 550.00 - 67.50 Rawal pi ndi 5700.00 - 3250.00 2450.00 410.00 41495.00 68500.00 1300.00 675.00 675.00 375.00 675.00 - 100.00 Mul tan 4000.00 - 4600.00 1650.00 390.00 51200.00 69000.00 1311.00 625.00 600.00 300.00 625.00 - 75.00 Guj ranwal a 5000.00 - 4000.00 1800.00 400.00 43261.00 70000.00 1275.00 600.00 675.00 350.00 550.00 550.00 97.50 Isl amabad 5700.00 - 3250.00 2450.00 410.00 41495.00 69000.00 1300.00 675.00 675.00 375.00 675.00 - 105.00 Sargodha 4400.00 - 2600.00 1200.00 385.00 54738.00 67000.00 1295.00 500.00 600.00 300.00 525.00 - 55.00 Sial kot 4650.00 - 3950.00 1850.00 405.00 39500.00 68000.00 1195.00 625.00 675.00 350.00 - - 97.50 Bahawal pur 4200.00 - 5000.00 2200.00 390.00 37073.00 70500.00 1421.00 450.00 500.00 285.00 450.00 - 80.00 Jhang 4500.00 - 3200.00 2000.00 395.00 27895.00 70000.00 1290.00 500.00 600.00 300.00 550.00 550.00 85.00 Okara 3900.00 - 4550.00 1650.00 395.00 54730.00 68000.00 1420.00 550.00 600.00 275.00 - - 47.50 D.G. Khan 4200.00 - 2500.00 1300.00 385.00 35310.00 70000.00 1211.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 - 55.00 Jehl um 4250.00 - 2550.00 1550.00 400.00 44143.00 67500.00 1310.00 600.00 600.00 350.00 600.00 - 105.00 Bahawal nagar 3300.00 - 5000.00 2000.00 385.00 35313.00 70000.00 1305.00 400.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 425.00 50.00 Vehari 3550.00 - 4750.00 1600.00 382.50 38845.00 72750.00 1421.00 450.00 475.00 250.00 425.00 425.00 60.00 Mianwal i 4400.00 - 2200.00 1600.00 385.00 42377.00 68000.00 1290.00 550.00 600.00 270.00 500.00 500.00 60.00 At tock 5100.00 - 3000.00 1100.00 400.00 38846.00 67250.00 1300.00 575.00 575.00 300.00 575.00 - 82.50 Summundri 4000.00 - 4000.00 2000.00 378.00 42000.00 67500.00 1385.00 550.00 550.00 300.00 550.00 - 60.00 Karachi - 1888.46 2350.00 - 375.00 42372.00 69000.00 1200.00 650.00 650.00 425.00 675.00 600.00 60.00 Hyderabad 4200.00 - 2800.00 - 390.00 34261.00 69000.00 1395.00 600.00 600.00 350.00 600.00 600.00 73.00 Sukkur 5000.00 - 2500.00 1500.00 445.00 32000.00 70500.00 1240.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 500.00 - 65.00 Larkana 4300.00 - 3400.00 1100.00 420.00 23150.00 70000.00 1250.00 550.00 625.00 255.00 550.00 500.00 100.00 Mirpurkhas 4850.00 - 1925.00 - 372.50 - 70000.00 1350.00 500.00 550.00 300.00 500.00 - 75.00 Nawabshah 5000.00 - 1800.00 1600.00 390.00 - 68500.00 1270.00 500.00 600.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 60.00 Shahdadpur 5200.00 - 1900.00 1400.00 390.00 - 68000.00 1270.00 500.00 600.00 350.00 500.00 500.00 60.00 Kunri 4250.00 - 2150.00 1275.00 377.50 - 70500.00 1350.00 500.00 500.00 275.00 500.00 - 65.00 Peshawar 5550.00 - 2800.00 1633.00 390.00 32956.00 68375.00 1200.00 500.00 575.00 300.00 600.00 584.00 71.67 Mardan 5300.00 - 2475.00 1400.00 390.00 30017.00 67750.00 1200.00 500.00 588.00 275.00 600.00 600.00 70.00 Abbottabad 5750.00 - 2675.00 2975.00 397.50 67750.00 1200.00 613.00 613.00 350.00 - - 105.00 D.I.Khan 6350.00 - 2200.00 1200.00 370.00 28625.00 71500.00 1250.00 575.00 575.00 290.00 575.00 600.00 67.50 Bannu 4650.00 - 1400.00 - 380.00 30000.00 66000.00 1200.00 500.00 650.00 280.00 500.00 475.00 62.50 Quetta 5100.00 - 3200.00 2350.00 460.00 33750.00 70000.00 1140.00 700.00 800.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 110.00 Khuzdar 5000.00 1500.00 3500.00 - 415.00 - 72000.00 1400.00 650.00 650.00 300.00 650.00 - 100.00 Turbat - 1750.00 - 1600.00 435.00 - 66000.00 - 700.00 700.00 350.00 - - 80.00 Loral ai 6500.00 - - 2000.00 357.50 - 66000.00 1155.00 500.00 700.00 300.00 500.00 450.00 72.50 120 (Val ue in rupees) 7.12 Intercity Prices of Construction Input Items and Labour Wages for the month of June , 2011 8. PUBLIC FINANCE 2009-10 2010-11 1 Meat, fish and their preparations 58.93 66.64 53.41 41.12 54.90 2 Milk, butter, cheese and honey 882.47 713.35 1010.04 1370.56 2769.09 3 Fruits, nuts and vegetables 365.21 481.98 1035.79 1340.92 1265.68 4 Coffee, tea and spices 1553.81 1860.13 2192.95 2736.07 3242.19 5 Oil-seeds and miscellaneous fruits 44.40 46.49 57.06 100.26 150.60 6 Animal and vegetable fats and oil 15742.98 17213.13 17133.83 15512.16 17262.76 7 Sugar and confectionery 243.71 345.73 199.68 211.88 285.07 8 Edible, preparation of cereal & vegetables 1118.60 1445.97 2140.25 2452.93 2862.84 9 Beverages, spirits and vinegars 63.26 91.19 115.10 160.84 221.28 10 Tobacco 48.34 59.33 100.44 256.98 494.52 11 Mineral, fuel, oils and products thereof 15127.94 24031.84 19369.16 19021.22 21401.96 12 Chemicals and chemical products 5689.25 5989.11 6608.02 6666.36 6870.42 13 Pharmaceutical products 965.13 1096.98 1377.16 1429.65 1565.36 14 Dyes, colours, paints and varnishes 1580.97 2005.40 2237.87 2418.02 2681.43 15 Perfumery, soap and toilet preparations 2524.82 3038.54 4208.45 4303.13 4908.71 16 Matches and other explosives 17.54 23.20 29.13 34.88 39.84 17 Photographic and cinematographic goods 977.73 997.58 1114.68 1250.49 1336.10 18 Rubber and articles thereof 1568.76 1655.70 1420.63 1710.06 2147.93 19 Leather articles and footwear 489.99 681.06 912.36 1139.60 1835.37 20 Wood, paper and stationery 3733.65 4477.77 5254.44 5001.87 7423.54 21 Silk yarn and fabrics 54.97 104.64 128.70 146.12 205.57 22 Yarn and fabrics of man-made fiber 2517.17 2655.41 3123.06 4072.87 7666.13 23 Cotton, Textile fabrics, Paper Yarn 99.38 124.07 100.81 91.55 340.77 24 Fabrics of wool, flax ramle metal vegetable -- 141.08 201.54 262.87 394.64 25 Carpets & other floor covering 177.66 187.61 206.55 289.14 345.04 26 Textile articles including knitted & crocheted goods 747.12 1072.49 1032.58 1323.39 2142.72 27 Special Woven Fabrics and Variety (58) 104.98 96.54 150.02 222.49 388.49 28 Glass and earthen-ware 2033.41 2269.48 2910.24 2794.13 3132.55 29 Precious metal, stones, pearls & imitation jewellery 54.83 32.88 45.42 90.78 95.09 30 Metals other than gold,silver,iron & steel 1080.67 1089.54 965.28 999.53 1386.38 31 Iron and steel manufactures 7254.58 8635.92 10785.78 10920.60 9677.83 32 Cutlery, tools articles of base metals 581.57 703.76 742.55 847.20 1038.53 33 Machinery and mechanical appliances 10524.81 11633.98 13793.60 10468.17 10928.56 34 Electric machinery and equipment 11138.32 13567.95 13333.82 9442.90 9528.38 35 Railway and tramway plant and rolling stock 128.97 82.67 41.35 29.06 25.04 36 Motor and other vehicles 28244.93 25799.14 17554.50 25234.13 28097.49 37 Ships, boats and aircraft's 13.78 93.35 57.69 60.68 136.17 38 Clocks and watches and parts thereof 52.05 52.98 50.83 56.51 66.18 39 Arms and ammunitions 64.64 132.03 233.16 371.66 498.63 40 Toys, games and sports goods 288.32 324.18 406.71 408.91 416.83 41 Vegetable plaiting materials -- 434.38 481.62 442.08 472.21 42 Residues on waste from the food industries prepared animal fadder -- 16.74 42.99 91.93 61.26 43 Albuminodal substances modified stareehes gulesenzymes -- 147.68 165.85 174.67 196.53 44 Plastic and articles thereof -- 6378.62 6783.68 7219.28 8831.53 45 Wood & articles of wood wood charcoal -- 488.78 530.11 481.10 552.34 46 Other madeup textile articles, set worm clothing & textile articles rugs -- 482.19 546.45 762.91 1255.90 47 Sub-total (1 to 46) 124987.36 143069.21 140985.34 144463.66 167000.38 48 All other articles 20154.39 19804.66 14919.80 22808.02 26179.32 49 Total imports duty 138692.46 156662.37 146439.51 156554.36 179722.75 50 Ware House Surcharge 817.15 900.93 887.45 995.88 1598.29 51 Miscellaneous 3222.28 2442.35 1861.46 2987.49 3636.25 52 Export duty 5.49 470.34 394.53 862.40 390.71 53 0.25% Export Development Surcharge 2404.37 2678.26 3403.47 3691.55 5174.30 54 Gross Collection (47 to 48) 145141.75 163154.26 155905.14 167271.68 193179.70 55 Refund & Rebates 12739.32 12408.34 7646.29 2782.91 8527.42 56 Regularty Duty -- -- -- 2179.98 2544.84 57 Net collection (54-55) 125374.72 150465.53 148258.85 161488.77 184652.28 Contd. (Million Rupees) 121 8.1 Customs Revenue Receipts S.No. Description 2008-09 2007-08 Annual 2006-07 (Mi l l i on Rupees) Jun., 2010 Jul., 2010 Aug., 2010 Sept., 2010 1 Meat, fish and their preparations 3.28 5.02 2.05 5.16 2 Milk, butter, cheese and honey 242.46 94.34 141.66 180.55 3 Fruits, nuts and vegetables 119.10 80.14 176.10 132.72 4 Coffee, tea and spices 267.26 261.89 299.96 269.24 5 Oil-seeds & miscellaneous fruits 6.40 4.76 5.10 2.94 6 Animal and vegetable fats and oil 1489.93 1248.87 1673.91 1607.26 7 Sugar and confectionery 28.10 18.61 22.46 18.36 8 Edible, preparation of cereals and vegetables 310.72 237.76 227.80 212.36 9 Beverages, spirits and vinegars 18.07 19.54 14.90 21.88 10 Tobacco 77.46 82.64 2.15 3.69 11 Minerals, fuel, oils and products thereof 2675.69 756.92 692.05 885.82 12 Chemicals and chemicals products 589.41 488.88 486.04 494.84 13 Pharmaceutical products 135.28 86.12 118.78 119.69 14 Dyes, colours, paints and varnishes 222.01 237.42 211.37 208.29 15 Perfumery, soap and toilet preparations 403.62 372.22 397.64 430.28 16 Matches and other explosives 1.85 6.43 1.20 1.47 17 Photographic and cinematographic goods 132.08 109.83 97.02 106.48 18 Rubber and articles thereof 194.15 151.81 164.20 174.59 19 Leather articles and footwear 126.54 149.76 345.21 137.36 20 Wood, paper and stationery 144.50 361.51 458.06 481.46 21 Silk yarn and fabrics 10.85 21.95 9.45 21.14 22 Yarn and fabrics of man-made fiber 519.81 425.11 524.94 652.08 23 Cotton, textile, fabrics, paper yarn 7.24 6.58 12.46 21.43 24 Fabrics of Wool, flax ramie metal vegetable 28.17 27.47 23.11 28.13 25 Carpets & other floor covering 38.59 19.05 31.45 25.26 26 Textile articles including knitted & crocheted goods 144.72 169.05 201.13 270.80 27 Special Woven Fabrics and Variety 29.14 39.35 34.29 26.34 28 Glass and earthen/ware 294.23 221.88 238.62 200.00 29 Precious metals,stones,pearls & imitation jewellery 11.53 2.36 5.00 3.85 30 Metals other than gold, silver, iron & steel 110.24 160.08 135.53 115.20 31 Iron & steel manufactures thereof 1438.15 603.58 640.04 869.02 32 Cutlery, tools articles of base metals 105.31 69.10 94.56 87.92 33 Machinery and mechanical appliances 1017.71 1001.19 845.89 918.14 34 Electric machinery and equipment 879.62 744.28 711.00 756.33 35 Railway and tramway plant and rolling stock 7.42 7.64 1.22 0.74 36 Motor and other vehicles 3319.77 2158.77 2360.25 2229.48 37 Ships, boats and Air crafts 2.50 0.47 5.19 2.23 38 Clocks, watches and parts thereof 5.39 5.57 4.56 5.98 39 