Vlan brakes the large broadcast domain into small broadcast domains
Securing vlans
o Physical security of switch
o Set passwords and control the accessing the switch by console, vty and telnet
o Avoid using of vlan 1
o Disable protocols on ports that dosent require them (cdp, dtp,pagp,udld, etc)
o Always enable spanning-tree portfast, root guard and bpduguard on the port
o Shutdown unused ports
o Control inter-vlan routing using ip accesslist
Access Layer
The primary function of an access-layer is to provide network access to the end user.
o This layer often performs OSI Layer-2 bridge function that interconnects logical Layer-2 broadcast
o and provides isolation to groups of users, applications, and other endpoints.
o The access-layer interconnects to the distribution layer.
Distribution Layer
Multi-purpose system that interfaces between access layer and core layer.
Some of the key function for a distribution layer include the following:
o Aggregate and terminate Layer-2 broadcast domains
o Provide intelligent switching, routing, and network access policy function to access the rest of the
o Redundant distribution layer switches provides high availability to the end-user and equal-cost
paths to the core.
o It can provide differentiated services to various class-of-service applications at the edge of network.
Core Layer
The core-layer provides high-speed, scalable, reliable and low-latency connectivity.
o The core layer aggregates several distribution switches that may be in different buildings.
o Backbone core routers are a central hub-point that provides transit function to access the internal
and external network.