Profile Projector

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Name: Sujit Dunga


Profile Projector
Aim: To understand the working of Profile Projector by measuring the dimensions of a key.
Apparatus: Profile Projector OPTI-COM VL360 , key


The key is placed on the table of the profile projector.

The profile projector generates the image of key on a screen.
The focus of the lens is adjusted such that clear image of key is visible on the screen.
The software contains options for drawing lines and arcs. A minimum number of points
should be selected to construct a line (2 points) and arc(3 points).
5. The screen contains a grid that can be rotated 360 degrees and moved horizontally and
vertically. The user will move the grid and select necessary points on the key to generate
complete profile of key in the software.
6. Dimensions of the key can then be measured in the software. The image can also be
converted to a 2D CAD model and measurements and re-drawing can be done in a
professional CAD software.

The profile obtained using the software is as shown below.

This can be used to measure dimensions where you cannot use standard measurement instruments
like vernier calipers. This is very useful in reverse engineering.
e.g: Suppose you are studying a engine and you want to measure some internal dimension which is
visible to naked eye but unable to reach out with hand. All you have to do is just place it on the table
and focus the required part using the lens. Software does the rest.

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