Arms and ammunitions 24.12 37.87 33.83 24.54 40 Toys, games and sports goods 43.88 37.82 45.79 33.26 41 Vegetable plaiting Materials 28.56 29.12 28.36 30.95 42 Residues an Waste f rom t he food industries, Prepared animal f adder 8.13 2.99 10.74 2.16 43 Al bumi noi dal substances modif i ed stareches, glues,enzymes 21.41 14.71 18.35 14.19 44 Plastic and articles thereof 831.10 675.91 712.30 648.14 45 Wood & articles of wood; wood charcoal 48.99 41.77 45.08 34.38 46 Ot her made up textile art icles;set;worn colothing & textile art icles;rugs 63.75 67.88 79.61 106.08 47 Sub total (1 to 46) 16525.24 11329.83 12390.41 12622.21 48 All other articles 5560.02 532.08 570.02 2453.97 49 Total imports duty 20392.53 113293.83 12082.62 14030.64 50 Ware House Surcharge 104.89 94.73 102.66 131.46 51 Miscellaneous 478.63 132.31 176.28 175.67 52 Exports Duty 69.28 76.82 43.88 8.36 53 0.25% Export Development Surcharge 746.14 25.12 319.18 519.04 54 Gross Collection (47+48) 22085.26 11898.10 12960.43 15076.18 55 Refunds and rebates 338.38 925.79 916.75 908.33 56 Regularty Duty 293.79 239.24 235.78 210.97 57 Net collection (54- 55) 21746.88 10972.31 12043.68 14167.85 8.1 Customs Revenue Receipts 122 S.No. Description Monthly (Million Rupees) Oct., 2010 Nov., 2010 Dec., 2010 Jan., 2011 1 Meat, fish and their preparations 3.55 3.18 5.77 7.37 2 Milk, butter, cheese and honey 211.31 328.71 273.36 244.55 3 Fruits, nuts and vegetables 98.11 98.74 88.24 87.32 4 Coffee, tea and spices 237.02 330.81 327.59 458.39 5 Oil-seeds & miscellaneous fruits 5.98 12.14 20.44 20.32 6 Animal and vegetable fats and oil 1248.99 1479.53 1652.09 1388.12 7 Sugar and confectionery 16.73 19.53 27.45 24.64 8 Edible, preparation of cereals and vegetables 209.72 200.59 219.19 226.21 9 Beverages, spirits and vinegars 14.62 5.74 12.31 17.69 10 Tobacco 5.67 14.43 59.09 22.79 11 Minerals, fuel, oils and products thereof 1330.57 1973.87 2133.84 1586.80 12 Chemicals and chemicals products 496.43 490.71 582.46 534.10 13 Pharmaceutical products 138.15 127.00 129.84 120.37 14 Dyes, colours, paints and varnishes 199.21 202.98 238.31 206.44 15 Perfumery, soap and toilet preparations 319.14 411.77 390.64 386.01 16 Matches and other explosives 0.50 2.38 1.96 1.57 17 Photographic and cinematographic goods 107.39 107.89 109.38 112.66 18 Rubber and articles thereof 166.75 169.74 178.54 187.45 19 Leather articles and footwear 208.16 188.35 92.53 101.84 20 Wood, paper and stationery 504.66 443.15 1372.41 561.27 21 Silk yarn and fabrics 23.04 15.18 14.69 16.16 22 Yarn and fabrics of man-made fiber 473.98 597.33 658.59 690.78 23 Cotton, textile, fabrics, paper yarn 23.80 24.96 21.27 29.83 24 Fabrics of Wool, flax ramie metal vegetable 24.75 26.90 34.58 34.26 25 Carpets & other floor covering 18.96 23.58 31.36 36.20 26 Textile articles including knitted & crocheted goods 186.01 200.07 129.90 149.55 27 Special Woven Fabrics and Variety 26.05 28.20 26.87 29.67 28 Glass and earthen/ware 219.81 224.34 300.46 293.44 29 Precious metals,stones,pearls & imitation jewellery 9.23 6.35 4.55 3.02 30 Metals other than gold, silver, iron & steel 99.08 71.48 102.96 120.61 31 Iron & steel manufactures thereof 916.59 778.20 828.69 856.50 32 Cutlery, tools articles of base metals 79.54 81.58 71.38 88.22 33 Machinery and mechanical appliances 839.70 754.88 867.04 977.65 34 Electric machinery and equipment 696.24 744.34 901.70 797.01 35 Railway and tramway plant and rolling stock 0.29 0.86 4.56 4.23 36 Motor and other vehicles 2267.35 1841.87 2111.74 2417.30 37 Ships, boats and Air crafts 2.38 3.20 2.70 3.02 38 Clocks, watches and parts thereof 4.85 2.97 6.99 4.35 39 Arms and ammunitions 33.32 19.22 31.72 55.22 40 Toys, games and sports goods 27.65 41.10 34.61 34.71 41 Vegetable plaiting Materials 26.30 31.57 33.90 39.01 42 Residues an Waste f rom t he food industries, Prepared animal f adder 2.69 3.45 2.12 3.33 43 Al bumi noi dal substances modif i ed stareches, glues,enzymes 19.34 12.07 18.24 16.59 44 Plastic and articles thereof 685.28 628.87 684.60 784.60 45 Wood & articles of wood; wood charcoal 35.88 41.40 41.78 49.72 46 Ot her made up textile art icles;set;worn colothing & textile art icles;rugs 131.25 113.61 134.56 115.81 47 Sub total (1 to 46) 12396.02 12928.82 15027.00 13946.70 48 All other articles 711.03 1290.03 2831.10 1121.40 49 Total imports duty 12496.35 13192.44 17289.45 13737.66 50 Ware House Surcharge 128.34 118.24 117.23 160.63 51 Miscellaneous 169.88 256.26 263.87 328.15 52 Exports Duty 26.38 21.95 17.00 84.64 53 0.25% Export Development Surcharge 50.21 629.53 25.27 569.06 54 Gross Collection (47+48) 13107.05 14218.85 17858.10 15086.10 55 Refunds and rebates 803.29 841.29 677.31 657.86 56 Regularty Duty 235.86 0.40 145.28 187.92 57 Net collection (54- 55) 12303.76 13377.56 17180.79 14410.24 123 S.No. Description Monthly 8.1 Customs Revenue Receipts Feb., 2011 Mar., 2011 Apr., 2011 May, 2011 Jun., 2011 1 Meat, fish and their preparations 7.63 6.73 1.49 2.14 4.81 2 Milk, butter, cheese and honey 198.57 285.97 221.85 240.44 347.78 3 Fruits, nuts and vegetables 65.55 131.57 130.59 100.97 75.63 4 Coffee, tea and spices 306.24 329.88 274.32 231.70 215.15 5 Oil-seeds & miscellaneous fruits 7.11 19.53 10.68 20.92 20.68 6 Animal and vegetable fats and oil 1139.37 1036.07 1592.31 1655.23 1541.01 7 Sugar and confectionery 23.78 22.60 28.53 24.68 37.70 8 Edible, preparation of cereals and vegetables 212.78 254.92 345.35 285.53 230.63 9 Beverages, spirits and vinegars 10.91 23.63 29.82 31.67 18.57 10 Tobacco 5.19 114.09 11.30 169.08 4.40 11 Minerals, fuel, oils and products thereof 1552.47 1597.85 929.57 2945.38 5016.82 12 Chemicals and chemicals products 564.34 657.53 754.07 662.35 648.67 13 Pharmaceutical products 95.02 150.31 163.77 147.55 168.76 14 Dyes, colours, paints and varnishes 193.61 225.71 265.45 248.58 244.06 15 Perfumery, soap and toilet preparations 632.05 419.75 402.61 421.84 324.76 16 Matches and other explosives 1.02 5.42 3.09 11.70 3.10 17 Photographic and cinematographic goods 85.39 118.50 115.29 148.73 117.54 18 Rubber and articles thereof 168.38 185.63 202.55 204.93 193.36 19 Leather articles and footwear 130.40 46.89 97.30 135.22 202.35 20 Wood, paper and stationery 604.82 691.02 751.98 671.34 521.86 21 Silk yarn and fabrics 20.43 5.21 17.44 14.68 26.20 22 Yarn and fabrics of man-made fiber 772.58 759.58 699.15 839.36 572.65 23 Cotton, textile, fabrics, paper yarn 51.72 16.94 29.14 56.30 46.34 24 Fabrics of Wool, flax ramle metal vegetable 28.30 23.38 43.16 50.00 50.60 25 Carpets & other floor covering 35.72 30.89 34.86 27.96 29.75 26 Textile articles including knitted & crocheted goods 142.85 87.40 169.42 214.24 222.30 27 Special Woven Fabrics and Variety 33.36 28.51 37.44 37.97 40.44 28 Glass and earthen/ware 258.34 237.98 300.25 313.39 324.04 29 Precious metals,stones,pearls & imitation jewellery 3.46 3.96 7.46 41.89 3.96 30 Metals other than gold, silver, iron & steel 91.83 111.23 133.13 133.39 111.86 31 Iron & steel manufactures thereof 884.05 861.18 856.49 885.43 698.06 32 Cutlery, tools articles of base metals 85.37 67.22 112.24 93.83 107.57 33 Machinery and mechanical appliances 854.00 857.13 977.70 958.14 1077.10 34 Electric machinery and equipment 686.70 763.87 1023.32 798.61 904.98 35 Railway and tramway plant and rolling stock 0.71 1.42 2.32 0.57 0.48 36 Motor and other vehicles 2382.00 2300.40 2732.59 2606.33 2689.41 37 Ships, boats and Air crafts 2.03 2.48 3.36 63.23 45.88 38 Clocks, watches and parts thereof 4.71 5.79 3.97 10.97 5.47 39 Arms and ammunitions 25.73 38.03 67.35 81.70 50.10 40 Toys, games and sports goods 26.57 22.49 41.70 38.24 32.79 41 Vegetable plaiting Materials 45.07 60.85 61.47 45.27 40.34 42 Resi dues an Wast e from the food industri es, Prepared ani mal fadder 3.13 5.26 11.91 7.57 5.91 43 Al bumi noi dal substances modi fi ed stareches, gl ues,enzymes 13.21 15.20 19.57 18.20 16.86 44 Plastic and articles thereof 724.45 809.87 904.12 830.76 742.63 45 Wood & articles of wood; wood charcoal 36.40 62.40 61.32 49.04 53.17 46 Other made up textile articles;set;worn colothing & textile articles;rugs 113.48 95.57 107.05 93.97 97.03 47 Sub total (1 to 46) 13330.83 13597.84 14789.85 16671.12 17933.56 48 All other articles 1320.65 5035.10 805.62 1759.35 7748.97 49 Total imports duty 13463.05 17545.90 14287.22 16881.97 23385.62 50 Ware House Surcharge 176.15 126.76 128.98 138.42 174.69 51 Miscellaneous 238.05 339.98 184.39 457.27 914.13 52 Exports Duty 15.34 14.76 46.78 34.80 53 0.25% Export Development Surcharge 591.02 291.03 465.63 680.12 1009.09 54 Gross Collection 14651.48 18632.94 15595.47 18430.47 25682.53 55 Refunds and rebates 702.27 246.26 931.85 729.78 186.64 56 Regularty Duty 167.84 232.07 499.41 225.88 164.19 57 Net collection (54- 55) 13949.21 18386.68 14663.62 17700.69 25495.89 Source: Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad. (Million Rupees) 8.1 Customs Revenue Receipts 124 S.No. Description Monthy 9. SOCIAL Total number of Accidents Persons Total number of accidents Fatal Non-fatal Killed Inj ured vehicles involved PAKISTAN 2006-07 10466 4535 5931 5465 12875 11481 2007-08 10466 4610 5856 5615 12096 11456 2008-09 9496 4145 5351 4907 11037 10322 2009-10 9747 4378 5369 5280 11173 10496 2010-11 9723 4280 5443 5271 11383 10822 2010 Jun 811 370 441 440 843 935 Jul 799 320 449 374 952 937 Aug 760 363 397 466 844 870 Sep 925 380 545 420 1117 877 Oct 944 412 532 536 961 865 Nov 914 407 507 517 1144 999 Dec 843 371 472 465 1075 1010 2011 Jan 673 332 341 446 833 1026 Feb 644 288 356 379 748 944 Mar 799 360 439 424 972 754 Apr 750 339 411 415 821 751 May 856 377 479 459 979 906 Jun 816 331 485 370 937 900 Cont d. 125 9.1 Data on Traffic Accidents Year / month Total number of Accidents Persons Total number of accidents Fatal Non-fatal Killed Injured vehicles involved PUNJAB 2006-07 5355 2591 2764 3096 6311 5355 2007-08 5522 2721 2801 3293 6163 5522 2008-09 5240 2471 2769 2912 5790 5240 2009-10 5344 2590 2754 3083 5856 5344 2010-11 5420 2591 2829 3167 5809 5420 2010 Jun 440 230 210 264 419 440 Jul 445 201 244 231 519 445 Aug 413 220 193 276 440 413 Sep 504 239 265 276 574 504 Oct 531 253 278 539 522 531 Nov 520 241 279 300 592 520 Dec 471 217 254 256 515 471 2011 Jan 373 184 189 216 400 373 Feb 393 195 198 243 407 393 Mar 445 222 223 255 541 445 Apr 436 206 230 269 412 436 May 467 224 243 266 461 467 Jun 422 189 233 220 426 422 SINDH 2006-07 1618 932 686 1079 1303 1758 2007-08 1561 898 663 1066 1135 1722 2008-09 1433 824 609 961 1160 1562 2009-10 1465 883 582 1031 1261 1580 2010-11 1270 758 512 927 1071 1541 2010 Jun 131 69 62 77 104 135 Jul 98 57 41 75 84 120 Aug 120 74 46 95 88 145 Sep 105 58 47 50 81 105 Oct 130 68 62 78 87 135 Nov 101 64 37 95 92 115 Dec 117 64 53 83 109 124 2011 Jan 104 69 35 119 93 127 Feb 76 43 33 64 112 131 Mar 117 72 45 87 88 231 Apr 104 60 44 62 77 104 May 94 57 37 55 105 95 Jun 104 72 32 64 55 109 Contd. 