Variable Wing Geometry Technology Abstract

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Variable Wing Geometry Technology

In the world of modern technology, the dynamic performance efficiency,
reliability, compactness and handling ease of any mechanism are extremely important
designing aspects, especially in the precision-oriented aircraft industry.
The wings are most important part of an aircraft, as they impart stability, lift force
and maneuverability to aircraft. There are various wing geometries designed for different
purposes, e.g. Swept wings, Forward Swept Wings and Swept-ac! "#elta$ Wings. %very
wing geometry has advantages and limitations.
&ariable Wing 'eometry is a mechanism of varying the wing alignment during
operation of aircraft, to adapt best possible configuration suited for smooth and efficient
functioning. %xistent Swing Wing Technology consists of swinging wings from Swept
mode to #elta mode, to facilitate Supersonic flight. ut the (ow Speed and (ow )ltitude
performance remains dissatisfactory.
*ence we design a new Bi-Directional Swing Wing Mechanism, capable of
attaining all three wing geometries. This system is operated by a robotic arm. est
desired wing mode can be selected manually or automatically. )n electronic control,
feedbac! and analysis system is also installed.
This design is aimed at developing a multi-utility aa!table ty!e aircra"t,
ca!able o" "unctioning uner all o!erational conitions with same !er"ormance
e""iciency. Such aircrafts will be of extreme importance to +avy and )ir Force for
strategic operations. ,ost experts believe that &ariable Wing geometry designs are the
future of )ircraft Industry.

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