Lesson Plan Four 1
Lesson Plan Four 1
Lesson Plan Four 1
Water cant be made: water is as old as the Earth, the water we drink is the same water the dinosaurs drank. The
water cycle reuses water over and over again so new water cannot be manufactured (FCWA, 2014).
Recycling water: reusing contaminated, dirty or used water after it has been cleaned (Melbourne water, 2014).
Water conservation: the saving of water. Changing the way people use and think about water. To reduce the
amount of water used or wasted (Government of Alberta, 2014).
Ways to save and reuse water: use dirty or used water to wash your car/ water plants etc (Melbourne water,
2014), take shorter showers, collect water in a bucket to use later when waiting for the shower to heat up, dont fill
bathtubs the whole way, reuse bath water, turn off tap when brushing teeth or washing hands, dont wash dishes
under a running tap, make sure the dishwasher and washing machine are full before using, reuse water from
cooking, collect rainwater, reuse grey (dirty) water, when cleaning the fish tank put the water in the garden and
much more (Savewater, 2014).
Resources & Equipment:
IWB- Previously made brainstorm file (school and home)
For Experiment: 20x ice-cream containers, clipboards, pencils, sticker chart x 20, stickers and measuring cups
Video - Sesame Street: Water Conservation. Retrieved from
Class made pond
Poster making equipment: paint, paint brushes, pencils, paper, collage material, computer, iPad etc.
Jessica Thomas
ECH 430 A3
Lesson development:
12 mins: In pairs children will conduct the final hand washing experiment, record and discuss (in pairs then as a
class) the results obtained over three lessons, aiming to use less water. Children will pour their used water into the
pond and observe/discuss the amount of water we saved making this pond, rather than pouring water down the
5-7 mins: Back inside watch the video. It summaries the learning throughout the unit and becomes a stimulus for
the next task. Put up the brainstorm (water at school and home) file on IWB as another stimulus. Ask children to
recall ways we can save water.
23 mins: In pairs, children will use their ideas from the discussion to design a poster about one thing you can do to
save water. At a later time, posters will be displayed around the school in areas where the children identified water
use previously. Posters could be used as in item for assembly to allow children to inform others of their knowledge
and to be advocates for the environment.
FCWA. (2014, October 23) Water is amazing. Retrieved from
Government of Alberta. (2014, October 23). Water Conservation. Retrieved from
Melbourne water. (2014, October 23). What is recycled water? Retrieved from
Savewater. (2014, October 23). Water use in the home. Retrieved from
Sesame Street: Water Conservation. [Video]. Retrieved October 15, 2014 from
Jessica Thomas
ECH 430 A3