126 9.1 Data on Traffic Accidents Year / month Total number of Accidents Persons Total number of accidents Fatal Non-fatal Killed Injured vehicles involved KHYBER PAKHTOON KHWA 2006-07 2942 779 2163 1006 4421 3756 2007-08 2893 755 2138 942 3884 3634 2008-09 2392 644 1748 786 3340 2975 2009-10 2559 712 1847 921 3560 3128 2010-11 2722 773 1949 986 4153 3479 2010 Jun 214 61 153 83 271 263 Jul 232 50 182 55 328 289 Aug 206 58 148 82 302 281 Sep 279 66 213 76 413 343 Oct 256 74 182 84 324 311 Nov 266 86 180 106 433 358 Dec 225 76 149 113 413 309 2011 Jan 180 70 110 98 321 235 Feb 154 41 113 47 218 202 Mar 215 53 162 63 285 276 Apr 198 63 135 74 311 253 May 259 83 176 124 383 303 Jun 252 53 199 64 422 319 BALOCHISTAN 2006-07 551 233 318 284 840 612 2007-08 490 236 254 314 914 578 2008-09 431 206 225 248 747 545 2009-10 379 193 186 245 496 444 2010-11 311 158 153 191 350 382 2010 Jun 26 10 16 16 49 32 Jul 24 12 12 13 21 23 Aug 21 11 10 13 14 26 Sep 37 17 20 18 49 47 Oct 27 17 10 15 28 33 Nov 27 16 11 16 27 33 Dec 30 14 16 13 38 40 2011 Jan 16 9 7 13 19 19 Feb 21 9 12 25 11 25 Mar 22 13 9 19 58 31 Apr 12 10 2 10 21 14 May 36 13 23 14 30 41 Jun 38 17 21 22 34 50 Source: Provincial Police Departments. Year / month 9.1 Data on Traffic Accidents 127 Total Mobl i nk Zong Ufone Tel enor Wari d January 104006768 32106671 8881402 20374352 25056416 17587927 February 105151872 32499495 9201121 20368752 25388878 17693626 March 106440052 32706945 9757634 20415951 25753300 17806222 Apri l 107886440 32964307 10338010 20434159 26062892 18087072 May 108592498 33181103 10752887 20525175 26396333 17737000 Jun 108894518 33378161 10927693 20533787 26667079 17387798 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Note: Incl udi ng AJK and NAs. Source: Paki stan Tel ecommuni cati on Authori ty, Isl amabad. 128 9.2 Data on Telecommunication 2011 Months Di stri buti on of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e Subscri bers
Foreigner National Foreigner National Foreigner National 952 70016 782 66280 420 53071 PUNJAB 702 53646 593 51751 317 39209 Lahore Museum 208 20211 243 18266 85 11956 Allama Iqbal Library & Museum, Sialkot 11 526 2 664 3 663 Museum Texilla, Rawalpindi 250 2000 180 2500 141 7223 Museum Harappa, District Sahiwal 27 5804 22 4811 9 2184 Allama Iqbal Museum, Javed Manzil, Lahore 15 2776 5 2525 2 2195 PMDC Khewara Mines Museum, Chakwal 191 22329 141 22985 77 14988 SINDH 250 15503 174 13592 97 13124 National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi 57 1550 20 1692 19 2141 Sindh Provincial Museum, Hyderabad -- 4317 -- 2977 -- 2231 Museum Bhambore, District Thatta 6 1245 -- 1312 1 812 Museum Moenjodaro, District Larkana 14 5069 3 4723 2 3937 Museum Umarkot, District Tharparker -- 2480 1 2138 -- 3203 Quaid-e-Azam Birth Place, Karachi * * * * * * Quaid-e-Azam Birth House, Karachi 173 842 150 750 75 800 KHYBER PAKHTOON KHWA 0 867 15 937 6 738 Peshawar Museum, Peshawar -- 700 15 784 6 526 Museum Saidu Sharif, Swat Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Dir Museum, Chekdara -- 167 -- 153 -- 212 BALOCHISTAN ** ** ** ** ** ** Museum Balochistan, Quetta ** ** ** ** ** ** * = Quai d-e-Azam Birth place is closed for purpose of renovation work, Source: Department of Archaeology and Museum, therefore no person vi sited the monument. Govt. of Pakistan. **= The Museum remained close due to earthquake damages. NIL= Due to Law and Order situation. May, 2011 129 9.3 Vi sitors at Archaeological Museums i n Pakistan Apr., 2011 Mar., 2011 Musemus PAKISTAN Foreigner National Foreigner National Foreigner National 945 147359 587 181886 756 196393 PUNJAB 908 135719 558 171119 752 187527 Jahangir's Tomb, Lahore 90 14548 103 14296 34 11814 Shalamar Garden, Lahore 130 22565 76 69141 55 51109 Royal Fort (Shahi Qila), Lahore 401 77421 171 68398 510 104275 Haran Minar & Tank, District Sheikhupura 10 13381 6 11973 3 10922 Harappa, District Sahiwal 27 5804 22 4811 9 2184 Taxila, District Rawalpindi 250 2000 180 2500 141 7223 SINDH 22 11037 5 9938 4 8865 Bhambore, District Thatta 6 1245 -- 1312 1 812 Makli Hill Monument, District Thatta 2 2243 1 1765 1 913 Moenjodaro, District Larkana 14 5069 3 4723 2 3937 Umarkot Fort, District Tharparker -- 2480 1 2138 -- 3203 KHYBERPAKHTOONKHWA 15 603 24 829 0 1 Remains of Takht-e-Bhai, District Mardan 5 586 11 789 N.A. N.A. Butkara Site Museum, Saidu Sharif, Swat 10 17 13 40 -- 1 BALOCHISTAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. = Not Available. Source: Department of Archaeology and Museum, Govt. of Pakistan. May, 2011 9.4 Visitors at Heri tage Sites i n Pakistan Apr., 2011 Mar., 2011 130 PAKISTAN Sites 10. TRADE Year / Month Exports Re-Exports Imports Re-Imports Balance of Trade 2005-06 984840.6 7717.0 1711158.4 613.7 -719214.5 2006-07 1029311.7 9726.1 1851805.9 232.0 -813000.1 2007-08 1196637.6 45527.6 2512071.7 690.8 -1270597.3 2008-09 1383717.5 21927.3 2723569.9 1642.9 -1319568.0 2009-10 1617457.6 23470.1 2910975.3 14.3 -1270061.9 2010 May 146423.8 1457.9 283635.4 -- -135753.7 Jun 151857.5 3306.7 274976.5 -- -119812.3 Jul 147596.4 5275.8 276927.6 -- -124055.4 Aug 148820.8 2857.6 257679.6 -- -106001.2 Sep 136621.3 2271.7 238468.6 -- -99575.6 Oct 166561.7 4372.4 274697.9 2072.6 -105836.4 Nov 147571.2 4412.3 267325.5 -- -115342.0 Dec 179474.9 2788.2 321486.2 -- -139223.1 2011 Jan 197668.9 1856.7 295103.1 -- -95577.5 Feb 182692.8 1422.3 260500.1 -- -76385.0 Mar 210207.7 2894.1 291580.8 -- -78479.0 Apr 200164.3 995.0 274756.5 -- -73597.2 May 195689.1 998.8 365403.5 -- -168715.6
131 (Million Rupees) 10.1 Value of Foreign Trade 2005-06 4079.7 126195.4 82812.8 104839.3 121997.7 15248.0 17504.5 69325.1 11624.5 9265.7 20560.1 2006-07 3047.8 122872.8 86669.7 109021.9 121006.0 13923.9 21640.9 68285.9 10204.0 10229.6 17482.8 2007-08 4426.1 126172.6 81745.9 108319.3 r 119032.1 13295.4 26026.3 117088.1 13327.5 12609.7 19012.9 2008-09 6826.5 153037.4 87813.2 135997.2 136103.4 11158.8 23393.0 154762.9 18464.9 18304.2 r 21391.3 2009-10 16365.5 150935.5 120767.9 147864.8 146195.1 11119.1 28698.3 183370.3 19049.8 30243.8 25020.8 2010 May 31.9 13677.3 6129.5 13532.5 13862.9 560.6 3248.6 14419.5 2270.2 1926.4 2448.0 June 99.6 12952.8 10448.6 14473.4 13422.7 1115.1 3803.7 17108.8 1549.0 2115.6 2341.8 July 87.8 14873.0 9642.3 16930.3 15659.3 600.5 3167.9 18641.5 1242.0 1799.6 2238.2 Aug 213.4 15158.7 11438.4 15376.4 13437.8 941.3 2867.1 10981.1 1275.8 1458.2 2260.6 Sep 304.0 15374.6 10747.7 15281.0 13368.5 834.8 2746.2 10920.1 1995.4 1774.9 1957.4 Oct 4754.2 19999.4 15768.2 18093.0 16222.2 982.8 2960.3 15538.0 2652.3 1359.7 1993.4 Nov 5059.2 13475.7 15855.9 13728.5 12693.6 946.3 2737.8 12580.6 2154.6 2171.6 1922.0 Dec 3838.2 17508.9 20328.8 15465.6 13813.5 1128.9 3366.8 18682.3 1988.3 6448.0 1967.7 2011 Jan 1461.7 17692.6 18916.2 17134.6 14347.7 973.9 2988.8 15932.5 1704.4 7628.7 2345.7 Feb 3978.8 18914.5 21626.3 15994.5 13263.6 729.2 2849.2 15760.8 1573.3 4909.4 2418.2 Mar 3979.5 24124.8 21018.8 15654.8 15802.8 1031.6 4067.3 17598.5 2425.7 6187.4 2701.3 Apr 4284.4 20772.2 15413.8 16238.8 15533.6 1089.5 3942.0 16575.6 3025.4 5870.9 2669.5 May 1931.2 20077.9 13534.7 16702.6 1666.9 933.7 4422.7 15887.0 2810.2 4370.8 2605.4 Sports goods Year/Month Wool l en Carpets & Rugs Leather Ri ce Fi sh & Fi sh Preparati ons 10.2 Exports by Commodity/Group (Million Rupees) 132 Raw Cott on Cotton Fabrics Cotton Yarn and Thread Kni twear Bedwear Frui ts & Vegetables (Million Rupees) Machinery and Manufactured goods Mineral Fuels, Animal or Year/Month Transport classified mainly Chemicals Lubricants and Vegetable equipment by material related materials oils & fats 2005-06 498388.5 200619.4 103890.2 250349.8 414113.7 50332.0 2006-07 548969.3 206482.0 82331.1 268607.9 469508.4 62400.9 2007-08 602387.0 238769.1 121756.6 364136.3 773199.2 115459.7 2008-09 626010.2 271679.1 409810.3 409810.3 797188.9 124316.2 2009-10 616893.3 294972.2 141005.7 492227.1 883653.4 120975.4 2010 May 48136.9 27324.3 14450.9 43038.7 105095.7 11950.6 Jun 55015.5 33177.4 17495.5 52058.6 67629.7 13670.8 Jul 51822.4 23663.4 16107.7 48200.0 89864.6 11639.6 Aug 50292.1 26340.9 15275.5 43293.0 76612.1 15613.1 Sep 55381.7 29913.0 22123.0 37429.0 47762.9 15507.5 Oct 56361.4 29825.3 26357.0 37852.6 81902.0 12714.0 Nov 45737.3 28760.5 26831.3 37152.2 87636.4 14897.3 Dec 56328.4 34184.9 22832.0 42716.0 109348.9 17741.6 2011 Jan 57165.1 30558.5 20274.4 40538.6 89388.3 15643.2 Feb 45225.6 30724.1 11611.1 43011.4 67192.5 15187.0 Mar 48922.7 32525.3 14438.9 57654.1 82200.6 12495.7 Apr 60961.1 34047.3 12899.5 50512.3 61965.4 20263.6 May 57742.8 39159.9 11977.9 49588.7 146968.7 21317.4 10.3 Imports by Commodity/Group 134 Food and Live animals
10.4 Exports by Selected Commodities in Dollars
(In Thousand Dollar)
Contd. 135 GRAND TOTAL 2296491 22388372 1736282 17509433
21.TEXTILE PRODUCT & ARTICLE KG 11068 25 138867 616 20420 72 113373 448 FOR TECHNICAL USE 22.BOOKS AND PRINTED MATTERS -- 866 6641 466 4836 23.PIG IRON MT 2742 2519 20174 15599 1809 1209 13837 6572 24.PRECIOUS/SEMI-PRECIOUS STONE GM 839214 288 15141451 3524 2908079 425 30964244 3277 25.JEWELLERY -- 34305 348370 119798 515053 26.ARTICLES OF PLASTIC KG 2462437 5580 34928059 65776 4060900 7417 40524891 74350 27.FURNITURE NO 29283 541 262271 6096 49243 554 319059 7104 28.PARTS OF FOOTWEAR -- 167 1565 89 1819 D.OTHERS -- 169985 1618314 150280 1505138
10.5 Exports by Selected Commodities in Rupees
(In Thousand Rupees)
Contd. 138 GRAND TOTAL 195689058 1913068953 146423821 1465600093
10.10 Imports by Economic Categories (Summary) Note: Total may not tally due to rouding of figures. 147 Raw material Consumer goods Capital goods Capital goods Year/Month Total Consumer goods (Million rupees)
10.11 Imports by Economic Categories (Detail)
(In Thousand Rupees)
I T E M S MAY.,2011 FROM JUL-2010 MAY.,2010 FROM JUL-2009
