Outsourcing Mini Lesson

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Branden Chambers

Class Title:
Lesson Title: Transatlantic slave trade Outsourcing Mini Lesson. (25-30 min.)
I. BenchMark/Standard:
1. Key Ideas and Details:

Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an

accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Identify key steps in a text's description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g.,
how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered).
Craft and Structure:

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.

Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally).


1. E3.3 Economic Systems

Describe how societies organize to allocate resources to produce and
distribute goods and services.
6 E3.3.1 Explain and compare how economic systems (traditional,
command, and
market) answer four basic questions: What should be
produced? How will it be
produced? How will it be distributed? Who
will receive the benefits of production? (e.g.,
compare United States and
Cuba, or Venezuela and Jamaica.)

II. Behavioral Objective:

1. TLW be able to connect the trans atlantic slave trade to the modern day outsourcing by
analyzing a Times Magazine News article.
2. TLW be able to explain the connection between the transatlantic slave trade and modern day
outsourcing by providing their opinion of the events during class discussion.
III.Anticipatory Set:
1. Bell Work: KIMS Vocab: Opportunity Cost
IV. Objective/Purpose:
1. Content Objective: I can connect the events of the Slave Trade to the Modern World
2. Language Objective: I can explain the similarities and differences between the Slave Trade
and the Modern World.
V. Input

1. Task Analysis:
1. Pass out highlighters, article and worksheets.
2. Ask students what they believe Outsourcing is.
3. Explain the definition and have them answer the first guided question.
4. Have students work in pairs in order to highlight important portions of the outsourcing
article, then answer the guided questions. (15 minutes)
5. Have students share their answers as a class.
6. Discuss how the Triangle trade connects to the world today?
7. Touch on if they think England taking advantage of the slaves is similar to the way that
the United States is taking advantage of other countries?
2. Thinking Levels:
3. Learning Styles:
1. Variations
1. students with difficulty reading can work at home or individually.
2. Students with severe learning disabilities can answer every other question to
demonstrate lower levels of knowledge if they are incapable of higher levels.
4. Methods and Materials
1. Methods:
1. reading analysis
2. discussion
3. cooperative reading.
2. secondary materials:
1. Highlighters
2. Article copies
3. Guided Questions
4. Kims Sheets
5. OBE's
VI. Modeling
1. Teacher will explain the process of the worksheet by modeling how the answer to question 1
is found.
Checking For Understanding:
1. Teacher will check student understanding of vocabulary by having them share their
vocabulary sentences.
2. Teacher will check student evaluation of outsourcing by listening to classroom discussion.
3. Teacher will check for student comparison and contrast of outsourcing and the slave trade
through student discussion and answers on worksheet.
Guided Practice
Teacher will assist students during class work on guided questions.
IX. Independent Practice: None
X. Closure:
1. Have students write a final opinion on if outsourcing is positive or negative and why.

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