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Lesson Plan Template
Point Cook College Middle Years 2!"#!$# Topi%& 'a((it Proo) Fen%e The focus of Term 2 is based on the flm Rabbit Proof Fence. The topic of todays lesson, is for students to explore characters in depth and the characters role in the movie. or!in" in small "roups , students #ill combine ideas on characters usin" prior !no#led"e and internet as secondary source. $earnin" intention% e are learnin" to articulate our !no#led"e on primary and secondary characters in the flm &uccess criteria% ' can identify important character traits ' can identify relationships bet#een characters in the text ' can identify the role of each character
*EL+& +trands, Domain, Fo%i and +tandards Receptive modes (listenin", readin" and vie#in") *y the end of +ear ,, students analyse the #ays that text structures can be manipulated for e-ect. They analyse and explain ho# ima"es, vocabulary choices and lan"ua"e features distin"uish the #or! of individual authors. They evaluate and inte"rate ideas and information from texts to form their o#n interpretations. They select evidence from the text to analyse and explain ho# lan"ua"e choices and conventions are used to in.uence an audience. They listen for #ays texts position an audience. Productive modes (spea!in", #ritin" and creatin") &tudents understand ho# to use a variety of lan"ua"e features to create di-erent levels of meanin". They understand ho# interpretations can vary by comparin" their responses to texts to the responses of others. 'n creatin" texts, students demonstrate ho# manipulatin" lan"ua"e features and ima"es can create innovative texts. &tudents create texts that respond to issues, interpretin" and inte"ratin" ideas from other texts. They ma!e presentations and contribute actively to class and "roup discussions, comparin" and evaluatin" responses to ideas and issues. They edit for e-ect, selectin" vocabulary and "rammar that contribute to the precision and persuasiveness of texts and usin" accurate spellin" and punctuation. Lo%ation ! +etting /lassroom. /luster of tables. Organisation ! +t-dent Gro-ps &tudents #or! in "roups of four to complete the tas!. Classroom management strateg.& Follo#in" the behavioural policy as outlined by the school. 0ach teacher #ill be supervisin" their "roup, ensurin" the exercises are bein" completed /e. *o%a(-lar. 1evelop 2nderstandin" 3dd to prior !no#led"e 'dentify relationships Roles of characters Materials, 'eso-r%es and E0-ipment Tables 4 /hairs /haracter Profle &heets 'pads &tationary and Paper 'e)eren%es!+o-r%es INT'ODUCTION Conne%ting, Engaging and Modelling In0-ir. MAIN 1ODY G-iding In0-ir. and Pra%tise CONCLU+ION +2aring, E3plaining and 'e4ie5ing In0-ir. - 'ntroduce myself a"ain to the class and explain that ' #ill be ta!in" the 0n"lish lessons for the next four #ee!s. - ' expect that you as a class #ill sho# me the same respect that you sho# 5rs &latter and hope that you #ill use your time e-ectively - hen usin" the ipads, ' #ant you to stay on trac! and ma!e sure you are not "ettin" distracted - Follo#in" previous lessons the topic of today is based on the flm Rabbit Proof Fence and today is on particular focus on characters in the flm. - 3s a class, ' #ant you to brie.y thin! no# of particular characters in the flm, they believe of importance. - 3fter satisfed #ith the amount if characters listed, brin" up the list already made in email format. - 5olly, 1aisy, 6racie, 5oodoo, 5aude, Frinda, 5avis, /onstable Ri""s, 5r 7eville, 5iss 8essup, 7ina (handout of thin"s to include provided.) - 'n "roups of four students #ill be allocated a character, #hich they are re9uired to #rite a profle on. &tudents are to collaborate ideas and use dot points in ans#erin" responses. - :nce completin", students may either dra# the chart up in your #or!boo!s or use your ipads (Pa"es) to complete the tas!. &harin" #ith the rest of class the profles. (5inimum of six to be done as a class - 6ive students a fe# minutes #arnin" and then ma!e sure all students have ta!en do#n the rest of class characters descriptions - /on"ratulate the students if they had used their time e;ciently and if they have not explained to them that you expect a hi"h level of standards. - 7ext lesson, #e #ill continue on these profles. 6as t2e learning intention met7 Preser4i%e Tea%2er 'e8e%tion The lesson #ent #ell ' believed and students #ere en"a"ed in the activity for the duration if the class. &tudents en<oyed #or!in" in small "roups to create the character profles and #ere able to share ideas about characters #ith their peers. 1urin" the lesson at times noise level "ot a bit out of control and ' found it di;cult to tal! above it and "ain students attention. 7ext time ' plan to provide students #ith clearer instructions, set clear rules about the noise and amount of #or! that must be completed. Mentor Tea%2er Feed(a%k +ou have thou"ht a lot about the runnin" of this lesson, #ell done= 't #as a "reat idea to have lar"er sheets for the profles as it promoted discussion amon"st students. &tudents #ere en"a"ed throu"hout the session. &ome thin"s to consider > brea! do#n the $.'. #ith students. 5a!e the tas! really clear by maybe #ritin" steps on the board. +ou are defnitely improvin" the ability to ensure students are not tal!in" #hen you are. +ou placed students into appropriate "roups independently and #ere thin!in" of #ays to run the lesson di-erently durin" the lesson. Preservice Teacher Name ___Morgan Davies _________________Mentor Teacher Name _____Laura Blackwell______________________________________ Signature________________________________ Date ________________ Signature________________________________ Date __________________