Contd. 148 GRAND TOTAL 365403519 3123929509 283635415*** 2635998765 1. CONSUMER GOODS TOTAL 62440273 509796456 35863186* 339667671
10.11 Imports by Economic Categories (Detail)
(In Thousand Rupees)
I T E M S MAY.,2011 FROM JUL-2010 MAY.,2010 FROM JUL-2009
250 10.16 Annual and Quarterl y Terms of Trade and Unit Value Indices of Exports and Imports (1990-91=100) Year/ Quarter
All Food and Beverages Crude materials Mineral Manufac- Machinery Misc. Manuf- groups Live & Tobacco inedible except fuels & Chemicals tured & Transport actured fuels Lubricants goods equipment articles
All Food Beverages Crude materi als Mineral Ani mal or Manufac- Machi nery Misc. manuf- Year/Quarter groups and Live & Tobacco inedi ble except fuels & Veg. oil s Chemical s tured & Transport actured ani mals fuels Lubri cants & Fats goods equipment arti cles
All Food Beverages Crude materi als Mineral Ani mal or Manufac- Machi nery Misc. Year/Quarter groups and Live & Tobacco inedi ble except fuels & Veg. oil s Chemical s tured & Transport manufactured animals fuels Lubri cants & Fats goods equipment arti cles 2005-06 244.59 237.89 240.06 386.04 181.10 124.22 245.05 208.02 344.43 248.82 2006-07 252.67 217.05 556.63 517.33 200.40 112.60 232.70 179.82 372.44 246.29 2007-08 279.04 215.32 472.93 634.62 235.18 115.03 244.40 221.28 371.00 340.31 2008-09 287.19 250.08 357.04 611.41 219.07 118.96 209.42 197.29 472.81 272.85 2009-10 273.50 161.65 372.35 535.52 228.17 154.83 257.08 228.29 363.58 283.04 2006-07 Jul -Sep 247.77 228.27 310.93 358.30 202.80 112.78 228.49 184.52 373.21 237.07 Oct-Dec 222.06 227.77 594.01 388.32 191.38 133.28 241.87 163.42 248.58 264.37 Jan-Mar 252.39 263.79 530.02 732.39 181.56 101.43 223.45 177.43 338.33 236.92 Apr-Jun 288.46 148.37 791.54 590.30 225.87 102.92 236.99 193.89 529.62 246.81 2007-08 Jul -Sep 243.46 162.17 595.52 689.67 179.12 116.92 227.22 230.22 299.94 314.30 Oct-Dec 276.02 183.40 339.46 717.08 226.73 108.14 243.22 215.73 360.26 377.84 Jan-Mar 287.92 321.15 584.73 551.20 261.72 133.35 244.90 220.94 350.88 339.70 Apr-Jun 308.84 194.56 372.00 580.54 273.14 101.71 262.26 218.21 472.93 329.40 2008-09 Jul -Sep 277.54 269.50 405.04 492.11 211.15 77.67 261.28 186.78 457.81 298.90 Oct-Dec 278.44 241.05 303.70 546.37 171.09 96.82 202.02 187.30 518.87 312.90 Jan-Mar 282.70 286.58 355.35 588.09 219.95 154.15 160.81 184.32 482.40 198.63 Apr-Jun 309.98 203.17 364.05 819.05 274.08 147.18 213.57 230.74 432.14 280.96 2009-10 Jul -Sep 238.16 154.35 392.05 425.86 213.38 127.36 243.00 212.43 274.82 294.44 Oct-Dec 283.91 155.57 390.51 569.82 235.88 174.91 281.84 217.29 359.87 296.50 Jan-Mar 283.84 148.75 367.15 566.37 227.15 179.70 222.79 215.90 439.70 252.09 Apr-Jun 288.07 187.94 339.70 580.04 236.28 137.33 280.68 267.53 379.91 289.12 2010-11 Jul -Sep 248.97 158.42 296.08 524.15 182.44 144.57 276.67 221.66 312.20 297.65 Oct-Dec 261.69 326.59 310.45 368.01 241.54 118.61 261.06 259.08 299.36 220.06 Jan-Mar* 255.72 172.75 511.57 599.46 192.62 100.52 272.62 242.19 319.12 259.22 *Provisi onal 10.20 Index Numbers of Quantum of Imports by Groups ( 1990-91=100 ) 254 Description Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Export of Services (TOTAL) 31,671.75 371,133.00 30,647.11 359,227.00 3.34 3.34 A. TRANSPORTAION 10,569.19 123,851.00 10,546.01 123,614.00 0.22 0.19 B. TRAVEL 3,238.23 37,946.00 2,126.36 24,924.00 52.29 52.25 C. COMMUNICATION SERVICES 1,275.80 14,950.00 1,447.35 16,965.00 -11.85 -11.88 D. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 289.89 3,397.00 19.45 228.00 1390.44 1389.91 E. INSURANCE SERVICES 472.60 5,538.00 592.68 6,947.00 -20.26 -20.28 F. FINANCIAL SERVICES 828.12 9,704.00 187.86 2,202.00 340.82 340.69 G. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SERVICES 1,874.80 21,969.00 1,457.25 17,081.00 28.65 28.62 H. ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES 28.59 335.00 45.47 533.00 -37.12 -37.15 I. OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES 5,657.65 66,297.00 5,402.18 63,321.00 4.73 4.70 J. PERSONAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES 171.88 2,014.00 19.45 228.00 783.70 783.33 K. GOVERNMENT SERVICES, n.i.e. 7,265.00 85,132.00 8,803.05 103,184.00 -17.47 -17.49 Import of Services (TOTAL) 55,243.76 647,353.00 47,700.06 559,111.00 15.81 15.92 A. TRANSPORTAION 28,766.93 337,094.00 27,883.46 326,833.00 3.17 3.14 B. TRAVEL 5,792.42 67,876.00 5,627.56 65,963.00 2.93 2.90 C. COMMUNICATION SERVICES 1,569.96 18,397.00 511.37 5,994.00 207.01 206.92 D. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 262.24 3,073.00 16.81 197.00 1460.02 1459.90 E. INSURANCE SERVICES 1,287.46 15,087.00 941.38 11,034.00 36.76 36.73 F. FINANCIAL SERVICES 837.08 9,809.00 767.32 8,994.00 9.09 9.06 G. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SERVICES 1,946.31 22,807.00 1,455.13 17,056.00 33.76 33.72 H. ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES 687.31 8,054.00 1,046.63 12,268.00 -34.33 -34.35 I. OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES 11,117.22 130,273.00 6,125.20 71,796.00 81.50 81.45 J. PERSONAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES 3.67 43.00 3.07 36.00 19.54 19.44 K. GOVERNMENT SERVICES, n.i.e. 2,973.16 34,840.00 3,322.13 38,940.00 -10.50 -10.53 Description Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Export of Services (TOTAL) ######### 4,209,121.00 260,477.49 ########## 38.32 35.03 A. TRANSPORTAION 91,829.05 1,072,777.00 79,080.92 946,365.00 16.12 13.36 B. TRAVEL 21,480.05 250,937.00 18,242.99 218,315.00 17.74 14.94 C. COMMUNICATION SERVICES 15,121.31 176,652.00 15,359.61 183,809.00 -1.55 -3.89 D. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1,429.25 16,697.00 1,006.01 12,039.00 42.07 38.69 E. INSURANCE SERVICES 3,399.50 39,714.00 2,745.03 32,850.00 23.84 20.89 F. FINANCIAL SERVICES 3,916.86 45,758.00 6,692.13 80,085.00 -41.47 -42.86 G. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SERVICES 13,842.45 161,712.00 11,688.70 139,879.00 18.43 15.61 H. ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES 205.61 2,402.00 478.90 5,731.00 -57.07 -58.09 I. OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES 43,928.50 513,187.00 32,660.94 390,855.00 34.50 31.30 J. PERSONAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES 285.56 3,336.00 334.00 3,997.00 -14.50 -16.54 K. GOVERNMENT SERVICES, n.i.e. ######### 1,925,949.00 92,188.26 ########## 78.83 74.58 Import of Services (TOTAL) ######### 5,441,060.00 422,763.16 ########## 10.17 7.55 A. TRANSPORTAION ######### 2,903,101.00 214,310.28 ########## 15.96 13.20 B. TRAVEL 59,773.38 698,292.00 55,458.72 663,677.00 7.78 5.22 C. COMMUNICATION SERVICES 11,297.66 131,983.00 9,841.03 117,768.00 14.80 12.07 D. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1,725.85 20,162.00 2,094.84 25,069.00 -17.61 -19.57 E. INSURANCE SERVICES 9,909.49 115,766.00 9,637.51 115,332.00 2.82 0.38 F. FINANCIAL SERVICES 6,986.71 81,621.00 5,619.43 67,248.00 24.33 21.37 G. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SERVICES 10,184.02 118,973.00 10,069.47 120,502.00 1.14 -1.27 H. ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES 7,305.65 85,347.00 6,519.07 78,014.00 12.07 9.40 I. OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES 70,605.30 824,834.00 68,790.26 823,216.00 2.64 0.20 J. PERSONAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES 630.09 7,361.00 1,485.92 17,782.00 -57.60 -58.60 K. GOVERNMENT SERVICES, n.i.e. 38,829.55 453,620.00 38,936.63 465,957.00 -0.28 -2.65 * Provisional figures based on figures provided by the State Bank of Pakistan. ** Revised by SBP Note:- Dollar value is converted into Rupees on monthly average exchange rate provided by SBP. March, 2011 (1$=Rs.85.338025), February, 2011 (1$=Rs.85.314098) and March, 2010 (1$=Rs.84.350006) respectively. over July-March, 2009 - 2010 over February, 2011 * July - March ** July-March % Change in July-March, 2010 - 2011 2010 - 2011 2009 - 2010 255 10.21 TRADE IN SERVICES (SUMMARY) March, 2011 * March, 2011 ** February, 2011 % Change in March, 2011 Rs. In Million Dollars in Thousands (Monthly) Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Export of Services 31,671.75 371,133.00 30,647.11 359,227.00 24,453.42 289,904.00 3.34 3.34 29.52 27.93 A Transportation 10,569.19 123,851.00 10,546.01 123,614.00 9,184.96 108,891.00 0.22 0.19 15.07 13.74 i) Charter of Pak ships with crew 0.85 10.00 4.44 52.00 30.53 362.00 -80.86 -80.77 -97.22 -97.24 ii) Charter of Pak aircrafts with crew 51.20 600.00 1.79 21.00 0.00 0.00 2760.34 2757.14 100.00 100.00 iii) Remitt. Rec. by recruit. Agents 10.58 124.00 34.21 401.00 38.80 460.00 -69.07 -69.08 -72.73 -73.04 iv) Earnings of Pak road transport 9.98 117.00 11.94 140.00 199.83 2,369.00 -16.42 -16.43 -95.01 -95.06 v) Passage Earnings of Pak air Cos. 5,546.97 65,000.00 5,630.73 66,000.00 4,892.30 58,000.00 -1.49 -1.52 13.38 12.07 vi) Freight earnings 597.37 7,000.00 597.20 7,000.00 843.50 10,000.00 0.03 0.00 -29.18 -30.00 vii) Oth. Local disbursement of foreign Ship/Air cons. 4,352.24 51,000.00 4,265.70 50,000.00 3,180.00 37,700.00 2.03 2.00 36.86 35.28 B Travel 3,238.23 37,946.00 2,126.36 24,924.00 2,272.73 26,944.00 52.29 52.25 42.48 40.83 i) Official travel 0.26 3.00 1.45 17.00 0.00 0.00 -82.07 -82.35 100.00 100.00 ii) Others official travel 44.03 516.00 25.00 293.00 5.74 68.00 76.12 76.11 667.07 658.82 iii) Commercial travel 5.03 59.00 5.29 62.00 3.63 43.00 -4.91 -4.84 38.57 37.21 iv) Non official-Delegation 0.77 9.00 0.17 2.00 0.25 3.00 352.94 350.00 208.00 200.00 v) Medical 3.07 36.00 15.10 177.00 1.10 13.00 -79.67 -79.66 179.09 176.92 vi) Students 242.96 2,847.00 141.11 1,654.00 26.40 313.00 72.18 72.13 820.30 809.58 vii) Trainees 21.68 254.00 7.76 91.00 4.55 54.00 179.38 179.12 376.48 370.37 viii) Tourists Pak national 111.45 1,306.00 77.55 909.00 88.74 1,052.00 43.71 43.67 25.59 24.14 ix) Tourists foreign national 2,556.81 29,961.00 1,671.47 19,592.00 1,922.59 22,793.00 52.97 52.92 32.99 31.45 x) Religious travel 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 xi) Receipts through Exchange Cos 252.17 2,955.00 181.46 2,127.00 219.73 2,605.00 38.97 38.93 14.76 13.44 xi) Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 C COMMUNICATION SERVICES 1,275.80 14,950.00 1,447.35 16,965.00 2,013.35 23,869.00 -11.85 -11.88 -36.63 -37.37 i) Postal services 11.18 131.