Group Project
Group Project
Group Project
Tabitha Shearin
Group Project Experience
An Experience..
The group element of the class in my opinion was the downfall of the entire semester. I did
learn from this experience however; I learned that I work best alone. I found it extremely
difficult to keep means of communication outside of the classroom with my partners. With lack
of attendance and no communication, the deadlines quickly approached. It was an incredibly
stressful time with not much product to show for it.
We did our multi modal from weebly, which Kaitlin knew very well; I was pretty impressed with
what she brought to the table. I had to let the reigns go and let her take off with weebly, I simply
couldnt understand the formatting. I learned by watching her format our project, how to format
my final portfolio. We slowly built our paper from our multi modal and created a rushed
presentation. Obstacles were overcome and lessons were learned from this experience. That
about sums up the group project for me.