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ii) Courier services 8.11 95.00 2.30 27.00 2.95 35.00 252.61 251.85 174.92 171.43 iii) Telecommunication services 1,104.44 12,942.00 1,295.24 15,182.00 1,873.33 22,209.00 -14.73 -14.75 -41.04 -41.73 iv) Call Centres 152.07 1,782.00 149.81 1,756.00 137.07 1,625.00 1.51 1.48 10.94 9.66 D CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 289.89 3,397.00 19.45 228.00 76.84 911.00 1390.44 1389.91 277.26 272.89 i) Construction services 289.89 3,397.00 19.45 228.00 76.84 911.00 1390.44 1389.91 277.26 272.89 E INSURANCE SERVICES 472.60 5,538.00 592.68 6,947.00 295.91 3,508.00 -20.26 -20.28 59.71 57.87 i) Treaties and standing open cover - life 12.46 146.00 11.94 140.00 28.93 343.00 4.36 4.29 -56.93 -57.43 ii) Surplus funds Pak ins.Cos.-abroad 0.51 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 iii) Rev. surplus funds of f. ins. cos.-life 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iv) Insurance P & I Club 9.81 115.00 11.86 139.00 8.44 100.00 -17.28 -17.27 16.23 15.00 v) Treaties and standing open cover-marine 25.52 299.00 1.88 22.00 2.87 34.00 1257.45 1259.09 789.20 779.41 vi) Refund of Ins. payments-others 18.86 221.00 3.75 44.00 0.08 1.00 402.93 402.27 23475.00 22000.00 vii) Other miscellaneous insurance 101.55 1,190.00 264.56 3,101.00 62.00 735.00 -61.62 -61.63 63.79 61.90 viii) Facultative reinsurance-life 29.36 344.00 64.50 756.00 11.56 137.00 -54.48 -54.50 153.98 151.09 ix) Facultative reinsurance-marine 3.84 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 x) Other non-life reinsurance services 270.69 3,172.00 234.19 2,745.00 178.91 2,121.00 15.59 15.56 51.30 49.55 xi) Services auxiliary to insurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.12 37.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00 * Provisional Source:- State Bank of Pakistan ** Revised by SBP over SL. No. * March, 2011 ** February, 2011 March, 2010 Description February, 2011 % Change in March, 2011 256 Rs. in Millions Dollars in Thousands March, 2010 10.22 Export of Services by Sectors (Detail) (Monthly) Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ F FINANCIAL SERVICES 828.12 9,704.00 187.86 2,202.00 287.55 3,409.00 340.82 340.69 187.99 184.66 i) Bank commission and charges 231.01 2,707.00 151.86 1,780.00 143.73 1,704.00 52.12 52.08 60.72 58.86 ii) Remittances for guarantees involved 46.68 547.00 36.00 422.00 125.18 1,484.00 29.67 29.62 -62.71 -63.14 iii) Others financial services 550.43 6,450.00 0.00 0.00 18.64 221.00 100.00 100.00 2852.95 2818.55 G COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SERVICES 1,874.80 21,969.00 1,457.25 17,081.00 1,201.65 14,246.00 28.65 28.62 56.02 54.21 i) Hardware consultancy services 1.54 18.00 0.26 3.00 0.42 5.00 492.31 500.00 266.67 260.00 ii) Software consultancy services 248.08 2,907.00 228.90 2,683.00 245.37 2,909.00 8.38 8.35 1.10 -0.07 iii) Maintenance & repairs of computer 10.33 121.00 4.86 57.00 1.01 12.00 112.55 112.28 922.77 908.33 iv) Export of Computer Software 1,377.10 16,137.00 967.29 11,338.00 750.46 8,897.00 42.37 42.33 83.50 81.38 v) Other computer services 233.74 2,739.00 249.12 2,920.00 191.90 2,275.00 -6.17 -6.20 21.80 20.40 vi) Earnings of journalists / authors 1.37 16.00 2.47 29.00 2.28 27.00 -44.53 -44.83 -39.91 -40.74 vii) Subscription to news papers/periodicals 1.62 19.00 3.33 39.00 3.04 36.00 -51.35 -51.28 -46.71 -47.22 viii) News agents and correspondents 1.02 12.00 1.02 12.00 7.17 85.00 0.00 0.00 -85.77 -85.88 H ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES 28.59 335.00 45.47 533.00 63.68 755.00 -37.12 -37.15 -55.10 -55.63 i) Royalties, license fees & trade marks 28.59 335.00 45.47 533.00 63.68 755.00 -37.12 -37.15 -55.10 -55.63 I OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES 5,657.65 66,297.00 5,402.18 63,321.00 3,881.63 46,018.00 4.73 4.70 45.75 44.07 i) Merchanting. & trade related services 242.45 2,841.00 288.36 3,380.00 102.91 1,220.00 -15.92 -15.95 135.59 132.87 ii) Charter of ships without crew-op.leasing 1.19 14.00 11.09 130.00 0.25 3.00 -89.27 -89.23 376.00 366.67 iii) Charter of aircrafts without crew--op leasing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 5.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00 iv) Legal services 127.07 1,489.00 93.93 1,101.00 113.54 1,346.00 35.28 35.24 11.92 10.62 v) A/c, auditing, & tax consulting Services 21.51 252.00 37.88 444.00 27.92 331.00 -43.22 -43.24 -22.96 -23.87 vi) Bus. & manag. Consult.& public relations 494.45 5,794.00 631.07 7,397.00 668.81 7,929.00 -21.65 -21.67 -26.07 -26.93 vii) Agency commission 1,211.12 14,192.00 918.66 10,768.00 819.46 9,715.00 31.84 31.80 47.79 46.08 viii)Printing charges of security documents 2.13 25.00 0.09 1.00 1.18 14.00 2266.67 2400.00 80.51 78.57 ix) Processing and repair fees 23.55 276.00 36.86 432.00 16.79 199.00 -36.11 -36.11 40.26 38.69 x) Adv. market research & pub. opinion poll 166.84 1,955.00 124.73 1,462.00 103.33 1,225.00 33.76 33.72 61.46 59.59 xi) Research and development 27.99 328.00 31.99 375.00 45.89 544.00 -12.50 -12.53 -39.01 -39.71 xii) Arch., engineering, & technical services 194.14 2,275.00 143.16 1,678.00 810.43 9,608.00 35.61 35.58 -76.04 -76.32 xiii) Agri., mining, & on-site proc. services 1.62 19.00 82.67 969.00 9.87 117.00 -98.04 -98.04 -83.59 -83.76 xiv ) Receipts of security dep. with tenders 0.00 0.00 0.34 4.00 12.99 154.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 xv) Services in medicine exports 0.85 10.00 10.58 124.00 0.59 7.00 -91.97 -91.94 44.07 42.86 xvi) Misc. other business services, n.i.e. 3,309.66 38,783.00 3,159.78 37,037.00 1,218.27 14,443.00 4.74 4.71 171.67 168.52 xvii) Refund -166.92 -1,956.00 -169.01 -1,981.00 -71.02 -842.00 -1.24 -1.26 135.03 132.30 J PERSONAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL SERV. 171.88 2,014.00 19.45 228.00 119.94 1,422.00 783.70 783.33 43.30 41.63 i) Audiovisual and related services 170.08 1,993.00 0.60 7.00 43.02 510.00 28246.67 28371.43 295.35 290.78 ii) Earnings of professional artists 0.43 5.00 3.41 40.00 7.84 93.00 -87.39 -87.50 -94.52 -94.62 iii) Other personal, cult. & recreation serv. 1.37 16.00 15.44 181.00 69.08 819.00 -91.13 -91.16 -98.02 -98.05 K GOVERNMENT SERVICES, n.i.e. 7,265.00 85,132.00 8,803.05 103,184.00 5,055.18 59,931.00 -17.47 -17.49 43.71 42.05 i) Remitt. Rec. by foreign Missions in Pak. 998.97 11,706.00 1,293.79 15,165.00 2,764.57 32,775.00 -22.79 -22.81 -63.87 -64.28 ii) Military units and agencies 1.28 15.00 2.56 30.00 183.12 2,171.00 -50.00 -50.00 -99.30 -99.31 iii) Other government services 45.40 532.00 58.61 687.00 30.37 360.00 -22.54 -22.56 49.49 47.78 vi) Remittances Received by Int. Org. 4,029.75 47,221.00 4,601.59 53,937.00 1,135.94 13,467.00 -12.43 -12.45 254.75 250.64 v) Receipt through Central govt. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iv) Receipts through International bodies 1,923.35 22,538.00 2,580.32 30,245.00 765.14 9,071.00 -25.46 -25.48 151.37 148.46 iiv) Earnings of Pak Diplomatic Mission abroad 266.25 3,120.00 266.18 3,120.00 176.04 2,087.00 0.03 0.00 51.24 49.50 * Provisional Source:- State Bank of Pakistan ** Revised by SBP 257 10.22 Export of Services by Sectors (Detail) Rs. in Millions Dollars in Thousands % Change in March, 2011 March, 2010 over SL. No. Description February, 2011 March, 2010 * March, 2011 ** February, 2011 (Cumulative) Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Export of Services 360,298.21 4,209,121.00 260,477.49 3,117,146.00 38.32 35.03 A Transportation 91,829.05 1,072,777.00 79,080.92 946,365.00 16.12 13.36 i) Charter of Pak ships with crew 184.30 2,153.00 234.23 2,803.00 -21.32 -23.19 ii) Charter of Pak aircrafts with crew 61.37 717.00 58.24 697.00 5.37 2.87 iii) Remitt. Rec. by recruit. Agents 164.35 1,920.00 175.73 2,103.00 -6.48 -8.70 iv) Earnings of Pak road transport 189.43 2,213.00 397.93 4,762.00 -52.40 -53.53 v) Passage Earnings of Pak air Cos. 46,309.27 541,000.00 46,711.61 559,000.00 -0.86 -3.22 vi) Freight earnings 6,676.75 78,000.00 6,016.52 72,000.00 10.97 8.33 vii) Oth. Local disbursement of foreign Ship/Air cons. 38,243.58 446,774.00 25,486.66 305,000.00 50.05 46.48 B Travel 21,480.05 250,937.00 18,242.99 218,315.00 17.74 14.94 i) Official travel 2.65 31.00 104.20 1,247.00 -97.46 -97.51 ii) Others official travel 120.27 1,405.00 204.06 2,442.00 -41.06 -42.47 iii) Commercial travel 79.44 928.00 31.75 380.00 150.20 144.21 iv) Non official-Delegation 4.11 48.00 13.54 162.00 -69.65 -70.37 v) Medical 35.52 415.00 46.46 556.00 -23.55 -25.36 vi) Students 728.02 8,505.00 388.73 4,652.00 87.28 82.82 vii) Trainees 255.17 2,981.00 178.32 2,134.00 43.10 39.69 viii) Tourists Pak national 990.13 11,567.00 373.44 4,469.00 165.14 158.83 ix) Tourists foreign national 17,238.01 201,380.00 14,455.61 172,991.00 19.25 16.41 x) Religious travel 1.88 22.00 1.92 23.00 -2.08 -4.35 xi) Receipts through Exchange Cos 2,024.85 23,655.00 2,444.96 29,259.00 -17.18 -19.15 xi) Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 C COMMUNICATION SERVICES 15,121.31 176,652.00 15,359.61 183,809.00 -1.55 -3.89 i) Postal services 44.85 524.00 4.35 52.00 931.03 907.69 ii) Courier services 120.27 1,405.00 35.85 429.00 235.48 227.51 iii) Telecommunication services 13,826.53 161,526.00 14,304.62 171,184.00 -3.34 -5.64 iv) Call Centres 1,129.66 13,197.00 1,014.79 12,144.00 11.32 8.67 D CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1,429.25 16,697.00 1,006.01 12,039.00 42.07 38.69 i) Construction services 1,429.25 16,697.00 1,006.01 12,039.00 42.07 38.69 E INSURANCE SERVICES 3,399.50 39,714.00 2,745.03 32,850.00 23.84 20.89 i) Treaties and standing open cover - life 111.28 1,300.00 96.43 1,154.00 15.40 12.65 ii) Surplus funds Pak ins.Cos.-abroad 7.79 91.00 4.60 55.00 69.35 65.45 iii) Rev. surplus funds of f. ins. cos.-life 19.86 232.00 3.09 37.00 542.72 527.03 iv) Insurance P & I Club 91.33 1,067.00 83.56 1,000.00 9.30 6.70 v) Treaties and standing open cover-marine 197.05 2,302.00 116.07 1,389.00 69.77 65.73 vi) Refund of Ins. payments-others 45.28 529.00 27.07 324.00 67.27 63.27 vii) Other miscellaneous insurance 1,344.17 15,703.00 904.82 10,828.00 48.56 45.02 viii) Facultative reinsurance-life 276.49 3,230.00 231.30 2,768.00 19.54 16.69 ix) Facultative reinsurance-marine 14.98 175.00 41.95 502.00 -64.29 -65.14 x) Other non-life reinsurance services 1,272.61 14,867.00 1,221.52 14,618.00 4.18 1.70 xi) Services auxiliary to insurance 18.66 218.00 14.62 175.00 27.63 24.57 Source:- State Bank of Pakistan * Provisional July - March, 2009 - 2010 SL. NO. Description Source:- State Bank of Pakistan % Change in July - March, 2010 - 2011 258 10.23 Export of Services by Sectors (Detail) Rs. in Millions Dollars in Thousands * July - March, July - March, over 2009 - 2010 2010 - 2011 (Cumulative) Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ F FINANCIAL SERVICES 3,916.86 45,758.00 6,692.13 80,085.00 -41.47 -42.86 i) Bank commission and charges 1,555.94 18,177.00 1,430.01 17,113.00 8.81 6.22 ii) Remittances for guarantees involved 545.78 6,376.00 3,402.18 40,714.00 -83.96 -84.34 iii) Others financial services 1,815.14 21,205.00 1,859.94 22,258.00 -2.41 -4.73 G COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SERVICES 13,842.45 161,712.00 11,688.70 139,879.00 18.43 15.61 i) Hardware consultancy services 87.57 1,023.00 138.05 1,652.00 -36.57 -38.08 ii) Software consultancy services 2,013.90 23,527.00 1,990.47 23,820.00 1.18 -1.23 iii) Maintenance & repairs of computer 70.53 824.00 19.30 231.00 265.44 256.71 iv) Export of Computer Software 9,698.92 113,306.00 7,806.02 93,415.00 24.25 21.29 v) Other computer services 1,848.86 21,599.00 1,675.52 20,051.00 10.35 7.72 vi) Earnings of journalists / authors 31.16 364.00 20.81 249.00 49.74 46.18 vii) Subscription to news papers/periodicals 39.29 459.00 15.88 190.00 147.42 141.58 viii) News agents and correspondents 52.22 610.00 22.65 271.00 130.55 125.09 H ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES 205.61 2,402.00 478.90 5,731.00 -57.07 -58.09 i) Royalties, license fees & trade marks 205.61 2,402.00 478.90 5,731.00 -57.07 -58.09 I OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES 43,928.50 513,187.00 32,660.94 390,855.00 34.50 31.30 i) Merchanting. & trade related services 1,832.68 21,410.00 1,571.40 18,805.00 16.63 13.85 ii) Charter of ships without crew-op.leasing 27.48 321.00 0.50 6.00 5396.00 5250.00 iii) Charter of aircrafts without crew--op leasing 1.71 20.00 9.11 109.00 -81.23 -81.65 iv) Legal services 1,556.97 18,189.00 975.18 11,670.00 59.66 55.86 v) A/c, auditing, & tax consulting Services 223.24 2,608.00 233.98 2,800.00 -4.59 -6.86 vi) Bus. & manag. Consult.& public relations 4,909.47 57,354.00 5,322.53 63,695.00 -7.76 -9.96 vii) Agency commission 8,489.75 99,180.00 8,127.65 97,264.00 4.46 1.97 viii)Printing charges of security documents 5.91 69.00 4.01 48.00 47.38 43.75 ix) Processing and repair fees 241.56 2,822.00 108.88 1,303.00 121.86 116.58 x) Adv. market research & pub. opinion poll 1,645.73 19,226.00 1,235.81 14,789.00 33.17 30.00 xi) Research and development 437.24 5,108.00 322.22 3,856.00 35.70 32.47 xii) Arch., engineering, & technical services 3,477.05 40,620.00 2,592.45 31,024.00 34.12 30.93 xiii) Agri., mining, & on-site proc. services 111.45 1,302.00 28.16 337.00 295.77 286.35 xiv ) Receipts of security dep. with tenders 1.46 17.00 21.22 254.00 -93.12 -93.31 xv) Services in medicine exports 60.26 704.00 95.18 1,139.00 -36.69 -38.19 xvi) Misc. other business services, n.i.e. 22,383.47 261,491.00 13,637.12 163,196.00 64.14 60.23 xvii) Refund -1,476.93 -17,254.00 -1,624.46 -19,440.00 -9.08 -11.24 J PERSONAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL SERV. 285.56 3,336.00 334.00 3,997.00 -14.50 -16.54 i) Audiovisual and related services 214.00 2,500.00 80.30 961.00 166.50 160.15 ii) Earnings of professional artists 32.53 380.00 24.15 289.00 34.70 31.49 iii) Other personal, cult. & recreation serv. 39.03 456.00 229.55 2,747.00 -83.00 -83.40 K GOVERNMENT SERVICES, n.i.e. 164,860.07 1,925,949.00 92,188.26 1,103,221.00 78.83 74.58 i) Remitt. Rec. by foreign Missions in Pak. 19,460.34 227,342.00 19,082.24 228,358.00 1.98 -0.44 ii) Military units and agencies 73,047.87 853,369.00 43,193.87 516,903.00 69.12 65.09 iii) Other government services 773.22 9,033.00 748.47 8,957.00 3.31 0.85 vi) Remittances Received by Int. Org. 45,748.08 534,444.00 12,162.99 145,555.00 276.13 267.18 v) Receipt through Central govt. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iv) Receipts through International bodies 22,922.83 267,792.00 15,380.24 184,056.00 49.04 45.49 iiv) Earnings of Pak Diplomatic Mission abroad 2,907.73 33,969.00 1,620.45 19,392.00 79.44 75.17 Source:- State Bank of Pakistan * Provisional Source:- State Bank of Pakistan 259 % Change in July - March, 2010 - 2011 * July - March, July - March, over 2010 - 2011 2009 - 2010 July - March, 2009 - 2010 10.23 Export of Services by Sectors (Detail) Rs. in Millions Dollars in Thousands SL. NO. Description (Monthly) Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Import of Services 55,243.76 647,353.00 47,700.06 559,111.00 49,543.20 587,353.00 15.81 15.92 11.51 10.39 A Transportation 28,766.93 337,094.00 27,883.46 326,833.00 25,302.05 299,965.00 3.17 3.14 13.69 12.38 i) Charter of Pak ships with crew 23.98 281.00 28.15 330.00 353.76 4,194.00 -14.81 -14.85 -93.22 -93.30 ii) Freight on commodity imports - sea 91.06 1,067.00 47.43 556.00 193.84 2,298.00 91.99 91.91 -53.02 -53.57 iii) Charter of Aircrafts with crew 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230.95 2,738.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00 iv) Freight on commodity imports- air 41.30 484.00 54.77 642.00 33.07 392.00 -24.59 -24.61 24.89 23.47 v) Oper. Exp. of Pak rail/road transport 9.64 113.00 0.26 3.00 2.78 33.00 3607.69 3666.67 246.76 242.42 vi) Passage earnings of Foreign air lines 3,328.18 39,000.00 3,327.25 39,000.00 1,940.05 23,000.00 0.03 0.00 71.55 69.57 vii) 8 % freight on cash imports 23,563.07 276,114.60 22,186.90 260,061.30 17,900.25 212,214.00 6.20 6.17 31.64 30.11 ix) Freight on Foreign Economic Assistance 369.89 4,334.40 831.02 9,740.70 261.15 3,096.00 -55.49 -55.50 41.64 40.00 x) Pak air /Shipping Cos expenses 1,339.81 15,700.00 1,407.68 16,500.00 4,386.20 52,000.00 -4.82 -4.85 -69.45 -69.81 B TRAVEL 5,792.42 67,876.00 5,627.56 65,963.00 7,058.58 83,682.00 2.93 2.90 -17.94 -18.89 i) Official travel -Business 146.53 1,717.00 25.08 294.00 205.48 2,436.00 484.25 484.01 -28.69 -29.52 ii) Commercial Travel-Business 7.00 82.00 11.94 140.00 84.10 997.00 -41.37 -41.43 -91.68 -91.78 iii) Non-official-Business 0.00 0.00 6.65 78.00 9.95 118.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 iv) Medical - Personal Travel 1.54 18.00 2.22 26.00 0.17 2.00 -30.63 -30.77 805.88 800.00 v) Students and trainees 440.60 5,163.00 383.74 4,498.00 659.20 7,815.00 14.82 14.78 -33.16 -33.93 vi) Holiday (on recreational tours abroad) 683.90 8,014.00 744.54 8,727.00 582.69 6,908.00 -8.14 -8.17 17.37 16.01 vii) Religious travel - Hajj 800.64 9,382.00 0.00 0.00 6.58 78.00 100.00 100.00 12067.78 11928.21 viii)Religious travel - other - By air 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.01 178.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00 ix) Religious travel - other - By land 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 x) Salary of officials on leave abroad 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 xi)Payments through Exchange Cos. 3,584.20 42,000.00 4,436.33 52,000.00 5,482.75 65,000.00 -19.21 -19.23 -34.63 -35.38 xii)Others 128.01 1,500.00 17.06 200.00 12.65 150.00 650.35 650.00 911.94 900.00 C COMMUNICATION SERVICES 1,569.96 18,397.00 511.37 5,994.00 948.01 11,239.00 207.01 206.92 65.61 63.69 i) Postal and courier services 25.43 298.00 24.91 292.00 36.61 434.00 2.09 2.05 -30.54 -31.34 ii) Telecommunication services 1,544.53 18,099.00 486.46 5,702.00 911.40 10,805.00 217.50 217.41 69.47 67.51 D CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 262.24 3,073.00 16.81 197.00 181.52 2,152.00 1460.02 1459.90 44.47 42.80 i) Construction services 262.24 3,073.00 16.81 197.00 181.52 2,152.00 1460.02 1459.90 44.47 42.80 E INSURANCE SERVICES 1,287.46 15,087.00 941.38 11,034.00 1,053.69 12,492.00 36.76 36.73 22.19 20.77 i) Treaties and standing open cover-life 16.90 198.00 45.73 536.00 13.16 156.00 -63.04 -63.06 28.42 26.92 ii) Surplus funds of foreign insurance cos. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iii) Rev. surplus funds of f. Ins. Cos. -life 0.51 6.00 1.02 12.00 0.67 8.00 -50.00 -50.00 -23.88 -25.00 iv) Insurance P & I Club 34.31 402.00 0.00 0.00 50.44 598.00 100.00 100.00 -31.98 -32.78 v) Treaties and standing open cover-marine 33.11 388.00 241.69 2,833.00 13.07 155.00 -86.30 -86.30 153.33 150.32 vi) Accidental and health insurance services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.61 31.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00 vii) Motor vehicle insurance 0.00 0.00 1.71 20.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00 0.00 0.00 viii)Surplus fund of foreign insurance Cos- Marine 0.17 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 4.00 100.00 100.00 -50.00 -50.00 ix) Marine,aviation & other transport ins. 0.26 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 x) Facultative reinsurance-life 72.11 845.00 58.10 681.00 202.27 2,398.00 24.11 24.08 -64.35 -64.76 xi)Facultative reinsurance-marine 464.15 5,439.00 93.59 1,097.00 284.51 3,373.00 395.94 395.81 63.14 61.25 xii)Other non-life reinsurance services 621.09 7,278.00 405.41 4,752.00 457.18 5,420.00 53.20 53.16 35.85 34.28 xiii) Auxiliary services 3.75 44.00 1.79 21.00 0.42 5.00 109.50 109.52 792.86 780.00 xiv)Insurance under Foreign Economic Assistance 41.10 482.00 92.34 1,082.00 29.02 344.00 -55.49 -55.45 41.63 40.12 * Provisional Source:- State Bank of Pakistan ** Revised by SBP March, 2010 over February, 2011 March, 2010 260 10.24 Import of Services by Sectors (Detail) Rs. in Millions Dollars in Thousands SL. No. Description % Change in March, 2011 * March, 2011 ** February, 2011 (Monthly) Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ F FINANCIAL SERVICES 837.08 9,809.00 767.32 8,994.00 588.17 6,973.00 9.09 9.06 42.32 40.67 i) Bank commission and charges 725.03 8,496.00 718.60 8,423.00 447.48 5,305.00 0.89 0.87 62.03 60.15 ii) Remittances for guarantees involved 0.00 0.00 4.78 56.00 0.25 3.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 iii) Others financial services 112.05 1,313.00 43.94 515.00 140.44 1,665.00 155.01 154.95 -20.22 -21.14 G COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SERVICES 1,946.31 22,807.00 1,455.13 17,056.00 1,162.42 13,781.00 33.76 33.72 67.44 65.50 i) Hardware consultancy services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ii) Software consultancy services 1,572.01 18,421.00 753.24 8,829.00 543.21 6,440.00 108.70 108.64 189.39 186.04 iii) Maintenance & repairs of computer 25.09 294.00 37.62 441.00 41.25 489.00 -33.31 -33.33 -39.18 -39.88 iv) Export of Computer Software 140.47 1,646.00 287.00 3,364.00 406.06 4,814.00 -51.06 -51.07 -65.41 -65.81 v) Other computer services 93.62 1,097.00 100.33 1,176.00 103.83 1,231.00 -6.69 -6.72 -9.83 -10.89 vi) Earnings of journalists / authors 20.65 242.00 241.44 2,830.00 11.30 134.00 -91.45 -91.45 82.74 80.60 vii) Subscription to news papers/periodicals 92.34 1,082.00 34.13 400.00 55.42 657.00 170.55 170.50 66.62 64.69 viii) News agents and correspondents 2.13 25.00 1.37 16.00 1.35 16.00 55.47 56.25 57.78 56.25 H ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES 687.31 8,054.00 1,046.63 12,268.00 1,215.82 14,414.00 -34.33 -34.35 -43.47 -44.12 i) Royalties and trade marks 687.31 8,054.00 1,046.63 12,268.00 1,215.82 14,414.00 -34.33 -34.35 -43.47 -44.12 ii)Exchange cos. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES 11,117.22 130,273.00 6,125.20 71,796.00 8,706.18 103,215.00 81.50 81.45 27.69 26.22 i) Merchanting services 504.26 5,909.00 7.25 85.00 4.72 56.00 6855.31 6851.76 10583.47 10451.79 ii) Charter of ships without crew-op.leasing 97.63 1,144.00 464.54 5,445.00 0.34 4.00 -78.98 -78.99 28614.71 28500.00 iii)Charter of air crafts without crew - op. leasing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iv) Legal services 19.71 231.00 19.96 234.00 13.83 164.00 -1.25 -1.28 42.52 40.85 v)A/c, audit, bookkeeping, tax cons. Ser. 5.21 61.00 1.79 21.00 1.35 16.00 191.06 190.48 285.93 281.25 vi)Buss. & Mang. consult., and public rel. 233.23 2,733.00 114.92 1,347.00 456.16 5,408.00 102.95 102.90 -48.87 -49.46 vii) Agency commission 1,424.97 16,698.00 1,039.72 12,187.00 1,350.87 16,015.00 37.05 37.01 5.49 4.26 viii) Printing charges of security documents 0.34 4.00 0.43 5.00 0.51 6.00 -20.93 -20.00 -33.33 -33.33 ix) Processing and repair fees 7.42 87.00 5.80 68.00 55.84 662.00 27.93 27.94 -86.71 -86.86 x) Adv., market res., & public opin. Poll. 92.93 1,089.00 151.77 1,779.00 54.24 643.00 -38.77 -38.79 71.33 69.36 xi)Research and development Services 30.47 357.00 19.62 230.00 15.01 178.00 55.30 55.22 103.00 100.56 xii)Architect., eng., and technical services 2,886.90 33,829.00 636.36 7,459.00 2,188.71 25,948.00 353.66 353.53 31.90 30.37 xiii) Agri., mining, & on-site proc. services 0.94 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 4.00 100.00 100.00 176.47 175.00 xiv) Receipt of sec. Deposits with tenders 8.53 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 xv) Payments to journalists 0.94 11.00 1.02 12.00 2.53 30.00 -7.84 -8.33 -62.85 -63.33 xvi)Technical fees to foreigners 3,525.14 41,308.00 1,967.17 23,058.00 2,946.85 34,936.00 79.20 79.15 19.62 18.24 xvii) Miscellaneous services, n.s.e. 971.23 11,381.00 513.51 6,019.00 947.00 11,227.00 89.14 89.08 2.56 1.37 xviii)Exchange Cos 1,536.08 18,000.00 1,279.71 15,000.00 1,096.55 13,000.00 20.03 20.00 40.08 38.46 xix)Refund -228.71 -2,680.00 -98.37 -1,153.00 -428.67 -5,082.00 132.50 132.44 -46.65 -47.26 J PERSONAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL SERV 3.67 43.00 3.07 36.00 133.69 1,585.00 19.54 19.44 -97.25 -97.29 i) Audiovisual & related serv.-P.C.R serv. 2.39 28.00 1.45 17.00 126.44 1,499.00 64.83 64.71 -98.11 -98.13 ii) Payment to professional artisits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iii)Other personal, cult., & rec. services 1.28 15.00 1.62 19.00 7.25 86.00 -20.99 -21.05 -82.34 -82.56 K GOVERNMENT SERVICES, n.i.e. 2,973.16 34,840.00 3,322.13 38,940.00 3,193.07 37,855.00 -10.50 -10.53 -6.89 -7.96 i) Foreign Missions 318.82 3,736.00 313.79 3,678.00 153.52 1,820.00 1.60 1.58 107.67 105.27 ii) Military units and agencies 24.66 289.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 iii)Govt. remitt. not specified elsewhere. 970.63 11,374.00 100.16 1,174.00 1,256.48 14,896.00 869.08 868.82 -22.75 -23.64 iv)Remittances to Int. Organizations. 58.54 686.00 43.25 507.00 35.93 426.00 35.35 35.31 62.93 61.03 v)Payment through int. bodies(Rs. A/c) 1,148.22 13,455.00 1,337.21 15,674.00 791.03 9,378.00 -14.13 -14.16 45.16 43.47 vi)Expenditure of Pak Diplomatic Mission abroad 452.29 5,300.00 532.10 6,237.00 475.31 5,635.00 -15.00 -15.02 -4.84 -5.94 vii)Technical Assistance 0.00 0.00 995.62 11,670.00 480.80 5,700.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 * Provisional Source:- State Bank of Pakistan March, 2010 over February, 2011 March, 2010 Rs. in Millions Dollars in Thousands % Change in March, 2011 SL. No. Description * March, 2011 ** February, 2011 261 10.24 Import of Services by Sectors (Detail) (Cumulative) Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ Import of Services 465,751.39 5,441,060.00 422,763.16 5,059,226.00 10.17 7.55 A Transportation 248,503.69 2,903,101.00 214,310.28 2,564,661.00 15.96 13.20 i) Charter of Pak ships with crew 881.07 10,293.00 2,009.77 24,051.00 -56.16 -57.20 ii) Freight on commodity imports - sea 752.85 8,795.00 888.77 10,636.00 -15.29 -17.31 iii) Charter of Aircrafts with crew 805.75 9,413.00 1,317.20 15,763.00 -38.83 -40.28 iv) Freight on commodity imports- air 489.46 5,718.00 223.86 2,679.00 118.65 113.44 v) Oper. Exp. of Pak rail/road transport 17.55 205.00 6.10 73.00 187.70 180.82 vi) Passage earnings of Foreign air lines 31,586.18 369,000.00 26,656.54 319,000.00 18.49 15.67 vii) 8 % freight on cash imports 186,179.60 2,175,010.76 152,484.04 1,824,783.45 22.10 19.19 ix) Freight on Foreign Economic Assistance 4,577.53 53,476.25 4,754.85 56,901.56 -3.73 -6.02 x) Pak air /Shipping Cos expenses 23,213.70 271,190.00 25,969.15 310,774.00 -10.61 -12.74 B TRAVEL 59,773.38 698,292.00 55,458.72 663,677.00 7.78 5.22 i) Official travel -Business 710.47 8,300.00 725.91 8,687.00 -2.13 -4.45 ii) Commercial Travel-Business 114.53 1,338.00 234.98 2,812.00 -51.26 -52.42 iii) Non-official-Business 72.76 850.00 61.59 737.00 18.14 15.33 iv) Medical - Personal Travel 10.53 123.00 20.64 247.00 -48.98 -50.20 v) Students and trainees 5,387.03 62,933.00 5,000.15 59,837.00 7.74 5.17 vi) Holiday (on recreational tours abroad) 7,737.84 90,396.00 4,113.21 49,223.00 88.12 83.65 vii) Religious travel - Hajj 14,848.16 173,461.00 12,454.20 149,040.00 19.22 16.39 viii)Religious travel - other - By air 23.28 272.00 34.09 408.00 -31.71 -33.33 ix) Religious travel - other - By land 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 x) Salary of officials on leave abroad 1.63 19.00 3.01 36.00 -45.85 -47.22 xi)Payments through Exchange Cos. 30,216.59 353,000.00 32,297.03 386,500.00 -6.44 -8.67 xii)Others 650.56 7,600.00 513.91 6,150.00 26.59 23.58 C COMMUNICATION SERVICES 11,297.66 131,983.00 9,841.03 117,768.00 14.80 12.07 i) Postal and courier services 285.47 3,335.00 258.38 3,092.00 10.48 7.86 ii) Telecommunication services 11,012.19 128,648.00 9,582.65 114,676.00 14.92 12.18 D CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1,725.85 20,162.00 2,094.84 25,069.00 -17.61 -19.57 i) Construction services 1,725.85 20,162.00 2,094.84 25,069.00 -17.61 -19.57 E INSURANCE SERVICES 9,909.49 115,766.00 9,637.51 115,332.00 2.82 0.38 i) Treaties and standing open cover-life 195.34 2,282.00 409.46 4,900.00 -52.29 -53.43 ii) Surplus funds of foreign insurance cos. 0.34 4.00 22.48 269.00 -98.49 -98.51 iii) Rev. surplus funds of f. Ins. Cos. -life 11.47 134.00 30.92 370.00 -62.90 -63.78 iv) Insurance P & I Club 38.01 444.00 56.07 671.00 -32.21 -33.83 v) Treaties and standing open cover-marine 1,855.54 21,677.00 902.39 10,799.00 105.63 100.73 vi) Accidental and health insurance services 33.30 389.00 37.35 447.00 -10.84 -12.98 vii) Motor vehicle insurance 1.71 20.00 3.68 44.00 -53.53 -54.55 viii)Surplus fund of foreign insurance Cos- Marine 0.51 6.00 19.97 239.00 -97.45 -97.49 ix) Marine,aviation & other transport ins. 0.94 11.00 16.21 194.00 -94.20 -94.33 x) Facultative reinsurance-life 709.88 8,293.00 604.08 7,229.00 17.51 14.72 xi)Facultative reinsurance-marine 2,286.36 26,710.00 2,142.80 25,643.00 6.70 4.16 xii)Other non-life reinsurance services 4,297.69 50,207.00 4,842.97 57,956.00 -11.26 -13.37 xiii) Auxiliary services 21.14 247.00 16.63 199.00 27.12 24.12 xiv)Insurance under Foreign Economic Assistance 457.26 5,342.00 532.50 6,372.00 -14.13 -16.16 Source:- State Bank of Pakistan * Provisional Source:- State Bank of Pakistan over 2010 - 2011 2009 - 2010 July - March, 2009 - 2010 10.25 Import of Services by Sectors (Detail) Rs. in Millions Dollars in Thousands SL. NO. Description % Change in July - March, 2010 - 2011 * July - March, July - March, 262 (Cumulative) Rs $ Rs $ Rs $ F FINANCIAL SERVICES 6,986.71 81,621.00 5,619.43 67,248.00 24.33 21.37 i) Bank commission and charges 6,037.84 70,536.00 5,238.97 62,695.00 15.25 12.51 ii) Remittances for guarantees involved 121.72 1,422.00 14.29 171.00 751.78 731.58 iii) Others financial services 827.15 9,663.00 366.17 4,382.00 125.89 120.52 G COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SERVICES 10,184.02 118,973.00 10,069.47 120,502.00 1.14 -1.27 i) Hardware consultancy services 5.65 66.00 17.46 209.00 -67.64 -68.42 ii) Software consultancy services 6,204.07 72,478.00 6,695.72 80,128.00 -7.34 -9.55 iii) Maintenance & repairs of computer 303.02 3,540.00 243.67 2,916.00 24.36 21.40 iv) Export of Computer Software 1,685.54 19,691.00 944.59 11,304.00 78.44 74.19 v) Other computer services 1,057.41 12,353.00 1,719.05 20,572.00 -38.49 -39.95 vi) Earnings of journalists / authors 455.22 5,318.00 28.16 337.00 1516.55 1478.04 vii) Subscription to news papers/periodicals 449.23 5,248.00 399.01 4,775.00 12.59 9.91 viii) News agents and correspondents 23.88 279.00 21.81 261.00 9.49 6.90 H ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES 7,305.65 85,347.00 6,519.07 78,014.00 12.07 9.40 i) Royalties and trade marks 7,305.65 85,347.00 6,519.07 78,014.00 12.07 9.40 ii)Exchange cos. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES 70,605.30 824,834.00 68,790.26 823,216.00 2.64 0.20 i) Merchanting services 843.84 9,858.00 584.61 6,996.00 44.34 40.91 ii) Charter of ships without crew-op.leasing 1,220.39 14,257.00 979.61 11,723.00 24.58 21.62 iii)Charter of air crafts without crew - op. leasing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iv) Legal services 436.64 5,101.00 395.84 4,737.00 10.31 7.68 v)A/c, audit, bookkeeping, tax cons. Ser. 16.78 196.00 54.23 649.00 -69.06 -69.80 vi)Buss. & Mang. consult., and public rel. 3,747.80 43,783.00 3,387.97 40,544.00 10.62 7.99 vii) Agency commission 10,815.91 126,355.00 10,809.18 129,354.00 0.06 -2.32 viii) Printing charges of security documents 16.01 187.00 15.38 184.00 4.10 1.63 ix) Processing and repair fees 162.38 1,897.00 97.10 1,162.00 67.23 63.25 x) Adv., market res., & public opin. Poll. 1,100.29 12,854.00 970.33 11,612.00 13.39 10.70 xi)Research and development Services 150.23 1,755.00 289.46 3,464.00 -48.10 -49.34 xii)Architect., eng., and technical services 12,927.31 151,021.00 9,403.07 112,527.00 37.48 34.21 xiii) Agri., mining, & on-site proc. services 2.48 29.00 13.54 162.00 -81.68 -82.10 xiv) Receipt of sec. Deposits with tenders 10.19 119.00 4.93 59.00 106.69 101.69 xv) Payments to journalists 44.77 523.00 19.22 230.00 132.93 127.39 xvi)Technical fees to foreigners 24,678.82 288,306.00 27,527.18 329,419.00 -10.35 -12.48 xvii) Miscellaneous services, n.s.e. 7,113.91 83,107.00 9,429.23 112,840.00 -24.55 -26.35 xviii)Exchange Cos 10,443.13 122,000.00 7,896.69 94,500.00 32.25 29.10 xix)Refund -3,125.58 -36,514.00 -3,087.31 -36,946.00 1.24 -1.17 J PERSONAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL SERV 630.09 7,361.00 1,485.92 17,782.00 -57.60 -58.60 i) Audiovisual & related serv.-P.C.R serv. 596.71 6,971.00 1,299.49 15,551.00 -54.08 -55.17 ii) Payment to professional artisits 1.71 20.00 18.30 219.00 -90.66 -90.87 iii)Other personal, cult., & rec. services 31.67 370.00 168.13 2,012.00 -81.16 -81.61 K GOVERNMENT SERVICES, n.i.e. 38,829.55 453,620.00 38,936.63 465,957.00 -0.28 -2.65 i) Foreign Missions 2,292.27 26,779.00 1,642.43 19,655.00 39.57 36.25 ii) Military units and agencies 93.82 1,096.00 41.70 499.00 124.99 119.64 iii)Govt. remitt. not specified elsewhere. 9,075.16 106,019.00 11,361.70 135,966.00 -20.12 -22.03 iv)Remittances to Int. Organizations. 2,711.70 31,679.00 901.14 10,784.00 200.92 193.76 v)Payment through int. bodies(Rs. A/c) 13,232.04 154,581.00 15,247.87 182,472.00 -13.22 -15.29 vi)Expenditure of Pak Diplomatic Mission abroad 6,299.77 73,596.00 4,533.28 54,250.00 38.97 35.66 vii)Technical Assistance 5,124.79 59,870.00 5,208.51 62,331.00 -1.61 -3.95 Source:- State Bank of Pakistan * Provisional Source:- State Bank of Pakistan % Change in July - March, 2010 - 2011 263 10.25 Import of Services by Sectors (Detail) Rs. in Millions Dollars in Thousands * July - March, July - March, over SL. NO. Description 2010 - 2011 2009 - 2010 July - March, 2009 - 2010
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Gul Plaza, (1st & 2nd Floor), I.J . Principal Road, Near Pindora Chungi, Rawalpindi Phone: 051 4411528) Fax 051 - 4410474
Statistical Officer (I / C), Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, USAID Building, Gurumangat Road, Gulberg-III, Lahore. Phone & Fax:042-99263266
Statistical Officer (I / C), Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 888/54-C, Gali # 13, Usmanabad. Multan. Phone & Fax:061-9210170
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, 51-A, Satellite Town, Gujranwala. Phone & Fax: 055-9200418
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 611-A, Peoples Colony # 2, Faisalabad. Phone & Fax: 041-9220049
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 100/27-C, Zaidi Road, Satellite Town, Sargodha Phone & Fax:048-3220004
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 25/B.K., Satellite Town, Bahawalpur. Phone & Fax: 062-9250026
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Building No.111-IS-98/D, Muradia Road, Waraich House, Model Town, Sialkot. Phone & Fax: 052 - 3554881
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Building # 09-D-3(X) Amar Colony, J hang Saddar. Phone & Fax: 047-9200194
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office. Federal Bureau of Statistics, House at Khasra #51/11/1/3/2 (G.F), Chak#9/W.B.(Behind Cooperative Workshop), Burawala Road, Vehari. Phone & Fax: 067-3364219
Statistical Officer (I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 213/ D, Mohallah Mir Abdullah Khan Rokri, Mianwali. Phone: 045-9231626 Fax: 045-9233700
Statistical Officer (I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics House # 79(GF), Block#C, Street # 2, Khyaban-e-Sarwar, Dera Ghazi Khan. Phone: 064-9239056
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 7, (G.F.), Street #1, Azam Town, Mud Darbari, Rahim Yar Khan. Phone & Fax: 068-9239046
Statistical Officer (I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 26-A, J amia Faridia Road, Sahiwal. Phone: 040-9200242
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Building # 192, Khan Baba Road, Bahawalnagar. Phone & Fax: 063-9240049
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, 1-B, S.M.C.H. Society Karachi. Phone & Fax: 021- 34557933
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Bunglow # A-46, G.O.R. Colony, Unit # 1, Latifabad, Hyderabad. Fax & Phone: 022-9200641
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Bunglow # 10-A, Professor Housing Society, Shikarpur Road, REGIONAL AND FIELD OFFICES OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS
Sukkur. Phone & Fax: 071-5630370
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Building # 45/17, Ward "C", Near Shah Latif Market, Lohari Mohallah, Larkana. (Phone: 074-9410010) Fax:074-4054438
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # A-13,(G.F.), Satellite Town, Chandni Chowk, Main Mirwah Road, Mirpur Khas. Phone & Fax: -0233-9290175
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 68, Mubariak Colony, J am sahib Road, Nawabshah. Phone & Fax: 0244-9370311
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 199 Marakhpur, Opp. DHO Office, Sehwan Road, Dadu Town, Dadu. Phone & Fax: 025-9200345
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # 292-I, 1st Family line, Shah Abdul Latif Road, Near Rifil Naka, J acobabad. Phone : 0722-653403
Chief Statistical Officer,
Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, State Life Insurance Building, 2nd Floor, 34-The Mall, Peshawar Cantt. Phone: 091-9213097 Fax 091-9213098
Chief Statistical Officer,
Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Building #558-D, Mohallah Ghazni Khel, Bannu. Phone & Fax: 0928-9270191
Chief Statistical Officer,
Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Engineer Ayub Khan Building, New Road Green Chowk, Mingora/Swat. Phone: 0946-9240283
Chief Statistical Officer,
Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Bunglow # 896, Mansehra Road, Post office J hangi, Abbottabad. Phone & Fax: 0992-9310231
Chief Statistical Officer,
Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, House # A-3, Shah J han Sheed Town, Near Coach Adda of Bannu Dera Ismail Khan, Phone:0966-9280279
Chief Statistical Officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Block # 4, 2nd Floor, Near Comptroller Office Sariab Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211139 Fax:081-9211249
Statistical Officer(I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Dak Khana Road, Near Civil Hospital, Singani Sar, Turbat. Phone: 0852-412267 Fax:0852-413383
Statistical Officer (I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Haroon Market, Opp:Girls High School, Hospital Road, Khuzdar. Phone & Fax: 0848-412760
Statistical Officer (I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Building # 2-II/E, Hazara Mohallah, Loralai. Phone & Fax: 0824-660560
Statistical Officer (I / C), Field Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Madina Supper Market, Near Taj Hotel, Gilgit. Phone & Fax: 05811-920762
Chief Statistical officer, Regional Office, Federal Bureau of Statistics, 2nd Floor, Al-Saif Plaza, Upper Gojra Bypass Road, Muzaffarabad. Phone & Fax: 05822-921113
E Estimated P/* Provisional, Preliminary R/r Revised - Nil .. Negligible Not available % Percentage Admn Administration ALOOCHA A kind of fruit ARVI A type of root vegetable AV. Average BABUL A kind of fire wood BBLS. Barrels BIRYANI A dish of rice prepared BOT. Bottle CAP. Capsule CFT. Cubic feet CH. Charge CHAPATI A kind of bread CIG. Cigarette Comm. Communication CRT. Carton / Crate CUM./CM. Cubic meter DESI. Indigenous Distt. Distribution DOZ Dozen ENG. English EX. Exercise GLS. Glass GM. Gram H.OP. Hand operated HP. Horse power INJ. Injection KHADDI Hand-loom KIKAR A kind of fire wood KG. Kilogram KM. Kilometer KORMA A variety of meat curry KWH. Kilowatt / hour LB. Pound
LTR. Litre LUNGI A kind of cloth MALTA & MOSAMBI A variety of Orange MED. Medium MG. Milligram MMCFT. Million cubic feet MN. Million M/o. Ministry of MTR. Meter MT. Metric Ton ML. Milliliter NES. Not else where specified NO. Number NR. Not reported N.S. Not specified PKT. Packet PC. Piece QLTY. Quality QTY. Quantity RASGULLA A form of sweetmeat R.P.M. Revolution per minute RS. Rupees SAMOSA A form of patty SHAL. Shalwar SHEESHAM A variety of sup. Qlty. Wood. Sq. Square SQM. Square meter SUP. Superior STND. Standard SQFT. Square feet SYN. Synthetic THNO. Thousand number TAB. Table TANDOORI Oven-Baked TKT. Ticket TL. Tube light TOTA. Broken rice UNI. Uniform Urd. Urdu VEG. Vegetable W. Watt
One Metric Ton 2004 Lbs. 1000 Kgs One Ton 1.0160 M.Tons (2240 Lbs.) 27.22 Maunds 1016.04 Kgs. 1.0610 M. Tons 20 Hundred weight One Pound 0.4536 Kg. 16 Oz. 0.4861 Seer One Ounce 28.35 Gms.
One Kilogram 2.2046 Lbs. 0.0197 Hundred weight 0.0268 Maund 1.0717 Seers One Hundred weight (112 Lbs.) 50.8932 Kgs. 1.3610 Maunds One Gram 0.0857 Tola One Tonne 0.9842 Long Ton 1.1023 Short Ton One Bale (Cotton)170.0971 Kilograms (375 Lbs.) 4.5571 Maunds
One Imperial (Gallon)4.5435 Ltrs. One Litre 0.2199 Imperial Gallon
One Mile 1.6093 Kms. 1760 Yards One Yard 0.9144 Meter One Foot 0.3048 Meter One Kilometer 0.6214 mile One Meter 1.0936 Yards One Square Mile 2.5899 Square Kilometer 640 Acres 258.9984 Hectares One Acre .4074 Hectare 4840 Square Yards One Square Kilometer 0.3861 Square Mile 100 Hectares One Hectare 2.4711 Acres One Square Yards 0.8361 Square Meter One Cubic Meter 35.3147 Cubic feet SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVERSION